PROFILE PROFILE Profile of Jay C. Dunlap

Paul Gabrielsen Science Writer

On moonless nights, the wakes of oceangoing back to oceanography,” Dunlap says, “but I boats sparkle with the blue bioluminescence just thought clocks were the greatest things of unicellular dinoflagellates. As a graduate I’deverheardabout.” He chose to attend student at Harvard University, Jay C. Dunlap Harvard. pondered the carefully orchestrated biological Dunlap found Hastings’ approach to his rhythms that direct dinoflagellates to produce students’ research to be supportive but hands light only at night. Dunlap, a student of off. “He provided all these resources,” Dunlap oceanography at the time, realized that the says, “but he never told people what to do. He field of biological rhythms was still a wide- would give you great feedback on what you open frontier, with many fundamental ques- were doing, but you needed to find your own tions yet to be answered. “This was a place,” way. And if you were lucky enough to do that, he says, “where I could make a mark.” then you really learned how to do science.” Dunlap, Nathan Smith Professor and Chair In 1977, Dunlap attended a 10-week of at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of summer course on biological rhythms at Medicine and a member of the National Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, Academy of Sciences since 2009, has devoted California organized by , his career to answering those fundamental who, along with Hastings, had made pio- questions. His work has uncovered how cir- neering advances in the field of rhythms. The cadian rhythms work at a genetic level, how course attracted scientists studying rhythms environmental cues, such as light, can set bi- along with their graduate students, who, ological clocks, and how the clock can regu- Dunlap says, composed an entire generation Jay C. Dunlap in the 1990s with strains of late key cellular mechanisms. of rhythms . Pittendrigh himself Neurospora and race tubes for visualizing in development. Photo cour- Oceanography and taught extensively and brought in other sci- “ tesy of Joseph Mehling (Dartmouth College, Dunlap grew up in York, Pennsylvania as the entists to share what they had learned. It was an incredible smorgasbord of everything Hanover, NH). third of four children. He became an Eagle ” Scoutandwaschosenasoneofadozen that was going on in the field of rhythms, Dunlap says, “and an introduction to every- for Scouting’sNationalExplorationAward, insensitive to ambient temperature or nutri- body who was doing it.” which required applicants to write essays tion. “By sticking to a restricted definition,” Pittendrigh, Hastings, and other chrono- about their career goals. Dunlap had explored says Dunlap, “much of the biological noise biologists had made great strides in rhythms biochemistry at a summer program for high that came from loosely considering non- research beginning in the 1950s but had also school students at Ohio University and imag- circadian developmental or metabolic cycles “ run up against roadblocks. First, although ined a goal of studying biochemical ocean- fell away. With a defined phenotype you can ” therewereempiricalgeneralizationsabout ography. Earning the award, he says, do genetics” (2). circadian rhythms as biological cycles with solidified his interest in oceanography and Second, the research was hampered by a aperiodofaboutaday(1),thefieldlacked led him to attend the University of Wash- lack of molecular biological tools. As Dunlap a rigorous means to exclude extraneous ington beginning in 1970. began his postdoctoral fellowship with Jerry ’ rhythmic but noncircadian processes. “With After earning bachelors degrees in ocean- Feldman at the University of California, that loose definition, you end up pulling in ography and chemistry in 1974, Dunlap was Santa Cruz in 1979, he began laying the all sorts of that has no common admitted to two prominent oceanography groundwork for pushing through this molecular basis,” Dunlap says. graduate schools: Scripps Institution for roadblock. Oceanography and Woods Hole Oceano- “The most important thing to my mind,” graphic Institution. On the suggestion of a Dunlap says, “was restricting the phenotype Building and Winding a Clock friend, Dunlap also interviewed at Harvard to what we now consider in the strict sense a Dunlap aimed at elucidating the genetic and met J. Woodland “Woody” Hastings, circadian rhythm. This effort by Hastings, and molecular mechanism of the clock and whose research on bioluminescence in sin- Pittendrigh, and others made my work pos- the circadian system. A handful of circadian ” gle-celled dinoflagellates had led to an inves- sible. A circadian rhythm, as it has come to clock-related mutant loci had been tigation of the elements of be defined, has a around 24 hours previously identified in Chlamydomonas the dinoflagellates’ light show. Dunlap was under constant conditions. The timing of fascinated. “My rationalization was that I peaks and troughs in the cycle can be moved This is a Profile of a recently elected member of the National could study a marine organism and learn by exposure to real-world time cues, like light Academy of