Do~for Begins lnlerns~ip AI Lansing Sf. Lawrence MnHon;s nr.wcst doctor of medl · clnn, Dr, Milton c. l:lcrgeon, br! gins his lntcrn~hlp nl Sl. Law 4 Sections ~ 2,6 Pc1gos l'oncc hospltnl In Lansing .Tuly 1 Dr. Bcrgcon rcm!IV!!cl hi~ de grcc of doctor of mcdlclrm at thr Bank P.roperty University of Michigan Snl!rruny Cash Is Left On Monday ami Tuesday am. Offers New View Wcdnesrlny of lust wcelc he wr·otr Supervisors Study his stale hrmrrl exnmlnatlnns nnr' On· Soil Plan There's a new view In Mason has qunlllled to practice rnodlclnc now that the .3 buildings on the ' The new doctor Is the son of . Dart Nnlionnl bnnit property ut There Is $3,000 left of the $!'10,· Ash anrl Pnrk have been removed, Mr. unrl Mrs. J, C. Ber•grwn of 000 provided for farmer·s lo lm· The view between Ash and the Dlnmonrl road, Mnson. LJe wa~ prove land Iuken out of corn unci Mich lgan Bell building and be· Office Space Need grndualed from Mason hlgl1 Wllettt prorluctJon nnd placed In tween the Smith property and sdrool In 10·16, After 4 yeurs ol the ltcreagc reserve. Supervisors began a scrlo'us service In the nflVY he entered Parlt street Is unohstructcrl. lng-. Another solution nffcred was The money 'will compensate Bnnlt olflclals have snlcl they study of Lnnslng branch office eonstructlon of an office illlihtl'ng Mlchlgnn Slate university, recelv needs Wednesday, , lng n bachelor of sdcncc degree f;u·mcrs for tiling, liming and have 1\o Immediate plans for use at the Ingham Chest ho:->pltalsllc. s~edlng fields placed In the acre· In JD::i3. He entered the sr•hool nf of the pmpcrty other thnn for The steering cornmittcc of the In discussions of bullrllnil needs age rcscr·vc, cxplnlncd Wllllnm merlldnc nl Ann Arbor that fall pnrldng. board of supervisors met in Ma· there have been rtiiTt!rcnecs of While serving In llw navy nH Crampton, ASC office manager. The qunrter-hloclt area was 8on to determine hullcllnt;: needs opinion cxprr.sscd nhout location. an ensign,• lhc Mason mnn met Allfllicnlion for payments must leveled In HI clays by Ccnlml for branches and to study ways One gmup demands a downtowtl Marge LaFleur of llochm;ter, Nnw bo marie he fore .July 1, Cramr>ton Wrcclclng Co., Lansing. and means of meeting them. Hr. JUIIton U. Bcrgcon location, clo~e to lhc r:lty !tall and Yorlc, attonrllng college In VIr suld. Application must he made Anot11cr m~ctlng has been stale building~. Anolhr!r r:r·oufl glnln.· She Is now Mrs. Bcr·gcoo 1. The family will reside In Lan· bcfot·c worlt Is started, he· cau· tentativ~ly set for next wee!• to insists that. a cottnty huilrling and there nrc 3 llltlc Bcrgcons, sing while tlJC doctor serves his tloned. consider means of financing con· should be outsirle the congested Cheryl, 3; Mlr:haei, 2; and Kathy, -Court Awaits slructlon or· purchase of Lansing in ternshlp. lng-ltum furmcr·s .I o In r~ 11. area In order Itt have adcquato othPt' fur·mr•rH In rmmmm'r!lnl quarters. Po~sihllltics of setting parltlng facilities. !Jfl a building authority lo finance wlteut ni'PilS rwr·oss Urn nuflon construction by honrls Issued Mnlnlalning brarwh offlel's In Outside Students May Join '1'1tursduy In !l wlumt nuu·ltt•l· Defense Move Lansing ure tlw slwriff, judg-e of inl( qunlu votB, against rentals or of going to the Two motions arc awaitcrl In a people to ask fpr extm millage probate, crnmty !'IPrlt ntul reg· ·School Okemos Mnrkctlng quotas on whcnt prc·trl:, the chairman said, flg· don town hall. suffered fatal Injuries. Dezeeuw Nineteen rn,.,.ham farmers gave In I he morning, classes will be 1\lnrninghn.n said, IN not com· urcs on how muclt SJJacc is " cr1 nrtttc•lerl fr 11' (lll(lil" 1'n 1 · ler At I lie Lc;colon hall In Willi·,1ms· is charged with manslaughter. mlttcrl to any spedflc solu· the green ii>:ht to state officers ·' unr · "' To Save Girl on ·Bicycle ncerlcd and on present rental of the !"air Share Bargaining ns· g~rten through ·sixth grade. The ton iill'mcrs from Williamstown, J'rosecutor ,Jacl' Wul'!'cn tlon for I.anslng ofTir~c srmcc. casts will be developed. socintlon to call 11 strike any curric:ulum includes· aearlcmic in· Lor:k~. Wheatllcld and Leroy arc suirl he Is anxious thut the Sharon DcMunclt, 11, of 1387 fairly good at St. Lawrence hos· Lansing city oll'ldals 1111\'C time. The Ingham group voted ~ lnwtion anrl C'nrichment act ivi· voting-. trilL I lm during- tho p1•es•mt Hogsback road, escaped possibie pita!. Acltcrson was traveling J'Ccommenrled thut a county the strike approval at a meeting ties such as foreign language, Wl1itc Oak, Ingham, Bunltcr tel'ln or court. Jlo also imli· death Wednesday afternoon when north, he told sheriff's officers, wing lie added to the new city In Stockbridge Monday night. nrt, dramatics and music, Burdin Ilill and Stockbridge farmers are cutr~rl thut Deze••uw muy she apparently sped out of a ,\•herr the girl darted out of the hull. Hospital Fund . Franlc 'I' rap p, Stocltbrirlge said. voting at the White Oak town walvc1 jury tr·lul. driveway on Hogsbaclt and into driveway nt tbc home of Mr. and Several btrildings have been . dairyman and a member of Fair Those doing high school work hall. Donald .L. McMann, 28, Holt, the path of an automobile . Mrs. Daniel Sheehan. Aclwrson considered for pmcilase. Among Share, called the meeting. He may receive cr·crlits in 2 subjects, will not be tried for murder al Raymond J. Ackerson of Lnn· swerved left and the car, a new them were the vacant Montgom· Keeps Growing urged cooperation of nil dairy. Burdin expl:h schrwl pupils nccorrl· Calls Work Bee tion thut the trial be placed on The car ovf!rturned and Aclterson keeps growing. order to he successful at the next ing to rc>:istral ions. Beginning the September term calendar. was thr_own to the ground. Public School Enrollments strike, it will take the combiner! typing and hooldwcping will also Victor U. Anderson in· Slnee the vief()(',Y cl!h~lu·u· 'J'r•eutml ut !Huson GencJ•ni coopernllon of members of all he offcrPd on the snme basis, But·· Officers of the North Aurelius form••cl the COUI't that the de· lion nf lust wedc, $!1:!1 In hospil:ll fen· cuts and gus dairy organizations. din said. Cemetery association have called luy l!'i rwcessar·y to epmpletc Increase 65.3°/o in Decade <'ai>h arul (I I'' II/!,' •~ s hllVIl burns, he was rcletL'Ied later brou!\·lit Uw total up lu ~502,· Trapp said stute officers have Tuition will he $5 for clemcn· n worlt bee Saturday of this mcntnl tests lmlng given to Wcdncsdray night. indicated ll will taltc at least a tL~ry pu[liis and $3 per course in weclc l'llcMmm. There's goocl reason why school and Oltemos. 'l'he average high 5!J.l. months to prepare for a strike. hicoh school. ~·h~ bee has been set to "pre· . . . Sharon's condition is listed as houses are going up in Ingham school enrollment In Ingham 10 The weel\ has been rlcvoterl tn 111 1 Similar local elections were con· " pare the newer part of the ccme· Me ann IS c largec1 With 1vn lrJts or wllo llave Mason,A 'I 8 from B ambush n Lansmg· gcr and annexation tall< is com· Multi·teacher c I e me n t r y 10 0 c a wee!< several crmfcrcnccs arc locals would endorse stril\e ac· m le mam JY antral relatives or friends buried in the prr · ennett was cscortmg Taxpayers Get mon. 'l'he reason is that in 10 schools have had a 106.2'11 in· schcclulccl with industrial reprc· tlon, Trapp said. sclwol. North Aurelius cemetery are Carol Silky, 17, home frqm a shaw years public school enrollments crease in 10 years, from an aver· sentalivcs. Hospital ftmcl chair· aslmd to lend a hand, officers when McMann fired 3 shots from in the county have increased The Fair Share "roup is one rJf a deer rifle McMann and the g1"rl age enrollment of 193 to 398. men said they have hopes of 3 Mlchirrnn dairy ,.,farmers organ· Gra dua te p·lC t llres De J aye d said. They are to take shovels, had been engaged· Summer Bills 05.3'/c. Even single-room schools show securing some s u b s t an t i a I " axes and raltes. The worltlng · t izatlons. Both the f"Jichigan Milk Pir:turcs of 1\Iichigan State .,,..,,.111-,,,,...,.are·rrom 8 In the forenoon Lorne E. Kelly and his wife Mason taxjtayers received sad Enrollment fn public schools an increas.::. The avemge enroll· pledges. Producers assoclntlon and the . . news Wednesdar and Tliursday. for the 1946-47 year was 24,412. mcnt was 23 for the 1946·47 year. The 3 .men on the counselling D i F er c 0 operaUv asso· l~ge graduates who reccrved therr until noon. Christine, 3210 Timber Drive, in For the 1956·57 year It was 40,· a ry arm s e dtplomas June 9 did not reach the Officers of th~ association are Edgemont park, Lansing town· Summer taxes arc due, they were Last year it was 28, an inerease staff of Ketchum, Inc. left Mason elation also claim to spcalt for Ingham County News until Ward Bullen, president; Russell ship, gained $2,000 by verdict of informed. The total bill is $68,352. 364. There are another 3,000 of 21.7%. last Friday. Herbert Fidws, dairymen. Thursday morning. They will ap· Smith, treasurer; and Jack a jury Tuesday afternoon. They Of that total, $1,331 represents children enrolled In parochial In addition· to increased num· campaign director, was schecittlcd schools. pcnr in next week's issue.. Enmes, secreta-ry. hnd brought suit against Francis delinquent water bills and other bers of pupils enrolled, the ex· to return to Mason Thun:;dny to Fine, aslting damages of $5,000 delinquent special assessments. Lansing's school enrollment pn nsion of the scl10ol program complete his part of the task. Canada Attracts for excavating clone on theit· prop· Levied on the regular city tax went up 50'/t, from 13,801 to also covers additional services. The campaign office will close erty by the Eisenhour Construe· roll was 1fl.83 mills, which should 20,708 in the rlecade. 'l'hcy include speech correction Friday. tlon Co., on orders of Fine. They bring in the $67,021 for next 'l'hc greatest increase hns been classes, Instruction for home· Mrs. C. H. Hall has been en· Mason Waltons claimed that topsoil 3% feet in ~ear's budget. No school or coun· within the high school districts, bound children, child accounting, gaged to manage l11c follow-up depth had been removed from a ty levies are includocl. Those principally Holt, East Lansing supervision of drivers and cr.mpaign, She will maintain an For good fishing Mason fisher· 60x70 area in their backyard. Fine supervision of the school lunch men strike into the far nort11. taxes nrc payable in December. officel in her home at 310 East maintained that the excavation Taxpayers bave until August programs. Oal<. · Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bement was according to np[lrovecl plans. 31 to pay their city taxes with· returned Saturday from Little The excavating was done July out penalty, said Mrs. Doris Blacktop Crew Abitibi lodge, north of the Canad· 10, 1956. Austin, city treasurer. After the ian Sault. They drove to Coch· Judge Consh presided nt the deadline, a 4'), penalty charge Is Shifts Location ranc and from there went· by trial which opener! Monday and added, she explained. City Employes Receive plane lo the lorlge. They reported continuer! Into Tuesday after· Blacktop operations hn ve been fantastic lucl< on walleyes. noon. C. Donald Bruce repre· shifted to the are11 south of Dans· On Friday AI Rice, Basil sentcd the plaintiffs ami Barnard Adams, .Tim Glotta nne! Lowell Pierce the defendant. Board Asks Bids ville. Increases in Salaries Robinson started for Ontario's Upon completion of the trial and the announcement of the vcr· Sixteen miles of short stretches Mason councilmen lmnclcd out to $4,800 anrl patrolmen will re· far· north and wcsl, to Doug were completed Saturday with some raises for city employes ceive $4,600 Instead of $1,200. Hook's Separation lal

California FREE! Long White ~ Half Pint Mason. Dairy POTATOES SOUR CREAM'I ' With Purchase ·of 2 Half-Gallons Economy Milk · ...•.10.1b 49c •· PET MILK FREE! 50 Baskets Tall Cans GIFTS · . of· Groceries Ju~t Register at Our Store! · · For Kiddies' I ------~----~------­,. Chase & Sanborn LEMONS . Armour's Lg, Size ' COFFEE Dozen 49c SWEET 16 OLEO Reg. or Drip The Bunny TRUCK LOAD OF lb 89c Girl Watermelons 5 lb 99c Will ·Be· . , Shurfine Frozen Your ·choice · 8 9.C .I Here· · Banquet Ground ·Beef ORANGE Friday SHEDD'S None ,finer Frozen. Dinners and Salad Dressing _· -~ JUICE or I .·s·aturday Sandwic_h ··spread 3 lb j99c . Each 59c ·8 6-o~. Cans $1 Afternoons! PT. 23c . Bisquick JELLO GREEN ON·IONS , a .Clip These for Bonus Buys! and ~ ·----;------··I . . . 40-0z. Box All . Flavors : ·1 ·. Free Coupon : RADISHES :10 ;·Pkgs. 89c ' :: ,.,,,,)REMUS : · .4 Bunches l 5 C Ch~c. Chip'-Tea Ri~g L·eon' s- Salad B k- LdeonB's or Coconut Bar '· ~: BUTTER : ..· .·. a. e. eans COOKIE,S -· R. I I .a I I . lb 39c lb 3lc LARGE ~ 1 . . ·Only .49 . · C , . BAGS l9c 0 I . . 1 · With This Coupon- One·Lb Limit· I Elsie the Borden Cow Will Be Hero ' Friday and Saturday 2 Lg.' Cans Shurfine Peaches­ · Picnic Supplies 0 ~~----~------~CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP GLACIER CLUB ,Plus ~ • • • . CHARCOAL - 5,1 0-25-lb Bags . - . ., . . CRARCOAL LIGHTER 39c Ice ~Cream. ' l·lb H~eatherwood Cottage GRILL CLEANER a~"'--~--·------_--,. Cheese . . , CUI?S- SPOONS- PLATES- NAPKINS . -a : . · . Free Coupon. •: 'h C PURITY PLATES 80 for 99c Gallo~ 59 Allfo.r 89c •· · · . PURITY COLD CUPS 100 f.or 99c · a I . .· One·Lb ·Farmer Peet•s I. NORlH-SOUTH-EAST OR WESr'Q. S. SERVES YOU BEST

~ ·8 Hot, Dog Bun·s ·: .., . _ __._Q:K·•E· .... ·. •... , ·_: .· .ft.,-... ''··.'''1'·~:.... ,··0· 1.· : :···:1--l·f· ':····i91.. ·. ·.·,·."','·; . .120,;.'S.~·:c•,Jar·:·s+~~ . < . . . '. . .·. ,• . ,. ; . . -UDen' "igh.ts .and -~UnCICIVS I a 1: ·: . ; .:.· ./ .....: .. ··.~· .. jg.~ ·:~.· c ..• ·.· ·.. ~~~~~-~7~~~~~.~~:~~~~~,~«~zJ~,:~~~~-~-~~:~~.~~:~~~;~~~-~~~=~~~~~~:~~.~.-=.. ~,=.~~~ ~~L.tcll§~~~~~~~s~; Candlelight, Nuptials Unite Couple· Show~r Honors Judith Hanna Buri Warners Marl~ 25th' Joi Valley Farms Baptist church, Miss -Longyear •• ·•z,anslng, wns the scene of n Heads Council !lnniversary on .Sunday "prett.y cnndlcllgiJt' wedding Sat· Miss Miriam Lcmgyear was .)'udllh Hnnna of the Mnson - Chlldmn of Mr. nnd Mrs. Bm•t llnrd o l Holt nml Mrs, Russell •·tmlny when Miss Junlce AlchlTl guest of honor at n surprise Wm·nct• honored them on tlllllr Bartlett, Miss Rohertn Wnrnllr :'bt Ba t.h hecamc the brl(le of Erl· brlrlal shower Monday given by Methodist church has recontly been elected 'president. of the stih· 25th wedding nnnlvet·sory al an had chE~rga of 11w guest rcglstar. ·win W, Reynolds, who has hee11 Mrs. Maxine Jones of Lansing, op~n house Sunday from 2 to IJ, A white llncn e!oth, sliver ·•stationed with the nrmy In Ger· 'l'hlrty friends of Miss Longyear disllict · council of Methodist I • youth, which Includes all Method· Tha pnrty was glvan nt tho Wnr· cnncllm;. In milk glnss holders, and ''innny. Rev, Vcdnr Bass, [Jastor gathered at the Jones home to ncr home, 60!1 W. South street. a canterplece of plnlt roses In n "Ol the church, performed tlHl present her with giftS', Assisting 1st youth In the Greater Lansing area, ]fr, l\nd Mrs. Rlchnrrl Ayers of mlll1 gl nss bowl adorned lha sm·v· ~~ouble·rlng ceremony nt a p, m, Jhe hostesses were Miss Shirley l"ostorln, Ohio, Mr. nnd Mrs·. f~nrl lng tnhlr.. Hamilton of Leslie nnd· Miss .To· '!'here will be a special outdoor !Ewing, Jr., . of Lansing and Mr. Mrs. Wnnwt· wns at tired In a The bride Is the daughter ol worship and fellowship for the L. s. Alchln of Williamston. She 1mne Case, Mrs. Jane Smnll and !Lnd Mrs, Burt Warner, Jr., made beige [lrlnt rlrross with n white Mrs, Joanne Clary of Lansing, group on Sunday evening, .June arrangements for the open house .. carnation corsnge, • has lived with her uncle and aunt, 23, at Anderson pnrl1 on Gmnd ~Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rice, of Bfltll Guests present were Joy and ·Silver bails with white stream· Seventy·llvc guasts att.enclllcl ,Judy Jones, Phyllis Cochran, River. Cars will leave the Mason 1al1 her life. Mr. Reynolds Is the Methodist church at 6:30, ~rs nttaclwd centered the room. from Detroit, F.nton Rnplrls, Lnn· ·l!lon of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rey. Betty Dravenstntt, Mnrle Ander· sing, Ohio, ·Leslie nnrl Mnsnn. nolds of Bellevue, son, Dorothy Lunrlry, Emma Mrs. Clarence· Fredllne of Dl· Mrs, C11rrle LoVntte, mrJther of Hamilton, Dorothy Stacy, Helen mondnle, n long·tlme friend of the Mrs. Wnrncr, was a special guest. :: Candelabra, ferns, and basltets Warners, hal

