Memo (Agenda August 2021)

To: Parish Councillors cc: Nigel Jupp (County Councillor) & Toni Bradnum (District Councillor) From: Sarah Hall Date: 12th August 2021 (week commencing 1st August 2021)


I have outlined below a number of recent developments for your information. (1) Planning Applications Issued Number Applicant & Reason Consultation NPC Meeting Closes

(2) Delegated Decisions (Email Consultations) Number Applicant & Reason Consultation Councillor Closes

(3) HDC Decisions Number Applicant & Reason Comment to HDC HDC Decision

(4) Applications going to Planning Committee (North) Number Applicant & Reason Comment to HDC HDC Recommendation

(5) Enforcement Numbers Number Nature of Complaint HDC Action

(6) Appeals Number Applicant & Reason PIanning Inspectorate

Community Speed Watch Data

Town/Parish Council Report for Nuthurst Parish Speedwatch Group Reporting between 01-08-2021 and 08-08-2021

Current Volunteers = 22 Summary for this Period Number of Sessions this period = 0 Total Vehicles exceeding limit = 0 DVLA Valid vehicles = 0 Accuracy = n/a Police Actions this Period Overall My group started Recording* on = 30-05-2019 Number of Sessions since start date = 76 Vehicles recorded exceeding limit since start date = 377 Maximum Speed recorded in 30 limit = 49 mph(+63%) Maximum Speed recorded in 40 limit = 60 mph(+50%)

Tympe Location Traffic Heading Recorded Letters Vehicles Percent Totals 0 0

Website Analytical Data Correspondence

Email dated 07.08.2021 from CAGNE Members of Parliament confirms attendance CAGNE Communities Against Gatwick Noise and Emissions The umbrella aviation community and environment group for Sussex, Surrey and Kent Tel 07831 632537

An invitation to Sussex, Surrey, Kent, and beyond youth concerned about a sustainable greener future

Green Member of Parliament confirms attendance at Thursday 11th November virtual meeting hosted by the Youth Cabinet.

Caroline Lucas will be attending and speaking at the virtual meeting that starts at 7pm. All youngsters from Sussex, Surrey, Kent and beyond are invited to attend to discuss ‘Concerns of future generations’ in relation to the climate emergency and airport expansion plans, in particular Gatwick Airport.

The talk forms part of the CAGNE ‘Time is Ticking’ series of FREE talks that started in June and run through November during the COP 26 climate event with world leaders discussing a reduction in emissions.

Caroline Lucas Green MP for Brighton Pavilion said: “Aviation has long been a battleground in the struggle between a liveable future and one in which people’s lives and livelihoods, and the planet on which we all depend, risk devastation.”

This talk will be chaired by Daisy Watson of WS Youth Cabinet with Friends of the Earth speaker also in attendance who specialises in climate issues and youth activities.

The meeting will cover topics such as apprenticeships in green industries; environmental and conservation topics being included in the school curriculum; and changing attitudes towards sustainable forms of transport when it comes to reducing carbon and global warming – should we be flying whilst planes burn fossil fuel?

Full details of the talks can be found here at

The Thursday 11th November youth meeting can be booked here -

Est Feb 2014 [email protected] #pledgetoflyless 3 Twitter @cagne_gatwick Facebook CAGNE Instagram @CAGNE ______

Email dated 07.08.2021 from Sussex Police Alert – Vaccine Passport Scams

Alert - Vaccine Passport Scams

Action Fraud has received over 700 reports from members of the public about fake emails purporting to be from the NHS. The emails claim to be able to provide people with a “digital passport” that “proves you have been vaccinated against COVID-19”. These emails are fake, and the links within them lead to genuine-looking websites that steal your personal and financial information.

How to protect yourself: In the UK, coronavirus vaccines will only be available via the National Health Services of England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. You can be contacted by the NHS, your employer, a GP surgery or pharmacy local to you, to receive your vaccine. Remember, the vaccine is free of charge. At no point will you be asked to pay.

• The NHS will never ask you for your bank account or card details. • The NHS will never ask you for your PIN or banking passwords. • The NHS will never arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine. • The NHS will never ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of personal documents such as your passport, driving licence, bills or pay slips. • Your vaccination status can be obtained for free through the official NHS app, NHS website, or by calling the NHS on 119.

