Bibliography of British Columbia
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PREPARED BY GAIL EDWARDS, MLS, PHD BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS AFFLECK, Edward L., John C. Pollack, and Wendy Bouliane. Historic Shipwrecks of the West Kootenay District, British Columbia. Vancouver: Underwater Archaeological Society of British Columbia, 2000. 78 p. 0969501064. AlNSWORTH, John Commigers. Steamboating on the Columbia River: The Pioneer Journal of Captain J. C Ainsworth. n.p: s.n, 2000. 53 p. ALDRIDGE, Jim, and Jack Woodward. Litigating Aboriginal Title. Materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, "Litigating Aboriginal Title," held in Vancouver, BC on June 22,2000. Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2000.1 v. (various pagings). 1552581276. AMOR, Norman L. and Tsuneharu Gonnami. Historical Materials of Japanese Immigration to Canada. Tokyo: Fuji Shuppan, 2001. 288 p. [Includes Steveston] BC HYDRO. Making the Connection: The BC Hydro Electric System and How It Operates. 2d rev. ed. Vancouver: BC Hydro, 2000. 56 p. 0772642257. BAIN, Penny, Shelley Chrest, and Marina Helen Morrow. Access to Justice Denied: Women and Legal Aid in BC. Vancouver: Women's Access to Legal Aid Coalition, 2000. xii, 112 p. BAREFOOT, Kevin. Victoria: Secrets of the City. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2000. 219 p. 1551520850. B ARTLETT, Kim ].Just the Facts: A Review of Silviculture and Other Forestry Statistics. Victoria: British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, 2000. v, 118 p. 0772641986. BASQUE, Garnet. Frontier Days in British Columbia. Surrey: Heritage House, 2000.144 p. 1894384016. BC ENVIRONMENT. Resources Inventory Branch. Resources Inventory Committee (Canada). Terrestrial Ecosystems Task Force. The Vertebrates of British Columbia: Scientific and English Names. Version 2.1.
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