V\ii4rld"sForemostAmusementWeekl SEPTEMBER 30.1939 15 Cents Vol. 51. No.39

HARRY JAMES Arid His Orchestra Curfewly Panther Room, College Inn, Sherman Hotel, Chicag.), Broadcasting Over N3C: Networks. [.),,action: Musk Corpora100,i of America,

KI"61.10ofFlor woodP11OW "The Billboard,to my mind, is an excellent publi- "The Billboardis of tremendous value to a night cation inits field.It enables hotel men. who are vi- club owner, as it keeps one informed of how various tally interested in amusement and entertainment, to acts and bands are going over in different clubs, and keep abreast of the trend in public demand for various also gives one an idea of what certain acts are, espe- types of entertainment. Its complete coverage of cially when not familiar with the names. Ibelieve the the entertainment field in America is a fine example criticisms are quite sincere." of good editorial work." WILLIAM R. JOHNSON RALPH HITZ Owner President BON -AIR COUNTRY CLUB HOTEL NEW YORKER Wheeling,III. and the "The Billboard'swide coverage ofnightclub NAT'L HOTEL MANAGEMENT. Inc. acts, grosses and trends enables me to keep my finger on the pulse of the industry.As such, it is invaluable "The Billboardhas so complete a coverage of night to me in the operation of the Riviera." clubs throughout the country that itis extremely val- uable to the night club manager.It enables him to BEN MARDEN follow the success of the acts and bands he has used Owner and it is a directory of new talent.It also is a valu- BEN MARDEN'S RIVIERA able leavener for the agent's enthusiastic claims." Fort Lee, N. J.

JOHN ROY "For many years I have foundThe Billboard's Managing Director vital part in American entertainment of indispensable assistance for the type of establishment I have been RADIO CITY ROOM fathering since 1931. Other night club entrepeneurs- and the RAINBOW GRILL and I know them all-have the same good things to New York, N. Y. say ofThe Billboard.Its background, criticisms, re- search, forums, and news items have guided me in "I thinkThe Billboardis a fine source of intorma- presenting the sort of entertainment my patrons ap- tion for the night dub field. I enjoy reading it every pear to enjoy.Seven years at the same stand speaks week." for itself." FRANK W. BERING BILL HARDY Owner Owner HOTEL SHERMAN BILL'S CAY NINETIES Chicago, III. New York, N. Y.

"You haven't the slightest idea of how much value itis to me to read inThe Billboardwhat the crit- ics think of the press agent, and then again to read what the press agent thinks of the critics.If I were to pay $1,000 for this knowledge, it would have been . 7149 bought cheap; as a matter of fact, I would refuse to theytea. sellitfor $1,000. "The Billboardpermits me to keep tabs on what the other night clubs are doing, without spending any time visiting them. "The Billboardkeeps me Informed of everything P5,000,000a veat pertaining to the entertainment end of my business, 71te gillboa0 such as new features, novelties, etc." BENITO COLLADA Owner baOs a0 acts EL CHICO evettiweek. tot New York, N. Y. "I getThe Billboardregularly and we rely upon "We make great use ofThe Billboardhere at the it for information we may need in arranging bookings. Stevens in booking our floorshow acts for the Conti - The Billboardisthe outstanding medium ofits nental Room. We use it to keep abreast or new acts kind." and novelties in the entertainment field and also care- fully scrutinize the impartial reportings of our shows LARRY McGOWAN byThe Billboardexperts to ascertain the reaction Entertainment Director these shows might have not only on the public but on ST. REGIS HOTEL protessional judges as well.Anyone offering enter- New York, N. Y. tainment of any kind to the public should consider The Billboardas their Bible. "I find quite a few interesting articles in The Bill- TOM I. MONTGOMERY board. especiallyregardingthereviewing ofacts Advertising Manager which are submitted to us from time to time, and in THE STEVENS this respect we can always judge whether they are suitable fo. our room or not." Chicago, III. "The Billboardhas always been my first source MAX SOURKES of information.It's always given me the inside track Manager on what's what and who's who behind the scenes." CHEZ MAURICE MEYER HOROWITZ Montreal, Quebec Owner "I scanThe Billboardreligiously in an effort to THE VILLAGE BARN locate new talent and also to learn the whereabouts New York, N. Y. of favorite entertainers so that when I am in their neighborhood Ican spend my money to see them." "The cool perceptiveness and accurate reporting of The Billboardqualifies it as a leader amongst trade JAMES LOUIS SMITH papers in the show business. Criticism that is unbiased General Manager and a real human attitude towards performers appear to be the essential qualities and life blood ofThe Bill- LA SALLE HOTEL board." Chicago,III. H. A. LANZER "The value ofThe Billboardas a trade paper can- General Manager not be emphasized too highly. Itisallinclusive in scope and it occupies an important place in the show PARK CENTRAL HOTEL business. Congratulations on the excellence of the New York, N. Y. magazine and lots of good wishes for the future." "IthinkThe Billboardto be one of the few ARTHUR H. PADULA publications inthe entertainment field absolutely in- dispensable to the New York night club owner. It President provides a swell medium for the exchange of ideas ARCADIA, THE INT'L RESTAURANT between the perfo mer and the man who hires him, Philadelphia,Pa. and presents an exhaustive survey of the show business world with each issue.Count on me as one ofThe "The Billboardis one of the finest media for night Billboard'sheartiest boosters " club proprietors, becauseitenables them to know which acts are available for presentation at Leon and MARIO TOSATTI Eddie's.Also its opinions and predictions, to my mini, Manager are tops." HAVANA -MADRID RESTAURANT LEON ENKEN New York, N. Y. Co -Owner "The Billboardkeeps me in touch with allthe LEON & EDDIE'S information Irequire concerning entertainment. . ." New York, N. Y. FRANK PALUMBO "The Billboard'sspicy, common sensechatter Operator of about the meat of hotel night life is valued highly at the Bismarck, where our Walnut Room carries floor PALUMBO'S,Philadelphia, and shows 52 weeks of the year. Night club operators, PALUMBO'S RENAULT leafing thruThe Billboard,know what the other RESTAURANT, Atlantic City fellow is doing and how their shows stack up with the rest.Mainly, we get criticism right to the core "The Billboardis the finest medium of compre- and a handy seat in front of a countryful of acts." hensive information in the entertainment world." ROY STEFFEN BEN GINSBURG Managing Director Owner of NEW BISMARCK HOTEL CLUB MAYFAIR Chicago,III. Boston, Mass. Vol. 51 September 30, No. 39 The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly 1939

Published weekly at Cincinnati, 0.Entered as second-class matter,June 4,1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under Act of March,1879. 100 Pages.Subscription, $5 per year. Copyright 1939 by The Billboard Publishing Company. WAR THEN ANDNOW London Flesh Shows Start Again; Legit Most HeavilyAffected 25 Troops Entertained; Other NotesYears Ago; Films Take RapToday LONDON, Sept. 16.-Last Saturday (9)Entertainment National Service Associ- cinemas reopened in London and pro-ation, with Sir Seymour Hicks as chair- Radio, not in the picture then, emerges as most power- vincial areas.No decision was reachedman and Basil Dean liaison officer with at the time regarding places of enter-the Service authorities.Represented on ful propaganda medium today-theyliked war ballads tainment in London proper, but WestENSA are the Incorporated Society of then-outdoor field was badly hit inthose days End managers were against reopeningMusicians, British Actors' Equity, Variety of theaters on economic grounds: nightlyArtistes' Federation, Concert Artistes' As- black -outsendspeople homewardassociation, Musicians' Union and Asso- By SOL ZATT Blackpool Tower andciation of Dance Band Leaders. early as possible. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-With the new European warentering into its fourth WinterGardensCo.reopenedthree Frances Day was the first American to semblance of normalcy, an examination theaters Monday (11)with flesh andentertain the troops.Performance wasweek and show business reverting to a at the outbreak of the World blood.Season revue, Turned Out Nicegiven under canvas, with army signalersof conditions during a similar period 25 yearsamusement ago industry far exceeding that Again, restoredto new Opera House,usingservice lamps forspot -lighting.War reveals a state of turmoil in the which exists today.Then, as now, amusements were completelycrippled at the with one performance nightly instead ofWith Miss Day was British musical com-outbreak of hostilities; but with the showbusiness more advanced and better two;vaude asoriginally booked goesedy star, Arthur Riscoe.Bob Bromley, psychological necessity, conditions into Palace, and drama holds sway at (See LONDON FLESH on page 68) organized and with official realization ofat its present in show more en- Grand.Despite lack ofvistors,pro- tertainment activity than was seen 25 prietors intend carrying on withfull years ago. programs until end of scheduled season. They The reason is chiefly due to the switch BBC has restored live artists to theAGVA Officials Repeat of importance from legit and vaude to one program which is broadcast every motion pictures as the leading popular day. entertainment form. A quarter century Charles Simon Rep Co. has distinc-Are Not Interested inWorkmen ago, when pictures formed a new in- tion of being the only concern carry- NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Officials of theover all fields formerly coveredby thedustry and the foreign film market was ing on with stage plays after the homeAmerican Guild of Variety Artists, whichAFA, which would include workingmen.just a trade expression with littlefi- department ban came into force.Thisreplaced the American Federation of Ac- AGVA'sdisinterestinworkingmen,nancial meaning, foreign cinemas were in a hall at Aberystwyth in Wales. tors in the performer union field, statedhowever, apparently leaves the door openallowed to remain open under restrictive Eire (Irish Free State) and Northernagain this week that AGVA is not in-to the AFA to continue in that fieldifmeasures; but the legit theaters, music Ireland were notaffectedbyclosingterested in maintaining jurisdiction overit so wishes.AFA offices are inhalls, carnivals, fairs and circuses were order.Dublin Olympia and Belfast Em-workingmen in the outdoor show busi-process of liquidation, but it isclaimedimmediatelyclosedfor30days. At pire, booked by Percy Caldwell, carriedness but that it will assume jurisdictionthat the carnival and circus employees'present, with the foreign market con- on with flesh and blood shows; likewiseover outdoor performers.AGVA execsdivisionswillremainintact.Ralphstituting a major portion of American TheaterRoyal,Dublin,where vaudereported that William Green, head ofWhitehead, executive secretary of AFA,picturedistribution,Hollywoodpro- continues to flourish under booking di-the parent American Federation of La-who is seriously ill at his home in thisducers lost no time in pulling wires rection of Foster's Agency.Bill here forbor, assured them by telephone recentlycity, could not be reached for a state-months ago, when the appearance of war week of September 11 headed by Elisa-that AGVA may assume responsibilityment. just loomed on the horizon, and in beth Welch. getting governmentalassurances that Drury Lane Theater has been taken film houses would be thefirst enter- over by Navy, Army and Air Force In- tainment centers to reopen after war stituteas headquarters for entertain- preparations were completed.Virtually ments branch.This house has beenTrouble for "One BigUnion"all the movie houses in London and the chosen because of its central situation provinces have reopened now, exhibiting and adequacy of room for offices, stage single features.Legit and vaude, how- rehearsals,printing rooms and every- ever, are still largely closed to the public, thing necessary for production of first-Looms; Equity HasTaken Nowith radio practically supplanting every class shows.Touring companies will be otherkindofentertainment,besides sent out direct from the "Lane." being used as a tremendous instrument For providing entertainment in mili- of propaganda. Foreign radio shows of a tary camps and hospitals an organiza- Leadership?very inferior quality are sandwiched in tion has been formed under name ofSteps; Thomson between censored war bulletins and in- NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-That performer forthe position in view, they say, ofstructions to the civil population.This union leaders will run into some rough his"youth,aggressiveness and diplo-condition was, of course, entirely non- going before they are able to reorganizemacy." One official this week said thatexistent during the last war.Now the In This Issue the Four A's branches into "one bigas yet nobody knew just what titlewouldwar is virtually being fought over the union" became certain this week. be given to the post which Thomsonradio. Pages will probably get, but added thatin Definite monkey wrench was thrown Shows Were Closed Broadway Beat, The 4into the situation when a leading Ac- anyevent Frank Gillmore would retain Burlesque 23 tors' Equity spokesman pointed out thathis position as president.This source At the outbreak of the last war, which Carnivals 43-51the solidification could not be accom-claimed that Thomson would be the lastdidn't have the pre-war build-up of the Circus and Corral 34-36 to try to shove Gillmore out.Itcurrent European hostilities, shows in 56-53plished at present because some of the person Classified Advertisements areincorporated, was reportedthattheAtlanticCityLondonwereimmediately 'disbanded. Coin Machines 72-100FourA'sbranches Before the Four fracas, however, thatThomson had onceTheaters closed,fairs and exhibitions Endurance Shows 24whereas others are not. offered Ralph Whitehead the job heldpulled up stakes, film studios in France Fairs -Expositions 37-40A's can set up complete interchange- of Final Cur+ain 71 central treasury.it was by Gillmore. and Germany shut down because ability and a oflack of personnel, and American acts and General News 3-5claimed that Screen Actors' Guild, Ameri- Notwithstandingtheattitude artists in Europe, of whom there were General Outdoor 65-69 Federationof RadioArtistsand Equity, Four A's officials this week said Hartmann'sBroadcast 65othercan incorporated units would first have they were goingahead with plans forhundreds,asnow, devotedalltheir Legitimate 14-15 international's reorgani-energies tosecuring passage back to Letter List 33 and 70to unincorporate, so as to gave all Four the performer America. The American performers Lists 52-55A's branches a uniform physical struc-zation, and indicated that problems of Magic 23ture.To do this would take more than interchangeability andfeasibility of a (See WAR-THEN on page 68) Music 0-13a year, it is said, single card were getting much consider - Night Clubs -Vaudeville 16-22 Same Equity spokesman pointed outation.Four A's membership drive, now Non -Theatrical Films 25that treasuriesof Equity and Chorus going on particularly with regard to the A Press Agent's Oath? Notes .Fromthe Crossroads 65Equity were in very good financial con- American Guild ofVariety Artists, is to Orcnestra Notes 10 to include all fields, Parks -Pools 41-42dition, and before either of these branches be expanded so as CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-Sam Stratton. Pipes 63-61could be a partner to the one big unionparticularly radio.Opinion is that much press agent for My Dear Children at Possibilities 4idea the respective memberships would can be done inAFRA and AGVA juris- the Selwyn, swears this isn't a pub- Radio 6-8have to voice an opinion. dictions in the South and Middle West. licity gag.Confesses that he himself Radio Talent 7 Much -bruited talk that the reorgan- This will take money, andsuggestions learned only the other day that the Repertoire -Tent Shows 24ized Four A's will have Kenneth Thom- toraiserequisitefundsinclude(1) comedy's leading woman, Doris Dud- Rink -Skaters 40son, Screen Guild exec, as officialboss, Branches to give the Four A's a per - ley, has been holding on to a $15 a Orchestra,page 12. Acts,was also chilled by Actors' Equity. "Our centageof the branch income;(2) In - week job in the local stockyards herd- ROUTES : Units and Attractions, 22counsel," said a spokesman, "in recentcreased per capita tax; (3) Central treas. ing cattle while the show has been and 66.Grand Stand and Free Attractions 66.sessions has considered neither the one ury.Nothing definite set yet, however. laying off for the last fortnight due Dramatic and Musical, 66, Carnival 67.big union idea nor the setting up of Situation regarding sirgle membership toJohnBarrymore'sillness. He Circus and Wild West, 67; Miscellaneous, 66.Thomson as official top man." card is particularly tough, feeling being further claims that Miss Dudley con- Show Family Album 57 Regarding likelihood of Thomson be- that two cards may be necessary, one tinues with the cattle -herding profes- SponsoriNd Events 59ing named for such a post, itis saidto take care of such performers as extras sion and doubles between theater and Thru Sugar's Domino 4 rarelyinterchange.It stockyards daily. Wholesale Merchandise -Pipes 60-64that Four A execsother than those who never or World's Fair News 26-32in Equity feel Thomson is just the man (See TROUBLE FOR on page 68) 4 The Billboard GENERAL NEWS September 30, 1939 UBO STRANGLEHOLDSHAKEN

Auds, Film Houses, Others Make Up Most of Season's Road Spots SINCEthe air has cleared following the dog fight of the various theatrical Bookings heavy thruout tile country-one-nighters GLEANED BY MEMBERS OF THE unionsithas been possibleforthe are BILLBOARD STAFF aspiring historian as well as the pro- being revived for first time in 20 years-college auds The purpose ofthis departmentisto tagonist of the actor to look over at benefit producers,bookers,agentsand leisure some of the remnants in the added to picture-better break in auds others concerned with the exploitation of form of press comment-notably in the talent in the major indoor fields thru The dailies, which on the whole did a pretty Billboard's coverageof every branch of the good job of reporting. Out of the welter By SYLVIA WEISS show business. of newsprint there stands out, however, NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Civic and college auditoriums have replaced old legit apiecethatsurprisingly houses on the road in 60 per cent of the cities wherein legit shows will venture SHOWMEN INTERESTED IN SPECIFIC causedno "POSSIBILITIES" MAY ADDRESS THEM IN reverberations as far as we have been this season. The change has broken the booking monopoly of the United Booking CARE OF THE NEW YORK OFFICE OF abletodetermine.Consideringthe Office, and has brought the motion picture circuits around to a more friendly THE BILLBOARD, 1564 BROADWAY. inherentsensitivityof theactor and consideration of shows, so that 13 of them (listed in September 2 issue of The the theatrical profession generally this Billboard), along with some independents, have booked legit attractions for the is surprising because the piece impresses winter schedules-not only booked, but underwritten the shows.Indicative of the us as the most vicious and unjustified changed order, for the 486 days lined up For RADIO attack that has been made against our for its four shows, the Legitimate The- professionin recent years;an attack atre Corp. of America is using only four THE REVUERS-five youngsters at against so-called variety actors that is UBO houses. the Rainbow Room, New York. They unparalleled in its vituperativeness and Road men consider the auditorium a Uroadway Eval. write, direct and act out their own factual fallacy. boon to the return of the road, in view By GEORGE SPELVIN material, and ought to make a good of the properties being self-sustaining group for a radio series. Their satire When the item was called to our at- thru incomes from sports events and THE Stuart Morgan Dancers, playingis refreshing and unconventional, and tention we couldn'tbelieveour eyes, other forms of entertainment carried on a date at the Earle, Philly, must have their deliveryisvigorous,ifnot Just at that time a clipping of the piece the year round.Independence frombeen a little nonplusedtoreadthe polished. A creative, imaginative and was sent to us by one of our readers UBO also relieves touring companies offollowing description of their work in experimental young talent group, they with a plea to do something about it. percentage and commission burdens, par-a Quaker City sheet. The reviewer for may be just the sort of thing that It wasn't really necessary to goad us on. ticularly when attendance margins areThe Public Ledger depicted them as radio should encourage and develop. Had we seen the piece earlier we would narrow. The exclusive or primarily legit"three men in bathing trunks who throw Before going to the Rainbow Room have done something about it when it theater can still be found in only abouta girl around that they don't care much they appeared for months at the Vil- first appeared-September 5-and there- 25 of the larger cities. Bookings reportedabout."Prettytrickywhenadagio lageVanguard,GreenwichVillage fore the pleading correspondent served thus far indicatethatproducersarewould have sufficed.. .. Bing Crosby cellar spot. the useful purpose of convincing us that again venturing beyond these confineswon a $50 bet from Johnny Weismuller our eyes did not deceive us. into towns which haven't had a legit at-when the crooner took a flying leap from The offender-it is our painful duty traction in a score of years. Impresariosthe diving board into the Aquacade pool, to report-was Westbrook Pegler. one of in such towns, equipped to handle legit,smoking his pipe, at a performance last For FILMS the columnizing satellites of The New are sounding joyous notes over prospectsweek. York World -Telegram, and as far as could for the 1939-'40 season. JACK MERIVALE -son of Philip be learned the piece also appeared in all Newest to the auditorium ranks is the Johnny Burke has to depend on a Merivale, now playing hisfirstbig of the papers served by the Scripps - (See UDC) STRANGLE on page 14) war to break out in order to regain Broadway part as Raleigh in Leonard Howard Syndicate.It is painful to re- popularity.His soldier act, which was Sillman's revival of Journey's End at port this and equally painful to upbraid a favorite of Woodrow Wilson, has be- the Empire Theater, New York. A Pegler because we have a very high opin- HARRY JAMES come timely again with all the war talk. nice looking youngster, he has stage ion of this hard-hitting scrivener. De- So much so that he was a guest star presence and a great deal of ability, spite the fact that he has at times (This Week's Cover Subject) on the National Barn Dance over NBC carrying the difficult part excellently. been referred to as a writer who fre- last Sunday.. .. Ben Pratt, of the NBC Blue pressworks,was quently climbs out of the wrong side laidupwithstock.Keith -Johnston, playing in theof the bed and lets it out on his readers JAMES, erstwhile Benny Goodmanptomaine last week-from listening tomost effective anti -war play yet written,in that day's stint we have found his HARRY a CBS program? .. .Jerry Breitman, trumpeter now heading his own fast -risingformer song plugger for Leeds Music, isis said to have been recalled for wardaily essays and diatribes to be stimu- swing crew, was borninfoshow business duty in England.... When Mary Wil-lating and provocative and we have March 15, 1916. His father was the Christynow exploiting the music of Blue Barron. agreed with him more often than not. . . .Frank Moss, who's scripting forliams moved last week, her cat climbed Bros.' Circus band director and his motherHoward Hughes, has been in New Yorkup the chimney of the new apartmentYet in the piece we are taking so long trouped with the same show. Harry's sum-the past few weeks to have his tonsilsand refused to come down until all theto pierce with our shafts of indignation mers were spent with the circus and in winter furniture had been set straight.. . . Pegler committed the unpardonable sin he attended school amputated; due back on the Coast next in Beaumont, Tex., theweek. ... Ed Massey is vacationing forThere's just a chance that a tempestof talking thru his hat; of making a family's home town.His father taught hima week in Provincetown. may break soon concerning one of theclass of human beings the innocent vic- the trumpet, which he played in school bands. most publicized of the newer cowbarntims of some kind of perverseness from James joined JoeGill's Band in Galveston spots; both backers and patrons are saidwhich he seemed to be suffering tem- in 1932, remained withGillfor six months It must have been pretty confusing toto be boiling mad at the managementporarily and of indicting a class on evi- and then toured with Hogan Hancock's Ork.the readers of a music monthly-find--and the place is open for next seasondence so slim that it would be thrown Then came Ligon Smith's crew, Herman Wald-ing a page-one story about band leadertoanyreputablemanagementthatout of the rowdiest kangaroo court. man's Band and finally Ben Pollack, with whomBunny Berigan going into bankrutcy andwants it.... The navy is admittedly We feltinpreparingthisspleen - Harry toured for a year.He joined Goodmanthen turning to the back of the papergood for seeing the world, but appar-venting broth that it might be neces- early in 1937, and soon became one of theto find a full page ad of an instrumentently it's not so good for learning whatsary to quote parts of Pegler's piece and best known sidemen in the business. company, using Berigan's testimonial forgoes on in it. A new trumpeting addi-we accordingly applied for permission to Harry started to rehease his own band inthe teaser and advising students to buytion to Reggie Child's Band at the RusticLee B. Wood, the executive editor of their horns if they want to make a lotCabin, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., got hisThe World -Telegram.Mr. Wood-who, January of this year, with his first date comingof money, as does Berigan... . Lawrencefirst tootling job by way of a couple February 3 at the University of New Hampshire.Levey, radio writer,is devoting all of incidentally, we once discoveredisa A week later he went on his first location, thehis time to knocking out telescripts-of years' service with the U. S. fleet, sogreat admirer of show people and vaude- Ben Franklin Hotel, Philadelphia. He had a Gene Gaudette, the band's manager, in-villians particularly-gave us permission what an optimist. ,.. Ork leaders Donquired of him whether he had secured five -week run there and then opened at NewMario and Zito feel pretty sinister these to reprint only in full, explaining that York's Pennsylvania Hotel for several weeks. a Social Security number as yet.Thehis paper does not permit partialre- April 8 started him on one-nighters, takingdays because, when both their bandslad replied in the negative, claiming heprints.Since lack of space here makes auditioned for the music spot at Felixdidn'tneedoneinthegovernmentitimpossible to reprint Pegler's piece him up to three June weeks at the New YorkFerry Monte Carlo, the managementservice, and in a manner suggesting the Paramount and another theater date at theliked a particular section of each band. in full and since partial quotes are for- Hippodrome, Baltimore. old what -numbers -have -you -got? wheeze,bidden we will have to be content with The two got together and blended thebut in dead seriousness, asked if GeneparaphrasingthePegler He located this summer at Roseland Ball-likable qualities, but during the processwould get him one. piecewhere room, New York, breaking his stand with threea rumba band walked in and got the allusions to its content are necessary. weeks at Atlantic City's Steel Pier, altho heassignment. The Pegler piece was written a few was originally signed for only nine days, giv- days after peace was declared in the ing himthe theatrical union war.He explained to distinction of being the only name Along with the scarcity of good newRapee on MRS Co-Opper his readers that the trouble was caused band to play Steel Pier for that length of time.scripts, which has been a problem for by the attempt of the stagehands to September 9 he opened the fall season at Chi-seasons now, legit is beset by a scarcity NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Mutual willmuscle into the actors' union field by cago's Hotel Sherman for an indefinite stay. of first -line directors; several shows sohave a new co-operative show startingissuing a charter to performers who James records under the new Columbia label, far have been held up for weeks, search-October 15, with Erno Rapee and a 33 - and was selected as the first band to start the piece orchestra. Show will be sponsoredwork in saloons; who work in places ing for the right man. ... There's a re- where the patrons aretoo drunk to new radio show sponsored by that disk firmport that, if Leonard Sillman's two-weekintheEast by Regalshoes.Henrygive any attention to their performances. September 16.The ork is managed by Gerard revival of Journey's End is a success andSouvaine is building the program, with Pegler disposes of the persons belong- Barrett, formerly with Music Corp. of America.holds over, Conn Keith -Johnston mayCecil & Presbrey in charge of the foot-ing to the entire jurisdiction formerly Harry's wife is Louise Tobin, who is now sing-be replaced in the lead by Philip Hous-wear account. held by the AFA and now held by AGVA ing with his old boss, Goodman. ton, who played the part in summer by denying quite emphatically that they are actors; by denying with equal em- phasis that they aresingers and by "Legal Status of adding that they are in the same cate- STOCK ROLL 43 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE SPECIAL PRINTED gory as singing waiters of the scummiest Manufacturing TICKETS of EVERY DESCRIPTION Amusement Co. resorts associated with the adolescent 2,000.. 50c ARCUS-SIMPLEX 10,000 ..$ 6.95 years of America. 10,000 ..$ 2.00 30,000 .. 9.85 Pegler goes further.He says without 20.000 ..'3.50 50.000..12.75 Employees" 100,000 .. 15.00 100.000 ..20.00 qualifications that performers who work TICKETINC. 200,000 ..34.50 in vaudeville, night clubs, presentation 0ourie Coupons houses and other branches covered by DouhicPrice 18 LAIGHT STREET NEW YORK, N. V. Cash With See Carnival Department of order the AGVA (mind you, we are not quot- vN. ON LABEL - Bono r oTICKET PRINTERSroa N.T. %NOR rAII/..939 This Issue. ing direct but paraphrasing as fairly as (See SUGAR'S DOMINO on page18) September 30, 1939 GENERAL NEWS The Billboard S TUES. OR WED. RADIO'S CHILD

CBS Record Program Revised; Heidt First Compromise Anticipate Week -Night Audience ELKADER,Ia.,Sept.23. -Barn- NEW YORK, Sept. 23. -Switch in plans storming bands booking into these has Horace Heidt thefirstorchestra parts for Thanksgiving dates have to To Drop Thursday as Favorite guest starring on the Columbia record be extra cautious in marking off that show starting on CBS September29. date on their calendars.Governor Harry James had been scheduled, with George A. Wilson proclaimed Turkey NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-A change into get a boost with the new Herbert Count Basie slated to follow, but neither Day for the traditional last Thursday, Marshall series starting shortly on the band was available.Other bands set are November 30, in spite of FDR's proc- the week -day evening offering the strong-NBC Red. Latter network has Marshall, Benny Goodman,October 13; Eddie lamation making it November 23. est radio line-upisindicated for theRed Skelton, Allen and Kay Kyser, while Duchin, October 20, and Kay Kyser, No- Not having the least inclination toseason now starting.Departure of theCBS has Burns and Allen, Al Pearce, vember 3.Each of the bands set so far line up with either in the Thanks- Paul Whiteman and Texaco. is now on NBC with a commercial, giving row, Board of Supervisors for Vallee program breaks up, after nearly except Duchin, who recently finished one Clayton County approved a resolu- 10 years, the week -day domination held Line-up on the NBC Red Tuesday in- on NBC. cludes Fibber McGee, Bobe Hope and tion to observe Thanksgiving on No- by Thursday.Tuesday and WednesdayUncle Walter's Dog House, each of which Show is sponsored by Columbia's pho- vember 16 this year "so as not to are now the leading candidates.Both nograph record subsidiary and is handled conflict with the dates set by the isa comedy show.CBS has Second thru Ward Wheelock ad agency.Dan President of the United States and are strong in comedy shows.However,Husband,BigTown,WalterO'Keefe, neither is expected to supersede SundayWe the People, Bob Crosby and Hal Seymour is emsee and John Hammond the Governor of Iowa." Kemp.NBC Blue has one ofits big musical commentator. as the peak listening day.Until theshows, Information Please and Robert Vallee show folded, Thursday usually ranBenchley and Artie Shaw.Five of all runner-up to Sunday. of Tuesday evening's shows are comedy Altho Tuesday has more commercialsproductions, not including Info Please. Petrillo Clashes With GACthan Wednesday becauseithas more Thursday, with its new line-up, pre- half-hourofferings,Wednesday seemssents One Man's Family and Those We to have a slight edge, with Fred AllenLove, Good News and Bing Crosby on and the Texaco show, each of whichthe NBC Red, with Strange as It Seems, OverDorsey Booking Messruns an hour. Wednesday is also slatedAsk -It -Basket and Major Bowes on CBS. CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-A deal with morelatter returned them signed andwith a angles than a centipede has legs came$400 deposit.Contract called for $900. to light here this week when James C.Shortly after this O'Hara was notified Petrillo, the local militant musiker head,by GAC that they could not deliver Dor- broughtacaseagainsttheGeneralsey because he was ill.O'Hara then Amusement Corp. for failure to delivercomplained to the union and Petrillo Jimmy Dorsey and band on a privatecalled Bob Weems, local GAC manager, date in Lake Forest, Ill., which was con-before the board August 31.Weems tracted for by Ray O'Hara, of the Alliedexplained that the office had not signed Music Co., Chicago.Things came to athe Dorsey contract as yet and that he head Friday, with Petrillo phoning GACwas still holding O'Hara's check. He Prexy Tom Rockwell in New York andalso had an affidavit from a New York demanding that a settlement be made tomedico substantiating Dorsey's illness. O'Hara immediately or he would recom-Petrillo waved aside the technicality of mend the revoking of the GAC bookingthe unsigned contract,claiming that license.Rockwell said the cash settle-O'Hara had been promised Dorsey and ment, amounting to$350,would behe would have to be delivered. Failing to get Dorsey, however, O'Hara forthcoming. went ahead and signed another contract The date in question was played byfor Lunceford which called for an added Jimmie Lunceford September 16, which$600 for transportation besides the orig- was evidently okeh with O'Hara, but notinal $900 band price, and also $125 per with Petrillo, who claimed that inas-hour overtime.Final bill after the date much as GAC had contracted to havewas playedamountedto$1,750for Dorsey for the date, some damage settle-O'Hara, including two hours overtime. ment was due O'Hara especially since The Petrillo vs. GAC case was still in WEBSTER-CHICAGO] the Lunceford booking ran $800 moreabeyance, however, and Thursday Weems "The Sound of Tomorrow" r - than asked for Dorsey, due to overtimewas again called before the union board upo wesTER Sec. 8-12, andairplanetransportationinthewhere Petrillo issued an ultimatum that Send There's a Webster -Chicago Bloomingdale Lunceford contract. Coupon .F.o.n_di,szsSystemfor every need. (Exp-ortamalg437.3 S.v7Yeigholrenaggt.) a settlement would have to be made on Sendyour complete Catalog No. 139end Eetrillo based his case on the premiseO'Hara's behalf or the GAC license would Nowcost.3MA SU3ntr-VIWIAT name ofnearestdistributor. that the local GAC office had sent Dor-be revoked.The union chief also told systems for wide -range sey's contracts to O'Hara and that theWeems that he wanted him out of his symphonic reproduction. (Petrillo's) district.Irony here was that Ask for catalog No. 139. Weems had already received a new ap- Unusually Attractive Colorful Individual pointment from Rockwell which will bring Weems into a post in the New WINDOW CARDS York office next week. Altho final disposition of the case is RESERVED -FOLDED -ROLL -STRIP. and POSTERS notdefinite,itwasagreedinthe Petrillo -Rockwellphone conversation Wm. "Um FOR EVERY PURPOSE. that GAC would refund $350 to O'Hara. C CD 'kJ' R O NJ 10 0 0 IK MADE WITH OUR AMAZING NEWPROCESS This amounts to the difference between III Litho Effects At No Extra Cost! the $900 and the $1,250 which included I %o lk $250 for two hours' overtime and the FOR EVERY FORM OF AMUSEMENT NO STOCK PAPER! $100 commission which O'Hara was to YOUR OWN SPECIAL PICTORIALS! l'ARCUS TICKETCO.,318 N.ASI1LAND AVE.CHIGAGO What You Want --The Way You Want It - make on the date. The $600 transporta- When You Want It! tion item was paid by O'Hara. PRICES INCLUDING SPECIAL DESIGNS Case is interesting from the standpoint AND ART WORK! of all bookers, since whole biz is con- 14x22 Cards, 3 Col., 100.53.95; Ad'I 100.52.50 tingent on whether or not a contract 0-ast a Saw. SYMBOLS 17x26 Cards, 3 Col., 100. 5.00; Ad'! 100. 8.00 is binding until signed by both parties TM. I. iuilves 01,1, 41 22x28 Cards. 3 Col., 100. 7.00; Ad'! 100 4.00 Telnt Cab, WESTERN 100.....Ar Lam. regardless of any verbal guarantees on µ,mil en One Sheets,3 Col., 100. 7.25; Ad'I 100. 6.00 dente db C14 diuted be mitalak Three Sheets, 3 Col.,50.10.00; 100. .16.00 the part of the booker. M./ .41.4 MO. Lmee 24 Sheets at Low Prices. Trial Order Convinces. .. 11411. NBC -Chi Newspaper Deal UNIQ ARTCRAFT POSTER CO. LOW RATE TELEGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR MANY 1423.25 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. CHICAGO, Sept. 23. -Deal was set here this week whereby NBC has entered into PURPOSES - BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES, WED- an agreement with The Chicago Daily News, buying so much display adver- DINGS, CONGRATULATIONS AND MANY OTHERS. ONTARIO HOTEL tising daily in turn for two five-minute PLEASE YOUR FRIENDS BY REMEMBERING THEM daily WMAQ shots to be bought by the 1.1Well -Known Theatrical House newspaper.On one of the shots The WITH A TELEGRAM -THE COST IS ONLY 20c LO- $1.00 Up Daily News will plug a new kiddies' page to be inaugurated soon and the other shot will CALLY -25c TO ANY WESTERN UNIONPOINT IN $5.00 Up Weekly be handed over to foreign news bulletins 620 No. State St., Chicago,Ill. and a plugging of the sheet's foreign THE UNITED STATES. staff.NBC will devote its newspaper space to plugging certain shows on both WMAQ and WENR. STOCK TICKETS SPECIAL WITH TIIF 3 POINT ONE ROLL ....$ .50 PRINTED ROOFLESS PLATESSUCTION FEATURE! FIVE ROLLS....2.00 Roll or Machine TEN ROLLS.... 3.50TICKETS Mouth Clear Allen Signs Singer 10,000..$6.95 Ne Featherweight -no gagging -- FIFTY ROLLS. 15.00 of Every Description 30,000.. 9.85 ROOF Natural Taste - Holds Better. NEW YORK, Sept. 23. -Wynn Murray, 100 ROLLS .. 29.00 50,000.. 12.75 Singers, Speakers like the extralegit singer from Babes in Arms and The ROLLS 2,000 EACH tongue room, clearer mouth. All and in a Hurry.Tell us what you want and 100,000 .. 20.00 formsfalseteeth -by mail -Boys From Syracuse, was signed for the Double Coupons, let us quote you. 1,000,000 ...150.50 lowestprices. 80 -day trial.Fred Allen show, starting October4. Double Price. Double Coupons, Write for FREE Catalog and Impression material. . D. Orders We trust you. Monthly Payments. 24 Hour Service.Contract is for a trial period and has Vioze:CS'in?la Tick., 1x2"THE TOLEDO TICKET CO. TOLEDO, 0. Double Price. HOD. LAB., 2581 Hod William Bldg., Tampa, Fla,usual options. 6 The Billboard RADIO -TELEVISION September 30, 1939 Conducted by JERRY FRANKEN-Communications to 1564 Broadway, New York City Publishers, Pointingto Past, Radio Domesticity Atlantic Refining NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Compton Reneged, Baseball Agency believes it is doing something unique in program building when its Extend Little Hope for _NAB serial, The Right to Happiness, de- Circuit Declares buts for Crisco and P. & G. Soap SCRANTON, Pa.,Sept. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Threat thatover any NAB attempts to sign leading October 16.Show will be about the 23.-Eastern the National Association of Broadcasterscomposers.A good composer, for in- Baseball League Governor's Cup series is might go Kransky family, which first hit the now history, but not an inning was into the music publishingstance, may derive $10,000 yearly from air as one of the sub themes in The broadcast and those who had listened to business in order to lick the ASCAPASCAP, and it is felt he would do some Guiding Light.Irna Phillips, author the regular season games are asking why. bogey does not faze the Society's pub-heavy thinking before dropping that for of Light, figured the family had be- Tommy Richardson, presidentof the lisher -membership, some of whom feela venture whose successisdoubtful. come important enough to merit a league, said: "Any attempt on the part of that the NAB move is merely a maneuver.Particularly in view of fact that said show of its own, hence Happiness. either the sponsor or any radio station According to one of the leading pub-composer might have to try to crack the The Kranskys, however, will occa- to even hint that the Eastern League lishers, ASCAP executives feel a settle-ASCAP ranks all over again if the NABsionally pop up in their original pro- did not live up to our part of the agree- ment will be made with the radio in-library turkeyed. gram, Guiding Light, and charactersment is malicious effort to hide the truth terests, and that the new contract will Publishers know that the NAB has al- of Guiding Light willoccasionally from the public, which deserves to know call for a music bill slightly higher thanready tried to writers, claim- appear on Happiness. the facts. the present toll of $4,000,000 per annum.ing that in many cases the writers ap- "Thefacts,"Richardsoncontinued, In addition to ASCAP's belief that theproached are those who have unsuccess- "are simply that both the agency and broadcasters will accede to a settlement,fully tried to gain admittance to ASCAP. sponsor had agreed early in the season pubs' general attitude is that "it takes While admitting that tax-free musicGuest Star Market to pay $4,000 for the privilege of broad- more than money and power to make aorganizations will try to make hay out casting the play-offs. No technicalities go of the publishing business." To backof the NAB-ASCAP war, the music in- were mentioned at the time, the idea be- this view they point to past experiences,dustry feels the tax-free companies doTumbles Below Paring to compensate the four participants specifically the time E. C. Mills, ASCAPnot constitute much of a threat. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Guest starto the extent of $1,000 each. In fewer exec, tried to create a library for NBC, Pubs say Warner Brothers, which triedmarket has lost two of its best guestwords, a dealhadbeen made and the attempt of the motion picture ex-to get along without ASCAP, was in astar spots, with Rudy Vallee's programagreed upon by our eight members, all hibitors to create a library under the much betterposition than the NAB,joining the Magic Key in leaving the air.of whom were willing to sacrifice some- guidance of Henry Watterson and thebecause of writers under contract, ex-Vallee spot was not so hot on financialthing in order that a. fair share for every - efforts of the Shuberts to gain a foot-tensive publishing holdings and generalreturns to guests, but was important inparticipant be insured. hold in the industry. musicbusinessexperience. Questionhelping build reputations. Key was okeh "We regarded this price as an excep- then is how can broadcasters, who are inon the dough angle. tional bargain, and could undoubtedly Leo Bernstein, well-known Tin Pana much weaker strategic position, be Leading shows remaining on the air Alleyite, expressed the belief that the and using visitors are now Chase & San-have secured double the amount on the NAB move was "so much nonsense." successful. open market. We felt, however, that the born, Texaco, Lux and Kraft, these hav-regular sponsor deserved firstcall and Lou Diamond, of Famous Music, voic- ing, say agents, the largest budgets. frankly did not expect any controversy. ing an opinion similar to those held by William Morris office has set John "When the semi-finals were ready to other leading publishers, said the radioBenny Tenor Named;Boles for October 25 and Franchot Tonestart we were notified that the sponsor, executive does not know what the public for November 8 as guests on the dramaticwho had never discussed this point be- wants, and, in addition, no one pub-Dennis Day Gets Jobpart of the Texaco show.Boles will dofore, could not arrange to secure full air lisher-no matter how big-can supply Green Grow the Lilacs.Tone's vehicletime at Elmira and Springfield, so he the demand for music. Out of a firm's NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Most soughtnot set yet. volunteered to take only the Scranton possible 60 tunes a year, three may beafter man's singing job in radio was and Albany stations and suggested a new hits, said Diamond. finally set this week when Jack Benny price of $135 per game. Pubs are aware that the NAB is inset Dennis Day as the tenor on theWOR Using Film Track "Naturally, the league couldn't con- the market for catalogs owned by ASCAPJello show. Day replaces Kenny Baker, sider such a proposition. We would have publisher -members,andadmitsomewho signed during the summer with theFor Station Announcements.been decidedly unfair to Springfield and might be for sale.Itis pointed out,Texaco show. Baker went exclusive with Elmira to even think of it.Both were however, that while such catalogs mightTexaco at $1,500 weekly. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Station breakparties to the play-offs and therefore prove valuable to the radiointerests, Young & Rubicam, Jello ad agency, hadannouncements on WOR are now beingentitled to whatever cash returns were their value as catalogs would drop tre-auditioned a raft of singers, as reportedmade on Miller tape transmission.It'savailable." mendously whendivorcedfromthein The Billboard some weeks ago. Thethe first time a station has used this Richardson also said that Scranton and ASCAP music library, because the cata-Benny tenor spot is regarded as tanta-film track method of reproduction forElmira were promised an extra $1,000 log's main source of income would im-mount to a guarantee of stardom. Bakerbetween -program announcements. WNEWbonus each if they reached the play- mediately cease. started on the show as a complete un-has used transcription announcementsoffs. Pointing out that publishing music isknown, but within a year or so had beenfor station breaks. The league head explainedthatit "a disease" which is confined to a com-shot to high incomebrackets.He's WOR is a Newark station, and one ofcould not, under the circumstances, per- paratively small group, the publishersstayed there ever since, and is now underthe reasons the film is used is to enablemit the stations to take the games, even claim that outside interests which havefilm contract to Mervyn LeRoy. the station to comply with the regula-iY unsponscred, since this would play not grown up in the industry have al- Day Is handled by the CBS Artists'tion which provides for a specific num-into the hands of the firm which would ways flopped in attempts to buck theBureau. Means CBS gets a talent build-ber of announcements to be made fromlogically profit from its previous asso- established music interests. up on NBC. the Newark studios. ciation with the games. Despite outward appearances of solidi- The Atlantic Refining Co. sponsored ty of the NAB, it is believed that the the broadcasts during the regular season. trade association's morale is not exactly conducive to success in its attempt to fight ASCAP.Sharpest factional split,WMCA Case May Involve Daily for instance, is held to be between the Former ASCAP Man networks and the rank and file stations. Nets are known to be not particularlyPaper; Coughlinites Protest Gives anti-ASCAP insofar as they do not feel StationsFree the annual tax tollas keenly as the WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.-WMCA, New Earlier this week, Rev. Edward Lodge smaller independents. York station currently on the carpet atCurran, of the Catholic Truth Society,Use of His Catalog Another factor which the publishersthe Federal Communications Commis-wired Neville Miller, president of the feelwillmilitateagainstthe NAB'ssion, is not out of danger yet, accordingNationalAssociationofBroadcasters, NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Radio stations chances for success is the trade associa-to indications here.The FCC has or-asking him what he intended to dohave been notified by Joe Davis, head of tion plan to assess the broadcasters one-dered the station to appear at a publicabout WMCA. The Brooklyn priest, whoGeorgia Music Corp., that they can use half as much as each paid ASCAP inhearing this next Wednesday (27)tois said to be Father Coughlin's New Yorkany of the tunes published by his firm 1937. For instance, a station which paidshow cause why its license should notrepresentative, has been critical of NABwithout payment of any kind. Davis just be revoked for broadcasting interceptedon numerous occasions. In this instanceconcluded the sale of anotherofhis $10,000 to the performing rights societymilitary messages during the European music companies, Joe Davis, Inc., to E. will be nicked $5,000.Why, ask the he wanted to know if the trade asso-H. (Buddy) Morris and Johnny Mercer, publishers, should a station pay $5,000war crisis. ciation was going to invoke its newly Altho William Weisman, vice-president.adopted Code of Ethics against the Newthe sale meaning he has given up his for a venture that is dubious when they York station. ASCAP publisher license. Davis retained can secure the entire ASCAP catalog forof the Knickerbocker Broadcasting Co. The clergyman declaredGeorgia Music, which was a subsidiary $10,000?Opposed to this view, however,(WMCA), filed a formal affidavit deny-that Donald Flamm, WMCA prexy, wasof Joe Davis, Inc. is the undeniable fact that even if theing the charges, the commission declaredan influential member of the NAB and Move is regarded as a significant step broadcasters sign ASCAP contracts thethe denial insufficient. The FCC, it wasthat silence upon the part of NAB wouldin view of present ASCAP-NAB relation- NAB can always use its music library aslearned, has had two investigators work-be taken as admission that the codeships, with the NAB seeking to establish a competitive music threat. ing in New York to bolsteritscasewas a fake. its own music library. It may even be a Pubs also refuse to become excitedagainst the station, and their reports Broadcasters did not take long to pointfeeler sent out by Davis with a view to tended to support the commission's be-out that WMCA did not belong to thesellingGeorgia MusictotheNAB. lief that the Communications Act hadNAB; that the new code did not goGeorgia's catalog includes tunes by sev- been violated. into effect until October 1 and, in addi-eral standard songsmiths, among them Herb Rosenthal to Coast Station had had an agreement withtion, the FCC was already taking careAndy Razaf and Don Redman. The New York Herald Tribune to broad-of the case.It was the impression that It is also possible Davis is trying to NE"' YORK, Sept. 23.-Herb Rosen-cast that paper's war news.Altho aentrance of the NAB into the case atget into the tax-free music field now thal, head of Columbia Artists, CBScopy of this agreement was filed by Weis-this time when the government was stilldominatedprimarilybyLanglois & artists' bureau, leaves next week for aman, the FCC alleges that there is anstudying the matter would bepre-Wentworth and Davis & Schwegler. Davis three or four -week stay in Hollywood.oralagreementbetweenthepartiessumptuous. is understood to be trying to join ASCAP Rosenthal is going on in connection withwhich is more extensive.It is believed In the meantime, it was learned thatas a composer, but Gene Buck is said to several big shows on which CA has talentthat the New York paper, which operatesthe alleged violation had already beenhave told him the society has taken no working, including Dennis Day on thean extensive wireless receiving room, wasthe subject of discussion between Chair-action on his application. He has been Jello show; Leith Stevens and Bill Rob-the first to pick up messages from theman James Lawrence Fly of the FCCpart author of more than 150 tunes. son on Big Town, and Orson Welles'German naval command to merchantand President Roosevelt. The FCC man series for Campbell from Hollywood. CAships on the high seas.In this event,described thecase,along with otherNew Wisconsin Talent Firm also has Alice Marble at La Maze Cafeexperts say, the newspaper is just asdetails of the commission's views on the in Hollywood. liable to prosecution as the broadcastinggeneral subject of neutrality.Whether MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 23.-The New station.However, the FCC has no li-the White House is taking official noticeTheater of the Air will open a downtown cense over the newspaper, and any prose-of the WMCA broadcast could not beoffice and studio here shortly. Principals CBS Sustainers Fold cution for its part in the case wouldlearned, but it is considered unlikely. of the new organization are A. J. Klein; NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Four CBS sus-have to be in the form of a criminal Jack Hill, formerly heard over WTMJ tainers have been given notice, showscase laifnched by the Department of WMCA, until recently, had been pick-with the Johnny Olson program, and being forced to fold because of the ap-Justice.Whether this course will beeted by followers of Father CoughlinJames Roate, who willwritescripts. proach of fall and increasing commercialfollowed is still a matter of confection,after the station refused to carry theThe group plans to catalog and type all commitments. Programs are Alibi Club,but it is doubted that the FCC has dis-priest's talks unless he submitted scriptstalent presenting itself and will develop County Seat, Armchair Adventures andcussed the matter with the Justice De-in advance.Picketing was stopped be-radio productions, transcriptions and of- George McCall's Hollywood show. partment yet. cause of the war situation. fer talent for radio shows. September 30, 1939 RADIO -REVIEWS The Billboard 7 Program Reviews EDSTUnless Otherwise Indicated "Big minor changes since it went off the air Town', last season. One change finds the time Reviewed Tuesday, 8-8:30 p.m. Styleswitched from Monday evening away -Drama. Sponsor-LeverBrothers. from the powerful Lux dramatic pro- Agency-Ruthrauff & Ryan.Station-gram; other has a feature added with WABC (CBS network). a weekly guest star, tabbed The Woman Altho some degree of civilization hasof the Week, introduced by John Ander- set in in Hollywood's treatment of news-son, who also functions in a new post paper stories,radioisstillusing theof emsee. Anderson is dramatic critic theory that newspaper managing editorsof The NewYorkJournal -American, are dare -devil detectives who make thewhich means that his name will probably regular constabulary look like bums. Themean scarcely anything outside of that listening public likesit, tho, and gavepaper's circulation area. First guest star Big Town a good audience last season.was Mrs. Harrison Eustis, originator of If the phony heroism is overlooked, thethe Seeing Eye dog system for the blind. show is pretty good hoke drama, aided Spitalny's musicisthe kind which In1939-as in1938, in draw by Edward G. Robinson as theeither provokes much admiration or the star.The role is pretty well tailored toopposite.But even when it's the latter, the screen's tough guy; it's one of thesethe showmanship and feminine appeal of two-fisted fearless things. Ona Munsonthe Spitalny all -woman musical aggre- is now playing the lady scribbler whogation are impressive.Orchestra turns loves our hero, having replaced Clareout a flowery type of music, but with Trevor in that assignment.First showconsiderable depth and color. Vocal work gave her little to do.Music is batonedis in the same vein, whether solo, trio by Leith Stevens, who does an okeh pro-or choral. Personally, I don't go for this 1937, 1936,1935, duction chore, altho opening and closingtype of stuff, but have to acknowledge music is plenty noisy. William Robsonits appeal. directs and keeps a good pace. Anderson is all right as emsee, with Story this time had to do with Robin-a soft delivery.InterviewwithMrs. son's breaking up of a phony auction-Eustis found her much more at home, eeringjoint.Commercials are subtle,however, than the critic. like a dreadnaught. Franken. Del Sharbut does the selling, which, like the program itself,is designed to appeal to women as buyers of home sup- "Tuesday Night Party" plies, in this case electric bulbs.Fear and1934-more of eye trouble thru lack of light is the Reviewed Tuesday, 8:30-9 p.m. Stylesales motif. Franken. -Variety. Sponsor-LeverBrothers. Agency-Ruthrauff & Ryan.Station- WABC (CBS network). Jimmy Fidler Lever Brothers have a new program, suceeding Al Jolson, for their Tuesday Reviewed Tuesday, 7:15-7:30 p.m. evening soiree for Lifebuoy soap.TheStyle-Commentator.Sponsor-Procter show stars Walter O'Keefe. Incidentally,& Gamble. Agency-H. W. Kastor. of thecountry's the commercials tell you, in effect, thatWABC (NBC Red). if you don't use Lifebuoy soap to get James Marion Fidler made hie return rid of b. o. you'll stink. After all, if that'sto the airwaves after giving Hollywood the sales approach, why mince words? abrief respitefromhis complacent O'Keefe has always struck me asasmugness, with which he has set himself comedian who's on the verge of beingup as high and mighty counselor of funny. His new show for Lifebuoy leftfilmdom. The bad boy of the air commen- the same impression, altho some runningtators has been taken out of the corner bits with two stooges were pretty good.by his sponsor and is allowed to say large advertis- They were also on the danger side, in-what he wants about pictures and pic- volving two moving men carrying trunks.ture people. says one, "Put your end down first." Fidler's clipped style of vocal fiddling John Brown and Teddy Bergman didsounds authcritative, but his attitude is capital work as the stooges. slightly appalling.Hesitsuponhis Until Mary Martin joins the show asthrone critically evaluating the picture regular vocalist, guest stars are beingcolony and its mighties, which are in used. Premiere had Sophie Tucker sock-need of plenty of criticism, but not from ing home with Dark Town Strutters' Ball,a self-styled spokesman who seems to ers but reading her lines with an overdose chose CBS infer his own perfection. of vim and vigor. Program was devoted to gossip, picture Best bit on the program was O'Keefe'sreviews, an open letter, believe It or not, song, What'll We Do With Grover When.about Bette Davis' double chin, and an the Fair Is Over? Bobby Dolan, orches-editorialization of the fallacy of spend- tra leader, doesn't get much to do. ing so much money on Gone With the Franken. Wind. Not minimizing his listening audience, "Polly Entertains" his style is still to be resented. Commer- than cials picked up nicely. any Zatt. other Reviewed Thursday, 2:30-2:45 p.m. Style-Chatter.Sustaining over WCAE ( Pittsburgh). Eugene Lyons Polly Entertains is a misnomer for this Reviewed Wednesday, 10:45-11 p.m. quarter hour. A melange of gossip aboutStyle-Commentator. hat styles, a contest for winning a week's Sponsor-Donald stay at a suburban hotel, and recipes,Besdine. Agency-Direct. Station- the program probably holds some womenWMCA (New York). Eugene Lyons, newspaper man and for- network. because of the content, but it certainly isn't entertainment, unless one wants toeign correspondent, comes to WMCAas a call talking with a neighbor and listen-commentator of exceptional background ing to commercials entertainment. Pollyin international affairs.Lyons now is Malone's speaking style, congenially in-editor of the American Mercury and is formal and engaging, is handicapped byperhaps best known for his book, Assign- an almost constant hesitating betweenment in Utopia, in which he tells of his phrases.Evidently the stops are to ac-disillusionment with Communism.Be- centuate the homey casuality, but theycause of this disillusion, and because of Lyons' known opinions regardingthe retard listening appeal. Chet Clarkan-totalitarian governments, it, may be said nounces. Frank. that his talks cannot be devoid of bias. But for that matter neither can thetalks of any other commentator be completely "Hour of Charm" free of prejudice.It just so happens COLUMBIA Reviewed Sunday, 10-10:30p.m.that Lyons' views are to some extent well Style-Orchestra, with gueststar.Spon-known. sor-GeneralElectricCo. Station- First talk of the series was impressive. WEAF (NBC -Red network). Lyons spoke with obvious sincerity,and BROADCASTING his voice came over with fine clarityand Format of General Electric's Hourofexpression.First point he made was Charm has been given two moreor lessthat he learned to distrust governments SYSTEM and that a government's main themewas self-interest.In view of the present in- ternational situation, Lyons statedthe United States must above all thingspre- World's Largest Radio Network serve its sanity.Lyons said he would interpret the news with these points mind. in Talk went on to analyze varioustheo- ESTABLISHED 1888 ries regarding the Allies' seeminglyslow PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU, Ina. support of Poland and closed withcom- World -Telegram Building, ment on the peculiar position ofthe 125 Barclay St., New York, N. V. Russian government. BArclay 7-5371. Commercials by Ted Cambell. Ackerman. 8 The Billboard RADIO September 30, 1939 trek where she picked up the new show, "The LivingBible," which moniker. ... ALEC TEMPLETON'S swell made its debut Sunday. ... Margery N. Y. Station Publicity Chart operatic burlesque of And the Angels Mayer has just signed a contract Sing has been recorded and comes out with,ChicagoCity Opera Co.to this week.... Announcements of the NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Two charts below show the number of publicity ALICE HILL-SUMNEEt SCOTT nuptials warble in eight operas during the breaks landed by New York City stations, top chart covering the July 9 to Au- coming season. . ..New women's gust 5 period and the second from August 6 to September 1. Column headed were mailed this week.He is the son stint bows on WJJD Monday with '7" indicates the number of program highlight or "best bet boxes" the station of Walter Dill Scott, ex-prexy of North- thetitle"TheSocialRegister." got. western University.They will be wed "C" indicates mentions in the radio columns published in New York City Friday.... The regular WLS Barn Dance Beverly Gay conducts the show, a and Brooklyn.There are eight dailies in the compilation. show was switched from the Eighth sort of Q -and -A on what and what For the first time in over a year WABC is not leading, chart for the period not to do at social functions.... ending September 1 giving the No. 1 place to WJZ, the first time the NBC Blue Street Theater Saturday to the Audito- The Satevepost isfinally going to outlet has had the edge over WABC or WEAF. WEAF is third, with WOR fourth rium Theater, giving a special perform- break down-coming out soon with in both charts.In the chart covering the later period, WMCA has regained fifth ance for the American Legion Conven- tion's tee -off.... Passing away of FRANK an article on Artie Shaw and his place, a spot it lost when WNYC made a surprising gain, giving way later to swingeroos.... Organist Len Salvo WMCA. In both periods WQXR has improved its position at the expense of SEAY, character actor, made Thursday and announcer Vern Hansen will WNEW and WHNLatter improved also in the period ending September 1. a very blue day for his many friends split honors on WGN's new five-a- and caused a heavy loss to the many weeker,"The Morning Mail -Box," July 9 -August 5 shows he appeared on. starting Monday and sponsored by STATIONS Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Inc.,thruBen- - 1939- - 1938 JackOdell,HarryElders,Kay ton & Bowles. ... Jeanne Juvelier F. C. GT. F. C. GT. Campbell and Willard Waterman are is on a visit in New York, seeing the WABO 680 159 839 539 93 632 family. WEAF 590 136 726 590 123 713 set as the principals on WGN's new WJZ 590 133 723 724 176 900 WOR 375 118 493 287 84 371 WNYC 230 52 282 337 49 386 WMCA 209 67 276 261 84 345 WQXR 116 28 144 239 10 249 WNEW J9 23 122 1Q3 15 118 aettisets a9eptciesPAULAIRMAN WHN 100 17 117 115 18 133 WEVD 90 2 92 93 7 100 NEW YORK: continued. ... For first three broad WINS 30 9 39 65 17 82 casts of "Against the Storm" and WBNX AGAINST THE STORM, five -time -a - 0 1 1 6 0 6 weekserialauthoredby Sandra "The Right to Happiness," Compton Michael, who also writes the WJZ sus- agencywillnotusecommercial tainer, Affairs of Anthony, goes over the plugs.Instead, time ordinarily de- August6 -September 1 NBC Red network for P. & G.'s Ivory voted to the product will be given STATIONS 1939 - - 1938- Soap beginning October 16. The O'Neills, over to blurbs for the programs. ... F. C. GT. F. C. GT. now on the Red at five p.m., will shortly NBC television department personnel WJZ 880 140 820 593 180 '173 move to 5:15 p.m. and will be replaced now includes70peopleforthe WABC 662 124 786 756 212 968 weekly average output of 111/2 hours WEAF at that period when Storm takes over. 595 124 719 572 141 713 O'Neills' early broadcast, at 12:15 noon, of telecasting.... Wednesday (27) WOR 338 113 451 304 101 405 will remain. . ..Format of the Fred will see Patricia English, 16 -year -old W MCA 235 85 320 262 91 353 Allen program will lion tamer, on the "Hobby Lobby" WNYC 207 be changed con- 30 237 258 61 319 siderably, one of the innovations call- program. ... Mel Adams, Hal Kemp's WQXR 147 12 159 165 16 181 ing for appearances of guest name band press agent, taking his first vacation WI -IN 131 23 154 167 40 207 WNEW leaders each week.Shep Fields will be in three years, leaves this week for 101 14 115 144 6 150 thefirst. Allen, Chicago. From there he goes to Wis- WEVD 86 2 88 69 incidentally, appears 8 77 consin with Dick Todd.. . . Rudy WINS 30 8 38 74 8 92 on the final stanza of What's My Name Wednesday (27).... Neila Goodelle has Vallee still saying he will take a six - WBNX - 5 2 7 week vacation - signed with CBS' Artists' Bureau.... in South America. WHN has signed new contracts with Meanwhile talk of.a show for Camels Local Loan Co., of Chicago, Lewis Hotel or Kelloggs. TrainingSchool,Inc.,andGardner Nursery Co....Alice Rice has been promoted to Compton agency's copy de-CHICAGO: Radio Talent partment.. .. Edward MacHugh, the NATIONAL FOOD STORES preemed its Gospel Singer, making transcriptions for.1.1 Musico show Friday over WGN after Ivory. a trial turn in Rockford, Ill.Bob Elson ByJERRY LESSER and Jess Kirkpatrick with Harold Stokes' 72ew Zlcrtk Irvin Ashkenasi, returned from the Band go to make up the audience par- London office of J. Walter Thomp- ticipator.H. W. Kastor on the agency AUDREY MAPLE, whom you remember Myrt and Marge to celebrate her entry son, where he wrote several shows end and Louis G. Cowan handling the in High. Jinks, Sometime, Katrinka into the seventh grade at New York's for Radio Luxembourg, will probably promotional end.... Hal Burnett, ex- go to Hollywood in four weeks. ... and Her Regiment, was featured on the Professional Children's School. . . . WBBM publiciteer, joined the sales pro- hour radio show called Night Was Made Joan Winters, featured actress on Nan Grey signed for the lead in motion staff of WISN, Milwaukee. . for Living last week on NBC. The show CBS's "Road of Life," has just gone "Those We Love," to replace second Entire script series of Ma Perkins show was directed by PAUL DUMONT, and its thru a busy six weeks caring for her half of Vallee hour.... Beginning had to undergo a hurry -up revising this theme song was specially written by TOM two youngsters, who managed to con- October 2, Compton agency will put week by orders of the U. S. Government. BENNETT. Members of the supporting tract whooping cough at the same wax versions of one of its best day- Portrayal of a shady and conniving milk cast included BILL SHELLY, JACK ROSE - time. time, serials, "Life Can Be Beautiful," collector was deleted from the serialized LEIGH, BETTY GARDE, HELENE DUMAS, on four stations covering different story on account of the present national markets during the evening. Periods . JERRY LESSER,HOWARD SMITH, TEDDY (Blubber) hubbub on profiteering, etc. . . Avalon NEILL O'MALLEY, SANTOS ORTEGA, BERGMANhas will be 6:30 and 6:45 p.m.Mean- Cigaret shot takes on Dick Todd Satur- LAWSON ZERBE, PEGGY ZINKE, changed his name for dramatic pur- while, daytime period on CBS and day.Program switches to a Wednesday poses to THEODORE ALLEN REED. Now on split NBC Red and Blue will be hour on September 27. CHARLES LaTORRE and JOHNNY KANE.PETE DONALD wonders whether TED H. H. JOSEPH HONTE wielded the baton. . .. REED will ask to have his name changed After a slight auto accident Saturdayto BLUBBER BERGMAN.Incidentally, night NORA MARLOW is nursing a frac-TEDDY became a father this week and tured clavicle. . , . All these radio folks live within three blocks of eachsigned with two radio shows, TOMMY ..COS aft9eleS other in South Cape-ALICE RHEIN-RIGGS and WALTER O'KEEFE. . . . HART, CARL EASTMAN, JOAN BANKS,That locket ALICE FROST is wearing to By DEAN OWEN JOHN HOLBROOK, KATHLEEN NIDAY,her Big Sister broadcast these days is an PAUL NUGENT and FLORENCE SPERL.exact replica of the one her sponsor will BOB SLEE angling contracts for These Le Martinique. ... Altho the Penner soon give away via the program. . Three, femme trio from Vancouver show doesn't hit Hollywood, itis . . . RALPH EDWARDS is back fromFIBBER McGEE is disconsolate.After his honeymoon. . . . KEENAN WYNN who are on leave from home station. understood that sponsor is angling and EVE ABBOTT, who have been mar-promising his friends sacks of walnuts ... Clinton Jones, of KNX news staff, for Coast release.. . .Dale Arm- ried for a few months, have just an-from his new ranch he learned this weekgoes to Frisco as head of CBS-KSFO strong, who formerly headed radio nounced the fact. that the recent California heat wave hasnews. . . .Solly Violinsky goes with department for L. A. Times, gets ruined the entire crop. . . . KENJoe Penner on the comic's new Ward new series over KECA entitled"You MURRAY was bedded for several daysshow as gag man. ...I. B. Kornblum, Explain It." Betty Garde, featured actress on suffering from an attack of the flu. . . . counsel for AFRA, trained in from New NBC and CBS, is reported to have MILTON BERLE'S Saturday night showYork. ... Dick McKnight here for spot signed with RKO to portray her stage will feature a new band each week, withon Bob Hope script staff.. . . Fletcher role in "Primrose Path," her success- JOE RINES set for the first broadcast.Wiley made a crack over KNX that theWBIG's Ad Campaign ful Broadway play of last season. . . . Want to buy a mountain? JOHNdrinking water in Hollywood wasn't up . . Dick Kollmar is rehearsing in HIX, creator of the CBS Strange as Itto par. By late afternoon half the Holly- GREENSBORO, N. C., Sept. 23.-WBIG the new Abbott show, "Too Many Seems series, recently had that offer putwood dam reservoir was drained so work-here is running a series of ads, 123 agate Girls." . . Harry Ackerman, of to him by the Mexican government. Hixmen could clean out vegetation that waslines by one column, in 23 weekly and Young & Rubicam, is married to a had featured in a cartoon the fact thattainting the water. semi-weekly newspapers, telling of sta- California girl. . . .Johnny Kane Mexico wanted tosell Mount Popoca- tion daytime power increaseto5,000 lost 29 pounds in anticipation of tepetl, North America's fifth highest peak, watts. Ad plugs station's ability to give television. . . . Elspeth Eric is rich in sulphur and forest preserves. The Ashmead Scott draws a new ticket clients better service, stressing fact that showing up at rehearsals with a new Mexican government so appreciated Hix's as writer -director on the "Blondie" WBIG is a regional station serving what .. Irish terrier, a birthday gift. . . efforts as a real estate broker that it show. . Sam Hayes uses a new is claimed to be the richest and most Betty Jane Tyler, 10 -year -old midget suggested he buy it himself-at the spe- electric clock on his broadcast from populous area in the South.Ad also in "Myrt and Marge," was surprise cial price of $10,000,000! Nunn..000, Hix NBC here.Hayes' clock indicates lists WBIG's new programs. honor guest at a party thrown by elapsed time, time program has left isn't buying., to go and the duration of each sec- tion of the broadcast.He's using it Dawson Succeeds Brown on his new Sperry news show.... ByHAROLD HUMPHREY Frank Graham finishedhis 200th CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-Stuart Dawson ettica90 consecutive "Night Cap Yarn" over wasappointedprogramdirectorat CBS Pacific net last week. He figures WBBM-CBS here this week, succeeding he's played 1,200 different charac- Bobby Brown, who was shifted to Coast 11000BBYBROWN, WBBM program di-the show's present series ends here and ters in the series. . ..Elvira Rios, to handle the new Jesse Lasky -Wrigley rector, and RAY WILSON, writer onstarts contest angle again for 26 weeks. heard on NBC Blue programs from series of Gateway to Hollywood. Dawson the Gateway to Hollywood opus, hied to .. .Air actress ELENOR YORKE (nee here, heads for N. Y., where she is has been producing shows on WBBM the Coast to begin work October8, whenOstermier)is back from a New York booked to sing at the new Club and also Backstage Wife at NBC. September 30, 1939 MUSIC The Billboard 9 Conducted by M. N. ORODENKER-Communications to1 564 Broadway, New York City PERENNIAL BALLROOM BEEF

Conn. Dansant Winds Swing, You Sinners Conn. Ops Burn at Day and Date Season Ahead of '38; IVAN, La.,Sept. 23.- Over 2,000 jammed the Baptist Church here last Sunday when Ben Young and swing Crosby Sets Record ork,coming in from Washington- Booking in the Same Territory

BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Sept. 23.-With Youree Roof in Shreveport, got in the the season just ending at Pleasure Beach groove as accompaniment to hymns. Ballroom, municipally operateddance It was the annual Bossier Parish sing- Harry Moss, of MCA, rejects McCormick & Barry peeve palace, Park Director Perry W. Rodman ing convention and was followed by a increasing competitive market hits both bands and reveals that receipts for the 1939 summer barbecue.Young now has more in- were 18 per cent ahead of1938.At- vitations to attend church services buyers-GAC has Shaw "battling" Miller on B'way tendance honors were copped by Bob with his band, including the State Crosby, who drew an enthusiastic crowd singing convention at Ruston Octo- ber 1. BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Sept. 23.-Glen Gray, playing at Ritz Ballroom last of 1,850 persons on July 16. Sunday, laid an egg when only 900 persons turned out.Admission was upped for Ratings of the other maestros as re- this date to 99 cents, making a gross of $891.On its last appearance here band gards their attendance draw were in the drew 2.500 persons. McCormick & Barry, operators of the Ritz, are plenty burned following order: Jimmy Dorsey, LarryHeat Wave Fails To up at Music Corp. of America, which they blame for the letdown.After extensive Clinton, Gene Krupa, Hal Kemp, Woody newspaper advertising and all-round plugging for several weeks, they were sur- Herman, Charles Barnet,Al Donahue, prised to learn that Guy Lombardo was booked to play at the Arena, New Haven, Red Norvo, Tommy Reynolds, Joe Mar-Hurt King on Solos only 16 miles away, on the same night, sala and Jack Teagarden. DES MOINES, Sept. 23.-Despite a with both bands booked thru New York Altho Kemp stood fifth in attendance,terrific heat wave, Wayne King opened office of MCA. Now they are wondering he rated third in box-office grosses, ad-the fall season at Tom Archer's TromarChi-CRA Plans on how a promoter can exist when the office mission prices for his appearance beingBallroom here last Thursday (14), with with which he is doing business books 88 cents, same as charged for Dorsey.1,800 King followers paying $1 per ducat bands against each other within such a This was the highest tariff of season,for a profitable $1,800 gross. Gate wasA New Office Site short distance. Arena has combo band- while lowest ducat scale was for Reynoldsconsidered good due to the oppressive CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-Consolidated Ra-vaude stage -show policyonSundays, at half a buck a throw. heat, which saw the mercury soaringdio Artists' plans here to move to Michi-showing afternoon andevenings,and While management believes in vary-near the 100 mark earlier in the day. gan boulevard will not be given serioussome weeks plays two name bands on one ing admission scales according to draw- Archer had spent $5,000 renovating hisconsiderationbeforenextFebruary,bill.During the week, Arena has polo ing power of bands and is more desirousindoor ballroom, putting in 100 boothswhen the present CRA leaseexpires,matches and ice skating. of having a larger crowd at a smallerto increase seating capacity to 750 per-Manager Russ Lyons reveals.Manage- The local managers have no peeve admission, box-office figures have provensons. ment of its local address is making fancyagainst Glen Gray's Band, whom they that the higher priced bands have been Extreme heat also hampered King'sovertures to retain CRA on Randolphcontinually played since they were new- bringing home the bacon with both at-gate on his swing thru the State.Kingstreet, and is offering new and largercomers in ork circles. tendance and grosses. had a $1,000 gate the previous night atquarters in the building. DirectorRodmanstatesthathisFrank Brookhiser's Danceland at Cedar greatest surprise of the season was theRapids and a $1,500 gross at Carl Fox's Staff set-up at CRA remains the same, largeattendanceattheweek -nightSurf at Clear Lake on Tuesday night. with exception of Ed Kreisler, road sales- NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Harry Moss, dances, at which local bands were fea- man who resigned and is now in Newwho heads the MCA one-night desk here LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 23. - WayneYork. Lyons will now do more traveling, tured,alsoat the drawing power of particularly around the territory formerlyand booked the dates in dispute, takes Crosby, and that he was rather disap-King, at $1.10 advance and $1.35 per per- exception to the complaint registered by pointed at Donahue's date, which closedson at the door, played the Turnpikehandled by CRA's Dallas office. the season. Ironically, of all the bands,Casino last Friday (15) to a nifty take of McCormick & Barry. First of all, Moss he liked the music of Donahue best. $1,516.This bettered his previous mark points out, New Haven is not a dance Another feature to which he pointsof $1,400 made at Turnpike on Decem-Wenkstern Pays 15G for stand. Besides, since the Bridgeport ops with pride is the weekly concerts of theber 16, 1938. Danceland, Cedar Rapids shop around for bandsinan open Bridgeport Symphony Orchestra, which King was followed in the next night market, buying in the normal promoter's played to approximately 40,000 persons(Saturday) by Jack Crawford, at $1 per CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., Sept. 23.-After during the season, a goodly portion ofcouple. Crawford outfitbarely brokenumerous reports of a change of handsway, MCA is also selling in an open which were younger folks, proving thatthe house even with $200. at Dancelandballroomhere, W. H.market in competition with the other altho they like their jitter music they Wenkstern, of Guttenberg, Ia., assumedoffices. "We have no written guarantee also can, go in a big way for the clas-New Policy for Spokane control this week in a $15,000 transac-or verbal understanding with McCormick sical stuff. Rodman stated that the same tion. & Barry that we wouldn't book a com- policy is expected to be in force nextGarden Allows for Names Frank Brookhiser, who has operatedpetitive spot," he added. "Any protec- season. The ballroom, which has a ca- the ballroom for the last 14 years, re-tion given to any promoter must be in pacity of 3,500, will be entirely redec- SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 23.-Gardenlinquished the lease to Wenkstern. Theconsistency with the best interests of orated.Bill Burke handles promotionBallroom, glistening with $5,000 worthGuttenberg operator, who also operatesour attractions. and bookings. of improvements, put up the shingle thisthe Lakeside ballroom there, moves here "If a non -dance spot does business and week on six -nights -per -week basis, em-to devote his full time to dance halls.they can't," Moss continued, "something ploying Bob Campbell and his modern is bound to happen and will happen. music three nights and Al Richter and They have the same sort of competition Cocktail Combos Gethis old-time music the other nights. ANTONE BOVE, swing harpist former-every week with other bands. We can't Dansant is under new ownership ofly with Joe Frasetto, started a band ofstop it. We didn't create the condition." CRA-MCA AttentionLeonard, Matthews and Ryan, with Jos-his own in Philadelphia under the man- Moss further pointed outthat the NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Feeling moreeph L. Maloney and William G. Leonardagement of Lee Shaw. New ork is set tomarket is becoming increasingly com- kindly disposed to the small units thatas managers. New policy calls for book-make its bow at Onondaga Hotel, Buf-petitive for buyers of bands on tour, and serve syncos as inspiration for sippers inings of big -name bands occasionally. falo. it narrows down to a survival of the cocktail lounges and hotel bars, and at fittest.During the summer months, the same time afford a helpful road in whenBridgeportoffersdancingat strengthening contacts with hotel man- Pleasure Beach Ballroom, there is similar agers, Music Corp. of America and Con- competition the samedistanceaway solidated Radio Artists havesetupPhilly Burns at MCA, Chargingfrom Leo Miller's Roton Point (Conn.) cocktail combo departments here. Units Ballroom. MCA has sold bands to both werepreviouslyhandled inslip- spotsthruCharlieShribman,who shod fashion. Job Monopoly, and Takes Stepshandles the bookings for both compet- CRA brought in Kirk Torney from its itive spots, and there was never any real San Francisco office to head the depart- band problem involved.Further, Moss ment here.Torney will handle unitsTo Make ItaFederation Issuepointed out that the Sunday previous, under seven men as well as the strollefs. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 23.-Petition isterm contracts, it is impossible for localwhen he sold Tommy Tucker to the Ritz First assignment calls for building newbeing circulated by members of Localmusicians to solicit work in these spots.and the same day and date sold Ted Flo- combos for the office and plans to sign77, AFM, asking the national body toThis situation, he continued, also makesRito and George Hall to the Arena, Mc- up all worth -while callers. At MCA,enact restrictive legislation against theit impossible for a local band to build,Cormick & Barry made money with Mae Johnson, former secretary to Mannielarge booking agencies. Situation is re-thus closing the market to tootlers withTucker.Arena attractions are booked Sachs and more recently working in thesult of the current control by Musicbig time aspirations. thru Jimmy Evans in New York. act department, has been upped to aCorp. pf America of nearly all the Class To partially overcome this situation, In like manner, it is becoming impos- newly designated cocktail combo desk.A hotels in town. During the past monthRiccardi is asking local society bookerssible for offices to guarantee protected MCA has signed contracts with the Ben-to solicit the hotel work. Among thoseterritories to band buyers without hurt- jamin Franklin, Bellevue Stratford, Ritz -who will be approached are Meyer Davising the employment opportunities of the Dixon Dandy With 9C on Carlton and Warwick,besidesalreadyand Howard Lenin.He is also askingattractions. And that condition hasn't having a band in the Adelphia.Therelocal orks to work out novelties and in-hit ballrooms alone.Theaters in that 4 Kaycee Dance Sessions is also a possibility that Niel (Sonny)clude gal singers in their bands, so thatsame New England territory have a sim- KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 23.-Buck-Fontaine, who starts at the Walton Roofoutfits sufficiently strong can nose outilar condition, the same office selling its ing a week of 100 -degree temperaturesThursday (28) will be signed by MCA. the agency orks when soliciting work. attractionsto housesinSpringfield, that had dancers sweltering after the According to Rex Riccardi, secretary of Union mayfilesuitagainst MCAMass., and Hartford, Conn., which are in first set, Lee Dixon was sufficiently goodthe local, this situation has meant a losscharging a monopoly of employment op-opposition to the theater in Waterbury, to lure over 2,700 persons in four danceof employment to local tootlers. He isportunities and discrimination againstConn. sessions here last week and ring up $900investigating whether the hotels havelocal musicians. Nor is this condition limited to one signed exclusive contracts. If this is the Last yeara similarsituation aroseterritory.Here, on Broadway, since the at the box of Will Wittig's swank indoorcase, there is the possibility that Ric-when MCA was soliciting the WaltonStrand Theater added band shows in op- Pla-Mor ballroom. cardi may cite MCA before the State De-Roof. Jack Lynch, operator of the spot,position to the Paramount down the Proms were held on Tuesday, Thurs-partment of Labor, charging that a Statefavored an MCA band because he couldstreet, the booking problem has been day and Saturday nights and Sundaylicense is necessary before any bookingobtain a network wire.Riccardi suc-identical without causing too much con- matinees. Reduced gates were in effect,agency can sign contracts in this State,ceeded in prevailing upon Lynch to bookcern for the parties concerned. Fact of ducats peddling at 25,35, 50 and 75and will attempt to void the contracts.localite Joe Frasetto for a 26 -week term,the matter, current weekfindsArtie cents respectively for the four dates, and Riccardi charged that by their controlpromising that he would make a chainShaw at the Strand and Glenn Miller the gross was rung up as remarkablyof most of the network wires, along withbroadcastavailable. MCA eventuallyat the Paramount, and both bands are good on the terp temple's barometer.the fact that the majority of the top-compromised and gave the Walton abooked by the sameoffice,General Gray Gordon comes in October 7. notch name bands are signed to long-Mutual line. Amusement Corp. 10 The Billboard MUSIC September 30, 1939

Biz Barometer John Aldenish NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Meyer Davis, Orchestra Notes NEW .YORK,Sept.23.-Dorothy music purveyor to millionaires' row, needs neither Wall Street tipsters nor By M. H. ORODENKER Lamour, screen siren, stepped out of fancy statistics to tell several months her sarong long enough to put her So You Want To Lead a Band * * * talents to the tune -writing test.Ex- ahead how business conditions in in- cursion in this new realm produced dustry and finance will be.All he MAYBE it's another curve in a cycle Culled From the Coast Crying My Heart Out for You. Victor has to doisconsult his booking that has the batonitis bug losing ENRIC MADRIGUERA gets the call at hasarrangedforCharlieBarnet, sheet. its sting, but on the heels of our report Cocoanut Grove, Los Angeles, for an bandmaster romantically linked with "You can talk all you want about that Bobby Hackett was disbanding toOctober 9 opening ... makes it a quick the movie lady to record it for the 'inside tips' and 'advance market in- join two former fronts on the Horacejump from Boston, where the band has Bluebird label. formation," continued Davis, "butHeidt pay roll, comes word that anotherthis week at Ritz -Carlton Hotel.. . when it comes to the infallible straw famous trumpeting maestro has had hisTED LEWIS pencils a return week Octo- in the wind then watch Big Business fill of leader glory and is ready to tradeber 11 at Golden Gate Theater, San Fran- play.When money is uncertain it in his title for financial security and acisco ... did terrif biz early in the sum- doesn't play.When and how the steady side -man's job.... JACK FULTONmer at that house and this stretch nets Bands tycoons of capital spend for business is another that has put an ax to hisTed $7,500 for the seven days ...Bilt- onTour is the real barometer of business." baton, giving up his flyer in the bandmore Bowl, Hollywood, went dark on biz and stepping out again as a singingJimmy Grier's fadeout last Wednesday Advance Dates single... then there's EDDIE STONE,(20)... new decors and appointments Floyd Ray:Auditorium, SanJose, who entertained the idea of building ahave been ordered for the room and aCalif., September 29; Sweet's Ballroom, Pa. Locals Seek band around his vocal talents since leav-name band, not as yet selected, will beSacramento, Calif., September 30; Sweet's ing Isham Jones last year ... now Eddiebrought in for the reopening.. . BEN-Ballroom, Oakland,Calif.,October1; joins up with Freddy Martin this weekNIE POLLACK is back with a band, start-Rainbow Ballroom, Fresno, Calif., Octo- Blue Laws Change at St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, toing a four-weeker October 2 at the Hof-ber 2;Ritz Ballroom, Stockton, Calif., PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 23.-Pennsyl-handle the band's song -selling assign-brau, San Diego, Calif.... ANN WAL-October 3;Sweet's Ballroom, Oakland, vania State ConferenceofMusicians,ment . ..before he could realize hisLACE and her California All -Girl Or-Calif., October 4. consisting of 62 AFM locals, is makingoriginal intentions to start a band of hischestra, closing their third consecutive Jimmie Lunceford: Frazier'sPark, plans for a meeting at which a protestown, Bob Crosby grabbed up JACKsummer run at Big Bear Lake (Calif.) will be lodged against the State LiquorSTACY, recently divorced from Bennypavilion, head for Tucson, Ariz., for aAuburn, Ala., September 29; City Audi- Goodman, to pound out his pianology formonther at the new Riverside Ballroom,torium, Birmingham, Ala., September 30; Control Board for making a midnight Armory, Tuscaloosa, Ala., October 1;IC. closing on Saturday nights mandatorythe Bobcats ... and if present negotia-starting October 3 ... JACK WINSTON, in all night clubs and taprooms. tions are culminated another maestroSan Fran maestro, turns his band overof P. Auditorium, Birmingham, Ala., Oc- will give up the ghost to sing his songsto Merle Howard and embarks for Fair-tober 2; Armory, Knoxville, Tenn., Octo- Ruling, according to Rex Riccardi, vice-with Jack Teagarden's Band. ber 3;City Auditorium, Roanoke, Va., president of the conference, has been in- banks, Alaska, where he has taken overOctober 4; Lincoln Colonades, Washing- strumental in causing loss of employ- the management of a new radio station,ton, October 5; Odd Fellows Hall, Wilm- KFAR ... RAY NOBLE starts a three- ment to musicians, performers, waiters Soioketown Stuff ington, Del., October 6;Arcadia Ball- and others. Board will be asked to shift EARL MELLEN, Pittsburgh's month sentence October 5at Beverly the closing time to a later hour. Inas- pride,Wiltshire Hotel's Florentine Room, Holly-room, Brooklyn, October 7; New Haven cuts another corner in his career bywood ... IRVING MILLS, Mills Artists(Conn.) Arena, October 8; Armory, Mar- much as no liquor may be sold on Sun-linking with FBMC band rolls .. day, the provision of the law would not . andhead, flewin from New York withtinsburg, W. Va., October 9; Savoy Ball- under his new banner heads for ChicagoHERB YATES, Republic Pictures headroom, Pittsburgh, October10;Ogden be violated if imbibers were permittedfor an October 7 opening at O'Henry Ballroom,Columbus,0.,October11; to stock up before midnight and con- ... and if the studio grapevine is still tinue until 2 or 3 a.m. Ballroom...in the same Smoky Citywell watered watch for an announce-Greystone Ballroom, Cincinnati, October we find HOWDY BAUM getting the callment that makes Mills a movie exec. 12; Armory, Charleston, W. Va., October again to resume week -end dancing at 13-14; Trianon Ballroom, Cleveland, Oc- * * * Hotel Schenley on Saturday (30) .. . tober 15. in addition, Howdy is staff conductor Western Omelette Don Ricardo: Smith's Ballroom, Cos- Conn. Curfew Law at the town's WWSW ... Grotto Ball- VINCENT LOPEZ taking in a limitedgrove, N. D., September 29. room resumes the Tuesday night dancingengagement at Coronado Hotel, St. Louis, Wally Stoefler: Darien (Conn.) Police October 3 with SID DICKLER ...It'sbefore pointing for New Orleans, whereDept. Dance, September 29; Bill Mealey's Eases Out Girl Ork Sid's 35th date at the pop dancery ... he opens November 2 at Jung Hotel ...Ballroom, Allentown, Pa., September 30; BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Sept. 23.-TheMANUEL CONTRERAS brought back hisCoronado stand gets DUKE ELLINGTONUnion Club, Rochester, N. Y., October 7. Connecticutcurfewlawforwomen,rumba rhythms to the Silver Grill atOctober 20 for a fortnight with the Mal Hallett: Astor Theater, Reading, downtown Hotel Henry ... and at Bill which forbids their employment after usual options ... and if the Duke re-Pa., September 29-30. 10 p.m., was enforced for the first timeGreen's Casino LANG THOMPSON takespeats the click registered at Boston's Freddie Fisher: Grand Theater, Evans- last week on a night club when Stateover, with JACK McLEAN moving outRitz -CarltonHotel, and there's everyville, Ind., September 30 and October Labor Commissioner Danaher informedfor a stand at Chicago's Trianon Ball-reason to believe he will handily, the1-3; Bass Lake Pavilion, North Judson, Richard Lombard, operator of Lombard'sroom. optional will draw it out to a healthyInd., October 8; Michigan Theater, Ann night club here, that "Trixy" Wells' all - run ... JACK CRAWFORD draws a long-Arbor, Mich., October 15-16. girl orchestra must not play after the Gotham Cab distance booking, inked in for December Larry Clinton: Ritz Ballroom, Bridge- specified time.Consequently, the girl TOM HUMPHREY, who heads the Holt port, Conn., October 1. tooters were given their closing notice. 5 to 25 at Schroeder Hotel, Milwaukee Pumphrey office, Richmond, Va., was ... Barney Joffee follows Blue Barron Pete Pontrelli:Lick Pier Ballroom, The femme combination is non-union,in town this week making the roundswith three weeks for JIMMY JOY at theOcean Park, Calif., October 2 week. and the complaint was filed with the... and if we haven't become too rustyTerrace Grill of his Hotel Muehlebach, Vincent Lopez and Pinky Tomlin: labor commissioner by the local mu-in our mindreading routine the tradeKansas City, Mo. . . . DON BESTORMinneapolis Centennial, October 2-7. sicians' union. can expect Tom to open a branch inopens the new room at Paxton Hotel, Ted Weems: Strand Theater, New York, Danaher intimated that he was notMemphisifMusic Corp.ofAmericaOmaha, on October2,giving way toOctober 6 for two weeks. starting any general drive against womengoes thru with its plans to light up aJOHN PHILIP SOUSA III two weeks Ralph Webster: Ocean View Ballroom, musicians or entertainers at this time,branch in Washington ... meanwhilelater. .Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis,Revere Beach, Mass., October 7-21. but merely acted on this specific com-the popular pastime is trying to keepgets LAWRENCE WELK October 26 until Ted Lewis: Golden Gate Theater, San plaint. tabs on all the help being let out byNovember 22 ... SONNY BURKE opensFrancisco, October 11 week. MCA with your estimate as good asOctober 15 at Coral Gables, Lansing, Russ Morgan: Paramount Theater, New mine ... however, retrenchment policyMich., finishing out the month . .. MELYork, October 11 for two weeks. hit mostly secretarial and office workersCROCKER at Club 76,Battle Creek, GlennMiller:GeorgeF.Pavilion, and a few bookers in the club depart-Mich., will run into the new year andJohnston City, Pa., October 12. RAY HER BECK ment.. .William Morris grabbed offthen return to Club 21 at Grand Rapids, Al Donahue: Washington and Lee U., andhis a couple good properties in patting TEDMich. ... BENNY STRONG extended toLexington, Va., October 13-14. MUSIC with ROMANCE FIO-RITO and DAVE HERMAN ... lat-November 24 at Crystal Terrace of Park Duke Ellington: Junior League Ball, ter is former Abe Lyman fiddler steppingPlaza Hotel, St. Louis .. DON RICAR-Drake Hotel, Chicago, October 14. SCHROEDER HOTEL, MILWAUKEE,Iout on his own ... JOE GLASER, whoDO and his Cavaliers invade the North- WIS. heads the CRA colored band division. BRUNSWICK-VOCALION Records. I west territory for a 15 -week barnstorm- added the first pale -face band to hising tour... CARVEL CRAIG on tour Exclusive Management Iholdings in signing a personal for GLENfrom the West Coast to follow Eddie FREDERICK BROS. MUSIC CORP. GARR, a CRA recruit giving out someFitzpatrick into Rainbow Rondavu, Salt In marvelqus mickey mouse music ... Adele I Lake City ... LES BROWN starts as EDDIE New York - Cleveland - Chicago. Girard, \harpist with Joe Marsala, setsscheduled on Thursday (28) at St. Paul her strings aside to await the arrival ofHotel in that city. .. WALT SEARS rm, a little Sir Echo... away from theback at Palm Gardens, Columbus, 0., band, she's Mrs. Marsala... JIMMY after an absence of four months . .. De LANGE and ICARR, "the doctor of melody" of anand in the same Ohio town, what was in- HERBIE older day, is readying for another flingtendedfor an eight-weekerat Club AND HIS ORCHESTRA his at the bright lights... but this timeGloria has been extended to an indef "on dance tour" I as an employer rather than employeecontract for ROGER BRUCE. VICTOR BLUEBIRD RECORDS HOLMES ORCHESTRA . . . Jimmy is turning nitery nabob on WARNER SHORTS I52d street, taking over the dark Pre * * * * * BILTMORE HOTEL, Catalan Restaurant to be unshuttered I Notes Off the Cuff WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC. DAYTON, OHIO soon as Club Carr ... with BING CROS- FAMOUS DOOR, New York, shopping Exclusive Management BY in town, Decca records teamed the for a swingster to follow TEDDY bary for a couple waxes with the AN-POWELL, who has been held over for FREDERICK BROS.in MUSIC CORP. I DREWS SISTERS ... they were swinging four more weeks. . .Powell's drawing Iout on Chiribiribin while we were eaves-is making it tough for the follow -upper New York - Cleveland - Chicago. dropping. who will share billing with FATS WAL- LER, comes October 26 . . . INK 10111101BWItaliMNIIM.NIZIIM/101iNgeie.Illi Doings in Dixie SPOTS, originally set to pair with Fats, The Only Or- *Playing the Show! THE KORN KOBBLERS, off -shoot ofpush the booking back to the holidayTheHorionGirls chestra of Its Kind *Flaying Dance Music! Freddie Fisher's Schnickelfritzers, takeseason when WOODY HERMAN takes in rootatIroquoisGardens,Louisville,a return trip to the Door... BENNY ORCHESTRA AND REVUE *Doing a Musicomedy showThursday (28) and continue their husk- of their own! CARTER gets back to the Savoy Ball- ing for seven nights . . BILL MAR-room, New York, on Sunday (1) ... New "REAL RHYTHM" SHALL opens Wednesday (27)at ClubYork scene also finds SONNY JAMES Featuring Trocadero, Henderson, Ky., for a fort-coming in this week for a monther at night . .. same night brings DICKArcadia Ballroom, BILLY LUSTIG re- THE HORTON SISTERS MILLS to Amarillo, Tex., for an indef MAXINE, SHIRLEY ANN AND MADELON opening Club Maxine up in the Bronx, POWE runatNatSupperClub ... LOUEDGAR HAYES at the Victoria hot spot Stars of Stage and Radio avalA ORCI-1E5T1111 CLANCY located at Grove Club, Baton Held overIndefinitely KNICKERBOCKER INN. in Harlem and OSCAR de la ROSA set Tour to West Coast just starting.Currently at George Jessel's Old New York Rouge, La.. . . it's a return trip forfor the October 4 preem of the new La Log Cabin Inn, Lewistown, Pa. Personal Direction; ALMON SHAFFER PAUL NIELSEN to Greenwell Terrace at PermanentContactMgt., AUB HORTON, Martinique nitery ... and so we send our Box 2, South Bethlehem, N. Y. NOWI1616..\-1110\1006.11\111MWLouisville. cuffs to the cleaners. September 30, 1939 MUSIC The Billboard 11 N. Y. HOTELS IN FULL SWING

Wholesale Changes But new season finds swing Music Items 'Iteet:172usic feaets bands scarce -Whiteman, Songs and Such (Week ending September 23) At Pro. Mgr. Desk PINKARD and Lois Reid hope Shaw in covers battle Acknowledgment is made to Mau- MACE0 they have a Hit Parade candidate rice Richmond's Music Dealers' Service, On Music Pub Row in That's Music to Me. George White's NEW YORK, Sept. 23. -Save for the Scandals,currentlyclickingatAlvin Inc., Music Sales Corp. and Ashley NEW YORK, Sept. 23. -Changes along Theater, New York, gets a new Sammy Music Supply Co., of New York; Lyon Tin Pan Alley row this week find threereturn of Benny Goodman to the Empire Fain -Jack Yellen tune addedtothe & Healy; Carl Fischer, Inc.; Gamble important switches in professional man-Room of Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on Octo- score, Something I Dreamed Last Night. Hinged Music Co. and Western Book ager posts.Willie Horowitz, who guidesber 5, Artie Shaw debuting a new room Walter Powell, whose band ispres- and Stationery Co., of Chicago. the song -plugging destinies of the Millerat Hotel Pennsylvania on October 15 and Music catalog, a Jack Robbins sister firm,the continuance of Jan Savitt at Lincoln ently at Jessel's Old New York at the Position Hotel until the holiday season, the New World'sFair,collabbedwith Tommy Last Wk. This Wk. resigned his post.Lon Mooney, with isYork hotel front is being content tolet Harrison, author of Little Gray Home in 1 1. Over the Rainbow Leo Feist, another Robbins subsid, the swingsters battle it out in ballrooms the West, on A-Lookin' Thru My Window 4 2. Beer Barrel Polka slated for the Miller desk vacated by Horowitz. and theaters and are depending on the Pane. 2 3.Moon Love commercialbands -mostlysubstantial Little Old Lady From Baltimore goes 5 4. Sunrise Serenade In keeping with the Warner Musicnames -to make it dancing with the fall to Robbins from the pens of Roy Jacobs 3 5.The Man With the Mandolin group's tradition of promoting men fromand winter dining. and Gene de Paul.A dance goes with 11 6. Oh, You Crazy Moon within their organization, Johnny White, thetune,both of whicharebeing 14 7.Cinderella, Stayin My Arms long associated with Remick Music Corp.. Twelve months ago found the season introduced this week at the Essex House, 10 8. An Apple for the Teacher was appointed professional manager ofrepletewithsurprisehotelbookings, New York, by Leighton Noble's ork and 9 9. To You the company to fill the post vacated thishotel managers casting their conven- the Arthur Murray dancers.De Paul's 6 10.In an 18th Century Drawing week by Charlie Warren.White wastional cares aside mostly because of the and Jacobs' You Bring Me Down, selling Room Warren's assistant, and Nat Freeling, alsofeeling prevalent at the time that the well on the Ink Spots' Decca version, is 12 11.I Poured My Heart Into a Song a Remick man of many years' standing,World's Fair would throw the tried and still unpublished, with three large firms 15 12. A Man and His Dream tested operations off the tangent.Fact bidding for it. was upped as assistant to White. 13. Blue Orchids Elmore White left ABC Music Co.,of the matter, after going overboard on One of Fats Waller'searlier tunes, 8 14. Stairway to the Stars their band budgets, hotel managers ap- Squeeze Me, gets a revival from Clarence 15. Day In, Day Out Irving Berlin subsid, to become profes-proached the coming season a sadder Williams Music Co.Williams wrote it - sional manager of Olman MusicCo.tho wiser lot.Bands that proved their with Wailer some years back, and now Olman also sent Lew Butler to Chicagoworth are either being kept on or re- it gets new lyrics by Andy Razaf. connection with the suit, but no dateto rep the firm in that territory and Benturned, and the array of names this sea- for appearance was set.At this writingTurner to the West Coast in the sameson on the hotel front hardly approaches Theinfringementsuitbrought by no answers had been filed by GAC. capacity. the formidable line-up offered to the few Harms against Famous Music and Para- takers last year. mount Pictures involvinglast summer's Only real surprise in hotel bookings hit,"Says My Heart," was settled this week Songs With Most Radio Plugs here is the return of Paul Whiteman to inU. S. DistrictCourt. Harms asked the band -location field, taking over the an injunction, an accounting and damages, stand from Shep Fields atthe New claimingthattheBurtonLane -Frank Yorker Hotel on October 17. New Yorker Loesser song for Para's "Cocoanut Grove" always matched swing bands with the pic was an infringement of melody on `Day In' Annexes Lead From near -by Pennsylvania. With both bands thelateGeorgeCershwin's"Tell Me and their drawing appeal now at op- More," which was written some years posite poles, trade interest this season back. will center on the cover -charge pull of 'Moon', 'Rainbow' Up Again Whiteman against that of Shaw at the On the Tin Pan Alley Front Penn. WARNERS, altho reported to be back- Songs listed are those receiving 10 err more network plugs (WJZ, 'AEA?,W ABC) Three hotels bring in band names new ing the forthcoming George Abbottbetween 5 p.m. -1 a.m. week days and 11 a.m.-1 a.m. Sundays, for theweekending to the local fraternity, rooms catering to musical, Too Many Girls, don't get theThursday, September 21. Independent plugs are those received on WOR,WNEW,the East Side crowds.St. Moritz Hotel Rodgers and Hart score to be contained production numbersbrought in Eddie Varzas from Chicago therein.Tunes go to Chappell, the tie-WMCA, and WHN. Film tunes are designated as "F," musical up between that firm and the writersas "M." Based on data supplied by Accurate ReportingService. last Friday (15); Essex House had Leigh- Publisher Plugs ton Noble taking over the stand that having been overlooked in the produc- Position Title Net India Last Wk.This Wk. same night, and Belmont Plaza Hotel tion contracts. 4 Bregman, V. & C. 30 10 will introduce Joe Sudy, a West Coast 1. Day In, Day Out 26 Woodbury Playhouse radio commercial 3 2. Over the Rainbow (F) Feist 28 fave,toitsGlassHat patronson aplay,Words and 16 this week offers 13 3. Man With the Mandolin Santly,J. & S. 26 October 3. Music, the plot of which is woven around 21 14 1 4. Oh, You Crazy Moon Witmark plugger's romance. Robbins' 12 Return -trip ticket goes to Blue Barron a song 11 5. ForTonight Remick 18 latest composer -swing staracquisition 18 9 starting October17atHotelEdison, 15 5. Melancholy Mood Harms is Coleman Hawkins. 8 where he promises to become part and 6 5. Moonlight Serenade Red Star 18 MargaretBonds,Chicagocomposer 18 6 parcel of the lease. Guy Lombardo makes 8 5. To You Paramount who won a Harmon award for a best Robbins 17 12 himself at home again on Thursday (28) musical compo, wrote Jennie Kissed Me, 7 6. Lamp Is Low 14 7. What's New? Witmark 16 14 at Roosevelt Hotel, and Eddy Duchin Georgia Bound and The Man With the 16 3 9 7. Cinderella, Stay in My Arms Shapiro, Bernstein drops anchor at his Persian Room port Hoe with Andy Razaf, who discovered 15 11 at Hotel Plaza on October 11.Room re- 3 8. I'll Remember (F) Miller her. 6 15 8. Especially for You Shapiro, Bernstein 15 opened last Thursday (21) with Nicholas Charles Balcoff, composer, filed suit 14 9 D'Amico, who remains on for the relief 15 9. Jumpin' Jive Marks againstJackTeagardenand CBS, 8 rhythms, and the Sert Room of Waldorf- claiming the network, via Jackson T., 9 9. Running Thru My Mind ABC 14 12 9. My Prayer Shapiro, Bernstein 14 4 Astoria Hotel renews formalities on Oc- broadcasthisDarling,YouWeren't 10 tober 23 with Emil Coleman, Goodman There without his permission on May 14, 2 10. Go Fly a Kite (F Famous 13 5 10. Man and His Dream (F) Santly, J. & S. 13 9 (See N.Y.HOTELS on page 13) this year.He asks an injunction and Crawford 13 6 $5,000 damages. - 10. Goodnight, My Beautiful (M) 16 10. You Taught Me To Love Again Spier 13 5 10 10. Are You Having Any Fun? Crawford 13 4 Neutrality songs are flooding publishers' 10 11. Start the Day Right Witmark 12 3 offices these days, asignificantreflec- - 12. Comes Love (M) Chappell 11 14 ASCAP Song Fest tion of the way the public feels anent 11 12. I Poured My Heart Into a Song (F) Berlin 11 11 the European embroglio. "War" tunes 14 12. Moon Love Famous 11 8 Off and On Again thusfarhavebeenmostlyplugsfor 16 13. Beer Barrel Polka Shapiro, Bernstein 10 14 maintainingthiscountry's neutralposi- - 13. My Heart Has Wings Red Star 10 8 NEW YORK, Sept. 23. -Threat to the tion. Oneofthefirstofthistype 14 13. Little Man Who Wasn't There Robbins 10 8 scheduled music carnival planned admis- published is Paull -Pioneer's "Brother 13. Don't Put the Bee on Me Roy 10 2 sion -free to the public for the week be- Love," penned by Tot Seymour and Mana- - ginning October 1 by ASCAP arose this Zucca. Forthemostpartpubsare week when the AFM forbade its members staying away from all war songs, pacific to appear if the Boston Symphony Ork, only major non-union longhair group in or not, fearing radio censorship that will Just Concluded a Highly Successful Engagement at the country, was not dropped from the curb necessary plugs. program. Week-long festival takes in all types of music, with the Boston group LOEW'S STATE, New York! skedded for two concerts. GAC Slapped With Controversy was. settled satisfactorily when ASCAP decided to substitute the $50,000 Hotel Suit New York Philharmonic Orkforthe CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-A $50,000 damage Boston group, despite Gene Buck, ASCAP suit was brought into Circuit Court here prexy'sannouncementfollowingthe Friday by the Hotel Claridge Co., Inc., threat that the society had signed con- Memphis, against General Amusement NANO RODRIGO tracts with all the orks participating, Corp. for an alleged failure to live up including the Boston, and that the fes- to a contract made in the spring to de- and his ORCHESTRA tival would be held according to an- liver band leaders Al Donahue, Larry nounced plans. Clinton, Jimmy Dorsey, Will Osborne, Glenn Miller, Ozzie Nelson, Ben Pollack Second yezr at the fashionable Havana -Madrid and Artie Shaw.Plaintiff claims this New York Daily News' Harvest Moon Ball -Two Years in a Row! breach of contract "ruined their 1939 CHARLES DUNCAN was elected prez season." of the Baraboo, Wis., musicians' union. One of the maestros in question, Will GENERAL AMUSEMENT CORPORATION Other officers named are Jerry Flood, Osborne, isat present tootling at the RKO Bldg., Radio City, New York vice-prez;AlbertJefferies,secretary - Edgewater Beach Hotel here.He was treasurer, and Fred Jenswold, Harvey served with a summons this week in Howard and Glen Johnson, stewards. 12 The Billboard MUSIC September 30, 1939 (Router are for current week when no dates Panchito:(Versailles) NYC, nc. are given.) Pancho: (Trocadero)Hollywood, re. Parks, Bobby: (Castle Harbor) Bermuda, h. A Patrick, Henry: (Open Door) Phila, nc. Adair, Ace: (The Villa) Toledo, nc. Pearce,Jan:(Music Hall)NYC,t. Adams, Vernie: (Hollywood) Pineville, La., nc. Orchestra Routes Perez, Chuy: (Club Zarape) Hollywood, nc. Adler, William: (Ambassador) NYC. h. Peters, Bobby:(Gibson)Cincinnati, h. Alberti,Jules:(Shell Chateau)Willimantic, Following each. listing appears a symbol.Fill in the designation. cor- Piccolo Pete:(Club Petite)Pittsburgh, nc. Conn., re. Powell, Walter: (Old New York) World's Fair, Aldin, Jimmy: (Van & Bill's)GlensFalls, responding to the symbol when addressing organizations or individuals listed. NYC, re. N. Y., ro. Powell, Teddy: (Famous Door) NYC, no. Allison. Don: (Ace of Clubs) Odessa, Tex., nc. ABBREVIATIONS: a-auditorium;b-ballroom;c-cafe;cb-cabaret; Prado, Jose Del:(Rose Bowl)Chi.,nc. Angelo: (Bertolotti's) NYC, nc. cc-country club; h-hotel; mh-music hall; nc-night club; p-amuse- Prima, Louis: (Hickory House) NYC, nc. Arias, Ramon: (885 Club)Chi, nc. Purcelle, Don: (Pappy's 66 Club)Dallas, ne. Aristocrats, The: (Blackstone)Chi.,h. ment park;ro-roadhouse;re-restaurant; s-showboat t-theater. Armstrong, Louis:(Palace)Cleveland,t. Q Ash. Paul: (Roxy) NYC. t. Quartell, Frank: (Colosimo's)Chi, nc. Quintana,Don:(ElChico)Miami Beach, Austin, Harold: (Crystal)Buffalo, b. Fla., nc. Fitzgerald, Ella: (Grand Terrace) Chi, no. Kramar, Sammy: (Turkish Pavilion) World's B Flindt, Emil: (Paradise)Chi, b. Fair, NYC, mh. R Baker, Jim: (Miramar) Boise, Ida., b. Flora, Jimmy: (Schlitz Palm Garden) World'sKristal, Ramona: (Leon & Eddie's)NYC, no. Barnes,Max: (RamonaGardens)Grand Cecil:(Cavalier)Montgomery, Ala.,Ramos, Ramon: (Ambassador) NYC, h. Rapids, Mich., nc. Fair, NYC, re. nc. Fodor, Jerry: (Frankie's) Toledo, nc. Krupa, Gene:(Colonial)Dayton, 0.,t. Rapp, Barney:(Barney Rapp's)Cincinnati, Barnet, Charlie: (Palomar) Los Angeles, b. Fomeen, Basil: (Belmont Plaza) NYC, h. Kuhn, Dick: (Astor) NYC, h. Baronie, Jackie: (The Oaks )Winona, Minn..Foster,Chuck:(BiltmoreBowl)Los An- Ravazza,Carl:(SirFrancisDrake)San cc. geles,nc. Kurtze, Jack: (Elms) Excelsior Springs, Mo., h. Francisco, h. Barrett, Bob:(Cavern Castle)Chattanooga,Fotin, Larry:(Willow Grove) Phila, p. L Ravel, Don: (Casa Seville)Franklin Square, nc. Fox, Syd: (Marta) NYC, nc. Lande, Jules:(St. Regis) NYC, h. L. I., re. Bartel, Jeno: (Lexington) NYC, h. Franklin, Morton: (Brown) Louisville, h. Lang, Teddy: (Club Cavalier) NYC, nc. Read, Kemp: (Stonebridge)Tiverton, R.I., Basile, Charles: (Olympic) Irvington, N. J., p.Frisco, Sammy: (16 Club) Chi, nc. Lapp, Horace: (Royal York) Toronto, Ont., h. ro. Basile, Joe: (New Jersey State Fair) Trenton, Lazin, Charles: (Moonlight Gardens) Saginaw,Reed, Ted: (Club Mayfair) Yatesville, Pa., nc. N. J. C Mich., nc. Reichman. Joe: (Palmer House) Coi, h. Bass, Paul: (Chateau Moderne) NYC, nc. Gagen, Frank: (Statler) Detroit, h. Le Baron, Eddie: (Rainbow Room) NYC, nc. Renaldo, Nino: (Harry's New Yorker) Chi, no. Bauer, George:(Evergreen Gardens)Pitts-Gamble, Jack: (Lincoln Terrace) Pittsburgh.Leonard, Steven: (Melody Mill) Chi, b. Rich, Tommy: (Jensen's) Riverside, Conn., ro. burgh, nc. nc. Leonard,Jackie:(Terrace Gardens)Roch-Hines,Joe:(Book -Cadillac)Detroit,h. Baum, Charles:(St. Regis) NYC, h. Gargano, Jimmy: (Northwood Inn)Detroit, ester, N. Y., nc. Ritz, Case:(Ritz)Bridgeport, Conn.,b. Baum, Howdy: (Schenley) Pittsburgh, h. ro. Levant, Phil: (Bismarck) Chi, h. Roberts, Chick: (Tally -Ho) Albany, N. Y., P. Benson,Ray:(Montauk Casino)MontaukGart, John:(Ciro's) NYC, no. Light, Enoch: (Taft) NYC, h. Roble, Chet: (Ye Olde Cellar) Chi, nc. Point, L. I., nc. Gaspaire, Dick:(Ambassador) NYC, h. Little, Little Jack: (Edison) NYC, h. Roccaforte, Joseph: (Valenti) Far Rockaway, Bergere, Maxmillian: (Versailles) NYC, nc. Gates,Bill:(Black Cat)Wilmington,Del.,Livingston, Jimmie: (Music Box) Omaha, nc. L. I.,h. Bernard, Nate:(Leighton's) Noroton, Conn., nc. Livingston, Jerry: (Mother Kelly's) NYC, nc.Rodrigo, Nano: (Havana -Madrid) NYC, nc. ro. Gendron, Henri:(Villa Venice)Northbrook,Lockage, Frank: (Fruitport) Muskegon, Mich.,Rogers, Buddy: (Roosevelt) New Orleans, h. Bernie, Ben:(Lyric)Indianapolis,t. Ill., nc. b. Rogers, Harry:(Half Moon)Coney Island, Blase, Paul: (Sagamore) Lake George, N. Y.,Gentry, Tom: (Riviera) Lake Geneva. Wis., b.Long, Johnny: (Oh Henry Park) Chi, b. N. Y., h. h. Georgia Trio:(Frederick'sLounge) SantaLopez, Tony: (Paddock) Miami, nc. Rollini, Adrian: (Trocadero) Los Angeles, nc. Biltmore Boys: (Stevens) Chi., h. Monica, Calif.,c. Lopez, Vincent: (Coronado) St. Louis, h. Roth, Allen: (International Casino) NYC, nc. Breese, Lou: (Adolphus) Dallas, h. Gibson, Larry: (Skyrocket) Canton, no. Lorch,Carl:(LookoutHouse) Covington,Roth, George: (University Grill)Albany: N. Brown, Johnny: (Roadside Rest) Ocean Side,Giggy, Bob: (Home Run Club)Chi,ro. Ky, h. Y., nc. L. I., ro. Glass Sisters:(Belvidere)Sault Ste. Marie,Loveland, Archie: (Olympic) Seattle, h. Royalairs, The: (Walt's) La Crosse, Wis., re. Brown, Les: (Syracuse) Syracuse, h. Mich., h. Luker, Bill: (Rustic Tavern) Vestaburg, Mich., Bruce, Roger: (Club Gloria) Columbus, 0., no. S Glass Hatters, Four: (Congress)Chi., h, no. Sands, Bruckmann, Maude: (Knickerbocker Gardens) Golden, Niel: (DeWittClinton) Albany,Lyman, Abe: (Chez Parcel Chi, no. Phil:(Roosevelt)NYC,h. Flint, Mich.. nc. N. Y., h. Lyon, Deb: (Cave Under the Hill) Omaha, nc.Saunders, Hal: (Montparnasse) NYC, re. Brusiloff, Nat: (Park Central) NYC, h. Golden, Neil: (Stuyvesant) Buffalo, h. Savitt, Jan: (Lincoln) NYC, h. Bryant, Howard: (Top Hat) Douglas, Ariz..Goodman, Benny: (Orpheum) St. Paul, t. Scamps, Three:(Syracuse) Syracuse, Is. nc. Goodman, Ann: (International Casino) NYO,McCune, Bill:(Carleton) Washington, D. C.,Scott, Lee: (Club Moderne) San Francisco, no. Bundy, Rudy: (Colonial) Rochester, Ind., h. nc. b. Sears, Walt: (Palm Gardens) Columbus, 0., no. Bush, Eddie: (Seven Seas) Hollywood, nc. Gordon, Al: (Frolics Club) Albany, N. Y., p.McGrane, Don: (Paramount) NYC, h. Sellari, Pete: (Hollywood) Alexandria, La., nc. Gordon, Herb: (Onondaga) Syracuse, h. McIntire, Dick: (Hula Hut) Hollywood, nc. Shaw, Artie:(Strand)NYC,t. Graham, Roger:(Ausable Chasm) McLean, Connie:(Kit Kat) NYC, no. Sheets, Ray.(English Village) Tulsa, Okla., Cabot. Tony: (Villa Moderne) Chi, ro. AusableMcKenna, Red: no. Campbell, Jack:(Royal Oak)Detroit, no. Chasm, N. Y., h. (Continental Club)Chesa-Sherr, Jack:(Capitol City) Campbell Trio:(Turf Bar) Cray, Len: (Fireside)S. Westport, Mass., no. peake. 0..nc. Atlanta, nc. Indianapolis, no.Grayson,Hal:(Casino Gardens)Los An-McPartland, Jimmy: (Off -Beat Club) Chi, nc.Sherwood, Bobby: (Palace) San Francisco, h. Canay, Fernando: (Colony Club) Chi, nc. geles, b. McPherson, Jimmy: (Torch Club) Los Angeles,Sid & His Boys: (Marta's) NYC, nc. Candido, Candy: (Ace Cain's) Hollywood, no. nc. Siegel, Irving: (Rex's) White Lake. N. Y. cc. Candulla,Harry:(Atlanta-Biltmore)Atlan-Grote, Pude:(Ford Exhibit)World's Fate. Silvers, Ike: (White Rock Show Boat) Dallas, ta, h. NYC. mh. McRae Bros.: (Havana Casino) Buffalo, nc. no. Carlson, Bill: (Trianon) Chi, b. Groshoff, Dutch: (Silver Beach) Waitts Lake,MacDonald, Eddie: (Bossert) Brooklyn, h. Wash., b. MacDonald, Billy:(Lakeworth Casino)FortSingleton, Zutty: (Nick's) NYC, no. Cartwright, Charles: (Ideal Beach) Monticello, Worth, Tex., b. Sissle, Noble: (Paramount) NYC. h. Ind., b. H Skinner, Al:(Rich's) Old Greenwich, Conn., Cartwright,Charlie: (Inglaterra) Machlan, Wally:(Del Shore)Chi, ro. Peoria,Haig, Hal: (Ray -Ott) Niagara Falls, N. Y., no.Manuel, Don: (Gig-Galleaux) Peoria, Ill.,nc. ro. Ill., b. Hall, George: (Top Hat) Union City, N.J.,Marcelino, Muzzy: (Wilshire Bowl) Los An-Skorch, Benny: (Town & Country) Milwau- Childs.Reggie:(Rustic Cabin)Englewood. nc. geles, nc. kee, nc. N. J., ro. Skyliners: (Glass Hat) NYC, h. Clinton, Larry: (Capitol) Washington, D. C., t. Smith, Jabbo:(Midway Inn)World's Fair, Coble, Paul: (Lamplight) Evansville, Ind., nc. N. Y., re. Code, Morrison: () Salt Lake City, nc.Orchestra Routes must be received at the Cincinnati offices not Smith, Stuff: (Cafe Society) NYC, nc. Cole, King: (La Salle) Battle Creek, Mich., h. Soisman, Buck: (Madison) Baltimore, ne. Coleman, Emil: (Mark Hopkins) San. Fran- later than Friday to insure publication. Solari,Phil: (DunesClub) Narragansett, cisco, h. R. I., cc. Coffey, Jack: (Vanity) Detroit, b. Hamilton, Bob: (Majestic) Long Beach,March, Freddie: (Hay Loft) Concord, N. H..Sontag, Jack:(Billy Loughran's) Tobyhanna, Coon, Dell: (Eden) Chi, b. Calif.,b. nc. Pa., nc. Cordaro, Romulo: (Cuban Casino) NYC, nc.Hamilton, Johnny: (Trianon Club) Santa Fe,Martin,Eddie:(Arcadia)Detroit,b. South, Eddie: (Blatz) Milwaukee, h. Costello, Diosa: (La Conga) NYC, nc. N. M., nc. Martin, Freddy: (St. Francis) San Francisco,Spanier, Muggsy:(State -Lake)Chi.t. Courtney, Del: (Bear Mt. Inn) Bear Mountain.Hamilton, Dave:(Villa Bee) Jackson, Mich., h. Spratt, Jack: (Topper) Cincinnati, b. N. Y., h. nc. Starr, Jay: (Long Point) Geneseo, N. Y.,b. Crocker, Mel: (Club 76) Battle Creek, Mich., Martin, Lou: (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc. Hardy, Bob: (Flamingo) Boston. nc. Martone, Johnny:(Club Edgewood)Albany,Steck, Gus: (Berkeley -Carteret) Asbury Park, Be. Harrlott,Harold: (The Farms)Scarsdale, N.Y..nc. N. .1.,h. Cugat, Xavier: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. N. Y.. re. Master. Freddie: (Nut Club) NYC, nc. Steele, Brooks: (Ballantine Inn) World's Fair, D Harris, Ken: (Faust)Rockford,Ill.,h. Masters, Frankie:(Shubert)Cincinnati,t. NYC, re. D'Amica, Nicky: (Plaza) NYC, h. Harte, Carl:(Chamberlin)Old Point Com-Maul, Herbie: (Cedar Lane Club) Opelousas,Sten, Elinore: (Castle Cole Club) Norristown, D'Artega: (Sun Valley) World's Fair, NYC, to. fort, Va.. h. La., nc. Pa., nc. Damerel, George:(Troc) NYC, nc. Hartman, Hal: (Cawthon) Mobile, Ala.,h. Maus, Stewart: (Capitola) Capitols, Calif., b.Stern, Sammy: (Oasis) Detroit, nc. Davies,Al:(SaranacInn)Saranac Lake,Hauser, Harold: (Mayflower) Akron. h. Meekin. Fran: (Wisconsin Roof) Milwaukee, h.Sterney, George: (Coq Rouge) NYC, nc. N. Y., h. Heldt, Horace: (Biltmore) NYC, h. Messner, Johnny: (McAlpin) NYC, h. Stipes, Eddie: (Bank Bar) Toledo, nc. Davies, Lew: (Blue Grass) Lexington, Ky., cc.Henderson, Horace: (5100 Club) Chi, nc. Millar, Bob: (Neil) Columbus, 0., h. Strong, Benny: (Park Plaza)St. Louis, h. Davis, Johnny "Scat": (Blackhawk) Chi, c. Herbeck, Ray:(Schroeder)Milwaukee,h. Miller,Walter:(Biltmore)Santa Barbara.Stuart, Nick:(Plantation)Dallas, nc. Davis, Eddie: (Larne's) NYC, re. Herbert, Arthur: (Dupont) Wilmington, h. Calif., h. Sylvio, Don: (Bertolotti's) NYC, no. Davis, Johnny: (Miami Club) Milwaukee, nc.Hill, Tiny: (Rainbow) Denver, b. Miller,Glenn:(Paramount)NYC,t. T Davis, Paul: (Martin's) Lima, 0., nc. Hills, Worthy: (Saybrook) West Haven, Conn.,Mills, Floyd: (Indian Beach Club) RehobethTay Voye Quartet: (King's) Paramus, N. J.. Davis,Bill:(Crystal Lodge)Council Bluffs, no. Beach, Del.,cc. nc. Ia., b. Hilton, Barry:(BartlettLake) Jackson,Mills,Dick:(Nat)Amarillo,Tex.,no. Mich., b. Mills, Jay: (Beverly Hills) Newport, Ky., cc.Teagarden, Jack:(Statler)Boston, h. Day, Bobby: (Show Bar) Forest Hills, N. Y.,Hogan,Tweet: (WoodlawnBay)DelavanMitchell,Dal: Thal, Pierson: (South Shore) Chi, cc. c. Lake, Wis.. b. (LongBeach) Gloucester,Thue, Norm: (Honeymoon Bay) Newman Lake, Decker,Paul: (Deshler-Wallick)Columbus, Mass.,h. Wash., b. 0., h. Hollywood Harmonizers: (Post Tavern) West-Mitchell, Frank: (Ace of Hearts) Chambers -Toasty, Paul:(GraemerelChi, h. De Leon, Pedro: (Brown Palace) Denver, h. bury, N. Y.. nc. burg, Pa., nc. Trace, Al:(Ivanhoe)Chi, nc. D'Ercole, Bruno: (Jasperson's) Chi, ne. Hopkins,Len: (Chateau Laurier)Ottawa,Molina, Carlos: (La Conga) NYC, nc. Tucker, Tommy: (Murray's) Tuckahoe, N. Y., Dennis, Mort: (Pennsylvania) NYC, h. Ont., nc. Mooney, Art:(Henry Grady)Atlanta,h. re. Denny, Jack: (Sui-Jen) Galveston, Tex., nc. Horton Girls: (Log Cabin Inn) Lewistown, Pa.,Moore, Carl Deacon:(Old Vienna)Cincin-Tucker,Orrin:(Cocoanut Grove)Los An- Deutch, Emery: (Paradise) NYC, re. nc. nati,re. geles, h. DeVillier, Ken: (Radisson) Minneapolis, h. Huarte, Julian: (El Chico) NYC, nc. Moreland, Billy:(Blue Grass Inn) Newport, DeVoti, Don:(Mother Kelly's)NYC, nc. Ky., nc. Dibert, Sammy: (Powaton Club) Detroit. nc.Idlers, Three: (St. Moritz) NYC, h. Morton. Hughie: (Anchorage) Pittsburgh, nc.Unell, Dave: (Club Alabam') Chi, nc. Dollar,Mr., & his Five Halves:(BohemiaIrish, Mace: (Chanticler) Millburn, N. J., nc.Morton, Gerry: (Warwick) NYC, h. V Roof Garden) Birmingham, nc. Irwin, Marty: (Churchill Tavern) Pittsburgh,Mosely, Snub:(Queen's Terrace)Woodside, Van, Garwood: (Casino Gardens) Ocean Park, Donahue. Al: (Rainbow Room) NYC. nc. re. L.I..ro. Calif., b. Dorsey, Tommy: (Ansley) Atlanta, h. Munro, Hal: (885 Club) Chi, nc. Varzos, Eddie:(St. Moritz) NYC, h. Dunsmoor. Eddy: (Krug Paik) Omaha. b. Jaffe, Moe: (Poland Springs) Poland Springs.Murphy, Francis: (Ten Eyck) Albany, N. Y., h. Vasquez,Walter:(Rainbow Room)Asbury Dudley. Bob: (Hampton Park) Newman Lake, Me., h, Murray, Charlie: (Mon Paris) NYC, nc. Park, N. J., nc. Wash., b. James, Harry: (College Inn) Chi, h. N Via, Pedro: (Cuban Casino) NYC, nc. Duffy, George: (Commodore Perry) Toledo, h.Denney, Jack:(Ritz -Carlton) Boston, h. Duke.Jules:(Tutwiler) Nagel, Harold: (Pierre) NYC, h. Birmingham,h. Jill.Jack:(ElTivoli)Dallas,nc. Nance,Skipper:(BeverlyGardens)LittleWade. Billy: (Penn Negley) Pittsburgh, nc. Dupree, Harry: (Chicken Inn) World's Fair,Johnson, Bill:(Cozy Corner) Detroit, no. Rock, Ark., nc. Wallace, NYC. re. Jones. Jerry:(Lagoon)Salt Lake City,p. Nielsen, Anne: (Navajo)Big Bear Lake, Duranda:(La Conga) Hollywood, nc. Paul:(GreenwellTerrace)Louis- Calif., b. Jordan. Louis: (Elk's Rendezvous) NYC, nc. ville,Sc. Waller.Fats:(State -Lake)Chi,t. Joy,Jimmy:(Muehlebach)KansasCity,Newell,Dick:(Ocean Beach Pier)Clark's Eby. Jack: (Royal Palm) Miami, nc. Mo.. h. Lake, Mich., b. Wardlaw, Jack: (Jefferson) Columbia, S. C., h. Judie, (Loon Warney, Leo: (Monte Carlo) NYC. no. Eddy, Teddy: (Scroon Manor) Scroon Lake, Frankie: Lake)LoonLake,Noble. Leighton:(Essex House) NYC, h. Watkins, Sammy: (Hollenden)Cleveland,h. N. Y., cc. N. Y.. h. Norris. Stan: (Waco) Lake Wawasee, Ind., b.Weeks, Barmy: (International Casino) NYC, Ennis. Skinnay: (Victor Hugo) Beverly Hills,Juneau, Tommy: (Show Boat) St. Louis, nc.Nottingham, Gerry: (Bal Tabarin) San nc. Calif.,re, Jurgens, Dick: (Aragon) Chi, b. Francisco, nc. Ernie, Val: (El Morocco) NYC, nc. Weldon: (Armando's) NYC, nc. Estes, Bobby: (Chez Paree) New Orleans, no. IC 0 Whalen, Eddie: (Oakland) Rockland. Me., p. Kalsow, Karl: (Sugar Loaf) Winona, Minn.,nc.Oakes.Billy:(Main Central)Asbury Park,Whitley, Jimmie: (Bal-a-L'Air) Boston, b. F Kardos, Gene: (Hungaria) NYC. nc. N. J., h. Whitney, Sonny: (Walton)Phila, h. Farber,Burt:(NetherlandPlaza)Cincin-Katz, Nat: (Chanticleer Inn) Hartford. Conn.,O'Brien & Evans: (Louis Joliet) Joliet, Ill.. h.Williams, Sande: (Astor) NYC, h. nati,h. nc. Olsen. Phil: (Mayfair Gardens) Detroit. nc. Windsor, Reggie:(Radwell's)Phila. C. Featherstone,Paul:(Broadmoor)ColoradoKaufman, Mac: (Mayfair Manor) High GateOlson, Hem:(Country Club)Coral Gables.Winton, Barry: (Rainbow Grill) NYC, nc. Springs, Colo., h. Falls, Vt., h. Fla., nc. Wittich. Doriss:(Yar)Chi. re. Feldstein. Joey: (Tic Too Tap) Milwaukee, nc.Kavelin, Al: (Peabody) Memphis, h. Ortago. Al: (Gaetz Hall) Detour, Mich. b. Wood, Grant: (Summit) Baltimore, nc. Felton, Happy: (Baker)Dallas, h. Keating, Ray:(Sherman's Pavilion)CarogaOsborne, Will: (Edgewater Beach) Chi, h. Woods, Howard: (Village Barn) NYC, nc. Fidler, Lew: (Colony Club) Chi, nc. Lake,N.Y.,b. Owens, Merrill: (Marine Club) Madison, Wis., Y Fidler, Max: (Hollywood Plaza) Hollywood, h.Kemp, Hal:(Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. re. Young, Roland: (Lombard's)Bridgeport, Fielder, Johnny:(Plaza) San Antonio, h. Kendis, Sonny: (Stork Club) NYC. nc. Conn., nc. Fields, Shep: (New Yorker) NYC, h. Kent, Larry.(Utah)Salt Lake City,h. p Fischer, Ralph: (Club Lido) St. Clair Shores,King's Jesters: (Broadmoorl Denver, cc. Pablo, Don: (Palm Beach) Detroit, no, Zarin, Michael: (New Ocean House) Swamp- Mich.. nc. Kinney. Ray: (Lexington) NYC, h. Page, Paul: (Madura's) Chi, b. scott, Mass., h. Fisher, Jack: (Vienna Room) Boston, re. Kirby, John: (Ambassador East) Chi, h. Page, Hot Lips: (Kelly Stable) NYC, nc. Zikes, Leslie:(Chez Amil Buffalo, nc. Fisher, Art: (Club Minuet) Chi, nc. Knights of Rhythm: (Gibson) Cincinnati, h.Palmer, Skeeter: (Seneca) Rochester, N. Y., h.Zurke, Bob:(Nicollet)Minneapolis, h. A September 30, 1939 MUSIC The Billboard 13 music is followed by rhythmicpassages that definitely induce a venture out on the floor.The paradox is completed by The Pcivicuinc Standsome excellent hot choruses from piano, vibes and sax.It may be that the heat hitting the cheapie spots In 11 States,following the salon stuff sounds better By DANIEL RICHMAN Teddy Powell and is still rough -cut. than it actually is due to the contrast, Two of the boys, Ed Abbott and Carl Corny, But Good (Reviewed at Famous Door, New York) but the important thing is that it listens HAVING written the hit songs for theErca, were in the champ brass trio ofwell and is decidedly attention -arresting. "music in the wah-wah style" other bands to play, tunesmith Teddy1938; Doc Tribulato, in the 1938 clarinet Library contains all the necessaries, THATcatchphraseof CARL (DEACON)takes to tootling with a band of his own.champ threesome, and Jimmy Clark waspops, standards, musicomedy items and MOORE (Old Vienna Restaurant, Cin-It's a comparatively new and untriednational winner on tenor sax in 1939.Latin-American stuff.Skeeter Palmer cinnati, WEAF) is practically enough tocombo that gives out with the certaintyErca is the band's trumpet keystone, anddrops his accordion for most of the ballad discourage even the hardiest seeker ofand precision of long -schooled vets, andDon Turner crops up head and shouldersand rhythm wordage, with the remainder dance remote entertainment, but sur-it's difficult to realize on a first hearingabove the others at clarinet.Arrange-of the vocals given over to Mara, typically prisingly enough a pretty fair amount ments are by Don Rossler, pianist. Theexotic -looking Russian.Brusiloff fronts that the boys have only been together for Old field. of listening pleasure is hidden behind it.some eight weeks or so.First-nighters,band is without vocals. with all the necessary aplomb. There's no doubt that the Deacon's stuff Richman. is well on the corny side, but there's aand it was a first night of titantic pro- well -planned continuity toit,plus aportions, were enthusiastic in their ac- Don Bestor variety and an easy-going informalityclaim for the new star on the orchestral (Reviewed at Turnpike Casino, that sets it apart as one of the betterhorizon-and rightly so.Famous Door Lincoln, Neb.) Abe Lyman and more entertaining half hours cur-is almost becoming a legend in the band BESTOR varies from the other ork (Reviewed at Turnpike Casino, rently trickling thru late -hour transmit-biz as the one spot to "make" a band, leaders in that he is not style band. Lincoln, Neb.) ters. and Powell's performance here betokensHis formula is to arrange the music, he MUSIC by Lyman has been a fixture of Moore's music is much less respon-another deserving of being skyrocketedsays, to get the most out of a number, the dance scene for years, and he sible for that than his manner of pre-to the heights. not to adopt it to his "style." still maintains the neat money -bracket senting his show.His lazy drawl and Combo leanstoward therighteous He has enough glamour stuff in Marionwhich speaks wellofhisabilityto rather refreshing humor in announcing,rhythmic side, but ever pours out par-Bergeron, a blond of voluptuouschameleon to the fickle tastes of the ball- the unforced cues that lead easily intoticularly melodious effects from an ob-charms which won her the Miss Americaroom public.Currently, his outfit plays numbers, and a good blend of originals,viously capable and musicianly crew. It'stitle of 1934. She splits the vocal billingthe "pretty music," with only occasional pops and novelties made the program ain the idiom of the younger generation,with Johnny Russell, who is a mikespurts into the swing rhythms to soothe distinct pleasure for this listener, whobut not too blatantly swingo and withoutsmooth ie. any temporary savagery which might de- faced it with some misgivings after thattheaccompanying musicalacrobatics, Band's frame is four sax, three rhythm,velop on the floor. "wah-wah" introduction. which appears to be a sound procedurethree brass and a violin.He never did Because he does "pretty" stuff doesn't Good or Bad? for maximum appeal all around. Instrumentalists, all culledfromgo swing, and is sweetening more andmean he's without brass, a section of THE remote of ARCHIE LOVELANDGoodman, Berigan, Norvo and the like,more daily. Bestor fare is pleasant music,four(fivecounting thebrass -scatter, (Olympic Hotel, Seattle, WEAF) wasinclude four sax, three trumpets (Benny'sequal to most class dates where dancingRed Pepper) holding down allassign- offered in a way that calls for pro andbrother, Irving, has his horn here), twois the main desire, short of novelties andments handed them.Four men are in con.arguments. Numbers are announcedtrombones and four rhythm.Altho hisinstrumental stunts. Oldfield. the rhythm, four in the sax and three in groups of three, with no subsequentunion card calls for the guitar strums, in the violin sectors. interruptions to their playing until thePowell sticks to the stick out front, Nat Brusiloff Stellar talent includes Rose Blane, Ed trio is finished. For those who prefer tomaking a gracious and efficacious frontis- Holly and Red Pepper at the mike. Blane listen to music instead of the usuallypiece. ( ReviewedatCocoanutGrove,Parkgal has a semi -violent microphone de- banal and constant announcer quips, the Rating in the rousing returns is the Central Hotel, New York) livery, Holly takes it easier, and it's up system has its advantages; but for thosestaff of arrangers.Tune fashioners in-IN his first attempt as a dance maestro,to Red Pepper, portly brasser, to really who like to know what song is beingclude Ben Homer and Frank Denning, Brusiloff, long a staple of radio studiopenetrate to the far corners of the place. played it means concentrating on (orwith Freddy Norman (sepia) scoring themusic -making,displaysaprettyfairHe is the last word in not playing too even writing down) the announcements,stomperoos.Vocal entourage remainedblend of higher -grade musicianship andgood, but plenty loud.However, this is which of necessity must be a jumble of adequate commercialism.Ork's presentno detraction from his ability to go over titles and vocal credits.Personally thistacit when caught. For the records, song and sell out.He's comic and those who dialer thinks the announcements are toselling assignment is intrusted to Ruthunorthodox and limited set-up minimizes Gaylor and Jimmy Blair-both capable. its commercial appeal greatly, altho it'schin themselves on the rostrum take be preferred coming singly rather than to Brusiloff's credit that he makes thehim for wonderful, which is all that's in confused bunches. Oro. best of that angle with the material innecessary. The system was particularly bad on hand.Breakdown includes the leader's Lyman, in a business that's had him this remote because ofanenervated fiddle, sax, accordion, vibes and the con-a long time, has the suff which makes melange of current ballads that droned Tommy Anderson ventional four rhythm.Majority of thehim popular with the younger trade. on without even an inane announcement (Reviewed at King's Ballroom, Jumped from here to Chicago for a toseparatethemandrelieve melodic phrases are taken by Brusiloff, monotony. Out of 16 numbers an even Lincoln, Neb. but he gives way to piano, vibes and saxChez Paree location. dozen were ballads,all contemporary,NATIONAL high school instrumentalenough to prevent monotony. which ought to win some sort of an J. champions of 1938 and 1939 make up Oricis surprising in the amount of award for bad programing. the Tommy Anderson Ork, which consistsdanceability it carries despite its basic- Jimmy Grier of three brass, three rhythm, three sax,ally salon -type construction. A chorus or(Reviewed at Biltmore Bowl, Los Angeles) Three months old, this outfit has beentwo that is more luncheon than dance GRIER is now fronting an 11 -piece N. Y. HOTELS combo that is not a sweet outfit and (Continued from page 11) yet there's enough sock to the music to holding ground at the informal Empire Review of Records make it danceable fare. Returned to the Room. Sammy Kaye is another come - Bowl after an absence of a year. He held backer, starting his second year on Octo- the band spot at this place for four ber28atHotelCommodore,while years and made himself a lot of friends. Charles Baum willbeback atthe Decea's "Wizard of Oz" Disk Band is nothing spectacular, but puts Iridium Room of Hotel St. Regis on Oc- out good solid stuff.Grier goes for a tober 4.Hotel opens a new room Thurs- muted brass effect on most of his ar- day(28),Hawaiian Maisonette, with Delight; Col. -13G TakeaBow rangements that makes for a nice setting Elmer Lee for the strum syncos.Only in this hotel-nitery. other hula atmosphere is offered at the Using four sax, three brass and four LexingtonHotel,where Ray Kinney rhythm, Grier has definitely kept his comes with the fixtures. Red Label Waxed Ox Wizardry permanent niche on the recordork in the hotel -type groove, preferring Among the smaller hotel combos, Hotel WAS on the Columbia label of anFOR a to keep the combo for dance music only. Warwick returned Gerry Morton on Fri-ITearlier era that Benny Goodman first shelf for the fanciful The Wizard The class patrons who frequent this day (22) to its Raleigh Room; Hotel As-fashioned his clarinet playing in wax. Andof Oz music, Decca turns the neatestspot evidently liked his music, for the tor has Dick Kuhn back on Monday (25)it is most fitting to find the swingmastertrick by pocketing the sides in a mostfloor was packed most of the time. Two for the Broadway Cocktail Lounge, andmaking his bow for a new waxwork thatattractive and popularly priced album. the Mary Murray Room of Hotel Whitebrings back the Columbia label for popFollowing the screen score faithfully forvocalists, with the femme, Armide, by fare-this time with red markings forthe eight sides, Victor Young batoningfar the better of the two. She has plenty ushered in the season on Thursday (21)the legend. Moreover, it marks a revo-the band and Ken Darby shading theon the ball when she fronts the mike to with Lou Lang. lutionary movement in diskdom, beingvoices make it a big-time productionpeddle her numbers. She has looks and Holdovers go to Enoch Light at Hotel plenty of personality and works hard all Taft;Nat Brusiloffat Park Centralthat the new list peddles at a 50 -centmusically withoutsmothering the Hotel, tho a new band may be broughtfigure. melodic content with harmonic intrica-the time she is on. Owen. in next month; Noble Sissle at Billy Too long away from waxing circles,cies. Simplicity is the keynote and that Rose'sDiamondHorseshoeatHotelGoodman gets in the groove again withis it's strongest selling point. Paramount, the only Negro band in thea band that's definitely on the upgrade. And as all would have it, Judy Garland Walter Vasquez Broadway zone. Johnny Messner lingersAnd with additional changes made ingushes for the Over the Rainbow word-(Reviewed at Rainbow Room, Asbury the band since cutting these sides onage, coupling her participation with a Park, N. J.) at Hotel McAlpin, Emile Petti stays on atthe West Coast additional thrills are injittery The Jitterbug, which was left be- the Savoy Plaza and Johnny Johnsonstoreforhisfollowers. Of thehind in the cutting room. TOPS among the many outfits to play keeps his corner at the Shelton Cornerfirst sidesit'sasafebetthefans at this nitery this season is Vasquez, of that hotel.Horace Heidt moves downwill flock for Count Basie's Jumpin' at Dorsey's Dandy featuring the popular Jerry Mack front- from the roof to reopen the Bowmanthe Woodside, a terrific jumper that's THE powers that be ever have de-ing and vocalizing and the versatile Chet Room of the Biltmore Hotel on Wednes-geared to traffic -stopping, and FletcherIFsigns of awarding a grand prix forArthur in the first sax seat. day (27), with Phil Spitalny mentionedHenderson's colorful sock scoring on thethe prize platter of the year, you can be Combo is three sax, three brass and to take over in a month or so whenoldie.There'll Be Some Changes Made.sure first nominations rate for Tommyfour rhythm.Band has no set style, Heidt heads for the road and the Cocoa-Other paring, Comes Love and Rendez-Dorsey's adaptation in a rhythmic set-but plays almost anything well.Altho nut Grove in Los Angeles.Across thevous in Pares from Yokel Boy, is favoredting of Victor Herbert's March of theVasquez gets the billing, aggregation was river in Brooklyn, Hotel St. George con-platter fare, but hardly endangers ArtieToys from the Babes in Toyiand operetta.formerly under Mack at Club Chalfonte tinuesDaveMartin,anunexploitedShaw's hold on the tune's interpretation.With all the howl there has been ofin Pinehurst, N. C.After leaving here, Negro band, at its Bermuda Room. While the other bands, moving overswingdom's proselytisms of the classics,it will be under Mack's direction again. Ambassador Hotel reopens its Trianonfrom the Brunswick label, put their bestthere can be no conscientious objectors Yellen. Room on October 18 with a new bandfoot forward for the firsts on the Redto Dorsey's treatment of this standard coming in, as yet unannounced.Selec-Label, they hardly match the Goodmanorchestral excerpt. Except for a trumpet tions are still in the air for the Georgiangroovings.JackTeagarden,however,interlude, Herbert's original notings areGennett Plant to Decca Room and Circus Bar at Piccadilly Hotel,steps forward with oneofhisbestleft virtually intact but played on the management preferring to bring in un-doubles to date.It's a far cry fromfire alongside a boiling rhythm.It's in- RICHMOND,Ind.,Sept.23.-Decce, knowns for a builder -upper. commercialism,butwillundoubtedlyfectious jazzology that's highly commer-Records leased the old Gennett record- Only casualty, as far as employmentstill the many voices yelping about "bigcial for all its hyper-swingness. ing plant and equipment here as an ad- opportunitiesareconcerned,istheT" keeping his hair finecombed on the Disk -doubler is another stylish instru-ditional manufacturing outlet and to swanky Hotel Pierre.Neptune Room,record. With Jackson holding full sway,mental coating for the oldie, By thespeed distribution in the West and Mid- starting Friday (22), initiates a Fridayboth for some sultry chanting and slip -River Saint Marie, played in customarywest. Waxworks' other plant is located policy, operating only on that night ofhorn intricacies, it's a field day for theDorsey eclat. But it's the March musicin Bridgeport, Conn. Altho the lease was the week, with Buddy Clarke in for thefans in Handy's Aunt Hagar's Blues andthat remains in an unmatched class. just signed, Decca has been using the solo stand. hlt-like novelty, I Swung the Election. Oro. Gennett factory since June. 14 The Billboard LEGITIMATE September 30, 1939 Conducted by EUGENE BURR -Communications to 1564 Broadway, New York City UBO STRANGLEHOLDSHAKE