How to report scams:

If you receive a call you believe to be fraudulent, hang up. If you are suspicious about an email you have received, you can report it by forwarding the email to: [email protected]. Suspicious text messages can also be reported by forwarding them to the number: 7726 (it’s free of charge). 4

If you believe you are the victim of a fraud, please report this to Action Fraud as soon as possible by calling 0300 123 2040 or visiting

Message Sent By Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)


Email dated 06.08.2021 from Sussex Police Increased fraud dangers highlighted

Yesterday Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), published their latest review into police handling of fraud, having made 16 recommendations for improvement in their earlier 2019 inspection.

The report shows that despite fraud being the crime which will affect the most people, victims are “still receiving a poor service from the police and are denied justice” with fraud too often treated “as a low priority or victimless crime”.

Inspector Matt Parr said in the report: ”The scale of fraud has not diminished – in fact it has increased during the pandemic – and it needs to become more of a priority for police forces.”

In Sussex, the force set up Operation Signature to combat fraud and scams with a particular focus on protecting the more vulnerable and elderly. My office funds two Victim Support Fraud Case Workers who have been very successful in preventing victims being re-targeted and helping them change banking details for example.

Unfortunately, fraudsters are getting more sophisticated and a succession of lockdowns and vulnerable people shielding in isolation have provided more potential targets.


My focus groups and community consultations are picking up that families are fearful for their elderly relatives. However, with younger people living increasingly digital lives they are at greater risk from cyber-crime and fraud despite their comfort with technology platforms and social media.

Residents want to see the toughest sanctions for thoughtless and selfish drivers

Sussex Police is determined to make our roads safer and this week the force released details of 12 of the 26 people who have so far been convicted of drink and drug driving out of 279 arrested in mid-June to mid-July. Police made 79 of those arrests during their intervention at an unauthorised rave on the South Downs near Steyning in late June.

Operation Dragonfly runs alongside the year-round policing of our roads network which has seen some dangerous and utterly irresponsible drivers during and after lockdown, including one person in court this week for reaching speeds of 200mph.

There was a huge outpouring of public anger recently over a lorry driver seen on his own cab camera texting on 42 separate occasions and driving with no hands on the wheel before ploughing his truck into a broken-down van and other vehicles, causing serious injuries.

My postbag is full of furious residents who want to see thoughtless and selfish drivers face the harshest possible sanctions and I wholeheartedly agree with them. I met members of the Roads Policing Unit at HQ this week and it was reassuring to hear how focused and committed they are to take dangerous and drink and drug drivers off our roads.

Katy Bourne OBE, Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner



Email dated 06.08.2021 from WSCC West Sussex recycles: Summer BBQs and Picnics, Recycling Reminders and more


Plastic Free July; Swaps Are Here to Stay July is over but West Sussex residents are still working on being green and saying goodbye to single-use plastic every day.

Here are a few of our favourite new swaps we learnt this July:

• Did you know you can get highlighter pencils? These can be found in stationary shops, last longer than regular plastic highlighter pens and don’t dry out. • Lining bathroom bins with newspaper or magazine pages rather than plastic liners. • Using matches rather than plastic lighters. • As weddings are back on we have been using plant confetti instead of plastic confetti which straight away litters the ground and could be eaten by small animals.

What swaps have you made that you'll be keeping for the rest of the year? Head on over to our social media and let us know - we are on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Summer BBQs and Picnics - Remember Recycling! If you follow West Susses Recycles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter you will see our summer campaign, explaining which common packaging items at picnics and BBQs can and cannot be recycled.

This includes reminders that as long as they are clean, dry, and loose, plastic meat trays, plastic pots, sauce bottles and fruit punnets can all be placed in the recycling bin at home. These plastic items are


frequently forgotten about when it comes to recycling, and are often found in the general waste.

If you want further clarification on what can be placed in the recycling bin check out the below yes and no list, or see our website A to Z.


Food for Thought Did you know if food waste were a country, it would have the third biggest carbon footprint after the USA and China?

The 9th August kicks off National Allotments Week, which is followed by September’s Stand Up for Food Month. While some are in food poverty, many peoples food waste behaviours lead to wasting massive amounts of food.

For tips on batch cooking, using leftovers and creating shopping lists check out Love Food Hate Waste.

If you have excess or leftover food you can find details on ways to share and avoid your food going to waste by visiting the Food Rescue campaign over on our website. There is also composting information online, which includes details of our subsidised compost bins for West Sussex residents.

Sign up for our newsletter

Finally, we know that if you receive this email you are passionate about waste prevention and recycling.

If you find these emails helpful, why not share it with a friend and get them to subscribe to the West Sussex Recycles newsletter as well.

Help us spread the message and get more people on board to make West Sussex a strong, safe and sustainable place to live.

