Twenty-Fift- h Year. Rock Island, Illinois, Wednesday, March. 22, 1876. Established Oct. 18, 1851

HOBSE Women Displaced fey Cheap Medical NAILS THE FORT SILL BUSINESS. American ARTISTIC TAILOEING TELEGEAPHIC. Chinese Labor. STEEL FENS. THE MILD P0WE2 from the San tranclsco Chronicle. E MIL CO. EVANS SAYS IT WAS KNOWN TO As an item of current news, we are in . HABRISGH, mm HUE Telegraphed to the Rock Island Argue. twenty-thre- e GSN. GRIEESON TWO formed that chinamen were ELY & CO., . 'orwarded on Monday last to New York Manufacturers of BRADFORD & CO.. nCMPHBET SEW TOSK REPUBLICAN STATE T. ' 7EA&S AGO. city, to be employed in a shirt manufac IlOMEOrATniC SPECIFICS PATENT HAMMERED, tory. 1 his meaus the displacement of twenty-thre- e white women from employ-- 1 TROVED, FROM THE MOST HE PAID AN IOWA MAS $1,000 FOR AH iMiPOETiisra HAVE experience, an entire success. Simple, POINTED & Bsliefthat It Is for Conkllnj for President. ment. It turns out so many more to Prompt, Elficientand Reliable. They are tha only POLISHED, HTTBODTJCTIOH TO BEX.X2TAP. starvation or to shame; it adds to the medicines perfectly adapted to popular use to e Steel Pens. pauper and dependent class twenty-thre- simple that mistakes cannot be made in tuuu POINTED & BLUED, Syracuse, March 22. The Republican them j so hunuloss aa to be free front danger ; aud state convention was called to order this What Belknap Said He Wanted to do lor persons. It this experiment s a success Mi do efficient an to be always reliable. They bare Harlan. and by "'success" we mean if these uTtrte the highest eommpndutioa from, all, and wiH morning by A. B. Cornell, chairman of the always render satisfaction. HORNE TVIL state central committee, Geo. II. Haskins Chinese can, by their physical strength,en-dur- e No. Cures.. 21. S. Evans, Cent. FROM "BENZON IRON" EXCLUSIVELY, was chosen temporary chairman. A long Washington. March J. more hours of labor, and by their 505 1. evers, Cmiffestion, Inflammations, . 25 ofTer ate post at Mil, detailed to deftness and skill, perform more work, and S. Worms, Worm Fever, Colic, . , Si We onr Haxmer Pointbd Nails to the discussion took place on the question wheth- trader fort Worm d 8. Infanta, 25 trade knowing that they are far superior to any er rules ot serinte or the-- assembly the committee on expenditures in the war of as go-- quality they will be the pio Wedding "Cut The the the - Garments a Specials 4. IUrrhpa, of Children or Adults, . Si Points". "AUSABLE" is TH should govern the convention, Geo. Win. department this aftornoon all the circuni- neers or a horde of barhanans. whom cupid FALCON". 4. lyttnltry, Griping, Bilious Colic, . Uammibed Nail Pointed in market. Onalitr per- - V 'I 6. Cholera-Morbn- s, Vomiting, folly guaranteed. advocated adoption the tances surrounding htm in obtaining ity and greed imports, to render, present Nos. .20, 28, 75. 1. and 2. embracing Curtis the of senate . . i3 every 7. C'ouRhs, Colds, llronehiti.--s . . rules, arguing adopted will be mission irom marsn to remain ai run poverty more desperate and degradine. to style and flntsb. Toothache. 25 that if it in Neuralgia. Faeeache. ABRAHAM BUSSING, Sill. was a of necessity with sink American women lower r Servants' Livery Made" to 0r5e No 75 New 9. Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo, 25 the pwer of gentlemen reporting resolu- It matter to a John Street, York. 10. Bilious 25 SECRETARY, him, said, to come to terms with the opportunity Dyspepsia, Stomach, he W of work more hazard .... tions to the convention to move the previ- . . a or Painful . . 25 11. Suppressed, Periods, 35 Marsh. Secretary belknap told Eivans ous, reduce wages to a pittance.and 12. Whites, too Frofoqe Periods.- 25 Chambers Street, ous question and thus cut off debate on sciuty 25 that he had promised Marsh a place aud make the life ol the poor unsupoort- - CLERGYMEN TEN CENT 1.1 Croup, OotiRh, Iil5cult Breathing, . NEW YORK. the very crucial question to be decided by more fES DISC0TJN1 BUSINESS 14. Walt Ithenm, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 25 the convention. A call of the roll showed Marsh has selected fort bill, kvans saw able. CARCS. 15. KhenmstUm, Rheumatic Puins. 