October 19-21; Hamlet, 23, week; No TimemakePortlanderslegitimate -theater - for Comedy, 30, week; Key Largo, Novem-minded is under way.For nearlya ber 6, week; Mamba's Daughters,20,decade legit has been conspicuous by its week; Leave It to Mel, 27, week; Abealmost total absence. During the coming Au.ds, Film. Houses, Others MakeLincoln in Illinois, December5-9;Leseason, however, at least 11 road shows Gallienne, April 15-20.Tentative: Out-will play here. ward Bound, Philadelphia Story and My The concertizing system of promotion Up Most of Season's Road SpotsDear Children.Playgoersarebearingby LTC at season prices of $2.20, $5.50, financialmanagementresponsibilities$6.60 and $7.70 at the Mayfair has al- and now claim 400 members at $100 aready resulted in a brisk advance sale, Bookings heavy thruout tile country-one-nightersarehead. according to William B. McCurdy, North- Indianapolis -English: My Dear Chil-west booking representative. He expects being revived for first time in 20 years -college andsdren, Oociober 15, week; I Married anthe system to give Portlanders the legit Angel, 26-28; Key Largo, 30; Farm ofhabit and spur sales for the other listed added to picture -better break in ands Three Echoes, November 2-4; Mamba'sshows. The time for revival is ripe, he

Daughters, 13, week;December14-16,thinks, recalling the legit boom after (Continued from page 4) It is estimated that the huge list ofAbe Lincoln in Illinois. the last great war broke. NewWisconsin Union Theater on theroad -show productions playing the city Seattle -Metropolitan:GoldenBoy, More Bookings campus of the University of Wisconsinthis season will ultimately draw moreNovember 30, three days; No Time for Boston -Definite so far: Man Who (Madison). The Theater Guild's Tamingpersons from Kansas City's trade areaComedy, December 25-27; Le Gallienne,Came to Dinner, Plymouth, September 25; of the Shrew will open it October 9-11.into the metropolis than did the famousJanuary 11-13; I Married an Angel, Feb-Time of Your Life, October 2, two weeks; Seventeen other college auditoriums axeJubilesta, the recently abandoned fallruary 12-14; What a Life, 22-24; On Bor-Too Many Gies, Shubert,October2; housing professional companies.Sup-festival here.Nearly 45 percentofrowed Time, March 14-16. No Time for Comedy, Wilbur, October 2, plementing list published in September 2ducats sold ahead for the regular sched- Columbus, O. -Hartman: I Married antwo weeks; Outward Bound, Plymouth, issue of The Billboard are Minnesotaule, exclusive of the Anthenaeum series,Angel, October 23-25; Farm ofThree23, two weeks; Nice Going, Shubert, 23; State Teachers College, St. Cloud, Minn.;have been bought by out-of-town buyers.Echoes, 36-31; Key Largo, November 2;Hot Mikado, BostonOpera,30,, two University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss., Mamba's Daughters, 16; Abe Lincoln inweeks; Abe Lincoln in Illinois, Boston andGreensboroCollege,Greensboro, Other Bookings Illinois, December 11-13. Opera, 23, week; Key Largo, November N.C. Worthy of noteisthefact Detroit -Cass: Tonight We Dance, Oc- Portland 13; Mamba's Daughters, December 25, that auditorium bookings this seasontober 2, week; White Steed, 16, week; two weeks. aremostly one-nightstands. CivicNo Time for Comedy, 23; week, Hamlet, Portland, Ore. -Mayfair: Swing Mikado, Pittsburgh -Nixon: Skylark, Septem- auditorium dates chalked up by LTC23, two weeks; Farm of Three Echoes,October 5; Golden Boy, November 24-25;ber 25, week, Ladies and Gentlemen, Oc- include the following: Norristown, Pa.;November 6, week; Leave It to Me!, 13,No Time for Comedy, December 28-30;tober 2, week; White Steed (ATS),9, Roanoke, Winston-Salem and Asheville,week; Outward Bound, 20,week;AbeLe Gallienne, January 4-6; I Married anweek; Hamlet, 16, week; Farm o/ Three N. C.; Angel, February 8-10; What a Life, 20-21; Nashville and Memphis, Tenn.;Lincoln in Illinois, 27, week; Mamba'sOn Borrowed Time, March 8-9. TentativeEchoes (ATS), 23, week; Outward Bound Little Rock, Ark.; Jackson and Columbus,Daughters, December 11, week. Wilson:for January are Springtime for Henry,(ATS), November 13, week; Abe Lincoln Miss.; Birmingham, Mobile and Mont-Susan and God, September 18, week; OfAbe Lincoln in Illinois and Desert Song.in Illinois, 20, week; Mamba's Daughters, gomery, Ala.;New Orleans,La.;FortMice and Men, 25, week; What a Life,MacDonald Theater: What a Life, Feb-December 4, week; No Time for Comedy, Worth, Wichita Falls and Amarillo, Tex.;October 9, week; On Borrowed Time, 23,ruary 19; On Borrowed Time, March 7.January24-27. Tentative:My Dear Phoenix, Ariz.; Long Beach, Los Angeles,week; Eva Le Gallienne, March 24, week.Orpheum Theater and the Civic Audi-Children, Philadelphia Story,Time of Pasadena and Oakland, Calif.;Denver Cleveland -Hanna: Tonight We Dance,torium are also available for legit. Your Life and Tobacco Road. and Pueblo, Colo.;Bartlesville, Tulsa,September 25, week; I Married an Angel, Sharing in similar healthy legit fare Oklahoma City, Okla.; Kansas City, Mo.: A comparatively extensive program toare Des Moines, Milwaukee, San Fran- Emporia, Kan.; Peoria,Ill.;Lexington, cisco, Omaha, St. Paul, Baltimore, Wash- Ky.; Charleston, W. Va.; Raleigh, N. C., ington, St. Louis, Buffalo, Minneapolis, and Beaumont, Tex. LTC had to resort to Madison, Davenport and Toledo. UBO in New Haven, Des Moines, Cleve- Tank towns, passed over by the few land and Indianapolis. companies which had been touring these From Cut Front past 20 years or so, have been returned OldLegitSpots to legit itineraries. To bring I Married Houses which are primarily legit are By EUGENE BURR An Angel to -townslikeBeaumont, still found in Chicago, Philadelphia, De- From time to time this column has discreetly lamentedthat, among all theFresno, Ithaca and Youngstown, Dwight troit, Indianapolis, Seattle,San Fran-family of artists, the actor and the performingmusician alone are entirely sub-Deere Wiman has doubled the traveling cisco, Cleveland,Portland, Boston,ject to the exigent ravages of Time.The sculptor of prehistoric days still livesstage crew and duplicated some of the Washington, Baltimore, St. Louis, Mil-when his crude figures are unearthed by archeologists;the poet of thousands ofheavier scenery so that the bulky pieces waukee,Pittsburgh, New Haven andyears ago still sings to modern ears in the surviving fragments of, forexample, thecan be sent ahead and set up in the one- ( Hartford. Greek Anthology. Much of their work is, ofcourse, inevitably lost, but at leastnighters in advance of the troupe's ar- Chicago, of course, will head the listthey have a chance to battle down the long centuries intheir eternal war withrival. Among the towns in the new legit of the citiesinlegitplayingtime.Time. trailareMontevallo,Ala.;Abilene, Seasonal set-up, by cities, follows: The actor (along with the performing musician) hasno chance at all. WhenAmarillo, Tex.; Tucson, Ariz.; Medford Chicago -My Dear Children, presentedhe dies, as die he must, his art is shoveled with himinto the grave. We hearand Eugene, Ore.; Logan, Utah; Laramie, at the Selwyn, indefinite run; Mamba'srumors and reports of the greatness of Garrick, of the unbelievable versatilityofWyo., and La Crosse, Wis. Daughters, October 2, Grand Opera, threeMrs. Pritchard, of the 17th century power ofa Betterton and the 19th century weeks; Tonight We Dance, October 9,tragic dignity of a Booth, but in reality we know nothing whatsoeverof their Harris; White Steed, October 23, Harris,art.The magnificent stagecraft that walked with Boothacross the boards of hisBoston Stock Co. Set indefiniterun;Hamlet, November6,great new theater at Sixth avenue and 23d street has disappearedas entirely as BOSTON, Sept.25. --Copley Theater, Grand Opera, two weeks; No Time forthe writings in the Alexandrine library, whose only copieswere destroyed manywhich housed the late lamented Federal Comedy, November 6, Harris, three weeks;centuries before.If it lives at all now, 70 years later, it is only in a few oldTheater Projectin Boston, has been Outward Sound, November 27, Erlanger,memories. leased by a group from Westboro under indefinite run; Abe Lincoln in Illinois, The actor's art, if it survives his death, does so only as an echo in themindsthe leadership of Alan Gray Holmes. January 1, Grand Opera, indefinite run.of aging men. And when they too die it becomes but the echo ofan echo, mustilyHolmes, who has been a summer theater Philadelphia -Tryouts will be largelyrepeated by historians who themselves havenofaint idea of what it was really balanced by regular strong productions.like. And this I have frequently deplored. director, will have under his wing a pro- Forrest: Ladies and Gentlemen, Septem- fessional stock company from New York. Players will include Wendell Corey, Viola ber 18, two weeks; Hamlet, October 2 At the moment, however, it seems almost as tho mysorrow may have been (first two performances underwritten bysomewhat premature.Hoarding a memory that spans merely 15 years, I haveBlakely, Erford Gage and Helen Walker. the new Philadelphia Forum), one week;thought that the cinematical masterpiece of the silent days Season will start October 12.First play Leave It to Me!, 16, two weeks; Abe Lin- was The Last Laugh,has not yet been selected. which contained what I persistently recalled as a magnificent performanceby For two months it had been reported coln in Illinois, 30, two weeks; No TimeEmile Jannings. Recently / attended a screening of The Last Laugh -and I'm be- forComedy, February5,oneweek.ginning to think that the ephemeral life of the actor's art is not necessarily that the FTP actors in Boston would Locust: Outward Bound (firstofthemisfortune. atake over the Copley and operate at $1 American Theater Society schedule), Oc- top.They did not reach an agreement tober 9, two weeks; Mamba's Daughters, The Museum of Modern Art, during the summer, has been exhuminga serieswith Messrs. Shubert, who own the thea- January 8, two weeks. Erlanger or Wal-of old films for the delectation of its patrons, the quarter necessary to getyou intoter, and are reported as still looking for nut: On Borrowed Time, January 14, twothe museum also admitting you to the film hall.So, for the price of a mere twoa suitable house. weeks. bits, you can look at all the crazed creations of what is sometimes jokinglyre- Kansas City -Municipal Auditorium:ferred to as modern "art," the magnificent (if rare at the museum) work ofa Tobacco Road, September 28; What aWinslow Homer, the odd perspectives of what the museum rather preciously refers10 P.M. Premiere for 'Night' Life, October 19-21; On Borrowed Time,to as American primitives, and the terrific emoting of a bygone day on the screen. November 9-11; I Married an Angel,'No-Modernism in art (the process of being a Gertrude Stein with a paint brush) has DAVENPORT, Sept. 23.-A Night at the vember 27-29; Golden Boy, January 11-had its indescribable idiocies detailed by better critics than this one; the work ofMoulin Rouge, which will hold its pre- 13; Eva Le Gallienne, February 8-10. the "primitives" can't hold a candle to the magenta roses that were painted onmiere at Davenport October 2, will have Jimmy Nixon, manager ofthe Mu-Uncle Oscar's shaving mug by Aunt Hephzibah.But the films are really worthan unusual starting time -opening at nicipal Auditorium, is looking forwardseeing. 10 p.m., scheduled to continue for four to the biggest theatrical season here in Seen again, The Last Laugh emerges merely as a rather drab, extremely dullhours. the past eight years. Booked tentativelyand unbelievably sentimentalized little tale that contains some technical camera The set-up will include dancing by the are 15 shows. Last year, only eight at-innovations that were astounding for their day, plus one of the hammiest leadingcustomers on the stage before and after tractions played here. The shows now onperformances I have ever seen.The Last Laugh, technically, was the first crestthe show and during the intermission. tap in addition to those definitely listedof the wave of cinematic realism, possessing a careful attention to minutia andRita Rio and her all -girl band will play above include No Time for Comedy, Out-an even -now -excellent use of the capabilities of the camera.Mr. Jennings, onfor the dancing. ward Bound, Abe LincolninIllinois,the other hand, still wallowed in the technique of expressionism that had become The company will spend a weekin Leave It to Me, My Dear Children, Thethe smart things several years before with the eruption of The Cabinet 'of Dr.Davenportforrehearsalsbeforethe Hot Mikado and Philadelphia Story. Caligari. As a result the performance and the production aren't within even hailingpremiere. Co-operating with the Junior Athen-distance of each other.With the camera doing magnificent tricks to bring in a aeum, which in turn is working with allwealth of realistic background detail, Mr. Jennings muggs, overacts, weeps, tears his"Road" Ups Own Gross theotherco-operativeclubs in thishair and bends himself practically double (evidently in order to show the ab- vicinity, Nixon is offering the four Gallo-dominal impact of emotion) in portraying the tragedy of a simple carriage starter. SPOKANE, Wash., Sept.23. -Return Oberf elder shows. The Junior Athen-His carefully expressionist and strictly hammy gyrations were hardly pleasant toengagement of Tobacco Road played to aeum's share of the proceeds bids fairone who, in his naive youth, had considered Jennings one of the greatest actorsmore customers and grossed more at, to be the largest singlebenefitthaton the screen. Fox Theater than at initial appearance women's group here has ever obtained So perhaps it's better that the actor's art dies with him after all. three years ago.City Manager J.J. As a result of the Athenaeum's spon- RosenfieldofEvergreen theaterssaid sorship of What a Life, that show has Also on the program were a couple of reels of an early 1920 celluloid versionaitho top was $1.50 as compared with $2 already been sold to the extent of $2,000. (See FROM OUT FRONT on opposite page) (See "ROAD" UP on opposite page) September 30, 1939 LEGITIMATE The Billboard 15

BROADWAY RUNS Nov Hay on Broadway No Change in Performances to September 28. Inclusive. Dramatic Opened Pert Reviewed by Eugene Purr Abe Lincoln in Illinois later was butchered by British gunfire, (Plymouth) Oct.15_-- 395 EMPIRE he concludes that the whole thing seems AgentRulings, American Way. The (return) (Center) July 80 Beginning Monday Evening, September 18,1939silly;only, when he is leaving on his Little Foxes, The (National) Feb. 254 fatal raid, Osborne puts his pipe on the No Time for Comedy (Barry - more) April 17-- 184 JOURNEY'S END dugout table and remarks that he hates Philadelphia Story, The (Shu- (Limited Revival) to leave it when it has a warm glow on Says Equity bert) Mar. 28_-_ 207 top;only,when youngRaleighre- Tobacco Road (Forrest) Dee.4.'33 3260 A play by R. C. Sherriff.Directed by Leonard NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Actors' Equity Sillman.Settingby LemuelAyers,con-proaches Stanhope with drinking after Association has no intentions at this Musical Comedy structed by Karle 0. Amend. Uniforms byOsborne has been killed, Stanhope breaks timeofrevisingitsagent -licensing Hellzapoppin(WinterGar- Brooks Costume Co. Stage manager, Wyliedown in hysteria-and then goes on to it has no intentions den) Sept. 22,'38425 AdamsPress agent, Karl Bernstein.Pre-do his hated, inevitable job. policy.Further, Journey's End(limited sentedby Leonard Sillman. It is an appalling picture-and a tre- of even taking the matter under ad- revival) (Empire) Sept.18-- 8 Hugh Rennie visement and "wasting any more time Pins and Needles (Windsor) Nov.27,'37792 Captain Hardy mendously powerful play. Scandals (Alvin) Aug.28.- 32 Lieutenant Osborne Reginald Mason With 10 -year -old memories still fresh, on the subject," declared Paul Dullzell, Streets of Paris. The (Broad- Private Mason Victor Beecroft executive secretary.Widespread Stem hurst) June19___112 Second Lieutenant Raleigh lack Merivaleit is hard to see the cast of the present reports had declared that a complete Yokel Boy(Majestic) July (I-92 Captain Stanhope Colin Keith -Johnstonrevivalclearly;but Mr. Sillman has overhauling was contemplated. Second Lieutenant Trotter A P. Kayemade a real effort to do justice to the Bert Houseley Stevens Jr.drama. ColinKeith -Johnston, whose "There is only one thing wrong withEnglish Rep for Canada Second Lieutenant Hibbert Glenn Huntermagnificent portrayal of Stanhope 10 the present arrangement," said Dullzell, Company Sergeant-Major Ralph Sumpteryears ago was one of the greatest acting "and that is the lack of co-operation TORONTO, Sept.23.-MauriceCol -The Colonel Richard Templejobs of our generation, is again playing from our members. Human nature beingbourne and Barry Jones have arrived inPrivate Broughton Philip HustonStanhope magnificently at the Empire. what itis, there will always be someMontreal from London with a companyGerman Soldier Everett RipleyReginald Mason, the quiet beauty of who will pay the extra and illegal com-of 36 for a 21 -week repertory tour of ACTI - Evening onMonday, the18th Canada under the auspices of the British March,1918.ACT II-Scene1:Tuesdaywhose work as Osborne was the out- missions." Morning. Scene 2: Tuesday Afternoon. ACTstanding thing in the Miller Chicago He explained that last year CouncilCouncil. III-Scene 1: Wednesday Afternoon. Scene 2:company, is again playing Osborne,as had devoted an unusually long time to At the top of the list is Shaw's Geneva,WednesdayNgiht. Scene 3: Thursday, Towardsfinely as ever.And Victor Beecroft (I reorganizing the agent set-up.Draft ofa play which pillories and flays the al-Dawn. forget which one of the touring com- policy was finally drawn up and votedleged authors of the present war.Next panies he was in originally) is still doing onatgeneralmembershipmeeting.comes Charles the King, by Colbourne R.C.Sherriff's Journeys End, thehis perfect job as Mason, cook of the There is no need at this time for furtherand Jones themselves, in which Jonesgreatest war play ever written, was pre-officers' mess. changes, he says.Matter has not beenplays the martyred Charles I.Third issented Monday evening at the Empire Most of the new faces offer comparable brought before Council, nor does he an-James Bridie's Tobias and the Angel.Itby Leonard Sillman, as the first item inwork.A. P. Kaye may lack some of the ticipate such action. isbased on the Apocryphal bookofthe series of revivals that he chooses torobustiousness of Henry Wenman as the He reiterated that the only solutionTobit; scenes pass in Nineveh and oncall, somewhat pompously, the New Yorkrotund Trotter, but the effect of his to the weakness in present agency policythe banks of the Tigris in the seventhDrama Festival.But if you expect aperformance is every bit as great. Glenn would be the establishment of an em-century. review of it in this corner you are, ratHunter,exceptforaverydefinitely ployment bureau in Equity itself, but Jessica Tandy is the leading lady ofafraid, going to be disappointed. American accent that seemed to bother that that contained too many doubtfulthe company.Also included are Joy Journey's End was originally presentedhim at times, is probably even better possibilities and Equity was not lookingHarrington, Lawrence Hanray, Lambertin New York 10 years ago by Gilbertthan Jack Hawkins was as Hibbert. And for headaches. Larking and Howell Davies. Miller, and this reporter at the time wasyoungJackMerivaleisthemost Talk that Equity would up commis- doing press work for the Miller office.straightforward,capable and generally sion scales was also spiked by the ex-"Ladies" Takes 19G in Phila.He followed the American careeroflikable Raleigh of all the Raleighs I have ecutive secretary. Journey's End all the way thru, startingseen. The rest are easily adequate, with "To increase the rate from 5 to 10 PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 23.-Thein-with a perusal of the first script to comethe exception of Richard Temple, who per cent," he said, "would mean onlyaugural week of the legit season here,over from England. And it has alwaysplays the colonel; Mr. Temple's vast lack that those members who are payingwith Ladies and Gentlemen as the solebeen to him one of the truly great playsof knowledge of his own lines on second 10 now, only 5 of which is required,attraction in town, nets Gilbert Miller'sof our generation-of any generation, asnight was frankly disgraceful. would find themselves paying 15 perproduction a neat $19,000 gross for thea matter of fact. The direction is spotty at best, failing cent." firstsixdays'operation.Generally Under the circumstances, a cold ap-to set the pace adequately and fre- speakingthecriticswere lukewarmpraisal of the goings-on at the Empire isquently allowing theplaytosprawl about this Hecht -MacArthur adaptationimpossible. But at least I'm safe in thebadly.The individual performers are of the Ladislaus Bus-Fekete play, butknowledge that Journey's End is a playgood enough, tho, to hide the major Percentages went overboard inlaudingitsstars,that cannot be overpraised. directorial defects most of the time. Helen Hayes and Philip Merivale.The Now,thruforceofinternational Some idea of the effect of the play can house had a capacity crowdat theevents,itis particularly effective, thebe gathered by the comment of the (Listed below are the decisionsofWednesday matinee.Most of the bizone play I know that does not seem im- dramatic critics on the eight generalafter sundown is confined to the upperpertinently irrelevant.With half theyoung lady who sat next to me."I feel metropolitandailiesconcerningthe world given over to bloodshed, massguilty," she said on the way out, "as tho Broadway shows of the week. In figuringtiers, the downstairs section being about I'd listened in on tle last words of men half to three-quarters filled.The playmurder and hate, the story of five Brit-who weregoingto percentages,"noopinion"votesareis to stay another week. ish officers who die in the front lines in die-words that counted one-half "yes" and one-half France Is particularly appalling. Beneathshould have been heard only by them- "no" rather than being thrown out al- the rumble of the offstage guns, beyondselves." together.This would give a show with"Shrew" Christens U Housethe tragedy of the on-stage dialog, you It might be a good idea to make eight "no opinion" votes 50 per cent hear the dreadful rumble of real destruc-Journey's End required playgoing every rather than zero.At the end of each MADISON, Wis., Sept. 23.-The newtion, the stark tragedy of a gargantuannight for the next three years for those month of the season the shows and theirWisconsin Union Theater, on the campuswaste of real flesh and blood.And inwho, to insure re-election or other pri- percentages will be listed, together withof the University of Wisconsin, will beSherriff'smagnificentunderstatementvate aims, are trying to force steps that a resume of how they fared at the boxdedicated at a premiere showing of The will push the United States nearer to office, in an effort to determine howTaming of the Shrew, starring Alfredthe utter folly, the fantastic uselessness,the brink of war. much the critical reception affects theLunt and Lynn Fontanne, October 9, 10the wanton cruelty and satanic barbarism financial returns and how closely theand 11, with a matinee performance onare apparent as they could never be in critics agree with the decision of theirOctober 11. an obviously crusading drama.Taking"ROAD" UPS readers.) The theater will be open for publicthe play directly from notes in a private (Continued from opposite page) "Journey's End" -56% inspection October 8, and on the after-war -time diary, Sherriff put his eventspreviously, gross was about $200 more. YES: Coleman (Mirror),Whipplenoon of the same day a symposium andupon the stage with no comment, butThere were three shows as against two (World -Telegram). demonstration of the theater facilitieswith a consummate realization of theirfirst time, but final midnight appear- will be held at 4:30, with Michael M.colossal innate folly.Captain Stanhope,ance was a flop.Regular evening shows NO: Brown (Post). that fine leader of men, becomes a drink -were practically S. R. 0. NO OPINION:WattsJr.(Herald -Hare, designer, and Lee Simonson, the-sodden, broken-hearted wreck who goes Tribune), Atkinson (Times), Lockridgeater consultant, to be interviewed by H.out to die.Lieutenant Osborne, prob- (Sun),Anderson(Journal -American),B. McCarthy, director of WHA, the Stateably the finest character in all the range Chapman (News). station located on the university campus.of modern drama, is killed in a suicidal raid that must be made to give a scrap ene sonzWail* (44th Year) 3 -In -1 Course-Stage,Screen. Radio. of information to a brigadier who hatChoice-Drama,Dane.,Opera. Each Department a FROM OUT FRONT a date for dinner. Young Raleigh, whose School In Itself. (Continued from opposite page) clean youth is the hope of any sane GRADUATES-Una Merkel, Lee Tracy, Fred As- taire, Peggy Shannon. Etc. of Hamlet, with Asta Nielsen, a Scandinavian emoter, in the title role. It is billedworld, is butchered just two and a halfSpecialists In discovering, developing and exploiting as a "non -Shakespearean" version, but anyone who watches two minutes of Itdays after he first reaches the lines. And new Stage, Screen and Radio Talent poor, frightened Hibbert and friendly,ALVIENE THEATRE & STUDENT STOCK CO., doesn't have to be told that.Miss Nielsen is so determinedly melancholy a Dane assuring New York appearanceswhile learning,plug that she almost seems like a character out of Tchekov, and the events appearfuzzy -brained Trotter go out to face anmoving picture filming, voles recording and radio. overwhelming and murderous attack, in (SeparateStage sihIldren's Screen Acting Dept.) slightly strange to those brought up on Shakespeare. Particularly strange is the For Catalog apply Secretary, T. BELL, 88 W. 85th denouement, wherein Miss Nielsen is wounded by Laertes, rips the throat of herthe hope of perhaps holding it up for a Street, New York. tunic in a dangerously abandoned fashion and falls at the foot of the throne. Thefew hours. actor playing the faithful Horatio feels for the wound in a manner that brings Itis an appalling, ruthless, tremen- FEAGIN SCHOOL gasps from an effete modern audience and probably embarrassment to the actordously exciting, vibrantly theatrical and OF DRAMATIC ART himself. And then he rises and solemnly announces in a sub -title that Hamlet'soverwhelmingly powerful story-all the 25th Year Begins October4 great secret has been discovered and now he (Horatio) at last knows why his lovemore horrible because of the quiet, un- STAGE-SCREEN-RADIO garnished and uncompromisingly truth- Speech for Business and Social Use for the prince was always greater than that of man for man. Day and Evening Classes The only one, on the screen or off, who seemed quite calm was Miss Nielsenful idiom in which Sherriff has written Public Performances-Modern Theatre. herself.But then she was supposed to be dead. it.There are no heroics; there is no Separate Children's Department propaganda. Only, when Osborne tells Enroll Now. Ask for Catalog B. Raleigh of the generous deed of a Ger- Rockefeller ()enter,830 Fifth Ave., New York While on the subject of celluloid, it might be a good idea to report very brieflyman commander, who a few minutes some of the remarks made by Will Hays in a speech before the Regional Trust Co. Conference of the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain States recently. Said Mr. Hays: "Today, when the orderly processes of society are collapsing in much of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ARTS world, under the detonation of bombing planes and long-range guns, America notstryoIN test BY FRANKLINH. SARGENT more than ever represents a great ideal.To an unusual degree America today holds in trust for mankind the political, cultural and spiritual heritage of the THE foremost Institution for Dramatic andExpressional Trainingin human race." America. The courses of the Academy furnish teh essential And he urged that, "thru a supreme act of national will, men and women of preparationfor Teaching and Directing as well as for Acting. all poltical shades of opinion shall firmly and unitedly resolve at all costs to keep this country out of war. Thus may we best fulfill our highest duty as trustees FALL TERM BEGINS OCTOBER 26 for civilization, for human liberty and for peace." FOR CATALOG Address Secretary, Room141, CARNEGIE HALL, NEW YORK A 16 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE September 30,1939 Conducted by PAUL DENIS-Communications to 1564 Broadway, New York City AGVA Starts Signing N. Y."Apple for Teacher" NowFrance Shuts 27 Top Music Machine Tune NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-An Apple Dives for the Teacher, in the Bing Crosby in Latest Clubs to Short Agreements; version, this week climbs to the top of the heap as regards the most popu- lar recordings currently being played CensorshipDrive in automatic machines thruout the PARIS, Sept.23. - The first quarter Claims 4,000 Membership country. score in the current "purity" campaign NEW YORK,Sept. 23.-The AmericanAGVA membership implies abandoning Another pic tune (Apple is fromof the government has resulted in pad- Crosby's The Star Maker), Harburg lock notices for 27 night spots in Mont- Guild of Variety Artists got a footholdthe AFA and it is not believed she will and Arlen's Over the Rainbow, from in thelocalnightclubfield whencontinue with the AFA evenifits martre and Montparnasse. The govern- it signed the Paradise, Leon and Eddie'sdwindling membership does decide to The Wizard of Oz, shares phono hon- ment, in a bewildering series of decree and the Famous Door to "90 -day agree-continue. ors with it, proving that films still are laws passed recently,has powers to ments,"apparentlysupersedingthose a potentfactorin producing hit penalize virtually anybody, even for the clubs' contracts with the American Fed- Circus Workers Refused songs. telling of a dubious joke between friends. eration of Actors. AGVA refused to re- AGVA will take in circus performers Additional details concerning pop- The police have received orders to veal the terms of the agreements, claim-but not circus workers, according to ular and going -to -be -popular record- close all places specializing in obscenity. ing the minimum salary figures would beFour A leaders, even tho William Green's ings will be found in the Record Buy- This has not yet touched the music fixedat the next membership meet-messageto AGVA Monday indicated ing Guide on page82of this issue of halls or the music -hall comedians. ing, for which a date has not been set.AGVA now had all of the former AFA The Billboard. The padlocked houses are classified as AGVA is approaching local night clubjurisdiction. "side show" spots, which are among the owners with contracts that switch the featured booby hatches tobe found AFA contract to the AGVA, except that CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-American GuildLegion Convention by the visiting firemen to Paris. The net AGVA does not assume liability "for anyof Variety Artists' office here is holding effect is to wipe out a few addresses in acts, omissions or obligations ofAFA"off its drive to sign up clubs until all the private books of amateur guides. and the pacts are not retroactive. An-or most of the AFA acts working localExpected To Help other clause reads the contract will ex-spots have had their cards transferred. pire upon the end of the AFA contractA couple of organizers, Sheldon Krim, or on "December 15, 1939, whichever isformerly with AFA, and Bob Wilson,Chicago Niteries Des Moines Clubs sooner."This contract, along with theformerly on the Federal Theater staff, CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-While little ex- "90 -day agreements" being sought byare making the rounds for AGVA. tra talent will be used in clubs duringReadying for Biz AGVA organizers here,indicates that Guy Magley, AFA rep, decided to re-the American Legion Convention, which AGVA is building up to a strike threatmain in the officeto await furtheropens here Monday, the event should DES MOINES, Sept. 23.-Three clubs before New Year's Eve. Angleistoinstructions from ExecutiveSecretaryrevive business due to the large numberin the outlying area spent $25,000 for line up membership and as many clubsRalphWhitehead.Whilenotdoingof visitors expected. remodeling.Downspots made complete as possible on temporary contracts andmuch, he is hoping to get some fur- Here and there an extra act or twochanges.Dave Fidler's has a complete then demand higher minimums and otherther instructions from New York.Of-is set, but no revolutionary changes innew front.The Senate has changed conditions before New Year's Eve,atficerent is paid up for September. name to Spa and completed extensive entertainment policies are expected. Theclean-up. which time night club owners are more Edgewater BeachHotelincreasedits vulnerable to union demands than at3 More N. Y. show and the Palmer House added Mor- To open shortly is the Chesterfield any other time of the year. ton Downey. Smaller niteries making aCafe.Joseph Grant will operate. Spot Francis Clark, AGVA local organizer. splurge are spending their shekels onwill be located no the site of old May- says the Versailles and the Rainbow RoomClubs To Open fair Club, which closed under a gambling "exotic" dancers. injunction. have promised verbally to live up to NEWYORK, Sept. 23.-Jimmy Carr, The Falkenstein Brothers will keep the AGVA demands and that the Interna-former name band leader, is taking overHi Hat open until after the convention tional Casino has promised to "sign withthe former Pre -Catalan Club on Westand then close for a spell to spend someFlesh Aids HuntingtonClub AGVA as soon asit could straighten52d street and reopening it next month$25,000forremodeling.Feelingthe outlegalangles." Legalangles,ofas the Club Carr. competition from the newly redecorated HUNTINGTON,W. Va., Sept. 23.-Mr. course, refer to the AFA contract still The Cinderella Club on West ThirdColoney Club, the Falkensteins decidedand Mrs. E. G. Wood, owners of Club in force legally, altho not being policedstreet will open in a couple of weeksto expand, enlarge its band stand andWoodland here, report a considerable in- by AFA. with a band and floor show. Peter Pintoto buy name bands and acts. crease in business since their recent in- Club Owners in Middle is co-owner and George MacMurray will troduction of a floor -show policy. Open- Local night club owners, faced withbe the p. a. ing show had Anne Bradley, Paul and the possibility that the AFA may still Cotton Club's new show will open Wally and the Dancing Schooleys.Don hold them to their AFA contracts, areOctober 5 featuring Louis Armstrong'sSally Rand Out of Washburn, Lee Fox and Francine John- stalling off AGVA organizers with theBand. Sammy Cahn and Saul Chaplin son opened Tuesday (19).Frankie Ross plea that they are "caught in the mid-will write the lyrics and music. Music Box, San Franhandles emsee and publicity duties. Jack dle" and want time "to see what's going Douglas G. Hertz, New Jersey sports- Middleton, Cincinnati, books the spot. to happen to the AFA." man and head of the Peagsus Polo Club, SANFRANCISCO,Sept.23.-Sally The AFA meanwhile continuestoRockleigh, N. J., has added a night spotRand and her entertainers haveleft adjacent to the club to be called thethe Music Box.One explanationisOldVienna Adds Mondays liquidate slowly, but Executive Secre-Sun Beau Room and will open Septem-that her dashing back and forth between tary Ralph Whitehead's continued ill-ber 28.Spot is 12 miles from Georgethe club and her Gay Paree show at CINCINNATI, Sept. 25.-Old Vienna. ness has again postponed a council oraWashington Bridge. the exposition had become too muchPaul Penny, manager, which has been membership meeting.Whitehead made of a strain. operating on a six -night -a -week dine - an attempt to leave his apartment Mon- BILLY GRAY and Jerry Bergen closed and -dance policy, alters its schedule to day but collapsed again.He says he Sally will remain at the fair.At theinclude hOpes to be able to get out next week.at the Tic Top Tap, Milwaukee, Septem-Music Box Maury Amsterdam and Mabel Mondays,beginningtonight. AFA office personnel, now winding upber 18 after 18 weeks. Charlie Nelson,Todd have whipped up a show in whichPat Gillick is now featured on a daily the union's affairs and gathering mem-manager, reported heavy business duringTony Romero,singingguitarist,and15 -minute stint on the Novachord from their engagement. others will participate. Old Vienna via WSAI from 12:30 to 12:45 bership recordsfromout - of - town p.m.Carl (Deacon) Moore Orchestra, branches, reveals that new members are with Marge Hudson, now in its third stillapplying but that their applica- week of a four -week engagement at the tions are not being actedupon atthe moment.Some former AFA organizers spot, has had its contract extended in- have applied to AGVA for jobs. AGVA6 Hotels, 5 Cafes and Many definitely. took on only one new organizer this week, Duke Granada. It expects to hire another next week. Bars 'Using Talent in Wash. New Dance Spot in Va. AGVA'sexecutivesecretary,Maida WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.-Biggest localsupper club in from the terrace and OLD POINT COMFORT, Va., Sept. 23. Reade, says her organization will workopening of the new season will be theopens its famous Blue Room September.-The Blue Room, formerly used as a inclosely with Theater Authority toRusisan , Wednesday (27).Mrs.30,withentertainmentstillintheconvention hallattheChamberlin kill "the benefit evil" and that it willHelen Hamilton is owner. hands of Maxim Lowe.Bookings forHotel, has been converted into new dance punish members playing "unauthorized A new name policy for the Troikayears have been thru Hamid. Lowe againspot by Sidney Banks. Fitted with tables benefits." will open with Olga Balkanova, formerhas his own orchestra under directionand a new hardwood dance floor, the Jean Muir, AGVA local membershipRussian film name and supporting Con-of Barnee. room has an amplifying system to fur- director, says the AGVA membership astinental entertainment. Mrs. Hamil- On October 1, the Raleigh Hotel willnish music.It hasn't taken a particu- of Thursday (21) was 4,147, of whichton will bring in a new show everyreopen its Pall Mall Room. Bert Bernathlarly strong hold yet, but probably will 2,000 are local, 500 in San Francisco,month instead of giving performers a(Sydney unit)will furnish the tunes.when the hotel's Marine Roof reverts to 1,000 in Los Angeles, 250 in Chicagoseason contract.She will alsoinjectThe Pall Mall last year used a singleitswinter weeklypolicyinsteadof and 100 in Boston. an occational bit of French entertain-act, usually a dance team. present nightly operation. ment. No "High Pressure" The ClubRiviera,atthe uptown Already in its second week, the Carl-Hotel2400, . Clark says AGVA organizers are notton Hotel's Sher Zad room is featuring continues. PeteMacias,Akron Club Resumes employing "high pressure" when contact-Catherine Hoyt, singer, along with Billformer operator of the Heigh Ho Club, ing night club owners, and that theirMcCune's band. is bandleader. AKRON, Sept. 23.-Hawaiian Room of methods are "in the Equity tradition." The Lafayette Hotel plans to open a The Madrillon, popular among thetheHotelMayflower,acedowntown Aubrey Blair, officialof the ScreenClub Lafayette September 30 featuringfive local colleges the (Chinese) Bamboonitery the past three years, opens its Actors' Guild, has resigned his post toname bands.Bands will be changedGardens and the Chinese Lotus Restau-falland winter seasonwithHarold take over job of West Coast organizingnightly and Red Nichols was beingrantwillcontinueintheirpresentHauser's Band, Harold Bixler, Raftone director for AGVA. negotiated for, but other engagementspolicies. Sisters and Gay, and FrancesFarrell. AFA President Sophie Tucker joined A number of the beer bars (food,too)Jack Walshismanager.Two shows AGVA Wednesday just before her opensprevented closing the deal.The hotel's nightly and cocktail hour daily with en- Ticker Board Room will add a singerareemploying localmusicians. Em-tertainment. ing at the Versailles.She was firstor instrumentalist next week. ployment in these places seems to be approachedthatafternoonbyAlan The same management also handlesfairly steady and doesn't differ much Corelli, an AGVA organizer and sceretarythe Wardman Park Hotel, which thisfrom the better cocktail lounges.The of Theater Authority, and Alan Cross,year is modifying its Metronone RoomAnchor Room, the Hour Glass, the King Wants No Trouble who is on the AGVA advisory board. Shetoreflectthe music ofthe King'sCole Room and the Powhattan all keep refused, saying she would wait untilJesters. Arrangements for network timea singer or guitar player around. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-David B. Whitehead was restored to health in or- Mulligan, president of the Biltmore der to discuss the matter with him.have been made with NBC. The Jesters The only radical operator appears to Hotel, is doing his bit. last season were a decided hit whilebe Don Dickerman, whose Pirates' Den, Mulliganissuedordersthat the Later the same day the William Morrisplayingat the SherZad, and theirin Georgetown, is now going into its band play only American anthems- Agency sent Miss Tucker's application toopening at the Metronone isset forsecond season.The novelty of having no foreign anthems-when patrons the AGVA office.Miss Tucker has notSeptember 29. waiters scare the women customers is request patriotic tunes. formally resigned from the AFA, but The Shoreham Hotel has moved itsstill amusing Washington. September 30, 1939 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 17 a popular group at the La Salle Hotel Walton Roof, Philadelphia lastyear,should, withlittletrouble, chalk up a long run here. Their rhythmic This being the final show prior to the Night Club PO/1MA instrumentation and soft arrangements opening of the fall season, Jack Lynch of both new and old tunes blend with has collected for the most part enter-aristocratic, more elaborate in decora-in the cast are Rebecca Brody and Johnthe environment and keep the customers tainers who have clicked previously here.tions, yet keeping within bounds of goodGlenn. in merry moods.The boys (seven of Due tothe nonappearanceofthetaste. The former glass -incased bar has Liquorsaremoderatelypriced andthem) work down to the dancers and Glamor Girl line of 12, who were in Newbeen moved from the wall to the back ofminimum is$1.Atmosphere is hardtable sitters and in reality present a York being outfitted with new costumes,the room and shortened considerably,to duplicate any place in New York. continuous show. Danny Lane, Don Tay- every act on the program worked over-giving way to a greater table capacity Sam Abbott. lor and Pat Alden double up to make time to round out the full 60 minutes(seating 275) and an opportunity for a a harmonious vocal combine, and with of entertainment. more decorative combination of walls Kit Kat, New York their attractive songstress, Louise Mar- Opener is Bob Ripa in a flash sessionand ceiling.Idea of new bar set-up, Colored entertainment and service, buttell, form an entertaining quartet. Miss of juggling.Ripa works extraordinarilywhich isalso rid of any and all barwhite management, is again the policyMartell impresses with a sharp voice that hard to impress with his dexterity andstools, is to keep the small spender outof this established East Side club thatmetesoutjusticetoballadsand ability to handle the various objects withand toattractthe Gold Coast blue swingaroos. more than the necessary speed and skill.bloods. Interesting copper murals havedraws steadily from the spending crowd. In a slow entrance in which he jugglesbeen created by Louis Mirsky. The new fall show is okeh. It pleases Things are not up to par during show three sticks, Ripa picks up speed as well without presenting anything new or par-time, principally because the two out- as a collection of other items.His fade- The one -act floor -show policy is re-ticularly refreshing. As staged by Georgeside acts do not fit the room. Joan Bran- out trick of tossing six plates while bal-tained, with continuous music by twoImmerman, itis a series of specialtiesdon, blond mistress of magic whose forte ancing threeballscollects a worthybands.Only name acts are employedbeginning and ending with a simpleis her cocktail bar act, is at a disad- amount of applause. and, judging by thisadmirably im-group number.Five girls who enter-vantage due to the sight impediment. The emseeing is by Bob Russell, whoproved room, management should havetaincontinuouslyintheadjoiningWith many of the customers unable is fairly engaging in dealing out theno trouble luring the topnotchers. Open-lounge pad out the show by appearingto see her produce the drinks, it's tough intros.Russell has the knack of gettinging show is presented by Dwight Fiske,in the two group numbers. to hold their interest.And, too, sales- familiar with the crowd without invitingthe naughty tune -playing pianist, who The floor show is headed by the am-manship is not as strong as an act of heckling.Has a fine baritone which heisfilling a return engagement. Linedple Velma Middleton, whose extra pound-this type demands. Should concentrate uses in a capable manner, getting a niceup to follow are the DeMarcos (Octoberage ripples like jello. She sings nicelyon faster talk and equip herself with hand with Let's Make Memories Tonight.6 to November 2), Cross and Dunn (No-enough and also does surprising floorenough clever comebacks to stop hecklers Exits to a lengthy song group fromvember 3 to December 1) and Sophieacrobaticsandenergeticstrutting. Ademanding drinks she cannot produce. Naughty Tucker, whowillremainthru Newnovelty singing turn. Best of the lot isLeads up to bar climax with a floating MariettaandencoreswithYear's. Lorenzo Roberson, a baritone, who han-cane and cigaret tricks.Appearance is Masquerade Is Over and begs off with Fiske has a number of new and origi-dles pop tunes very competently. Doro-good. Donkey Serenade. thy Rhodes is a shapely gal whose Dawn Nina Olivette and Dmitri, broad com- The dance team, Manno and Stafford,naltunes,mostofthem off-color. edy dance team, have funny bits and impress in their opening number with aTrue, they are veiled behind clever de-on the Desert dance is not as fancy as Viennese waltz nicely done and whichlivery, and timely piano tinkling sup-itstitle.She does a coochy, bumpyeven some strong leg and arm bits, but contains a generous sprinkling of trickport heals the spets, but an off-affair familiar in hot floor shows. Bunnyit's mostly floorwork and is lost to too color taste remains nevertheless.Theand Ralph are a couple of young boysmany of the diners.It is a better act spins. The weak spot of the turn is thechancesarethatChicago'sbig-timedoing fast acrobatic tap and a lot offortheaters,whereMissOlivetteis sophisticated version of the rumba tocrowd may appreciate such work andfancy splits and leaps, along with a bitfunnier. Begin the Beguine, which suffers for thewill undoubtedly approve of Fiske's novelof singing.Plenty of speed and energy. Show is augmented with a jam session lack of a definite dance pattern, besidesivory keyboard contributions.He hasDotty Saulter, dancer, who has been infrom the Biltmore Boys and a couple having only occasional spots of Interest.a following among the socialites anda couple of films, is a comely girl doingof pop tunes from their femme singer. They do better with their impression ofshould proveaprofitableattraction.fair singing and lively tapping in leg -Two revues nightly. At present no inter- a jitterbug team, altho they are a bitSome of his song stories involve a Dr.display costume.Pearl Baines, a veter-mission outfit is used. A small combina- self-conscious in the buffoonery.TheyCinnamon and a Mrs. Gimp, Leda andan here, is the emsee and handles thetion of the Latin variety in particular exit to a swell hand and encore with athe Swan and the public lives of seastraight announcements nicely. could do well filling in lulls between well -delivered cakewalk.Nice appear-lions, among other ditties. A real treat are the Charioteers, dou-dance sets. ance and wardrobe. bling from Hellzapoppin.Four boys, Never a cover. Minimum is $1.50 week Closing spot is left to Lillian Carman, Lew Fiddleris back with an aug-with an extra one at the piano, theydays and $2 Saturdays. Food is reason- a canary who knows exactly what to domented band on the enlarged band stand ably priced. Sam Honigberg. to get the maximum applause.The galto contribute pop music, while Fernandoharmonize in tricky arrangements of steers clear of the orthodox delivery,Canay'scombinationalternateswithShadrack, Don't Worry About Me and chanting I Know That You Know, Overrumba, tango and conga dance sessions.Beer Barrel Polka and encored with a the Rainbow and Comes Love. Each outfit is strong enough musicallyshort novelty number. Their vocal ef- Versailles, New York Encoresto warrant indefinite continuance. fects are arresting and the arrangements with South American Way. certainly above average. Sophie Tucker's two-week run here is Biz fair at show caught. Sam Bush- A couple of South Americans are on getting this smart East Side spot off to a man is still the p. a. Joe Cohen. hand to teach patrons Latin routines. The band is Lonnie McLean, 10 -man Minimum, $2.60 week days, $3.50 Satur-combo sending out hot rhythms in ac-big fall season.She opened Wednesday days and Sundays. cepted Harlem style. (September 20), drawing a big formal Jules Podell is the owner, Gus Christodress crowd.Scores were turned away Mother Kelly's, New York Renee Howard is the p. a. the host and Curt Weinberg the p. a.opening night, a tribute to Miss Tucker's Sam Honigberg. drawing power. After closing the main room for a few Paul Denis. weeks, this Miami -atmosphere room re- After a summer of front page union opened September 13, but with a newVillage Vanguard, New YorkContinental Room, Stevensfight news and a successful run in Leave policyoffeaturing band music and It to Me, Miss Tucker opens a string of singers.Previouslythespot had a Catering to the younger set of Green- Motel, Chicago night club dates here that will coincide regular floor show. wich Village, those who seek "atmos- with the road dates of the Freedley Policy now has Jerry Livingston andphere" in that section and, all in all, a Back in fold for another season, thisshow. She is still a topnotch performer, his Young Men of Manhattan, a 12 -manpolitically well-informed group, Max Gor-time under the direction of J. P. Binns.and the crowd kept her singing a full outfit, featured, with Don DeVodi's six -don, after successfully bringing to theWith more thought given to both thehour the first performance opening night manband alternatingwithLatinforethe Vanguard Players,isagainatmosphere,now comparativelymoreand 45 minutes the second.She put rhythms. featuring a unique floor show. cheerful, and the entertainment, whichover, old and new songs with vigorous, Livingston's bandiscoming along Starring the Calypso Kid. Dancers andboasts a more intimate band group, roomattention -compelling and deft delivery. nicely and is developing into a smooth,Gerald Clark and his Caribbean Sere-has a nice chance of attracting hotelgiving the customers sentimental, rhythmic, solid band of the type popu-naders, the show isentertaining andguests and a profitable share of diners -novelty and blue stuff and having to do larinclassspots and hotelrooms.different.It is exactly what the Van-out.A problem still at hand, however,encores and encores.Offered No One Livingston leads from the piano, reveal-guards patrons want.While the showis the floor -show arrangement hamperedWoman, The Lady's in Love, If I Didn't ing a good technique, and making aseeks to depict the change in the Village,by sight -hiding posts on all corners ofCare, South American Way, After You're nice impression with his appearance andthis Calypso group reflectsthe timethe stage. Gone; Come to Me, My Melancholy Baby; personality.Few stock arrangements,when the club was the Bohemian hang- The Biltmore Boys and their orchestra,Most Gentlemen Don't Like Love, Sophie if any, are used, and the music is easyout for poets and writers.Show runs tolisten to and good fordancing..40 minutes. PROTECT YOUR PROFITS Band airs over WABC three times a week. Knowing that hisaudience under- Our Patented Dance Check Ms through Vocalist is Ann Stuart, sister of singerstands the political situations Bill Ma - button -hole. Cannot be removed and passed to another without destroying. Guards your Diana Ward, who is making her debuttons, "the Calypso Kid," who also stages profits. Pricedlow,$10.00 a Thousand. as a band singer. She is a Hedy LaMarrthe revue, has brought prominent po- Asstd. colors, without printing.Samples on type of fancy looker and sings nicelyliticalissues and events to the front S request.Order today.Made In U. S. A. enough. in each act. The first, King Edward and De Vodi (violinist) leads his five menWally, shows in pantomime and dance thru Latin rhythms that get the Conga,Edward's problem of choosing between 402 N. Exchange St., rumba and tango enthusiasts up onthe crown and "the woman he loves,"WESTERN BADGE & NOVELTY CO., ST. PAUL, MINN. the floor. Band adds Conga drums whenAiles Gilmur. backing Graziella Paraga, Cuban singer, President Roosevelt in Trinidad, with who made quite a stirin her vocalMatons as FDR, shows the great admira- debut a couple of seasons ago.She istion these people hold for the Chief ONE WEEK ONLY! a gracious brunet with a low, expressiveExecutive. Send Your Children to the voice anddeftmanner of handlingOrphans' Home is a satire on the unem- Spanish, French and American trans-ployment situation, withtheplayers de- A SENSATIONAL BARGAIN IN THEATRICAL ART! lations of Cuban numbers. picting in dance the women working To celebrate our 40th anniversary and further Introduce our nationally famous theatrical art work, we Duke Daly and his Californians, 15 -at odd jobs to support the family. The offer you for one week only this remarkable value for Vaudeville Acts, Orchestras, Magicians, Burlesque piece swing band, play here for the"Duke of Iron" (Cecil Anderson) handles and Road Shows and Theatres - cocktail period, 5 to 7.It's the biggestthe narration, with musical background 28x42 -INCH HAND -COLORED ENLARGEMENT FOR $2.40 swing band on the East Side and hopesby the Serenaders (Calypso Recorders). toattract the younger dance crowd.The Good and Glorious Boy shows in Your Small Photo, 8x10 or smaller, must be mailed not later than midnight, October 3, If you share Marion Kingsley is Daly's vocalist. pantomime a young man's play for a in this price -smashing offer.Each order at this price limited to six enlargements. The main big room is a high-ceilinged, A beautiful display with flashy colors and lifelike detail that no entertainment artist can possibly beautiful girl whose escortis an old afford to be without. They show the public what you are and what you have to offer. That means cash airy, restful affair.Food is fine; serviceman. The old man wins the girl. Take at the box office and a permanent, dependable plug for your show.These attractive blow-ups are only fair. Me Down to Losee Beach is built around mounted on heavy beaver board and have a glossy finish that protects them from rough handling and Harry Davies and Ken Williams are snakes them serviceable for years.This represents an Investment in high-class art work and must not a young girl's desire to cast off family be confused with cheap, shoddy printed supplies.Our displays are used by some of the nation's the p. a.'s. Paul Denis. ties and go to the beach with a crowd greatest entertainers. of young people. Write for Detailed Price List! With Martin Younge as emsee show Colony Club, Chicago is fast, and the satirical treatment of Sonny Goldstone and Nick Dean, veter-thesituationsdeservespraise,espe- STITES PORTRAIT COMPANY men here, have turned thiscially in the face of the few facilities room into the brightest spot on Rushon hand for a production.Dancing is SHELBYVILLE, INDIANA street.They poured in a new bank rollto the music of the Serenaders, with to enhance both the architecture andaudience singing El Rancho Grande sev- "Quality Art at a Price Since 1899" lighting effects and it is now strikinglyeral times an hour.Others prominent 1 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE September 30, 1939 ,erTown, Life Begins at 40, 1 Don'tlads and a stocky blond femme, offer us the one quote.) ;t To Get Thin, Some of These Daysa sensational andgracefulpieceof Then Pegler goes on telling his readers course), and Week -End of a Privateadagio work Their daring tosses and Davis in the Jug about what bad boys the stagehands are. .secretary. gracefulcatches of thegirlbrought CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-A novel stunt We are not concerned with that here- Miss Tucker is the whole show.Onlyfrequent applause thruout the running. has been devised by the press depart- and principally because the stagehands other entertainment is the dance musicThe turnisbeautifully routined and ment of the local MCA office to sell are strong enough to protect themselves provided by Maximillian Bergere's10 - nicely timed.Pulled a strong finish Rufe Davis. and the actors (not Pegler's definition) man band andthePanchitoLatinhand. Over 200 small brown jugs are being are not. combo. Both orchestras handle the dance The Jay Mills ork lads, in addition mailed to producers and operators of Pegler shouldn't bevilified. He incentive nicely, drawing heavy danceto furnishing a likable brand of music hotels and night spots carrying his shouldn't be abused orinsulted.He crowds. for the dance patrons, played the show name and labeled "more kick thandeserves neither of these things be- Nick Prounis and Arnold Rossfield arescores in splendid fashion.Bill Sachs. the best Kentucky corn."In the jug cause his record proves that as sour as he still the handshaking hosts, and Leonard is a small scroll carrying Rufe's own usually is he at least means well.But MacBain is the p. a. giving the spot its humble appeal for work. he should be subjected to the fire of new coat of glamour. Paul Denis. The Harlequin, New York an educational barrage let loose by the Four A's.He should feel the force of This room, an adjunct of the Hotel moral indignation of all the elements of Beverly Hills Country Club,Fourteen,isprimarily an eating andJacksonville Likes stage uniondom.He should be shown Newport, Ky. drinking place, catering to the smart set as constructively as possible that he has or a reasonable facsimile.Place hasIts 1st Ice Floor Showcommitted a grave injustice towards a This ornate playground, piloted bya simple and pleasant decor, but its large class of persons who depend great- the youthful Glenn Schmidt, continueschief attraction isitscuisine.Mario, JACKSONVILLE, Fla.,Sept.23.-ly on public approbation. to pull the bulk of the cream tradehead waiter and host, may himself beRoosevelt Hotel opened its new Terrace Pegler is not important.When you hereabouts with its quality floor shows,responsible for much of the businessRoom addition to the Patio Grill thiscome down to it no individual is im- name bands,excellentcuisine, Bingobroughtin.He's an excellenthost,week with Sun Valley Ice Frolics, theportant as such.But the power Pegler Nights and similar attractions.Currentaffable and restrained to the propercity's first introduction to an ice show.wields thru his column isimportant. floor layout, a clicker thruout, has fivepoint.Cuisine is very good. Prices areThe Terrace Room increased capacityHe has maligned the theatrical profes- instead of the usual fouracts, within the higher bracket. to 500, and packed houses have greetedsion in the eyes of perhaps millions of Bandleader Jay Mills emseeing the pro- Only entertainment offeredisJackthe synthetic polar doings.. peedings in able fashion besides boosting With the thermometer outside flirtingreaderswhoinmostcasespermit the floor fare with two specialties fromKerr, who accompanies himself at the columnists such as he to do their think- his own band crew. piano.He'd do better with a p. -a. sys-with 100 degrees, the air-conditioning oning for them; who at least take at their tem, for the customary room noises meanthe inside and the ice show proved aface value any so-called facts appearing CallahanSisters,well-stackedandhe can't be heard unless you're close tostrong draw. attractive pair, start things rolling with Show opens with six skating chorinesin the columns.The least that Pegler their lively tap setto. him.Has a nice voice for pop tunes can do once, he finds out that he has Girls have per-and pleasant personality. Maybe he'lldoing a standard, simple routine. been definitely wrong and unjust is to sonable style and their terping, bothneed blue material to get over big. Sonia and Margo, femme duo, staged their double and competitive efforts, Richard Day is press agent. Inciden-a graceful and acceptable number thatwrite another piece and, like the good registerwarmly. Offeredaspeedy won heavy applause.Restricted floorsport we are sure he is, admit that he double routine as an encore and bowedtally,forthesentimental,theVilla has been wrong and tell why he has Venice, which housed Rudy Vallee whenareaprohibitedany extendedfigurebeen wrong as only he can do it. to hefty mitring. hefirststarted,is skating.Bobby McLean, billed as the includedinthefastest skater in the world, came on for Itissurprising tous,incidentally, Joy Mills takes this spot for his bandHarlequin downstairs banquet room. that Walter Winchell failed to grab the lads, Walter Liberate, pianist, contrib- Jerry Franken. a fast, peppy exhibition that was okeh. uting an excellent rendition of Chopin's Hard to show speed on a small floor.opportunity to take a few potshots at Etude in C -Sharp Minor, with six of the Ted Meza, doing a drunk act, garneredPegler for the September 5 piece. Per- Mills fiddlers following on Franz List's a heavy mitt.His work was sensationalhaps Walter did but we have failed to Liebestra'4m.The classicalstuff Was Radio Franks, New York andhisprattfallsludicrous. Tedrun across them.Winchell permits few nicely received. The Radio Franks are the Messrs:Beyershandled thegabrolenicely,opportunities to pass to come to the Mirth and Mack, zany pair of maleWhite and Bessinger who are on handsinging two songs fairly well.Jimmyfront for the underdog in greasepaint. hoofers and impersonators, selltheirpersonally to greet old friends and fans.Bigelow, a fixture, did his usual andThe Pegler piece should have represented stuff to telling results.Lads open withThe club itself is a well -lighted, neat,highly popular banjo stint. a Roman holiday for the white-haired boy a vigorous hoofing session, displayingintimate spot with a band stand on one Marie Elliottstillfingers the Ham-who knows more about the kind of actor precision and unusual routines, and fol-end. mond, giving the effect of a five -piecePegler maligns than any man writing lowwithcarboning suchtheatrical A four -piece outfit takes care of theork all by herself. down to the masses today. prominents asArliss, Durante, Sparksmusic, a few couples.usuallytaking Peggy Wood warbles in a deep, plain- We feel about Pegler's piece-so far and Harpo and Grouch() Marx.Theiradvantage of the small floor.Most oftive and very sweet and appealing voice.as detailed comment is concerned-as impersonation, backed by swell hokethe patronage, however, is the type that Blaine Sikes' 10 -piece sweet combina-Professor Einstein might feel if he were stuff,netted numerous bellylaughs.just sits. tion plays nicely for the dancersasencountered on the street by a boot- with the boys bowing to a sound hand. Current entertainment has Covert andwell as the floor show. W. H. Colson. black and called a sissy.In other words, Platinum -voiced Sylvia Froos, head-Reed, a versatile male duo that sings the stink bombs thrown by the sour liner of the current show, had this crowdlight ditties, both duo and solo, and Pegler at the acting profession hardly eating out of her hand with her lovelythat also offers a provoking mindread-Pittsburgh Club Reopens deservebeingdignifiedbycounter singing.Offered Comes Love, Russianing turn.Blond and charming Gloria arguments. We do not intend to so dig- Lullaby (in English and i,tussian), It'sManners sings pop tunes in low torch PITTSBURGH, Sept. 23.A1 Ritz' Clubnify them, but the temptation is too Tough To Be in Love With a Jitterbug,style and then switches to a bit ofPetite opened in East Liberty last Fridaygreat to avoid stating just a few things and for a closer waved a flag with asmooth high kick and tap waltzing. with a cast including Neil Buckley, Pic-that it might interest Pegler to know- patriotic special, You're in God's Coun- Alec Kramer is at the piano.Bandcolo Pete's Orchestra, Flo Parker, Starranditisquite apparent that inso try.Could have remained on indefi-consists of piano, string bass, guitar andand Maxine and Masie White. No coverdoing we are hardly as well disciplined nitely but chose to exit here to a pro-violin. policy. as an Einstein. longed hand. Entertainment is continuous, making Pegler,itisexasperatingtonote, BobNeller,ventartist,andhisthe club a good place for casual drop- doesn't realize that the line of demarca- assistant,ReginaldJ.Trickpuss,theping in, either for dinner or just a drinkBrown, Louisville, Resumestion between the various acting branches latter the most versatile dummy in theat the bar. Paul Denis. of the show business is as thin and ill- business,grabbedofftheevening's applause honors.In addition to sport- LOUISVILLE, Sept. 23.-Brown Hoteldefined as gossamer blown in the wind. ing sound material, Neller offers several ElChico, New York went back to a floor -show policy FridayHe doesn't realize that a preponderating exceptional vent fifties, the tops being (15) with Enrica and Novella and Tom-number of Hollywood stars, legit satel- the bit of double whistling between him This is one Latin floor show withoutmy Trent on the opening card. Changeslites and radio luminaries came from and the dummy, with each carrying aa single rumba or tango number.In-will be made every two weeks. vaudeville and cafes and that they re- different tone.Neller's manipulation ofstead there is a plethora of Flamenco turn to theaters and night clubs fre- the dummy is a treat in itself.As ansinging and comedy and novelty dancing quently.Peglerfailsto realize that encore Neller and Reggie do a funnythat successfully gets away from thethe hoyden idea and she puts it over inthe idea of "one big union," which is piece of singing business with the aidconvention in Latin entertainment. grand style.La OttaniIlaisanothermore or less the spark that ignited the of Jay Mills. BenitoColladahasbroughtbackFlamenco singer and what she lacks inFour A's fracas, arose from the constant Bartell -Hurst Foursome, three huskyDorita and Valero and his trouble get-looks she more than makes up for indrifting of talent from one field to an- ting them thru Ellis Island on time isshrewd delivery.Has personality andother.Pegler doesn't know-or perhaps more than justified by their swell per-knows how to make the most of herhe hid his knowledge in the devilish proc- formance. Theirgypsydancing hassinging voice. essofwritingacolumn-thatthe grace, life and charming comedy.Held Guest artists opening night (Septem-underworld does not confine itself ex- ANN SUTER over from thelast showisSoledadber14)included Enrica Rey,tenor,clusively to the operation of cafes. Miralles, who, Collada assures us, killedwhose singing is excellent but who could If Pegler really wanted to write facts Dynamic Comedienne 29 bulls in the arena.Her arena expe-gain in appearance and poise. he might have told about legit shows rience shows thru her dancing, which is The new dance orchestra here is thatbeing backed by underworld characters; NOW 30TH WEEK gypsystyle-heelclickingcastanets,of Hugo Marisa% who recently returnedabout industries and commercial estab- CLUB ALABAM straight back and proud carriage. She isfrom South America, where he playedlishments being .financed by underworld CHICAGO a good dancer. night clubs. An established radio band-capital;aboutunderworldcharacters Maria -Louisa Lopez, another holdover,leader, he brings here a good 11 -piecepulling some of the strings that make Permanent Address: Wall 20 EAST DELAWARE PLACE, is becoming a great favorite. She pouts,orchestra, including three saxes and a Streetoperate;aboutgangsters Phone: Whitehall 4970, CHICAGO. makes faces, whistles like a man andtrumpet.Altho it didn't play the showsitting in the inner councils of Wash- sings flirtation songs to patrons.It'sperfectlyit showed its stuff for theingtonatone timeor another-and dance music.Marian' himself is a dig-maybeaboutgangstersbehindthe nified and earnest looking front manscenesofEuropeandictatorships.In and, also contributed an excellent violinshort, Pegler is as unfair as anybody can solo after the show. be when he refers to cafes as a "suburb MARTIN and MARGO Dorothy Kay is the p. a., resuming ac-of the underworld."A partialtruth tivities after a few months' retirementis worse than an outright lie.Of course, "Sophisticates of Musical Comedy" due to the arrival of the first born ofthere are cafes run by underworld char- the Kay -Friend household. acters.But that does not mean that all cafes are in that category.Nor does NOW-HI HAT CLUB, CHICAGO Paul Denis. it mean that other branches of the show business or any business or any human enterprise is entirely free of underworld SUGAR'S DOMINO' influence. Three changes of wardrobe Care The Billboard, Broadway, New York, N. Y. (Continued from page 4) Pegler has committed a great wrong. in full view of audience THE GREAT possible what appears in his article) areIt is up to show business and those who no credit to the theatrical professionare sympathetic with its people to point WORLD'S artistically or socially.He chides theout his wrong to him. And it is up to FASTEST actors (making us wonder, indeed, whatPegler, after the wrong has been pointed EUROPEAN LEROY he means by actors) for including themout, to make amends in the same place in their jurisdiction because they (thewhere he blasphemed a group of human NOVELTY IN HIS ORIGINAL, OUTSTANDING ACT, Pegler-yclept actors) were thus "invad-beings who deserve far better treatment ACT IN CLUB -HOTEL -THEATRE EVERYWHERE ing a suburb of the underworld." (Weat the hands of a responsible and in- hope Executive Editor Wood will allowfluential member of the Fourth Estate. September 30, 1939 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 19 Manning, Hope (St. Moritz) NYC, h. (Routes are for current week when no dates ;Mara (Park Central) NYC, h. are given.) March, Linda (Bertolotti's) NYC, no. Marcus, Dr.(Gibson) Cincinnati, h. A Marcus-Barger's Night at the Moulin Rouge Abdallah, Sam, Girls (Lotus Garden) Wash- (Masonic) Davenport,Ia.,30; (Shrine) ington, D. 0., nc. Acts-Units-Athactions Cedar Rapids, Oct. 1;(Shrine) Des Moines Ace, Red (Silver Star) Detroit, nc. 2; (Coliseum) Sioux Falls, S. D., 3, a. Adams, Peggy (Biltmore) NYC, h. Mardoni & Louise (Biltmore Bowl) Los An- Aggars, Lucille (Pappy's 66 Club) Dallas, no. geles, no. Akers, Hank (Aquacade) World's Fair. NYC. Routes Mario & Floria (Roxy) NYC, t. Allen, Roberta (McAlpin) NYC, h. Marlynn & Michael (Rainbow Grill) NYC, no. Alpert, Mickey (Cocoanut Grove) Boston, nc. Following each listing appears a symbol.Fill in the designation corre. Marsh, Gloria (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. Ames & Arno (International Casino) NYC, no. sponding to the symbol when addressing organizations or individuals listed. Marshall, Everett(Aquacade)World's Fair, Ammons, Albert (Cafe Society) NYC, nc. NYC. Andre, Janis (Paradise) NYC, nc. Martin & Margo (Hi -Hat)Chi, no. Ardath, Fred (Little Old New York) World's EXPLANATIONS OF SYMBOLS Fair, NYC. Arden's, Don, Artist Models (Chez Ami) Buf- a-auditorium; b-ballroom; c-cafe; cb-cabaret; cc-country club; Mason, Bud & Gil (Paradise) NYC. nc. falo, nc. h-hotel; mh-music hall; nc-night club; p-amusement park; ro-road Masters, Frankie, & Orch. (Shubert) Armetta, Henry (State) NYC, t. t. Armstrong, Louis, & Band (Pal) Cleveland, t. house; re-restaurant; s-showboat; t-theateir. Maximilian & Co. (Music Hall) NYC, t. Arnold, Jean (Summit) Baltimore, nc. NYC-New York City; Phila-Philadelphia; Chi-Chicago. Meagher, Billy (Ken Roberts) Detroit, nc. Arrow, Margaret (La Salle)Chi,t. Mel -Roy, Magician (Princess) Crested Butte, Ash,Paul, Orch.(Roxy) NYC,t. Nt Colo.,25-21;(Unique) Gunnison28-30; Atkinson, Betty(Harry's New Yorker)Chi, (Durango) Durango. Oct.1,t. nc. Dracken, Russell (Whirling Top) NYC, no. Holt, Meymo (Lexington) NYC, h. Meyer, Theresa (Bismarck) Chi, h. B Drysdale, Grace (Topsy's) Los Angeles, nc. Hooton, Don (Hollenden) Cleveland, h. Michon, Michel (Russian Kretchma) NYC, no. Duffy. Douglas (New Yorker) NYC. h. Hot Shots, Four (Earl Carroll's)Hollywood,Middleton, Velma (Kit Kat) NYC, no. Banks, Sadie (Old Roumanian) NYC, no. Duncan Sisters (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. no. Miles, Lee (New Yorker) NYC, h. Barclay, Irene (Barney Gallant's) NYC, no. Hoveler, Winnie, Girls (Harry's New Yorker) Miller,Glenn, & Band (Paramount) NYC, t. E Chi, tic. Miller, Susan (Earl Carroll's) Hollywood, nc. Bartell -Hurst Foursome (Beverly Hills) New-Eddy, Marion (Little Old New York) World'sHoward. Sammy & Helen (Aquacade) World'sMiralles, Soledad (El Chico) NYC, nc. port, Ky., cc. Fair, NYC. Fair, NYC. Mirova, Nadia (Russian Kretchma) NYC, no. Barth, Ruby (Zimmerman's Hungaria) NYC,Edcrle,Gertrude(BillyRose'sAquacade)Howard, Bob (St. George) Brooklyn, h. Mirth & Mack (Beverly Hills) Newport, Ky., nc. World's Fair, NYC. Howard, Jack (Little Old New York) World's cc. Barton, Sam (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. Edwards, Gene & Jeannea (International Set- Fair, NYC. Modie & LeMaux (Colosimo's) Chi, nc. Bastien, Eva (Harry's New Yorker) Chi, no. tlement) San Francisco. nc. Howard, Joe E. (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC,Moeslein, Prof, (Canteen) Harrisburg, Pa., nc. Bates, Lulu (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, no. Evans, Dale (Blackstone) Chi, h. nc. Monroe Bros.(Pal)Chi,t. Beachcombers, The (Grand Terrace) Chi, no.Everett & Conway(Colonial)Detroit,t. Aruba, Vera (New Yorker) NYC, h. Moore, Leila(Earl Carroll's)Hollywood, nc. Bedini, Jean (Little Old New York) World's Hudson, Margie (Old Vienna) Cincinnati, re.Moore, George (Rose Bowl) Chi, nc. Fair, NYC. F Hughes, Lysbeth 'Biltmore) NYC, h. Belmont, Bobby (Jefferson)St. Louis, h. Farney, Evelyn (Biltmore Bowl) Los Angeles, Moreno, Censuelo (Cuban Casino) NYC, nc, Bennet, Ethel (Old Roumanian) NYC, nc. no. Hughes, Bud, & Pal (Shubert) Cincinnati, t. Morgan, Grace (Whirling Top) NYC, nc. Bernie, Ben, & Band (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. Fay & Andre (Music Hall) Seattle, nc. Morgan, Helen (Mayfair) Boston, nc. Bessinger. Frank (Radio Franks) NYC, nc. Faye, Frances (Famous Door) NYC, nc. Morton& Denison(Earle) Washington, Billington, Orrin, & Betty Lou (Blackhawk)Faye, Gladys (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, nc. Ink Spots (Paramount) NYC, t. D. C.,t Chi, re. Faye, Gloria(State -Lake)Chi,t. Intimates, The (Arnold's) Cape May,N. 3.,Murphy, Dean (International Casino) NYC, Bishop, Fred (Radio Franks) NYC, nc. Fears, Kay (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, nc. nc. Blair, Cecil (Harry's New Yorker) Chi, nc. Parrett, Bunny (Place Elegante) NYC, no. Murray, Jackson,Octet(OldHeidelberg) Blair,Jack & June(Capitol)Washington,Fields, Gene (Gibson)Cincinnati, h. Chi, re. D. C..t. Fiske, Dwight (Colony Club) Chi, nc. Jacobi, Anita (606 Club) Chi, nc. Murray, Elizabeth (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, Blane, Rose (Chez Paree) Chi, no. Florenza (Harry's New Yorker) Chi. nc. nc. Block & Early (Golden Gate) San Francisco, t.Flores,Marissa(St.Moritz)NYC, h. Bordine & Carole (Merry -Go -Round) Dayton,Fonda & St. Clair (Moderne) San Francisco, no. Naughton & Margo (Grand Terrace) Chi, nc. 0.. no. Forrest, June (Music Hall) NYC, t. Neller, Bob (Beverly Hills) Newport, Ky., cc. Bowan. Sybil (Pal) Chi, t. POLLY JENKINS Nelson, Joan (Crystal Palace)World's Fair, Brandon, Joan (Stevens) Chi, h. Foster, Gae, Girls (Roxy) NYC, t. AndHer PLOWBOYS Brite, Betty (Golden Gate Expo.) San Fran-Foster, Gae, Girls, Sixteen (Earle) Washing- TIOGA THEATRE, OWEGO, N. Y. NYC. cisco, a. ton. D. C.. t. For bookings address personal representative, Newtons (Paramount) NYC, t. BionzeBeauties,Ten(Paradise)AtlanticFox, Earle & Tucker, Bobby (Fifth Ave. Bar) Edith Solomons, 1560 Broadway, N. Y. C. Nirska (Earl Carroll) Hollywood, t. City,nc. NYC.nc. Noble,Margie(Lookout House)Covington, Burke, Johnny (Chicago) Chi, t. Frances, Emma (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, Ky.,no. nc. Nolan, Charles (Matteoni's) Stockton, Calif., Burke. Irene (Town & Country Club), Mil-Francine, Ann (Coq Rouge) NYC, nc. Jenkins,Polly,& herPlowboys(Voge) ne. waukee. nc. Owego, N. Y.,t. Burnell, Buster & Billie (Paradise) NYC, nc.Frakson (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Jensen, Lola (Astor) NYC, h. Nunn, Claire (New Yorker) NYC, h. Burns, Jeanne (Chateau Moderne) NYC, nc.Francisco Spook Show (Uptown) Muscatine,Johnson, Lee (Barney Rapp's) Cincinnati, no. Byrd, Muriel (Belmont Plaza) NYC, h. Ia., 30; (Strand) Ft. Madison, Oct 3; (Lib-Johnson, Tilde (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, nc. 0 erty) Sedalia, Mo., 5;(Electric) SpringfieldJohnson, Lucille (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC,O'Dell, Dell (Warwick) NYC, h. C 6; (Fox) Joplin '1; (Colonial) Pittsburg. Kan., no. O'Hrel, Del (Colosimo's) Chi, nc. Callahan Sisters (Beverly Hills) Newport, Ky., 9.t. Juliette of France(Chanticleer)Hartford,Olivette, Nina & Dmitri (Stevens) Chi, h. cc. Franz, Ernst, Continentals (Place Elegante) Conn.. nc. O'Neil, Lee (Barney Rapp's) Cincinnati, no. Captivators, Three (Powell's) Antigo, Wis., no. NYC, nc. Ondrea, Andree(Jefferson)St.Louis,h. Cardin! (Palmer House) Chi, h. Frazee Sisters (Belmont Plaza) NYC, h. K Osta,Teresita(La Conga)NYC, nc. Carlos & Carito (Belmont Plaza) NYC, h. (Beverly Hills) Newport, Ky., cc.Kaly, Chandra (Villa Venice) Northbrook, Ill., Carpenter, Imogene (Weylin) NYC, h. Fulton, Jack (Oriental)Chi,t. ro. P Carr, Billy(606 Club) Chl, nc. C Karavaeff, Simeon (Russian Kretchma) NYC, Carrell, Helene (Lexington) NYC, h. Gainsworth, Marjorie, (Earle)Phila,t. nc. Page, Lolita (Marie's Crisis) NYC, no. Carroll, Don (International Settlement) SanGale, Betty (Shelton) NYC, h. Kaufman, Ben (Place Elegante) NYC, nc. Page, Sid & Co.(Oriental)Chi,t. Francisco. nc. Paine, Billy (Cocoanut Grove) Boston, no. Carroll, Jack (Paddock) Wheeling, W. Va., nc. Paley, Nellie (Barney Gallant's) NYC, no. Carroll, Kay (Town & Country Club)Mil- Pancho & Dolores (La Conga) NYC, no. waukee, nc. Night Club and Vaude Routes must be received at the CincinnatiPape, Billy, & Conchita (Radio City), NYC, Carroll & Gorman (885 Club) Chi, nc. nc. Carson, June (Colosimo's) Chi, nc. offices not later than Friday to insure publication. Paraga, Graziella (Mother Kelly's) NYC, nc. Carter, Bob (Nixon) Pittsburgh, re. Parker, Muriel, & Charles Fredericks (Ohio Carter & Schaub (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, nc. Villa Club) Cleveland. nc. Carter, Frank & Bowie, Arthur (Barney Gal-Garland & Marla(Hollywood)West End,Kay, Beatrice (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, nc.Parker, Gail (Town & Country Club) Mil- lant's) NYC, nc. N. J.,h. Kellum, Corky (Billy Rose's Aquacade) World's waukee, no. Casanova, Don (Cuban Casino) NYC. nc. Gentry, Tex (Chateau Moderne) NYC. no. Fair, NYC. Parsons, Kay (International Casino) NYC, no. Chadwicks (Village Rendezvous) NYC, no. Georges & Jalna (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. King, Dorothy (Colonial)Dayton, 0.,t. Patricia & Cesar (Havana -Madrid) NYC, no. Chamberlain, Eddie (Aquacade) World's Fair,Gerard, Anne (Rainbow Room) NYC, nc. King, Ruth (Lookout House) Covington, Ky.,.Patricola, Tom (Diamond Horseshoe)NYC, NYC. Gilbert,Lillian(Topsy's)Southgate,Calif., no. nc. Charles & Barbara (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc. no. Kramer, Sam (Little Old New York) World'sPatterson. Jim (Aquacade) World's Fair, NYC. Charioteers, The (Kit Kat) NYC, nc. Gilmour, Alias (Village Vanguard) NYC, nc. Fair, NYC. Peerce, Jan (Music Hall) NYC,t. Cherie & Tomasita (Villa Venice) Northbrook,Gilmore, Patricia (Weylin) NYC, h. Kreuger,Stubby(Aquacade)World'sFair,Pennington,Ann(LittleOld NewYork) Dl., nc. World's Fair, NYC. KNYC.rupa, Gene, & Orch. (Colonial)" Dayton, 0., t.Peterson, Jimmie (Pappy's 66 Club)Dallas, Christie & Gould (Tower) Kansas City, Mo., t. nc. Clayton, Ruth (18) NYC, no. PAUL AND NINO Chi,t. Clinton, Larry, Orch.(Capitol)Washington, Pickert, Rollo & Verna (Chicago) D. C.,t. LaBoda, Janina (Yar) Chi, re. Poe, Evelyn (Harry's New Yorker) Chi, no. Cobey, Lew (Leone's) NYC, nc. GIFIEZZI La Gitanilla (El Chico) NYC, no. Poliakova, Nastia (Russian Kretchma) NYC, t. ERNIEYOUNG'S FAIRS La Mae & Glover(Mt.Royal)Montreal, nc. Coe, Jerry (Tower) Kansas City, Mo., Direction: EDDIE SMITH. Que., h. Powell, Eddie (Minuet) Chi, nc. Cole, Jack (Rainbow Room) NYC, nc. nc. Collegians, Four(Lyric)Indianapolis,t. LaMonte, Lee (The Madison] Baltimore, no.Prince.Jack(Colosimo's)Chi, Collette (Dutch's) Chi, nc. Lamont's Cockatoos & Mamas (Jungleland)Proctor, Vivian(Hi -Hat)Chi, nc. Colligan, Bill (Marie's Crisis) NYC, nc. Goldie, Jack (Little Old New Yark) World's World's Fair, NYC. Pryde & Dell (Ray -Ott) Niagara Falls, N. Y., Collins, Nick & Vicki (Sherman) Chi,t. Fair, NYC. Landrum, Robert (Music Hall) NYC, t. nc. Conlin, Ray (Tower) Kansas City, Mo., t. Gonzalo & Christine (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no.Lane, Mary (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. (Orpheum)St.Lane, Bobby, & Ward (Shubert) Cincinnati, t. Conrad, Bob (Leon & Eddie's) NYC. no. Goodman, Benny, & Band Lassen, Sigrid (Armando's) NYC, nc. Quentmeyer, Bill (Gay Nineties) NYC,Sc. Cook Ralph (Harry's New Yorker) Chi, no. Paul,t. Lathrop Bros. & Lee(Chicago)Chi,t. Cook, Gloria (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc. Goodwin, Jack (Weylin) NYC, h. Lavernes, The Four (Oriental)Chi,t. Cook, Betty & Lawrence (606 Club) Chi, nc.Gordon & Rogers(Pal)Cleveland,t. Lawrence, Marian(Crystal Palace)World's Cooper, Beryl (Whirling Top) NYC, nc. Grable,Betty(Shubert)Cincinnati,t. Fair, NYC. Ranson, Blends (Village Nut Club) NYC, nc. Cooper, Etsy (Kit Kat) NYC, no. Granoff, Bert (Bismarck) Chi h. Le Brun Sisters (Chez Ami) Buffalo, nc. Ray, Clair, Girls (Lookout House) Covington, Cordano & Corinne(Saks)Detroit,no. Grauer, Bernie (Gay Nineties) NYC, no. Lee, Bob (Wivel) NYC. no. Ky.. no. Cornet, Alice (Court of Flame) World's Fair,Green, Al (Swing Club) NYC, no. Leeds, Lois (Zimmerman's Hungaria) NYC, no.Reardon, Casper (Ambassador East)Chi, h. NYC, re. Leonard, Hazel (Roumanian Village) NYC, nc.Regan, Paul (Biltmore Bowl) Los Angeles, no. Cortes, Arturo (Havana -Madrid) NYC, nc. Leonard, Ada (Colosimo's) Chi, nc. Reillys, The (Strand) NYC, t. Cortez, Flores (Ventura) Ashland, Ky., h. Hacker & Sidell Treasure Island) San Fran-Lester & Irmajean(Tivoli)Sydney,Aus-Renee & Stella (Havana -Madrid) NYC, nc. Craig, Reginald (Earl Carroll's) Hollywood, no. cisco, p. tralia, t. Revere, Amy (Little Old New York) World's Craig Jr., Freddie (Earle) Washington, D. C.,Haddon, Harriette (St. Regis) NYC, h. Lewis, Meade Lux (Cafe Society) NYC, nc. Fair, NYC. t. Hale, Chester, Girls (Palace) Chi, t. Lewis, Helen (Marie's Crisis' NYC, nc. Reveuers, The (Rainbow Room) NYC, no. Craig,A.C.. & Dorothy Mays (Pappy's 66Hall, Charley "Red" (Fairmont) Hull, Que.,cc.Lewis, Ralph(Freddie's)Cleveland,nc. Reynold's, Helen, Skating Girls(Fair)Cob- Club)Dallas, nc. Hanlon&Clark (Show Box) Seattle, nc. LewisSisters(Queen's Terrace)Woodside, leskill, N. Y. Craig, Phil (Playhouse) Kansas City, Mo.. cb.Harmon, Ginger (International Casino) NYC, L.I.,no. Rhodes, Jean (Bertolotti's) NYC, no. Cunningham, Fairy (Gibson) Cincinnati, h. no. Libuse, Frank (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, nc.Rhythm Rockets, Twenty (Capitol) Washing- Harrington, Pat (Club 18) NYC. nc. Lindy Hoppers, Six (Paradise) Atlantic City, ton, D. C., t. Harris, Don (Tower) Kansas City, Mo., t. nc. Ricalde, Orlando(Villa Venice) Northbrook, Day, Doris (Barney Rapp's) Cincinnati, nc. Harris, Katherine (State) NYC, t. Lopez, Marla Luisa (El Chico) NYC, no. 111., ro. Day, Gloria (Orpheum) St. Paul, t. Harris, Whitey, with Lynch's Death DodgersLorraine, Billy (Gay 90's) NYC, nc. Rice, Don (Colonial) Dayton, 0.,t. DeAngelo & Porter (Chez Paree) Chi, no. (World's Fair) NYC. Lozipo, James (Ambassador) NYC, h. Richards, Harold (St. Regis) NYC, h. De Lys, Donette (Topsy's) Los Angeles, no. Harrison, Spike (Gay 90's) NYC, no. Richman, Harry (Chez Paree) Chi, no. De Forest, Marie(St. Regis) NYC, h. Harvey, Sharon (Summit) Baltimore, no. M Rider Sisters (Gibson) Cincinnati, h. De LaPlante, Peggy (Jimmy Kelly's)NYC.Hayes & Ginger Herbert (Edgewater Beach) Bijou, Louis (Club Gaucho) NYC, no. nc. Chi.h. McCabe, Sara Ann (State) NYC, t. Rios, Rosita (Havana -Madrid ) NYC, nc. DelahantySisters (Harrington) Canton,Hayworth. Seabee, Revue (Carolina)RockyMcCann, Eleanor (Village Nut Club) NYC, no.River Boys (Claremont Inn) NYC, nc. N. Y., h. Mount, N. C.,26;(Broadway) FayettevilleMcCoy, Bob (Biltmore) NYC. h. Roberson, Lorenza (Kit Kat) NYC, nc. Hering, , & Tommy Martin (Chase) 27;(Carolina) Goldsboro 28;(Gem) Kan-McLean, Barbara (St. Regis) NYC, h. Roberts, Whitey (Earle) Washington, D.C., t. St. Louis, h. napolis 29; (Carolina) Asheboro 30,t. McLean, Ross (New Yorker) NYC, h. Roberts, Whitney (Palomar) Los Angeles, b. Desiardens.Pete(SillyRose'sAquacade) HerrickBros. & Lorena(LookoutHouse) McNeil's, Maggie (Ambassador West) Chi, h.Rochester(Shubert)Cincinnati,t. Covington, Ky., nc. Madden, Frank (Oriental) Chi, t. Portland,Ore.,26 - World's Fair. NYC. Hess, Bobby (Wilson) Harrisburg, Pa., h. Madera, Nedra (Club Gaucho) NYC, no. Rock,Will(Orpheum) DeVal, Merle & Dee (Colonial) Dayton, 0., t. St.' Louis, Oct. 1, t. Diaz & Dolores (Cuban Casino) NYC, no. HiElmer &hisPineRidgeHillbilliesManhattan Trio (Grand Central) RollickersTrio(Elms)ExcelsiorSprings, Dinaro Dolores (Town & Country Club), Mil- (Academy) Lynchburg, Va., 29-30;(Broad- no. Mo., h. waukee, nc. way) Reidsville. N. C., Oct. 2-3, t. Manhattan Boys (Grand Central)St. Louis,Rocella, Jessie (606 Club)Chi. no. Donnelly, Harry (Gay '90s) NYC, nc. Higgins, Peter (Palmer House) Chi. h. nc. Rosin'', Paul (Commodore) Detroit. h. Seattle, nc. Hildegarde (Savoy Plaza) NYC, h. Mangean Sisters (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, (Balsams)Dixville D'Orsay, Flit 'Show Box) no. Royal Rollers & Mickey Dorita & Valero (El Chico) NYC, no. Hin Low, Florence(Oriental)Chi,t. Notch, N. H., h. Downey, Morton (Palmer House) Chi, h. Holm. Eleanor (Billy Rose's Aquacade) World'sMann, Lloyd. & Dancing Marionettes (The (See ROUTES on page 66) Doyle, Buddy (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, no. Fair, NYC. Madison) Baltimore, nc. 20 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE September 30, 1939 BRANDT VAUDE ENS WELL

nut,was disappointing.Surrounding Vaude Grosses talentincludedtheStuartMorgan 3 Spots Okeh; Dancers, Cass Franklin, the Rollie -Aires and Helen Reynolds Skaters.Pic, Ha- B'way Houses Still Draw Heavy; waiian Nights, was a liability. Fay's*in its inaugural bill drew nicely, 1 More Opening; hitting $8,000.Vaude was headed by Shaw -Miller Battle Is Watched; Sally Keith and Joey Faye, with support from Nellie Arnaut and Brothers, Lane Vaud Idea Gains Brothers and Ruth Craven. On screen, Legionnaires Boost Chi Grosses Spellbinder. The Carman drew so-so with a $4,400 take. The bill consisted of the Blcssom NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Opening days Sisters, Ray Baird, Statler Twins and of the Brandt Circuit's vaude experiment Wither's Opry. Film, Hotel for Women. here drew better than expected and en- NEW YORK.-Broadway vaudefilmersBlair, the Titan Trio and Shavo Sher- couraged bookers and theater men inter-arestillknockingoffheavygrosses,man. Last week(21),with MGM's ested in trying vaude.First week of thedespite the fact that four of the fiveThunder Fleet, house made the timely Spokane Grosses Climb Flatbush (six days) did good business,presentation houses ran holdover attrac-show ring up $25,000. with opening day and Sunday breakingtions.A bitter contest is expected the Warner's Earleranintohard luck SPOKANE, Wash., Sept.23. - Post the house record. Sammy Kaye's Bandnext few weeks, with Artie Shaw at thethis week and result will be an anemicStreet gross is still increasing, Manager and supporting acts, along with the film,Strand and Glenn Miller at the Para-ticket sale.House ran advertising forBillEvansreports. Houseresumed Big Town Czar, did the trick.Housemount. Both were booked thru Generalbuild-up on threedifferentfeatures.vaude September1 on three -day -per - seats 1,695. Amusement Corp., and both have beenFinal booking found Warner's Espionageweek policy.Second week, with Irene playing to packed houses since opening.Agent making its premiere with insuf-Vermillion and Company, Block and Kaye moved into Brandt's Windsor in Topping the holdovers was the Musicficient ballyhoo. Show is given a chanceEarly, A. Samuels and Company, The the Bronx Thursday (21) and his open-Hall with its second week gross of $74,000togross about $15,000;probably willMartingales and Harry and Pinkie Oliver, ing day was very big.Cass Daley andfor Golden Boy, and Harrison and Fisher Bob DuPont are supporting and Gracie settle on 12 Gs.Stage can't performplus pix, Girl and the Gambler and My and Goodrich and Nelson plus the regu-rescue.Billed as College Daze Revue,Wife'sRelatives, was up $50.Third Allen Murder Caseis on the screen.lars on stage.First week cleared $88,000.Morton and Denison, Whitey Roberts,week, with Earl, Fortune and Pope; Ulia House seats 1,600.The Audubon, up-New show opened strong Thursday withLysbeth Hughes, Freddy Craig Jr. andand Clark, Plato and Jewel, Eddie Emer- town, also opened vaude Thursday, withNurse Edith Cavell, and Jan Peerce head-the 16 Roxyettes try to open the schoolsson and Fred and Margie Zobedie, plus Jimmy Dorsey Band and the Harvesting the revue, and is expected to havewith a bang. Last week ending Septem-pix, Forged Passport and Fixer Dugan, Moon Dance Winners featured with thea smash week. film Boys' Reformatory. ber 21 didn't set any better pace forwas up another $50.House average is Ed Sullivan Sixth week of the Old Maid at theAngels Wash Their Faces.Could only$1,750.Third week started out big butt appeared also opening night, which drewStrand, with Ozzie Nelson and Louissend 12 Gs to the bank. heat spoiled it. 3,000. House seats 2,601. Prima on the stage (Horace Heidt for The Brandt's fourth house totrythe first three weeks) petered down to vaude will be the Carlton in Jamaica$28,000, which isconsidered good be-Tolies,"Congo' Beat Average (1,200 -seater), which debuts Thursdaycause of the record long run.Total six - Claim Burnett Unit (28).Each of the four houses is charg-week gross amounted to $233,000.Artie MILWAUKEE.-La Congo Revue con- ing the same admission scale: 10 centsShaw opened Friday (22).Opening daynected for $7,800 at the Riverside Thea-Jumped Atlas Date (children) and 25 cents matinees and 40was estimated good for $8,000. ter here for the week ending September cents evenings; 15 and 30 cents week -end Third week of Star Maker at the Para-21 at 25-30 cents admission prices. Aver- WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.-Atlas The- matinees and 55 and 65 cents week -endmount, with Larry Clinton as the fleshage biz is $6,500.Show included Joseater, which has been running vaude evenings. attraction, wound up fair with $29,000Manzanares and ork, Senor Gonzales, Joethree days a week since May 28, has re- or a total of $123,500 for the run. Honey-and Jane McKenna, Radke Sisters, Ga-leased a statement thru C.H. Olive MCA sold Kaye and, acts as an intact lente and Leonarda and Armida.Pic,claimingthatSmileyBurnettunit unit for $6,000 and a percentage, butmoon in Bali and Glenn Miller openedTwo Bright Boys (Univ.) failed to show up last week as per con- Kaye failed to make the percentage.Wednesday to strong houses, drawing Clifford C. Fisher's Folies Bergere con-tract.Burnett, says Olive, sent no no- MCA feels the percentage figure was too44,000 people the first two days, accord-nected for a $19,000 take at the Riversidetice whatsoever, not even wiring so that high and will probably not sell Arthuring to the theater. Theater for the week ending Septemberthe theater could correct its advertising Fisher, Brandt booker, on any other per- Roxy came thru a second smash week14.Admission tariff was hiked from 25campaign. centage deals.Andrews Sisters and Miltof The Rains Came with a takeofand 30 cents to 30, 40 and 55 cents for House managed to put together a stage Britton Band followed Kaye into the$61,000 as against the first week's $87,490.the week.Average biz at the house isshow thru the co-operation of other Flatbush Thursday (21) and got off to aShow is good for another two weeks.$6,500.Cast included Franklyn D'AmoreWashington theaters and Jimmy Lake, strong opening.Newspaper ads didn'tCalgary Brothers and Mario and Florio,and Anita, Emil Boreo, Fred Sanborn,of the local burlesque house. even mention the film at the Flatbush,are featured on stage. Harold and Lola, Corinne, Tito Valdez, Atlas is booked by Edward Sherman, which proves how much Brandts are de- State lagged behind with a fair $20,000Trio Shyretto, George Bruay, Vera Nargo,of New York, and Harry Biben, of the pending on the stage shows.Cab Cal-forFour Feathers and the Havana -Hibbert, Bird and La Rue.Pic, BlindWilliamMorrisagencyaccordingto loway goes into the Flatbush ThursdayMadrid nitery show plus Three Trojans,Alley (Col.). Olive.Sherman denied, when contacted (28) and George Jessel comes in Octo-Terry Lawlor and Paul Gerrits. in New York, that he books the house. ber 12. Biben said he booked the act thru The Brandt newspaper advertising was CHICAGO.-American Legion Conven- Minnesota's Average Take Martin Wagner of the Morris Agency the first to throw the entire emphasis ontion which began Monday (25) is bring- andthatamisunderstandingled ing plenty of added coin into the local MINNEAPOLIS. - Minnesota Theater,Burnett to believe the date had been vaude in a long time here.The largetheater coin boxes.It began last week-with Stanton and Curtis, Johnson and ads in the dailies played up "World's Dean, Texas Tommy, Three Heat Waves,canceled.Burnett has gone back to Greatest Vaudeville" and sunk mentionend when a heavy advance guard arrived Hollywood, but will return to play the and turned its shekels loose prior toJack Malerich's Ork, Lew Brock and Pa-date in November. of the film in small type. convention time.While the usual Le-tricia Wynn Co. on stage, plus plc, Flight Locallythe Century switched fromgion parade and a couple of other con -sat Midnight, grossed $6,000 for the week Jewish shows to English vaude Fridayvention stunts during the week are ex-ending September 14. This is just about (15) with Jerry Baker heading the open-pected to compete with theater attrac-house average. ing show. House will change bills Tues- Vaudeville Notes tions, the sum total of the event should MARIE WILSON AND BOB OAKLEY, days and Fridays. prove profitable to the Loop temples. Berni Vici Okeh in Omahaat Lciew's State, New York, September The Clinton went into a full week of Chicago, with The Old Maid and a OMAHA.-Orpheum, withaCount21 week, are doing an act written by Jewish vaude September 8. revue featuring Everett West and Johnny Oakley and Milt Francis. . . . RENE The Majestic, Brooklyn, vaude-burlyBurke, is leading its own parade with aBerni Vici revue, plusplc,HotelforAND ESTELA report they are the second show billed as musical comedy, foldedbig $47,000, almost $20,000 better thanWomen, grossed 14 grand, about 500 overcolored act to play the Paramount, Los after two days last week.(See storyits second and finalsession of Beauaverage, for week ending September 14.Angeles, in 25 years.Bill Robinson was page 23.) Geste and flesh chapter listing the Milt the other. ... ROSITA ORTEGA, set for Local RICO houses are still using one -Herth Trio.Palace, too, has a winnerShaw Terrific at Clevelandan engagement at the Copacabana, Rio day small-time vaude shows booked di-in the Carole Lombard -Cary Grant -Kay de Janeiro, sailed September 9 from New rect or thru Billy' Jackson. Loew spotsFrances co-starrer In Name Only, and CLEVELAND.-Artie Shaw Band, plusYork. . . LAWRENCE WELK and or- pick up occasional one -performance per-another Chester Hale line unit withI Stole a Million, boomed the take tochestra go into the Riverside, Milwaukee, sonal appearances of film names or otherBuster West and Lucille Page.Headed$21,300 at the RKO Palace for week end-week of September 29. flesh stunts. for a big $26,000.Last week, seconding September 14. House average is $12,- E. K. FERNANDEZ, of Honolulu, flew Broadway vaude houses continue to bestanza of When Tomorrow Comes and500. to New York tovisit McConnel and the State, Strand, Roxy, Paramount andvaudebillscooped up nice enough Moore. They will make a return engage- Music Hall. $17,000. ment for him to the Islands next season. State -Lake continues strong with Fats Tower, Kansas City, NSG ... FOUR VESPERS are now doing a Waller and Muggsy Spanier bands on KANSAS CITY, Mo.-Fox Tower fellthree -act c. lied the Vesper Trio. ... AL Colonial, Detroit, stage and second run of Frontier Mar-somewhat below house average with aSAMUELS and Co. closed at the Or- shal on screen.Big $17,000, which is atake of $4,400 for week ending Septemberpheum Theater, Portland, Ore., Septem- repeat of dandy figure attracted last14. Stage bill included Nixon and Sans,ber24.Samuels Co.recentlyplayed Vaude Starts Well week by Ann Sheridan in IndianapolisTed and Art Miller, Dennet and Dae,the Beacon Theater, Vancouver, and the DETROIT, Sept. 23.-Early reactionsSpeedway and Duncan Sisters -June St.NovalinePayne,DonHarris,MiltonPost St. Theater, Spokane, Wash. to vaude at the Colonial Theater, firstClair stage combo.Oriental closed to aFrank. Pic was Mr. Moto Takes a Veda- GENE SHELDON isreturning from big $18,000 with Starlane Revue unit and local house to use stage shows this fall, tion. Europe this week. .. PHIL REGAN is point to a spread of the policy.Thesecond run of Andy Hardy Gets Spring Previous take, week ended Septembergoing in to the new Buddy DeSylva show. house opened Sunday, with Jack LaRueFever.Headed for similar gross this7, was $5,750, with Hank Browne and . .. GUS VAN goes into the State, New headlining the bill, and did S. R. 0.week with two features and locally con-Co., Maidie and Ray, Paul and Petit,York, September 28. .. ART JARRETT most of the day.Monday and Tues-cocted unit featuring Jack Tilton, radioDick Ware, and I Stole a Million. opens some Midwest dates at the State - day audiences were also big. tenor. Lake, Chicago, October 6. Other operators are closely watching GEORGE (CURLY) CLIFFORD, who the Colonial, with the possibility that Capitol Kids Like ClintonHeat Hurts Philly Houses;recently closed his unit show, is now a second -run theater, like the Broadway - serving as stage manager at the May- Capitol, may be used for vaude rather WASHINGTON.-School-age Washing-Durante at Earle, $17,000fair, Montreal, which was formerly the thanafirst -run. Colonialhas25 -ton is giving one of its noisiest welcomes PHILADELPHIA.-Several days of heatGayety, burly stand. cent top. atLoew'sCapitoltoLarry Clinton'sthrew all box offices in town for a set- DOROTHY STEWART, New York rep- Band, and the management plans to de-back, despite strong bills presented. Theresentative for Australian and New Zea- BILL BAIRD, magician, goes into theposit 22 Gs in the bank for' the weekEarle, with Jimmy Durante and Borrahland Theaters, Ltd., is back in New York State -Lake, Chicago, week of Septemberending September 28.Other acts onMinnevitch's Harmonica Rascals, drew aafterabriefvacationatCanada. 29. bill with Clinton are Jack and Junescant $17,000 which, altho covering theLake, N. Y. r.

