PRSRT STD ❖ U.S. Postage Fairfax Station Laurel Hill PAID Elkton, MD PERMIT #31 Attention Postmaster: Time sensitive material. Requested in home 01-16-09 Clifton ❖ Lorton ❖ Lorton Valley ❖ Crosspointe Obama At GMU News, Page 3 President-elect Barack Obama talks about the economy during a meeting of mayors and governors at George Mason Univer- sity in Fairfax on Jan. 8. Classified, Page 16 Classified, ❖ Sports, Page 14 ❖ Calendar, Page 11 InovaInova HaltsHalts HealthplexHealthplex News,News, PagePage 33 CandidatesCandidates ConsiderConsider TaxesTaxes CountyCounty Line,Line, PagePage 88 Photo by Robbie Hammer/The Connection Photo 15-21, 2008 Volume XXIII, Number 2 Read us Fairfaxonline Station/Laurel at Hill Connection ❖ January 15-21, 2009 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Fairfax Station/Laurel Hill Connection ❖ January 15-21, 2009 Laurel Hill/Fairfax Station/Clifton Connection Editor Michael O’Connell News 703-917-6440 or
[email protected] Obama Calls for Bold Action In GMU speech pushing stimulus package, president-elect warns of ‘lingering recession.’ By Derek B. Johnson tion” soon or risk creating a recession that “could The Connection linger for years.” “We could lose a generation of potential and prom- n what was billed as a major speech on the ise as more young Americans are forced to forego national economy, President-elect of the United dreams of college or the chance to train for the jobs IStates Barack Obama took to the stage at the of the future,” said Obama. “And our nation could Center for the Arts at George Mason Univer- lose the competitive edge that has served as a foun- sity in Fairfax to outline some details of a proposed dation for our strength and our standing in the economic stimulus package that he hopes to pass world.” through Congress.