15 . Marsh, appeared all SO ayes 258; nays 120; for assembly rules, who to understand lfi. Fevtr and. Ague, Chili Fever, Agues, It is unfortunate for Bristow that 17. Piles, blind or bleeding, , 80 Tl. Jk.. SOHELL, and they were accordingly adopted. This about the matter. He went to New lork Wabash Ave. Cor. Monroe, JOHN B. HAWL2Y, 18. find Bore Weak Eyes, 60 many Ophthalmy, or . . Mannfactnrer of with Marsh where the written contract of the "independent"journals, and all CHICAGO, 1854.1 ATOBNEY AND COUNSELL-t- AT LAW, 19. acute or chronic. Influenza, . 80 majority vote was regarded as showing Established ILLINOIS Catarrh, of the centennial cushion, nambv-namb- v BenKsUm'UJlock, Illinois St., Rock M 20. Whoopiug-ConKh- ., violent coughs, . SO positive .strength of Conkling in the con was signed. Evans presented a detailed and. Illinois. SO Republican journals, 21. Asthma, oppressed Breathing, . , . vention. statement in writing oi his payments to favor Bristow fcr 22. Kar Discharges, impaired hearing, . 80 president. This is unfortuoate, and will riTJID LI3HTNIN3. 23. Kcroftala, rnlnrKod glunds, Swellings, . SO PAPER BOXES The committees on Dermanent organiza Marsh, lie said he told his friends of his 24. Oencral Debility, Physical Weakness. . 80 tion and resolutions were appointed and a agreement with Marsh and showed Gen. react against him. If those lournals really EENWOSTLY & BEARD SLEY, 25. and scanty Sceretjons, . . . . SO 146 5th Avenne ..CHICAGO. ltropsy (jrierson, commanding officer at the post, wished to kill Bristow. they could not I W AND ABSTRACT OFFICE. ROOMS 20. s, sickness from riding, . so promptly to. . recess taken till three o'clock. IN Orders attended Dr. L Court House. Ji.o. T. Kenworthy,Jas, ML BJard.--I- - 27. Kidney-Diseas- e, Oravel, . . . . . so he contract on his return to tort Sill. resort t3 a surer method of accomplishing I CRAM' S . 23. nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness FEsrsrsYx.vAJrxA.. The facts were well known there. It was their purpose. Concord (N. II. ) Monitor lOjgdAwtf. or involuntnry discharges, ... . . 1 00 29. Sore Month, Canker, LOCAL COLUMN. regarded as a great outrage and the cause T. ... .80 - P. McELHERNE, wettingthe bed, . SO Meeting- 50. I'rinary Weakness, of the Democratic State Conven ot extortionate prices. This is rough on the Rock Island Union, AND COUNSELOR 51. Painful Periods, with Spasms, . . SO ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 tion. Lvans said he was introduced to the mm in Chancery Office 32. palpitations, etc.,. 00 opposite Disease of Heart, A A Drjps of Constitution Water which never was an "independent" journal, Rork Island 111. S3. Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, . 1 00 by Uouse.Rock Island. Epilepsey, secretary of war Geo. Kice, of Iowa.and Instantly NenraU'la. nervous . 34. ulcerated sore throat, . . 50 TIMES A DAY March pecuniariy or nam cares and ick heau Diphtheria, THREE Lancaster, Pa., 22. The Dem paid hi m otnerwise. Tut iu the nervous ex- 35. Congestions and Eruptions, 80 $1,000 tor the introduction. He ache, and all piins. Sent by mail or Chronic CUBES ocratic state met today. Hon. press, prepaid 011 CHARLES W. O'NEIL, Vials, SO cents, (except 24, 82 and 83), . 8100 convention thought this was enough, though Rice business it has no superior. charges receipt of price, 5u cents and ( 1 per bottle. Lieral terms to rt liable men or AiSD COUNSELOR AT LAW FAULT CASES. Inflamation of the Kidneys. Yvm. u. rlaytord, ol t ayotte, was elected wauted 1,500. '.lul" and temporary speech women as agents. iuiarji ruiliic. Office over Firht National Case (Morocco) with above 33 large vials and Stone in the Bladder. . chairman, and made a N itness wished to deny a published Une Bottle of Peruvian Altera Send for circulars and terms. Dsnk, Rock Island. alsdwtim Manual of directions . . . $10 00 Catarrh of the Bladder. declaring that corruption should be inves statement of Capt. Rqbinson, that he paid tive will remove pimple or skin eruptions. C ItAM & MELCHER. Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book, 6 00 though 115 E. Randolph street, CHICAGO. Single Boxes and Vials us above. Diabetes, Gravel, Gleet tigated even the president of the 15,000 to the secretary of war and that two bottles will cure liver complaint, loss MRS. PAULINE PILLSBURY, remedies are sent by the Brick-du- st Deposit. the United fetates should be implicated. & matter, of appetite or debility, and three to five ELECTRICAL case or single box to any part the Dent Co. connived at the MEJlIC AND MAGNETIC of For Female Complaints a Speciality. 