ADULT DIVISION Picnic Toblo, Round with Umbrollo Mrs. Morvin Leosuro, Moson Bar.B.Q Toblo ond Boncl1os Wilmo Whittington, Moson $15.85 Coolor Glonn Watkins, Moson Lown C~oir lono L. Snyder, Mason· Watch B. V. Fruin, Mason Sowing Box !'IM Kilbourne, Moson' Modorn M,,;d Sholl Unit A. P. Richords, Moson Whatever ·jt is-chances arc you use some kincj of equipment Modorn' Moid Sholl Unit · Mrs. F. W. Foller, Moson Sot of Stook Knivos Alton ·D. Jennings, Holt to ·pursue that ~obby , Providing tho neoded proteciion for Modorn Moid Sholf Unit Rollond Marquaaont, Leslie ·this hobby equipment is ~art of ou_r, business, AGES 8 TO 16 · Doll Shoron Hills, .M~son But BOATING is. no longer just a hobby in this grand C·')Un· Army Con\bot Unlt or Comoro Dick Curlin, Lansing Hond Pointod Lomp Solly Robinson, Muon try of ours, It's a way of lifo! It includc5 several hollbies! Book Combinotion Gift . Holon Wilcox, Mason . Army Combo! Unit or Comoro Dovid StampiJy; Stockbridgo . Fishing, water skiing,, swimminQ, diving, or just ·''cruising Flosh Comoro Sot · Mary Stewart, M~son. down the river on a Sunday afternoon." Floih ·Comoro Sot , .~ Sharry Wing, Dansville CHILDREN UNDER 8 . · . . ·i Last-but not least-BOATING is an inveslment. And irJved­ Mickoy llifouso Watch . . Linda Nofzlngor, Mason . Somi. Truck Davld. Birney, Mason menh need protection. Toy •Cowboy Bruce Vorn~l, Mason· Toy Cowboy Chorlos E. Hills, Jr., Williamston Our reasonable full marine insurance will give you needed pro· c~mpbol! Soup Dolls · • Sua Ann Lewlt, Mason · ( . . Lantern ond Chickon Pock· Chris Allan Torbet, Loslio 'tection on your boat, motor and trailer, and give· you the Feace it. JJolt rond, nd nnd Ray, (i,llll'ge It,"' 1•1tmw Hull.1 OX n-~JOa. ~~~-lngham~·----~----~~------~~--~----~~~~------~~------r.ounty News 1-IAMPSH!R/i: BOAHS, ell~lble /ltd for registration. Ready for 14 ACRES standing heuvy huy,l Used WESTERN SADDLE, Phone Mu. June 20, 1957 A-6 REJi'RiGERATOR-fo'••lglclulre. Iri service, H, :M. Silsby, 1066 S, Ed· Alfnlfn ancl )lr·omo, WJII bnln · son OR ll·5758, 25wl DODGE - 1053, 2·door Corone,1 I llli n 1) I~ Oul\ Sl P~------For Sal'e 2 gar road, plioJJe Aurelius 1311, out 1,000 buies or more, One mile , Garden ------· . comp Ic I e IY equ I ppe d • E'x cellent goor coni1 on,on ~7 ~70~1 _,, • " 18wtf south of Olmmns. 0. E, Clarl<, I !NTERNA'I'JONAL 02 combine Dump Truclts; condition, By owner. Best olfer Mason, pwno · '1 • w Houtc •J, Mason, Cull Lnnslng ED Equipment wllh motoJ•, In good r.onrlltlon. 1-1050 F·O fo'ord fi·Yd, $ 050,00 uccepted, Cull Mason On 0·1031. ______21 __:_ __111 7 YORKSfiiRE gilts with pigs. 7·7773 1)5wl !Jndr.rwood Snle!l, !l miles ens! of 1--l!liiO Ji'.fl I~onl fi·Yrl, !!80,00' 15Wtf AMANA l•'HEEZER, model 111, Phone ~~ason OR 6-565•1. ' - j20·1n. 2'," II. p. lloto11llcr ...... $135 1Onnnclagn nn Olrl~ mnrl. Phone 1-1918 Morici 1(.7, Intnr· $•100. Phone Mnson OH H-~Ci3:1. 23wtl BUCI{WHEAT SEED. Onr. ynm· 20-ln. :!)~ h. p. Hulotillct• ...... 2:.1:> Leslie .TU 0·33~3. 24w3 nutfonal fi·Yd. •180,00 SELL OH TRADE-Fore! %·ion 25W1JI l11 • ·TI•c Ingham County News out of cerl!flcntlon, $2.fi0 per 21i-ln. 5 h. p. n11 totlllci' ...... 2fi0 ------1-19<18 Internutfonul 'I' r n 11 t 0 r, panel tt·uclc, A·l; 9x11 umbrelln _____ ------____ _ bushel. Harvey Gleason, 4% mites .JOHN DEEHE slllo delivery rnlm, Phone Mason OR 7-9011 BRED 1-miFERS, Holstein, some south of Mason on US·l27. Phone 2 h. ll· lloto I-!1.' 11 ...... fi.i I~. E. F'uglc & Son, !J mile; Morici I<-8 with K·ll Molol' nnct.i lent, 2·btu·nm• gasoline stove, 2 18-FOOT FREEZER, good ron· 11. corn, PilOJ1eMnson MuRon Elr.vat OR or Mower ...... ------~------dlllonul wnrds lr• l't«'h, ChiHNl· 30 new 8,500.00 COHVE'l.l'I~ MO'l'OR-Hl54. I-lpW· miles south, 1 mile rn~t of Wll· ' " " SELL OH. 'l'RADE-2 }mint sprny. 1-l!liiH White 'l'undPIH 10-Y.d. nrrl Sherwood, lAO Diamond liumston. · 2•lw2tl IICIII diHphly uds 11111 Jl~J· hwh. brielle, hlurtkot and murtlngule. 6·573<1, 25wtf 18-ln. Torn Lawn Mll\V£'1' ...... ·1~ <'rs, :J.plec•e moriel'll bath ;ct,. 3 1 Dump. Only 1:l,fiOO mill!:;, lllcP rom!, Mason. 25W1II ______------UlHIIllly tulvr•r·llslng· m1 flr·st 2 nnrlSell or·nlotlll IJ•nde for aluminum boat ------21-ln ..Ial'nlmon Lawn MmVPr ·HI sldll saws, 21 ~~ -Jnf'i1 drills, nil new 7,!300.00 -·------~~ ------lliiJri'S ot' t•htssillt!d mls $1.2/'i •. PIJOJJe Lunsln" 'I'U HAVE 22 ACRES of nlfalfu and 21-!Jt .•ltteohson Lawn Mower :m f 3 1 f 1 1 3 b .r 1 AI 1 lypc! ans, l'l! I' gem ors, • 'l'mllers: 11!!51 FOnD Frmlnr, l!l•l!l Stude· J "I o1 .. • p£11' int·h. ISnx numhl'l' 11ds lille 2·1380, 25w1 une cover. · so can lUVe Used Thornpsnn Jil.ft, mnges, 2 17" TV'~. a ofl'lee deHim, 1--Nclson Lnw·f:loy Trnii£'1'-32 h:il;er· slnlw rnel\ trur·lt, one rat ers OX !I'll, HEGJS'rEnED . Holstein cow, nethprivilege Slusser, of Eecond .'3217 ctltllng.Annis road,Ken· n.unuhoLil !3ont ...... $IRO :! ehc~t of clt·nwc!I'H, 2 sofas, 2 'l'onR CH(JHI'ity 1,700.00 ton and Brownie 'f(ndalc R mm ----~ fresh .Tune 0. Two records over Route 1, Mason, phone Leslie .TU Ml'ller rllshwnsheJ·s, 2 yottlh hcds, and Pickups; camera nnrl pro,lf'l'lnr. Dnn Pol· 'J'HAILJ~H ANNEX ran In! sr.en 500 lbs. Clln ton fo'armH, phonv 9·126A. 25w1p hundreds of other new und used 1-1!l50 Dodge, lonlts and l'tins let•, 3!l28 E. llnll mad, Ilolt, un Dlumond roCHI, Houle 2, Ma· · Leslie ,TU 9·2106. 2·1w2 ------HAY- Alfnlfa and clover mlxccl. fo'AHM,' IIOMg & GAfiDEN m·tlcles to ~I'll cJr tJ·nde fm· nny. gone! 3!!0.00 phone OX !l-2:l!i•l. 25wlp son. Clump. See me ut L17l .Juck- .: Livestock CHOICE PIGS of Hampshire Excellent fell' horses. :me a bale SUPPLY lhlng of value. ExPhange CentOJ•, 1-1D51l InlcJ•nntlnnnl ------· son Hll'l!l!l, Dansville. 25wljl ------·------croRs. Curl DmTow, 1 mile In fleld, M-78 west. 0. D. Morse, North end Mnson Dypnss 2:324 West Main, L11nsing, phone %·Lon 9~0.00 PACI\AHD---1!l~:i Putrlelan •100. ______. ------1-1953 GMC Stiburhnn Nkc! car with lots of drlvliig SEE THE NEW PLAS'riC front north, mile east of Aurelius phone Lnnslng IV 2':1404 arter G Phone OR li·5ill9 Lnnslng IV !HOG:!. 25wtf fl~O.OO v., ---·-·---- -·--·- - -- -. -- -- . Michigan CenleJ' on '!'ole~ road, 25wl p p, m. 2;5wl 2·1\Vl . Cnrs: eomforl. Ph om• !Ioil OX tJ·!WIG. ~ Chnrnplon tmllct• hom£!S, Ou I· ------____ ---- CI~MEN'I' STAVE SILO, 12x30. 1-195:1 2·D·r. !iOO.OO No Sunday calls please. 2~wl P slatullng heaulles. Also n wonllur• Artificial Breeders HOLSTEIN BULL, 15 months HAY-50 acres of standing alfal· CASro; J~IELD CHOPPER-Good •J(j:Jfi W. Holt ronrl, pho1w Holt 1-195ti Chevrolet 2·Dt·. 1,1~0.011 ful line of \\•;Jllmnn's renewed, old. Tony SpccrbJ•ecl\er, 2 fa, Arthur W. .Jewett, 1020 E. l!omlitlon. GehibloweJ', choppct• OX •1·1071. 2!iw1 Misc.: 1n·15 HAH.LEY DAVIDSON 74 llsed trailers. Buy from \Vhl1· 1 Co-op miles west anrl 4 miles not•th on Ash street, Mnson. 25wlf wagon, like nr.w; .lohn Dec!re CUTTING 'l'OHCHI~S, with hose 3 Saddle Tanks, lfi·lh Wlteel, 2 molrJt•cycle, $200, M 'a Ill' I ' e man's nnd be sure. Whllmnn'K ___ TOP BULLS nil breccls. Me,n· Grove ron1!, DeWitt. Phone ·De­ hammermlll. Lloyd Hayhoe, .Jr., and gauges. Phone Mason OR Whitney, 1<149 Onondaga roud, 'l'rull!!l' Sales, one mile enst or of SIX ACRES OF ALI~ALFA HAY. Gasoline Tanks, Small Com· Holt. Phone Holt OX 11-83·11. East •Lansing on US·W. Phonl! bf'J'S breed their cows for $5. Witt tJ32fl. 25w1 mile south of 13al'!ws on Hawley, .

/ I Larg~ Recreation Room

/Attached ~arage L~ndscoped Lot·

Shown By Appointment Club Initiates Mrs. Brown !Ur hlnncl, Chosunlng and Decltor Mrs E:thelyn Brown returnml vlllc from ll tllp to Call!nrnln anrl TIJis I~ lhc I hlrcl ye If Lesll!! Phoenix, At ,zona, In time to be ltns r.n ter ed 'I he first year they inltlatecl this weelt Into the past roco!ved 11 gold nwm d the second p1C!slcleJ1LS of the EO rc club a silver and this year a gold r... u nchP.on was served In the The gold nward entitles Leslie Grugcl rllnlng room The women to senrt the advisor and 5 mem thep Wllnt to the home of Mrs hms to the St M11ys 2day rec Tohn Mltr.hllll !or the Initiation re ttionnl and business of the club Mrs l'llls Wnrd was ch.tlrmnn Attending with nusscll Miller of the Initiation committee nnrl ar!! Datyl Stanley, Tom Dnrrow was nsslst!!cl by Mrs Joyce WI! George Cuusl!! Douglas IIemlct IIams n1tcl Mrs Walter Strange shQt ami David Willtlnson Mrs Brown composed a nrl gave fl grn~s roots opP.ra In 3 sc1mes Mrs Lester C !{raft succeerl~ Mrs Ilrnwn Band Mothers Mrs Brown was presented with a vnse filled wl th peonies ancl roses with her Invitation to join To Meet Again the club Banrl Mother, had their yem 's M1s Grnce Fisher Wolf of De Council Studies c nd meeting .tncl will have a sJH! troll was the paHt president com df do the excrwatlng for the Blair Tuscon, Arrzonu f01 merly of Lcs Mr and Mrs Hussell Miller will Wllllnms watet extension the lie me guests of the Rearlcl

Sept1c Tanks ANYONE lmow111g the where W. R. Johnson abouts of my IHcycle ta!{en be More Cleaned Roofing and Eavestroughlng side Chesley d tug store ove1 1 All sizes -None too large or too Contractor weelt ago please con tact me It Is Want Ads sm 111 Guaranteed Materials and a gtrls blue Germun maclc IIIg gins with 1 fender mlssmg Mrs • • Worltmanship Bernard Holmes ll'i N Jeffer New t llllts and drnln /lelds In st,llled 339 W Center son Mason phone Mason OR Phone Mason OR 7 5672 72883 25wl FOR RENT - De~11 tble store All l, incl urling- painting, will he with ;Rev. and· Mrs. Alexander Ambulance Runs start that the bullcling eould not rcma_lnlng 5 latc:mls. of the council, Mayor Richards vacation. 0 1 I cned .July 5. Mission Program stenhousr. hr savcu. The crew l,, Associatlon of Past Masters at son, Gene Streets ami family, Mr. bids for· placing a Jriple-scal coat. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday ldcnl, installed officers ior the horhood House. ton college at Clinton, New Yorl<. Grand Raplus lnst Thursday, Fri· and Mrs. Stub Owen and Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tis·ch and The bids will he received unl.ll evenings they will be open from coming year. Clara Doris Frtnkel spoke with was a member· of Psi Upsilon day and Saturday, Owen, Sr., Sunday. •. 1 daughters spent the week end at Monday night, July 1, at 8. to o. . .. enthusiasm -about 'the missiorial'y· during his senior year was St. Joseph·. Mr. ·and "Mrs.' E. ·c. Mr. anrJ Mrs. Richard Ashmore, • Mr. and Mrs. .John .. Malcho At the same lime bids will be· .,_,A S!JUIII'r' uurl.rounrl rltmr·r' The rlaily vacation Bible school work clone in Halt!. Letters were se manager. His parents, Mr . Marilyn and Jimmie spent 2 clays spent Sundny at the home of her 11'1 s c h r' d ul c'rl for C\'ery flpened Monday with an attenrl· Tisch stayed at the farm while opened on supplying single·seal read stating the accompllshments Mrs. Leonard Esch, his· broth- they were away. . last week at Ialm ncar brother, Gmnt Pattersons, at Wednr,sduy nig-ht ut the hig·h amc of 140. There will be a pro· made in Port au Prince. and sister and· his maternal street surfaces on several sec­ Bl?omingdale, where Marilyn Ithaca. tions o[ Mason's streets. s<'iuml tennis emu·l ..Joe ltrw gram given in the elementary The women's love gift offering, '"'~"~>"'" ts attenued the grarl­ will furnish the music und school Friday evening. Stocltbrirlge. 1\lcthodist, Davicl Wflich is an "over and above" gift n exercises and spent thr! W. Hills, minister. Morning wor· !lo Uw culling. IU'e Joan Ward, Barbara Shaw, Uuncc~ taken quarterly, was received by weelt end. He has accepted a posi· ship, 10:30; church school,, 11:40; . free. , Martha Howard ancl Janie Barber Marie Rocl\well, the treasurer, tlon'with General Electric as in- choir rehearsal, Thursday, 8; the There will he a · swimminl( I went to F'lorida last Saturday by Refreshments were served by dustrlal sales engineer with commission on education will c:i1rnvan to Plr.asnnt ialw home Sunday. the church ~chnol birthday hank, of Mrs. Lou Roepckc Wednesday. thr> dressing facilities at I he which is one mucic by her ~real· Miss Roberta Barber, daughter Two hlrthclay anniversaries were Stoclthrilii!'C l'resbytm·lun, ncv. beach. grandfather, H. K Smith, sr.veral of Mr. anrl Mrs. Maynard Barber, obset-vrid. Alexander Stenhouse, minister. Wednesday m o r n i 11 g s Mrs. years ago, when he was active in was ~rnrlualed from nurses train­ Donald Hollis was graduated Morning worship, 10:30; sermon Francis Fenske of lhe county li­ the church. •I Ing at Foote hospital, Jackson. from the Jackson Business uni­ topic, "The Need for Recognition brary staff will conduct a story Commencement exercises were in Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Crandall vis­ versity Friday evening. Com­ and Acceptance;" Sunday school 19 57 Appliances hour for younger children. She SJ.. Pauls Episcopal church, Jack­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hart of mencement exercises were In the after the coffee hour. will appear at both sclwols. son. J{allnls, Mr. unci Mrs. nicharcl in Stocl

