Fiji's Tale of Contemporary Misadventure
Index affirmative action, 3, 5, 70, 86–88, apartheid comparisons, 3, 25, 103, 125, 147, 168, 178–179, 194, 117–119 222, 224 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 8, 312 African, Caribbean and Pacific Group Apted, Jon, 252 of States (ACP), 140, 148, 280 Asian Development Bank (ADB), Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Act 223, 237, 262, 303, 308 (ALTA), 51, 90, 247 Australia agriculture, see under economic 1987 coup reactions, 100–101, performance 103, 106 Ah Koy, Jim, 116, 142, 261 2000 coup reactions, 136, aid 142, 143 cyclone aid, 306 2006 coup reactions, 192, 201– impact of coups, 68, 205, 215, 206, 215, 225–226, 235–237, 235–236, 237, 249, 259–260 244, 255–264, 279–283 impact on development, 31, 44 development aid, 44 restoration of aid, 280 garment industry, 80–81, 83–85 Air Pacific, 88, 286 relations with FijiFirst, 293–294 Ali, Ahmed, 53 tourism, 95–96, 249 Ali, Shamima, 213–214, 223, trade, 42 243, 245 voting system, 125 Alliance Party and government Australia–Fiji Business Forum, 282, 1980s, 44–61, 291 293 formation, 38 Aziz, Brigadier General Mohammed, post-1987 political involvement, 266–267 64–65, 68, 74–75, 77, 79–81, 100, 134, 217 postcolonial development, 40, 43 Ba Kei Viti (BKV), 175–176 Rabuka on the Alliance, 127 Baba, Jale, 193, 212 alternative vote system, 125, 130–131, Baba, Tupeni, 135, 137, 175, 195 175 Bainimarama, Rear Admiral Voreqe Amnesty International, 252, 309 (Frank), 5, 10, 313–316 Anthony, Felix, 197, 244, 270 background, 150, 313 Anthony, James (Jim), 43, 234 comparisons with Kemal Atatürk, 228 345 THE GENERAL’s Goose
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