
Oceánide 9 2017

Fecha de recepción: 29 noviembre 2016 Fecha de aceptación: 17 marzo 2017 Fecha de publicación: 27 abril 2017 URL:http://oceanide.netne.net/articulos/art9-2.pdf Oceánide número 9, ISSN 1989-6328

Women (and) scientists: Modern Sexism in The Big Theory Petra FILIPOVA (Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Slovakia)


En el siglo pasado, la lucha por los derechos de la mujere ha seguido indudablemente un largo trecho. Sin embargo, el sexismo no ha desaparecido de los medios de comunicación y las sociedades occidentales, siendo más moderado en las últimas décadas. A finales del siglo XX, varios investigadores (Campbell et al., 1997, Swim y Becker, 2010) han observado una cierta tendencia hacia lo que han denominado neosexismo contemporáneo, es decir, discursos sexistas que derivan de la creencia en la plena igualdad o en micromachismos, sostenidos por personas que de otra manera no niegan la igualdad de género. Estos problemas son especialmente frecuentes en los campos de trabajo tradicionalmente masculinos, tales como la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería o las matemáticas (STEM). Teniendo en cuenta el papel crucial de los medios de comunicación en la formación del discurso hegemónico en las últimas décadas, es importante analizar cómo estas creencias se legitiman en los medios de comunicación de masas, tales como series de televisión. Este artículo examina, por tanto, la representación y el tratamiento de los personajes femeninos, en particular las mujeres empleadas por el STEM, en una popular comedia estadounidense, . Este caso de estudio en torno al tratamiento de personajes femeninos en un programa de televisión puede ofrecer importantes respuestas sobre cómo el discurso neosexista se perpetúan en la sociedad contemporánea a través de un medio tan popular.

Palabras clave: neosexismo, sexismo contemporáneo, género, cultura televisiva, The Big Bang Theory


In the past century, the fight for women’s rights has undeniably come a long way. However, sexism has not disappeared from the Western media and society: it has merely become more subdued in the recent decades. At the end of the 20th century, several groups of researchers (Campbell et al., 1997; Swim and Becker, 2010) have noticed the trend towards what they termed modern, contemporary, or neo- sexism, i.e. sexist ideas stemming from the belief that women have already attained full equality and are now asking for too much, or subtle sexist beliefs and practices upheld by people who otherwise do not deny ideas of gender equality. These problems are especially prevalent in traditionally masculine fields of work, such as science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). Considering the crucial role of the media in the formation of public opinion in the past several decades, it is important to look at how these beliefs might be reinforced in the forms of media available to large audiences, such as popular television shows. This paper examines the portrayal and treatment of female characters, particularly STEM-employed women, in a popular US , The Big Bang Theory. This examination of the treatment of female characters on a popular television show can yield important answers about how modern and neosexist beliefs are perpetuated in contemporary society through popular media.

Keywords: neosexism, modern sexism, gender, popular television, The Big Bang Theory

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1. INTRODUCTION (Beede et al., 2011: 1). Furthermore, while the percentage of female college-educated The shifting role of women’s legal standing workers in any field increased from 46% has changed how sexist beliefs are in 2000 to 49% in 2009, the percentage expressed and maintained in societies of female workers in STEM fields remained where voicing blatant misogynistic opinions unchanged, despite the fact that the wage is increasingly seen as undesirable, gap between male and female workers is and thus people are potentially more lower in STEM occupations than in other careful about voicing their opinions fields (3-4). The report itself provides (Campbell et al., 1997: 89-90). People speculations on the reasons for this gender- with sexist attitudes nowadays might not based division in the STEM workforce: be necessarily “opposed to equality and may even maintain non-traditional gender different choices men and women roles, but they deny the existence of typically make in response to discrimination against women” (Martínez et incentives in STEM education (…) al., 2010: 3). Modern sexism encompasses STEM career paths may be less all current expressions of gender-based accommodating to people cycling prejudice, including traditional, overt in and out of the workforce to forms of sexism, as well as subtler and raise a family (…) relatively less easily recognizable forms, such as few female STEM role models neosexism (Swim and Becker, 2010: (…) strong gender stereotypes 577). Neosexist beliefs are defined as discourage women from pursuing the refusal “to recognize that women are STEM education and STEM jobs. discriminated against and therefore that (Beede et al., 2011: 8) sexism actually exists” (Martínez et al., According to Willis, this discrimination can 2010: 3), and a “manifestation of a conflict also be explained through role congruity between egalitarian values and residual theory, i.e. “that prejudice occurs when negative feelings towards women” (Tougas individuals take on a role incongruent et al., 1995: 843). According to Swim and with expectations and/or attributes of Becker, the difference in methodology their gender” (Willis, 2012: 10). In a 1929 when talking about modern and neosexism essay, “Womanliness as a Masquerade”, is that “the Modern Sexism Scale primarily Joan Riviere described successful women measures perceptions of discrimination, who have attained ‘complete feminine and the Neosexism Scale focuses mostly development’ as women who “are excellent on the resentment of complaints about wives and mothers, capable housewives; sexism and efforts to assist women” (Swim they maintain social life and assist culture; and Becker, 2010: 579). they have no lack of feminine interests, In 1999, a study conducted on a sample e.g. in their personal appearance, and of 335 secretaries employed in a Canadian when called upon they can still find time to federal agency showed that “the more play the part of devoted and disinterested women attempted to access nontraditional mother substitutes among a wide circle fields of work, the more they experienced of relatives and friends” (Riviere, 1929: discrimination” (Tougas et al., 1999: 304). This paper proposes that Riviere’s 1487). One of the fields of employment expectations for the femininities of still considered non-traditional for a successful women can still be witnessed woman is the field of Science, Technology, in the television fiction of the 21st century, Engineering and/or Math, commonly creating some incongruity between the role abbreviated as STEM. A 2011 report from of a successful professional or scientist, the US Department of Commerce found and the role of a woman. Female scientists that while women fill 48% of all work on television are ultimately asked to positions in the , they hold step into the role of (house)wives, take less than 25% of STEM positions, obtain interest in their physical appearance, a disproportionately lower share of STEM and/or perform the role of a mother not undergraduate degrees compared to men, only to their children, but also to their particularly in the field of engineering, and acquaintances and family members, even if they do obtain a STEM degree, adhering to Riviere’s expectations as well women are less likely than men to work as to Butler’s statement that “the very in a STEM work position, while being more injunction to be a given gender takes place likely to work in education or healthcare through discursive routes: to be a good

