Copyrighted Material
Index accounts 27 Chief Engineer 43 advertising 29 Chief Steward/ess 45 America’s Cup 111, 117, 118, 122, 137 childcare experts 3 Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta 34 children’s instructors 77, 83–4 area of operation 22 Cirdan Sailing Trust 86 Artemis Offshore Academy 122 Classic Sailing 17 Artemis Transat 119, 129 classic superyachts 33–5 Assistant Engineer 48 Clipper Round the World Race 111, 115–16, 138 Association of Brokers and Yacht Agents coding costs vs enhancing value of yacht 27 (ABYA) 145 colour blindness 6 Association of Sail Training Organisation communication 8 (ASTO) 86 company name 27 Skippership Scheme 88 corporate yacht charter 3–4, 22 author 164–5 Cowes Week 7, 98, 137 Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check 92 Barcelona World Race 115 Cruising Instructor (CI) 65–6 bareboat charter 2 beach jobs 3 Deckhand 52–3 non-teaching 79–80 Dewaruci 86 teaching 76–9 Diesel Engine (RYA) course 12 Boat Retailers and Brokers Association Diesel Instructor 75 (BRBA) 145 dinghy, keelboat and multihull instructors boat yard management 144–5 66–9, 77 boatbuilding 130–3 Advanced Instructor 68 Bosun 51–2 Assistant Instructor (AI) 66–7 British Marine Federation 128, 145 Dinghy, Keelboat or Multihull Instructor 67–8 British Steel Challenge 110–11 Racing Instructor 68 business plan 21, 27 Senior Instructor (SI) 68–9, 77 business start-up 27–8 dinghy racing 102–4 buying a yacht 22–3 dinghy sailing jockey 99, 102–3 COPYRIGHTEDdisabled MATERIAL sailors, teaching 82–3 canoeing 80 diving 80 Captain 41–3 Caribbean 4, 7 Earth to Ocean 155 Certifi cate of Competence
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