You can also like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date with the latest news and tips on waste reduction and recycling.


Email dated 06.08.2021 from NALC Chief Executives Bulletin

NALC National Network: Coastal Communities Those with a beach may be interested in this recent report on health in coastal communities by Professor Chris Whitty, chief medical officer. The report, amongst other things, calls for a national strategy on health and wellbeing in coastal communities and includes several case studies. We aim to get someone to talk about the report at the next National Network: Coastal Communities meeting on 16 September 2021 — register your FREE place today.

NALC Star Council Awards 2021 media coverage It's been a week since we announced this year's finalists, and we've seen some great media coverage in local papers. The West Bridgford Wire, Newbury Today, In Your Area, Business Cornwall, The Falmouth Packet, Farnham Herald, The Midsomer Norton & Radstock Journal, and the Shropshire Star all ran pieces to highlight the fantastic work the sector has and continues to do. We're encouraging all the finalists to contact their local newspapers and radio stations to let them know. Not only does this help raise the profile of the sector, but it lets your community know of all the excellent work being done. Find out more about the finalists, and don't forget to cast your vote to crown this year's Council of the Year.

NALC local election surveys Just a reminder that we have two surveys running for local (parish and town) councils and councillors on the 2021 local elections. The surveys will gather valuable insights and data on election support, social media, promotion, planning and resources, contested and uncontested seats, and help shape our future campaigns.

Keeping up-to-date with NALC news It's essential to ensure that members are kept up-to-date with the latest NALC news; this includes event announcements, job vacancies, LCR surveys, committee agendas and information, launching new guides and publications, meeting updates, and much more. There are few ways to do this, such as signing up to our mailing list and following us on Twitter and Facebook.

Pay negotiations update The National Employers have made a final offer to trades unions on this year's pay claim, which includes:

• With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 2.75 per cent on NJC pay point 1.


• With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.75 per cent on all NJC pay points 2 and above.

The trades unions will be consulting their members, with UNISON recommending rejecting the offer.

New blog by Scribe Accounts In our latest blog, our partner Scribe Accounts writes about grant funding opportunities for local councils. It covers the benefits of securing grant funding, what to consider when making an application, and the types of things grant funding can cover. Scribe has produced an A-Z of UK Grant Funding for Parish and Town Councils, which you can download for FREE from their website.

And finally... Meet one of the youngest councillors in England. Cllr Connor Winter, 18, has started carrying out his work for Bexhill's first town council since 1974. Read more about Cllr Winter in a feature in the Bexhill Observer, and if you think you have one of the youngest councillors on your council, let us know at [email protected].

Email dated 05.08.2021 from WSALC Rural Crime Monthly Update Link

Please see the latest Sussex Police Rural Crime Update by following this link: police/areas/campaigns/campaigns/.divisional-campaigns/rural-crime-team-monthly-update/

Kind regards, Anna

WSALC Limited Website 9 Pound Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1BX


Email dated 05.08.2021 from HDC Latest news: Our Reuse Hub is open, support for businesses as allergen laws change and Talking Tents events Information for residents fr om H orsham District C ouncil


Latest news and information

Reuse Hub opens in District Council, working in partnership with West Sussex County Council, has launched a trial for a new reuse initiative. The Reuse Hub opened its doors for the first time on 5 August 2021 and is the first of its kind for the Horsham District. Pre-loved items, such as hard and soft furniture that are in good condition, can be dropped off to the handy Reuse Hub which will be stationed in the Hop Oast Park and Ride Car Park, Horsham.

Read more

Support for businesses ahead of allergen labelling law change Our Environmental Health team is working with Food Standards Agency (FSA) to help support businesses to prepare for upcoming allergen labelling changes. On 1 October 2021, the law on allergen labelling for prepacked for direct sale (PPDS) foods will change. This means that any food business selling PPDS foods will have to include full ingredients on the product label with allergenic ingredients emphasised within that list.

Find out more


Our free Children's Fun Sessions are back at Horsham Park! We were overjoyed last week to welcome back Steve Day, magician and puppeteer, to Horsham Park's podium. Steve's magic and puppet show was this summer's first act of the ever-popular free children's fun sessions which have started up again. It was wonderful to hear the laughter of children again after so many months. The sessions are every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2pm and 3.15pm in the school holidays, and are held on the Podium in Horsham Park next to Kaya Cafe. Each show lasts around 45 minutes.