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mother, to be a heterosexually desirable mixed reviews and only ranked 68th in object, to be a fit worker, in sum, to signify the 2007-08 television show ratings, its a multiplicity of guarantees in response to popularity steadily grew – seasons 6, 7 a variety of different demands all at once” and 8 attracted an average of 19 million (Butler, 2002: 185). viewers and consistently rated in the top 5 programs, which makes this sitcom a Additionally, Riviere examined the case of potentially influential part of contemporary female activist who often spoke in public popular culture. Furthermore, the show –however, afterwards, she would “seek has been produced and aired since 2007, some attention or complimentary notice fitting into the framework of President from a man or men at the close of the Barack Obama’s plans to increase the proceedings in which she had taken part achievements of US students in science [in] an unconscious attempt to ward off the and math, as well as the 2013 strategy anxiety which would ensue on account of for increasing education in STEM fields, the reprisal she anticipated from the father- which “focused on encouraging women figures after her intellectual performance” and minorities as one of the five key (Riviere, 1929: 305). This performance priority areas” (Hall, 2016: 1). Through of overt femininity as heterosexual and the example of The Big Bang Theory it is submissive is in accord with Willis’ theory of possible to explore how these frameworks the incongruity between the expectations have – or have not – been utilized by for the role of a successful intellectual and popular television. the role of a woman, and it is important to examine to what extent women might 2. THE BIG BANG THEORY feel this incongruity in the modern society, The sitcom operates on a simple premise: or whether this incongruity is portrayed an attractive wannabe-actress, Penny st in the 21 -century television fiction. If (Kaley Cuoco), moves across the hall gender is understood as performative, i.e. from two socially inept scientists, Leonard “constituting the identity it is purported to Hofstadter () and Sheldon be” (Butler, 2002: 33), then it is necessary Cooper (Jim Parsons), with the regular to study how the performance of femininity appearance of their two friends, Rajesh shapes the modern understanding of the Koothrappali () and Howard gender itself. According to Barbara Berg, Wolowitz (Simon Helberg). The four male “girls are still unlikely to see themselves protagonists are all employed in STEM on television science shows except in fields, physics or engineering, and work subordinate positions like lab technicians” together at the Institute of (Berg, 2009: 175), and if they do appear, Technology, a private research university they might be forced into the traditional commonly abbreviated as CalTech. In the roles of a mother and a housewife, or first three seasons, the only recurring be “subjected to constant demands to female protagonist employed in a STEM be more beautiful, regardless of their field is Leslie Winkle (), an accomplishments in other spheres of experimental physicist at CalTech. In life” (Sartain, 2015: 99), suggesting that later seasons, Bernadette Rostenkowski the incongruity between the two roles (Melissa Raunch) joins the recurring cast might still be present. Additionally, this as the graduate student of microbiology demand for, or the performance of beauty and Howard’s girlfriend, soon followed becomes particularly troubling in relation by Amy Farrah Fowler (), a to another stereotypical notion: that a neurobiologist and Sheldon’s girlfriend. woman’s attractiveness is a marker of her Another female scientist mentioned in incompetence, or her lack of intellectual several episodes across the ten seasons capabilities (Sartain, 2015: 100). Through is Leonard’s mother, Beverly Hofstadter this dilemma, successful female characters (Christine Baranski). The underlying issues might become unavailable as role models in the treatment of female characters on for the creation of young women’s The Big Bang Theory become visible in professional and feminine identities. the appearance of female scientists on The Big Bang Theory (CBS, 2007-present) the show only in the roles of love interests is one of the best examples of female or mothers, i.e. in the representation STEM-employed characters, seeing as most of them as relevant solely in relation to of the female recurring characters work in male protagonists. Willis connects these these fields. While the first season received representations to Kanter’s typology of

