QUARTERLY REPORT July-September 2007

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QUARTERLY REPORT July-September 2007 QUARTERLY REPORT July-September 2007 QUARTERLY REPORT JULY-SEPTEMBER 2007 Done by the Management Contractor The 15-th of October 2007 _______________ Patrick LORIN QUARTERLY REPORT July-September 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OPERATIONS .................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 COMMERCIAL ............................................................................................................... 5 1. QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 6 DIAGRAMS 1-6 ................................................................................................................................................. 10 COLLECTION OF AWS CJSC FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 2007 TABLE -1, DIAGRAM-7 ............................ 14 COLLECTION OF AWS CJSC FOR 2007 TABLE -2 .................................................................................... 15 NUMBER OF WATER METERS INSTALLED BY AWS CJSC ON DATE 01.10. 2007 - TABLE 3 ............ 16 1.2 W O R K S .................................................................................................................... 17 CHLORINATION PROGRAM ......................................................................................................................... 18 WORKS ON THE NETWORK .......................................................................................................................... 18 MWWP PROJECTS .......................................................................................................................................... 21 REHABILITATION OF ASSET BUILDINGS .................................................................................................... 23 NEW TECHNOLOGY FOR CONCRETE APPLICATIONS: ............................................................................. 24 TRANSPORTATION ......................................................................................................................................... 25 1.3 TECHNICAL ................................................................................................................. 26 TECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 27 ASSETS MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 29 WATER QUALITY CONTROL .......................................................................................................................... 29 POTABLE WATER INVESTIGATION IN QUARTER III, 2007 – TABLE 4 ..................................................... 31 NATURE PROTECTION .................................................................................................................................. 33 ENVIRONMENTAL UTILIZATION & PROTECTION FEES BY THE REGIONS AND SECTORS TABLE-5 . 33 CONTAMINANTS VOLUME THREW TO WATER BASIN & PERMITTED MAXIMUM OUTLET (PMO) TABLE-6 ............................................................................................................................................................ 34 MAPPING .......................................................................................................................................................... 36 THE LIST OF MAPPED SETTLEMENTS IN THE QUARTER III 2007 - TABLE 7 ...................................... 36 1.4 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ................................................................................. 38 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE WORKS .................................................................................................... 39 VIEW OF SOME OPERATION & MAINTENANCE WORKS IMPLEMENTED IN III Q 2007 ................. 40 OPERATION END MAINTENANCE OF WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS TABLE-8, DIAGRAM-8 .................................................................................................................................... 41 MAINTENANCE OF WESTWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS TABLE-9 .................................................... 42 DIAGRAMS-9,10 ............................................................................................................................................... 43 NETWORK ANALYSING TABLE - 10 ........................................................................................................... 44 2 QUARTERLY REPORT July-September 2007 DIAGRAMS – 11, 12 ......................................................................................................................................... 45 DIAGRAMS – 13, 14 ......................................................................................................................................... 46 WATER PRODUCTION & LOSSES TABLE-11 .............................................................................................. 47 DIAGRAMS – 15, 16 ......................................................................................................................................... 51 WATER DELIVERED THROUGH PUMPING AND CORRESPONDING ELECTICITY CONSUMPTION ...... 52 TABLE- 12 ......................................................................................................................................................... 52 DIAGRAMS – 17,18 .......................................................................................................................................... 53 PROGRESS OF THE WATER METERS EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION BY THE AWS CJSC IN ITS MAINTENANCE AREA TABLE - 13, DIAGRAM - 19 ...................................................................................... 54 DISINFECTANT RECORDS IN III QUARTER 2007 TABLE- 14 .................................................................... 55 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION & EXPENSES TABLE-15,16 ..................................................................... 57 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION & EXPENSES IN PERIOD OF 13 LAST MONTHS DIAGRAM - 20 ......... 57 2. FINANCE & ACCOUNT ................................................................................................. 58 SUBSIDY TABLE-17 ........................................................................................................................................ 59 INFORMATION CONCERNING INCOMES AND EXPENSES OF AWS CJSC IN III QUARTER, 2007 TABLE-18 .......................................................................................................................................................... 61 3. HUMAN RESOURCES ................................................................................................... 62 1. PERSONNEL & CONTRACT DIVISION ............................................................................................. 63 DIAGRAM 22 ..................................................................................................................................................... 64 2. TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ........................................................................................... 64 4. PUBLIC RELATION ....................................................................................................... 66 ON ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTED BY THE PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT ........................................ 67 5. WB PROCUREMENT ..................................................................................................... 70 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT AND PROGRESS REPORT JULY-SEPTEMBER 2007 ......................... 71 COMPONENT A – GENERAL EXPENSES – IMPLEMENTING BY CMU ......................... 71 DIAGRAM - 23 .................................................................................................................................................. 73 6. LEGAL & INSURANCE .................................................................................................. 74 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS OF LEGAL AND INSURANCE DIVISION ............. 75 7. INDICATORS ................................................................................................................. 76 INDICATORS RECAPITULATION – TABLE 20, (INDICATORS 1-25) .......................................................... 77 3 QUARTERLY REPORT July-September 2007 1. OPERATIONS 4 QUARTERLY REPORT July-September 2007 1.1 COMMERCIAL 5 QUARTERLY REPORT July-September 2007 1. QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES MANAGEMENT CHART - DATA ANALYSIS Sales Analysis The weakest point of the Company is water meter installation process. As compared with the last 6 months this process took a new turn. If within the last 6 months 4 712 water meters were installed, only in the 3rd quarter 6 963 water meters have been installed (including the replacement of old water meters with new ones totaling about 170, though the Company is still far from its objectives. As of 01.10.2007 water meter installation level as compared with the assumed tasks constituted only 29%. On August-September in “Kapan” sector a pilot project on installation of water meters, collection of debts and fighting against illegal connections was implemented. The results are obvious (water installation level in “South” sector constitutes 63%): Only in “Kapan” sector about 1200 water meters were installed within two months. Number of customers installed the water meters (by months) "Kapan " sector 9000 700 645 8724 600 8500 500 8079 8000 394 400 7685 7656 7581 7615 7489 7534 customers 300 7500 7432 200 7000 100 51 57 45
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