SO 1174 RECORD BOSWO MIRROR NOVEMBER lumbar. , - _ --F-_+_ STRING DRIVEN a its - a ojIggy Mind featuring on blune), violin 1 THING: riease eran I Your n, -ad IBAC CAB meir Mel) menthe,- Groh me(w on Gary to Ortt album lea played l Thle the Shennlon'e Dingo al- from String Drivene Inc Thing'. new line p. bum), Throughout Kimberley albums he play some Comprlelee glints the Heenan (lead vocals): superb nddta, band Its ^ ighlyy, unique C011n Farley (drums): Kimberley Grahame Smith (vlorin ún4. d Jamee Earn must rite aohevtng anent loin), voice. Mimi 71IBurrrs (bass) and Attie Roberto the rourrhlesl Atlantic (lead gutter). Stele o 14e of chi with a (perhaps he's wee ring get, a the groove Any- n mber alled tight Yfeonle?I. Wiring a poallleelY Overdrive, delivered In way. It's power -packed toahine vibrant slime, eapeerally when feeling tipsy r i with eoultul almost you're t l t'k l /,. %y r or randy for both) RI SS BALLARD: (Epic CAN: Scan Over Baba. equal cocea. He hopm bwnna style croOning The J 1 E PC9034 1) lun.a (United Artiste LIAO to metre eat year from Kimberley. \ '11 bur -o to f /: re. (. There on moue that, 20973) In the chorus of this _track DAnVI. IIALJL / 1011'11 ' dói r e+g- the ntime gel with all Ratline (A. S y ^ leave n band loo early or They any be, as mum. very ppealag OATES: War' A. L tore., Undo Karns). Second .i. ____Uri perhaps Have It too late. someone suggested, 40 0.11. Gera (caning but timed It years Need of their erne, on vocals. giving oft a bum from o couple of rr anted lade who wan- just right Alter four and but only In the ort of Ban Of (Repr cry hanonlouanteds American FAMILY: my opinion the would ed up to produce their asferlhe achieving monotony ad lee KaeOD) I n LYNSEY DE PAUL: Taste Me . . . . Don't Waste a real 'Jun Dandy' version of the PhUl), songs or other people nauseant. Tile album no It hod to come, not make Me (Jet 07) Hm m m . . well, group have which they reckon if there's one thing, obviously felt hla own a lot of rhythmic sopeal - because nl monetary. as Ningle, but the Sound another track Ott I. Chicago this album will prove for once end for all, Ms that abilities could overcome emeriti touch or reggae but by finer mu Ical canotherhosen authentic the album. Mrs O'Reilly, RA B Ms. de Paul is one hell of a talented ledy. I've any unesrtalnlleo teal churned out IncaaaoUy quellly. a way of Ise fro always liked tier singles, but never got off the wall leaving the comfort of by punting sytnser..ce any, many bide Through Argent might bring. He'e about them - this album I like very much. All T sic has a rWn the late Menu and early material is written by her, produced an album Um! title quality which Not really some with the assistance combines Inelrumenlal seventies. va'wC. f#a of Barry Blue, she's also produced the album and g e and chin it. 'enough kids It would aecm prows. with Inventive Insld Inn. patient. there le band .poling played keyboards on IL And she sings arrangement. le stop the 1:: and airing plenty of room for the e xactly a year ago, but J there's a kind of gentibillry to the songs, even her on vocals. It also combines listener'. el(hteár-hney. Family were a band who, veeeon of Barry Blue's he. Dancing On A Saturday hard rock Incite with One-for dreamers. Inly through the cotter material I NlPht. Apparently quite a few of the songs are like Pill. energise of Chapman, kC y wrmen from her own experience, and make of that O wl Bclive a Mlncle. Pproduced the mod .mar what you will. My Man And Me, the opening trick e nd ale single Fly Away. eg cage eaellemenL But throughout. he .Raw. . sets the lilting air for the rest of the album, which still TIM DUCK _BYI loo Al And through those years ... eenee of simple with menages to contain enough changes of pace to stop (I The Fool (Illeereel they ale° rant up melody which perhap. cinema). albums you getting bored if you harboured any feeling that Records name memorable didn't (Ind n nympelhele and you What with the line tutu tree, might her current success In home amarg Nome of the Revered by many no a In My Own Time, Old singles chart an' all, this should do very well, end technical complexities at rock genius, American Binge New Singe. The deserves to. S. B. Argent. M.T. e thger .ongwrtt.r Tim Weaver's Avower. Bur Buckley le certainly league, Sweet Desire and TAJ MAIIAL: Me' Rona The band and back up Intriguing. Hie alert that eternal anthem My (CBs BONA) chlx aremugga chi cony album le .n maaing Frlend The gun an s al All the ulle euggete. tight and tile ,anger ~play of rock e 'ñ roll this album. The energy America's blues Chra i' htmeell often fully fireworks. with ha flee and penaWlty of Chap oler le digging around, slnlehed. On the corfaer and a half octave voice man that wan Family, this time In more exotic lust another goad body coarIng and spinning made the band di. ellmee. Not content with isle album with plenty along with the lleeldedly tinten.. a trait that lea the Country blue. or hi. of presence, but more "back" ourdtng hand. Cpilled over Into the homeland, he's gone out than that, another chap. On first hearing the hapman Whitney f Into the Inland, and come ter In the development of ompleaiUee of the attain. slreelwaaere - a Candor up with girlie a few block manic, ably chro- might tend to overwhelm uotlm or Family with the reggae and pre-reggae nicled by Te( Mallet but .lick with It . few Wier Family Cohort John -o Omen and It'll really get i1 ,1111 dos styles. Bks, blue - beat Why, he even singe In Whitney. but V. and reek steady re French .. hold ol you Once again ya goad to Wan to tee that he fee haled et here, es well ca he hn, ~ern original some ethnic soul 110e. hinge ha Oyler erith M. T. String Driven Tiring

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