
1. Create An Account/Sign-In: If you have not created a , click on “Create an account.” If you already have a Google account, sign in with your email and password.

2. RSS Feeds: RSS feeds help websites distribute new content when it is posted. RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. When you subscribe to a site’s feed, you will be notified when there is new information that has been posted.

Look for the RSS symbol on your favorite blog or news site, click on it, and it will lead you to the site’s feed. You may be able to copy and paste the link or click a button to subscribe to it.

3. How to Subscribe to Feeds in Google Reader: • Using : o Find a feed to a news site or blog you would like to subscribe to. Copy and paste the feed. In Google Reader, click on the Add Subscription button in the upper left-hand corner.

o Paste in the URL of the site.

• Using : o Find a feed to a news site or blog you would like to subscribe to. o Click on the dropdown and select Google. o Click Add to Google Reader.

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4. Reading Feeds: • You will see the news sites or blogs that you have subscribed to under Subscriptions. • When you click on the specific name of the news site or blog, you will be able to read the posts. • If you also click, All items in the top left-hand corner, you will see various feeds mixed together.

• You can view items in two formats: Expanded or List.

5. Options for Each Post: Underneath each post, you can tag and share.

• Add star – If you like a post and want to quickly refer to it later, add a star. You can then refer to it later under Starred items.

• Like – When you click Like, everyone who sees that post in Google Reader will see your name above the item listed with everyone else that likes this.

• Share/Share with a Note – Automatically share with individuals you have placed in your Share settings. You can add a note as well with this.

• Email - Email a post to individuals that may or may not be on your Share list.

• Add tags – Tagging items will create a new link in your sidebar where you can view items that you have given a tag to.

6. Shared Settings: When you find something interesting, you can share it with others and even add your own notes. You can choose to share Publically or Protected. If you make your items Public, they will be visible to anyone following you with Google Reader. If you make them Protected, you can select certain groups to share the items with.

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