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stereotypes about professional women: Leslie’s only appearance where she does the seductress, the mother, the kid sister, not become an object of the men’s sexual or the virgin aunt (Willis, 2012: 8). In interest happens when she agrees to other words, the professional perception compete against Sheldon in a physics of women appears to be shaped by their trivia competition solely because Sheldon relationship to men. In addition, Archer previously told her “[she] should abandon divides the representation of female [her] work with high energy particles for scientists on the show into the categories laundry and child bearing” (Cendrowski, of ‘hyper-feminized’ or ‘ultra-rational’, and 2008). Leslie’s quote is one of the very few argues that the female characters’ sexuality direct critiques of misogynistic behavior and gender is overtly emphasized on the in the show, despite the fact that many show, “marking them as women and thus characters, male as well as female, exhibit minimalizing the ‘threat’ they pose to the covert sexist and misogynist beliefs. In male scientists” (Archer, 2015: 27). addition, Leslie is often portrayed as a loner: in the university cafeteria, she frequently sits alone, and she does not 2.1. Seductresses, mothers, and the mention colleagues or friends. These factors workplace contribute to the image of a female scientist The stereotype of a seductress is alone in her field, a rarity instead of a typical exemplified most clearly by the contrast occurrence. Hall explains this phenomenon between Leslie Winkle and Elizabeth regarding women networking in the Plimpton (Judy Greer). Dr. Plimpton, a workplace as some women disassociating cosmological physicist who comes to visit themselves from other female colleagues Sheldon as she is considering a position in order not to appear inefficient or idle: in Pasadena, becomes the epitome of the “associating with other females in the ‘seductress’ role. Initially, Leonard shows office would not allow a woman to network respect and even admiration for her based in the most productive way, to be seen as on her research and publications; however, a professional or to be deemed valuable in most of the episode, the focus remains to the organization” (Hall, 2016: 11). on her attempts at seducing one or more While other women are occasionally seen of Sheldon’s friends. Where Elizabeth in the university cafeteria, Leslie does not Plimpton, dressed in erotic underwear and associate with them. seemingly uncaring about who fulfils her Leslie Winkle is also depicted as a rather sexual needs, embodies the ‘seductress’ crude woman, discussing sexual and stereotype from the perspective of hyper- romantic relationships in scientific rather femininity, Leslie Winkle’s position as a than emotional terms: her ‘ultra-rationality’ ‘seductress’ fits into the ultra-rational reaches the point of appearing cold, category, when she is described as “highly unfeeling or strange. In her relationship intelligent, rational, and unemotional as well with Leonard, he is presented as the as a little socially awkward” (Archer, 2015: victim of her emotionless approach to 27). However, her social awkwardness the fulfilment of sexual needs. Her short does not translate into an incapability relationship with Howard ends after he of establishing sexual relationships, realizes that Leslie has been manipulating reaffirming Leslie’s role of a ‘seductress’ – him and using him for sex or as “arm while her first appearance establishes her candy” (Cendrowski, 2009c) – Howard as a character with low libido who does feels extremely hurt, despite the fact that not require sexual encounters more than he frequently treats women the same way. once or twice a year, later she claims that Through these situations, Leslie’s behavior she is ready to enter into a committed is consistently depicted as negative – relationship with Leonard in the following shallow, manipulative, and emotionally manner: “I’m all done with casual sex (…) I distant. Whenever she exhibits preferences guess there’s just a time in every woman’s for sex without emotional attachment, life when she gets tired of waking up on or acts tough, self-assured, assertive or a strange futon with a bunch of people dominant, i.e. whenever she exhibits traits she doesn’t know” (Cendrowski, 2008b). and behaviors stereotypically coded as Similarly to Amy Farrah-Fowler in later masculine, it results in a male protagonist’s seasons, Leslie Winkle’s initial low interest emotional pain and thus in the negative in sex is eventually reconfigured to better perception of Leslie. Similarly, when Amy fit into the archetype of a ‘seductress’. begins to show interest in entering a sexual

