society for threatened peoples Rojava – a “protection zone” for religious and ethnic minorities in northern Syria? Report on a research trip Report on a research trip June 2016 Imprint For human rights. Worldwide. Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) Postfach 2024, D-37010 Göttingen Phone: +49 551 49906-0 Fax: +49 551 58028 E-Mail:
[email protected] Internet: DONATIONS ACCOUNT: Account name: Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker Account number: 70 80 90 Bank code: 25120510; Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN: DE68 2512 0510 0000 7080 90 BIC: BFS WDE 33HAN The STP is a human rights organization that advocates on behalf of persecuted ethnic and religious minorities; NGO with consultative status at the United Nations and participatory status at the Council of Europe. Offices in Arbil, Bern, Bolzano, Göttingen/Berlin, London, Luxembourg, New York, Pristina, Sarajevo/Srebrenica and Vienna. Text: Kamal Sido Photos: Kamal Sido, Kim Hussein Reve Editors: Inse Geismar, Lea Seidel Layout: Michaela Böttcher, Lea Seidel Published by the Society for Threatened Peoples in June 2016 Rojava – a “protection zone” for religious and ethnic minorities in northern Syria? Table of Contents 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................... 4 2. The Kurdish political parties and their differences ............................................................. 6 2.1 The PYD......................................................................................................................