Turkey Aerospace & Defense
TURKEY AEROSPACE & DEFENSE 2016 AEROSPACE TURKEY TURKEY AEROSPACE & DEFENSE 2016 Aerospace - Defense - Original Equipment Manufacturers Platforms - Clusters - Multinationals - Sub-Tier Suppliers Distinguished GBR Readers, Since the inception of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries 30 years ago, significant steps have been taken to achieve the goals of having the Turkish armed forces equipped with modern systems and technologies and promoting the development of the Turkish defense industry. In the last decade alone, the aerospace and defense (A&D) sector's total turnover quadrupled, while exports have increased fivefold, reaching $5.1 billion and $1.65 billion in 2014, respectively. The industry's investment in research and development (R&D) reached almost $1 billion in 2014. The total workforce in the A&D industry reached 30,000 personnel, of which 30% are engineers. Even more remarkable, Turkey is now at the stage of offering its own platforms for both the local market and to international allies, and has commenced a series of follow up local programs. Although this progress has been achieved under the circumstances of a healthy and consistent political environment and in parallel with sustained growth in the Turkish economy, the proportion of expenditure for defense in the national budget and as a percentage of Turkey’s GDP has been stable. With the help of the national, multinational and joint defense industry projects that have been undertaken in Turkey by the undersecretariat, the defense industry has become a highly capable community comprising large-scale main contractors, numerous sub- system manufacturers, small- and medium-sized enterprises, R&D companies who are involved in high-tech, niche areas, research institutes, and universities.
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