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relationship with Sheldon, she in depicted is protecting these hypothetical children as pushy, irrational, and occasionally from what she perceives as incorrect or manipulative and deceitful. While the unstable upbringing. sexual needs and conquests of the male The gender stereotype about the ultra- characters are depicted as a victory and a rational female scientists as emotionally positive way of reaffirming their masculine distant and the difficulty in finding a identities, “for Leslie, Leonard’s mother, balance between stereotypically masculine and Amy, having a sexual drive, or worse, and feminine traits in the workplace is acting on it, gets depicted as a weakness indicated in the characters of Beverly and or a character flaw” (Archer, 2015: 43). Amy, and, to some extent, Bernadette. The archetype of a ‘seductress’ thus does Beverly is a successful neuroscientist and not appear to account – or allow for female psychiatrist, but her most prominent trait sexual agency. in the show is her lack of maternal feelings According to Hall, similar gender towards Leonard and her incapability to stereotyping causes women in STEM show positive emotions not only to her positions to be perceived, on the one hand, son, but also to her husband. Beverly is as not sufficiently emotionally tough; on the also put into sharp contrast with Sheldon’s other hand, emotional toughness is coded mother, Mary Cooper (), a as masculine and thus might result in the religious rural woman who stayed at home negative perception of women who exhibit with her children and with whom Sheldon it: “these gender roles and stereotypes has a mildly frustrating, but ultimately create a double bind. If [women] adopt loving relationship. This contrast between male characteristics, they are not feminine the positive image of a stay-at-home enough but if they are too feminine, mother and the female scientist’s failed they might be liked but not respected” relationship with her son exemplifies the (Hall, 2016: 82). This dualism is clearly reality of the discourse around motherhood present on The Big Bang Theory: Leslie, and professional success. A study based who mostly refuses to perform femininity, on print news stories spanning from 1980 is portrayed as an ultimately unlikeable to 2006 suggested that women’s decision person, whereas the women who display to leave work and stay home with children overt femininity, such as Elizabeth Plimpton is often presented as a natural pull women or Bernadette, appear to be more likeable, feel towards family life, while women but the merits of their work are rarely themselves, in 80% of the cases, cite discussed as the key factor of their lives. workplace pushes such as inflexible jobs Weitekamp suggests that “as a woman as the reason they left (Williams et al., who managed her own sexual needs and 2006: 2). The underlying suggestion in remained independent, not wanting an this biased representation of the reasons emotional relationship (…), [Leslie] both why women leave their jobs appears to be breaks out of the usual stereotypes of that women can either choose to pursue women even as she conforms to some of their careers or to be mothers, but it is the established stereotypes of scientists, impossible to successfully and efficiently being aloof and unpolished” (Weitekamp, fill both the role of an employee and a 2015: 85). And just like the woman in mother. The contrast between Beverly Riviere’s 1929 article, after demonstrating Hofstadter and Mary Cooper in The Big significant intellectual capability in her Bang Theory fully supports this aspect of argument with Sheldon about the benefits modern sexist depictions of women in the of loop quantum theory over string theory, media and reinforces “an image of female Leslie turns to her boyfriend at the time, scientists as highly rational and emotionally Leonard, for protection, demanding that unavailable” (Archer, 2015: 39). Beverly he should not let Sheldon “talk to [her] is shown lacking not only in her role of like that” (Cerandowski, 2008b). In a mother, but also in her role of a wife: addition, Leslie breaks up with Leonard Leonard’s comment about having built a over his disagreement with her preference hugging machine in his childhood, which of the loop quantum theory, demonstrating his father used to borrow (Cendrowski, irrationality stereotypically attributed to 2009b), can only be interpreted in terms women. Interestingly, Leslie also adopts of sexist stereotypes about professional the role of a mother in the argument, women’s incapability to be good mothers claiming that she has been thinking about or wives. having children with Leonard and that she

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The importance of a woman’s role as a 2002: 23). Howard does not help around wife and a mother permeates the show in the house either, in fact, he has frequently various subtle ways. According to Berg, made jokes about his refusal to participate “the new mantra – ‘what women really in any chores. Rajesh concisely outlines the want is a husband and kids’ – is being problem when he states that Howard not foisted upon us” (Berg, 2009: 189). only reminds Bernadette of her absentee Similar sentiments shape the character of father, but also represents the child that Bernadette Rostenkowski. Despite gaining she is afraid to have (Cendrowski, 2015c). her doctoral degree in microbiology, her Howard also worries about how he will role on the show predominantly revolves financially provide for his family and talks around her marriage to Howard and later, about having to work more and earn more around her pregnancy. The prevalent money, suggesting that the idea of a belief that women are naturally inclined female breadwinner is still not too widely towards motherhood (Butler, 2002: 118) accepted, although Bernadette has been is challenged when Bernadette states that earning more than Howard for a long she is not good with children and does not time and could arguably provide financial want to have her own (Cendrowski, 2012). stability. In addition, Howard has proven However, this aspect of her personality to be unreliable with money, often buying is portrayed as a character flaw or a overpriced merchandise or equipment on childhood neurosis caused by her mother the premise that Bernadette is in a high- having worked full-time, while Bernadette earning job and thus, he should be allowed had to take care of her brothers and sisters to purchase what he wants because “that’s (Cendrowski, 2012), perpetuating the how love works” (Cendrowski, 2013). stereotype about women employed full- Bernadette’s reasons for not wanting to time being unable to provide a healthy have a child are thus understandable environment for her children, as is the and ranging from the concerns about the case with Leonard’s mother. changes her body would undergo during pregnancy, the problems with her career Furthermore, Bernadette eventually agrees path, or unreliability and childishness of to have children in the future: as Archer her partner. Regardless of her reasons, she states, “for every spark of possibility [the is eventually persuaded to reconsider her show] offers for re-envisioning the role position and becomes a mother, hinting at a of women in science or motivating future still-present stereotype of women primarily trailblazers, it simultaneously erodes that seen as potential mothers: according message by contradicting it, often for the to Butler, “the clearly paternal law that sake of making a joke” (Archer, 2015: sanctions and requires the female body to 45). While Howard initially agrees to stay be characterized primarily in terms of its at home with the children after they are reproductive function is inscribed on that born, one of his first questions that he asks body as the law of its natural necessity” after Bernadette announces her pregnancy (Butler, 2002: 118). is if they are going to get a nanny for the child (Cendrowski, 2016), suggesting Bernadette’s concerns about her work that he does not believe he is expected become emphasized in the second episode to honor his previous commitment. of season ten, when Penny accidentally Bernadette’s reluctance to have children informs the people at the pharmaceutical is also transformed into concerns about about the pregnancy. Bernadette Howard helping with the housework and worries that if her boss finds out she is child-rearing. When her father tells her expecting, he might give her work to that he simply does not want her to miss someone else, because the previous year what was the most rewarding experience the same thing happened to a colleague of his life, Bernadette confronts him about after Bernadette told everyone that the not helping her mother, emphasizing the colleague was pregnant (Cendrowski, problem that many women have regarding 2016b). This not only demonstrates the the balance between child-rearing and problems pregnant women might face in work. As Naomi Wolf explains, “though a their workplace, but also the competitive woman does full-time paid work, she still relationships among women previously does all or nearly all the unpaid work that mentioned with regard to Leslie Winkle. she used to. In the United States, partners Associating with other women in the of employed women give them less help workplace might put the female worker than do partners of housewives” (Wolfe, into a position where she is regarded as