1 he following resolution was adopted by There was no foundation for the fcreport. bottles will cure scrofulous or venerial Rock River street, south side, country, tree of charge, on receipt of a LTJTKE & lKn-- and Adams, hock Island.llls. price. Address Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, large majority J. C. Dent was a brother in-la- w of the taint, rheumatism, tumors of the blood. MEHAH, Resolved, .1, KDWARD Humphreys Palpitation of the Heart. That one representative from president. Crumb s Peruvian Alterative is the (.Successors to R. ZEIGLES.) P.SWEEWET. WILLIAM JACKSON Homeopathic Medicine Co., Depot, 59 John Street NEW YORK eacn senatorial aistnct De selected as a ijr. Hawkins Taylor, formerly of Iowa, greatest tonic and blood purifier ever dis Manufacturers of STtTEENEY & JACZSON, Office and Depot, No. 562 Bboadwas, New Yobx. For sale by all f lrst Class Druggists. committee on credentials, covered. Sold by Drugs lata. permanent or a lobbyist, gave an account ot his lobby all druecists. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT 1 AW For Sal by all gan:zation,and - METAL & Eagle rsolutions,and that allreso- operations. He obtained the post trader- - WOOD and Illinois streets. Rock Isl Sold in Rock Island by Benser A Thomas. Otto lutions,be relerred to the committee with and. Illinois. Urojtrn, C- - Spcidel, and E. Breuncrt rawf WfltPrV Npw sralp Phnnc ship ot Dr. J . G. H. Bradford. 1 he in out debate; that the convention select four fliience of the Maine delegation, with the M. M. MXKUEON. LUCIAH ADAMS. are The delegates nnnvpn- - Rock Island the best hade: Touch elastic, and a fine senatorial to the national exception of Morrill. was secured for Brad Market. STURGEON & ADAMS, Sinking Tone, Powerful, Pure and Even. tion, two delegates MISCELLANEOUS. representative from ford. Witness received $100 for his ser ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Uock March 30. hlru-L- - WATERS' Concerto ORGANS each congressional district, and that the would Island, I.vnH(.' iji... vices. Secretary Belknap said he FLOUR AND GRAIN. III. Have com Dk te nut t H.,1. . n,.i..o:. ; convention select a chairman of the cannot be excet.i.ed in tone or beautt they defy state appoint firadtord, tor he wanted to do a W inter Wheat flour, J bbl J8 f0 Title uf Lands in Rock lulnnrt Conntv competition. The Concerto Stop is a tine Im- central committee, Kamilv brands. nan of an good act for Senator Harlan. Bradford THE ENEMY OF DISEASE! itation the Hits Voice. After the appointment of a committee on Sec.ind quality " 5 oo PRICES EXT t KM ELY LOW for Cash during sold tne traaersmp tor $i,oou aud was Kctuii one above thexe prices. G. M. KELLER, M. Month. credentials, adjourned till afternoon dollar D. this Monthlt Instalments received: afterwards dismissed. Wheat 6X90 OUYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence cor. oi. Pianos f 10 to Obsans ft to $10; monthly Barley 25fi75 Orleans and Ohio aptea Deposit. AGENTS WANTED. A SHOW CASES! streets next door to Ko liler's THE FOE OF PAIN first THE IHDIAJT BESEBVATIOS TEES- - Oats Drug Store. Office over Benser & Thomas' Drug liberal discount io Teachers, Ministers, churches A B.ICH SCENE AT THE WHITE HOUSE-- wra OF ALL DESCKIPT.OXS. School?, Lodges, etc Special Inducements PASSED TJPOK. 631 tore. Market Square, office houn 10 to 12 a. a , 2 to to itye 55 415 Hamilton Street, PLCFIA, ILL. PM- - TO MAN AND BEAST the trade. Illustrated Catalogue Mailed. HOR- 7jl4d&wly ACE WATERS A SON,4813roadway, N. Y. A Laughable Attempt by Ulysses and his THE GROCERY. Correspondence solicited and orders promptly And the Indians Maasacred. Potatoes, 20 filled. LLTKK MEIIA CHAS. Grand Old Oat-Dri- nk A PIEBIG, Is the Quag to a Simon Pure SO THE B. SHONINUEB. ORGAN. hue Beans (navy) 1 fOSil IS D Eggs 8 FIELD BROS. Airents. Rock Island. PREPAR' To DO ALL KINDS OF LOCK Laramie, March 22 News was Democrat. doz 13 I Work ; also to repair Sewing HORACE WATERS A SON, 481 Broadway. N. Fort Butter Choice Dairy, S lb Machines. well-know- brought