IIAS_Newsletter#37 22-06-2005 14:33 Pagina 32

> ASEF/Alliance Port cities Port cities are the nodes of distribution networks and have developed in different ways. Three models predominate and, between them, emphasize inner-city quays, dock extensions, market systems, destination logistics and relations between port cities as part of a network. These Western-biased theories attempt to explain, but fall short of fully understanding, the evolution of port cities and their present and future role. Using as a model provides a necessary complement.

Peter J.M. Nas a port authority whose responsibilities 20). By 1874 coastal accretion had include basic infrastructure mainte- extended the breakwaters four kilome- n the model he calls Anyport, Bird nance, monitoring (environmental and tres into the Java Sea (Veering 2004: Bay of Jakarta and I(1971) examines the port’s layout. safety control) and stimulating new 133). This new land between city and sea hinterland, Hoyle’s Interface model (1988) empha- activities. Thus the port authority is the was used for fish ponds, which bred 1:1,000,000. sizes the role of technological develop- middle man between the government mosquitoes that spread malaria, turning Stippled: alluvial ment in relations between port and city. and port users; the behaviour of all three Batavia into one of the unhealthiest plane Van Klink’s Rotterdam model (1995) depends on external economic, techno- cities of its time and causing its decline. Verstappen 1953: 8 considers ports as belonging to a net- logical and social forces, and helps At the beginning of the nineteenth cen- work and addresses functional and spa- determine functional and spatial port tury, Governor-General Daendels’s Containers first appeared in Tanjung Husaid, Pinder and M.S., eds. Revitalising tial transformations within this context. structure. transferred government functions Priok in the 1970s and a container ter- the Waterfront: International Dimensions of inland, separating the harbour and its minal opened in the 1980s. Container Dockland Redevelopment, pp. 3-19. London: These models cover technology, spatial Jakarta trading companies from the govern- transfers increased from 3,000 in 1973 Belhaven Press. arrangements and management but neg- Jakarta embodies these four dimen- ment zone and its public buildings, the to 150,000 in 1984. During the 1990s - Insa-Paper. 1997. ‘An overall view on ship- lect the role of culture in structural sions, supplementing current Western- first phase in the port’s detachment toll road system upgrades improved ping industry in ’. S. Hengst, ed. changes to the port, whose value and biased models. Jakarta is a dual port city from the city. access and helped increase transfers Maritime Indonesia Moving into the Next meaning to society have changed over comprised of Sunda Kelapa, the ancient from 500,000 to 1.5 million. The spec- Century, pp. 36-42. Delft: Delft University time. The most spectacular transforma- river port for the inter-island tradition- With the coming of steam power and the tacular rise of the container, most often Press. tion occurred at the end of the nineteenth al wooden sailing fleet (pinisi), and Tan- Suez Canal in the nineteenth century, transported inland by truck or rail, has - van Klink, H.A. 1995. Towards the Borderless century, when city and port began to sep- jung Priok, a set of nineteenth-century Jakarta required facilities for larger ships. spurred plans for port extension and Mainport Rotterdam: An Analysis of Func- arate. Ports functioning as the heart of sea docks for steel vessels modernized How to achieve this led to intense debate, land reclamation with private sector par- tional, Spatial and Administrative Dynamics their cities became detached transit ports for container transport. History and elaborately documented by Veering ticipation in accordance with current in Port Systems (Ph.D. dissertation Eras- divorced from urban life and eventually environment contributed to this dual (2004), that involved three proposals. decentralization policy. mus Universiteit Rotterdam). Amsterdam: turned into distant industrial sites nature. The Chamber of Commerce and Indus- Thesis Publishers. ignored or left derelict by the city. Revi- try supported enlarging the existing canal Port development created two busy har- - Knaap, G.J. 1996. Shallow Waters, Rising talization of waterfronts and dock areas Jakarta stands on an alluvial plain of vol- by adding a third parallel breakwater that bours: old and new. But haunted by ‘traf- Tide: Shipping and Trade in Java around 1775. enticed the city back to the port with the canic debris on the north coast of West would create an extra dock for use on two fic jams, malfunctioning drainage, poor Leiden: KITLV Press. possibility of creating high-standard liv- Java (Verstappen 1953). The earliest set- sides while maintaining the relationship sanitation facilities, illegal and rundown - KuiperCompagnons. 2004. Sunda Kelapa: ing space. Especially in the 1980s, dilap- tlement, Kalapa, was founded on the between the old city centre and the har- housing, [and] open plots of land’ The Jayakarta waterfront [Online, accessed idated port areas were renovated, with River, one of several that cut bour; silting, however, would remain a (KuiperCompagnons 2004), the old town 17 September 2004] role as a logistical centre, relaying goods dations, called banjir, that silt the Cili- western part of the Bay with the island of Jakarta. Partly executed plans to salvage - Loyen, R., E. Buyst and G. Devos eds. from distant sources to remote destina- wung and form sandbanks across its Onrust, creating a wide port twenty kilo- its historic character restored some old 2003. Struggling for Leadership: Antwerp- tions and everywhere in between, while mouth. These deposits expanded the metres from the city and requiring rail buildings, created recreation and tourism Rotterdam Port Competition Between 1870- the port city of the information age has seashore while monsoon currents transport. Department of Public Works activities and a toll road, but a master 2000. