Economy (1)” of the James M
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The original documents are located in Box 11, folder “Economy (1)” of the James M. Cannon Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. MEMORANDUM Digitized from Box 11 of the James M. Cannon Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library OFFICE OF SIDENT February 28, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Cannon FM: RE: PLANNING WOODCOCK/ROOSA PROPOSALS 1. You eceived advance notice of the time, participants, of the press conference described in the enclosed and retained acknowledged the correspondence and made contact 1\ people there, who are sending further information as a draft of their planning bill. ived similar advance notice, sending the penciled note "Let's Talk about This." Do you want me/Jeanne to set up an appointment? YES -------- NO _____________ ·... ~~-. OTHER _____________ 3. Note that economic planning as envisoned by this group is most common in socialist countries, and that we tend to ' rely on market forces. However, Leontieff is a Noble laureate; his people (like Bob Solow at MIT) are everywhere, and important; and he was consulted in the early planning stages of the Critical Choices Commission. Enclosure .... ~....--.... --o ............. - un1te Au.o or ers, an. Wassily teontief+ H~rvar~ U.nt· '_. vers!ly s Nobel Pm:~-wmnn~g economist. The commttt~e s:ud ·it would propose legtslatton · ! .. ,.,;L'lin weeks" to create a ne?' :national Office . or .Economtc lpJa.·ming in the Whtte Hou~e \and a Joint Plann:ng Commtt· ttee in Congress.· ,. · · ! This proposal. wh-ic:h has been ier.~orsed by. a Wide-ranging ; ~roup of abont 70 si~natories . iso f2r. seems to reflect a ~ro!"· 1ing {;'U':itration l'mong many I~ • !th'" United States over· the h· ' ~ mited ero11omtc DOli~ ontions I now available to Wash1n~ton . : "We can no longer drift from 1one disaster to another," Mr. · ·Woodcock s?oid at a news con • lbt tlew Yort llmts/Robert WalkV l terence held to· announce the ·· :group's' proposal. ".Planning .i~ Leona~d woodcock speaking at news session.or economic p~anning group yesterday as . ·I . Robert v. Roosa, ~t righ~ and Wasslly Leontt<:f Jisteneft. _ ;:- ;.: Continued on Pa~e 48, C~l~ 1 . _.-:.~·:.... --' ".;._,;._. -. ·.. ~8- __ ._. __ : -- .. ........ ........ -.. -. "'.,., •• , ......._~ .·,._:-..- ...... ...........- ......... ~ .·-.... : ............... " .. -.._ ......... ._ ~·--· ... .·~·--- ... --~,....... --.... ... 4•. • • . , . ... , . ..._. ' ..... ' . - .. ·; - "' . .. ' . ,;y . • ~ • .• ' - --~ ,. - --.. -"':' .- -··--~*" .L Di:V:ers~ GiOUjj urgeSBCOiiO~lc 'Piiu{ntng .fo~. U.s.! ': ~ ( ....Continued · From p3~e 43 · _. con~~m Is-- to f~nd ·: a·· plart?ing!White ~ouse:or Congi'~ss• . Vari~ ~~~ ·say, five years:-and~~· woulJ · , :. • . .· . approach that mil be Amencan 1ous opttons would be explored try to Induce the relevant inJ : . ' con;ptt~~~~ Wlth ~ :e~oc~atic in character and democratic in Iby both teams, resulting finally, dustries to act accordingly.;/ -:: [ ~;c•e y, d ~ta~s~ e · n a~t,lnature." !after public hearings, in one,The Inducements. would b( · • · ~ ~te wet end a e. su~~tJal Form Is Uncertain master plan that the· White laws, as specific as necessar)~ .: : :of pds owar P1 annmg, ~ .atedys Precisely what form suchlHouse would issue. '- on taxes, subsidies and imv . emocracy are vDry um 1 · · · • · = · .. :·; indeed.. - 1 !planning would take is a mat-,. ~ereaft~r. all econor~uc l~g- ronmental problems.· ~- ~ · -b· · ter that the committee wants to JslatJOn. and every Prestdenttal . Professor Leontief warne~1 -.&. Ro ert Y Bgqg't;a partner ieconomtc order would be ex- th t 1 • . ld·' be ' / the mv.esment lrm Brownml leave .to· ~he proposed plan_nmg. Jamined in light of the master . a p anmn.g. wou . nt . · : Brothers Harriman & co. and a organtzatlons and the pubhc to plan ''Nothing we propose stmple matter. but s»d thl ' : : m~mber of the Jr.atiative Com- ~ecide, But the legislation, be- wouid stop the President from Unit~ States· had. no choi.ce. · mlttee, was also gloomy about mg prepared by Abram Chayes, puttin.,. on the oil tariff .. ·said The mventor of mput-out~u . the n!ition's prospects without a Harvard 1!'