Kepler KL6060 sCMOS Camera Large Format Low Noise High Frame Rate Maximize Your Field of View with our New Large Format KL6060 sCMOS Camera

86.8 mm DIAG HDR

Extremely High Frame High High Dynamic Back-Illuminated (BI) High Performance Large Area Rate Sensitivity Range & Front-Illuminated (FI) & Reliability

The New Low-Noise Cooled High Frame Rates The back-illuminated camera reads out at 14.288 microseconds per sCMOS Camera from Finger row (11 fps for full array). The front-illuminated camera reads at 8.533 microseconds per row (19 fps for full array). Faster imaging speed can Lakes Instrumentation (FLI) be achieved by selecting a smaller region of interest. For example, by selecting a sub-array of 1,000 rows, frame rate increases by 6x.

Provides High Speed Imaging High Dynamic Range (HDR) with an Exceptional Field of View The KL6060 is able to capture bright and dim objects in a single image. It achieves a remarkable 90 dB dynamic range by reading a single exposure twice – once in high gain and once in low gain. Available with a front-illuminated sensor or high-QE FLI’s proprietary algorithms guarantee the merged 16-bit HDR back-illuminated sensor, the Kepler KL6060 camera image is exceptionally linear, enabling high-precision quantitative is capable of taking up to 19 frames per second, using analysis. FLI's Pilot software allows you to preserve the original 12-bit images for future scrutiny, ensuring that your original data the optional QSFP fiber interface. This affordable camera remains unchanged. is a game-changing solution for Space Debris Detection Optional QSFP Fiber Interface and Space Situational Awareness applications and is When combined with the optional QSFP Fiber Interface, the KL6060 ideal for universities or dedicated amateurs who want allows for long distance operation and isolation from electrical to capture every possible photon. interferences. It also provides the highest data rates possible on the Kepler platform. Our PCIE interface supports customizable on-the-fly correction for Dark Signal Non-Uniformity and Photo Response Non- SPECIFICATIONS Uniformity at full data rates, including the ability for you to add the algorithms of your choice. Please contact FLI for details. Back- Front- Illuminated (BI) Illuminated (FI) Reliable, Long-Life Performance Array Size 37.7 Megapixels The Kepler KL6060 is designed for use in the most remote locations and eliminates the need to periodically pump down the chamber or Resolution 6144 x 6144 with 10 micron pixels service desiccant cartridges. Our proprietary chamber design, coupled Array Diagonal 86.8 mm with decades of manufacturing experience, ensure that your camera will have a long lifespan, regardless of location. Full Well Capacity (e-) 102k 135k Support & Service Read Noise 3e- 4.6e- Each of our Kepler cameras are built for long-lasting sustainability Frame Rate (QSFP) 11 fps 19 fps and come standard with unrivaled service and support. They are field-programmable with the capacity to easily upgrade firmware Dynamic Range (HDR) 90 dB 89 dB and re-program from anywhere in the world. In addition, our shutters, Rolling power boards, and fans are simple field replacements, with no need Electronic Shutter Type Rolling with Global Reset for expensive, time-consuming transport back and forth from the QSFP Fiber Interface factory. Our cameras are installed in observatories worldwide — many Options 90 mm Shutter in remote mountaintop locations — from Antarctica to Fairbanks and Liquid Cooling Finland. See the back page of this brochure for a sampling of our satisfied customers. IMAGE CREDIT: The Melotte 15 image used in this brochure is courtesy Tolga Gumusayak, taken with an FLI Kepler KL4040 camera.

Back-Illuminated sCMOS vs. Back-Illuminated CCD KL6060 BI QUANTUM EFFICIENCY: KL6060 BI VS. CCD230 BI MIDBAND


80 )

(% 60 QE

TE 40 6060 BI CCD230 Midband 20 ABSOLU

0 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 40 80 WAVELENGTH (nm) CCD230-42

DARK CURRENT: At operating temperature, the KL6060 has ~1/3 the dark current FIELD OF VIEW: With a diagonal of 86.8 mm, of the popular CCD230-42 or CCD42-40 back-illuminated sensors. the KL6060 BI is comparable to the massive CCD230-84. The KL6060 sensor has 4X the FOV READ NOISE: The KL6060 BI has ~1/4 of the noise of the CCD230-42 running at 500 of the CCD230-42 and 5X the FOV of the CCD42-40. kHz (about 11 seconds readout time), but the KL6060 BI delivers 11 frames per second.