Find out more

Take the Healthwatch survey on loneliness and isolation The effects of loneliness and isolation at any time and at any age can be devastating, but as a result of the pandemic, the sheer volume of people suffering the emotional and mental health effects of loneliness and isolation has dramatically increased across a broad range of age groups. Our Voluntary Sector Support team are promoting a new survey to help shape community provision and access to services which will provide better support to residents who are suffering the effects of loneliness and isolation. Findings of the survey will also help facilitate additional funding applications to help more residents of all ages.

Read more


Look out for the Neighbourhood Wardens Talking Tents sessions Come along and talk to the Neighbourhood Wardens who will be able to signpost you to specific services. Look out for the branded gazebos. Plus, there will be free stress-buster give-aways! Youth workers from Sussex Clubs for Young People will also be at some sessions. Taking place across the District, the open sessions provide parents and young people an opportunity to chat about any issues they're having, no matter how big or small.

View schedule

New walkway panels in Horsham showcase highlights of the District Vibrant new walkway panels have been installed in Horsham’s Albion Way underpass showcasing the heritage and attractions of Horsham District’s different market towns. The panels have been designed to complement a series of short films and podcasts celebrating the Horsham District.

Read more


Stay connected

Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL


Email dated 04.08.2021 from CAGNE August Forum News

August Forum News

NCF and NEX - The Gatwick Airport Noise Forums The NEX is looking for a new county or district council member. Terms of Reference for two studies put forward by noise groups on the NCF and NEX. These were not supported by the Forum or CAGNE due to the geographical imbalance of representation on these noise forums. The Forum input was to seek a more balanced airspace approach to the ToR for FED (fair and equitable dispersal) – Gatwick has never been able to provide this before due to airspace restrictions and incentives by CAA 3Di. ToR here 6c47-1adc-994f- 39d6f4af16af/FED_4.8.21_Technical_steering_group_Terms_of_Reference_ILS_MJP_at _night_Incorporating_accepted_changes_from_NEX_Ad_Hoc.pdf The Secretary of State Noise Abatement Procedure study potentially will impact residents close to the runway at night if it is found that the 10nm restriction is to be removed. This currently gives residents impacted by Gatwick at very low heights by


multiple routes some respite. ToR here 4d7d-9c6d-10c7- 27d5150842e6/Technical_steering_group_Terms_of_Reference_ILS_MJP_at_night_Inco rporating_accepted_changes_from_NEX_Ad_Hoc.pdf No news on the progression of 'wheels down early study' that increases noise by 3-5dBs for those close to the runway. GATCOM now has two Kent County Councillors on it..... see council roundup below.

The New CAA SoNA (Survey of Noise Attitudes) reports are described as

'disappointing'. CAGNE summaries here with links to full reports -

Here are the links to the government’s recent consultations on net zero - Transport decarbonisation plan for cleaner air, healthier communities, and tens of thousands of new green jobs - the government seek to continue to allow aviation to grow with taxpayers subsidies. Other consultations that need your attention such as the government night noise consultation - deadline 3rd September - click here.

Council Round-up - Click here

Rebuilding the emergency runway as a second runway – GATCOM exchanges with Secretary of State – making best use of current facilities is not rebuilding the emergency runway as a second runway. Currently both runways cannot be used in unison as it is unsafe to do so. Growth of the main runway does will not need scrutiny as the Minister states Here - 981a- d482dbe51493/FinalResponseFinal_response_to_MC_Chapter_ID_353042.pdf..pdf

The CAGNE latest Environmental newsletter – Click here - Time is Ticking Talks




Email dated 04.08.2021 from HALC HALC Agenda

HORSHAM DISTRICT ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS Agenda for a Meeting to be held remotely by Zoom on Wednesday 4th August 2021 at 7.00pm ------

1. Welcome, attendance and apologies Chairman

2. Approval of HALC Meeting Minutes of AGM dated Chairman 29/4/21

5 minutes 3. Appointment of Anna Beams as Chairman new HALC Secretary

5 minutes 4. HALC Membership Fee invoicing Chairman

15 minutes 5. Update on HDC Local Plan Chairman & Vice-Chair following Chairmans’ letter and Meeting with Leader of HDC

10 minutes 6. HALC Climate Emergency Group Chairman & Sally Pavey

5 minutes 7. HALC Constitution Review Chairman & Vice-Chair

5 minutes 8. HALC Year End Accounts Susie Fischel

10 minutes 9. Gatwick Airport Presentations Ian Hare 10 minutes • Association of Parish Councils Sally Pavey Aviation Group (APCAG)

• Communities Against Gatwick Noise Emissions (CAGNE)

10 minutes 10. WSALC Board feedback on issues Donald Mahon

5 minutes 11. County Council Meetings Donald Mahon


10 minutes 12. Outside Body Member Reports Members & Chairman (Chief Constable meeting) 15 minutes 13. Members Issues All

14. Date of next meeting - via Zoom or face to face


Email dated 03.08.2021 from NALC NALC Newsletter

NALC holds young councillors network

NALC held its first National Network: Young

Councillors meeting on 26 July 2021, which featured

three of England's youngest councillors.