MUSTANG Y.. have obtained the Agency of this n in last night by a party from Cheese, p v 35 All kinds of Safe Work a Speciality. Organ, and are prepared to snpply on the City, fight Washington, March 20. A little event Apples flf DU 70&1 l0 the trade Luster of a between miners and Hotels' Shop ou Market Sauare. wei--r side smith r.r ,. most nnerai terms. Agents wanted in every coun- Indians on Dead wood creek, CO miles happened at the White House the other unions. l D;i 40 alley. ty in the U. S. and Canada. Catalogues mailed. north t hickens Live, W doz 8 SS LINIMENT ot Custer. attacked night which shows exactly how important Chietens. dressed 00i8ffil0 Which has stood the test of 40 the miners the AMERICAN Indians and killed thirteen. The Indians it is for Kilbourne to keep the secrets t Turkieg, dreVxed KKS144 HOTEL, THOMAS YATES, Ducks . years Consumption Can be cubed. been the ring. ben. finding Kilbourne s siu St IS PREPARED TO DO PLUMBING IN ALL ITS had running off stock. More trouble brant, Mallard Duckx,$ doz u 00 Chcstl Street, opposite Independence nail. branches, There is no Sore it will not heal, Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, is expected. condition perilous, made up his mind to t also. Gas and Steam Fitting. MEATS. PUILADELPiilA PA Call and have estimates made before Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic. . ordering vocr no Lament ss it will not cure, no hold a secret consultation with the lriends Cattle Common 8 0033 50 S. M. work done bv other parties. Hogs Live 7 Ou UEULINGS,I'roprietAr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills. "Government" Weather. of the ring in both houses of congress,and 508 Daily Arous kept on file. THOMAS V AT &a.( Levee. Rock Island. Ache, no Pain, that afflicts the Are the only medicines will cure Pulmonary Signal Hog Dre:-se- ... 9 00 that Washington, Mch. 22 The Ser to carry out his plan, made up a list of Lard 17 human body, or the body of a horse consumption. vice Frequently medicines that will stop a cough will observations taken at 10 o'clock this names which he handed to his new secre niDES. Enamelled Pipe. following Hotel or other domestic animal, that does ccaston the death of the patient; they lock up the forenoon indicate the weather tarv, Uljss2s S. Grant, Jr. He directed Green Cured 6 Skioaers THE ENAMELLED PIPE. IT WILL liver.stop the of the blood, Dry Flint IS TRY NOl circulation hemorrhage probabilities for this afternoon and ht this young gentleman to go to the members Corner Madison and Cana Streets. or crack and costs only a trifle more thr.t not Yield to its niairic touch. A follows, ami in faet.they clog the uction of the Tury Green Country... 5 common iron ripe. Is positively ror the upper Mississippi and the lower personally prerident s Green Calf the bet thiLg bottle costing 50c, or organs that caused the couth. and give them the .... ioi2 CHICAGO ILL for water service pipe. 1 have the exclusive agtncy 25c, $1.00 a Liver Complaint unci arc the causes Missouri valleys, cloudiness will increase c )mplimenti and say he wished to see HAY. for Rock Island. Many that Timothy, B. II. Skiiseb, Manager. FKED HASS. has often saved the life of a human of two thirds of the cases of Consumption. with rising temperature, and falliug ton.. .. 101 Store in Star Block. persons comKlam of a dull pain in the aide, con- bar them at dinner on the following evening. Prairie," ... can) being, and restored to fife and use-fulues- s stipation, coated tongue, paiD in the shoalderblade ometer in the southerly potions of these The list, among other names, included Slough, " ... 5 JAS. H. BER11Y, T. C. OADDIS. W. w. w KEB. Clerkl many a valuable horse. feelings of drowriuess and restlessness, the food. districts, where easterly to southerly winds that of Senator Sai gent, of California, a WOOD. lying heavily on the stomach, accompanied wiih Hickory, $ cord... 5 0(1 WALNUT Orleans Street Livery. acidity and belching up ol winu. will .prevail followed by snow or ram west known friend nut only ot tne District ring 50G STREET HOUSE, Oak , . 