Sciences to accompany the member’s Inaugural biochemistry and physiology, and then go and temperature, but the period is relatively Article on page 16995 in issue 48 of volume 111. PNAS Early Edition | 1of3 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 chromosome walk through the Neurospora the involved would be organism- genome, examining short DNA sequences specific, they put forth that the organizing and reintroducing them into Neurospora to principles of clock–gene output regulation identify the sequence that altered the fungus’ would be similar in all eukaryotes. circadian behavior. Meanwhile, Loros, work- ing at Dartmouth as a postdoctoral fellow, Clock-Controlled Genes began the first screens for clock-controlled For the Inaugural Article by Dunlap and genes or ccgs, which have products that are coworkers (12), he and his colleagues col- involved in circadian output rather than laborated with the US Department of Energy the core circadian mechanism. The frq gene to perform high-throughput RNA sequenc- was cloned in 1986, and the first ccgs were ing on Neurospora cells over the course of found in 1987, with both results published two days under constant conditions. The in 1989 (4, 5). The cloning of frq was results, he says, indicate multiple overlapping featured on the cover of ,thefirst levels of regulation for fine-tuning clock- of seven journal covers featuring the regulated gene expression. “There are genes work by Dunlap and Loros. These genes whose expression is active at one time of day provided the molecular entrée into the but whose RNA products peak much later,” circadian system. he says. “There are genes whose expression is Dunlap notes that the logic underlying cyclical, but whose gene product is steadily circadian clocks in fungi and animals is quite present, and genes that are expressed con- ” Jay C. Dunlap and Jennifer Loros in 2009 similar. Both are driven by a feedback loop, stantly, but whose products are rhythmic. Up to 40% of Neurospora’s genes may be with the genetic and physical map of Neu- in which two proteins constitute a hetero- dimericgeneswitchthatdrivesexpressionof controlled by the circadian clock, he found. rospora. Photo courtesy of Jon Gilbert Fox one or more genes, and those gene products, Daytime-transcribed genes were typically re- (photographer). in turn, act as negative elements to depress lated to metabolism, whereas nighttime genes the activity of the factor (6). were involved in cell growth. The result, he says, is cyclical expression of green algae, fruit flies, and , Championing Neurospora the filamentous fungus used by the renowned frq, detectable by levels of the prototypic Dunlap and Loros have remained at Dart- geneticists Beadle and Tatum (3) to develop protein FRQ. After the elements of the mouth’s Geisel School of Medicine while their 1941 “one gene-one enzyme” hypothesis feedback loop began to fall into place, Dunlap andLoroscouldaskhowreal-worldtime raising their two children and mentoring of genetic function (3). At the time, only one more than 40 students and postdoctorate of the three organisms, Neurospora, could be cues, like light, can reset the clock. They found that exposure to light promoted the students, nearly two-thirds of whom have genetically transformed. Therefore, Dunlap “ ’ expression of frq.Furthermore,exposureto entered academia. It snowonderwefound began his study of the fungus that continues ” “ light at different points of the feedback loop out so much, he says, given such terrific today. “It’sawonderfulorganism,” he says, ” could shift the phase of the circadian cycle. people to work with. Dunlap also serves with well-defined genetic tools that make the ’ For example, early light exposure while frq as the first chair of the school s Genetics genome of Neurospora relatively simple to levels were increasing could bring frq mRNA Department, which was organized in the manipulate. However, Dunlap says, “It’sbi- levels to their peak immediately instead of late-1990s. ologically complex enough to be interesting.” at a later time, thereby advancing clock In the mid-1990s, Dunlap and Loros began During his postdoctoral fellowship, Dun- phase. Similarly, late exposure to light could work on a textbook with the goal of codifying lap learned basic molecular techniques and restimulate frq mRNA production and effect the field of rhythms biology, and the final worked closely with biology graduate stu- a phase delay. The result had broad signifi- effort drew significant help from chronobi- dents, including Jennifer Loros. Loros and cance, because clocks in both Neurospora and ology pioneer Patricia DeCoursey. Published Dunlap later forged a permanent partnership, mammals are reset through light induction in 2004 as : Biological Time- marrying in 1984. Loros has since established of negative elements. The effects of light on keeping (13), the textbook taught Dunlap her own research program, independently entraining circadian rhythms can help ex- how much he still did not know. ’ funded from Dunlap s research program, and plain phenomena, such as jet lag, in which In recent decades, Dunlap has been fo- the two have continued investigating the rhythms are out of