Devolution consultation A new consultation on the National Resilience

Strategy is available — log in and visit the devolution

section of the consultation webpage.

New blog by Scribe Accounts In our latest blog, Scribe Accounts break down grant

funds and give you an A-Z list of the UK's

popular grant funders.

Levelling up the enviroment NALC has added a new online event on levelling up

the environment through biodiversity net gain, taking

place on 27 October 2021 — register your place.


Making rural housing more affordable NALC has added a new online event on making rural

housing more affordable to its calendar, taking place

on 17 November 2021 — register your place.

Future Communities 2021 NALC's ground-breaking one-day online conference,

Future Communities 2021, takes place on 2

December 2021 — register your place.

Email dated 03.08.2021 from HDC Licencing Committee (Leonardslee) New Items of Interest from Horsham District Council

Tuesday, 3rd August, 2021, 2.55 pm - Minutes published: Meeting of Wednesday, 21st July, 2021 10.00 am, Licensing Committee.

This item matches your subscribed committee "Licensing Committee"

View this item on the web site


Email dated 03.08.2021 from HDC Parks & Countryside: Summer Roundup


Parks and countryside News and information

Triumphant return for kids entertainers It was so lovely to hear the laughter of some of our younger residents, who this week enjoyed the return of the ever popular Children’s Fun Sessions to Horsham Park. Magician extraordinaire, Steve Day was the first to return after last year’s shows had to be cancelled. Taking place every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2pm and 3.15pm through the summer holidays, each show lasts approximately 45 minutes. Held on the Park Podium in Horsham Park next to Kaya Cafe, these shows are free so everyone can simply turn up and enjoy. These Children’s Fun Sessions are part of a wider calendar of events that have taken place in the park throughout the summer. After a difficult year it has been wonderful to see people of all ages come together and return to some semblance of normality.

Find out more

Seabirds successfully breed at Warnham LNR If you have visited Warnham Local Nature Reserve over the past few weeks you will have undoubtedly heard the harsh calls of the nesting Common Terns.

The species usually breed on shingle beaches and coastal rocky islands but are now becoming established occasionally on inland water bodies. Artificial rafts such as those found at Warnham mimic the effect of a shingle island and if small fish are plentiful then these beautiful elegant birds have all they need to raise a brood of young. This year we had two pairs using our man-made rafts and they have successfully hatched five young. They are very noisy in their colonies and, like most terns, will attack intruders threatening their nests such as gulls or herons. The adults will soon be heading back to southern Africa to their wintering grounds before being followed by their offspring a few weeks later.

Visit Warnham LNR

Horsham Park Pond Project – Phase One works begin 20

From summer 2021 until spring 2022 we are undertaking essential maintenance work to improve the health of Horsham Park Pond. As well as being a popular visitor attraction, Horsham Park Pond is an attenuation pond. This means it gathers excess surface water, alleviating pressure and capturing pollutants that may otherwise enter the River Arun. The pond has now become heavily silted which reduces its capacity for storage. In addition, the sluice requires repair. The project will include the dredging and excavation of silt that will be deposited in the park, near to the pond for a period of at least nine months to dry out. All works will be undertaken with as little physical impact and long-term effect on the park as possible. Phase one of the work starts in early August and includes selectively removing trees to allow more light in and opening up viewpoints; as well as clearing a shrub area on the western side of the pond with a view to re-landscaping. The main construction phase will begin in early September.

Find out more

Summer trial for the paddling beach at SCP This summer a new trial system has been introduced at Southwater Country Park with a view to providing a more enjoyable experience for visitors using the paddling beach area.

Visitors are being asked to book a free 90-minute session on the beach area and there are four time slots throughout the day. A lovely spot for a paddle and a picnic, the beach has become increasingly popular in recent summers and taking bookings is a way to help everyone enjoy the area safely in what we are expecting to be an exceptionally busy year as many people holiday at home.

Booking is quick and easy using our online system and sessions can be pre-booked or booked on arrival at the park if there is space. Our on-site team are happy to help and will always try and accommodate all our visitors if there is space.

