
Rainbow: ‘’ Hard Rock

Harmony: Rhythm: Form and Structure: Diatonic; root position and inverted chords to be Simple Quadruple time i.e. 4/4 = Overall plan is described as Strophic or Verse-Chorus. th  found; some 7 chords and suspended chords 4 crotchet beats in every bar [i.e. ] The structure includes an introduction, bridge and instrumental sections. (D7sus4); D5 chord (power chord) Includes lots of different note-values and The Intro / verse /chorus use the same 4-chord rhythm patterns. Chorus pattern i.e.    Intro Verse 1/2 Chorus 1/2 Bridge Chorus 3 Chorus 4 G D Em C Riff rhythm is very distinctive. (Instrumental) Main harmonic riff = Vocal rhythm looks complex but follows the natural rhythm of the lyrics. Bars: 1-10 11 - 18 23 - 34 35 - 45 46 - 60 61 - 68 69 - fade Note use of throughout, syncopation 19 - 22 typical of the rock style. (= pre- chorus) The Bridge has the most varied harmonies. Tonality: Each section starts with the tonic chord and Intro, Verse 1 and 2: ends with dominant chord (except final choruses Repeats with different lyrics for verse 2 G MAJOR which end on I). Bridge: Rate of chord change is often 2 per bar G major includes a key change to E MINOR Melody: (check out pre-chorus - 1 per bar to start, but Chorus 3, Instrumental and chorus 4: quicker and more syncopated towards end) Mostly conjunct with a wide vocal range. A MAJOR Chorus Intro Verse 1/2 Chorus 1/2 Bridge Chorus 3 Chorus 4 (Instrumental) Texture: Dynamics: Some features Homophonic: generally melody and Mostly forte (loud) Vocal 2 x 4-bar 3 x 4-bar New One tone Lead guitar Vocals accompaniment. ‘Oohs’ phrases, phrases; melody, higher for solo again with Bridge section is quieter descending (lower vocalist; the ‘hook’ Based on Some layering of patterns and motifs (e.g. end of pitch) (mezzo-piano / moderately quiet) Syllabic Intro Some for solo introduction). non- guitar; syllabic keyboard ‘Ohs’; Instrumentation: feature highest Background details: vocal Song was originally composed by pitch here (former Argent guitarist). Released in 1976 on his album Winning.

Rainbow’s version was released in 1979. Rock band - Drums, lead guitar, bass guitar, Tempo: Genre: Hard Rock keyboards and lead singer. Moderately bright rock beat