YWCA swimming classes leave ,'}1 ' ~ ' l lilgh school building at 12:15, Admiral 40-inch 1:11; and 2:45. Tennis instruction Look What s10.000 of lit high school courts. Beginners ~ report at 9; intermediate group at 10:30. Permanent Life Insurance arr11y of the . ' . WedneHdny, ,June 26 Will Cost You Monthly! G~la Electric Range ' Playgrounds open. from 9-12 newest, smartest colors iinq after the parade. until 5 p. m. A9e · 18 • • • • • • • • • • . • . • . • . • •. • • • •. • • • • • • • $6.20 · and patterns of sum­ .. with Flexo-Heat Burners and Exclusive Rotary Roader Story hour at 10,a. m. at the Ce­ . ' mer. ilaJ' Street playgroutld and at 11 Age 20 •••••••••••• , •.•. ,r, ••• ,:, • , •••• $6.60 :, ·a .. · m. at Steele Street playgrou r Parade will f.orm at the high Age25· •••••• ,,,',,, .•••.••••• ; ••••••• $7.70 .$2.95 Was $449.95 school at 2.. ·square . and round Age 30 ••• .' •••• , ••••••••••• , , , , • , • , • ·Now $319.95 dancing at the high school tennis $8.90 ., < to coul't from 8 to 10 p. ni. · Age. 35 •••• -••••••••••••••••• , •••••• $10.80•·' \. . Thlli'SIIay, J1i11e 27 .$5.00. · .. Eoth playgt·oun(ls open 9·12 and 7-9. Steele Street playg'round open For. Complete Insurance Service Always Coif ... : 2:5,, . Golf Instruction . at . Mason ··-· MASON golf course ·begins at.' 10 .a. m . • .' wltl1 leaving playgrounds . i .: at 9:45. Swhnmlng ..:caravan .. to Guerriero: :·Fra.nk' . . ' • ,· • ' ... ' I ' '' i ~' Pleal!ant ·lal~e ·leaves 'playgrounds -~ '; .. : 1 and returns· at 5., 'l'w!Ught . . 'INSURANCE. . .. ,Home Appliaoc@. · - at Steere ·. ,...... '...... , . . ~ f .;'~ ~ .. '•i'. 10n11. M'ason.'~'K ~-· --4 Soaith ~e~oy lngl1am County New5 U!!GAT, NOTWF.~ Leslie City 'Council Proceedings 011Df.rt OF PUULICATIDN 1\f til, l\lrtrton nice 1'110DA1 f. Of WJL 1., Mason, M1ch., AND IJE1l RMINATION OF liEIIlS Carol Kraft Graduates Mr anrl Mrs L P Wllllnms WALKilR-Iulv 8 19!7 nnd Donald Ml nncl Mr~ Dor June 20, 1957 ti-2 win Wllllnms nne! M1 nnrl Mrs From Wheaton with Honor Mellon filer! and Kennel h ilt I,LGAI, N01'f()I'S tenrlud tile wedding of Tnnlcc AI OIIDER OF PUDLICATION Jly (Jut" RllllliA'• chin 1111<1 Erlwln W Tieynolcls nt Htrlo of Mlr.hi!-f 11 In the Ul111lt the Vaile) !'arms Bnptlst ctJlll ch Coml UommiHHionu H ( ou t rna Cn10l Jnycr. Kraft rlrughlet or Saturday ev,•nlng County I r lrt-rl 1111 D1 nnrl Mro J Pstr•J C llAitVI Y J( \VII COX 11111( Bl ANOill, grlldLilllr>cl with honot ftom Mr JJnrl Mrs Gernlcl Douglas A WilCOX l'hallllilfa v• MANUEl Wheutnn collr.gC!, Whe lion, Jill lllrl f 1111 lly rl me•mhPr ship In J 1mhd 1 Sund1y Iota I m1 nne! Cht Sigma I Jwt1 Mt nn 1 Mt s AustIn Nlc!(Jos honm sociP.tlt•s liiHlthtrn Lltm lllri fnmily moved into the my Soclrty C.eun Ill club fo1 I 1s1 1Jet lh 1111 ng JH PSH!ent Donnlrl c!Gr of the day With Ius nunt, Mrs Rev Vetnon H Beardsley of the Governot I eon 11 I Bu Jirowh ol Mol 1 111 summlttzed tile act! VI Sache Weidler Housel church planted potatoes Lansmg, nfte1 1 h rnqtwl 111 I cl lu s n I I he ye 11 mclucllng money M1s Jessie Baumer fell down nnd peas He 1s now hm vestmg lowshlp h 111 Mond I} nnklng [lln]ects of clonl(ey hnse the stnrrs 1t the homo of her both c1 ops and for a week has OffiCers lntlurle b 111 light hulb sales pane ,lice daughter, Mrs Henry Veltman Moll is Helnlwtl lust \Jcc pies supper home talc nt plol\ ,mel t hP Wednesday morning She was been enjoying new potatoes jllld !dent, Leon,n d Hobmson sPr orHI s 1lr• o[ while c 1ncs ciC!m ing u b Jelly In ulscd ami shaken up anrl peas cooked togethet, he de Mrs Leora Turney, owner of vlco p1 esalent IIm old I en< hout Jll oflt of $G Hl a bone 111 hC!t hlp was damaged elated Mason Manor motel nnd restau thli rl vice prcslrllnl rem gr Ed, Aill\llles of the club mcluclerl She Is convalescmg nt Stimson rant wlll hn ve open house nt her mnn, sec! umvctsJI:, tlus had a p1c 11c with then son Gt ant fall as o1 sophomOJ r. fnm1e Ann Fellows and family Sunday eve L n s !1 r. ( ongH•gntJOnnl ( hrl~ lllllg a JllllJOl In !ugh school and I 1eel tum, S nnuel B Wenger mtmstcr 01 1clc and Nels 1n the etghth :mel SunclDl Junr 23 St John Sun M1 and M1s Harlow Sly and Schmidt's Shoes fifth glides tespeclr\cly M1 s Mao Sly attended funeral day ot the bnth date of John 2015 E M1ch1gan Ave., Lansing the Baptist Sermon sub)ect Our set vices for Mrs Lottie Rune! ( Inb 1\lemhr.J s tu U1• Gnrsts Un IVCI sal Vlltues " Tuesday man of Wlll!nmston Tuesday at Parkmg m the Rear Open F·rday N1g~t& Till 9 E01 C cluh members anrl then June 2'i meelmg of the umtrng Gorsline funeral chapel husbands are 1111 tier! to be guests synod at Clevclanr! rhe syno.l Callers at the Forest Fellows of Floyd SI.J!f of Starr Common llllltOs tile councilS of the Con home last week were Clarence wealth Sunrla:,, June 23 I he) glegntlonal Chtlstlnn c h u 1 c hes Place of Wtl11Umston and his SIS Will attend monrmg set VICes nt and the Evangelical and refm mell te', Mts Lillian Hanes of High 1 l at the Stan Commotmealth New Saturday chmches The new church Will b" Janel Pari\ and Mr and Mrs Lon chapel and then have rhnnei w1th calle!l the Umtecl Chm ch of Richards of Mason M1 Stnn befo1 e maJ,mg a tom Ch1 1st of the glol!nds mel !em nmg the 1\11 anill\11 s llownul W11iil scope mel ptitposP of the wmk and family 111111 1\ll s Bess Summer Schedule bemg clone thet c Membe1s me WaniiLIIended the wedding of to contact a member of the call Plainfield l\11ss ,lnnis Ale hin of Bath lng committee If they have not "I'll s Unzel Stephens Sllhll'(IIIY C\ emng. been nollliecl as yet M1s DomM Starting July 13 Coppens M1 s John Alexancle! Mt and M1 s Fred Punztng en Mrs Bertha Var!Cll and Mrs tertamecl the latter s brother and Continuing Until W11!11m IIctztg arc on tho com Torry Brown and famt!y of Ann mlttee AI bar and mother Julia Brown of Chelsea at suppet fhur sd lY September night Gh 18 to Attend Camp gan IntP.Imecliate Scout Leaclet Mrs l~nlph Holb1 oolt 1 et11111e!l to Dw1ght D Hcnclet son hsts G1rl Ius home SmuhtY llftm spmul· Mt am! Mrs Aushn Nichols c~re 111 OFFICE HOURS 9·1 Scouts ,lttendmg da~ camps Ju \ Jill: tht' 1111 ~t •I WI diS ll t nnd familY now l!vmg the 2 nR Lmdo~ I' nth ,mel Donna J\lc1 cy hosrntal, J11e l1son, fol Chatlcs Strobel house on Stoclt bnclge ro11d No Cleanmg, Pressing or Delivery Bovee Gmge I a~ lot Delate~ lm1 mg nn nutomoblle m ci· Hendel shot Darlene Risch De !lent lie is 111 It "heel chnir. M1 and Mrs Howard Wa!Cl lm cs Townservl C,uJa fownsencl took theh daughtet Ruth, ami Patsy W,nrl Lmcll Wr:!lch Mm) Homer Wasson and daughter Ida WP.bster to summe1 camp Dawson Lmcla ha1n Susan Mot Atlela Rlclcse of PontJUc called near the Irtsh Hills south of gan, Mm y Losey Tcan111e Chnn: on Florence Dutton Sunday aft Jacl1son They Will be gone this Modern Cleaners ,, elllOOil bcr lain La men Om ness Beclt) week MASON Mnclt1ndm Joan Fogg ,mel Penpy Roger Jackson of Webberville Adkins and Jllil 16 Barbara vtsttccl Ins grandmothcl, Hazel to be nbout with the aid Dcnrsc Mille! Sue El Stephens, Monday c1 utehes ' Lrn 1,1 Lench Conn1e Vance Mtller 1s home from M1 and Mts Emerson Kinse> ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR \V:•t·}lm1j-"k and foya Bo:, e1 Foote hospital, Jacl~son and able attended a Father's Day dinner HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR honm lng J E Kinsey at the home DETERMINATION OF HEIRS of Ius daughter Helen Ftsher at HARKNE55-Ausuet 29 I D57 Elkhart, Indtana Sunday Stntc oC M1chlgnn ll c P obntc Court Keep Cool Wheatfield Center for the Connty of Tngham. Mr aml Mts Garth Richards At n sc~HiOil of snld Co 11 t held nt visited friends m Jacltson and the Paobnta Oflcl! in thu Clt.y of MnKon In the 811hl County 011 the 17th t IY or A ~IUO COl y Lansing Satu;rday r. •• to ude 1 olllea Jnnc A D 1057 Denuty llcg!HtoJ of P1 obnto 23w3 with a Men Give GranCJe Program Mr and Mrs Charles Weidman P•e•ent HON ROUERf L DRAhE \ny Ml s Ut•J ton ,Johnson spemlmg the weelt with her sis and family of Dexter had Sunday Judge of Paolutc In tho Mutte1 or tho E•t11te o! FRED BIDS WAN'il!.D tc1, Mrs Bill Burke, and family clmner with their mother Mrs G HARKNESS Dccen•ed It nnnena lng to tho Coal t thnl the Notice Is g'l\en tlu l flct\led lilt~ fot tho £ollowln~-t 3 Wheatfield Gt o~ngc had a !Cgu Jos1e Dyer Marie Thompson was I 8700 •1 ao yud" of MC 5 Tahlo Set! /4·Ton time fot 1 rc~:~ontutlon of clnims nKnlnKt lnr meeting last Tuesday evening Wheatftel1l clnu-eh hns a an after11oon caller Margar~t auld e•tnte should be limited 'nd thnt u 2 5500 KQIIIIC Yllld• of MC o Sln> of Ktld decetulcd nrc rc1uhctl to JHUIH!I t Jim Allen were married Friday fune~al ser\lccs for Dr. Nor· Johnson on the panel, nnd Ronal'! evening at Eden with their fnm· theh clnlmK l1 wilting nn I undea outh Kaur, Wayne HOI n and Wallncc man Wilson at 3ackson Sat· DH \ rovhlcd by 11tntuto to Hnhl Com t nt NOTICE Air Conditioner Illes attending There was 11 re ui'dfty llfternoon. Burial Wll.'i tho Paobule 01flco ut .08 llolll•toa Johnson with sect ets 'l'he mcm l nn•ln~ Ce[ltlon for relatives and friends llullllng Mlchlgnn on 01 be· !he Council wilt meet on Mo11dny July 8 Jfl'7 nt 'II ~o 1• m In tlao served Ice cr enm and ealw at Stockbridge. fot'e Uw 2Dth duy of Augu•t A D 10~7 at G1 ange hall afterwnr cl. nt ten o clocl< In tho f01cnoon •nld time City Cot nell Room to ovl w the c() tt!Ct\!d HIU!clnl nt1Kt nKmtlnt. 101lK fo1 lhe Mr and Mrs R B Frost wet" n'nd pluco bclnR" laeaeby Ulltlolnted fo (ollowltt-: I tbllc imJll OVl.!rncntK 'Now Available 11t Sunday dlnnet guests of Mt nne! tho e,;nml mUon nnd ndjuKtmcnt or ull 1 1'.11 HInch Ul nltniY llCWCI f1(lm the lnl(liCcJilOl on WeHt Otlk Stlcet clntln" ond domnnUH n~ninnt tmhl do wenL I GO Ill cui ftJet Mrs Eel Watersttadt ~ Ancient Car Exhibit ccn!cd nntl (oa the ndJudlcntlon n11•l 2A An H-Inch tnnllnly IU!Wtll 11 WeHt Onk Sltt!el ht~tweun McR1bllllK 1lct~lmlnntlon of tho hc!IK nt lnw of auld 1 n I Ccdt 1 StlcOLK 1111 aoxtmutcly GOO linen I feel W h e 11 t fi e 111 G Jange tt ~tmru tl ut the timo of hiH tlu1 th en­ titled to h he1ll the u•tnle of whtch tho l "" 8 Inch HllllltllY llcWCI frorn the lntelce)llOI HC,Y'CI on Mnble CnUIL •planning ltl'l 11111111111 lunnt' clucenHud tllctl Hch:ud wet t In M1 lie Cou1 t 1 11111 oxlmutely 370 llncnl (t!eL made Ice crC!Iun socl11l f01 It IK F111the1 Oade1od, Thnl 1111bllc 0 An s .. lnch s lnltl\ly tll!Wt!l rlom the inteu:ulllOl on South StlccL WOHt-.... MASON Saturd11y evening, ,July 20, nt 1tcu Uu enf btJ J.Civon hy vubllcnllon tn South Slice~ to within 340 (oct ot lhu Euot llnv o! Melloburt• St oct COl\)' of th1H otdct once onch weel llf)I)Jo~!mttllly 1 1170 linen! fuot the Grange Jmll. tln'ce HUcccnKivtt wcekH JH uvlouH ln 11 An 8·fnch onnf!JU y •ewe• r, om tho lntcJCctafol ••Wot aew'tl1 on South dny or heuh11t. In tho lrurhnm Jetl'ea•on A1cnuc nmth In South Jefle'"o" Avenuu ftPJaro•tmntvl~ 5~0 tlneul N'tlWH n rtuWHJ1Uiler Jlllnt~tl nnd lntocl In Knill county und thnt tho feet nr,v or tmhl \!~tuto give known lnh.rclatcd \Ina ticK uddltlonul notlco n• 111'11' BRANDS. BARGAIN

B.. N e •. g h b 0 r '· IGA Food Stores sell for less because of · many basic reasons. · One of ~he most Green They're Tastier! important reasons is that your IGA store owner sets his own prices. He knows the people of his community; he is in a better position to cut his prices lower ]9..~ QUALITY WHOLE Michigan than his competitor who has his prices set for him. 'ihis man may not be acquaint· Onions ed with or may not understand the problems of your particular community. SWEET or Strawberri@S Conditions in your community may be different from those in another town five to ten miles away. The man on the scene is in a better position to understand these Radishes problems than a man many miles away, who sets the prices for IGA competitors. Pickles Better understanding not only brings you better prices, but courtesy and J Bunches 19 C gratefulness that can only come from a man who owns his own business. · 22-0z. c Celery CANTALOUPE Large Stalk 2 FOR 39c . Top 9uality ColdJ, l1c at the L.A:RGEST SELECTION OF PRODUCE Lowest Price IN TOWN Cuts Anniversary Prize ' IGA HOMOGENIZED EVAP. Eckrich All Beef Winners Milk Picnic Table, Mrs. Marvin Leasure Franks Barbecue Table, W. Whittington Tall Cans or ALL MEAT 4 Cooler. Glenn Watldns Watch, B. V. Fruin Sliced Bologna 53 C Sewing Box, Nan Kilbourne . Doll, Sharon Hills l1-lb Pkgs. $1.13 .• ~,.,-~ Watch, Linda Nofzinger Complete Prize L[st Posted at Store

GRADE 1 . DUNCAN HINES Skinless ·Fra~ks 3-Lb. Bag CAKE or c MIX COOKII J'AIQE PfJiflfQ/f Sliced· ·Bologna · Marble or $1.27 Burnt Sugar '9'M 29c C~wtce 29~ LAMB SHOULDER ROAST I ANY OF TEN ITEMSciF===IPI LB 39c .. IGA QUALITY IGA PITTED IGA LIGHTER, FLUFFIER LAMB CHOPS SHOULDER CUT Ls49c Marlene lla 1es Pancake Mix 51b 51c LAMB BREASTS· Pork LB 19c and ·39c Lb Pkg. PURE CANE & MAPLE Oleo IGA WAXED PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT Ls69c ·Beans IGA Syrup 24-oz. 51c 1-lb S Prints 89C Paper IGA TASTY 2 2Vl C11ns4) c· ROASTS cHot.cE BFADE cuTs La too BE~F 35c Ft.26c · Solod· Mustard Icebox Jar· 20c

DOG HOUSE rtJfJf IGA ROYAL GOLD . · ·. . Dog ·.. ·. lceCream·· Food ,J Your choice . ·v11nill11. or Neopolitan 'h Gal; 69.. c ,

·:· :··,"'· ,\- ..'· ·.· ;· ~TEAK La 59c Sno Kreem Shortening 3 Lo83c SUN~Y MORN ·.. Dawn .T·issue ··. ClJBE STEAKS·, TENDER LB c IGA Salad Dressing "45c; 79 Coffee ··' .Beef. Ton .-. ·· ...... : .. . ·•·lvouN~ .• , . , ~ IGA Elbo.w Macaroni 2 QT. 3rc 15 ·. lb Bag 69c. •. . \ ··.. ··, ··. ·· gu! ·· : .:t~· .· .· C Be,f L1ver· · · · la 25c IGA Str~wberry Preserves 2o.oz. 45c · - ' .. \ .'