Find out more


Reedbed created as the Shelley Garden springs to life Our Countryside wardens made quick work of planting up the newly created reedbed at Warnham Local Nature Reserve. The fresh bed is part of the new Shelley-inspired garden and it has been designed to integrate the new Discovery Hub building into the wetland landscape.

And finally, we celebrated Love Parks Week (23rd July - 1st August) by asking our residents what they love about our Districts Parks and Open Spaces.

We would like to thank everyone who took part and here are just a handful of the great responses we got.


Stay connected

Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL


Email dated 03.08.2021 from Sussex Police Horsham Weekly News and Appeals

Horsham Weekly News and Appeals

Officer and PCSO Patrols Our neighbourhood policing team were out and about in the last week. Just one of the events they went to was the Community Safety Event on Saturday 31st July with the Horsham District Neighbourhood Wardens.

If you would like to speak to your local neighbourhood team, please email them on [email protected] – please note, this email address is not for reporting crime.

News and appeals Witnesses sought to Horsham collision


Police are appealing for witnesses to a serious injury collision involving a car and a motorcycle in Horsham.

Officers were called to Brighton Road around 4pm on Monday, July 19 following the collision involving a motorcycle and a black Volkswagen.

The motorcyclist – a 65-year-old man – suffered serious injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment. He has since been discharged and is continuing his recovery at home.

A 36-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and driving a motor vehicle with a proportion of a specific controlled drug above the specified limit. She has been released under investigation while enquiries continue.

Officers investigating the collision are appealing for any witnesses to come forward, particularly anyone who may have captured any relevant dash cam footage.

Anyone with information is asked to report online or by calling 101 quoting serial 970 of 19/07. horsham-collision/

Sussex Police secures more than £500,000 extra funding to tackle serious violence

The Sussex Violence Reduction Partnership has been successful in their bids for more than £500,000 of additional funding to help support the county’s most vulnerable young people and combat the root causes of violent crime. This takes the total amount of additional funding for tackling serious violence in Sussex to just under £2million.


The Violence Reduction Partnership – a multi-agency group which identifies and tackles the root causes of violent crime involving young people – has been awarded £518,862 of additional Government funding for two programmes aimed at reducing young people’s risk and vulnerability to serious violence.

An investment of £228,084 will fund the continuation of the SWITCH programme, a youth mentoring service delivered by Albion in the Community (AITC), the official charity of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club.

SWITCH provides independent mentoring for young care leavers who are victims of exploitation, at risk of falling into criminality or already perpetrators of violent crime. Young adults aged between 17 and 25 are offered immediate support if they are taken into custody, preparing to leave care or are brought to the attention of local authorities due to a violent incident.

This extra funding will also support the project to work with A&E departments and GPs to increase the number of referrals from these settings.

Detective Superintendent Stu Hale said: “Tackling the root causes of violent crime in our county is a key priority for Sussex Police, and central to this is working with our partner agencies on early intervention with young people.

“This additional funding will allow us to continue to provide targeted support to those who need it most and help change the course of hundreds of young people’s lives before vulnerability turns into criminality.

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne said: “I’m delighted that our Violence Reduction Unit has been awarded additional funding as this will expand upon the real difference it is already making for vulnerable young people in Sussex. “The programmes offered are helping tackle the issues at the heart of much of the violent crime within our county, making it a safer place for us all. They are also making a meaningful improvement to the lives of those involved, giving them the chance of a brighter, crime-free future.” TO READ THE FULL STORY, PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK OR GO TO OUR WEBSITE. than-500000-extra-funding-to-tackle-serious-violence/

Witness appeal after teenager robbed at knifepoint in Horsham

Police are appealing for witnesses after a teenager was robbed at knifepoint in a Horsham park.

Officers were called to a public space opposite Horsham Railway Station at around 9.25pm on


Tuesday (July 27) to reports of a robbery.

The victim - a 15-year-old boy - reported being approached by two men brandishing a large, bladed article who took several of his belongings.

They then made off towards the railway station.

Anyone who was in the area around the time of the incident and saw anything that could help officers with their enquiries is asked to report online or by calling 101, quoting serial 1493 of 27/07. Motorists who passed through the area are also asked to check if they have any dash- cam footage that could assist with the investigation.

Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. teenager-robbed-at-knifepoint-in-horsham/

Help us keep Sussex safe

If you saw or heard anything, or have any information about any incident in this message please contact us online, email us at [email protected] or call 101, quoting the reference number provided.

Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or online at

Links and attachments: Sussex Police will only ever link you to secure Websites we trust. We will only send you attachments where we believe it is absolutely necessary.

