Management Strategic Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County Volume 2: Regional and Management Unit Goals and Objectives

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Management Strategic Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County Volume 2: Regional and Management Unit Goals and Objectives Management Strategic Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County Volume 2: Regional and Management Unit Goals and Objectives [This page was intentionally left blank] Management Strategic Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County Volume 2: Regional and Management Unit Goals and Objectives August 27, 2013 Prepared For San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) 401 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 Prepared By San Diego Management and Monitoring Program (SDMMP) 4165 Spruance Road, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92101 Version 08.27.2013 San Diego Management and Monitoring Program staff: Ron Rempel, Program Administrator Yvonne C. Moore, Management and Monitoring Coordinator Dr. Kristine Preston, Program Ecologist Emily Perkins, GIS Manager Front Cover Photograph: Starting top left and moving clockwise: 1) arroyo toad, Chris Brown USGS, 2) Ceanothus cyaneus, Patricia Gordon Reedy, CBI, 3) least Bell’s vireo, Jessie Vinje, CBI, and 4) torrey pine, David Hogan, Chaparral Lands Conservancy Recommended citation: San Diego Management and Monitoring Program. 2013. Management Strategic Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County, Vol. 2: Regional and Management Unit Goals and Objectives. 3 Volumes. Prepared for the San Diego Association of Governments. San Diego. Version 08.27.2013. Contact Info: To download this report, or to submit additional information for future revisions, visit the San Diego Management and Monitoring Program’s website: Table of Contents Volume 2: Goals and Objectives Species Management Focus Quick Reference Index……………………………………………………..v 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Guide to Volume 2 ........................................................................................................................1 2.0 Goals and Objectives for Species Management Focus Species 2.1. Category SL Species ....................................................................................................................2 2.2. Category SO Species ................................................................................................................ 120 2.3. Category SS Species................................................................................................................. 170 3.0 Goals and Objectives for Vegetation Management Focus Species 3.1. Coastal Sage Scrub Vegetation Community Goals and Objectives ...................................................2 3.2. Grassland Vegetation Community Goals and Objectives .................................................................6 4.0 Goals and Objectives for Threat and Stressor Management 4.1. Threats and Stressors ....................................................................................................................1 4.2. Fire .............................................................................................................................................2 4.2.1 Goals and Objectives- Fire : Altered fire regime ........................................................................9 4.3. Invasive/Exotic and Native Species ...............................................................................................9 4.3.1. Invasive Plants .................................................................................................................... 10 4.3.3. Feral Pigs (Sus scrofa) ......................................................................................................... 11 4.3.4 Brown-headed Cowbird ........................................................................................................ 14 4.3.5 Invasive aquatic animals ....................................................................................................... 14 4.4 Urban Edge................................................................................................................................. 18 4.4.1 Argentine Ants (Linepithema Humile) ................................................................................... 18 4.4.2 Urban Drool......................................................................................................................... 20 4.4.3. Light Pollution .................................................................................................................... 20 4.4.4 Goals and Objective- Urban Edge - Argentine Ants and Urban Drool ...................................... 22 4.5. Fragmentation and Direct Mortality............................................................................................. 24 4.5.1. Goals and Objectives- Fragmentation by Road including Direct Mortality............................... 30 4.6 Human Use of the Preserves ........................................................................................................ 30 4.6.1. Trails .................................................................................................................................. 31 4.6.2. Biosecurity.......................................................................................................................... 31 4.6.3. Unauthorized Use ................................................................................................................ 31 4.6.4 Goals and Objectives: Human Use of Preserves- Authorized and Unauthorized ........................ 31 4.7. Other Stressors........................................................................................................................... 32 4.8. Cumulative Stressor Analysis...................................................................................................... 33 i Management Strategic Plan, Version 08.27.2013 5.0. Goals and Objectives by Management Unit 5.1. MU1 Goals and Objectives ...........................................................................................................2 5.2. MU2 Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 11 5.3. MU3 Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 17 5.4. MU4 Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 39 5.5. MU5 Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 57 5.6. MU6 Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 67 5.7. MU7 Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 83 5.8. MU8 Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 92 Appendix 2A: MSP Species Management Prioritization over a 5-Year Planning Horizon Appendix 2B: MSP Threat/Stressor Categorization Appendix 2C: MSP References for Volumes 1, 2, and 3 ii Management Strategic Plan, Version 08.27.2013 List of Figures SECTION 2 Figure 2-1.1. Distribution of Shaw’s agave occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU1...................................5 Figure 2-1.2. Distribution of Shaw’s agave occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU7...................................6 Figure 2-1.3. Distribution of aphanisma occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU1. .................................... 11 Figure 2-1.4. Distribution of salt marsh bird’s-beak occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU1. .................... 17 Figure 2-1.5. Distribution of historic and current Orcutt’s spineflower occurrences on Conserved Lands in MUs 6 & 7. ....................................................................................................................................... 24 Figure 2-1.6. Distribution of historic and current San Miguel savory occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU3. ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 Figure 2-1.7. Distribution of historic and current San Miguel savory occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU4. ........................................................................................................................................................ 31 Figure 2-1.8. Distribution of Orcutt’s bird’s-beak occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU3........................ 35 Figure 2-1.9. Distribution of short-leaved dudleya occurrences on Conserved Lands in MUs 6 and 7. ........... 41 Figure 2-1.10. Distribution of historic and current occurrences of coast wallflower on Conserved Lands in MUs 6 & 7. ....................................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 2-1.11. Distribution of Mexican flannelbush on Conserved Lands in MU3. ..................................... 51 Figure 2-1.12. Distribution of Orcutt’s hazardia occurrences on Conserved Lands in MUs 6 & 7.................. 57 Figure 2-1.13. Distribution of historic and current heart-leaved pitcher sage occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU8. ............................................................................................................................................ 63 Figure 2-1.14: Distribution of willowy monardella occurrences and potential daily ranges of feral pigs in 2012 on Conserved Lands in MU4. .............................................................................................................. 69 Figure 2-1.15:
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