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less efficient or productive, and thus, women are predominantly described as competitive behavior might develop having made the decision because of their instead: families, not because of any problems associated with the inflexibility of their ‘a woman’s worst enemy is work (Kuperberg and Stone, 2008: 8). The another woman’ provides a character of Bernadette seemingly opens poignant illustration of women the discussion about these issues in The adopting a patriarchal framework Big Bang Theory, but her concerns are as a guide to action and collective never fully explored. What is more, when understanding of that action. she talks to Penny again and is asked about Rather than challenge the social the work that she was supposed to get, stereotypes that set expectations Bernadette hints that she threatened to for female action but devalue sue her boss for discrimination if he did not those modes of actions, allow her to participate on the project. This participants appropriated these would suggest that the overall conclusion images to interpret themselves, in the sitcom is in line with neosexist accepting confining notions of beliefs that equality for women has already what it means to do and to be been achieved and that discrimination ‘female’ and (implicitly) ‘male’. does not pose a valid problem, because (Ashcraft and Pacanowsky, 1996: women currently possess legal means to 233) achieve their goals through relying on anti- This patriarchal framework, when adopted discrimination legislature. by women, results in behavior that Bernadette also exemplifies negative undermines or devalues the work of other attitudes towards women in high-achieving women, and Bernadette’s behavior can positions. In traditionally male-dominated be interpreted within these parameters. fields, men are likely to react negatively She willingly undermines her colleague’s to women who “prove themselves to be work by using the woman’s pregnancy competent in areas that traditionally are against her, and only realizes how difficult off limits to them” (Heilman, 2001: 672). the position of a pregnant woman in the These negative feelings are illustrated workplace is when she becomes pregnant by Bernadette’s boss, who admits during herself. Penny’s interview that he is afraid of Bernadette to the point where his work, Bernadette also expresses her frustration and Bernadette’s as well, are suffering: over always having been treated like a he confesses that he was supposed to tell child based on her physical appearance and her that funding was cut on one of the her voice – while she is complaining about drugs she was developing and he could not other characters on the show, according to do it so she is still working on that drug Willis, Bernadette fits into the stereotype (Cendrowski, 2014). He and Penny quickly of a kid sister and thus might be perceived bond over fearing Bernadette, talking as a child by the audience as well (Willis, about how much of a bully she is: in 2012: 17). She transitions from being view of the other instances of Bernadette seen as a child to the role of a mother talking about her work, she is clearly through her relationship with Howard, both perceived negatively. Furthermore, Penny metaphorically when she adopts maternal gets her job despite the fact that she does behavior towards him, and then through not have a college degree and she does her pregnancy. However, it is only her not present her strengths at the interview: pregnancy which induces worry that people she stutters and is unable to answer basic will treat her differently (Cendrowski, questions about the work she would be 2016b). The concerns and challenges which asked to do in that position. Nonetheless, pregnant women face in the workplace she eventually gets the job by talking have rarely been acknowledged or studied negatively about Bernadette. Based on this in detail, predominantly because the behavior, Penny is symbolically adopting stereotypical narrative of motherhood is the patriarchal framework mentioned by one of the woman making the right choice Ashcraft and Pacanowsky (1996: 233), to become a full-time caretaker for her or at least representing it by acting family, particularly the children (Kuperberg submissive, laughing at her boss’s jokes, and Stone, 2008: 10). An examination of and having very little ambition, since and articles about mothers who stay at home does not possess any “unbridled ambition with their children reveals that these

