Fairfax County Notes
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xxxx xx INSIDE: All county bonds win easy passage • Coverage, Page 3 Ruth Boyer O’Dea & Sheri Grant 4 16 703.338.2277 | 703.405.1016 AIRLINES RUNNER [email protected] FURTHER SHINES IN boyerodeagrant.com TRIMMING COLLEGE 2300 Clarendon Blvd, #200, Arlington VA 22201 SCHEDULES ACTION Sun Gazette GREAT FALLS McLEAN OAKTON TYSONS VIENNA VOLUME 42 NO. 5 NOVEMBER 12-18, 2020 Resident-Curator Initiative Is Moving Forward Fairfax Eort Finding Success, But Also Is Seeing Bumps in Road Along the Way BRIAN TROMPETER Kirk is asking the county Sta Writer government for a special-excep- tion permit to operate a retreat The Fairfax County Park center for people undergoing be- Authority’s (FCPA) resident-cu- reavement. rator program is seeing signi- Kirk has made considerable cant progress at several sites and improvement’s to the circa-1905 preparing to sign up more care- home’s basement, which had takers for county-owned historic bare-concrete ooring and un- properties, ofcials told the Park nished walls when she began Authority Board on Oct. 28. her curatorship in November The program, authorized 2018. The curator has added by the Board of Supervisors in ooring and painted drywall and 2014, lets qualied caretakers has begun holding meetings in live at county-owned historic the basement, said David Buch- sites for free, provided they pre- ta, manager of FCPA’s Heritage serve and upgrade those build- Conservation Branch. ings and occasionally let the Kirk also has renished public tour them. wooden hallway ooring on the The program currently has main level and done painting several active resident curator- and plaster work. ships under way, including at: “It looks more like a home • Turner Farmhouse, locat- now than it did before,” Buchta ed at 10609 Georgetown Pike said. Sarah Kirk, the resident-curator at Turner Farmhouse in Great Falls, has invested more than a quarter-million dol- in Great Falls, where curator In addition, the curator, lars in improvements and upkeep in the property. FILE PHOTO BY BRIAN TROMPETER Sarah Kirk has invested nearly with help from volunteers and a $251,200. The site also has ben- nearby church, has done about milkhouse, Buchta said. If the visitors could use the milkhouse Kirk will hold her second eted from about $32,650 worth $30,000 worth of refurbishment county approves the special ex- space for personal reection, he of volunteer investment. to the former dairy farm’s old ception for the retreat center, said. Continued on Page 19 Rising Prices Putting a Crimp on Local Housing Aordability SPREADING SOME Increasing prices are making it more of 2020, according to the “Home Opportu- local area mean a larger percentage of res- could afford a home at the mid-way point a challenge for local residents to purchase nity Index” (or HOI) reported Nov. 5 by idents are able to buy mid-priced homes of properties in each particular region. homes despite rock-bottom mortgage-in- the National Association of Home Build- than in many other parts of the country. In all, 58.3 percent of new and existing terest rates, according to new quarterly ers and Wells Fargo Housing Opportuni- The HOI uses a relatively simple for- homes sold between the beginning of July data. ties. mula involving a metropolitan area’s me- and end of September were affordable to A total of 63.6 percent of D.C.-region That’s the lowest percentage locally in dian income and its median housing price families earning an adjusted U.S. median households could afford a median-priced nearly four years. The good news, howev- and then factors in interest rates to deter- home in the region in the third quarter of er, is that the relatively high wages in the mine the percentage of households that Continued on Page 19 ONLINE https://sungazette.news l On Facebook: sungazettenews l On Twitter: @sungazettenews @sungazettespts Local Postal Customer Postal Local Michel Rene Salon & Spa ROOTS ONLY • • Unlimited Permanent Color for Roots PERMIT NO. 605 NO. PERMIT 703.356.8844 703.893.5800 703.938.6444 Frederick, MD Frederick, PAID Suissa Salon & Spa 165 E. Maple Ave., Vienna 165 E. Maple Ave., Only Per month Michel Rene McLean U.S. POSTAGE U.S. 6716 Whittier Ave. #A, McLean 6716 Whittier Ave. $ #B, McLean 6716 Whittier Ave. PRSRT STD PRSRT 50 Michel Rene Salon & Spa Modern Masterpiece Unveiled Tuesday,Sunday March 1-3 3rd PM 12-2PM $3,950,000 1137 Basil Road, McLean, VA 22101 Main Level Owners Suite 8 Minutes To Washington D.C. Furnished By Staged Interiors Sales By: Yeonas & Shafran Real Estate 703.790.3330 Directions: From McLean: North on Dolley Madison Blvd, Left on Basil Rd to 1137 on the right ArƟsan Builders I 6862 Elm Street, Suite 410 I McLean, VA 22101 I 703.328.0324 I arƟsanbuilds.com 2 November 12, 2020 sungazette.news All 4 Fairfax Bond Referendums Garner Easy Victories BRIAN TROMPETER isterial districts (Dranesville and Spring- tricts, again setting aside the large number stock