•. :t,G,A: ... FQ:Q,D·LI R:ER ·... J ·.·· ··;: ~.·. ·' •::,. :. ,. •' ' .. I'IVAI~U· • •••"'. Jll.~l~di•CJ·:~Uft~ciGV • ·l.' .' •• ' .·;, ·;•" MRS, NORTON AT ALntON lnglram County News, Mason, Mich., June 20, 1957 B-4 ENGAGEMENT ANNOtJN'Cii:D Jy!J•s, Rnymonrl Norton Is nt· Mr·. 11nri Mrs. ftiiYJllOilri .Turgt!!l· Friends Honor ::.Troxelis Greet Guests lcnrling the .ludsrlicliof) sehoul of Party Honors sen or .rnncsvllle, Wisconsin, nn. mlstdons of the Wmnun's Roclcl\Y nouncc the r:ingngctnent of theh• fit Anniversary Party of Chrlstinn Srwvlee this weelt ill 'Jimmy Schmidt rlnughter, B~vcrly Jenhne, tu Mnl'· Carol Rowland Alhlon college. 'l'he .Jurisdiction ley I-I, Sopew, spn of Wynton Snp· One hundrr.rl frlenrls of Mr. and were !(ifls f1·om friends, The lnclurles 9 states In the mirlweRI. Mr. lllid Mrs. J~rnnl1 Sdmllrll, m· of Royal Onl<, B. C., ahrl Mr~. Fifteen frlcJHI~ of Cai'Oi Row· Mrs. R. 1~. Troxell cDn!(l'nt ulntecl honbrecl rouple received muny About aoo women nre in utteml· ,Jr., enter·tuined at 11 picnic rlln· F', M, Bf!lll'd of Mason, 'l'iw nn· lanrl hntl n picnic! nt Plensanl lnl J)ny or theh· Hlln llllll fer Sunrlny. of. (IIIII! und l'r•rl t'iWiil!tiU!Ill'l. ment for the chlltlren. Mlchlgnn a nn u n I conference thllll(hi.~J··iii·IIIW 1 M1•, IIIHI !\I I'M, Mnrilyn StCV('tlsnn is ntiPJHilnr; I'OS!H-1. youth weelt enrl frnm Friday till Jimmy rccelvcrl many nlce1 Wlllllllll 1'heU'hurn, 111111 llllh· ,IUtlifll' high Pl"!ishylr.rlan l'lllll))_ gifts. hlr•. ncm· GrPl!nvlllt• till~ wr•r!l;, M•·· and Mr~. Lavis were In Sunrlny at Alhion. Snturtlny eve­ the l'ei!Cplion line with he1· '(mr· ning she 1\0ns lnslalleel us chnlr· enls. Ml's. Lnvis sPh!r·lecl a blue man of Chrlslinn Fellowship of )JriJII frud< [Ill' IIH! m·c·n~lnn. lll'l' Metborllsl: youth of tho Michigu,l nccessnrles wem whllr!, and shr! eonfcrcnee by rlishop Mnrshnll --Here's . ~vpre u r•nrsagl' of pin!; caJ•nn· Reed . t}(NjS., •i'he pllrJ{ose of the week cnrl A 3-tlr.rerl, clr•e·m·nlPrl Pnl;r cf!n· wuil to hctter ucqunint the youth 1t•rerl I hi• plnlc lhwJHnvrorerl Ia· with the gnvernlnent of their hlP..' Mrs. c. A. Jo'letcher sm·vecl churd1. Barham was one of 200 DANCER'S the· cnl

" Grand Fox Theatre· N~~ 4 The Mole People ·John Aqor Mason - Phone OR 7-7421 Ledges ~o •. 5 Nightfall. wiflt 'Aido Roy Thur.-Fri.-Sat., June 20:-21-22 Opening Playhouse Suni and Mon. Top ·Twin.·. Biil

Fitzgerald 'Park, Grand Ledge Wednesday- 8-11 P. M. We're Friday-Saturday- 8-11 P. M. SLOUT PLAYERS Sat.-Sundily - 2-4:30 P. M. Air Present PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINT· ME.NT Conditioned! King of Hearts We're Open for Parties on Sunday, by Joan Kerr and Eloonor Brooke Monday, Tuosday and Thursday Nights WITTY! SATIRICAL! Juno I0 through Juno 22 Call Holl OX 9·2436 for Cl.m Motinoo Juno 23, 4 p. m. · Schodulos .

Oh. Men! Oh. EDRU "''n Douglas Kennedy ·Keith Larsen· Meg Randall· James Besl MASON Women! Roller Skating SECOND BIG HIT by Edwa1·d Chodorov I ZANY! FARCICAL! Arena South of Tr,>ffic Light in HRit MANOR June 25 through June 30 . Tues. Wed. ·Thurs. 2 First Run(:"· Motel c.nd Restaurant ,, ,.,., Now S'owing · CAR CRAZY!...SPEEb CRAZYLBOY CRAZY!··· · • Late Show Sat, at ,11 P. M• 'THIS· SATURDA.Y: For /, Her. Love.: ••. June 22 He ·Sun.-Mon.-Tue., June 23-24~25 'I 't ln~luding Our F~m~~s . . ', · . Beat .,, ·the.· Fun, EKcitement and Romance! ~Featur.i,.g :C~mpl~t.e ·Dinners :she'd Never Been Kissed; Until •.•• oc~in' Rackin' DOUBlE ACTION SHOW FAMILY-STYLE· CHICKEN · .. Drug . '. ' I ··.·Lustt.·· M·G·M pra•anll . Come early and· ta~e the ti~e to see,~ur ~oderni kitchen • , • · · . JEAN SIMMONS find out for yourse'if w~y Turney's is ,~!ready f11mous for won· ' dinfully wholesome 'and deiicious fo~ct:.<, tour .Our motel·' PAUl DOUGLAS. r.oorT.stoo •••t·· · ··,·.-~·;.. ··· .NHIONY FRANC! ... ' .. lllffl~· CAM[RON MlfC~B.l : . Tom lnd J~rry ¢artocin lind Latest News · · · · .. DIANNEfOSUR · . NEXT V{EEI<:-Rand~lph .. Scott in TALL T in' color ·with . to~ntl i"' UNITIIl Mllnl • . Audie ~itrphy~JeH ~Donne I :iai'.G:UNS OF 'FO.RT 1PETTICOAt in . ' Not .sinco THE MAN WITH THE GO.lJ). Tei:hriicolor; Bud ;Abbott and Lou 'CoStello ~in DANCE WITH · •.. EN· ARM ,h~• tho ~croon told so· cluing ME HENRY . .. . . ··...... a ~~~ryl . · ...... I • ' ·~ • •, t 'Holt . , I Circles Plan Mr, nnrl Mrs, Ilnlph F'urtnoy, North Aurelius News Items S1·., WtH'o SJmrlu,v nlglll HliJifJel' Cubs Have Final Picnic glJUHI~ of Mr·. nnrl Mr~, Loonm·rj ·June Meetings Mrs. li'IJilO Lnxtnn, !tJI!Chpr 111 Lowell, nf Chltrlavolx nro spend· NI!IHilll nnd fillnlly, Webb ::whool, rcporls th11t Mnry lng 2 wcolts ul lhc hnmo of IJer illt•, 111111 lllr'H, Clwrlm; llniPi- Jly IIIUS, Ar/1'0111 IHNJIIIW / Mll1c Hnstmm, heat•; Lnrry Buon· 'l'hc Woman's Assocln!lon of Ann anrl Mllm Drown were . , nrlno, sllveJ' IIJ'l'nw; Doyle Davlrl, tlw Holt l'I'OHbylerlnn church will hushnnrl's parenls, Mr. unrl Mrs, lll!l'lnll ur Lu11slng 111111 AIJ'H, Cuh Seoul IJHdl~> HO nnrl 2·10 wolf anrl gnld arrow· Dnvld Sny. nelthc1· absent nor tardy clurimr hnve 11 monthly meeting Wcdnes· I hr. school year, 'J'hey arc the Robert Lee, Pluyll OIHIII of J~nton ltupl£111 closr.rl the yeai''H , Hohert Al'nlz rnacln 11\Vill'r! Jll'l~· Unrll!rhlll, \Vellelo; Lynn Duling, I(Jcppc m1 chah·mrtn. lllnnor gutlMIH, of thr~lr Non TriHh, and farnlly of l~llnt unrl n Mr. nncl Mrs. Rnhnrt Jo'l'lllllls sentptlons lo: .Tulw Zulrlemn, linn; BruL·c~ Sleplwn, wolf; Don· Clrdl's IV nncl V will havr unci llnur~htm··ln·luw, UtlV, ~on-ln·luw nnrl rh1ughlcr, M1·. llllil of Lnnsli11~ vl~llr!rl Mr. anti Mr:l, hem•, gohl 111111 si!VI'I' III'I'ows; air! ,Sianlon, 2 s!!ve1' arrows~ Dnn· evening meellngs Wcrlncsclay. unci 1\lr·s. ,John l'ruden, unci Mrs, Don Droclc!Js, anrl family. Wnllor Ganawny Wmlnesrlny eve· Steven llerrorl, 2 sliver an·nws n.v Burslcu, wolf; John Kurlwr, .June 20. Mrs, Ilarolcl Vosler, 4323 fnmlly, Julleann Hnrrly, rlnughlcr of nlnq, nnrl niislslanl rlenner· slrlpe; Milw wolf; and Gret~ory Hocblw, wolf. Alplm, will be hostess to Circle 1\fr. nnd Mrs. Frarwls vis Mr. and Mrs. Wlllinm Hnrrly, M1·. nnrl Mt·s. Stnniuy Cmnson McGinley, wolf fiiHI gold lll'l'ow; -~~ _ ... -~ ·~·.. .. Cub Seoul [ladt·2·l0 harl n pic· 1. Devotional topic Is "Siclmess lterl Hev. nnrl Mrs. Oliver Sprugu~ .~pent the wecl1 end with lwJ~ nnd sons nf Grnnrl Ll!rlgr. l'allcrl nlc! ·~:-:unrluy iiflernrmn at Colum· nml IIcrtllh." Trona Henderson, In Jncllson sunrlay. ltncle nncl nunt, Mr. and MI'S, H.nn on Mr. nnd Mrs. l!erlll'rl Hartig lllu Cr·eek pnl'lc 'l'hc boys fwd n prngrll!n chnlrmnn, wlll present Mrs, Mnrgnrltc Dnvlrl returner! Aleo, and family SUJHiny evcmlnr,. Society Elects wuliw1· · roast, scavenger hunt, , 'Pcmplc anrl Brenrl." horn£! Sunday after spending ln.~ I Mr. unrl Mrs. Alber I Tomlin Mr. 'anrl Mrs. ,Joe Pele~·s visited gami!H and r:rmtcsls. Mrs. Wesley Rice, 2121 N. Cl!· weelt nt the home of itCI' slstr~r· r~alled on • M1·. anrl Mrs ..Trw llw l'ose show al llw Civic Center rlnr stree1, will enterl<1in circle ln·fnw, Mrs. Anna David, in Peters nnd fnmlly Sunday uftcl'· In Lansing Sunrlny evt!lilntr. New Officers Awu rods W{!J'e presented to: !J. Lee Grinnell has the rlcvotlons. Owosso, . noon, M1·. anrl Mn;. Cliffnl'icoh Salur·tlaywern William KeiiPy, .fJ•.; Vdma Huih llobl•rt MIIC'Iwl!, :;liver mrow; antl ler.~ and sisters, M1·s. Clare Phil· thur· Hodgson atterrded a plnl< Detro!! Sunday aflernoon where ,Jnclchool at HollhiJIS cllllr"ll 1,.1,,.·t famrllcs Sunclay In hnnor o[ Fa· her mother, Mrs. L1~ll.le Dacnn, nnd blue shower for Mrs. David they visiiCJl the Kleppe's stln·in· week. ~ '' thor's Dny. nr Eaton HnpldH nnd Mr. nnd MrH·, relary; and delegalr~H In llislrlcl Lenni~ Sander:; and Mrs. Jacl< missionary con\'ention Olney, Hugger la~t Frltlay evening at J,Jw anrl daughter, Dr. antl Mrs, Mrs. Mark CiJVl! cnllerl on Mrs. l~ranl1 Noble of Toledo. Mr. Jllohle at Indian the home of Mrs: Lloyd Hugger Warren Strong. llfr·. und lUI'N, ltolmrt 8rn!l.h Jalte, Janet Dally ill'· and Mrs. Lennis Sunders, Mr. anrl e11ts, Mr. anrJ Mrs. Waller Gan­ ed Wednesday for Mrs. Derlha Wemple, of Williamston. Monday, August 12. II will lw wr I\ I, and a hml her, Edward Shul· Mrs. Jack Olney, Bill Olney and North; and the Frocute1·ts al··tlwir Callers· at the home of Mr. and IC!I's, holir or Lansing. farm home. nwny. Later· lhcy cnllcrl on Mr. L. Howe, 51, who II!Cil Sunday at H1~v. ::ir:o!l MacDonald o[ Main the norlhcnsl eornPr ol Aurelius Charles Stahl, all of Eaton Rap· the residence, 1G20 D:tvls avenue, 1 Mr. and Mrs. IIugh Angell and Mrs .•James Hart last weelt in· Lyon's parents, Mr. ancl M1·s·. J. Street Melhocllsl church olflclalcd and Holt roads. The c:luh receives Hr v. Waller Crea.~on of the ids. Sundny evening Mr. and Mrs. Lansing. She was horn in Inr.:· Grill'f' Tl!elliorllst church offlclclled Clyde Copp spent 'l'hur·sday and eluded 111r. ancl Mrs. Jcred Reeder D. Lyon, anrl rlaugltter, Janet. al tlw riles at Gorslinc·Runr:lman a perccnt;rgc on I he pre-sale of Tom Olney, Mr. and Mrs ..Jacl1 Mrs. Pllyllls Lee ancl srm, ham county nnd was a resident funcrul homo. 13urialwus In Ever· tlclmts and rcscrve S('itiS. a I tire sr!rViPes. lllll'ia] was in ML Olney, Jim Olney, 131il Olney and Friday of last wccll near Mio at of Curtice road, Mr. and Mrs. lhclr cabiu, Harold Dean of Gmnd Ledge, Mr. r;l Lansing for 28 years. green cemetery. In a report on wm·i\ on I he ]l('sl cemetery at Sl. Johns. Charles !'ltaltl attenderl the auto Mrs. Howe was a mr!mber of pnrk, 2 stoves have IJCPn plnecrl rnccs at Lansing Speedway. Sunday evening the Angells and Mrs. Earl Dunsmore of Ma· wr.rlding of her granrlson, Donnie! son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarl< Cribley, of Essex, Ontario, Can· Main Street Me!lwdist church for public usc, tli!! gmss on 1:w M1·. nnrl Mrs. Bruce Cnmclius, were guests at the home of Mr·. anrl of the WSCS of !hat church. l\lur·iou ~1111.11:' nnd ,Julin 01· and Mrs. Ted Battin of Holt cele· of Piper ronrl, Arthur, Mar·lc and 11out 35 miles Mrs. Herman Horstmyer, visited l~red Wllson and family at. of purchases shoved fathers da,l' per hour, a rhino nhout 20, but a her· Tuesday, The Leonartls' new tendetl the werfrllng of his ncph· sales above a year n~o. accorcllng ehcetah can do 70, making It ( ew at Y~silanti Saturday, house was dellvereu Tuesday to several mcrchnnts. Mture·~ fastest land animal. from 'Bay City. The foundation Now at was finished several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Swift went• Io the home of her brother, Hen­ ry Budlingham, Sunday after­ noon where they had a picnic PERKINS dinner. Mrs. Mary Ducltingham visited last weel1 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cluir Swift, and Hardware Mr. and M1·s. Clayton Swift and .family were supper guests Sun· clay evening. in M·ason Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tooker nne! Mrs. Emma Trompson attended services at the Oneida Center N'S WAX ,, church Sunclfly and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cooking CAN Be Fun! nearly40% 'I'ool~er, Jr·., aiterwartls. save VICJ1y Soldln vlsitml lllrs. ffl \ Try Our . I~ lllllliL 1' h om p s o 11 lust INSECT RIPEUitU \ Werlncsduy_ nffcr·noon. ~Irs. by makers of RAID 1 · · Silldln · ·1uul lllury ,Jo and 1\.EVEJtE ·WAI\.E><~·- Vleky left 1'lull'siluy for Barbecue Chicken IlllnnenJlolis • 1'9"" Pk111111,/ Cooked Daily For Tops in Summer Eating! ...... THE ONLY TRACTORS coPPER CLAD STAINLESS STEEL .._ I~,,. Fran){ I

flATIOJIAL AWARD WINNER June 20, 195~ Section C 19. ~~ 51 The ~Ingham ·county News H•fit!na~ (Jdt/JJ114t II~ 1/,_a/ ' IJ~14 /(,~,.,..., (/g~/.j/4 Hberlff or otlwr· offlr:m· to whom Marine Reserves Pastors Return If You'1·e Jt mny lm rllrc~durl, In nl Inch so InliCh of' the lands, tenements, 3 Editorials Won Award I((]Or!S, dtnt I niH, monOJ'S, Ullr[ llf· Start Training Jo Local Pulpits .Lil~e Me feels of I he clefrmrlant not exempt Eleven men, Including l'fc. from mert Walker M. H. Avery, county agrlcultur- Williamston Siegel on Tuesday, .June ll, a son involver! has ln be over $100 be· have purr:lmsed tile home of Mr.· 11! agent, will lead an Ingham ------­ at Sparrow hospital. His nflme fore the at larhmcnl [H'oUe!is is and Mrs. Dec Bray at :120 North rlelcgation to the annual area I~ David Wayne. used. Ol<;emos street In MusDn. The Farm Bureau Group Meets sheep field day In I.. . !rig adjourned to meet with Mr. Clifford Musbach, Mrs. Wayne ville.· He was treated at Mason Lansing, Russell· of Okemos and Sparrow hospital. Her name Is Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Mrs. Forrest Mlll!!r on Musbach and Mrs. Sherman Hart· General hospital' for head lnjtlr· Wayne of Williamston; 2 daugh· Renee Ilene. Mitchell of Lansing a daughter Thursday, July 11, qt 8 p. m. man aticnded rural-urban day ics. ters, Mrs. ·Harold (Ruth) Jervis/ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ketchum c.n Jllne 2. Her name is Cnnnir. Tuesday at the Northwest school, ------­ ?1 Bay City, and Mr_s._Dale (Max- were hosts at an open house for Sue. Mrs. Mitchell is the forme1· n~ar Jacltson. 'he Richard Grosshans of Plain· mel Bl~sscy of Wtlhamstnn, 1l their son, Neil who graduated Selma O'Dell of Williamston. Munith recrmttlrm council Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wain· Oeld. · grandchildren and 5 great-grand· from Williamston high ·school Jeffrey Mitchell returned Frl· Here's the scientific way to measure the actual lit's 11lnnm~d ·swimming h'i(JS right of Williamston and Mr. anrl Marilyn Lytle and the girls pulling power a truck' can deliver to its rear t:n Pnrtnge Illite each I'Vednes· 'rom ·the D & C In Stocl,brldge children. June 7. Out-of-town guc5 ts were clay after spending a wee!' with Services were at Gorsline Bros. Mrs. I9 a And tins IS JUSt one of a series of tests that prove . ~eek. . ... ·. 9allon, Limited time only, · · Dodge is th~ best· truck of the low-priced three.. ·. Sandy Nott visited at the Dlcl~ Hero's 11 su~e love-m~ttch •• '. you. in clothes cleaned by usi Wo ,. . . . . :Price home part of .last week. · recapture that crisp, look your woarables · h~d when new, · · . Mr. 'and ·Mrs. Ed~:ar .Nott and .. • Your Dodge tru_ck dealer: has proof thaf : .: famliy, Mr, ari'd Mrs, Richard return them fresh and spruce ••• just the ticket fo~ mlking good · · .:S.ale Ends· Saturday. June 29 . . ' . . . . Dodge leads in many ways. Come in •• • · Price. and tam!Iy .·and Mrs. on11 improssionJ VAcation time or. ony time,· ,You'ro iiire .to. go for . l'!:ott spent Father's Day In Eaton our prompt service, too • , , .and our modest pricl~,l · · see other certifled test~photo sequences •• ;'. ' · Rapids at Mr. .ancl . Mrs. Walter ,'·'. · .• and take a demonstration .ride.! · Price's home. · . : . ·: · ' · .. ' ... '; . ' ;. ' ' Mr.: imd Mrs: :-'[leWayne .· Wllcl, . ai:!verly and ~BIIlyi were dinner : ·guests at . thei',Char!es Mount Phon.t·oR·.7·l51l: Mickelson. . ' . . . ..:~aaker . . . · home Sunday. '.·~· ,.' · . · ·Mr. ilnd · · · · ·Dean· Lumber Company ! .·Ellner. .], I • • f EC.-1'\i. NOTJCJi Fl