5 00&5 50 HENRY, LIVERY FEED. SALE AND These symptoms usually orginated from a disor- of the Mississippi. but of every ring in congress during his Walnut Street, between Sixth aud A dered condi ion of the stomaehioi a torpid liver. Seventh, Boarding S able. Parties and Funerals a Spe- Persons so affected, tf they take one or two heavy term. Mr. Grant's Ulysses junior has not CINCINNATI OHIO ciality. Orleans Street, bci ween Bufialo and Ea A Killed Because He gle. Charges 12 colds, and if the conp:h in these cases be suddenly Witness Turned been long in the omce ot secretary, and is New "STcrli Market. reasonable. 15dlv checked, stomach liver clogged, State's Evidence, LODWICK Jt uREEN, Proprietors. NEW LEGACY will tiud the and not familiar wiih his father's handwriting. New Yobk, March 83. remaining torpid, and inactive, and almost before Albany, N. Y., March 22. Conray. aware lungs are mass sores, ana Ou going to the senate, when he reached FINANCIAL. they are the a oi 1 re-u- rua.-ke- d burglars Gold 14 ulcerated, the lt of which is death. one of the Utica who had Sargent's name he innocently supposed it V NEWHALL HOUSE KANUFACTUEEE an expectorant which Moujy 3 bid. Schenck's Pulmonic Svruo is turned state's evidence, was shot dead -- rioes not contain opinm or anything calculated to to be meant for ftanlsbury, and to the un Governments Dull ; steady. MILWAUKEE WIS yesterday during a parley between th C, uonas r check a cough suddenly. Micakable amusement of that venerable r. iiw cent lssi J. FT.ANT1SDEL Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the food. officer who had hiui in charge and a party ISfiSold. Proprietor. Schenck's Democrat, whispered trcuiuloiiMy in thi ..l.iss The present WATCH BUYERS. mixes w:lh the g istric juices of the stomach, aids ot men who claimed him, asserting lsw. c. w .1.19 proprietors .if this Elegant. Hote ATTENTION digestion and creates a ravenous appetite. that ar. "The prexident's compliments, and is;? ..LSI hsve spared neither money or pains in furni.-hin- g When the bowels are costive, skiu sallow, or the they were officers, but who are supposed to IWiS ..1.23: and improving the house: and with the inmrnvir. The undersigned respectfully directs wou't vou come dinner eve U. S. 10.40's Olii 'heat'ci symptom otherwise of a bilious tendency ,Sehenck's to belonged to gang of burglars. ..1.18 Elevator, recently put iu it "annot be excelled tli'U of lianies coctemi)atiiig the purchase 1 have the ring?'' Gen. Grant aud his friends, un- - New5's for convenience and comfort to public Mandrake nus arc required. .l.lHV the traveling Watches to the su- - These medicines are prepared only by ware of the blunder that had been made, Currency t!s ..l.Mll J. ii. Schenck & Son More English Failures. calmly assembled on Thursday evening COMMERCIAL. iSii.,' Nickel Movement N.E . corner Sixth and Arch.ftte. Phila. 22. & ViS Edinburgh, March John Scott waiting tor f utl number, Wheat Dull; slightly m buyers' favor; No SOUTHERN 00TEL! natcnes, mane ny And are sale by druggists and dealers. nd. while the the 1 lor all Sons engineers and builders, ol Iroerkeiih- - Chicago 13.1 16: No 3 Milwaukee 1 1&1 17(4 the Messrs. Pobcl door opened and the servant aunounced 1 & COTRVOIST'K.of city, They No 2 Chicago 12.Vff.lS7; No 2 Milwaukee Sfl Frontier oc4th, 3lh,and WaluutSts,, ing, near this have failed. Senator baul?bury. Had a hot shot 3.: o l spnug l nViil 39; winter red western 1 Switzerland. Cents employed about 400 operatives. fallen at the president's feet the effect ST. LOUIS 510 and Ladies' ti es USE SEME'S Corn Quiet; new western mixed eiig-SS's- old in Stem and Ley been surprising LA7EHLE, WASUEIl & CO.. Winderr. PAIN-KILLIN- could not have more or oo in store BS. Prspr's G Crew all Drowned but One. more unexpected, tfaulsbury's lank form Oats Finn; mixed weEtern 4344S, Watches Boston, March 22. By the wr.'ck of a Pork Firm; it i The Southern Hotel is first class in all it appoint, have Equilibrium was encased in full dress, and he ambled Lard 14 00. inents. Its tallies are at all times supplied in tb Escapeiu'ts. Chro brie at Kittery Point, the Capt. and crew. greatest abundance with over to the president with benignance beam- Wtiisky- -1 14. all the delicacies the ma nometer balance, with the exception of the first mate, were kets afford. Its clerks and employees are all poll Ruby Pallet, tem- ing all over his cadaverous and The - AGIO drowned. countenance. attentive to the wauts of guests at th. pered