September 30, 1939 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 21 sister of Errol Flynn, she does not depend Loew's State, New York on his fame for a lift. Lee Ross is an unusual single that wins (Reviewed Thursday Evening, Sept. 21) Vaudeville Reviews the audience from the start.He lets go State seemed headed for a good gross,the Baby and I Love a Parade to good.three lads and a girl with a cute and ef-a barrage of juggling tricks that nearly judging from business late show openinghands at this show. fectiveseriesoftaproutines,clickstops the show. Just the sort of turn the night.Chief draw is Henry Armetta and Jack LaRue, screen villain, headlineshandily at this point-incidentally, it'soldsters recall from the good old days and Marie Wilson, Hollywood names.Bill isand has real stage presence, includinghard to see how any act could fail to bethat the youngsters will enjoy just as a balanced one, with some talent excel-ad lib. ability.His comic abilities areliftedby the band-and then Helenmuch.Dunbar Musical Four, long a lent and some that is spotty. unsuspected till seen. He winds up withForrest, band songstress, comes on for astandard turn, have lost none of their Joe Rifles Orchestra on stage, witha highly melodramatic monolog of acouple of numbers. She seemed to thisability as entertainers.Their repertoire Rines doing emsee. condemned man just before executionreporter an extraordinarily dull vocalist,is confined to bell novelties and they dis- KatherineHarris,toe -tapdancer,that brings down the house. Assisted bybut the crowd liked her and Shaw final-pense new tunes along with those they opening, did two routines, the first in-his sister Emily, a personable brunet wholy had to beg off for her on the scorehave made popular for decades. cluding a lot of acro, much of it donesings Ave Maria offstage for this bit andof laryngitis. Maybe that was what was Miaco and Company is a surprise nov- on a prop stairway.Second, a straightdoes some clever pantomime and a blueswrong. elty turn that fits well into any vaude bill. toe tap, was more impressive even thoversion of Comes Love. Then the boys go into their signature,A bit different, act has some appeal and a the first drew a big hand. Trouble with Gray Family, four girls and a man,Begin the Beguine, their rendition ofquota of laughs besides its serious mo- stair routine was that it was necessarilyhave a whole musical comedy revue inwhich is just a shade less famous than slower than the regulation toe tap. Dis-themselves, with a variety routine thatBeethoven's Fifth Symphony, and Tonyments. plays ability. gives bulk to the show, particularly in aPastor, a good sax man, makes the mis- Screen fare, Conspiracy (RICO). Sara Ann McCabe did some novelty take of singing two novelties. The band Rex McConnell. lively Scotch number. paradeisinterruptedagainfor the warbling for her opener, Mocking Bird, Rex and Betty Powers, skate act, haveknockabout, acro and comedy act of insemi -swing,semi -operaticfashion.some unique additions to standard stuff.Dick, Don and Dinah, a standout trio Paramount, New York Followed with a Jerome Kern medley,Eight Lenora Swing Girls, all presentablewho end with three -high acrobatics that which did not score as much as a rendi-and a little on the tall side, prove ex-are amazing-so amazing that they drew(Reviewed Wednesday Evening, Sept. 20) tion of a single Kern tune might have.ceptionally well trained and costumed,a show -stop lasting well into Shaw's next Paramount's ticket takers should be Miss McCabe's sock hit, tho, was Southin a series of appearances featuring anumber.And that's something.Thebusy the next couple of weeks.Glenn. American Way, torrid stuff.Voice is oc-lively fencing number. H. F. Reyes. band clays a couple more tunes, includ-Miller, hottest band attraction at the casionally hard, but has technical facil- ing St. Louis Blues, before the picture,moment, is on the stage, with Honey- ity and sex appeal. South American Way like taxes, inevitably rolls round again.moon in Bali, an entertaining comedy, was a terrific closer and she had to beg Palace, Chicago There are too many outstanding solo-as the film draw.Stage has another off. (Reviewed Friday Afternoon, Sept. 22)ists in the Shaw aggregation to pick outfeatureintheInkSpots,currently Marie Wilson appeared with Bob Oak- Three acts and three numbers by theany forspecialmention, except thestrong in popularity because of their ley, who conducted her thru a sort ofChester Hale house line comprise thedrummer lad, who's one of the most en-click recording of If I Didn't Care. Busi- Dumb Dora quiz which hit good comedyflesh support to RKO's In Name Only,gaging and terrific hidebeaters extant,ness was good opening day, altho there peaks only occasionally.Miss Wilsonwhichisscheduledforafortnight.and of course the maestro and his clari-were plenty who sat thru the last two makes a good appearance, the, talks wellThanks to some satisfactory dance worknet.One nice thing is that almost allshows and thus probably held down the and scored all right.Did a brief Congaby the 20 shapely Hale kids, show roundsthe lads are given ample opportunity totake. dance for a finale. out nicelydespitethe comparativelyshow their solo stuff. Miller has one of the best bands in the Armetta closed the show with a sketch.stingy act framework. Evans and Mayer, billed. in the ads,country today, with a reed section un- Bee Lorettawasthe femme. They The girls open with a cute unisonfailed to show. rivaled by any other aggregation. There played a man and wife meeting after atap and high -kick picture to Beer Barrel House was packed the evening showwere times, tho, when two much brass- long separation.Good lines with solidPolka. Make a refreshing sight in greenopening day, despite the start of thehe has eight pieces including himself- comedy. Went off to a very big hand,ice-skating outfits. MonroeBrothers,Jewish holidays. Eugene Burr. blared thru. But more than playing good Armetta coming out to make a sinceretrampoline duo, follow with an act that pop music, Miller has any number of thank -you speech. is in need of more body befcre it can showmanly touches that count toward Rines Ork played the show well andcompete with strongervaudeoutfits. Minnesota, Minneapolis the production of one of the best stage /tines' emseeing was good, altho he mightOne is a comic with a tramp make-up(Reviewed Friday Afternoon, Sept. 22)shows this house has had in a long time. do better leading the band in more or-who contributes all of the trampoline Running Wild opens, with Sunrise Sere- thodox manner rather than mixing histricks. The assistant displays a few ac- All comedy features the current shownade, done beautifully, following, stage baton swinging with ballroom dancerobatic tricks, while the partner catchesand the opening house likedit.Bobdarkened to show the brass mutes in steps.One impressed as danceable andhis breath or parades across the stageHall, impromptu poet and versifier, han-phosphorescent glow.Shag winners of moderate, as opposed to extreme swingwith comedy situations.The tramp'sdled all kinds of words tossed him fromthe Harvest Moon contest, The Newtons organizations..In addition to regulationbashful talk stuffis funny and onceout front.He juggles them about andand Tiny Ann and Tony Small, follow. stint, boys did imitations of leading ra-more spectacular stunts are added andalmost instantly has a scng or rhyme.Last team got a nice hand.Girl is a dio bands, lending some production toorganized the act will be able to standSome are silly, some sensible, but act shortie. this by having a fellow sit on stage at acompetition. makes for good fun. For a beefy tumbler,huge lassie and the fellow a, radio. Band also gave a medley of tunes Buster West and Lucille Page, prob-Dot, of Dick and Dot Remy, does any- Introduced by Rines, and part of theably one of the most familiar acts tothing the leaner lassies do.She's the score of Wizard of Oz. Palace customers, areback withthemost supple fat gal seen in these parts, Plc, When Tomorrow Comes. same routine consisting chiefly of non-and gets a swell hand for her splits and Paul Ackerman. sense patter and eccentric leg and acro-gag stunts.Dick does a lot of hand - batic turns. West still excels with hiswalking, including a stilt act that clicks. screwy dance bits andMissPage with an. Besides some clever archery, Pat Hen- Colonial, Detroit excellent contortion -tap routine. Chickningfillsin his part with gags and (Reviewed Monday Evening, Sept. 18)Gagnon is on early for some straightstunts and winds up with a tumble into support. the ork pit.Betty Rage assists him. This old-time vaude stand reopened The Hale kids return to portray aJohnny Sanna does his monkeyshines this week as the only presentation policymodernistic routine with the usual geo-in monkey garb and dress suit and house in Detroit.Policy is three changesmetric hand formations, creating a moodthrows in some of the Helzapoppin° fun a week, with names held all week. that tends to blend with the impressivepattern by winding up his act climbing Background is Karl Spaeth's Orchestramusical composition. Again, their fine,over the seats out front.Jack MalerichN E WE R on the stage. Each man has a chance toorganized training is well displayed. has charge of the band, a return to his j ingrells show realmusicianship, and Spaeth Sibyl Brown netted the best hand with himself, in addition to playing the sax former post of the more lush days ofFUNNIERr I I striking take -offs of familiar characters.the Minnesota.Eighteen -piece combo America's unrivalled selection of complete Min- most of the time works into the showThe girl is to be admired for the skillboast of a fine brass section.The Pa- strelFirstParts,BlackfacePlays. Opening with the emsee or individual acts with Choruses, Minstrel and Comedy Songe.,JoIces, of her portrayals, which are varied andtricia Wynne Dancers showed much im- Gags, Posters, Make-up Goode. Wigs, Bones, ease.Altho only a six -piece unit theamusing. When caught, she carboned aprovement and presented some first-class Tambourines-everything to put life and snap instrumentation is adequate for the as-Swedish prima, English bathing beautyhoofing. Fred Strong. into your show. Send for Special signment. (boasting of some dandy talk lines), Minstrel Catalog. Freddie Bernard is emsee and has al- Denison's Playfe and Entertain. a dancer doing a "study in black and mente are known every- ready built up a following with his lik-white" and Aimee McPherson. The latter where. Established over able personality.He knows his show-is good but not as commercial as her Columbia, Alliance, 0. 60years.Send for manship and can function equally wellriotous take -off of Mrs. Roosevelt. (Reviewed Friday Evening, September 15) Catalog. from the wings or as a stooge up in the Line closes with a novel presentation First attempt at vaude comeback at the .7; T. S. DENISON & CO. balcony. He has a clear tenor voice andof The Totem Pole number used in RoseColumbia here offers a Mutual Booking 208 N. Wabash Aye. an expressive style, doing His MafestyMarie. Business fair first show openingOffice variety unit. The show could not Dept. 150, Chicago. III. day. Sam Honigberg. be judged from audience reaction due to unseasonable mid -September heat, but JOE MALL AMUSEMENT audience response to the new vaude policy Strand, New York one night a week was encouraging enough OFFICES (Reviewed Friday Evening, Sept. 22.) MeNALLY'S Due to recent affiliation can offer suitable Acts to prompt the management to bring in for Theatres and Clubs. 12 to 15 weeks. Write Nobody has to be told by now thatother bills, at least long enough to find ,BULLETINNo.20 full details. Artie Shaw and his band are terrific.out if there is any hope for variety locally. 457 Hippodrome Bldg., Cleveland, Ohlo. Playing here in conjunction with Es- First unit proved highly entertaining PRICE ONE DOLLAR pionage Agent, a choice Warner stink- NEW, BRIGHT, ORIGINAL COMEDY and acts were variedand diversified 15 Monologues, 7 Acts for Two Males. 7 WANT 15-STRIP TEASE GIRLS -15eroo,they're about anything anybodyenough to please most everyone.There Lets for Male and Female, 18 Parodies, could possibly ask.They're so good thatis nothing pretentious about the Mutual Ventriloquist Act, Female Act, Trio. Quar- Entire Season's Work. Must be 21 to 25 years ofthey even make you forget the picture.offerings, the office apparently striving tet and Dance Specialty, Tab and Burlesque, age, young and attractive, and not over 120 lbs. In At the start, they rise out of the ork 16 Minstrel First -Parts, Overtures and Fi- weight.Send full photographs.Ticket furnishedif primarily to give the best possible enter- nale. 48Monobits. Blackouts, Review necessary.Also Girl Strollers and Teams for bars.pit, with shadows thrown against thetainment for the money the houses are Scenes, Dance Band Stunts. Hundreds of Strip Tease Girls with hostess experience preferred, traveler, and go immediately into theirwilling to pay.Band which came in Jokes and Gags. Remember. MoNALLY'S but not required. Apply SID WHITE, care Southern BULLETIN No. 20is only one dollar; or foot -tickling,irressistibleblazinghotwith unit was very satisfactory and the will sendyouBulletins Noe. 10. 11, 12, 15, TheatricalAgency,506JeffersonAve.,Miamitootling.Fourteen boys (divided intobill was run off smoothly. 16, 17. 19 and 20 for $4.50, with money - Beach, Fla. four sax, six brass and four rhythm) plus back Guarantee. Shaw and his clarinet, they're the whole Joe Dorris, limber -leg comedian, proved ACTS, PLAYS, SKITS, MINSTRELS show, despite the fact that there are aeverything that advance noticessaid WM. McNALLY 1940 NEW MINSTREL SHOW, $5. GAMBLE'S about him. His nimble dance steps near- 21 East 125th Street, New York NO. 3 NEW COMEDY COLLECTION, $1.24couple of other excellent acts on the bill.ly stopped the show and his wisecracking BRAND-NEW PARODIES, $1. 12 COMIC RECI-Even their background show accompani- TATIONS, 51. 6 New MONOLOGS, $1. 6 TALK- ment is more listenable than the prizeproved a relief from rube comics who have ING ACTS, $1.Musical Comedies, Operas, Op- The crew istried to get laughs from local patrons erettas, Radio Skits, Orchestra Skits and Comedypackages of most outfits. in recent weeks.Primrose Seamon, a Material. billed as the band of the year, but indynamic redhead, sells her songs without E. L. GAMBLE, Playwright, East Liverpool, 0. sober truth they rate with the greatmuch effort, altho the gal has plenty ofWINDOW CARDS pop aggregations of all time. 250 Bumper litrIps,5x28.58.75. BEARDS After a brief hello from Shaw, who actspep and personality. 200 S -color Cardboard Posters, asastraightforwardandpersonable Rose Marie Flynn, a nice looker, sure 22x28, $11.00, or on Bond Pa- WIGSMAKE-UPemsee thruout, the boys go into Trafficknows her taps. Act is well costumed and lms, $9.00. 100 Cardboard Posters, 14x22, $4.00. Including Jam and Donkey Serenade, and have thethe gal works hard and sells effectively. imprinting. Write for Catalogue. FREE CATALOG customers (including this one) eatingDoes a difficult routine and we doubt 209 N. State St., if the audience knew it was so tough. A BOWER SHOW PRINT.!.7,', FOWLER,IND F. W. NACKCHICAGO, ILL.out of their hands.The Four Reillys, 22 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE September 30, 1939 They have a good routine in this kindon the eyes, go thru a cakewalk thatdance was their best effort.A bit of of berserk terpsichore. isn't up to Rockette standards. spicy dialog was put over badly and fell Next band number is Miller's pip ar- Stage is then transformed into a cir-flat. Performers See British rangement-most all of his arrangementscus ring as background to the perch act Paul White, a young Negro, sang his Destroyer Sink Submarine are in that category-of Brown Jug. Rayof Pape and Conchita. A typical circusdramatic version of Shoe Shine Boy, fin- Eberle does Stairway to the Stars and Toact, it could improve its showmanship.ishing with an imitation of Louis Arm- NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Ernie Mack, You.He's no great shakes as a warbler,First stint, on the high pole, is attractivestrong to applause that rated an encore, Billy Nelson and Irene Knight, Dave but Miller plays a lovely trombone toVisually, but once the girl got up theWinding up, he did some toe -and -heel Miller and John Reading, Dorothy Toy back him up in Stairway.After anotherpole, balanced with hand and foot andwork that appeared to be ordinary, yet and Paul Wing and William McKay, heat number, One o'Clock Jump, a trulybegan shaking the pole, there was insuf-caught with the fans. American talent, all crashed the war punchy piece of showmanship has theficient routine.Second bit had the girl The girl member's execution of diffi- news in the daily papers yesterday. stage dark and the brasses and reedsdoing pinwheels on the top bar of acultcontortions was the outstanding They were returning to the United alternate in a lovely interpretation oflow perch.This should have show -feature of the adagio of the Martingale States as refugees on the freighter, Londonderry Air.Hereis where thestopped, but they allowed the routineDuo. At times her weight seemed to be Steel Mariner. En route, the passen- reeds sang beautifully and really revealedto peter out and then took bows. too much for her partner. gers saw a British destroyer shell and their superiority.Miller's girl vocalist, Also on the circus theme, Maxmillian Jackie Souders and his Melody Men sink a German submarine. Marion Hutton, sister of Betty Hutton,and Company (four dogs), went thruoffered a run -packed burlesque on a Mack had gone to London for a does Jumpin' Jive and F. D. R. Jones,comedy paces, with a lot of fancy doo-symphony orchestra. four -week engagement at the Troca- last name not so wise a selection.Shedads including hurdles, hoops and jump- Business good, but not quite up to the dero.He arrived one day after dec- makes up lack of vocal equipment bying tricks.Dogs also won the audienceweek before. Kenneth Madden. laration of war and says he was con- a trick delivery that's almost a nut de-with unassisted acrobatic tricks.Glee sequently $1,000 bucks in the red. livery.Personality helps her get over.Club, which sat in the background as McKay's partner, Eddie La Vallee, She also does a chorus of Hold Tight,the circus band, did a novelty -comedy Chicago, Chicago Canadian, could not leave London be- featuring a shrill whistle for one of thesong number that went over with a(Reviewed Friday Afternoon, Sept. 22) cause he needed a special passport. licks.In the Mood, probably the show'sbang. A brief stage bill in support to War- best pop arrangement,isarranged so Still in the Reisenweber era settings,ner's Old Maid.Expecting big business, that the piece seems on the verge ofthe mood reverted to the present dayBalaban & Katz management set a dailyPittsburgh Has ending long before it actually comes towithout the flicker of a production eye-five -show schedule and trimmed revue its drive conclusion. lash, and the entire company ofgirlsto four acts and Adrian's house band. Ink Spots have been an NBC sustain-(Corps de Ballet and Rockettes) did a Revue is compact and thoroly enter-Cantor for Opener ing quartet for years, but If I Didn'tmulti -colored number that had all thetaining, for each act fits the spot and PITTSBURGH, Sept. 23.-Eddie Cantor plush, excitement and lavishness of a and Bert Gordon, Leni Lynn, Sydney Care put them into the big dough. Theytopnotch musical comedy number. has enough in stock to do it justice. doJeepersCreepers,agood comedy ItRollo and Verna Pickert start things offFields, Joyce Hunter, Fairchild and Car- was effective and cleverly thought out roll and the Stuart Morgan dancers will number called Your Feets Too Big, Carescene, employing many tricks with whitelively with neat stilt dancing that is and Who.Top tenor and one of theplumes. light but unusual fare. The kids, in ad-launch the resumed vaude policy at the baritonesclownaroundwith some Jan Peerce and June Forrestdition, give out with bright, youthfulStanley next Friday. screwball hoofing and help punch thepreceded and concluded the number withpersonalities. Following Cantor, penciled in by War- act across.Voices are really good, withstirring song selections. EverettWest,militant -voicedtenornerdistrictmanager HarryKalmine, the guitar player possessing a lovely House packed last show opening night.who recently warbled on Al Pearce's ra-altho not definitely date, will be Horace quality in support humming. Miller Sol Zatt. dio show, returns in triumph to scoreHeidt'sBrigadiers, Ted Weems, Glenn made a mistake at the last show opening with several tunes.The boy is set to goMiller, Hal Kemp and a personal ap- day, playing on top of an enormous places, for in addition to a strong, melo-pearance of Ann Sheridan. hand the house gave the quartet.TheyOrpheum, Portland, Ore.dious voice his personality is beginning PoolingagreementbetweenLoew's really whammed and Miller should have(Reviewed Friday Evening, September 15)to take on polish and delivery, is im-Penn and Stanley (Warner) will allow brought them back, regardless of run- Headliner for the third stage programproving in class.Second show openingPenn pick of pictures. ning time.Jeepers is a weak opener andunder the Orpheum's new vaude policyday he was handclapped back a couple Hypoing the house to standee capacity, could be replaced by something morewas Roscoe Ates, but he had some stiffof times and his sum -total included CosiDr. I.Q., radio net show, will be con- Cosa, Begin the Beguine, Dark Eyes andtinued from Stanley stage for three more recent.Carry their own pianist. competition. Mondays. Miller, who emsees with an affable and Ates seemed to have as much fun asTwo Guitar medley and Irish Eyes. Swell personable appeal, could likewise changethe audience while he stuttered thru aammunition is his finish of each song, his closing number. One he had open-number of good gags.Somewhat of awhich is a long, resonant tenor note that ing day was an unimpressive and noisysurprise was the fact that he could keepis always certain of a warm hand. piece. Jerry Franken. serious long enough to show that play- Lathrop Brothers and Virginia Lee, Club Takla ing a violin is one of his accomplish-super -class trio in the soft-shoe tap in- ments.His partner and stooge, Barbaraterpretation field, are playing a returnNew York: Music Hall, New York Ray, a brunet lovely who crooned sev-and to fresh music delight all over again JACKIE STUART is again warbling at eral tasty tunes, made the act doublywith their well-timed, fine -tailored rou-the Fulton Royal nitery, Brooklyn. . . . (Reviewed Thursday Evening, Sept. 21)attractive. tines.Work with superb polish.TheirRENE, of Rene and Stella, returns to Flesh layout this week is effectively HectorandhisPals(dogs) bidfinal walking tap number is admirablyHavana because of illness and will be re- short because of the extra length of thestrongly for top honors.The dogs, adifferent from similarly styled designs. placed by another Cuban dancer,al- picture,NurseEdithCavell. Annedozen of them of all sizes, colors and Johnny Burke, the soldier boy whoseready on his way here. . CELINO AND Neagle's starrer should do smash busi-breeds, won lots of guffaws with theirappearance is timed with the currentPAPO open at La Conga Wednesday (27). ness. tricks.Most of the stunts seemed sim-convention of the American Legion hereThis is their first American engagement. Stage show isjust about as incon-ple, but Hector filled in with a steady(as well as with the unfortunate situa- ... LA PLAYA DANCERS, owing to suc- sistent as it could possibly be.Entitledline of rapid-fire comedy chatter thattion in Europe), had little trouble get-cess they have had at Leon and Eddie's The Gay Nineties, the opening sets arekept the laughs and applause going. ting solid laughs with his tales of woewith Gloria Cook and Bob Conrad, are typical of a music hall of the mauve One of the best items of the programwhile in France.He is funny both informing two other groups for out-of- decade, with the side boxes and the an-was the military precision tap routineappearance and in speech. town clubs and hotels. ... CASS DALEY nouncement cards on the side of theby Al Samuels and his two girl partners. Business held up nicely end of secondgoes into the International Casino Octo- stage.Rockettes, costumed a la '90s inThey tapped individually, too, Samuelsshow.Acts will get a real workout nextber 26 following theater dates, including fierce color combinations that are toughinjecting mild comedy, but the militaryweek when Rochester and Betty Grablethe Brandt houses here and the Chi- will open a week's engagement. Theatercago Theater, Chicago.. . . DEAN MUR- will run six shows daily. PHY opened at the International Casino Sam Honigberg. September 20. . . . MATT RILEY. Irish tenor, has finished a series of sponsored Palomar, Seattle, Resumes programs and is picking up club dates. SEATTLE, Sept. 23.-Following an in-Chicago: KATHERINE HARRIS terruption of its vaude policy due to the TALIA, character dancer, has opened record -breaking premiereofTheOldan indefinite run atthe Blackhawk. Maid, with personal appearances of starSet by Ray Lite, of Dave O'Malley's office. A New Personality Already Recognized as Tops in participants, the Palomar went back to NICK LONG JR. and Lynn, Royce and vaude Monday (18) with Major Bowes'Vanya are set for the new Palmer House Taps on Toes Swing School Revue, and is anticipatingshow coming in October 12.... crowded houses since Bowes' units al- HOLLY HARRIS, dancer and wife of ways up grosses at the Pal. (See CLUB TALENT on page 32) Now appearing with JOE RINES' ORCHESTRA at LOEW'S STATE THEATER, New York "Ice Follies" Opens in L. A.; Thanks to LEW WEISS Best of Series; Good Variety Of Acts and Production Effort LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23.-The Folliestion bit that drew plenty of chuckles. PAPE and CONCIIIITA of 1940, caught at the Pan -Pacific Audi- LaVerne presented a Syncopated Rhythm routine. The femme has plenty torium last Friday, is by far the best ofof grace on the blades. SECOND SUCCESSFUL NEW YORK ENGAGEMENT WITHIN FOUR WEEKS the Ice Follies series, and if present per- Bess Erhardt and Roy Shipstad proved formance caliber is maintained, it shouldthey are tops on the ice with their intri- Now Appearing at RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL, N. Y. do smash biz on tour.There is a goodcate routines.This couplestillrates variety of acts this year, and the onlyfirst place on any ice bill.Opening with DirectionDAVE SOLTI-GEORGE HAMID OFFICE criticism of entire bill was that it was aLatinrhythm,theyencoredwitha little too long.Crowd got restless to- (See "ICE FOLLIES" on page 32) ward the end. Opening with an Arctic Fantasy, the 24 line girls on skates presented a strik- ing ballet.Plenty of laughs were gar- 014:norsi ando3.. mered by the Three Bears and the Snow- man, played by Billy Stine, Artie Nick- olas and Gordon McKellen.First scene also presented Ruby and Bobby Maxson, YVON E 1270 SIXTH AVENUEwho have looks and skating ability. They PSYCHICWONDERS' RADIO CITY.NEW YORKwound up by sliding into a couple of "4NEP/BOYOFfICE DOC.M. IRVIN G. propigloos. Les Hamilton,billedas SENSATION"4313 Roosevelt MI Philo.Pa. Miss Snowflake, did a female impersona September 30, 1939 VAUDEVILLE -BURLESQUE The Billboard 23 Rosenberg Burly Bookings NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Phil Rosen -Majestic, Wklyn, Revue in Mack berg's recent bookings:Sandra Scott and Charles Kane to the Republic, yes- By BILL SACHS terday, with Honey Bee Kellar moving (Communicationsto CincinnatiOffice)to the Star, Brooklyn; Jean Mode, Vic2 -Day Foldup; Cast Not Paid; Plant, Herbie Barris, Otto Eason and FRANCISCO SPOOK SHOW (A. F. Bull)Sahji to the Triboro, and Stinky and has just been handed a route thruShorty to the Shubert, Philadelphia, for Iowa, Missouri and Kansas by Fox The-one week and thence to the Triboro for aters,beginning September30. Mrs.four weeks. I. P. Jam; Continental Closes Mabel Bull has left the show to visit her Charles Franklin, office executive, and NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Lavish vaude-isoner's office.Check was finally made family in Oakland, Calif. She will rejoinRose Shendelman, office typist, both illville -burlesque venture at the Majestic,good when new management obtained inthenearfuture. . .. LANCELOTat home with the grip all of last week.Brooklyn, last Friday (15) collapsed aftertransfer of license for Sunday operation SWALLOW, member of Omaha SAM As- the second day, with performer salariesof theater as an Italian motion picture sembly No. 7 and now a resident of Ingle-Empress, Milwaukee, Changeunpaid.BrotherArtists'Association,house. wood, Calif., opened his school season having forewarned its three members in At the People's, on the Bowery, there September 18 at Pomona, Calif. He has MILWAUKEE, Sept. 23.-Empress herethe show, says it bears no further re-was a temporary crisis last week when been handled the last several years byis now on a four -day basis, with fleshsponsibility for salary claims.Produc-it became necessary for the BAA to in- the Green Agency, LosAngeles.Hisonly on Fridays to Mondays. Featuredtion was fronted by John Head, memberstruct its members that they would not turn comprises a lecture -demonstrationin the show opening September 15 wereof the BAA, but not in good standing.beallowedtopassthepicketline entitled, "So, You Want To Know theTullah and Mig, with Hinda WausauHead, with $500 backing, rented the Ma-threatened by Local 1, stagehand union, Future," and a rapidflre presentation ofand Ann Corio slated for early appear-jestic on a percentage basis, accordingwhich is still negotiating for closed shop. Seeing With the Fingertips. ... MARVIN,ances. to the BAA, and together with the the-Local 1 appealed to the Four A's, under 14 -year -old silk worker and winner of ater avoided burlesque classification sonew working agreement whereby the the Jim Sherman trophy at the recent as to evade having to post the $500 withactor unions pledged to support the RCAM convention on the Coast, is fillingCapitol, S. F., Reopening the Variety Revue Managers' Association.stagehands.BAA maintained that on club and banquet dates in the Los An- Theater claimed its "musical comedy"its own it could not pull members into geles area. ... OTTO WALDMAN, former SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25.-Capitol Follies, road -show burlesque house, willproduction was under jurisdiction of Ac-a sympathetic strike.Frank Gillmore, manager for Martinka & Co., and who tors'Equity and American Guild ofprexy of the Four A's, then advised the recently returned from alongstayreopen September 29,itis announcedVariety Artists, both of which disclaimBAA to help the stagehands organize abroad, has opened a magic shop in Newby Eddie Skolak, manager. House hashaving had any contact with the pro-the house. Local 1 has made no further York to deal in used magic equipmentbeen closed about three months. Withduction. One BAA member, Bobby Faye,demands on the burly union, expecting and literature. .. . PROF. BLACKSHEAR,its reopening theater will be completelywithdrew from theshow uponthepresent negotiations to smooth things Chicago's colored conjuror, is set for therenovated.New burlesque acts will be out. next two weeksinCincinnati Negrooffered, with firstrehearsals startingunion's advice. this week. List of acts left high and dry include Operators in the nine Follies theaters schools and churches. Blackshear Ross and Ausley, Eleanor Samuels, Buddyin Greater New York under the La formerly conducted a magic shop in Kan- and Clair Green, Paul Goulstern, PeggyGuardiacensorshipwerethisweek .. . VINCENT GOTT- sasCity,Mo. Stork, Providence, ReopensRenardo,DannyLewis,Wintersandwarnedabouttheperformancesof SCHALK, of Chicago, is touring Texas Georgia Sothern. Failure to watch their thesedaysonthewind-upofa PROVIDENCE, Sept. 23.-Stork Club,Merano, Al Striker, Three Jacks and a six-month tour of 23 Statesforthelocal nitery, reopened for the fall seasonQueen, Bonnie Shaw, Grace More, sixsteps may bring automatic fine (forfeit Falstaff Brewing Co., St. Louis.Billedyesterday, with a change of show policymale dancing chorus and 25 show andof bond) and revocation of license with- every two weeks. Opening bill will con-singing girls. out another warning necessary. as Falstaff, he presents close-up sleight- Continental Theater closed Thursday of-hand and mental effects. .. . BOBsist of Bryant, Rains and Young; Lee Mishaps befell the Irving Place The- NELSON, of Nelson Enterprises, Colum-Chrysler, Carlisle Sisters and the Threeater also. A Mr. Rappaport, who applied(21), but four principals holding con- bus, 0., grabbed himself a fine bunch ofLittle Fishers.Booking thru Lew Weiss,for the operator's license, passed a $250tracts were transferred to Sam Brisk - publicity and some unexpected sales re-New York. rubber check on to the License Commis-man's Shubert, in Brooklyn. cently when he tied in with Loew's Ohio Last week the BAA took first stringent Theater, Columbus, during the showing measure toward lining up the Hirst man- there of Miracles for Sale. Bob placed a agement. Failing to receive replies from showcase filled with magic in the the- Izzy Hirst when asking for discussions ater's lobby during the pie's run, with a on a contract, Tom Phillips, BAA execu- display card reading: "Magic as used by EurIcsquc Notes tive secretary, sent letter to all members professionalmagicians. Courtesyof warning them against accepting employ- Nelson's Magic Shop, who have 'Miracles (Communications to New York Office) ment with any theater or company which for Sale'." Nelson offers the idea to other failed to sign deal with BAA.Union dealers. ... THE GREAT JAXON, ventril-NEW YORK: JERRY AND LOUISE RENEE are playingclaims tentative agreements already with oquist, who launched his indoor season HERBERT K. MINSKY on Septemberthe Shubert Theater, Brooklyn. Mid -West circuit Columbia and at the Beacon Theater, Winnipeg, Man.,16 began operating the Triboro, having Gayety theaters in Boston. a month ago, is currently touring thebought an interest in that stock house. SAM BRISKMAN, after operating the Iron Range of Minnesota to good results. Continentalata continuedlossall Will supervise both front and beck andsummer, finally shuttered September 21. produce the show. . .. TAMARA, dancer,A sub -lease will find a new policy ofNational, Detroit, following a lengthy stay in Los AngelesYiddish pica and vaude installed, with DELL O'DELL has taken her bag ofburly stocks, openedat thePeople'sBriskman, as he put it, "collecting thisMakes Many Changes tricks into the Raleigh Room of theSeptember 23. BookedbyTommytime instead of paying."Stipulations Hotel Warwick, New York, for a returnLevene, who also placed Dolores Weekscall for a payment to him of $750 weekly. DETROIT, Sept. 23.-At the National engagement.She opened there Fridayand Toni Mitchell to relieve Jean PardueBriskman's other house, Shubert, Brook -a new pit ork, replacing the one here (22).Her hubby, Charles Carrer, jug-and Vic Oliver. Nina Nixon, who moved taken over this season and morethe last seven years and installed by gler, is set the next four weeks in Newfrom the People's to the Columbia, Bos-successful, will continue Follies stockManager Johnny Kane, is Hud Greene York theaters,after which he moveston, has adopted the new moniker ofshows.Several lengthy contracts withand his Monarchs of Melody.House is intothe Belmont Plaza'sGlass HatCaroline Condon. New at the People'sperformers will be taken care of via thethe only one in town playing continu- Room there.He recently concluded aweek of September 8 was Lola Pierce,Shubert... DANNY MORTON, LaVodis,ous stage shows composed of vaude acts long season at Ben Marden's Riviera,former Columbia Wheel ace. ... NEDAnnette Ross and Isabel Brown replacedmixed with burly revues. Fort Lee, N. 3.... FRANK LUCKNER,McGURN, long identified with legit, isBuddyOrlando,MargieWhiteand Rev. PaulJ.Kane, Chicago priest, property man with Blackstone the lastassisting Allen Gilbert at the Star, Brook-Lillian Carnes at the Triboro Septemberbrother of Johnny, was a recent visitor, 12 years, has quit the road to open alyn. .. .NICK, the Greek, and Billie17, and Vic Plant and Herbie Barris camestopping off on the way from his New servicestation on North Pinestreet,Diamond come to the Eltinge October 6 on a 10 -week contract from the Hirst Cir-.in September 14 to relieve George Mur-York City home where he vacationed Corning, N. Y. : .. ROY HOWARD, Pitts- rayandChickHunter.. . . TONYwith his family. burgh trixster, who recently joined thecult.... MOE COSTELLO back atthe Joan Mavis, of the cast, was surprised ranks of benedicts after a week at themanagerial desk of the Shubert. Brook-MICCIO, former burly theater operator, is slated to takelyn, after a week's lay-up with a cold.is mourning the loss of one of his fourby a call from sister, Connie, now mar- Old Mill, York, Pa., fromsons, who died from injuries sustainedried and retired.Formerly the Mavis his new bride into his home village this . . . KENZA VINTON, returned featuredinin a recent auto accident near Coney Is-Sisters. Valyne Courtney, formerly Kitty week for a brief sojourn.... LORINGEurope,where she was land, N. Y. UNO. Marshall, is a featured house showgirl CAMPBELL was a recent visitor at thePeanuts Bohn's show portraying "the and stripper.Paul Kane, producer, has magic desk en route to Tennessee tocorrect way to undress," opened at the left to become a censor for Hirst shows begin on a new string of college -spon-Gaiety September 29.... HELEN BARRY,CHICAGO: showgirl at the Eltinge, used also for an WALLY 'VERNON, movie comic, andplaying Dayton, Detroit and St. Louis sored dates.... JACK GWYNNE AND in association with Johnny Kane. Aloha, CO. have just concluded their fifth weekemergency strip September 1 week duehis father were visitors in Milt Schuster's to illness of Paula Lind, and Septemberoffice last week. Vernon was on his wayHawaiian, has signed for a Hirst Circuit in the Terrace Room of the Hotel Nicol - Hazel show, Max Ferman's Band Wagon revue. let, Minneapolis. Bud Gwynne, who has15 week because of absence of to the Earle, Philadelphia. . . . ANNNazarre Hallo wound up a stock engage- been majoring in aeronautics for' moreMiller. CORIO booked as a feature for the Roxy, * * ment here for another Hirst unit. than a year, is slated to get his pilot's Cleveland, week of September 29.... Three Hirst units readied here last license almost any day now. His ambi- SEN LEE,a Donna Davisfind,aRADIANNA is back in the city after a stay at the Howard, Boston.. .. MICKIEweek for road tours. Harry (Hello Jake) tion is to become a transport flyer. ...Chinese -Polynesianinterpretive dancer Fields,alsoDustyFletcher,colored JEAN FOLE, now doingacolumn,recently with NTG's Flushing fair show,DENNIS, wife of producerChuckcomic, arrived with entirely new scenes. "Penciled In,"in a Pittsburgh sheet,was a newcomer at the Eltinge Septem-Gregory,isback from Californiaat Showorid, postals that he may troupeber 15. ... EX-BURLESQUERS in Pater-her home in Battle Creek, Mich. Gregory again this fall if any one of several of-son, according to Ed($)Daly, him-is the producer at the Capitol, Toledo, fers he is now entertaining pan out. ...self a new resident from Wilmington,which opened for the season Friday WANTED CHORUS GIRLS WINDING UP at Palm Beach Club, De-Del.,includeBillyEisenlohr,former(22).Initial bill includes Milton Frome for troit, September 17, LeCardo made theBeef Trust show manager, now a Unitedand Joanne Lee, who recently returned trek into Bay City, Mich., for a week'sCigar Store manager; Harry Diehl, an-from Los Angeles. CASINO THEATRE nitery job."Several unpleasant thingsother former B. T. pilot, now a bar- GEORGE PRONATH, producerat keep at the Paddock Inn; Lew Watson,Colosimo's, returned from his vacation TORONTO, CAN. have been handed me recently," complains If WeDo Not Know You, Send Photo. LeCardo, "such asextra shows with-brother of Beef Trust Billy, now oper-in Northern Wisconsin. . . . HINDA Write or Wire Immediately. out pay and emseeing at nothing extra,ator of an antique shop, and Dan Gug-WASSAU is the current attraction at the and I'm getting about fed up and turn-genheim, former Lyceum Theater man-Rialto here.Will be followed by Char- Stock Engagement.No Sunday Shows. maine. .,. EDDIE ENNIS closed at the ing a shade crimson." ... DEL BREECE,ager, now a justice of the peace and PAL BRAN DEAUX currently at the Bismarck Hotel, Chi-auditor.... IZZY HIRST, at his Hud-Coulmbia, Boston.... BESSIE FOGEL cago, is slated for an early return tripson, Union City, is having the old ver-is an addition to the Schuster office Producer to the Rathskeller of the Hotel Gibson,tical "Burlesque" sign and marquee onstaff.She's a sister of Frances Abrams, Cincinnati. ... DR. MARCUS, the "madtheoutside removed fornew, moreSchuster's secretary.... ARTHUR CLAM - magician," after a highly successful re-modern, neon -lit structures.Also sub-AGE, Detroit and Cincinnati operator, WANT has extended his circuit to St. Louis,Strip Women and Chorus Girls who need Practice turn engagement at Jimmy Brink's Look-stituted a new ork in the pit, with Leon Clothes($1.00 up),Net and LacePants and out House, Covington, Ky., has movedVan Gelder,leader,replacingWilliewhere he completed arrangements to Brassieres (25, 50 and 75 cents).Rhinestone "G" into the Hotel Gibson Rathskeller, Cincy,Morgan.Van Gelder comes from niter-open the Grand Opera House October 6.Strings and Brassieres my specialty. for his third return stop there in aies and showboats. ... MARGIE WHITE,Sam Rieder will be house manager and BETTY MEYERS year.He's also getting in a raft of civicat the Triboro, has incorporated newMidwest circuit shows will be used. ... Palace Hotel, 132 W, 45th St.,New YorkCity, club dates on the side. acrobatics in her strip specialty.. .. (See BURLESQUE NOTES on page 31) Phone:BR, 9-0815. 24 The Billboard REPERTOIRE -TENT SHOWS September 30, 1939 Conducted by BILL SACHS--Commumeations to 25 OperaPlace, Cincinnati, 0. Austin Tenter Milt Tolbert Tattles SHREVEPORT,La., Sept. 23.-After a Rep FipplesTax Demands week of spotty business, Texarkana, Little Rock, Hot Springs and Shreveport turned MOORE (Greenfield), of the Mac - To Resume Trekin top grosses, so Buddy Hale has re-JUDYGreen Players, is sporting a new houseSerious Blow

placed the sourpuss with a smile. trailer and Ford V-8. .. LITTLE JACK The writer was host to his mother,HUTCHISONJR.,recentlyinquired Crooner is freed of legalsister and two nieces at Texarkana, overabout here by his dad, postals in from the week -end. They motored over fromCrittenden, Va., to say that he's doingTo Rep Folks tangle as Wehles fail toDallas. We returned the visit to Dallasokeh for himself. . . . RED HARRIS, LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 23.-Chick Boyes, post bond and thru force of habit we found our-still clowning with the Parker & Wattswho operates two rep shows under canvas selves a", the stage door of the old JoyCircus, had as a recentvisitor Elginin summer and on circles in theaters in Theater. Had a grand gabfest with Man-Scarboro, of the Blue Steele Orchestra.winter, said this week the close margin MOBILE,Ala.,Sept. 23.- The legalager Elmo Phillips,his wife and theThe two formerly trouped together onof profit in operations and rise in tax troubles of Gene Austin, producing andsame old gang.Phillips reports businessthe Ruth Stock Co. in 1929 and the Lytelldemands would cause him to close both starring with Models and Melodies tentas "not so hot." Players in 1930. Harris hopes to be doing chow, ended Thursday when Billy and After the show in Texarkana our com- his units on circle in December.Boyes black again the coming winter. . . . said he hoped to bring himself within the Marion Wehle, tent show operators whopany was guest of Mr. Gray and hisCOSSIE ADAMS, in Veterans' Hospital, last week attached the Austin show forwalkathon, which was going like a house letter of the tax rulings which soak his an alleged debt of $8,500, part of the al-afire. We presented an informal showMountain Home, Tenn., for the last sev-employment assessments if he keeps more leged purchase price between the twofor the walkakids. eral months, is anxious to hear from allthan seven people employed 20 weeks a litigants, failed to post $17,000 bond. In Hot Springs, we bumped into Jackhis old friends in the game.He's inyear. Annex No. 2 there. . . . AL PITCAITH- Under the Alabama law, when a per-Shaw, who used to manage the StateLE xrecentlyvisitedon the Golden Since the bulk of rep show money is son attaches property he is required toTheater, Seminole, Okla. Shaw is nowRod Showboat inSt. Louis, where hemade during the summer, Boyes said post twice the amount sued for.In thison the advertising staffofthelocalsays he was accorded the usual warmhe would put the units on the road dur- case the Wehles were required by thepaper. welcome by J. W. and Ben Menke.Billing the warm weather and keep below tha Mobile County Circuit Court to post Barnett Bros.' Circus day and dated uscaught by Al was Little Lost Sister, with20 -week limit in his employment. Boyes $17,000, which they failed to do Thurs-the other day and on the same lot.No said his tax slap had been more than $503 business for either show, but we had aVida Lorraine and Mason Curry handlingduring the recent season, which was a big day. grand time in spite of the fact that thethe leads.Others in the cast were Ruthbite into his net. Austin who had parked his show at thecircus flags were at half mast in honorMcGowin Smith, ingenue; Blanche fairgrounds and sent the members of hisof one of its boys who wreckedhisForbes,charactersandpiano;E.S. This angle on the rep biz isn't as new troupe to tourist cabins, left for Selma,truck and was killed on the move in. Fletcher, heavies; Lee Waters and Jackas it is discouraging to the actors. They Ala., Thursday, where he was to give a Around the Lot: Brandino, the magish,Emerson, general business; Norris King,can come under the half -wage provisions performance that night.He said hehas a dull future.He has broken sixjuves, and Adrian Billy Lee, characters.of the unemployment compensation di- hoped to continue his scheduled Western The veteran Vic Faust isstill clickingvision for 16 weeks, if eligible, but it robs mirrors so far this season. You knowwith his musical specialties and Swissthem of work and full wages. Under this route with his tent show and was pre-theadage. .. . Sue (Gimme -a -Drag) pared to fight any legal battles that might bellringing, Pitcaithley reports. . . . arrangement and federal interference, the Shockly gets a great kick out of the jamWILLIAM QUERNER, until recently ondesire to win actors work in private em- arise. sessions. . . . Each time we take in athe Federal Theater Project in Cincin-ployment to relieve the federal project In the meantime, the United Statesnight spot Harold Blodgett is the life ofnati, was a recent visitor on the Mor-load is presented a formidable obstacle. Internal Revenue Department filed taxthe party. ... Clyde Jewel wonders why liens in Probate Court here against BillyThe Billboard hasn't mentioned him in.gan-Helvey Show in Illinois. Boyes is one of the few rep show man- Wehle for a total of $3,155.85. Possibilities.For what we don't know. agers to put out two units, but the same ... Jack Keating is looking around for thing applies to any manager who uses Members of the Austin troupe stucka couple of mules to pull his trailer. more than seven people more than 20 (See AUSTIN TENTER on page 31) Bob and Kitty Bly, of the Jimmy War- weeks a season. Many of them had such ren Show, were recent visitors. MARIE REPLOGLEandEdna V.a rough season a warrant would have won One can count 10shows within a O'BrienmotoredfromNashville,its server the show, tent, actors and all. radius of 75 miles down here. Vicksburg,Tenn., to Sheridan, Ark., recently to visitMany of them were not bothered for that Aulgers Set for Miss., next; then we're Alabamy bound.the Judy and Mac Green Players, man-reason. TOBY EASTMAN. aged by Joe Greenfield. En route back to If the federal crackdown is strict and Minneapolis Stock Nashville, Marie and Edna paid a visit to the Memphis Zoo, where N. J. anda thoro check made of hooks of the tent MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 23.- Swinging dramatic outfits, it will probably mean Don Davis Backs Wehle Lottie Melroy, who formerly had theirabolition of either the tent or the winter into the old-style melodramas, Aulger cat act with variouscircuses,areincircle to keep under the limit. Bros.' Players have been able to pull CINCINNATI, Sept. 23.-Don Davis,charge. Edna O'Brien and her hubby, If the themselves out of the doldrums this Jim, are operating the Last Act Cafeboys with the whiskers decide to read the summer, and next week complete a 10accompanied by his wife and daughter, letter of the book, the government will enand a parking lot in Nashville, and Mariehave to go heavier than ever for actors' weeks' run under canvas in St. Paul. routesouth fromBluefield,W.Va.,Replogle has left the road to take a po- After a fair season in Southern Min-where they closed with Billroy's Come-sition as sales woman ina Nashvillerelief. nesota, Addison and Harrison Aulger setdians September 11.The Davises werestore. Mary Ellen Replogle, who has been their tent down In the St. Paul Uni-with the show all season, joining in thevisiting her grandmother in North Jud- versity avenue section and drew them in son, Ind., returns to Nashville this weekLee, Elmer Lazone Allen and others.. spring when it originally went out as ROBERT CARNEY, former juve lead with with the old-fashioned tearjerkers. TheirThe Hit Parade and remaining on whentoenterschool. . .. GENE MATHIS, only clump in the St. Paul run was dur-BillyWehletookmanagementanddancer, is a recent addition to the Rustythe Avon -Winslow Players in Colorado, ing the State Fair. changed the name to Billroy's ComediansWilliams vaude and talking picture tenthas joined the Donald Northup vaude show . troupe which opened last week in the October 1, the Aulger show will movea little more than a month ago.In inNorthCarolina. . . L. L. into the Alvin Theater, Minneapolis. forcommenting on the recent sudden closePLUNKETT pencils from Liberal, Kan.,East.Carney will do a take -off on Killer an indefinite stand.Alvin is the formerofthe show, Davis stated:"I don'tthatPlunkett'sMinstrelsare makingMears from the stage play, The Last Mile. Shubert Theater. Troupe will open withblame Wehle one bit for folding thelong jumps into Texas to help Henry L. Gold in the Hills, which ran five weeksshow as he did.I would have done theBrunk's Comedians entertain the cotton pickers. . . . CLARENCE AUSKINGS. in St. Paul, equaling the record of Abie'ssame thing.Business was bad and itagent with M. L. (Fat) Sanders' Country THE HANGAR, MARION, ILL. Irish Rose there. was apparent that Wehle was taking itCounsins, hillbilly turn, since last April, Lead roles are carried by Don Muckel,on the chin for plenty of his own money.recently closed with the unit at Rich- Maxine Peterson and the Aulgers. Actions of some of the working crewmond, Ind.. .. HANK KEENE'Stent didn't help matters either.We all gotshow, said to be enjoying a healthy b. -o. our salariesregularly from the timeplay in New England these days, features, WALKATHON Morgan-Helvey in Texas Wehle took over the management, andbesides Keene and his radio gang, Lee there was no case of stranding connectedAllen, Al Lemons, Wyoming Dottie, May Opens Friday, October 6 DE KALB, Tex., Sept. 23. - Morgan-with the Bluefield closing." Blossom Williams, George Broderick, Mae Good Marathoners, this will be the out- Helvey Show, after closing Sunday at standing show of the year. Ask the kids Jerseyville,Ill.,laid off the next three who were here lastyear.If you can and days to make the long motor trek into will marathon and want to make money this city, where the show began a three- you must make this show, because day run Thursday.The Morgan-Helvey organization will continue indefinitely inEndurance Shows $1,000.00 (in cash) the Texas territory. (Communications toBILL will be paid to the last boy and girl, SACHS, CincinnatiOffice) plusanew type of weekly bonuses that INQUIRIES HAVE BEEN received re-stopped in on his way to a show in Illi- can be earned by good conscientious cently on Violet Kaye, Eddie Miller, Lew dancerswhoaresincere andwill nois.Harry Meyers is working around co-operatetopresentanice,clean, CURTISS SHOPRINTDans, Joe Nalty, Frank Fee, Billy Steele,Jessup, according to Tim, and Jack (Dead strict, sober walkathon toa very re- QUICK SERVICE-LOW PRICES Stan Abrams, Ray Brandel, Joe Gruber,Pan) Kelly, Jimmy Smith, Peaches Mc- spor.sive audience. Tex Hall, Georgie Walker, Jerry Martone, "Tent Show HeadquartersSince Laughlin, George Smith, Edna and Jerry "THE LONGER YOU WALK ... 1905" Rella Finney, Velma Lane, Johnny Guil-Green, Jerry Allen, Bob Turner, Eddie CONTINENTAL, 0. foyle,SteveRoberts, Frankie Donato,Miller are in Baltimore.This column's THE MORE YOU CAN EARN" Billie Willis, Louie Meredith, Jackie Parr,scribbler would sure like to take Tim 'up This show will again be sponsored by the Hi Hill, Gladys Houghton. Jack Reynolds,on his invitation to drop in and sample MARION TRADES COUNCIL, Jimmy Leahy, Jerry Clark, Pete Trimble,his chicken specialties. WANT EthelHenning, FrankieLittle,Harry and is being welcomed back by over 50 local business firms. A-1Straight Man and also Blackface for reliableSmyth, Thelma Cooke, Dick Buckley, Billy Medicine Show.South this winter.Other useful BILL ROSS, who recently finished with people write, don't wire.State allin first.Salary Bryan, Sammy Lee, Charles Schaeffer,Zeke Youngblood's show in Terre Haute, Write at once to KAY KORKY, sure.Boozers, layoff. Bobbie Allen and Thomas Gardner. TakeInd., has joined his wife, Joan, in Minne- HOTEL STATE, Marion,Illinois. RAY SMITH, Guymon, Oklahoma. time out for a couple of minutes, kids,apolis.Bill would like to read notes here and let us know how 'tis by you. on some of his old pals, especially Bill and Elsie McQuade. WANTED SAY, BOYS AND GALS, news is reach- For long season, established company, young, prettying a low ebb. How about a little more NEWS REACHES USthatJunior WALKATHON Ingenue with Singing and Dancing Specialties; alsopencil pushing directed to this column? Opening About Oct. 5thinBeautiful Heated young Man who doubles Orchestra.Prefer Sax and O'Malley is contemplating opening a fruit Ballroom. Clarinet, Trumpet or Flash Drummer. Long seasonThis also applies to you old-timers.In-store in Chicago. to right people. Not an experiment. Wire Junior probably got Show Sponsored by American Legion. quiries are received each week on youwind of the swell business that Marge Entertaining and Sprint Teams, write. Lanny M. R. TILTON, La Herne,Illinois. vets, so you're still in the picture. Keep Page, Johnny Read, Huey Hendricks, Mickey Sheffield and Marty are doing with their Brennen, Jim Coffee. Mike Brown, Jack Fried. us posted with a line once in a while. Wabash avenue store in the Windy City. man, Sam Kirby, Monte, Hall. Help in all departments. Write; no collect wires or phonecallsaccepted. WANT AGENT TIM HAMMACK writes that he and BOBBY ALLEN cards from Baltimore Sponsors Positively Guaranteed. With car to book Lyceum Day Program in schools.Irene have been host to several walkie kidsthat he has just returned from out West Write: Experience, appearance, ability absolutely essential.since opening their eatery in Jessup, Md.,where he enjoyed his stay.Bobby won- Good percentage proposition. Write, wire full particu- Lew Lewis lars, whom and where you have hooked. toRALPH among whom were Johnny Dillon, Skippyders what's become of Clyde and Frankie 616 E. Baltimore St., BALTIMORE, MD. LOYD, 1704 Dixie Highway, Louisville, Ky. Skidmore and wife and Lee Goodson, whoStricklin. September 30, 1939 NON -THEATRICAL FILMS The Billboard 25 Conducted by THE ROADSHOWMAN-Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0 35mm. variety is highly combustible and fire laws in every State require that it 45th YEAR Wiedemann's Success Depends be shown only when the operatoris housed in a fireproof booth. The 16mm. projectorsare more easily transported On Pies, Ads and Showmanshipand operated. May water be used to humidify films? Billaard NEW YORK, Sept. 23. -Steve Wiede-halls the seats are not too comfortableC. A. R., Michigan. Founded by W. H. DONALDSON mann, who has been associated withand there are frequently other events Ordinary drinking water may be usedThe Largest Circulationof Any Amusement sound movies for the past 10 years, re-planned by the hotel. to keep film moist and pliable. Some Weekly in the World turned here today after his sixth sum- Asforhisset-up, Wiedemann haslibrariescarrya humidifying solution Member Audit Bureau of Circulation mer on a circuit of hotels in the Adiron-workeditout to a finepoint. Usingselling from 25 cents to 50 cents a bottle Published Every Week decks. He operates two circuits of sevenan8by 10screen, hestrivesforawhich some roadshowmen have found By The Billboard Publishing Co. hotels each, playing one each night. 7by 9 frame. He uses two speakers, oneuseful. A bowl of water placed in a case R. S. LITTLEFORD SR., President. The success of Wiedemann's circuitson each side of the screen and pointingor deep can with ventilation holes will E. W. EVANS, Secretary -Treasurer&General isattributedtoseveralthings: hiSto opposite corners so that lines drawnsuffice.Leave the film cans open when Manager. knowledge of films and projection, ad-from each horn would cross about thethey are placed in the larger container. A. C. HARTMANN, Editor center of the audience. To get the best Outdoor Depts., 25 OperaPlace,Cincinnati, 0. vertising and showmanship in general. Isthere a tax on roadshowmen in, E. E. SUGARMAN, Editor His ability to manage these operationsdefinition inhis pictures he uses 90Alabama? L. W. H., Alabama. Indoor Depts., 1564 Broadway, New York, N. Y. has made him an outstanding roadshow-or 100 -volt projection lamps. When the We have no information of a State tax Main Office and Printing Works, The Billboard man. current, which is not too dependable inon 16mm. operators in Alabama. Building,25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati,0. the regions he plays, drops to 105 volts Phone, Main 5306. Cable Address,"Billyboy," Wiedemann has shown such films as Is it possible to rent a 16mm. cameraCincinnati, 0. Showboat, Magnificent Obsession and Myfrom the rated 110 or 120, he still hasto take local shots to be shown on my BRANCH OFFICES: NEW YORK -6th Floor Man Godfrey to audiences in the moun-sufficient light to give him projectioncircuit?P. C., New York. Palace Theater Bldg.,1164 Broadway. Phones, of good quality. If by chance the vol- Moving picture cameras that take pic-MEdallion 3-1616, 3-1617, 3-1618.CHICAGO - tainresorts.Because of the type oftage falls to 90 the lamp can still oper- 4thFloor woods Bldg, Randolph andDearborn audience to which lie plays and also the tures in 16mm. size may be rented for Streets.Phone, Central 8480.ST. LOUIS -390 ate to an advantage. about $3.50 per week. Good outdoor filmsArcade Bldg., 8th and Olive Streets.Phone, Chest- kind of shows he gives, his admission Wiedemann puts a lot of time and nut 0443. PHILADELPHIA - B. H. Patrick, charges have been 40 cents for adults may be bought for as little as $1.50 per7222 Lampert Road, Upper Darby,Pa. Phone. and 25 cents for children.While thesethought to advertising his shows. Whenhundredfeet,includingthecostofMadison 6895. LONDON -Edward Graves, care of pictures have earned large takes for thishe secures a film he gets good paperprocessing and developing. "The World'sFair,"CromwellHouse.Fulwood withit.He buyssufficiently Place,London. W. C. 1,England. SYDNEY. operator, he has an unusual policy of but How can I add sound to my local pic-AUSTRALIA Kevin Brennan, City Tattersall's selecting programs. doesn't waste advertising matter;itistures?P. C., New York. Bldg., 198 Pitt Street. PARIS -C. II. Chambers, The Good Fairy gave Wiedemann hismoved from one circuit to the other. Libraries can give information regard-care American Express Co., 11 Rue Scribe. greatest business. Good paper and lobby displays are es-ing the cost of having sound dubbed SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN AD- He accounts for thissential, for they convince the prospective VANCE -One Year, $5; Two Years, $8. These by the fact that it has an excellent cast. in.Many operators, instead of havirigrates apply in the United States, U. S. Possessions, audience that itis a "real show." Dis-the sound dubbed in on their film, have Canada.Rates in other foreign countries upon re- Books Two Weeks play boards holding eight 11 by 14 -incha microphone attachment on their sound quest.Subscribers when requesting change of address photos are used in the hotel lobby. The should give former as well as present address. His two circuits gave him 14 nights system which enables them to explain DISPLAY ADVERTISING - Fifty Cents per to show a picture.Where the rental ismenu also carries a note referring tothe film as they go along. Agate Line.Whole Page, $350; Halt Page, $175; four times the daily rate for the firstthe show. One -sheets, lobby displays and How do roadshowmen's expenses run?Quarter Page, $87.50. No display advertisement asortofwhispering campaign prac- measuring less than 10 lines accepted.Last adver- week and twice the daily rate for the J. 0. D., St. Louis, Mo. tising form goes to press noon Monday. second week, booking for his operationstically assure Wiedemann that 75 per cent A roadshowman's expensesarejust No telegraphed advertisement accepted unless re- of those registered at the hotel will at- mittance is telegraphed or mailed so as to reach pub- reduces the charge for two weeks to what he makes them -that is, in addi- lication office before noon Monday. about 2'/2 times the daily charge. Whentend his show. tion to his overhead which includes liv- The Billboard reserves the right to edit all adver- this is computed against his grosses the While Wiedemann's job of entertain-ing expenses, car operation, etc., he hastisingCOPY. result is that he has made more moneying those on vacation may seem com-the expense of renting his films and than if he had rented for only one loop.paratively easy, he has worked hard toprojector(if he doesn't have his own), His shows run 1l'.1 hours but never longerbuild his business on a firm foundation.as well as the rest of lrs equipment. 19 than an hour and three-quarters. ThisA wireless operator, he became inter-Projectors and equipment may be rented timingisnecessary because in resortested in sound movies about 1929.Hefor about $10 a day or $25 a week. SoundVol. 51. SEPTEMBER 30, 1939. No. 39. served as installation engineer for a largefilm projectors on the used market are firm and put in equipment in France,from E00 to $350 and silent projectors BIC TIP for ROADSHOWMEN! Belgium, Italy, Spain and South America.from $20 to $250. New sound equipmenttwo -reelerwithsound by Gaumont- In 1933 he served as projectionist aboardcosts from $250 to $500 and new silentBritish; Propeller Making (General ORDER ]VOW! ships making shortcruises and wasequipment from $50 $300. Screens,Science),one -reelerwithsoundby aboardavesselthattoured Europe.sound equipment,etc.,vary inprice.Gaumont-British;Berlin(Geography), PROFESSIONAL MOVIES Several winters ago he barnstormed thruFilm rentals run anywhere from $1.50one reel,silent, by Eastman Teaching AMERICAN LEGION, the South with a Bill Robinson show. per reel up.Features are rented fromFilms; The Amoeba (Zoology), one $1 to $1.50 per reel per day, or $2 to $3with sound by British-Gaumont, and CHICAGO, 1939! Abe Landow Benefits per reel per week.Some rentals areGrey Owl's Little Brother (Nature Study), Greatest Legion Convention ever, filmed to cover one -reelerwithsoundbyCanadian the fun, parades, speeches, meetings!Roadshow- computed at four times the daily rate men can book to the more than 11,500 Legion By Librarian's Advice for the weekly scale and 10 times theCameo. Posts throughout the country and bank on a big daily rate for the monthly scale. audience! NEWYORK,Sept. 23. -Abe Landow, Will enlarged or broken sprocket holes 16 MM -Silent -360 Ft. - $ 8.75 who operated a 16mm. show at Keans-affect the showing of a film? J. R. C., Sound - 350 Ft. - 17.50 burg, N.J.,a summer resort, the pastFlorida. For further Information about this and other season, believesinrelying on theli- WANTED! action -packed Castle Films, write to Dept. L. Definitely. However, the effect is more brarian's judgment. readily seen when sound films are used. ROADSHOW MEN TO CASH IN CASTLE FILMS The occasion to heed a librarian wasThis is because there is only one row of ON THISBIG OPPORTUNITY 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. offered him recently when he had bookedsprocket holes. a show and had the paper out.When In the case of silent WHILE 26 LAST! lie called for the program, he was toldfilms if the holes on one side are torn, that the roadshowman who had it outthe sprocket perforations on the other GUARANTEED -RECONDITIONED had failed to return it on time.Per-side will carry the film thru probably 16MM SOUND PROJECTORSplexed, Landow began searching for awithout any trouble. 16MM. MOTION PICTURE solution to get him out of his predica- SOUND PROJECTORS ment. BARGAINCHTHANRENTING The librarian suggested another show. KV "Do you think itwill go in Keans- Cuttin' It Short . errAC/ 0111GOCO srf burg?" Landow asked. VVIN BRAND NEWKNOVN2L AKE "Yes, it's a good show," the librarian (Priced Front $150.00 to $175.00) replied. A. G. ZEPP, recording engineer and Buy now far your Fall and 1940 needs.A $25.00depositwillholdyourmachine Liberal The result was that Landow did acameraman, recently spent a week in until April 1, 1940.Don't hesitate and be CCoals"hplPer:Ce $159.00 Terms better business with the substitute filmtheAdirondacks,filmingVacationing disappointed -airmail, call or wire now -as than he had expected to do with theAround LakeChamplain,a400 -foot, these fine projectors are subject to prior sale. AUDITORIUM SIZE - GUARANTEED one he had selected. 16mm. silent film.All shots were made DE VRY CORPORATION Write BOX D-24, The Billboard, Cincin- in color. 1111 Armitage Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. nati, 0. Oldies Big Click at Fair CASTLEFILMS announces the release NEW YORK,Sept. 23. -Old-timeof American Legion, Chicago, 1939. The movies are making a niche for them-filmisavailablein both silent and OUR LISTINGS selves at the World's Fair.Merrie Eng-sound. ContainOutstanding 16mm and 8mm Films for FREE PAMPHLET land Village is the latest to add 16mm. everypurpose anduse. films,while Little Old New York has CLUBS, churches and schools in the Send for free copy of NU - Write today for your free copy telling you been showing them for several weeks.Pittsburgh area are sponsoring a series ART NEWS.Give your how togetinto the roadshow business. requirements. Prompt There istalk of showing this type ofof free 16mm. shows that are claiming Service Guaranteed. It contains thorough directions on the dif- sound film at the former Savoy Build-much popularity.The H.J.Heinz Co., 145 West 45th St., ferent phases of operation and also a buyers' ing, more recently occupied by Andrewemploying thousands of men and women, New York City directory.Write now! Dumont's Hollywood Studio.The filmalso is showing free movies for the en- mentioned is Murder in the Red Barn.tertainment of its personnel.Pittsburgh The Roadshowman Athletic Association also presents pro- ROADSHOWMEN! 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio grams several nights a week. Questions and Answers Excellent Talking Pictures NU -ART FILMS, INC., announces the releaseof the following 35mm films: 16MM Can a screen used for rear projection Action,Dramas, Westerns, Adventure, 2tiecial RENTAL RATES The March. of the Men of Harlech, a Foreign Language, Short Subject,. be transported along a circuit? R. G. D.,trip thru Wales: An African Mystery, Write for complete Information. Alabama. portraying for FEATURES, SHORTS, ETC. the search thewhite PICTORIAL FILMS,01fle. 16mm. Sound Practically any regulation screen mayrhinoceros;Manchuria,theLandof 1650 Broadway, New YorkCity. (Special Rates 'Tit Dec. Only) Per iC be used with rear projection of 16mm.Conflicts, a trip thru Manchuria; Flying 59 W. 48th St., Reel / C MOGULLS New York. N. Y. film.However, the screen must have at-Fleet,Let d o Burns,LonelySoul, tachments at the top or on the sides forSilvery Salmon, Solace of the Hills, Let's hanging it. One with a rod running thruGo Fishing, Let's Go to the Zoo andOperate Your Movie Shows THE FILM WEEKLYthe center would not suffice because theRock of Gibraltar.All are one-reelers picture would be cut in half. with sound on film. Lots of theatreless communities. Show movies. What is the trend of projectors in the We rent 16mm. Talking Pictures by day or week. AUSTRALIA We rent and sell Complete Projection Equipment. Covering theMotionPicture andEntertainmentroad -show business?W. W. W., Illinois. ASSOCIATED SCREEN News, Ltd., an- Field Generally. Thetrend of the road -show business Earn $50.00 to $100.00 weekly right away. Conducted by KEVIN BRENNAN, nounces release on five new educational We show you everything.Write immediately to 198 Cfty Tattersalls Building, Pitt Street, Sydney,is towards the use of a 16mm. film. Thisshorts for October.They are The De- SOUTHERN VISUAL CO., Dept. 13-14, 494 Australian Office of THE BILLBOARD. filmis non -inflammable, whereas thevelopment of the Trout (Embryology), S. Second St., Memphis, Tennessee. 26 The Billboard September 30, 1939 LNIEW incY WORM'S FAIR Flushing, L. I April 30 to October 31


Attendance and An Insider Looks 1940 Session Talk at the Fair Continues, With Spending Strike The 14th of a series of articles discussing the problems of the New York World's Fair will be resumed in the next issue of The Billboard. The 50c Gate Indicated writer, a consultant on the staff of the fair, will henceforth devote the series All -Season Low NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Despite rumors to a frank discussion of problems facing the fair corporation as it preparesthat the financial and political status NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Business on the for next year. of the fair corporation might make an- midway hit an all -season low this week other year of operation impossible, offi- as attendance dropped considerably and cials of the expo continue to talk in per capita spending of the public, weak terms of 1940 and this week went so all year, dwindled still further. Many at-Aquacade Will NotMardi Gras Casino far as to indicate that it has already tractions reported business 25 to 50 per been decided to cut the gate admission cent below the week preceding, withClose Till End of Opens With Fanfarenext season from 75 cents to 50 cents. only Aquacade maintaininganything Publicity in the public prints during like the biz enjoyed all summer. The NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-The Mardi Grasthe last two weeks is leading the city Billy Rose water spec is still playing toFair, Rose Assures Casino opened its free -dancing -to -name -and nation to assume that a second near -capacity, despite the drop in gate NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Commentingband -music run in the Textile Buildingedition of The World of Tomorrow is attendance and advent of chilly weatherupon the rumor that Aquacade wouldlast night withallthe fanfare andalmost a certainty. at night. close early in October when the weatherhoopla of a Hollywood or Broadway pre- Consensus around the loop is that asturns cool, Billy Rose announced to themiere.Between 4,000 and 5,000 visitors, Harvey D. Gibson, chairman of the far as big days are concerned, the fairpress this week that the big water showmostly invited, attended the opening,board and real boss of Flushing Meadows, is over for midway participants.At-would definitely remain open until Oc-and Eddie Duchin and band inauguratedannounced this week that in all proba- tractionists blame drop to several causes,tober 31, the fair's closing date. He alsotheir week stay in the big arena. bility the gate next year would be cut among them advent of school, interna-said show will not be trimmed during Dancing will be available nightly fromby one-third or to 50 cents, and that tional situation and, most important,final weeks and that there will be no8 p.m. to 1 a.m. for the duration of theparticipating conditions would be eased continued publicity about resuming thechanges in featured performers. Johnny for exhibitors. No details were revealed fair-much to the chagrin of operatorsand no mention was made of concessioner fair in 1940.All New York, and probablyWeissmuller, Eleanor Holm, Everett Mar-in the amusement area who stillfeel a large majority of the rest of the nation,shall, Frances Williams, Stubby Krueger,that the free attraction is a pretty goodconditions.Commander H. A. Flanigan, are more than confident that the fairWalter Dare Wahl and Gertrude Ederleidea but believe it should be conductedgeneral manager, stated that the fair will be available again next season, ashave run -of -the -play contracts. in the fun zone. would probably reopenseveral weeks a result of continued statements on the Aquacade continues to do sensational Textile Building islater in the spring than it did this year, part of fair officials. business despite general drop in fair at-about as far from the midway as possibleto insure better weather during early tendance, and indications point to totaland still be in the fairgrounds.Casinooperating period. No decision had been Dancing BurnStill On attendance of well over 4,000,000. Moreholds 3,000 dancers and 5,000 spectatorsreached today by the executive commit- Combination tickets on Thursday andthan 3,750.000 had seen Ur show thisand cost the fair between $15,000 andtee regarding several exhibitors' attempt Friday were of very little aid financiallyweek and the season's gross is nearing$20,000 to ready. to obtain permission to operate during to most attractions on the coupon, andthe $2,000.000 mark.Altho the show Eddie Duchin is in for a week withthe winter.General Motors, probably for the first time failed to draw an ap-apparently will not close before OctoberBob Crosby, Louis Prima, Glen Gray,the hit attraction of the entire exhib preciable increase in patronage in after- 31,it probably will be cut from fourBenny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Hal Kemp,area,is interested in operating during noons.Today's figures are not avail-performances a day to three and possiblySammy Kaye, Ben Bernie, Horace Heidtthe cold months and has already ne- able as yet, of course. By far the bulktwo, depending on fair attendance. and Kay Kyser set to follow.All book-gotiated for steam -heat equipment to be of midway biz continues to be done after Rose Asks Dismissal ings handled by Music Corp. of America.installed should the fair give its okeh. 10p.m.after thefireworksdisplay, State of New York, preliminary to filing The foreign government situation for which draws crowds from the exhibitsuit in Supreme Court this week against a '40 fair remains indefinite, with fair area of the fun zone. Elimination ofthe fair corporation and two companiesing changes for his Aquacade on condi-commissioners of most nations expressing pyrotechnics on Wednesdays and Sun-controlled by Rose, Gotham. Productions,tion that the $160,000 was to be de-the desire to be back again, tho in all days, as part of the fair's general re-Inc., and Billy Rose Exposition Sp-c-ducted from the 10 per cent of grosscases decisionrests with their home trenchment drive, has hurt concessiontacles,Inc.,to recover $76,601, assedreceipts paid to the fair corporation asgovernments.France signifiedits in- business tremendously on those days. that a receiver be appointed to admin-ground rental.State is attempting totention of returning and Poland indi- Concessioners are still burned up aboutister all money received by the corpora-recover 50 per cent of the $160,000, mostcated its willingness to participate pro- introduction of free dancing to the tunestions operating Aquacade in the State-of which has already been paid to thevidedfinancialaidisobtained from of name bands in the Textile Buildingowned amphitheater. fair by lose. Rose maintains that thethe fair corporation or other American of the exhibit area which opened to good State alleges that itknew nothingmatter does not concern him and hassources.Britain will probably remain attendance last night.Feeling persistsabout an agreement between Rose anddemanded that his companies be dis-as will Turkey. that free entertainment should be pre-the fair corporation whereby Rose was sented in the amusement area, especially missed from the case.Dismissal is ex- Belgium, on the other hand, has taken at night when the exhibit area closesto advance $160,000 to the fair for mak-pected some time next week. a pessimistic attitude and its commis- at 10 p.m., at least four hours before sioner said yesterday that he doubts that itwillbe possible to obtain an ap- amusement enterprises. propriation for additional participation. Altho nearly every attractionist has On the Flushing Front Denmark and Norway, also, are expect- condemned the fairatone timeor ing to drop out after October 31, unless another for this move, no organized pro- B'y ROGER LITTLEFORD JR. and LEONARD TRAUBE their governments have a change of test has been offered to the fair when mind. The Netherlands, Venezuela and the concerts began last night. A petition NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-With attend-today or tomorrow and most concession-Chili revealed two weeks ago that they signed by many midway concessionersance dropping all week and no promiseers believe the idea will be discardedwill not return for another season should protesting the free dancing in the ex-of a week -day pick-up from now untilfor the remainder of this season at least.the fair decide to operate again. hibit zone was reported in the makingthe faircloses, Board of Directorsis this week but at a late hour last night President Whalen arrivesin Europe it had not been presented to fair of-seriously considering slashing the gen- One wag cracked at Old New York'sthis week -end to launch a selling tour eral gate rate from 75 to 50 cents.De-Haymarket that if The World of To-at the capitals of Europe.Participation ficials. cision one way or the other will probablymorrow decides to operate next year itof the States of the Union has not been Shows Will Close Early be reached over the week -end and thereshould be retitled "The World of thediscussed openly at all, most common- If business continues at present level,is a definite feeling around the groundsDay After Tomorrow."... The wise-wealths apparently waiting to see how it is apparent several attractions will callthat the move will be put thru. cracks were flying fast last night at thethe international and domestic political it quits before the official October 31 To just what extent the cut will aidRondovoo, indulged in by Frank Buck,wind blows in the next couple of months closing. About half a dozen shows andattendance at this late stage remains aClif Wilson, Cy Bond, Harry Traver, Lewbeforecommittingthemselves. Only as many rides, that were corning fairlyquestion, altho it stands to reason itDufour, Joe Rogers and Paul Massman,Kentucky, which did not participate this near or equaling their weekly operatingcould not adversely affect Monday -to -who formerly was a member of theyear, has indicated that it will join the expenses during summer, have sufferedFriday patronage.As things stand thisAmusement Control Committee. Flushing extravaganza in 1940. to such an extent recently that oper-week so many special rates and induce- William C.(Bill) Fisher, of the me- ators will probably close rather thanments are already available that ifachanical section of the Amusement Con- realize additional losses.As explainedperson wished to visit the fair it wouldtrol Committee, received a lacerated leg here on several occasions, only Rose'snecessitate only a scan of the paperslast Saturday when "fireproof" canvas Bernays Is Given Public Aquacade,FrankBuck'sJungleland,to discover some sort of cut-rate methodtop of the Savoy Building caught fire. - Parachute Jump and possibly a few otherpossible.Special rates operating thisSeems that a handle -knob on the hose Relations Counsel Post rides will amortize their original invest -week included the regular 50 -cent ad-box was missing and Fisher was forced (See ATTENDANCE AND on page 31)mish on Saturdays and Sundays, the 40 -to kick out the glass.Fire started when NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Edward L. cent rate after 8 p.m. each night of theAndre Dumont was previewing his old-Bernays, veteran publicity expert with week, the $1 combination ticket whichtime movies for the ACC and somethinga show -business background, has been Paid Attendance included coupons to attractions in thewent haywire with the 35mm. projector.appointed public relations counsel of amusement area, and the 10 -cent kids'Show was canceled and building re-the fair to formulate the public relations Previously reported 18,491,738 days on Fridays and Saturdays.Maybemains dark. policy for the fair's second year. He Saturday, September 16 279,741 the public just doesn't want tovisit will serve without pay and his appoint- Sunday, September 17 266,996 Flushing Meadows, regardless of price. Leon Loeb, suffering from a lame backment will not affect the status of Leo Monday, September 18 79,596 The $1 strip ticket proved a disap-acquired in a fall at Carnivaland re-Casey,presschiefsincemidsummer Tuesday, September 19 89,516 pointment this week for the first time,cently,goes on sickleave beginningwhen he replaced Perley Boone. Wednesday, September 20.- 81,975 not more than 4,000 or 5,000 combosthis week, with managerial duties of Appointment of Bern ays was prompted Thursday, September 21 73,734 being sold on either Thursday or Friday,the big play area being assumed byby Harvey Gibson's desire to protect the Friday, September 22 83,697 according to unofficial estimates.Ques-Maurice Mermey, president. Mermey,fair against recurrence of the very poor tion of continuing the strip for durationformer director of exhibits and conces-"press notices" received last spring and Total 19,446,993 of the season will be discussed by thesions, announced early this week thatwhich since then have been considered ACC, treasury and concesh departments (,fee FLUSHING FRONT on page 31) (See BERNAYS IS GIVEN on page 31) September 30, 1939 NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR The Billboard 27





-Swimmers --Managers.- Divers- Parks-Pools Novelty Acts Sportsmen's Shows -Write Write "Corky" Kellam "Corky" Kellam "Aquacade" World's Fair Bldg., YORK New York MAIMS "CURRY" KELLAM World Champion Swimmer -Comedian 4.0.....101111111111M5


FRANK BUCK FRANK BUCK'S _ I 7 it JUNGLELAND presents 100 FOOT MONKEY ALi.4119(dtIIXAIMOSPHER MOUNTAIN WITH NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR the greatest array of wild 1000 MONKEYS 1939 animalattractionsever The Show that topped all produced grosses on the midway .110 MK/0(20F llINGLELANO IN Exhibiting the most complete collection of wild animals, birdsand reptiles ever assembled, and fea- turing eight of the world's greatest animal acts -Tigers, Lions,Chimpanzees, Elephants,Seals, Monkeys, Cockatoos. Thrills * Comedy * Entertainment

I FRANK BUCKSays: "Captain Roman Proske and his Royal Bengal Tigersis the finest tiger act in America." CAPTAIN ROMAN


DODSON'S HOLLYWOOD MONKEY STARS World's Best Dressed Performing Monkeys REUBEN CASTANG ROLLER SKATERS - BICYCLE RIDERS- ACROBATS AND COMEDY SKETCHES presenting the HOLLYWOOD COMEDY CHIMPANZEES immy Blondy Jiggs Slats Bobo Tony Fifi Percy Patsy AND BO-BO-Educated Mandrill Baboon * A Laugh Riot of Monkey Business THANKS, FRANK BUCK and T. A. LOVELAND Thanks to FRANK BUCK and T. A. LOVELAND for 26 Solid Weeks. AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 1ST for a very pleasant engagement at Jungleland Address: LA MOTTE DODSON, CareBillboard,Cincinnati, Ohio.

Announcers on the front of Frank Buck's Jungleland for the complete season of 26 weeks COLE SMITH at the New York World's Fair. Trainer of JACK JOEL JIGGS, the Mayor of Jungleland and The only performing Orang-Utang in the show busincss . . doing 3 complete and entirely GORDON different routines.BALLY STAR OF THE ENTIRE NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR. GROSSBART Thanks to Frank Buck and T. A. Loveland fora very pleasantall -season engagement. "Thanks for a Swell Season, Mr. Buck."

(Formerly Elephant Boss,Ringling Bros., Barnum CrBailey Combined Circus) LARRY DAVIS SUPERINTENDENT, FRANK BUCK'S JUNGLELAND September 30, 1939 NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR The Billboard 29

GEORGE JESSEL'S OLD NEW YORK The Largest and Most Successful Village at the NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR Operated by 1939 AMUSEMENTS, INC. ALMON R. SHAFFERGeneral Manager




Booked for 1 Week-Held Over HARRY SPEAR for the Full Season America's Foremost Young Master of Ceremonies

JACK BASSETT AND BAILEY GWEN featured as a unique and distinctive novelty CHUCK CONNORS STRIKING A BALANCE AT GEORGE JESSEL'S OLD NEW YORK, Mayor of Old New York WORLD'S FAIR thanks to To George Jesse!, My Mentor. GEORGE JESSEL and Thanks: To Mr. Almon R. Shaffer. ALMON R. SHA7FER Personal Management: BILLY JACKSON,Palace TheaterBldg., New York. Al Bill DUKE a nd SLOAN "Clowns of Swing Phalan" Singing Comedy Duo With Piano.Successful Season at New York World's Fair Address: 516 W. 167th St., N. Y. C. The Famous Tel.: WAdsworth 3-2106.



...Cull ca,069aoftia,c11)

ciao°a4141 PARACHUTE JUMP Universally acclaimed by Public and Press as the BIGGEST THRILL at the New York World's Fair. OUTGROSSING ALL OTHER RIDES! We wouldliketoarrange afewadditionalinstallationsfor1940. Inquiries from Park Operators are invited. INTERNATIONAL PARACHUTING, Inc. 6 East 45th Street, New York City JAMES H. STRONG, President. 11007111ERATEG The Famous Ride Sensation Send for Illustrated Circular. BOOMERANG MFG. CORP. HARRY WITT, Sales Mgr., 366 HAMILTON AVE., BROOKLYN, N. Y. BOBSLED DODG'EM (FLYING TURNS) /AT141114!AgAff See this sensational ride at the New York World's Fair Enthusiastic rideradvertising makes ar ullYortabi. will4°141 ...See the beautiful twin buildings which draw young Bob Sled a safe investment. be JO}WIDEe 4'Whichann ... "Our revenue from your ride has in- winheed.°4n vs.-ors. and old by the droves Just follow the crowds- g passenger they'll lead you straight to DODGEM because it is by creased each season." actio.1..w;ontroi" thrill_- Built Exclusively By :o.vored b: ide is Wit fully far the most popular attraction in the Amusement Sec- Yand Under u. Will be NORMAN BARTLETT '169,403. tion, giving thrills galore to thousands and thousands Patent 330 MAIN ST., TONAWANDA, N. Y. of World's Fair visitors...DODGEM Cars are built to do a big business and are doing it day in and day out, m.. -nee ;no Klianula.-Nume Know toe:, mos-gm-0 standing up under the terrific strain of constant opera- ri tion...DODGEM leads the way in popularity-and in PROFITS-jin the World of Tomorrow asit has for GLASS BLOWERS OF THE WORLD AP twenty successful years ...And-remember, the Fair r, crowds from your own community will be looking for New York World's Fair DODGEM wherever they go for amusement.. Cash in on the "OUT -FRONT" publicity of the World's Fair Oine mNi 6.'w t .w 01 maw kk, .N.4. DODGEM by operating it yourself this coming season CLIF FREDA ...Let DODGEM cars give YOU a thrilling ride to a WILSON big income. GIANT 30 -FT. MONSTERS ? BY THE GROSS ? WITH THE 3 LEADING EXPOSITIONS OF 1939


D ART1-',GA and his orchestra say g apoic9i2e THA.NKS To Mr. Robert Sipchen, Mr. William Rowley, their staff and the entire Sun Valley company at the World's Fair for their co-operationand confidence during the past 22 weeks. to the thousands of visitors to the Goodrich exhibit at Enna Jettick Program Personal management Sundays-NBC-redchain JACK LAVIN the New York World's Fair 91stations coast to coast Press Representative Fivep.m.,e.s.t. I RVI NG LEHRER whom we have had to turn away becauseoflimited seating facilities. "SHOOT THE WORKS" We are pitying to 1,000,000 a month now and can't ac- New York's World Fair Shooting Galleries commodate any more. J. GILBERT NOON

We'll Be There at the Finish KAPLAN & BLOOM JIMMIELYNCH Canes, Umbrellas, Parasols, Etc. and his DEATH DODGERS bear as a holly attraction never fails to FLUSHING FRONT draw a big tip.... Leon Loeb,Carniva- (Continued from page 26) land manager, willvisitthe fairsin he has rejoined the Baldwin, Beach &Allentown, Pa.; Trenton, N. J., and Dan-operator of the Empress, now the Gayety, Mermey public relations office and it isbury, Conn., this fall.... Jordan MottCincinnati, is back in the Queen City assumed he will divide his time betweenwill make Trenton. ... Hazel Cotter, ofafter disposing of his liquor store in BUDDY LEWIS Carnivaland and his Manhattan B. B. &Cotter and Harris, noveltyteam, hasMiami, Fla.Lantz has visions of get- M. headquarters. joined the George Hamid circus. in Car-ting back into the burly theater busi- nivaland, doing iron jaw and swingingness. He has two spots under considera- .Frank D. (Doc) Sheen, account exec-ladder.Hubby Whitey Harris continuestion-one in the Deep South and the utive and member of the fair's amuse-clowning with the Jimmie Lynch showotherinthe Midwest. . . . JOY ment control committee, returned to hisat the Goodrich exhibit, where he's beenTHEATER, Dallas, formerly owned by desk on Monday after a three-week leaveall season. Elmo Phillips, has been taken over by ofabsencethattookhimtothe With the coming of chilly breezes andTol Teeters and Percy Wade, who are Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto,downright cold at night, the Aquacadenow operating the house under a tab and Western Fair, London, Ont. He as- policy.. . . HARRY HAMS OFF is back sisted J. Vv. (Patty) Conklin in admin-is prepared to introduce what the man-at the National, Detroit, in charge of istration of the fun zone at those an-agement tactfully calls "fall -weather con-concessions.In addition, he's looking siderations" for use ofthe bigcast. in nuals. Conklin, incidentally, visited theEquipment includes giant water heaters,aftertheJacobBros.'interests World's Fair for the fourth time this Detroit houses. . . . TERESITA, recent forthepool, heavy terry -cloth robesadded attraction at the Avenue, Detroit, week. . . .Bill Rabkin, arcade, photo-and shoesto be worn by chorus be- matic and coin scale op on Flushingtween numbers; a "kitchen" has beenisslatedforan earlyreturnthere. Meadows, is expected back this week . . . HELEN REED, erstwhile chorine, from the San Francisco expo. erected backstage where soup and coffeehas quit the biz to settle in Louisville, are available;newsetofhot-waterwhere she is working at Sid's Place, one World's Youngest Ice Skate Stunt Artist Almon R. Shaffer, manager of Old Newshowers for chorus and principals, andof the town's hotspots.. . .IN THE two towel shacks at either end of theLINE at the State & Harrison, Chicago, Appearing Sun Valley Winter Wonderland, York, confined to his home Thursdaypool "so that swimmers may literally World's Fair, New York, ina Speed and with a heavy cold. . . .Clif Wilson took areSally Walker, Emily Dunn, Julia bundle themselves with towels the mo-LaMarr, Laura Peters, Dorothy Sorenson Barrel -Jumping Number that's different. his first day off recently since a couple ofment they step from the water." Management: J. S. LEWIS, months beforethefairopened.. . . and Louise Malloy.Billy Gordon is the Among visitors from out of town noted house's comic, with Mack 'Frye handling 7261 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. this week were C. V. Starkweather, AllanATTENDANCE AND the straights.Gordon recently replaced Herschell ride firm, North Tonawanda, (Continued from page 26) Paul Workman. . . . MARVEL KYLEi 'WW1 1 6.1kNOLOW1 I L1K IOW 061 IL, N. Y.; W. J. O'Brien, Revere Beach (Mass.)ments this season.Nearly every otherrecently left the State & Harrison, Chi, concessioner; R. N. Anderson, Glen Echoattraction lost all hope of getting backtojointhelineattheEmpress, (Md.) Park, and John McTighe, Kenny -building costs weeks ago and have beenMilwaukee. 5 A Smash Hit wood Park, Pittsburgh. . . . Jordan L.satisfied with trying to meet weekly op- At Sun Valley Mott, operator of the Parachute Jump,erating expenses, not counting amortiza- making preparations to sell duplicatestion. AUSTIN TENTER of the Flushing tower toparksand (Continued from page 24) ALEX HURDi resorts. A newcomer to show business,BERNAYS IS GIVEN by the singing troubador, not one member he's rapidly becoming one of the most quitting his job. Or World's Champion Speed Skaterina p popular ops on the midway. (Continued from page 26) The Wehles had sold their tent show one of the chief reasons for the nation'sto Austin during the summer and be-0 breath -taking speed and barrel -jumping 0 NBC televised the speeches of Secre-unenthusiastic reception of The World ofcause he had allegedly fallen down in his0 routine. tary of State Hull and Harvey Gibson,Tomorrow. payments on the purchase they broughtA Three times Champion of North America chairman of the fair's board, yesterday. Bernays, who conducts his own p.r.their legal action last week. andsix timesCanadian Champion officein New York City,is a former . . . Merrie Englandinaugurated a new When Models and Melodies was closed Skater. free show on Sunday with the Dagenhampress agent of the theater, in which heby court proceedings, Austin moved his Girl Pipers, back from the CNE, Toronto,handled publicity for Klaw & Erlanger,equipment and truck caravan to the fair-41\ WO k a g i k 71 i ,-.1 iilir . .11 IM W WI 64 heading thebill.ActsincludeBillythe Russian Ballet and Enrico Caruso.grounds here and prepared to do battle Richie and Company;Therese,accor-He directed Light's Golden Jubilee, thewith Billy and Marion Wehle.Austintional lien for $3,155.85 as the result of dionist; McLean and Bonnie Lassie, "the50thanniversaryoftheelectric -lightfired his opening gun Monday when histhe operations of the show by the Wehles. dog with the human mind," and a lineindustry in 1929 and since then has han-attorney, W. V. McDermott. filed a plea Then, to climax his plea, Austin charges ofgirls. ActsretainedarePolidor,dled the public relations of other com-of recoupment with the Circuit Court.that he originally contracted to work for clown; Don Francisco, on the slack wire,mercial and civic jubilees. Austin answered that he had been servedthe Wehles at $1,250 per week for 32 and Paul Tremaine and his orchestra. by the United States Bureau of Internalweeks, that the Wehles paid him only one Revenue with atax lien against theweek at that rate, and that eventually he Crown Jewels of England display inBURLESQUE NOTES Wehles and the show for $969.84, of whichhad to buy the show to protect his own Dickens House, Merrie England, isre- (Continued from page 23) he had not been previously advised; thatinterests. Under his suit for recoupment ceiving compliments of village patronage.BILL COLLINS is the manager of thethe amount of the installment on thethe $13,750 is allegedly due for "work and Pat Rich and Austin McCullagh are op-Capitol, Toledo. purchase allegedly due August 31 was lesslabor" in April, May and June of this erating-for a dime. .. . Carriage trade year.Interest on the amount is also stillgoes for Pandora, the Panda, atFROM ALL AROUND: than the tax lien, and that the Internal NYZOS in a big way.. .. And the honey MEYER (BLACKIE) LANTZ, formerRevenue Bureau served him with an addi-sought. 32 The Billboard WORLD'S FAIR September 30, 1939 has clipped receipts of the shows nearwith hissteeplechasebit. Withsix by at least 25 per cent, particularly thefemmes asjockeys,placing the prop Rand Miss America show. Looks morehurdles, Legg showed championship form favorable for a 1940 fair now that Georgein his jumps.Starting at two hurdles, GOLDEN GATE tc, Creel has gone on record for contin-he wound up doing a jackknife jump uance.A meeting of the Exhibitors'over 10 of them.Finale was a leap INTERNATIONAL Association was held to determine howthru three blazing hoops. many would stay in 1940. Decision has Cuban rhythm was featured by Evelyn not yet been made public.ThereisChandler and Bruce Mapes, showing off EXPOSITION talk that if the expo does run again,their swell teamwork.A repeat from it will be of about four months' dura-last year, the Ice Follies Swing Waltz, SAN FUANCISCC tion, opening on Decoration Day andwas the spectacle highlight of the eve- continuing thru Admission Day, Sep-ning. The costumes were eyefllling and February 18 to December 2 tember 9. the 24 skaters gave a breath -taking per- formance.Several Don Nicholson has taken over manage- tookspillsafter ment of the Singer Midget show andgettingtheirskates caughtintheir Paid Attendance Headless Girl attraction,inbothofflimsy costumes. Heavy Heat Toll which he is financially interested. John Bess Erhardt came back in a solo, Previously reported 8,015,548 Sirigo, San Diego, visited recently. Walterbacked by the line girls.There wasn't Thursday, September 14 28,637 Lehman, veteran carnival man, had bothanything unusual to her routines, but Drops Gates and Friday, September 15 23,803 legs broken recently in a bus accidentthe production effects were good. Saturday, September 16 43,771 near El Paso, Tex. Louis Lurie, capitalist A new twist to the old apache gag Sunday, September 17 75,711 and Treasure Islandinvestor,is con-was introduced by McGowan and Mack. TakeonGayway Monday, September 18 19,015 valescing at his home after a heart at-Mter being thrown all over the ice the Tuesday, September 19 18,925 tack.Mora Bagby, former trouper andgal came back and gave McGowan some SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23.-Exposi- Wednesday, September 20._ 40,041 now an operator of a hotel in Hunting-ofhis own medicine, much tothe tion sweltered this week as the ther- ton Park, Calif., was a recent visitor.crowd's amusement. mometer went to new records.Excessive Total 8,265,451 Happy Johnson and wife, formerly of heat caused serious decline in attendance the Ringling-Barnum show, just blew Heinie Brock, with his prop lamp post, in to do the fair.Fuzzy Hughes, old-did his drunk act.He is the best rub- and business.Sunday drew 75,711 withmen's League of America for the benefit ber -legged comic on ice.After a couple the mercury at 87. Drops came on Mon- time trouper,visitingEddieBrown.of minutes devoted to screwball antics, day, Tuesday and Thursday, with 19,015,funds of the organizations. Sunday, September 17, one of the few Chairman J. Ed Brown's report showedideal expo days of the season, drew abouthe winds up doing a nosedive into the 18,925and20,661,respectively, when$1,195 realized from sale of tickets, do- box seats.His skating ability is tops temperatures hit 88, 89 and 97. Weders-nations of $5 and $10 each from the75,000 visitors, with all concessions hav-and his running across the ice finish day's 40,041 was registered with 97 -de- ing a busy day. Mel Smith, now man-really got the crowd. gree heat. 'Chinese Village and Chester & Conklinaging Sally Rand'sthreeattractions, and $180.20 percentage from Sally Rand'sNude Ranch, Miss America and Gay FranClaudetand OsborneColson Death toll up to Thursday reached 15Gay Paree.Cost of printing and inci-Paree, has his hands full. Monty Mont-showed good teamwork in a bit entitled in the bay area with more than 100dentals was about $70. gomery, who goes back to the front ofGypsy Flirtation. prostrations reported in this city.More Miss America from Gay Paree, was first Billed as the world's greatest acro- than a score have been stricken at the man on this show when it opened andbaticstars,ShipstadandJohnson expo since the heat wave started.Mid- he did exceptionally well with it.Jerryopened by driving across the ice in a way business was poor, with operatorsVoters To Pass Whitney isrelief talker for the threebantam car.Their stuff was fast when attributing the drop solely to the un- Rand shows. So many bosses and othersthey started on the skates.Dressed as precedented heat, from which no reliefOn 2d Year; Too got clipped September 15 that they can'ta pair of collegians, with Shipstad im- was promised over the week -end. be enumerated. Management is gettingpersonating a femme, the act drew its SibleytoMexico Late, Says Strub down to brass tacks. share of laughs, but was not up to last Walter K. Sibley, last of' the showmen year's performance. who started to get the midway together SAN FRANCISCO,Sept.23.-Voters Sally Rand, who terminated her en- Evelyn Chandler did a Wild West bit for the expo, and who was assistant towill be asked at the November 7 electiongagement at the Music Box, night clubentitled Dude 'Ranch..She knows her the former concessions director, Fred-as to whether the exposition should runin San Francisco, after the longest runskates and easily convinced the crowd from April 1 to October next year. of any performer since the days of Lotta erick Weddleton, resigned this week as SixCrabtree and Lola Montez, found it nec-that she is one of the world's best. She manager of the Headless Girl attraction,supervisors this week signed a petition,essary to devote all her time to Gayfinished by doing a series of Arabian and went by plane to Mexico City, whereautomatically placing the proposal onParee, which she recently opened oncartwheels. talk of another world's fairisas hotthe ballot. However, there was considerable criti-Treasure Island. Miss Rand features her- Karl Zwack and Idi Papez did a bit as the weather in town.Sibley, who has self in Paree, but whileplayingtheentitledArtist'sLife. Altho the act an option on a contract for a 3,000 -footcism during the discussion of the idea,Music Box she had to use a substitutepresented nothing aside from regular amusement zone for the proposed ex-with some of the opposition favoring afor some of her scheduled performancesskating routines,it was adequate. position,wasaccompaniedbyMaxsecond year only if the expo cuts ad-at Gay Paree, to which patrons objected Frick and Frack easily stole the show Schwartz, operator of Candid Cameras,mission prices to 5 cents for childrenstrenuously, so she decided to chuck thefrom a laugh angle.Their comedy rou- and Jose Lewels, representativeofaand 25 cents for adults, with a 25 -centBox, where the was earning from $3,000tines were spectacular and they deserved group interested in the Mexican project.parking charge. to $4,500 weekly.As Sally is financingthe swell hand the crowd gave them. BritishColumbia's George D. Smith, exposition vice-pres-Gay Paree personally and gets all of itTheir stuff is different. exhibit,orderedident, has proposed a bond issueof closedlast week because of Canada's$2,500,000 if it goes over, she probably will come Show wound up with an Alpine Festi- entry into the European war, has been tokeep thefairrunning.out on the right side.After the fairval. reopened in response to urgent pleas byHotel men and Tourist Bureau haveshe will take the Gay Paree show on Ice Follies was sock entertainment and made a proposition to the San Fran-the road. fair officials.It was announced it wouldcisco Chamber of Commerce asking co- should do well.Oscar Johnson, Edwin be continued to December 2. operation in starting a $2,000,000 cam- Shipstad and Roy Shipstad handled the Clyde Vandeburg, head of expo pro-paign to operate the fair for a second Airline and bus officials appear to feelproduction end. motion and publicity, has handed in that the fair should be run in 1940, but Irving Eckhoff and W. H. Hadlick, year.Hotel men say they are willingrailroads have not as yet given theirp. a.'s. hisresignationto Managing Directorto contribute substantially to the cam-opinion. All transportation into the bay Dean Owen. Charles H. Strub, effective on Septemberpaign. Another proposalisto bringdistrict has had substantial increase in 30.He will, however, remain with theeitherthe RepublicanorDemocraticbusiness, in some cases more than 40 perCLUB TALENT expo in an advisory capacity. national convention here next year. cent over their best years. Airlines have (Continued from page 22) Frank Zambrino, manager of Ripley's Managing Director Charles H. Strubregistered greatest increase in business,emsee Joe Wallace, has quit the biz to Odditorium, off to New York on busi-declared anelection"willnot meanone of them admitting 50 per cent betterawait the arrival of "a little one" in ness will be away about a week.Natemuch." He said a decision must be madebusiness than ever before. Another airMarch. ... THE COLSTONS were forced Miller also to New York on business.before that time, adding that the mattercompany has placed orders for 15 Douglasto drop their scheduled International Arthur Weston, an attendant at therests on whether sufficient money canD -C-3 transport planes.It appears nowCasino engagement due to illnessof Odditorium, quit and joined the navy.be raised to cover expenses of reopening.to be entirely up to the people of SanArlene Colston. Francisco as to whether the fair will Cal Cashiers Let Out run again. Fairexhibitors met on Monday to Here and There: discusssuggestionsforrevisingexhi- When this is being read I will be one ISOBEL DeMARCO has opened a four - bitor -management contracts in the event Gleanings of a party that went by plane to Mexicoweek run at the Old English Inn, East a second year is decided upon.Sugges- City, in charge of Jose B. Lewels, Amer-St. Louis, Ill. . . . HOGAN HANCOCK, tions embraced such items as transpor- By WALTER K. SIBLEY icanrepresentativeoftheproposedof MCA, Chicago, sold the Stars on Pa- tation contracts, electric rates, garbage SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23.-Retrench-Mexican Exposition there.More thanrade unit, which has several night spot disposal costs and length of the pro-ment is order of the day, not only with50 concessions are in process of nego-acts, to the West Texas Fair in Abilene posed second season. the expo management but with mosttiation for that fair at present. A number(October 2 to 7) and to the Panhandle George Olsen and his orchestra openedof the Gayway attractions. A numberof exhibitors here have signified theirSouth Plains Fair at Lubbock, Tex., (Sep- of shows that were working two shiftsintention of participating, whether ortember 25 to 30). a 10 -day run yesterday at the expo's not the GGIE is operatednextyear. SHARLAN AND ALDYTH,aftera new free entertainment feature, replac-are now working an eight -hour day and forced layoff of six months, are headed ing Henry Owens. keeping closed one day each week, toWhile Max Schwartz, operator of Candid comply with the six -day -working -weekCameras, is in Mexico on the trip hisfor Los Angeles for an October date at Forty-two girl cashiers, who are paidState law.There is hardly a Gaywaymany interests at the expo and in otherthe Orpheum Theater. .. . DAVE SAKES by theexposition but work incon-attraction that has not fallen off atparts of the States and Canada will beopened his Show Bar, Detroit, Saturday cessions, were let out during the week.least 25 per cent in receipts since thesupervised by Mrs. Schwartz.Sheis(16)... . RUSSELL SWANN, Eight Ben Union trouble may cause Robert Seckleslast big day, Admission Day.It is notthoroly familiar with every detail of theYost singers, Royale Steppers, Don Julian to close his girl show, it is said.Prac-anticipated that business will get anybusiness, having worked with him sinceand Marjorie, Julie Annan and Danny tically all the former AFA card holdersbetter. A number of smaller attractionsits inception. Demetry's Orchestraareat the Club on the midway have joined the AGVA,will be permitted to operate without Royale, Detroit. ... PHIL KAYE, Colette, altho the union has not yet negotiatedticket takers, totalizing turnstiles being Four Adorables and Tony Emma's Ork "ICE FOLLIES" are at Freddie's Cafe, Cleveland.... a contract with the fair. used as a check. This will save from (Continued from page 22) Night watch of guards and guides are$40 to $60 weekly for each operator. BOYD SENTER, after a long stay at Mc - packing pistols, because history of ex-Expo could not work out a flat rate thatcouple of fast -stepping numbers. Gar-Van's, Buffalo, closed to joina new positions is said to show that plunderingit had in comtemplation for the suffer-nered plenty of applause. show, Italian Fantasie, with Jane Orr, increases during final weeks. ing conceesioners, so they must continue Osborne Colson, billed as the figure -Gary and Hale, Anion Sisters, Woody on a percentage basis. skating champ ofCanada,did someMosher and Dotie Taylor. fancy stuff.Opening as a drum major, GUY GIBBY, playing the Great Lakes Mrs. Clyde Ingalls, who was a recenthe didn't show much in the baton -twirl-vaude time in the Midwest, reports night PCSA and SLA Getvisitor, was accompanied by her twoingdepartment but reallycutlooseclub activity is picking up this year. children.They were guestsof Eddiewhen he got down to skating. JACK KELTON, Eva De Vare, Marie Shares From BenefitBrown.Victor Roper and wife, Helen, As a couple of bellhops, the McKellenMarguette, Peggy Zarrow, Pearl Twins left the Headless Girl show to join oneBrothersdidsome knockaboutstuff.and aline of six girls opened the fall SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23.-As a re-of the Hutton whale units, Vic to openFalling all over a bunch of prop suit-season at the Kokomo Klub, Dothan, sult of the September 7 Showmen's Day,in Memphis after visiting with relativescases, the boys wound up by doing aAla... . RAY WENCIL has begun a 17 - committee in charge has turned overin Texarkana, Tex. La Rand has a bighand-to-hand stand while traveling atweek engagement at the Town and Coun- $989.69 to the Pacific Coast Showmen'selectric sign across the Gayway whichfull speed.Very flashing stuff. try Club, Milwaukee.Will return to Association and $329.89 to the Show -can be read half a mile away. Gay Paree Harris Legg injected a bit of dramaHollywood after the date. September 30, 1939 The Billboard 33