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is less acceptable in women than in men” to pass the class on her own: after reading (Berg, 2009: 194). These factors reinforce her paper, he rewrites it during the night for Penny’s status as the non-threatening her. Penny is angered by the discouraging female worker who performs the traditional mixed message – while Leonard supports female role of making her male coworkers her in going back to college, he also remains and bosses comfortable (Berg, 2009: condescending and does not trust in her 183). Bernadette is put into contrast abilities and intelligence. Similar mixed with this side of Penny through using the messages “leave many women feeling societal expectations in her favor, such as concerned and confused about their own threatening to cry or sue her boss in later abilities. (…) Women may be generally episodes – however, in these instances, encouraged but specific accomplishments she is portrayed or described as cruel, are not rewarded and are sometimes even aggressive or a bully. Similarly to Leslie’s derailed” (Hall, 2016: 38). The situation situation, Bernadette is also depicted itself would have been a valuable point negatively when she strives to fulfil her of discussion on the treatment of women ambitions or achieve her work-oriented and undervaluing their abilities. However, goals, whether she uses stereotypically the righteousness of Penny’s anger is feminine ways to do it, such as crying, diminished through her inability to express or stereotypically masculine ones such as herself clearly. As she is telling Leonard assertive or aggressive way of talking. that she needs to take the class and write the paper on her own, and that his writing the paper for her will not be beneficial 2.2 Women and intellectual achievement to her education, her argument quickly Sartain notes that the portrayal of devolves into childishness, petty insults, gender on the show “is a remarkably and an inability to correctly remember or simplistic binary predicated on the terms use a metaphor, which all subtly point the of Cartesian dualism (…) the world of audience towards the belief that Leonard abstraction is reserved as an Edenic was right to mistrust her about the paper. paradise for men” (Sartain, 2015: 98). This is reinforced later in the episode, when The Cartesian opposition of mind and body Penny is shown gloating about getting a B- can be exemplified on the character of on her paper, before revealing that Amy Penny, who is often shown adhering to the and Bernadette helped her write the paper societal expectations about femininity: her so that she could win the argument with primary interests are cosmetics, shopping, Leonard. Amy and Bernadette also express and celebrity lifestyle or gossip, i.e. she their opinion that Penny is not intelligent maintains social life and has “no lack of enough when they admit that they feminine interests, e.g. in [her] personal purposefully wrote the essay with errors appearance” (Riviere, 1929: 304). While that would guarantee Penny a lower grade: she frequently displays remarkable insight “we got you a B-minus on purpose to make into the emotional responses of her friends, it believable” (Cendrowski, 2012d). Any her intelligence is routinely called into potential discussion on the devaluation of question in both overt and covert ways, women’s intelligence thus becomes lost in reinforcing the stereotype that a woman’s the conclusion of this plotline: Leonard was physical beauty is associated with her low right not to believe in Penny’s intelligence intelligence (Sartain, 2015: 100). This and academic abilities, and Penny wanted stereotype is established from the very to win an argument more than prove her beginning of the show, particularly before independence and truly test her skills. Penny gains the job of a pharmaceutical Penny is reduced to the embodiment of sales representative: she is constantly the supposed opposition between physical confused or even irritated by scientific beauty and intellectual capability in women discussions of the male characters. When (Sartain, 2015: 100). she decides to take a college-level history A similar situation regarding the class, the condescension with which she devaluation of women’s achievements has been treated until that moment is occurs with the female scientists on the mirrored in the fact that she does not show as well. For instance, Leslie Winkle tell Leonard about it until he finds out by mentions her research in concrete terms; accident (Cendrowski 2012d). Leonard is however, she is not afforded a scientific outwardly supportive of her decision, but breakthrough or portrayed as contributing he apparently does not believe in her ability greatly to her field. Sheldon even calls