sync with the physical cusing on developing molecular and genetic circadian system. environment. tools for Neurospora and working through At Santa Cruz, Dunlap set out to locate In a series of papers, Dunlap and co- thedetailsoftheclockmechanism.Theclock, and clone the locus, also called frq, workers (7–11) published work on tran- he says, is currently well-understood “at the previously identified as a hotspot for circa- scriptional negative feedback as the basis for level of cartoon wiring diagrams. But the car- dian rhythm in Neurospora. “It the circadian oscillator (7), light entrainment toons make us think we understand more was a hard nut to crack,” he notes, “alocus of the clock (8), the heterodimeric circadian than we do; there remain important genes and of one or more genes with no biochemical transcriptional activator (9), temperature en- underlying principles that aren’tknown.” attributes and identified only by a genetic trainment (10), and the circadian photore- After more than 30 years of working with map location and a complex phenotype.” He ceptor (11). However, one question continued Neurospora,Dunlapsaysheknowsthefun- pursued various leads but had not yet cloned to loom large. After the clock is built and set, gus “quite well.” He is working to increase thegenewhenhesecuredajuniorfaculty how does it affect the organism? Dunlap and Neurospora’susefulnessasamodelorgan- position at Dartmouth in 1984. His labora- Loros hypothesized that expression of ccgs ism for study by the biological community. tory then embarked on a labor-intensive should vary with the time of day. Although Neurospora’s genome sequence, the first from

2of3 | Gabrielsen Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 PROFILE a filamentous fungus, was published in 2003, Medal of the Genetics Society of America a wide-open frontier now than when Dunlap andDunlapledtheconsortiumthathas (14), and election as a fellow of the American first began, because his and his colleagues’ knocked out each of the organism’snearly Association for the Advancement of Science work to answer basic questions about clocks 10,000 genes. “There are very few organisms and American Academy of Microbiology. has led to more questions. “And those will for which this is the case, where you can However, rhythms biology may be no less of carry me,” he says, “until I’mdone.” simply email the stock center and get a knockout mutant for any gene,” he says. “And you can replace genes with more 1 Pittendrigh CS (1960) Circadian rhythms and the circadian 8 Crosthwaite SK, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC (1995) Light-induced resetting — ’ organization of living systems. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol of a circadian clock is mediated by a rapid increase in frequency than 98% efficiency it s really great. So any 25:159–184. transcript. Cell 81(7):1003–1012. question you want to ask, you can ask.” 2 Dunlap JC (2008) Salad days in the rhythms trade. Genetics 178(1): 9 Crosthwaite SK, Dunlap JC, Loros JJ (1997) Neurospora wc-1 and Given the broad diversity of fungal species 1–13. wc-2: Transcription, photoresponses, and the origins of circadian 3 Beadle GW, Tatum EL (1941) Genetic Control of Biochemical rhythmicity. Science 276(5313):763–769. and their close interactions with human ac- Reactions in Neurospora. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 27(11): 10 Liu Y, Merrow M, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC (1998) How tivities, Dunlap considers fungi vastly un- 499–506. temperature changes reset a circadian oscillator. Science derstudied. “There are few that are studied at 4 McClung CR, Fox BA, Dunlap JC (1989) The Neurospora clock 281(5378):825–829. gene frequency shares a sequence element with the Drosophila clock 11 Froehlich AC, Liu Y, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC (2002) White Collar-1, a all, much less at a depth that reflects their gene period. Nature 339(6225):558–562. circadian blue light photoreceptor, binding to the frequency economic, medical, or scientific importance,” 5 Loros JJ, Denome SA, Dunlap JC (1989) Molecular cloning of genes . Science 297(5582):815–819. under control of the circadian clock in Neurospora. Science 12 Hurley JM, et al. (2014) Analysis of clock-regulated genes in he says. 243(4889):385–388. Neurospora reveals widespread posttranscriptional control of Dunlap’s contributions to the genetics 6 Dunlap JC (1999) Molecular bases for circadian clocks. Cell 96(2): metabolic potential. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(48):16995–17002. and rhythms communities have been recog- 271–290. 13 Dunlap JC, Loros JJ, Decoursey P, eds (2004) Chronobiology: 7 Aronson BD, Johnson KA, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC (1994) Negative Biological Timekeeping (Sinauer, Sunderland, MA), 1st Ed. nized by the Honma International Prize, the feedback defining a circadian clock: Autoregulation of the clock gene 14 Bell-Pedersen D, Borkovich KA (2009) The 2009 George W. Metzenberg Award, the George W. Beadle frequency. Science 263(5153):1578–1584. Beadle Award. Genetics 181(3):831–833.

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