PRSRT STD U.S. Postage Springfield PAID Elkton, MD PERMIT #31 Attention Postmaster: Time sensitive material. Requested in home 11-7-08 Franconia ❖ Kingstowne ❖ Newington Classified, Page 16 Classified, ❖ Area GOP Faith, Page 13 Faces Defeat ❖ News, Page 3 Sports, Page 12 ❖ McCain Campaigns In Springfield News, Page 7 Calendar, Page 8 Connolly To Congress U.S. Rep.-elect Gerry Connolly (D-11) thanks News, Page 3 supporters while surrounded by family mem- bers for his win over Republican Keith Fimian. Photo by Robbie Hammer/The Connection Photo www.ConnectionNewspapers.comNovember 6-12, 2008 Volume XXII, Number 45 Springfield Connection ❖ November 6-12, 2008 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Springfield Connection ❖ November 6-12, 2008 Springfield Connection Editor Michael O’Connell News 703-917-6440 or
[email protected] Obama, Connolly, Warner Win Connolly win leads to special election for chairman’s seat. By Julia O’Donoghue The Connection airfax County Board of Su- pervisors chairman Gerry FConnolly (D) won the battle to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Tom Davis (R) in Virginia’s 11th con- gressional district handily Nov. 4. U.S. Rep.-elect Connolly was ebullient along with /The Connection Gerry Connolly Senator-elect Mark Warner at a Demo- (D-11) thanks cratic celebration at supporters “Gerry will the McLean Hilton while sur- on Tuesday night. rounded by Connolly de- be a Robbie Hammer family members feated political for his win over champion newcomer and Republican Oakton business- Keith Fimian. for Fairfax man Keith Fimian by Photo in an election County in where voters Fairfax County chairman.