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. evolved into the centre of an urban net- formed the Bay of Jakarta and the Pulau engineers instead wanted a new harbour plan incorporating high-quality housing, - Meyer, V.J. 1997. De stad en de haven: Stede- work extending far beyond any previ- Seribu islands. in the eastern Bay at , nine the so-called Jayakarta Waterfront, con- bouw als culturele opgave in Londen, ously imaginable horizon. Accounting kilometres from the old city and less ceptualizes a complete revitalization. Barcelona, New York en Rotterdam: Veran- for culture, then, there are really four Kalapa functioned as a harbour of West prone to silting. Two breakwaters far out derende relaties tussen stedelijke openbare dimensions to port city development: Javanese kingdoms. As Batavia, the to sea would shelter a large outer har- Modern transport will increasingly inte- ruimte en grootschalige infrastructuur. technology, spatial arrangements, culture headquarters of the Dutch colonial bour, with an inner harbour of several grate Tanjung Priok into a harbour sys- Utrecht: Van Arkel. and management. trade, it became Asia’s most important docks, warehouses and railways. tem determined by container operators - Perusahaan Umum Pelabuhan II. 2000. externally induced trade centre. Region- offering worldwide services (Insa-Paper Today. Take technology. As it develops, ports al and intercontinental trade spawned a The Tanjung Priok option won out. In 1997). Singapore will function as a - Veering, Arjan. 2001. Diminishing Dis- must adapt. For example, steam power symbiotic port and city, intertwining the the 1880s the new harbour went into regional loading centre and Tanjung tances: The Port Tanjung Priok and its Con- freed shipping from its dependence on functions of government with trade. In service. Considered a triumph of public Priok will operate regional services sup- nection to Batavia and the Hin- wind and tide and permitted scheduled 1634, two 800-metre coral stone break- management and technology, it over- plied by local ports. Sunda Kelapa, once terland by Rail, Water and Road services (Loyen 2000: 13); maritime waters were built, forming the harbour came opposition and functioned well. the main port of call for Asian trade, will (Unpublished paper). Vrije Universiteit industry enabled the transportation of canal (Veering 2004: 133), but sea-going Railway, canal and road connections retain its function as the inter-island Amsterdam, Centre for Asian Studies. energy and food products; industrial- ships could not bypass the sandbanks guaranteed interaction between the old sailing fleet harbour focused particular------. 2004. ‘Knopen in het maritieme ization’s appetite for oil augured the blocking the river’s mouth. Instead, city and the harbour (Veering, 2001). ly on timber transport. Netwerk: Vorming van het havenstelsel’. pipeline; and the automation of ship- ships anchored at the canal entrance, Increased shipping and long waiting Wim Ravesteijn and Jan Kop, eds. Bouwen ping and port transfer and the intro- where goods were transferred into small times prompted improvements and an Jakarta both confirms the relevance and in de Archipel: Burgerlijke openbare werken duction of the container have revolu- prahus and transported at high tide to extension. Damaged during World War demonstrates the inadequacy of existing in Nederlands-Indie en Indonesië 1800-2000. tionized ports, decreasing labour warehouses. West monsoon season II, the harbour subsequently suffered theoretical models of port city develop- Zutphen: Walburg Pers. intensity and increasing competition. made this laborious process precarious, from silting, lack of maintenance and ment. Current theory cannot explain a - Verstappen, H. Th. 1953. Djakarta Bay as cargo was easily lost (Knaap 1996: inadequate management. dual harbour that includes a traditional (PhD dissertation University of Utrecht). Spatial arrangements, meanwhile, port for a wooden sailing fleet. But the ’s-Gravenhage: Trio. depend largely on technical conditions. The harbour of harbour’s history, environment and For instance, changes in transportation Batavia, Tanjung culture can. Supplementing current Peter J.M. Nas teaches urban anthropology have compelled authorities to consider Priok, c. 1930 theory, Jakarta illustrates how important at Leiden University and has published exten- expanding ports, though they are also Veering 2004: 137 the uniqueness of a harbour is to the sively on Indonesian cities and urban sym- bound by environmental rules, quality port city. < bolism. He is secretary-general of the Inter- of life concerns and market forces. Cul- national Union of Anthropological and ture must also be considered, but even References Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) and chair- though a heterogenetic culture - based - Bird, J. 1971. Seaports and Seaport Termi- man of the Association KITLV (Royal Insti- on a mixture of different activities, peo- nals. London: Hutchinson University tute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Stud- ples and functions - characterizes most Library. ies), Leiden. port cities, the literature patently under- - Hoyle, B.S. 1988. ‘Development dynamics [email protected]. represents it. at the port-city interface’. B.S. Hoyle, D.A. www.leidenuniv.nl/fsw/nas

Van Klink (1995: 12) indicates that users, local government and port authorities This article originates from the ASEF/Alliance workshop ‘Port cities and city-states in Asia play important roles in the management and Europe’ organized by Chua Beng-Huat and Arndt Graf and held in Hamburg, Germany, of changing port functions. Local gov- 4-7 November 2004. For further information on this workshop: [email protected] ernments often assign management to

32 IIAS Newsletter | #37 | June 2005