Message Sent By Adur, Worthing & Horsham (Police, District Engagement Officer, Sussex) ______

Email dated 02.08.2021 from HDC Health and Wellbeing August Newsletter rong & Steady course | War den Dr op-in | Get Active T asters | Getting Outdoors


Health and Wellbeing August 2021

Strong and Steady If you're aged 65+ and would like to improve your strength, balance and mobility our free Strong and Steady course might be for you. The 8 week course aims to build your confidence in a friendly and supportive environment, taking you through a series of low impact exercises to keep you strong and steady on your feet. Before joining a course everyone is invited for an assessment to make sure the course is suitable. Our next assessments are taking place in August (at The Wellbeing Centre in Horsham) with the courses starting on Tuesday 28 September at The Bridge, Broadbridge Heath. If you or anyone you know might be concerned about wobbling, tripping or stumbling, contact us today!

Contact us

New to exercise? We still have spaces left for our Get Active Taster sessions this month. Choose from Pilates or Legs Bums Tums, perfect to try before you commit to a 10 week course. All sessions are held in our Wellbeing Centre and you can book your place through EventBrite.

Book Here


10 week beginner courses starting in September! If you're ready to commit to a 10 week exercise course, these might be for you! Pilates- Mon 13 Sept 2021 6.30pm - 7.15pm at The Wellbeing Centre Legs Bums Tums- Tues 14 Sept 2021 6.30pm-7.15pm at St Andrews Church Hall, Road, Roffey

Enquiry Form

(All courses are subject to eligibility criteria.)

WOW! If you're struggling with your weight, our Weight Off workshops could be the answer! Our popular 12 week course focuses on weight loss, physical and emotional wellbeing, and making sustainable lifestyle improvements. Let us help you reach your goals!

Available dates;

Tuesday 14 September 2021 at 6pm Online Friday 17 September 2021 at 11.30am at Thakeham Village Hall Spaces are limited so register your interest now!

Enquiry Form


Neighbourhood Wardens Based within the community, our neighbourhood wardens work alongside partner agencies to improve the quality of life for everyone and promote community unity and flexibility. The wardens undertake a number of activities and help the community in various ways including, providing a reassuring, uniformed patrolling presence, reducing incidents of criminal damage and antisocial behaviour, supporting vulnerable members of the community by preventing isolation and offering advice on crime prevention and fire safety in the home. Come and have a chat with them at their first drop-in session with us, Tuesday 10th August 10am-11:30am at the Wellbeing Centre.

App of the Month Cycle to work day Our app of the month is the NHS Worry 5 August Tree. Why not get more active by taking part in The Worry Tree app is used to record Cycle to Work Day! whatever you feel worried about. It uses cognitive behavioural therapy It doesn’t matter if you haven’t cycled in (CBT) techniques to help you notice and years or have never cycled at all, give it a go challenge your worries. It can also help you and have fun. create an action plan for managing worry. All the cycling action will be happening via We all have worries and sometimes it can be the Love to Ride online community. You easy to think that they will go away on their can sign up with Facebook, Strava or simply own, but when they persist the Worry Tree by entering your details, and then connect a app could help you make better sense of smartphone app so you can log your rides. your worries and challenge them by learning to understand and control them. There's also also seven weekly cycling challenges. If you want to take part just log 29

If you're feeling anxious or stressed, take your ride on Love to Ride and you will be early action by using the app so they don't entered into a draw to win some great prizes. persist. You can also try talking to others and seeking help if you feel you need more support to help make sense of any negative Find out more emotions you might be experiencing.


Make the most of the outdoors As schools are breaking up for the summer time, not everyone will be going on holidays so it's great to be reminded of how nature and being outdoors can benefit you and your family. Try some of these ideas below; • Spending time in nature has been found to help with mental health and reduce stress. Head to your local park or woods and take time to look more closely at the nature on your doorstep. • If you were a visitor for the day what outdoor spot would you head to? What pictures would you take? What would you write in a postcard? Navigate around and find out what's hiding locally to you. • Join the spirit of the Tokyo Olympics 2021 with Chil-led Out Olympics activities for children and families of all abilities. Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust Children's Healthy Lifestyle team have put together two weeks of fun physical activities and nutritious meals for you to try at home with your children! Can you compete? Visit the website for more!


Things to do If you need some inspiration or ideas for things to do this month, take a look at what's happening around Horsham.

Events in Horsham Park


Explore Warnham Nature Reserve

5 ways to Wellbeing Understanding what matters in our life and appreciating things around us has never been more important right now. With restrictions easing to nearly back to normality, we can start to take more notice as we finish the Summer months. Try some of our suggestions on how you can savour and reflect on everyday moments.