MAIL ON HAND AT Kennedy. Mrs. Clanagin, Bob Donie, P.L. Glenny & Ford Vannle Clark, Fenley Doran, Harry W. Goffas, Geo. Kent, Avis Clark, Happy Bob Douglas, Malvern Golden, Sam J. CINCINNATI OFFICE Kettenam. ETA Clark, Paul F. Bowler. H. R. Golden,Zane 25-27 Opera Place. King Sisters Clark, R. F. (Swede)Goldberg, Arthur King,Mrs.Grace Clark. T. D. Downs. Geo. P. Golub, Meyer King, Mickey, Clark. Thurston Downs. Geo. (Red)Goodman, Doc Parcel Post Gymnast Clarke. Chas. Doyle. S. B. J. W. (.after List Clarke. Texas Joe Dressler. Ronnie & Kinnard, Diana Goodwin & Miller Carson. Jack & Kennedy, Mrs. Jas. Kinnard. Paula Clamor'. Sam DotGordon, Bobbie Vee,6c Everett, 6cKinsey, Madge Clayton, Clarence DuBois, Jimmie Gordon. W. J. Cartwright, Kyle (NailoJint),50Kirk, Mrs. E. D. Clement, Frank Duffer.J.C. Grady, Johnny G., 3c Moore,J.H. NOTE=Mail held at the various offices of The Cleveland Corp. Dugan, Eddie Grafford,Russell Rascal, Mrs. M., 3c (ErenchY). 3oKirkman, Nina Duggan, Jesse 5c Woods, Miss Kiser, Mrs.Dewy isclassified under their respective Clifford, Pete Graham, H. E. King, Hilly. V. Billboard Cochran. Chas. Duke, L.E. Graham, Roy McDonald. Jack Sharamain, 8cKneeland, Mrs. Cockelberg, Dunaway, J. F. Grambsch, Benj. G. Edwin heads - Cincinnati Office, New York Office, AlphonseDuncan. Jack Grammar, R.J. Women Landers, Peggy F. Requests to Cody, Harry W. Dunn, Buddy Grant,Fred Landman, Mrs. Chicago Office, St. Louis Office. Cohen, Milton (Arthur)Grape, Norman Adams, Mrs. BettyDixon, Jerry L. C. have mail forwarded must be received in Cin- Colby. Jack Duo, Mort Graves, Robt. Clyde Adams, Mary Dougherty, Mrs. Lane. Mrs. Clayton Cole. Arthur Durham, Buddy & Gravitonthe Great Adonis, Betty RuthLePage, Mrs. cinnati by Friday morning (early) and in New Coleman. Floyd CeliaGray Fox,Chief. Ahmaltcha, Leleta Drake. Mrs. Bridget Durham. Frank Show Akers. Mrs. Ralph Draper, Lealure Pauline Coleman, Max Durham, Milton & Alford, Helen CollinsLaRue, Maud York, Chicago and St. Louis by Thursday morn- Colerte, Green PaulineGray, Geo. F. Allen, Sara Latlip,Ida Mae Collins. Larry Dyer, Geo. (Photos) Anck, Florence & Dressler, Mrs. Lawrence. Mrs. ing, otherwise names of those concerned will Collins. Thomas Dyer, Roy Gray, W. N. John Mabel Myrtle Colwell,Bill Greater Amer. Show Drum, Mrs. W. .MLayton, Mrs. Ruth be repeated in the following issue. Compton, Harold Dymes, Leonard Green,Dock Andre,Paulette Duckworth, Mrs. IeDue. Dorothy Condame Jr.. PeterEagleson. G.S. Green. Silas Anthony.Mrs. G. W.Lee, Chang Conger & Santo Earl, John Billie PlayersEarle. Alfred B. (New Orleans) Araki, Mrs. Tan Budding, Dorothea Lee, Buddy Earle, Anthony B.Green, Thomas H. Archer, Mrs. H. L.Dunbar, Mrs. MaryLee, Kittie Plunkett,KathleenTurner, Virginia White, Mrs.OscarBowey, Arthur Congo, Cheek Eaton, Gale Greens, Eddie Ariento, Jean Dunlap, Mrs. C. F.Lemilen, Mrs.Jos.Poland, Vivian Tuttson, Mrs. Whiteside. Mrs. Bowles. Roy Connarroe, Lee S. Eavans, Pat Greenberg, Harry Ash. Irene Dupree, Lysa & Leon, Daisy Elizabeth M. Elnora A. W.Bowling. Joe H. Connelly, Blackie Eckler, Less (Novelties) Asher, Mildred Robt,Leonard, Dolly Pontius,Mrs.Benrivondovitvh,MaryWhitman. Farnie Bowman, C.M. Conner,Earl Eddy, Doc Greenfield, Julius Durbin, Mrs. LeValle, Mrs. FrankPressley, Dorothy Van Loesen, Wilbur, Mrs. NellieBowman, Earl Conner. J. E., Mgr. DannyGregory, L.B. Ayers, Mrs. H. C. Adrian Williams,Mrs.AlBoyle.ban Everett Edentield Backus,Mrs.Earl Levett, Dorothy H.Fritts.Mrs.Violet Countess Emily Cook, Eder, Chief Ray Grey, Benny & D.Durrett. Alice C. Lewis, Alma Pryor, 3Irs. JacobVaughn, Mrs, Williams, Ann Bradford. T. R. Copperstorte, T. R. Edwards, Bob Glenda Earvin, Katie Lewis, Mrs. Rahn, Mrs. H. J. Bessie LouiseBradley, Phil Corbitt, Geo. (Candy Man)Grey, Raymond Bacon, Faith Edenfield,Mrs. Beulah MaeRandolph. Mrs. Vogel, Jacqueline Williams, Mrs. (LittleDoc)Corcoran. Max Edwards. Robt.E.Griffeth, Donald B. Bahnsen, Mrs. DannyLewis, Dorothy. LenaWaddell, Peggy RichardBrady, F. J. Corey.Victor Eilers, Ray C. Griffin, Henry BessieEdmonds, Mrs. Skating ActHeckles, Mrs. FredWadeworth, Williams, Virginia Bragg, Geo. Corlew,Billie AmiEllis. Sem Grissom, H R. Baker, Mrs. Mary R. D.Lewis, Era May Reckless. Marie Princess Olga JaneBranholtz,J. Cornish & Dean Ellison. Wm. Groffo. Ephraim AliceEisenmann, Mrs. Lieberman, Mrs. Red Wing. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. RalphWillomeo,Mrs. Braswell,Jimmie Cortes, Peter OnealGrotto, Miller Bandli, Dolly James BettyJeanWallace,Lorraine MabelBraustein,N. Cortez, Gene Groffo, Steve Gertrude (Pepper)Ellsworth, C. H. Barbara, Lady Ellis, Mrs. F.F. Lindy, Dotty Reynolds,ChristineWallace, Mina RickWilson, Mrs. J. C.Bray, Wm. Whitey Emerson, D. H. Gulick. Martin Barker, Joyce Engstrom,Lillian Litton, Mrs. Frances(tire, blaile E. Wanda, Madam Wilson, Mrs. Bremson, Robt. Sr.Costa.Bob Elmore, Emery Guinn,J.C. Barnes, Jean Errilitz,Mary Lomax, Mrs. GradyRichter, Louise Warley, Mrs. Frank JosephineIt.Brennan,Alfred Couch,C. 0. Elvira. Elmer D. Gunn, Geo. Barnett. Mrs. LylesEsther -Lester London. Hazel Riddle, Annette Warner, Bobbie Wilson. Marie Brentlinger. Jiro Couden, Dug LolaEmers, Glen Gurley, R. W. Exler,Mrs. Joe Long, Mrs. KathernRiggs. Mrs. Lillian TillieWinstead. Mrs. Bridges, W. W. Emerson Junior Gurley, Robt, Barnett, Mrs. Farrys, Mrs. Long,Mickey Rinehart, 011ie Watkins, Maxie E.S. Bright Lights Expo.Couture. L.J. Ensley, E. B. Guyer,Ray Norman FatimaLong, Millie Risley. Mrs. John Watson. Mrs. Winters, Mrs. ShowCox. Arthur Entenman, Chas. Gwinn, Amos Barnhart, Mrs. Faust, Marguerite Loren,Mrs.JohnRisteau, Esther Florine BettyBroadwell, Jack Cox, Frank A. Doc L.Haddix, G. H. LeolaFennell. Ann Lother, Mrs. PeggieRives, Patricia Weatherford, Mrs. Winters, Peggy &Broaky, Billie Crabtree. Jack Hager,Carl Baron. Theresa Fields, Mrs. Johnny HappyBrock, Floyd Ephraim, M.J. Haisington, Ernest Baxter,Bee (Dancer) Ola Crabtree. Larry Epperson. Tiny A. VirginiaLove, Bonnie Roberts,Irene Weaver, Patty JaneWoods, Mrs. BlackyBreda, Lon Crago Players Estridge, Clarence Baxter, Mrs. Fisher,TulaAliceLowe, Mrs. Lyman Robinson. Eva Webb, Mrs.GraceWoods. Mrs. EvelynBroke,Eddie Craig, R. W. Halke, R. S., Esq. Clifford Bronley, Walt Carl Beamon, Eliza Fitzgerald, Ella L.Robinson, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. FredWoodward, Jean Craigen, Gordon Evans, Chas - Hall, Grover Flinn, Mrs. Alma Lowery, Mrs. GivenWedner, Mrs. Wright, Helen J. Bronson. Wayne Craihead, Hugh StanleyHall,Ottis Beaty, Mrs. WalterForrest, Helen Carroll R.Rocco, Ruth Francis & ClydeWright, Hilda Brown, Ben Crane, Earl Haller,Gene Belamy, Mrs. EthelForrester. Dee DeeLucy, Miss, Rose, Lady Weer, Mrs. M. R.Wright, Jean Brown, Curtis Crane,Roland Evans, Frank Halley, Charlie M. Bell, Lillian, ShowFortin. Mrs. Ray J. EquestrienneRoss,Mrs. Hal J.Wehrle, Helen Wright, Nellie Brown, Irvin Crane. Timothy Evans, Geo. Halligan,Jack Bennett. Dot Fox, Pearl Ludwig,Nellie Ross, Mrs. Paul Weiner, Mrs. Wright, 3Irs. Brown. James Crane, Vic Evans, James T. Bally, Grady D. OrchestraFrances, Shirley Luther, Mrs. Rowe. Mrs. Anna Herman WinnieBrown, Leroy Crawford. F. R. Evans, Little SteveHalm, Eugene J. Bennett, Lotte Francis, La Goldie Laverne S. MaeWelch, Joe Yates, Mrs. Mary Brown, Ray A. Crawford, Richard Evans, Wando Hamilton, Mr. Bennett, Kathleen Freeman, Mrs. Ada Brown, W. B. Melvin Eves, Red Betty -John Lutheran, Mrs. Rudell, Virginia (Josephine) (Tex) Crawley. Bessie ElsieFreeman, Mrs. McCann, Mrs. Ruler, Mae Weil, Ferne York, Mrs. LeaotaBrown. Wheeler Crosby, W. Ewing, Robt. Hamilton,Bill Beyney, Mrs. John ConnieRuth, Mrs. R. R. Wellborn, 3Iolly AdelaideBrown, Wm. T. Crosby. W. C. Eyler, Walter 13. Hamilton. E. J. Billings. Mildred French. Mrs. McCarthy, Sackett, MarguereteWells, Mary Zane. Rita Broyer, Louis A. Crossley, Harry LeolaHamilton, Gordon Biron, Pearl Warren Josephine Sargie, Mrs. Ruth ZarlingtonTwins, Brumley. Arch Fadella,Tony "Bonney" Bistany,Mrs. Wert.Viola Crothers. Albert VioletGallagher. Mrs. McClain, Mrs. Saulsberry, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Geo. TheBrunk, Harry L. Crowder, Geo. Fahey, Frank Hamilton, Leo, Kathleen S. Miggett Robt. J.Zimmerman, Mrs. Bryan, Diet Crowe,Bill Fairleigh.J. S. Mgr. Blackburn, Mrs. Geller,Mrs. McClellen, Mrs. Saunders, 3Irs. whmey. Mrs. A. W. M.Bryant. D.B. Crowson. W. P. Falkner, Chester Hamilton,Whitie Geo. Josephine Cora Mabel Mrs. Margo Buchanan. Eddie Cudney. C. H. Fanning Duo, Hammond, Ed Blake, Etta LouiseGallo. Norma McCree, Mrs. RenoSchultz. Mrs. Buchanan, Fred Cummins, 3. GymnastsHance, H. H. Blew. Mrs. Betty Garcniser, Patricia McDaniel. Mrs. Lillian Buck & Chickie Cunningham, "Doc" Farmer. J. N. Hancock,Bob Boinchetti, Peggie GraceScott. Alene Men Buckland, Henry O.L. Farr. Jack Handkins, M. C. Garner,Elinor Curley, J.L. MayesGarner, Margie McGee. Helen Scott,Mrs.EileenAadms, Wm. J. Bentz, Paul Buckland, Joshua ( Denver Ii id)Farrington. Handkins, Chas. Boswell,Mrs. Gary, Mrs. Frank McLane, Doris Scott,Mrs.Nina Barlow, Harold J. Buckland, Plato Curry, Oscar Faust.F.S. Hanson,Chas. . Edith (Millie)Mace, Mrs. HerbertSerlen, Mrs.HelenAblin, Leo Buckley, L. E. Curtis, Gate Feay, Andrew Hanson. Kermit Boswell, Louise Mackey. Mrs. LauraSetzer,31rs. Ackley, John Barnes, Roger Buebl, A. Cushing. F. IL Femmings Rides Happy Days Shows Boudry, ValintenaGaren, Babs Main, Betty W. W.Adams, Mr. BabeBarnett. Chester E.Bumps, Bobby D'Aubour ReneFendrick. Boyar H. G. Bowman, Elsie Gensler,Mrs. RayMandervilleSisters,Sexton, Miss BillieAdams, James & Bartlett. Harry Bunce, Chief Mexes Fenner. Harry Hardesty,Herbert Gertano, Firs. Mary HazelBarney Bros.' Bullard, Freddie D. D. (Chihuahua Philip AdabellGibbons, Mrs. Pam TheShafer, Helen Circus Dogs)Fermoile, Harding, Win. Reid Bowen Jr., Mrs. 3farr, Patsy Silent Signs Adams,Ned Buller, L. II. DaMles, Paul Ferpo, J. Hardy, W. P. EdithGine. Tova Sharp, Mrs. J. H. (Nick)Barnhart, Beauford ( Whits I Dale. Harry Ferrill,Babe Harmon, Geo. Gillinore. Mrs. Martin, Mrs. L. Shayes, Bessie Adams, Roy E. Barrett,Chester Burgdorf, S. Ferris. Carl D. Brady. Mrs. LouisMartinez, Mrs. Luis Adams, Woody Dales, Michael Harper, Harold Lorraine 3Iarsello, Ann Shayne, Gloria Barry, Geo. Burgess. Harry Daley,Ray Ferrera, Don Harrell, Robt. (Key Golden,Zane Sheets, Mrs.J.E.At lorph, Clarence Barry Medicine; Burgess. Roy Dalrymple,Ernest Fetta, Tex Check Ring) Britton, Micky Gooding, Mrs. Topsy Mese.Mary Sheldon, Mrs. Agee. Vance ShowBurk,J.D. Fetty, Chas. Edw. Broadbe, Betty Gordon, Mrs. Mason. Clara Flay Agbnrn,Chas. Danforth. Frankie Harrington, Brooks. Miss Sunny. May & Malone Pauline BarthelErnie Burke, Tommie Daniels. Billy DaleFields, Geechie Harris, Bucky H. M. Sheridan.Miss Aitken,R.H. Bartlett, Geo. D.Burns, Hi -Brown Daniel. H. W. (Trombone)Harris. Prof. Geo. OrchestraGordon, Mrs. JeanMaysliell, Billie Sidney.Aitken, Ray BartonH. Bobby (Palmist) Brown, Mrs. Helen Z. Meisner, Jeanette Aitken. W. R. Bass,Dan R. Burns, Doc JamesDanwellsTroupe, Fields, Julius Brown, Mrs.RubyGorman, Mrs. RosaMelville, Mrs. Shipley. Joy Akers,Ralph TheFierman, D. E. Harriss, J. W. Brunk. Maxine Dorothy (Slick Bates, Guy & AdaBurns, James M. Darby,Carl Findley, A. H. Harris, Roxie. Graham. Mrs. It. E. A lberstein,Eli Bauer, NV. L. (Red)Dare, Ronnie, Owner & Mgr. Budleson, Madam Grave. Elizabeth Meyer. Helen Short, Mrs. MarieAldrich,Dee Bauer, Ed, AgentBurrell,Jerry Finley,Frank Buhl, Mrs A. J. Grayson, Helen Miller, Mrs. Beth Sinister. Eileen Alerson, Bob Orch.Finlay, Homer L.Harris, W. R. Bullock, Mrs. K.Siegrist, Mrs. Bauer,Jos.Tom Burson, Arthur Darling, Dick Fishbum, Irvin.1. Harrison, Elisha HerbertGreene. Grace RosalieAlcorn, Gene Bayano, Rupert Burton,Ceo. Darling, Happy Fisher. Chas. ChuckHarrison. Leonard Gregory, Gloria Miller.Helen Alexander. J.C. Beaird, Al Butler. Clyde Jack Hart, Lloyd B. Burgus, Mrs. Ted Grimes,Marion &Mitchel. Mrs. EdnaSimpson, Mrs. Tent Show Butler,31r.Goldie Fisher,Geo. Burkhart,Mart ha Dot Edgar (Marge) Beale, Geo. F. Daring, Jim Fitzpatrick. Geo. Hart, Loy Mitchell. Mrs. Simpson Sisters, Alfont, James R. Beaman. Ravollack)Butler,Thos. Darwin,the Flanagan, Pat Hartung, R. V. Burkett, Margaret Grimm, Mrs. Peggy Geo. J. Allen,Jackrabbit Buttedahl, Clarence Magician Ilartwell, D. Burns,Betty Gross.Mrs.J.P. Modele. Mrs. Helen Skating Act Butts. Nip Flood. J. Edwin Burns. Boots Guthrie, Mrs. Montgomery. Mrs. Sirkhorn, Sidney Alinony, Fred Beard, A. F. Davenport, B. C. Forsythe.Fred Ilartz,Ben Alvurdo. Don Beasley, O'Dell Cain,Engine Davenport, Daniel Hartzell, John Burton, Mrs. J. W. DorothySmith. Florence Caldwell, Dick Fortner. Clyde E. FannieL.Hackett. Mrs. E. J.Moon, Mrs. Herbert (Shorty)Anderson,C.A. Bebee, Fred Davenport, R.R. Foster, E. M. Harvey, Al Butler,Mrs.Alice Smith,Helen Anderson, C.H. Bedenbender, CarlCallaway, J. T. Davenport,WillardFlowers.Carl Harvey,Earl Hager,011ie. Mooney, Mrs. Smoke, Mrs. E. R.Anderson, Jack Beers -Barnes Calvert, the Dais, C. E. Fowler, Neason E. Harvilla,John Butterdahl, Virginia Cyclist Ruella Circus Magician Buttons. Mrs. Haliburton,June Moore, Mrs. Sinuckler, Marie K. Ringlin Davis, Chas. S. Flynn. Pat Harwell, Frank Snyder, Eva VioletAndre, J. A. Bell, Claude K. Camel. Jock Davis. Chas. Fogel,Bill,Mgr. Ilan) isal. Bob MayneHall, Mrs. Della Bobbie (Colored) Camp Bob Conrad Walter Rascal, Maurice Byers, Mrs. VirginiaHamilton, Peggy Moore, Mrs. Sordelet,Fern Andrews, D. Bell Jr., James Tire Co. MargaretSorensen.Mrs. DudleyBell,T.A. Campbell, Dr. Davis. Ches Fontaine. P. Haskins,Berle Byrd, Veretta, Hammond. Mrs. WillieAndrews, R. W. Bell, Tony C. C.(Pop)Davis, Eddie II. Bevan Gymnast F. W.Moore, Maye Campbell. Larry Fountain, G. Haney, Mrs. SharronMoore, Mildred Spellman. Firs. Bell,Vern31. (Cookhouse) Fowler. Bill Hasson, Tom Byton, Dorothy JosephineAnthony. Milo Belmont, Harry Cannon, Buddy Davis, Homer Fox,Al C. Ilatflidd. H. D. Carey. Mrs. LynnHarcourt, Lady Morgan. Gloria Spencer, Virginia Arbenz, John P. Berger, Jackie Cantrell.Earl Davis, Jeff Francis. Crawford Hauck, Harry Carroll. Ruth Harmon. Ginger Morgan, Mrs. Hila LeeArhogen, Geo. C. Bennington.Bob Carlin,Bob Davis. John B. Frank. Miller (Popcorn) Carrys, Mrs. Harrison, Macy Morgan, Margie Aratckle, H. R. Betio, Ben Carlisle. Hank Davis, F. Paisley FatimaHarrison, Peggy Mueller, Mrs. B. E.St.Clair, Marie Carlisle, Henry Frazier,Bob Hayes. Harold A. Pearl TexStacey, Airs. Arch, Steve Benton. Dan C. Davis, Rufe Fredricks, Danny Hayes, Haig & Cassandra. Lady Thomas H.Archer, Donald Berger. MiltonJ. Carney. Bob & KidsDavis. Stanley Freeman. Benny Howe Cassidy, Mrs. W. L.Hawkins. Mary Murphy, Mrs. A. 11. (Chuck)Bernard, Wm. Carney, Ralph Gunning Castro. Joy Hayes,Mrs. Murphy, Frances Staley, Mrs. Roy Carpenter, Lewis Frith. Eugene Hayes. Scotty TheresaMurry, Lillian Staton, Rubye Anmsen, Jimmy & Kenneth Davis, Wm. Frost, Jack Haynie, Paul D. Chancey. Mrs. Sl ephens, Mildred BarneyBernhardt N. Sigsbee (Juggler)Healy,Fithian MailsHaywood. Josephine Nagel,Mrs.Lynne Armbrnster, A.II. Bend Vivi. Count Carroll,Edw.H.G.Dawson, Amos Chester, Irene Healy. Gladys E. Nagy. Mildred Sterling, Faith Carsetti.l'ete Furbee. Buster Francis Heal in. Mrs. Chas. Narse. Mr:. BerthaStevens, Mrs. T. A.Arnett, Danny Berry, Harry Dawson, Bob Furney, Norman Heck,Luther0. Clark,Mrs.Estelle Stewart, Mrs. Arnold. Harry KellyBestland, Comey Carter,E.L. Bassoon,Harry Heckman, Ted Clarke, Billie MarrHellman, Mrs. MerleNeff.Virginia Arnold. Woodroe Key lieu Carter. Ira V. Day, Sam Gaff. Geo. Clarke. Virginia Helmer, Dora Nemar, Mrs. J. F. Bobbie Dan Carter, J. M. Gallon. Frederick Heindrick, Carl E. Henderson, Mrs. New, Mrs. Bert Stewart, Mrs. MaudAraott, John K. Bickford, Pat DeBar, Geo. Gaines, Rube Helm, Morris Conway. Mrs. Edith Stoner,Mary Arnti,Billy Bishop Bros.WildCarter. James DeCardos Troupe. Helvey,Neale Cook, Mickey EttaNewcomb, Mrs. Bill Alone, Frank West ShowCarter, W.H. TheGale, Al Cooks. Mrs. Hazel Henderson, Mrs. Pauline:Storey.Mrs. Carver. A. Floyd Galli, Ben Hendershot. J. B. T. M.Newman, Plioehe Strauch, Mary Arthur, Dude Bishop, Billy DeLucie, Joe Gamble, Earl Henderson, P. M. Coriell.Vernell Streckland.Shirley,fishery,Al Bishop. Geo. & Carver,Bill DeLure, Geo. Henderson, Roy Costello, Mona IIenery, Billie Newton, Mrs. Vera Adier,Charles ClaraCarvile,Walter DeMot te,!Caryl Garber. Ed Cotter, Hazel. Henry,Mrs.Chas,Noble. Mary Strouse, Mrs. Kyle Garber. Lefty Henderson,Royce Dolly GladysAsher, Frank L. Bishop, Geo., ShowCartwright, Deliosia, Bob Henderson.Speedy GymnastHerbert,Kitty Norman, Studebaker, Mrs. llorsetrainer,Black. Capt. Lew G.DeRossigknob, Gardner, Jack Cmbbe, Mrs.Ella (light, Margie O'Brien, Biddie Chas.T. Cassandra, The Louis Gardon, John D. Hendrixson, Hughie Hilton Sisters & O'Brien, Firs. AvolynAtkins. Bill Black. Garenr,R.B. Henley,Bill C. Wialia. Atkin,Geo. Black,Frank GreatDean, Skip Henley. Bob Craig, Mrs. Goldie Co. Minim) Atkins, Melvin Blackball, Thomas Castle, laister (Hillbillies)Garlock, Harry Cressonian, Arelen Holland, Mrs.Ila O'Brien. Mrs. Ruby Orel' Castle, Whip Gates, Aron Henley. Ed Holt, Mrs. J. Sweem, Finley Attila, Art Blair. Edw. Demarro, Jos. Gates. C. E. (Carl)Henry, Arthur E. Crum, Vivienne C. Swisher. KatherineAtwood,I. W. Blair,Whitie Cathey,Fred Dement. Jos, J.E. D. MargaretO'Conner, Frances Andey, Al Blakey, Glenn Cathie, Red D.otetro. Archie Gatewood, Cliff Henry, Crumble. Mabel Holzer,Mrs. leanO'Connell, Mrs. Symther, Goldie (Demon) Gavort, Ben Henry,PeteT. Neel'rate, Mrs. Jean Auskings, ClarenceBlegen, Gordon Dent, Bob Herman, Howard. Crump. Mrs. B. Hoseler, Winnie Katie Aussiker, Carl L. 131ondenRellihruouveCausey. Samuel Densmore, Gecoma,John Cummins, Belay Howard,Virginia O'Donnell. Mrs. Teri ill, Mrs. Tom Bill "Speedy"Gelb,foe Mgr. EugeniaThelma, Baby Austin, Gene, Chalkias, Cushman. I'et I v Humes, Marie ResumeBlustein, Harry Chanda,the Derringer, Eddie George,Frank Herndon. Glenn Cutler.Mrs. RoseI I umphrey, Gladys O'Donnell. Julia Thomas, Firs. Magician Gerace, Leon J. Herne, R. F. Lillian W. W.Ansi in. Riche tat Boliannan, S. W. W L. Dam. Betty Lee Humphrey, Nova Oliver. MarionAustini & RobertaBohn. Carl & Chapman,MarshallDesalt, Harry Gerald, Gene Hertz. Rogan Darling, Grace. Hurley. Mary RuthPalmer, Mrs. Thompson. S. Gerlock,Pete Hibler, A. B. (Zip) Hyland, Melita Speedie & JimmieManlier,Bill FrancesCharleston, \\'m. Diamond, Billy Gymnast Thompson, Mrs. Bailey,LouisE. Doody. Jack & Chase, Chaz Dillard,Bill Gerston. Chas. Hicks, Jimmie Davidson.Mrs. Idle. Mary AL ParisianMelodies Babe(211ensky. Alvin Dionne, Raymond Geyer, Bert Hiett,JohnW. Mary O. G.Jennier,Ethel. (Girl Orch ) John BarryBailey,Tom Gheen,Chas. Hillage, Fred Robt Peacintini, Frances Thorne. Vera Bair. Richard Boone, Charlie Chicago Rodeo Dixon. Bob1 Dtriel Davis. Dolly Gymnast Thorne, Victoria Baird.Frank H. Boone, C.It. CommitteeDixon.Donald Gibbons. D. L. Hileman, A.G. Davis,Mrs.EddieJo -Anne. Madam Pearce, Mrs. Alfred Bootey, James Chisholm. Jack Dixon,Harry & Gibson, Chas. Hill,Geo. Johns, Bonnie Perry,Linnie Timmons, Mrs. Bagwell,,Jim Gibson,Curlie Hiller, Dr. Davis. Geneva Pe:erson, Jolin Bobbielialinsen. Wm. Boman, Jay C. Christ,Pete Sue Day, Jackie Johnson, Helen K. Tindall. ('harlot Baker. Robt.I. Boston. Gen. Christy, Eugene Dixon, Howard XLGibson, Sven & Hillis, Wm. Dam Dorothy Johnson,Kathleen Phillips, Evelyn Tommy, Miss TexasBaldwin. jrof. Bostwick, \Vm. LeeChristy. Ken Dixon. Louis HarryHilton,Revis DeArmo,Mrs. Johnson,Thu rleen Phillips, Mae Toyo, Anna Balls,Abner Botni, Owen Church, Gordon Dodson, Eddie Gifford, Donald L.Hiren,Rohl.. MarjorieJones, Freda DanielPhinney, Margaret Travis, Firs. Doc Ballnittena, Bill Bowe, Lawrence H.Church, Luther Dodson Jr.. G. Gilbert, Art & EuraHitt. C. W. Dellabate, Mrs. Jones,Joyce Pierce, Mrs. AudrieTuner, Little Bitt Balling, Robt. Bowen, Howard Cittadino, Zip Doll. Leo Gilbert, Chas. Hobb, Warden 'ErnestJones, Mrs.LucillePierce, Mrs. VivianTurner, Mrs. MaryBarfield, Dr. Bower, Lester Clamer, Mr. Elsie Domnini,D. (Reidy) Shows Depinbrink, Noreenlung, Mrs. Paul Pitts, Doris Bowerson, Robt C.Clamme, Bennie Donaghue, Chas. F.Gilmore, Gita Hobbs, W. E. Destricher, BarbaraKane. Nellie i'lausic. Jean (Ross) Eugene Girard, Wm. Hobbs, W. H. DeGrace, Daisy & K avan Alice ..1irtit.Joe Ourley HarryKay. Flo GladneY,Joe Hock, Ed DeWitt. Mrs. BobbyHeating, Mrs. Bob Gladyen.Joe Hodges, Hilton Diebert,Helen Kelly, Mrs. Francis When Writing for Advertised Mail, Please UsePostcards. Glas.scock,D. Haman, Bob DiSanti,Mrs.Jos.Kelly, Rose Guam. Jack (CandyCo.) Doherty, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. See LETTER L1ST on page 70) Donald Estrella Also state how long the forwarding address is to be used. 34 The Billboard CIRCUSES September 30, 1939 Conducted by CHARLES WIRTH Communications to 25 Opera Place.Cincinnati. 0. Drop in Gate Since European Miss. Stands Good For Downie; Long War Started Causes Cole Bros. Season Is Planned NATCHEZ, Miss.,Sept.23.-Playing To Close; Backto Quarters Natchez for the first time and one of GREENEVILLE, Tenn., Sept. 23.-Duefollowing Greenville, as shown on the the few circuses to come here in several to the unsettled business conditions fol-last route card, were Asheville, N. C., years, Downie Bros' Circus had excellent lowing the recent declaration of theSeptember 21; Hickory, 22; Shelby, 23; business September 15 at Liberty Park. European war, Cole Bros.' Circus closedCharlotte, 25; Greensboro, 26; Raleigh, Weather was good.Side show and con- its season here Wednesday night. Shortly27; Fayetteville, 28; Wilmington, 29; New cert did good biz. after midnight the special train carry-Bern, 30. A. C.Bradley stated that business ing the show departed over the Southern has been off for some time.The Mc- Railway to Cincinnati, thence Big Four CINCINNATI, Sept. 23.-Raymond W. Comb, Miss., date was a good one. Show Railroad to Indianapolis and the NickleDean and Rex de Rosselli, press agents; will play Louisiana stands before coming Plate Road toits winter quarters atW.J.Lester,contracting agent, and back to this State to play on the Gulf Rochester, Ind. Curly Stewart, 24 -hour man, all of Cole Coast and the delta.Management ex- Since the European war began, thereBros.'Circus,passed thru Cincinnati pects to be out until November 21, clos- has been a sharp drop in receipts dueyesterday en route to quarters.Dean ing either in Florida or Southern Georgia. to the unsettled rest of the people whowill go later to Chicago, then home to Management had children from three have been hugging the radio and avidlyMilford Center, 0., and Rosselli to his orphanages as guests in the afternoon. reading newspapers as they followed thehome in Bloomington, Ill. Clarence (Smitty) Smith, Natchezian, progress of foreign hostilities.Condi- Al Hoffman, 24 -hour man, following recently left show to join anotheror- tions in the circus world have been very (See DROP IN GATE on page 69) ganization. much akin to those in 1914 following Bradley was host to Mr. and Mrs. the start of the World War when the Harold M. Case and H. L. (Dud) Deterly, circus business was pretty well shot forNumber of Shows former tab andminstrelperformer - the remainder of the season. CHARLES POST, who has been musician. Business for the Cole show this season with various shows for quite a num- Show took on new -canvas at Anniston, since the opening at Rochester, Ind.,Still on Road; ber of years,is now earning his Ala. Moves on 36 trucks, all modern and has been very spotty.The show, how- bread and butter by directing the okeh. ever, netted a nice profit until LaborSome Long Tours band on the Ham and Eggs Circus Day.Jess Adkins and Jack Terrell put on the West Coast.Last year he was Olympe Bradna Entertains up a brave fight for the show to run CINCINNATI, Sept. 28.-There are still with. the Col. Tim McCoy Wild West thru its scheduled season, but continueda number of circuses on tour, some of on its short-lived tour. LOS ANGELES,Sept.23.-Olympe losses led to the decision to bring thewhich will no doubt be on the road for Bradna, new Paramount studio starlet, show to an abrupt close. a while until they call it quits for the entertained at the home of her parents, Cities which were to have been playedseason. No data has been received as to Mr. and Mrs. James Bradna, at the ranch closing dates of those still touring. FromGainesville Show To near Van Nuys, Calif., September 16. The reports the Ringling Bros. and Barnum guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Butler, & Bailey on rails, and Downie Bros. andSelect Officers; Fred and Ella Bradna, Mr. and Mrs. Hamiter Unit Closes; Russell Bros., motorized, are planningHas Successful Tour Bruno Weissman, Paul Ringling, Capt. long seasons.No doubt there will be 0. Mac Libbey and Paul Horompo. Miss Returns to Dallas others which will be out for some time GAINESVILLE,Tex.,Sept.23.-TheBradna is niece of Fred Bradna. yet. Gainesville Community Circus will hold CANTON, 0., Sept. 23.-The Hamiter Othershowsthataredefinitelyits annual general membership meeting unit, which was with the Parker & WattsknowntobestillgoingareBad-October 16 toselect officers for theCharles Hunt, Others Circus until early in August, when it leftdeleyBros.,a smallrailshowincorporation for 1940. Visit Silver Bros.' Show to appear with Klein's Circus unit at fairsWestern Canada; Bud E. Anderson, Bar- The season closed last week at Arling- and celebrations, completed its contractnett Bros., Haag Bros., Al G. Kelley andton, the most successful in the 10 years' GAP, Pa., Sept. 23.-Charles Hunt and with Klein's Attractions this week and hasMiller Bros., Parker & Watts, Ham andhistory of the show.All out-of-townhis two sons and wives came from Trenton, returned to Dallas, Tex., winter quarters.Eggs, Richard Bros.,alltruck shows.dates were booked on a flat price basis,N. J., to visit Silver Bros.' Circus here. Jimmy Hamiter, owner of the trainedPolack Bros.'Circus, which has beenwhich included expenses and reasonable Al F. Wheeler and wife came over from stock, six -horse Liberty act, pony drill,playing both indoor and outdoor dates,profit.As a result the new big top andOxford, Pa., to visit Manager Sam Dock; trained dogs, high school horses, buck-also remains on the road.It is possibleother equipment will be paid for in fullalso Joe Conway, of Philadelphia, and the ing mule and a solo bull, reports a pleas-that there are several others, smallerattheconclusionofseveralrentalsMathews, who are with a med show. ant season with Klein. He said he plannedshows. scheduled in the next few weeks. Silver business has been fair. to play indoor shows in the West and Lewis Bros.' Circus closed its regular Middle West this winter. Unit is motor- In the meantime the Santa Claus ... season at Adrian, Mich., August 29, andparade unit is being booked for a num- ized. management then took out a unit tober of Texas cities and towns. and Carol Beery, Louis B. Mayer, Howard play fairs.Eddy Bros' Circus recently The directors voted to provide ticketsStrickland, Stanley Rogers, Jack Hines, closed at Long Branch, N. J., and wentfor every member of the circus, 150 inKing Vidor, Mae Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Mills' Tour Called Off into quarters at Trenton, N. J. number, to see a performance of ParkerFrank Mattison and children, Mr. and LONDON, Sept. 9.-The Bertram Mills A number of the organizations are& Watts Circus in Ardmore, Okla., inMrs. Joe E. Brown, Mary Elizabeth and Circus, due to the war, will not finishstill finding business spotty. There haveOctober. Katherine Frances, daughters; Mrs. Jack the road tour.At St. Leonards-on-Seanot been many so-called big days. Some Many members of the show are plan-Weiner,StanleyFields,JoanDavis, stands are reported to have been goodning to go to Fort Worth and Dallas nextRichard Arlen, Lawrence Stallings, last Saturday performances were not giv-and others mediocre. week to visit the Ringling-Barnum show.Virginia Grey, Buck Jones; Bill Gargen, en as advertised, it having been decided wife and children; Harold Lloyd, Sterling by the management after, the evening Holloway, George Snyder, Rochelle performance on Thursday to tear down Hudson, Olympe Bradna, Harry Wallen, and go to winter quarters at Ascot. Jack Oakie,Cliff Lewis, Mary Decker, Ringling-Barnum Does Big BizCharley Condon, Bob Burns, Edna May Oliver. Jean Parker, Captain E. Emmett Kelly on Broadway Dawson, Frank Pangborn, Peter Lorey, n os nge esespt eyea Walt Disney, Clark Gable, Shirley Tem- NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Emmett Kelly, ple, George O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Pat tramp pantomimist, who returned to LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23.-The Bigical location of the show,gaveitaO'Brien and children. this country two weeks ago from aShow closeditsfive-day Los Angelesgreat play. SpencerTracy, long engagement with the Bertram Millsengagement September 17.One can't Severalacts that opened with the MargaretChurchill, Circus in England, joins the cast ofget away from fact that there is magicshow were out due to accidents andAnn Sothern, Jane Hull, Gladys George, Olsen and Johnson's Hellzapoppin, theinthetitleRinglingBros. -Barnumother causes.It is truly a great show.Carol Lombard, Ginger Rogers, Loretta Broadway hit,inOctober. Kelly was& Bailey. Show did a tremendous busi-The speccameinforgreatpraiseYoung, Frankie Darrow, Dick Purcell, formerly with Cole Bros.' Circus. ness after the first day and with muchfrom papers and especially from the artFlorence Reid, Bernie Hyman, Joe Wine- to overcome, such as only one directdirectors of major studios. gartner, Howard Shean, Tom Neal, Lew lineoftransportation(Hollywood to Ostrow, Priscilla Lane, George Murphy, Repairs at Peru Quarters the lot) by bus.From downtown and Big Side Show Attendance Gladys Grey, Rosemary Lane, Joy Hodges, practically every direction those who The side show did fine business. ClydeBill Seymour, Andrea Leeds, Bob Howard, PERU, Ind., Sept. 23.-All buildingsdid not drive cars had to make at leastIngalls is back on the job and feelingHyman Fink, Red Turner, Sigurd Gurie, have been repairedatquarters andone transfer. much bettersincea recentsetbackD.Spa ngard ,Mr.andMrs.Darrell ornamental gates and fences built so incurred in the high altitudes.AustinZanuckandchildren,EarlCarroll, that the place presents best appearance Trip here from Santa Barbara wasKing,Coast Defender,istheinsideBeryl Wallace, Hal Wallis and children, in years. made in good time and show unloadedlecturer. ShowfolkoutherehaveJanet Gaynor, Fanchot Tone, Dorothy The big farm is under supervision ofright on the lot, the Pacific Electricawaitedthecomingofthecircus,Lamour, Robert Preston, Lisle Talbott, James Tincom.He stated that he hadmoving thecars from the Southernespecially to see how a couldAdrienne, Mary Carlisle, Harry Cohen, no information concerning rumors as toPacific. Showbuckedthehottestbe moved without baggage stock.It isJamesBlakely,Mr.andMrs. James circus movements in and out of city.weather for this time of the year thatbeing done well. Cagney, Arline Whalen, Mervin Le Roy, Jane Patterson is in charge of Ringlinghad been recorded in 26 years.Business Summarizing thebusiness ontheEddie Buzzell, Harry Brand, Terry De interests at the farm office. opening day, Wednesday, was fair atWest Coast,itwas saidthat whileLapp, JohnJoseph,GeraldineEspey, It was learned that a train of coaches,matinee and good at night.Thursday,biz in States north of California wasTom Petty, Tom Keene, Alex D'Arcy, stocks and flats had been sold to S.three -fourths matinee and near capacityspotty, California gave its usual goodBobby Breen, Deanne Durbin, Blake Mc- Solotkin, of Greenfield, Ind., and will beat night.Friday and Saturday, on thebusiness. Veigh, Samuel Sachs, Joel McCrea, Gary unked. canvas at all four performances, with Long Beach on September 19, hottestCooper, the Dead End Kids, Mike Curtis, thetemperature98onFriday,102day ever recorded in that city, gaveBuddy Westmore, Mickey Rooney, Fred Saturday.Sunday, temperature 100, onshow a fair matinee and had 'em onStone, George Raft, Dick Foran, Ken the canvas at the matinee and for thecanvas at night. Maynard, Frank Fay, Joe Reddy. Bill firsttimeacapacitySunday -night Holland, Edna Best,Ingrid Bergman, "Legal Status of house.Los Angeles has never been a Plenty ofVisitors OliviaDeHaviland,Lee Zavitz, Al good Sunday -night stand. There were many visitors.CharleyVaughn, Kent Taylor, Robert 0. Davis, Amusement Co. Murray met the show and was on handIrene Dare, Bill Hervert. Butler and Wilson on Press at every performance. George Bryan III, Roland Butler and Gardner Wilsonof The Saturday Evening Post, is spend- Showfolks on Lot Employees" did the press.Frank Braden was ining vacation on show, guest of John Showfolksnotedonthelotwere town one day en route to importantand Buddy North.Frank Whitbeck,George Hines, John Miller, Will J. Hoff- assignments ahead. The show was notadvertising manager of Metro -Goldwyn -man,HughMcGill,GeorgeTipton. See Carnival Department of heavilybilled,butthepaperswereMayer, did accustomed sentinel duty onAda Mae Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Charles This Issue. generous to Butler and Wilson.Thefront door. Warrell, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nowlin. movie folks, when they got the geograph- Among movie folks noted were Wally(See RINGLING-BARNUM on page 59) September 30, 1939 CIRCUSES The Billboard 33

over the veto of Mayor Cryer. . . . Tke Sparks Circus canceled its date at An- el cvs With the niston, Ala., for October 7 in order not CAN OFFICIAL BALLOT - to conflict with the county fair there.

. . John Ringling and Tex Rickard FAVORITE OUTDOOR took title to the car barns of the Eighth Citcus inns Avenue Railway Co., from 49th to 50th By THE RINGMASTER streets, the proposed site for the sports CFA PERFORMER CONTEST arena and building to house activities President Secretary WILLIAM H. JUDD W. M. BUCKINGHAM formerly held in . 25 Murray St., Thames Bank, New Britain, Conn. Norwich. Conn. Sponsor: The Billboard A number of members of Ringling- (Conducted by WALTER HOHENADEL, Editor DONORS:CircusSaints & Sinners Club of America(Dexter Fellows Barnum circus enjoyed a birthday party The White Tops.'care Hohenadel Printing at Wichita, Kan., in honor of Charles B. Company, Rochelle, Ill.) Tent), Circus Fans of America, National Showmen's Association and Hollywood Trophy Co. (Butch) Frederick. . . Voise, clown ROCHELLE, Ill., Sept. 23. -William H. Balloting is open to any person in, or catering to, show business, including and comedy bar performer, closed his Judd has an addition to his collection show trade organizations and accredited fans holding paid -up membership cards. fairdates and joined Gollmar Bros.' of articles on the circus, a large framed RULES AMENDED TO INCLUDEVOTING BY PERFORMERS, WHO MAY NOT Circus.W. H. Goodenough, one of the photo of Bluch Landolf, clown with Ring - VOTE FOR THEMSELVES, HOWEVER. pioneers in dog and pony shows, died in ling -Barnum circus.It was presented to La Crosse, Wis. . . . Roland Douglas, him at a surprise testimonial given in who was ahead of the Passing Show and his honor at Hotel Burritt by the Bluch IMPORTANT formerly squarer with the Big Show, was married to Bell McMillan in Ypsilanti, Landolf Tent of Hartford in recognition BALLOTS ARE VOID IF ALL 10 PLACES ARE NOT FILLED of hiselectionlast July as national Mich. . . . Billy DeArmo closed with the president of the CFA. The presentation OUT WITH NAMES OF 10DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS GollmarBros.'Circus to fill vaudeville was made by James Hoye, of Hartford, OR TROUPES. engagements. .. . Guy Smuck, who was president of the tent. on the Side Show with Christy Bros.' Judd gave thanks and then an account TYPE OR CLASS Circus, closed at Albany, N. Y.... The of the national convention and showed NAME OF UNIT, ARTIST OR. TRAINER Knights were added to the Christy show. motion pictures of some of its activities 1.(10 Points) William Moore was in charge of the as well as of circuses.Carlos Holcomb, uptown ticket wagon on Christy Bros:' of Hartford, showed pictures of R -B in 2. 9 Circus,replacingJoe McCullom, who quarters at Sarasota, Fla. went with the Golden show.. . .Bert At a short business meeting of the 3. 8 Wallace, formerly with Robbins Bros.' tentitwas announced that arrange- Circus, was equestrian director on Gol- ments are being made to have an Eastern 4. 7 den Bros.' Circus. Bud Broughton joined conference of the CFA October 12at Robbins in Dodge City, Kan., to work for Benson's Animal Farm, Nashua, N. H. 5. 6 Loney Buchanan on the inside stand. The annual shore dinner of the Den John Wediman, poler in Charles W. Stone Top No. 25 was held at Pills- 6. 5 Nelson's train crew on Robbins Bros., bury's Point, Me., September 9, with the 7. 4 had his left leg broken at Ponca City, following Fans present: Frank D. Fender - Kan. . . . Ura Fay, Tormerly with Ring - son, James B. Tomlinson, Frank S. Al- 8. 3 lingBros.'circus,died September12 len,Edw. Twomey and LawrenceC. from septic poisoning in Chicago. Brown. Invitedguest was Fan Harry 9. 2 Peverly, Melrose, Mass. H. N. Pardue, 49, died at San Antonio, 10. 1 Point Tex., September 14 after an emergency pOST CARDS operation for appendicitis.He was a The Billboard is the final judge of all ballots, anddecisions made by it are Ntiainef member of the Alfredo Codona Tent and incontestable and cannot be appealed.Contest closes with ballot in issue of Quo/tryPepoclu(/%0171 active inallitsaffairs.He was con- November 4. 1939.Final ballot mailing must bear a postmark of not later than nected with the brokerage firm of E. A. midnight of November 4. Straight Reproductions of any Photograph Pierce & Co. and previously had been or Drawing. One copy Negative made veg Your Name lot.Gloss "Mirror" finish only. with other San Antonio firms and the Please Print 100, $2.26; 250, $4.65; 500. $7.001 San Antonio National Bank.Surviving Please 1,000, 514.25. are the widow; two daughters, Mrs. Door Give Send 50% Cash with Order, Bal. 0. 0.D. E. Newton Jr., Wheeler Field, T. H., and Permanent City Originals returned unharmed. BATISTA°. LouisePar due,ofSanAntonio;his Address and TION GUARANTEED. mother, Mrs. Clyde Roberts, of George Affiliation in Show Business State Sic10 Lobby Photos, Special, Now 12 for West; brothers, William and Don Pardue, or by Whom Employed $2.26, D. W. Stock. Get our prices on any of Breckenridge. sine from Miniatures up to 40x60 Blowup*. Signature SPECIALLY DESIGNED GROUPINGS Ballots without signatures are void AND GREETING CARDS TO ORDER.

CUT OUT PERFORMER CONTEST EDITOR 0. Favorite AND MAIL TO The Billboard,1564 Broadway, NewYork,N. Y. 0i4cAi.Pluto ART.' 301KPOU.,(,"St ANION, Outdoor 5. *Marjorie Bailey 8,791 R -B, is business agent for local concerns 6. *DimeWilson 6,864 George (Duke) Graf, miniature circus 7. *Wilno 6,733 carver,isseendailyondowntown !Performer 8. Frank Cushing 6,570 streets.Has caught all shows within "IleNTS" 9. *Hubert Castle 5,996 radius of 150 miles. 10. *Flying Valentinos 5,370 Keyes United IndoorCircus, under AT LOWER COST Contest *Leader in own division. management ofClarence and Lyman Furnishyour ownelectric currentat less thancity See Coupon This Page = Keyes, has a number of men at quarters rates with a Universal light overhauling and readying props. Stated plant. They're simple to op- erate, pay for themselves In With the final day of balloting very closePeru Pick -Ups that unit will be enlarged. a short time, handle from 10 at hand, the Contest Editor takes time Max Puzynski and J. H. Sullivan, of to 5,000 bulbs. We allow PERU. Ind., Sept. 23. -Fire of unknownChicago, concessioners, worked the liberal trade -In on old Kulp- out this week to describe certain features ment. oftheFavoriteOutdoorPerformerorigin destroyed a large barn on theconvention with novelties. Contest which call for emphasis.ForCharlesE.Ballard1,160 -acreestate, this reason the complete standings areformerly owned by Col. B. E. WallaceBlackpool Show Continues omitted this week, the first10 beingand known as the Knolls.The loss in- Electric Planta. tabulated instead. cluded250tonsofbaledhay,1,500 LONDON, Sept. 11. -Blackpool Tower 1180,0it Ask for Catalog B -I3 A handsome goltone trophy, nearly 15bushels of oats, 500 bushels of rye andCircus reopened September 9 and will, Inches in height, is being prepared bya number of farm implements.Theit is hoped, carry on until end of sched- UNIVERSAL MOTOR the Hollywood Trophy Co., of Hollywood,farm had been stocked with hundredsuled season.All the original company, C0.97:" Calif.The trophy will be topped by aof prize-winning Hereford cattle. including the Wallendas, remain with figure of a diver and will be awarded, Many troupers had active part in three-the show.This is the only circus, resi- of course, to the winner of the Highday convention of Moose here.Stevedent o tenting, now open in Britain. Diving Division. Finn, formerly with Ringling-Barnum, President William H. Judd, of thehad two six -ups pulling parade wagons. Circus Fans of America, is working onJohnny Bessignano and George Kunsa TENTS -BANNERS amedal and certificate which will goworked Funny Ford.Buddy Rockwell 46x95 DRAMATIC END TENT, BARGAIN. to the winner ofthegeneralAerialwas in charge of grill.Mr. Gentry was CHARLES DRIVER-BERNIE MENDELSON Division, with the late Lillian LeitselemseeandFrankSeibertandJose memorialized in the inscriptions.TheRosselli had the casino. 5 eatsa90 0. HENRY TENT &AWNING CO. Circus Saints andSinners'Clubof Art Johns, circus scenic artist, Is be- 4811 North Clark Street, Chicago, III. America, Dexter Fellows Tent, and theing featured at Indiana civic clubs in (From TheBillboard Dated NationalShowmen'sAssociationarelightning chalk -work sketches. Truck is September 27, 1924) both arranging for imposing trophies.made up as a pageant feature with It is important to remember that themuch gold leaf and is a work of art. NEW USED last ballotwillbe published in The Louis Benadone, veteran circus chef, Billboard's issue of November 4. Allis in charge of a downtown eatery. A new record for circus attendance in ballots must bear a postmark of no Steve Lautz is still recovering from in-this country, and probably the world, TENTS later than midnight of that day in orderjuries received last year. He is a ring -was set by the Ringling-Barnum circus FOR SALE OR RENT to count in the final tabulation.Cou- in Concordia, Kan., September 13, when WRITE FOR FREECATALOG. stock man. 16,702 attended the matinee. . . . An pons mailed after November 4 will be Polly's News Shoppe, owned by James VANDERHERCHEN. INC. voided. Therewillbe no deviation ordinance banning parades in the con- 2548 Emerald St., Philadelphia. Pa. and Polly McLeod, retired circus folk, isgested district of Los Angeles was passed from this rule. favorite meeting place of trcupers. The In next week's issue we shall makeBillboard is sold there. an important announcement in con- Robert(Buff)Emerick, rodeotrick nection with issuance of certificates ofrider and fight promoter, is in contract- merit by The Billboard to winners ofing business here. FOR SALE COMPLETE ACT divisional titles, as well as other classes. Whereabouts of Jakie Kline, veteran ROYAL DOBERMAN PINSCHERS -8 PEDIGREE DOGS circus attache, is sought by officials of Big opportunity for little money.Most outstanding Dog Act In tho business.Booked by George A. Bee Kyle Still First Hamld 18 weeks every year as grand -stand act and good many Indoor Dates.Reason of selling, I am The first10leadersareasfollows: Peru Eagles' Lodge No. 258.Kline is a 1. *Bee Kyle 12,837 member and reports here state that he too busy with my Bear Acts. Can be scan after Oct. 10th at my winter quarters, Clinton, Conn. 2.*Mabel Stark 12,611 was severely injured during the past 3. *AerialApollos 10,197 road season. EMIL PALLENBERG, Clinton, Conn. 4.Four Jacks(Aces) 9,722 Jack Lawton, former tractor driver on 36 The Billboard CIRCUSES September 30, 1939 Binns, manager; E. E. McKendree, E. D. Haley, and W. P. Jeter, committee for Under the Marquee firemen; Fred Alvord, arena secretary, and Ray Pete Adams, announcer.Stock By CIRCUS SOLLY included the Kelly-Binns and Red Lyons' string. CowgirlswereGraceWhite, WILLIAM McK. BAUSMAN reportsin Atlantic City. Election will be held in Vivian White, Vaughn Craig, Tad Lucas, business fine with the Pagel show. November. Hoffman has the Cameo Res- Mildred Homer, Mary Keen and Alice taurant,whichisheadquartersfor Sisty.Clowns were John Lindsey and MORRIS WATNICK, formerly on bri-showmen. Virgil Stapp.Chester Byers and Billie gade of Lewis Bros.' Circus, cards that he Kelly did trick roping.Other trick rop- is now a booking agent in New England. CIRCUSES, or for that matter, any show, ing and riding was taken over by the can't be run on a shoe string.Some have juvenileclass,which included Nolma J. M. YOWELL saw the Downie showfound it out to their sorrow. Holmes, Mitz Lucas, Don Stewart and in McComb, Miss., September 14 and re- Pat Clarey, the Tindell Sisters, Donald ports a fairly good crowd at night per- and Gene McLaughlin. Cecil Cornish did formance and a nice snappy show. DR. H.H. CONLEY, of Park Ridge, his horse and pantomime acts.Frant Ill.,on his way to Ironwood,Mich., Reed herded sheep with his sheep dog stopped at Waupaca, Wis., and visited as a special feature.Eddie Curtis and CONNER TROUPE finishedplayingwith Earl H. Jenney, former showman, Dick Truitt won the Chamber of Com- 10 weeks of fairs for Klein's Attractions.who was with Barnes, 101 Ranch and merce's saddle for best all-round cow- Will head south for a few fairs and thenRingling-Barnum shows. He owns the boys.Saddle for best average in steer go to Houston, Tex. "Circus Inn," a nicelittle spot deco- roping went to Everett Shaw, with Buck rated with circus pictures and welcomes Goodspeed annexing one in calf roping. HUGHIE FITZ and company, present-acquaintances. ing comedy acrobatic, magic and dog act, Conleyaddressedthe played five Loew theaters in New YorkKiwanis Club in Ironwood on the His- for special children's shows. tory of the American Circus. CLYDE S. MILLER'S RODEO at the Kansas State Fair, Hutchinson, Septem- THE MOMENT a man doubts, that moment E. W. ADAMS states that Asheville, H. B. (DOC) KERR (left), Akron, ber 16-18 drew capacity crowds, with he is done. N. C., had three circuses this season- 0., Beacon -Journal columnist; Flor- over 1,000 being turned away at the Russell Bros., August 16; Downie Bros., ence McIntosh, and K. C. DeLong, last performance, reports Pinkey Barnes. BILLYGRAY, who has been playingAugust 18; Parker & Watts, August 28; advertising manager of the Massil- Earl West and Les Karsted were judges. double drums all season with Russellalso that Hickory,N. C.,had three- lon, 0., Evening Independent. Shorty Ricker helped with the arena, Bros.' Circus, closed at Waycross, Ga.,Barnett Bros., April7;Downie Bros., Miss and Jack Hoey, assisted by Jack Storey, August 15; Parker & Watts, August 21, McIntosh isa featured performer September 18 and went to his home at with Barnett Bros' Circus.Kerr announced. Contracted performersin- Morrison, Ill. while such big cities as Omaha, Den- and DeLong are ardent circus fans. cluded Buster and Maxine Martin, Mary ver, Salt Lake City and Kansas City were Kerr, it is claimed, prints more news Dawson, Earl and Veldene Strauss, Vic MR. AND MRS. KELLY card fromwithout one.Cole was to have been at about circuses and circus folk in his Grugan and Pinkey Barnes.Oklahoma Omaha, Neb., that Fred Sauer, old-timeAsheville September 21 and Hickory the column than any other newspaper Slim and Shorty Grugan downed. Ju- clown cop, was shot six times in a hold-following day, but closed on the 20th writer. veniles were Maynard Miller, Betty Eng- up and the doctor tells them that heat Greenville, Tenn.He adds: "Seems Photo by Tom Gregory. land and J. W. and Frankie Stoker. Re- will live. like circuses try to play the same terri- sults: Bulldogging-First day (matinee), tory and consequently business had to be Ralph Warren, Ted Yocum, Earl Wof- WALTER B. FOX attended Downiedivided among the shows." the Flying X Rodeo, were injured inford, Lewis Brooks.Night show, Earl Bros.' matinee at Vicksburg, Miss., there bronk riding. Wofford, Speedy Densmore, Frank Star- being a two-thirds house.Was first IF YOU are interested in frozen desserts, key, Gene Hamilton. Second day, Ralph circus there in two years. Show reportedbe sure to read the new regulations for such FOLLOWING a 10 -day circus to beWarren and Ted Yocum split first and to have a filled tent at night. equipment inFlorida in the Carnival sectionstaged at the Boston Garden in the Hubsecond;Lewis Brooks, Frank Starkey. of this issue. City early in November, the rodeo returnsThird day, Shorty Ricker, Glen Soward, ART LIND is back on the ladder again, after an absence of one year.Last year,Ted Yocum, Ralph Warren.Bull Riding playing banquets andclubsforthe ARTHUR LEONARD CESKEY,musi-following the unsuccessful attempt to-First day(matinee),OrvilleVosler, Forster Enterprises in Ohio.He visitedcian, who is in the Indiana State Prison,stage a rodeo at Suffolk Downs by otherSpeedy Densmore, Dan Wilder, Bill Iler. the Cole show when it was in Hamil-will soon go before the Parole Board,interests, the Boston Garden called offNight show, Almus Atkinson, Jack Ank- ton, 0. according to Madine Franceola, a frienditsannualevent.However, Managerrum, Red Breckenridge, Bill Iler. Second and former trouper, and would like toWalter Brown has decided the interestday,Jack Ankrum, Bob Hess,Grady CURLEY THOMPSON visited Ringling-have friends write the board in his be-in such an event is again whetted toPrice, Charley Beals.Third day,Bob" Barnum during its stay in Los Angeleshalf in an effort to get a release nextkeen edge. Hess and Jack Ankrum split first; Or- andreports verygood attendance.month.Ceskey has been with the fol- ville Vosler, Red Breckenridge.Saddle Thelma Hunt and Rusty Parker, old-lowing bandleaders:AlMassey,on WINNERS at the Brooks (Alta.) LaborBronk Riding-First day (matinee), Bill time troupers, now living in California,Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus; Bill Flowers,Day Stampede were: Saddle Bucking-Fell,Dan Wilder, NedFerraro;Carl also visited. Main show;Eddie Woeckener,AlG.Lorne Thompson, John Glazier, WallyHuckfeld and Earl Wofford split fourth. Barnes Circus; Duggan Bros.' Circus andReynolds. Bareback Riding-Wally Lind-Night show, Lewis Brooks, Roy Corral, BILLY PAPE and Conchita, perch nov-band leader with Wheeler's Amusementstrom, Wally Adams, Reid Hall.SteerMelvin Tivis, Earl Wofford. Second day, -- elty, now at Radio City Music Hall, NewCo.In 1938 he was in clown alley onRiding-Homer Evans, Wally Reynolds,BillFell,Roy Corral,CarlHuckfeld, York, are featured in the productionRobbins Bros' Circus with clown band,John Glazier.Calf Roping-E. Lund,Ned Ferraro.Third day, Carl Huckfeld, number, The Gay Nineties. Billy dons aalso with concert bands and orchestrasTom Peake, J. Streeter.Calf Riding-Red Breckenridge; Lewis Brooks and Bill black, curly wig and a handle -bar mus-for 20 years. F. Cutter, Philip Backfat, John Beck.Fell split third.Calf Roping-First go - tache, while Conchita turns back the years Wild Cow Milking-JackMillar,Billround, Jim Snively, Chalk Dyer, Elmer with a ruffled princess costume. LULU DAVENPORT, who has been inChristianson. Randall, Jay Snively. Second go -round, retirement for two years due to the ill- Swick Graber, Forrest Andrews, Harry WORD COMESto Solly thatCharleyness of her sister, Mae, who died June 5, HARRY E. GREER, who has been inGraber, Barton Carter. Sparks is going ahead with his plans for a railadvises that she will be with one of thethe Wild West and rodeo business quite show in 1940. leadingcircusesin 1940, doingaa few years, sends the following from principal act.She will also do a high-Lancaster, Wis.: "Every once in a while SECOND ANNUAL RODEO staged by EUGENE J. MILLER, old enduranceschool act on a beautiful black horse.I read in The Billboard about how manyDuncan, Okla., Chamber of Commerce bicyclist, who made his last ride in 1914Miss Davenport has appeared with manyropes some fellow can spin.I can't seeSeptember 7-10 was well attended and over the Lincoln highway while underleading circuses in America and Cuba forthe point in these arguments, especiallyprovedasuccessfinancially,officials construction from Philadelphia to Chi-years.In 1917 she received a gold wristwhen they bring them out in The Bill-report.Directing the event were T. W. cago, is operating a tattoo studio andwatch from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ring board.What difference doesit makeKelly and H. D. Binns, producers; Fred - Alvord, curio shop in Norfolk, Va., where he hasling. At that time Miss Davenport's five-whether a man can spin 4 ropes or 40? arenadirector andsecretary; been for the past 21 years. people riding act was a feature in theIt's what a person can do with one thatPete Adams, announcer; Lonnie Rooney center ring of the Ringling Bros.' Circus.counts." and Claude Wallace, judges, and Mrs. DAVE KROPP, veteran billposter, sea- Barton Carter, timer.Contracted per- Miss Davenport adds she and Reno Mc- SEVEN TEXAS RANCH GIRLS, whoformers were Frank Reed, John Lindsay, sons 1914-'15-'16 with Tom Dailey onCree Sr. were the first two persons tohave been sponsors at rodeos and round-Alice Adams, Mildred Homer, Tad Lucas, the No. 2 car of Ringling Bros' circus,put on a five -people rube comedy ridingups in West Texas for several years, have now apatientin Veterans'Hospital,act in 1916 with the Ringling show, Vivian White, Mary Keene, Chester Byers, Walla Walla, Wash., visited the Big One been signed as a feature for the comingDonald and Gene McLaughlin, Don Clary, Madison Square Garden Rodeo in NewPat Stewart and Mitzi Lucas.Results: when it was there.Would like to hear SCORE A POINT for the Ringling-BarnumYork.T. L. Deglin, publicity director,Calf Roping-First day, I. W. Young and from friends. circus on its air-conditioning plant.Loud hasand Everett E. Colburn, arena directorJiggs Burk split first and second, Millard been the praiseof folks who have viewedof the Garden event, signed the girlsHolcomb, Frank Autry.Second day, H. LOUIS E. (ROBA) COLLINS saw the theperformanceonthose swelteringdayswhile attending the Colorado City Fron-D. Binns and Tommy Robinson split first Bud Anderson show at Piedmont, Mo.-and nightsthis summer. SoIlybelievesittier Round -Up in West Texas recently.and second, Clyde Burk, Lonnie Rooney. light matinee and near capacity at night.will be only a matter of time until all topsThe girls, Fern Sawyer, Faye Marburger,Finals, I. W. Young, Jiggs Burk, Clyde He visited with Lee Daniels and wife,will find it essential to have this feature. Fay Cowden, Mary Nell and Anna BelleBurk, Dee Burks.Bronk Riding-first who recently joined.Daniels is handling Edwards,ElizabethMiller and Peggyday, Dude Colbert, Tommy Wilson; Ken inside of kid shows.Ralph Noble, who Minnick, will not be a part of the pro-Hargis and Hank Brady split third and is managing side show, did nice business fessional rodeo but willridein thefourth.Second day, Milt Moe and Tack at Piedmont. grand entry.In addition they will beBolton split first and second, Dude Col- The Corralused in publicity tie-ups. bert; Ken Hargis and Van Brown split WILLIAM H. LANGE cards that he at- By ROWDY WADDY fourth. Third day, Tack Bolton, Tommie tended matinee of Ringling-Barnum in Wilson, Dude Colbert, Frank Marrion. Los Angeles September 14.There was BURT NORTHRUP'S educated cow- BUCK JONES, Western movie star, andFourth day, Milt Moe and Tack Bolton pony, Bess, was among free acts in fronthis horse, Silver, are heading for Chicagosplit first and second, Ken Hargis, Dude a spill during the sulky race when one for a personal appearance as one of theColbert. of vehicles overturned, horse fell downof grand stand at Doylestown (Pa.) Fairheadline attractions at the annual Chi- Steer Wrestling-first day, Dub and driver took header on track. Thingsand was entered in the high-school horsecago Stadium Rodeo.Entries for thePhillips, Jim Whiteman Bill Van Vac- were righted and race continued withoutcontest at Jersey City, N.J.,Septem-event are said to be much heavier thanters, Tack Bolton.Second day, Hub apparent injury to either man or horse.ber 17, informs R. C. Allen. last year and many of the all-star con-Whiteman,BillVanVacters,Charlie testants of 1938 will be in the line-up.Brodnox, Jim Whiteman.Finals, Jim PAUL GROVE, known professionally PANHANDLE SOUTH PLAINS FAIRPrizes to be awarded total $18,000, ofWhiteman, Bill Van Vacters, Tack Bol- as Ray O'Day, has just completed 10RODEO is being held this week in Lub-which $3,000 will be derived from en-ton, George Hinkle.Steer Riding-first years with large and small circuses inbock, Tex.Officials are A. B. Davis,try fees of contestants.In addition today, Charles Colbert and Frank Marrion jobs ranging from clown to ticket seller.general manager; Jonnnie Mullens, arenacontests there will be trick and fancysplit first and second, Hobert Flowers, Grove left the Gary (Ind.)Steel Co.,director; M. D. Fanning, arena secretary,riding and roping. Tack Bolton. Second day, Jimmie Olsen; where he was a locomotive engineer, aand R. D. Shinkle, publicity director. Charles Colbert and Buttons Yonick split decade agotojointhe circus.He's FIREMEN'S RODEO atAda,Okla.,second and third; Elmer Martin and J. going back to his old job. MIDSOUTH FAIR RODEO at the fair-August 10-13 attracted 25,432 paid ad-C. Shellenberger split fourth. Third day, grounds, Memphis, started off with twomissions. A parade was led by GovernorJ. C. Shellenberger; Hobert Flowers and accidents.In the steer riding the firstPhillips and other State officials. CountyFrank Marrion split second and third; HOWARD W. HOFFMAN, former show-steer plunged into a fence and broke itscommissioners have approved funds toJimmie Olsen.Fourth day, Charlie Col- man, and Harry B. Townsend recentlyneck, and the second one bucked toomake the grand stand 100 feet longer,bert; Buttons Yonick and Frank Marrion won the Republican nominations for jus-hard, breaking its leg.It had to be shot.and rodeo committee announced a largersplit second and third,J. C. Shellen- tices of the peace in the Fourth WardA. M. Fletcher and Ronnie Toliman, ofshow for 1940.Officials included H. D.berger. September 30, 1939 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 37 Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS Communications to 25 Opera Place,Cincinnati. O. MORE GATEMARKS SMASHED

Timonium in Peak Gals Get the Gates 276,293 Top ATLANTA, Sept. 23.-Girls will re- Topeka High At Gates and Stand; place men as ticket sellers at gates of Southeastern Fair here this year, said Wagers $1,034,700 President Mike Benton and Secretary For Reading Virgil Meigs.Some of the deposed With 456,000 TIMONIUM, Md., Sept. 23.- At ticket sellers have been with the fair Timonium Fair, September 4-14, final figures show records in all departments many years in this capacity.Their Hamid bill brings grand-were shattered.Matt L. Daiger, general replacement by girlsis an experi- B -C revue plays to over- manager of the fair and secretary of ment. Another innovation is cutting stand sellouts-silver an-Maryland State Fair and Agricultural thru of a road near upper Pryor Road flow stands-program of Society, remarked, "We had the hottest gates thatwillbeexclusivelyfor niversary is celebrated trucks delivering goods, thus keeping expansion will continue

day of the year,coldest day of the READING, Pa., Sept. 23.-Silver anni-summer and war was declared n Europe the other roads free for passenger TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. 23.-A new all- versary of Reading Fair here on Septem-on opening day, but we had the best fair cars.Gus Sun will furnish grand- time attendance record was set at Kansas we have ever had." stand acts and Lucky Teter and his ber 10-17 broke all records for attend- Hell Drivers will give two matinees. Free Fair here on September 10-16, re- ance.Totaladmissions were276,293, Altho racing was sole attraction on ported Maurice W. Jencks,secretary - in comparison with 221,734in 1937,the last four days, attendance figures Gene Moore and his band have been manager of the 59 -year -old annual. Esti- previous high attendance.Friday, theexceeded the high marks set last year. engaged for dances and grand -stand mated gate was 456,000. big day, drew 70,513.Grand -stand at-Gate admissions on these days were music. Grand -stand attractions, in addition tendance also reached an all high, being44,000which,addedtothe315,000 to six performances of the night show, 60,726. previously reported, provided a substan- included three afternoon and a night Each day had an outstanding attrac- (See TIMONIUM on page 39) Hamid Contracts '40 Show rodeo performance, two afternoons of tion. Opener had Jimmie Lynch and his harness and running races, two after- Death Dodgers in the afternoon and a NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-First contractnoons of auto races, Thrill Day program night concert by the Ringgold Band ofSpencer, Ia., Has 167,250 for a 1940 grand -stand show was signedstaged by Jimmie Lynch and his Death 60 pieces. Trotting, pacing, running and this week by George A. Hamid, Inc.,Dodgers, plus Capt. F. F. Frakes in an steeplechase races were held on five days, SPENCER, Ia., Sept. 23.-Clay Countywhen Roland E. Fisher, of Selinsgroveairplane crash. starting on Monday, these being theFair, here on September 11-16, set a new(Pa.) Carnival and Night Fair, purchased Each night, starting on September 11, only Grand Circuit races held in Penn-attendance mark of 167,250 paid admis-attractions for next year'sfair. DealBarnes -Carruthers presented Flying Col- sylvania. SaturdayafternoonLuckysions. Officials,jubilant over crowds,was consummated inAllentown,Pa.,ors in front of the grand stand and Teter and his Hell Drivers performedcomparedthisfigurefavorablywithwhere Hamid and Fisher were attendingsmashed all previous attendance records. (See 276,293 TOP on page 39) many larger fairs.Six days of clearthe fair.Contract calls for four aerialOn three of the six nights crowds over - weather were an important factor. and circus acts. (See TOPEKA HIGH on page 39) Record for. Ky. Follows Battle Memphis May Get Into Black in Torrid Wave MEMPHIS, Sept. 23.-Mid-South Fair here on September 11-16 had largest at- LOUISVILLE, Sept. 23.-At what was tendance in a decade with prospects generally declared the most successful that the association will finish in the Kentucky State Fair here on September black for the first time in years.Paid 11-16, attendance was given by officials admissions totaled 156,916, which as 163,300, 5,600 over that of the 1938. brought between $46,000 and $50,000 at A heat wave and final night rain curbed the gate. New pre -fair promotion had business considerably. general admission tickets selling before Johnny J. Jones Exposition on the mid- fairtime at 25 cent instead of the usual way, greatly improved and with striking 50 cents. About 70,000 were sold. Presi- lighting effects, held close to last year's dent Raymond Skinner said this year business with the theremometer around was the first time that accurate check 100 degrees.It was next to impossible to of attendance figures had been kept. He (See RECORD FOR KY. on page 39) said total attendance was 25 per cent above last year's. War Hurts N. S. Annual Royal American Shows, on the midway, reported better business than when they After Making 3 -Day Record played here last year. Show officials said, HALIFAX, N. S., Sept. 23.-Nova Scotia however, that business would have been Provincial Exhibition here on August 28 - better had it not been for extreme warm September 2 closed on a sour note as a weatherthruouttheweek. Shows result of outbreak of the war, officials grossed about $5,000 above 1938, it was report. During the first three days Man- said. ager E. Frank Lordly saw all previous Grand -stand admission was charged attendance records in the fair's 75 -year for the first time. Grand -stand attrac- history shattered, but many remained at MIDWAY MANAGER JOHN T. McCASLIN reported a big increase in rev- tion was Gatewood's Rodeo, booked thru home during remainder of the fair to enue at the successful Timonium (Md.) Fair, September 4-14, sale of conces- Frank Collins. Rodeo performances were listen to reports via radio. sion space having totaled 62,000 more than a year ago. He is shown here with (See MEMPHIS MAY on page 39) On the midway were Bill Lynch Shows, his staff in the field office on the grounds. Left to right: L. M. Sandy, chauf- carrying Great Bettilli Family, Flying feur and assistant grounds man; John T. McCaslin, midway and free attrac- Acts Draw at Bath, N. Y. Arleys and Satanellos as free acts. George tions manager; Margie (Judy) Hofer, office assistant; J. J. Burns, assistant A. Hamid furnished vaude acts for the manager; Do Do Dorsey, superintendent of canvas. BATH, N. Y., Sept. 23.-Altho no rec- grand -stand program directed by Joe ords were set, attendance was gratifying Hughes.On Thrill Day Buddy Lumar and Steuben County Fair here on Sep- and his All -America Death Dodgers were tember 12-16 was one of the most suc- featured.There were horse races and aNew -Idea Attractions Score Againcessful yet staged by the association, display of armed forces on Preparedness said Secretary J. Victor Faucett. Weather Day with co-operation of military offi- was good and in spite of a dry season cials. and invasion of grasshoppers farm ex- With Streamlined Brockton Planthibits were of high quality and exceeded Mark for Hamid in London BROCKTON, Mass., Sept. 23.-Brock- Fair presented several new buildingsin number those of recent years. Strates LONDON, Ont., Sept. 23.-George A.ton Fair on September 10-16, stream-and a renovated and repainted whole,Shows occupied the midway and were Hamid attractions broke grand -standlined and appearing for the first timeevery building being in white with redpopular. Free acts and Cheer Up Revue, records the first three days at Westernin new habiliments,had,exceptforletters designating itsexhibits.Worldbooked thru Frank Wirth, drew capacity Fair here, September 11-16, with ad-opening Sunday, perfect weather andof Mirth Shows on the midway werecrowds, the S. R. 0. sign being hung mission of 25, 50 and 75 cents and castvindicated Judgment of its officials inmore brilliantly lighted than ever before.nightly. includingWorld'sFairRevue,Lottieplacing it on a new plane of modernA huge electrical display called atten- Mayer's Disappearing Water Ballet, Mac'sentertainment.Altho attendance figurestion to attractions over a large archwayToronto Winter Fair Off Steers, Alma's Comedy Camel; Ferrariwere slightly off the difference was al-and proscenium. Brothers, comedy acrobats; Gregory andmost negligible, as compared with 1938. IntheInternationalVillagewere TORONTO, Sept.23.-Officialan- Raymond,noveltymusicians;WhiteAttendance and its comparison with lastbuildings for the Irish, Italian, Lithu-nouncement has been made that the Brothers, comedy acrobats; Tip Top Girls,year is the more surprising when itisanian and English villages.Folk dancesRoyal Winter Fair will not be held here acrobats;Four Lazenders,comedians;known that Boston newspapers the dayand national entertainment were chiefthis year by President Gorden F. Perry. George Hanneford Family, riders, andbefore the fair opened, for the first timeattractions.Each building had its res-Decision came after consultation with Eric the Great, high pole.Billy Keatonin years, carried no rotogravure photo-taurant or refreshment area and enter-J. G. Gardiner, federal minister of agri- was emsee. graphs of it and had far less publicitytainment. Industrialbuilding,roodculture, and P. M. Dewan, provincial preceding the fair than at any timeShow building and FloralHall haveminister ofagriculture.All heated

CONVERSE, Ind.-New attendance rec-during the past decade. stucco fronts and are streamlined. Stylebuildings of the Canadian National Ex- ord was set by Miami County Fair here Attendance by days: Sunday, 10,782;Show, with scores of models, drew heav-hibition, including the Coliseum, where on September 10-16.Secretary D. E.Monday, 20,326; Tuesday, 19,807;ily, occupying half the main floorofthe fair is held annually in November, Warnock tried a Sunday opening thisWednesday,29,704;Thursday,28,738;Exhibition Hall and presented five timesare to be used as army barracks. Motor year, featuring Boone County Jamboree,Friday, 22,837;Saturday, 45,312;total,daily.French building, restaurant andShow will go on, it was announced by which played to packed stands at mat-177,506.Attendance in 1938 was 187,971.garden were well patronized. J.I.Stewart,managerofCanadian - inee and night show.Miller AmusementTotal paid admissions were off only 2,500, For the grand -stand amusement area,Automobile Chamber of Commerce, date Co. occupied all available midway space.the difference being represented by Chil-crowded afternoon and night, the racehaving been moved up six weeks from Sky -High Girl was free attraction. dren's Day. (See NEW -IDEA on page 39) November. 38 The Billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS September 30, 1939 midget; Peter's Freak Animal Show and Cramer's Headless Woman.J. R. Ed-90,000 at Mineola Pomona Has Sizable Gate Dropwards' Eli Wheel, Tilt -a -Whirl, Merry- Go -Round, Loop -o -Plane, Chairplane and Kiddie Auto ride were booked. Ray, ElmerIs Best in Decade Due to Heat; Midway Biz Goodand John Ehert had eats, drinks, pop MINEOLA, L.I.,Sept. 23.-The 97th POMONA, Calif., Sept. 23.-Attendancefeatured and carries more than 150 en-corn, peanuts and candy. Other attrac-annual Mineola Fair on September 12- on first three days of 18th annual Lostertainers. tions were Dick and Helen Johns' Play-16 gated 90,000, best attendance mark Angeles County Fair here, September 15 - land, Lerch's doughnuts, Paul Lee's nov-in a decade.Fair was helped by fine October 1, was about 100,000, consider- Concessioners Build elties and Jim Gilchrist's photos.Eddieweather, as compared with last season ably under the mark made in corres- Grand -stand show for opening includ-Weekly'scookhouse wasoutsidethewhen the hurricane practically blew it pondingperiodof1938.Dropwased Yacopis, acrobats; Keen Twins' Sex-main entrance. out. There were more than 100 exhibits, attributed by officials to an excessivetet, tumblers; Paul and Paulette, tram- neatly put up on new grounds. Endy heat wave.Opening day was inaugu-poline; Four Gay Blades, comedy acro- Bros.' Shows had the amusement zone. rated with aerial bombs, air squadronsbats; Earl Stinson's 16 -horse hitch andTexas Annual Pulls 20,000, Frank Wirth offered the grand -stand and a visit by Gov. Culbert Olsen andFanchonettes, dancing and rolling globes. show, presenting one of the most elabo- staff.Secretary -Manager C. B.(Jack)In the agricultural building organ re-Increase of 8,000 Over '38rate night shows ever appearing here, Afflerbaugh said value of exhibits is setcitals are given.Musical units play on to good business. Acts included Christy's at more than $17,000,000 and number ofthe promenade and inpergolas and ARLINGTON, Tex., Sept. 23.-FourthCircus, the Cardovas, Les Letress;the displays are in excess of 30,000. Morearbors. annual Tarrant County Fair here onLes Ambassadeurs Revue,whichin- than $200,000 will be distributed in pre- Roy E. Ludington, general manager ofSeptember 11-16 at Arlington Downscluded Spring Garden Band from York, miums.Exhibits from 27 counties andCrafts' 20 Big Shows on the midway, saiddrew 20,000, an increase of 8,000 overPa.; Jules and Clifton, California Varsity severalforeigncountries are on thebusiness was equal to that of 1938, whenlast year's mark, said Secretary -ManagerEight, Rodney and Gould and Elaine grounds. a 30 per cent increase over the precedingF. H. Wadley. Grounds are between FortSeidler's 16 girls.Don Tranger emseed Much of the 350 -acre track is coveredyear was recorded for thefirstthreeWorth and Dallas. Commercial,livethe review, Max Kassow presented cir- days.Organization has been augmentedstock and agricultural exhibit recordscus acts, and entire show was under with colored lighting effects overhead were set. and many improvementshavebeenwith shows, rides and concessions. There Fair had a 10 -cent gate andsupervision of Wirth. Fireworks followed made.Several new buildings have beenis probability of an increase, since Chil-good weather except on the last day,each night show. erected. Large tent has been erected fordren's Day, usually held during the firstwhen rain fell. This year's midway was in center of the heavy horseexhibit,which hadthree days, was postponed. Rides did big Entertainment included a rodeo ongrounds, which accounted for increased largest entry list since inception. business and shows had fair takes. Con-four nights and two afternoons undervolume. In previous years it had a spot cession business was good in late after-direction of 011ie Cox and two nightto one side.Big surprise to fair moguls Changes inAttractions noon and night. Gwynne and McComb,showings of Gainesville Community Cir-was entry of 850 kiddies in the baby con- Racing to date has been of high orderTex Cameron and R.E.Olsen havecus.Flying Millers were free act andtest on Wednesday, creating plenty chaos. andindicationsarethatlastyear'serected permanent concession buildingshad carnival attractions on the midway,Harnessracingaveragedabout4,000 $1,750,000 pari-mutuel handle willbeon grounds. which recorded good business, accordingdaily in the grand stand and on Satur- exceeded.Take for the first two days to Sam Majors, carnival secretary. Five-day night Ira Vail's midget auto races was 12 per cent above last'year's. Harness cent midway admission was charged. about doubled the mark.Opening -day races will be run on the last seven days.Annual in Wooster, 0., Has feature was presence of President Grover John Maluvius is handicapper for run- Whalen, of the New York World's Fair. ners, with Frank Kelly starter.FrankBig Grand -Stand Patronage He helped select the Farmer's Daughter Leininger will again start harness races. WOOSTER, 0., Sept. 23.-Despite ex-One Annual for Charlotte from about 200 entries and also pitched Racing division will distribute more thancessive heat, Wayne County Fair here CHARLOTTE, N. C., Sept. 23.-Direc-inwithaspeech.ManagerCharles $10,000. on September 11-15 drew more thantors of Carolinas Agricultural Fairs, Inc.,Bochertsaidopening -dayattendance Night horse show is again a stand -out30,000 paid admissions, slightly belowdecided to cancel its charter and supportwas about 18,000.President J. Alfred feature, and grand -stand shows and ra-expectations, and grand -stand patronageSouthern States Exposition, Inc., whichValentine said results were so pleasing dio broadcasts will be changed at inter-was well ahead of the 1938 figure, saidis erecting a $100,000 amusement parkthat it was fairly certain directors would vals.Bob Cannon is in charge of acts,Secretary W. J. Buss. Live -stock entrieshere.The group staged a fair here intake steps toward increasingfacilities and Abe Lefton is announcer. Ken Car-were heaviest in history, more that 1,2001937, but split in 1938 with a fair beingof next year's function. penter is radio commentator. On Satur-head being on display and extra tentsput on by a faction known as Charlotte day an NBC broadcast was made fromhoused overflow. Agricultural Exposition. Dr. J. S. Dorton, grand stand and stage.Carl Hoff's Or- Jack Raum's. Circus provided grand-Shelby, is manager of Southern StatesRain, Competition Pull chestra plays concerts and stage shows.stand entertainment on first three days,Exposition, a plant for which is beingFlemington Figures Down Streamlined Festejo Moderno is againhis Thrill Show appearing on final night.erected north of the city in preparation On the midway were Princess Marguerite,for a 1939 fair. FLEMINGTON, N. J., Sept. 23.-Rain on three days and competition from ex- cursions to the New York World's Fair Grand -Stand Receipts Show reduced attendance at Flemington Fair on August29 -September4, officials Gain at Lisbon, 0., Annual Agricultural Situation report.Opening day was for children LISBON, 0., Sept. 23.-Attendance ex- but rain marred the program and on ceeded 20,000 at 94th annual Columbiana Condensed Data From August Summary by U. S. Department of Agriculture, succeeding two days scheduled attrac- County Fair here on September 13-15, Washington, D. C. tions were washed out. said H. E. Marsden, secretary. Grand stand drew well during re- Depart- mainder of the week and a sell-out was ments were filled to capacity and har-NATURE has made an about-faCe thistonnages of steel.Textile buying hasrecorded ness racing was best in years.Grand- I season. Crops started off poorly, thenrecently been sufficiently aggressive to on LaborDay. Programed stand receipts are expected to show aimproved sensationally, except for wereSuicideHayesonThrillDay, suggest an improvement in operationsmotorcycle and RalphA.Hankinson gain over the 1938 mark as a result of adrought in parts of the Northeast and inby fall.Security markets shook off someauto races and a Major Bowes unit. sellout on Wednesday night when thean area that covers parts of the South-of their lethargy around mid -July andDistribution of gifts during night shows crowd overflowed on the track.Conces-west and extends into Nebraska andthe world was being treated to a periodaided attendance materially. Joe Basile's sions generally reported a 50 per centKansas. In the country as a whole foodof relative political calm.These latterband furnished music daily and Ban tly decrease in business over last year. for man and feed for live stock are prom-developments may prove transitory, butShows did good business on the midway. C. A. Klein Attractions furnished cir-ised in abundance. Prospective surpluseswhile favorable they have a salutary ef-Popular feature this year was a horse cus acts the first two days for the grandare reflected in the market places. Afect on business sentiment which might,show on Sunday. stand and the third day brought in hisnumber of farm products aresellingif prolonged, lead to more liberal pur- 22 -people revue, with Jimmy Harrison'slower than at this time last year.Butchasing policies, particularly since there Band.Other acts were Lillian Strockfarm income holds up comparatively well,had apparently been a considerable re- and Jaydee the Great, aerialists; Steineras government payments make up theduction in finished goods inventories justPitt Has Heavy Attendance deficit.Economists look for improve- Trio and Capt. Billy Sells' Lions.Added prior to June. PITTSBURGH, Sept. 23.-Altho attend- attraction was a demonstration by thement in the demand for farm products On the adverse side of the businessance was big at the seventh annual Salem, this summer and fall.The big questionpicture are included a decline in build- 0., polo team.R. H. Wade'sis Allegheny County Fair here on August Loop -o -Plane, EliWheel,Merry -Go - whether the improvement willbeing contracts awarded, failure of corpora-29 -September 4,it was slightly below Round, Chairplane and Kiddie ride wereenough to offset the heavy supply situa-tions thus far to raise new funds of anylast year's mark due to several days' on the midway, as were Bronson's Leop-tion in major farm commodities-cotton,consequence for capital expansion laterrain.Entertainment included a tele- ard Lady, Greenawald's Athletic Arena,wheat, corn, hogs and others. Some be-in the year and absence of any generalvision show by KDKA; Eddie Wurtman, Larry Larrimore's 12 concessions, Thoma'slieve there is in the making a period ofstrengthening in commodity prices. Thoroper; Alice Jabo's Horse; group of trick frozen custard, Charlie Martin's cook-freedom from the violent fluctuationsthe balance appears to be on the favor-riders; Slim and Roy, whip act; Elmer house, Lester Rodgers' peanuts, Wagner'sthat have characterized the supply andable side there are still sufficient cross-Waltman, comedian; Doyle White and arcade, K. T. Tanar's scales and photos,price situation in recent years.No onecurrents in the situation to suggest grad-Roy Starkey, radio actors; rodeo, sports Dave Roberts and Ted Mitchell. looks for loss of the gains which haveual, rather than marked, improvementcontests, band concerts and Mardi Gras. been won in the last seven years. in business and consumer demand duringTelevision and wild life exhibits drew DEMAND: IMPROVING the next few months. heavily. W. Mich. Shows 10% Gain The five -point jump in the Federal INCOME: INCREASE Reserve index of industrial production LUDINGTON, Mich., Sept. 23-Western Cash income from farm marketings andB. R. F., Wis., Successful Michigan Fair here on September 12-16for June (carrying it up to 97 per centgovernment payments was slightly larger drew poor crowds the first two daysof the 1923-'25 averages) was the firstin the first half of 1939 than in the like gain since last December, in which monthperiod of 1938.Income from marketings BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis., Sept. 23.- duetoextremelyhotweather,butthe index reached 104.The June gain,was 4 per cent less, but governmentJackson County Fair here on September picked up to show a 10 per cent gaintho due in large part to maintenance ofpayments raised the total income $40,-9-12 drew more than 9,000 on Sunday, over the 1938 figure, said John W. Todd,a high rate of coal production following000,000, or about 1 per cent, above a yearwith grand stand strewing them at mat- of the Gus Sun office, which furnishedthe April -May strike and expanded steel, -earlier. inee and night shows, reports Bert Poll- grand -stand features.Capacity crowdsmill operations following the May price Income from grains and vegetables thenow.Horse show and exhibits inall attended Friday's grand -stand shows andcuts, was helped by increased automobilefirst half of this year was larger than indepartments were large.Business was automobiles were turned away at gates.output and to a further increase in cot-the same months of 1939. but incomelight on Monday due to rain but ideal Frank Miller's World of Pleasure Showston textiles.Observance of a doublefrom cotton, tobacco and fruits wasweather drew big crowds on Tuesday were on the Midway. Actsincludedholiday during the first week of July bysmaller, so that income from all cropswith WJJD Suppertime Frolics.Weydt Capt. Frank's Hollywood Canines, Acromany industries, together with curtail- Amusement Co. did good business on Comiques; Wells Brothers, bars; Pedro was not as large as in January -June lastthe midway.Grand -stand features in- ment during the month of somewhatyear.Smaller income from the sale ofcluded Lew Rosenthal's and Lewis. head balancing; Page andmore than seasonal proportions in auto-dairy products more than offset increased Revue, with Jewett, cyclists; Machedon Arabs,mobiles and cotton print cloths, probably Eddie Brown, comedian; Bernie Dunn, tumblers, and Jerry Carmen, emsee. receipts from meat animals, chickens andemsee; Louis Tops' Monkey; Two Phil - held the increase in industrial produc-eggs from January to June so that totalmores, juggling; Three LeBrants,bal- tion for the month as a whole to con-income from live -stock marketings wasancing;Palmero'sDogs;Salardo Trio BARNSTABLE, England. - Barnstablesiderably less than in June, but, accord-lower than in the same months last year.and Jargo, contortionists, and Harry and Fair was canceled as a result of outbreaking to weekly indexes, the trend wasIn June income from marketings wasSusie Bauer. aerialists. of war.Fair is said to be about 1,000upward. smaller than in May and was also below years old and cancellation marks first Developments appear favorable to athat for June last year.Income from BOONEVILLE, Miss.-DonaldFranks lapse in several hundred years. Duringcontinuation of gradual improvement incrops was $13,000,000 larger, but returnswas elected president of Prentiss County the World War it was staged on a smallbusiness and domestic demand.Newfrom live stock and live -stock productsFairAssociation;ClaudeAdair,vice- scale. auto models will soon be requiring largewere $20,000,000 smaller. president; John Falls, secretary -treasurer. September 30, 1939 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 39 for the fourth year, had an especiallyofficials announcing plans to increase fine line-up of 20 rides and 15 shows.number of buildings next year.Cattle Audit Betters Mich.Electrical illumination ofshowsandShow was in new streamlined buildings. rides was a greatimprovementoverPoultry Show had hundreds of birds in Figures; About 5,000previous years. Showmen reported ex-charge of Fred Sanders, Hanover, Mass. World's Highest Aerial Act.No cellent business. Special attraction onZoological Park drew thousands to the Nets ---No Safety the midway was Hugo Zacchini, cannonbig new feature. Devices! Finish- Passes Taken Daily ing with a 500 - act over double Ferris Wheels, given Secretary -Manager Frank H. Kingman, foot"Slide for DETROIT, Sept. 23.-Final audit oftwicedailyaftergrand -standshows.who continues to experiment for new Life." Michigan State Fair, September1-10,Visiting fair officials included H. B. Cor-and appealing features, devotes much showed paid attendance of 407,373.Inrell, Carl Flickenstine, Bloomsburg; H.time to visiting other fairs and studying addition there were about 5,000 passesE. LaBreque, Trenton, N. J.; M. H. Beary,public tastes, and the result was appar- used daily, according to estimate of Dr.Allentown; Samuel S. Lewis, York; Alent.Associated with him this year were Linwood H. Snow, fair manager.ThisBrice, Bedford; Major E. B. Allen, Flem-Glenn McCrillis,president;Perley G. would make a total of 50,000 and bringington, N. J. Flint, honorary president;Edward M. THRILLS -<;ge,4 total attendance about 35,000 over the Thompson, treasurer; Harold S. Crocker, goo 1937 attendance of422,393, when no assistant, and Vice -Presidents Herbett L. AND MAN passes were given out, and only 45,000RECORD FOR KY. Tinkham, HaroldG.Morse,Clarence under corresponding figures of the 1938 (Continued from page 37) Puffer and Clarence C. Reed. CHILLS !1$ get the public into shows during after- Displays, again presented by American fair when the same rule was applied. *A spectacular night and day exhibition, At past fairs under the no -pass rule,noons, most of the play being at night.Fireworks Co., were declared among the breathless, spinetingling and thrill -packed. according to Dr. Snow, the quarters col- Horse Show in 1938 drew 15,580 andfinest of recent years here. Noted among Send for pictorial circular. AVAILABLE FOR A FEW LATE FAIRS and CELE- lected from fair workers and others en-this year 15,900. On Saturday, featurevisitors were Charles A. Nash, secretary BRATIONS. Permanent address, care of titled to passes were refunded from fairnight of the show, when Lady Jane wonEasternStatesExposition,Springfield, THE BILLBOARD, Cincinnati, Ohio. funds so that figures for the past twotheworld'schampionshipfive -gaitedMass.; Frank Trott, vet harness racing years would thus show a total considera-stake, attendance was 4,900 comparedexpert;Dr. Claude Gillam,Rochester blylargerthannormalattendance.with 5,300 in 1938. Decrease was laid to(N. H.) Fair; Harry Hayes, resident man- Passes were given this year to press, ex-rain on the only night of the week. ager of Rockingham Park; Judge James FOR LEASE hibitors, officials and some commercial Vincent Lopez and his orchestra wentDooley, president of Narragansett Park; Spaces forBingo,Pictures,Ball Games and interests, Dr. Snow said. over big and a 10 -cent -a -dance idea wasPaul Denish, Boston, Eastern representa- other Concessions at the Revival of harness racing this yearsuch a success that it apparently willtiveofGeorge A. Hamid,Inc.,and proved a disappointment when paid ad-be continued in future.Lopez playedLieut.-Gov. Samuel S. Lewis, president TRI-COUNTY INDOOR FAIR missions were counted, total being 6,189for the Horse Show until 10 p.m., thenand manager of York (Pa.) Interstate HURRICANE, W. VA. for six meets, including one double meet,went over to an outdoor pavilion andFair. Fair begins October 9th andlastsSix Days giving an average attendance of 1,031,played for dancing until 2 a.m. Pavilion Grand -standreceiptswerereported and Nights. with 1,749 as largest day's attendance.was packed nightly, and Saturday nightconsiderably higher than those of last Fair has the grand stand back for dura-was figured to break all records but wasyear, when the first change to name tion of fairs after several years oc cam-cut into badly by a downpour. bands and stage shows was made. Mid- paigning for it.Detroit Racing Associa- Sunday afternoon after the fair fireway receipts were about 20 per cent over tion operates the track remainder of thedestroyed 14 barns, burning four saddlelast year's with crowds of about the same Sensational Royals horses valued at $10,000.Several fire- Fair is non-profit making in that yea:. size. 125 Ft. High Rodeo, giving 13 shows in front of themen were injured. Damage was estimatedother than secretary and some paid OPEN FOR CARNIVALS OR LATE DATES grand stand, including one fill-in showat $39,000, about one-third covered byassistants and employees no officials re- on Labor Day when weather preventedinsurance. An announcement was madeceive compensation and a share of prof- SIDNEY BELMONT races, drew 66,831, average attendance oftwo weeks ago that the next Legislatureits go to support of Brockton Hospital. Fullerton Bldg., ST. LOUIS, MO. 51,125, with the largest crowd, 8,168, onwould appropriate funds for new build-Part of receipts will be devoted to new first Sunday night. ings; now the new buildings will be abuildingsandfurtherimprovement. Series of shows and dances in the Col-certainty and all fireproof.It is alsoGate remained as established in the past WANTED iseum,with name bands,playedtoplanned to build a new fence aroundtwo or three years, 50 cents. A Complete Carnival or Ferris Wheel, Chair Rlde, the grounds. A big play was made this other Concessions to make up carnival. 46,928 at 23 shows, an average of 2,040.year to increase local attendance, and Largest attendance was 3,854 at LaborManager Horace S. Cleveland and otherTOPEKA HIGH Day matinee, when rain drove crowds in- (Continued from page 3?) BULLITT COUNTY FAIR doors. officialsappearsatisfiedwiththeir SHEPHERDSVILLE, K'', SEPT. 29-90, OCT. 1 efforts. flowed to race track and officials fought Wire GEO. BANTA, Vevey, Ind. for. canvas on which to seat spectators. TIMONIUM NEW -IDEA On the midway was the Rubin & (Continued from page 37) (Continued from page 37) Cherry unit of the Amusement Corp. of FOR SALE tial increase over last year. Total grand- America. In spite of extremely hot andCompleteSet of Forschner Guess Your Weight Chair stand attendance for the 10 days oftrack was encircled with a high canvasoccasionally dusty afternoons which re-Scales, Trunk and Dial Case, $50. fence, preventing any part of the showsulted in curtailed business, the week's racing was 102,000, as compared withfrom being seen by any save those who SID GOODWALT, Care E. Guralsky, 83,500 last year, an increase of 20 per figures showed an all-time gross record.133 Park Row, New York Olty cent.The same rate of increase waspaid grand -stand fees of 50 cents to Live -stock exhibits were largest in a maintained in reported total wagering$1.50.Glen Gray and his Casa Lomadecade.Agricultural show was impres- handle of $1,034,700 as compared withOrchestra opened on Sunday with Bensive despite an unfavorable season into pax its way, President Skinner said. last year's $870,978. Bernie as emsee and continued thruKansas.Dedication of the new TempleAuto races staged Saturday afternoon In the previous two years of the 12 -Tuesday, when Guy Lombardo and hisof Agriculture, costing $56,000, was adrew capacity of about 9,000 and gave day fair free acts and midway wereRoyal Canadians took over thru Thurs-highlight.It was completed only 30the association profit of about $3,200. on hand for the entire duration, whileday.Eddie Duchin and his orchestradaysbeforeopeningdate. National,Fifty cents was charged tothe grand this year these features concluded onheadlined thru Friday and Saturday. county and State officials took part instand, plus 25 cents for reserves and theeighthdayalong withexhibits. With GrayappearedSylviaFroos,ceremonies, with U. S. Senator Arthurgate fee for admission to grounds. Defenders' Day, September12,helpedAmes and Arno, Robbins Brothers andCapper delivering the dedicatory address. Free attractions in the women's build- swell crowds. Closing day was also big.Margie, Monroe Brothers and Chester "We have completed the greatest fairing were Four Rounders, musical com- Plans are under way for numerous im-Hale Girls.With Lombardo were Rufein Kansas history.It exceeded our mostedy quartet,andMysterious Howard, provementsnextyear. The50 -centDavis, impersonations; Five Elgins, hatoptimistic hopes. We are now ready toboth booked by Henry Beaudoin, fair sec- gate and 50 -cent grand -stand policy re-throwers; Yost's Varsity Singers, harmonygo into the second phase of a big ex-retary. In the merchants building, Jewel mained. male chorus of eight; Vera Fern, bluespansion program," said Manager Jencks.Cowboys, Ranch Boys and Humko Jug singer, and Chester Hale Girls.Duchin Estimated attendance: Sunday, Sep-Band, Memphis radioacts, gave their featuredJanePickens,ChazChase,tember 10, 36,000; Monday, 50,000; Tues-regular broadcasts from the stage. 276,293 TOP Marcella Williams, Emmett Oldfield andday, 65,000; Wednesday, 90,000; Thurs- President Skinner said the fair's orig- (Continued from page 37) Co. and Chester Hale Girls. Tom Howardday 105,000;Friday,70,000;Saturday,inal budget of about $75,000 was ex- and Sunday afternoon Hankinson autoand George Shelton appeared with the70,000; Saturday, September 16, 40,000;ceeded because of larger entries than races brought out a big crowd. All ex-Casa Loma show.Charlie Thomas, whototal 456,000. were expected in some exhibits.Differ- hibit buildings were filled to capacitywas manager of the old Hathaway The- At the night show's opening 13,000ence will be cared for in increased at- with best exhibits in years.Live stockater, Brockton, was manager of the fairfilled the grand stand and overflowedtendance. "There is no doubt that the and boys' 4-H Club displays were out-stage shows, which were pronounced theinto temporary bleachers and on to theassociation will show a profit this year," standing. best ever seen at the fair, and popularityrace track. Thursday night drew an all-he said. Grand -standattractionsand revueof the new idea was proved beyondtime high of 14,000. Fuller Is Visitor furnished by George A. Hamid were en-doubt. Gus Schrader, dirt -track racer, driving Exhibits were far above average. Cat- thusiastically received, stand being sold On afternoons the grand -stand showa Riverside Special, set a new Kansastlemen said the live -stock displays were out on all five nights of the show. Billwas augmented by Jimmie Lynch andrecord on September 14 when he drovebest since the National Dairy Show was was Royal Doberman Pinschers, dog act;his Death Dodgers. He had more thanthe half -mile track in 26 seconds, bet-held here 10 years ago. O'Donnell and Blair, comedy novelty;30 men and featured with him weretering by .2 of a second the mark set Saxon Brothers, high aerialists; Don Del Frank D. Fuller, veteran fair secre- Whitey Leece, Bobby Maynard and Nealby Art Martinson in 1934. tary,whoquitlastyearafter30 Monte, novelty; Windsorettes, ground ac-Lott.Thrill show continued Monday Flying Colors included Ben Beni, jug-years' service drove over for two days robats; Pallenberg's Bears; Orsela Orelli,thru Thursday, being succeeded on Fri-gler -comic: 12 Aristocrats, dancers; prima donna; Frank Mazone and Com-day and Saturday by auto races. Myrtill and Pacaud, adagio; Garo-Niell-from his Jonesboro, Ark., home. In ill pany, adagio number of five people; Will health, he moved about little, but ex- Morris and Bobby, comedy bicyclists; Max Linderman, who presented thesenDancers;Loyal-Repinski barebackpressed himself as well pleased with ad- biggest midway ever seen at the fair,troupe; Lester Cole and his Six Debu-vances made this year. Eddie Roecker,baritone;Les Kimris,said the best business was registeredtantes,vocalists;Isadore Cervone and highaerialists. At nightHamid'ssince he had been playing the date.his Field Artillery Band; the Brannocks, Fair officials are confident that new Modernistic Revue in five parts, featur- Smith, Rogers and Eddy,policies in the forms of advance ticket ing the Roxyettes, was beautifully pre-There were more than 40 merchandiseteeterboard; sale and grand -stand admission charge sented with lavish scenery and electricalgames.Governor Saltonstall visited oneccentric dancers;the Balabos, accor-played a material part in the financial Elaine Dowling was emsee. LeeThursday. On Friday, Mayor's Day, camedion quintet. effects. more than 120 mayors of New England success. Barton Evans, manager for Hamid, em -cities and towns. Among visitors were officials of Arkan- seed afternoon shows.Dave Mordecai MEMPHIS MAY sas Live Stock Show, North Little Rock, was musical director. Miss Dowling pre- More Building Planned (Continued from page 37) including Clyde E. Byrd, general man- sented her novelty acrobatic dance dur- International Gardens were featured infree Monday afternoon and night andager; Nat D. Rodgers, publicity manager; ing the revue. flower show displays.Recreation andFriday afternoon. With admission at 25T. E. Robertson, rodeo director, and Ray- Midway Lighting Improved Travel Show, an innovation, featured ex-cents, the show failed to take in enoughmond J. Higgins, assistant secretary. Stagehands' Union 97 handled all stagehibits by Massachusetts Fish and Game and electricaleffects.Music was fur-Commission.Horse Show, with Arthur nished for show and revue by Ring-H. Lovesyas superintendent,is now gold Band, Reading.Displays nightlyacross the track and athletic area in a WANT by American Fireworks Co. were preten-wooded area and has separate and small- tious because of the anniversary of theer quarters of its own. Dog Show, which CHESTERFIELD COUNTY FAIR, OCT. 12 TO 14, Inclusive has grown each year, had more than 50 fair. Shows and Concessions.Bingo, Cookhouse open. Sam Welntaub, Chicken Pie, wire.Photos, Scales, On Tuesday, City Children's Day, overbreeds judged.Brockton's pioneering a Penny Pitch, Ball Games, Long -Range Gallery or any Legitimate Concessions working for Stock. Mabel Friday,Countyyear ago on a new method of judging Mack or Bryan Woods, wire. C. Pugh, Johnson, Delaney, DeVeito, write or wire.Virginia's Best County 40,000attended, and Fair. Concession space limited. 12 miles south of Richmond, off Route 1. Write or wire F. L. FAUST, Children's Day, drew equally as well. cattle received such response that the care F. & M. Shows, Chesterfield C. H., Va., after Sept. 30. Cetlin & Wilson Shows, on the midwayfair was unable to accept allentries, 40 The Billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS -RINKS September 30, 1939 Brothers, casting;fireworks and Lucky gail)-ta0 chowS Teter's Hell Drivers on two days. JAMES COGSWELL, high -stilt clown, PLAYING in conjunction with Barkerwho played Mitchell (Neb.) Fair on Sep-Has and Skaters tember 12-17, reports other attractions Bros.' Circus and booked thru Gus Sun By CLAUDE R. ELLIS Agency, Sensational Robeys, Sprigg Sis-were Five American Eagles, tight wire; (Cincinnati Office/ ters, Ernie Wiswell and his Comedy FordFour Casting Delcos;Joe Melvin, jug- CONSTRUCTION began recently on a and Teeter Sisters were at Carthage (0.)gler;FourBlenders;GeorgePenney,$25,000 rink and restaurant at Memphis' Fair, September 13-16. clown coj; Gertrude Avery's revue and U. S. Army Olympic Team, high -jumpingRainbow Lake, resort operated by E. Bel- Effect of War horses. lanti and -A. Pieraccini. Building will be ACTS at three-day Dade County Free ofconcreteblockconstructionwith By CYRIL BEASTALL Pair, Greenfield Mo., were Great Ricardo, brick veneered front and stucco sides. DERBY, England.-Outbreak of war swaying pole, and Kozak and Treka, wire Rink will be 150 by 90 feet and will bein Europe has had great effect on skat- cyclists, reports Rich Barnsdale. Late Opening in Leaksville equipped with office, restrooms and re-ing activities.On September 2 I was a freshment stands. visitor to Rendezvous Rink, Chesterfield, LEAKSVILLE, N. C., Sept. 23.-Due to FLASH WILLIAMS'ThrillDayat and at the morning session few of us Western Fair, London, Ont., Septemberlate arrival of Kaus Exposition Shows, SPECIAL floor shows free to publichad any heart to don rollers.Everybody booked for the midway, 25th annualmarked the recentopeningofOakswas speculating as to possibilities of war 11-16, was on Saturday, the only dayRockinghamCountyFair,originally during the annualthatshowedin- Rink, Portland, Ore.Shows wereof-or peace and not one felt that war could creased attendance over that of last year.scheduled for September 11-16, openedfered on September 8 and 9, drawingreally be avoided. We awaited the an- two days later, reports Deputy Sheriffabout 1,500 skatersandspectatorsnouncement that it was to be war or Rex M. Ingham, well known to showfolknightly. Oaks Skating Club arranged 12peacewithafeelingoftremendous KLING Brothers, aerialists, and Del -and delegated to police the fair. Grand-acts, including Bob Clark and Kennethanxiety. When the evening session came mar's Lions were featured at Delawarestand show was popular, line-up includ-Krausharr in a skit; John Powell andand still no news, the atmosphere on the (0.) Fair, reports Pat Kling. ing Polly Jenkins and Her Plow Boys,Donna Hassler, figure skating; Jimmierink was unnatural.Everybody seemed Kirk Adams' Animal Circus and theFoss, Hank Mayers and Francis Hause,strangely sad.I did not skate and in- Griffin Family, platform and revolvingnovelties;Lucille Peterson and Sherleystead of officiating as referee in a hockey CAPT. Jack O'Diamonds LeDay reportsladder acts.Among visitors were BuckEpperson, spinning; John Powell, Tom his troupe has disbanded and he hasSteele and company of Wild West per- game I asked my good friend, George joined Capt. Cushing's Death Holiday Johnson and Wendlen Reiter, spinning;Jackson, manager of the rink, to find a Thrill Show, booked to play a benefitformers: Bob Russell, former clown, andKennethKrausharrwithragdollsubstitute. There must have been thou- Tex Watts.Officers were J. L. Clayton,partner; Harold Benson and Bill Taylor,sands of us who went to rinks in Europe in Charlotte, N. C. president; George Martin, vice-president;jitterbugs;Ross Johnson, Dale Grim, Karl R. Massey, secretary, and S. M.BobWhiteandFrankZimmerman, (See RINKS on page 55) AMONG bookings for Tumbling At -Harris, treasurer. Indian dance.Brightlycostumed 16 woods were Angelica (N. Y.) Fair, Au- Oakettes did group routines. gust23-26;Pottsville,Pa., September The First 4-9, and Gratz,Pa.,September 18-23.Cadillac, Mich., Has Record JOE LAUREY will again be in charge Best Skate They report bookings for 17 Southern of a staff of 10 floor men in Armory fairs. CADILLAC, Mich., Sept. 23.-BusinessRoller Rink, Chicago, scheduled to open at Northern District Fair here on Sep-on September 28, reports Bill Henning, J. C. MICHAELS reports his Big Citytember 11-16 was about 25percentskateroom manager.Purchase of 1,000 Grand -Stand Circus played recentabove the 1938 mark and biggest in as-pairs of Chicago skates has been made Traverse County Fair, Wheaton, Minn.,sociation history, said John W. Todd,and 500 more are to be bought at a and Lac Qui Parle County Fair, Madison,manager of the Gus Sun office, whichlater date.Rink will operate nightly Minn., line-up including Cycling Harri-furnished acts.Happyland Shows hadexcept Tuesdays and Fridays and floor sons,BillieIrwinCompany,Groththe midway and Hudson Fireworks Co.is to be resurfaced and new organ and Brothers, Sensational Francelon, Atter-furnisheddisplays. Twoalternatingsound system installed.Three men will QUALITY bury Duo, Don Philipi, Chilcott's Ani-grand -stand shows included Gus Sunbe in the wardrobe department and there mals and Five Flying Fishers. Jubilee Revue; Fred Reckless, high act;will be four skate boys. Littlejohns,juggling;Zeller and Wil- RICHARDSON BALLBEARING SKATE CO, BUDDY LUMAR reports his All-Amer-burn, jugglers; ClarkandCurtis, ican Death Dodgers were booked forcomedy; LeRoy's Dogs; Starbeck PAUL AND ESTHER, novelty skaters Established 1884. in Timken Roller Bearing Co. display at 3312-3318 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Essex County Fair, Westport, N. Y., onBrothers, accordion; Arkansas Revelers,the New York World's Fair, are in their August 27. Otherdatesincludedand Two Aces, clown balancing. Provincial Exhibition, Halifax, N. S., on 17thweek,reports Edward Newman, The Best Skate Today August 29-31, where record attendance booker.They perform on an eight -foot of 22,000 was set on Cornwallis Day, and platform nine feet in the air and have Rockland County Fair, Orangeburg, N. Y. been signed for 1940. -Rinks From Coast To Coast- Fair Grounds Are Ordering and Re -Ordering MANAGER GeorgeAnagnost, Grey - ATTRACTIONS booked for eight -day WAYCRCSS, Ga.-Because of adverse OUR $ HOCKEY FIBRE Southeastern Fair and National Live -local conditions, American Legion Poststone Skateland, Columbus, 0., reported n 0 Stock and Poultry Show, Atlanta, in-will not sponsor Southeastern Georgiathat surface of the rink has been en- NEW I NU WHEELS clude Fred Delmar's Lions; Three Milos,Fair here this year, reports G. U. Gates.larged and conveniences added.Carni- trapeze; Flying Rockets, skaters; Three vals will be held on Friday, Saturday and BECAUSE-THEY ARE THE BESTI Every Roller Absolutely TRUE. GrimesSisters,comediennes; Bonta Sunday nights, with demonstrations of Strong,Straight andFast. Arabs, tumblers; Los Aeros; Lamy HATTIESBURG, Miss.-Forrest Countyskate -dancing by members of Columbus Fits Chicago,Richardson and Roll'y. Fair committee called off the 1939 an-Roller Club, which has membership of Priced Right forRink Skates. nual here because buildings and groundsmore than 800.Rink also operates on Big Demand Makes You Big Profit. used last year were not available. County Tuesday nights and Saturday and Sun- Order Today . . . Get Quantity Prices Agent E. E. Deen said the fair wouldday afternoons. 0_ LOOK TO_ not be discontinued but would be post- MAPLE WHEELS BALL BEARINGS poned until a suitable plant is acquired. 75c a Set I $1.25 Per 100 IN THE WHOLESALE BILL TOMLINSON, operator of Old MERCHANDISE SECTION FRENCH LICK,Ind.-Farmers'FairDominion Rink, Newport News, Va.. will OMAHA FIBRE PRODUCTS CO. for the here on August 24-26 under auspices ofenlarge the skating floor and spectators' RALSTON, NEB. (New Factory) the Kiwanis Club for the sixth yeargalleries this fall. The move was chosen LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES was the best yet staged by the organiza-in preference to a proposal toinstall PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES tion, reports F. C. Rhodes Jr.Midwaybowling alleys, which he had been con- SKATIN' TOONS and concessions were on the lot formerlysidering. Rink, city's only center of its ORGAN RECORDS (See FAIR GROUNDS on page 42) kind, has a miniature golf course, archery TO PLEASE YOU AND YOUR SKATERS RS 181Especially for You range and shuffleboard courts in con- Comes Love Fox Trots nection. RS 162 Stein Song Beer Barrel Polka March RS 163 I'll SeeYouIn My) Fox Trot "Cill11401 MAYCACOrt.0" WONDER RollerRink, Detroit,re- Dreams opened recently under management of Good Night,Sweetheart Waltz RS164 Beautiful Lady in Blue Quick Detachable Clamps. On Carl Couyoumjian.Spot was used as a I'llTake You Home Waltzes theater last year. Again, Kathleen or Off inaJiffy. You Need RS 165 Over the Rainbow White Sails Fox Trots These ART MALLORY, operatorofCraig 2 or more records, $1 each. 5 records, $4.50. Beach Park, Diamond, 0., reported he Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. will build a new rink in the park, open- Box 264, PROFESSIONAL SKATES ing to be scheduled for next spring. SKATIN' TOONS Maiverne, L.I. Write for Catalog of Complete BEACHLAND Rink, Racine, Wis., Line-Loud Speaker System- staged a grand opening on September SKATING "Hold Fast" Powder-Repair 16.Nights have been scheduled for be- No.683- ginners,waltzing,two -stepping,high th special Tuck detachable clamp Parts-Prompt Service. RINK TENTS school students and general skating. SHOW AND CONCESSION, NEW & USED TENTS. 442c7H1WcA.G0LAKIELLST., JACK DALTON, manager of Puritas CAMPBELL TENT & AWNING CO. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. Springs Park Rink, reported this year's Monroe at Third, Springfield, 111. fall business ahead of the 1938 mark. Ring operates nightly,with Saturday and Sunday matiness. An organhas been installed. For Lease Winter Season. PULLMAN'S Skateland, Fort Worth,Hammond Organ, 1 SpeakerUnit, withPlayer. Player knows how to play Skating Music.Organ THE GREAT HAGERSTOWN FAIR Tex., has installed a Hammond organ.and services Male Player, $50.00 per week. Am Gladys Stone is at the console. Rink op-capable doing other Rink Work and will. erates nightly. Write. Wire BOX D-23, Care The Billboard, Cin- HAGERSTOWN, MD., OCTOBER 17-21 cinnati, 0. Will Book Sensational Free Acts, Legitimate Concessions and Shows. SUMMIT Beach ParkRink,Akron, held a fall opening party on SeptemberTramill Self -Locking Sectional Floors 16, drawing a capacity crowd, said Russ -Can and are being nsed in buildings as well as under Absolutely no grift. tents. Send 10 cents for information nn our sectional Golden, manager.Novelties were dis-floors aml special rink tents. They are getting the C. W. WOLF, Secretary. tributed.Rink will operate nightly and mimes everywhere.Have built. portable floors over 25 years. on Sunday afternoons.An organ has TRAMILL PORTABLE SKATING RINK CO., been installed. 8800 East 15th Street, Kansas City, Mo. September 30, 1939 PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS The Billboard 41 Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS Communications to25 Opera Place,Cincinnati. 0 NEW MEETDATES DEC. 4-8