aud. hard- le thanked the president profusely tor the Hotel. ed Brequct nair Springs Full Ruby Jewelled, ano "It Works like a Charm." Cliicago MarHtet. There is an improved elevator leading from th MARSH honor and pleasur? of the invitation, and Chicago. March 21 first combine all modern improvements in Watch If von 1 ave got Rheumatism, IK WASHINGTON. floor to the upper one. making. USK RKNNE'S MAGIC OIL. struck ur. a facetious conver.'M'in with Wheat Market lower; 1 02 cash ; 1 0i April Railroad and Steamboat Ticket. OfSce, New These Watches were awarded the Grand Price a. If yon have got Neuralgia, Also Bob Schenck. Garfield and Hurlbut. who ."vrocked l j aiay ; ;o a, wcf ; rejected 79. Stand and Western Un'on Telegraph Office in Ro: the Paris Exposition of 1W. for the bcM p rfonn Poker wei? Corn Firm; shade higher; 45 April; 47 May nnda of tlit Hotel. all of a heap by the unexpected presence anceand greatest accuracy iu ad and as II vou havo eot Colic or Cra i px. Oats Steady ; unchanged. further guarantee that ihey are equal to the best. we USE KENNE'S MAGIC OIL. New York, March 22. Gen. Schenck, of a Democrat in a company called exclu- Rye- - 65. annex names ot some of most respectable Best Stove Made Steady. 99 the deal If yon hare pot any kind I Ache or fain, late minister to England, left on the after- sively for the consideration of the secrets Barlev Gi JL. X IE TL ers in the trade who hft.e :ested th. in for years, anc PAIN-KILUN- G OIL. Pork Wi ak and lower ; 23 80 each : 22 60 65 10,000 SOLD. USE KLNSh'S MAGIC noon y3sterday Washington. will touch for the accuracy of uiir statements; givs entire satisfaction. Try it. and you will be surprised at ttie beneficial train for of the party. Gen. Grant left the room May. Benedict Bros. N. Y, W. F. Weeks, Bangor, derived from a thorough and fa use of followed Lard Firm; shade higher; :13 774 ca HOUSE. lAllASK FOR THE NEW LEGACY el!ect thful Caleb P. Marsh on the evenine nastily, but after a short interview with 7513 Cor, Michigan Ki, and Jackson Street, E. Marks, Troy, N. Y, M". thiH popular remedy. It is pu i ly vrgetahle ; safe Mrs. Marsh reiuaius in New York, 135Mav. J. A.Smiili, Saratoga SpV H. W. Strang, Elniira, Ni mid cluan to nse internally ar externally. train. he astonished Ulysses, Jr., resolved to Whieky- -1 06 asked. CHICAGO, ILL. pummoned cap-ito- l. Svbacuse, N, July'iioth, 187S. not having yet been to the make the best of the business, and calling LIVESTOCK. elegant hotel acknowledges 110 rival either E. B. Booth Son.'asidi- &, Os"- - Wm. ft THIS Kenne SoR, riitfield, asf. Gen. Huribuf, told hitu the situation. It Hogs Receipts 11,000: its manairenient. sr,uoiutmenes. or location. ester, N Y. to, N. Y. As a duty, as well as a prvilese, I wish to moderately active: weak In the respect it s & Sirs and lower; 8 10J6S 30, 8 latter afTircs its guests cliaruiit.g H. Botcbkiss, Buffalo, N. llvile Bvtlr, Ai: uns command t tliohe unacquainted with its healing A few prominent merchants and bank was agreed then that the Ic!aware;in sales l'ght 1.".S and unobstructed view f om two of loftv Y. ' ueavy S . ... its fronts.., N.Y. 'pain-Killin- g f- Sj; 8 25 April, genernllx 3Ji.S 50. I ... . .1 qualities you r Magic Oil," to be ers of this city, zealous in promoting meas sh"ulJ be - Zen cut as early iu the eve 11 LniKc niieiiiitu as ui tne eye can reacu. tne B. K. Chase A Co.. Rut J. A. Oimk, la:avi i,N Cattle ; firm; 5, e us fair demaml; receipts fine-- wat-rsrai- ir kept in kkadiness run EHEUOKFCiEs, severe at e, t view in America. Is land. V, Y, ures lor of pay tiing P';s.-ibl- 400; best medium to I 4 d:ai'iially tacks of bowel difficulties, to be aim led exteh- - the resumption specie ns to give the conspirators 5ll05:i5; i clai 30'4 opposite the Great Exposition Building, mid but J. H. Grant, Tror, Pa. II. Cowell A Co.,C'ltts kally, as a counter irritant, and inteknali y as an ments, have contributed a fund for print ime to consult. It was agreed upon that. butcners stock 8 504 IU. one block from the Wa ash Avenue nnu State St.. G. W. Luce,, Ohio. laud, O. anodyne and he,.ler. Also for f rexh wounds, having ing and disseminating a speech delivered remembering his fondness for the cup that lines of liorse Kailway, 1 a lug to al; parts of the A. Lowell. Portland. Me. O. H. Fo.'d, It w Hoveu titted it, eneciaily on the cms, bruises and strains by Senator Sherman, March Gth, upon the ci'5 rnd 10 plares ot auiu.einent. It J. M. Bennett, Zai f.vilie,; Ct. 1 received iu the terrible c. amity at the Central cheers, be should be seated between two Milwankeo Market. hns 250 large and eleg ntly furnis cd rooms, with Ohio. Nicholls A lsenti. To- - ouutixt Church, June 23. 