-w professor, ~ill Profes~or CIJayes,'' "but the de· analysis, a m~jor worldwid~ planntng. call for a ~tve-year plan, ·· hke bate might be quite different." tool for nat1~nal planners ''We can no longer afford that used m some European · · Professor LeontieC called plan~ the waste of a whollr un- countries. In general, the plan Range of Goals ning the "preventive medicine·• • planned, nor of a sporadrc and would be voluntary, although ''The planning office would the United States needs to. "inj parially planned use of resour- some legislative spur ·to cobp· not .set specific goals for Gc:n- noculate itself against foreve:\ . ces," said Mr. :Roosa who·was eration might be available if era\ Motors, General Electric, repeating the same miserable\ · an Under Secretary of the Trea- necessary. General ·Foods· or- any other mistakes." . ( ! sury during the Kennedy Admi- The planning advocates vis· individual firm," said the com· He cited the energy crisis an:n · ; n!stration. ualize a team of a few hundred mittee's policy statement. "But the current.· Tecesslon - . as!: ·: "The time has come to deve- technical experts - most of it would indi::ate· the number evidence that fiscal and mone·'i . lop a truly homegrown, Amcri· them scientists and engineers of cars. the number of genera· tary policy alone a.--e not ade-H : can form of national economic rather than economists-work· tors and the quantity of frozen quate· to solve AmerU:a's ,Prob-1 ~ , p! a n:~ing." he continued. "Our ing on planning for either the foods were ~ikcly to require lems. : ~ I: ' J. The Initiative Committee for National Economic Planning 901 N. Broadway, White Plains, N.Y. 10603 (914) 428·8700 Members of The Initiative Committee for National Economic Planning co-chairmen Leonard Woodcock, President, UAW Wassily Leontief, Harvard University, Nobel Laureate Coordinator Myron E. Sharpe, Editor and Publisher, Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs Anne Carter, Brandeis University Abram Chayes, Harvard University John Kenneth Galbraith, Harvard University Robert Heilbroner, The New School for Social Research Robert Lekachman, Lehman College, CUNY Robert R. Nathan, President, Robert R. Nathan Associates Robert V. Roosa, Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman & co. Nat Weinberg, Economic Consultant ', ••! 2/20/75 r ·The Initiative Committee for National Economic Planning 9~ N. Broadway, White PloinJ, N.Y. 10603 (914). 428-8700. Supporters of the statement "For a National Economic Pl~nninq system" as of February 4, 1975 Clifford L. Alexander, Jr., Attorney Lee Benson, University of Pennsylvania Peter L. Bernstein, President, Peter L. Bernstein, Inc. University Chester A. Bowles Kenneth Clark, President, Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc. Carl Djerassi, Stanford University Frances T. Farenthold, Attorney Betty Furness, NBC News Edmund Gordon, Teachers College, Columbia University Ray Marshall, The University of Texas at Austin , President, Cummins Engine Co. Gerard Piel, Publisher, Scientific American Ronald G. Ridker, Resources for the Future, Inc. ' Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., The City University of New York Melville Ulmer, University of Maryland Victor F. Weisskopf, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Willard Wirtz, Attorney . Additional supporters of the statement ''For a National Economic Planning System'' as of February 14, 1975 ~arvard University W. Michael Bl hal, Chairman and President, The Bendix corporation esident, Worldwatch Institute Alexander Eckstein, University of Michigan and The Brookings Institution Robert Eisner, Northwestern University William Gomberg, University of Pennsylvania R. A. Gordon, President, American Economic Association Michael Harrington, Queens College Vivian w. Henderson, President, Clark COllege Theodore M. Hesburgh, President, University of Notre Dame Frederick s. Jaffe, President, The Alan Guttmacher Institute Paul Jennings, President, Intt~rnational Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Eugene M. Lang, President, REFAC Technology Development Corporation David Livingston, President, District 65 Distributive Workers of America The World Bank Carey McWilliams, Editor, The Nation Gunnar Myrdal, The City University of New York David Pines, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., Vice-chairman, Americans for Democratic Action Eugene B. Skolnikoff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ' Floyd E. Smith, International President, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Philip Sporn, Consultant John William Ward, President, Amherst College Jerry Wurf, International President, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees i" Additional supporters of the statament "For a National Economic . Planning System'* as of February 18, 1975 John R. Bunting, Jr.,