Gurtler, as First V. -P., Takes NAAPPB Will Reins as New Head of NAAPPB Gather in N. Y. He accepted and has CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-Arnold B. Gurt-tion of the office. ler,presidentofElitch Gardens Co.,been serving as president since about Denver, now functioning as new headSeptember 1." said Secretary Hodge. Thanksgivingswitchis of the National Association of Amuse- "He has been associated with Elitch dodged by officials-open- ment Parks, Pools andBeaches,wasGardens Co. many years, has been a elevated to the presidency after the death since er to emphasize tradeshow of the late president, Harry C. Baker,member of the NAAPPB almost its inception. He has served as a mem- New York, on August 23, in keeping with association,an-ber of the board a number of years, has CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-The 21st annual the by-laws ofthe occupied positions on numerous impor- showofthe nounced Executive Secretary A. R. Hodgetant committees and served as first vice- convention and trade from his offices here. NationalAssociationofAmusement "Shortly after Mr. Baker's passing, thepresident for the past two years. He is Parks, Pools and Beaches will be held recognized as one of the outstanding men on December 4-8inthe Hotel New secretary's office formally notified theof the industry and will do a first-class Yorker, New York, instead of November board of directors of the association ofjob as head of a very husky and healthy 20-24, as originally scheduled. This an- the Vacancy in the office of presidentorganization." nouncement was made by Executive Sec- and notified Mr. Gurtler of his assump- retary A. R. Hodge from his offices here, following action of the convention loca- tion and exhibit arrangements commit- English Spots Hit Hard tee. Tumino Pulls As Result of War Outbreak ARNOLD B. GURTLER, 44, who, "Some weeksago whenPresident as first vice-president of the National Roosevelt announced his proposal to ad- BLACKPOOL, Eng., Sept. 16.-Ban on Associationof Amusement Parks, vance the date of Thanksgiving from Heavier Gross entertainment for which admissions are Pools and Beaches, succeeded the November 30 to November 23, the of- charged and the blackout ruling have late president, Harry C. Baker, will ficers of the NAAPPB immediately made hit attractions hard in this area, result- preside at the 1939 annual conven- reservations for the weeks of November ing in about 3,000 people being unem- tion in the Hotel New Yorker, New 27 and December4,"saidSecretary For Fairyland ployed.Among those idle are actors, York, on December 4-8. He has been Hodge. "They also attempted to reserve KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 23.-Undertheaterstaffsand employeesofthe presidentofElitchGardensCo., the week of November 13 but found that guidance of John Tumino, one of theTower and Wintergarden companies and Denver,since1930,havinggone it had been reserved by some other or- youngestmanagersinthecountry,Pleasure Beach. there as park manager in 1924, be- ganization. Fairyland Park this season snapped out Many performers havereturnedto coming secretary in 1921' and serving of an attendance slump, which had pre-their homes, but some remain in the in that post until made president. Closing With Banquet Photo by Underwood & Underwood, "It was deemed wisetomake no vailed for several years, to gross the besthope that spots will reopen soon on a Washington, D. C. biz,all factors considered, since earlysmall scale.North Central and South definite decision until public reaction in the '30s. Rain and cold weather camepiers have closed.Only licensed parts could be studied.It now transpires that during July and August, but more thanof the Tower and Wintergarden compa- while the President is standing pat on 25 picnics and special events were held,nies are open, and a skeleton staff has his change of date, a number of States with June being best at the gate. been retained.Pleasureland, Southport,7% Gain Recorded have decided to abide by the original Fireworks and varied free acts provedis operating in daytime only. date, November 30. The convention lo- among best drawing cards, with the new cation and exhibit arrangements com- Kiddieland being popular with parents. For Crystal Beach mittee, consisting of N.S. Alexander, Eat and drink concessions went above SCARBOROUGH, Eng. - Scarborough CRYSTAL BEACH, Ont., Sept. 23.-chairman; Herbert F.O'Malley,vice- year's average, rides broke even andCorp. has reopened its attractions, offer- chairman; A. R. Hodge, A. W. Ketchum, lower.ing bathing, miniature golf and boatingAltho rain and cold weather early inRichard F. Lusse and Maurice Piesen, game concessions wereslightly in Peasholm Park,miniaturerailwaythe season curtailed business at Crystalwho have been in close contact with the Among stunts used Grab -a -Ride Day wasand boating at the Mere. situation, have recommendedtothe most effective. Beach Park, special -day promotions drewboard of directors thatthedate be A Three -Cent Day every Wednesday on well and park closed showing a 7 perchanged to week of December 4 and thus which 10 -cent rides were reduced to 3Capitol Take Even With '38cent gain over 1938, said Manager Harrysave the trouble which would inevitably cents also proved successful.Jitterbug ensue were the convention held in either contests in the ballroom piled up trade LINCOLN,Neb.,Sept.23.-CapitolS. Hall. of the weeks involved in celebration of for Bennett Stidham, ballroom manager.Beach, amusement park here, has du- Sports events drew well in the Sta-Thanksgiving. It is thought that by meet- Roller rink did well and the pool brokeplicated within a few dollars the sea-dium and the Canadiana, passenger boat,ing on December 4 many carnival and fair even, cool weather keeping swimmersson's business of 1938. Manager Hoyt R. men will be able to attend the conven- away. Hawke said the sole department to makehad a 10 per cent increase in patronage.tion and trade show. Manager Tumino's firstmove whensharp recovery was the pool, which wasFloor shows for the boat were booked "The convention will open with De- taking over the park last May was to re-hampered in 1938 by early cool weather.thru Wally Gluck and there was nightly He launchedaHarry King's ballroom ran a bit under cember 4 installation day for exhibitors; duce gateadmish. dancing.Crystal Ballroom recorded aDecember 5, Exhibitors' Day, with all ex- heavy advertising campaign, using bill-and Art Rogers' skating rink finished hibits open from early morning until boards for the first time. Co-operatingabout even. 7 per cent gain under management ofmidnight for inspection. Executive and with a newspaper, he staged a day which HaroldAustin. Thoexpenseswere piled up heavy profit due to free space BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -A successful program sessions will be held Wednes- season, with receipts 18 per oent abovejacked up considerably by booking nameday, Thursday and Friday, December 6, provided in the paper. Result was plenty bands for one-night appearances, suc-7 and 8, with the convention closing on of black ink on the ledgers when thethose of 1938, is reported for Pleasurecess of the venture has resulted in de- season closed on Labor Day. Beach Park here.Director Perry W. December 8 with a banquet and enter- Rodman, who said a drive will be madecision by officials to continue the policytainment." for more outings, expects to install sev-in 1940. eralmoredevices. Rodman,former One week before the season's close the Pier Workers at Supper showman, is comptroller of the city ofpark was left shorthanded of ride andCasino Has 25,000 in Day ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 23.-EmployeesBridgeport, which operatesthepark.concession help due to outbreak of the of Hamid's Pier were recent guests ofJohn Molloy is resident manager, withEuropean war.Many were takenoff FORT WORTH, Tex., Sept. 23.-Casino Pop Hoffman, former showman, ataBill Burke handling promotions. jobs to start duty in the National Guard.Park, Lake Worth, was scene of the 10th "final supper" in his Cameo waffle shop, annual "Big -Time Party" for Fort Worth a favorite hangout of show people in children given by a department store the resort for the summer.Attending before schools opened last week. About were Bob Reynolds, head of props for 18,000 attended and parents increased Clyde Beatty; Glen Jones, parking su-Exploitation,Week-EndsAidCraigthis to 25,000 for the biggest single -day perintendent; RayGreen, doorman; attendance of the season. Boardwalk Oscar Piccard and Helen Miller, bath- attractions closed the season after Labor house; John Albert, manager FunlandBeach 0 Win in Added Rivalr Day. Ballroom, which will be open week- on Pier; Frank Kelly, chief usher; Alma DIAMOND, 0., Sept. 23.-Altho compe-week -ends and the idea clicked. Bath-ends until cold weather, had a good sea- Kelly, telephone; Jake Courtin, doorman;tition diverted patronage to some extent,ing receipts were up again this season.son, with lower prices in effect for name - Eddie Gray, chief electrician, and W. H.season's gross at Craig Beach Park here Free -act policy was made permanent,band presentations. Frannan, builder of Funhouse on thewas about par with 1938, said Art Mal-withstandardcircusactsappearing daily. Manager Mallory used attractions Pier. lory, owner -manager.Heavy week -end GEAUGA LAKE,O.-BillyErhardt. attendance and consistent exploitationset by C. A. Klein and believes theydance pavilion manager in Geauga Lake enabled the spot to finish well in thehelped draw. Among acts booked werePark, after closing of the 1939 season, Millen Injured in Detroit black on Labor Day, he said. Capt. Billy Sells Lions; Lillian Strock, aerialist; Slivers Johnson and his FunnyreturnedtoYoungstown,wherehe DETROIT, Sept. 23.-John T. Millen, A dozen makeshift spots have sprungAustin, Zorsky, Prince Nelsonopened new dance studios. He has been director of Detroit Zoo, was seriously in-up in this district in recent years, de-and Chester Trio. Park also went strongidentified with the park pavilion several jured in an auto accident near Detroittracting from the midway, but thru un-for Sunday band concerts. years and also produces dance unit shows. when his car hit an unlighted trucktiring efforts of the Craig Beach staff, Cottage rentals were on a par with and was demolished.He received frac-the park has remained in the running.former years. Games had a good year, as tures of right hip and leg, requiring Other than renovation ofbuildingsdid eat and drink concessions. Rides had surgical treatment in Henry Ford Hos-and rides there was no construction heresome big days. Park was able to hold "Legal Status of pital, and other injuries. thisyear.However, Manager Malloryon to many annual industrial outings plans erection of a roller rink for thebesides lining up many picnicsfrom Amusement Co. COSHOCTON, 0.-Lake Park here, op-1940 season.Skating replaced dancingnear -by towns. erated by Dick and Helen Johns, closedin the pavilion at the start of 1939, but Plans are being made to give danc- on September 16. Jimmy Rice, assistantafter midseason dancing was successfullying mare attention in 1940 in an effort Employees" manager, remained in charge when Mr.restored. Speed boat and pleasure launchto restore the pavilion as one of the most and Mrs. Johns left in August to playgrosses were well ahead of 1938 due toactive summer spots in the district. Pa- See Carnival Department of fairs with their penny arcade. Managercontinued week -end belly and inaugura-vilion a few years ago was a top money - Johns said new features are plannedtion of entertainment aboard the launch.getter among parks hereabouts.Better This Issue. for 1940. Hillbilly group was aboard the boat overprograms of free acts are also planned. 0 42 The Billboard PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS September 30, 1939 away idea is old, the stunt always seems ment atJones Beach is being carried The Fool Whirl to go over big.Thanksgiving means out by a crew of 100. football and pool men can do them-Qv etican Recteational ROCKAWAY BEACH: Ralph Sullivan, By NAT A. TOR selves plenty good by inviting teams to superintendent of beach maintenance, is (All Communications to Nat A. Tor,pools either before or after games. Usual- bossing storage of almost $250,000 worth Care New York Office, The Billboard)ly entire town revolves around its homeEy LII14efttassociationof shoreequipment.ThoPlayland team that time of year.Everyone talks Park'sseasonisover,Manager Lou Holiday Tie -Ups about football.And it seems only nat- By R. S. UZZELL Meisel will keep a crew busy thru winter ural that a wide-awake indoor pool man- on renovation and creation of new rides, Every year about this time the columnager would do well to tie up the local Dates of the annual meeting havingetc.Chamber of Commerce publicity has a discussion on importance of holi-boys with some pool stunt. been changed to December 4-8 in the day promotions for indoor pools. A Thanks- forces are engaged in a drive to sell the Somegiving party seems most appropriate. Hotel New Yorker here and Presidentcommunity asa"year-roundresort." operators, taking this department's ad- In addition to Halloween and Thanks-Arnold B. Gurtler having authorizedWork is under way on elimination of all vice, have conducted special events forgiving, don't forget Christmas with kids'Executive Secretary A. R. Hodge to pro-railroad grade crossings, calling for ulti- Halloween, Thanksgiving and other cele-school vacations.So make certain toceed with all arrangements, we are nowmate expenditure of about $10,000,000. brations. Taking for granted that a ma-plan Yuletide promotions far enough inrelieved from the setback of Thanksgiv- jority of readers agree that such pro-advance so that they can be advertiseding and will act with vim and go to make motions arenecessary, we offer sug-to Halloween and Thanksgiving swim-this convention a live one.President gestions for definite parties. mers.While holidays are most logicalGurtler; Harry J. Batt, NAAPPB program With the Zoos Halloween is an annual national cele-times for special events, pool men arechairman, and Secretary Hodge have COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.-Cheyenne bration that bubbles over with swim -reminded that many national businessbeen conferring.Fred L. Markey, chair-Zoo here has completed work on its pool tie-up possibilities. Main thing, ofweeks and days are observed during Oc-man of the AREA program committee,performing animal arena and will open course, is to decorate plunges in keepingtober and November which lend them-has been held back on his arrangementsnext year, reports Superintendent E. W. with festivity, hanging lanterns, largeselves to pool tie-ins.For example, Oc-until he could be assured of definiteClark.Three chimpanzees will be pre- pumpkinsandwitches'broomsalltober 9-14 will be observed thruout thedates. sented and also an act of three pumas around.Halloween has always been as-country at National Donut Week. Many American Museum of Public Recrea-and a bear, latter owned by Superin- sociated with "ducking for apples" andstunts in connection with this can betion is pushing for a 100 per cent repre-tendent Clark.Chimps will be worked such homey pastimes. Why not trans-staged, and the best part about thesesentation of its trustees at its meetingby JamesWiggenton.Threespotted port these games to natatoria for thebusiness tie-ins is that co-operation ofon December 6 following the executiveleopards, offspring of Indian and African one night,October31,allof whichparticipating trades can be enlisted. Andmeeting on Wednesday.We urgeallleopards, were born five weeks ago. Black might help entice family trade? A pump-that goes for Apple Week and all othertrustees to visit the museum at Fifthleopard born last spring has been traded kin -pushing race in the pool is anotherspecial events slated. street and Surf avenue, Coney Island,to A. Foehl Jr. for a female Sumatran novel event that might be scheduled. N. Y., to gain a more comprehensivetiger and a pair of Gare Hill apes were Put on some comedy diving, but instead Forthcoming Confabs knowledge not only of present accom-recently bought from John T. Benson. of having performers dressed in usual All guns are booming to put over theplishments but also of what we want toOther purchases include pair of black - buffoon garb of comic water actors, out-convention of the National Associationplan for the future of the most usefulbuck antelope and pair of gennets. fit them in spooky Halloween costumes.of Amusement Parks, Pools and Beachesand serviceable annex of all of the or- Use of phosphorus on bathing suits oron December 4-8inthe Hotel Newganizations affiliated with our national COLUMBUS, 0.-An 800 -pound,18 - bathing capsinwaterballets wouldYorker, New York.Paul H. Huedepohl,association. month -old African hippo is latest addi- prove most effectiveforpools whichmanager of the Jantzen Swimming Asso- tion to Columbus Municipal Zoo, the want to offer a little something differentciation, who is in charge of the aquatic PricesAre Jumping giftofa citizen.It was purchased and which have proper lighting facili-portion of the program, was supposed to This institution cannot be appreciatedfrom Louis Ruhe, who acquired it about ties. visit New York last week to formulateunless seen,withitsmany valuablea month ago in a shipment from Ger- As some States this year plan to ob- models in actual operation. Know yourmany. final plans, but an illness in his familyindustry with its background of varied serve Thanksgiving on two days, opera-made it imperative that he return to SEATTLE.-For the purpose of operat- tors should familiarize themselves withPortland, Ore., from Chicago instead oforigins.Ask Doris Humphrey, of Euclid local conditions. Beach, if "The Evolution of an Amuse-ing amusement parks, Liberty Lake Park, While the turkey give -coming east.He wired, however, that ament Ride!' is interesting, not only toInc., was incorporated at Liberty Lake. humdinger of a session is planned andprofessional park people butalso with papers filed with the secretary of he is hoping for co-operation of indoor tostate. Incorporators are given as Peter pool operators. your reading patrons.Park managers, Meetings in Chi in theconcessionersand especially D.,Peter,Michael M. and Anastasia past have attracted mostly Midwestern publicityDamascus. FOR A aquatic purveyors.With the conventionrepresentatives should not fail to visit PEAK setfor Gotham town, Eastern amuse-the museum while in Now York City. INVEST- ment men, especially those who do bizDirector W. F'. Mengel& will keep openFAIR GROUNDS- MENT in New York, Coney Island, New Jersey,house at our museum home for your (Continued Irom page 40) BUY etc., who couldn't make the confahs inbenefit. NOW! the past have no excuse for not attend- War is on and prices are jumping.Itoccupied by Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus ing this year.This particular conven-will cost dearly to wait until spring be-as winter quarters and barns were used tion is not just a matter of sitting andfore making commitments. None of usfor stock entries. Cattle and horse shows listening to some long-winded speeches.like to raise prices but we shall be com-were good and there were displays in LUSSE AUTO- SKOOTERS Pool program is usually the most inter-pelled to do it if we would remain sol-other lines. Band concerts and parades OR WATER-SKOOTER BOATS, vent. were other features. and EARN BIG PROFITS for your Park, Re- esting of the activities in that this phase Railroads may have to put an. sort or Traveling Show. of the meetings features a round -tableembargo on us before spring, which conference. would make long-distance truck deliveries McCOMB, Miss.-Indications point to LUSSE BROS. Inc. exorbitant in cost."The early bird getsPike County Free Fair here being more 2809N. Fairhill St., Philadelphia,Pa. successful than the 1938 annual, reports LUSSE BROS., LTD., Sardinia House, Men and Mentions the worm."Even if peace is arrived atJames W. Harrison, county agent. It has 52 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London W.C. 2,Eng. Giant Baths, Coney Island, N. Y., isprices will not recede because of thebeennecessaryfor officials to rent three Write for Catalogue. the home of the noted Polar Bear Club,accumulated demand.It is prudent totents to accommodate an expected over- those men who take daily dips into thestore your repair parts or new devicesflow of exhibits. Newspapers have been surf all winter long.Brrrrrrrrr! now.Let us get ready now to carry ongenerous with advance notices and 1,000 LARGEST MANUFACTURERS*. MECHANICAL Writing of Coney, Ravenhall pool wasnext summer by making commitmentsbumper cards have been issued. lucky that the wind was going the otherahead of runaway prices. SHOOTING GALLERIES way when that Steeplechase fire broke Surmises About W. F. CADIZ, 0.-The 92d annual Harrison 'PARKS RESORTSCATALMOUMSPORTLANDS FREE CARNIVALS out. The tank is this close to the park. New York World's Fair is going thruCounty Fair here on September 13-16 Sam Laforte, Riverside Cascades poolthe pains of rebirth. No one yet knowswas favored by hot weather and at- W. F.MANCELS CO. CONEY ISLAND.N1 manager, is touring Georgia, if his orthe future set-up but here are a fewtracted large crowds, said L. H. Barger, jalopy hasn't broken down. secretary. All departments were crowded surmises: The gate in 1940 is not likelywith exhibits and there was harness rac- to exceed 25 cents. The rides and othering on two days.Five district bands Cedar Point on Lake Erie attractions will recede to popular prices.providedmusic.Roy Gooding'srides NATIONAL Some of them made part of the descentwere on the midway again, aswasRichie Has Best Biz in 10 Years this year.Itisa safe bet that the majority of the rides will remain. SomeRussell's grab and novelty stands and SHOWMEN'S SANDUSKY, 0., Sept. 23.-Cedar Point( Lester Rodgers' peanuts. Most preten- on Lake Erie had the most prosperouswill fold at the end of this season; intious grand -stand entertainment in years season in the last 10 years, said officersfact, they should never have made thewas provided. Pine Ridge Follies of 1939, ASSOCIATION of the G. A. Boeckling Co., operator,venture. with Lum and Abner, was presented on when the resort closed for summer on A goodly number of shows will call itWednesday and Thursday. Boone County Fastest Growing Organizationin September 4. quits.There will be available plenty ofJamboree wastheattractionFriday. Officials said transportation companiesspace for 1940 for any who desire to takeFireworks climaxed night programs. Show Business. reported business to the resort was simi-a flyer.Just how many foreign exhibits larly good.D. and C. Steamship Co.,will decamp is not yet known but we do BEAVER DAM, Wis.-Despite rain on BENEVOLENT which operatedthesteamerEasternknow of five that are going to call it atwo days, Dodge County Fair.which States between the Point and Clevelandday.If the larger ones remain it willclosed a five-day run here on September still be a good show. 13,was reportedafinancialsuccess. PROTECTIVE-SOCIAL for the first season, reported business AttractionsincludedFourSiegfrieds, (Hospitalization and Cemetery Fund) satisfactory and that runs would be re- NeldaandPerez,AlfLoyal'sDogs, sumed next year. Fortinelloe and Circillion, Noble Trio; Dues $10 Initiation $10 AmericaSwings,stagerevue;WJJD BUCKEYE LAKE, O.-Avondale Hotel, Lug gsta0 Supper TimeFrolic,Jimmie Lynch's SixthFloor,Palace TheaterBldg., park and landing, idle all season and in Death Dodgers,Thearle-Duffield litigation, has been sold to Zimmer Hotel By ALFRED FRIEDMAN works and Sol's Liberty Shows on the 1564 Broadway interests, Columbus, 0., and has been midway. opened under that management.Spot More kid amusements each year, inso- New York City has been in operation more than a cen-far as Long Island is concerned, seem SHREVEPORT, Lal-Opening day of tury, to meet with increased favor. Certainthe State Fair of Louisiana here will be evidence is found in the fact that everybargain day, when a special combo ticket yearfinds new venturescateringtowill be good for gate, parking space and juveniledesireforrecreation.Rightadmission to grand -stand show.State Uzzell Scoota Boats now there is as much money investedFair Revue.A capacity crowd for the Are Most Frolicking in rides and general amusements forshow is object of the special, it was an- youngsters as there is in any individualnounced,publicity ofanexpected Ride Afloat type of offering at local resorts. AgeS. R. 0. to help swell following days' Writes Paul Morris in "Playland Broadcaster," has only intermittent impulses for play;gates. News Organ of Playland Beach, N. Y. youth has the impulse always,itis Completing 5th Successful Season at Playland. pointed out. CIRCLEVILLE, 0.-Mack ParrettJr., Send forCircular and Earning Records. Hay -Loft, Island roadside spot with apumpkin show secretary here, said that R. S. UZZELL CORPORATION rustic atmosphere, does good biz con-applications for space are par with 1938 130 West 42d St., New York City. sistently,while new -f angledtypesoftho price for space has been boosted Manufacturers since 1903 of the Giant Aero- placescome and go.Five open-air thea-33 1/3 per cent.Increase was made to plane Swing and many other amusement rides. ters at Rockaway and Long Beach closedadd revenue and eliminate small con- America's Largest Exporters of Amusement Rides. for season. Work of storing beach equip-cessions. September 30, 1939 CARNIVALS The Billboard 43 Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS. ROBERT DOEPKER, Associate.Communications to25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati0. RA Sets New MarkBeckmann & Gerety At Midsouth Fair Score Good Gross MEMPHIS, Sept. 23.-Royal American Shows' first participation in MidsouthAt Jackson, Tenn. Fair here on September 11-16 resulted in a record -breaking opening and Chil- JACKSON, Tenn., Sept. 23.-Altho in- dren's Day, while fair officials reportedtense heat prevailed during days, night midway attendance on the week wasbusiness was good and Beckmann & considerably ahead of last year. Gerety Shows' stand at West Tennessee Engagement was marked by a meetingFair here on September 11-16 proved a of executives of the Amusement Corp.success.Midway gross was above 1938. of America, who held a one -day con-despite one less day of showing.Date ference at the Peabody Hotel on Friday.marked first time in their long career Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Gruberg came fromthat the shows provided a midway for Topeka, Kan., and rejoined the Rubina Southern fair east of the Mississippi & Cherry Exposition at Tulsa, Okla. FredRiver.Despite a fast run from Detroit, Beckmann and Barney S. Gerety, chair-show train did not arrive until Septem- man and secretary respectively of ACA,ber12(a day late), causing lossof came from Jackson, Tenn., and Carl J.Children's Day. Sedlmayr andElmerC.andCurtis However, Secretary A. U. Taylor and Velare were here with Royal American.his board arranged for the children to J. C. McCaffery, general manager, camereturn on Friday, which, with Thursday from headquarters in Chicago and willand Saturday, proved the big days. Sec- go from here to several of the large fairsretary Taylor said that attendance rec- to be played by ACA midways duringords during his four years at the helm the remainder of the season. were broken. Midway was packed nightly. Weather was too hot the early part of Walter White, assistant manager, and OFFICIALS of Fuzzell's United Shows and Audubon (Ia.) County Fair as the week, but night play made up for it.Harry Bert, special agent, had everything they appeared during the annual, which was reported highly satisfactory for Mrs. Laura Sedlmayr rejoined the showsset here, and the midway layout was both. organizations.Left to right: T. A. Fuzzell, owner -manager of the shows; at Minnesota State Fair after a sojournsaid to be one of the best in fair's his- Jake Rush, fair president; Ray Goldstone, shows' concessions manager, and tory.The Jackson Sun and Station with her son, Carl Jr.,at the GoldenWTJS co-operatedwithBobHickey, W. G. Wilson, secretary -manager of the fair. Photo furnished by F. W. Pratt. Gate International Exposition and otherpress agent, and broadcasts were made Western cities. during the week by Jimmy Limbaugh, Youngsters who traveled with theBuddy Moon, Doc Hartwick, Ken Miller shows thru the midsummer fairs left atand Nancy Lee Miller. Albert Stone. gen- openinghereforFloridatoattenderal manager of The Sun and Station New Regulations for Frozen schools.Carl SedlmayrJr.,however,WTJS, and his staff were nightly midway went to Smoky Mountains, North Caro-visitors. lina, to enter Rollins College. Other visitors were Curtis Velare and Desserts Equipment in Florida Bill Odin, Royal American Shows; Sunny TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Sept. 23. - Newtion of the product. Mix shall be fed to Bernet, Globe Poster Corp.; Bernie Her- regulations dealing with installation ofthe machine from reservoir by gravity.Endy's Canadian witz, Mabel Kline, Jack Karoli, Fanny frozen desserts manufacturing equipmentAll parts coming in contact with the McCluskey, Jack Lee, Ewing Griffin; Dr. on trucks and other vehicles at fairs,product shall be of such construction asTour Successful J. R. Thompson, carnival fan and pub- carnivals and circuses in Florida were is-to be easily cleaned and upon inspection licity man, and Guy Wyndom, journalist sued a few days ago. They follow: shall look and feel clean.(b) Any valve, RALEIGH, N. C., Sept. 23.-Recapitula-and special writer.Jess Shoats, Jitter- 1. Only ice cream as defined in thepiping or fittings shall be of what istion of audits on Endy Bros.' Shows forbug Revue manager, received word from Florida Frozen Desserts Law can beknown as sanitary milk piping.(c)their five -week tour of Quebec fairs,his son that he had been graduated dispensedfrom aGaskets are prohibited, and alljointswhich ended with the Provincial andfrom State Teachers' College, Huntsville, manufactured and Reginal Exposition of Quebec on Septem-Tex. traveling frozen desserts machine. shall be of "ground" construction. ber 8, was completed here today and re- 2. Ice cream mix: (a) Ice cream mix 5. Facilities for cleaning and steriliz-sults showed a good profit for each spot, must be purchased from a licensed whole-ing: (a) A metal wash sink of sufficientsaid David B. and Ralph N. Endy, co -Springfield Nets sale frozen desserts manufacturer withinsize shall be provided so that the dasherowners. the State of Florida. cream mixmay be submerged in hot water for wash- With the Trois Rivieres and city of must be stored at a temperature of 50ing purposes.(b) Suitable brushes and Hennies 35% Hike Some pro- Quebec fairs turning in record attend- degrees Fahrenheit or lower. alkaline washing powder shall be used.ancefigures,despite extremely unfa- vision for storage and keeping mix cold(c) A hot water tank, with suitable heat-vorable weather at the latter, midwayOver 1938 Figure must be provided. Mix must be protecteding facilities, of not less than 20 gallonsgrosses were highest during these two from contamination. capacity, shall be installed in the manu-weeks.Wilno, freeact, was credited SPRINGrit;LD, Mo., Sept. 23.-Hennies 3. Enclosure: (a) Floors must be cov-facturing room. Hot water shall be pipedwith increasing the normal draw at St.Bros.' Shows tonight wound up their ered with linoleum if of wood or otherto the wash sink.Enough hose shall beHyacinthe,Valleyfield and Sherbrookestand at Ozark Empire Free State Fair moisture -absorbing material.(b) Wallsprovided to run water into the freezer.to the extent that the shows were gen-here, September 17-23, with a 35 per cent and ceilings must be of impervious ma-(d) A steam boiler of not less than fiveerallycreditedwithattractingmoreincrease over the midway gross of last terial, smooth, and shall be substantiallygallons water working capacity, with suit-business than has been customary inyear, said Harry W. Hennies, owner -man- constructed.(c) Serving openings shallable heating facilities, shall be provided.recent years. ager.All departments had new highs be not larger than 18 inches in width,andAfter the freezer and parts have been Endy management highly praised co-in attendance and Frank W. Fellowes, of there shall be no more than twoservingthoroly washed they shall be assembledoperation from officials, city, provincialthe fair board, reported that previous windows to each truck.Openings shalland sterilized with steam at a tempera-and fair, as well as assistance from Mer-gross receipts for carnival and grand - not be directly in front ofdispensingture of not less than 180 degreesFahren-rick R. Nutting, general agent Conklin(See SPRINGFIELD NETS on page 58) cabinet. heit for 10 minutes. 4. Machines: (a) Machines shallbe Shows. constructed so as to prevent contamina- SEATTLE.-As sole defender of car-Bowen's nivals, Hamlet Dodd, attorney for W. C. C -W Again Lands Reading Huggins Shows, fought the measure toAnnexes Par Biz Hennies Plan HASCBenefit READING, Pa., Sept. 23.-Officials ofbar such shows from Seattle but with- WOODLAND, Calif.,Sept. 23.-Huey Reading FairAssociation, following actut success.Ban came as a result ofBowen's Joyland Shows came inlast At Oklahoma Free StateFairmeeting last week, awarded the midwaynumerous protests from theater and mo-Monday for a week after completing the SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Sept. 23.-Planscontract for the 1940 event to Cetlin &tionpicture men, which means that24th week of the season in Stockton, for a monster midnight benefitshow,Wilson Shows, making that organization'sSeattleites who like the carnival form ofCalif.Shows have been playing Cali- with proceeds to go to the Heartofsixth consecutive year there. This year'samusement will have to thank them forfornia territory exclusively and trek has American Showmen's Club, KansasCity,gross on shows and rides was 30 percenthaving to go outside of the city limitsbeen spotted with good and bad results Mo., were completed this weekduringahead of any other year for the past12,or to another city or town to satisfyfor the first 10 weeks, reports Ted LeFors. Ozark Empire Free Fair here by Managerit was learned. their desire. (See BOWEN'S JOYLAND on page 58) Harry W. Hennies, Hennies Bros'Shows, and Ethel Murray Simonds, secretary - manager of Oklahoma FreeState Fair. Ticket Seller Is Sentenced Performance is to be staged on October 3 in the grand stand in Muskogee,Okla. LEAKSVILLE, N. C., Sept. 23.-Russell Tickets will go on sale in Muskogee on Citcutatipt9 Expo.Wilkerson, ticket seller on Kaus Exposi- October 1 and acts from the showsand&1t ko Rug.' tion Shows, was en route to a prison grand -stand attractions will participate, camp near here last Saturday to begin agent, a year's sentence, less than eight hours said Walter Hale, Hennies' press Cl aka', Aotitgow after he had been convicted of abscond- who will be in charge of the event. ing with a day's receipts of Venetian By STARR DeBELLE Vanities on the shows. Quick action on CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.-People here Wellburnt, Miss.. in gate receipts picking up less than 1the part of Legal Adjuster George White- are hungry for good outdoor amusement, per cent. head and Deputy Sheriff Rex Ingham, but they will have to be satisfied with- Week ended September 30, 1939. former carnival and circus trouper and out it, except for the Albemarle Agri-Night Letter, Collect Office announced today that show willnow a member of Rockingham County Fair and theBillboard Publishing Co., stay out as long as it can, or perhaps cultural and Industrial More people joining every day,police,was credited with saving the James E. Strates Shows which will playCincinnati, 0. longer. show's receipts.Wilkerson was trailed it.But to see the fair and the StratesDear Mixer: looking for cookhouse.Pete Ballyhoofirst to Martinsville and then to Roa- show they will have to go outside the Can't mail weekly letter as officeisasked everyone not to become discour- out of stamps, so am sending telegram,aged.Has chance to buy a string ofnoke, where he was arrested.Sheriff city limits.Charlottesville has such a mid -winter fair contracts at a higherLeon Worsham and deputies co-operated high circus and carnival license that nocollect.Business is terrible.Office says in the capture. shows would dare play it, and now thethat just general money is showing upprice than the rest will pay.Doesn't board of supervisors of Albemarle Coun-offront end.Whatever general moneymatter, as we don't intend to pay them ty, in which Charlottesville is located,is I can't explain.Started to tear downanyhow. But we will make 'em move usW -M To Repeat at Brockton has doubled itslicenseagainst suchTuesday night, but bosses heard that thein.General Agent Lem Truckiow ex- shows. Only thru a battle with the boardwar would bring up the price of cottonpected in at any time to confer with BROCKTON, Mass., Sept. 23.-Secre- by W. F. CarterJr., president .of theto an all-time high.We may lay herebosses. Wire from him just received:tary Frank H. Kingman, of Brockton Albemarle Fair, has the fair, as well asand wait for the raise; that is,if our"Send me a suit of clothes and $3.IsFair,held here on September10-16, the carnival playing it, been exempted.committee will wait forits guarantee.cookhouse still open?" signed Max Linderman's World of Mirth Just one carnival appeared outside theShow changed pay entrance from front Treasurer Jake Ballyhoo called a massShows to furnish the midway attractions city limits of Charlottesville this year-to back of midway, figuring that moremeeting of the entire personnel, prom -at the 1940 annual before completion of the John H. Marks Shows. people come in that way, and resulting (See BALLYHOO on page 58) this year's fair, reported Jim McHugh. 44 The Billboard CARNIVALS September 30, 1939 Hall and arranged to have him save a sail fish for Abner to catch in Florida, where Hall winters. Crossing the border, aneticatt eatuivais With the Ladieswe drove to Savin Rock Park, Conn., whereIsaw my firstBaby Coaster By VIRGINIA KLINE among the attractions there.It's tiny association. N.C. eats090 but complete and the children seem to 5 BUCYRUS, 0., Sept. 23.-Mrs. Richardlikeit.IalsovisitedPlayland, Rye By MAX COHEN and Mrs. Charles Miller, of Miller Rides,Beach, N. Y., and it is one of the most ROCHESTER, N. Y., Sept. 23. - We (From The BillboardDated Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.beautiful parks I have ever seen.Thehave recently been besieged within- September 27, 1924) William Wendler and John Wendler inLaughing Man, pride of the late Harryquiries relative to the 1939 annual meet- Toronto August 31.They visited theBaker, was there and I remembered mying of the association.Majority of in- exhibition and then celebrated the birth-father telling me ofit as one of thequirers are under the impression that D. D. Murphy Shows started fair dates day of Mrs. Richard Miller and weddingoutstanding things he had seen at Play-because of war conditions that somein promising manner with a successful anniversaryofMr. and Mrs. Williamland several years ago. change is contemplated. stand at Cass County Fair, Logansport, Wendler at the King Edward Hotel with We drove on into New York and spent It will be recalled that early in theInd.. .. Mike Moo's -is joined Macy Expo- a party. John Wendler and Abner and Ithree days at the big fair; in fact, it was were guests.Friday Mrs. J. W. (Patty) year, by means of this column, we noti-sition Shows with his hoopla in Sadie- too big for me, as I could not see itall.fied the membership that the Interna-ville, Ky. . . . Last of a two-week stand Conklin gave a farewell party for me inLew Dufour, Joe Rogers and Clif Wilson her private car and presented me with a tional Association of Fairs and Exposi-in Knoxville, Tenn., was a winner for made us feelat home.We saw thetions had selectedthe King EdwardClark's Broadway Shows. . . . Scott's going -away gift in the form of a beauti-Georgie Jessel Old New York show and ful crystal and gold compote dish. Hotel, Toronto, as place of its annualGreater Shows found good biz at Great Itwhile there met Mr. and Mrs. Rolandmeeting on November 26-29.In accord-Columbia (Tenn.) Fair.... Gracie Rob- was with regret that we left our friendsRichards and daughter, Marylin, former-ance with our by-laws, our annual meet-erts closed with Matthew J. Riley Shows in Toronto and started fortheNewly with Royal American Shows and Rubining will be held at the same time andat Stroudsburg(Pa.)Fair and joined York World's Fair. & Cherry Exposition and now startingplace, with our first session on Novem-Narder Bros.' Shows with two cigaret En route we stopped at Crystal Beacha tour in their beautiful trailer for theber 27. wheels. . . .Burlington, Vt., was a win- Park, Fort Erie, and visited with JohnGeneral Electric Co. They introduced us Owing to international conditions, thener for Brown & Dyer Shows. ... Max to Marian Eddy, star of the show in theRoyal Winter Fair, Toronto, which wouldKimmerer joined front of the Superba Knickerbocker Theater and Cafe in the Show with Zeidman & Pollie Shows. Old New York Village. After seeing thenormally have opened on Monday, No- show we were entertained by the Rich-vember 27, has been canceled, but up to Morris & Castle Shows had good re- YOUR BEST MONEY MAKER the present writing we have not beensults in Huntsville, Ala., despite several ards and Miss Eddy.M. W. Billingslyinformed of any change in the plans of has his Arizona Indian Village at the daysofinclement weather. . . . H. fair and when we visited him he saidthe IAFE and, accordingly, assume that(Tubby) Snyder, former vet carnivalite, the plans of our association as previouslywas managing C. F. Eckhart & Co.'s Chi- he plans to go to his Arizona ranch asannounced will prevail. Should there be soon as the fair is over.We generally cago warehouse. . . . Johnny J. Jones visit there en route home in the fall.any change of plan, the membership ofExposition Shows added two Over -the - the association will be notified by meansJumps to its ride line-up. . . . They have acarfromChile,Southof The Billboard at the earliest opportu- Joe E. America, on exhibitioninside the WalshclosedwithGreaterSheesley grounds, as coming 8,000 miles to thenity. Shows to handle three special promo- fair and I could not help but wish that Recently we commented upon an itemtions in New York State. . . . Well known we could have taken our car around in-in Writers' Digest which we felt was un-among showfolk, Abie Lewis was exhibit- THE 7 -CAR PORTABLE side, as there's so much to see. fair to the carnival industry, and in-ing one of his new concessions thru the We left New York the morning offormed the industry that we took theNorthwestern States.. . . Eazy Wilson, September 8 and drove to Keansburg,matter up with the publishers of thatof Noah's Ark note on Con T. Kennedy T1LPA- CUH(Rt.N. J., where we found the amusementspublication and requested a retraction.Shows, was appointed trainmaster and We have since received a communicationacting assistant to Owner Kennedy. . . . The popular Idol of America's Midway Public! closed, as Labor Day had been the finale. Consistent Winner InEllBridge Co.Annual Asbury Park was doing well, but when wefrom the business manager of the publi-Cimarron, Kan., proved only fairfor July 4th Gross Receipts Contest.More Quality cation in which he concedes the errorGeorge T. Scott Shows. - More Style - More Labor -SavingFeatures reached Seaside Heights farther downand requests matter in correction there- Year after Year keep the TILT -A -WHIRL In the coast a storm came.Altho it blew Lewis Hemingway, general agent of the front rank of popularity and profit.A most over, there was a land breeze whichof.Information by way of correction efficient ride at a reasonable price to you. has been furnished, and we presumeIcier Greater Shows, signed his organiza- brought thousands ofmosquitos, thethat such a retraction will be forthcom-tionto furnishattractionsatKaffir first of the season, but they soon droveing in the next issue. Korn Karnival, Eldorado, Kan. . . Wife, Sellner Mfg. Co., Inc. patrons home.On Saturday morning of Pud Headley, bandmaster, Mrs. Hazel FARIBAULT, MINN. we visited the Penn State Shows at Mc- Headley, was The Billboard and mail Connellsburg, Pa.Mr. and Mrs. Wachter agent on Snapp Bros.' Shows. . .. Tented were having dinner in their trailer and aAractions playing Chester Park, Cin- invited us in, but we had to go on, as Pititaelphia c Innati, were H. W. Yendes' Mechanical we wanted to see as many shows en route City,undermanagementof M.D. as possible. PHILADELPHIA, Sept.23. - Prell's NOW BOOKING At Ebensburg we foundWorld's Fair Show returned here and hadAnders; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Owens, electric the Ideal Exposition Shows at countya fair stand at 65th and Ogontz streetschair, and Harry Roebuck, pit show. TENT ORDERS FOR fair and I met Mrs. William Glick at herlast week, and this week at 25th and 1940 SEASON custard stand and Mrs. Eddie Lippman,Reed streets they opened to cool weather. who had just returned from a trip toF. L. Faust has his rides at 65th and PROTECT YOURSELF Endy Bros.' Shows in Canada. We alsoCallowhill streets and reports a satis-Conklin Showfolk Honor AGAINST MARKET ADVANCES saw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gloth in con-factory 28 -week season with Jere Shaw. BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW. cession row. They just returned to theHarold Anfinger visited during the week.F. A. Woods in Ontario road after three years in Boston. At Write - Wire - Phone Chester, W. Va., we found that Mr. HandHe has his whale show operating in this section but leaves for the South next LONDON, Ont.,Sept.23.-F. A. BAKER-LOCKWOOD had gone on a hunting trip and was notweek.Curley Ingram closed this week(Whitey) Woods, manager of the Sally 17th & Central, Kansas City, Mo. expected back until he felt he had awith Mike Zeigler.He had four con-Show on Conklin Shows, was tendered a sufficient rest from his many park duties.cessions there and reports a satisfactorypartyincelebrationofhisbirthday AMERICA'S BIG TENT HOUSE The park at Canton was badly damagedseason. Eighth Street Museum continuesanniversary in the Royal Cafe, while the Eastern Representative, A. E. CAMPFIELD, by fire and the big new skating rinkto do good business and this week hasorganization was appearing at Western 152 W. 42d St., New York City and many other buildings were ruined.the following Fair here. At Williams Grove, out from Mechanics- bill:Professor Williams, All members of the Sally burg, Pa., we found the park closed, butstrong man and torture act; Kittie Smith,Show and a few of his close friends at- Mrs. R. E. Richwine kept the refresh-armlessexhibition;MusicalJohnson,tended. After congratulations and toast- ment stand open and is planning eveningnovelty musical act. Dancing girls are ining were ended all sat down to a full- SHOW Wu/ movies and other features as long asthe annex. course Chinese dinner. weather permits.Richwine had gone Ted Greenslade ordered chop sticks TRAILER to Cumberland, Md., for the horse races'Hudson Finale for EJC; and gave those present a few lessons in CANOPIESand expects to go to Florida with Mrs. manipulation of the eating tools.He Richwine when the park closes.R.H.To Quarter in Winnipeg thenofferedatoasttoWhiteyin Fulton BOg LS Cotton Mills Wade Shows were putting up at Lisbon, Cantonese.All present reported a good \lomitariurvr.SIlt, id TO 0.,for the countyfairthere. The HUDSON, Ont., Sept. 23.-E. J. Caseytime. ATLANTA ST. LOUIS DALLAS NIINNLIKOS NEW Yore Wades expect to leave soon for a visitShows wound up a successful season .W orn.c.s KANSAS my. FAN with a one -day stand here on September Among guests were Harry and Faith to the New York World's Fair and also Sebor, partners of Whitey; Mr. and Mrs. expect to be in Florida for the fishing16 and then headed for the barn in Win-Tommy Hart, Mrs. Ike Rose, Mary Ellen this winter.At Wooster, 0., the Johnnipeg. Man. Owner E. J. Casey said theBurbank, Vance Swift, Bobby Cooper, R. Edwards Shows were putting up forElropean war affected business at On-Lady Esther, Grace Lee, Jean Bennett, CONCESSION the fair there.Among the many visi-tario fairs and five members of the or- tors were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nedrow,ganization were called to the colors, withMary Corinni, Frank (Doc) Shean, Bud TENTSMassillon, 0. Mr. Nedrow spoke of hisseveral others expected to enlist uponFenwick, George Fairbanks, John Haye, CARNIVAL their return home. Eddie Gamble, Jean Nanson, Jack Fen- Our Specialty for Over 46 Years good friend Fred Beckmann and we ton, Art Pilley, Kenny Watson, Joe Hoff- talked of many others he used to know, Shows moved in here from a successfulman, Cliff Reeves and C. S. Morris. UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. among them James Patterson,C. W.three-day stand at Red Lake, Ont., said 701 North Sangamon Street, Chicago,Ill. Parker and George Hall.Mr. and Mrs.to be one of the farthest northern en- Rex McConnell and son and daughtergagements ever undertaken by a Cana- also were there from Canton, where Mc-dian carnival. Most of the younger peo- Connell is The Billboard representative.ple had never seen a ride before and GULF COAST SHOWS MOTORIZE Edwards entertained all and Mrs. Ed-Indians proved best customers.Shows Tractors: Semi -Trailers,PassengerCars. Used wards invited us up to their home inwere set up between two gold mine MotorEquipment. Wooster. towns, MacKenzie and Red Lake. WANT WriteCHAS. T. GOSS Write For best towns in Arkansas, Clean Concessions, Special Showmen FinancePlanwith STANDARD CHEVROLET CO., Shows with own outfit.Will furnish Tont and East St.Louis,Ill. Northwestern Shows in BarnNew Tent Helps Drainage Front for Girl Show. Want Girls and Comedian for Minstrel on salary. Want Girls and Working STURGIS,Mich.,Sept.23.-North- MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich., Sept. 23.- Acts for 10 -In -1.Want Kiddie AutoRide. western Shows, under management ofCovered Wagon Co. has introduced for Harrisburg, Ark., on Streets, this week; Lepanto, CONCESSION &ImpF. L. Flack, closed the 1939 tour here1940 a new style veranda tent, attachable Ark., Oct. 2 to 7; Osceola, Ark., Oct. 9 to 14. last Saturday night to fair results. Al-to the side of a trailer coach.The tent TENTS most all of the staff, including Charlesfeatures a gabled roof in the canopy awn- 00 rA0. Stewart, business manager, and Louising, providing improved rain drainage. F gi'Pl:r11Y J. d BUY SAVE rA Berger, generalagent. who openedThe rise in the middle eliminates pockets PEACH STATE SHOWS with the organization last April in De-which might fill with water and cause theWant Chairplane Foreman.No drunk. Few Stock troit, were with it at closing.Managertent to collapse. The slope of the roof can Concessions.Out allwinter. Agents that worked POWERS & CO., Inc. Flack said the season as a whole was abe adjusted by raising or lowering thefor me before, write.Lumber City, Ga., this week. We play right intown. Also want Ferris Wheel rPhiladelphia, Pa. Chicago, pleasant one, altho business was nonecenter pole or increasing the tension onand Kiddie Rido.Answer to PETE SMITH, Peach #41010Send for Concession Tent Catalog MO.too good. the center rope. State Shows. September 30, 1939 CARNIVALS The Billboard 45 Communications were from brothers Moeuted a Howard watch and chain as an Levine, ClydeGooding,DocBarnett,additional award. Weekly award went to Joseph S. Adje, Patrick Shows, Roy Bar-Brother R.B.Rosard.Vice -President nett, Conklin Shows and J. Ed Brown,Joe Glacy related his recent adventures who sent the final report en the Goldenin the islands.At adjournment Nick Gate International Exposition's OutdoorWagner, Jack Bigelow and Meyer Schlom Club Activities Showman's Day.Following a glowingserved refreshments. tribute to the Treasure Island brethren by President Hargrave,it was decided that letters of thanks be written each Ladies'Auxiliary giLOWItlen'S fea9ue member of the committee andSally Club held its regular meeting on Sep- Rand for their efforts. tember 18 and officerspresentwere Sick committee report revealed thatChaplain Minnie Fisher and Secretary Brother John Lyon isimproving, butEdith Bullock.BecauseofPresident of anettea still far from recovered.Brother PatMario LeFors and First Vice -President Shanley is recuperating at. Echo Ranch,Mora Bagby's absence, Secretary Edith 165 W. Madison St., NATIONAL CoronaCalif.President Hargrave sug-Bullock officiated. Twenty were Chicago,Ill. gested that a postcard shower for thesepresent.Sick committee reported Bertie SHOWMEN'S shut-in members would beinorder.Kanthe illat Pomona, Calif.Mother Ladies' Auxiliary ASSOCIATION Brother Shanley's general condition isFisher won theweeklyaward,while good but he will be at the ranch forAnnStewartwonthedoorprize, Club helditsregular socialat the several weeks before resuming his man-donated by Mary Taylor. Julia Sherman Hotel here on September 21, Palace Theater Building, agerial duties at the Hollywood PlazaSmith came home for the winter. It was with Ida Chase as hostess.Night was Hotel. Dr. Ralph Smith received a letterbirthday anniversary night at the club dedicated to Mrs. Grace Goss and Mrs. New York. from Brother Val Vino, which carriedand the following members were honored: good wishes for theclub.ChairmanRose Bossard, Ann Stewart, Maybelle, Tom Allen, from whom letters were re- NEW YORK. Sept.23. - PresidentCharles Haley reported that additionalBennett, Tilly Palmateer, Jenny Raw- ceived. George A. Hamid has readied an an-Home -Coming Night awards will be ex-lings and Martha Levine. A huge cake nouncementofthebenefitbanquet,hibited in the rooms soon and askedgraced the guest table. All members who have books on thewhich will reach members next week.contributors tosendtheirprizesin Blossom Robinsonrenderedseveral diamond wrist watch are requested toNew set-upofcommittees, boardofpromptly. President Hargrave then em-songs, accompanied by Vivian Gorman return them to Secretary Elsie Millergovernors and special committees will success ofat the piano. Others participating were by October 1. be announced.Cetlin & Wilson Showsphasized the fact that the are leading in presentation of benefitsHome -Coming Night was largely wrappedStella Linton, Ethel McDonald and Betty Dues are coming in daily and if youand have made substantial contributionsup in a good ticket sale, and that indi-Coe. A one -act play, under supervision haven't taken care of yours don't forgetto the fund.They plan a big one forvidual effort was essential, all of whichof Ester Carley, furnished entertainment to giveit your prompt attention. On sold a baker's dozen books. for the remainder of the evening. Next night of October 5 club will hold itsTrenton next week. Brother Lou Berg, on a sight-seeingmeeting will be guest nightandall regular opening fall meeting and antici- New members of the past two weekstrip from Honolulu, was so impressedmembers were asked to bring a friend. include Michael Gibraldi, Samuel Grim-that he bought four books and contrib-Remember,yourdues are payable now. pateshavingallmembers on hand.aldi, Fred C. Bothwell, Paul Benitende, Meetings are to be heldat ShermanDick Bennet, Jack Gordon. LouisD. Hotel here. Hahhas, Roscoe Schwartz, George Ber- Sick committee reports Mrs. Charlesman, Ray Van Wert, Casper Rymar, Ed- LEAF SHOWSWANT Driver is recuperating at her home. Nextward J. Madigan, Earl D. Knauff, Capt. WANT-GOLD socialwillbe held on September 28,James 0. McVay, Maurice R. Levy, Philip with Frances Kelleras hostess. NightDeCicio,JosephPrisco,Joseph Flem- North Carolina State Colored Agricultural Fair will be dedicated to Ruth Bre-Count anding,W. Kenneth Common, Edmondo Mrs. John Francis. Zacchini, Peter Joseph LaFrocia, John CHARLOTTE, N. C., NEXT WEEK Pretorius, CharlesNewman,Eugene Concessions of All Kinds. No Exclusive, Randow, Henry Leopold and Ellsworth Can Place Any Worthwhile Money -Getting Attractions. Denis.World of Mirth Shows will in- augurate aseriesofbenefits forthe club at Winston-Salem, N. C.Dave and Greensboro, N. C., Colored Mid -State Fair h'ea't CI alitetiCaRalph Endy, Endy Bros.' Shows, will October 9-14 to Follow.Address All Mail and Wires stage a membership drive and series of j.E. TIERNAN, General Manager. benefit shows during their tour of the gOWItte14°5 Southern fairs. Reid Hotel Dropping in for a social call were Bill Giroud, New England Motorized Shows, KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Sept. 23.-Numer-who closed his season early but suc- WARRENTON, NORTH CAROLINA ous members of the Hennies Bros.' Showscessfully so he might get settledfor WARREN COUNTY FAIR, OCTOBER 2ND -7TH, INCLUSIVE visited briefly while en route to Spring-the winter and then get Junior back in WANT:Legitimate Concessions of all kind, except Bingo.Want Eat and Drink Stands, PalmIstrY, field, Mo.Among them were Brotherschool;Mrs. Jules Lazures and Elmer Long -Range Shooting Gallery, Diggers. Can use a few experienced Ride Men. Ike Wallace wants Second and Mrs. Jake Brizendine and BrotherSchmitt andalltheboys from the Man for Ferris Wheel.Bessie Traylor wants a few more, Working Acts for Side Show. Ted Barro wants and Mrs. Eddie Phelan.Brother GeorgeWorld's Fair and near -by points. Nathan Motor Drome Riders. Address this week: Howk gathered the shekels last week at(brother of Sam) Rothstein is seriously Manager Kaus, Kaus Exposition Shows, Inc. the Kansas StateFair,and Brothersill and it might be well to drop him a ASHEBORO, N. C., FAIR; Next Week, WARRENTON, N. C., FAIR. Harry Altshuler and G.C. McGinnisnote care of the club, as Secretary Liddy motored tothe Sunflower Capitaltovisits him often, giving him alittle visit the Rubin & Cherry Exposition andmoral support.Looks like Dave Solti, seek new members.Brother Jim Pen-of Hamid forces, is going to remain in WANT FOR FRANKLIN CO. FAIR, LOUISBURG, N. C. nington returned from a brief vacationfront as pacemaker for the selling of OCTOBER 2-7, INCLUSIVE and Brother Bill Snyder came back fromcoupon award booksinthe hospital Merchandise Wheels, Candy Apples, Pop Corn, Watch -La, Eats and Drinks, Hoop -La, CouponStores, an Eastern trip.Brother Cliff Adamsand cemetery drive.If we ever get to Penny Pitch, Long Range Gallery, Cigarette Gallery, Photos. and wife visited the Rubin & Cherryheaven (we hope so) we should be in Exposition at Topeka and reported alllinefora string instrument, for we got a good play. continually harp on payment of dues, Bantlys A Shows making your reservations for the banquet Allis-mericanTh Week:SANFORD, N. C. Brothers Jack Moon, Whitey Ivan andand selling coupon award books. But Jerry Rice are playing celebrations andwith the organization we have, it's worth picnics with their concessions in thisa dozen times more effort than we are MIDDLE TENNESSEE DISTRICT FAIR, LAWRENCEBURG, OCTOBER 2-7. section.Tickets for the annual Banquet and Ball, which will be held as usual onexpending, so let's "go." NORTH ALABAMA STATE FAIR, FLORENCE, OCTOBER 9-14. While nothing definite has been de- CORINTH, MISS., LEGION FAIR, OCTOBER 16-21. New Year's Eve, are available and re-cided,it has been suggested that the Want Concessions that workforStock.Rides-, Whip, Heyday, Ridee-0.Girls forRevue quests for reservations may be made toregular meetings start on October16, and Posing Show. Salary and per cent out of office. Wheel Foreman. Lexington, Tenn., Fair this week. Secretary G. C. McGinnis. Brother Frankat which time final arrangements for After Corinth, Clarksdale, Cleveland, Greenville, Natchez follow in Mississippi. Capp infos that he's having an enjoy-the banquet and other activities will be able visit on the West Coast.Brother John B. Tumino, manager Consolidatedput into effect. WEST BROS.' SHOWS Orchestras, returned from a short vaca- Ladies' Auxiliary tion trip, following the close of, Fairy- Joe McKee, Palisades Park, proposed land Park, which he also manages. Re-Esther McKee this week, bringing his ports to the club indicate that Brothertotal paid members acquired this sum- EVANGELINE SHOWS WANT W. Frank Delmaine, of the J. L. Landesmer to 20.Clara Rothstein's husband Will furnish Tent 20x30.Live Pony Shows,isstill confined in a St. Paulisseriouslyill.Midge Cohen, enter- Mechanical City, Small Animal Show, Half and Half. (Neb.) hospital.Members should watchtainment chairman, is confined at home Track, Five -in -One with own equipment. Concessions open: Photos, Grab joint, Ice Cream. for announcement of the opening of fallwith la grippe.Your secretary received Noexclusive sold except Corn Came. Can use any Concession that will grind. Texarkana, meetings and plan to attend it.Brothera check for an award book from Helen Ark., week Sept. 25-30. Coushatta, La., Red River Valley Fair,weekOct. 2-7; Welch, La., Harry Altshuler continues to top the listRothstein.Date of club's .first meeting Fair follows. Address MANAGER, Evangelinehow. in the membership drive. thisfallwillbeannouncedshortly. Tentative plans call for either the sec- Ladies' Auxiliary ond or third week in October. Ruth Ann Levin,vice-president, re- SHOW TENTS - FAIR TENTS ports a pleasant visit with Rose Hennies, Opal Phillion and Catherine Oliver dur- Pacitic Coasi Full Line of High Quality Tents for All Purposes ing a brief stop here en route to Spring- field, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Art Brainerd are SOLD OR RENTED planning a motor trip to visit the Hennies gtownitet4 s Osstl Bros.'Shows. Gertrude Parker Allen TENTS L S. BROWN CO., 291 Ivy St., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. and Lucille Parker Heminway are in Chi-623 1/2South Grand Ave., at Wilshire cago on business. Los Angeles An afghan book was received from LOSANGELES, Sept.23.-Intense Peggy Reynolds, and Ruth Ann Levinheat here forced all to shed their coats and Edith Buton sent in their dues.at Monday night'smeeting., Officers Viola Fairley requests that afghan bookspresent were Harry H. Hargrave, presi-INSURANCE be sent to Hattie Howk at the Reid Ho-dent;Joe Glacy and PatArmstrong. tel as soon as possible.Ruth Martonevice-presidents, and secretaries Dobbert Carnivals, Parks, Concessioners letteredgreetingsfromSeneca,Kan.and Johnson.A memorial tribute was Dues are payable now.Mr. and Mrs.paid Capt. Augustus E. Folger, who de- . Radio City, Harry Duncan and party report an en-parted this life after a long and event- NEW YORK joyable time at Topeka (Kan.) Fair. ful career inoutdoor showbusiness. CLEM SCHMITA. 46 The Billboard CARNIVALS September 30, 1939

been confined for the past year. He PENNY would like to read letters from friends. PITCH SOME shows of a certain type apparently Midway Confab have eliminated orchestrasentirely andare GAMES Size 46x46". featuring organs exclusively.-Cousin Peleg. Price $20.00. By THE MIXER Size 48048", (Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0.) GUEST SPEAKERatCommunity With 1 Jack 3 Pot, $30.00. Church serviceson September in Size 48548", with 5 Jack Pots. $40.00. WORKINGMEN-backbone of any show. FORMERLY with Scott Bros.' Shows,Ohio State Penitentiary, Columbus, 0.. Edw. J. Schrader is now in the radiounder auspices of Volunteers of America. PARK SPECIAL WHEELS ANDERSON'S Girl in Fish Bowl joinedbusiness in Swansboro, Ga., cards J. W.with Mrs. W. W. Thom in charge, was 30" In Diameter. Beautifully Painted.We Zacchini Bros.' Shows in Bellaire, 0. Dinsmore. Doc Waddell, reports W. T. Hopkins. carry in stock 12-15-20-24- and SO number Schrader recently was mar- Wheels. Price $12.00 ried to Oneida Parker. C. C. ALLENis handling The Billboard WOMENMEMBERSofArtLewis BINGO GAMES on Bill Haines Shows. HOWARD INGRAM, general superin-Shows gave a stork shower for Mrs. Leo 75 -Player Complete $5.00 tendent of Art Lewis Shows, has most ofHirch while shows were playing Lexing- 100 -Player Complete 7.25 TAKING DELIVERY on a new trailerhis plans mapped for winter buildington, N. C.There were plenty of re- SEND FOR CATALOGUE. while L. J. Heth Shows were in Russell-activitiesof the organization, freshments andtheguestofhonor Full of New Games, Blankets, Dolls, Lamps, ville, Ky., was Paul Reynolds. reportsreceived numerous gifts. Aluminum Ware, Canes, etc. Mrs. F. Percy Morency. SLACK MFG. CO. YES, women talkers are here to stay, I'm "HAVE BEENill for the past six weeks, 124-126 W. Lake St., Chicago, Ill. KINDLY old lady, admiring work of glass afraid.-Whitey Gooks. blower, remarked to him, "I'll bet the poor mantwo in a hospital and four at home who made this stuff died in an asylum." here," scribes Stanley Cole from Los An- AFTER a visit to Fort Worth, Tex., geles."Was formerly with Hilderbrand's AS T R 0 FORECASTSMrs. Eddie O'Shea returned to Texas SAM NIGE COVEN, who is ill in FortUnited Shows and would like to read Kidd Shows in Snyder, Tex. Worth, Tex., county jail,is seeking in-letters from friends." formationastothe whereaboutsof AND ANALYSES SERPENTINA is a recent addition to"Nooney" and would appreciate hearing OFTEN the one who uses that "brother show- (Complete 1940 now ready) Al from anyone who knows. man" phrase the loudest is the one who has Single Sheets, 81/4014. Typewritten. Per M 55.00 Renton's Freak Show on Mighty Analysis, 3-p., with Blue Cover.Each .03Sheesley Midway, reports Floyd Newell. an ax to grind.-Milo (Not Sol McGoof. Analysis, 8-p., with White Cover.Each .15 CURRENTLY playing fairs in Missis- Forecast and Analysis, 9-p., Fancy Covers, Ea .06 Samples of the 4 Readings, Four for 2Sc. LU LU COX joined L. J. Heth Showssippi, is Ruth Reno Williams, who re- MRS. PICKLESPICKARD, wife of the No. 1, 34 -Page, Gold and Silver Covers. Each.30for remainder of the season and thencently closed a two-year stand with F.manager of Hilderbrand's United Shows, Wail Charts, Heavy Paper. Size 28034. Each 1.00will present store shows in Louisiana. H. Bee Shows. She plans to spend thewas hostess to friends at a party in cele- Gazing Crystals, Ouija Boards, Planchettes, Etc. winter in Texas. brationofherbirthdayanniversary NEW DREAM BOOK THERE are worse things than spilt milk to while the organization was in Weiser, 120 Pages, 2 Sets Numbers, Clearing and Pol- cry over.For instance, broken neon. Ida. icy.1200 Dreams. Bound in Heavy Gold JOHNNY DANZELLIleft Hilderbrand's Paper Covers, Good Quality Paper. Sample.$0.15 United Shows in Weiser, Ida., for the No. HOW TO WIN AT ANY KIND OF SPECULA- AN ADDITION toArt Lewis Shows in2 unit with his concession and was re- AL GREER, who has been clicking TION. 24 -Page Booklet,BeautifullyBound.Covington, Va., was Ralph Myers' Min- with his Illusion Show on Kaus Exposi- Samples, 25c. strel Show. placed by June Pickard on the No. 1 PACK of 79 EGYPTIAN F. T. CARDS. Answers unit. tion Shows, has Betty Maynard and Bes- All Questions, Lucky Numbers, etc., 35c. sie McMillen working inside, while he ZODIAC F. T. CARDS. Pack ...... 35c is on the front.He expects to return to Graphology Charts, 9017, Sam. 5c, Per 1,000 $6.00 FAMOUS last words: "I don't mind letting MENTAL TELEPATHY, Booklet, 21 P.....250 the showmen have money, but by-, I want itthe organization next year. "WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE STARS." Folding back when they hit." Booklet, 12 P, 305. Contains all 12 Analyses. GENERAL MANAGER JoeGaller, Very Well Written.Per Doz. 50c; Sample 10c. Shipments Made to Your Customers Under Your AFTERa summer's work as caller onBuckeye State Shows, writes that busi- Label. No checks accepted.C. 0. D., 25% Deposit. Harry Agnes' bingo on Keystone Showsness has been good and that he plans Our name or ads do not appear in any merchandise. Danny O'Connell closed in Indiana, Pa.,to return to Natchez, Miss., soon to to take up duties as host and emsee atmake arrangements to have the shows SIMMONS & CO. Roosevelt Grill, Watertown, N. Y. winter there. 19 West Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO Instant delivery.Send for Wholesale Prices. COLLAPSING at his eating stand on BEEFING LADY: "That show is a fake." Girl BUDDHA PAPERS -SUPPLIES Scott Bros.' Shows while in Woodbury,Ticket Seller: "Goody, goody, I knew it first." 1939 ASTRO DAILY, HOURLY FORECASTS, Buddha Papers, 1-4-7 and 35 -page Readings, Zodiac: FRANKS' GREATER SHOWS, playing Display Charts, Horoscopes in 11 styles, Apparatus Georgia exclusively, has chalked up a for Mind Readers. Mental Magic,SpiritEffects, good season on still dates and tobacco. Mitt Lamps,Rooks, Graphology Charts,Crystals. Most comprehensive line of Apparatus and Supplies markets, reports W. E. Franks, manager. in the World.158 -Page Illustrated Catalogue 30c "All seem to have money down here, and NELSON ENTERPRISES our fair season begins about October 2." 198 S. Third St., Columbus. 0. WHEN the 1939 Forrest County Fair, You can make EASY MONEY Hattiesburg, Miss., was called off because by Fortune Telling or Character Reading grounds and buildings used lastyear withour NEW were not available, Buckeye State Shows, which had been booked, played Canton, BUDDHA PAPERS Miss., instead, infoed General Manager Clear cut script.Simple opera- tion.Free developer coupons. Joe Galler. CATALOGUE. MRS. C.W. PARKER, wifeof BELLEMEAD. I1!,D JOHNSON, former press agent S. BOWER NEW JERSEY the late C. W. Parker, device manu- for facturer and owner of shows bearing Buckeye State Shows,is promoting a his name, and Doc and Clara Zeigler, publicity campaign in Memphis. Ted is a of Zeigler Shows, are seen here as former Washington, D.C.,newspaper DROME RIDERS they talked over old times at the man andwaspublicitydirectorof Sheridan (Wyo.) Rodeo. Mrs. Parker, Buckeye State Shows two years.Mrs. WANTED who is mother of the Ladies' Aux- Johnson joined him in Memphis. iliary, Heart of America Showmen's Bob Barclay can use Men and Lady Riders. MOST uninviting sight in the world to a mid- Club, Kansas City, Mo., visited the BALL GAME concessioner with the way patron is a ball -game worker who stands Zeigler Shows on a return trip from E.J. Casey Shows, Speedy Brooks Yellowstone National Park. She cele- was the -first member of the organi- on the outside of her ball rack with a smolder- Johnny J. Jones Exposition bratedher68thbirthdayanni- zation to leave to rejoin the 48th ing cigaret dangling between her lips. versary on July 4. Highlanders Regiment of the Cana- E. B.BRADEN, of Art Lewis Shows, SHELBY, N. C. HICKORY, N. C. dian Army when five members of the purchased several head of prize-winning Sept. 25 to 30 Oct. 2 to 7 Caseycontingentwerecalledto cattle and hogs atfairs and shipped TEX PUTEGNAT withhis attraction, their country's colors.Others re- them to his farm in Bradenhollow, Tenn. Louis -Louise, rejoined Dick Best's side joining their regiments in Winnepeg He also took delivery on a bird dog, with show on Royal American Shows in Nash- were Carl Kilborn, Ken Anderson, which he plans to do plenty of hunting LAGRANGE CORN SHOW ville. Johnny Girr and Charles Irwin. next winter. AND STREET FAIR FORCEDtoleaveRogersGreater FORMER pitchmanandcarnivalite LAGRANGE, INU., OCTOBER 3d TO 7th Shows in Crossville, Tenn., because ofTenn., Jimmie Trollinger was rushed toand now with Cole Bros.' Circus as tat- Can place Legitimate Zoncesslons of All Kinds. a hospital, where he underwent an ap- Percentage will we.. but no racket.Can also illness, Mrs. G. G. O'Neal returned to too artist and talker, Sailor Jack visited use Penny Arcade, motor Drome, Fun House her parents' home in Louisa, Ky. pendectomy. the midway desk recently during the and Independent Shows. stand in Cincinnati.He reported he Address IDLE boasts of idle -minded men:"I even HAVING nursed her sister back tomay returntothepitchfieldnext i,turned down the mayor and his entire family."health from arecent li,eart attack, Mrs. Claude Barrie returned to Hilderbrand'sseason. W. G. WADE SHOWS MRS. E. B. BRADEN returned to ArtUnited Shows in Weiser, Ida., from Los THREE FERRIS WHEELS on Art Lewis Lewis Shows in Covington, Va., after aAngeles. Shows, under direction of Foreman Wade LAGRANGE, IND. visit with relatives in Lynnville, Tenn., where she conducts a hat shop. JUST visited a midway show that was so lou-zay the actors hissed the patrons for coming WANT in-Mrs. Upshaw. Send a OneCent Postal Card For Johnston County Fair, Cleburne, Tex., week JOINING Fuzzell's United Shows in Sept. 25, five more to follow, Shows and Concessions. Audubon, Ia., were Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy, for Can furnish tops for same.All Concessions openmentalists, and Professor Manner, magi- CONCLUDING a successful season in September -October except Cook House. cian. Luna Lake Park there, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Protsman. left Danville, Va., re- Burdick's All Texas Shows AMONG additions to Kaus Expositioncently for a six -week tour of California, BIG ELI NEWS Shows in Charleston, W. Va., was Samthey card. Items zbout the Ride -Business that interest Sistine, with bowling alley and cigaret every aide -Man. Pictures,Editorials, Me- chanical -Articles.If you're in any way con- gallery. DIMEWILSON, who runs the dog, nected with Outdoor Amusements, send TO- RIDE HELP WANTED pony and monkey circus on C. F. Zeiger DAY for the FREE SAMPLE COPY saved Foreman for new Whip. Also other Major Rides. IT DOESN'T matter who the originator of aUnited Shows, had a pleasant visit with for yru.Droo us a penny postal -card with Must be sober and drive trucks.One more Free Act.carnival idea is.It's who goes the limit withCol. Tint McCoy when the show played your nac-ii ar.d address. All Legitimate Concessions. Playing allFairs. SAM LAWRENCE 'SHOWS it that counts. Wyoming State Fair, Douglas. High Point, N. C.,this week;Kingstree, S.C., Publishers. next week. SON of Mr. and Ms -s. Jim Hodges on GRADY B. LYNN, known to outdoor Art Lewis Shows, Fletcher Hodges, leftshowfolk and in Pitchdom as Pat Flynn, BIG ELI Whreis-ELI Power Units, ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD-YOU'LL BErecently to return to school in Salisbury,isstillseriouslyillin U. S. Veterans' Opp. Wab. Station, JACKSONVILLE,ILL, SATISFIED WITH RESULTS. Tenn. Hospital, Augusta, Ga., where he has September 30, 1939 CARNIVALS The Billboard 47 Kummels, have been getting good re- way in the plane ownedand piloted byand then jumped into Raleigh, N. C., sults.Steve Bronson, Earl Ehlers, Billie the head of the shows. for the next week. Morethan1,200 Ricks,ShortyHammon andGeorge miles were covered by the 39 trucks, with Lance are assisting Kummels, while Mrs. WALTER SAVIDGE'S RIDES pulledno serious mishaps reported by the man- Percy Morency handles tickets. into winter quarters in Wayne, Neb., onagement, which credited Truckmaster September 18 after a successful season.Sam Murphy and Mechanic Tex Briggs EVA N SI DAY of sitting in a ticket box, doing a littleUnit's help left for other organizations,for the smooth performance. grinding and waiting for the money to come inwhile Owner and Mrs. Savidge went to is over.Showmen must step on their frontsNorthern Minnesota for a fishing trip DOC J.J.ANDMRS. KELLY are HIGH and fight for every dollar that comes in-or--orand 10 -day vacation.Savidges report'mourning the loss of Esau, their edu- stay out all winter. they plan to keep only one man aroundcated chimp, which died in Thorntown, quarters. Ind., on September 14."There must," STRIKER "HAVEMY Life Show on Wallace says Doc "be some future for such in- Bros.' Shows and doing okeh," cards Don FUNLAND SHOWS' NOTES by Ted C.telligent little animal asitwas.Its HEAD AND Newby. "My son, Ray, is back with meTaylor: Mrs. Matilda Heth's new Tilt -a -death is a severe blow to us, as it wor- and I have the headless girlillusionWhirl, Loop -o -Plane,Mix -Up and sixshiped us and enjoyed working so all SHOULDERS in the annex. My son and Jim Carrollconcessions scored at the Garrett, Ky.,could see what it could do.Plan to ABOVE ANY are handling the tickets, while I lecturestand under police department auspices,leave soon for the South with another in the side show. Mrs. Newby is in thealtho it was a return date. Ed K. John-attraction." OTHER IN annex. son is reported doing a good job ahead QUALITY AND of the shows, which begin a string of THERE can be only one "feature attraction," MONEY- "ALL ON Art Lewis Shows have en-Georgia fairs soon. only one "biggest and best show on the lot" joyed meeting and knowing Mrs. J. H. and only one "main show." When every talker MAKING! Rumpf, mother of Mrs. Joe Hirsch, who BECAUSE the chorus of our Virgin Beautyon a lot uses these phrases their openings be- livesinClifton Forge,Va.,"reportedRevue was featuring a pan dance, dinner income jokes to the midway listeners who stop PERFECTLY LEGAL Mrs. Percy Morency from Covington, Va.the cook house of the Duke & Shilling Showsat each belly. "She brought out lots of cake, chickenwas held up for five hours.-Smackover Slim. EVERYWHERE! and even biscuits to 'all her children,' J. W. HARTIGAN JR. letters from Mor- as she calls us." AMONG recent visitors to the midwaygantown, W. Va.: "Jack Matthews and I Alivelybigmoney- desk was Harold Hoskins, formerly withvisitedCunningham'sExpositionin maker! Indispensable for ROBA AND GLADYS COLLINS re-Dodson's World's Fair Shows but nowShinnston, and Zacchini Bros.' Shows, Parks, Fairs, Picnics, Car- turned to their home in Patterson, Mo.,residing in Huntington, W. Va. Accompa-12 miles away, at Fairmont, W. Va., on nival s, Homecomings nied by his wife and baby, he visited repeating after a successful season on Bortz Shows the same night.Zacchini's . . . wherever people with their Night in Wonderland.Theyfriends in the Queen City and took in acannon is used for a belly in surround- plan to take out their magic -mysterydouble-header between theReds anding towns and at the front gate prior to gather out of doors! show in about four weeks to play Mis-Giants.He plans to return to showthe act. Organization should become a Evans' Striker has more sourischools,carrying two assistantsbusiness next season. large railroad show in time, as the act flash-gets the crowds! and advance agent. merits it." Strong and substantially WHILE Scott Bros' Shows were play- made of very best mate- ing Woodbury, Tenn., Norman Wiggins, MANY COMPLIMENTS were received rials,brilliantly finished, A SHOW -GIRLfriendofminesaidshein charge of the front gate, and Lucyby J. W. (Patty) Conklin on the midway builtto stand exposure couldn't write home until The Billboard came presented by Conklin Shows at Western and hard use. Easily out because her mother had the family trailerHolland, Lafayette, Tenn., slipped away transported. Included are and were married at the latter's home.Fair, according to reports from London, standard with steel chaser on another show and she didn't know its route.Showfolks,however,caught up withOnt.Tho war news effected a slight track, base and striking -Lizzie Schmidt. beam, 10" bronze gong, nickel -platedtoolsteel MR. AND MRS. HOWARD BELLEVUE chaser,braces and - 2 left Art Lewis Shows in Covington, Va., mauls. to make a few fairs in Maine and visit 2 Sizes: their summer home atOld Orchard 28 Foot. Beach.They will return to the shows 36 Foot. in Petersburg, Va., and at close of the FRrE CATALOG season will go to their home in Daytona of Complete Line Beach, Fla. of Evans Attrac- CHARLES WILSON cards that he has tions! beenplayingtheGeorgiatobacco markets with Franks' Greater Shows for H. C. EVANS & CO the past six weeks with his four conces- sions and finds conditions better there 1520-1530 W. ADAMS ST., CHICAGO than in the North. He plans to remain See Our Ad in Coin Machine Section in that section until fairs start on Oc- tober2. Ape species, Zapp was trustworthy and NOW WITH All-American Exposition wore no chain or collar.He performed Shows, Russ and Mitzi Morgan joined at the San Francisco World's Fair in Mighty Sheesley Midway for the recent 1915. Since Kate's death he has been Clay County Fair, Spencer, Ia.Mitzi ap- pining away and took littleinterest peared in tne Gay New Yorkers attrac- AMONG FEATURED attractions on Happyland Shows this season as the in anything." tion for Clyde and Babe Davis, while motordrome, owned and operated by Capt. R. V. Ritz. Photo was snapped dur- Russ worked on the corn game. They ing a belly recently and performers include Bessie Ritz; Captain Ritz, trick IN ILL HEALTH for the pastfive played the date last year with Fairly and fancy riding; Robert O'Brien, straight ride; Bill Higgins, extra rider; years, Mrs. S. B. Williams in fully recov- & Little Shows. Florence Schafer, tickets, and Wingie Schafer. talker. ered and making up for lost time by acting as general agent, secretary -treas- A DOLLAR in brass reward to the person who urer and operator of five concessions on will tell the office the name of that partythem, and an old-time wedding celebra-drop in gate atendance, show and rideLiberty United Shows, of which her hus- guilty of sprinkling itch powder on my wife'stion was staged, with bands, bells, pansbusiness was on a par with last year's.band is manager. Let Mrs. Williams tell dancing fans.-G. Banner, manager, Gate &and refreshments much in evidence. Citizens' Day was the best day, andit: "We have purchased three new trucks Banner Shows. among top money shows and rides wereand a new auto ride, which is clicking. TED GREENSLADE,of The TorontoSally, Watercade, Back to Nature, JackJack Williams is operating four conces- WHEN Orville N. Crafts, owner, and(Ont.)Star and former press adviserHoxie's Circus Side Show, Bozo, Autosions and doing nicely.Have been in Roy E. Ludington, general manager, of Speedway, Rolloplane, Magic Carpet and Crafts 20 Big Shows, decided to attendto the Chinese government at Shanghai, West Texas all year and plan to remain the festivities on Showmen's Day, Sep-tookaleaveofabsencetobecomeRocket. out all winter.I owe my recovery to tember 7,at Golden Gate Exposition,press agent for Conklin Shows during the climate out here and my trailer, they flew from San Diego, Calif., to SantheCanadianNational Exhibition, DONCARLOS, who has his troupe ofwhich is equipped with all modern con- Francisco and return in three hours eachToronto, and dates to follow, includingeducated monkeys in Lakewood Park,veniences." Western Fair, London, Ont., marking hisAtlanta, is mourning loss of tam 33 - third year in that capacity forJ.W.year -old "head man" of the collection, WILLIAM LOFSTROM lettersfrom (Patty) Conklin. who died on September 14.Weeks ofLadoga, Ind., that that city was the last Where Do They Go? grieving for his mate, Kate, was givenstand for the Lofstrom and St.Eloi THENtherearetheconcessioners whoas cause of Zapp's death."He was,"Trained Monkeys prior to starting their SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Sept. 23.-The change shows and try to take all the ide helpCarlos writes, "a real trouper and neverSouthern trek.With exception of first moot question, "What becomes of car- with them, but some of them don't have themissed a curtaincall. Of the Java (See MIDWAY CONFAB on page 58) nival press agents who leave the busi- ride help fake telegrams that their mothers ness?," is one that considerable re- are dying in order to get away.-Colonel Patch. search has failed to answer. Of course, Some say they become invisible and ACCOMPANIED by Mrs. Thomas, Billy flit around the world doing little acts Thomas, owner of Jerald Keith Amuse- TAILSPIN of kindness in a decidedly elfin man- ment Co., returned to the showsin THE NEW PORTABLE RIDE SENSATION! ner. There are others who insist that Kruger,Miss.,afteravisittothe * PERMANENT IF DESIRED * all ex -carnival press agents have be- former's home in Natchez. He said his come either Christmas tree decorators shows' business has been good and that 16-20 PASSENGER UNITS orprofessionaltic-tac-toeplayers. he is sharpening up his golf so as to AMUSEMENT EQUIP. MFG. CO. However, at least one former midway enter the Crescent City Open, New Or- 154 FRANKLIN ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Bertha Greenburg and Jack Greenspoon, Eastern Reps. publicist landed in a discernible posi- leans,in which he participates each Hotel Kimberly, 74th St. and Broadway, N. Y. C. tion. He is Clark Mathews, promotion year. Running manager of The Springfield Leader and Press, who once bowed and smiled DURINGConklin Shows'standat to editors for the Rubin & Cherry Western Fair, London, Ont., daily broad- PROVENMONEY MAKERS Exposition.Clark was a carnivalite casts were aired over CFFL, with talent for five months and says the ex-supplied by the shows. Those participat- Loop-O-Plane--Rollo-Plane perience has proved invaluable and ing at the invitation of Jerry Carter, of Leading All Sales for 1939 treasures the many friendships made Frontenac Broadcasting Co., were Jack A.(Whitey)Woods, Gerry Visit the Octopus and Rolloplane Rides, New York on his one tour.Altho acquainted Hoxie,F. World's Fair and Golden Gate InternationalEx- with almost all of the carnival ad- Kenny, Marie Mallory and troupe from position, San Francisco. vance men of today, Clark says that Back to Nature Show, Mrs. Rose's Midg- Write for Descriptive Literature. he has had the satisfaction of surpris- ets, Lady Esther and Ted Greenslade. ing copy and ad planters who have no EYERLY AIRCRAFT CO. idea as to bib knowledge of the game. A LONG-DISTANCE truck haul record SALEM, ORE. "I sometimes scare hell out of 'em," is claimed by Endy Bros.' Shows, which ABNER K. KLINE, Sales Mgr. he admitted.-WALTER HALE. closed on a Friday in Quebec, to open European Suppliers the following Tuesday in Mineola. L. I., OCTOPUS LUSSE BROS., Ltd., Blackpool, Eng. 48 The Billboard CARNIVALS September 30, 1939

FULL -DATE BY THE SHOWS' CARNIVAL OWN NEWS SHOW LETTERS Direct From the Lots REPRESENTATIVES matter was adjusted satisfactorily. Saturday,was the best of the season so Johnny J. Jones Rubin & Cherry Unit, ACA Lot Superintendent Ross Crawford didfar.Scooter topped the rides, with Hey- (Railroad) (Railroad) Well with a small lot here.Mr. and Mrs.day second. Tom Bailey's Girl Show had Louisville.Seven days ended Septem- Topeka, Kan. Week ended SeptemberAbe Frank received their rebuilt housethe best week of the season. Side show ber 16.Kentucky State Fair.Weather, 16.Auspices, Kansas Free Fair.Busi-trailer from the insurance company atgot top money and all concessions re- hot, some rain.Business, &yd. ness, excellent. Aberdeen, the trailer having been almostported good business, with ball games, Belated summer weather, the hottest Equal billing in newspapers with otherdemolished in a recent accident.Man-penny pitch, ham store and Mr. Takei's of the season for the shows, with theattractions and a radio talk by M. W.ager E. E. Farrow is slowly recoveringrat game getting tap honors. On closing thermometer registering 97 and 98 de-Jencks, fair secretary, complimenting thefrom a severe attack of asthma andnight Roy Shaphard, lot superintendent, grees, kept the midway and fair visitorsshows, were instrumental in an excel-heart trouble suffered two weeks ago.was tendered a party before leaving for resting under shade trees until the coollent week's business. Business the firstWhile in advance of the shows recent-Crafts' 20 Big Shows. William Hobday, of the evening, and a sudden shower attwo days was affected by terrific heatlythewritercaughtDownieBros.'manager, spent some time fishing and 8:30 p.m. Saturday drove crowds fromand dust storms, but the remainder ofCircus at Vicksburg and was entertainedbrought back some good bass catches. the packed midway. Despite the intensethe week the midway was packed withby Business Manager A. C. Bradley, PressOrville Crafts and Roy Ludington visited heat and rain business for the weekgood spending crowds. Bug House andAgent Harry Mack and other old friendsbriefly before flying back to San Diego. held up well.Altho rain sent most mid-Dipsy Doodle topped shows, while allwith that organization. FRED SOLEY. rides got heavy play. Space given to the WALTER B. FOX. way patrons scurrying home many ofmidway here was not large enough to the rides operated until after 2 a.m.accommodate a carnival this size, but Kaus Expo Shows made an attractive appearance Miller Bros. (Baggage cars) here, with many additional lighting in-Nat Worman did a good job of laying(Baggae cars and trucks) novations.Shops have been operatingout the lot. SAM L. WARD. 6harleston, W. Va. Week ended Sep- full time, adding the finishing touches Marysville, Tenn. Week ended Septem-tember 9. Auspices, Kanahwa 4-H Fair. to the new equipment. Harvey Wilson'sDee Lang's ber 16. Weather, good. Business, excel-Weather, some rain. Business, good. glass house added new panels, archway(Motorized) lent. Fair opened Saturday night and shows and neon.Rube Nixon added lighting Long move from Glasgow, Ky., foundhad a good crowd on the midway. Sun- effects to the front of his monkey circus Trenton, Tenn. Week ended Septem-shows up and ready for big business onday and Labor Day, the big days, started and building of new inside lighting ef-ber9.Auspices, Gibson County Fair.opening, Monday night.Businessin-with excellent crowds but both nights fectsis under way.Patricia Gordon,Weather, warm. Business, fair. creased nightly, with Kids' Day, Friday,were marred by thunderstorms, which orator on the front of the Follies of 1939, Following a successful jump fromdrawing a huge crowd, breaking gate andcame about 6 p.m. Wind with Sunday's turnedthemin. EddieJameison'sJackson, Mo., all shows and rides weremidway grosses. Maurice Miller's Rollo -storm did considerable damage to Cot- Plantation Revue kept in the top moneydoing business two daysbeforefairplane clicked and personnel reported goodton Club and Laugh Land tops. Good class. Race-o-Drome, under manage-opened'. Date marked the opening of theresults all around. Midway now includesweather prevailed remainder ofweek. ment of Bob Barkley, gave shows a runnew fairgrounds here.As usual, bust -Merry -Go -Round, Ferris Wheel, Chairo-While attendance was not up to previous, for top grosses.Drome has been re- years, business was good. Harvey Potts vamped, with new faces presenting the added Letty Mae Bates, Sadie Biggs, Ida wall program. Mrs. Gean Nadreau spent Ross,VirginiaWarwick, Thelma Mc- the week with her husband. Calester,Kittie Johnson and Pauline STARR DeBELLE. Frazer to his two shows.I. K. Wallace has new canvas for his concessions and H. M. Kirby added a ball game, with James E. Strates Madeline Smith asagent. Geraldine (Railroad) Grossman added a cigaret shooting gal- lery and Mrs. Ray McWethey had her Bath, N. Y.Week ended September bingo stand here.Paul Dwyer joined 16. Auspices,CountyFair.Weather the cookhouse staff and Chills Biggs, of ideal.Business, fair. Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Becauseofthesmallfairgrounds shows could not be laid out to good ad- Potts.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sund and vantage and had to be split up. A lot ad- Mr. and Mrs. William Davis visited Mr. jacent to fairgrounds was obtained for and Mrs. C. 0. Davis.'George Davis left storage of wagons and shop wagons as to return to school in Tonawanda, N. Y. work on new equipment is being pushed KERN. in order to have everything ready for Southern fairs. Arthur E. Walsh added Sheesley 12new machines tohis Mammoth Arcade and is building a new front for Huron, S. D. Week ended September it.His Caterpillar ride is clicking. Elvin 16. South Dakota State Fair. Weather, Blackmon's Boomerang and Octopus are variable. Business, fair, weather permit- giving the twin Rolloplanes a stiff run ting. for top money. Bill Jones' corn game. Weather hurt this stand. Opening two with Pete Sta.mos in charge, chalked days were perfect and big crowds pre- fair business, as did Campbell's string of vailed, but Tuesday's cold weather off- ball games. Bill Hegemen's Jitterbug did set that and rain Thursday and Friday well.The writer had Glenn L. Hyder, did not help matters any. All co-oper- Of Eli Bridge Co., as his guest. Mrs. (Sky) ated.Children's Day was a hit, with Puttnan reports a good advance sale on a double bicycle giveaway. Monkeyville tickets for the National Showmen's Asso- received two twin 3 -month -old chimps ciation's benefit to be held at Blooms- here. Art Eldridge, manager, has started burg, Pa. DICK O'BRIEN. training them. More than 3,000 feet of C. G. BUTON (right) manager of J. L. Landes Shows, bidsGov. Payne neon has been added in the last month. Ratner, of Kansas, welcome to Trego County Fair, Wakeeney, as they met Charles Taylor's new modernistic front alongside one of the exhibit buildings prior to making a tour of the grounds. has plenty appeal. Clyde Davis added 3000 BINGO Governor Ratner was one of many prominent visitors to the Landes midway four more girls to his Gay New Yorkers Heaviweight cards, black on white.Wood mask- at the fair. Buton has oeen directing destinies of the shows for Mrs. J. L. ers printed two sides.No duplicate cards.Put Revue.Jack Biggers is the new train - up in the following size sets and prices: Landes since the death of her husband last April. master. Dinty Moore's Scooter continues 85 cards, 53.50; 50 cards, $4.00; 76 cards, $4.60- to top rides. 100 cards, $5.50; 150 cards, $8.25; 200 cards, $11; Mrs. Charles Pounds' Mid- 250 cards, $13.75; 300 cards, $16.50.Remaining way Cafe was a feature of a front-page cards, $5.00 per 100. ness was slow the first two days, butplane, Kiddyland of Rides, Tilt -a -Whirl,story anent her fried chicken dinners. No. 140 -Extra Heavy Green Both Sides. Per Saturday turned out a new high despiteRolloplane, Ten -in -One, Midgets, Girl Re-J. M. Sheesley, manager, has recovered 100, $8.50. some electric light trouble, which bitvue, Parisian Nights, Athletic, Crime, Fatfromarecentautomobileaccident. deep into the final gross. receipts. ManyBaby,Philippine,Medical and SnakeGeorge Embree Jr. purchased Gaylord old acquaintances were renewed hereshows.Management recently reorgan-Henderson's shooting gallery.All tops 3000 KENO and a group of visitors from Jackson, that blew down in Mitchell were re- Made in 30 sets or 100 cards each.Playedin3 ized the staff, replacing the advance in rows across the cards -not up and down.Light- Mo., wasentertainedonWednesdayits entirety. JAN HYTER. placed in time for opening here. Dorothy weight card.Per set of 100 cards, tally card, callingnight. Fair management, under direction Sheesley continues toclick with the Markers, $3.60. of John R. Wade, manager, co-operated. corn game. Much painting and repair- All Bingo and Lotto sets are complete with wood JOHN PABARCUS. Golden State ing is being done for the remainder of markers, tally and direction sheet. All cards size 5x7. (Motorized) LIGHT WEIGHT BINGO CARDS. the season. FLOYD NEWELL. Black on white, postal card thickness.Can be re- Orland, Calif. September 12-17. Orland tained or discarded.3,000, size 5x7, per 100,Wallace Bros. $1.25 InIotaof 1,000, $1 per 100.Calling Fair. Weather, rain and cold. Business,John R. Ward markers, extra, 50c. (Baggage cars and trucks) fair. Automatic Bingo Shaker. Real Class $12.50 Aberdeen, Miss.Week ended Septem- This was the first spot of the season 3,000 Jack Pot Slips (strips of7 numbers), ber 16. Vincennes, Incl. Week ended Septem- per 1,000 1.25 Monroe County Fair.Weather,where shows encountered rain. It startedber 9.Auspices, CLU Labor Union. Lo- Lightweight Lapcards, 6x16.Per 100 .50 very hot and dry.Business, fair.Freeabout 2 a.m. opening day and continued 3,000 Small Thin "Brownie" Bingo Sheets, gate. cation, Harrison Park. Weather, good. 7 colors, pads of 25, Size 4x5, per 1,000.. 1.25 until noon the next day. However, showsBusiness, good. 8,000 Featherweight Bingo sheets,5f/z x8. Another return engagement but busi-were ready on time even tho some of the Date marked the first time a carnival Loose, $1.25 per M. Stapled In pads of ness did not measure up to standards settrucks arrivedlate. 25. Per M 1.50 Cold and dampplayed on the first capital grounds of Postage extra nn these sheets. two years ago altho grounds were packedweather hurt business the first threeIndiana.Shows opened on Labor Day Bingo Card Markers, in strips, 25.000 for 1.25 nightly.Afternoon patronage was al-days.Things picked up the last of thewith a large attendance, and all rides Diceboards and pads,wardrobe checks, couponmostnilbecauseofcontinueddry books, subscription honks,misc. items.Cat. and week, however, making it a fair spot.and shows, reconditioned and freshly sample cards free. You pay any C. 0. D.fees. Noweather, but a few hundred braved theGene Hobday was given a party by thepainted, presented an attractive appear- personalchecks accepted.Instant delivery. intense heat Saturday afternoon,Sev-showfolks in celebration of his secondance.Ted Reed's Harlem Review, with eral disgruntled localites,including abirthday anniversary. new front and banners, topped shows. J. M. SIMMONS & CO.member of the Fourth Estate, did every- Vallejo, Calif. September 5-10. Weather,Good weather and businessprevailed 19 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicagothing possible to close the show, butgood. Business, excellent. nightly.Jeff ie Jean Ward is spending were only partially successful, as midway SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE. This being a naval town, there washervacationin New York,studying $5.00 Each Mutoscope, 10 in stock, need repairs. reopened Thursday night after beingplenty of money and activity, and todancing and attending the World's Fair. $10.00 Papier Mache Reproduction LibertyBell, closed all day Wednesday. City officials,make a perfect set-up shows were just 22 inches.$60.00FineryThompsonIce Cream She will return to Louisiana State Uni- Machine, 25 -quart, with motor.$85.00 Two -Man all of whom were directors of the fair,across the river from the Mare Islandversity soon, where she will resume her Bird Circus Prop, Head and Feet.$20.00 Fair-did all in their power to overcome theNavy Yard, with an enormous pay roll.studies. Joy Ward entertained at a party banks 2c Scale with Measuring Rod. WE BUYanvil chorus, but it required a flying tripMidway was jammed nightly, with every- All Kinds ofRink Skates and Concession Tents. here in celebration of her ninth birth- WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP, to the State capitol at Jackson by thething playing to capacity from openingday anniversary before she and sister, 20 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa.executive staff of the show before theuntil early morning. Children's matinee,Julie, returned to school in Memphis. September 30, 1939 CARNIVALS The Billboard 49 Jack Connors, Doc Warren and Frankcandy apples and penny pitch; Eddie Long purchased new trailers. Hacketts, mouse game;Mildred Rae, FRANK LONG. penny pitch; Eddie Yaglas, shooting gal- lery; Mrs. Yaglas and Miss Wheeler, pop corn and peanuts;R. Ambogest, ball FULL -CIRCULATING Scott Bros. game; Brooks Mason, string game and duck shooting gallery;George Dailey, Woodbury, Tenn.Week ended Sep-diggers;Shepard's bingo and Griffin's tember 16.Auspices, Cannon Countynovelty stand.Curtis L. Bockus left for HEATING SYSTEM Free Fair Association.Weather, good.the South, but will rejoin at Fairmont. Business, fair. Howard Mitchell continues in charge of Jump from Waverly, Tenn., was madethe advance.Ed Diamond isspecial Now Available for VAGABOND Coaches without mishap and all was ready foragent.Visitors included Mr. and Mrs. opening Monday noon.That night'sNino DeCinto, Harry Winters, Gus Kant, gate was slim, as was Tuesday's.OnHarold Barley, Fred Stone, Willie Jack- Vagabond SCOOPS the field again with newest and greatest development for trailer Wednesday a free midway gate, extrason, Red Davis, Al Simmons, Rufe Smith, comfort. Wherever you travel, be warm and cozy in your Vagabond. Walk on warm floors in fireworks and free acts were presented,DollyClifford,Arlene Armstrong and your ;aare feet if you want to; comfort and safety for children and pets, too. and Thursday chalked an increase in at-Burt Ogles. BILL EATON. tendance, altho spending was off.Fri- New complete circulating heat system just announced gives even comfort in every part day was better, while Saturday saw the of thz coach, warm floors. Absolutely new in trailer construction, exclusive with Vagabond. midway packed to capacity and thatEndy Bros. The third great advancemert announced this year-DOUBLE FLOORS, STEEL TURRET TOPS, day's business put the concessions and Mineola, L. I., N. Y.Week ended Sep- now CIRCULATING HEAT. shows on the right side. Saturday's busi-tember16. Auspices,NasSau-Queens ness resulted from good publicity givenAgricultural Society.Weather, perfect. WARM the fair and shows following a tie-up byBusiness, good. D. H. Blackwood, second advance, with Previously considered a small fair, this all newspapers in surrounding counties.year the meeting appeared in its new FLOORS-- American Legion Post also gave away agrooming as a leading contender on the A New Coach new automobile. D. H. Blackwood's chil-larger circuit.Children's Day, Friday. dren left for school at Alexandria City,was by far the best for midway, with Luxury Ala.Charles Coon and company joinedrides starting to turn at 10 a.m.Long with photo gallery, pitch -till -win andhaul from Quebec was negotiated under "Skeleton View" of side shooting gallery. Ben Bergin's cookhouseguidance of Sam Murphy without mis- elevationshowsheat is clicking.Whittle Elam returned tohap, and all were ready to go on Tuesday circulation plan. Modern take charge of the nail stand.Mrs.night.Lou Barton joined to take over oil -burning coach Pearl Shroyer was called home because A stream of of her sister's illness.Bill and Mabelthe Casa Manana front. heater connects with ducts under floor; heat forced by small silent -operating blower which Hayes took over the ball game and rollvisitors, many from the New York's operates on 110 -volt A.G. current. SEND TODAY for fully illustrated circular showing de- World's Fair,included:Frank Wirth, tailed diagrams of heat distribution, and guarantee; also interior illustrations of 1940 model down for Mrs. B. M. Scott.Armileld'sIra Vail, Lou Dufour, Frank Duffield; Pony Rides joined, jumping from Port-Arthur Campfield, Baker -Lockwood; Sec- Vagabond Coaches. land, Ore.Wanda and Checo Indiansretary Liddy, National Showmen's Asso- left for Washington to accept positionsciation, who enlisted several new mem- with the Zoological Society of Americabers, and Larry Nathan. Charles Bochert to lecture on animals and wildlife.and William Valentine, president and VAGABOND COACH MFG. CO. Shorty McCampbell added another 50 -kw.secretary -manager of the fair, co-oper- transformer to his electric department. All seemed pleased to be back on Writer'sstepdaughter,JoanSavage,ated. 649GRAND RIVER AVE. NEW HUDSON, MICHIGAN I wired she arrived safely at Notre Damenative soil after five weeks in Canada. DarlinMrs. David B. Endy visited her daughter Academy.Quncy,Ill. Little inPottsville, where thelatterisin Rose also re-entered school in Kansasschool.Jerry Gerard stopped over in City, Mo.Harry Miller's eating standBurlington, Vt., en route from Quebec. took top money of the four carried withTrainmaster Chuck Connors made ar- the shows.Mrs. Roxie McHoge returnedrangementstoholdsamecarsfor from a visit to her home in Virginia. GLENN IRETON. ASK THE MAN WHO Wilmer Ferral added another concession.southern dates. TRESSIE G. McDANIELS. MightyMonarch "TOWS" ONE Zimdars Dungannon, Va. Week ended Septem- ber 16.Auspices,ScottCountyFair. (Motorized) Weather, fine. Business, excellent. TRADE NAME REG. U.S. PAT. OF F. Du Quoin, Ill. Week ended September Shows chalked their best business of 9. Du Quoin State Fair. Weather, good.the season so far here. Rides, shows and Business, good. concessions totaled up the biggest gross You'll marvel that Date proved no disappointment, asin the fair's history. Among the new this big, luxurious business was better than expected and,shows joining here were Sam Swain's altho shows are somewhat larger thanElusion show and an ossified and crime new 24 -foot Tandem when they played here two years ago,show. Jack and May Kennedy came on Model can be towed individualenterprises showed an in-with their cookhouse. Committee co- crease in grosses, with the entire take-operated, as did the newspapers. so easilyandeco- up some 15 per cent.Labor Day again W. TERRY MARTIN. nomically-a feature was the big day, with attendance records of all Kozy Coaches.Unlike ordinary tandems,it's underslungon an for midway attractions being broken. X -braced steel frame, which lowers the center of gravity and makes it Afternoon play during some of the weekFrank Burke was hindered because of the intense Rocky Ford, Colo.Four days ended "roll" with amazing ease. And there's comfort galoreinits roomy heat, but excellent night business madeSeptember 9.Weather, hot and severe interior!Take it any place, any time, and you're livingin the grand up for it.A variety of grand -stand at-winds.Business, very good. tractions in the afternoon and night and Trip from Antonito was made in good manner. On all counts-"You're Ahead with a Kozy Coach Behind." changing almost daily resulted in goodtime and shows were ready to operate attendancethruout. Amongvisitorsat 9 a.m. Wednesday.First day of the 12 REED were Charles T. Goss, St. Louis;J. T.fair was much better in attendance thanKOZY COACH CO, KAL80AMAZOO,AVEI MCH McClellan, Royal Midway Shows; Johnlast year.Thursday, Watermelon Day, Member Trailer Coach Manufacturers' Association. Francis, Greater Exposition Shows; Cliffwas the largest day of the season so Steele and members of Gibson Countyfar for the show.Ferris Wheel topped FairBoard; NedTorti,Wisconsinrides, and Bob Brookshire's Illusion Showager French's daughter, Shirley Anne, left De Luxe Co., and Johnny Connors. J. C.was best in that department.Conces-to return to school in Tacoma, Wash.Hilderbrand's Scott,Jack(Wop)Davis and Ownersions also had a good play.Alex Mc-Secretary A. B. Miller and the writer left(Motorized) Harry H. Zimdars purchased new cars.Elvain purchased a new car, and Mrs.here early to bill the dates at North Weiser, Ida.Week ended September BUDDY MUNN. E. L. Gleason left here for her home inYakima and Toppenish, Wash. Albuquerque, N. M. Mr. and Mrs. Frank JIMMIE FOWLER. 16. Auspices, Chamber of Commerce. Burke's niece joined and is working in Location,streets. Weather,coldat Zacchini Bros. the photo gallery. night. Business, fair. Pay gate, 10 cents. (Motorized) Antonito, Colo. Week ended September Bellaire, 0. Week ended September 16.2. Location, downtown. Auspices, Ameri-Tom's Amusement Opened Monday, three days before of- Auspices, Red Boosters' Club.Location,can Legion Post.Weather, cool.Busi- ficial opening of fair, but results did not Donkey Field.Weather, good.Business,ness, fair. (Motorized) justify effort, as most localites had seen good. Week ended here with a two-day cele- Edison, Ga. Week ended September 16.shows previously at Cambridge.How- With ideal weather, attendance ex-bration and altho midway was crowded,City auspices.Weather, fine.Business,ever, by Wednesday people from out- ceeded expectations, and shows, rides andmoney seemed scarce.Business fell far lying territory made things livelier and below expectations and last year's figure.good. by Saturday fair attendance was tabu- concessions chalked good grosses. Shows Because of request of city officials, were first to play here in over two yearsLack of rain in this section has caused lated.Committee under 0. A. West co- poor crops. E. M. CAROUTHERS. Manager Tom Rich agreed to remain onoperated. Seriesofextraattractions and foundthepopulace amusement the lot here the second week, and busi-were staged in the park across street hungry and money was spentfreely. ness proved his judgment good.Rideswith features including free acts from New one -ringcircusclickedthruout.International did capacity and candy concession led Circus features the Reiffenach Horses Everyone busy building con-the No. 2 Unit, Henry Duo, Poodles Han- Ellensburg, Wash. September 2-4.El-all week. neford, Fred Stewart's Temple of Mys- and Mario and Manuel Zacchini. Shows cessions for the circuit of South Georgiatery; Harold (Sailor) Weedin, assisted by have been enlarged considerably withlensburg Rodeo. Weather, fair. Business,fairs. Fred Christ's Chairplane, Harry Winter'sgood. Doreen; Jack Beard, assisted by wife, Kiddie Plane, Leo Leola's Pit Show and Rodeo hereattracted an estimated Edison, Ga. Week ended September 9.Dorothy, and Daniel Barnett. Local high Barker's Illusion.Bob White's Morocco40,000, giving all attractions good results.Auspices, City of Edison. Location, heartschool band furnished the music and Village and Roy Adler's Life Expose areMany concessionersrenewedoldac-of town. Weather, ideal.Business, good.also paraded on the midway. Owner 0. stilltop. money getters among shows.quaintances as nearly 50 of them played Long haul from Panama City, Fla., wasH. Hilderbrand took a major portion of Concessionsinclude Roy Bolger,ballthe event.Manager George French didmade in good time and all was ready forthe rides and concessions to Homedale. game; Dwyer, grocery wheel;Williama good job of laying out the lot.Firstopening. Owner Tom E. Rich is creditedIda., for the week. Going with him were Mackey,needlestore;Mrs.Williamday was slow as was expected, but Sun-for opening this town, as this organiza-P. D. Uttke, baby autos; Stacey John- Mackey, ball game; Leo Costa, photo gal-day and Labor Day were winners. Augusttion was the first to play here in fiveson's Tailspin and Merry -Go -Round, un- lery; Mrs. Leo Costa, milk bottles; AlbertSepp's Athletic Arena topped the shows,years.An informal party was tenderedderDavid Pennington. CleoQualls, Stevens, palmistry; Hiram Beale, fourwhile the Octopus led rides.Conces-Owner and Mrs. Rich here.Everythingmanager of No. 2 unit, accompanied by stores; Rabbit Reed, hoop -la; Morrisons,sioners Harry (Penny) Clark and Geneis in shape for shows' fair circuit. Secretary Walton De Pellaton, and Lu- snow cones and cane rack; Bill Dares,Rosencrantz reported good results. Man - DR. L. E. BROWN. cille King visited on Wednesday. Con- 50 The Billboard CARNIVALS September 30, 1939

cessioner Johnnie Caldwell left for thepublic and fairofficials were highlyTommy Jones and wife joined the cook-Incidentally,Mr.Coxsoldcarsto Homedale,Ida..celebration, but latercomplimentary.Dr. Nease and Dr. Doakhouse and will remain for the remainderCharles and Dona Keffer and John Mils. will proceed to the No. 2 unit.Holly-with their staff co-operated.Billy Arnt,of the season.Bill and Irene Tullis are DON FOLTZ. wood Skyrockets and Hustrie Troupe,comedian, joined Minstrel Show, bring-the new mail and The Billboard agents. free acts, were popular.Mr. and Mrs.ing a number of performers along withJean and Joe Fontana took a day offMidwest Fred Thumberg purchased a new car inhim. Visitors were secretaries L. C. Wor-fora shopping tour InBirmingham. Boise.Abner K. Kline, of Eyerly Air-ley,Richmond CountyFair,Hamlet,Visits were exchanged with the J. J. Page(Motorized) craft Corp., visited en route to Salem,N. C.; Quay Hood, Lancaster County Fair,Shows playing Fayetteville. Rosebud, S. D. Three days ended Sep- Ore., from New York.Music McCartyLancaster, S.C.;D. L. Creed, Kershaw H. B. SHIVE. tember 16. Weather, good. Business, good. visited from the No. 2 Unit and assistedCounty Fair, Camden, S. C.H. NELLA. in outdoor acts with his new sound car. Show made a record run from Merriam, Brownie Cochran joined with his name- World of Mirth S. D., and everybody was in on time and plate concession.Fred Thumberg's Oc-Buckeye State (Railroad) ready to go Thursday night. Transporta- (Motorized) tionandlotsuperintendentsdeserve topus toppedrides,whilehiswife's Brockton, Mass. Week ended Septem-much credit for the fast moves. Marjorie Rolloplane was second.Harold Weedin's Eupora, Miss. Week ended Septemberber 16.Brockton Fair.Weather, good.Anderson and Holly Kidder made a flying Temple of Mystery was first and second16. Auspices, AmericanLegionPostBusiness, good. trip to Minneapolis on business.Robert went to Claude Barrie's French CasinoFair.Location, fairgrounds.Weather, Young and brother and family,con- among shows.Duane Calkin's Life Un-fair. Shows broke plenty of records here in born Show also did well. Business, good. keepingwithGeneralManager Maxcessioners, joined at Nisland, S. D., with Shows' third return engagement hereLinderman's expectations. Swell weatherthree stands. CLIFF ASKINS. JOHN H. HOBDAY. opened to large crowds on Monday, butgave showmen the break they needed. not much spending prevailed until Fri-Opening day, Kiddies' Day, was one ofTexas Kidd Crystal Expo day. Capt. Freddie Leach, free act, wasthe best days for shows.Saturday, de- (Motorized) popular. Rev.Middleton,ofEuporaspite intense heat, was one of the biggest Synder, Tex.Week ended September Baptist Church, was a nightly visitor.single days shows ever had here.T. W.16. City auspices. Weather, good. Busi- Newport, Tenn.Week ended Septem-Saturday's crowd was thelargestinKelley's World's Fair Freaks, Cliff Karn'sness, fair. ber 16.Cooke County Fair.Weather,event's history.Additionshere wereFat Show, 0. C. Mack's Monkey Circus Shows opened to about 3,000 on Mon- excellent.Business, very good. Earle Crane,frozencustard;R.W.and Brooks Roger's Dugong made theday night following the move in here Revived after eight years this fair wasWoodard, photo gallery, and Cecil Horton,run here from Rutland, Vt., via truck infrom Rotan.City and county officials stock concession and sound truck. Mr.order to make a Sunday opening. Effortco-operated. Allequipmentwillbe much desired by farm and town ele-and Mrs. Harry LaMon, formerly withwas largely lost tho, as rain came earlypainted for fairs and celebrations. Happy ments,asproved by remarkableat-shows and now in advanceforHaagthat night shortly after shows were upJack Brown's sister spent a few days tendance, exhibit displays, enthusiasm.Bros.' Circus, visited on Saturday. Many and response. and drove the people away.T. W. Kel-here. Rotan date was satisfactory to all Five free acts, fireworksvisits also were exchanged withper-ley's Side Show and Earl Purtle's Motor-and rides had their largest gross of the display and midway were well receivedsonnel of Wallace Bros.' Shows. drome were best among shows (Sundayseason so far on the last night. Jack and patronized.Starting off at a rather ELSIE LOWRY. business not included in ratings), withNuckels and wife,of Abilene, visited slow pace, each successive day and night Karl Walker's Gay New Yorkers and Jackover the week -end. Mrs. Billie Basinger saw a gratifying increase, and on Chil- has her doll rack clicking. Ted Custer dren'sDay,Friday,allschoolswereBlue Ribbon Ward's Glamour Girls chalking a good (Motorized) week.Riding Japina, one of the show'ssigned for the remainder of the season, closed, making for a huge turnout and two elephants, continues popular. Alecdoing special duties back with show. good business for shows, rides and con- Mrs. Custer had her bottle game and cessions.Excellent weather brought ap- La Fayette, Ind. Week ended Septem-Finn, proprietor and manager of New preciative patrons and comments fromber 16. Auspices,Grotto. Weather,York'sInternationalCasino, was thedrink stand here. Bob Rutherford has good, except rain Saturday.Business,guest of General Manager Max Linder-the trucks in good condition for the big fair. man.Bill McCann, cityclerk,Ports-jumps in the offing.Texas Tom is in mouth, N. H.; Will Davis and C. Olney,charge of the stock.January,clown 6-MORE FAIRS -6 Show opened Monday night to a fairsecretary and president Vermont Statemule, continues popular. New panel en- WANT SHOWS AND RIDES, ALSO CLEAN crowd of spenders, hence the rides, showsFair,also were guests of Linderman.trance is completed. Texas Kidd was in LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS. and concessions did fair.Saturday theGeneral Agent L. Harvey Cann's family,and out of town on business.James No exclusives here.Will not book too many or clouds gave way and business was nil. Hamilton was back forafewdays. anything conflicting with Cookhouse, Corn Game However, there was no difficulty movingincluding his dad and uncle, visited from or Grab. No PalmistryorSnow. Winter Lynn, Mass. JIM McHUGH. Claude Hackler's bingo is doing well, as troupers. save Stamps. We close first weekIn off the lot.Mr. and Mrs. Roth spent are all concessions and rides. November until middle of March. most of the week visiting near -by fairs H. B. ROWE. and shows and spent one day at Kent -Fuzzell's United TEXAS LONGHORN SHOWSland Fair, visiting Gold Medal Shows.(Motorized) Roy Woods is training girl riders for the Gruberg's World's Expo Bonham, Tex. (Fair), this week; then Fairs at drome. Carthage,Jasper,GilmerandClarksvilleto Snowball Johnson added a new Audubon, la.Week ended September Norfolk, Va. Week ended September 16. follow. band here for remainder of the season9. Auspices, Audubon CountyFair. and it stepped up Minstrel Show receipts. Auspices, Pythian Band.Location, 13th Weather, excellent.Business, excellent.and Monticello avenue.Weather, good. All fronts got a coat of varnish here and Move was made from Vermillion, S. D., rides hack their regular painting.Mrs. Business, bad.Ten -cent gate. A lexandefand Mrs. in record time and shows made a pre- Shows chalked another unaccountable Hicks addedview showing on Saturday night to goodbad week's business here. PARK AMUSEMENT CO. venetian blinds to their trailers.Mr.results. A free gate prevailed that night They were Osteen joined with his concessions.Os- located in the heart of the city, a dozen WANTS SIDE SHOW car Bloom, manager Gold Medal Shows,and natives came out in large numbers.ships of the navy were in port, and com- (Hutchens, wire me) visited along with several of the person-Fair opened officially Monday. Tuesday,mittee, under Leon Nowitszky, co-operat- nel of his shows. Children's Day, broke attendance recordsed, but little business resulted. Rides did ALSO COOK HOUSE AND CANDY WILLIAM R. HICKS. of the fair's 52 -year history.Midwaypractically nothing, and French Casino, was laid out in horseshoe style, givingExpose and Frolics were only shows that FLOSS. all rides, shows and concessions an equalscored at all.Lack of money must have Everybody booked report Tallulah, La., Oct. 2. L. J. Vieth break.Jake Rush, president, and Mr.been the reason, for shows obtained no Write or wire: CLIFF LILES, Mgr., Monroe. (Motorized) Wilson, secretary, co-operated. Tilt -a -less than 20- stories in The Virginian - La., this week; Tallulah, La. (Fair), next week. Whirl and Ferris Wheel got top ridePilot and Ledger -Dispatch and spot an- Pulaski, Tenn. Week ended Septembermoney, with W. J. Dunne's Side Shownouncements and two15 -minutes on 16. Auspices, Giles County Fair Asso-leading the shows and Ernie Ray's Pos-stations WTAR and WGH.Col. Charles ciation.Location, fairgrounds. Weather,ing Show second. They were followed byConsalvo, billposting plant owner, co- ZIMDARS GREATER clear and warm. Business, terrible. Eddie William's Follies.Mr. and Mrs.operated. Max Gruberg left the hospital George Heiman reported excellent busi-at intervals to come to the lot to direct Date was the only open one left forness for their Midway Cafe. SHOWS, INC. the season, and required only a few rides, Bill Krug,operations. ShowsmissedMonday's but was filled by the shows. scale operator, also clicked.Paul Hen-opening because of the long jump from Business,drix, bingo manager, scored, and BudSyracuse, N. Y., but all was ready Tues- CAN PLACE FOR from start to finish, was nil, and shows'Walls joined first losing date in 10 weeks.Visitors as watchman and headday night.Mrs. Gruberg did fair with Phillips Co. Fair, Helena, Ark., Oct. 3rd to 7th, canvas man.Mr. and Mrs. Danny Fer-her bingo concession, and Mary Parker included Dr. I. V. Legg, former secretaryguson also joined here.Mr. and Mrs. and balance of season, Rides-Roll-o-Plane. ShowsLimestone County Fair,Athens,Ala.; helped all.Wilhamena and Lottie May -Motordrome, Life or any worth -while Show. Con- Mayor W. G. Burton, Walker CountyJames Stepina and Mr. and Mrs. Al SuskiPence, of French Casino, proved popular. cessions-Snow Cone, Cotton Candy, Frozen Cus-Fair, Jasper, Ala.; Dr. Braley, Lawrence-purchased new cars.C. S. Noel left forPreacher and Jack Monroe were among tard, Diggers, Lead Gallery, Photos, Slum Joints andville Fair, and Fat Lewis. concessioner.the South to check up late Contracts.the few who made expenses. Keville Wheels. Address this week Wynne, Ark. J.T. Writer and Mrs. Pratt took advantageGlennan, whose family have owned The Hutchens' Museum toppedtheof a Sunday lay -over and motored toVirginian -Pilot since its first publication, midway, with Charlie Wren's drome sec-Red Oak to spend the day with Mr. and ond. Octopus led rides.Mack House was a welcome visitor, as were William GIRLS -WANT GIRLS joined with concessions, as did GeorgeMrs. H. M. Carmichael.Visitors wereCarletonFleming. WilliamJudkins Paul Ebersole, Pat Patterson, Mr. andHewitt and brother, George.Joe Mann- FOR POSING AND DANCING SHOWS Wasso. Shows are now deep in the corn-Mrs. H. M. Carmichael and Slim Larson,heimer has a new trailer. Hawaiian and OrientalDancers. bread and sweet potato country and theof Highway Public Service. Salaries from office guaranteed.Canvas Men.Sixfolks seem to like it.Johnny Giampo- DICK COLLINS. weeks ofFairs. Alladdress SAM LAWRENCE F. W. PRATT. SHOWS, High Point, N. C., this week; Kingstree,tore returned from a visit to Milledge- 'S. C., next week. ville, Ga., with Bessie and Johnny Jr. John H. Marks Elite Expo (Baggage cars and trucks) (Motorized) Lynchburg, Va.Week ended Septem- Clay Center, Kan. Week ended Sep-ber 16.Auspices, Amherst Six -County tember 9. Auspices, Fair Association. Lo-Fair.Location, Sh.rader Field.Weather, POPCORN clear.Business, good. Buy your popcorn supplies from concessionaires' headquarters. We have a complete line of Popcorn, cation, fairgrounds. Weather, hot. Busi- Bags, Cartons, Cones, Seasoning; In fact, everything you need at prices that will save you money. ness, fair. Immediate shipment, top quality products and lowest prices have made GOLD MEDAL the leader Business here was much better than In Its field.Send for your price list today. Despite a freegate,free attractionslast year and town and county folks and co-operation from committee, dateturned out in good numbers, mostly at COLD MEDAL PRODUCTS CO., 133 E.Pearl St., Cincinnati,0. fell below expectations. John Ellis' Ath-night, altho two afternoons chalked good letic Show topped shows, and Tilt -a - (See SHOW LETTERS on page 65) Whirl led rides.Frank Carter's photo gallery did well.Sam Jackson has the ticket box on the Tilt -a -Whirl and Mrs. STANLY COUNTY FAIR Opal Bogle left for her home in Chanute, WANT Kan.Mr. Bogle furnished the sound RIDEE-0 AND ROLL-O.PLANE to Join Oct. WEEK OCTOBER 2, ALBEMARLE, N. C., AND SIX OTHER NORTH 2nd at Red River Valley Fair, Sherman, Tex. CAROLINA FAIRS TO FOLLOW. system for free acts and special events. ALSO NON -CONFLICTING SHOWS AND Carol Arendale and wife left for their CONCESSIONS.Wire what youhave. Out untillatter part of November.Early opening Want all Eating and Drinking Stands, Legitimate Came Concessions. home in Jeff City, Mo., and Mrs. Willis with big Celebrations. Ail Address Clark went to her home in East St. Louis, CAN PLACE CUSTARD, PEANUTS. POP Ill.Visitors were C.I.Levin, Midwest CORN AND SCALES, ALSO BALL GAMES. Novelty Co.; Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Buton CETLIN & WILSON SHOWSand Mrs. A. T. Dixon, who spent the Wire J. GEORGE LOOS week -end with her son. Robert M. Dixon GREATER UNITED SHOWS, Trenton State Fair, Trenton, N. J., This Week. Jr..manager of the diggers, and Mr. Okla.. this week. and Mrs. Orville Cox, of Independence. September 30, 1939 CARNIVALS The Billboard 51 kcalStatus of Amusement 113y 110 T. IPAREEIR, Company Employees Attorney at Lauu BEFORE reviewing late higher courtagent is specially authorized to make thein July.The contract was left withcontract, the court held that actually a cases involving the status of em-contract in litigation.A special agentthe manager.Shortly after the signa-valid contract was made. (195 Pac. 316.) ployees of amusement parks, carnivals,may be a laborer, a billposter, a book-turesof the employees the employer Therefore itis immaterial whether a circuses and other places of amrsement,keeper, a stenographer, a publicity agenttold a person under whom the musicianscompany official or other authorized em- or the like, who is not specially author-operated that he had a written contractployee signs a contract by full name or it is advisable to explain the legal dif-ized to perform a variety of acts butto continue their services.During theInitials provided the signer intended to ferences or classifications of employees.who is authorized to do only certainearly part of September the employermake a valid contract when the signa- All employees are classified as "gen-designated work. paid the musicians for two weeks afterture was affixed. eral" or "special" agents.The owner of they were given their vacation, but did a place of amusement is liable for all A general agent is presumed by the' For instance, in the case of Meaton vs. law to have authority to bind his em-not specifically inform them that theirMeyers, 33 Ill. 424, a company employee acts of his "general" agents, which are services would no longer be continuedsigned a contract "H. C. M." Later when relevant to the employment.However,ployer pertaining to any transactions re-until several days later.In other words, he is responsible for only such acts thatlating to the business or department of litigation developed over validity of the the business of which he is the "head"the employer discharged the employeescontract the court held the company a "special" agent performs within the who held themselves in readiness to con-liable and explained that any person may actual scopeof the actual authorityor manager. tinue their services upon notice, butmake a valid legal obligation by using given him. Validity of Contracts no notice was ever given them to do so.any form of signature, mark or symbol Therefore,underordinarycircum- Veryfrequentlyindeedlegalcon-They tried to obtain employment of likeif the signature used is substituted for stances, an amusement company is liabletroversies arise between employers andcharacter but were unable to do so priorthe signer's name with intentions to in damages for all acts performed by aemployees involving payment of salaryto the expiration of the contract. be bound. "general" agent within the scope of theor commissions, duration -of -employment The employees sued the employer to Therefore in view of the above -cited business of the company. contract, bond furnished by the em-recover the fullsalary amounting tohigher court case the law is well settled For illustration, in Strollo v. Jerseyployee and the like.Usually, controver-$40 per week for the balance of thethat the party who sues on a contract, Central Power and Light Co., 7 A. (2d)sies of this nature may be avoided ifterm of the contract.During the trialor other instrument, signed with a rub- 631, reported August, 1939, it was dis-proper precaution is observed by the em-the important considerations were: ber stamp,typewriter,orinitials,is closed that a man named Marshall wasployer when the originalcontractis 1. Was the contract sued upon a writ-bound to prove that (1) the signature acting manager of an amusement com-made with the employee. ten contract? was affixed with intentions of making pany. A Mr. Jonasson was manager. On It is well established that verbal con- 2. Did the employees exercise ordinarya valid contract; (2) and the person who matters requiring decisions of impor-tracts of employment are equally as ef-care to procure other work in mitiga-affixed the signature was properly au- tance Marshall was required to consultfective and binding as written ones. Thetion of damages? thorized to do so.If this testimony is Jonasson for instructions. important difference, however, between During the trial the employer provedgiven the court will hold the contract One day the audience was very noisythese two classifications of agreements isthat the written contract which the em-valid and enforceable. and there was considerable disorder. Anthat a series of letters and telegramsployees signed was left in the possession usher went to the place where three boysspeak for themselves, when Introducedof the manager or secretary, and con- Personal Responsibility were seated and spoke to them aboutas evidence in litigation, whereas an em-tinued in their possesion.None of the Obviously, either an amusement com- putting their feet on the backs of seatsployee suing on a verbal contract mustmusicians were notified that the em-pany officialoremployeealwaysis and about making so much noise. Aintroduce convincing testimony to proveployer had not signed the contract, andpersonally responsible for his fraudulent short time thereafter Marshall went tohis assertions.Therefore, the moral ofdid not know such fact until after thestatements or conduct.Moreover, either one of the boys and said:"Didn't thethis principle of the law is that em-suit was filed. anofficialor employeeispersonally usher tell you to take your feet down?"ployers should be more careful of what liable for any and all financial losses they write than that which they speak. However, the higher court held that Before the boy had a chance to reply when the employer permitted the em-sustained by his employer as a result of Marshall struck him across the face with Another important point of the lawployees to sign the written contract theacting outside the scope of his employ- the back of his hand.The boy said:is that a valid written contract need notformer automatically accepted its exactment, or while performing any act not "What did you hit me for?" Whereuponcomprise merely a single instrument, butwritten terms and the written contractwithin the scope of his authority. Marshall struck him again in the facemay consist of many letters and tele-was valid and effective.Therefore, since A review of recent and leading higher and said:"Don't give me any backgrams which are written over a periodthe employees were unable to obtaincourt cases discloses that an official or talk." Subsequently, Marshall apologizedof several months or years.In 'otherother employment during the durationemployee is personally liable(1) where to him and said:"I am very sorry, Iwords, irrespective of the time requiredof the contractthiscourt held thehe makes a false statement or repre- didn't mean to hit you but I lost myor the number of messages passed inemployer liable for payment of the $40sentation of his authority without in- temper." arriving at a final agreement, a validper week salary to the date of termina-tent to deceive, or (2) where he does a Suit was filed against the amusementand enforceable contractis completedtionspecified in the contract.Thisdamaging act believing he has authority, company for damages The importantwhen an aboslute offer made by onecourt said: but actually has none, or (3) where he consideration for the court was whetherparty is accepted in all details by the "This evidence fully supports the find-acts on authority from his employer and Marshall was acting as a general agent.other party. Moreover, when once thising of the trial judge that a writtendoes an unlawful act, or (4) where he in- If so the amusement company would becondition exists both parties are liablecontract had been entered into betweententionally defrauds his employer or any liable because all employers are liablein damages for failure to fulfill thethe parties.The law is too well settledother person or firm. foracts performed by general agentsexact terms of the agreement.And itto require an extensive discussion that, Moreover, an amusement company of- who act within the scope of their em-is interesting to observe that the courts'when a contract between two partiesficialor employeeispersonally liable ployment. In holding that Marshall washave consistently held that verbal oris reduced to writing signed by one ofon contracts which he signs, with proper not a general agent, the court said: "side" agreements are not effective tothem and is accepted by the other, it isauthority, if his affixed signature does "Where the act is done or authorizedvary a written contract of employmentsufficient to impress upon it the char-not clearly bind the employer. or commanded by one or more officersunless the verbal promises were madeacter of a written instrument, and the of the corporation so high in authoritybefore the contract was completed and On the other hand, an employer may it is proved for the purpose of fraudu-law and the courts willtreatitasor may not, depending upon the cir- as to be fairly considered executive inlently inducing the contract. such.'," cumstances, be liable on contracts and character, the corporation has been held Validity of Signatures agreements made by an official or em- responsible for their action on a theory Written Contract Implied Under certain circumstances any formployee. akin to that of general agency. . . . Under certain circumstances a writtenof an authorized official's or employee's We are of the opinion that the proofscontract may be implied, altho only one,signature, such as that made with a disclose that Marshall was not such anor neither contracting party, signed it.rubber stamp, typewriter, symbols, ini- MAKE$50.00A DAY ON CANDY FLOSS agent of the defendant company in thisThis information no doubt will surprisetials snd the like, is valid and may be Our New SUPER WIZ. case.He was 'acting manager' . . . ARD with a heavy double many readers.Others may atfirstenforceable. head andlargerspindle. Marshall cannot be said to be an officerthought deny the authenticity of the We have sold this machine so high in authority as to be a general For instance, in a leading case(53 to the Concession for the statement.However, it is verified by aS. E 447) the higher court held that New York World's Falr. agent." very late higher court case.This de-an official may bind an amusement cor- Spins Candy Floss On the other hand, various highercisionis based upon the rule of law FASTER and FINER. court& have held that when a servant or poration by indorsing the latter's name Forfulldetails write or that contracting parties are bound bywith a rubber stamp, and said: wire ELECTRIC CANDY agent of a corporation, acting within theany andallagreements whose terms "Where the name required has been FLOSS MACHINE CO., scope of his employment, performs hisconsist of an offer made by one con-so placed by one having authority to do 202TwelfthAve.,S., duty with excessive force and inflictstracting party and accepted by the other.it and with intent to indorse the in- Nashville, Tenn. injury, the corporation may be held toThe acceptance may be written, oral, or See West v. Welsh, strument, the authorities hold that this respond in damages. by implication. is a valid indorsement." 62 N. J. L. 655; Darrah v. Erie Co., 176 A. Hill. 153. For illustration, in Copeland v. Also see Carrol vs. Michell Co., 128 FORSALE -COOKHOUSE Also.in Heenan v. Horre Co., 170 A. 894,126 S. W. (2d) 567, reported August 25,S. W. 446, in which an employee author- 1939,it was shown that an employerized to make valid contracts affixed his Reasonable for cash. Completewith a watchman in ejecting a trespasser from Canvas all new hisemployer'spremises,shotandand four musicians enteredintoanemployer's name with a rubber stamp Wagons, two Crab Joints. wounded him. The lower court held theoral contract by the terms of whichto anote.Controversy developed over this year. Now booked with Sheesley Shows. employer liable but the Supreme Courtthe employees agreed to supply music,payment of the note and the employer Willgive immediatepossession.Branda reversed the judgment holding: or play in a band, for the employercontended that the obligation was void Bros., wire. "Unquestionably the conduct was will-for a period of seven months at $40because the note was signed with a rub- ful, wanton and malicious, and the de-per week. After the employees had beenber stamp and the pen -written signature POUNDS in the employment forapproximatelywas omitted.However, the court held C. H. fendant is responsible therefore if such because was Lubbock, Tex., thisweek;Abilene, Tex., conduct was within the scope of thethree months the employer stated thattheemployerliable it following. employment.Under the facts and cir-he wanted a writtencontract whichproven that when the rubber stamp sig- cumstances of this case, we think thatwould bind the employees torendernature was affixed both the employer issue should have been sent to a juryservices for him for the balance of theand the employee intended to complete for determination." term, namely, four months. a valid obligation. According to the law laid down by the The business manager of the employer In still another case (190 S. W. 1045), higher courts, as previously mentioned,drew up such a contract, which specif-where the same point of the law was in-DARE -DEVIL OLIVER a "general" agent is one who has gen-ically provided for the payment of $40volved, a higher court said: World'sPremierHigh DIM eral authority to act for the employer inper week, and that same should termi- "The word 'writing' in law not onlySonm open time left.This is no stepladder act. the conduction of the business. A "spe-nate November 15 with a specific optionmeans words tracedwitha penorWrite for particulars.Tonawanda, N. Y. cial" agent is one who is authorized toin favor of the employer to continuestamped, but printedor engraved or act for his employer ina limited ca-the employment under the terms of themode legible by any other device." ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD -- pacity. as doing only a single act.Ancontract.The manager of the employer Also where the manager of an amuse- employer is not liable on any contractcalled the employees to his office andment company affix-ci a signature with YOU'LL BE SATISFIED WITH made by a special agent, unless suchsecured their signatures to this contracta typewriter, intending to make a valid RESULTS 52 The Billboard LISTS September 30, 1939