1K71. In behalf of sll national finances. f the strongest drinkers aud be ulied with M '.Wii KEt. March 23 all modern improvements, including Tufi's Passen- A. L. Burtank, Worces ledo. Ohio. are good, aud 1 ger r. C. U. GAUHhhT, tiilnps which trnly useful. subscribe Wheat Lower: clot ing firm; 104 V cash; 1 04S K'ewt Proprietor. ter. Mate. Geo. Embry, Morrow, O yours, 11. A. wine until he became unconscious. The 1 BANK ENTWOBTH, hn 1 Clerk. W. S. Tnylor, Utica, New Bills, N mysell, Fratuiuiilly iicv. siztn. GALES EAST, April ; 1 May: 3, "88. G. Canandaipua, HEAV7 IN THE dinner went on merrily and wine poured No York. Y. Worti. Corn tuiet; 46 Evans A Manning, Bing- - Y. RENNE'S MAGI'J OIL down every throat without limit,Saulsbury Oats Steady; S2;j. Cambridge, N. i a purely vegetable and general family remedy. cf Lives and Property. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, bamton, N. V. D. B. Buell to . Hart loss holding his own and keeping a lively head Rye 9H. Dunlap A Man- - . i Keep it iu the bouse to utfi Hi raxe of emergency. Barley Baker, ford, Ct. Try it internally. It cures Cliolera Morbus, Ijiar- - umil midnight, when, to the intense dis- a. chesur, N. U. ,C. Wyman, St. Alban rhoea. Pains in the Stomach, Indigestion, Coughs, New York, March 22. Eastern dis- aud disappointment of whole T. E. Dickinson, Buffalo, Vt. DAVID DON, Sore 1 hroat. Coins, &e. gust the N.Y. W. Kirk, W Wlusteo patches are filled with accounts of the re George W. le West Illinois Street, ROCK ISLAND, Use it externally. It cures. Cattarh, Ppainx,Cuts, party, the council broke up, the unsuspici American Dickinson,1 Ct. Bruises, Old Sor s. Headache, Toothache, and in cent cale, reporting the loss ot numerous Tlie Great Institute Ashtabcla. O. John B. Morris.. (l r!n ous Democrat staying as late as the latest (ession of 1N75I swanled to a S fact almost all the sches and pains fleoh is heir to. vessels with, is letred, mauy lives. Fir Weld Brcs., Lockport, N. nati, O. it and leaving with the last. The facetious the Triumph Triis Company the W Hold by all dealers in Med cine. . x. . Tvler. Scranton House, in of J premium .Vedal for the Ikst Elxs-ti- c Join WM. KENNE & SONS, I'rop're, PittsEeld, Mass The Old Orchard course aspects of the j ke have leaned out and Baillette A Weld, Water- - Pa. Truss on Exhibition. loo, erection on Orchard Beach, was blown H Iowa. I. H. Grant. Trov. N. V THLOST PERFECT MADL both parties are discussing Saulabury s Patronize the TKICM f TRUSS Carpenter A Bro., Bur-.- P. Kilburn, Curry. USE RENNE'S down. Loss heavy. baptism into Republicanism. and TRIUMPit RUnXRECUKE, llngton, lowa. Pa. PAIN KILLING Ho 334 Bowrey, Hew Tork Fergosun A Ciapp, Indianapolis, Ind. h REDUCING WAGES IU THE EAST. Aiid a large number ol others tbrotrghout th What Shall Le Expsctsd of Wires? Unbed Stau-s-. For further particulars, auk j obi OI3L, wstchmaiir to see them, or (iddiess MAGIC The Operatives Bsfaie to Work. Frain the Boston Journal, The Triumph Truss Comp'y O.UINCUE A KRCGLEB, Hen, Wcm?n and Children, " All ye Ask no advance payment for curing ruptures, and W hi.i. sal - Agents in Some husbands do not wake their any case they the United States, Salesroon Van wchaack, Stevenson Reid, Wholesale Ag'ts N. March 22. Re offer $1,000 reward for 15 Maidett ine. New Yik. Chicago, 1 Is. Fcr sale in Rock Ixland by O. Grot- - Great Falls, II.. financial a flairs a topical home, aud some cannot cure. duction of per cent, in wages, first-clas- Jan, and H. iJreunert. 