Ingham County News Mason M1ch June 20, 1957 Webbervi81e Won1en Vusmt MSU

Reeves Distnct 1\h s I tlna Gr r 1 Last Day of Registration ,, School Election NOTICE OF LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF MASON PUBLIC SCHOOLS INGHAM COUNTY MICHIGAN TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT Please Take Not1ce th,,t the Annual School Elect1on of Ma son Public Schools Ingham County, M ch1 gan wd I be held on '- Ch

G nm VA Monday, July 8, 1957

The first of the abbreviation Sect1 on 532 of the School Code .of 1955 prov1des US A was to stamp approval on as follows banels of gun powder made at a mill near Franl\fort Pennsyl The Inspectors of clect1on at any annual or vanla for Washington's Army spec1al elect1on shall not rece1ve the vote of any LEGAL NOTICES person res1d1ng m a reg1strat1on school d1str1ct whose name IS not reg1stered as an elector 111 the c1ty or lownsh1p 111 wh1ch he res1oes "

ADVERTISEMENT Friday. June 28, 1957 · Is Last Day for Registration Wiring and Relighting County THE LAST DAY ON WHICH PERSONS MAY REGISTER Court House WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP CLERK, IN MASON, MICHIGAN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT THE ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION CAiiLED TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, Sealed proposals w11l be received for all work 111 connection JULY 8, 1957, IS FRIDAY JUNE 28, 1957 PERSONS REGIS w1th W1rmg and Relightmg the Ingham C::ounty Court House m Mason, M1ch1gan TERING AFTER 5 00 O'CLOCK, P M , E:.\STERN STANDARD TIME ON THE SAID FRIDAY, JUNE 28 1957 ARE NOT 81d openmg date July 8, 1957, at 2 00 p. m, EST. , ELIGIBLE TO VOTE ;A.T S.A!ID ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Proposal forms plans, spec1f1c11tions and other documents may be obtamed from tho office of E Roger Hewitt Assoc1ates, Inc , Ill 0 South Pennsylvania Ave,, Lansmg, M•chigan, An and after ~Line 17, 1957. Depos1t of $25 00 for each set of plans and specifications is re· qUJred Depos1t will be refunded upon rece1pt of plans and spoc1f1cahons returned 111 good condition. South Aurelius and Childs School North Onondaga 1\lrn. Looun rlt•hnston Mt'll, II, 11, Fluid Worlt rlny nl the Chllrls f:llhlo Pnrlmr Orr of Mnsnn wn~ n clmrdt Snturrlay was wei( nllcnd· gue~l Sltndny of his broUwr-ln m]. Mudt pr·nm·m;s Is being mnrla lnw and sister, Mr. and Mrs, !l, r;n tho building. II. Field. Miss Janet llcmans of .Judtson l'.ttrlrl< Wllllnms of Peru, Inrll and Mills Mnrg11rct Ilef\Jans of una, Is spending his vnc,tllon Detroit were guests of their par· with bls ~mnrlpm·eniH, Mr. nnd enls, Mt·. nn,rl Mrs. John Jiemuns, Mts Wllllum Comstoclc, nnd fam­ Futher's Duy. Ily. Mr. and Mra. Celund Lnmplwrc Mt• nml Mrs. Otn Btoulett of Jleml John ii:H-21. of Mason were guests of Mr. and Lnnsing were Saturday cnllers of Cloll ('ommauul4•th his lo\'4l towau·ll us, In that, while we Mrs John Powell Sunday, Mr. anrl Mrs. Ftnnlc Clnrlc nnrl wert~ yl•t r;bm4•J•s, Christ diNI for us. (Uomnns 5;8,) Carl Warner visited his sister, Mrs. Leone Johnston. Mrs. Bell Beers, recently at a Mrs. Goldie Mapes enter·tnlnr>rl t Glot•ia had glvon vent to her temper· by screaming while Lansing convnlcsccnt home. She she pttllcd her· bedding off her bed and tossed it on the floot•. I hP C C. C. nf the Chllrls distil PI has hcen cnntlned to her bed for With 11 rn·csent recently. After n !I years. 1 Now, slill pou ltng nnd misemble, she sat down on the !Juslness meeting ami gnrncs. porch beside her mothm·. Neither of them spolC~ God love me, Mummy? Docs lie love me even The Cm!Py children 1cturned now?" Mt·. nml Mrs. Mel Swanson F,t. ther's Day. lwmc l~rirl•nn Mcrltllnn, Murldlnn 'l'ownt~h!J•, Jn~hnm ( uunty, Oltve W. Mumcr·t, Homemaker• M!chh.rnn, the ccr1lcr Ina: lheteuf bulnf( (Alb~r'la, Canada) dc,ctlhu In lhc P,tcJfH A I 1 P(1lnt of J;ncllnJ.:. 1'otnl lungth of Mum fltntu or M!r hh.rnn. 'l'ho P10hntc Gou1 t PI I D1 nir• it~ hli 17 ~,K f1 et NoliCI iK lit I( hy {,)Vf II tllllt r f:j I• POWJS-.fulv "· 1957 He Vlslletl S,ul f•'1.r Ill' lsi o I 11 n•• fo1 till' Cuunty of In,•hnm 11111 1.... (ilahnrn, Cnlmty llruin Cnnun11'4· ------~ BRAI>ICH A A l u HI HHion of tmld Cout t, h~ Iii on 13-17, [o)ill\VIng ,t llld JOI !',ll'lfl< JJI~GAL NO'l'JUES GommrnciiiK 11t Stn. 17-1 HH 2l thn HhlllCI of Llu Cnunt.y of Jng'harn, tlnl on Stnt( of Mtthl~un 'lhu P1obnLu Crnut Jur1" It, l ,,r,7 I for thfJ C..:uunty or lnJ.dlllm, [•.c. of 1t 21°W' cuavc in n Wcatcrly th1 lilt tiny nC ,Junu, I'Hi7, hie In thu fleet !raining cxr>l'C'I'e Wilh llw ''""" "' lioN. non1m·1· L JJHAJW, ufTwe of tlw Hnid lltuln CnrnnliHHlnw 1 OR DEl! AJ•I'OINTING TlME FOR- Ihe P. T. nr "''d curVt•, Judge of Plnhlllf!. At n Hf'HHion or Hnid Court, hclfi un U. S. First Fleet off the C.tli· Jtll nad1 a• dtlli~nntlll).:' n diiiUIIW!..! tlntlllrl J11111 b, I 0111. IIEARING CLAIMS AND FOR 'the Kln. t:tlltntluu of "'""" IH 21 I ,\H 67 In the Mnllr 1 r1r th1 I~Hlute of OI.IVE OF HH •h<<~len• fol the Vcvuy No I d111111 nut.:uTdm~ to 24-Hour Heating Plant Service fornl,t cu<1st. DETERMINATION HEIRS llnck-!2+4•1 Alwn lH liP1r•hy f11vcn 'flint th1• pe .. 1\t 11 Ill KHiun of luti4'1 C11111l, h1 ld Ill lion of which 111 JH+I16 t 1 Unci' - IH HH followa; arrivd 111 column 11 ltllPI'IIIIIlJ! lo lht! Cnurt th tt. the WeHturly nn n lhw s H7°4!J' w ton P I hn1• t!JC!I f'Uf hCIIIJ! fll'llCIIhcrJ IIH fnJIOWH lanlf• ful PI(!HCIIIIIllllfl or clnimtl UJ,!'nlru;t nt SLIL. ~fJ+liX 7, thence Nollhcl)y on 11 J.dVf'll IIY llllhll<•ntlon of ll COJl)' hell or Il It! D1dt11'd lhnt noltt·~ thett•of lw under the Golden G,tte budge Cnmrncnt•lnJ.:" nt the luwr r ll'l mlrllltl At Nc Obligations ti lid t•Htule Hhnulrl Ill' ltnutul, and Llwt IL llnc N ou .. ~H'~2l" m to n p I ut. Stn fur lltlll• \\.t!UkH r.ntHwcutrvely ~~~~~\'lfHUl ~1\Cil hy 1111hluatir•n of n iiii'Y hc1uof to J-4liHI clny or hearum, In the lnJ.lhnrn tlurNl[ ntH Jlolnt 111 tho Bnrnnrd fJJulrl (OJ thrt•e WCI'ktl CUfltiUI'IItiVCJy JlrCYiOUK tm11 nntl 11ltue IH llJIJlolnltd tu 1eculve, r.r.tli 2 tO, t.hencc Northerly nn a J 1r1e 'il-1/.1 101h> N und ,JI lniiH F, or LIH The rcvii!W Ia unchccl the oh ll.AKE, SW ~ of Rer.tion ~H. 1'~N. Rl W (li) tlnys Jlllfll to 1mch llf'nlin~. n 11 t»aov!d 1 d hy Htatute, to tmld Court nl Rnud to Stn. 77+17.6n, the Point u[ A 11 1tlt! CnJ•Y: Judl-Cc of Pt(lbutc _ Totnl len •th of Hnlcl y, vny No IUJilblt'l I,. IJRAI{g 1806 S. Washington, Lansing sonncl of the ships who hn1ntn Hhnll he HOW turned to Fort Lcon.trd Wood, t h 11 r. Nlll't PNKivt• '\ PekN Jll eviouH to t-mld or US-10 to Stu fi-lllil the Po~nl or rln'' of hmtllllf.:, 1n the lnghnm County Endlns:. 'l'hu total lungth of D1nnch C 'fiiA CIIIJ.DS. Dot•enHerl. cnnNtauctctl Wllh H-anch danln JlliiC lt1 bflf) Roy llurnafiJ,t"CI" huving hied If\ HHtd th1 nlll{hout. Mrssnllll, l.ts! TIILII sday after Nrw11 n II'WHIIII)l(!l Jllintcd 11nrl carctJ• feet. n. court hill llellt.IOfl )111\YiriK thHI I CPilaln lnt~d In tmid l'otmly, nnd thnt lh,, ftducl .. Tho Lllnds eomt•tltlcd within the '1 hr llj.T!Jt-nf-w 1.Y (nl• f'OfUlliiiCtirm spcmhng I II dnys with his pdr· lr!Ktlllm(nt 1n wlltinJ.f, pliJIIortin~t to In .u v uf Kltld eKlnff! ,::1ve knowu 1ntm ut1lcd l>aniiiHJte DIHllicl Ric HH follows nhnll Inc ludr. fifl fret on ench Klde of lite fnlil will 1\Tlzl toRtnment of 11/llff du­ enls, Mr. on, Mlchl~11n Uc ltnd 'rhtl Lnndti cnmpti!Orl with1n the TINSLEY-July ~. 1057 son high sehool with the class lnr.rhnm County. Michhmn, thence E 795' u he1cby llllJJOIIItccl for h( •ulng HnHI pe­ DanHHll-(0 /)Jf111lft liiC fifl rollowa: of 1956. Sl~ttc of MlchiRnn Thn l'rohnte Coll!'t on the S line nf Rnlil Kuctlon, tlumce tJ!Ion THE DRAINAGE DISTiliCT OF niE fur the County nr ln~thflln. N ly tn 11 ]loint on the center line of It lK I 111 thea OJ dCJ ed, I' hut pnhlfe no­ VEVAY NO. l DRAIN At II llf' 11\lflfl nr Hit HI Court, held nt tho US-16 HH4 feel SE'iy from the lntciKc<· t!c••\lhPII of lw J.!'iVt•n hy puhiJ~ntlllll nf n Th... t!zn~twa::-t dtH1tlcl or tlw VEVAY P1 nhnte Office 1n the C1ty n( MIIHon, in copy of lhiH o1de1', fn1 tl11ofJ HUcces~ivc NO. 1 HHAIN Hhnll inehuh nil ti'IICIR o1· THIS! J C D [ M I Lion or us .. 16 nnd Go1 nell Rnnd t.hence On • lVIR, son ° I' am HHIo•t of tho SW l of Sect ion 21, •r IN, tho l'rohllt(1 Offwu In the C1ty or MnHon, notnt Iii wd~ !=1 nnd ..!'i 1oriR E of the Boston pencil sharpeners tll n fair. ' tin• Lhrnuur Le givon by IIUbllcution or ll Rl W. Mc1•idlnn 1ownHhln. In~:hnm Coun­ W \ poJ4t of Hllld SeclUHl .!k. theul'e County News opened its office '-.;" cnpy or thJR order, fot• lhi'CC tiUCCCHHJYc In Kllld County, on the lith tiny of ty, Michhmn. thence E :Jrl:J feet ln u June A D. I !lfi7. tn n putnl 111 the I!! & \V l hnf' or Bostitch staples and staplers Pvt Kenrw1h Bateman nrrivcrl Wl't'kH J\ICVion• to HIU!i dny or hentlnl{, In tmlnt n11 the ccntct of V1t11 Attn Rond fiHtd Sor.j lOll 2H 'iH I od~ F. or tiH \V I home SaLurdAY .from F'ort Leon- lh,.. In rllllm r.nlllltv Nt>WJI, n ntnVHPU{liJr PreM>l liON HOJJI:R'I' 1.. llRA.IiE, 11""1 t1f Hfllrl ..:::,,,lion .!H thcru [! D I 0 Rubber cement JH4K feet s or lhc N 4 JIOHl or the sw I JUtl~i'"! of P1 ollnte J tnlnhd und chculntod in snld county, I od!:h thence SE'Iy to n tJUIIlt :ss 1orlt1 W ard Wood, MISSDUI'I, for <1 VISit 1\UUElt'l L. llliAKE, or Section 24. 1'41>1, Rl w. MPIIIilnn In the MulleJ• or the Eatatc of LEWIS Supply Center in order to ac· 1 1 oda ::; Scu~ Scratch pads •rowntlh(Jl, [nJ!'hmn County, Michigun, liUN'l' llcccn~ccl naul I or Llu centUI of t>nul with hm PHI ents, Mr. and Mrs A Tr ne CntrY: Jud1uty Rcg111tc1 or Probntu Vnn Attn Rond, thence E .!H7 feet tn n filul in t1i11ti co\11 t hlf:l Pall lion, PI HYing 1 24w3 110lnt 1!125 fuct S n1ul 287 feet E of the N 1\ll!l 3'i todR IJ of tltt• sw C0l'IICI or fn1 Jiculll!C tn Hl!JI the illtcJeHt or ~tldd tlflld Sect1011 28, thence SE'Iy to a JJOint Carbon paper N 4 JlOHt of the S'l ~ or Hnld HCCtion t~lnte in CCIIIIIII lea) CHtnlc thtHCtn commodate Mason-area busi· thence S 025 feet ton point .!4fiO S nnd dcltcJ•i her!, in the s hilt' or Hlllli SccUon J!:l, 2ft Intis II' or lho s ! IIOHt or the sw I of Hlllrl Paper clips 2H7 feet E o( tho N h tloHl of the SW I It 111 01 de aC!d, 'rhnt thu nth clny of of Bllld Hection, thence E :16:1 feet to n Sect1on 2K, thcau·e W 1 20 1otla, lhf11lr.l.! ,July A IJ l!lti7, nt ten fmty .. ftvo u'clocl< NW'Iy lo u point 2'i 1odH N untl 75 101\H Rubber b11nds nolnt 2~50 ft•et 8 nnd 61CJ (cut E of in the fmcnonn. nt tho PtoiJIIlu OfTicn E or tho 8 \ runt nr IIUHI Sf CilO/I ~\). ness the N 4 [HtHt or lhc sw I or ••ld "C• In the City of Mn~nn, Mll'hh:run, he• 1111tl Filing boxes men. Until then there Uon, thence due S to n JloinL G27 feet liiNICC NW'Iy to )IO\nL or hus,nnnlu~ iH hciCII} UJllllllllltd fo1 hcHiillg Nrtifl )It,. Dntt• Muy 27 t llli7. E und ti2H feet. s or the N ~ JIOllt of lltl.,n. ltlltl thnt n!l llPrHnnR tn Scotch tape the NW I of Section 26 'f4N, Ill W, lllleu•t~ltd WOJ,VEitlNE ENr,JNJ"mJNr. CO. Knid eKtntc nppcnt huroae twld emu t .. nt W E. Zlmmm. Mcrldinn 'l'ownHhiJ'l 1 lnJ.thnm County, KRill tirtw und Jllncc, to Hhow cnuHc why Tape dispensers Mlchh:cnn t.hcnco W 99 feeL to It JWinl Rc~ Pt•u(, En~lllctJt were no office supplies avail· 11 hCt!IIHC to Mnjl tho JnLcleHt or Hlltd Dnlcd this 11th tiny or June l1tf,7. 62H I cot E nnd 621:1 fc< t S of the N A CHLHie In HU!tl ten! ~Nlnte tdwuld not; bo Rubber stamps nost 0 r the NW l of tmld Hectton, then co tnHntcd; r;to;llAI.Il J,. GHAIIAM, County llanln CnmmiHH!onm uf S'ly to u po1nt. 61S rcot S nnd fi2~ E lt lH Fur t.hc1 OtdeJNI, 'J'hut Jtuhllc 110 .. Stamp pads and ink of the N 4 ltOKt .,r 1ho SW I of Section llco lhr!tt•nf hu J"iven hy puhllt•ntion D! n , lnghum County, Mlchi~Jifl Red Bar legal pads able in Mason. Res.-lts have 2r., 'r4N. RlW, M01idillll Town~hh1, lng-· COllY or th lti 01 du1, (ot• tlu ec IU!CI!t'tiH/Vn l5w2 hum County, Mlchl~un, Uwnco SW'ly to wcckH l•lo\'IOUK to tmltl tiny of henlhlJ.t".ln n Jmlut on the cent(!r llnu o( Vun Attn the Jr1~lwm County NoWih n raew11pate1 DON'l' 8Ct,A'fGII 'l'JIA'l' l'l'Cil! Ruled and plain filing cards llnnd H Zll feet S <>f lhc NE em net of JU lntctl nnd cit culnted In Hnld cuunly, IN JtJST lli liiiNU'fES, Index dividers the W ~ or the W ~ of Section .!ii, '1'4N, II Uti t twld 1•ctll10net• hnt give known Your 40c: bnck ut 1111y druR lllOitt If been gratifying and we thank Ill W, Mct•ldlnn TowrtRhlr•, •Jnghnm Coon· lntelcKicd Jltll ticK udditwnnl notice ns Receipt becks ty,, 'I'huneo W 300 (oct to ll lcrtuhctl by lnw. not plonaed. En•Y·tO•IIIIPiy ITCH·M£. 300 NOT dondons ltcb In MINUTES; klll• !>oint 4Hn feelS rm, lntlnte or FOR· The Council will meet on Monday, June 24, 1957, at 8:00 EST IIILLS SUilDIVlSION No 2 nnd 3, Post binders thence E H72 feet, thuncc N 2,212,8 fent, p. m. in the City Council Room to review said corrected Special thence NE'ly to tlto Intersection of the W'lv NS ~ line or Secl1o11 23, T4N, Rl W, Assessment Rolls, and thot 11t said time and place any person Meridian Townohlt>, lnJihllm County, inhrrested, objecting to said corrected Speciill Assessment Rolls Mlehl~11n, and US. JG1 then co SE'Iy on thq eontel• line or US·l6 to II ltOIIIt 260 feet NW'Iy or the lntcroectlon of Cor1wll ,or onyone of said ccrroctgd Special Assessment Rolls may file Rond nnd US·lti, thence S'lr 282 fllct, hia objections thereto in writing with tho City Clerk. theneo E'ly 2H8 foot, thc11co S'ly 788 root to the Point of DcldnnlnH. GEORGE E SN'VDER ASSOCIATES ConHtdtlnll En~lneorlnrr Outed thlo 13th dur of June, 1967, lll'lll.ALIJ L. GRAHAM, County Drain Commloolonet• of ' lnrham County, Michlron2~W2·~----~~------~------~~------~--~~~.1 li!l~~~~~...... ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~· ... ·~···~~~-~~~~~~~~-~: ·Dansville 1noham County News, Mason, Mich., Pnstm• To llt) ITrmore•l · Ms•s, Mo1·lo Oils of l.