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her an overrated physicist and claims that Riviere described similar behavior in her she could only contribute to science “if 1929 paper – a university lecturer who, they resume sending chimps into space” when lecturing, not to students (Cendrowski, 2008b). When Bernadette but to colleagues (…) chooses and Amy are introduced, “Sheldon particularly feminine clothes. Her regularly dismisses microbiology and behaviour on these occasions is neuroscience, their respective fields, as also marked by an inappropriate less significant” (Weitekamp, 2015: 84). feature: she becomes flippant Sartain anchors this denigration of their and joking, so much so that it specialization in the Cartesian duality of has caused comment and rebuke. mind and body. Biology is inevitably linked She has to treat the situation of with the body and seen as “less worthy displaying her masculinity to men than the supposedly pure abstractions as a ‘game’, as something not of intellect offered by Sheldon’s field of real, as a ‘joke’. (Riviere, 1929: theoretical physics” (Sartain, 2015: 101). 307) When Amy informs Sheldon that her paper will be published as a cover story This treatment of one’s intellectual in a prestigious science journal, Sheldon achievements as a joke or a game in order fails to show any enthusiasm about her not to appear threatening to men and/or achievement and puts her work at the adopting masculine behavior resembles same level as his Twitter account having the devaluation of Bernadette and Amy’s reached a hundred followers (Cendrowski, research as merely a source of humor 2012). Penny then advises Sheldon to in The Big Bang Theory. Bernadette in feign interest, instead of attempting to particular adopts a specific way of talking honestly appreciate Amy’s achievements, and performing non-threatening, ‘kid and Leonard suggests that it is possible to sister’ femininity, despite her character overcome this disagreement with Amy “with being revealed as much tougher and more an empty financial gesture” (Cendrowski, ruthless in later seasons. 2012), to which Sheldon readily agrees. While Amy attempts to explain to Sheldon Bernadette’s position as a scientist is why she is upset, opening the debate on devalued also through her depiction in selfishness and lack of acknowledgement the workplace, or rather, the lack of it. On for her scientific achievements, she easily several occasions, Amy is shown working forgets her anger when it is revealed that in her laboratory, unlike Bernadette, who, Sheldon bought her a tiara. This conclusion despite the fact that she is first completing infantilizes her and disregards the root of her doctoral dissertation and later the problem by insisting that women value developing pharmaceuticals for a large jewelry or other expensive gifts related to company, is never seen in a laboratory. the pursuit of physical attractiveness over Bernadette’s work is explored through having their success acknowledged by jokes based on negative side-effects of their partners: in other words, “women are medication she is developing, and in subtly insulted or pigeon-holed into gender both Amy and Bernadette’s cases, these stereotypes, sometimes accompanied with jokes are often perceived as nauseating, a positive spin” (Benokraitis, 1997). inappropriate or otherwise strange by their friends. Amy and Bernadette, despite both Bernadette’s achievements might not being employed in the field of biology, be so overtly downplayed and devalued never discuss their research like their male on the show, but, much like with Penny, counterparts do, and they are rarely asked the show appears to focus more on for their scientific opinion on any matter. her feminine qualities than on her In fact, when Sheldon’s colleague and rival achievements. She does not discuss wants to know Amy’s view on his paper, any scientific breakthroughs with other Sheldon becomes extremely upset and characters on the show: in fact, both sees it as betrayal, despite the fact that he Amy and Bernadette mostly mention their never asked Amy for advice with his own work through humorous, inconsequential research and was rude to her when she did remarks. When Amy talks about her work offer help before (Cendrowski, 2015). In in neuroscience, it is often to mention addition, Sheldon does not argue when a animals on which she is experimenting, colleague assumes that his poor scientific such as teaching a monkey how to smoke results are to be blamed on the fact that he or watching rats perform tricks or die. has a girlfriend: Amy is thus relegated not

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only to a subordinate position in terms of competition between women has been intellectual achievements, but to the role made part of the myth so that women will of an active disruptor of Sheldon’s scientific be divided from one another” (Wolf, 2002: pursuit (Cendrowski, 2013). 14), and this division is clearly visible in The Big Bang Theory. In fact, beauty plays Female achievements in science are an indispensable role in the narrative of undermined not only through the male the show’s two most prominent female characters’ voices, but also indirectly scientists, Amy and Bernadette, who fall into through the actions of the female characters the respective stereotypes of “an asexual themselves. When Sheldon, Leonard, and and frumpy or objectified and beautiful Howard are asked to talk to schoolchildren woman” (Sartain, 2015: 103). While to encourage them to pursue a career in Bernadette is certainly objectified, she science, they call Amy and Bernadette to also represents the element of competition say a few words to the class. While Amy when she frequently compares herself to and Bernadette deliver a positive message Penny in terms of beauty and sexuality about girls being allowed to be what they (Sartain, 2015: 102). Amy, on the other want to be, and discuss how girls are asked hand, becomes the one to objectify her from a young age to consider beauty more friends. For instance, when talking about important than education or intelligence, the traditional meaning of weddings and their message becomes a joke as they the price for a bride, Amy remarks that are currently in Disneyland, dressed in Bernadette is “adorable, intelligent and a princess costumes, and Amy is looking good earner. I could conservatively see you at herself in the mirror while she puts on going for at least two oxen and a goose” red lipstick (Cendrowski, 2013b). Once (Cendrowski, 2012b). Amy’s commentary again, the show fails to offer answers for on Penny, however, does not include any its own questions about women in science, positive assessment such as her intelligence femininities, and equality: every potential or other valuable traits: she merely looks situation in which women speak up against at Penny with apparent admiration and the unfair treatment is eventually turned states that Penny “would fetch a unicorn” into a source for humor (Archer, 2015: (Cendrowski, 2012b). Amy’s assessment is 45). insulting both to Bernadette, because her 2.3 Beauty, competition, and female scientific achievements are discussed as friendships inferior to Penny’s physical beauty, and to Penny, who is devalued as having no worth Female friendships outside of the workplace other than her attractiveness. Just as are frequently depicted in a questionable Bernadette adopts a patriarchal framework manner on The Big Bang Theory. The in her workplace treatment of other women, most prominent female friendship on the Amy approaches her female friendships show features Penny, Bernadette and in a similar way: aside from her fixation Amy, the male protagonists’ girlfriends. on Penny’s physical appearance, Amy is Amy frequently expresses her disbelief also shown looking at or commenting on over having female friends, and fixates Bernadette’s breasts, objectifying her particularly on Penny. For instance, Penny and making her uncomfortable. Amy thus challenges Amy and Bernadette and asks if visibly adopts behavior that could be coded they think she is not smart, Amy comments as traditionally masculine, commenting that she feels like she is in high school on the bodies of her female friends in a again, to which Bernadette replies with sexual manner. However, her masculinity is “Yeah, doing the prom queen’s homework portrayed as a fault of character, much like so she’ll like us” (Cendrowski, 2012d). the masculine behavior of Leslie Winkle. Amy, however, does not show displeasure over the fact: instead, she reacts with Beauty also becomes the basis for bonding excitement over the fact that this approach among the three women, particularly is “finally working” (Cendrowski, 2012d). regarding Amy, who is at first depicted as This scene illustrates the mildly unhealthy “asexual and frumpy” (Sartain, 2015: 103), relationship between the three women. commenting about not shaving her legs or While Penny herself treats both Amy and wearing old-fashioned clothes. The other Bernadette as a friend and often provides two undertake the task of transforming helpful advice, her physical beauty Amy into a conventionally beautiful woman creates imbalance in their friendship. As through the use of make-up or appealing Naomi Wolf has written, “[beauty-based] clothing, and Amy gradually starts wearing