Take notice

What's going on at our Wellbeing Centre?

Monthly Drop-ins

Tuesday 10th August: Neighbourhood Wardens, 10am-11.30am. Thursday 12th August: Community Link Team, 10am-1pm. Thursday 26th August: Voluntary Sector Support, 10am-1pm.

Young Peoples' Mental Health Week

• Tuesday 3 August: Sexual Health Outreach, 1pm-4pm. • Wednesday 4 August: Sexual Health Outreach, 10am-1pm • Wednesday 4 August: Family Support Worker, 1pm-4pm. • Thursday 5 August: General drop-in 11am-3pm. • Friday 6 August: Sexual Health Outreach, 1pm-4pm.


Stay connected

Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL

[email protected]


Email dated 01.08.2021 from Sussex Police Your Child and Social Media

Your Child and Social Media


Your child and social media - Are they being true to themselves?

How does what your child sees and does on social media make them feel?

Take a minute to consider your feelings, as an adult, when you see some of the comments and images posted about themselves by other people on social media: “Why don’t I look that good?” “They’re slimmer/more toned/have a better tan than me.” “How can they afford that new car?” “Why haven’t we had a holiday for three years?” “She always seems to be having such a great time.”

Now, think about how your child might deal with and react to what they see on social media, bearing in mind their limited life experience and innate trust that what others say is true and balanced. They may feel dissatisfied, frustrated, envious or even angry, which could in turn affect their behaviour, mental wellbeing and even physical health.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise. The people your child sees on their social media platforms are their own friends, relatives and classmates, bands or, increasingly, influencers who specifically target your child’s age group. What they post are edited highlights of their lives, often aided by image filters.

For a young person, the need for validation, conformity and popularity can be very 33

strong, leading to vulnerability in the face of what they encounter every day on social media, often unbeknown to their parents.

Often the person posting about what a fantastic time they’re having, how good their exam results are or how wonderful they look, may be pushing their own negative feelings and experiences to one side. Behind the screen, who can tell? But this won’t help your child’s wellbeing, nor will it stop them feeling they need to behave in the same way online.

How to help your child be true to themselves on social media

This advice applies equally to platforms like video streaming and photo sharing sites, gaming platforms and chatrooms.

• Take social media seriously and never underestimate the part it plays in your child’s life. Remember that most children did not know the world pre social media. • Remember that images are very strong and can therefore be more believable – and memorable – to your child. • Take time to talk with your child, ensuring you really listen to what they’re telling you. Don’t marginalise their experiences. Ask how certain things they see online make them feel. Ask why ‘likes’ or ‘shares’ are important. Always be there to listen and be supportive and non-judgemental. • Suggest to your child that they think about social media more critically, such as whether they think images have been modified, and what was the real motive for posting the image or comment. • Explain that it’s better for your child to be accepted for their true self rather than a glorified or re-touched version. Lead by example on your own social sites, especially if your child has access to your social posts. • Explain why it’s important to think before they post, and that what goes online, stays online. • Ask if people that your child follows or befriends share their interests and values, or if they just want more followers or friends than everybody else. Ask if they actually like those people. • We learn by our mistakes. Explain that it’s OK to fail or be not perfect, and it’s also good to accept and be honest about it, including on social media. Talk about this in the context of your own failures or imperfections, but also your successes to provide motivation. • Praise your child, not only for successes but doing their best. This will help to increase their confidence and self-esteem and be true to themselves on social media. • Sometimes it’s good for your child to take a break from social media. This isn’t (and shouldn’t be positioned as) a punishment, but an opportunity to recharge. It can also provide a great chance to engage with friends in the real world again, especially as this has been so restricted during respective lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. • Practise what you preach. Consider your own social media activity and whether it sets a good or poor example. Minimise your own use when in the presence of your child … you’ll both love the quality time.

Get Safe Online

Get Safe Online is the UK’s leading source of information and advice on online safety and security, for the public and small businesses. It is a not-for- profit, public/private sector partnership backed by law enforcement agencies and leading organisations in internet security, banking and retail. 34

For more information and expert, easy-to-follow, impartial advice on safeguarding yourself, your family, finances, devices and workplace, visit

If you think you’ve been a victim of online fraud, report it to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre on 0300 123 20 40 or at In Scotland, report fraud to Police Scotland by calling 101.

Message Sent By Derek Pratt MBE (NWN, Administrator, Sussex)

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