and equipment in the Washington Sta Writer eld residents voted against it by slim of absentee votes not listed by district. metropolitan area. margins), but because more than 384,000 The bond will supply $100 million for By the unofcial count, voters cast Four Fairfax County bond initiatives absentee votes were not broken down by the Fairfax County Park Authority to ac- 380,776 ballots for the transportation sailed easily to victory in the Nov. 3 elec- district, it was not possible to reach deni- quire, construct, reconstruct, develop and bond and 181,921 against it. The bond tion. tive conclusions. equip additional parks and park facilities; passed in all nine magisterial districts, They includes: The library bond held special impor- preserve open-space land; and develop exempting as before the majority of votes • Voters approved a tance to Vienna because it included mon- and improve existing parks and park fa- cast by absentee ballot. $90 million public-li- eys for a shared parking garage at the cilities. The remaining $12 million will • County voters also gave strong sup- brary bond, which will future new Patrick Henry Library. Town serve as the county’s contribution toward port for a $79 million health-and-human- ELECTION pay for construction, leaders already had seen the failure of two the Northern Virginia Regional Park Au- services bond referendum, with 407,767 reconstruction, enlarge- public-private partnerships for municipal thority (NOVA Parks). voting in favor and 156,342 against. As 2020 ment and equipment parking garages and hoped to achieve • Voters passed a transportation-bond with the park and transportation bonds, of existing and addi- success this time by signing an agreement referendum that will contribute $160 mil- this referendum succeeded in all nine dis- tional libraries, plus land acquisition as with Fairfax County, a more stable nan- lion as Fairfax County’s share toward the tricts. required. cial entity. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit The funds will be used to provide According to preliminary gures, • A $112 million park bond also passed Authority Compact. WMATA will use the health-and-human services facilities in the 372,203 county voters cast ballots for the by a large margin, with 407,459 residents funds to construct, reconstruct, improve community, including the construction, library-bond referendum and 191,222 voting in favor and 155,458 against, ac- and acquire transportation improvements reconstruction, enlargement and equip- against it. The referendum appeared to cording to unofcial totals. The referen- and facilities, which could include capital ment of existing and additional facilities pass in seven of the county’s nine mag- dum passed in all nine magisterial dis- costs for land, transit facilities, rolling and the acquisition of necessary land. Drug-Takeback Event Scores Success Across the County The Fairfax County and Vienna po- 1,696 pounds’ worth at the county police The October initiative collected ap- tive, drug-take-back boxes are available lice departments, in conjunction with the department’s eight district stations. proximately 25,706 pounds of medications year-round at each of Fairfax County’s U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration The county’s totals by station were 100 statewide. The Vienna Police Department eight district police stations. (DEA), on Oct. 24 participated in the pounds at Sully, 184 pounds at Mount plans to continue its participation with Accepted items include prescription 19th National Drug Take Back Initiative Vernon, 102 pounds at McLean, 173 the DEA for future initiatives. medication (Schedule II-V controlled and and collected literally a ton of unused and pounds at Mason, 303 pounds at the Unused or expired over-the-counter or non-controlled), prescription ointments, expired over-the-counter and prescription Reston station (and a nearby Inova col- prescription medicines left unsecured can over-the-counter medications, and medi- medications. lection point), 134 pounds at Franconia, be prone to misuse and may contribute cations for pets. Prohibited items include Area residents dropped off 309 213 pounds at Fair Oaks and 487 pounds to overdoses and accidental poisonings, needles (sharps), liquids of any kind, il- pounds’ worth of medications that day at in West Springeld, where Kings Park Li- county police said. legal drugs, non-prescription ointments Vienna Police Headquarters and another brary was used as the collection point. In case people missed this year’s initia- and lotions, aerosol cans and inhalers. “ The quick response time and personal service that National Capital Bank provided was critical. The importance of a trusted, local bank can not be understated. ” Lisa L. Williams Principal Cap8 Doors & Hardware Lisa Williams started Cap8 nine years ago as the need At the onset of the pandemic, Lisa arose for a highly effective regional door and leaned on the relationships she had at hardware company.