The Magnetic Survey of the North Pacific Ocean: Instruments, Methods, and Preliminary Results
View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by ZENODO and vouu .JUNE, 9o6 THE MAGNETIC SURVEY OF THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN: INSTRUMENTS, METHODS, AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS. • BY L. A. BAUER, Director. NEED o• OCEaNiC SurvEYS. As is %vellknown, the CarnegieInstitution of Washington authorized its Departmentof Terrestrial Magnetismto undertake a magneticsurvey of the North PacificOcean, and madea pro- visional allotment of $2o,ooo to cover the initial costs of its inau- guration and progressduring the year x9o5,in accordancewith a plan submitted by Messrs. L.A. Bauer and O. W. Littlehales.'-' [The allotmentfor x9o6has beensufficiently enlarged to permit the continuousand uninterrupted prosecutionof the work, and ample assurancehas been received of similar allotments, so that the systematic magnetic survey of the oceanic areas,not alone of the North PacificOcean, is now an assuredfact.] A single quotationwill sufficeto show that there were good groundsfor the undertaking of an oceanicmagnetic survey, and for beginningfirst of all with the Ocean,so rapidlydeveloping in commercial importance--the North Pacific Ocean. ProfessorArthur Schuster states as his opinion' "I believe that no material progressof terrestrial magnetismis possibleuntil the magneticconstants of the great ocean basins,especially the Pacific, have been determined more accuratelythan they are at •Summaryof two addressesbefore the PhilosophicalSociety of Washington, (October,•9o5, and April, z9o6),and beforethe AmericanPhysical Society (in Octo- ber, •9o5), with additions to date. •See Terr. 3fag., Vol. IX, p. •63. x 65 66 L..4. B.4 f_/œR [vo•..x•, No.2.] present. There is reasonto believethat theseconstants may be afi['ectedby considerablesystematic errors.
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