Front-Illuminated sCMOS vs. Front-Illuminated CCD KL6060 FI QUANTUM EFFICIENCY: KL6060 FI VS. ON SEMI KAF-16803


) 60 (%

QE 40 TE 6060 FI

20 KAF-16803 ABSOLU

0 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 40 80


READ NOISE: The read noise of the KL6060 FI is 1/3 the noise of the KAF-16803 running FIELD OF VIEW: The KL6060 FI sensor has 3X the area at 8 MHz (about 3 second readout time), but the KL6060 FI delivers 19 frames per second. of the KAF-16803 and 50% more FOV than a KAF-4320. Our Customers

Abastumani Observatory (Georgia) Food & Drug Administration Milkovo Observatory (Russia) Technical Universities of Darmstadt, Academia Sinica (China) Florida International University Mississippi State University Dresden, and Ilmenau (Germany) Adiyaman University (Turkey) Fordham University MIT Technion University (Israel) Adler Planetarium Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) MIT Lincoln Laboratory Tel Aviv University (Israel) Aerospace Corporation Fudan University (China) Mondy Observatory (Russia) Tenagra Observatories Aiglon College (Switzerland) Geneva Observatory (Switzerland) Montana State University Terskol Observatory (Russia) Air Force Research Laboratory George Washington University Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Texas A&M University AIX Marseille Universite (France) Georgia Institute of Technology NASA Ames Texas State University American Museum of Natural History Georgia Public Health Lab NASA Goddard The Ohio State University Anadolu University (Turkey) Getty Museum NASA Johnson Tiraspol Observatory (Moldova) Andor Technology (UK) Gissar Observatory (Tajikistan) National Astronomical Tubitak National Observatory (Turkey) Andrushivka Observatory (Ukraine) Goodrich Observatories of China Turksat University (Turkey) Appalachian State University Guang Xi University (China) National Astronomical Research Tuskegee University Institute of Thailand/NARIT Argonne National Lab Harvard University Universidad Nacional Autónoma National Institute of Aeronautics de México Arizona State University Hefei Institute (China) and Space (Indonesia) Universidad Nacional de La Plata Artem Observatory (Russia) Helmholtz Centrum Geesthacht National Institute of Health (Argentina) (Germany) Auburn University National Renewable Energy Laboratory Universita di Roma (Italy) Hitachi Austin College National Taiwan University Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) Horiba Australian Astronomical Observatory National University of Ireland Universitat de Valencia (Spain) Howard Hughes Medical Institute Australian Defence Science & Technology Nauchny Observatory (Ukraine) Université de Montreal (Canada) Organisation (DSTO) Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) Naval Ordnance Test Unit Universiteit Leiden (Netherlands) Australian National University Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Naval Research Laboratory Universities of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Azdeniz University (Turkey) (Singapore) New Mexico State University California, Central Florida, Chicago, Baader Planetarium (Germany) Institut d’Astrophysique de Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, l’Université de Liège (Belgium) New Mexico Tech Baku State University (Azerbaijan) Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, Institut de Planetologie et New York State Dept. of Health New Mexico, North Carolina, North Ball Aerospace Astrophysique de Grenoble (France) New York University Dakota, Notre Dame, Pittsburgh, Ball State University Rochester, South Carolina, Texas, Institute of Astronomy, Hawaii Nikon Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin Beijing Institute of Technology (China) Institute of Fluid Physics (China) NIST Universities of Bremen, Duisburg, Beijing University (China) Institute of Mechanics, Northrop Grumman Freiburg, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Binghamton University Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Kiel, Konstanz, Magdeburg, Potsdam, Northwestern Polytechnical University and Würzburg (Germany) Boeing Institute of Physics (CAS) (China) University College Dublin (Ireland) Boston University Instituto de Astrofísica Northwestern University de Andalucía (Spain) University Observatory Munich (Germany) Brigham Young University Novosibirsk State University (Russia) Instituto de Astrofi sica University of Bern (Switzerland) Butler University Observatoire de Oukaimeden (Morocco) de Canarias (Spain) University of Bradford (UK) California Institute of Technology Instituto de Estudios Espaciales Observatorio Astronomico Nacional Carl Zeiss Jena de Cataluña (Spain) (Bolivia) University of Calgary (Canada) Carlton University (Canada) IPICYT (Mexico) Observatory Hamburg (Germany) University of Dresden (Germany) Carnegie Institution for Science ITT Space Systems Olympus University of Jena (Germany) Carnegie Observatories IUCAA Pune University (India) Oxford University (UK) University of Lethbridge (Canada) Catholic University of America Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Palomar Observatory University of Munich (Germany) Centro de Estudios de Física (JAXA) Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland) University of the Pacifi c del Cosmos de Aragón (Spain) Jenoptik Pennsylvania State University University of Quebec at Montreal, UQAM (Canada) Center for Research and Advanced Jet Propulsion Laboratory Physical Research Lab (India) Studies of IPN (Mexico) University of Newcastle (UK) Johns Hopkins University Pontifi cia Universidad Catolica de Chile Charité - Universitaetsmedizin University of Queensland (Australia) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Princeton University Berlin (Germany) (Germany) University of Toronto (Canada) Pulkova Observatory (Russia) China Academy of Space Technology Kitab Observatory (Uzbekistan) University of the Virgin Islands Purdue University CICESE (Mexico) Konkoly Observatory (Hungary) University of Warwick (UK) Purple Mountain Observatory (China) City College of New York Kopernik Observatory and Science Center University of Western Australia Qatar Foundation Civil Aviation University (China) Korea Astronomy and University of Western Ontario (Canada) Raytheon Colby College Space Science Institute (KASSI) Upice Observatory (Czech Republic) Connecticut College Krasnojarsk Observatory (Russia) Reial Academia de Ciencies i Arts de Barcelona (Spain) UPJS Institute of Physics (Slovakia) Colgate University Langkawi National Observatory (Malaysia) Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische US National Park Service Collepardo Observatory (Italy) Las Campanas Observatory (Chile) Hochschule (Germany) Ussurijsk Observatory (Russia) Colorado State University Las Cumbres Observatory Global Rochester Institute of Technology Utah State University Telescope Network Columbia University Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Uzhgorod Observatory (Ukraine) Lawrence Berkeley Lab Copernicus Foundation for Polish (Australia) VA Hospital San Francisco Astronomy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Sandia National Laboratories Victoria University of Wellington Cornell University LG Electronics (South Korea) Sanglok Observatory (Tajikistan) (New Zealand) CSIR - Council for Scientific and Lick Observatory Scripps Research Institute Virginia Tech Industrial Research (South Africa) Liebniz Institute for Plasma Science Seoul National University (South Korea) Washington and Lee University Cukurova University (Turkey) (Germany) SETI Institute Washington University in St. Louis Dartmouth College Lockheed Martin Shan Dong University (China) Wayne State University DESY Deutsches Electronen Synchrotron Lohrman Observatory (Germany) (Germany) Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics Western Kentucky University Los Alamos National Laboratory (China) Drexel University Wheaton College Lowell Observatory Shanghai Observatory (China) Duquesne University Whitehead Institute of Macquarie University (Australia) Shumen University (Bulgaria) Biomedical Research Durham University (UK) Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan) Siding Spring Observatory (Australia) Whitman College Edmund Optics Marine Biological Laboratory Siemens Williams College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Mauna Kea Observatory Simon Fraser University (Canada) Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Emirates Mobile Observatory (Abu Dhabi) Max Planck Institute (Germany) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Mechanics of CAS (XIOPM) Emory University Mayaki Observatory (Ukraine) South African Large Telescope (SALT) Xi’an University of Technology (China) EOS (Australia) Mayo Clinic St. Francis Xavier University (Canada) Xidian University (China) ETH Zürich (Switzerland) McDonald Observatory Stanford University Yale University European Molecular Biology Laboratory Memorial University of Newfoundland STFC (UK) YBJ Observatory (Tibet) (Germany) (Canada) Sydney University (Australia) Yunnan Observatory (China) European Neuroscience Institute Miami University Tarleton University Zvenigorod Observatory (Russia) European Southern Observatory Middlebury College (Germany) USA 585-624-3760

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