ALABAMA West Monroe -OuachitaValleyFairAssn. Alexander City -East Ala.Fair Assn. Oct. Oct. 2-8.John H. Birdsong. 17-21.L. B. Dean. MAINE Andalusia -Covington Co.Fair.Oct.17-21. Athens - WesserrunsettValleyFairAssn. Thos. P. Littlejohn, Troy, Ala. 1939 FAIR DATES Sept. 28-30.W. A. Dore. Athens -Limestone Co. Agrl. Fair.Oct. 4-7. Cornish -CornishAgrl.Assn. Oct.17-21. R. C. Martin. Leon M. Ayer. Athens -LimestoneCo. ColoredFairAssn. Fryeburg-West Oxford Agrl, Soc. First week Oct. 12-14.H. T. Redus. Paradise -Butte Co. Fair .Assn.Oct.11-15.Elizabethtown -Hardin Co. Fair.Sept. 26-29 in Oct.G. Myron Kimball. Birmingham -Alabama State Fair & Exhibit Mrs. Helen Beery. James G. Gullett, Leeds -Leeds Agrl, Fair Assn.Oct. 5.Alice Assn.Oct. 2-7.Douglas K. Baldwin, mgr.;Pomona -Los Angeles Co. Fair.Sept. 15 -Oct.Litchfield -Montgomery Co. Fair.Sept. 28- L. Russell, N. Leeds. Kirkman Jackscn, secy. 1. C. B. Afflerbaugh. 30.J. Marvin Larkin. Litchfield -Litchfield Farmers' Club.Oct. 3-4. Center -Cherokee Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 9-15.San Francisco -Golden Gate Intl. Expo. Feb.Salem -Marion Co.Agrl.Soc. Sept.28-30. Chas. H. Harvey, Gardiner, Me. Dr. S. C. Tatum. 18 -Dec. 2.Leland W. Cutler. Fred J. Blackburn. North Waterford -World's Fair Assn.Sept. Clanton -Chilton Co. Fair.Sept. 26-30.J.San Francisco -National Dairy Show. Oct. 21- INDIANA 29-30.Roy G. Wardwell, E. Stoneham, Me. Men Martin, secy; Thos. P. Littlejohn, mgr., 30.Lloyd Burlingham, 308 Wash. st., Chi-Auburn -De Kalb Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 3-7.H.Topsham -Topsham Fair.Oct. 10-12.E.C. Troy, Ala. cago, Ill. E. Hart. Patten. Courtland-Lawrence Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 2-7.San Jose -Santa Clara Valley Fair.Sept. 26 -Bluffton -BlufftonFreeStreetFairAssn.Union -North Knox Fair.Sept. 26-28.H. L. C. C. Horton. Oct. 1.Russell E. Pettit. Sept. 26-30.Carl Helms. Grinnell. Dothan -Houston Co. Fair.Oct. 23-24. Mrs.Tulare -Tulare -Kings Co. Fair.Sept. 26-30.Muncie -Free Night Fair.Oct. 4-6.Seward MARYLAND L. J. Lunsford. A. J. Elliott. B.Price. Frederick -Great Frederick Fair.Oct. 10-13. Enterprise -Coffee Co. Fair Assn.Ost.30 - Watsonville -Santa Cruz Co. Fair. Oct. 11-15.Warsaw -Kosciusko Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 26- Guy K. Motter. Nov. 4.Dr. A. E. Lee. Paul V. Knudsen. 30. 0. B. Kilmer. Hagerstown -Washington Co. Agrl. Assn. Oct. Evergreen-ConecuhCo. Fair.Oct.10-14. COLORADO IOWA 17-21.Charles W. Wolf. Thos. P. Littlejohn, Troy, Ala. Denver -National Western Stock Show.Jan.Ackley -Four -County Fair.Nov. 20-24.Mar-La Plata -CharlesCo.Fair. Sept.28-30. Fayette -Fayette Co. Fair.Oct. 9-14.Joe E. 13-20.C. R. Jones. tin J. Ryken. W. Mitchell Digges. Caine. Coon Rapids -Four -County Fair.Sept. 25-28.Prince Frederick -Calvert Co. Fair.Oct. 18- Florence -North Ala. State Fair.Oct. 9-14. CONNECTICUT A. A. McLaughlin. 20.J. B. morsel]. C. H. Jackson. Danbury -DanburyFair. Sept.30 -Oct.7.Waterloo -DairyCattleCongress & HorseUpper Marlboro - Southern Md. Agrl.Fair Huntsville -Madison CO.Fair.Sept.26-30. George M. Nevins. Show.Sept. 25 -Oct. 1.E. S. Estel. Assn.Oct. 12-14.Wm. G. Brooks. Marie Dickson. Durham -Durham Agrl. Fair Assn.Oct. 6-7. White Hall -White Hall Fair.Sept.27-30. Jasper -Walker Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 25-30. John A. Jackson. KANSAS H. Ross Almony. J. D. Dickson. Ellington -Union Agrl. Soc.Sept. 27.B. R.Abilene -Central Kan. Free Fair Assn.Sept. Grant, Melrose, Conn. 25-29.Ivan Roberson. MASSACHUSETTS Lexington -Lexington Fair Assn.Sept. 25-30. Auburn -Auburn GrangeFair. Oct. 6-7.Great Barrington -Barrington Fair Assn. Oct. Chas. P. McMeans. Harwinton-HarwintonAgrl.Soc. Oct.7. 2-7. Luverne-CrenshawCo.Fair. Oct.24-28. Elof Johnson, R. D. 2, Torrington, Conn. Mrs. Ina Cellars. Paul W. Foster. Thos. P. Littlejohn, Troy, AIa. Plainville -Plainville Grange Fair(indoor).Blue Rapids -MarshallCo.Stock Show &Littleville(Huntington) -Littleville Commu- Mobile -Greater Mobile -Gulf Coast Fair Assn. Oct. 12-13.Wm. B. Wilber. Fair Assn.Sept. 26-29.H. C. Lathrap. nity Fair Assn.Sept. 29-30. Elmer 0. Olds, Oct. 16-22.Edward T. Rosengrant. Riverton -Riverton Fair.Oct. 12.H. P. Dem-Buhler-Buhler Community Fair.Oct. 26-28. Huntington. Montgomery -Central Ala. State Fair.Oct. ing, R. R. 2, Winsted, Conn. J. A. Johnson. Segreganset - BristolCo. YoungFarmers' 4-14.Mort L. Bixler. Terryville -PlymouthAgrl.Soc. Sept.30. Conway Springs -Conway Springs Fair Assn. Show.Oct. 4-6.Florence M. Cordner. Ozark -Dale Co.Fair.Nov. 7-11.Thos. P. Marion C. Mattson, Plymouth, Conn. Oct. 12-13.R. H. Mine. MICHIGAN Littlejohn, Troy, Ala. FLORIDA Cottonwood Falls -Chase Co. Fair Assn. Sept.Addison -Addison Community Fair.Oct. 5-6. Silverhill-Baldwin Co. Fair.Oct. 9-14. A. Fort Myers -Southwest Fla. Fair.Feb. 12-17. 27-30.Carl A. Ballweg. Linton Smith. M. Philips. C. P. Hauck. Garden City -Finney Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 5-6.Barryton-Barryton Community Fair. Oct. Troy -Pike Co. Fair.Oct. 31 -Nov. 4.Thos.Live Oak -Suwannee Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 30 - Ben Grimsley. 24-26.Harland Butts. P. Littlejohn. Nov. 4.Louie C. Wadsworth. Harper -Harper Co.Agrl. Fair Assn. Oct.Chelsea -Chelsea Community Fair.Oct.6-7. Waterloo -Waterloo Community Fair.Sept.Milton -Santa Rosa Co. Fair.Week of Oct. 17-20.R. E. Dresser. Roy W. Wallis. 28-30.A. D. Ray Jr. 30. John T. Wigginton. Hillsboro -Marion Co. Fair Assn.Oct.3-6.East Tawas -Tawas Bay Agrl. & Hort. Soc. Wetumpka-Elmore Co. Fair.Oct. 3-7. Thos.Orlando -Central Florida Expo. Feb.19-24. C. P. Ashcraft. Oct. 6-7.Robt. E. Jewell. P. Littlejohn, Troy, Ala. Crawford T. Bickford. Inman -Inman Community Fair.Oct. 13-14.Fremont -Fremont Ccmmunity Pair.Oct. 13- ARIZONA Pensacola -Pensacola Interstate Fair Assn. Fred H. Schultis. 14. Clarence C. Mullett. Douglas-Cochise Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 28-30. Oct. 24-29.J. E. Frenkel. Kincaid -Anderson Co. Farmers' Fair Assn.Hartland -Hartland AreaAgrl.Soc. Sept. James H. Barrett. Perry -TaylorCo.FairAssn.. Nov.7-11. Sept. 28-30.W. R. Brown. 27-29.B. J. Ford. J. E. Powell. Kingman -Kingman Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 11-Hillsdale -Hillsdale Co. Agrl. Soc.Sept. 24-30. ARKANSAS Winter Haven -Florida Orange Festival. Jan. 14.Arthur Goenner, Zenda, Kan. H. B. Kelley. Arkadelphia -ClarkCo.Fair & Live -Stock 22-27 (tentative).W. W. Jamison. Liberal -Seward Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 4-6. Her-McBain-McBain Agrl. Fair Assn.Oct. 27-28. Assn.Oct. 5-7.George S. Dews. man Shorb. H. S. Wilt. Ashdown -Little River Co. Fair.Oct. 11-13. GEORGIA Lindsborg-Lindsborg District Fair Assn. Oct.Morenci--Morenci Community Fair.Oct. 27- Batesville -Independence Co. Fair Assn.Oct.Albany -Albany Fair.Week of Sept. 25. 19-20.S. E. Dahlsten. 28.C. H. Osgood. 3-6.Miss Robt. Ella Case. Alma -Bacon Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 25-30.J.North Topeka - Indian Creek Grange Fair.Morley -Morley Agrl. Fair Assn.Oct. 31 -Nov. Bentonville -Benton Co. Free Fair Assn. Oct. L. Jones. Sept. 28-29.Mrs. Gerald Lowell, R..5. 1. Harold U. Burgess. 4-6.K. C. Campbell. Athens -American Legion Fair. Oct.16-21.Sedan -Chautauqua Co. Free Fair.Oct. 4-7.Newaygo-Garfield CommunityFair. Sept. Berryville -Carroll Co. Fair.Oct. 5-7. W. M. F. H. Williams. Carl Ackerman. 28-29. Arnold Ackland. Houston. Atlanta -Southeastern Fair.Oct. 1-8.VirgilSylvan Grove -Sylvan Grove Fair Assn. Sept.Peck -Peck Agrl. Soc.Oct. 5-6.Hale Pearce. Blytheville -Mississippi Co. Fair Assn.Sept. Meigs. 26-29.Ira C. McKay. Stanton - StantonAgrl.Soc. Nov.2-3. 26 -Oct.1. J.Me11 Brooks. Bainbridge -Decatur Co. Fair.Oct. 16-21. T.Wakefield -Wakefield Free Fair.Oct. 12-13. Marving Nelson. Clarksville -Johnson Co. Free Fair.Oct. 16- E. Rich. Joseph Mason Jr. 21.Ed Schultz. Camilla -Mitchell Co. Fair.Oct. 2-7.B. H.Wichita -Kansas Natl. Live -Stock Show Assn. MISSISSIPPI Clinton -Van Buren Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 12- Hurst. Oct. 2-6.Conlee Smith. Booneville -Prentiss Co. Fair Assn.Week of 13. Miss Willye Shannon. Canton -Cherokee Co. Fair Assn.Oct.2-7.Winfield -Cowley Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 11-14. Oct. 16.R. L. Long. Danville -Yell Co. Free Fair Assn.Oct. 18-21. C. C. Edge. Brandon -Rankin Co. Fair.Oct. 4-7.Mabel De Queen -Dairy and Live -Stock Show. OctCairo -Grady Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 30 -Nov. 4. G. B. Wooden. Adams. 11-13.Ralph B. Kite. A. Edwards. KENTUCKY Brookhaven -Lincoln Co. Fair.Oct. 4-6.Ed- El Dorado -Union Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 9-14.Carrollton -Carroll Co. Fair.Oct. 2-7.F. J.Benton -MarshallCo. Fair. Sept. 27-30. die M. Young. James B. Alpuente. Searcey. American Legion. Clarksdale-Delta Cotton Festival Assn. Sept. Fayetteville - Washington Co.Fair. Sept.Columbus -Chattahoochee Valley Expo.Oct.Carrollton -Carroll Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 11-14. 27-29.Harry W. Clark. 26-29. 9-14.F. L. Jenkins. P. H. Williams. Charleston -Tallahatchie Co. Free Fair.Oct. Fordyce -Dallas Co. Fair.Oct.12-14. Conyers -Rockdale Co. Legion Fair.Sept. 25-Hopkinsville - PennyroyalAgrl.FairAssn. 2-7.Jesse L. Burnett., Forrest City -St. Francis Co. Fair.Oct. 5-7. 30.L. C. Summers. Sept. 27-30.R. B. Sapinsley. Forest -Scott Co.Colored FairAssn.Oct. Fort Smith -Western Ark -Eastern Okla. Live -Covington -NewtonCo.Fair. Sept.26-30.Owenton-Owen Co. Agrl. Fair.Sept. 29-30. 16-21. Ananios Ware. Stock Expo.Oct. 13-15. Scott D. Hamilton. Henry Odum. Floyd Gaines. Jackson -MississippiStateFair.Oct.9-14. Gentry - Home ProductsFair. Oct.12-14.Dawson -Southeastern Peanut Festival. Nov. Owingsville-Bath Co. Agrl. Fair Assn.Last Mabel L. Sutra. Commercial Club. 5-11.Dallas Spurlock. week in Sept.Ellwood Dillin, mgr. Jackson -Mississippi Negro State Fair.Oct. Hampton -Calhoun Co. Fair.Oct. 5-7.G. E.Decatur-DeKalb Co. Fair.Oct. 26-28.Mrs. LOUISIANA 16-21.H. H. Young. Bounds. W. Guy Hudson. Alexandria-Rapides ParishFair. Oct.5-7.Kosciusko -CentralMissFair. Oct.2-7. Harrison -Boone Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 6-7.J.Dublin --Oconee Colored Fair Assn.Oct.16- B. W. Baker. Nelson Siegrist. 0. Fowler. 21.Effie Lampkin. Arcadia-Bienville Parish Fair Assn. Sept.Laurel -South' Miss. Fair.Sept. 25-30.R. K. Heber Springs -Cleburne Co. Fair.Oct. 12-14.Eastman -Dodge Co. Fair, American Legion. 27-30.Jesse M. Kees. Booth. M. M. Irwin. Oct. 16-21.M. C. Edwards. Coushatta -Red River Parish Assn.Oct. 4-7.McComb -Pike Co.FreeFairAssn. First Hope -Hempstead Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 25-30.Elberton - ElbertonFairAssn. Oct.9-14. W. H. Tyler. week in Oct.Junior O'Mara. R. P. Bowen. I.V. Hulme. Covington -St. Tammany Parish Fair.Oct.Macon-Noxubee Co. Colored Fair.Oct. 3-6. Huntsville -Madison Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 5-7.Elberton -Elbert Co. Colored Fair Assn.Oct. 6-9.Ralph N. Menetre. Joe Reed. McCrory -Woodruff Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 5-7. 17-21.Lee Roy Dooley. De Ridder - BeauregardParishFairAssn.Meadville -Franklin Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 23- Otto Turner, Augusta, Ark. Fayetteville -Fayette Co. Fair.Oct. 9-14.F. Oct. 10-14.C. J. Ledoux. 28.Mrs. Bly Souleret. Magnolia -Columbia Co.Fair & Live -Stock P. Lindsey Jr. Donaldsonville -South La. State Fair.Oct.Meridian -MississippiFair & Dairy Show. Show. Week of Oct. 9.G. G. Johnston. Fitzgerald -Ben Hill Co. Fair.Week of Oct. 8-15.Harrison Young. Sept. 25-30.Hillman Taylor. Malvern -Hot Spring Co.Fair. Oct.9-14. 2.Homer Waters. Doyle -Livingston Parish Fair.Sept.29-30.Monticello -Lawrence Co.FairAssn. Sept. Juanita Keith. Fort Gaines -Clay Co. 4-H Club Fair.Oct. H. A. Merrill. 28-30.Mrs. C.E. Gibson. Melbourne-Izard Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 28-30. 9-14.D. C. Brumbalow. Eunice-Tri-ParishFairAssn. Oct.19-22.Pascagoula -Jackson Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 26- W. W. Haynes. Gibson - Glascock Co. Fair. Oct. 12-14. E. 0. Guillory. 27.A. J. Franklin. Mena -Polk Co. Fair.Oct. 12-14.J. E. Hall. Lonnie Moye. Franklinton-Washington ParishFairAssn.Tupelo -Miss. -Ala. Fair & Dairy Show.Oct. Morrilton-ConwayCo. Fair. Oct. 12-14.Hawkinsville-Pulaski Co.Fair.Oct. 23-28. Oct. 11-14.L. Ray Mills, Bogalusa, La. 2-7.Frank A. Henderson. Paul Poindexter. Wm. M. Jennings. Farmerville-Union Parish Fair.Oct. 12-14.Tylertown-Walthall Co.Fair. Sept.27-30. Mount Ida -Montgomery Co. Free Fair.Oct.Jasper -Pickens Co. Fair.Sept. 25-30.A. C. W. W. Porter. P. N. Givens. 12-14. M. L. Post. Moore Jr. Greensburg -St.HelenaParish FreeFair.West Point -Clay Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 25-30. ' Murfreesboro - Pike Co. Fair. Oct. 5-7.Jonesboro -Clayton Co. Fair Ann.Sept. 25- Oct. 19-21.K. E. Campbell. B. T. Schumpert. Byron S. Butler. 30.Leo Mercier. Haynesville-Claiborne Parish Fair Assn. Oct.Yazoo City -Yazoo Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 24. Nashville -Howard Co. Fair.Oct. 3-6.WillLa Fayette -Walker Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 11- 3-7.E. E. Spears. J. N. Ballard. Cazort. 14.C. W. Wheeler. Independence-Tangipahoa Parish Fair.Oct.Yazoo City -Yazoo Negro Fair Assn. Oct. North Little Rock -Arkansas Live -Stock ShowLawrenceville - GwinnettCo.Fair.Second 26-28.B. B. Cleaneay. 9-14.R. J. Pierce. Assn.Oct. 16-21.Clyde E. Byrd. week in Oct.P. V. Kelley. Jennings -Jefferson Davis Parish Fair.Nov. MISSOURI Ozark -Franklin Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 28-30.Macon -Georgia State Fair.Oct. 30 -Nov. 8. 1-5.J. C. Barman. Aurora-Tri-County Fair.Oct.2-4. E.L. Garland D. Nichols. E. Ross Jordan. Jonesboro -Jackson Parish Fair Assn.Sept. Wade. Paris -Logan Co. Fair.Oct. 5-7.B. B. Ihle,Manchester-Tri-CountyFair. Sept.25-30. 26-30.W. T. Holloway. Brunswick - BrunswickFair. Sept.28-30. Perryville -Perry CoFair Assn. Oct.5-7. Welby Griffith. Lafayette -S. W. La Midwinter Fair.Jan. Harold Boucher. Dale Van Dalsen. Marietta -Cobb Co. Fair Assn.Sept.27-30. 12-14.E. A. Stagg. Caruthersville-American LegionFair.Oct. Prescott -Nevada Co. Free Fair Assn. Oct. 11- L. R. Langley. Leesville -Vernon Parish Fair Assn.Sept. 27- 4-8.H. E. Malloure. 13.Mrs. S. H. Cadenhead. Milledgeville -Middle Ga.FairAssn. Oct. 30.Lovett Word. Concordia -Concordia Fall Festival.Oct. 5-7. Rison-Cleveland Co. Fair.Oct. 5-7.Harvie 9-14.Mrs. F. W. Hendrickson. Logansport -Interstate Free Fair.Oct. 18-21. W. H. P. Walkenhorst. M. Atwood. Monroe -American Legion Fair.Oct. 9-14. C. Clyde J. Malone. Crane -Crane Community Fair.Sept. 28-30. Russellville -Pope Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 10-13. E. Chick. Luling -St. Charles Parish Fair Assn.Sept. Carl Hilton. E. W. Hogan. Nashville -Berrien Co.Fair. Oct. 16-21. 28 -Oct. 1.W. E. Simmons, Hahnville, La. Kansas City -American Royal Live Stock & Sheridan -Grant Co.Fair Assn.Oct.4-6. Holmes W. Giddens. Many -Sabine Parish Fair.Oct. 17-21.Byron Horse Show.Oct. 14-21.A. M. Paterson. C. F. Pearce. Oglethorpe -Macon Co. 4-H Fair.Oct 16. P. Belisle. Mountain Grove-Tri-County Fair.Sept. 28- Star City -Lincoln Co. Fair.Oct.12-14. Laura Brown. Marksville--Avoyelles Parish Fair Assn.Oct. 30.J. E. Shelby. Trumann-Poinsett Co. Fair.Oct. 5-7.OtisQuitman -Brooks Co. Fair Assn.Last week 13-15.Earl Edwards. Neosho -Newton Co. Harvest Show. Sept. 27- Farrar. in Oct. or first in Nov. Frank T. Benson.Natchitoches -Natchitoches Parish Fair Assn. 30.W. H. Buehler. Waldron -Waldron Free Fair Assn.Oct. 5-7.Sandersville -Washington Co. Fair.Oct. 2-7. Oct. 10-14.J.V. Hinton. NEBRASKA B. S. Hinkle. G. S. Chapman. New Roads -Pointe Coupee Parish Fair Assn.Omaha-Ak-Sar-BenLiveStock & Horse Warren -Bradley Co. Fair. Oct. 10-12. W. M.Savannah - Georgia -CarolinaCoastalFair. Sept. 29 -Oct. 1.J. Wade Lebeau. Show.Oct. 22-28.J. J. Isaacson. Graham. ausp. Eagles.Oct. 30 -Nov. 5.G. H. Bryant.Oak Grove -West Carroll Parish Fair Assn.Pawnee City -Pawnee Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 3-6. West Helena -Phillips Co.Fair Assn.Oct.Summerville-Chattooga Co. Fair Assn.Oct. Oct. 11-14.R. E. Benton. D. W. Osborn. 4-7.L. C. Hefley, Helena. 19-21.Homer Woods. Oberlin -Allen Parish Fair Assn. Oct.6-7. NEW HAMPSHIRE CALIFORNIA Swainsboro -Emanuel Co. Fair.Week of Oct. G. O. Meaux. Center Sandwich -Sandwich Town & Grange Bakersfield -Kern Co. Fair & Frontier Days. 16.R. E. Roundtree. 011a -North Central La. Fair.Oct. 3-7.H. Fair Assn.Oct. 12.W. Leroy White, North Oct. 6-8.R. J. Hodson. Thomasville -Thomas Co. Fair Assn. Nov. 6- Vinyard. Sandwich. Caruthers -Caruthers Dist. Fair Assn.Oct. 11.D. R. Joye. Plain Dealing -Bossier Parish Free Fair.Oct.Deerfield -DeerfieldFairAssn. Oct.4-5. 12-14.C. L. Walton. Toccoa -Stephens Co. Fair.Sept. 25-30.Dr. 12-14.Mrs. J. B. Turnley. E. B. Hersey, RFD. Gossville, N. H. Chico -Butte District Fair.Sept. 27 -Oct.1. W. L. Boyette. Ruston -Lincoln Parish Fair.Oct. 18-20.A. Rochester - RochesterFair. Sept.24-30. L. B. Osborn. Tifton -Tobacco Belt Fair.Oct. 10-14.A. B. E. Stinson. Ralph E. Came. Colusa-Colusa Co.Fair.Oat.5-7.Daniel Phillips. Shreveport -State FairofLa.Oct.21-30. NEW JERSEY Weyand. Valdosta -South Georgia Fair. Nov.13-18. W. R. Hirsch. Trenton -New Jersey State Fair.Sept. 24-30. Grass Valley -Nevada Co. Fair.Sept. 29 -Oct. H. K. Wilkinson. Sulphur -Calcasieu -Cameron Fair.Oct. 23-28. Harry E. LaBreque. 1. Loyal Freeman. ILLINOIS Dr. A. H. Lafargue. NEW MEXICO Hollister -33d Dist. Agri. Fair.Oct. 6-8. RoyAurora -Aurora Farmers' Fair Assn.Oct. 6-7.Tallulah -Louisiana Delta FairAssn.Oct.Albuquerque -New Mexico State Fair.Sept. A. Hubbell. Earl H. Green. 3-6.P. 0. Benjamin. 24 -Oct.1. Leon H. Harms. Imperial - ImperialCo.Mid -WinterFair.Cairo -Alexander Co. Fair.Oct. 3-6.B. H.University - StateUniv.Live -Stock Show -Deming -Luna Co. Fair.Oct. 20-21. March 2-10.D. V. Stewart. Nation, Fairfield, Dl. Rodeo.Nov. 8-12.W. M. Babin. Roswell -Eastern N. M. State Fair.Oct. 4-7. Madera -Madera Co. Fair.Oct. 5-8.FrankChicago-Internat'l Live -Stock Expo.Dec. 2-Verde -Grant Parish Fair Assn.Oct. 10-14. E. E. Patterson. H. Davis. 9.B. H. Heide, Union Stockyards, Chicago. Miss Odelia Purvis, New Verde, La. Springer -Colfax Co. Fair.Oct. 1. September 30, 1939 LISTS The Billboard 53 TENNESSEE Palestine -AndersonCo.Fair(TexasFruit Taos -Taos Co. Fair.Sept. 29-30. Hillsboro -HighlandCo.Fair. Sept.27-30. Sept. 25- Palace).Oct. 9-14.C. 0. Miller Jr. First week C. H. Stevenson. Bolivar-Hardeman Co. Fair Assn. 12-14. Tucumcari-Quay Co. Fair Assn. Oct.11- 3d. Z. F. Dorris. Pearsall -Winter Garden Fair. Oct. in Oct.Roy H. Smith. Lancaster -Fairfield Co. Agrl. Soc. FairAssn. Don M. Sanders. Willard'orrance Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 4-6. 14.Russell W. Alt, Baltimore, 0. Bolivar-Hardeman Co.Colored Pittsburg -Northeast Texas Fair.Oct.4-7. Marvin R. Jones. Loudonville -Loudonville Agrl. Soc.Oct. 3-5. Oct.5-7. W. B. Hunt, Grand Junction, Charles Bernhard Jr. Tenn. Hardy Moody. NEW YORK Brownsville -Haywood Co. Colored Fair Assn.Richmond -Rosenberg -Fort BendCo.Fair Sept. 25-29.Mount Gilead -Morrow Co. Agri. Assn.Sept. Assn.Oct. 6-8.C. I. Snedecor, Richmond. Cobleskill-Cobleskill Agrl. Soc. 27-30.0. E. Smith. Oct. 11-14.F. E. Jeffries. Wm. H. Golding. Ottawa -Putnam Co.Agri.Soc. Oct.3-7.Byrdstown -Pickett Co. Fair.Oct. 6-7.HollisSan Augustine -San Augustine Co. Fair Assn. NewYork (Flushing, L.I.) -New York Oct. 31 -Nov. 4.J. J. Mitchell. Grover A. Joseph L. Brickner. Parrett. Sherman -Red River Valley Fair.Oct. 2-7. World's Fair.Apr. 30 -Oct. 31. Randolph -RandolphAgri.Soc. Sept. 30.Camden -Benton Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 25 -Oct. Whalen,pres.; Mary Louise Jorzick,secy. 2. R. L. Davis. Frank Thompson. Palmyra -Union Agri. Soc.Sept. 27-30. W. R.P. Hamilton. Clarksviile-Montgomery Co. Colored 4-H Agrl.Silsbee -Hardin Co.Fair.Oct.11-14.J.F. Smyrna-Tri-County Ind. Agrl. Soc.Sept. 26- Weathersby. Ray Converse. 28.Harry Fitch, Moorefield, 0. Fair.Oct. 6-7.James A. 3elle. Trumansburg - Union Agrl.Soc. Oct.4-7.Somerset - Somerset Pu.mpkin Show Agrl.CottageGrove -CottageGrove CommunitySweetwater -Nolan Co.FairAssn., Midwest J. W. Tunison. Fair Assn.Oct. 13.Dan H. Snow. Expo.Oct. 24-28.George D. Barber. Assn.Sept. 27-30.R. M. Alspach. Dickson -Dickson Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 27-30.Teague - FreestoneCo.Fair.Sept.28-30. NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA Wm. J. Stringer. Ahoskie-Atlantic District Fair Assn.Oct. 10-Cherokee -Alfalfa Co. Free Fair. Oct.9-14. C. E. Buttrey. Throckmorton-Throckmorton Co. Fair.Sept. 13. J. E. Reid, Winton, N. C. Dover -Stewart Co.Fair.Oct.5-7. Mabel Albemarle-Stanly Co. Fair Assn.Oct.2-7. L. H. Stephens. Crowe. 29-30.Harold Thomas. F. B. Patterson. Enid -GarfieldCo.FreeFair.Oct.23-27.Greeneville-Ottaway Greene Co. Fair.Oct.Waco -Brazos Valley Fair & Live -Stock Show. Angier -Harnett Co. Fair.Week of Oct. 23. J. B. Hurst. 4-7.R. G. Felmet. Oct. 14-22.Harrison B. Waite. N. G. Bartlett, Kinston, N. C. Fairview -Major Co. Free Fair Assn. Oct. 17-Henderson -Chester Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 9-14.Wharton -Wharton Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 17-21. Apex -Apex Community Fair.Sept.25-30. 20.W. B. Hanly. F. H. Paschal. W. C. Copenhaver. Muskogee -Oklahoma Free State Fair.Oct.Huntingdon -Carroll Co. Fair.Oct.3-'1. J. VERMONT I.C. Hayes. 1-7.Ethel Murray Simonds. Ashboro-Randolph Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 26-30.Oklahoma City -Oklahoma State Fair & Expo. F. Walters. Londonderry -Londonderry Fair.Oct. 12. A. Waldo C. Cheek. Huntingdon -Carroll Co. Colored Fair Assn. E. Phillips. Co. Dist.Agri.Fair. Sept. 23-30.Ralph T. Hemphill. Oct. 11-14.W. A. Cox. VIRGINIA Asheville -Buncombe Pond Creek -Grant Co. Free Fair Assn.Oct.Knoxville -Tennessee Valley Agrl. & Indust.Amherst -Amherst Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 3-6. Oct. 2-7.E. W. Pearson. 10-13.James R. Childsrs, Medford, Okla. Beaufort -Carteret Fair.Oct. 9-14.Wm. L. Last week Fair.Sept. 25-30.Chas. A. Brakebill. L. H. Shrader. Hatsell. Walters -Cotton Co. Free Fair. Lawrenceburg -Lawrenceburg Co. -Middle Tenn.Bedford -Bedford Co. Fair Assn.Sept, 26-29. Burlington -Community Fair Assn.Sept. 25- in Sept. Sam Cook. Dist. Fair.Oct. 2-7.Dr. E. R. Braly. Claude J. Overstreet. 30. Dan W. Malone. OREGON Lexington -Henderson Co. Fair Assn.Sept.Charlottesville -AlbemarleAgrl. &Indust. Carthage -Moore Co. Afrl. Fair. Sept. 25-30.La Grande -Union Co. Fair Assn.Last week 25-30. A. S. Montgomery. Fair.Oct. 9-14.C. W. Cracraft. Paul H. Waddill. In Sept.W. R. Gekeler. Livingston -Overton Co. Agrl. Fair.Sept. 28-Chase City -Mecklenburg Co. Fair Assn.Oct. Charlotte -Southern States Fair.Oct. 24-28.Portland -Pacific Internat'l Live -Stock Expo. 30. Hassel B. Smith, Alpine, Tenn. 10-13.R. L. Emory. Dr. J. S. Dorton, Shelby, N. C. Oct. 7-14.0. M. Plummer. Martin - Weakley-MartinCommunityFair.Chesterfield C. H. -Chesterfield Co. Fair Assn. Charlotte -Colored Agri. State Fair.Oct. 2-7.Redmond -Deschutes Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 28- Nov. 17-18.Milburn Gardner. Oct. 12-14.W. C. Shawen, Chester. J. W. Hunter. 30.Clare L. Colegrove. Morristown -Five -County Farr.Sept.25-30.Danville -Danville Fair Assn.Oct. 10-13.H. Oct. C. Frank Davis. B. Watkins. Cherokee -Cherokee Indian Fair Assn. PENNSYLVANIA Oct.2-7. 3-6.J.L. Walters. Bloomsburg -Bloomsburg Fair. Sept.25-30.Parsons -Decatur Co.Fair Assn. Emporia -Emporia Fair.Oct. 24-28.B. M. Clinton -Sampson Co. Fair. Oct. 3-7. Norman Harry B. Correll. Cleo Spence,Decaturville. Tenn Garner. C. Rutherford - Rutherford Community Fair.Martinsville -Colored Fair.Week of Sept. 4. Y. Chambliss, Greensboro, N Ephrata -Ephrata Farmers' Day Assn.Oct. M. I. Revelle. Durham -Durham Co. Fair.Week of Oct. 2. 11-14.Fred R. Janda. Sept. 28-30. S. H. Shell. G. E. Isaacs. Manheim-Manheim Community Farm Show.Sevierville -Sevier Co. Fair.Sent. 24-30. JohnMartinsville -Henry Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 16- East Bend -Yadkin Co.Fair. Sept.26-29. Sept. 28-30.E. Allan Auld. A. McMahon. 21. 0. B. Hensley. Hovey Norman. Martinsburg -Morrison Cove Fair Assn.Oct. TEXAS Norfolk -Tidewater Agrl. Fair.Oct. 30 -Nov. Enfield -Firemen's Agrl.Fair. Sept.25-30. 26-28.Ella S. Ebersole, Curryville, Pa. Abilene -West Texas Fair.Oct.2-7. Merle 4. M. B. Hcward. George R. Ivey. Millersville -Manor Farm Fair.Sept.28-30. Gruver. Petersburg-Southside Va. Fair.Oct. 2-6.R. Anderson -Grimes Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 28-30. Willard Eanes. Fayetteville -Cumberland Co. Fair. Oct. 30 - Howard P. Sigien. Richmond -Virginia State Fair.Sept. 25-30. Nov. 4.J. A. MacKethan. Mount Joy -Mt. Joy Community Fair.Oct. Clarence Best. Gastonia -Gaston Co. Fair.Oct. 16-21.F. A. 19-21.Robert Hostetter. Angleton - Brazoria Co.Fat Stock & Fair Chas. A. Somme. Myerstown-Myerstown Community Fair Assn. Assn.Nov. 9-12.0. B. Robinson. South Boston -Halifax Co. Fair Assn. Oct. Whiteside. Bartlett -Bartlett Community Fair.Oct. 5-6. 17-21.W. W. Wilkins. Goldsboro -Wayne Co.Agri.Soc. Week of Oct. 11-13.James B. Woodford. Suffolk -Tidewater Fair Assn.Oct. 17-20. W. Oct. 16.W. C. Denmark. New Holland -New HollandFarmers'Day R. C. Ford. Fair. Oct. 16-21. Assn.Oct. 5-7.Isaac W. Cauller. Beaumont -South Texas State Fair.Oct. 26 - H. Crocker. Greensboro - Greensboro North East -North East Community Fair Assn. Nov. 4.L. B. Herring Jr. WEST VIRGINIA Norman Y. Chambliss. Bellvilbe-Austin Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 27-30.Hurricane-Tri-County Indoor Fair.Oct. 9-14. Greenville -Pitt Co. Fair.Oct. 9-14.A. J. Sept. 28-30.Mrs. Mildred Hendrickson. Wadestown-Battelle Dist.Fair Assn.Sept. Grey. Port Allegany -Port Allegany Fair.Oct. 5-7. Herbert Vogelpole. Hamlet -Richmond Co. Agri. Fair Assn.Oct. George W. Keith. Blooming Grove -Blooming Grove Fair.Sept. 27-30.Dias S. Tennant, Burton, W. Va. 2-7.Harold F. Brown. Turbotville-Turbotville Fair Assn.Oct. 5-7. 28-30.W. A. Crawford. Henderson -GoldenBeltFair. Oct.16-20. Calvin Menges, Watsontown, Bonham -Fannin Co. Fair.Sept. 26-30.J. 0. C. M. Hight. Washingtonville-Montour-Delong Fair Oct. Tate. Canada Oct. 23- 18-20. Walter J. Lewis. Bowie -Bowie Fair Alan. Oct.4-7. Major Henderson -Vance Co. Colored Fair. Yellow Creek - Northern Bedford Co. Fair Ned Horton. BRITISH COLUMBIA 28. Robert Hawkins. Brenham -Washington Co. Fair Assn.Oct.WilliamsLake -WilliamsLakeAgrl.Sec. Hickory -Catawba Fair Assn.Oct. 3-7. John Assn.Oct. 19-21. Howard F. Fox, Loysburg, Oct. 10-13.V. W. Norton. W. Robinson. Pa. 4-6.F. W. S. Zschappel. High Point -Hight Point FairAssn.Sept.York -York Interstate Fair.Oct. 3-7.JohnBryan -American Legion Free Fair.Nov..1-4. MANITOBA 25-30.A. C. Ingram. H. Rutter. Henry Ross. Plumes -Plumes AgrlSoc.Sept.29. E.A. Kinston-Lencir Co. Colored Fair.Oct. 9-14.Youngsville - YoungsvllleCommunityFairCaldwell -Burleson Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 11-14. Mellersh. Wm. M. McElrath. Assn.Aug. 23-26.Atibrey R. Brigg, M. G. Perkins. Treherne-Treherne Agrl. Soc.Sept. 27. J. R. Laurinburg-Sand Hill Fair of Scotland Co. SOUTH CAROLINA Carthage-Panola Co. Fair.Oct. 3-7.Martin Scott. Oct.10-13. Ruth McLeod,R. 1,LaurelAiken -Greater Aiken Dist. Agrl. Fair, Am. Hess. NEW BRUNSWICK Hill. N. C. Legion.Oct. 30 -Nov. 4.H. J. Warneke. Center -Shelby Co.Fair Assn. Oct.17-21. Albert -Albert Fair.Oct. 5-6.H. H. Tingley. Anderson -Anderson Fair.Oct. 30 -Nov. 4. J. Guy Cowser. Bathurst -Bathurst Fair.Oct. 10-12.Gordon Littleton -Littleton Tri-Co. Fair.Oct. 23-28. A. Mitchell. Centerville -Leon Co.Fair Assn. Oct.2-7. Moody, W. Bathurst. T. R. Walker. Anderson -Anderson Co. Colored FairAssn. Senn Bain. Chatham-Miramichi Agri. Exhn. Assn. Louisburg -Franklin Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 2-7. Nov. 7-11.J. A. Gresham. Cleburne -- Johnson Co.Fair. Sept.27-30. Sept. 25-29.H. B. McDonald. A. H. Fleming. Bishopville-Lee Co.Fair Assn. Oct.23-28. J.T. Webster. Elgin -Elgin Fair.Oct.4. Chesley Steeves. Lumbertcn-Robeson Co.Fair.Sept. 26-29. M. B. McCutchen. Clifton - Central Texas Fair. Sept.28-30.Hopewell Hill -Hopewell Hill Fair.Oct. 3.0. R. A. Hedgpeth. Bowman -Bowman Community Fair.Week of D. C. Holverson. A. Milton, Hopewell Cape, N. B. Mocksville-Davie Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 19-21. Conroe -Montgomery Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 2-7.Rexton-RextonFair. Oct.4. ColinBell, P. S. Young. Nov. 13.George W. Oliver. Sept. 25-30.Brunson -Hampton Co. Fair Assn.Thanks- Oscar B. Jones. Bell's Mills, N. B. Monroe -Union Co. Pair Assn. giving week.W. F.Hogarth. Cooper -Delta Co. Fair.Sept..28-30. RubeUpper Loch Lomond -Upper Loch Lomond M. W. Williams. Camden -Kershaw Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 9-14. S. Wells. Fair.Oct. 5.Alex F. Johnston. Mount Holly -River Bend Fair.Sept. 25-30. D. J. Creed. Corsicana - Corsicana Live Stock & Agrl. F. W. Melette. Oct. 3-7.R. W. Knight. NEWFOUNDLAND Sept. 26-30.Central -Pickens Co. Fair.Oct. 9-14.L. S. Show. St. John's-All-Nfld. Agrl. Exhn.Oct. 10-20. Murphy -Cherokee Co. Fair Assn. Griffin. Crockett - Houston Co. Fair & Live -Stock Arena Rink Co., Ltd., Arthur Johnson. A. Q. Ketner. Charleston -Charleston Agrl. & Indust. Fair. Show.Oct. 23-28.S. W. Mims. Raleigh -North Carolina State Fair.Oct. 10- Week of Oct. 23. Emmons S. Welch. Dallas -State Fair of Texas.Oct. 7-22.Roy NOVA SCOTIA 14. J.S. Dorton, Shelby, N. C. Rupard. Little Brook -Little Drook Exhn. Oct.3-4. FairAssn. Oct.2-7.Cheraw -Chesterfield Co. Fair.Oct. 30 -Nov. Arnaud S. Comeau. Reidsville -Reidsville 4.A. Bloomfield. Denton -Denton Co. Fair.Oct.3-7. 0.L. Aaron Weinstein. Chester -Chester Co. Colored Fair Assn.Oct. Fowler. Yarmouth -Yarmouth Co.Agri. Soc Sept. Reidsville - Bi-CountyColoredAgrl.Fair. 23-28. Wayman Johnson. Eastland -Eastland Co, Fair Assn.Sept. 28- 27-29.E. L. Crosby. Week of Oct. 9.R. L. Hannon. 30.H. J. Tanner. ONTARIO Rocky Mount -Rocky Mount Fair.Oct. 24-28.Clio -Clio Fair.Oct. 23-28.J.E. McQueen.Emory -Rains Co. Free Fair.Oct. 12-14.LeoAberfoyle-Aberfoyle Agrl. Soc.Oct: 3-4. Norman Y. Chambliss, Greensboro, N. C. Columbia -South Carolina StateFair.' Oct. Edwards. Abingdon -AbingdonAgrl. Soc. Oct.6-7. Salisbury -Rowan Co. Fair.Oct. 9-14.Nor- 16-21.P. V. Moore. Ennis -EllisCo.FairAssn. Sept.26-30. George Nicholls, Caistor Centre. man Y. Chambliss, Greensboro, N. C. Conway-HorryCo.FairAssn. Oct.9-14 George Ledbetter. Alvinston-Alvinston Agrl. Soc.Oct. 4-5.W. Sanford -Lee Co. Fair.Sept. 25-30.D. F. (tentative).Chas. R. Scarborough. Franklin -RobertsonCo. FairAssn. Sept. J. Weed. Harris Jr. Dillon -Dillon Co. Fair.Oct. 17-21.,Toe Ca - 27-30.V. M. Harris. Arthur -Arthur Agrl. Soc.Sept. 27-28. W. Shelby -ClevelandCo.Fair. Sept.26-30. bell Davis. Giddings -Lee Co.Fair Assn.Sept.28-30. J.S. Dorton. Florence -Pee Dee FairAssn. Oct.24-28. M. F. Kieke. AljaitnElmolirse-Roxborough Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28- Shelby -Cleveland Co. Negro Fair.Oct. 4-7. Wm. B. Douglas. Gonad - GolladCo.Fair. Oct.31 -Nov.3. 29. E. M. Miller. Rev. A. W. Foster. Greenville -Greenville Co. Fair. Oct. 23-28.C. Walter L. Bluntzer. Ayton-Ayton Agri.Soc. Oct.6-7. J.W. Smithfield -Johnston CO. Fair.Nov. 6-11.J. A. Herlong, Greer. S. C. Gonzales -Gonzales Co. Fair & Pecan Expo. er. W. Whitehead. Greenville -Greenville Co. Colored Fair Assn. Oct. 24-28.J. M. (Tex) Wilson: BarW.River -N. Shore Agri. Soc.Sept. 27.G. Spring Hope -Nash Co. Fair. Week of Oct. 2. Oct.16-21. J.P. Chappell. Graham -North Central District Fair.Sept. G. Fremlin. Hobart Brantley. Greenwood -Greenwood Co. Farr.Oct. 16-21. 26-30.Glenn Burgess. Bayfield-Bayfield Agrl. Soc.Sept. 27-28. A. E. B. Henderson. Harlingen -Valley Midwinter Fair.Jan. 23-28. E Irwin. Statesville-Iredell Co. Agri. Fair.Sept. 25-Kingstree -Williamsburg Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 30. George Nee. Sidney Kring. Beeton-Beeton Agri. Soc.Oct. 3-4.F.C. Warrenton -Warren Co. Fair Assn. Week of 2-7.H. C. Crawford. Haskell -Central West Texas Fair Assn.Oct. Pierson. Oct. 2.R. H. Bright. Lake View -Lake View Community Fair.Nov. 18-21.M. P. Vannoy. Belmont -Belmont Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28.E. L. Warsaw-Duplin Co. Agri.Fair. Nov.6-11. 6-11.W. Jesse Ford. Henderson -Rusk Co. Fair.Oct. 2-7.J. W. Taylor. R. D. Johnson. Loris -Loris Fair Assn. Oct. 24-28.J. H. Yon. Harris. Blackstock-Cartwright Agri. Soc.Oct.4-5. Washington -Beaufort Co.FairAssn. Oct.Manning -Clarendon Co. Fair. Oct. 23-28.H:Houston -Houston Fat Stock Show & Live - Jas. Byers. 9-14. Frazier T. McDevett. C. Crawford, Kingstree, S. C. Stock Expo.March 23-31.W. 0. Cox. Bohcaygeon-Verulem Agri. Soc.Sept. 29-30. Weldon -Halifax Co. Fair.Week of Oct.2. Mullins -Marion Co. Fair.Oct,.16-20.C. L.Houston - TexasStateExpo. Oct. 13-22. Thos. H. Henderson. N. G. Bartlett, Kinston, N. C. Schofield. W. J. Wile. Bolton -Albion & Bolton Agrl. Soc.Oct. 13- Williamston-Williamston Fair. Sept.26-30.Newberry -Newberry Co. Fair.Oct. 30 -Nov. 4.Huntsville -Walker Co. Fair Assn.Nov. 7-11. 14.Dr. W. T. McCabe. Norman Y. Chambliss, Greensboro, N. C. J. P. Moon. John Baldwin. Bonfield -Bonfield Agrl. Soc.Sept. 27.Mrs. Orangeburg -Orangeburg Co. Fair Assn.Oct. Loretta Seguin. Wilmington -Coastal Fair. Oct.16-21.Wm. Iowa Park -Wichita Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 27- Sept. 27-28. T. A. Peschau. 24-28.J. M. Hughes. 30.Mrs. R. E. Van Horr.. Bradford -Bradford Agrl. Soc. Wilson -Wilson Co. Fair.Oct. 16-21.W. H.Orangeburg -OrangeburgCo.ColoredFair.Jasper -Jasper Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 17-21. R. E. Bell. Dunn. Oct. 10-13.W. C. Lewis. W. Curtis. Brigden-Moore Agri.Soc. Oct.3. W.J. Winston -Salem -Winston-Salem & Forsyth Co.Owings -Mt. Carmel Fair.Oct. 11-14.A. N.Lagrange -Fayette Co. Fair Assn.Nov. 9-12. Manley. Fair.Oct. 3-'7.G. C. McNair. Saxon. G. A. Koenig. Brussels -E. Huron Agrl.Soc. Sept.29-30. Woodland-Roanoke-Chowan Fair.Oct. 9-14.Rock Hill -York Co. Fair.Oct. 24-28.MissLamesa-Dawson Co. Fair Assn.Oct.12-14. Dan McTavish. T. R. Walker, Littleton, N. C. F. M. Powell. A. G. Bearden. Caledonia -Caledonia Agrl.Soc. Oct.12-14. Zebulon-Five-County Fair.Oct. 9-14.E. D.St.George -Dorchester Colored FairAssn.Liberty -Liberty Co. Fair Assn.Oct.12-14. W. S. Hudspeth. Gill. Oct. 23-28.L. R. Brown. Max Karkowski. Carp -Carp Agri.Soc. Sept.29-30. A.E. OHIO Saluda -Saluda Co. Fair.Oct. 10-14.M. A.Linden -Cass Co. Fair.Sept. 26-30.W. D. Cavanagh. Carson. Chatsworth -Holland Agrl. Soc.Oct. 5-6. A. Attica -Attica Fair.Sept.27-29. CarlB. Berry. D. McColeman. Carpenter. Spartanburg -Spartanburg FairAssn. Oct.Livingston -Polk Co. Fair Oct.2-7. Collingwood-Nottawasaga & Great Northern Sept.28-29. 9-14. John P.Fielder. Lockhart -Caldwell Co. Fair Assn.Oct. 16-21. Barlow -BarlowAgrl.Assn. Sumter --Sumter Co. Fair Assn. Oct.10-13. Exhn.Sept. 28-30.0. G. Bernhardt. C. E. Lawton. George H. Chapman. Cookstown -Cookstown Agrl.Soc. Oct.5-6. Soc. Oct. 18-20 J. Cliff Brown. Lubbock -Panhandle South Plains Fair. Sept. Bluffton -Bluffton Agrl. Oct. 17-21. A. T. J. Dawson. (tentative).Harry F. Barnes. Union -Union Co. Fair Assn. 25-30.A. B. Davis. Courtland-Middleton Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28.J. Carrollton -Carroll Co. Agri. Soc.Sept. 27-30. M. Vick. Lufkin -Texas Forest Festival.Oct. 9-14. M. G. Burnett. T. W. Blazer, Dellroy, 0. Walterboro-Colleton Co. Fair Assn.Nov. 1-4. D. Abernathy. Circleville--Pickaway Co. Agrl. Soc. (Pumpkin E.E.Jones. McKinney -Collin Co. Fair Assn.Sept. 26-29.Demorestville-Demorestville Agri. Soc.Oct. Show).Oct. 18-21.Mack Parrett Jr. Woodruff -Woodruff Fair Assn.Oct. 2-7.R. W. Hammond Moore. 4. W. Rightmeyer, R. R.8,Piston. Ind.Fair. L. Robinson. Marfa-Highland Fair Assn.Oct. 5-7.R. I.Dorchester Station -Dorchester Agrl. Soc. Oct. Columbus Grove -Putnam-Allen Oct. L. A. Dec.19-22.T. M. Teegardin. York -York Co.Fair. 16-21. Bledsoe. 4. B. R. Barr. Coshocton -Coshocton Co. Agrl. Soc.Oct. 3-7. Wright. Marshall -Central East Texas Fair.Sept. 25-Drayton -Peel & Drayton Agrl. Soc.Oct. 3-4. C. V. Croy, Dresden, 0. York -York Co. Colored Fair Assn. Oct. 16-21. 30. John Brogoitti. Frank Brandon. Georgetown -Brown Co. Agri. Soc.Oct. 4-6. L. A. Wright, Clover, S. C. New Boston -Bowie Co. Fair Assn.First weekDungannon -Dungannon Agri. Soc.Oct. 5-6. E.A.Quinlan. SOUTH DAKOTA in Oct.M. E. Melton, Texarkana. Ark. -Tex. C. W. Alton. Hamilton -'Butler Co. Agri. Soc.Sept. 26-30.Mitchell -Corn Palace Festival.Sept, 25-30.Orange -Orange Co. Fair Assn.Oct.16-21.Erin -Erin Agrl. Soc.Oct. 8-9.W. F. Mc- John W. Cochran. Dyer H. Campbell. Frank Clark. Enery. 54 The Billboard LISTS September 30, 1939

Fairground -Fairground Agrl. Soc.Oct. 3. Lucknow-Lucknow Agri.Soc. Sept.28-29.Picton-Picton Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28-29.F. J.Utterson-Stephenson & WattAgrl.Soc. Feversham-Osprey Agrl. Soc. Oct. 3-4. Jos. Agnew. Webster. Sept. 27-28.Fred R. Bray. George W. Ross, Maxwell. McDonalds Corners -DalhousieAgrl. Soc.Port Elgin -N. Bruce Agri. Soc.Sept. 28-29. Florence -Florence Agri. Soc.Sept. 28-29.F. Sept. 28-29.Wm. Anderson. Wallacetown-W. Elgin Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28-29. S. Bodkin. Robert Scott. S. Turville. Madoc-Madoc Agrl.Soc.Oct.3-4. W. J.Ramona -Ramona Agri. Soc.Sept. 27. Walsh -Walsh Agrl. Soc.Oct. 7. Forest -Forest Agrl. Soc.Oct. 10-11.W. W. Hill. Ridgetown-Howard Agri. Soc.Oct. 3-5.J.Warkworth-Percy Tp. Agrl. Soc.Oct. 5-6. Kemp. Markham -Markham Fair.Oct. 5-7.R. H. D. Brien. Dr. H. S. Allen. Georgetown-Esquesing Agri. Soc.Sept. 27-28. Crosby. Rockton-Rockton Agrl. Soc.Oct. 7 and 9.Welland -Welland Co. Agri. Soc.Sept. 28-30. 0. Lirch. Markdale-Markdale Agri.Soc. Oct.10-11. Wm. Y. Wood. A. A. Marshall. Russell Freeman. Rodney -Rodney Fair.Oct. 2-3.J. A. Mc-Wilkesport-Wilkesport Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28. Gorrie--Gorrie Agrl. Soc.Oct. 6-7. Marmora-Marmora Agri. Soc.Oct. 16-17. H. Lean. Grand Valley -E. Luther Agrl. Soc.Sept. 29- W. Sabine. Wingham-Turnberry Agrl. Soc.Sept. 27-28. 30.Willis Rounding. Roseneath-Roseneath Agrl. Soc.Oct. 12-13. H. L. Sherbondy. Merlin -Raleigh & Tilbury Agrl. Soc.Oct. 11- C. W. Varcee. Woodbridge -Woodbridge Agri.Soc. Oct.7 Highgate -Orford Agrl. Soc.Oct. 6-7. Merton 12. Lewis W. King. St. Marys -S. Perth Agrl. Soc.Oct. 5-6.H. and 9.N. George Wallace. S. Scott. Millbrook-Millbrook Agri. Soc.Sept. 28-29. B. Mossip. Wooler-Wooler Agri. Soc.Sept. 28-29.Roy Hoistein-Egremont Agri.Soc. Sept.28-29. J. N. McGill. Sarnia Reserve -Agri. Soc.Sept. 29.Arthur Putnam. Clarence Fenton. Milton -Halton Agrl. Soc.Sept. 29-30.E. M. W. Maness, Sarnia. Wyoming-Plympton & Wyoming Agrl.Soc. Ilderton-London Tp.Agri.Soc. Sept.27. Readhead. Simcoe-Norfolk Co. Agri. Soc.Oct. 3-6.W. Sept. 27-28.W. R. Mills. E. Douglas. Moraviantown Reserve -Moravian Agrl.Soc. B. Durward. QUEBEC Ingersoll -Ingersoll Agrl.Soc. Sept.28-29. Oct. 16-20.Johnson Huff, Bothwell, Ont. SixNations Reservation-OhswekenAgrl. George F. Janes. Mt.Brydges-CaradocAgrl,Soc. Oct.3. Soc.Oct. 10-12.Arthur Anderson, Ohswe-Shawville-Pontlac Co. Agri. Soc. No. 1.Sept. Jarvis -Jarvis Agri. Soc.Sept. 28-29.George Thos. Green. ken. 28-30.R. W. Hodgins. L. Miller. Muncey-United Indian Agri. Soc.Sept. 27.South River-Machar Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28-29. Kagawong-Billings Agrl.Soc. Sept.28-29. Leland Miskokomon. F. W. Hocking. Chas. Robertson, Ice Lake. Neustadt--Normanby Agrl. Soo.Sept. 29-30.Strathroy-Strathroy Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28-30. Foreign Kilsyth-KilsythAgrl.Soc. Sept. 27-28. A. J. Hessel. John N. Ratcliffe. Ernest Fleming, R. R. 5, Tara. Norwood -E. Peterboro Agrl. Soc.Oct. 10-11.errreetsville-Toronto Tp. Agrl. Soc.Oct. 3-4. FRANCE R. A. Dean. W. C. Andrew. Lille -Pan -European Expo. of Social Progress. Kirkton-KirktonAgri.Soc. Sept.28-29.Odessa -Odessa Agrl. Soc.Sept. 28-29. A.Tara -Tara Agrl. Soc.Oct. 4-5.James F. May 15 -Oct. 15. Hugh Berry, Woodham. M. Fraser, R. R. 3, Kingston. Young. HAWAII Langton -N. Walsingham Agrl. Soc.Sept. 30.Owen Sound -Owen Sound Agrl. Soc.Sept.Teeswater-TeeswaterAgrl.Soc. Oct.3-4.Kahului -Main Co.Fair.Oct.12-14. Mrs. C. W. Slaght. 30 -Oct.3. Otto Johann. Alex. B. McKague. Myrtle Whitman. Leamington -Leamington Dist. Agri. Se:C. Sept.Parkhill -Parkhill Agrl. Soc.Sept.29. L.Tiverton -Tiverton Agri. Soc.Oct. 2-3.S. A. SWITZERLAND 25-30. Emma Atkins. Turner. Cameron. Zurich -Swiss Natl. Expo.May 6 -Oct. 29.

ALABAMA SOUTH DAKOTA Montgomery -A. F. & A. Masons.Dec. 5.G. Rapid City -Farmers' Union ofS.D.Oct. T. Smith, Masonic Temple. 9-12. P.G. Erickson, ARIZONA 200 Strand Bldg., Phoenix -State Farm Bureau Fed. Nov. 17-18. Sioux Falls. D. E. Edwards, Mesa, Ariz. CONVENTIONS TENNESSEE ARKANSAS Jackson -StateFiremen'sAssn. Oct.4-6. Little Rock -State Farm Bureau Fed. Nov. -. J.J.Martin, Fire Hdqrs., Nashville. W. Frasier. Johnson City -State Farm Bureau Fed. Nov. Rogers -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct.23-24.Prestonburg-Order of Odd Fellows. Oct. 2-4.Portsmouth -Knights Templar.Oct. 3.J. M. 9.J. F. Porter, Columbia, Tenn. R. S. Whitlock, Bentonville, Ark. Wm. Davies, 511 W. 6th st., Lexington. Dresser, 44 S. Main st., Concord, N. H. Nashville -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct. 16-17. CALIFORNIA LOUISIANA Wilton -Order of Red Men.Oct.5. W. M. W. Nelson. Chico -P. of H., State Grange.Oct.17-19.New Orleans -Southeastern Florist Assn. Nov. Thomas, 39 Pine st., Peterborough, N. H. Nashville -P. of H., State Grange.Oct. 11-12. G. Sehlmeyer, Sacramento. 6-8. R. E. Mapes, Box 116. Knoxville, Tenn. NEW JERSEY Mrs. H. Davis, Greeneirille, Tenn. Eureka -Orderof Odd Fellows.Oct.9-11.New Orleans - JuniorOrder.Oct.26. H.Atlantic City -P ^` H., State Grange.Dec. TEXAS M. H. Ludlow, Box 489, San Francisco. Alcantara. 5-6. Three Bridges. N. J. Big Spring -Odd Fellows' Encampment.Oct. Monterey -State Firemen's Assu.Sept. 25-28. MAINE Atlanta_ Soc.Dec. 5-7.A. 11-12.W. R. Francis, Ft. Worth. H. E.Strasser, Box 513. Beaumont, Calif.Biddeford -Order of Red Men.Sept. 28. H. J. Farley, New Brunswick. Dallas -Fire Chiefs' Assn. Oct. 16. S. Hansen. Oakland -National Inventors' Congress.Dec. S. Seal, Portland, Me. Elizabeth -Junior Order.Oct.12-13. R. C.Ft. Worth -36th Div. Reunion of Tex. -Okla. 5-7. Lewiston -Odd Fellows' 'Encampment. Oct. 17. Walker,1 W. State st., Trenton. Oct. 6-8.D. J. Matthews, 118 E. Travis st., San Diego -State Farm Bureau Fed. Nov. 6-8. H. T. Stimson, 25A Forest ave., Portland. Newark -29th Div. Assn. of N. J.Oct. 12-15. San Antonio. F. Lindley. Lewiston -Order of Odd Fellows. Oct.18. H. J. Lepper, Box 29, E. Orange, N. J. Ft.Worth -State FraternalCongresS.Nov. LE. Leonard, 25A Forest ave., Portland. 7-8. SanFrancisco -AmericanRabbit & CavyPortland -State Poultry Assn.Dec. 13-15.G. NEW MEXICO Mrs. Ora Baldwin, 2207 Market st. Breeders' Assn. Nov. 3-9.Mrs. Dorothy Bay- T. Adams, Kennebunkport, Me. Gallup -F. & A. Masons.Oct. 16-18.A. A.Waco -A. F. & A. Masons.Dec. 6-7.G. H. liss, Box 504, Hayward, Calif. Portland -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. 4-6. Keen, Box 535, Albuquerque, N. M. Belew, Box 446. San Francisco -F. & A. Masons.Oct. 10-13. F. A. Richardson, Strong, Me. Santa Fe -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct. 9-10. UTAH John Whicher, Masonic Temple. L. A. Wright, 604 Hinkle st.,Clovis, N. M.Salt Lake City -State Farm Bureau Fed. Nov. COLORADO MASSACHUSETTS -. T. It. Welling. NEW YORK Pueblo -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct.17-19.Boston-AASR Supreme Council,33' N. Ma- VERMONT R. D. Shattuck, 1751 Champs st., Denver. sonic Jurisdiction.Sept. 26-28.C. H. Spil-Binghamton -State Assn. of Magicians.Oct.St. Albans -P. of H., State Grange. Oct. 18- CONNECTICUT man, 1117 Statler Bldg. 13-14.J. E. Kelley, 7 St. John ave. 20. Mary E. Priest, Randolph, Vt. Bristol -Odd Fellows' Encampment.Oct.17. Boston -OrderofRedMen. Oct. 17-19.New York -American Dahlia Soc.Sept.26- C. A. Hayes. 18 Boylston st. 27. C. L. Ailing, 251 Court st., West Haven, VIRGINIA W. S. Hutchinson. New Haven, Conn. Boston -StateVeteran Fellows'Assn. Alexandria -Knights of Pythias. Oct.10-12. Milford -State Pomological Soc. & Fruit Show. Odd Conn. G. C. Cabell, 303 Monticello Arcade, Norfolk. Dec. -.H. C. Miles. Oct. 31.G. L. Dalloff, Winchester. Nev York-Natl. Canvas Goods Mfrs.' Assn. Boston -State Hort. Soc. Nov. 9-11.E. Far- Oct.9-13. J.E.McGregor,224 EndicottLynchburg -Junior Order. Oct. 19. E.A. New Haven -New England Awning & Tent rington,300 Massachusetts ave. bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Chalkley, West Point, Va. Mfrs. Assn.Nov. 13-14.H. J. Scantlebury,Pittsfield -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. 12-13. Richmond -R. A. Masons,Oct. 24-25. 11 N. Washington st., Boston. New York -Premium Adv. Assn. of Amer. Oct.Winchester -P. of H., State Grange. Oct. 26- Waterbury -State Grotto Assn.Sept.. 29-30. E. W. Stone, Auburn, Mass. 1-6.Howard W. Dunk, 500 Fifth ave. 27. M. Turner, Herndon, Va. W. H. Mordo, 215 N. Elm st. Springfield -OrderofRed Men.Oct. 14. New York -Intl. AllianceBillposters,Billers DELAWARE E. H. Holden, Amherst, Mass. & Distributors of U. S. and Can. Week of WASHINGTON Dover -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. 12-13. MICHIGAN Oct. 2.Wm. McCarthy, 821 Longacre Bldg.Tacoma -Knights of Pythias.Oct. 2-4.A. R. H. C. Johnson, Smyrna, Del. E. Lansing -State Farm Bureau Fed. Nov. 10-New York -National Horse Show Assn, Nov. Metz, Box 548, Olympia, Wash. 11.C. L. Brody, Lansing. 4-11. J. S. Wise, 120 Broadway. Wilmington -KnightsofPythias. Oct.20. New York-Natl. Assn. of Amusement Parks, WEST VIRGINIA Geo. A. Souder, 906 West st. Grand Rapids -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct. Parkersburg -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct. 10. Wilmington -F. & A. Masons. Oct. 4.G. T. 17.F. Rogers, Lansing. Pools and Beaches.Dec. 4-8.A. R. Hodge, A. J. Wilkinson, Huntington, W. Va. Macklin, Bridgeville, Del. Grand Rapids -State Hort. Soc.Dec. 5-7.H. 201 N. Wells Bldg., Chicago. Wheeling -A. F. & A. Masons. Wilmington -Order of Odd Fellows. Nov. 15. D. Hootman, E. Lansing. Syracuse -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. 12-15. Oct. 11-12. H. E. Downing. Lansing -State Farm Equipment Assn. Dec. Harold Stanley, Skaneateles, N. Y. WISCONSIN 12-14.S. E. Larsen, 653 Otillia st., S. E., NORTH DAKOTA Janesville -Odd Fellows' Encampment.Oct. GEORGIA Grand Rapids. 17-18.Jas. A. Fathers. 31. F. Biamarck-Tri-State Florists' Assn.Oct. 22- Macon -F. & A.Masons.Oct. F. Traverse City -P. of H., State Grange.Oct. '14.Ben Seibrecht, Aberdeen, S. D. CANADA Baker. 26-27.C. H. Bramble, Lansing. IDAHO OHIO Toronto, Ont.-United Farmers of Ont. Nov. Idaho Falls -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct. 16- MINNESOTA Cincinnati -Knights of Pythias.Sept. 25-27. -. H. H. Hannam. 19.P. F. Horne, Box 371, Caldwell, Ida. Brainerd -P. of H., State Grange. Oct. 17-19. E.E.Coriell,161S.Mainst.,Bowling Idaho Falls -P. ofH.,State Grange.Oct. Miss M. E. Thompson, Lansing, Minn. Green,0. Minneapolis -StateHort.Soc.Nov.14-16.Cincinnati -American Fed. of Labor.Oct. 2- 24-26. F. G. Harland, Box 211, Caldwell, It. S. Mackintosh, Univ. Farm, St. Paul. Ida. 14. Frank Morrison,A.F.of L.Bldg., Dog Shows I ILLINOIS St. Paul -KnightsofPythias.Oct. 2-4. Washington, D. C. Chicago -American Legion. Sept. 25-28. Frank H. H. Schultz, 1227 Hennepin ave., Minne-Columbus -F. & A. Masons. Oct. 18-19. H. S. E. Samuel, 777 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, apolis. Johnson, Masonic Temple, Cincinnati. Ind. St. Paul -State Nurserymen's Assn.Dec. -.Columbus -State Farm Bureau Fed. Nov. 23-These Dates Are for a Five -Week Period Chicago -American Farm Bureau Fed. Dec. R. N. Ruedlinger, 2929 Colfax ave., S., Min- 24. M. Lincoln. 4-7.R. W. Blackburn, 58 E. Washington st. neapolis. Columbus -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. 12- CALIFORNIA Chicago -American Cosmeticians' Natl. Assn.St. Paul -American Legion Post Commanders 13. W. F. Kirk. Los Angeles -Oct. 15.Ken Walton, 1215 West Oct.2-4. Frances Martell,127N. Dear- and Adjutants of Minn.Nov. 3-4.C. A. OKLAHOMA Blvd. born st. Zwiener. Chickasha -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. '1-8. CONNECTICUT Chicago -Knights Templar.Oct.7-9. Edw. MISSOURI M. E. Siebert. Waterbury -Oct.22. Mrs. Verna MacPhee, A. Glad, 2410 N. Kedzie ave. Carthage -KnightsofPythias.Oct.10-11.Lawton -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct.17-18. Chicopee Falls, Mass. Danville -Order of Red Men.Oct.2-3. L. Edwin Ettinger, 3507 Pine st..St. Louis. Oscar Jones. DELAWARE Haney, Annex Bldg., Herrin, Ill. Kansas City -Order of Odd Fellows. Nov. 24-Oklahoma City -State Livestock Assn. Nov. 17.Wilmington -Oct. 14.Foley, Inc., 2009 Ran - Peoria -Knights of Pythias.Sept. 26-27. J. L. 25. A. S. Lister, 1811 Westport road. C. Roberts. stead st., Philadelphia, Pa. Kent, 708 Bradley ave. Moberly -P. of H., State Grange. Oct. 24-26.Oklahoma City -Knights Templar. Nov. -. J. INDIANA Peoria -National Grange. Nov.15-24. Harry C. W. Evans, Cairo, Mo. Sinex. Indianapolis -Oct.22. Leonne Brown, 3351 A. Caton, Coshocton, 0. Moberly - OddFellows'Encampment. Oct. OREGON Guilford ave. Springfield -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct. 17- 9-10.W. L. Long, Box 345, Joplin, Mo. Hood River -State Hort. Soo.Dec. 6-7.0. T. MAINE 18. T. P. Fields, 115 W. Monroe st. St. Louis -State Outdoor Adv. Assn. Nov. 28- McWhorter, Oregon College, Corvallis, Ore.Portland -Oct. 14.H. A. Davis, Box 1895. Sterling -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. 11-13. 29. G. Olendorf, Springfield. Portland -KnightsofPythias. Oct.9-10. MARYLAND C. W. Kleckner, 521 Summer st., Rockford,St. Louis -State Fraternal Congress. Oct. 19- W. G. Gleason. 918 S. W. Yamhill st. Baltimore --Oct. 7.Foley, Inc. Ill. 20. Miss Anna Kampmann, 4 N. 8th st. MONTANA PENNSYLVANIA MASSACHUSETTS INDIANA Bozeman -State Farm Bureau Fed. Boston -Oct.8. T.E. Kamp, Bridgewater, Indianapolis -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct. 11- Nov. -.Chambersburg-P. of H., State Grange.Dec. Mass. 12. H. E. Roesener, 1208 IOOF Bldg. Mrs. F. Wyatt. 12-13. K. Bagshaw, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Indianapolis -Order of Red Men.Oct. 17-18. NEBRASKA Erie -State Firemen's Assn.Oct. 3-6.C. E. MICHIGAN E. C. Harding, 617 Ind. Trust Bldg. Fremont -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct. 17-19. Clark, Box 217, Wayne, Pa. Detroit -Oct.15. Mrs. Robt, Vaughn, 4849 La Fayette -State Poultry Assn.Sept. 27-29. E. S. Davis, Box 367, North Platte, Neb. Philadelphia -316th Infantry Assn.Sept. 30. Maplewood st. W. Kohlmeyer. Kearney -State Vol. Firemen's Assn. Oct. 17- R. A. Cullen, 1829 Cobbs Creek Parkway. Lansing -Oct. 29.A. W. Bow, 2806 12th st., 19. L. A. Novak, Norfolk, Neb. Detroit. South Bend -Knights of Pythias.Oct.3-5. Pittsburgh -StateFraternalCongress.Nov. MISSOURI C. RMitchell,1006 Ind. Pythian Bldg.,Omaha -R. & S. M. & R. A. Masons. Dec. 5-6. 2-3. H. B. Meixel, 1626 Arch st., Pnitadelphia.St. Louis -Oct. 8.Mrs. M. E. English, 2136 Indianapolis. L. E. Smith, 401 Masonic Temple. Sunbury -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct.18-19. Crescent st. IOWA NEW HAMPSHIRE G. H. Banes, 1516 N. 16th st., Philadelphia. Des Moines -State Horticultural Soc. Nov. 15-Keene -P. M., Order of Odd Fellows.Sept. RHODE ISLAND NEVADA 27.Major K. S. Quimby, 26 Mead st., Man- of Reno -Oct. 8.Mrs. A. Haddock. 17.R.S.Herrick, State House. Pawtucket -Order Red Men. Oct.28. NEW YORK Muscatine -Order of Red Men.Oct.10-11. chester, N. H. Jams Monroe. 175 Althea st.,Providence. A. J. Danielson, Box 194, Des Moines. Manchester -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. 12-Providence -P. of H., State Grange.Dec. 13-Buffalo -Oct. 29.Harry J.Brogan, 362E. 14.J. A. Hammond, Laconia, N. H. 14. Utica st. KANSAS F. J. Kennedy, Greene, R. I. Flushing, L. I. -Oct. 21.Pearl H. Wiegert. Kansas City -Reunion 35th Div. Assn.Oct NORTH CAROLINA 19-21.M. Weed, Kansas, 8th & Armstrong Asheville -Oct.19-20. J.Kemps, Box 229, sts. Enka, N. C. Manhattan -State Farm Bureau.Nov.6-9. Inthe Convention List appear only the dates of those meetings which we feel are Charlotte -Oct.16-17. Edgar A.Moss, 808 Mrs. J. K. Smith, Box 392. of interest to the amusement industry.In this category we place, besides the strictly Summit ave., Greensboro. Neodesha -P. of H., State Grange. Dec. 11-13. amusement and allied organizations, the following groups: Durham -Oct.12. H.R.Rosenthal,care R. M. Ferris, Osage City, Kan. American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled Veterans and other Veteran Martin Jewelry Co. Newton -Order of Odd Fellows.Oct.10-12. Greensboro -Oct.11. EdgarA.Moss,808 W. J. Russell, 117 W. 6th ave.. Topeka. organizations, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias,Elks, Knights Templars, Junior Order Summit ave. Wakeeney-State Farmers'Ecluci. & Co -Op. United American Mechanics, Eagles, Shriners, Red Men, Sons of American Revolution, OHIO Union.Oct.25-28. Pauline Cowger, Box Woodmen of the World, Masons, Moose, Knights of Columbus, Horticulture Societies, Cleveland -Oct. 1.Mrs. Fred C. Ray, 3303 E. 296, Salina. Farm and Home organizations,Live -Stock Associations, Poultry Breeders, Boards of 93d st. KENTUCKY Cleveland -Oct.29. Foley.Inc.,2009 Ran - Louisville -F. & A. Masons. Oct. 17-19. Agriculture, Florist groups, Patrons of Husbandry, State Granges, Firemen and Outdoor stead st., PhCadelphia, Pa. A.E. Orton, 200 Shubert Bldg. Advertising Associations. PENNSYLVANIA Louisville -State Dahlia Soc. Oct. 7-8. W. H. Devon -Sept. 30.Foley, Inc., 2009 Ranstead Swift. If st., Phila. September 30, 1939 LISTS The Billboard 55 a long way together, having started as Reading -Oct. 8.Foley, Inc., 2009 RansteadSt. Louis -Auto Show.Oct. 22-27. entertainments of every kind to be re- st., Philadelphia. tienath-Danklin Co. CommunityFair. Sept.sumed in neutralareas, meaning theexhibition skaters playing rinks of all SOUTH CAROLINA 25-30. Business Men's Club. smaller towns in the North and Mid-sizes in every location. Their startling Charleston -Oct. 14.Edgar A. Moss, 808 Sum- MONTANA lands.In accordance with this, certainroutines took them to the stage, where mit ave., Greensboro, N. C. Billings -Fair & Jr. Fat Stock Show.Oct. they played in all the most popular show - TEXAS 23-25. rinks have now resumed daily operationhouses in the country. After many suc- Ft. Worth -Oct. 7-8.H. G. Cox, 3412 Hamil- NEBRASKA but evening sessions must finishat ton Drive. Alliance -Fall Festival.Oct. 28. E V. Black.9 o'clock in most towns, conseqeuntly thecessful years in this country, the Van Galveston -Oct. 18-19.Foley, Inc., 2009 Ran -Gothenburg -Harvest Festival.Oct. 5-6.Eu-session here is now 6 to 9 p.m. London,Horns had the honor of receiving foreign stead st.. Philadelphia, Pa. gene Tarr. invitations.And so, off to the Conti- Houston -Oct. 21-22.Dr. D. G. Collins, 405Omaha -Food Expo.Oct. 9-14.Louis Kavan,Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Derbynent for a most successful tour, where 2d Natl. Bank Bldg. 1025 W. 0. W. Bldg. and other large cities are still out of Sam Antonio -Oct. 14-15.E. W. Leach, 2642 NEW JERSEY sports, but at least a third of us arethey finally received the thrill of their Univ. ave., St. Paul, Minn. Newark -Auto Show.Oct. 21-27.C. E. Hol-again able to indulge in our favoritelives in a command performance before VIRGINIA gate, 24 Branford Place. the king and queen of England. Roanoke -Oct. 9.Edgar A. Moss, 808 Summit NEW YORK pastime of roller skating, and that is ave., Greensboro, N. C. Buffalo -Auto Show.Oct. 21-27.P. J. Hunt,something. Upon their return home Earl began WEST VIRGINIA Hotel Statler. looking around for a spot to operate and, Charleston -Oct. 24-25.J. C. Byrd, Box 966.New York-Natl. Auto Show.Oct. 15-21. A. The angle of employment has also hadafter a few years of success, took over Huntington -Oct. 26-27.H .C. Taylor, Box Reeves, 366 Madison ave. itseffect.All kinds of entertainmentthe Mineola rink.Van likes to tell of 1853. New York - Atlantic Coast Prem.um Expo.has been hit badly by outbreak of warhis grand opening there. Attendance was Oct. 2-6.Howard W. Dunk, 500 5th ave.and thousands are out of work, tem-some 75 persons. From this humble be- CANADA Rochester-Atuo Show.Oct. 14-21.Edw. C.porarily at least.I have earned my en- 30.Vera H. Robson, Schoen, 133 East ave. ginningthe tremendousenergyand Montreal, Que.-Sept. White Plains -Frank Wirth Circus.Oct. 9-14.tire income from sports journalism for 3424 Drummond st. genius of the man bore fruit until now NORTH CAROLINA some time and war meant no work for Rocky Mount -State Tobacco Show. Sept. 25- he can sit back and feel justly proud 30. A. J. Gray, Box 220, Greenville. yours truly. Consequently, I had to lookthat he is a complete success. He has a OHIO for other employment and the day afterbrilliant, magnetic personality and his Coming Events Bradford -Pumpkin Show.Oct. 10-14. Everettwar was declared this writer, instead offriends and wellwishersarelegion. Faun. wielding the customary pen could haveamong them being VicBrown,Fred Dayton -Auto Races.Oct. 8. been seen performing with pick and Lisbon - Fall Festival.Oct.23-28. G.C. Freeman and the Careys, which group These dates are for a five -week period. Rauch. shovel in work on air-raid shelters. Oneare considered the backbone ofroller Newcomerstown - Anniversary Celebration.has to forsake pride and that sort ofskating in the East. He is of the happy- ARKANSAS Sept. 27-30. Wm. Heifner. thing in such troublesome times. go-lucky type and a chap one really has Belleville -Colt Show.Oct. 6-7. Prospect -Fall Festival & Corn Show.Oct. to hustle to beat when a social obli- Brinkley -Seven County Live -Stock Show. Oct. 11-14. However, the fates were kind and, after 14. Sandusky -Grape Festival.Oct. 6-8.Cham-two days of laboring underground, agation is to be met. De Queen -Dairy & Live -Stock Show.Oct. ber of Commerce. friend used influence to obtain for me Van was promoter of the fivst dance 11-13.Ralph B. Kite. Urbana -Fall Festival.Sept. 25-30. championship of the Roller Skating Rink CALIFORNIA OKLAHOMA a much more satisfactory job on muni- Anaheim -Halloween Festival & Horse Show. Oct. 13-15. Roytions, and so once again I am earningOperators' Association oftheUnited Oct. 31. Okmulgee-Pioneer Powwow. mostbrilliant Oct. 5-8. Harding, Box 909. my livelihood via brain instead of brawn.States and it was the Bakersfield -Frontier Days. OREGON It has all been experience, bitter, someevent of its nature to be staged in his- Colusa-Harvest Festival.Oct.5-7.R. G.Portland -Poultry & Pet Stock Show.Oct. Power. of it, but I have no regrets and when thetory of roller skating.It was something George 7-14.Mrs. LaVilla Kehrli. Fresno-Natl. Home Show.Oct. 9-14. PENNSYLVANIA time comes I shall don the khaki if re-to make promoters of other sports events Hammond. North East -Grape Carnival. Sept. 28-30. Clif-quired.But I am only one of millionscome to the realization that roller skat- Los Angeles -Auto Show.Oct. 14-22. ford V. Green. who hope from the bottom of theiring, if sponsored correctly, is a stand- Los Banos -Columbus Day Celebration.Oct.Philadelphia -Auto Show.Oct. 26 -Nov. 1.W. out in the field of amusements.In my 14-15. Joe Dambrosio. P. Berrien, 400 N. Broad st. hearts that this terrible business of war Madera -Old -Timers' Day.Oct. 'I. Oct. 21-28.W. N.will cease at an early date.My col-opinion, this event easily overshadowed Paso Robles -Pioneer Days.Oct. 12. Pittsburgh -Auto Show. league at the office is a reverend gentle-anything that has ever been promoted Pittsburg -Columbus Day Celebration. Oct. Owings ,124 S. Highland ave. on ice.Van even went to the expense 6-8.Joseph J. Russo. SOUTH DAKOTA man and the work is really interesting, Rio Vista -Home -Coming Week & Bass Derby.Huron-Powow Day.Oct. 14. tho it is regettable that munitions haveof .engaging a bevy of gorgeous ladies, Oct. 1-8. Sioux Falls -Viking Days.Oct. 13-14. to be so much in demand. dressed in gold, silver and bronze eve- San Francisco -Food Show & Home ApplianceSpringfield -Founders' Day.Oct. 7. ning gowns, to present trophies to the Expo.Oct. 7-14.F. A. Tissier, 525 MarketYankton -Pioneer Day.Oct. 21. fortunatecontestants,andfortunate St. TENNESSEE they were, for Earl was more than gen- COLORADO Carthage -Middle Tenn. Tobacco Festival. Oct. Center -Valley Potato Show & Fair.Oct. 19- 25.Francis Key. erous in his expenditures for the trophies, 21. Grand Junction -Live -Stock Show. Oct. 11-14. which were numerous arid valuable. Even CONNECTICUT John F. Dunbar. the judges were not overlooked, each be- Norwich -Frank Wirth's Circus.Oct. 23-28.Paris -Nancy Hall Jubilee, Sept. 27-29. Chas. Roller Profiles ing presented with a handsomegold Louis Brown, G. Neese, Box 178. trophy. Stratford -Tercentenary Celebration, Oct. 6-8. TEXAS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Bartlett -Community Fair.Oct. 1z-13.R. C. Van Horn also sponsored the second Washington -Auto Show.Oct. 21-28.R. J. Ford. annual convention of the RSROA in con- Murphy, 1427 Eye st., N. W. Gilmer-Yamboree. Oct. 26-28.0. H. Cox Jr. EARL VAN HORN junction with the dance championship, FLORIDA Henrietta -Clay Co. PioneersCelebration. which went a long way in solidifying the Crestview -Celebration.Oct. 16-21. Sept. 29-30. Mrs. Lois Cummings. Conceived and approved by William F. Quincy -TobaccoFestival. Oct.4-7. Jr.Jasper -Celebration. Oct. 17-21. R W. Curtis.Sefferino, president of the Rollerdrome,friendship of members of the organiza- Chamber of Commerce. Mexia-Bi-Stone County Agrl. Show & Fall tion. A special room was set aside with GEORGIA Display.Oct. 13-14.Jake Stubbs. Cincinnati. refreshments for delegates during their Savannah -Auto Races.Oct. 15-22-29. Robstown-King Cotton Carnival.Oct. 25-28. entire stay.At a banquet given at a ILLINOIS J. Lawrence Dean. Earl Van Horn, creator of beautiful Blue Mound -Legion Home -Coming.Oct..4-7.Stephenville--Erath County Live Stock & Poul-Mineola (L. I.) Rink, who was practicallyswanky golf club tostart the meet- Ralph Johns. try Show.Oct. 12-14. born on skates and met the missus whileing the writer was servedwiththe Galena -Halloween Mardi Gras.Oct. 31. RayTyler -RoseFestival. Oct. 13-15. Johnskating, more than likely will try to in-largest platter of Italian spaghetti ever Hirst. Womble. terest the angels in roller skating whenconcocted. A dinner -dance for member: Marion -CentennialCelebration. Oct.5-8. WEST VIRGINIA the great day comes.No one has putand contestants was a masterstroke Fred Harrison. Elkins -Mt. State Forest Festival.Oct. 5-7.more time, energy and money into pro-that sent everybody home withthe Polo -Corn Carnival.Sept. 28-30. Richard Hall. thought that Earl Van Horn was the INDIANA WISCONSIN motion of roller skating than Van, as Berne -Colt Show.Oct. 7.Simon Schwartz.Milwaukee -World'sFair & Parade -of -theis evidenced by the Mineola effort. Forperfect host.He enjoys the devoted as- Fowler -Corn Festival.Oct.12-14.Richard Leaders Expo. Sept. 26-29. Arthur H. Rumpf.Mineola Rink, once a tobacco barn, hassistance of pretty Inez Van Horn and a Stockholm. Milwaukee -Food Show.Oct.9-14. M. C.been re-created into a modern rollervery pleasant arrangement with another Mt. Vernon -Fall Festival.Oct. 11-14.Mar- Perschbacher, 342 N. Water st. prince of a fellow, Harry Bickmeyer, and, tin Smith. Milwaukee -Auto Show.Oct. 21-28. palace comparable to any similar insti- E.Ted among_ the three, there are many suc- Roann-Booster Days.Sept.28-30. CANADA tution in the world. Aside from pos- Haber. Toronto, Ont.-Hamid-Morton Shrine Circus.sessing a keen intuition regarding con-cessful years ahead for Mineola Rink Rockville -Auto Races.Oct. 1. Oct. 23-28. struction, decoration and operation, Earland Pavilion Royal, second unit of the Versailles -Pumpkin Show & Farmers' Fair.Toronto, Ont.-Auto Show. is thoroly devoted to roller skating, asorganization.Earl is vice-president of Oct. 14.Mrs. Wesley Cole. a unan- KANSAS is his gracious Inez.Each evening findsthe RSROA, having resigned Pittsburg -Coal Festival.Oct.4-5. George them enjoying a few waltzes together orimously voted presidency sothat he B. Weeks. taking some youngster in whom they aremight nominate Rodney Peters for the Wellington -Merchants' Trade Show.Oct. 17- interested thru some intricate step oroffice which he felt Rodney justly de- 21.Clarice 0. Clark. Frontier Contests figure, at which both are amazingly wellserved. Better get to know this fellow, Wichita -Harvest Festival & 4-H Fat Stock Van Horn. CAP SEFFERINO. Show.Oct. 9-14.Arch N. Booth. accomplished. Earl and Inez have come KENTUCKY Cynthiana-Harrison County Tobacco Festival.These Dates Arefor a Five -WeekPeriod Oct. 17-21. LOUISIANA CALIFORNIA Crowley-Natl. Rice Festival.Oct. 3-4.L. B.Bakersfield -Bakersfield Frontier Days. Oct. Broussard. 5-8.W. C. Willis. MARYLAND Hayward -Hayward Rodeo.Sept. 30 -Oct.1. DATE BOOKS Baltimore -Auto Show.Oct. 21-28. Al Caffodio. 1939 Baltimore -Live -Stock Show.Oct. 2-7. NEW YORK MASSACHUSETTS New York -Rodeo at Madison Square Garden. Boston -Horse Show.Oct. 12-14. Oct. 4-29.Frank Moore. NOW ON SALE Pittsfield -Frank Wirth Circus.Oct.16-21. NEW MEXICO Arranged Especially for Your Needs Dudley H. Jacob, 29 Dexter st. Socorro-Socorro Rodeo -Fiesta.Sept.27-29. Bill West. MICHIGAN OKLAHOMA Decatur -Celery Festival.Sept.29-30! Ray-Oklahoma City -Okla. State Fair Rodeo. Sept. Dated From January 1, 1939, to mond Gale. H. 23-30.Ralph T. Hemphill. Detroit -AutoShow. Oct.21-28. H. PENNSYLVANIA January 1, 1940. Shuart, 4484 Cass ave. Philadelphia -Rodeo.Sept.30 -Oct.7. Fred The most convenient memorandum book for Hip Rapids -Home -Coming.Oct. 20-21. Beebe. Ferris -Home -Coming.Oct. 21. TEXAS Managers, Agents and P e r f o r m e r sinall Grand Rapids -Potato Festival.Oct. 5-7. Jr.Dalhart-XIT Cowboy & Rodeo Reunion. Oct. branches ofthe show world.Actualsize Chamber of Commerce. John Colquitt. Iron Mountain -Potato Show.Oct. 24-25. D. 26-28. 23Ax51/2inches -just fitsthe vest pocket. L. Clanahan, Marquette, Mich. Contains complete calendars for years 1939- Pinconning-Homecoming & Fair. Sept. 29-30. 1940, U. S. and World Maps, 110 pages for V.I. Whittemore. Scottville-HarvestHomeFestival. Sept.28- dailymemorandums,s p a ceforrecording 29. Wallace Falconer. RINKS MINNESOTA (Continued front page 40) receipts and disbursements of money, census Faribault-Days of '49.Oct. 3-4.Harvey R.that night by force of habit and yet had figures, and much other valuable information. Kelly. Grand Rapids -Potato Festival.Oct. 7.Jr.no heart for enjoyment. On the follow- PLENTY OF SPACE FOR BOOKINGS, Chamber of Commerce. ing morning a band of us gathered in ROUTES AND SPECIAL NOTATIONS Kenyon -Corn Show. Sept. 29-30. A. E. Fin -the Chesterfield rink, after England and For sale at all offices of The Billboard.Mailed Seth. France had declared war, to discuss pos- MISSOURI sibilities of our usual Sunday afternoon to any part of the world for 25c each. Carrollton -Fall Festival & Live -Stock Show. It Oct. 4-5.Walter W. McGuire. hockey practice here.We decided Cash With Order Fulton -Street Fair. Week of Sept. 25. Walterwas better to avoid possibility of trouble ALL MAIL ORDERS SHOULD BE SENTTO Branstetter. with the police, as we knew war meant Glasgow-Tri-County Fall Festival.Oct. 5-7. CINCINNATI OFFICE Kennett -Fall Festival. Sept. 25-30.Albin M.cessation of all sports here, temporarily Johnson. at least.Se we disbanded until further Name in gold letters Lockwood -Fall Festival & Fair. Sept. 28-30.notice. on covers, 15c extra The Billboard Publishing Co. Fred Wilcox. On September 9 the home office an- for each. line. 25 OperaPlace,Cincinnati,0. Paris -Fall Festival. Sept. 25-30. L. K. Pool,nounced that permission was granted for Am. Legion. 56 The Billboard September 30, 1939 Classified Advertisements

Set in uniform style. No cuts. No borders. Advertisements sent by COMMERCIAL telegraph will not be inserted unless money is wired with copy.We re- Advertiser'sName andAddress must serve the right to reject any advertisement or revise copy. 10c a Word be counted when figuring total FORMS CLOSE (in Cincinnati) THURSDAY Minimum -$2.00.CASH WITH COPY. FOR TILE FOLLOWING WEEK'S ISSUE. number of words in copy.

ALLIGATORS, SNAKES, LIZARDS, TURTLES -FOR SALE - TWO 1937 ROCK-OLA'S, $125.00 /- 10 Large Assorted Harmless Snakes, $10.00. each.J. H. LANG, 4227 McDougal Ave., De-f (AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS Price List. FOR SALE -SECOND-HAND ROSS ALLEN, Silver Springs,Fla. troit, Mich. 1 Wire via Ocala. oc14 WANTED CIGARETTE MACHINE - STEWART & Mc- SHOW PROPERTY ..)WRITE FOR OUR REDUCED PRICE LISTS - Guire.Eight column, white, Dualway. Rea- AGENTS -300% PROFIT SELLING COLD LEAF They cover the Animal Kingdom. MEEMSsonable. Almost new.VEND-O-MATIC COM- Letters for Store Windows. Free samples. BROS. & WARD, INC., Oceanside, N. Y.DirectPANY, 101 W. 37th St., New York City. A BARGAIN - EIGHT -TUBWHIP RIDE, METALLIC CO., 439 North Clark, Chicago. ximporters from all over the world. x six hundred dollars; Twelve -Car Lindy Loop, ODD BALL, $12.50; SIDE KICK, LIGHTNING,nine hundred dollars.P. M. RUMBLE, Peters- ATTENTION, SUBSCRIPTION SALESPEOPLE -WHITE ALBINO ANIMAL SHOW -INCLUDES BallyView,$17.50 each;Jitterbug,Zip,burg, Ind. If you work east of Rockies and north of Buck Deer, Opossum, Raccoon, Groundhog,Paramount, Regatta, Review, Request, $15.00 Mason-Dixon line, writeforproposition. Skunk, Porcupine, three new Banners, Cages.each; Bally Royal, $32.50; Cargo, Jungle, PalmCONCESSION TRAILER - 18 FT. BY 7 FT., AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL, 538 S. Clark, Pictured in Life Magazine.Something differ-Springs,Carnival, $10.00 each; WorldFair, Counters both sides and back.Complete in Chicago. ent.First $150 takes all.GEORGE J. KELLER,Thunderbolt, Buttons, Midway, Stop -Go, $19.50alldetails. Price $275.00.E. L. COMPTON, Louisa, Ky. BARGAINS - DRESSES,10c;SUITS, $1.50; Bloomsburg, Pa. each; Major, $39.50; Miami, $35.00; Bambino Coats, 50c; Shirts,1 5c. Many other low-priced 522.50; Vest Pockets, $35.00; Bally Number 3 MALE LIONS, 8 MONTHS OLD, FOR $100.00.Counter Games, $12.50. FreePlay Games:EYERLY DOUBLE LOOP -O -PLANE -COMPLETE bargains. Catalogue free. FAIRMOUNT, 164-B Two -ToedSloth,$40.00;CoatiMundis, with Eyerly Steel Fence and Ticket Box, ex- Monroe, New York. oc14x Major,Spottem,Circus,Bubbles, Chubbie,cellent $15.00 each; Monitor Lizards, $15.00 each;$35.00each;Lot -o -Fun, Buckaroo,Ocean condition, $850.00.. NORTHLAND BEST YET - HOTTEST CHRISTMAS CARDSMale Llama,justweaned,$150.00; Emus,Park, $59.50 each; Cowboy, Pickem, Vogue,AMUSEMENT, 1012 Oaklawn,N.E.,Grand sell fast by the hundreds. Also Photos and$200.00 each.Other stock.WARREN BUCK,Sports, Champion, $69.50 each; Variety, $64.50;Rapids, Mich. Spicy Novelties. LA FRANCE STADIUM, 55420 Garden Ave., Camden, N. J. Up and Up, $49.50; Contact,FifthInning, Hanover St., Boston, Mass. KENTUCKY DERBY - 12 -UNIT, PORTABLE. $39.50 each; Box Score, Trio, $25.00 each; First-class condition, $115.00 cash for quick BIG MONEY TAKING ORDERS -SHIRTS, TIES, Grip Testers, $9.50.Write for list. Send 1/3 sale. HELEN LICHT, 2044 Dale Rd., Norwood, Hosiery,Underwear,Pants,jackets,Rain- rBOOKS, CARTOONS, deposit with order.LEHIGH SPECIALTY CO.,Ohio. coats,Uniforms,etc. Sales equipment free. 2d and Green, Philadelphia, Pa. Experienceunnecessary. NIMROD, 4922-A INSTRUCTIONS, PLANS MILK BOTTLE BALL GAME, $25.00; SHORT - Lincoln, Chicago. PACES RACES, SERIALS OVER 3,000, $50.00; Range Cats, two sets,$10.00; Root Beer Flashers, $27.50; Mills Deweys, $25.00; Bang Barrel,$25.00. TOM McNALLY, 6236 Uni- BIC MONEY APPLYING INITIALS ON AUTO - Tails, Domino, Rolletto, $35.00. ROCKPORTversity, Chicago. mobiles. Write immediately for particularsPROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTIONS HOW TONOVELTY, Rockport, Tex. oc14 and free samples. AMERICAN LETTER COM- Analyze Handwriting -Including Store Dem- MOUNTED CURIOS - RATTLESNAKE FANG, PANY, Dept. 20, Dunellen, N. J. onstration Layout, only $1.00.Charts, $5.00TRADE 30 BUMPER NOVELTY GAMES FOR Vertebra, Rattle, Alligator Tooth, 12c each per 1,000. DITERS ORGANIZATION, Plain- Slots, Counter Machines, Grippers or Peanut CHRISTMAS CARDS - ABSOLUTELY FINEST postpaid.Garpike Head, 35c.Free catalogue. ville, Conn. Venders. For bargains see our ad every weekQUIVIRA SPECIALTIES CO., Winfield, Kan. Assortment. Big profits. Season now started. opposite editorial page.MARION COMPANY, Write quick for samples. ROBINSON CARDS, Wichita, Kan. se30 557 Orange, Clinton, Mass. oc2lx BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRESSES, 10c;SUITS,$1.50; COATS, 50c; WANTED - ENAMEL OR CHROME MASTER HELP WANTED Shirts, 15c. Many other low-priced bargains. Vending Machines with Screw Locks. No Catalogue free.FAIRMOUNT, 162-B Monroe salt.State price and quantity in first letter. St., New York. 0c14OWNER SACRIFICING BECAUSE OF OTHERI.0. STORAASLI, 3105 Wise Ave., Overland,ADVANCE AGENT - SHOW NEVER CLOSES. Interests -Complete Kiddie Amusement ParkMo. Write, don't wire.Give time for mail to be "KEEP AMERICA OUT OF WAR" - METALlocated in Middle West on direct edge of Chi- forwarded. DAN PICKERING, 502 College, Auto Plates are now ready.Red, white andcago proper.Merry -Go -Round, 2 Steam Trains,WANTED FOR CASH OR WILL TRADE NEWElmira, N. Y. blue. Selling fast.Hurry.Sample, 25c; 10,Auto -Go -Round, 20 Ponies and Refreshment Jennings In -A -Bag Venders forMills Blue $1.00; 100, $7.00.Cash prepaid or C. 0. D. Stand.Must be seen to be appreciated.BOXFronts, Cherry Bells, Silver Chiefs, Triple Entry, FIRST TRUMPET MAN AND TENOR SAX MAN CLOUSER BROS., Transportation Bldg., Indian-406, Billboard, Chicago. Lucky Lucre. TOM FRASCONE, 1465 E. Broad wdnted immediately; must go. TOM TEMPLE apolis, Ind. St., Columbus, 0. AND HIS ORCHESTRA, Appleton, Wis. PITCHMEN! SOLICITORS! - MAKE EXTRA LORD'S PRAYER ON REAL PENNIES - $2.50 with new Stamping Outfit. Stamp5/8" BALL CUM, FACTORY FRESH, 12c BOX;WANT TENOR SAX -DOUBLING CLARINET; hundred, carded. 25% dep. with Order.Checks, Plates, Fobs. Catalog69-Bfree. Tab, Stick, Midget Chicks, every Vending also two Trumpet Men. Union only.Must PAYTON NOVELTY CO., 3753 2d,Detroit,C. H. HANSON, 303 W. Erie, Chicago. xGum. AMERICAN CHEWING, Mt.Pleasant,be free to travel.CID BRODRICK, Trotwood, Mich. Newark, N.J. oc7xOhio.Phone 83. LORD'S PRAYER, TEN COMMANDMENTS,SELL ELECTRIC RAZORS VIA POSTCARDS - Crucifixion on U.S. Pennies (not slugs).In- 2% return on 1,000 nets $45.00.Send 10c10 EUREKA, $37.50 EACH; 5 TRIPLE PLAY, by Genco, $20.00; 5 dividually carded, $4.50 gross. Samples, 50cfor sample cards. ARROW RAZORS, Wartrace, Keeney FreeRaces, MAGICAL APPARATUS dozen.PERKINS, 1109 Lawrence, Chicago. Tenn. $22.50; 2 Bally Views, $15.00; 2 Palm Springs,(- OddBall,BallPark,$10.00. STANDARD PITCHMEN, HUSTLERS AND AGENTS -SELL NOVELTY CO., 814 Carondelet St., New Or- the Outside Milk Bottle Locking Device, re- leans, La. CATALOGUE OF MINDREADINC - MENTAL - tailingfor50c. Send one dollar today for(COIN -OPERATED MACHINES .) ism,SpiritEffects,Horoscopes,Forecasts, twelve.Address ROBERT BARR, 302 W. Pine 200 LIKE NEW TWO -COLUMN 1e VENDERS, Buddha,Crystals, Lucky Pieces, Palmistry, St., Shamokin, Pa. SECOND-HAND $7.50 each.Formerly $18.50 each. BURELGraphology Charts. Wholesale prices.World's & CO., INC., 679 Orleans, Chicago,III. tfx largest stock.New 156 -page illustrated cata- RESURRECTION PLANT -UNIQUE NOVELTY, logue,30c. NELSON ENTERPRISES, Nelson miracle of nature.Costs below 2c; sells for 500 lc SNACKS THREE COMPARTMENT VEND - Bldg., Columbus, 0. oc14 25c. C.E. LOCKE, 7 Rio St.,Mesilla, New ors,likenew,equippedwithlatestad- Mexico. Notice juster for merchandise compartment, $11.95LARGE PROFESSIONAL MAGIC CATALOGUE, SALESMEN, DISTRIBUTORS FOR BINGO CARDS each; 25 or more, $10.95 each.BUREL & CO., 25c. MAX HOLDEN, 220 W. 42d St., New and Equipment. Merchants' ad on every card. Only advertisements of used machines INC., 679 Orleans, Chicago. tfYork City. se30x accepted for publicationinthis column. Samples 15c.MODERN PRESS, Wadsworth, 0. 1939 GINGERS, PENNY AUTOMATIC PAYOUTWANTED TO BUY -USED MAGICAL APPA- SELL BY MAIL - FORMULAS, BOOKS, PIC- Machines of recent manufacture and being Cigarette Machines with bases.Like new. ratus, Books. No junk or secrets wanted. tures, Novelties, Signs, bargains! Big profits. advertised extensively in The Billboard by Will ship subject to examination, $16.50 each.Put your name on my mailing list.WALD. Particulars free.F. ELFCO, 438 North Wells manufacturers, distributors or jobbers may H.E. ODOM, 3023 Weaver Ave., Baltimore,MANN, 332 E. 77 St., New York. St., Chicago tfnx not be advertised as "used" in The Bill- Md. SELL NEW AND USED CLOTHING FROM HOME, board. auto or store.Men's Suits, 96c; Shoes, 81/2c 1" MISCELLANEOUS Pair;Dresses,21c. Hundreds BigBargains. COSTUMES, UNIFORMS, Catalog Free.S&N, 440-C East 31st, Chicago.A-1 BARGAINS - EVANS LUCKY LUCRE, se30x Floor Model, perfect, $200.00; Mills 5c Blue Fronts, Double Jackpots, good condition, WARDROBE LIVE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE -REAL ESTATE OF SELL LATEST COMIC CARTOON POST CARDS530.00; Pace lc Comets, good condition, $20.00. allkinds. MRS. BERTHA HAYES, Barring- -Cost you $1.00 a hundred prepaid. HENRY D. ton, N. H. One-third deposit, balance C.0. MAN-BEAUTIFUL SILVER CYKE LEGS, $75.00, N. KOST, Liberty, N. Y. CHESTER VENDING CO., Box 767, Manchester, FlashyCostumes,OrchestraCoats,Cello-PAPERMEN - STIMULATE YOUR SALES WITH SENSATIONAL NEW SALES PLAN - FEATUR-Conn. phane Hulas, Band Coats, Ballyhoo Capes, Min- our $1.00 Value Gift Coupons, only $1.00 ing Men's Guaranteed Hose for 1c per pair.AMUSEMENT MACHINE ROUTE - OVER 130strels. WALLACE, 2416 N. Halsted, Chicago.thousand postpaid, or write for coupon samples. Sales easy. Repeats quick.Earns to $75.00 Locations.Gross $300 last month, probably B. NEW PROCESS, 49 E. 21St., New York. weekly.Distributors, salesboard operators, in-more this month.Targets, Grips and others. vestigate.HUSCO MFG. CO., Atlanta, Ga. x POPCORN DRESSING, CRISPETTE WRAPPERS, Price $4,000. WHOLESALE SUPPLY, 6351 Ban- FORMULAS Waxed Popcorn and Potato Chip Bags. LONG UP TO 300% PROFIT SELLING NEW ANDcroft, St. Louis, Mo. EAKINS CO., 976 High St., Springfield, 0. oc21 Used Clothing from home, auto or store. Everything furnished. Bargain catalog free.AT CLOSE OUT! -50 EVER -READY FOUR -EXPERT ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, INDUSTRIAL ROOSEVELT MERCANTILE, 566-A Roosevelt, column lc Nut and Confection Machines. Development, Newest Guaranteed Formulas. Chicago. Write for price. ROBBINS CO., 1141B DeKalbBiggest catalog free. Nominal prices. GIB - M. P. ACCESSORIES & FILMS".) Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. se30 SON LABORATORY, Chemists, BH-1142 WHERE TO BUY AT WHOLESALE 500,000 Sunnyside, Chicago. Articles.Free Directory and other valuable BEST OFFER TAKES ROLLETTO SENIOR WITH tfx information. MAYWOOD B. PUBLISHERS, 1107 Original Crate.Special Mills Dials, $12.00; Broadway, New York. oc7xReconditioned BlueFronts, $45.00. SEIDEN FOR SALE -SECOND-HAND NOTICE 107 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY IN HOME OR DISTRIBUTING, Broadway, Albany, N. Y. ") News and display advertisements of in- Office. Business of your own. Fullpar-COIN MACHINE OPERATORS -THE GREAT- GOODS terest to roadshowmen will be found in ticulars free. ELITE, 214 Grand St., New York. est values ever offered in Used Late Model J The Billboard's new film department. Look oc7xFree Games and other Games of all types.Al- for "Non -Theatrical Films"inthe index ways first with the latest games on the market.CANDY FLOSS -ALL ELECTRIC, HEAT CON- on page 3. Write for our list today.H. G. PAYNE COM- trol.Sell or trade for All Electric Popcorn PANY, 312 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn. Machine.E. BADE, R. 10, Wayne, Ind. ANIMALS, BIRDS AND PETS A NEW LIST READY FOR MAILING -REDUCED COUNTER CAMES-C1NGERS,$11.50;CORN POPPERS -FEARLESS, ALL ELECTRICS, prices on all Roadshow Attractions, West- A FRESH LOT MEXICAN JUMPING BEANS - GroetchenZephyrs,$6.50;Kounter King, giantgearedpoppingkettles,carmelcorn erns,Nudist, Gangster and HorrorPictures. Also Puma Cubs, Monkeys, Kinkajous, Kan-$8.50; Deuces Wild, $6.50; Skill Draw, $6.50; equipment.Get our prices first. NORTHSIDE35MM. Talkies only.BUSSA FILM EXCHANGE, garoo Rats, Snakes andParrakeets.SNAKE Penny Packs, $6.50; Exhibit's 36 Games, $4.50;CO., 1001 N. E. St., Indianola, la. no4xFriendship, 0. oc7 KING, Brownsville, Tex. oc21 Exhibit Rotary Merchandisers, Escalator Model, $44.50. FreeGames: KeeneyFreeRaces, PENNANT SEWING MACHINE -GOOD SHAPE,AMAZING BARGAINSIN35MM. SOUND PLENTY SNAKES, HORNED TOADS, ALLIGA-$19.50; Request, $19.50; Stop 'N Go, $19.50: $50.00; Pennants, 3,750, half stenciled Fair Films -Plenty of Westerns, Actions and Short tors,Iguanas,GilasMonsters,Armadillos,Midway, $19.50, and Side Kick, $19.50. BOYLE1939, half plain, $20.00.ANTON WAGNER,Subjects. RELIABLE PICTURE SERVICE, Box Dragons, Agoutis, Monkeys, Coatimundis,AMUSEMENT CO., Oklahoma City, Okla. 717 N. 10th St., Milwaukee, Wis. 202, Cincinnati, 0. Prairie Dogs, Puma Cubs, Leopard Cubs, African Lion Cubs, Ocelots, Peafowl, Parrakeets, Racing FACTORY REBUILT PENNY Q.T.'S,$22.50,POPCORN, POTATO CHIP, CRISPETTE, CARA-ASTONISHING BARGAINS - 16MM. SOUND Terrapins, Dancing Mice, Guinea Pigs.Wire Serials over 10,000; Jennings 5c Slots, $8.50. mel Popcorn, Cheese Coated Popcorn Ma- Projectors, $145.00.Terms.Factory recon- OTTO MARTIN LOCKE, New Braunfels, Tex.Cash with order.POLLACK, 730 Potter, Ches-chines. LONG EAKINS CO., 1976 High St.,ditioned.Film rented.Sold $5.00, $7.50 reel. se30xter, Pa, Springfield, 0. oc2lxNO. 521-E STATE THEATRE, Pittsburgh, Pa. Septembei 30, 1939 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Billboard 57

