Do~for Begins lnlerns~ip AI Lansing Sf. Lawrence MnHon;s nr.wcst doctor of medl · clnn, Dr, Milton c. l:lcrgeon, br! gins his lntcrn~hlp nl Sl. Law 4 Sections ~ 2,6 Pc1gos l'oncc hospltnl In Lansing .Tuly 1 Dr. Bcrgcon rcm!IV!!cl hi~ de grcc of doctor of mcdlclrm at thr Bank P.roperty University of Michigan Snl!rruny Cash Is Left On Monday ami Tuesday am. Offers New View Wcdnesrlny of lust wcelc he wr·otr Supervisors Study his stale hrmrrl exnmlnatlnns nnr' On· Soil Plan There's a new view In Mason has qunlllled to practice rnodlclnc now that the .3 buildings on the ' The new doctor Is the son of . Dart Nnlionnl bnnit property ut There Is $3,000 left of the $!'10,· Ash anrl Pnrk have been removed, Mr. unrl Mrs. J, C. Ber•grwn of 000 provided for farmer·s lo lm· The view between Ash and the Dlnmonrl road, Mnson. LJe wa~ prove land Iuken out of corn unci Mich lgan Bell building and be· Office Space Need grndualed from Mason hlgl1 Wllettt prorluctJon nnd placed In tween the Smith property and sdrool In 10·16, After 4 yeurs ol the ltcreagc reserve. Supervisors began a scrlo'us service In the nflVY he entered Parlt street Is unohstructcrl. lng-. Another solution nffcred was The money 'will compensate Bnnlt olflclals have snlcl they study of Lnnslng branch office eonstructlon of an office illlihtl'ng Mlchlgnn Slate university, recelv needs Wednesday, , lng n bachelor of sdcncc degree f;u·mcrs for tiling, liming and have 1\o Immediate plans for use at the Ingham Chest ho:->pltalsllc. s~edlng fields placed In the acre· In JD::i3. He entered the sr•hool nf of the pmpcrty other thnn for The steering cornmittcc of the In discussions of bullrllnil needs age rcscr·vc, cxplnlncd Wllllnm merlldnc nl Ann Arbor that fall pnrldng. board of supervisors met in Ma· there have been rtiiTt!rcnecs of While serving In llw navy nH Crampton, ASC office manager. The qunrter-hloclt area was 8on to determine hullcllnt;: needs opinion cxprr.sscd nhout location. an ensign,• lhc Mason mnn met Allfllicnlion for payments must leveled In HI clays by Ccnlml for branches and to study ways One gmup demands a downtowtl Marge LaFleur of llochm;ter, Nnw bo marie he fore .July 1, Cramr>ton Wrcclclng Co., Lansing. and means of meeting them. Hr. JUIIton U. Bcrgcon location, clo~e to lhc r:lty !tall and Yorlc, attonrllng college In VIr suld. Application must he made Anot11cr m~ctlng has been stale building~. Anolhr!r r:r·oufl glnln.· She Is now Mrs. Bcr·gcoo 1. The family will reside In Lan· bcfot·c worlt Is started, he· cau· tentativ~ly set for next wee!• to insists that. a cottnty huilrling and there nrc 3 llltlc Bcrgcons, sing while tlJC doctor serves his tloned. consider means of financing con· should be outsirle the congested Cheryl, 3; Mlr:haei, 2; and Kathy, -Court Awaits slructlon or· purchase of Lansing in ternshlp. lng-ltum furmcr·s .I o In r~ 11. area In order Itt have adcquato othPt' fur·mr•rH In rmmmm'r!lnl quarters. Po~sihllltics of setting parltlng facilities. !Jfl a building authority lo finance wlteut ni'PilS rwr·oss Urn nuflon construction by honrls Issued Mnlnlalning brarwh offlel's In Outside Students May Join '1'1tursduy In !l wlumt nuu·ltt•l· Defense Move Lansing ure tlw slwriff, judg-e of inl( qunlu votB, against rentals or of going to the Two motions arc awaitcrl In a people to ask fpr extm millage probate, crnmty !'IPrlt ntul reg· ·School Okemos Mnrkctlng quotas on whcnt prc·trl<tl hearing In the Dezeeuw were discussed Wednesday anrl Isler o[ deeds. Main offices of tim Summer at ltavc been in effect since HJ51. If case Fr·lrlay. will be cllscusscd again at the health department, JH'nscculor, circuit judges, fricmcl of the court Mlr:hlgan State university 1111'1 Mason, \~illl11mston and other ml· fm·me'l·s vutc against the quotas, Eugene Field of Kalamazoo, at· next meeting, said Max E. Mur· the Olwmos school system are of· jaeent dist riels. prlco suprorl may he slashed to torney for Jncoh Dezeeuw, has' nlnghan, LansIng, committee nncl wclfat·c clcJllll'lmcnt arc In teslng summer classes fmm .July :i0',1 of parity. SUJlpm·t now runs given nollee of his Intention to cl1airman. Lnnslng. The nniverHIIy will ltl'nvidc lhc file 2 motions, one to quash the SAFETY LESSON for children is the twi~ted bicycle of Sharon 1 through August 2. Enrollment bel ween 75'/r and 78',1.. Other members of the steering The welfare department Is on ... IH ·not limiter! to the Olwmos dis· slaff of 28 teachers. They will case and, if that Is denied, an· Voles arc being cast at 1 places DeMunck. She rode it into the path of a car Wednesday and committee are chairmen of stand· Willow strr.ct In