CHICHESTER HARBOUR CONSERVANCY – PLANNING COMMITTEE A meeting of the Conservancy’s Planning Committee will be held at 10.30am on Monday 07 June 2021 at Eames Farm, Thorney Island. Richard Craven Director & Harbour Master For questions regarding this agenda please ask for Rosie Chase – email:
[email protected] AGENDA 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members and officers are reminded to make declarations of pecuniary or personal interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda and to make any declarations at any stage during the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered. 3. MINUTES Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12 April 2021 (page 1) 4. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS 4a. Paynes Boatyard Thornham Lane Southbourne PO10 8DD (page 9) 4b. Land at Apuldram House, Dell Quay Road, Dell Quay, Appledram, Chichester, West Sussex (page 16) 4c. Spinney Cottage Spinney Lane Itchenor PO20 7DJ (page 28) 5. PP19 HOUSEBOATS CONSULTATION To consider the report of the AONB Manager (page 37) 6. BEAUTY STILL BETRAYED: THE STATE OF OUR AONBS IN 2021 To consider the report of the AONB Manager (page 41) 7. TERMS OF REFERENCE To consider the report of the AONB Manager (page 60) Chichester Harbour Conservancy 01243 512301 The Harbour Office, Itchenor, Chichester,
[email protected] West Sussex PO20 7AW 8. CASE UPDATES To provide any verbal updates for Members on any cases currently being considered by the Local Planning Authorities. 9. TABLE OF DELEGATED ACTIONS To consider the report from the Principal Planning Officers (page 62) 10.