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EXAMINING the WRITINGS of NANA Asmasu: AN !"#$%&%&'()*!(+,%)%&'-(./(&#&#(#-$#012(#&(%&3!-)%'#)%.&(./(4#-).,#5( 6.&&!6)%.&-(#$.&'(6.&)!$4.,#,7(-1/%(+.$!&( ( A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of The School of Continuing Studies and of The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Liberal Studies By 589:;<=;($8>;??8@(AB#B( ( ( ( Georgetown University Washington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ii ( 4,!/#6! .......................................................................................................................... iv( ( 5%-)(./(%551-),#)%.&- ................................................................................................ vi( ( 5%-)(./()#A5!- ............................................................................................................. vii( CHAPTER 1. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SUFI WOMEN: AN OPENING DISCUSSION ON A LONG PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN BROTHERHOODS (TARIQAS). ........................................................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 2!""BIOGRAPHIES OF FEMALE SUFI SAINTS: EXAMPLES OF EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN TRANSFORMING SUFISM WITH THEIR SAINTLY QUALITIES. ................................................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER 3. THE EXTRAORDINARY WRITINGS OF A SUFI WOMAN: NANA ASMA’U, DAUGHTER OF SHEHU UTHMAN DAN FODIO .................................... 38 CHAPTER 4. SUFI WOMEN IN CONTEMPORARY TARIQAS ............................... 65 CLOSING REMARKS .................................................................................................... 90 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................... 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................... 116 ( ( Q( 5%-)(./(%551-),#)%.&-( ( /CL9:;S2(-H;H9(F8<(/EKCE0I(-=HE?8:?O(5C<;8L;( ........................................................... 45( ( Figure 2: Map of the Caliphate circa 1820 ..................................................................... 52( ( /CL9:;(\2(48C<D;K(NE:D:8CD(EM(-H8OPH(%W:8HCJ(&C8II;(C<(F8P8:@(-;<;L8? ................... 80( ( ( ( ( QC( 5%-)(./()#A5!-( ( )8W?;(S2(5CID(EM(DH;(!8:?C;ID('<EIDC=(E:($OIDC=(C<(%I?8J ............................................... 30( ( Table 2: A Sample of Significant Events in Shaykha’s Asma’u’s Life .......................... 49 Table 3: A Sample of Nana Asma’u’s Writings .............................................................. 59 ( QCC( CHAPTER 1 HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SUFI WOMEN: AN OPENING DISCUSSION ON A LONG PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN BROTHERHOODS (TARIQAS) “Abdusa served the Sufis of her country for thirty years. A man once asked her, ‘what is your spiritual state?’ ‘Asking about one’s spiritual state is folly,’ she replied.”1 The quote was attributed to a woman who lived in Damaghan (present day Iran) probably around the 10th century CE. The significance of this quote is to show the existence of Sufi women early in Islam and the value they afforded Sufism in its beginning. This is in essence the initial purpose of this chapter: to present the involvement of early Sufi women alongside men and developing their distinct experiences. The reason for providing this preliminary discussion is to support the main point of the thesis, which is to delve into the participation and contribution of Sufi women based on the literary production of Nana Asma’u, an Islamic scholar from 19th century northern Nigeria. Nana Asma’u’s writings reflect a long tradition of female participation and contribution in Sufi brotherhoods (tariqas) alongside men in the Central Sudanic region. Continuing the tradition of composing meaningful works like other distinguished Sufi women, Nana Asma’u provides distinct reflections on Islam from a female point of view. This discussion aims to show the relevancy of the writings of Nana Asma’u by !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "!!"#$%%$&'()*'$+#!"#$%&!$%!"#$%&"'(&)*+"&,!"-./+&0.-'1!!%!!"#$%&'()*&+,-./0&12*3#&"/! !"#$%&%'!!"#$%$&&'()#*$+!!"#$%%&'!&'(%)*+),,-.!/01!2(3*!4)56-.!"7778.!9:;<! ! ! ! "! investigating the pastoral connections of Sufi women in modern tariqas. A pastoral connection is defined as women’s passing of spirituality and imparting guidance. The investigation of pastoral connections is organized according to themes: religious authority, political empowerment, and spiritual autonomy. Nana Asma’u’s works provide evidence into those pastoral connections. Her virtues as evidenced in her writings remain true with Sufi women in contemporary tariqas. 2 Subsequent chapters will develop these points in details. Participation Of Women Reflected In Medieval Works! This section will address the burgeoning development of pastoral connections. The intent is to assess the involvement of women at the beginning of the Sufi movement alongside their male contemporaries. The importance of their involvement is illustrated with discussions pertaining to their influence among early male Sufi writers.
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