(lnslng nnc1 ·I(,! r June 20, 1957 Cr4 Mrs, Hcrburt Nnn•ls of 1>nilur. Father's Day An open lrort~:~o In hnnm• of nev, Corwin· Family vllll! vlsill'd Mrs. Mlnu O[ls Chnrim; Gt·oss Will ho given Sttn· 'l'lmr~;rluy, Mr, anrl Mrs; ,J. 13, Ditl-' Rev. Mondolls Pastor rln.v, ,June 23, !l'Clm 3 to fl in tho ton unci Mr~. Onu J\lmonri nC Mu· Program Given II fternonn II ~tl 7 Io !J irj I he CVe• Gathers at Park Hnn WPrn Hunrlny dinner gLWHti>. · ning nl lire irmne or Mr. unci Mt·s, of Mrs, Oll~. Mrs, Almond Is A l•'nthr)r's Dny pmgmm WIIH 'i'Jm Cnt'Will fumlly l'OIIIIIon WIIH Of Methodist Church IH'eHonterl Sunrlny tnornlng al the Aethen Witt, All mem!Jen; and stuylng .f1i1• a wook's visit, cnnsllltton]s of the Methodist Sunday nl. Ruynor parli, Mn!lmt, Jly U!!lcn Yo-ung Dansville nnd Vnnlown churches l~r!!l) Melhorllsl f'illll'Ch nt llw with 25 present. 1\h·, 111111 1\TI'H, VUI'IIHII Wll· dosn of till' Hunrlny Bel\ool hom-. chlll'eh and friends nf Rev, Gross !or lh!! ~11m lng ymu·. mny nt tend. Jtcw, Gross hns been 'l'hose nllenrllng wr.r·c Mr·. nnd JlamH und i'umlly uf l 1tli'I'Y During the Dntl·oil nnnunl con· Tho pmgram ojH'IH'd with Rev, Munclnl will give his Orst pnslrll' of tlw chus·c.:h for Uw past Mrs. Perry Corwin r111d fnmi!y \1'1!1'11 Jruthrlt''H l)uy rlhuwt• .,, Jerence of tho MelhoriiHt chlll'ch ml!ssuge Su11dny, Juno 2:3, the rcntlin!,ls hy Mnrln Cnrl nnri hy nt Houlevurd 'l'ernpio Metl10disl I yenrs, tl( Gmnd Rnplcis, Ms•, and Mrs. g•w~t" of nit•, unci tUt•s, Vnl'l lOJlic of wtrll'h will Ill! "Who At'!l ~:mmn1w Moore. 'I'Iw l~nwr•:;on churelr In Dell'oil, Hev, IIur·ulri Hetu·y· Lr.irmun und fnmliy of N!!IHOII, t I You?" qtrar·tnl :;;;ng aftet• whldr lht)l'C! Monrlol wns nppulnt('(j hy Bishop Whltrnm·c Lalw, · Mr, nnd Mrs, Rev. Monrlol Is the son of 1\'C'I'e rNulingll hy Did{ Ill'riglen, !vir. nml Mrs. Sltwe Bn!Jislto of Mr. nnll Mrs. gugeno Gauss nnd Murshnli Hem! ns jwslur: fur lire John Ranes uf Ludington, Orlu Bislrnp Shot 1{, Moruiol of Hy. .Jnl'l\ Coolt nnrl Lynn l•'rt>er. 'l'lw Flint wem Sunrlay rllnrH•r gueHts Co1win of Flint, Arlo Corwin nf fnmlly of Blir;s!lolrl wero wnck: dcrnhnd, Jnuln. He is a. graduate tmrgram eunc!Utlf'rl WIth Iii ngi ng, of Mr·s. Isnhel Balwt·. Swurlz Creel\, MrH. Gns•y Von· end guests of till! former's )Jill'· ... uf Alhlon college, attencled Drow Eal'ir falhl'l' (11'1'!-i<'lll IVIIH jli'C)• Vullconhcrg o[ Co!'lrnna, Rld1nrcl enls, Mr·. Hllll Mrs. Lawlun Gnus~. OES Conducts Theological trornlnary for one ~rntecl a glfi hy .lhc i:iutulay nrr. UJUI lUt·s. (lemhi IUmw ]()mhlc of Oberlin, Ohio, ChnJ•Ies Mr. and MI'H, GPos·gc Vngt, Sr·., year und gs·adunted In June !rom ;;r llllnl. Mr•s, Clydo Ctu·tls was in nnd l'umll,v Wt'l'f! l•'ntht•t•'H 1\uhrn·skl, VIncent Kuhnr~lll llllcl were dlruror guc•HtH of Mr. 111ul lim Boston university school of chnrgc uf lire pt•ugr·am, Hny lilllll!'l' A'III'SIII ol' hl•t• t'n· MrH. RoHe DuVl'y of Duranrl and Mt·s. F'rud i:ieynwur of Pineli'· Dnvlrl Manning is ~penrllng VoHs, .Jr., n111l J:trnii,V hnil 11 pier Aftet• the business rnr?r.ling re­ opened wllh the nag salute, son, Jr., and family and Mr. und Gtn·clnn 1\oldnnn and family of freshments were sr.rved by the After n candlelight service the wecl1 111 .ILulson Cullins c•nmp Satuni"Y aflt!l'llwin at Portn[ Mrs. Hohet'l Andei'Hnn iTis were presented hy and Mr·s. David Higbie, Mr·, and Mr. rmtl Mr·.~. Guy Felton or Mt·s. Virginia Morse, lendm·. Mrs. Funes! Wnlker anrl famllv Holly Greene acled as nnnounr•er SloddJi•lrlgr. were. Sunday eve. and Miss Barbara .Andersnn had it ning lunclwon guests of Mr. ami Mrs. louis Woods wilh Joyce Wing anrl Abbie Mny· plenil! dinner Sunday nl llw An· ville ns tlagbearcrs. Mrs, John Mrs. Forrest Wulker. RED TAG dl'L'SOn pond, King sang 2 selections and Alana Mrs. Effie West spent a few Entertains Group Mrs. Cam;ie fil!ichle nml George) Mrs. Louis Wonrls entertnined Neuman did a tap dance. Mrs. days last wee!\ with Mr. nnrl Averon Aclcley was pianist. Martin of .Jacl\son, Mr. nnrl Mr~. Mrs. Grant Dunsmore of Clinton, group members of tilr. commts· Nolan Wemple nnrl family o[ sion on etltwation of lf1r. Method· Refreshments of punch and SALE' lUI', nne! 1'\h·s. r.ewis Frl'cr 1st Sunday school nt her horne cookies were served. ·FAIR FORMOSA FIVE-Five Formos:m sct·ccn stnrs pose ; Laingsburg, Mrs. Drll'ls Bachman, in Taipei after they wen• selected to represent the it' country' Burl and ,Jerry, Mrs. Sadie Ili'hm m~d family \l'l!l'e J•'ulht•t•'s lluy Monday evr.ning. nt Asia's ,fo\trth Film Festival in Tokyo, From left, the gems and Mrs. !~Iorence Slusser of Mn· !linnrlt' gon,•sts of nr.·. 111111 M•·s. Still Going Mrs. William Musolff presided. WSCS Has Meeting of the ·orient m·e Mu Hung, Lu Pcll Yun, Wu Chin Hung, Chong son were cnlcrlainerl Snlurrlay Uuy I'l•rldns of Willinmslon. Reporlir of Bible school and of Chun Van ond Hwang Mcng. evening al a hir·tilday gathering the teachers and oHicers of the At Wing Home ______,__ ___:...______in honor of the hirtllclay anni· Cpl. Lelancl P~rrlnc wns a Sun· church school were given. Mrs. vcrsm·y of Mrs. Slusser. !ln.y visitor of M1·. nnrl Mrs. Chcs· Great Guns at Icy Droullard ancl family of Al· Wnyne Taylor reported on the The rcgulnr meeting of the Mrs.. Tad\ Yaeger nf Errst Lnn· gonac. The Droullards have :1 cradle roll department with 34 1!11· Woman's Society ·of Christian sing anrl Ms·s·. Dirk Oltman of .78 Enroll at Bible School daughter horn June 11. Mrs. rolled. Ro~es are being plat'ed on Service wns comlueted Wednes· Granrl Rapids were Saturday C)VC· the altar or the clnirch for new day at the home of Mrs. Elmer The annual dally vacation land Mrs. IIany Mom·e ni·e junior· ning guests or 1\lr. nnrl Mrs. Droullanl is the former Grace members. A new Sunday school IIcdglen. · Western Auto Frost. Dinner wns served at: noon church school began Monday at superinlcnr.lrmls. Clas·scs arc con­ George Mitchell. is being organized for young peo. with Mrs, Almond Wing as as· Dansville Methodist and Free dueled from 8:·15 unlllll:l:> each Kenrwth Squires of Mason wns Mr. and Mrs, Mary Bows!'r, pic beyond high school hgc. The slstant. hostesR. Methodist churches and will con· day. Mrs. Bruce Fineout of Lansing, See Our Selection of first class will be Sunday, Juno a Monday visitor of Sam Wil· Mrs. Earl Kinnamon and Mrs. 1'he birthday anniversaries of timte through this Fridny. There Teachers nnrl helpers nrc: Wn· liams. 23. Mrs. Minnie Grimes and Mrs: were 78 enrolled Mom_lay. dcrgattcm, Mrs. David Diehl anrl Edgnr Scri11ter· spent Tuesday FANS - OUTING SUPPLIES - SPORTS EQUIPMENT Lemonade and cooldes were Roscoe Amold were honored. Mrs. Roylyn Mille~ rs general Mrs. Forrest Walker with Mr.,, lHl', uml 1\frs. Ardritl Shill'· with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyt servPd by Mrs. Woods al the close Mrs. Grimes was presented a gift chairman. Mr~. Lewis l~reer Is Clarence llohcrl~, ,Till Briggs nnd of St. Louis. of the meeting. huul und rtog-m· lind ::\fl•. 111111 in honor of her 90th birthday primary supcrtntcncl:~.-~~-cl__l~~· Sally Thompson as helpers; first 1\lr·s. Donal l'lll'larcnts, 1\lr. borne returnetl home 'l'uesday WILJAX HEATING CO. extension phone costs only about o dollor a month, plus and James Kelley or Stocl a Saturday guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Backus and Miss Rosa- · Mt·. and Mrs. Lloyd Broolts Mason were Sunday d i n n e r to usc· a public tclephoJic-your monel Backus. were Ft·ldny visitors of Mr. and guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and ·Mrs.' Edgar Scripter. "ph~nc·n~vay·from-home.'' Mr. nml Mrs: I·Im-i-y Kelly and Mrs. A. C, Maxon of Lake Che· daughter of Lansing were Sun- mung. .. . Mr. and Mrs. ·Russell Frisell day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mel· Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mitch· and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ferrict• '* * *•* ~ *'~···* * * * ~ * * * *******If vln Battlge. ell·-and· family were week end spent Saturday at Ludington. Mr. and Mt•s. Loren. Slid nnd ·. · A dmtghter was bo~11 ~ron· guests. of Mrs. Mary 'Mitchell and PLAN YOUR VACATION duy, ,June 10, to c , and daugllte~, Dorothy, of Ft. Wnyne, family were Saturday visitors of 111 her parents, Mr.-and Mrs. Arthur ~Irs. Lt!laml l'errin , , •• , at Ind. Jane Mitchell returned home r7~ CHAPPELL TRIP by Long Dist~nce­ 11 11 Drake of G1•a'nd Ledge. ~lason Genet•nl hOSJlital.- The with 'lier parents after spending '!• 1- INSURANCE tbe fastest, surest way to ·lmby hns been ·IIRtnctl Petuly II. couple' of weeks with her ...... ____ ..... ____ _ get information on resorts ·Lee. 1\lrs. l•errlne mtd Penny grandmother.. Evidence· counts! D~m~gos resulting ' and travel facilities all .were taket~ home StuKIAy. · ·Vicky and Doughis from en · ~ccido~l ~n ··your property of Lim~!ng and .Shat•on Silsby ·Archy~s ·P-hotos c~n put ~ ro~l dont In 'your ·pocket· ·LCOMFORI~GROOYED CONTACT (ENSES Mr. .and Mrs. Bob Price · ·spent Sunday. with Mr. ' • ' - •I • - family 'spent the week ·end Elbridge Wolfgang. · Dmlo~Jng • Enlaug!ng • Printing book. Avoid risks 4od ~rr~nge wiih us for proper lnsur4nco c!'lvor4ge, t.helr cottage lit Sutherland Lake. Mrs, •A. J •. Miller and Po~lr•lft • Sptci~lty 'Robea•t Sl1aw of ':L<;i-tg' BCach, Bellm uttended fu· · Dr. Harold A~ I t' Sl1n.ider':· •• •· o' .ca.ilfornin, arrived Wednesday to nea·at.set'Yioes for. Mrs. Lottie . spend. Ml';' and Thurs· l. Mrs. ·• ·· · ·'Archy .Optometrist .::Ammerman .. ·Onondaga: Mont Haywnrd spcnl f!'Oil1 F'!'l· Wetlnr.sdn~· Mr~. Vlvlnn Sieffey Mrs. Peck T'ells S·tory !l'lr~. Htu·lnu Utlldwln rillY until 'rlteSI.Iny nl' I·fnughtnn ot r~uton Hnpl<'ls wns hrisl'e~s nt n M1•s, DeWflinn Blenz nnd rlnugfl. 21lth wedding annlvoJ'Sill'~' of Mt'. Crer.ry Ins! Thursdfl;l' llVP.!lhl.)J, Lril1e, bil•thc!ny dhineJ• honoring her tet·s, Mrs, v~mmn Moyer nnrl Mr. rmrl 1\II·s, · Wllllmn F'11nslenle dinner on llin Rmltlt lnwn. Mr. und Mrs. Kenneth Balcer luncheon In horwJ• of Mrs. BLWI<. 1anll !Hrs, .Jndt Wa·l~rhl. ut' egr: found nt Ynnlteo Springs, IJIJ'Ihduy honoring Mrs. Mr. 111111 Mrs, .Ctn·lls Wright 1111· ullended life 25th wedding nnnl· Guests pmscnl wem Mrs, F'loy il111ii1801J, r~l~tnm: Even lual n long •ll~tunce cnll Mr·. 111111 1\Ir~. ll111'1on ll!lhl· 13nrlou aflCJ the show. nounc!(J IJw III'J'Ivul of n daughter·, versnry party lor Ml', and Ml'~, nbn11t It, It really SOLIIHicd In· Huywnrd, Mr·~. HmneJ' I.llnh•, awl Mr·s. Mary Hltines nne! Mrs. win r·aweiwd a h•luphun!• en II M1•. nnll MJ'S, Glen Cullle1· of JLI.Ieen I~llcn, horn at the Fouln Lw!PII ChorH~y 111. theh• home Slit· l!!rl!:;tlng, lllLIIll be, Mrs. R. T•'rn·cl of Albion und MrH. };mta llaldwlnullmH!ml lltl' VI•'W J'mm Clwh• dung-hlc•.r, l'iliumn Allen HJllllll. Sntnrllay vl~lllng M1·, hnllpltnl, Jadcson, Satul'!luy lllOI'n· urduy nvenlng. .Ten McDaniels of Lc!slle. iiliXillnry huslrWHH meolltiH In H1alltll'l1m, ot' Wushln~:·ton, )), Gt1ess T lu~l tr1• cxplnln whnt. it Hnitu·duy I'm· tiiJ•il· lllllli· and Mr~. Hui'Oid llaJ'I.on. 'I'hey lng. fl.nv. and Mr~. v. II. Benrdsloy Mr. nncl Mrs. Dr.nn Noble nnrl Lt•slle Wmln•!sday nvonlng Ill !lie c., wns before tlw Srnltlwonlnn In· VHI'HIII'Y,. IIIII! l~nlluw's . Hay, spnnl lite day nn u lr1p lo Lalcn Houwl CIH'isllan EndJJIIVJll' is :;pent Fnthm·'s Day with theh• fnmlly, Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 low;ml !Jntne of Mr.~. Mildred D1·ew. t;tifulc get~ !dens! l'llonduy evening- t.lwh· ;;im, City to vl~ll Mt·. Cni!IPI''H slsleJ'. Sflllllsnt·ing n slruwhlrrl, nnl· June 20, 1957 mnl Ol' beautiful Hh1·uh Ill' lree C·5 1 • (flowering dogwood, frll' lnHIIIIII'ill, II would greet yo11 ou the lwwiH In COME S~E A&P's WIDE, WIDE SELECTION OF DELICIOUS. r- ...... ~ ·• tlw tJ·aiJ. J'1 . ,1 Exploring thnsP V11st hills wns · , 1,: n reul treut. Aei'I!H of woodml nr1m l'III'N, J edt with no dang•••· of gr.tllng losf· hut caJ/(!d them, They weren'tns larrrc 1SIIIJ lhnl f\!eliiiG nf explol'ing ntlll as the cocoon hut l'ertulnly lhn~r! · ntlventurlng In llw wild. we1·e more of tlwni und whnt ,., A mouJ'tdnt; tlnve flew fmm her . ,, , rr , .1 · • ·I' .. II 1 our fnces i'e· we1e they. !':lhe foun1)tlwm nt Ihe · IllSwnllng fll ucher ltd ncstY n of orw · rgg base of. many lllllG. shruhs. halt•lwd ... one to go, Wt! Nitw !ltal's the "mre" insect watdwrl 2 lwnilces scrltlchln~-: Ull· slrwy. llel I hal. she IS11'I !111• only rlt•t• some lrces quite UriHIVIJI'I' nne who didn't lmow what "IRys" that wr• eonsldei'Cd them a ltigh·jthis kind of egft! light nf tlw lrlp. A chlpmunlc plnyrJd dodge.crn with us. Wh••n I lcnow she isn't! •···. You·Can Put Your Trust In we found 11 Cecropia moth co· . , ' co; 1 II ·cl ever''OIH! to sem·chln" F. S. I .tust road tills to nvu~· "Super Right" Quality Meats! ~~ ! I 11 s J "' Sally to SG<' If It sounded nil I'Igill even more. 1111d silo snld, "But, rnnmmn, you In trf'es, uttrlet• trees, liJJ In llw still didn't tr.IJ what II was nnd nil· ... it was full of thr. un· 1nnyhe tlwy won't lmnw elthe•·.'' U.S. NO. 1,· CALIFORNIA LONG WHITE known and fun to find nul. In that. cnse go for n wall< In lhr SUPER R~GHT BEEF, Tlll'n this girl cnme with a fist woods. It SLII'C!Iy is fun! And wllcl full of lillie ln·own eggs, Hill! mbl>ils are so cunning! CHOICE BUUJE OUTS Hoytville mother, Mrs. Jennie Brown of Ensl: Lnn:;ing. Coffee, cnke nml ALL OUT FRdlM Nnnry Pm·rnll .lello wore served. Mr·s. Enncss POTATOES~ . was guest of honor Tuesday f• t a .GRAIN FED BEEF Rrmnltl Dam spr.nt lhrs wee!' baby shower given by Mr·s. Hclen - end with his grnndpnrenls, M1·. En ness of Grand Ledge. Coffee nnd Mrs. Guy Mead. nnll cake were served. Guests Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mcml, Mary were present from Grand Leilgl', ·::j Ellc'll nnd Honnlcl Darn spent the WrHJcllnnd Charlollo and Mulll· c '" week end a! Chippewa lnlw Wllh Jwn. ' · ·· LB. Mr. and Mrs. Rohc_rt Haigh. . Mrs. Georgia Enness, Sonya BAG Mr. and Mrs. Rwhard Colltn;:: nnd· Alma PLtrcell called on Mrs. CHUCK~ ' . ' and Mrs. Leta Pnrl< I l•o '•_,, · • 45C ~~: . .:toilet · t·isaue Ass~.'~ctro~s'2 .ROLLs· 25c EACH Sc OFF •~rangti · .Cake .. ~t~r~~a~::·· 49c · .,1-qffo ·sh·or.tening DEAL • • • I' ' ' ·:.. ~ ' • .' • ' . I :Cream Chee~e :~HILADELPHIA ·..· ··cinnamon' Ralls ·· · .• R~~~ ~~R:E;~·e · 6~~· ;;25~ Go To Chu