a count y-awned trlct, hut is open to pupils from teach In ·the summer school to other for a change of venue. building. The slccr·ing r:ommlltee gain sttulent. l~aching credit at in Ingham. nearly lost her life. (Ingham County News photo.) ing' committees: Dean Taylor, The pre-trial hearing was schcd· Js nat con~ldcl'!ng movlu~ the de· the university . .fncl Burdin of the Vevay, Aurelius, Leslie and Mason, drains; Carl G. Card, East ulecl for last Friday but adjourn· partmr.nt from that locution, Okemos ~tnff will be director of Onondagn• farmers arc balloting Lansing, ways and means; John mcnt was tal<cn far a week. Chairman Murnln~:Jwn snid. I he Slimmer school. Dr. Gcorgr: at the Vcvay town hall. Der.eeuw was the driver of a Patriarche, East Lansing, health; Farmers Endorse Myers of Michigan Slate lws and Phillip Millis, Leroy, roads Ot11er offlccs arc In rcnlcll quar· Alaicrlon, Delhi, Lansing and car which struclt the bicycle rirl· tcrs. been nssigncd a;. coorrllnator for l\Jcrirlian tuwnship far·mcr·s arc Driver Crashes His Car a ncl bridges. den by Ronald Strickling, 13, on Before next wcP.I•'s committee Fall Milk Strike the high school pmgram. casting their ballots at the Alaic· West Columbia, March l. 'l'he boy The committee, Chnh·mun mcctln>:, the chairman said, flg· don town hall. suffered fatal Injuries. Dezeeuw Nineteen rn,.,.ham farmers gave In I he morning, classes will be 1\lnrninghn.n said, IN not com· urcs on how muclt SJJacc is " cr 1nrtttc•lerl fr 11' (lll(lil" 1'n 1 · ler At I lie Lc;colon hall In Willi·,1ms· is charged with manslaughter. mlttcrl to any spedflc solu· the green ii>:ht to state officers ·' unr · "' To Save Girl on ·Bicycle ncerlcd and on present rental of the !"air Share Bargaining ns· g~rten through ·sixth grade. The ton iill'mcrs from Williamstown, J'rosecutor ,Jacl' Wul'!'cn tlon for I.anslng ofTir~c srmcc. casts will be developed. socintlon to call 11 strike any curric:ulum includes· aearlcmic in· Lor:k~. Wheatllcld and Leroy arc suirl he Is anxious thut the Sharon DcMunclt, 11, of 1387 fairly good at St. Lawrence hos· Lansing city oll'ldals 1111\'C time. The Ingham group voted ~ lnwtion anrl C'nrichment act ivi· voting-. trilL I lm during- tho p1•es•mt Hogsback road, escaped possibie pita!. Acltcrson was traveling J'Ccommenrled thut a county the strike approval at a meeting ties such as foreign language, Wl1itc Oak, Ingham, Bunltcr tel'ln or court. Jlo also imli· death Wednesday afternoon when north, he told sheriff's officers, wing lie added to the new city In Stockbridge Monday night. nrt, dramatics and music, Burdin Ilill and Stockbridge farmers are cutr~rl thut Deze••uw muy she apparently sped out of a ,\•herr the girl darted out of the hull. Hospital Fund . Franlc 'I' rap p, Stocltbrirlge said. voting at the White Oak town walvc1 jury tr·lul. driveway on Hogsbaclt and into driveway nt tbc home of Mr. and Several btrildings have been . dairyman and a member of Fair Those doing high school work hall. Donald .L. McMann, 28, Holt, the path of an automobile . Mrs. Daniel Sheehan. Aclwrson considered for pmcilase. Among Share, called the meeting. He may receive cr·crlits in 2 subjects, will not be tried for murder al Raymond J. Ackerson of Lnn· swerved left and the car, a new them were the vacant Montgom· Keeps Growing urged cooperation of nil dairy. Burdin expl<linerl. c G the present term of court. At a sing swerved his automobile and Her·tz D1·lvurself rental automo· cry Ward building and the Mich· men In any forthcoming strike English, history, socinl sturlics, emeterv roup pre-trial hearing Friday Judge managed to strike 'the cyclist a bile, rolled into the ditch. igall' Millers Insurance Co. build· On its own momentum the Ma· action regardless of farm organ· mnthcmatic:s unrl seicncc will he Marvin J. Salmon granted a mo· glancing blow instead of head-on. son community hosJJital fund izatiun membership. He said in offered hi>:h schrwl pupils nccorrl· Calls Work Bee tion thut the trial be placed on The car ovf!rturned and Aclterson keeps growing. order to he successful at the next ing to rc>:istral ions. Beginning the September term calendar. was thr_own to the ground. Public School Enrollments strike, it will take the combiner! typing and hooldwcping will also Victor U. Anderson in· Slnee the vief()(',Y cl!h~lu·u· 'J'r•eutml ut !Huson GencJ•ni coopernllon of members of all he offcrPd on the snme basis, But·· Officers of the North Aurelius form••cl the COUI't that the de· lion nf lust wedc, $!1:!1 In hospil:ll fen· cuts and gus dairy organizations.
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