ATTENTION-SHOW TALKIES, THEATRELESS IF YOU CAN USE MUSIC thatisdelightfully Sound Equipment. Weekly danceable, the "Four Musical Kings" and their Communities. Quartet will soon be at liberty.Our quartet catches Programsrented. ROSHON, StateTheatre, the musical mood of the momont with a large library Pittsburgh, Pa., or 107 South Court, Memphis. that includes rhumbas. tangos, rhapsodies, foxtrots. x waltzes, etc.Piano -accordion, guitar. bass, clarinet, all give out for good solid musical entertainment. BARGAINS IN USED PROJECTION MACHINES, Shot family Album Uniforms, union, transportation. "YOUR MUSICAL Opera Chairs,Screens,Spotlights,Stere- Ii INGS," 153:3 N. 27 St.. Milwaukee, Wis. opticons, etc.Projectors repaired.Catalogue NEIL WRIGHTMAN ORCHESTRA-Featuring S free. MOVIE SUPPLY CO., LTD., 1318 S. Vocalists,NoveltyNumbers,SpecialArrange- Wabash, Chicago. oc14x ments. Sweet, swing or jam.Available for hotels, clubs and ballrooms. Management. NEIL wmuirr- OPERATE MOVIE SHOWS IN THEATRELESS MAN, 513 W. Washington St., Chicago. oc21 Communities-Earn 550.00 to $100.00 week- SOUTHERN SERENADERS - Stringed Dance ly right away. No experience.We furnish tiwingsters and Hillbilly Mountain -Airs Entertain- Projection Equipment, Talking Film Programs. ers. Sanders Sisters work trio."I'ee Wee," Radio's Show you everything. SOUTHERN VISUAL, Million -DollarDoll,clicksinspecialtynumbers. Dept. 6, 494 S. Second, Memphis, Tenn. oc2l x Youthful,versatile,refreshinglydifferent. Not, union.Desires steady work, one nighters. week -ends, THEATRES AND CIRCUIT OPERATORS-SAVE preferably Southern schools, hotels, clubs. theatres, on your film rentals weekly.Rent our guar- fairs, celebrations.W. W. ELLISON, Phenix City, anteed 35MM. Complete Program Service, Fea- A Is. MUTUAL SUPPLY, Virginia, 6 TO 12 -PIECE DANCE BAND-Non-union; wants ture and Shorts. one-night erg, week -ends or steady job near New se30x York.Steal dance recording band; modern library. .TAY BAND, Room 809, S81 7th Ave., New 35MM. SOUND ON FILM-WESTERNS, AC- York City. oc7 tions.War, Gangsters and Medical.Write APOLLO EXCHANGE, 117 S. 9th St., Newark, N. J. oc7 AT LIBERTY 35MM TALKIE PROJECTOR - DEVRY TYPE 12,000foot),$110.00. Sacrificing other CIRCUS ANDCARNIVAL) Movie Property of deceased showman. List. WOODWARD, JR., Morrisville, Pa. FIRE EATER AT LIBERTY FOR CIRCUS SIDE Show. EDWARD C. ANDREWS, General De- PHOTO SUPPLIES AND livery, Harrisburg, Ark. HARIO AND MARIO- Account show closing. Impalement, Punch, Lecture. State best. Tell DEVELOPING all.Write HARRY LEONARD, General Delivery, Columbia, Mo. ACT NOW - 4 -FOR -A -DIME OPERATORS. RIDICULOUS TRIO-Three Regular Clowns, best of props. Four acts. Go anywhere. Address Send today for information on the new Foto- care The Billboard, Chicago, Ill. no25 Flash outfit using only six 20 -watt lamps. Takes pictures size1 1/2x2. MARKS & FULLER, INC., Dept. BC -11, Rochester, N. Y. se30x r AT LIBERTY ALL 4 FOR 10c OPERATORS-CUT PRICE ON allMachines and Supplies. FullLength MAGICIANS Cameras. WABASH PHOTO SUPPLY, Terre ...... Ijs\ Haute, Ind. se30 SOME idea of the popularity of candy wheels years ago may be gained EUROPEAN MAGICIAN-A-1 SHOW FOR FOUR FOR DIME OPERATORS - SEND FOR clubs or stages.No medicine or carnival. circular of new Hi -Speed Enlarger.Uses roll from this view of a crowd gathered about a candy concession on Smith's Write or wire THE MAGICIAN, 1851/2 Oak paper, makes enlargements in fraction of time Greater Shows. Picture was taken on the grounds of Athens, Ala.,Fair St., Binghamton, N. Y. se30 required with regular enlargers. OLSON SALES, on October 6,1916. Standing behind thecounter,lefttoright,are CRYSTAL GAZING ACT-Two people. Also do six 313B 9th, Des Moines, la. Sam Gross,LillianVandiver, JackPointer and Mollie and Eddie Owens. changes small Magic, Hypnotism. Private read- ings. Plenty of press notices and specialpaper. ROLLS DEVELOPED - TWO PRINTS EACH Eddie Owens and his wife(Mollie)returned to the carnival business this Small parts in acts.Have car. Any show or clubs. and two FreeEnlargement Coupons,25c. season after being out ofitfor several years. Open now.Good wardrobe.Address PRINCE EL Reprints, 2c each; 100 or more, lc. SUMMERS' MAR, 2311 Scioto Trail, Portsmouth, 0. STUDIO, Unionville, Mo. oc2lx The Billboard invites its readers tosubmit photostaken from 15 to AT LIBERTY 20 years ago.It is specially requested that pictures be CLEAR and that SALESMEN WANTED they be accompanied with completedescriptivedata.Group photos are preferred,but pictures of individuals who are STILL LIVING will be MISCELLANEOUS SALESMEN - CREW MANAGERS - RURAL welcomed.They will be returned if so desired.Address Show Family Magazine Men to sell leading national pub- Album Editor, The Billboard, 25-27 Opera place,Cincinnati, O. DANCE DIRECTOR-SPECIALIZES IN CLASSIC, lication.Small Money But Lots ofIt. Ad- character, modern and swing ballet. Young, vancement. Write R. L. HARRINGTON, 407 good dancer.Theatrical agents, write.VIR- S. Dearborn, Chicago. GINIA EARLE, Asheville CivicBallet,, 90 N. Liberty, Asheville, N. C. se30 SELL BUSINESS STATIONERY-$2.65 THOU -TRICK OR CLOWN MULE OR DONKEY ORWANTED-SET OF DOUBLE PONY HARNESS, Small Pony-Would buy other small Animal withCollars, Hames. Smallsizebrass - YOUNG MAN-Age 18, neat appearance. fair lottic- sand.Business Cards, Book Matches, Adver- ing, intelligent. aggressive, conscientious, is seek- tising Gummed Tape, Restaurant Necessities,Act for winter season.Write R. E. GODFREY,trimmed circus wagon stylepreferred.LEX ing position with concern that can use his services. Salesbooks, Office Supplies, Pricing Sets, Ad-Crescent, Okla., or care LaSalle Hotel, Alton, WATSON, Columbia, Tenn. Patieularly interestedinlearning motion picture vertising Specialties.40% comm. Free pre- III. oc7 WILL PAY CASH FOR OCTOPUS AND ELI theatre management.JACK LAWRENCE 2944 mium deals. Salesportfoliofree. DAVIDWANT 40x60 TENT COMPLETE-ALSO SEATS. Wheel-Must be priced right.Tell all firstE. 54th, Cleveland, 0. LIONEL PRESS, 312 So. Hamilton, Dept. MS, Must be good condition and pricedlow. letter.NORTHLAND AMUSEMENT, 1012 Oak - Chicago. BOX C-237, Billboard, Cincinnati. lawn, N. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. ( AT LIBERTY C SCENERY AND BANNERS M. P. OPERATORS rof L PROJECTIONIST - 18 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, BEST CARNIVAL AND SIDE-SHOW BANNERS capable and reliable. Not afraid of work. onEarth. Positivelyno disappointments. Accept anything reasonable.J. H. MARCUM, NIEMAN STUDIOS, INC., 1236 S. Halsted St., At Liberty Advertisements 901 W. Cottonwood, Independence, Kan. Chicago, Ill. oc7 EXHIBITORS - Expert projection means increased Figure TOTAL Number of Words in Copy at business. ExpertProjectionist,capableofre- pairing,adjusting andoperating any soundpro- CTENTS-SECOND-HAND 5c a word-FIRST LINE IN THIS STYLE TYPE ;ection and amplifying system twailts steady job in small town. Excellent references. ALFRED 2e a Word-FIRST LINE IN THIS STYLE TYPE. WERHAN, 1275 W. Sixth St., Cleveland, 0. 10 a Word-FIRST LINE in this style type. se30 FOR SALE-ONE TENT, USED THREE MONTHS, Minimum 25e Cash With Copy 105'x42'; Dove Hardwood Floor,100'x39'. MEINARD FELTMAN, Carlyle,Ill. AT LIBERTY SLIGHTLY USED TENT -100x200. BARBAIN. AT LIBERTY-TRIO. VIBRAHARP, GUITAR, CHARLES H. SMITH, 108 Baker St.. Maple- AT LIBERTY Stang Bass.Go anywhere.Union, depend- MUSICIANS wood, N. J. able. Willalso augment orchestra. State I AGENTS AND MANAGERS salary. CAL WEIMER, 122 S. 2d St., Shamokin,ALTO SAX-DOUBLING CLARINET, VIOLIN. Pa. oc7 Fine tone, good reader, union.Location only. CTHEATRICAL PRINTING-) J LEO JOHNSON, 512 N. 13th St., Milwaukee, AGENT OR PRESS AGENT-TOP RADIO MANATTENTION, SOUTHERN MUSIC BUYERS -Wis. wants to represent some legitimate proposi- Four Glass Sisters.Novelty Swing Band avail-ALTO SAX - CLARINET - PLAY 1ST OR 3D. PRINTING SPECIAL - 10081/2x11BOND able Nov. 1for night clubs, hotels, etc. Piano, tion.Ten years' experience.Have car.WriteSax, doubling Clarinet', Standard Guitar, dou- Experienced, reliable, good reader and good Letterheads, 100 63/4 Envelopes printed tobest offer.BOX C-287, Billboard, Cincinnati. tone,take -off. Go anywhere. ANDREW your 3 or 4 -line copy.Both only, $1.00 post- oc7 bling Hawaiian Electric Guitar; Drums; two goodBARBERELIS, 11Kimball St., Haverhill, Mass. paid.F. C. CRAMER, Box 993, Chicago, Ill.x Voca'ists, Tap Dancer, Novelties and Comedy oc7 Entertainment. Good wardrobe and fine set-up. WINDOW CARDS - 14x22", 100, $2.50; 2 AT LIBERTY This is a realattraction.Write MISS NANAT LIBERTY-STRING BASS, 25, SOBER, RE - colorsink,8ply, white.Handbills,1,000 GLASS, Belvidere Hotel, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. liable, A-1 experience. Best equipment. Pre- 4x9",$1.25;6x9",$1.75;6x12",$3.00. ferlocation, Southern, Western.No panics. SOLLIDAYS, Knox, Ind. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS AVAILABLE-FIVE OR SIX -PIECE GIRL BAND.Write or wire PAUL L. McCOY, 212 Grace St., Gc anywhere. Uniforms, library. BOX C-290, Grove City, Pa. WINDOW CARDS -14x22, ONE COLOR, 100, AFTER SEPTEMBER 23-TOPNOTCH DIXIE -Billboard, Cincinnati. ATTENTION - TENOR SAX -CLARINET. $2.50. 50% deposit, balance C. 0. D., plus Union, allessentials, experienced large and shipping charges.THE BELL PRESS, Winton, land Combination.Six to eight men.AllAVAILABLE OCTOBER 7TH-ENTERTAINING read, go we'l Pictures small bands.Arrange some, Penna. specials. No other band quite like it. unitfeaturing many instrumental doubles,Contract closing.Can join immediately. BOX 1,000 6x9 CIRCULARS, $1.50; 6x12, $1.75;to good offers. Union. Uniforms, fronts, P. A.outstanding vocals and novelties. Three men andC-288, Billboard, Cincinnati. or7 Postpaid zone 4. Mats castPrefer Middle West. Locationonly. BOXa girl.Highest type cocktail, strolling or dance 4x9, $1.10. C-281, Billboard, Cincinnati. se30 worksolicited. BOX C-119, The Billboard,BASS MAN-YOUNG, SOBER.READ, FAKE. free.LAWNDALE PRESS, Box 303, Franklin, KENNY MOON, Noble Hotel, Jackson. Mis-. N. H. Cincinnati, 0. se30 DRUMMER-SOME VOCALS; EXPERIENCED. 1,000 LETTERHEADS,$2.50;1,000ILLUS-AT LIBERTY AFTER DECEMBER 1, 1939. OCTOBER 21ST-FAST 4 -MAN COMBO THAT reallysells. Many styles,novelties. We No panics. Don't misrepresent. JOE trated 81 2x1 1 Circulars,$3.00. Mimeo- The Red Raven Orchestra of Hilbert, Wis- GRAHAM, Brainerd, Minn. oc14 graphing, expert workmanship.Lowest prices. consin.Featured on Victor anc Decca Records. pack 'em in and keep 'em.No habits, union, Will gladly estimate anything.EWAN, Wood -Feature Victor Record Hot Clarinet Polka 716, appearance, etc.BOX C-291, Billboard, Cincin-GIRL DRUMMER - EXPERIENCED IN ALL Ridge, N. J. Decca Red Raven Polka2543. Ninemen. nati oc7 branches of the business. Prefer location, Plenty ofnovelties,singing,playing modern ORGANIZED GIRL BAND - HAMMONDUnion. BOX C-267, The Billboard, Cincinnati, music the commercial way, uniforms. Open 0-gan,Trumpet, Drums, Sax, AmplifiedOhio. WANTED TO BUY forone-nightersinCentral and NorthernViolin.Some doubles.Play fine show. TwoGIRL TRUMPET - READ, FAKE, TRANSPOSE, Iowa October 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, November Vocals.Three years last place.KITTY HELM - experienced.Will travel.BOX C-295, Bill - -) 1. Want night club after December1stifLING, Flourtown, Pa. oc7hoard, Cincinnati, 0. PAY CASH-MERRY-GO-ROUND, ELI WHEEL, possible.Personal management. Write LAW-AVAILABLE - Experienced High -Class4 -Piece Tilt -A -Whirl,Kiddie AutoRide. WOLF, RENCE DUCHOW, Hilbert, Wis.Total num- S:ring Orchestrafor. Data,. Strolletg. Additional Ads Under This Classification ber of records17. Advertising sent onre- Desire location in WV...ttonsiti or Michigan. RALPH Box 2725. Bloomington and Lake Station, Min- oc7 Will Be Found on the Next Page. neapolis,, Minn. quest. oc7 GARCIA, 703 E. 39th St., Chicago. 58 The Billboard CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS September 30, 1939 GUITARIST -SOLO OR RHYTHM. MODERNSI, FANNY AND TRICK MULE, ABNER - swing choruses, sight read and jam. Some Comedy Novelty Act, Rube Clown grand- BALLYHOO arranging. Large and small band experience.stand; also several short Comedy Acts.Avail- AT LIBERTY Age 22, neat, sober and reliable. Well equipped.able October 7 for fairs, indoor circuses, the- (Continued from page 43) Member Local 82. Travel or locate.No panics.atres, night clubs.SI OTIS, care The Billboard, ising all employees a 10 per cent bonus State full particulars.ELMO HOFFMAN, 3615Cincinnati. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS if they stay until the show either closes 7th Ave., Beaver Falls, Pa. oc7 or goes under; that is, if their holdbacks TWO SENSATIONAL AERIAL ACTS-DOUBLE will cover it.The Wellburnt News very HAMMOND ORGANIST - RELIABLE, SOBER, ChairBalancingTrapeze and"America'sAT LIBERTY- ALL-ROUND BLACKFACE experienced. Roller Team or Novelty Act.Contortion, Juggling,liberalwithspace.Front-pagecopy rinks, taverns,etc. Fastest Double Trapeze Act." Open for any daily; some ofitfavorable. Union, age 24, married.Go anywhere.StateengagementafterSeptember30. AERIALBumps, Magic, Trapeze, Rings.Salary or what Tell our all first letter.Address MUSICIAN, Box 222,ORTONS, Adel, la. oc7 have you? KAY AND EDWARDS, Lumberton,competitors we will send them route Mexico, Mo. oc7 N. C. oc7cards as soon as we get a route if they AT LIBERTY-Capt. Earl McDonald, highfire care to day and date us.Our show is so MODERN DRUMMER - VIBRAPHONES, TYM- dive act after September 30th. Address care THE"SPIKE," TARZAN OF THE ADIRONDACKS- pani,PearlDrums. Cut dance,concert,BILLBOARD, Cincinnati 0. oc14 Nation-wide publicity.Plain Indian tannedbig that we can lose them in our saw- shows. buckskin costume. dust.Our adagio team, which enter- Long experience.Location preferred.BERT AND BILLY GEYER-Pyramid Balancing Have entertaining, educa- Sober,reliable,union,single. ED LEE, care tional woodcraft lecture for school assemblytained in the cookhouse during the tea Act, Unique Rolling Globe Act. A-1 in everyprograms. Terminal Hotel, Little Rock, Ark. oc7respect and guaranteed to please.Reasonable price. Also several acrobatic violin acts, in-hour, closed here and returned to their Address Billboard, Cincinnati. sell)cluding somersault forward and backwhileformer jobs in a cotton mill. MODERN MARIMBA-VOCALIST, AVAILABLE playing violin, for theater presentation.Refer- immediately for cocktail unit or small band.CHARLES LA CROIX - OriginalOutstandingences, bills,etc. Experienced, reliable, sober, Lizzie Schmidt, native blond Hawaiian Read, fake anything.Union.Reliable.BUD Novelty Trapeze Act. High-class Platform Free"SPIKE," Star Lake, N. Y. entertainer and former Follies girl, late KEYES, 220 Jefferson St., Portsmouth, 0. Attraction.Available for celebrations, street fairs, of the Gate & Banner Shows, joined etc.; also indoor events.Attractive equipment.Ad- AT LIBERTY October 1-Team. Singles, doubles, vertising posters furnished.Wonderful act, drawing acts, bits, piano. Wrench & Hammers' Motordrome and TENOR AND CLARINET-PLENTY EXPE-card, costumes. State salary. What have you? rience with good bands. Sober, reliable. Need platform for outdoor events.Chiselers, turkeys, lay off.VALE, 1250 S. Capitol,has taken up her duties as a thrill belly De-Write for price. literature.Address CHARLES LAIndianapolis, Ind. sire location with good commercial band thatCROIX.1304 S. Anthony Blvd., Ft. Wayne. Ind. girl as well as riding on the toolbox be- pays. Arrange style.Address K. R. STANCIL, COMEDIAN, TRAMP, Toby and Black-Song andhind the drome while the show is on. Gen. Del., Cuyahoga Falls, 0. se30CLOYD HARRISON has some open time in Oc- dance.Wife, bits or as cast for revue, burlesque, Inclosed find cash for ad.Sorry, for- tober and November with his unitofCircus, or good med. Will work single or double. Showgot this was a night letter, so will mail TENOR SAX - CLARINET WANTS STEADY JOB Vaudeville and Clown Acts.Guarantee quality andcloses Sept. 28.All correspondence answered, mail quantity for small cost.Bond?Yes. Billboard,or wire. cash tomorrow. Should reach you after with reliable swing band.Union, young,Cincinnati, O. JACK (TOBY) O'BRIEN, West Newton, sober.Ride strictly chords, experienced.BILL Pa. this goes to press.Can use good agent CLOVER, Carmichaels, Pa. COWDENS-Three Standard Acts. Fast DoubleR A RIBLIN. RED-Featured Radio and Stage En-who knows everybody every place. Must Trapeze, Comedy Revolving Ladder and Illumi- tertainer now available.Will join small, versatilehave bigcar.One who can book a TENOR OR ALTO SAX - DRUMS. UNION,nated Swing Ladder.Literature and price on re- quest. novelty or cowboy orchestra.Play good hot slapmaiden spot each week. Salary no object, single.Girls, ages 22-24, orchestra experi- Address The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. oc21 bass. Also left-handed guitar for own accompani-but it must be less than $25 per week. ence.Free to travel.MUSICIANS, 2223 B St., ment.Sing lead for trio or solo on comedy and cow- Lincoln, Neb. DASHINGTON'S CIRCUS-Ten Dogs, Cats, Mon-boy songs. Have composed over thirty cowboy,Must guarantee thatitwillbeless. keys.Two distinct acts.Also natural wonderfulcomedy, hillbilly and yodeling songs. Experienced freak two -legged dog for Southern fairs,theatres,emsee and announcer. Do character and imitations.Want high free act (not salary but dis- VIOLINIST, DOUBLING CELLO AND SAX -circuses. Go anywhere. 1316 Locust St., Phila-Write and arrange programs and continuity; alsotance).General Agent Lem Trucklow, Experienced pit, symphony, radio.Age 39,delphia, Pa. oc7competent sign and scenic artist and publicity man.your wire for suit and three bucks has sober, reliable. Wife experienced pianist, or- Age thirty-five, Scotch -Irish descent, born in Calgary, ganist.KESHNER, 315 W. Main, Olney, III. EXTRA SPECIAL -I have one of the world'sAlberta. Leaving soon for California, via Texas, inbeen misplaced; please wire again. wonders in my unit of Circus Acts and ClownDeluxe V8 and streamlined house trailer. Want to MAJOR PRIVILEGE. oc7Bits.Have so arranged to fit both indoor and out-join outfit with similar accommodations who are on door events. Special pricesfor October and No-the way up, not down.Have run my own outfits for VIOLIN AND GUITAR - SWEET OR HOT vember. Bond, yes. CLOYD HARRISON, Bill-the past eight years and have worked the best spots Violin, modern rhythm Guitar. Also sing.board, Cincinnati, 0. in the East. Want change of locality. Will ex-SPRINGFIELD NETS Must be in South.Prefer small combo. Can change photos and publicity with any reliable out- read or fake. FRED AND MARIE GUTHRIE-Four separate (Continued from page 43) Write ARTHUR FRISBEE, care acts for price of one.Double Tight Wire, Singlefit.Work cenunission or salary. Write full par- General Delivery, Lake Charles, La. Trapeze, Lady Butterfly Iron Jaw, Double Trapeze.ticulars to RED McGREGOR, Billboard, New York,stand attractions were exceeded by many Reasonable.Write for details.201 W. Ninth St .N. Y. thousands of dollars. ALTO SAX. CLARINET, Trumpet, Fiddle-ReadCincinnati. 0. and ride all. Union, age 25.Any reliable otter oc28 LADY VENTRILOQUIST-A-I. Many changes. Altho moreridesand shows were with reasonable salary.Join on wire if stating full Straights, characters.Some piano, banjo.Alsobrought here by the Hennies contingent PAMAHASIKA'S Famous Society Circus Revue-piano -accordion soon.Car and trailer. Nolong particulars. Phone Gladstone 7824.W. BERG, Bigger, better than ever.Dogs, Monkeys, Ponies. than before, Manager Hennies was of the 713 7th Ave., S. E.. Minneapolis. Minn. Clowns, Punch and Judy. Featuring those marvelousjump.Would join team if near. DOLORES Du - acting birds, Cockatoos, Military Macaws.Just aSHANE, Three Rivers, Mich. se30opinion that even a smaller carnival ALTO -TENOR SAX, Clarinet and Violin - Anyfew open dates.Write GEO. E. ROBERTS. Mgr., would have shown a decided increase, chair in section. Modern, transpose, appearance, Pamahasika's Attractions, 3504-6 N. 8th St., Phil-MARIONETTE ATTRACTION - New, different. cut orelse. MUSICIAN, 103 Amber St.,Hotadelphia, Pa. Dancers, singers, clowns,pianist,comics. Can Edison K. Bixby, owner of The Spring- Springs, Ark. Tel. SAGmore 5536. be worked anywhere. Large marionettes.Also full-field Leader and Press, and a member length play if desired. RICTON'S DOGS --Thrills, laughter. Fast 5 -Dog BOX 989, care Billboard,of the fair board, gave much space to AT LIBERTY inunediately-.Alto Sax,doubling Act.What have you? RICTON'S DOGS, Smith -1164 Broadway, New York. clarinet and tenor; good reader, tone, fair take-rifle, Tenn.N. B.: Big hit at Sparta, Tenn., Fair. the fair and shows, with the latter re- off. Union. Single, sober,congenial, dependable. SPECIALTY TEAM-Change three weeks. Medceiving several front-page breaks and in- Thoroughly exeperieneed first chair or will play thirdTHE CLAYTONS-Four different Free Attractions. show preferred. No percentage.Work acts andsideart and stories.Young's Revue, or fourth.Age 31. Have had 14 experience Dancing Tight Wire,Balancing Trapeze,Ironbits.Produce.Man feature eccentric comedian. No with dance and show orchestras. WantWant permanentJaw Butterfly and Double Trapeze. Lady and Gent. black. JACK GRIFFITH, Puryear, Team. oc7 Lynch's Thrill Show and the auto races location with jobbing band-work days, play nights.Beautiful wardrobe. Reasonable. Billboard, Cin- i.11received similar treatment.Walter Hale Other offers considered.All answered.State all.cinnati. oc28 BOB HEIDELBERG, Box 842. Laurel,Miss. handled press for the shows. se30 THREE NOVELTY ACTS-Tight Wire, RollingMIDWAY CONFAB Visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Macon Globe andSlack Wire. Allactsfirstclass. E. MightySheesleyMidway; AT LIBERTY-Two men. One Trumpet Man, alsoWrite for prices and literature.THE CHRISTYS, (Continued from page 47) Willis, Arranger; one Alto Sax, doubling Clarinet Ex-Keokuk, Ia. oc7part of the season, business has beenFrank B.Joerling, The Billboard,St. perienced, union men. Available at once.Write Louis; Ida E. Cohen, Chicago insurance JillBRATE, 607 Highland St., Middletown. 0.TWO FIRST-CLASS Free Attractions-High Fly-good,he says.About 47 stands have ing Single Trapeze Act performed by lady.Sixty -been played, most of them being twoexpert; Bernie Mendelson, 0. Henry Tent - BAND LEADER - Trumpet, Music Teacher andfontrigging. Two -peoplecomedy acrobaticact. and Awning Co.;Mrs. Annie Gruberg, Sign Painter.Wants location where there's anBESSIE IIOLLIS, Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. oc14and three-day engagements.Raymond opening for sign shop.Go anywhere. Address BOX Andette is ring emsee; Edward St. Eloi,Amusement Corp. of America.;R. D. C-289. Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. tickets; William Lofstrom handles front,(Duke)Molesworth,formersecretary AT LIBERTY NorthIowaFair,MasonCity;Lou LEAD ALTO-Clarinet, flute, tenor, baritone.Ar- with John LaMarr in charge of canvas. ranger and copyist.Experienced. union, single. Tour carried the show into Ohio, Indi-Leonard and R.Wingfield, Rubin & Have car and will go anywhere. Write or wire BILL Cherry Exposition; Claire Chapman, and BETCHER, Peebles Road, Allison Park, Pittsburgh, PIANO PLAYERS ana,Illinois and Michigan, and unit Pa. plans to close about November 1 andJoe S. Scholibo, former general agent oc7 Hennies Bros.' Shows. SWING GUITARIST-Solid rhythm; 11 years'DANCE PIANIST - EXPERIENCED ALL LINES.winter in Valdosta, Ga. band, trio experience. Have $400 guitar. Young, Reliable, rhythm, take -off.Prefer location. union. Canjoinatonce. Write FREDDIE STIVERS, 858 W. Sawyer. Decatur. Ill. Married, age 24,union. Double Hammond se30 organ.Go anywhere.Address PIANIST, Box A TALKER who can turn his tip withoutBOWEN'S JOYLAND TEACHER - Hawaiian Spanish Guitar. Violin,222, Mexico, Mo. oc7 smut, undue sex appeal or con or without in- (Continued from page 43) Saxophone. Married,sober,reliable. Twelve sulting his hearers as "a pack of cheap skates" years'schoolexperience. MUSICIAN, 710N. PIANIST-READ, FAKE.CAPABLE, EXPERI- Since beginning of fairs and celebrations, Fourth St.. Knoxville, Tenn. isa man with a smooth flow of language, a oc21 enced, sober, dependable.BOX C-231, caregentleman and an interesting orator to whomhowever, grosses have been greater than VIOLINIST-Doubling Spanish, Hawaiian guitarBillboard, Cincinnati, 0. last year in most towns played. banjo. Open for playing or teaching.Prefer Wis- people like to listen, a salesman in whom they General belief among showmen here consin or Michigan.Chicago graduate.Concert andA-1 PIANIST - NAME BAND EXPERIENCE.feel confidence, and above all, he is not a wind-was that Golden Gate International Ex- dance library.1006 Raynor, Joliet,Dl. se30 Read, rhythm.Cut shows, go and arrange.bag who letshis imagination runaway with his Prefer styled band.BOB ANDERSON, Fuller- position would cut into traveling shows' ton, N. D. sales talk. grosses, but some of the organization's AT LIBERTY best stands were only a short distance EXPERIENCED PIANIST for Small Shows Only- Read, fake,transpose. No parts or orchestra. DOC WADDELL letters from Spring-from the fair. Weather has been good CPARKS AND FAIRS Go anywhere. Name salary. Want longseason. field, 0.: "Jim Dewey, general agent ofand only one day was lost because of HAROLD DRAGER. Marshall, Wis. se30 World of Pleasure Shows, with the Com-rain or bad weather. LOCATE OR TROUPE - Experienced all lines.mander of the VFW, visited the Masonic Shows have been enlarged and are BALLOON ASCENSIONS Read, fake, transpose.Also play calliope. Sober, transported by trucks and traliers. Ac- -dependable. Consider anything reasonable. Home here and took the old school of Old-time thrill in a modern manner. Open Observ-immediately. Positively will not disappoint. Age big -top veterans to and over the midwaycidents have been held to a minimum, ingallCivilAeronauticsAuthorityRules.42. Need transportation. Referencesif desired. oftheSpringfieldFall MardiGras,with organization not reporting one of THOMPSON BROTHERS BALLOON AND PARA-JOE MAGGARD, Barrack 11, Wadsworth. Kan. a serious nature. Best dates so far were CHUTE COMPANY, Aurora,Ill. Established which the shows are staging for theYuba City Fruit Festival, Ukiah Rodeo 1903. oc7PIANIST-Experienced in all types of dance work.VFW. We had the time of our lives Solid rhythm, read or jam.Young, single, union. and Antioch and Lakeport fairs. Mario Locationpreferred. PIANIST, WindsorHotel, and are going to have front seats when Havana, Ill. the shows play Dayton, 0.Our groupand LeFors, free act, has been popular. BALLOON ASCENSIONS Mrs. Johnnie Miller, who has the cook- andParachuteJumpsforAllOccasions. PIANIST-Experienced Concert and Dance. Union.includes John W. Hastings, Fred Faber, JACKSONVILLE BALLOON CO., Jacksonville, Ill. Reader. No jam hands. Prefer location. Re- Joe Theobold, Duncan MacGregor,house, returned to the shows after an se30liable people, write LARRY SCHEBEN, 520 W.William H. (Doc) Mueller, M. H. Gunionillnessoffivemonthsfollowinga Sixth St., Little Rock, Ark. and the writer.The 88 -year -old Docparalyticstroke. Manager Bowen has BALLOON ASCENSIONS --PIANIST - Long experience, dance bands, units, been doing general agent's work and re- floor shows.Solid rhythm, read, fake.Reliable, Arthur Scottis unable to make the Parachute Jumping.Modern equipment forneat appearance, age 38.Join anywhere. Write ortreks because of illness." ports shows are booked until Armistice fairs, parks, celebrations any place, any time.wire PIANIST, 218% S. Greene St., Box 571, Day week. Roster and personnel remains Always reliable.CLAUDE L. SHAFER, 1041 S.Greensboro, N. C. almost the same as at opening. Dennison St., Indianapolis, Ind. oc14PIANO PLAYER - Account show closing. Ex- ALL SPACE on the midway at Reading CARMENE CIRCUS REVUE-FOUR COMPLETE perienced alllines. Rep, revue, circle or what(Pa.) Fair, September 10-17, was occu- have you? Want work. Do bits. Also experienced and distinct free acts. Price and literaturewithhillbilly band. Sober, dependable, years ofpied this year, with bingo and legitimateFlying Millers Trek Okeh sent on request. BOX 21, Williamston, Mich.pit experience. Answer quick. KARL ASHTON,wheels operating and reporting a suc- oc21 care Tent Show, Dinielsville, Ga. cessful week. Among visitors were Wil- FORT WORTH, Tex., Sept. 23.-Flying PIANO PLAYER-After November 1.Cocktail barliam C. Fleming, Vernon Kohrn, Mel andMillers Shows, organized this spring to HIGH SWAYING POLE AND WORLD'S or well -organized band. Excellent reader, good Highest AerialContortion Act-Literaturerhythm, some jam. JOHN DARR, 947 Elmwood,Guy Dodson, Roy Jones, Milt Morris andplay Texas territory, has chalked a good and reasonable prices sent on request.TwoBuffalo, N. Y. no18Jake Shapiro.Bill Tucker did well withfirst season so far, reports Sam Majors, different acts for the same price.Three dif- his stands, as did Louie Stockton withsecretary -treasurer. Especially good were ferent features that have never been accom- ham and bacon.Charles Cohen, Benthe recent fairs in Hillsboro and Arling- plished by any otherhighpoleact.BOX AT LIBERTY Weiss and J. H. Jones had the bingoton,Tex., with the former attracting C-206, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, O.oc14 games, while Louis Kane's restaurantmore than 3,000 to the midway on one JAYDEE THE GREAT-POSITIVELY THE HIGH- SINGERS did good business.Concessioners whonight.R. V. Ray is in charge of con- est Contortion Trapeze Act.Rigging 100 ft. played the date with Cetlin & Wilsoncessions, with George Embree as general high. A real novelty by man costumed as huge Shows, reported they were satisfied withagent and Charles Carpenter in advance. ape. If interested in sensa-GIRL VOCALIST-Available now.Small. age 21. Comedy, thrills. Have five changes of wardrobe. Have name ex-the season's business, while John WilsonBill Wilson has the cookhouse and the tional act write now.Late fairs.Salary. Writeucrimice. Photos available. What is your hest offer? or wire JERRY D. MARTIN, care Billboard, Cin-Write or wire. SUITE 532, 1001 Broadway, Kan-said business to date forthe shows wasFlying Millers, Chris, Fred, Eileen and cinnati, 0. oc28sas City, Mo. fair ahead of last season. Marvin, present the free act. September 30, 1939 The Billboard 59 Demske, Andrew Gregory, Frank Siracuse,Barnes Circus in a huddle-George W. Leonard D'Anna, James DuPlanti andSmith, S. L. Cronin, Paul Eagles, Al Sands John Metschl, director. and Murray Pennock. Hal Silver and wife had Bert Nelson Sponsored ILvcnts COMMITTEE incharge of Madisonas guest.Danny McPride, clown, had (S.D.)Turtle Days on August 25 andMr. and Mrs. Robert Egan, of San Fran- Veteran, Lodge and Other Organization Festivities 26 cleared $750, reports L. R. Clayton,cisco, as guests. Danny stated that his chairman. Features were Canton Carni-son, Daniel Pierce, had been awarded a val Co. with four rides and concessions,scholarship at Harvard University. Paul Conductedby CLAUDE R. ELLIS free act and turtle derby. Ringling joined in L. A. (Communications to25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0.) BureauofInformation J.R. EDWARDS rideshavebeen John Ringling North introduced a new using only anEliWheel, Merry -Go -booked for three-day Lodi(0.)Fallidea in selecting two Hollywood girls to $15 Net for Week for HisRound and Kiddie Auto ride. Others onFair under auspices of the Commercialact as bureau of information.Stands Circus and Wife, Claims the midway were Larry Larrimore withClub. Chairman Frank Jackson has ar-set up on front of the lot.Girls are 11 concessions; Lester Rodgers, peanuts;ranged farm, home and school exhibits asneatly costumed, the stands or boxes CANTON, 0., Sept. 23.-J. R. (Jack)Wagner's Penny Arcade, Thoma's frozenfeatures. decorated, a beach umbrella over each Malloy, owner -manager of Malloy's Cir-custard and Hoover'sphotos.Suicide stand. Here the girls take care of the cus, has returned his show to winterZorsky, set thru C. A. Klein Attractions, questions of the curious and especially quarters here from Ashtabula, 0., where,offered a high pedestal act as a free at-RINGLINGBARNUM are of much service to women patrons. he informed a Billboard representative,traction. Harry Detrick handled promo- (Continued from page 34) Rather complimentary to Chief John his wife, Nancy Darnell, aerialist, hadtion details. Ed Nagle, Mark Kirkendall, Frank andBrice was a gathering on the lot of rep- been contracted as a free act and his Maybelle Bennett, Eddie Deck, W. D.resentatives of policedepartmentsof show for the midway at the MerchantsK. C. Stock Show Sets Ork Bush, John J. Knapp, Fred Frey, Billseveral major cities,who stoppeden and Manufacturers' Exposition,apro- Roddy, Dan Dix Gladys Forrest, Agnesroute to the San Francisco fair for as- motion of Weyls Production Co., under KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 23.-WithLausten, Harry Hargrave, Edith Bullock,signments.All complimented him in auspicesof an Italiangroup, whichthe signing of Bob Crosby's Orchestra,S. L. Cronin, Tom Plank, Murray Pen-the manner in which he keeps the show ended last Saturday night. plans for eight -day American Royal Livenock, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haggerty, Frankfree from mobs that occasionally drop According to Malloy, when Weyls didStock and Horse Show here were nearlyGunn, JackGrimes,HarryYouden,in and make the crowds. not pay off, Malloy had an attachmentcompleted.ElsaMaxwellwillstageCarl Knudsen, Harold and Grace De Peanuts Robinson, forseveralyears placed on the Weyls equipment. Finally,coronation ball in Municipal AuditoriumGarro, Harry Callen, Mr. and Mrs. Jakewith the Barnes show, is assistant and he said, Weyls dug up $75, claiming itand is negotiating for Ben Bernie's Or-POsey, Cheerful Gardner, Heavy Hurley,checker -up on passes. was all he had, which Malloy used to paychestra.Orchestras have not previouslyJack Bigelow, Dan Stover, Harry Wood- the costs of litigation and then split thebeen a feature of the show, but whening, Joe Glacy, Lew Berg, Mrs. Dusty remainder with members of the FourmerchantsdecidednottoholdaRhodes,NormanPeel,DickTurner, o'Hearts, high act.Malloy said heJubilesta this fall it was agreed to re-Nick Wagner, BillCasey, Matt Allen, WANTED FOR wound up with $15 for his circus andmodel the live -stock show to includeBuff Jones; Mickey Coughlin, checker his wife's act for the entire week. some Jubilesta features.Exposition willup, had party in backyard; Lee McDon- Malloy further said he had severalopen with a parade, with local firms par-ald, Art Springer, Frank Miller, Mark 100 YEAR CENTENNIAL sponsored events during the next monthticipating. Smith; Helene Penny, feature writer of Brookville, Ky., on the Streets, Oct. 3rd to 7th which will keep his circus busy until the Los Angeles Evening News; Bob and Ova indoor season starts. Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Red - Legitimate Concessions of All Kinds. Especially Pa. Festival Draws 55,000 rick, George McMasters, Jake Newman, want Novelties.Any Show of merit with own McCLURE, Pa., Sept. 23.-AttendanceC. E. Cooke, Jack and Lillian Stratton, outfit. Ohio Annual is Successful of 55,000 set a new record for annualPeggy Forstall,AlMiller,AlPainter, All Address: JACOB PRYOR, Owenton, Ky., Frank J. Morgan, Eddie Stewart, Baron or DEMPSEY BARNES, Falmouth, Ky. SALEM, 0.,Sept. 23.-First weatherBean Soup Festival here on SeptemberLong, Herbert Vatcher, Billie Richards, break inseveral years contributed to14-16 under auspices of war veterans,Bob Cavanaugh, Charley Haley, Lou W. success of the annual Fall Festival underreports S. H. Bubb. Miner Model Shows,Johnson,ChesterPelky,BertFisher, auspices of the American Legion Postmidway attraction, reported fair businessWhiteyGore,EdDemirjian, Jimmie and merchants here on September 15with 7 rides, 8 shows and 97 concessions.Wilson. WANT FOR and 13.There was a Saturday afternoonStage show was furnished by George A. prize parade. Midway on the streets wasHamid.Event was heavily advertised Backyard Notes too small and resulted in R. H. Wadethru Central Pennsylvania. ChiefJohnBricehadasguests THREE BIG FALL FESTIVALS Thursday, ChiefofDetectives W. D. Naples, N. Y., Oct. 1st; Hemlock, N. Y., Oct. Bush, of Tampa, Fla.; John J. Knapp 8th; Dundee, N. Y., Oct. 13.14th. and Fred Frey, Cincinnati Police De- All on Fair Grounds. partment;GeorgeMcMasters,former CAN USE circus trouper. ACTS BOOKED. SliCPTS TerrellJacobs'dressing wagon was Address POLLY JENKINS & PLOWBOYS or FRANK MADAM Banard's Hippodrome Attrac-ExpositionunderdirectionofHarrythe center ofattraction.Aside from STANLEY'S RIDES & RACES, week Oct. 2 tions played Pana (Ill.) Celebration onDetrick.Otherfeaturesplannedarecircus visitors, many prominent in film (Fair), Trumansburg, N. Y. September 3 and 4 and Brownstown (Ill.)shows, concessions, free acts and com-industry were on hand. mercial exhibits housed in tents. Steve Henry had Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Fair on September 6-9. Brown, daughters Mary Elizabeth and Katherine Frances, Mrs. Jack Weiner AFTER a lapse of one year four -day FIRST night of Keokuk (Ia.)Falland 10 kids celebrating ninth birthday AMAZING "ZIP ACTION" Celebration and Street Fair on Septem- Milt Piqua (0.) Fall Festival and Corn Showber18-23 drew heavily,reports Jackanniversary of Mary Elizabeth. will be resumed under sponsorship ofDarling.Sol's Liberty Shows were onTaylor and clowns pulled trick birthday 4SENSATIONALEmus the Business Men's Association, reportsthe midway and free acts included Aerialcake stunt and Mary rode in automobile Arnold Miller, secretary.Six F. E. Good-Bauers, Harrisons, LaBlonde Troupe, Bobsurprise number, being last to be un- SOMERSAULTING AERIALISTS ing rides have been booked and thereMorris Troupe, Flying Valentines, Threeloaded. For Open Time will be free acts and a Mardi Gras. Miles Bennett, with the show, enter- Address 3706 N. Drake Ave., Chicago, III. Miles, Billetti Troupe and Uncle Hiram,tained relatives.Eddie Stewart joined rube clown. Clyde Ingalls andison ticketbox. R. H. WADE'S rides and shows and THE 40TH annual Chicago automobileJack Burslem also joined. W. F. David concessionsareplannedforWeirtonshow, to be held in the Internationalson, of Silver Springs, Fia., visited in (W. Va.)Volunteer Firemen's six -dayAmphitheater, will run nine days thisdressing room.Bones and Olive Hart- WANT fall festival. year, including two Sundays instead ofzell had relatives as guests. All Kinds of Legitimate Indoor Concessions. the usual seven days, sponsored by Chi- Terrell Jacobs has fine idea in his November 1 to 4. F. E. GOODING AmusementCo. willcago Automobile Trade Association. Anbackyard set-up.Has 10 cages, five on provide midway features at three-dayarena spectacle, Dame Fashion, directedeachside,under 70x20 canopy,key Kentucky Tobacco Carnival Newcomerstown (0.) 125th Anniversaryby Edward Beck, will be presented eachcages at either end, with key cage to let Celebration for which a pageant andafternoon and evening.The pageantry,catsin thetelescopicchute.Steel W. W. GREATHOUSE III, parade have been scheduled. set to music, will include many singersarena, of special construction, loads on 135 N. Lime, Lexington, Ky. and dancers. Also taking part will beone truck and striking thearenais beauties of foreign birth who are nowquickly accomplished. BUFF-HOTTLE Shows and John B.being selected on contests staged by Mrs. Ronald Butler (Stella) had many TIPTON, INDIANA Rogers pageant were features of suc-foreign -language newspapers. callers and was entertained by socially cessful Nauvoo(Ill.)Centennial Cele- prominent friends. ANNUAL CORN FESTIVAL. bration and Grape Festival, which drew DATES for the 1940 Memphis Cot- The Cristianis had many movie folks OCTOBER 5.6.7 about 40.000 on September 8-10, reportston Carnival have been set a week lateras visitors at their dressing tents. Rides, Bingo, Popcorn and Cracker Jack booked. Mark Hudson, publicity chairman. Eventthan last year in an effort to avoid Can use other Legitimate Concessions and Shows. was heavily advertised with news re-spring rains, said President Richard M. Big Top Dimensions Address all communications to TOM BAKER, leases sent to about 100 papers and is Capt. Bill Curtis gave following data Sheridan, Ind. Bodine.Attractions will include a car-on big top. Has four poles, round ends to be repeated in 1940. nival, track meet, several balls and street210, three 60 -foot middles. Distance be- dances.At least one nationally knowntween stakelinesbroadside,212feet; CARNIVAL WANTED C.A. KLEIN reported he has beenorchestra is booked for Ellis Auditoriumlengthwise stakelinetostakeline, 450 contracted to furnish acts for annualfor one night. feet; height to ridge, 60 feet. The air -Dairy and Livestock Show six -day Cumberland (Md.) Shrine Circus conditioners made the patrons comfort- DE QUEEN, ARK., OCTOBER 11, 12, 13 inthe armory.Among actssetare PROFIT of $684, most of which wasable. Bernice Kelley's Animals, Conner Troupe,contributed by rides and concessions, was The show has but one head of baggage Full week date.Strong auspices.Write RALPH Sli vers Johnson and Co., Steiner Trio,reported at a recent meeting of Uhrichs-stock, that being a horse to a small B. KITE, Chairman, De Queen, Ark. Morris Troupe, Capt. Billy Sells' Lionsville(0.)Booster Association, sponsorpick-up wagon that is used to haul FREE ACTS WANTED and Ward's Elephants. of a centennial celebrationonAuguststakes and light equipment. 24 -September4. Shadow Rosen. local trouper, joined here. Eddie Form had Leo Haggerty and Marion, Ind., Fall Festival R. H. WADE rides have been booked ROY 0.VALENTINE reports his Aerialwife as guests several times. OCTOBER 5.64 for six -day Cuyahoga Falls (0.) Ameri-Valmars and Aerial Romas, trapeze acts, Attractions must be sensational and high class in A rather unusual occurrence noted in every respect.Address Inquiries: can Legion Post Fall Street Fair andwill play seven-day Waterloo (Ia.) Indoorbackyard, five ex -managers of the Al G.GREATER MARION ASSOCIATION, Marion, tnd. Fair for Barnes -Carruthers, WILLIAM GOHO, former Al G. Field musician and now playing in a night club CORN BELTEXPOSITION 0 LOOK 0_ near Buffalo, N. Y., reports he played a IN THE WHOLESALE benefit circus in that city on September BLOOMINGTON, ILL., OCTOBER 16-21INCLUSIVE MERCHANDISE SECTION 10 and 11 under church auspices.Other Want high-class experienced Contest Man immediately. Can place limited number Novelty, for the musicians, a number of whom hare been Photo and Specialty Concessions in Corn Palace or on Fun Street adjoining. No Games. Also in show business, were CurtisLittle, limited number Comedy Rides, Kiddie Rides, Fun House. LATEST NOVELTIES.PRIZES Richard McNamara, Anthony Castelano, Write or wireH. FREEMAN, Mgr. PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES TheoBouzek, Thomas Mack,Albert 60 The Billboard September 30, 1939

Conducted by MAYNARD L. REUTERCommunications to 1564 Broadway, New York DEMAND AMERICAN GOODS

Golden Opportunity Seen Goldfarbs Announce Item.Premium Show "Guaranteed To Please" LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23.-Mr. and For U. S. Novelty Makers Mrs. Sydney R. Goldfarb (Acme Nov- Plans Complete elty Co.) announce the introduction NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Final prepara- ment storesespecially have indicated American goods. of a new item billed as a brand-new tions for the annual Atlantic Coast Pre- Large and smallplants Itis the common opinion that the noisemaker, guaranteed to work atmium Buyers' Exposition to be held at present condition removes the bulk ofany time and to bring a lifetime ofthe Hotel Astor, October 2-6, were re- feel demand as war endsthe former argument against American - satisfaction.In short, it's a boy. Hisported completed today with more than made goods; namely, that they were too name: Richard Paul Goldfarb. 100 firms planning to exhibit the latest importations of items costly to produce. It is pointed out that Congratulations, Mr. andMrs. in premium and prize merchandise. while it is true that American wages are Goldfarb! Attendance at the show is expected to set a new peak. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-War in Europemuch higher than in any foreign coun- While many of those and the Japanese conflict in the Fartry, tremendous savings are noted in attending will take advantage of theop- East are affording American manufac-lower shippingcosts, no import dutyAuto Robes Popularportunity toview the samples, buying is turers of prize merchandise, especiallyand the employment of mass -production expected to be brisk. novelties and souvenirs, a golden oppor-methods. Furthermore, the higher wage Firms have indicated that many of tunity to cash in on these situations, ittends to raise the American livingstand-As Grid Season On the items on display will be suitable for ardand create a broader market for the bingo and salesboard use, and new items was indicated here today. With conces-goods produced by the industry. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Popularity offor concessioners and pitchmen are an- sioners, pitchmen, streetmen, bingo and automobile robes as a salesboard andticipated. salesboard operators and other workers bingo award mounted today as the na- having built up a demand for these tion prepared for winter and an out- items, the supply will have to come from standing football season. While blankets another source, since Europe and the Far are a staple commodity at this time of East arevirtuallycutoff from the A Column for OPERATORS Cr the year, the demand has been increasedProtest Early United States by blockades and the es- DISTRIBUTORS of SALES - by their uses at football games.These sentiality of using ship space for the BOARDS, SALESCARDS and robes are now being distributed in col- transportation of necessities of life. With TRADE STIMULATORS. legecolors,and fanseverywhereareBeach Closing the increased tendency now more than joining the rush to get them before the MILWAUKEE, Sept. 23.-Concessioners ever to "Buy American" linked with the referee blows the starting whistle, it isalong the Lake Michigan water front were inability to import, prize users will turn reported. joined today by the newspapers in their to American manufacturers for supplies. Several good numbers in varied colorsprotesting against theclosing of the Whileconcessioners,pitchmen and were recently introduced to the trade,beaches on Labor Day.Following Sep- novelty workers had expected this con- By BEN SMITH and the fringed style seems to be verytember 4, the mercury skyrocketed to dition to some degree, there has been popular.The demand for these num-99 degrees, but the sweltering populace no concentrated drive to shift the pat- With vacation days at an end andbers is overwhelming and the boys arewas forced to cool off some way other ronage to American -made goods.Theorganizations beginning to show signs ofgetting their deals set to care for the situation in the Far East, which haslife again, it may not be a bad idea toearly birds. than at the beach or in pools.Those give some thought to an old favorite ... who walked along the lake front did so in been under way for many months, has Also outstanding on the market atdarkness because no lights in this region been relieved to a certain extent in thatfund-raising campaigns. The lean yearsthis time is a rubberized robe with car-were utilized. workers have consoled themselves to thefound most operators soft-pedaling theserying case which may also be used as a fact that goods from the Far East haveoperations, but not so very long agopillow.The robe folds up and can be One newspaper in writing of the mat- been decreasingas the conflict grewfund-raising drives were literally goldeasily inserted into the "pillow" andter said that pools were closed largely older.Now with European sources cutmines for the lucky promoters who ransnapped, which prevents its being lostbecause the county park commission de- off the boys will be forced to seek goodsthem.Perhaps the time is ripe for aand serves again as a very soft seat. Thecided that Labor Day approximately end- in this country.America was purchas-comeback; perhaps the long rest whichrobe has snaps on it for use as a wind-ed the season's aquaticactivities. A ing approximately $2,000,000 worth ofmany organizations have had insofarbreaker and the colors are fast.It isrevision of the rules was suggested to novelties yearly from , which is aas salesboard promotions go, is just whatalso water-resistant and boosted as theconform more closelytoMilwaukee's the doctor ordered to make these drivesideal item for an ideal football season.usual September conditions, which in- lot of goods at Jap prices. popular once more. clude balmy days, hot ones, and occa- With Christmas ornaments a product sional torrid periods virtually every year. of Belgium and wood novelties coming When conditions are right operators from France,one New York noveltywho receive the whole -hearted supportTip -Top Opens Branch This same publication then states that house has already indicated that it willof the rank and file in an organization SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 23.-Tip-TopLake Michigan beaches could "at least be forced to look to American manufac-have a natural combination for long be lighted'even after the life guards profits. These members are honor -boundProducts Co. of Spokane, Inc., branch ofleave and bathhouses close.The paper turers for his stock. to complete the cards they are taxedTip -Top Products Co. of Seattle, hasalso stressed that the park pools could Another distributordealinginim-with and very often will punch out theopened here at W305 Main under man-be operated without much real cost by ported glassware and Christmas decora-remaining numbers themselves in orderagement of Lee Rickles and has becomeassigning regular employees to them if tionsimported fromCzecho-Slovakiato reach their quota.Operators whoheadquarters for pitchmen.Rickles re-the summer staff must be dismissed in said that he had already ordered fromhave or can make connections with fra-ports the Arrow curtain rod starter orearly September. American plants to supplement his stockternal and charitable institutions wouldthreader going strong;also Keen -Edge Concessioners took the point of view in preparation for the Christmas trade.do well to give this type of promotionknife and scissor, jar opener and knee-that they could get about 26 more profit- While most of the dealers do have somecareful consideration this fall. action potato peeler manufactured byable days at the lake front if the beaches foreign goods on hand, it will be neces- Kenberry. Company sole distributor ofwere allowed to remain open.It would sary for the majority of them to increase In working with an organization on aDr. Steiner and Francine products; also fund-raising campaign the operator asRainbow soap. allow them an opportunity to dispose of theirstocks before the holiday tradea rule either pays the organization a flat muchoftheseasonalmerchandise gets under way. commission on each card sold or splits which, in many cases, they are forced to carry over because of the brief summer Manufacturers at Work on a 50-50 basis after all expenses are season along Lake Michigan. Severalmanufacturers have alreadydeducted. In either case the experienced sensed the situation and launched plansoperator usually finances and assumes for increased production.Other plantfull charge of the campaign. He selects NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Thru the 'ef- executives are at work on problems ofand purchases all merchandise to be dis- .1rcioforts of the New Jersey Council of which designand productiononsubstitutetributed, prepares all the literature, cre- Amory L. Haskell, prominent resident of lines for the most popular overseas nov-ates the salescard to be used and takes shvoo Middletown community near the Atlan- elties and prize merchandise items. care of all other details necessary to tic Ocean resorts of Long Branch and bring the promotion to a successful and By Palk47) Asbury Park, is a member, an advertising The benefit from this demand forprofitable conclusion. JOHN tzeRtap,-T campaign is now under way to educate American -made goodsisexpectedto To instill confidence in the members CARY tres.-4,,tam the public that summer in Jersey ends reach allmanufacturers, regardless ofand to make the campaign most effec- after October 1.This will afford conces- size and production. A small dealer intive, all circular matter and cards are so CHECKING over our files and letterssioners who pay rent on a yearly basis first -aid supplies inthis metropolitanimprinted (whenever possible)that itfrom our readers, we find that over a yearan additional month to cash in on their area said that he was already feeling theappears the organization is running the merchandise. effects of the European situation on his ago a dramatic club wrote for information business and that orders had increasedcampaign direct, and mailings are madeabout bingo. With schools opening over by a goodly percentage within the lastfrom the organization offices either bythe country it is logical to repeat some- the secretary of the order or by a paidthing about these groups and their bingos.sponsoring bingo games.This could be two weeks.His explanation was thatclerk.Full membership list is coveredWhile the ultimate purpose of dramaticdone either in connection with the show the larger manufacturers of this sameand when cards are completed the moneyclubs is to give the members some stageor separately.If done with the show, line were concentrating on larger orders.is turned over to the secretary, who inand theatrical training, there is back of itthen it would be advisable to give only American manufacturersofnoveltyturn passes it on to the operator. Thenthe idea to raise funds.Altho people doshort plays. An idea in this respect would and souve lines have felt the effects ofthe merchandise is distributed. enjoy amateur theatricals and like to seebe to present two one -act plays-one be- the Far East situation for some time Under a flat commission arrangementpeople they know in some of the difficultfore the bingo starts and one after it is thru the increased demand for thesethe operator usually figures 20 per centparts, there is no reason why such clubsover.A good play after a good evening goods. Buyers of these items for depart - (See DEALS on page 62) cannot afford greater entertainment by (See BINGO BUSINESS on page 62) September 30, 1939 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 61

While They Last JUST OUT! NOW! Popular Moms MODERNISTIC WritetoTheBillboard,Buyers'Servicedepartment, 25 OperaPlace, MIRROR ONLY Cincinnati, 0., for addresses of companies inthis department VANITY supplying the items which interest you. 60c each DRESSERS B99135 Alarm and Lock Combo Golfers' Item itisentirely new and ex- Wells Candid Type Camera Because Aimed directly at the sportsman trade, All -metal case, black crackle finish on sides and tremely practical the new Rohr Electric back with striped metal front.55MM. Eyvar Burglar and Fire Alarm Lock is provingthe new Stroke Saver Golf Ball setis Meniscus Lens.Telescopic eye level view finder, a big money-maker for demonstratorsclaiminginterest thruout the nation, fixed focus.Tithe and Snap Shots.Takes 16 Beckley -Ralston Co. reports.This new pictures on regular 8 -exposure roll of Agfa A-8 and agents everywhere, the Universal or Kodak 127 film. Alarm Corp. reports.The combo devicewrinkle is said to be one of the out- automatically sounds alarmifsomeonestanding prize items on the market and BIGGEST NOVELTY TODAY! attempts to "jimmy" the door, opens theconsists of six golf balls and a supply TWO-TONE EFFECT. door from inside, attempts to remove itof tees in a transparent utility container BLUE AND SILVER MIRROR. MAGNETIC that has many uses.Item is an easy - MODERNISTIC DESIGN. from door, or in case of fire.The lock PACKED ONE POUND HAND - has pickproof cylinders, individual keysseller with salesboard and bingo opera- DIPPED CHOCOLATES. TRICKY PUPSwith confidential number tag andistors and concessioners, the firm reports. EVERY BITE A KEEN DELIGHT. sold with an insurance policy issued by PLENTY OF FLASH. Lloyds of London.It requires only three No. 325 minutes to effectively demonstrate, theCosmopolitan Knife firm's officials state. For prize users who want a reasonably IN LOTS OF priced item with flash and quality the 6 OR MORE Cosmopolitan Knifeisclaiming atten- Write for Circular of Other "Hot Num. Quints Radio tion, Donald E. Gilson Co reports. This hers,"IncludingMusicVanitiesand Prize users who are looking for some-neat, practical and economic knifeis Candy Specialties. thing useful and flashy for the fall trademade of brass, plated nickel satin finish arestocking the new Stewart -Warnerand has carbonstainlesssteelblade. Cash -in While They're Hot!Air Pal Quints radio,D.A. Pachter Co.Concessioners are finding this an item Two Scotty Dogs mounted on bases of General reports.Hailed as the outstanding pre-certain to fill the bill, the firm reports. 2% CASH DISCOUNT Electric Alnico Magnet Metal.They will draw mium of the year, the Air -Pal radio fea- .TERMS. 25% Deposit, Bal. C.O.D. together when placed face to face or spin around No Shipment Made Without DEPOSIT when placed tall to tall.Also will perform many tures the Dionne Quintuplets on the set. other tricks. Item has special appeal to concessioners,Kitchen Shears Per Gross Sets $18.00 bingo and salesboard operators, the firm ZENITH SALES CO. No. B1N30 reports. Hailed as the perfect premium for CHICAGO Per Dozen Sets 1.60 women everywhere, "Eversharp" Kitchen 529 So. Franklin St., Shears are reported by this firm to be Same as Above, But claiming interest and receiving abig play wherever they are displayed.At- ELEPHANT and DONKEY tractive and practical and truly a house- "Charlie McCarthy" hold necessity, item can be used for re- Per Gross Sets moving bottle caps, cutting vegetables, No. B1N41 $18.00 trim- BINGO GAMES Per Dozen Sets 1.60 MAJESTIC RADIOS cuttingfish,dissectingpoultry, ming meat and unscrewing bottle tops.Every style and size.Markers, Paper and Catalin. Specials 1,500 and3.000. Balls. Cages. etc. MEN OF WAR The model, with enamel handle and Lowest Prices Two Soldiers Fighting. Act Same as Dogs. nickel -plated blades, is an exceptionally WARWICK NOVELTYCO.,Conimicuf, R.I. No. B1546 -Per Gross Sets $18.00 popular item, the firm reports. Per Dozen Sets 1.60 WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE THE LOWEST, QUALITY CONSIDERED 1939 BEST SELLERS FROM OUR BIG LINE N. SHURE CO. TERINHDAUTE, 200 W. Adams St., Chicago, III. LEVIN BROS. At Sensational Savings! 1939 CATALOG NOW READY.(ADVISE YOUR LINE WHEN REQUESTING CATALOG). 25% DEPOSIT RE- NOW 7.95 QUIRED ON C. O. D. ORDERS. Extra Value! Per Per Per Per ONLY EA. Doz. Oro. Doz. Oro. NET Flying Birds, Outside Whistle $1.90BB8 Head Canes .60 $ 6.75 13E1 BB9 Chesterfield Canes .65 7.50 Here'soneofthegreatestradio BB3 Flying Birds, Inside Whistle, 85 10.00 valueseveroffered! 6 -Tube AC, Tinsel Heads 2.75BB10 Rubber Covered Balls DC Superheterodyne with miniature B64 High Hat Monks, 61/4' .35 3.75BB11 Carnival Decorated Balloons, .60 6.75 No. 8 2.85 5 for $10.50 5 for $10.50 "Charlie at speaker." Beautiful plas- BB5 High Hat Monks, 9" BB12 Balloon Stix, Best Grade .25 tic cabinet. Walnut only6x725 Vs BEG Cell.Doll, 7" with weather Dress, Hat and Cane .85 7.50 BBI4 Robinhood Hats, Felt with No. BB 9683 - Ladies' Bracelet Watch. Ex- .80 9.00 quisitely Styled 12% L. Chrome Cases in as- 1397 Swagger !Mx, 88 In. .50 5.50 Colored Feather sortedengraveddesignswithbeautifullink EVANS NOVELTY COMPANY bracelet to match.Guaranteed jeweled move- 800 Washington Blvd., CHICAGO ments. Eachinattractivegiftcase. An amazingly Big Value and whirlwind premium item. Save money NOW byorderingAye Watches for $10.50. GLAMOROUS FUR COATS "LOVE PUPS" DEALERS, Write for Catalog. Our 1940 Creations In Style (Made with Genuine G. E. Alnico Magnets) and Value Unsurpassed Are Now Available. ROHDE-SPENCER CO. ACT Immediately and make DOZEN PAIRS...$1.35 GROSS PA1RS...$15.00 yourselectionofSeallnes, Lapins, Coneys, Caraculs, PREPAID!SEND M. 0. IN FULL! 223 W. Madison St., Dept. "B", Chicago Marminks, Kid Paw, Bea- verettes, M e n - A. M. WALZER CO., Security Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. doze, Beavers, fro m Pony, Skunko. HOSIERY I e n o,Skunks, National Famous Brands Persians, Krim- . mer Paws and AT WHOLESALE PRICES every other Fur up Coat. ' 30% SAVINGS ALSO BOLEROS Al Jill ST OFF THEPRESS. No Quantity Too Small SCARFS from a large ran FREE CATALOGUE We also have the most s gatloral fast selling CATALOG N2 40. WRITE FOR YOUR COPY NOW. Sales Card Deal ever often WRITE today for Free Catalogue, Sampletles Card and Price INTEGRITY HOSIERY CO. List without obligation. ALL PRICES REDUCED. BESURE AND 1265 Broadway, Dept. B-3, New York S. ANGELL & CO. vkst2thji/anuacturingure,is6ecVoq MENTION YOUR LINE OF BUSINESS. Y. BDWY.,KANSAS CITY,MO. ASSURED DV OUR MIDWEST MDSE.CO.,1010 REPEAT ORDERS trig. POPULAR MODELS -LOW PRICES FURCOATS No. 2H8. -Elgin Kwik It Has Flash! Class! our latest and greatest catalog Shave dryshaver. OUR NEW REVISED CATALOG Is now ready with smartest fall Sample 55c; Doz. 50c UNDERWOOD models In Coats. Scarfs, Capes, each; 6 doz. 49c each. 1939-1940 Ready for Distribution. Jackets (80 varied money mak- No. 2H17. Imperial Complete Line for Wagon Men, Agents, ELECTRIC SHAVER ers),All GENUINE Furs, all Dry Shaver. Biggest Value at styles,sizes. Ourincreasing Sample 53c;Doz. 49c Premium Workers, House -to -House business proves that our line each; 6 doz. 47c each. $1.00 Ehs,roluE:ePpoossittaige No. 2H20. - Under- Canvassers, Turkey Cards, Xmas Cards. IiliCi . - has highest values. Guaranteed satisfaction or money refunded wood Dry Shaver. Free Sample Case With First $10 Order H.M.d.flIR CO. In 3 days.Same day deliver- Sample $1.15; Doz. Kansas City, Mo. I5GW:28Slties. 25% Dep., Bal. C. 0. D. 98c each. CHAMPION SPECIALTY CO., 814-W Central Street, LOWEST PRICES. Hof Doggie Magnetic ELGIN OR P BULOVA - GRUEN - ELGIN-WALTHAM WALTHAM U REBUILT WATCHES Wrist & Pocket Watches GUARANTEED LIKE NEW $ P 5,000 NiEwc W R I S T A N D S FOR LADIES AND CENTS ...POCKET WATCHES 2.95 Reconditioned. Guaranteed Like Also Complete Line of Men's and Ladies' Hamilton, No. J638 -The magnetic toy that keeps 'em New. 1940 Styles flaw available. Bulova and Gruen Pocket and Wrist Watches at spellbound.Dependable G.E. licensed magnets. LOWEST PRICES Write for Free Catalogue. LowestPrices. 10% Deposit,BalanceC.0.D. Packed one black and one white In a box.Size of each pup 3/4" x 3/4". 5 Sets $1.00. Doz. $2.00. Gross $21.80. 311.0112IAN ROSIEN1 JOSEPH BROS.,Inc. SPORS CO., 9-39 Erie St., Le Center, Minn. 801 SANSOM ST., Wholesale Jeweler PHILADELPHIA, PA. 59 E. Madison Street, CHICAGO. 62 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE September 30, 1939 "Legal Status of MAGNETIC HOTSYTOTSY PUPS Amusement Co. $1 60 Employees" Doz. Sets $19.00 See Carnival Department of Or. Sets This Issue. The Weil -Known Mysterious Pups that Follow Each Other and Make Love. Each set (2 DogS) Radio Wire Television, Inc., formerly to a Box. Wholesale Radio Service Co., Inc., an- LARGE STOCK CARRIED ON HAND FOR nounces that its "Master" catalog fortheir only opportunity of owning what IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 1940 is now ready for distribution. Thethese people consider a luxury.For the Send 25c for Sample Set Postpaid. catalog of 188 pages is reported to be amen electric razors and radios would be most comprehensive radio -buying guidegood.There are any number of prizes with 40 pages devoted to home, portablethat wouldattract these people and HERE THEY ARE! and auto radios and accessories; 35 pagesthey'd welcome them as their own. 878 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y. The Fun Loving Magnetic to public-address equipment; 50 pages to We're anxious to hear from our bingo parts and more than 30 pages for theoperator friends. Why not drop a line Scotty Pups radio and television experimenter. about conditions in the town in which The Most Sensational Novelty in Years! you are operating?If you've had any Consistsof two miniature size Scotty dogs serious problems to solve tell us how you FUR COATS -oneblackand one white-madeof Portable Radios molded composition and mounted on mag- worked them out.We want to know netized metal bases. When either dogIs about your opening game.All of these and placedbehindtheother,themysterious Still Going Strong things are of interest to our readers and magneticforcecausesthe dogaheadto whirl about and meet the approaching dog to us-tell us about them. "Face -to -Face"In CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-For a dozen years JACKETS a comical manner. A winnerfordemonstrators,streetmen,etc. radio receiving sets have been a top- Latest 1940 Styles heavy favorite with premium and prizeDEALS No. 4010-LOVE PUPS- users from Coast to Coast.On many (Continued from page 60) Coneys, SealineS, Coco- From Put up 2 dogs, one black and one white, let t es,Squirrelettes, In a set. occasions they have met the challengeof the gross take of the card as the StripedConeys,Musk-$9 00 Each set In a box. of an erstwhile favorite to successfullycommission for the organization.That rats,Caraculs, pieced DOZEN $1® GROSS Seals,etc. Buy Direct 165 SETS 9 SETS retain a position of leadership in theis, if the card takes in, let us say, $20, From Manufacturer. Up field.Inspired and perhaps hastenedthe commission on each card sold is $4. Great bet for Saiesboard and Bingo No. 4011-JITTERPUPS- a little by the popularity of such num-The operator takes care of all expenses, Operators. Similar to above but better quality. bersas miniature cameras, movieincluding the salary of the secretary or SEND FOR FREE PRICE LIST Equipped withLicensedG.E. ALNICO cameras and projectors, electric shaversclerk for the duration of the campaign. Magnets-the most powerful magnet alloy In the world. and a few others, radio makers cameWhen the secretary assumes the clerical COHEN BROS. & SONS thru with some remarkable innovationsduties, the operator, in some instances, 145 West 28th St., New York City $ 185 D:11: $ 2100 GOSSERTSS that have made the receivers the mer-instead of paying the secretary a salary chandise hit of the summer season andmay decide to give him a fiat fee on SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF early fall. each card completed, usually 50 cents. OUR BIG 1939 GENERAL CATALOG The smaller models now available, When the organization membership is 119 North FourthSl. particularly the portable ones, completelarge, the operator, more often than not, CHESTERFIELD CANES GELLMAN BROS.1.11NNFAPOLISMIlii with no plug-in, no aerial and withwill attempt to work out a budget and shoulderstrap,and theself -poweredprofit-sharing arrangement.As before, ones have taken the country by storm.he will finance the campaign, and after Because they fill a need that is so widelydeducting all expenses and the cost of MAGIC PUPS recognized they have become exceedinglymerchandise distributedwillsplit the popular and successful as board, sales -net profits with the organization.The P card, bingo and other prizes.And mer-budget plan lends itself to wider ex- chandisers say the demand for theseploitation, and the operator will often models is already on a rising crescendotie up the deal with a free drawing on 1 Gross Lots I for the fall season.Now for the firsta grand award, which may be either an Per Gross $72 0 time, they point out, World Series fans,automobile or an expensive radio, etc.- $7.40 Per Gross C football fans and outdoor lovers can keepthe drawing to be held at a ball which (In 5 Gross Lots) informed on sports and other activitiesserves as the grand finale to the pro- E in the outside world right from theirgram.The operatorsupplies coupon box or bleacher seats or other location. books with thecards, and for each S The low prices manufacturers are mak- AMERICAN -MADE HEAVY MAPLE punch taken on the salescard the pur- PARADE CANES, $18.00 PER GROSS Same Large Size, Fully 1 Inch Long. Good ing possible for such promotions havechaser receives a coupon entitling him Quality Dogs. 2 Samples, Postpaid, 60c. done much to account for their wideto a chance in the drawing for the use, along with the standing that thegrand award in addition to the chance rag, $ 1 .70 Per$19.50 products enjoy. The seasoned salesboardof winning the major item on the card LARGE STOCK OF BINGO MERCHANDISE, and bingo operators have learned byitself.This induces the purchaser to DOLLS, NOVELTIES, SLUM, ETC. NOW AVAILABLE!! experience thatitis always advisabletake more than one chance and helps ELEPHANTS AND MULES to select articles that carry their owncomplete the card in a shorter period of Terms: 25% Deposit, Balance C. 0.D. No. 4014-Same Price as Above. assurance of quality as soon as the manu-time. SEND FOR OUR NEW CATALOG. facturer's name is given. Patronage is More on this next week. TRY OUR NO. 4064 LOVERS, Per Doz., $1.50 too hard to obtain and too valuable to * * * Shipped By Express Only. lose to be put to the hazard of disap- HAPPY LANDING. pointment thru lack of quality in the B. & N. SALES WIS. DE LUXE CORP. instrument or standing of the maker. 2030 Commerce, DALLAS, TEXAS. 1902 N. 3rd, MILWAUKEE, WIS. MORE PROFIT 707 Preston, HOUSTON, TEXAS. BINGO BUSINESS WITH NATIONALLY ADVERTISED 310W. 9th St., KANSASCITY, MO. (Continued from page 60) RADIOS FURS! FURS! FURS! of bingo would certainly be a most be- fitting finale. ELGIN OR WALTHAM Seidel Offers BIG VALUES NOW IS a good time to give the bingo FINE REBUILT POCKET WATCHES In Beautifully Illustrated Cata- SEND FOR 25% DEPOSIT, log, ShowingAlltheLatest ops a bit of warning.Since moving in- FREE BALANCE Styles in CONEYS, SEALINES, doors much interest has been manifested CATALOG $1.15 C.0.D. SQUIRREL-COCO LETTES, $0.00From in the game. Before the novelty of which An Exceptional Value In Guaranteed Time Piece. ETTES, MUSK- every opening and change carries a cer- RATS, GENUINE Uo tain amount has had a chance to wear SQUIRRELS, CARACULS, STAR WATCH CO. PERSIANS, Etc.Also Scarfs off the players will be clamoring for gifts 725 SANSOM ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. and Jackets.Highest Quality- for Christmas. ZENITH ... PHILCO ,, GENERAL Lowest Prices.Start the Season ELECTRIC . . . MOTOROLA Right. SEND FOR CATALOG THE WARNING is not to think that STEWART-WARNER TODAY. your game is going to go thru on its own IT'S FREE. Will increase your sales. .. Everybody momentum. While business is good start wants a Nationally known radio. WIRE SALESCARDS $8.00 T'ro promotions that will carry you thru any orAIR MAIL forsensationallylow BINGO BLOWERS price radio circular. . . . First time lull which may come after the holidays. Your game Isnot complete M. SEIDEL Cr SON That's when your promotional work is offered. without one.Size of Cabinet 16x16. 40 inches high. 248 West 30th St., N. Y.0. going to count-not between now and O Price$55.00. ELECTRIC Christmas. MASTER BOARDS, size 206 ft.Price $125. THE OTHER day we read an article 529So. Franklin St., CHICAGO SPECIAL-ELGIN & WALTHAM NEW TERMS: 2% OFF FOR CASH AMERICANabout a firm that was planning to have POP BAKER .." MADE DUBER-its men employees form a bowling team. II=- HAMPDENFor those who didn't care for bowling BAKER Sole Manufacturer, Gnu-Frei41(3 WRIST WATCH- sine° 2907 W. Warren, Detroit, the firm planned to have a basketball GENUINE BLOWER ..- d c, f..7 ES In Yellow Michigan. Cases. Strap andsquad. There are certain to be persons em- box with prioe tag.ployed by such a large concern as the one FUR CHUBBYS h- LotsEa of 3 $2 Cchf1about which we read that don't care for _ bowling or basketball.There is perhaps and FUR COATS WALTHAM & ELGIN 12x6, 7J Elgin and Wa them Knife Edge $3.25 Lateststyle. B u y POCKET WATCHES- Model. Each $2.75; 15J Each such a large number of such persons that from well-known New Yellow Engraved Hunt- 16 Size, 7J Elgin with NewYellow ingCase,withYellow Cases.Lots of 6.Each $2.25the idea of promoting something for them York Firm. Pieced 18 Size, New R. R. Model. Waltham or $1.75is a problem. Where there are men and SealDyed Coney, Chain to!! Elgin, 7J. Lots of 6. Each black or brown colors, match. 7 Same -15J. Lots of 6. Each women employed by a firm an ideal pas- finestquality. Sizes Re- $2.25time is bingo.These people, the major- 14-42,$5.50 each conditioned Special Pricesfor QuantityUsers.25% Deposit, and $9.00 each. movement. EA Balance C.O.D. Sample 50c Extra. Send for Catalog. ity of whom are in the middle -income $1 Deposit,Balance In lots of S. group, will welcome the opportunity to C. 0. D.Money re- 20% Dep., Bal. C.O.D. N. SEIDMAN'Ne3w CI= 11.'",): turned within 3 days SPECIAL PRICE FOR get prize merchandise that they can use Ifnot satisfactory. LARGE QUANTITIES. or use as Christmas gifts.A fur coat, Send for Free Catalog. ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD-YOU'LL BEa fur jacket or even neckpieces would be GENERAL FUR MFG. CO. PLYMOUTH JEWELRY EXCH. 1416:31,Coarinta,litif. SATISFIED WITH RESULTS. welcomed by the women-it might be 152 West 24th St., New York, N.

r. September 30, 1939 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES The Billboard 63

eila OAK HYTEX A department for Pitchmen, Demonstrators, Novelty Sales- INFLATABLE men, Medicine Showmen, Agents, Streetmen and Others. TOY A rubbertoythat byBILL BAKER willgetbigmoney. NEW 1 9 3 9 PINS Flashy red, white and (Cincinnati Office/ blue color effect. Two Increase yoursales! . . . these new sizes:103/4and 18 1939 Engraving Pins are"clicking". Inches high.See your JACK (SNOWBALL) BEARD . . . worker, Eddie Pine, is a credit to the busi- Jobber or write to us. See these new styles in new catalog No. blasts from Lawton, Okla., that he'd likeness also.Jack's wife is a real pal to him 24, Just off the press.Catalog also con- The OAK RUBBER CO. tains best selling WhItestone and Cameo to see pipes from Toby Johnson, Soapyand gives him plenty of incentive to plug Williams, Jack Hamilton and wife andalong the clean way he has always done. RAVENNA,OHIO Rings; also Billfolds and Photo Jewelry. Barney Mann. Iwas very much surprised to hear upon Write for Catalog No. 24 today. my arrival here thatI was dead and IT'S NOT too early for you specialty workersburied.We all got a good laugh from HARRY, PAKULA CO. to give some thought to what item you willthe false rumor.Boys here are not 5 No. Wa bash Ave.. Chicago,III. work for the forthcoming holiday business. hungry, but none are getting rich." SOCIAL SECURITY AND TRIPOD OPININGS: "Misplace the confi- EDDIE REED . . IDENTIFICATION PLATES pencils: "Just leaving Chicago after ex-dence of one who tries to be a friend and you're a cinchto accumulate aflockof 100 SOCIAL SECURITY,IDENTIFICA- periencing the most beautiful toss -around TION OR OATH- 6zA ,2C .1=BEEMORIMINelaiI ever had. Am doubling with Bill Gaige,enemies." CLIC PLATES... 51/ Each a sheetie, and will work med in Southern 100 DOUBLE PUSH FILLERS PLUN6ERS CASES t Illinois, thence to the Coast.The fra-A BRIEF BULLETIN . . . 2c Each Combos - Pen Sets Ask us for our complete wholesalepricelist. ternity is well represented in the Windyfrom Jack (Bottles) Stover comes from which shows our complete lineof Identification No Better Quality in the Low Priced Field.City, but money is scarce." Weston, W. Va.: "It sure looks as if the Plates covering all organizations and fraternal JOHN F. SULLIVAN, boys were getting set for the winter at the orders. INCREASE YOUR PROFITS WITH 468 Broadway, New York City IN LAST week's issue we noticed that sev-Petersburg, W. Va., Fair. Seen there were THE ONLY COMPLETE LINE. eral sent in pipes who never before under-Joe Lock and the missus, the Harman took to do so.That's the way, boys and Identification Plate & Machine to.,Inc. FREE CATALOG! Brothers and Fitty Irwin. Everybody did World's Largest Manufacturers ofIdentifica- Showing newest fast - girls. Now let's have some from the hun-well and the weather was fine." tionPlates and Machines selling items, highly dredsofothers who have enjoyed reading 1560 Broadway, Dept. B3, New York City polished, In Lockets, about the other fellow, but have not done their Chicago Office: 35 S. Dearborn St. Crosses, Engraving "I FIND INDIANA . . . Jewelry, Cameo and bit for the column. in a little better spending mood," pens White -StoneRings. Send $2.00 for com- Bob Posey from Hartford City, Ind. He plete samples. MARY E.RAGAN . . would like to see pipes from Jim Osborne, FAIR WORKERS!!! JACK ROSEMAN CO., typewrites from San Francisco: "There SpeedHascal,Oklahoma We have the most corn- 307 Fifth Avenue, Now York City. Al Decker, pletelineInNEWEST are not many pitchmen here at present.Charley McCarthey, Jack (Gummy) Cur- STYLES of LOCKETS, The law is plenty tough. Tip Holstrom isrant and Al Cover. CAMEO and WHITE - here but can't work. Nat Herman dropped STONE RINGS, CROSSES and COSTUME JEWELRY. IMME- ® NEW $18.50 GTO PLUNGERS in on his way south. He has a spot here MUCH of the success of pitchmen may be DIATE DELIVERY!!!Write for LOWEST PRICE EVER! for Christmas for ties.Frenchy Delmarattributed to the fact that they continually CATALOG or send $2.00for is looking for a spot for his pens.This Samples. seek to win everlasting favor with the public. MAJESTIC BEAD & NOVELTY CO. is 18 months for me in the same spot and 307 Fifth Ave., New York City pas I just took another long lease.Business is still good for me. I have bought a niceJOE E. MILLER . . . home here and I still own the farm infinds his share of business working sheet Ink Gauge tells wheno refill. Modernistic in West Virginia. Says he worked a picnic Band-Extra Top Band.Beautiful Varie- Indiana." ELGIN 8 WALTHAM gated Colors.Complete Sample Line 50c. recently and among those seen there were MEMORIES: Remember when Coc WilliamJohn Swisher and wife and daughters, REBUILT WATCHES $ 75 JACKWIN PEN New York, Y.AH. Burns was making Missouri territory someworking novelties; Lou Zetta, of med and 7 Jewel, 18 811e, In 3. nrimpear years ago and he stopped over in Poplar Bluffpaint fame, and Fingers Dalton."I am H. Engraved Cases, at Doc was at a springgoing to remain in West Virginia until Send for Price List. Money flack If Not Satisfied. to make the fair there? CRESCENT CITY WATCH MATERIAL 00., one morning, getting a pail of water, and onesnow flies, then go south far the winter."113 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. of the older citizens was sitting there. They gottotalking, and Doc remarked,"Say, A COMMUNIQUE . . FOOTBALL (HARMS Uncle, you have a wonderfully healthy countryfromAlSears, of Newark, N.J.,reads: Sompie2J f "Yes, sir, we sure Pave. There"The war boom has put manymen to J] 3/4 InchSize, down here." per gross, 60o have been only two killings since tie last term 1 Inch Size, of court," the old gent replied. per gross, 900 We Manufacture a dc-v,s7.7f!,:ie214.. SampleCharm SMOKEY PITTMAN . . . Assortment (60 postcards from Avant, Okla., that he is Line of Fast Selling different kinds) clicking thru the oil section."We are at Lowest Possible 5 gross, $3.75 carrying a show consisting of a five -piece Prices. Postage Prepaid ork and a cast of six people, including a Our line I, of course, am still doing Includes Special Prices in Quantities. toby comic. SEALINEFURS SKIN SWAG- cork.Besides myself roster has Bernice GERS, STRIPED CONEY Pittman, Jack Perry, Bubbles Galanges, SWAGGERS and all types Two Items that went over big at the Toronto Expo- KARL GUGGENHEIM, Inc. Shirley Pittman, Carl the Cowboy and ofSeallnes (Rubberized). Also V shapes, Stayed sition this year. 160 Fifth Ave., New York City. the Marks Family." andUnstayed andPieced Middles. STANLEY NALDRETT . . Experienced Fur Men and thosedesiringtohandle making Midwestern fairs, recently worked Furs willprofit by getting with Al (Pop) Adams at the Clay County In touch with us. We know They're Here? Fair, Spencer, Ia.Naldrett rested up in exactly what you require. Des Moines a few days last week before TEITEL & KEREN Low -PricedSharpener. Write for Prices. WALTHAM PENS going to the St. Regis spot in St. Louis, Mfq. Furriers September 20, for 10 days.Stanley says 145 West 28thSt., E.P. FITZPATRICK he'd like to read a pipe from Marty Rob- NEW YORK CITY 501 N. Van BurenSt., Wilmington, Del. The Greatest and Fastest Selling Name In bins. P \ia WI Fountain Pen History! HUSTLER'S TIPS: From allindications ink AMAZING 3 -PURPOSE POLISH W

ENDURO-200% Profit Item. Write today for completely Illustrated catalog of sticks, punch needle sets and leather goods0 CLEANS, POLISHES AND WAXES A his t".4,eqrs every type Fountain Pen and Pencil. PRICES are in for a run to get some real gelt. Why IN 30 MINUTES! RETAILS FOR $1.00. The NOW LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Does Complete Job in One Operation. Each holds 20 Cellophaned Isstarting off now with a BANG with not order your stock now, thus avoiding the box season IDemonstrationIImonstration SellsSells Car Owners onthe Spot!$ Ile Poetsof Factory Fresh WALTHAM PENS, so get started now with the possibility of being caught short? EVERY HOUSEWIFE AN EAGER Snippy Display Boxes penthatisgoingover best-NEW STYLE Ouzo, PARK -O -TYPE PENS NOW READY. STARR PROSPECT! help you to get quick 100%to WALKERAND COZY . . . ,s,Send 10cfor Sample to Cover Handling. 200% profits.Be our diatrib- PEN CO.. 300 W. Adams, Dept. 13-23, Chicago. MIDWEST MFG. CO., Desk 18, 0ntor--get I artsalSend 50e for sample box (pre- the "Hav-a-Laff" team, closed their medr 2420 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. paid).GREAT FIELD FOR AGENTS. Write opry tent season September 23 and will AMERICAN CHEWING PRODUCTS CORP., play halls this winter in Southern In-CAIMMEWIZ41016,411WWIMILIk4th end Mt. Pleasant Ave., Newark, N. J. MEDICINE MENdiana, writes John A. Walker from La- Write today for new catalogue of Tonics, Oil. Salve,conia, Ind.The two -people show plays Every $1,00 Gets you $5.00 Seep. Tablets. Herbs, etc. Low prices-rapid service. YU,slr,realprofit. Goodrich Key Check Stamping Outfits 12 to15nights in each town, with a Rene o: kers alwayshave EmblemKey GENERAL PRODUCTS LABORATORIES change of show nightly. Walker says this dnegh,and whenyentellpros- Checks, Key Ringo, Manufacturing Pharmacists has been his best summer in rive years. pect, Rouesaremade bythe ate. Catalogfree. 487 E. Spring St., Columbus. Ohio. Goodrich Co.. rat 11164, they buy Sample check with with ronfldence PItchmen, Win- name andaddress, THINGS WE NEVER HEAR: "If we had dow workers. Theirs. write for few 25o. prices. Best season ahead. SPICY COMIC XMAS CARDS our way, pitchmen would not only be invited SOCIAL SECUR- Sm.ample 10s. ITY PLATES Hot,peppy,laughable designs in flashy colors.20 to work our town but we'dseethat they got Each Hone in 0130DR1014 newdesigns, fast 1n, sellers.Eye-opening profits.their share of business."-City Council. 50o Oliver Da 1500 West Madison, KEMP Start fillingyour pocket -bookfor Xmas. No excuse Luse Box. Dept. BG-9, Chicago. 463.R East. 178th St., NEW YORK CIT f forbeing broke.100. $2.50; 500, $10.00; 1,000, $18.00.Real sellers, Na junk.Envelopeswith each EDDIE REED . Card.20 samples, $1.00. None Free. Demonstrators-Jobbers-Distributors COMIC SHOP. working herbs in Neisner's, St. Louis. to 2483-A Kensington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.fair takes, commends a pipe in last week's Over 100,000 Sold in 4 Months-IT'S HOT! Latestson- Full details ,..--; --..,-..-, ------issue: "Icouldnothelp admirea rational 25c W I t h Pre - dear friend of mine for the intelligent item b e- paid Sample cause It O 25c. Veterans Wake Up! manner in which he expressed himself re- works. Post Cards $1800 Per GROSS Note removaltolargerQuarters. 01d -timersare garding misleading information handed Combs and Ignored back in lineselling ourVeterans'Joke Books. Mag-out on Indiana spots.The man I refer Trims Hair in one operation the pro- Make 2005 forBETTERPLUNGERS azines -2c to 5c. Sell10c to25c. Other sea- fessional way,without experience. Profit. sonable features.Holiday flashes. Patriotic Calen-to is Jack Hendrix. He is a credit to the TRIM -RITE HAIR TRIMMER 3 Assorted Samples, Postpaid 50c. dars,WelcomeCards. etc. 2c to 5c.Send 10c forpitch fraternity and I wish there were Simples. VETERANS' SERVICE MAGAZINE, TRIM RITECO., New Kensington, Pa. ASS'TD PEN, Mfrs., 187 Lafayette, N.Y.C. 169 Doane St., New York City. more like him in the business.His co- 66 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR September 30, 1939 an all -day visitor.The only city played Wicke, Gus (Gay Nineties) NYC,ne. Willard, Harold (Gay 90's) NYC, nc. east of the Mississippi was Rock Island, Williams, Dolores(St. George)Brooklyn, Is. 21 Years Ago Ill., August 6.From this point show2natetial Williams, Midge(Pal)Cleveland,t. went back into Iowa, 20 towns being Williams, Gwen (Wivel) NYC, nc. played in that State. Season closed at Williams,Frances(BillyRose's Aquacade) With Sells-Floto World's Fair, NYC. Walsenburg, Colo. Ptotection Ruteau Wilson, Charley, Trio (Le Possonnier) NYC, By C.E. DUBLE H.B. Gentry was general manager; no. Doc Palmer, manager of the "Big DoubleAFree Service for Readers Wilson. Marie (State) NYC, t. The Sells-Floto train of 30 cars (showMuseum and Wonders of Creation"; Har- Wood, Johnny (Earl Carroll's) Hollywood, tic. Woods, Sonny (Pal)Cleveland,t. was owned by Tammen and Bonfils),vey Bruner, treasurer;Jim Campbell, ATTENTIONis directed to TheBill- Worthy, Mildred (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, with all wagons and cars fresh from thefront door and advertising banner man board's Material Protection Bu- nc. hands of the panters, left Denver, Colo.,(the writer assisting him at times); C.L. reau embracing all branchesofthe Wright, Charlie (Buckingham) NYC, b. April 1, stopping en route at Trinidad,Brown band master (band had 24 men); show business,but designedpar- George Myers, manager after -show con- Y Colo., and Las Vegas, N. M., to feed and ticularlytoservetheVaudeville, Ygor & Tanya (Earl Carroll's) Hollywood, no. water.Season opened April 6 at Al-cert, the "Big Musical Extravaganza," 24 Night Club and Radio fields. Yost Men, Four (Diamond. Horseshoe) NYC, buquerque, N. M., with a new spread ofballet girls, singers and dancers taking Those wishing to establish idea or canvas.From there to El Paso, Tex.,part, also Arthur Borella, musical act. material priority are asked to inclose followed by Las Cruces, Silver City andMyers also made all announcements in Zandra (Maynard) Seattle, nc. descriptions of same in a sealed en- Zane, Nola(Greenfell)Louisville,nc. Deming, N. M., and nine stands in Ari-big show.J. H. DelVecho played steam velope,bearing onitsfacetheir Zaranoff, Sonia (Ivanhoe Gardens)Chi, nc. zona. The show entered California Aprilcalliope in parade, also sold concert tick- signature,permanentaddressand Zephyrs, Two,(Pal)Cleveland,t. 22 at El Centro. Was in Los Angeles threeets.Big show program was presented in other information deemed necessary. Zink,Betty(Merry -Go -Round)Dayton, O., days and San Francisco four. Thirty-two rings and on an elevated stage. nc. Upon receipt the packet will be dated, Zitz, Bornie (Club 18) NYC, nc. seven stands were played in California, Performers With Show attested to and filed away under the tour of State ending at Montague June name of the claimant. 7. Important towns followed in Ore- Some of the performers whom I re- Send sealed packets, accompanied GRAND -STAND AND gon, Washington and Idaho. Seattlecall were William E. Wells, equestrian by letter requesting registration and was a two-day stand.Denver, the homedirector, who presented trained horse return postage, to Elias E. Sugarman, FREE ATTRACTIONS city, was played July 15. Otto Floto wasdisplays; the Hodginis and the HobsonThe Billboard's Material Protection (Routes are forcurrentweek when no dates family, equestrians; Three Legrohs, con- are given) tortionists; Bert Delno troupe of aerial Bureau, 6thFloor,Palace Theater bar performers; Paul Brachard, contor- Building, New York City. Avalons,The:(Fair)New Liskeard,Ont., TheBillboardtakeseveryreasonable Can,;(LaSalle Theater)KirklandLake, tionist and hand balancer; Berta (Slats) precaution to safeguard packets submitted Oct. 2-7. Beeson, on the tight wire; Sweeney and for registration with the Bureau but does Blondin-Rellim Troupe: (Fair) Warsaw, lnd. Newton, iron jaw; an Arab troupe of nine not guarantee or assume any liabilityin Cooke & Cooke:(Fair)Farmville, Va., Oct. tumblers; Ida Delno, hand balancer and 2-7. connection with same. DeCardos, Six: (Fair) Leamington, Ont., Can. aerialist, who also rode in the big menage The Bureau is not designed to supplant Eaton Sisters:(Fair) Murphy, N. C. number; the Rink Wright Duo, in ladder Bloomsburg,Pa.; balancing and equilibristic feats. Blanche in any way the service performed by the EmeraldSisters:(Fair) No. 4452 U.S.Copyright Office, Washington, D. C. (Fair)York, Pa.. Oct. 2-7. Wells presented one of the elephant dis- Gasca Bros.:(Fair)Spencer,Ind.,25-28. The Billboard's intention with regardto Jordans,Six:(Fair)Knoxville, Tenn. plays, featuring Snyder, the biggest of the Bureau is to provideameans of estab- LaTona Troupe: Sutton, Neb., 26-28. BLANKETS the herd.Revolving statuary on pedes- lishing priority of ideas that is not within LaVine, Mike, Trio:(Fair) Attica, 00., 27-29; the Market tals in the two rings, presented by 24 (Fair) Ottawa. Oct. 3-7. flashiest on ballet girls.A fine menagerie was car- the scope of the Copyright Office. LaVola, Don, & Carlotta:(Fair) Tucumcari, riedwithseveralbigmassive N. M. dens. LaZellas, Aerial:(Fair) Abilene, Kan., 25-29. Borellaand Jack Harris headed theStone, Bebe (Grand Terrace)Chi, nc. LeDoux & Louisa:(Fair)Union, Me. $ list of clowns. Stone, Bernice (Edgewater Beach)Chi,h. (Fair)Leamington, Lots, Strickland, Charles (Gay '90s) NYC, nc. Morris,Will, & Bobby: in Case At Muscatine, Ia., a terrific wind andStuart, Jackie (Fulton Royal) Brooklyn, nc. Ont., Can. 30 tothe Case. rain storm struck the show just as theSuter, Ann (Club Alabam') Chi, nc. Reed, Betty:(Fair)Knoxville, Tenn. (Lestthan night performance ended. Sutherland, Ann (356 Club) San Francisco, nc.Ricardo, Great:(Fair) Clanton, Ala.;(Fair) CaseLOts, Appearing in the parade were a num-Sweet, Ancil (International Casino) NYC, nc. Wetumpka, Oct.2-7. $1.45) Swift, Garfield (Earle) Washington, D. C., t.Romas, Aerial:(Indoor Fair) Waterloo, Ia. ber ofelaborate hand -carved tableau Senter-Webbs Troupe: Emporium, Pa.; Endi- wagons and cages. T cott, N.Y.,Oct. 2-7. Tait, Katherine (Bossert) Brooklyn, h. Unicus Troupe:Lumberton,N.C. Talia (Blackhawk)Chi, Cc. Valentines Flyers: Chelsea, Okla. Tanya (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, nc. Valmars, Aerial: (Indoor Fair) Waterloo, Ia. Baughman Moves Doll ShowTapia, Cesar (Havana -Madrid) NYC, nc. Wagner,Tex.:(Fair)Litchfield,Ill., 27; Taras & Masters (International Settlement) (Home -Coming) Rushville 28; (Home- ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.,Sept.23. - San Francisco, no. coming) White Hall 30. John S. Baughman, for many years ad-Tiny Ann & Tony Small (Paramount) NYC, t.Yacopis, The: (Fair) Pomona, Calif. vertising solicitor for the late JosephTip, Tap & Toe (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. Mayer on the Ringling circus program,Tisdale Trio (Coq Rouge) NYC, re. For extra profit take advantage of our has moved the International Doll Ex-Titan Trio(Capitol)Washington, D.C.,t. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL complete stockof BEACON-ESNIOND hibit from St. Cloud, Fla., to St. Peters-Tobin, Al (Grand Terrace)Chi, nc. BLANKETS - CLOCKS - STOOLS Tommy & Nellie (Show Box) Seattle, nc. (Routesareforcurrentweek when no - HASSOCKS- SCALES -LAMPS burg.It will open here as the Palace ofTony & Estrella (Cuban Casino) NYC, nc. dates are given) -CANES-DOLLS-etc. Dolls on October 1 for an indefinite run.Trixie (Chez Paree)Chi, nc. All the Leading and Best NOVELTIES, The dollcollection, numbering 650Tucker, Sophie (Versailles) NYC, nc. Barrymore, John: (Selwyn)Chi. CANES, PLASTER for BALL GAMES Turner, Alma(Pal)Cleveland,t. Chatterton, Ruth: (Hanna) Cleveland; (Cass) and other rare types, was made by Mr. and Mrs.Twardy, Ray (Aquacade) World's Fair, NYC. Items. Baughmanduringtripsaroundthe Detroit, Oct. 2-7. U Desert Song: (Curran) San Francisco. Write for Free Copy of our New Cat- world as well as visits to the Mediter- Evans,Maurice. inHamlet: (McCarter) alog. State your line of Business. raneancountries and comprisesalsoUncle Willie & Patsy (Pappy's 66 Club) Dal- Princeton, N. J.;(Forrest)Phila, Oct. 2-7. las.nc, Hayes, Helen.(Forrest)Phila. many American antiques as well as cos-Usdonoff, Mischa (Russian Kretchma) NYC,I Married an Angel: (Royal Alexandra) To- tume and character dolls. nc. ronto, Can. V Lawrence, Gertrude:(Nixon)Pittsburgh. ROUTES Valdez & Peggy(Blue Meadow)Lexington,Mamba's Daughters: (Grand)Chi, Oct. 2-21. Ky., cc. Man Who Came to Dinner: (Plymouth) Bos- (Continued from page 19) Valley & Lynne (Baylies Sq.) New Bedford, ton. Royal Duo (Palomar) Los Angeles, nc. Mass.,28-30,t. Too Many Girls: (Shubert) New Haven, Conn., Royal Whirlwinds (Gibson) Cincinnati, h. Van, Betty (Blackhawk) Chi, nc. 28-30. Rudie. Ruth (Oriental)Chi, t. Vance, Valeria (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, nc. Tobacco Road:(Liberty)Marysville,Kan., Ruiz, Maclovia (Havana -Madrid) NYC, nc. Vantine & Cazan (Harry's New Yorker) Chi, 27;(Municipal Aud.)Kansas City,Mo., Russell,slim: Seattle, Wash., 25-30. nc. Velero Sisters (La Conga) NYC, nc. 28-30. PREMIUM MART Velez, Angela (Show Bar) Forest Hills, N. Y., CONTI-NENTAL St. Clair, June (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. nc. MISCELLANEOUS 822 N. 3rd St., MILWAUKEE, WIS. Sanderson, Everett & Nanon (Oriental) Chi, t.Vincente, Margo (Versailles) NYC, nc. Santos & Elvyra (Queen's Terrace) Woodside, Arthur,Magician:Groveoak,Ala.,27-28; L. I., nc. Green Chapel 29-30. Sargeant, Jean (Whirling Top) NYC, nc. Wahl, Walter Dare (Aquacade) World's Fair, Birch,Magician:Rigby,Ida.,27;Pocatello Saunders, Milton (Ambassador) NYC, h. NYC. 28; Logan, Utah, 29; Rupert, Ida., Oct. 2; Savage, Helen (Town & Country Club) Mil- Burley 3; Gooding 4; Boise 5; Nampa 6. waukee, nc. Campbell, Loring, Magician: Auburn, Me., 27; FREE PAMPHLET Scheff, Fritz) (Diamond Horseshoe) NYC, nc. OUTSTANDING COMEDY HIT Bath 28; Gardiner 29; Waldoboro 30; Au- Schweng, Hans (Little Old New York) World's 2; Skowhegan 3; Livermore Write today for your free copy telling you Fair, NYC. Of New York World's Fair gusta,Oct. Sevia, Don (The Madison) Baltimore, no. Falls 4; Farmington 5; Rumford 6. how to get into the roadshow business. Shannon, Terry (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, nc. DeCleo, Magician: Marysville, 0., 25 -Oct. 14. It contains thorough directions on the dif- Sharratt, Salley (Old Heidelberg) Chi, re. Dressen's Ride Attrs.: Aledo,Ill.,27 -Oct.1. ferent phases of operation and also a buyers' Shayne & Armstrong (Bismarck) Chi, h. George, Magician: Albuquerque, N.M.,26 - Shaw, Artie, & Orch. (Strand) NYC, t. WALTER DARE WAHL Oct. 1. directory.Write now! Shaw, Esther (Lexington) NYC, h. Harlans, The: Barberton, 0., 25-30. Shea & Raymond (Orpheum) St. Paul, t. BILLY ROSE'S AQUACADE Hermes. Magician: Aylmer, Ont., Can., 25-27; The Roadshowman Sheridan, Nora (1 Fifth Ave. Bar) NYC, h. Strathroy 28-30; Simcoe, Oct. 3-6. Sherman, Shavo (Capitol) Washington, Johns, Dick & Helen, Playland:(Fair) Car- 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio D. C., t Waldron, Jack (Paradise) NYC, nc. rollton, 0., 27-30. Sherman, Lillian (Netherland Plaza) Cincin-Wallace, Beryl (Earl Carroirs) Hollywood, Co.Klein's Circus unit: (Armory)Cumberland, nati, h. Waller, Fats, & Band (State -Lake) Chi, t. Md., 25-30. Shore, Willie (Colosimo's) Chi, nc. Walters, Gene (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. Leckvold's Magical Revue of1940: Monroe, Sidell, Bob, Trio (Beverly Hills) Newport, Ky.,Walsh, Sammy (Lookout House)Covington, Wash., 27; Kent 28; Tacoma 29. WONDERFUL FV,D,SOORATOR cc. Ky., nc. Lewis, H. Kay, & Hollywood Varieties: Salt Simmons, Gertrude (Palmer House)Chi,h.Waring, Fred, Glee Club (Billy Rose'sAqua- Lake City, Utah, Oct. 1-2; Cheyenne, Wyo., it'. Smith, Earle (Ambassador West) Chi, h. cade) World's Fair, NYC. 4-5. PofAiltardiS Spanier, Muggsy, & Band (State -Lake) Chi. t.Wayne, Ginger (Barney Gallant's)NYC,nc. Malloy, J. R., Circus unit: Canton, 0., 25-30. ,11-P:r4Sells byitself,attracting crowds.Spencer, Florence (Golden Gate Expo.) SanWayne, Lillian (Queen Mary) NYC, nc. Marquis, Magician: Sioux City, Ia., 27; Owana Profit 300%. Fine for stores, fairs. Chi,t. Neb.,29; Glenwood, Ia., etc.Write for circulars, prices and Francisco, a Wayne, Ruth (State -Lake) 28;Plattsmouth, exclusive franchise in open territory.Spivy(Tony's)NYC, nc. Wayne, Iris (Golden Gate Expo.) San Fran- Oct. 2; Charlton 4-5; Ottumwa 6. Startnew profitablebusiness -Sterling, Dolly (606 Club)Chi, no. cisco, a. Montague,'Duke,Magician,& Hollywood retailand wholesale. Stevens, Marsha (Wilson) Harrisburg,Pa.,h.Wayne, Marshall(BillyRose'sAquacade) Dollies:Afton,Wyo., 27;Bedford 28; POTATO POP CHIP MFG. CO., Stewart, Bernice (St. Regis) NYC, nc. World's Fair, NYC. Thayne 29; Freedom 30;Etna,Oct. 2; 4536 W. 130th St., CLEVELAND,OHIO Webster,Helen(InternationalSettlement) Wayan 3; Georgetown. Ida., 4; Bancroft, 5. San Francisco, nc. Myhres Entertainers: Fort Yates, N. D., 25-30. Weeks, Marlon (Little Old New York) World'sRiCt011'S Dogs: McMinnville, Tenn., 25 -Oct.7. Fair,NYC. Rippel, Jack: Beaver Dam, Va., 25-30. GOLD CREST Weissmuller, Johnny(Billy Rose'sAquacade) POPULAR PRICED PACKAGE Con- World's Fair, NYC. tains Assorted Fruit Caramel Kisses. $ 75 Wencil, Ray (Town & Country Club)Mil- CARNIVAL Colored Cellophane Wrapped. waukee, nc. Per 100 West, Buster, & Lucille (Pal)Chi, t. (Routes are for current week when no dates Packed 100 to Carton. West, Everett(Chicago)Chi,t. are given.In some instances possibly White, Jack(18)NYC, nc. arelisted.) Send for FREE Illustrated Catalog. White, Belva (Hi -Hat)Chi, nc. mailingpoints 20%Deposit withOrder, Balance C.0. D. White, Danny (Chez Ami) Buffalo, nc. 5NewE. 11tClSt.., White Bros.: Trenton, N. J. Acme Expo: Strasburg, Va. DELIGHT SWEETS, INC York0 ty Whitehouse (Bismarck) Chi. h. All-American Expo: Imboden, Ark. September 30, 1939 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 6T

