MRC FOUR-YEAR PHD PROGRAMME IN HUMAN , AND DISEASE Decoding the precise spatial and temporal dynamics of PAX6 cis-regulatory landscape Wendy Bickmore

Aberrations in the function of cis-regulatory elements (CREs) has been identified as a major cause of human diseases. CREs act as primary determinants of precise spatial and temporal regulation of their target by serving as docking sites for tissue-specific transcription factors. The PAX6 locus has been a paradigm for understanding CRE-mediated control of target expression, with the regulatory domain extending around 200kbp on both sides of the transcription start site and harbouring several CREs which together orchestrate the complex expression pattern of PAX6 in the developing eye, brain, neural tube and pancreas. The project will utilize high resolution live imaging in zebrafish transgenics and a serum free embryoid body (SEFB) differentiation system to uncover the precise dynamics of CRE action in this massive regulatory domain.

Applications are invited from outstanding candidates to join an innovative and exciting MRC funded 4-year multidisciplinary PhD programme in Human Genetics, Genomics and Disease at the MRC Human Genetics Unit (HGU), the . 8 studentships are available to start in September 2018 with a stipend of £17,500 p/a.

Application closing date Friday 12th January 2018.

For further information, details of other available projects and how to apply please visit:

MRC Human Genetics Professor Wendy Bickmore Research Group Our DNA...Our Lives