The Real Natives
‘Real Natives’ A Study of the History of Oyster Fishing in Chichester Harbour for the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Dr Ian Friel MA, PhD, FSA © Ian Friel 2020 Oysters - a once-common food Poor food for friars ‘Give me then of thy gold, to make our cloister’, Quoth he, ‘for many a mussel and many an oyster ‘When other men have been full well at ease ‘Hath been our food, our cloister for to raise’ Geoffrey Chaucer, The Summoner’s Tale, c 1387-88 A Chichester bet In 1813 a man named Martin from Dell Quay Mill and another named Fogden from Donnington met at Chalkright’s fishmonger shop in South Street, Chichester, to settle a bet as to who could eat the most oysters: ‘in a short time each swallowed four hundred large ones’ until Martin called for a halt. Fogden agreed, as long as Martin paid for the oysters. They then went to the King’s Head for a glass of brandy, followed by an eel pie supper at Martin’s house. Ipswich Journal, 11 December 1813, p 1 The London Oyster Season opens: Billingsgate Fishmarket, August 1835: ‘At an early hour a scene of unusual bustle and confusion was apparent. Not less than 5,000 persons were in waiting to be served with the ‘real natives’, while the streets in the vicinity were blocked up with every species of locomotive vehicle to convey the oysters to the various quarters of the metropolis. There were no less than fifty sail of vessels in front of Billingsgate laden with oysters, chiefly from the Kentish coast.
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