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high heels, lipstick, or erotic underwear. In rejection (Cendrowski, 2009). Penny is addition, Amy begins to care more about powerless when facing sexual harassment her appearance and traditionally feminine not only from Howard, but also from Amy: pursuits, such as shopping, joining Penny whenever she dares to openly express her and Bernadette in the role of professional discomfort or anger at being objectified, women who are asked to perform their she is forced to apologize to her harasser. femininity overtly. As Wolf claims, “women Such a position resembles the problems took on all at once the roles of professional women may have of addressing sexist housewife, professional careerist, and remarks, when the person responsible professional beauty” (Wolf, 2002: 27). The claims that they were just joking, and women of The Big Bang Theory are similarly the woman herself is accused of lacking asked to step into all three professional a sense of humor (Benokraitis, 1997; roles in their lives. Hall, 2016: 38). Sexual harassment thus becomes normalized among the characters Moreover, the portrayal of the friendship of The Big Bang Theory, illustrating one among the three women perpetuates of the prominent problems of modern harmful and sexist stereotypes regarding sexism. Not only is a woman forced to romantic and/or sexual relationships. It apologize to a man who harassed her for may not be surprising to hear Howard expressing her anger, she later appears to claim, early in the show, that “love is internalize these sexist ideas and treats not a sprint, it’s a marathon. A relentless this approach to women and relationships pursuit that only ends when she falls into with acceptance and amusement. your arms. Or hits you with the pepper spray” (Cendrowski, 2007). In fact, the 3. CONCLUSION description of sexual harassment in a The sitcom certainly breaks some humorous way also appears in dialogue stereotypes by portraying most female among the women, when Bernadette and characters as scientists. However, upon Penny talk to Amy about dating. When closer examination, these depictions Amy expresses discomfort about turning a of female scientists are not positive man down and claims that it was not fun role models in the sense that women’s for her, Bernadette claims: “You get used achievements are frequently devalued or to it. Some guys, you have to turn down disregarded, as we have seen. Women on over and over” (Cendrowski, 2015b). The The Big Bang Theory are not allowed to statement in itself would not be particularly step outside the stereotypical gender roles: harmful, as Bernadette is merely stating they are predominantly ‘seductresses’ a fact, however unpleasant or dangerous and ‘mothers’, further divided into the it might be for women when they must categories of ‘overly feminine’ or ‘ultra- repeatedly defend themselves against rational’, where neither category appears unwanted advances. But Penny follows to be depicted in a positive manner. The Bernadette’s statement with a laugh and adoption of male traits, behaviors or habits a joke: “And sometimes we marry them is perceived as a negative occurrence or as anyway” (Cendrowski, 2015b). Persistence a joke. Women’s conversations still revolve in the pursuit of a woman is frequently around fashion or their relationships with mentioned in The Big Bang Theory as simply men, and there are almost no instances of a way to get the woman to agree to a date: them talking about their research except in for this reason, it is difficult to believe that passing, often through humorous remarks. Penny would be the one to make claims The relationships among the women are – or jokes – such as this, considering her depicted as a hierarchy largely based on own experience with Howard’s “relentless physical appearances and perpetuating pursuit”. In fact, she endures his overly patriarchal framework and gender-based graphic flirtations for several seasons, stereotypes regarding female interests or despite the fact that she has made it clear thought patterns, as well as rivalry based to him that she is not interested in pursuing on interest in men or their physical beauty. a sexual or romantic relationship with him. The male protagonists rarely actively Howard’s comments towards her would support their girlfriends or wives in their undoubtedly constitute sexual harassment scientific work, and scenes or dialogue can in a professional setting, however, when frequently be interpreted as supporting Penny gets angry about his words and tells either subtle expressions of modern sexism, him off, she is forced to apologize after or neosexist beliefs that discrimination he becomes depressed about her harsh against women no longer exists in the

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Title: Mujeres (y) científicas. Sexismo contemporáneo en The Big Bang Theory