••. rr.:v1~,~~; :~~~1~~~t·~f.~ ~ . '':i This Message Is Brought to You ' This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service by the as a Public Service by the Following Firms and Individuals FoiiQwing Firms and Individuals

Comumers Power Co. Estcs·Leadlev Funeral Homo Mason Holt - L~nsing Van's Service- Sinclair Spartan Asphalt Paving Co. Mason Holt Chesley's Rex all Drug Ace Propane Gas South Ced11r Streol L~nsing The Peoples Bank of Leslie Wolverine Engineering Co. Mason fitchburg General Store "Chuck" and "Barb" Webb The Farmers Bank Mason Lindy'5 Drive-In M4son Heights Robart Nursing Home Mason Brown's Hardware Stockbridge Mitchell's Dept. Store Loslie Mason Manor Motel 11nd Re$taurant A. A. Howlett & Company 4&~t~~ee mfiefket. · M4son Hoights Ml115on The orchid is a flower of great beauty I It est responsibility o£ his ll training of ·Is L'ecognized by horticulturists as a master· ~ his son. Mason Dairy Dart National Bank piece in the flower ldngdom, and reac~es ma· !?e father's failur~ was cause~ by his in• Moson turity only after seven years cultivation. ab1hty to see the all Important dL!Ierence be· Collins Electric ' . • . tween the soulless· flower and the immortal PhysLcal beauty IS the· only r_equ~reme~t soul of his son. He thou gilt only of the physi• Stockbridga Kessler Construction, Inc. the orchid m~st fulfill :o assume Its plac~ Ln cal and mental prowess of his boy and thus the world. It IS otherwise a soulless botamcal neglected the child's greatest potential heri• Buildor of N11tional Homes specimen. ' tage-spiritual developmEnt. He had forgot~ Midway Drive-In Cleaners Holt The botanist who cultivated this flower also · ten there was a Church! He h~d forgotten Acr0$5 From Hortloy's Supor Market .possessed a son, and as the orchid approached· God I Holt Clements Flower Shop maturity so also grew the l:llild. The flower The Church offers guidance and help to and the child were the objects of his greatest parents in the training of their children. , t-lqlt pride and affection. While his success with Every parent and every child needs the sus•. , Dart Manufacturing Co. the orchid was certain, he failed in the great· taining strength of the Church, · Milson George's food Market Mason ~ TiiE CHURCH FOR ALL I •• ALL ·FOR THE CHURCH Th11 Church lo the greatest factor on earth lor tho builtl!n9 of chara~lor and good cltizenoh!p. It lo a storehouse of ap!r!tual values. WiLhout a strong Church, neither dert~oc:racy nor civilization can survive. There ore lour sound reasons why every person ehoultl alte nd services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake, (2) For biG children's sake. (3) For the oake of his community and nc.tion. (4) For lhtt sake of the Church !tsel!, -which needs his moral 1\lllSIIII Dapflst, Clarence Rodd, and material support. Plan to go to church regu· 1\luson · Presbytm·Iun, Paul L. pastor. The worship service be­ fgrly and read. your Biblo daily. Arnold, minister. Sunday, lO a. gins promptly at 10 a. m., m·es­ Book Chnptcr Verses m., worship service; sermon,"The sage will lie given by Miss· Cella Snnd11y ...... ~ ••• ,. Matthew. fi 16-34 Uniqueness of the Christian Allen; 11:15 n. m., Sunday school 'Monday., •••••• ,., ••••. Matthew 7 13-29 under the superintendent, Paul Tuesday ...•• ,,., ... ,. John 6 47·71 Faith," or "Is Christ lhe Only Wednesday .••••• , •••• Colosslan1 3 l·ll Savior;" 11:15 a. m., church Richards; 6:30 p. m., Baptist Thursday •• , •••• .,..... , Hosc11. 14 1-9 Friday., •... , ...... ,. Isaiah 26 1·7 school; 3 p.m., Young Adult club Y6uth Fellowship; 7:30 p. m., Saturdny.,.,,,,.,,, .. -Psalms 107 1·22 daily vacation Bible school pro· potluck picnic at Columbia Creel{ gram; Wednesday, 6:30 p. m., park, meet at church, dinner at youth choir reh~:flrsal; 7:30 p. m., 5 p. m.; union services 'will start prayer and Bible· study. June 30. ,,., __ 1\luson · 1\lethodist, ·Raymond What the Chur(Jhes Doing '·. Community 1\lethocllst or Dans· Norton, pastor. Momlng worship, Ingham Circuit lU e t h o d Is \lllle and Vontown, Rev. Harold Asce11slon Evangelical Lutllcr· . st. 1\llclmel's · Epls~opru l\Ils· · 1\Iason Church of the Nazarene; Williamston Nazarene, Rev. Mondo], pastor. 10, church school, 10, sermon topic, . ''A Christian Franlt B. Cowick, minister. an, 2780 Haslett Road at M·78, slon, Rev. N. F. Kinzie, Ph. D., Roy Murnau, pastor.. Sunday .: H. L. Woods, · pastor. Church Vacation," church nursery with ,\VCHt, morning worship, 9 Dansvllle, G. E. Manning, super· East Lansing. Rev. George W. E. . vicar. Services sunday at 10 a. school,10 o'clock; preaching serv· ··school, 10 a.m.; worship service, lntendent; 11:15, worship S()rvlce experienced supervisors;' church church school, 10:15 a. m. ,Nlckclsburg, pastor. Sunday ·m., North Elementary school, Ice, 11 o'clocl{i N. Y. S. serv· 11 a. m.; Young Peoples service, . p; with the message tly the pastor; ' school for all ages, 11:15; Junior \IUle, morning worship, 10:15 a. school, · 9:15; worship service, curry lane,. off Miller road. Jce, 6:45 o'clock, S'ong and praise. 7:30 m.; evangelism, a p. m.; m.; church school, 11:15 a. m.; p, 10, worship Hervlce at Vantown; High Fellowship, 5; Senior Hlgl1 10:30. Prayer and sermon with sunday · message; 7:30 .. prayer meeting, . Wednesday, Y. F., 7:30 p. m. Ev<~ngellstia Pra~ 8 11, church school, Mrs. Carroll Fellowship, 6:30; Monday ¥. school and nursery. ' er meeting Wednesday evening .. , p.· m: through Friday, Michigan confer· at 7:30. · · Glynn, st.iper!nt!!ndcnt; 7:30, MYF Wllllomston West Locke, Wes~ servic!!. · ence school of missions at Albion Assembly. ~~ Gpd, W. B. Kolen· leyiUI Metlmdlst, Rev. Delos Tan· college; Wednesday, chapel pray· da, pastor, Services at the Vevay · ·. Williamston C!]mmunlty lUeth· ;·ner, ·pastor; Church school, 10 a. odlst;- Rev. Lo)lls Ellinger, pastor. er group, 7 p., m.; Thursday, town hall, Mnson. Sunday school, , m.: ·worship service, 11 a. m. and Leslie Free Methodist, Rev. Dansville I•'rce lUethodlst, Rev.' choir rehearsals, 7 and 8. 10 a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. Church school,. 9:45 a. m.: wor· 8. p. m.; Wesleyan youth service, Harry CLtmmfngs, pastor. ~unday ship service, 11 a. m.; supervised H. E. Moore, pastor. 10, Sunday m.; evening evangelistic service, 7:15 .p. m.; .prayer servicC!, school, 10 a. m.; morning· wor· school, Genevieve Freer, superln· 7:30. nursery. during . services; Inter· Bunkm· lllll llo\ltmt.h·Day Acl· . .Wednesday, 8 p. m.: missionary· ship, 11 a. m.;. FMY servlce1 7:30 medll!te M.. Y; F., 4 p.m.; Senior tendent; 11, preaching servil-e; ventlst,, L. · 1-t:' ·stcl>les, · pastor. ·' ·meeting every· second Thursday, . p. m.; evening service, B p. m.; M. Y. F., 5:30 p. m.; Wednesday, 7:45, FMY S(!rvlce; 7:30, evening Sabbath school, 10; morning wor· Wednesday, prayer service, 8 ,7:30, 11enlor choir; Thursday, 3:15 m e s s a g e; prayer m e e t I n g, ship, 11. p.m. p. m.; chancel c_holr practice. Wednesday evening, 7:30, at churc)l. · llolt Dn11t1st, .Rev.. C., James Dansville Free Methodist, Rev. Pasma, pastor. Morning worship, H. E. Moore, · pastor. Sunday 'j;'lrNt Church of Christ, Sclen· 10 o'clock; Sunday school, 11 :15;. school, 10:00, .. Genevieve Freer, th!t, Mason, has services at the youth groups, 6 · p. m:; .evening superintendent;. pr,eachlng s.ervlce church, corner of Oal> and Barnes service, 7:20; Mld·wee!( serviee, 11:00; Young . Peoples .service, streets, every Sunday at 11 a. m. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.:. choir · 6.:45; evening· message, 7:30.. Sunday school during the service practice, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday ~ve· for pupil's ·up to the age of 20. . nlng at 7:30 at· church. , Wednesday evening meetings at a Include testimonies· of Christian ..... ·.-...... _ \V III I a m s t o n 1\lemorlal 'LU'· , Les.lle . nap· tlst, Rev.. Robert . .: •Science healing. A public reading llolt PresbytcrlaiJ~ Rev.: Vernon theran, · 1022 West Grand River, ·1 t th h • .. T. Smith and Rev. Ralph' MIIIC!r, Worgul, : pastor.'. Sunday school, room s open a e c urc.t . SS. Cornelius : ami Cyprian Rev. Koeplln, pastor. Sun· - • cii hi Wednesday and Saturday from .. : Catholic,:, .CathoHc Church roatl, pastors. Morning ~i>r:lhlp; :10 a. K. F. 10 1 · - 1115 2 m. and 11:30 a; nursery and day school, 10 a:· m.;: worship a .. ~~F.~~~ wors p, : to 4 p. m. "ls the Universe, In· · Bunker HIH. Sunday ·masses, 7 .m.; :service, 11 11; m. Nursery'durln& a. m.; · ' :.'f ~,:p. m.:· even 1ng eluding Man, Evolved· by Atoinlc . and 9 a. m. ·, · .. · church school during· both serv· . the service for small ehlldr<>n. ' .,.orshlp,, 7:30 .'pi;. m.;. mld·W!Jek F. ' II bj ices; Yo,llng People's meeting, ·. , · · · . · · · · "· " ' . pr!lyer. servlc,oe;·-Wednes~~y, 7:30 orce?' w 1 be thesu . ect of the Edell .. u;~ltcd Brethron, . Rev. 7:30 p. m. . ·· · · ·· ., . • \.' p. m.; jliniof:.cMJr .practice ~t 4 lesson-sermon .In all Christian Herbert· Cherry,· pastor. Sunday Wllllamst~n. Center ~ethodlst, , p.. m; and *nl!)r'·cholr prac~lce, Science churches throughout the .. Rev•. Louis Ellinger, pas,tor. Wo~·. 8:30 p. m:.·. . . , •· world.Sunda;y, June 23. · · · school, 10; morning worship, 11,. ·- ship• service, 9:30 a."m;; church · .· .. · · · Jnessnge by R(!V, Max Allen 'of . . . .. ,, Wllllam~ton_ ,\Yflllr(.pastor Is on''·.' • ·piesschool, meeting-, 10::91l a;.7.:30 m.; P~ ).·o~ng -Peo·· · Prlidt~n;·· ·~ort!a;.. ;.~ :~· ~}~rg:~lf~f~~:~:~~~~: ,· '.·.vaca.tlo.ll,;· -,Chrlst~llrt ·, Endeayor;·,:·,.·,, .. , ,.rn·. .·.·•· ...... ·. ;·-.,.,, 10:15. •:. ;children, YOJI_tig .p~ople and adults; ,' · .',- }7:45; flVenlns--servl.;e, a:15, with·:· : ··,• Mr. and Mrs. Dale Falrbotham in. . '··ll 'n'Wtiirvm~~. chelrl!'·l!: orc)lestraprnc:·.· .,_, Cc•nft!sslons ·Newsstands .il I Section D The Ingham Coullty · News Twenty~ Eight Spots to Buy There nrc 2A spota ltl Tnghum ut Monroe lil'tlg store; In Lansing WKAR Arranges Metal Supplants Wood whore the Ingham County News at tho Bank of Lnnslng corncl'i Is uvullablc. Besides being on sale In Lcsllo·llt DeRose confeetlonpry University of Michigan Awards 5,509 Degrees Aluminum nnd steel boat~ ara ut the New~ office, newstuml nnd .Dutton's di'Ug store; ln Ilus· New TV Series supplanting wooden boat~ rmrl Dejl're!)s were conferrer! on 5,· nales l!1 Mason ru·e nl WanJ's lett at the Haslett drug store; cannes on Michigan'~ rivers rmrl 509 .I!Tfuluutes ill the 113th com· 'rite major pJ'oblem of rlt·ug store, Clwsley's 1ll·ug store, ami at Rnb!Jins grocery on Dex- · merie(!mcnt of lhe University of aJJtomobllc accidents and fine Inland lal,es, Most of the trulleJ' George's m u r I< e t, Densmore's tel' 'I'm II; outfits bear metal hauls. Michigan Saturday. points of gnrdenlng provide rna· JGA, Westside gmccry nnd Jim's In Stocl!brlrlge they nre nvall· market; In OJ{emos nt Grctten­ The commc11ccmcnt arlrlress tcrlnl !or 2 new program series able at Spadafore's nnd at offcJ·ed by WKAR-'l'V, Michigan hergcr pharmacy; nnrl iJt Holt' at Drown's drug store, and at Oalt· was., given by Dr. J, Roscoe Mll· Governor Vetoes Parl1 Bill Carpenter drug store, Hltchen's . lor, president of Northwestern Slutc university station. wood; In Dansville nt Eilts gro· Governor G. Mennen WllliamH rlrug ~tom nnd I-Iurtlcy's Midway; Linlverslty. The highway snfcty series, vetoer! the bill which would have eery; at Vantown nnd Millville · 'fhe commencement exercises which began a w~el

. ' ' ,.,,,.· ..· •. ·:•·: '·'··"·'' ' ,Jmle 211, 1057 , !own 'T'Iw hid was !j.!t:i,(l!t2.t'i0, fmnl of liill' 1i Brown will bu Itt Westminster camp, Illgglnii l111 put a lot lenders. .Tess Harlmess, Bust·er Hall, INSURANCR ,CORPORATION church leadm'i'i in bed with distillers,.Raloon keepers and I dozetl off while my snh· Glenn Helmer· a ud Wayne Bark· ot hus tulip In b~rtet~clers. , Eclm.rrl trees consciousness jll"odded my er have been signet! to play I . hlmm1. Flowers nre green· recollectiom, When I uwolm baseball with the Williamston .ish .yellow; 'fhe tl·ce I" : ~he governor,. too, :seemed teJ•ribly disturbed over th~ again, there W118 the nn· team Sunday against the Mod· whlte1vood, ·n· · sp.eclel!· or levying of extra taxes on liquor and cigarets. He lashed swe1·- Beeehni1t, 110t tim ern Woodman team of Flint at pojlhll'. gum but the seJ•ap lobaeco. Pine lal(c. cverybnc who had anything to do With passage of the law Voters approved bonding the MASON M' I 0 H I 0 .A N. Vevay has a good town hall Chewing tobacco has declined aM v~cm·iously even school leadet·s who didn't speak up· in but should acquire by gift or Kipp school dlslrict for $1,000 opposition i.o it. But the governor signed the bill into law. to the vanishing point. Maybe to install a heating system and purchase an acre of adjoining all our worrying o-ver smoldng land for parl

