Folia Malacologica 9-1 A.Vp
Vol. 9(1): 27–35 ON THE SUBGENERIC CLASSIFICATION OF VERTIGO O. F. MÜLLER, 1774 (GASTROPODA: PULMONATA: VERTIGINIDAE) BEATA M. POKRYSZKO1,EWA STWORZEWICZ2 1Museum of Natural History, Wroc³aw University, Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335 Wroc³aw, Poland (e-mail: 2Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences, S³awkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków, Poland (e-mail: ABSTRACT: The following subgeneric names are synonymized: Vertigo s. str. O. F. Müller, 1774 = Isthmia Gray, 1821 = Alaea Jeffreys, 1830 = Angustula Sterki, 1888 syn. n. = Vertillaria Pilsbry, 1919 syn. n. = Ungulidenta Popova et Shileyko, 1981 syn. n.; Vertilla Moquin-Tandon, 1855 = Alloptyx Pilsbry, 1953 syn. n. = Angustella Steklov, 1967 syn. n. Of the two resulting subgenera Vertilla Moquin-Tandon, with the type species V. angustior Jeffreys, in- cludes also V. angulifera O. Boettger, V. oecsensis (Halaváts), V. bicolumellata Steklov and V. hinkleyi Pilsbry; Vertigo s. str., with the type species V. pusilla O. F. Müller, includes all the remaining members of the genus. KEY WORDS: terrestrial snails, systematics, Vertigo, subgenera INTRODUCTION The genus Vertigo O. F. Müller – very widely distrib- characterized mainly by generic synapomorphies on uted, speciose and well-represented also in fossil re- one hand and by autapomorphies on the other. cord – has not been subject to a modern revision on a Of several subgenera proposed by earlier authors world-wide basis. The ever-increasing number of de- within
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