12i at the better halves know less of their husbands They employ a s Lady Snrzeon. Their Cor. Chambers St.. and Wt sttBroacwa woolen mills, went into tffdct yesterday. affairs than they do of their neighbors'. chief Suiveon has had 81 years' anfalllng suceessl On the European Plan. . NEW YORK and the weavers left in a body, refusing to Examinations and advice confidential and free. N. A c. J. HUOGI8. Prop JOHN STEPHENSON Some weeks sioce a lady was informed of Orders filled by mail. Send 10 cents for their New & CU FULTON work. her husbaod s suspension by readiug the Book, to Paor. W. H. BU iKHAM, Chief Surgeon. Jit- - Bell Foundry. Tne Committee Report Against Sana, announcement in a paper which she acci SxTABLISUED 1832. Washington, March 21. The foreign dentally to.ik up in a store while waiting to I Cbnrcb. School, relations committee reported back the have an order filled. hether it was GEO. J. MACEY, Fire-Alar- m pride ' secrecy mw I & College, Domination of Kicbard II. Dana, Jr., to ba or fear that prompted he expected (Successor to Daniel Barclar, sisynsiia iH iixoi an Kinas. minister to England, with the recommend cannot be stated, but what can be t:hime Bells made to or iroiu wives io the way of if 11ANCFAI Tl UFfi Of STYLES der. Send for Circulars atiOD that it be not confirmed. It was true tc IiIFFliT to A. FULTON'S SON & placed on calendar with the they are only tilent partners in the matri- CO , Ul 1st & 70 d Ave., the advere Metal and Wood in report for further consideration. monial copartnership? In 1857 a large OF PlTTBBUBGH, PA. jewelry firm sold a cosily set ofjewtls to a BXTECHERXSM XJT IOWA. lady, i he ftrui knew that her husband ! It-- was in a failing condition, but the lady had SHOW CASES . tagK Rnpture in a German Lutheran Cbnrcb. in been a long and profitable customer. Davenport. When the partner nrdered his clerk not to .. Manafaatrertctg - - I 1 ft if I k IL t' tmt m BttV T.fl V lit t sasn fl charge the set which had been delivered, STBEE1-OAR- - r ' Fptcuil diepatchto (fit St. Loui Republican. but to make a memorandum on the blot- i Davenport, Io., March J 8. There is ter, he paid the lady's integrity a high AN cfONE 1876. GASIEi! CALEHCZIl. 1876. p THIRD IS ,,SAVED,, n fa a Beech er case in the German Lutheran compliment. When her husband failed Contains descriptive and price list of Vegetable, jewelery m quantity, by their perfect purity and great and Grax Seed, Plants, Bnlbs, Novelties, church here. Some time ago there was the came back with a uote Flower - mrength; the only kinds made by a prac- lilt I'VITV tlAl'L HCUUlBlia. DraUUIUlIT II- division in the membership of the church couched iu such terms that the dealer only . bend two 8 ct. stinips tor postage. a would 141 tical Chemist - on of acts of the pastor, who regretted that ciit of the set be State .CHICAGO. and Physician, with scientific . HENKY A:DRfcER. account the Street...... THE B1EV0DHT HOUSE care to insure uniformity, healthfulness, deli 714 Che tnut St . Philadelphia. was accused of very improper intimacy construed as an insult. 37"Send lor Pr(ce LnUs.. cacy and freedom from all injurious Bubstan-ce-s. with a young lady of the church. In con They are far superior to the common equence, he was forced to resign. 1 lie TUB EXJBOPEAIT PLAN.. Greatest Discovery ol the Age. Uadisoa Street, between adulterated kinds. Obtain the genuine. Ob-t- who succeeded him took up the Clark and laJalle Streets not a Oye No Sediment. tastor CHICAGO, ILL, Trade Marks as aWe, ' Cre-.- m " Ma Stains No Poisons. ouarrel and now there is trouble of the Baking Povydei, The Brevoort. wl ich has heen reer-ntl-c fnmUh "JIand and Cornucopia." week; nas tu-- ThnftX worst kind. For a controversy in the elegant sy . Is the finest Europe e Buy the Bilking Powder ; only in rar.s securely XLM A HIT .Rrffinerfectlv harmless and heen carried ou in the columns' rf the Hotel In the city. Is tiluuled fa tie very bean of it. labelled. Many have been deceived in loose the business tenter, offers especial advantages toper i5nly.EtfctualArticefor r German papers, and such terms as liar, ;. or 1 .1,-.- sons si Ing the bulk Powder sold as Dr. Price's, lTlairt natura cm .4 t city, either for buMUess or plea, swindler aud seduoer are applied to the ore. tiooms 1 to 1.50 per dav. ilanufactured onlv bv f P and condition of the Hair..' r. . - Pv Address, Geo. wm. pastor and some of the members. The H.M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. STEELE & IjULrllClIIU southwtcfc W H. Ghat, Chief Clerk. PRICE, Post OBosBc 188 H.Y. . quarrel will probably church. Chicago, Hi. Loui and Cincinnati disrupt the W. K, fcn li, Csihisr, 47 MtTwentV:Svsak U Nt. Trk,