. of the woriderfHJ'' assets we )is possl~·le. Ingham Cour1ty News, Mason, Mich., June 20, 1957 2 · ReceiVe Beet Sugar Scholarships • :Uugh· Curry of Bqllcvue and !"2:'':;;;:•:;·.".''·::.,:··'~'·:~ 'c'r'!'"~'••r.,::;.. "~"·'.''r;•·•"':;n • Senator Potter Backs Farm Research~: Barham Ihu·st of Trenton hnvc Ever since my hoyhoocl days on been chnften winners of $1,000 uncl inclustrlui bonrd ·or 5 mem· l!cholat•shlps presented by the Country & 11 farm hnci1 In Lf!pecr county, I bers, 4 to be appolnte[l h,Y ti)o . hnve hac! a deap lnte1·est In tho bcpt augur lnrlustry of Mjchlgnn, president and ono by (Itt! seem, excltlnrt possibilities' of agricul· ~oth scholurshlps ure ut Michl· lnry of agrlcullurc, 'l'hcy wouhl . snn Stute uhlverslly, turnl rcscnrch, And toclny, ~orne town · 25 years Inter, I shall 111mnsor u cm)Jioy the necessary fllchnkol, 1 1 Hugh •. Is the son of Mr, nnrl dAe bill to lift the tnrmer's Income by brains In find new lnduatl'ia( , By Jim Brown Mrs. AIIJ{JI't E. Curry,. and Dar· sclentlflcnlly developing new usc• uses ior furm Jli'WtlH'ts, to dcvclor!" nr.w CI'IJps, to mnl1e pilot tests' barn Is the dnughter of Mrs, for his surpluses, Elinor Hmst. and mnrlwt stucllcs, nncl to pftcr· We all agree with Governor Williams. He claims A child's toy made from cereal Incentives to fnrme1·s to convert we should stop calling each other names and begin to grains • • . a pair of gloves to new crops nnd methorls. 'l'he H c h o I a t' s h I p H nrc build the great state of Michigan. Nice words, all right, fashioned of processccl while po· award11CI to outHhmdlng •hll{h , And they might have meant something had he not spant tntoes • , , a filmy curtain of Don't,fot•gont thnt HeVtlrlll or. school senlor11 of Mlchlgllll hy the pt•evious 15 minuteR of his TV appearance last Thurs· tree-nut origin , , . a table built thu HO·t•olh~d "mlruclo'' prod· thu HUgnr hllllt lmhtHf.t•y nnd day clubbing Republican legislators. After blaming Reo· of anlmnl bY·PI:mlucts , , , un· m:tl'l of lliOllern rtlljllat'llh luwe Jn·nvhl••d tlw hnHil ror vaP!t nru deltlnlllncd on a 1111lnt publicans for everything from bad weathet· to high ta':es, liSUal, perhaps, but entIrely )lOs· slhlc If our rcsenrd1 laboratories new lmhJMh'h~'l 1111t1 Htlmu· h~t.'llll, the governor cleared his throat and pleaded for unity, Nice guy, this govemor. · · face up to the chnlicnge, IUtl~d IIIJ\V COIIHIIIJICJ' tlt!llllllllll:i, "A technological explosion Is '!'he cnmmlsslon cnllctl for a Hugh expects to enter the Dnrbnm Hur11t Jlugh Cu1·ry w - * * occurring on American farms," sc:hool o[ agrleulturc at MSU this ~~ ...... :....-._...,.milll!ll ·• "dyn<~.mlc ancl lmaginnllvc" np·' Why build t.hese cities glorious, li:ZI'!I Benson told me mcently. National Honor Society and other prouch to fnl'm rcscal·ch. J.'nr my· tnll where he wlll maJor In ngrl· awurds have been made by the If man unbullded goes? Prodtwtlon Is shooting up ru1rl up. cultural engineering, while Bar· organlzullons, sugar beet Industry. Nearly 200 pari, I wnnt to ~ec the ,lgl·iculture In vain we !mild th:.! world, unless flUtstrlpplng our nblllly to con­ hnvc been receiving some sys- eommltlce ~el dynnmlc and lmnR· bara will enter the school of home Barbara wns prcshlcnt of the applicants were cons I,, e r c d The builder also grows. RUmc, Stu·pluscs have hel'omc n economics. Young People's Society, was ac· tcmallc utlenllon In the Inborn· !native 1111d push this bill to th~ nmong high school students of ~ w • ~ fnbulously expensive prnbll"!ll, tory, hut very little research has five In nthlctlcs, IJiuyed In the the Lower Pcnlnsuln of Michigan. eostlng tloc taxpayers billions senate floor In short order. Hugh wns nn honor sf udcnt at school hand and Wlls a member Fri(]d chiclwn li11e you've dmamcd about, but. prob-· been done on farm products. How­ One feature of the scholarships ench year to handle. Pwm whm·e ever, In the lns1 ances when• Mlchignn (lrmluccs many of t110 Bellevue high school where he of the glee club. She was among Is that they will be used by the ably 11ever tasted is dished up every spring by East Lan­ was class pmsldcnt his senior I sit, this will continue lnclcflnilr.· money nnd sdenllflc brulnpowcr crops which would receive flr~t · the th·~t 10 percent scholastically recipients not only during the ·Sil1g Kiwanians. Such was the case last week when they year, preslclent of the Future ly-glvlng rise to nrtlflclnl sup· hnve br.en Invested, reHnits arc nttentlon In the laborntory under.' In her graduating cluss. freshman year, but also sopho· fried chlclnt lal commission of I.u·m cx­ dllVl!ICI)IiJig new \I! un Jll'kc wm· nn nmong the till· 3 bushels more thm in 1956 and month ago w It.'s probable even for a specified time. proposals to exempt from pemli ty Uons which have.· surtJiuscs 5 bushels above the average. Materials called preventative wheat grown In excess of acreage more land will be planted to this on their hunds. drugs can be used In the feed to allotment that is used for feed . · Corn Sheller When· you feed 2 llaird Cultivators , ~I •· 'WAYNE TAIL CURLER. · .· Hay.··· Electric Crtlaiu Setlarator Forks .... · . . ,. LCJg Chains . An Improved, more palatable 11 Acres June· Clover-Alfalfa llay Quantity o~. S,mall Ar~icles - ... ~~·· ··~···., . .formula speeds pigs on to ., ,1,. ;. • . ' . .oheevier weaning weights. falter · t.10NEY BEHIND YOl.l ~han ever · , Terms:-Cash ·. . . . . N~t. Re~p~~sible · for Accidents : ;W•yni Tail Curler Ia famous·. ·Yo'u cen face the ,. ears before you with more confidence when you've got some 1 ... ,or. reconditioning hogs' of ell money, behind you Best, way to eccompl ish this is to save il pre-determined amount ·. No. Goods.· Removed ·until. Settled'j=or · ;. :_~gia, · . · ·... · >.. : : . every pay day. Best rlace for your savings is here ••• where they keep on earning more money for you el the time. · •. ,: ., . · · . · . . . : .···· . . ~ ·' . . . :.. ~:lest .. open yo~rsovings account is NOW/ ., 'r ·•it ••.•• ... ··.··· ';I ••. , . I\ · ·T.illav· ·.. ·...... ·~~>: .. ''•· . ' :THE FARMERS·;.·. ' BANK .. JAKE.·.··ti:H":ftlf/ .P:rop~ ·. ,·· · .. .. Ol~est: Ban• i~ ..,Ingham Cou~ty .·. · .~~RL·· .. ~u"~·~·~~;~.;~:.~·''r~·-,,.;·· ·.•.;:_·.:.. :r-:·.:::.:·.~.) .• ·•~: ..:.::.:.:~::·;./.:., •• :.········ ····· · :·.DA.-YI~ ••. ·..·.c!~~ier•·· •··• ·'·'' June 20 1957 D-5 Stoc: ridge Comm nity C nter Group Re orts $520 Collected I y Clm Str nngc bQr!!tl', Ill• love tor Portage Dny 1ftltln~, In whlllh Mlclllgnn I' w•ll In Enulnnrl, lrolnnd, Scnncllnnvhl, Wh!Ie the monlteys have a Pleasure and Education cr.~rnp l!lhlno~ l:hrough every Men· l'flprescntecl. . : \ t!lll Low Counu·Jes, Cr.ntml F.ll· teoce, evr.ry l!shlng atpry, As n Wonwn hnvo · tm• mllre OJIPOI'· rQpe, lltc, 'I' he photol{raphy wn~ churm all theh• own, Elc11noro Go Together af Library· flt1hermn11, Weljmanspeclpllzes In t\lnlty In cvccy lll!ld than ~hey ~one by some of the world's best, King hns conem'JHHI horselt with Wl)lleyea, ~Is ·largest to rl!ile 11sed to have, Still Mnrguer!te Bs Slim Aarons, Duncan Edwprrls, more obvious glnmm· ·techniques l~ducntlon iff not just n matter w~lghlns 1,1 lb, 2 07., , Wylmtt Znpol'eon tlllnlts It worth· li!rJqjJ Lesshllf nnd · Dnvld Sey. Jn Oulrle to Olnmor, Tho author college are !opins featured America's first ,farmers wore while wrlte·som!!llilng just tor mour. · . of g11lng to school ·or college. IIi tr,~ I~ n Holly\',icwrl conch, Instructor, ~1ew l~kll 11ow IIVAllilblo, thpnc who hullt tho hanging gard· girls. In The College Qlrl Lool1s . , f!!etureli .tlutt mnlte you think Plr.nsure · cnn he somQihlng be. rnUmmer, try Europe in· Color by · lite ot thetuLvugc. Dcmpscy·Tunncy fight in 1!!27. similar to that which sent Team· writer: He has been fishing for useful because of Its employers the editors o~ Hollday, It Is !!lied sters Boss Dave Beck 'before n years In the Lnltc of the Woods directory, Industrial Index, BUill· with benutlful revroductlons .In scnr1te committee. area on Minnes()ta~s .northern mer work Index and a geographic color of places, people and thlngR Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., June 20, 1?57 D-6

':FOLLOW YOUR NOSE-This complex loop-the-loop high­ . way pattern illustrnles the modern look nlo11~ a 550-milc stretch I of Venezuela'> >eel ion of !lw Pnn-Amcrlrn n Highway leading ' into. Caracas. Now completely p;•vecl, tim road has r~duccd ·,driving lime from Carn<·as to the Colombian border to 15 'hours. Previously, it w:•s " two-day trip. Speeds of up to .: 1!0 miles an hou1· nrc permit led on many .slrctch.:s. It's part Business and .. g[ Venezuela's booming public works progt·arn, :S~o International Bridge PrOfessional Advances'J .. , . fo Drawing Board • Foods .. Your Michigan Cllmate Conditioned ;. By 1mmm wm·t·l~ Nursing Upholstery Jrol' yeiU'S1 till! JliiUL~ IVCI'C IL ~nllchlgan l'J'ess i\NNrwiutiun tuss·Ull IJetwcen n bridge nn!l Tank· Cleaner ' We custom·build furniture to ,. 11o tunnel, · Bottled G~s Michigan got a remiiHict· last Watkins your taste. Have lovely new Beebe's West Side·· Installation, conversion and ap- Home • SEPTIC TANKS.CLEANED samples of nit ty)les of fabrics. w!iek that It' has another major This ~pring, the legislature ap· pllances. County-wide delivery. bridge proje~l on the planning AlEQ concrete septic tanlts for Will call at your home to give · propriatcd $1 to the authority-a "Your Friendly Nelghbol'hood Dealer sale. boards. maneuver ·lo link the authority estimates. We plcltup and de· Grocery" " liver. It won't he quite aR long, :.~s and Its iinanccs directly to state for Hill's Bottle.Gas The E.· R. Lilly Open Evenings and Sundays high; or a!> expenl;iva as the government. 3135 Oltemos road, Okemos Francis Sloan Macklnnc Straits bridge, but It Texaco Gas-Oil Nursing· Home Wllllamston, Route 2 Last week Atty. Ocn. Thomas Vevay, Aurelius, Leslie Phone Lansing ED 7·7849 Mathias Upholstery wUi. .be Important. . M. 1\avanagh ruled that the au- 204 N. Cedar Ph. OR.7·4151 Corner of State and Park.:...Mnson Phone 671-W i/'or.years, governors appointed and Onondaga Townships Phone OR 6·5552 Corner College road and US-127 thority Is "an agent and instru: We Give Gold Stamps Piwne OR 7·4821 m~mbers to the Intcr11alional mentality of the stale and Is act· ---­ • Fine Home·Coolced Meals B1~ilge Authority, but the work ing on behalf of the public." • Registered .Practlcnt Nurse wqnt.on qulelly until this spring. "We Barbecue In the Store" • Fifteen Years of Expedcnce 'l'hiH adclerl official stature Information and References Home Luxaire Furnaces The authority's mis~ion Is to to the authority and observers Professional Gladly Given· • Sheet Metal Worlc bu\ld a brlclgc linking the Upper predicted the day will arrive soon J. Barker George's Market • Estimates Gladly Given Peninsula imd Canada, from when the bridge Is financed and Box 114, Dansvllle Sault 'Ste. Marie, Mich., Sault Service to star led. We' deliver on orders of or Stc..• Mnric, Ont. ~2.00 Phone Dansville MA 3·2611 Only nagging fear-a !car more Wiljax Heating Co. present when lhe M n c kIn a c 424 S. Jefferson· Mason · Dodge Signs Wilbert Reynolds, Owner bridge and any other large self· Auctioneer NEED BETTER 2202 Bertha Street, Holt liquidating pro,ic~t Is started: Phone OR 7-7151 TRUCK LETTERING HEATING Phone Holt OX 4·2421 !hal the direct tic-In with the _____..;.. ______Livestock · 311 N. Cedar fortunes of the state will require Mason STEAM - HOT WATER . INSTALLATIONS & REPAIR· the state to pay off the bonds If Phone OR 6·5632 ·------. ING revenues clo not. Trucking Kean' s ,5-10c-$1 Store . Glenn Casey Gas - Oil Conversion Venetian Blinds There arc still myriad details Flowers Auctioneer Burners Service Paper, Plastic and Cloth to be worltecl out. Dolores Beauty Shop Window :Jhades Wllllarriston, Michigan Licensed Master Repair Venetian Blinds Michigan has cleared the np· Livestock 314 Eoat Elm Streel Plumber No. 3300 proaches to the bridge, hut the Mmaon Phone Collect 559-J or 9W Phone on 7·5491 COMPLETE I•'LOTIAL Formerly ol Holt C'anadinn phase of the project Is ARRANGEMENTS TRUCKING AND BUYING For I-Icatlng Beyond the , still in negotiations. Open Tueaday throurh ~oturday .Ons Main, ..... ALL Ilatt SAVE on AUTO PARTS ,;;,:Waif Washing for trouble," Hare said .. at ., a. and 1·1neh tor farm and Walter Bruhn CompleJo Photography Service l rnlle north of Mason on US·127 Service l'rlsons JLt'e "hau·vestlng" ll 6· to lO·hlch for air COildltlonlngJ WEDDINGS A .".PECtALTY <~I'Dil of mm·e than 600 youths Bud's Auto Parts · Phone Mason OR 6·5591 and lrrlgatlm'- · Plains Road, Ro11te 1, Mason n ycau·. Phone Leslie JU 9·3836 · · 834 S. Barnes "Central Michigan's Largest Eij!:CTRIC . . Available Everywhere 15 Mason· Dealer in Late Model Salvage"' Young men between 15 and 25 Wi\'l'ER. ·S\'S'rEMS wtf Phono OR 7-4391 Phone OR 7-2311 Phone OX 9·2154 · represent 40 per cent of the 'l'o ftfy!iur needs. 246 W. Maple Street South of Holt · 2 Miles • N11rU1 state's annual prison intalte. They Sold and Installed Mason of Masuu were hom during the years of Livestock Trucking World War II and are !mown as Charlotte - Monday : the "War Babies." Roy: C. Hart Battle Creek - Wednesday Also general local. trucking 'fhe increased number of young · · 1328 S. JelJerson. Hardware ~nnox Furnaces · people in the prisons is bringing Phone OR 7·2231 Linoleum .,.- WHAT YOU WANT • changes. Charles Cooley Paint .. Air C~~dltloners Flo.or Tile · • . 0·, ..... \ . Prisons bel ng planned for the Phone OX 4·8349 or OX 4·1371 Sportln~ Goods future fealltre rehabllltntlon and· S. W. Hart vocational training, rather. than (at· south city limits) HOW YOU WANT IT the sheet' detention of a criminal 13M s. Jelliir8on'. Cady Hardware Phone OR 7·0181 a5 punishment for his crime. Plumblnc a~d Heating Worlt also Is progressing on WHEN YOU WANT IT salvaging young men. before they Bottle Gas . 141 w. .Ash · . : :: Mason Linoleum and ·. reach prison-n program of voca· ·,·.·· ' tiona! training In the community Floor Coverings on a probationary status. . . · Hardware· Judgcs anct penal experts i are Armstrong's Linoleum · I>11Po11t Paint . • learning that the troubles of some Watches , Expert Laying Service Evlnrud~ Motors FINE yoi1ths stem directly froin their Bulova·· Elglp. liari)lltori\.wyler . Bigelow and. Mohawk Carpets · · , 'Gilillf!.: failure to have developed useful · Rings_~ Braceletli_•, , . · a taztnil ·: · pursuits. Maldng a living, for In· Orange Blossom Dl(lniond· Rings Tools·· ' ~I 0 ,~ '' • ·. Bottled Gas · stance, . Baii•Dunn ·· . , : .. R.a~l~;s.· ... , . , JOB rThe program was pioneered by William. fink'· . .In Robert H. $cott, ·youth · dh~ector · · · · · · 20·lb. Self·Servc Cylinders Floor Coverings . Perkins'Jiardware·: for ·the 'state department of cor· JEWELER · · · . 61).lb. Cylinders · . · Mason · · '· · · . Fli; pn. ~·431~ Next to Fox The~tre ·. Masoii . Phone OR 7·0231 rectlons. · · . · . Mason . .::: .. lOO·lb · Delivered Cyllndeni PRINTING Wb~h a jutlge plnces' a juvenile Lower rates ·for dllal appltilrice offender Oil probation, he Is' en· . . users' •. Letterheads "' Handbills rolled In PREP !Pioneer Readl· • ·Inquire ~bout· • .. _ ness for Employment Program), · · .'suLK . *Envelopes "' B~okleb a statc·local cooperatlvc·project. • ._...,_...,,;,;,...,-..,.....,;...,;_ . . Refrigeration d •• ' . ',\ 1!.·.· .. ·. · . Offico Forms · .· Only ·oiiC. ~ciiy.:..Mt.. Clemens.,... 1. · ' · : · · , . .. ·~ : . ·. ·· · · · * ~ Tickets· h f 11 · b t .. Clean;. trou!)le·free and,m