Baker, Tem, Attrs.: Tipton, Ind., Oct. 5-7. Heller's Acme: (Fair)Enfield, N. C.;(Fair) B. & H. Am. Co.: Lynchburg. S. C.; Sumter, Weldon, Oct. 2-7. Oct. 2-7. Hennies Bros.: Fayetteville, Ark. FEATURE TOP MONEY GETTERS AT YOUR FAIRS Bantly's All-American: (Fair) Sanford, N. C.;Heth, L. J.: (Fair) Marietta, Ga.; (Pair) San - (Fair) Louisburg, Oct. 2-7. dersville, Oct. 2-7. You Can't Miss withourNew CORN CAME Items.Introductory Offer: 24 Barfield'sCosmopolitan:(Fair)ManchesterHilderbrand's United, No. 1: Yakima, Wash., Flash Items $8.50 Ga.;(Fair)Canton, Oct. 2-7. 28 -Oct. 1. Hundreds of New HOOPLA, FISH POND AND BALL GAME ITEMS. Barker: Charleston, Mo. Hippodrome: Tyronza, Ark.; Parkin. Oct. 2-7. LAST MINUTE PLASTER WINNERS, CANES, DOLLS. BEACONBLANKETS, Barkoot Bros.: Davison, Mich'.; Concord Oct.Honest Bert: Avon, Ill. CLOCKS, LAMPS, CHINAWARE, FANCY BOXED SUMMER 4-7. Hottle, Buff: Doyle, La., 28-30. Bass & Lane: Bentonia, Miss. Hurst, Bob: Linden, Tex. CANDIES. SLUM, GLASS AND CHINA. Baysinger, Al: Manila, Ark. Hyde, Eric B.' (Fair) Spring Hope, N. C. Beckmann & Gerety:(Fair) Meridian, Miss.Ideal Expo.: Greensboro, N. C. PREMIUM SUPPLY COMP. Be,.F.H.:(Fair)Dickson, Tenn. Imperial: Brunswick. Mo. Blue Ridge: Franklin, Ky. Jones, Johnny J., Expo.: (Fair) Shelby, N. C.; Blue Ribbon: Benton, Ky. (Fair) Hickory, Oct. 2-7. Bremer's: (Fair) Chelsea, Okla. Joyland: (Fair) Atwater, Calif. Bright Light Expo.: Hot Springs, Va.; (Fair)Kaus, W. C.: Bedford, Va. Amherst, Oct. 2-7. Kaus Expo.: (Fair)Asheboro, N. 0.;(Fair) Brown Family Rides: Alma, Ga. Warrenton Oct. 2-7. Brown Novelty: Milford, 0. Keystone Modern: Murphy, N. C. Buck, 0. C.: Waynesboro, Va.; Cumberland,Landes, J. L.: (Fair) Abilene, Kan. 'INSURANCE Md., Oct. 2-7. Lang's,Dee,Famous: McKinney. Tex. RIDES "The Showman's Insurance Man" Euck, Frank: Hobbs, N. M. Large, H. P.: Webb. Miss. A738 InsuranceExchangeBldg., Chicago,III.I Buckeye State: (Fair) Louisville, Miss.; (Fair)Lawrence, Sam: High Point, N. C.; Kingstree, PARKS Yazoo City, Oct. 2-7. S.C..Oct. 2-7. I TRUCKS (Easy Weekly and Monthly Payments) I Bullock Am. Co.: (Fair) West Jefferson, N. C.;Lee Am. Co.: Union Springs, Ala. Chesterfield, S. C., Oct. 2-7. Lewis, Art: (Fair) Williamston, N. C.; (Fair) TRAILERS Burdick's All -Texas:(Fair)Cleburne, Tex. Petersburg, Va., Oct.2-7. CARNIVALS CHARLES A. LENZ 1 Burke, Harry: (Fair) New Roads, La.; (Fair)Liberty National:(Fair)Marion, Ky. _. Covington, Oct. 2-7. Liberty United: Sierra Blanca, Tex. ._._ Byers Bros.: (Fair) Senath. Mo. McKee, John: Hartford, Kan. Cetlin & Wilson: (State Fair) Trenton, N. J.;Magic Empire: Tishomingo, Okla. (Fair) Albemarle, N. C., Oct. 2-7. Marks:(Fair)Statesville, N. C.;Charlotte Clark, I.J.: Covington, Ga. Oct. 2-7. Clyde's United: Burnside, Pa. Midwest Motorized: Oakdale. Neb. MARKS SHOWS, INC. Coleman Bros.:(Fair)Union,Me.,25-29;Mighty Monarch: (Fair) Windsor, N. C. (Fair) Great Barrington. Mass., Oct. 2-7. Miller Bros.: Bristol, Va. WANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY AND NIGHT FAIRS: Colley,J.J.:(Fair)Okmulgee, Okla. Miller Amusements: (Fair) Tylertown, Miss.; Conklin: Leamington, Ont., Can. (Fair) McComb Oct. 2-7. CHARLOTTE, N. C., FALL FESTIVAL, Week October 2; UNION COUNTY Crafts: Fair)Pomona, Calif.,25 -Oct.1. Mimic World:(Fair)Arcadia,La. Crescent Am.Co.:(Fair)Hertford, N C.;Miner Model Midway:(Fair)Manheim, Pa. FAIR, MONROE, N.C., Week October 9; ATHENS DISTRICT FAIR, (Fair) Woodruff, S. C., Oct. 2-7. Mississippi Am. Co.: New Hebron, Miss. ATHENS, GA., Week October16; GREAT PEE DEE FAIR, FLORENCE, Crowley United: Ennis, Tex. Model: Logan, W. Va. Crystal Expo.: Mt. Holly, N. C.; (Fair) Ham-Modern American: McKenzie, Tenn. S. C., Week October 23; CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAIR, FAYETTEVILLE, let Oct. 2-7. MotorCity:Manchester,Mich..28-30. N. C., Week October 30 to November 4. Cumberland Valley: (Fair) Jonesboro, Ga. Naill, C. W.:(Fair)Jonesboro, La.;(Fair) Can place Legitimate Concessions at all times.Wanted -Two more Grind Cunningham Expo.: Spencer, W. Va. 011a,Oct.2-7. Curl. W. S.: Logan, 0. Northern Expo.: Beulah, N. D., 27.28. Shows for balance of season.Address MARKS SHOWS, INC., Statesville, Davis & Parrott: Appomattox, Va. Ohio Valley: Clarksville. Tenn. N. C., this week, and then as per route. Dick's Paramount: (Fair) Rochester, N. H. Oklahoma Ranch: Elk City, Okla. Dixie Belle:(Fair)Greensburg, Ky., 27-30;Ozark Am. Co.: Harrison, Ark.; Waldron, Oct. (Fair) Brandenburg Oct. 5-7. 2-7. Dixie Model: Anawalt, W. Va. Page, J. J.: (Fair) Morristown, Tenn.; (Fair) Dodson's World's Fair: Rocky Mount. N. C. Asheville, N. C., Oct. 2-'7. Down East Attrs.: Whitmire, S. C.; BatesburgPark Am. Co.: Monroe, La.;(Fair) Tallulah NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE Oct. 2-7. Oct. 2-7. The Barney Tassel! Unit Shows will positively be the only show playing Rockingham County Dyer's:(Fair)Fulton, Miss. Peach State: Lumber City, Ga. Fair at Harrisonburg, Va., in heart of town, week Oct. 9th. Wanted: Shows, Rides, Concessions Elite: Great Bend, Kan.; (Fair) Norwich Oct.Pearson: Mt. Pulaski,Ill. 2-4;(Fair) Burrton 5-7. Prell's World's Fair: Philadelphia. Pa. not conflicting, especially organized Minstrel, Circus Side Show, Whip, Rolloplane,Knife Rack, Endy Bros.: Charlotte, N. C. Pryor's MI -State:(Fair) Owenton, Ky. Candy Floss, Cigarette Gallery, Cane Rack. This week, Firemen's Celebration, Stephens City, Evangeline: Texarkana, Ark.; (Fair) Coushat-Rea. John T., Attrs.: Bloomsburg, Pa. ta, La., Oct. 2-7. Va.; week Oct. 2nd, American Legion Apple Festival, Berryville, Va., downtown; weekOct. Fair at Home:(Fair)Danbury, Conn., 30 -FieigrUnited: (Fair) Eastland, Tex. 9th, Harrisonburg, Va.P.S.: Fred Henery, please wire or write. Oct.7. Reynolds & Wells: Chillicothe, Mo, Falls City: Medina, Tenn., 28 -Oct. 3. Rogers Greater: Camden, Tenn.; Huntingdon Federal State: Charleston, Tenn. Oct. 2-7. Fidler's United:(Fair)Elizabethtown, Ill. Rogers & Powell: Purvis, Miss.; (Fair) Collins Fleming, Mad Cody:(Fair)Jasper,Ga.; Oct. 2-7. (Fair) Bowdon, Oct. 2-7. Royal American:(Fair)Knoxville,Tenn.; Four States: (Fair) Milton, Ill. (State Fair) Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 2-7. Frank's Greater: Macon, Ga.;(Fair)DallasRoyal Midway: Fordyce, Ark. JOHN R. WARD SHOWS Oct. 2-7. Rubin & Cherry: (State Fair) Oklahoma City, South La. State Fair, Donaldsonville, La., Oct. 8 to 15, eight days,want StockConcessions Funland:(Fair)Toccoa,Ga.;(Fair)Villa Okla. except Corn Came,Diggers, Custard. Want Mouse Game and Penny Arcade. No Flat Joints. Rica. Oct. 2-7. Have outfit for Hawaiian Show and Side Show.Musicians, Hope, Ark.;(Fair)Santa Fe Expo.: Eden. Tex. Want Shows with own outfits. Fuzzell's United:(Fair) Scott Bros.:(Fair)Clarksdale. Miss.; (Fair) Performers, Producer to strengthen Minstrel Show. Can place Organized Show. Paris,Tenn., Arkadelphia Oct. 2-7. Starkville, Oct. 2-7. Fair, around Square, this week. Gibbs. W. A.: (Fair) Cottonwood Falls. Kan.;Sheesley Midway: (Fair) Lubbock, Tex.; (Fair) (Fair)Sedan, Oct.2-'7. Abilene, Oct. 2-7. Gold Medal: (Fair) Blytheville, Ark.; (Fair)Sickel's United: Dickson, Tenn.; Newport Oct. Forrest City, Oct. 2-7. 2-7. Gold Leaf:(Fair)Benson. N.C.; (Fair)Silver State Attrs.: Hawthorne, Nev. Charlotte, Oct. 2-7. Sims: Welland, Ont., Can. STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN Golden State: Chico, Calif., 27 -Oct. 1; FresnoSmith Bros.: Bokchito, Okla.; Boswell Oct. 2-7. 4-11. Smith's Greater Atlantic: (Fair) Selma, N. C.; Golden States: Monticello, Miss.; Brookhaven (Fair) Durham, Oct. 2-7. GROVES GREATER SHOWS Oct. 2-7. (Fair)Leesville, La. Goodman Wonder: Laurel, Miss. Snapp Greater: alsoPit Show.Dr. Grady Bros.: Clarksdale. Miss.; (Fair) Stark-Southern Attrs.: Omega, Ga. WantRides: Loop -o -Plane, Tilt -a -Whirl, Motor Drome, Pony Ride, Southern States: (Fair) Alma, Ga. Lowell, wire. Concessions of All Kinds, come on. Long seasonsouth. Portageville, Mo., this ville, Oct. 2-7. Sparks,J.F.:(Fair)Attalla,Ala.;(Fair) Great Lakes Expo.: Elliston, 0. week; McCrory, Ark., Fair, next week; then Brinkley, Ark.,Fair.Other fairs to follow. Great Superior:(Fair)Hohenwald,Tenn.; Center, Oct. 2-7. (Fair) Athens, Ala., Oct. 2-7. State Fair: Seneca, Kan. Okla.;(Fair)Strates: (Fair) Bloomsburg, Pa.; (Fair) York, Greater United:Holdenville, Oct. 2-7. Sherman, Tex., Oct. 2-7. Flores- Groves Greater: Portageville, Mo. Stritch,Ed:(Fair)Bellville,Tex.; Gulf Coast: Harrisburg, Ark.; Lepanto, Oct. ville, Oct. 2-7. - WANT CONCESSIONS OF ALLKINDS 2-7. Sunset Am. Co.: (Fair) Odessa, Mo.; (Fair) Show. People forHawaiian Show, Happy Attrs.: Grove City. O.; Frankfort Oct. Carrollton,Oct.2-7. Weldon, Roanoke Rapids Falr. Shows: Have outfits for Circus Side Carthage, Selma, Tassell, Barney, Unit Shows: Stephens City. Girls for Miss America,Motor Drome Riders, Octopus,Loopo-Plane, Whip, Tilt. 2-7. Va.; Berryville Oct. 2-7. Franklinton, all North Carolina; out all winter.All address: Texas Kidd: (Fair)Clifton, Tex. TexasLonghorn: Bonham, Tex.; (Fair) C Carthage Oct. 2-7. HELLER'S ACME SHOWS, INC, RIALTOThomas, L. I.: Newcomerstown, 0. THIS WEEK ENFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA. Tidwell, T. J.:(Fair) Graham, Tex.; (Fair) ASSORTMENT Roswell, N. M.. Oct. 2-7. Extension Edge Box.As-Tilley: Rochelle, Ill., season ends. Wrapped in Kelley. Al G., & Miller Bros.: Hammon. Okla.. sortedColors. Tom's Am. Co.: (Fair) Sylvester, Ga.: (Fair) Custer29; Colored Cellophane. Packed Oct.2-7. 26;Cheyenne 27;Butler28; with2Layersofrrystrl- Camilla. Thomas 30. ized Bon Bons.In Cups,United American, No. 1: (Fair) Paris, Mo. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey: Lub- Buckeye Stale Shms riot wrapped in wax paper.United American, No. 2: (Fair) Litchfield, Ill. bock. Tex., 26; Abilene 27; Ft. Worth 28; Candy guaranteed to standVirginia Am. Co.: Hot Springs, Va. Dallas 29-30. up inall weather. We de-Wade, W. 0.: LaGrange, Ind.. Oct. 3-7. Russell Bros.: Thomasville, Ga., 26; Dothan, FAIRS WANT liver what we advertise -noWallace Bros.:(Fair)Belzoni, Miss.;(Fair) Ala., 27; Panama City, Fla., 28; Pensacola WANT substituting. Kosciusko. Oct. 2-7. Winston County Fair, Louisville, weekSept. 4Doz. toCarton. WallaceBros.of Canada:(Fair)Aylmer, 29; Mobile, Ala., 30. Ont., Can., 25-27;(Fair)Strathroy 28-30; 25; Yazoo City Fair, Yazoo City, biggest oil DOZEN, $1.20 (Fair) Simcoe, Oct. 3-6. Additional Routes boom in Mississippi, week Oct. 2; Quitman (A. ASSORTMENTAt CARTON, 4.80 Ward. John R.:(Fair)Paris. Tenn. (Received Too Late For Classification) County Fair, Marks, week Oct. 9; followed 25% Deposit WithOrder, Balance C.0. D. Wcst Bros.:(Fair) Lexington, Tenn.; (Fair) byBatesville,Oxford,allwinners.Any Illu,trated Catalog. Lawrenceburg, Oct. 2-7. By -Gosh Tent Show: Somerfield. Pa., 25-30. Send for Free West Coast Am. Co.:Sacramento,Calif.:Coward, Linden, Magician: (Indian Reserva- Riding Device not conflicting. Shows with MARVEL CANDY & NOV. CO. (Fair) Madera. Oct. 5-8. tion Schools) Cherokee, N. C., 25-30: their own outfits. Concessions, no exclusive West, W. E.. Motorized: Osage City, Kan. Daniel,B.A.,Magiican: La Fayette,Ind., except Cookhouse and Bingo.Come on. 102-4-6 Wooster St. New York CityWestern State: Iowa Park, Ter.. West'sWorld's Wonder:(Fair)Huntsville, 25-30.John, Rip Van Winkle Co. Lambert, All address as per route: ;DE CALLER, Mgr. Ala.;(Pair) Montgomery, Oct. 4-14. Ellis, White City: Kingman, Ariz. Mont., 27; Harlem 28; Conrad 29; Helena Wilson Am.: Clinton, Ill. Oct. 2; Roundup 3; Missoula 4; Corvallis 5; ...Jill (1T ORIZE Wolfe Am.: Franklin, N. C. Billings 6. TractorsSemi-Trallert,PassengerCars.Used Hunsinger, Harry, Magician: Leopolis,Wis., Motor. Equipment. World of Fun: Lancaster, S. C. CARROLLTON, MO., FAIR World of Mirth: (State Fair) Richmond. Va.; 25-30. Chisholm, (Fair) Winston-Salem, N. C., Oct. 3-7. Jaxon,Ventriloquist: (Times) OCTOBER 2 TO7 WriteCHAS. T. GOSS Write Minn., 27-28;(Cloquet) Cloquet 29-30. CAN USE CONCESSIONS OFALL KINDS Special Showmen Finance Plan Zucchini Bros.: Beckley, W. Va. Leonard Players: Chapin, S. C., 25-30. With STANDARD CHEVROLET CO., Zeiger, C. F., United: (State Fair) Albuquer- Niantic East. St. Lows,III. 1. McCall Bros.' Show: Latham, Ill., 26; SUNSET AMUSEMENT CO. que, 27; Illiopolis 28; Mt. Auburn 29; Buffalo30. Odessa, Mo., This Week Zimdars:Wynne.5 Arck. McNally's Variety Show: Neversink,N.Y., 25-30. CIRCUS AND WILD WEST Miller, Al H., Show: Leesburg. Ga., 25-30. PEANUTS, Mills Troupe: (Fair) Litchfield,Ill., 28-30. WOULD LIKE TO BOOK Po- Farmington,Mo., 27;Powers.Billy, Gold Dust Twins:(Fair) with reliable Shows, one or two Corn Games and OPCORN Anderson.BndE.: mona, Calif., 25-31. string of Legitimate Concessions. Also have Ferris Most Complete Line Bags, Cartons, Seasoning, Lutesville 28 Monkeys: Okmulgee, AppleStick, Glucose, Cocoanut Coloring,ate. Barker Bros.: Hamilton. 0., 25-26: Litchfield.Procter's.GeorgeH., Wheel open for balance of season. Send Penny PostcardforGuaranteed Lowest Okla.. 25-30. III., 28-30. Sadler's Own Co.:Albany. Tex.. 29-30. JOHN GALLAGAN Prices. Ham and Eggs: Modesto, Calif.. 26; Turlock Oar.Fair Office, Knoxville. Tenn. PhiladelphiaMOSS BROS, NUT CO.Pittsburgh 27; Merced 28; Madera 29; Fresno 30. Terrell, Billy, & 'Co.: Paducah. Ky., 24-26. 68 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR September 30, 1939 LONDON FLESH (Continued from page 3) staying in London hoping for reopening START, YOUR MILLER BROS.' SHOWS of Black and Blue, is also anxious to Want for Mooresville, Woodland, Littleton, N. C., Fairs, Concessions all kinds except Corn Game, entertain troops with his puppets. Cookhouse. Want Colored Performers, allInstruments.Can use Rides and Shows. Want for our OWN BUSINESS winter season, starting week Nov. 8th, Marianna, Fla., Exposition and Fair, with four more dates In TROUBLE FOR Florida till Dec. 10th, then our Spring Fair dates, starting about Jan. 10th In Florida. Can use all (Continued from page 3) WHY WORK FOR OTHERS? kinds Shows with own outfits. Can use Merry -Go -Round, Tilt -a -Whirl, Skeeter, Octopus or any Rides was stated there is not as much inter- except Wheel, Ro!Ionian& and Chairpiane.Will sell Concessions all kinds for Fall Fairs and Spring changeability in the Four A's as might Fairs In Florida. Will consider some exclusives. Write or wire Bristol, Va., this week. be expected, and that in extreme cases We have a few good reconditioned MORRIS MILLER, Mgr., Miller Bros.' Shows, Inc. a performer might have to pay only $50 under present set-up, for protection diners on hand. Will make good in three or four different fields. propositiontorightparty. Good FA WAR -THEN locationsavailable. Act promptly. (Continued from page 3) SHOWS stranded over there at that time in- cluded Will Rogers, ElsieJanis, Nora WANT Bayess Jack Norworth, Fanny Brice and To join at once for the following bona fide Fairs in Georgia: Fitzgerald, Tifton, Nashville, Cairo.In Irene and Vernon Castle. Florida: Live Oak, Perry, Lake City. Several more pending.Especially want Merry -Go -Round, Octopus, Kullman Dining Car Co. Loop -o -Plane, Roll -o -Plane, Dipsey Doodle or any other New and Novel Ride. Good opening for first- After three weeks 19 legit houses in class Pony Ride. SHOWS: Ten -in -One, Wild West, Illusion, Fun House, Posing Show that can and London reopened, music halls again re- World's Largest Builders of Diners will cater to Ladies.Few more Musicians and Performers for the beat framed Colored Minstrel under sounded with vaude shows and cinemas canvas. Have opening for a few more Stock Concessions.Positively no racket.No sticks.No buy- were showing war films to standee audi- 401 Kingsland Ave., Harrison, N. J. backs.No coupons.No gypsies.Address all communications to JOHN B. DAVIS, Bacon County Fair, Alma, Ga., this week. ences, but outdoor show business was completely crippled.The Anglo-Ameri- PLANT OPEN SUNDAYS can Exposition in White City, England, had completely "dried up" after three weeks. WANT Horses in that show and otherChair Plane, Tilt and Loop for S Fairs, starting fairs and circuses were appropriated byAgricultural Fair, Athens, Ala., week October 2nd; the government for military use, and theNorth Alabama Colored Fair, Florence, October 9th; owners were paid $200 a head.Where Legion Stock Show Fair, luka, Miss., October 16th; ELKS' CIRCUS LegionAgriculturalFair,Ripley,Miss.,October the owner refused to give up his horses23rd; Lexington Fair, October 30. Booked solid to the nags were pronounced "diseased" andDecember 15, Mississippi Delta.Book all Conces sions, work for 10 cents.Want Shows with own WEEK OF NOV. 13TH confiscated.Circus trains were also ap-outfit.Address Hohenwald, Tenn., this week and Schenectady, N. Y., Elks' Circus, $100 each night given away on Midway. propriated and used to transport troops.per route. Want to hear from Acts.All Concessions open. With thereopeningofthevaude Can use two more good houses, new wage scales went into effect GREAT SUPERIOR SHOWS Phone Men, Banners, Book and Tickets. between the managers and the Variety CIRCUS DIRECTOR, Elks' Club, Schenectady, N. Y. Artists' Federation, calling for a 50-50 split of the gross, which worked out to WORLD OF FUN SHOWS the detriment of the performers. Vaude- villians were notasgulliblein the WANT present skirmish because last week theyLegitimate Concessions ofallkinds, such as Ball CHEROKEE INDIAN FAIR Game, Pitch -Till -Win, Bowling Alley, Shooting Gal- turned down a 50 per cent cut proposedlery, Photo Gallery, High Striker. Fair secretaries. CHEROKEE, N. C., OCTOBER 3 TO 7 by the managers.All houses reportedhave 4 Rides, 4 Shows and 20 Concessions. Have Want Scales,Novelties,Diggers, better business.Prices, however, werefew open dates.Out until Christmas. Ride Help Legitimate Concessionsofallkinds and wanted inall departments. Lancaster,S.C.. this Grind Shows. No exclusives except Bingo. Address cut, and after a while performers com-week; Chester to follow. Address all mail and wires plained of the heavy salary shave. to J. E. STEBLAR. When the legit houses finally opened KEYSTONE MODERN SHOWS up production boomed, with one of the Murphy, N.C., This Week. hit shows being Peg o' My Heart, starring AMHERST COUNTY FAIR Laurette Taylor.Leading comedy wasAmherst, Va., next week; Nelson County Fair. Ship- Potash. and Perlmutter, and Seven Keysman, Va., to follow: Want Shows and Concessions of to Baldpate was a sellout. all kinds. No racket. We harefireRides. Show On open all winter. Write or wire VIRGINIA AMUSE- this side of the pond the mainMENT CO., Hot Springs, Va., this week. W. C. KAUS SHOWS, INC amusement activity affected then was legit, a condition which is not so wide- WANT FOR SHELBY, N. C., FAIR (COLORED) spread today. There was wholesale post- WANT Want Octopus, Shows with own equipment, Fun House or Illusion, Trombone Player and Clarinet for ponement of production activities be- George Baldwin's Jitterbug Revue, Two Acts for Side Show, Legitimate Concessions of All Kinds. causeof the Britishcasts that wereTo contact at once Shows, Rides and Concessions for Good prices. Would like to have Long or Short Range Gallery, Palmistry. being used. RANDOLPH COUNTY FAIR Write or Wire W. C. KAUS, Manager, Bedford, Va. to be held latter half of October. Date not yet set. Indicative of the sentiment in thoseJ. F. GITTINGS, Commander RANDOLPH days, Shapiro, Bernstein Music Co., firstCOUNTY LEGION POST NO. 53, Roanoke, Ala. publisher of "war songs without bul- lets," had all its songs plugged in the vaudehousesandalsousedstreet WANT FAIRS -HARRY BURKE SHOWS FAIRS "boosters"(forerunnersto Cookhouse, Novelty Stand. Dance Hall Manager, thesongOrchestra and Free Acts, Indians, Wild West Peo- Can place few more Concessions that work for Stock, also Crab Joint, Novelties and American plugger) to organize mass singing in theple. All winter location. Platinum Springs, Palmistry. Five more Free Fairs and good Still Dates to follow. Out till Christmas. All address: ORLANDO, FLORIDA HARRY BURKE, New Roads, La., week of Sept. 25; Covington, La., Oct. 2. FRANKS GREATER SHOWS FAIR---LOUISA,KY. ---FAIR OCTOBER 3-7. WANT Lawrence Co. Fair, around Courthouse, wants Bingo, For Paulding County Fair,. October 2 to 7, and Cookhouse, Crackerjack, Concessions that work for SOUTHEASTERN COLORED STATE FAIR 12 outstanding fairs and celebrations:Tilt -a - Stock. Come in, will take care of you. Whirl, Wheel, Loop -o -plane, Grind Shows, Con- ROXIE HARRIS, Louisa,Ky. 7 DAYS AND NITES 7 WEEK OCT. 23-29, ATLANTA, CA. cessions.AllStockConcessionsopenexcept PennyPitches.AgentsforBallGaines and Want Shows, Rides and Concessions of All Kinds.This is positively the South's greatest colored fair Penny Pitches. All wire BILL FRANKS, Troy HIPPODROME SHOWS and expect an attendance over 50,000.Big events every day and nits.Conditions excellent here. Raines lot, Macon, Ga., this week; then Dallas, Mills working day andsite.Can place two more SensationalfreeActs;High Dive and Flying Ga., October 2 to 7. Want Legitimate Concessions of All Kinds. No ex- Return Act preferred.Jerry Wilson, write.Want Banner and Display Salesman, also Promoters. clusive.Will sell complete Corn Game reasonable. Sam Bergdolf, where are you?Hilbern,write.Will consider an up-to-date Carnival with 7 or 8 Book same on show. Want Second Agent that will Rides and as many Shows. Address: BERT ROSENBERGER, P.0. Box 519. Atlanta, Ga. put out paper; Mix -Up Foreman.Tyronza, Ark., Cotton Carnival, week Sept. 25th;Parkin,Ark., Street Improvement Celebration,weekOct.2nd; uptown locations.Armistice Week Celebration on streets contracted. WANTED FOR FAIRS -WANTED MAD CODY Mississippi's Best County Fairs: Lawrence County Fair, Monticello, Sept. 25-30; Lincoln County Fair, FOR SALE Brookhaven, Oct. 2-7; Twin County Fair, Centreville, Oct. 9-14; Jefferson County Falr, Fayette, Oct. FLEMING SHOWS Ell No. 5, Merry -Go -Round, Mixup, 27 by 57 Top, 16-21; with three other Fairs to follow. Two Trucks. Can be seen: Bluffs, Ill., week of 25th. WANT: Shows with own outfit.Concessions: Cookhouse., Frozen Custard, Scales, High Striker, Photo Want for State LineFair,Bowdon, Ca., Gallery, Cigarette Gallery or any other Legitimate Grind Concession. We have five Rides and tour Shows. Oct. 2 to 7, and balance of season, Clean Shows with own outfits; Cookhouse Ex., Address: J. A. GENTSCH or ROBERT HUGHEY, $35 week. No tickets, asIpay my help in DONALD McGREGOR SHOWS cash each day. Also want Rolloplane, Octo- Care GOLDEN STATE SHOWS, as per route. pus, Whip or Tilt.Jasper, Ga.,Fair this week. MAGNETIC DOGS, Donkey and Ele- phant, best.Doz. 1.70; Gross, 19.00;Alnico. As above, but with super strong base and action,2.00 Doz.; 21.00 Gross. READING'S SHOWS 5 -PIG PUZZLE, 15c Doz.; 75c a 100. EUREKA SHOWS mAGirCOIN BOXTRICK, Flat Wood Box, Want for No. 1 Show, playing Decatur County Fair on the Streets at Parsons, Tenn., Stock 11.1.25Doz.;Scrua. Wood Box,1.50; . Concessions, High Striker, String Came, Duck Pond, Lead Gallery,Ball Games, Custard, and our NEW improved make with METAL outside Novelties, Ride Help, Concession Agents, Cook House Help. Want for No. 2 Show, playing WANT box (1.00 Retailer), 2.00 Doz. Trenton, Tenn., Colored Fair, Diggers, Custard, Novelties, Ball Games, Stock Stores.Have For Cape Charles. Va., Firemen's Fair week of FAST SELLERS BELOW LISTED at DOZ. PRICE 8 -Car Whip for sale.All Mail: W. J. WILLIAMS, Mgr., Bolivar, Tenn., this week. October 2, Minstrel and Girl Shows. Have out- Doggonitinbox .60 Sneeze, Itch.... .25 fits. Want Pony Ride and Kiddie Rides. Can Squirt Magn,Glass .40 TrickMatches.. .25 placeBingo,CustardandDiggersexclusive. Sqt. Bloody Fing. .35 Pepper Hot Gum .35 Also American Pithnist. Fairs and celebrations Cartoon Card Sets .50 Stink() Plugs.... .35 South until November 25.Address EUREKA Comic Spinners.. .50 Auto Tire Bomb. .40 SHOWS, Crisfield, Md., this week. Transparent Mirror.35 SHIMMY Dancers.25 Sand Cards, asst...30 STICKO Joke .. .35 WANT WOLFE AMUSEMENTS WANT Monk Head, metal 1.50 HOT SEAT JOKE.40 Franklin, N. C., all this week. Four-H Club Cattle Show, RIDES AT LIBERTY Monk Cane&Tray 2.75 Joke Voice Tester .80 Clayton, Ga., Free Fair, Oct. 2-7.Can place for Clayton After Oct. 14th: Ell Wheel, Merry -Go -Round, Chair -Rub.Glove(folder) .60 SNAKE on STICK .65 plane, Tlit-a-Whirl and Auto Kid Ride.No junk.Cigaret Plugs... .25 Comic Diplomas. .20 FAIRS and three more fairs, Diggers.Will sell Ex. on Novelties, CELEBRATIONS Greensburg, Ky., Free, Fair, on Public Square, Sept. Ball Games, Candy Floss.Good opening for American 27 to 30. FUNNY! Fortune Telling (Squirt) Dog.... .65 Palmistry, any Legitimate Concessions.Those are no hard times in mountains; plenty money here. Brandenburg, Ky., Free Fair, on School New Hot Shimmies (Pocket Folder Form) ... .35 Crawford, Ga., Oct. 9-14; Royston, Ga., Oct. 16-21.Bob Paige, can place you. Grounds, Oct. 5 to 7.Mt. Vernon, Ind., AnnualNo? No! A 1,000 Times No Panties...... 60 Clarence Sorge°, Fall Festival, on Square. Oct. 10 to 14.. Will Rent,WORLD'S FAIR VIEWS (Black -Eye Joke) . Happy Boltinghouse, get in touch with me.Boys, don't miss Clayton Free Fair.All mall and wires: Lease or Book any or all three Rides after Oct. 14. .50 BEN WOLFE, Mgr. P.S.: No racket. Samples . ..yes. 50 assorted for 2.00. Grifters, save your stamps. Can use Photo Gallery,Brandenburg. Write perIF IT'S A TRICK, JOKE, PUZZLE, WE HAVE IT route.LOUIS T. RILEY (Owner). MAGNOTRIX NOV. CORP., 136 Park Row, N. Y. September 30, 1939 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 69 streets and popularize songs by that ELGIN, WALTHAM method.Now, on the other hand, with anti -war sentiment here at a high pitch, Renewed Guaranteed$295band leaders are refusing to play songs IDEAL EXPOSITION SHOWS, INC. MEN'S WRIST AND of military character. POCKET WATCHES Very much like modern times, there Wholesale Jeweler Since 1914.was also a fair running then in San Send for Free Wholesale Cata-Francisco-the Panama -Pacific Interna- WEEK OF OCTOBER 2, CONCORD, N. C. log. 25'7 Deposit, Bal. C. 0. D.tional Exposition.At that time Charles (Woodmen of the World Convention) LOUIS PERLOFF, C. Moore, president of the expo, com- 729Walnut St., Philadelphia. Pa.mented that "arrangements had pro- WEEK OF OCTOBER 9, SUMTER, S. C., FAIR ceeded too far" for the fair to be affected. c Each. Also BetterGrades Since they expected to draw from Ameri- WEEK OF OCTOBER 16, SO. BOSTON, VA., FAIR can audiences almost entirely, Moore said HANDKERCHIEFS that attendance would not be hit.And Can place Cookhouse and Grab.Will guarantee privilege with meal tickets. Over 100 Styles of the 37 foreign countries participating Make bigprofits.Easysalesto inthe gargantua,only twonations, (Harry Devore, write at once.)Can place Concessions of all kinds, includ- stores, customers, etc.Staple articles.Special- izing to Jobbers and Quantity Buyers.Write France and Austria-Hungary, were in the ing Wheels, Grind Sto-es,Ball Games, Palmistry,Fishpond, Hoopla, Rat for particulars.Send $2.00 for COMPLETE war.Present-day Golden Gate Exposi- other Concessions exceptBingo. Prices AGENTS' SAMPLE ASSORTMENT. 8 Doz. tion hasn't been touched at all, except Games, Pan Games andall Handkerchiefs. Ladies and Men. Postage Prepaid. Write or wire EDDIE LIPPMAN, Bus. Mgr., or WM. CLICK, GLOBE HANDKFS CO., for attendance, which was admittedly reasonable. 22 E. 17th St.(Dept. B-9). New York City under par before the hostilities. Pres., Greensboro, N. C., this week. Conditions in Canada, however, reached Agentsand Distributor a more distressing peak inthis war Wanted than in the last.All fairs and shows E -Z BOTTLE WIPERon schedule went thru, with few excep-"1"4". EveryCooler Ownerations, in the last war.Henry Meyerhoff, Prospect. principal booker then, said there would Sample, 75 Cents. C. D. RICKS, 631 N.be a "bright fair year" despite the war. Topeka, Wichita, Kan.Afew weeks ago, however, when news of the outbreak reached these parts, Eastern FAIRFIELD COUNTY FAIR Canadian tours were canceled left and RUN MENDERS'right, and the Toronto Canadian Expo- LANCASTER, OHIO Med.latch,rubberhandle,gross$2.35;1,000sition, biggest outdoor show in North $12.50; wood handle, gross $3.50; 1,000 $20.00; Day and Night, October 11 to 14 chiffonspecial rubber handle,gross $8.00; woodAmerica, was clipped right between the handle,gross$9.00. Directionsfurnished. De-first and second week. Attendance flopped posit required.5 samples,50c.Needles aslow Largest County Fair in Ohio as $7.00 per 1,000.RUN MENDER WORKS,pitifully the second week, and right after Dept.2-A, Waukesha, Wis. it ended the grounds were converted into No Concessions on per cent. army barracks. Wanted-Games and Shows. DROP IN GATE - Write T. B. COX, Concessionist. CONCESSIONS WANTED (Continued from page 34) For Madison, N. C., Fair and Tobacco Festival the show's close went to his home in week October 2 to 7: Can use a few Wheels. Also want Hoopla, Fish Pond, Cigarette Gallery, Burlington, N. C. Short Range and Long Range Galleries,Mitt Camps or what have you? Also want Rat Race, and P.C. can use two Grind Shows. Get. in INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 23. ---Cole Bros.' touch quick withF. C. BOSWELLorHUBERT Circus, en route to Rochester, Ind., left Fairs (SPLINTER)ROYAL,thisweek,Anawalt, a few cars here yesterday with elephants Fairs West Virginia. for the GOP parade this morning. Fred- erick E. Shortemeler, former Secretary of State, who is attorney for the Cole GRADY BROS.' SHOWS DIXIE MODEL SHOWSshow, arranged with Zack Terrell and Jess Adkins for the use of the bulls. Clarksdale Cotton Carnival, this week; Starkville Fair, next; Clay County Fair, West Point, week October 9; Amory Fair, week October 16; Baldwin Fair, CRESCENT week October 23; all Mississippi.Want Side Show, Legitimate Concessions, WANTED Musicians andPerformers. Athletic Show up,readytoopen. Want For these bona fide Ohlo spots on the streets: AMUSEMENT CO. Waverly, Ohio, Harvest Festival, Oct. 2-7; St. Manager with People.Will pay cash for No. 5 Eli Wheel. Paris, Ohio, Oct. 9.14, Harvest Festival; Lees- Wants for Woodruff Community Fair,Woodruff, burg, Ohio, Harvest Festival, Oct. 16-21.Legit S.C., week October2; Pickens County Fair at Central,S.C., week October 9: Concessions that Concessions, Stock Wheels, Bowling Alley, Fish work for Stock only, Ball Game. Cat Rack, Devil's Pond, Dart Game, Pitch -Till -You -Win, Cotton IT16.11.1\1\116011~111WWWWWW116.100 billOW7101M1M.11111\1111 Bowling Alley.String. Duck Pond, Candy Floss. orTaffyCandy. Good opening for Penny Arcade, Sell Es nn Custard. Shows with own outfit, Mon- Shows with own outfits.3 fine Rhesus Monks key, Snake, Fat Girl. Midget, Five or Ten -in -One. for sale; also Mother -Baby Monk. Fairs until Armistice Day, then 10 Florida fairs opening January 8, Bowling Green. Shows new in Gruberg's World's Exposition Shows, Inc. Florida. Write Hertford, N. C., this week; Wood- W. S. CURL SHOWS Can place for eight more North and South Carolina Big Fairs, Concessions of All Kinds, ruff, S.C., next. LOGAN, OHIO,This Week. O2#including Wheels, Rolldowns and all Coupon Concessions. No exclusive. Reasonable rates. Palmistry, Ball Games, Penny Pitch, etc. Wanted: Manager for Circus Side Show that has COVINGTON, GEORGIA, JUBILEE Shows wantedwith own transportation:Athletlo AGENT WANTED 2 something to put in the show. Wanted: Motordrome Riders, Half -and -Half. Wanted: Show, Animal Show, Penny Arcade, Girl Show, Pit Manager for Girl Show. Prefer one with wardrobe and girls. We have some girls.All Show, Mitt Camp. Concessions all open. Come on.WITH CAR.LONGSEASON. STATE ALL. $ Skills,Roll Down Agents wanted.Buddy Braden, rwrite or wire MAX GRUBERG, Lumberton, N. C., Fair this week; Clinton, N. C., Fair Legal Adjuster.Covington, Ga., Jubilee, Sept. 25 to 30; Eatonton, Ga., Fall Fcr.tival, Oct. 2-7; other 110, next week. good ones to follow. I.J.CLARK AMUSEMENT SILVERBROS.:CIRCUS CO. Bob Zell, get In touch with me. HANOVER,

FUNLAND SHOWS WANT SICKELS UNITED SHOWS Want 5 -Piece White Band.Place Legitimate Con- Minstrel Troupe, Big Snake, Drome, Penny Arcade,cessions, $15 fairs; $10 still.Jake Prell, come on. American Camp, Trumpet for White Band. Toccoa,Will sell X Photos, Custard and Corn Game. Cocke J. J. PAGE SHOWS WANT Ga., this week; Villarica, Ga., next; Milledgeville, Co.Fair, Newport, Tenn., Oct.2; Lawrence Co. For Western Carolina District Fair, Asheville, N. C., next week; Gwinnott County Fair, Lawrenceville, Ga.,Oct. 9th -14th;Swainsboro,Ga., 16th -21st. Fair, Courtland, Ala., Oct. 16.Address: Dickson, to follow, Legitimate Concessions of All Kinds.Can place Octopus or Rolloplane or any other Allbona fide fairs.No grift or gyps. Tenn., this week. Ga., Ridethat does not conflict. Want Kiddie Automobile Ride. Can place Grind Shows with ownoutfits. Waat two more Girls for "Nights In Hawaii." Show out until Thanksgiving.Everybody address: WANTED BLUE RIDGE SHOWS J. J.PAGE SHOWS,Morristown, Tenn., this week; Asheville, N. C., next. FIRST-CLASS COOK HOUSE. ALL TICKETS.Want Bingo, Girls for Girl Show; also Geek Show, Tilt -a -Whirl or anyFlatRide. Out until Xmas In Mississippi,Arkansas. FloydSheeks,wire, Tex MIGHTY MONARCH SHOWSLucas, come on.Address JOE KARR, Franklin, Windsor, N.C.,This Week. Ky., this week. TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY FAIR, WEEK OCT. 8TH Charleston, Miss.; Fayette. Ala., Fair follows. Modern American Shows want Rides thatdon't conflict.Good proposition small Merry -Co -Round.Will book Shows with own outfits or will furnish outfits for capable showmen. Want Cookhouse, CornCaine, Diggers, Mouse Joints, Scales, Stock Concessions.McKenzie, Tenn., this week.JACK CONNORS, Mgr. LITTLEJOHN FAIR CIRCUIT Mississippi and Alabama Fairs.Stay out all winter. SIX FAIRS, COMMENCING CLANTON, ALA., SEPTEMBER 26-30. Want String,Side Show, Motordrome,Mechanical,Athletic,Illusion,Fat Girl or any Show of merit.Want one Flat Ride.Will book Shows and Rides MILLER AMUSEMENTS Opening Ball Games, Cigarette Shooting Gallery,Scales, Wants for Pike County Free Fair, McComb, Miss., week Oct. 2nd, Stock Concessions ofAll Kinds, for 20 per cent. Photos, Palmistry, Scales, Popcorn, Candy Floss, Cook Houses. Can use Ride Foremen,$20.00 week. Candy Floss,High Striker,Novelties, Bowling Alley, Bumper. Have for sale: Motor Drome, complete; 2 Indian Scout Motorcycles, Top, SideBanners, $400.00. Will book 50-50 or 35% if you. have own transportation.Have new Ball Game, complete; 50 new punks, 14 -Ft. Hood and Awnings; price, $60.00.Will book on show.Franklinton, La., Free Falr after McComb. This showis booked until after Xmas in Southern Louisiana; same route wehave played for 15 years.All wires RALPH R. MILLER, Tylertown, Miss., Fair, this week. Crystal Exposition Shows All bona fide,not promotions.Richmond CountyFair,Hamlet, N. C..Fairs 2 to 9; Kershaw County Fair, Camden, S. C., Oct. 9 to 14; Lancaster Fairs-Oct.County Fair.Lancaster,S.C..Oct. 16 to 21; Summerville Community FAIR Fair, Summerville, S. C.Oct. 23 to 28; Collton County Fair, Waiterboro, S. C., Oct. 30 to Nov. 4. WANTED FOR GREATER AIKEN DISTRICT Can place Legitimate Concessions; will sell X on Novelties and Custard.Will place Shows that don't have outfits for Grind Shows. Can use Acts and Talker for Side Show.Salary and per- conflict.CanI place a Real Feature Attraction, also Ticket Seller that can make secondopenings. OCTOBER 30TH THROUGH NOVEMBER 4TH centage. this week: Mt. Holly, N. C. Want Cook, Griddle Man and Counter Man for Cook House. Address all mall Two more Free Acts: Must be sensational and must be reasonable.Can use a fewmore Legitimate Concessions for the Independent midway. Potato Peelers and Demonstrators for exhibittent.Address: Is Your Subscription to The Billboard AboutTo Expire? Greater Aiken District Fair, Standard Review Office, Aiken, S. C. 70 The Billboard LETTER LIST September 30, 1939

myrtle DeanMcNatt, Nolan,Chas. Robinson, Roy Stull, C.F. Whitehead, Chas. Winters, Jack LETTER LIST Nolan & Kenny Rocco. R. W. Sullenburg,Charles Humphreys, Mrs. Prevost, Mrs. David McNeely, Jackie Whittinghill, Jack Wiscott, Edward Gladys J.(Sally) (Continued from page 33) Norman, B. W. Rockwell. E. W. Sullivans, Flying Whittington. O.Knight, Mrs. PhillRamebu, Bessie Hoge,Clarence Kolb, McPeek, R. J. Nortbup, Donald Rogers, Buddy Summerlield -Jr.. Everett VaughnWise,Benny Lee, Lois Ray R. McSpadden, RichardNorwood, Win. Rogers. Lon R. BruceWhyte, Clifford Rutherford, Mrs. Monroe Koran. P. T. Mack, Bobber Novak. Robert Wish. Jack Lovell, Elaine Margaret Hole. Donald W. Korky, Kay Rogers, Seigel L. Summers,Charles Wight, A. G. Wish, Jacob Maude, Lady Scott,Lillian Mack LaPonder Nuckols,Grafton Rogerson, Geo. W. Sutotno,Earl Wight. Pete Whittaker. Pete Miller.Helen Holloway, Leroy M. Rosin,Joe Mack, Lyman Hydell, Kenny Roland,OliverA. Seymour, Mrs. Holman, S. N. Botch, Ed PearceSlimWilliams Jr., AlfredWollett, Will Newman, Phoebe Carmen Ho1pin, Geo. Mackay, Robert O'Brien, Jack TobyRollins,Tex Sutton, F. Williams, F. AlbertWolper, Win. Krause, George Mackon, Jack O'Brien, Timmie Rose, Dave Sweigart,F. Newton Jr., Mrs. Siegfried. La Rosa Holston,le. Krause, Jack & Macurio, Jack O'Brien, Tom Williams. AligatorWona Poney, Chief WilliamSmith, Ann D. Holt, Archie Kiddie Rose, Horace E. Kenneth John H. & Poney BillNiederberg,EstherTeeter,Jacqueline Macy, Wm. O'Connell, Tom F.Rose. Jimmie Swims, Carl W. Williams, Flash. Woods,Bert Holt, Carl F. Krem, Robert Maddox, D. R. O'Crowley, J. A. Rose,Louis Swisher, Clifford O'Connor, Mrs. Vavrin, Peggy Holt, Ross L. Kronen, Phil Maleon, Art ShowsWoods, Bryan annyWebster,Pauline Holtrey, Geo. Kuhnert, Otto O'Day, Pat Roseberry, WalterSwisher. H. C. Williams, Harry Woods, F. A. O'Dea, ShannoDn Williams, Thelma Malone. Pat O'Leary, E. L. Ross, Jack Symons, Bert C.Slim Whitey Holzer, Jean A. Kuline, James J. Mansfield, M. Ody, Mel Ross, Milvin Taffitt, Joe, O'Donell, Mrs. Wilson, Dorothy Horan,Irish Kyes, Henry D. Mantley, Chas. Williams, Harry D.Wright, Carl JimmyWood,Mrs.Plum Hornfleld. Isador LaBavard, Cecil Oelgario, A. G. Ross, Tommie T. Tahash, Ray Williams,J.M. Wright, Henry A. Olson, Mrs. Paul N. Horton,Cecial Lailird. Charles Mantley, Clay Olson. Gene Rountree,Robert 'Fermi!, Morris Williams, Jim Wyble,Glen Parker,Joyce Wuori, Tyyne Houchin, Allen LaChance, James Manuska. Tony Orange State ShowRoy,Miller Tarra & Tarrya Williams, LeonardWyoming Duo Zeralda House,Jack LaGarde, Mack Mapes. Walter C. Orrick, Bill Roselle, Samuel Taylor, Tiger FrankWilliamson. Carl Yacopis Troupe Houston. Sam LaMaar, G. F. Marchand, Bob Osbourn, Paul Ruddy, George N.Taylor, Wiskey BillWillie,LaraS. Yankee, Eddie Howell. Howard C.LaRue, Bobbie Marcus, A.B. Owens, C. W. blackRudynoff, Rudy Tennyson, Dave Willis, James Yon. V. L. Men Marcus, Edward Owens. Frank Ruff. M. Terry,Chas. E. Willis,Billy York, Cecil Howells Variety LaRue, Flying Marine Owens, Harry, Russ & Dale Show Aerialist BuddyWilson, C. W. York,Claude Agron, Jack H. Lindsey, Daniel S. Boyne, Frank LaRue. Richard A. Hippodrome OrchestraRussell,Clyde Terry. Wilbur Wilson, Curley York. Thomas Arens. Mr. and Hubbard, Asa(Lit LaVel, Jack Markey. John Pabedean, Joe Russell, Capt. Teske. Joe Wilson. Danny F.Young, Billy Littlejohn,Frank Marks,HarryA. Pechter, D. A., Co. Frank Tevbet, L. A. Wilson,Dick (Toby) Mrs. SamLove, Thomas Abner)Lack, Arley E. Mario & LeFors Austin'sRevue, Lynn, R.B. Hubbard. Ed (Curley) Packer, Robert Russell,Jack & Theodore, Pete Wilson, Jack Chas.Zschille. Fred Martin, Clydell, Padgett, Dr. J. P. Viola Thomas, B. T. Wilson, Geo. E. Za rlington, GeneLynn, Robert Hubbard, Stack Laidlow, Walter PedroPage, Frank E. Ray Bernard,Freddie Halos, Mike Huber,Jack Lamb, Clifford E. Ryan, R. J. Thomas. Cecil Wilson, Russell Zeb & Mandy Berni Vici, Count Hudgins. J. P. Lamb, L. E., Capt.Martin, Fred Page, Jack Rythmaires, The Thomas. Eddie Wingie,Bert Zimmer, Joe Millar, Win. S. Martin, Joe L. Page. Robert Sockets Happy Thomas. George W.Wintermute, Zorda, Frank Bresnahan, T. J. Miller,Fred Hudspeth, F. W. Lamont, Geo. A. Martin. Mickey Palmer, Jay & Thomas, Lee Bostwick, A. D. Moore, Rex Hudspeth, Fred Lamoureau, Sakobie, James John S. Browder,Roland Morris, Elmer Huey,0.W. Mascott,BudAy DoreenSalsberg,_Erwin Thomas,Leo Dorothy & RalphMason,)r.BIL Palmquist, Ernie, Salter, Hilary Thomas,Prof. Bullock, R. S. Mulally, Tommy Huff,Floyd Landrum, Calvin O. MAIL ON HAND AT Carlinville Mundorf,Gerry Huff, John D. Lane. Daniel Ralph Drell.Salzer, Raymond C.Thompson. C. C. Mattress Co. Huftle. John Lane, Tommy Mason, Harry J. Parker, Bob Santz Jr.. John Thompson, H. S. Newberry, Paul H. Mason, John Parker, H. L. Sateja,CharlesN. Thompson, Irvin NEW YORK OFFICE Charlyss, Mgr. O'Hara,Joe RUB, Howard Langston. C. N. Mason, Oliver W Parker, Raymond Saunderland,Cant. Thompson,James Claires, Hans Orr.Jack Hughson. Ed Lanko, Wilson Mason, Stony Parks, L. 1564 Broadway, Coates, Doc Jerry Osborne, Arthur Hull, Sam Stanley Lang, A. Massie,Jack Parks, Ray E. Saunders, GeorgeKarlG.Thompson. Mike Coles.Rex G. Conrad Hull. Stanley S. Langford, Jack Majfleld, Eugene Parrish.Dale (Blacksmith) Thompson,Miller Parcel Post Crane, Albert C. Peters, Lee E. Humphrey. Davied (Whitie)Mayfield, Chris Parrish, Earl Cress,Harry AL, Pugh, Denny Humes, Ed R. Lanning, Geo. W. Saurbaum, G. V. Thompson, Steve Cress,Jack (Pick) Lame, Leo E. Mazo, Charles Parsons. Jack Sayer, HarryE. Tidwell. Ted Richmond. Paul W. Maxey Jr.' A. G. Patterson, Morris Schafer,Chuck Tiffany, Charles Women D'Orazi, Tony Roberts,"Whitey" Hunt, H. Laverne. Robert Maxwell,Bill RobertSchafer, E. and Virginia Dengier. J. B. Rusher, Mr. & Hunter, James A. Lawrence Larry Meachum,Homer Pattion, Arvil Seheidler, Sam J. Tijan, Leonard M.Antaleks, Perch Dobbs, H. L. Mrs. John Hurd. Jimmie Lazaro, Larry Mead, Lawrence Mahood, Mary Dvorchak,Joe Russell, Dave Eason. Orville Lear, Harold V. Paul & Pettit Schiller,Pany Tinsel'. Frank ActMason, Eleanor P.Eiler, R. C. Meade, Claude W. l'aulert. A Ihert Sclimeltzio. FrancisTiTt-T. o hw Co,C Arden,Eve Mi Velma Saunders, Noel Hutchison, Mr. Leatherman. Dan Meeks. Lawrence Payne. Frank Fitz & Carroll Sells, Virgil Ginger Leddy, Stephen Schmid, Martin Joseph Baron, Gertrude Miner. Christine Frazer,Al Sherman, Roy Lee. Bob Mefford, Bud Pearce, Carl Leroy *Todd. Dick Clark. Elise Morrison. Patricia Hutchinson,Billie Megrathy, Marion Pearl & Griffin Schnepp, Walter R. Todd. James BusterCartonRuth Murphy, Mrs. J,7.Germain, Carl E. Shover, J. S. Hutchinson. John Lee, Carl Novelty Gist, Joe Smith, T. T. Hutton, M. C. Lee, Cuddy J. Schultz, Fred O. Tolbert,Clyde Chevalier, Mimi Nrrth, Agnes Golden, Buddy Melancon,Brusle Pearson, Howard Schultz,Gus Tolbert, Milt Clifford,Inez Neugebauer, Mrs. Spary Hind,Billy Lee, Frank J. Melton,Jack Peart, Frank Schulze,Bob Tom, Frank Cole, Olive 0. Goldstein. Sam Spitler,Capt. Hyre, James Lee. Garland BarryGregory,William Albert Ikerd, Dale Lee, Henry Menees. Melton "Snapper"Schwartz, Herman Tom. George Day, Jean Queens. Four Harris, Herbert E, Lee.Jimmie Merritt. C. J. Peasley, Francis Schwartz, S. H. C. Deering, Dorothy Palmer Madge St. Clair, Capt. H. Ingleston,R. P. Mettler,Geo. PennockRobert Schwartz, Ted Townsend,Hod DeLee, Heffner, Jack Stanton, Jack Ingraham. Dr. H. C. Lee.L.H. Joan Palmer. Margie Holland, E. S. Steffen, J.E. Leemon, W. R. Meyers, Harry .GFeo.rge.w. Scliyvers, Ken 0. Townson, C.1%, Desiree. Miss Parker. Dut Ingram, Frank Midwest Show Penny. R. D. BobScott,Chas.E. Townson. R. Destinn. Yvonne Vine, Ruth Hoover, Wm. C. Taylor, Ear: Irving, Martin Leithister, Bob Miers,Charley Scott,James Travis, Doc Homer, Tommy Tinsch, Frankie Irvin, Noval Lenox, Jack & Dixon. Mary A. Quincy, Miss Johnson, Sandy Tobler,Larry JohnnieMiles, Chas. J. Perkins, Gny Scott,John Travis, Earl Dow. Sun Tat Redmond, Mrs. Joy, Billy Irwin. Robt. G. Miller & GoodwinPete, Bennie Seibert, Wm. Doo TreTrobusinm,a.J. EdenSisters R. L. Walden, FrankH. IcyJimmie Lenoz, Jack B. Miller, A. F.L. Peterson.Carl Seifres, J. N. Johnnie Elzenbeck,Marie Kemp, Donald Watson, Harold Jackson, J. H. LeRoy & Pals Miller,A. W. Reece. Beryl Kerwin, Harvie H.West. Harry P Petterson,Charlie SellsCapt. BillyTrumpet, McAllisterSl.aw, Diane King. George Jos. Jackson, Joe, Leroy,ete Miller Jr., BobbiePeterson. Guy E. Service Jr., Edward MongmeryFields. Roselyn Shore, Peggy Westlin, Darrell E. Cyclist J. F. Miller, Eli Peterson, Henry P.Shades, Carl Tucker, Bozic Kitchen, Maurice White, Flash Jackson, Valdo Leroys, Flying (Zu)eika)Silverman*fay P.White Wolf. Chief Lestus, Flying Miller. Fred M. Petrinos, Nick Slaters J. Tucker,Ralph Fustaino, Pearl Strouse.Mrs. Lane, Ralph Jacobs, Raymond Miller, Happy JackPhelps, L. A. Shanon, Mack Tulle% Wayne Giroud, Sonia William Williams, Bill Jacobson. J. D. Levine, Harry Miller, Joe Phillips, Clyde Shapiro, Jimmie Turner, S. 0. Gregord, Mrs. J. Sutter. Louse "Daddy"Williams, Jack James, Bill Levitan,Maurice Miller. R. A. Phillips, John V. Sharp, Kenneth Tuthill, Edw. W. Hartman, Pauline Lefever, Harry Williams, Joe Jamison, Eddy & Lewis, Jimmie & Miller, Steve Phillips, Lee Tyree,Jay tie.MiF. Le Woods, JulianWilson, Lucian Sug Shaw, Bert Hmiton,u,SZ.g7 Thompson, Blanch Lewis,Mr.and Wright, Earl RuthLewis, Miller. Wm. Phillips, Robert Shaw, Fred L. Tyree Jr., Thomas Lamond'e, ElizabethVentry, E. Jamison, Capt. Harry KayMitchell.Charley ]'billion Bros. Shea.% Floyd TYrel, Jay PelkY Mrs. NateZandu, Prof. Jimmy Lewis. LaVerne Mitchell,G.L. Walton, Olive Liebett & lableen, M. J. Sheeks, H. M. Urich, Dewey Laurence, Edna Webber. Thelma MAIL ON HAND AT Jason, Fred P. Mitchell,Geo.J. Pickard. Slim Sliceley, Ernest Erich. Miller Lazarus,Mrs.L. White, Crystal Jesse, The Great Mitchell, Gus Pinfold, Joshua Sheets, Dec Tom Usher. Whitey Leans. Princess LeiW Ater,Mrs. Carlo Jennick, Chas. B. Ligginan. F. F. Mitchell. John 0. Pinkston, J. W. Sherlock, Joe Valentine, Harry Leslie, Jean W.se, Mrs. F. B. ST. LOUIS OFFICE Jennings. 'I'ed Limberger, Perry F.Mitab(il,LawrencePleasent, Otis TroySherman Jr.. CarlValentine, Wm. Lunette, Maxie Jennings. Wm. Lime, Shorty Tin Mitchell. Mack Plegge. Willard L. Van, Fred Hap 890 Arcade Bldg. Jerome. Dock CanMitchell,Mike Plymouth Rovirckhiteyshermart,cheererVan Harwood Jewels, Five Linde), Floyd Mitchell,Sam Sherman, Tex iT. T. Men Women JugglingLindsey. Dick Mitchell, Steve Sherwood, Don Dee Vandiver, C. P. John, Frank Lipgenfelter. LeRoyMitchell. T. W. Poling, Charles Vanik, Jack Syd Lee, R. Alford. Mrs. HelenLee, Mrs. Peggy Linn. D. W. Billy Pore). Jake Shew, Carl Allen, James 0. Leitheiser. Mr. Anderson, Dot Long, Mrs. Ethel Johns. Major, Mitchell. Tom Powell.Art Shoemaker. Wm. p, Veitch. 0. A. Baker, Walter V. Side Show Lippman, Sammie Mitchell. William J. Shriver, Eugene Vejmska, M.J. Lemming, Artie Beshears, Mrs. Lutz, Yvonne Johns, Vincent O. List. Jacob S. MitchellWm. S. Powell, W. D. Barfield, Carl Lenett,Jerry RobertMack, Musical May Litton, Joseph R. Powell, Wilton Shrivel-, Thomas Vernon Bros. ShowBarlow, Walter Lineberger,Perry Berger,Mrs.Jean Johnson, A. F. Mite,'ted Preston, Harold Shultz, Gus Vestricker,Frank Beal. Sammy McLaughlin, Mrs. Johnson,Bill Litz S. A. Mix. Art Silberstein,Daniel Victor,Victoria Lyons, Bayne Bowen, Mary M. Juana Johnson, Geo. Llewellyn, Beryl Modawell, Joseph Buck Silver Bros.' ShowVirgil the MagicianBergen,Ben Lyons, James Brady.Mrs.JackMartin, Mrs.Mary Johnson,Jos. Lock, Harvey DadModern American Price, Clarence Simmons, A. L. 'Mit°. John Bernard. Howard Merriman, Ted (Ruth)Niederberg,Esther Johhson, R.3. Loft's. Claude M. ShowPrice. Coleman VolinBill Blair, Sam Marlowe, Karl Bryer,Mrs.CarrieO'Brien,Lillian Pritchett. Jack Simmons. Bill Brown, Frank A. Martinez. Ed Caldwell,Helen Johnson, Red & Logan, Harry Mojo Minstrels Privost, David Simon,Capt.Leo VonJourdan, Brown, Harry Mayes, Prof. Mae Alma Logan, Paul Montrose. Geo. C. elairiPer Clark, Mrs. Chas. S.Redwing, Mrs. Johnston. J. F. Long. Herman Moody, John Putman. Arthur Brown, Phil, LivingstonCloven. Mrs. Louise Betty Jean (Curly)Long. Leon Moore, G. B. Pyle, Alden Skaggs, N. R. Waddell, Peggie Brown & LaHartMcCray. Charles Conley,Betty Rosen,Mrs.Ethel Johnson, Swede Lorenzo, Lena Moore, C. L. Quick. Horace Skierka, Edward Wages. Johnnie Buster, Howard McGarry, Kirby Cortez. Madam Shelton, Miss Jima Johnson, Col. Texas Lorraine, Carl Moore, Harvey Quigley, Willie SlavM, Claude Wagner, Bud Capon. Ernest Melville, Ray Costello, Madam Stanley,Mrs. Johnson. Walt Louis, Harry Moore. Jimmie Quinn. Jack Sloan,Carl Wald. Louis Clements. Bill Meyers, Arthur Davis. Mrs. Rita Dorothy Lovell, C. Rabbitfoot. Al Sloan,Phil Walden, Cotton Clennon,Bart Micieli, Charles Dillon. Mrs. L.L.Stein,Mrs.A. Johnson, Wm. B. (Joker)Ragsdale, Jimmie Smart,Frank5, Walden, John R. Cole. Lorenzo E. Jones,A.C. Love), Charles Moore, John David Miller, Russell Doria,Betty LeeTimmons, Mrs. Jones.AlvinP. Loyd,J.J. Rakes,Everett Smith. Ben A. Waligorski, Corey, Joe Murray, Dave Edwards, Rose Bobbie Jones. Charlee Lowery. Carroll Moore, LionelS. Ralston, The Smith, O.0. StanleyDalessio, Alfred Murray, James Genus. Helen West, Mrs. G. Geech Lucas,Chas. Moore. Robert E. Ramsey, Donald Smith,Fletcher Walker, Bob A. Bassin. Jules Myers, Fred Gretta, Madame Whitworth, Mrs. Woofoo Moorman. Lester Randall, Lew Smith, G. 0. Walker,Cecil Deamonte Newman, Sydney Grimes. Virginia Jones. J. J. Morales, Billy Randolph, J.Y. Smith, Gentleman Diaz, Ralph & Nye Jr., Thomas Hood, Jerry Jones. Miles S. Lucas. Clyde Moran, Pat Rapadan, A. W. Walker. Cyrus T. Mrs. AliceWilliams, Mrs. Jones, Rastus Lucas. George Torchy Walker, Joseph E. MercedesO'Brien, Eddie Jo -Anne, Madam ne Morasso,Richard DukeSmith, Glenn RWalker, W. E. Dillon. Jack C. Paddock, "Pat" Jones,Mrs.DollieWilliams. Louise Jones, Woodrow Lackner. E. Moreland,J.E. Rarich, K. & Co. Donath, Ned Koch, Phyllis Judge, Dr., Lansford. Roy Morell, Rosco H. Rarick, Kenneth Smith, Jack L. Wallenda. Arthur Susan Zorn. Miss Zada Magician Lyerly, Ace Smith, Max Photo Walled, Willie Downey. Nani PattersonJohn A.LeBrell, Mrs. Geo. Morel, Holly Raschel, James E..Smith, Robt. R. Walsh, Arthur E. Duignan, George A.Pierce, Jack Jule, Fred Lyman. Al Miircan, J. Brooks Orch. Duke, H.J. Polka, Steve Kahn. M. E. Lyman, Dr. GeorgeMorgan, Lee Smith, Sid Walton, George Men Kane, Charlie Lue Lyman, 0. E. Raum, Jack Smithfey.John Ward, Johnny DuPont, Bob Poling, James H. Morris. Chip Ray, Arthur Snediker, Geo. Ward, Ralph A. Dupont, Gene Purcell,Pete Karen, Edward Lynch,E.J. Morris. G. M. Ray,Enock Snyder, Harry C. Ward. Theodore Durant, James Redding, John Archer, N. J. Lucas, Dan Katell, Robert Lynn-Lazzeroni Morris, Robert Edwards, Tommy Roach, George Babbitt, Milton McAtee. Ben Ka tzen, Al Lyons, A.E. Morrison, Sandy Ray. Harold RuffusSnyder,Sam Warlow, Jack Bachman, Ted Kauffman,Roscoe Ray, Reuben Snyder, W. E. Warner. Harry S. Fernandez. E. K. "Lefty"Baldwin, (ComE. edians) Lyon. B. L. MOITOCO, Wm. Rehras Solman, Sam Warren, Francis Ferrera, Don Roberson, Jimmie B.J. McMahon. H. W., MagicianLyons. John Morse,'VirgilL. Ferris, Al Bandy, Harry McNiff, Duffy (Photographer)Mort, Joe Reckless. Fred Sonenbloom.JackWarren,Forrest W. Bartlett, IL O. Marc. Boots Haul, Leo MacDonald. Charles Redieatlier, Chief Sordelet Jr., Henry Warren. Jim Fielding, Harry Roswell, Roy Bell, C. H. Rause. Joe E. Mortimeyer, VanSparks,Billy Comedians GrantSalvatore.R. Martin, Terry Keith. Ferrell E. Wesley Clarence Fischer. George L. Bennett, Blackie Marvin, Robert Redding, Lyle 0. Sparks, Bobby Warren, Luther Schafer, E. Berrybill, J. L. /day%Joe Kelley. Clias. PopMacMathews, Capt.Moses,Earl Reece. D. M. Spellman,Frank Warren, W. J. Fuld. Vincent Shaver, Buster Brame% Danny Kelley, Marvin McA leer.S. H. Mustier, Ralph Reece, P. M. Gregory, Capt. & Sedway,Moe Michils,Marty Kelly, Don 'McClanahan. C.S. W. Washington.Eddie Brovan, Herbert Miller,Harry Moshier, Howard L.Reed. Billy Boob Spence,John Water,Alford BlackSeton, Monroe Brown, J. M. Mitchell, Kelly,FrancisJ. McClanahan. D. H.Mounts, Dayton R.Reed, Billy,Eli Spencer, O. C. Waters, Herbert Griffin. Wm. H. Sherman, Bros. & Johnnie Kelly, J. M. Howardaiming% Donald Wheel Hagman, A. Tessie Briar, , Joe Kelly, Teddy McCollin, Ralph D. Spencer, C. 1 Watson, Philip W. Bryer, 011ie (Leek Show) Mullins. Ted MoonReed, Daniel F. (Slim)Watson, Roy Hamley & Co. Sherman, Ma & PaCase,Glenn Moan, James Kempf Bros. McCord. Floyd 0. Murdock, Robt. K.Reed, Ted Spiers, Bob Watts, Cotton Harrington, Earl Siegrist, Charles Case,Lee Kempsmith, Wm. McCormick. Bill Murphy, A. H. Reedy,Jacob Spillman,Leonard Watts, Doc T. Hawley, Daniel Sloan, Cy Noel, Chas. Kent. Billy Hank McCoy, Son Murphy, Rex Reese, Pinckney Spitzer, Harry Hegner, Arthur W.Small, Frank Chambers. Bob Nortbup, Donald JesseR. Waver, Anthony Clark, Bozo Norton. R.3. Kepley, McCoy, Tim Murphy, Walter Reeves, Glenn Springs, Julians Wayland, Bennie Hermance, Charles Speiles,Mathias Clarkson,Al Kerns, Johnny McCreery, John A. MorelandReeves, Jimmie Sprouls, Ray Weaver, Andy Hinkle, Milt Smythe,Bill O'Brien, J. P. Kerwin. Jack McCullough. Hurrah. James T. Roger.C.R. Holloway, Merle Stanton,Steve Clennon, Bart Odee,Ralph Kerr. B. W. St.Clair, Sam Webb, Joe B. Coleman, Rusty Pearl.WalterJ. Eugene R.Murray,Buster Reinhardt, George Stacey, Thomas Webb, Mack Hombrook, Earl C.Sully,Bill Colvin, H.E. Ray, Joe Kessler. Howard McCullough, Wm. Murray. Tom Renault, Francis Staley's Show Boat Weber, E. 0. Kenton,Tex Thiele Jr., John H. Ray, Ralph V. Ketrow, Frank J. Muschert, Theo. A.Renfro, Lee Stanilitord, Weber, E. R. King,George Thomas, Fred Conroy,Joseph Ty) Killebrew. Ray 0.McDonald, Jack Massie. Angus Reno, Ed ward Benjamin Weber, John JosephThomas, John Geo. Rudman,Robert Kimball. Del DenzilMyers, Arthur Resler, W. H. Stanley, Arch King, Richard Thoren,Bill Lee Crandall,C.L. E. H. Webster, Geo. H. Lamb, Al Crowe. H. W. Rumblev, W. E. Rime, L. McDonald. Wm. Myers,HarryJ. Reynolds, Ellery S.Stanley,J.H. Webster, Harry Vaugn- Davenport, R. R.Ryan, Brownie Rime, Laren W. DunbarMyers, Sammy 0. Reynolds, E. Stanley.Junior Weekly,Carl LaPayne Jackie Vontanhausen, Decker, Himmel, Don & McFarland. Ralph Mylie,Sam Reynolds, Earle Stanley, Mike Large,Foy Walter Joe Salters, Slim Myrtle McKee, Miron Heidi. Frank Weeks. Gerald Larson, Ceff Ware, Eddie Dilkey, Delmar Scott,Thomas Reynolds, H. L. Stanley,Milford Wehle, Bill La Rue, George Dimes, Jake Seigrest. Frank Kindt, Wm. H. McGill, Raymond Halley, Frank Reynolds, J. B. Stanley,P.L. Weiner, Sam Wright, Jack End, Joe Smith, Del King, Charlie McGinnis, Bob Narauda, Yogi Reynolds, Mickey Stanley, Steve Weinoda. Albert LaVerne, Jean Zihani, Guido Ford, E. M. (Booker)McGlaslin, Daniel Harter, Ray Reynolds, Tom Starling, Jack Lee, Ralph Smith, H. Norman McGuire, Harry Weiss, Benny Forrest, Thomas P.Smith, Roy H. King, Geo. E. Nathan, Glass ManRh inehart. J. F. Starry, Jack- Weiss, Louis MAIL ONHAND AT Goad, Charley Spain, Lee King, Robert WrestlerNeale, Larry E. Rhodes. Jesse E. Cyclist Pickels Goody, Ray Stanley, Dewey King,Roy McHendrix, R. G. Nedeau,Earl Rice, A.C. Startzel, W. H. Welch. G. R. Greb, Harry Stanley, Mike Kingman, Frank J. Mellon, Joe & Nelson. Donald Rice,Al Steele,Buck Welch, J. P. CHICAGO OFFICE Gruber, Joe Star,Gus Kingston.Arthur Pete JosephRichards. Wm. F.Stephens, J. R. Weller, Park H. Haley, H. D. Stein,A. E. J.McIntyre,Arnold Nelson. Lester W.Riche, Thos. L. Sterling, Blubber Wellner, Joseph 404 Woods Bldg., Hansen. Al Stewart,Tex Kingston, ThedoreMcIntyre, H. C. Nelson, Marshall Ridley, Tinnie J.Wells, Charlie 62West Randolph tn. Hockenberry, LouieStumbo, Fred R. Kinney,J.B. Whitie Nelson. Morris Riggs. George Stevens, Johnnie Wells, Earl Holman, Evvard J.Sundstrom, John Kirk,E.D. McKean, Billy Nelson, Vick Rieffenach, Jimmy Stewart, Eddie West, Burk Women Jackson. Valdo Swisher. H. C. Kirk, H. H. McKee, Bob Neuman, Geo. O.Stoddard, Doc- Western, J. W. James, Bobby Thompson, Robert Kirk, Thos. McKenna, Jerry New, Bert Riley,Harry Stoffel,Walter Westfall, Win. Allan, Louise K. Elledge, K. A. CarrollTilley, Bill Kirwin, Dave McKennia,GeorgeNewcombe, Vern Riley, Jimmie Stoltz,Geo. Weston,Sailor Brown, Mary JayneFarleigh, May Jones, Mike Troy, Jack Klohr, Geo. McKenzie, Bill Newfield, Harry Riley. R. Stone,Kurt JackCastle,Dolly Forrest. Evelyn KeanJr.,James Tyree, Thomas Kneeland,James McKenzie, W. D. Newman, Curtis 0.Rinehardt. George Stone, Win. F. Whell, George Court. Lady Hare"Francita," Miss K imnel, Red Wagner,W.J. Knight, CarlC. MaeNewman, Frank Roberts, Bill Billy Wheelock, Ray Cressonian, Dorothy (Harry)Walker, W. R. Knight. Felix McKinell,FrenchieNewman. Jack Roberts, Doc B. C.Story,Bill Wheller, Elmer Daly,Mrs. Fraser,Mary King, George Jos.Weber, Ernie R. Knight, Paul PatMcKnight, C. H. Newman, M. A. Roberts, J. H. Alabama Whetten, F. D. Berniece (Box 215)Klein, James Williams, Dave SlimNewton, Cly Roberts, John Story, Jack B. Whidding, C. C. Daly,Mrs.SmileyGist, Mrs. Violet Knight,Jack Woods, Steve Knoch, Conrad McLaughlin, CledysNewton Jr.. Wm. Roberts. Steve Stracke. T. 3. White, Arthur Darcy, Mrs. AgnesGrimm, Peggy Lawrence, Larry Howard Knox. Clifford Nicholas, Steve Roberts. Thayer Stratton, Louis White Eagle, HarryDiana, Phoebe Hanna, Mrs.JohnLeonard. Asa Young,Bill Koartz, C. L. TonyMcMahon, E. H. Nip Trio, The Robertson, Lee StrPu:I. M '- ., Whyte, F. A. DuriageRita Heinzen, Rose Leonard, Eddie (Toby) Oball,Koichi bfeMasiers. Sam Nixon & Norris Robinson, 'Hank Strickland. Clyde White Jr., Robert Edison,Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Lone -Star, Chief Young. Johnny A. Koenig, E. O. McMillan, S.S. Noeilert, John Robinson, Joseph StroudBill WhitedRobert Louise DesmaLucas, B. W. Zimmer,Florence September 30, 1939 The Billboard 71 ATANASOFF-Leo, 51, one of the five Fayette, Tenn., at the bride's home re- brothers who formerly owned the World cently. Theater, Milwaukee, September 16 at his ZAYDE-BOLIVAR - Jascha Zayde, pi- home in that city after several weeks' ill- anist and member of the team of Herter ness.Survived by his widow and four Final Curtainand Zayde, and Leah Bolivar, radio col- brothers. tember 24.Report receivedatpressPoint (0.) amusement park, in whichoratura soprano, September 10. BARR-Arthur E., 55, veteran minstreltime.Further detailswill appear incapacity he served several years. He also man, at his home in Chicago Septembernext week's issue. managed a number of road companies and 10.Barr at one time was known as MARESCO-Antonio, 79, father of Peterwas resident manager of theaters in vari- "America's Premier Yodeler," and was for-and JosephMaresco,owners oftheous Indiana towns.His widow survives. Conti. Matt(ages merly with the Neil O'Brien and PrimroseMarescoMusicInstitute,Bridgeport,Services and burial in Sandusky. James Leonard, announcer and assist- minstrels. Burial in Forest Home Ceme-Conn., in that city September 12 when SCHILLING-Mrs. Thomas, 72, motherant service manager for Station WLW, tery, Chicago. hit by an auto. of Mrs. Bobbie Briggs and Mrs. FrancesCincinnati, and Marie Wessel, nonpro, of MARTIN-Carroll F., 51, musician andBeshears, of Rogers & Powell Shows, inCincinnati, soon. composer, fatally injured in an automo-Tracy Hospital, Tracy, Minn., September In Loving Memory of a Darling Wife Gent Welsh, of Beaver Falls, Pa., con- and Mother bile accident near Racine, Wis., when re-12 after a six -week illness. cessioner with the Cetlin & Wilson Shows, turning to Chicago from a fishing trip SMITH-Mrs. Ida B.,74, mother ofand Sue Cessato, nonpro, of Hammonton, LAURA "KAYE" ARLINGTON September 16. Martin was formerly trom-George T. Smith, owner and manager ofN. J., in November. Who Departed This World October 1, bonist in the Chicago Symphony Or-Casino Park on Lake Worth near Fort George Hirshberg,secretaryofthe 1937, at Muncie, Ind. chestra, then was with Isham Jones' BandWorth, Tex., at his home in that city Sep-Cetlin & Wilson Shows, and June English, We Miss You More Each Day. tember 5.Survived by he son and four HARVEY "DOC" ARLINGTON and later with the musical staff of NBC of Paradise Revue on the same show, soon. JOE, RUTH, EVELYN-JO KAYE in Chicago.Services September 19 withgrandchildren. Services in Fort Worth John Lagasse, girl show operator on the burial in Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago. September 6, with burial in GreenwoodLagasse AmusementCo.,andLillian MATTER - John W., four -month -oldCemetery there. Emery, member of the girl show, soon. BOURKE - Thomas J.,84, old-timeson of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Matter, STEVENS-A. G., father of Bob Stevens, Keith McKinley, nonpro of Dallas, and Michigan fiddler, September 17 at hiswho were with the Ben Williams Showswho had been with Tom Mix, Ringling-Maxine Martin, chorus girl in the four home in Port Huron, Mich.His widowthis year, in West Jersey HomeopathicBarnum, Christy and other circuses andCasa Manana revues in Fort Worth, Tex., and four children survive. Burial in PortHospital, Berlin, N. J., September 15, ofthis season superintendent of concessionsin the former city September 29. Huron. bronchial pneumonia. Survived also by aon Haag Bros.' Circus, September 18 in Gordon Polesie,brotherofHerbert BRADFORD-Mrs. Elizabeth, 69, mothersister, Sharon E. Matter.Interment inCoffeyville, Kan. Polesie, movie producer, and Abby Fros- of H. H. (Arky) Bradford, trainmasterBerlin Cemetery September 18. TURNBULL-Mrs. W. J., mother ofburg, press agent for the Hotel Taft, with the Beckmann & Gerety Shows, MERRILL-Rae, sister of Ann Penning-Willard J. Turnbull, manager of NationalNew York, October 8 in Baltimore. September 18 in West Plains, Mo.Sur-ton, musical comedy actress, in ChicagoTheater Supply Co., Detroit, suddenly Jimmie Allen, wrestler and athletic vived by her husband, William, three sonsSeptember 12. August 31 at her home in Chattanooga.show manager with the J. J. Page Shows, and four daughters.Burial in West MOSS.-James W., 34, member of theHer husband, twosonsandseveraland Wellington Latimer, of Sharpsburg, Plains. Beckmann & Gerety Shows' train crew,daughters survive.Interment in Chat-Ga., soon. COOK-Ernest, 36, of the Willis The-in Memorial Hospital, Columbus, Miss.,tanooga. ater, Detroit, in that city recently of aSeptember 19.He had been with the WIRTZ - Frederick C., 72, father of heart attack.Burial in Heath, Ky. B. & G. Shows since July 24, joiningArthur M.Wirtz, manager of Sonja DAMON - Howard Robert, instantlythem after completing' a Western tourHenie and vice-president and treasurer September 14 when he crashed in his air-with Hennies Bros.' Shows.Burial inof the Chicago Stadium Corp., in Chi- A71/2 -pound daughter, Flora, to Mr. plane at Perry, 0. Damon was with theColumbus(Miss.)Cemetery Septem-cago September 20.Burial in Mundelein,and Mrs. Jack H. Steinberg in Youngs- Rhoda Royal Circus, owned by Walter L.ber 22. Ill. town. 0., recently. Father is owner of the Main, in 1900.Later that year he joined O'BRIEN-Pat, 45, well known in cir- ZEMACH-Nahum, 52, who founded andHome and Strand theaters there and the the Ringling show, working on props. Hecus business, in Veterans' Facility Hos-directed the Habimah Theater, Moscow,Harbor Theater, Ashtabula Harbor, 0. returned to the Main organization in 1901,pital, Kecoughtan, Va., September 15recently after an illness of six months. An eight -pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. occupying variouspositions, includingafter a long illness.Survived by hisIn the United States Zemach producedOscar Bloom September 10 at St. Mar- auditor.In 1906 he had charge of thewidow, Thelma; three brothers, Mickey,The Dybbuk, which was presented in asso-garet's Hospital, Hammond, Ind. Father commissary with the Main -CummingsTim and Johnny, all with Downie Bros.'ciation with Sol Hurok. Following the-is owner of the Gold Medal Shows. Wild West, and in 1907 held same positionCircus, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary DeFoorater work in Palestine, Zemach returned A six -pound, 10 -ounce daughter to Mr. with the Fashion Plate Circus, propertyand Biddle O'Brien.Burial in Nationalto United States and in 1937 became man-and Mrs. Harry Forbes in Newark, N. J., owned by Main. Damon was also con-Cemetery, Hampton, Va., September 18.ager of the WPA Federal Theater Proj-August 29. Father is a well-known boxer. nected with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Cir-with military honors. ect's Jewish Theater unit.Survived by A son, Kenneth Warren, to Mr. and Mrs. cus in 1908.Survived by his parents. PARDUE-Howard N., 49, well knownhis brother, widow, sister and son. Ted Herbert in Lying In Hospital, New Services September 16 with burial inin San Antonio banking and brokerage York, September 2.Father isa time Perry Cemetery. circles and a member of the Circus Fans salesman for Station WOR. Mother was DEASO-Mrs. Maria, mother of Tonyof Amreica, in that city recently after formerly one of the Pearl Twins, dance Deaso, Bridgeport, Conn., orchestra leader, Survivedbyhis 71lattia5es team. in that city recently after a briefillness.widow, two daughters, his mother and A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles DONAT-Ernest, 75, father of Roberttwo brothers. BAYLIS - MAXFIELD - BobBaylis,Carroll inForestCity,Pa.,recently. Donat, stage and screen star, inWalling- PITOEFF-Georges, 55, actor and the-trumpet player in Bobby Peters' Orches-Fatherismanager ofthe Freedman ford, Conn., August 28 after a longillness.atricalproducer,famedforhisin-tra, and Barbara Maxfield, of New York,(Comerford) Theater, Forest City. DORTENZIO-Mrs. Isabella, mother ofterpretations ofIbsen's plays on thein Covington, Ky., September 18. A 71 -pound son, Thomas Jr., to Mr. Anthony Dortenzio, formersaxophonistFrench stage, at his home in Geneva, CASEY-SCHMALTZ-Larry Casey, con-and Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn in Buffalo Sousa's Band and now band leaderinSwitzerland, September 18 of a heart at-cessionerwiththe BremerTri-Staterecently. Father is manager of the Dell - Bridgeport, Conn., in that cityAugusttack.Pitoeff first studied engineeringShows, and Lucy Mae Schmaltz, dancerwood Ballroom and Dellwood Lodge, that 19 after a long illness. and was qualified as an expert bridgewith the same organzation, recently. city, and conducts the house band at ofbuilder.He then tried his hand at law, CHESTERFIELD -CLEVELAND - Tonyboth spots.Mother is the former Alice FIX-Rufus W., 37, junior member Chesterfield, burly and tab actor, and AnnFunk, daughter of Mrs. Arthur J. Funk, the firm of C. F. Fix & Son,funeral di-but finding neither of these occupationsCleveland, prima donna. in Dallas re- rectors of Shelbyville,Ind., in Majorto his liking, he and a number of fellow owner of both spots. Hospital, that city, September15,ofactors formed a company in 1912 andcently. A 7% -pound daughter, Janice Irene, Fixwaswellwent on tour. Pitoeff met his wife, Lud- IRELAND-HINES - Bill Ireland, non -to Mr. and Mrs. George Miller in Huron cerebralhemorrhage. milla, in Geneva in 1917, and the twopro, of Fort Worth, Tex., and Aloha Hines,Road Hospital, Cleveland, September 8. known in circus business and was plan-became known as one of the greatestchorus girl in the Casa Manana revuesParents are former concessioners, last ning to take out a circus next year. there, in Weatherford, Tex., September 16.with Bennie Smith on Bantly'sAll- Survived by his widow, two childrenandactor -manager attractions on the Con- KENT-SHERWOOD-H. Lyndon Kent, his father.Services in Shelbyville Sep-tinent from 1917 to the present.The American Shows. tember 18. with burial in Forest HillPitoeffs made many appearances at thenonpro, and Betty Sherwood, actress, Au- An eight -pound daughter, Mary Ann, Comedie des Champs Elysees, Theatergust 28 in Cragsmoor, N. Y. to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy (Corky) Williams Cemetery there. des Arts and other Paris theaters and MARTIN - SHMLOVE -Perry Martin,in Alma, Ga., September 19.Father was FOLGER-Capt. A.L..,87, known inhad produced more than 250 importantradio vocalist, and Polly Shedlove, knownformer manager of Sparks' Florida Blos- the profession as Whale Oil Gus, in on the radio as Polly, the Shopper, Sep-soms Minstrels, was associated with cir- General Hospital, Los Angeles, Septem-dramas in France, England and Italy. tember 21 in New York. Folger had been RILEY-Abraham Landis, 64, Atlantic cuses for 16 years and is now advertising ber 15, of infirmities. City electrical inspector and connected MATHEWS - BRAINCHITTI - JimmymanagerforB. Lloyd'sPecanCo., with circuses, museums and carnivalswith theaters there for a number ofMathews, formerly with the Sam Law-Barnesville, Ga. for more than 50 years.Survived by a rence Shows, and Peggie Brainchitti, al- A seven -pounddaughter,Patricia daughter, Mrs. Sadie McKellar, of Reed-years, in that city September 9.He wasso formerly with that organization and a member of the Sons of Veterans and Ruth, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fraser, in De- ville,Mass. Remains werecremated the Royal American Shows, in Bardwell,troit September19. MotherisPatty September 18 in Los Angeles CrematoryLocal 77 of IATSE.Survived by hisKy., September 14 on the Groves GreaterRooney, dancer, and father is a member in accordance with his request. widow, Lillie;a daughter, Mrs. Henri-Shows lot. of the Musical Fraser Family. GIBBONS-Floyd, 52, noted war cor-etta Camp; two sons, Abraham Jr. and MENDELSON-BRADY-Robert C. Men- A girl to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Walters in respondent and radio commentator, Sep-Edwin G.; a sister, Mrs. Ella Braidwood,delson, head of the Radio AdvertisingKansas City, Mo., September 17, Mother tember 24 at his Cherry Valley farm nearand two brothers, Jacob and Charles B.Co., Buffalo ,and Annajean Brady, radiois a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Stroudsburg, Pa.,of a heart ailment.Services in Atlantic City September 11,actress with stations WGR and WKBW, Report received at press time. Furtherattended by a large number of showBuffalo, in Erie, Pa., September 16. the Heart of America Showmen's Club. details will appear in next week's issue.people and city officials.Interment in PAUL - YOUNG - George Paul, San GORDON-Mrs. Eva, 60, mother of BillyPleasantville Cemetery, Atlantic City. Francisco, and Lorraine Young, Oakland, n Gordon, burlesque comedian, in a Chicago ROSENBERG-A. Charles, 73, veteranCalif., known as the team Paul and oOteeg hospital September 2 of a heart attack.medicine showman, in Lititz, Pa., Sep-Paulette, trampoline comedy acrobats, at Jeane L. Scoggin, St. Joseph, Mo., from She is also survived by four daughters. tember 18.The son of an Allentown,the groom's residence in the former cityTravis (Chic) Scoggin, orchestra leader, HOWARD -Mrs., 72, mother of thePa., rabbi, Rosenberg first toured theSeptember 12. in that city August 9. Three Stooges (Moe, Shemp and Curly),East as a cigar peddler and began work- PENNELL-GORDON - George Pennell JoeLittle,emsee,from Jacquelyn in Hollywood September 8. ing medicine after learning a formulaand Grace Gordon, members of the JohnJames, dancer, recently. HULLINGER-Victor R., 33, orchestrafrom a Philadelphia doctor.RosenbergH. Marks Shows, in a public wedding in leader and owner of the Hullinger Musichad a stand at the York (Pa.) Countyfront of the grand stand at Amherst Co., Bradenton, Fla., in a hospital inFair for 50 years.His longest stand wasSix -County Fair, Lynchburg, Va., Sep-Reported 1 Dead, 2 Hurt in thatcitySeptember 13 ofcerebralat Williams Grove, Mecahnicsburg, Pa.,tember 15. Explosion; Seeks Relatives hemorrhage.survived by his widow; awhere he worked 53 years.Interment SAVAGE - RAINEY - Charlie Savage, son, Raymond; his mother, two brothersin Moravian Cemetery, Lititz. nephew of Joe Geller, owner -manager of CINCINNATI, Sept. 25.- Mrs. Elms and three sisters. RUSSELL-Frank B., 77, musician, atBuckeye State Shows, and Betty Rainey,Bailey, 951 Peabody street, Memphis, yes- HUN rant-John R., 77, former presi-his home in Jackson, Mich., Septemberdaughter of Fred Rainey, bingo and cook-terday sentthe following wire from dent of the Henderson -Ames Co., regalia17.He was drummer in the Boos Band,house operator on the same shows, Sep-"Memphis via Minneapolis" to The Bill- manufacturers, September 18 in Borgessplaying in Central Michigan for years.tember 16 in Eupora. Miss. board: "Have just heard report that Ben Hospital, Kalamazoo, Mich.,In moreHis widow, Eva, survives. Burial in Jack- VAN ZANDT-ALEXANDER - EdmundL. Williams and wife, Melissa, were badly recent years he was associated withson. Van Zandt, nonpro, of Fort Worth, Tex.,burned, and daughter, June, was killed Ihling Brothers & Everard, manufac- RYAN-James A., 76. newspaper man,and Durelle Alexander, formersingerwhen their house car burned as a result turers.His widow survives.Intermenttheatrical manager and resort publicitywith Eddy Duchin's Orchestra, in Fortof an explosion about 20 miles from in Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo.man. September 16 at his home in San-Worth September 16. Minneapolis. LAEMMLE-Carl Sr.,72, pioneer mo-dusky, 0.For many years he was city WIGGINS-HOLLAND - Norman Wig- "Please wire his family as to their con- tion picture producer, of a heart attackeditor of The Sandusky Register. resie.n-gins. in charge of the front gate on Scottditionand whoretheirotherchild, at his Beverly Hills, Calif., home Sep-ing to become press agent for the CedarBros.' Shows, and Lucy Holland, of La -Bobby, is." 72 The Billboard September 30, 1939

AMUSEMENT MACHINES A Depattmottfi Opezatoz Jobbea, Dalzibatom acid frianufactuwa.

Conducted by WALTER W. HURD-Communications to Woods Building, Randolphand Dearborn Streets, Chicago. AVEL Travel is one of the most promising habits in the modern cater to the traveler, there coin -operated machinesare recog- world. As peaceful relationships among nationsare devel- nized as a necessity to providesome accommodation or service oped, travel becomes a matter of increasing importance. to people on the move.This fact, more than any other per- Travel brings people of all races, religions and opinionscloser haps, has accounted for thecommon use of coin -operated together in personal contact and the ultimate result is that machines in nearly all parts of the world. when we get to know each other,our relationships in busi- ness and in every way are improved, As each nation increases its accommodationsfor trav- elers, and also makes increasing appealsto travelers from The last few years have showna big increase in the other nations, the result will be topromote better relations, number of people in the coin -operated machine industry, in better trade and better facilities in all phases ofnational life. all parts of the world, who have started out to travel.These Coin -operated machines will helpserve the traveling public travelers have visited one or more nations and have acquired and coin -operated machines will increase and spreadto every a greater spirit of fraternity as well as gained new and im- city and hamlet as travelprogress increases. portant business ideas. It is an interesting reflection The modern world now has abundant facilitiesfor travel. on the modern world to The modern traveler can find facilities for traveling note how widespread is the use of coin -operated machines by land, air and water. New routes, greater speed andnew economies of one type or another.There seems to be a definite con- are being offered to increase travel.These facilities can make nection between the progress of civilization and the wider a new and better world as fast as old barriers of hatred, use of coin -operated machines. As the world makes peaceful misunderstanding and are removed from all parts of progress, it also increases its uses of coin -operated machines. the world. Hence, if civilization continues to bring all nations closer Whatever setbacks the spirit of and closer together and to promotean increasing exchange progress and of peace of ideas and merchandise, we can also expect a regular and may be given, there is still much to be seen in the world at continual increase in the use of coin -operated machines in large and much to be gained by making wideruse of its many all lands. raw materials and resources. Travel will increase our under- standing of these things. These facts become apparent to those who travel and meet their neighbors face to face. Those Americans who visit The American coin machine trade ismore and more other countries and observe conditions at first hand, and talk dedicated to the idea of travel.In fact, the American people to members of the coin machine industry, come back home as a whole are more and more dedicated to the idea of travel. with a greater vision of the feeling of unity that binds the As conditions permit, the American will visit his neighbors coin machine fraternity together.They gain a better idea of in all parts of the world. He will learn to bea better neighbor the adjustments that must be made so that mutual trade and and to share ideas and advantages. industry may be promoted to the advantage of all. The American coin machine trade will welcome ideas that Americans are getting the traveling habit more andmore. can be used to advantage in its own country, or that can be It is assured that members of the coin machine industry will developed to the advantage of the fraternity everywhere. travel more and more and will visit asmany countries as possible the world over.In all these travels Americans are More attention and more intelligent discussion is being learning to forget some of their own selfish views and give given to ways and means of promoting better trade relation- greater recognition to the rights of other nations.If anything ships among all nations than ever before in the history of the will bring peoples together on a common plane, it is travel. world. And good results are being accomplished. Thereare many historic difficulties in the way, deep rooted in the past, Members of the coin -operated machine trade who have but America is applying itself to understand these matters as come to America from most every country in the world have fast as any nation can. If any members of the coin machine been able to gain a better understanding of the American fraternity, in any country, feel discouraged, it can be said that mind and of the industrial progress of a country with many progress is being made altho it may appear at times to be slow. material advantages. The American coin machine trade will encourage travel. It is not always easy to understand the problems of each Your fellow tradesmen in America will visit your country as nation, or to adjust trade relationships to the mutual gain of conditions permit. The industry invites fellow tradesmen all.But travel will bring about a mutual understanding so from all parts of the world to see America and to enjoy its that new ideas can be exchanged and trade promoted in the hospitality. In the free intercourse of travel we will find trade end. and peace and prosperity all improved. The promotion of travel always brings direct increase in To those members of the coin -operated machine frater- the use of coin -operated machines. For wherever hotels, sta- nity, in all lands, of whatever race or creed, greetings and tions, depots, wayside inns, resorts, etc., are established to felicitations for peace and good success. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 73


money, now that you write Spanish I ask that if you can send a subscription for a year I shall be pleased to take it Mexico City and you will know how to send it so that when I receive the first issue I shall "de-eicalewidilleXecoil'aziaftailize" Dear Sir: pay here the totalamountof the sub- I am very pleased to receive your in-scription. S. LAZO. vitation made me in your letter for col- laborating inthe International Good Neighbor Week organized by your pub- Zurich, Switzerland KIRK'S lication,TheBillboard,for whichI Operation of coin machines is sub- thank you very much. ject to approvalofauthorities. Mer- I was pleased to get it as well asthechandise vending machines, mostly scales GUESSER SCALE letter train you in Spanish, and this wayand cigaret venders are operated by a I see for myself what you say, and asISwiss factoryinallrailwaystations (PENNY BACK IF YOU ARE RIGHT) marketing donot know English this letter is verythruoutthecountry.In Shipped to You on 30 Days important to me, as I thus establish re-amusement machineshere,American lation with you more easily and in prooffactories should take care in getting of this I inclose a subscription for 17Swiss patents, inasmuch as many ma- FREE TRIAL weeks at the price of $1. As I don't knowchines here are very similar to Ameri- PutItonLocationandSee for English northe way to send you thecan machines. (Consular report, July 17, theSensation 1939.) Yourself WHY It's ofAllTime inthe Penny Scale Field. LUCKY NO RISK NO COST 7 NO INVESTMENT Seven days a week-every week- andyearafteryear, thefamous PHOTOMATIC works profitably for WIRE WRITE FOR DETAILS you. Why trust to luck when you * can trust to PHOTOMATICfor steadiest, surest coin machine profits?INVESTIGATE International Mutoscope Reel Co., Inc. 44-01 Ilth st., Long Island City, N.Y. E.R.HIR11 FIND COMPANY 2626 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. CHICAGO.ILL BARGAINS FROM DAVE MARION WE INVITE COMPARISON RECONDITIONED -CLEANED UP prices. The same denomination of coins FREE PLAY - TOPVALUES Sao Paulo, may differ in size here and that does 4 Hit Number .$10.00 5Stop & Go. .$34.50 4 Bubbles ...92.50 3Arrowhead 32.50 not work well with vending machines. 3 Alps...... 22.50 3Topper 45.00 There are several firms here that areSince 1936 I might report that firms lost 3 Multi -Races 19.50 Up & Up 45.00 acquainted with The Billboard, and otherinterest in coin machines due to legal 6 Free Races . 17.50 2Chubblo 39.50 NICANOR FERNANDEZ has been 2 Stablemate..22.50 Trio 24.50 firms are also interested in more in-situation. 3 Pot Shot ...35.00 Snooks 44.50 connected with a Chicago manu- formation aboutcoin -operatedequip- There is renewed interest coming to Variety....52.50 3Chubbie Reg.24.50 facturer for 15 years, operatingin ment. A. B. T. Challengers, n w 24.50 Tampico,Mexico. Heexpresses life now, however, due to the possibility Clga.Rola, latest model, original orate 150.00 coin -operatedscalesarethat regulations may be changed. They 7 Seeburg Rex Phonographs 124.50 interest inalltypes of coin ma- At present 50 Novelty Games at Your Own Price. chines. Fernandez holds concessions chieflyseen. Vending machinesarewant to keep in contact with the in- dustry,itisindicated.(Consular re- Write for Complete Bargain List: for the operation of several types not used so much because the coinage MARION' COMPANY, Wichita,Kansas. of coin machines in his territory. createssomedifficultyinarrangingport,July 20, 1939.) 74 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939 TO EVERY OPERATOR Co -Operation! Friend- FREEship! Service! Money - Saving Prices for per- Prices in Other Lands fect Reconditioned Machines!Special bar- gainscontinuously! And thecomplete command of our entire organization to serve foreign operator passes up new gameshas on many occasionsresultedin you In every possible fashion so as to assure By ANTHONY GASPARRO you the biggest possible success in this busi- and is forced to be content with thoseforeign coinmen being fined by customs ness!For over 10 years we have continued Tony Gasparro is at home in Americaof the used variety. officials for wrongfully describing the to give every ounce of energy to helping our andin,Europe. Inthis merchandise.Customs officials know customers! To build good will!That's why articlehe Give More Attention from Coast to Coast we are known as "A expresses frankly some of the problems Now before we prescribe any cures fornothing about the comparative value FriendlyFirm."Justtry usonce -and and reactionsof English and French of machines.Their first reaction when, convinceyourself!We are exclusivedis- Operatorstotheamusementgamesthe above conditions, let's examine thethey see five Royals listed on the invoice tributors for the best new equipment! market.Gasparro has made frequentpatient and seeifhe's worth curing.and five Rose Bowls in the crateis Personally,I'vealwaysfeltthat thethat the receiveris trying to pull a GEORGE PONSER CO. trips between Chicago, New York andforeign market is worthy of much more London, knows practically all Americanconsideration than thecoin machinefast one by substituting higher priced 11-15 East Runyon St., manufacturers personally and has been.manufacturers machineseventhothesubstituted NEWARK, N. J. in, the distributing of coin machines for anddistributorshavemachine mightbe worthlessthan a number of years. givenit.Some American firms havethose listed.Fines for such violations always seemed to regard foreign coin -are stiff and many times a coinman has While the present conflict in Europemen as stepchildren on which to passhad to pay out $25 or $50 for an offense off "lemons" or broken down used ma-of which he was entirely innocent. OUR LOSS has curtailed the market for coin -oper-chines.Undoubtedly, this short-sighted We Need the Space - Cost Is Forgotten. ated equipment in Great Britain, Francepolicy has helped to prevent foreign The same problem of PRICE arises Every Machine Ready Now for Location. and to some extent in Canada andsalesfromreachinggreaterheights.in the sale of used machines abroad since FREE PLAY GAMES Australia, still this is no time for allBut the basic and fundamental reasonthe same duties and shipping charges 8 Double Fea- 2 Rink ....$29.50 ofus engaged in the coin machine are applied. ture...$35.00 9 Circus... 29.50. industry to forget the markets in thesewill always be PRICE. A game costing $30 here 7 Gun Club. 35.00 4 Speedy.. 29.50 The foreign market is a good one.Itwill increase in value to $50 by the Spotters . 35.00 4 Encore countries andthe men who would time freight, duty, etc. are added.All 17 Box Score. 29.60 . 15.00 otherwise now be operating machines.offers unusually fine opportunities for 3 Gems ... 29.50 4 K( lickDaval) 10.00 After all, the war will not last foreverquickcash -with -order profitssinceused machines must be equipped with PHONOGRAPHS every foreign sale can be a cash -with -a transformer to reduce current from New Illuminated Slip- 3 Mills Swing and this is the time that the industry 220 to 110 volts and the coin chutes On Cabinets .$39.50 Kings . 18.50 order one.What's most important, the 11 1937 Rock- 9 Deluxe Dance English and French get just as big amust be changed.Frequently, machines Ola Rhythm Masters... 14.50 are received in such bad condition that Kings... 39.50 6 Mills Dance kick in playing pinball as any averagethey have to be completely overhauled 7 Seeburg Masters... 10.00 American.It's hard to find a cafe in Model A.. 29.50 Paris without its pin game and pinsbefore they can be resold to operators. SLOT MACHINES havealways beenace Because of all the headaches that the 2 5c Mills Brown Front Future Pay highintheuse of used machines provokes,the Venders $49.50 Englisharcadesand othertypesof 1 5c Mills Smoker Bell, Used 3 Wks 39.50 locations.In other words, while theseaverage foreign operator would much 1 5c Mills Extraordinary 29.50 prefer using new equipment, but as 2 6c Mills Q.T. (4870) 24.50 countries have always been good cus-I've cited above, the average operator 35c Jennings Chiefs (117000 up) 22.50 tomers, they always should have been 4 Sc Watling Rolator 17.50 better ones.The main bugaboo hascannot afford to do so.He's forced to 110c Mills Goosenecks (D.J.P) 14.50 always been PRICE, and now that therebe content with used machines and the 41c Little Dukes With J.P 7.50 headaches attendant with their use. Slot Mach. Mints, Per Case, 1M Pkg. 4.95 is a lull in foreign purchases, it's time 34 Box Stands (With Lock and Key).- 3.50 for American manufacturers and dis- MISCELLANEOUS Operating Problems Es -K I-MoRifle Game $78.50 tributors to start thinking about doing 14 Rol -A -Score, 9 -Ft. Bowl 27.50 something to solve this difficulty if they Many coinmen with whom I've talked 3 9 -Ft. Target Roll Bowl 18.50 wish to cash in on post-war marketsOver here have the mistaken idea that 10 Willie Jiggs,Phono.Att...... 7.95 operating abroad is much simpler than NOVELTY AND RESERVE for coin -operated equipment. Certainly, 8 Rock-Ola World Series (Late SerieS).$49.60 the fact that less than 10 per cent ofhere. Nothing could be farther from the 3 Speedy 25.00 all the equipment sold in France andtruth.Competition abroad is just as 1 Zeta 12.50 England in the last year was new equip-keen. Legaldifficultiesarejustas 2 Odd Ball(1Reserve. 1 Regular) 10.00 bothersome. CONSOLES ment is in itself an indictment of the And on top of that the 2 1939 Eldorado, 7 -Coin Consoles $69.50 pre-war methods of selling and promo-operators' expenses are higher and he 1 1937 Skill Time, R.H. (Cr. Glass) 35.00 tion abroad. gets less money per play.In England 2 MillsRios 29.60 machinesareequippedwithpenny 3 1938 Derby Champs 19.50 3 Rays Tracks (Chk. No. 4400) 19.50 Recommends First Step slots and a penny is equivalent to two 1 Dark Horse (Cracked GI.) 15.00 The first step in any efforts designedAmericancents.The operator must 1 BALL AUTOMATICS give 50 per cent .to locations, too.In 6 Derby Kings 8 Mills 1-2.3s, to bolster foreign sales has to be taken ($45 J.P.) .$49.50 (with Improve - ANTHONY GASPARRO in the direction of a priceaddition, trucks to transport equipment 41938 Keeney ments, large concession.Formerly, foreign coinmenare much more expensive and gasoline Derby yaks, etc.) .$19.50 should develop other markets in thegot the benefit of the 10 per cent excisesells for about 40 cents a gallon.On Champs .. 19.50 1 Stoners export field that have been overlooked every truck or automobile the operator 1 Fleetwood.. 17.50 Champs . 19.50 tax.With the repeal of this tax, how- COUNTER GAMES in recent years as the trade concentratedever,foreign coinmen are no longerhas he must carry $50,000 compulsory 2 Melody Gum Phono. Att. (New) $14.50 on the big buyers. getting any concessions.Infact, theyproperty damageinsuranceand un- 44 lc Little Dukes Slot Mach. with J.P 7.50 This is also the time to analyze theare paying 10 per cent more for ma-limitedliability.Carsarealso taxed SILENT SALES business that has been done with Francechines than before. $5perhorsepowerperyear. That 635.637 "D" ST., N. W., Washington, D. C. and the United Kingdom in recent years, I've often wondered why a manufac-means licenses cost $100 or more for each Cable: SILSALES so that methods can be devised to in-turercouldn't run off an additionalcar.Of course, small cars are the popu- crease the use of coin -operated equip-hundred or two games to be sold in thelar cars abroad, but these midgets can't MERIT CUTS PRICES ON ment -especiallynewequipment - inforeign market at a reduced price. Suchtransport pin games. Box Score, f.p., Chubbies f.p., Taps these countries once the war is over. a policy,ifit can be done, will do Biggest and best locations in England f.p. $36.50 wonders toboostthesales Contactsi.e.,Majorsf.p.,Arrow- Only 10 Per Cent New ofthatare candy stores and arcades because heads f.p. 36.50 manufacturer's product abroad.There'sthe taverns are open for only limited Chevrons, f.p...... 42.50 Closescrutiny shouldbegiventoa reason why one Chicago manufacturerintervals during the day.As a result Spottems f.p., Double Features f.p 41.60 ascertaining the reasons why less than Rinks f.p. 28.50 has sold more equipment abroad thanthe very spots that are the best locations Multi Free Races f.p. 15.00 10 per cent of all equipment sold inall other manufacturers combined -andhere are practically closed to the Eng- Fairgrounds, Derby Champs, Big England and France in recent years hasthat reason is price concession! lish coinmen.These same conditions Race 17.50 been new equipment. There has always apply with some minor variations to Redhead Skilltimes 37.50 been a good market for used games Another point from the manufacturer's Klondike,GreyheadSkIlltimes 35.00 angleis:Theyshouldrealizethatthe entire European picture.Surely, Winning Tickets 75.00 abroad, but sales of new machines have in the face of such operating condi- Triple Entrys 137.50 never been heavy even tho Europeanforeigners are not interested in com-tions, it is not difficult to realize why Black Paces Races 39.50 operatorswouldpreferbuyingnewplicatedgames. Peoplelikesimple Rays Tracks 25.00 play. Jennings Blue Chief Slots.. 14.50 equipment.There is only one answer High score bumper games are Mills Blue Front, S.J., $29.00; D.J. 24.50 to this riddle: up until now the PRICEstill the favorites and even free -play Atlantic City, Bally Reserves 9.50 games haven't clickedyet. Operators Vivid,BeautifullyIlluminatedWurlitzer of new equipment made it impossible Phonographs. Converted by Factory Cabinet for the average European operator toare not interested in complicated games Makers.Your Money Back Upon Demand. buy new machines. either.Complicated hook-ups usually Try One and You Will Save Hundreds by mean more parts to get out of order. Repeating. Put yourselfinthe place of theIf a part gets broken and the op must MERIT MUSIC SERVICE average English or French operator ofsend to this country forit,it means 822 North Eutaw St.(Larger Quarters), pre-war days.Suppose that he wantedthe machine must remain idlefor a BALTIMORE, MD. a game that sells in America for $75.whole month, and by the time the ma- His distributor has several extra costschineisbackin working order,its to add to the wholesale price of thepopularity may have dwindled to such 7 DAYS' FREETRIAL game before it can be sold to the oper-a point that it is no longer profitable ator abroad.Freight to Southamptonto keep it on location. "THE CHALLENGER" is about $7, duty is 25 per cent of the JUDGE FOR YOURSELF! price in port, which will run about $15. Manufacturers and distributors, too, In addition, the distributor loses aboutshould also realize that baseball games, A CAME OF SKILL. $5.40 due to the prewar rate of exchange,footballgames, basketballandother LEGAL EVERYWHERE when the English pound was quoted atAmericansportsarenotknownin If not satisfactory you England or France.Consequently, any may returnin10 about$4.64. (Note:Thepoundwas days from receipt. quotedat$3.91on September20).games based on these sports are never of shipment and popular abroad since the people have your money Thus, the distributor must actually payno understanding of them.It should will bere- over $80 for the game in order to get it turned in full on his floor and offer it to his operatorbe a simple matter to convert baseball less transpor- customers.After he adds hisprofit,games into cricket games or football tation charges. the price of the game has reached suchinto rugby games by equipping these heightsthattheaverageEuropeangames with a different playing field operator cannot afford to buy. for foreign use. $28.00 The same is true of the operator in SubstitutionHurts DON'T pre-warFrance. Shippingcostsare The Americandistributorwhois F. 0. B. relatively the same but the dutyisanxious to build up satisfied foreign ST. LOUIS WAIT! computed by weight at approximatelycustomers should also alter his policies 24 cents a kilo (kilo equals 21/2 pounds).somewhat if he wishes to do his part ORDER NOW If the game tips the beam at 75 pounds,in bolstering export sales. HERE'S DAVE ROBBINS, New You Get One Free With In the first Discount that's 34 kilos or $7.82.Add to thatplace, the practice of substituting ma- York coinman, who recently returned Quantity Every 10 Purchased. a nine per cent import tax and youchines for those originally ordered is one from a trip thruEurope.Here he Terms: 1/3 With Order, Balance 0. 0. D. have a machine costing about $75 tothat has caused untold grief for foreign is shown with a native girl of Hol- NOVELTYW.B.C., 3900 N. Grand Blvd., the distributor, without figuring in thecommon.The resentment against get- land."I've got her telephone num- loss in the rate of exchange and theting something you didn't order is in berif any of you guys want it," INC. St. Louis, Mo. distributor'sprofit. No wondertheitselfbad enough, butthispractice Robbins reports. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES. The Billboard 75

A. B. T. LT Mutual Counsel CHALLENGER $24.50 (Releasedtotradepublicationsof September14,1939,byCharles W. LEGAL EVERYWHERE! Hughes,presidentofIndianaState Hottest and Biggest, Operators' Association.) Money -Maker in history! '4 10 Shots for le I 1 To N. Marshall Seeburg, J. P. Seeburg Corporation, Chicago, Ill. PENNY ARCADES Dear Marshall: I am in receipt of Completely Equipped With the Best Ma- chines!Everyone a Tested and Guaranteed your letter of September 11, regarding Money -Maker! Fortune Tellers, Astroscopes, the forming of the Automatic Phono- Metal Tyner,Picture Machines, Punching Bags, GrandmotherPredictions, Novelty graph Manufacturers' Association and Games, etc.Write Now for Complete List I am very happy to congratulate you and Prices!! on this advanced step for the future You caneasilyoperate a PIN GAMES TO CHOOSE interest of the business.As president routeof Lo -Boys onthis of the Indiana State Operators' Associa- Guaranteed FROM! new "easy -terms" plan. They tion, Inc., I wish to offer our co-opera- forFIVE 500 WRITE FOR THIS LIST! tion and assistance at all times for the quickly pay for themselves betterment of both associations that Years. See WRITE FOR COMPLETE CATALOG! the operators of phonographs and the your distrib- and earn "long term" profits. manufacturers may work out a program utor for this MIKE MUNVES CORP. that will mean a stable foundation for new plan. ROCH-OLA MANUFACTURING CORP. 593 10th Ave. NEW YORK 800 NORTH KEOZIE AVENUE CHICAGO Cable: MUNMACHINE. the music business.It is apparent if the present course of the manufacturers ; is continued, it is only a matter of time the foreign operator cannot afford tonutil there will be no manufacturer in pay $100 for new equipment. this line of business.To illustrate my WE ARE NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS 25 YEARS IN THE COIN -OPERATED MACHINE BUSINESS AND WE HOPE TO SERVE THE The ultimate answer to the riddle ofpoint, there are now two phonographs INTER -MOUNTAIN STATES FOR 25 YEARS MORE - WITH THE LATEST AND BEST how to bolster foreign sales lies in the WE ARE CLOSING OUT ALL CASH PAYOUT GAMES AT PRESENT AT VERY LOW PRICES to every location and ifthe other $15.00 solution of the price problem.Withphonographison location;itisn't 1 PACE MAKER $115.00 3 GINGERS, 1c (Like New) willbe 1 GRAND STAND 79.50 10 MILLS FLASHERS (Fruit) 35.00 properpriceconcessionsit taking in any money. 5 HAWTHORNES 72.50 14 STEPPER UPPERS 72.50 possible to boost the percentage of new 2 KLONDIKES 39.50 1 WINNING TICKET 72.50 game sales from less than 10 to 30 or 40 In1935 when I was selectedas 10 FAIRGROUNDS 27.50 5 WESTERN HORSESHOES 72.50 10 FLEETWOODS 27.50 2 POT SHOTS (Cash Pay) 65.00 per cent.Back in 1936 when new gamesvice-president of the National Opera- 10 STABLES 27.50 4 FEED BAGS (Jack Pot) 47.50 sold for much less than today foreigntors' Committee at the Sherman Hotel 10 PREAKNESS 19.50 5 AKSARBENS (6 Coin) 27.50 coinmen bought few used games because 3 DERBY CLOCKS 72.50 3 PADDLES (6 Coln) 27.50 during the Coin Machine convention, 22 HANDICAPPERS 37.50 5 DERBY TIMES (6 Coin) 47.50 they could afford to buy new ones.Thiswhich2,500 people attended, we tried 1 DEAUVILLE 15.00 1 VELVET (Like New) 25.00 picture has changed radically during 12 TURF CHAMPS 15.00 1 PIKES PEAK 15.00 Now that the war hasto tell the Coin Machine Manufacturers' 7 QUINELLA (1Coln) 22.50 1 WESTERN BASE BALL(Cash the past year. Association that if its course were fol- 12 MILLS 5c CHERRY BELLS (Used Pay, Now Floor Sample) 110.00 curtailed activities abroad, it's time for ...... 60.00 lowed the 2 weeks,WIRE No. YOUR 430,000) ORDERS AND ONE-THIRD DEPOSIT, BALANCE C. 0. D. American coinmen to take advantage it would bring havoc to REFERENCE - WALKER BANK AND TRUST CO., SALT LAKE CITY. ofthislulland formulate plans forindustry, and this came to pass. SPECIAL DISCOUNT IN LOTS OF FIVE OR MORE boosting sales abroad as soon as hostil- CULLEN HOTEL BLDG., ities cease.It can be done.Solve the The Indiana State Operators' Asso-THE R. F. N'OGT DISTRIBUTORS SALT LAKE CITY, U TAH. price riddle and the sales will take careciationisholdingdistrictmeetings of themselves. thruout the State at this time for theabout vice in "America's wickedest purposeofeducatingtheoperatorscity." `KEUKUAIIILAI!UN SALE"" of cigaret machines and phonographs Los Angeles newspapers gave pinball in new methodsofdoingbusiness. Up & Up, F.P.$45.00 Box Score...520.00 games sensational headlines when the Airport, Reg 37.50 Chubbie .... 20.00 Albania For if an operator continues to outbid"$25pinballbribery storyfirst High Llte 40.00 Majors 20.00 other operators to secure a location, it Bang 40.00 Fair. F.P 16.00 broke,butasthetrialdragged Flash .(Exhb) 35.00 Trophy 15.00 won't be long until they will be givingon it became evident to all Batting Champ 32.50 Side Kick 14.00 Gentlemen: the location 100 per cent. Chevron 32.50 Stop & Go 13.50 that pinball games were being abused Spottem 32.50 St. Mor tz 12.50 Received The Billbcard of August 5, In Contact 26.50 Fire Alarm 12.50 this kind of work during thea lot.Early in September Los Angeles Chief 23.50 Jitterbug 10.00 1939, and wish to thank you very much.last three years, I have found thenewspapers were considerate enoughto Bubbles. F.P. 22.00 Poppy 10.00 To answer your letter of August 2manufacturers only wanted an opera-give some favorable publicity to the Speedy 20.00 Green Lltes 10.00 wish to inform you that in Albaniators'association when they were in there does not exist any of the coin legally licensed pinball games. Bambino, Handicap, Fiesta, troublewiththe legislature. When HILo,Reserve,SilverFlash,$7,50 ea. machine operators. the legislature adjourned it appeared to Ski H), Snappy, Swing. Zephyr, Last month, July 1, James Melka trav- Regatta eled the whole country for my businessme they were thumbs down on theSugar Gambling and never seen even one of this kind offurtherance of same.At the close of Cargo ourSouthBendmeeting,Snuday, Great Guns machines.For this reason Albania is Soon Subsides Stoner Races $6.00 ea. an open market for coin machine op-September10,a man highinthe WASHINGTON,Sept. 16. - The erators. ranks of one of the members of your action of President Roosevelt in drop- Airway, Boo Hoo,BatterUp, On first of November, 1935,I opennew association, calledat my roomping the sugar quota system seems to Equalite, Power Play, Ricochet.$5 my storewiththefirm"Americanand told me themanufacturersof Rose Bowl, Review, Scoreboard, have put a stop to the sudden gambling Tops, TurfKing, TrackStar, a Products" and, as always, have importphonographs had learned of this mis-(speculation) wave that had hit the Turf Queen. American goods only until April 8, 1939,take and were doing snore business day which theItalian Army declare sugar market.England almost at the and saw a greater future thru co-opera-same time set a fixed price on sugar 1/3 Cash Deposit.Under $15.00 Full Cash. war against Ahmet Zogolly. Now, accord-tion with recognized operatorsasso- For Export Cable: "COINMACHIN," N.Y. ing to new law, it is impossible to buy to prevent profiteering. 55 West 157th St., American products direct, but only fromciations. For a time after the outbreak of the MARC MUNVES,INC.. New York, N. Y. Italy. Yours very truly, I am fully convinced that only thruEuropean war it seemed that the price JAMES MELKA. the formation of APMA and recognizedof sugar and some other ingredients operators'associations can we safe-used incandy would skyrocket. guard the financial interests of all. The candy trade became immediately I hereby offer a suggestion, that theand seriously disturbed.But reports 10 LATE MUTOSCOPES APMA meet in session once each yearthis week indicate that the President's $50.00 each,orwilltrade for withthepresidentofeveryStateswift action had at least for a time Nickel Slots. associationorganized and learnthestopped advancing prices in sugar. true pulse of this business and con- Co-operation of sugar interests with DIXIE SALES sider the advice they may have tothe government has proved to be a 1168 Camp, New Orleans. render the phonograph industry.Thisbig aid in stopping the gambling wave. iswhat Icallmutual assistance. -Housewives have also been persuaded Charles W. Hughes. not to hoard sugar. LOOK' Pneumonia Takes Coinman IN THE WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE. `SECTION Look Sensation ST. LOUIS, Sept. 23. -Herman Tipton, president and general manager of the for the Lernay Distributing Co., St. Louis, died LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES Lots of things seem to be followingat 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 6, PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES in the aftermath of the "625 pinballat St. Mary's Hospital here from lobar bribery trial" in Los Angeles.Thepneumonia. He was strickenSeptember3and uictureina7azine Look (page 28,taken to the Lutheran Hospital, but Barcelona, Spain September 26, 1939) undertakes a sen-was releaseaathisrequest Tuesday, sation in which a picture of pinballwhenhesaidhefeltsufficiently The demand in Spain at the present machines in Los Angeles is supposed He appeared at his officetime for coin -operated machines is small. ELIAS GUZMAN,ofMonterey, recovered. Exploitation has been unsatisfactory in N.L.,Mexico, hasoperated cam to be the second best "sensation" inWednesday morning, where he became machines in his territory for over the three -page feature."Pinball andseriouslyill,and was rushedtoSt.previous attempts.Reason for thisis 10 years, but declares he has not yet marble machines are the most commonMary's Hospital,where he died thatthat internal conditions do not offer a tostopputting evening. Funeralserviceswereheldfavorable opportunity forexploitation. educatedpeople gambling devices in Los Angeles," the at the Southern FuneralHowever, provisions are set up for regu- buttons,cardboard,etc.,intohis magazine says. September 11 machines."However," he says, "it's Horne. St. Louis.He is survived by hislation and vending machines, and skill not so bod, I've been getting good The magazine undertakes to putLo;w!dov., and a 11 -month old son.Themachines are permissible. More favorable results( financially)for10years Angeles newspapers on thespot bybusiness will continue to operate underconditions areapossibility.(Consular out of coin machines." saying they have a hush-hush policythe direction of Tipton's brother, Roy.report, August 5, 1939.) 76 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939 "PACE" IS THE NAMEMexico Looks Forward to The Greatest in Coin Machine History FROM ZERO TO SUPREME LEADERSHIP Better Living Standards

IN 10 SHORT YEARS Irrigation plans promise to bring aid never before pos- ORIGINATOR AND MAKER OF ONLY sible-government has many problems to face-new SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTS standards would aid use of coin machines THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE WORLD'S GREATEST MEXICO CITY, Sept. 23.-Trade authorities and firms here all agree that the EMPIRE-IT NEVER SETS WHERE PACE PRODUCTS low standard of living, among a large part of the people of Mexico is one of the chief handicaps to the development of a bigger use of coin -operated machines. ARE NOT KNOWN The Mexican Government has been waging a vigorous fight to improve the lot of its people during the last few years against odds and many difficulties.But The Name Is All You Need To Know-It Covers Every new hope is coming into Mexico thru the development of irrigation.In the near BranchoftheIndustry future the standard of living of a great portion of the Mexican population is expected to improve thru the utilization Legal,(So -Called)Illegal and Semi -Legal Mdse. Venders of irrigation works that are also expected to increase the purchasing power of the EVERY OPERATOR LIVING WOULD BE MONEY IN HAND IF residents of Northern Mexico and im- HE USED NOTHING BUT PACE PRODUCTS prove the balance of trade with South- Antwerp, Belgium ern United States markets of that area, New-Aggressive-Progressive-Sure-Fire Money Makers it was recently disclosed in a description -Never Any Dead Ones of the new program contained in FactsDear Sir: and Figures, a fortnightly Mexican news- I am 53 years old and since 1931 I have paper printed in English. been in the coin machine business.I The irrigation works are of great eco-started with renting our pocket billiards ALL BRAND NEW 1940 MODELS NOW!!! nomic and social importance to Mexico,which have not been seen before in Ant- it was indicated, since enormous areaswerp and which I as the first one intro- SARATOGA (BELLS), FLOOR MODEL CONSOLES SKILL are to be incorporated tocultivationduced. They were a great success.After PACES REELS (BELLS), FLOOR MODEL CONSOLES PLAY which are at present arid deserts lack-two years there were 30,000 of them in "SMOKER" (BELL), BRAND NEW-SENSATIONAL ANYWHERE ing moisture to support vegetation. Belgium, then they were heavily taxed It was also indicated that the con-and the game was out. "MIR-O-SCALE" (NEW), OUTSELLS FOR CASH ALL PENNY SCALES struction oflarge, medium and small MADE IN AMERICA irrigation works was undertaken in the So as not to sit idle I had to look for faceofsacrificesattendant on suchsomething else of course.By accident a "MIR-O-CANDY SCALE", BRAND NEW-CANDY AND WT. FOR is a venture to permit intensive cultiva-copy of The Billboard, which an ac- "CIGARET VENDOR", SLUGPROOF, NINE COL $60.00 tion of the land and to make way forquaintance of mine had brought with BRAND NEW-BEAUTIFUL the development of the new agriculturalhim from America, fell into my hands. economy thatisbeing established in'Therein I found the address of the man- "PAYDAY", NINE -SLOT ELECTRIC-BRAND NEW-SUPREME OF Mexico. ufacturer of the Silvercup coin machines. ALL ELECTRICS I ordered some of these machines and again I had the honor of being first one "ROCKET"(BELL), SLUGPROOF-THE FINEST-BRAND NEW-MOST to have introduced the American ma- BEAUTIFUL-MOST PERFECT SLOT MACHINE EVER YET BUILT- chine in Antwerp. But then came com- SINGLE JACK-BIG FRONT petitor trouble in the form of higher MANY OTHERS - WRITE FOR DETAILS Paris percentages.I had had a good time; I sold them so quickly, and ifpossible, second hand; and once I went to London INC. 2909 INDIANA AVE., Dear Sir: in order to see whether I could find PACE MFG. DEPT. BB CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Imanufactureonlyelectricrou-something there that was new and which lettes,thefirstever built in Francewould not directly attract the competi- by myself-but since August 31,1937,tors, which I feared. And there I found the manufacture of them has stoppedthe "Electric Crane, the Merchantman men to work at mines long shut downbecause in France all games are pro-from Chicago," which is handled by the because of low prices of the base metals.hibited except the recreation games, thatMessrs. Scotts Adickes, and with success, They admit a slight decrease in machineisall types ofbilliards coming fromas their books certainly will show. They July Report of play now because many folks are keepingover there. No Frenchman manufacturesasked me what I thought of the Belgian in close touch with their home radiosbilliards; a great number of firms havemarket, and I asked them whether they for news of latest European develop-ventured into the manufacture, however,could send me a couple on approval, for Americas Shows ments. without success. We look forward to theonly in this manner would I be able to A survey shows phonographs are sell-end of the year, for we hope that a reg-prove to them what could be done. And More Machines ing best in .this section. Some operatorsulation by system ofthese roulettes,this has been one of the greatest suc- report no congestion from used ma-giving tokens for drinks (or meals) willcesses.Now for six years I have been chines, while others say there is.Not abe permitted.This goes well in France,dealing in Electric Cranes and still they WASHINGTON, Sept.23. - Asthemurmur has been raised here againstas there must be winnings to attract thego well. Western hemisphere becomes a closerpinball machines by parent -teacher as-players, otherwise they don't go so good. I cannot name all the machines which unit, coin -operated machines seem to besociations, church organizations or news- I would be very happy if I could getI have leased during these years, but I used in greater numbers in almost everypapers since Hitler first began to talkin touch with a firm desiring to launchcan certainly name a few which have country in both Americas. turkey with Poland. the roulette in France, for it is the rou-ha.d great success.(In reference to pin- Organizations such as the Pan-Ameri- lette which goes best.For the timeball games, he named several.) can Union, as well as the trade agencies being we must wait until the new law is It is a shame that the successful ma- ofallthese countries,are increasing issued.We have stopped our manufac-chines were so quickly prohibited.Only their activities to promote friendship, ture.Yours very truly, the cranes have stood up without diffi- travel and trade.Some figures for the Indiana Ops Meet Oct. 1I AUGUSTE MULLER. culties until today; and now it looks as month of July are now available which if we may have a little trouble. indicate how some of the countries are taking on coin -operated machines. FORT WAYNE, Ind., Sept. 23.-Indiana Stockholm, Sweden A year and a half ago we organized an CANADA.-Records indicate that Ca-State Operators' Association,Inc.,will association in order to protect ourselves nadian operators bought 93 phonographshold a district meeting at the Hotel In- Investigations reveal that both newagainst *11 annoyances, etc., and as we during July, 149 vending machines anddiana here Sunday, October 1.Meeting and used coin -operated machines are im-members pay high fees we are able to iscalled for 2:30p.m., withallcoin ported into Sweden.Only coin-oper-use the services of a good attorney who 239 machines mostly in the amusementmachine men invited to attend.The ated machines now prohibited in Swedenhas not as yet failed in furthering our class. cause. MEXICO.-Mexico added69phono-meeting is sponsored by T. M. Hawk, are cigaret venders.Other types such graphs, but vending machines were notFort Wayne, and Abey Abrams, Gar- as merchandise vending(candy, gum, The latest of the machines that have enough to record and amusement ma-rett, Ind. fruit,etc.),scales,etc., are legal andfound great success, especially in the chines were few. Jack Kehler will speak on problemscan be used. cities along the Coast, in the Luna Park PANAMA. - While Panama reportedaffecting cigaret machine and automatic Local authorities are always consulted(amusement parks) is the phonographs. only 6 new phonographs, 14 new amuse-phono operators.Charles W. Hughes inordertoavoidcomplication with According to my experience there will ment machines were added, and twois president of the Indiana State Op- Swedish laws in the matter of closingalways be a big loaf of bread for the vending machines. erators' Association and Henry J. Windt hours ofstores,regulationofgames,fellow who is handy in the automatic CUBA.-OutsidetheUnitedStates,is secretary -treasurer. etc.(Consular report, July 15, 1939.) game and machine field, that is to say, Cuba led all the Americas with a record more money than in any other field, for 179 phonographs; 45 amusement ma- Before I entered into this field I had chines were added also. SALUDOS A NUESTROS LECTORES DE ESPANA Y LA AMERICA ESPANOLAbeen a manufacturer of furniture, but .-Operators in Argentina I do not regret having given that up. distributed their purchases pretty well, Este numero de The Billboard es dedicado al espiritu fraternal que tine a In answer to your asking why I have taking 10 phonographs, 11 vending ma-los miembros de la industria de maquinas de funcionamiento por monedas enbeen silent so long, well, just figure for chines and 47 amusement devices. un interes comun, en todas partes del mundo. yourself why. With sincere wishes-The A aquellos que hablan espanol, envianios este saludo en su propio idioma. Old Chairman and with him the Asso- La gran mayoria de estos se hallan en el Hemisferio Occidental.Losciation of the Exploiters of Automatic beneficios provenientes de la paz aqui reinante y de los crecientes interesesMachines, S. A., of Antwerp, Ops in American comerciales mutuos constituyen una gran fuerza que nos une cada vez mas es- A. VAN HEESCH. trechamente. Cities Observe Ciudadanos americanos viajaran por muchos de los paises latino-ameri- SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 23.-Operatorscanos y llegaran a conocer mejor sus costumbres e indiosincrasias.Miembros 0.LOOKO! in this city have reported their observa-de la industria de maquinas de funcionamiento por monedas visitaran vuestras IN THE WHOLESALE tion on the effects of a European warciudades con mas frecuencia y llegaran a compenetrarse de vuestros proble- MERCHANDISE SECTION on their machines and public patronage. They say that locations in the miningInas especiales y de las oportunidades de negocios que ofrece la industria. for the towns of this area expect much betterLa Amistad y las relaciones comerciales a base de una perfecta inteligencia LATEST NOVELTIES,PRIZES trade now that higher prices for lead,de los mutuos intereses seran el lazo que unira estrechamente las dos Americas. PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES zinc and copper have put hundreds of Nuestro sincero y fraternal saludo a todosl September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 77 European Observations

never caught hold.From my point of By DAVE ROBBINS observation,itseemed that the only D. Robbins Cr Co., Brooklyn Thanks to All gum sales being made were to American tourists.Europeans think it quite vul- Dave Robbins spent, seven weeks in So many letters,picturesand gar, I was informed, to chew gum. Europe this summer, returning to the messages were received from mem- I remarked at the start of this cus- United States a scant week before hos- bers of the coin -operated machine sertation on France that it was a study tilities began.His report, which follows, industry in so many countries that in inconsistencies. This springs from my gives his impression of the coin machine we regret our inability to publish observations in Nice and Monte Carlo. trade in Europe as it existed before the all of them. Our thanks are due toAt Nice my wife and I attended a con- present conflict.Robbins made his trip cert and show for the price of about 36 especially to discover any European ideas all who responded to our invitation cents each, staged by the municipal gov- that might prove profitable in America. to write. ernment, that we'd have paid $3.30 to see Coin machine operations in England, Creditis due the many U. S. over here.During the intermissions the France, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland consular agents in many cities overprogram informed us to participate in and the other countries my wife and I the world who responded to ourthe fun at the gaming tables.And visited on our seven weeks' tour this request for trade information. And there we found roulette wheels operating summer were a never-ending source of to the home office of the U. S. De- in full swing for the entertainment of wonderment to me.Not that the boys in- the concertgoers-all operated by the over there have anything better than partment of Commerce. This government-y0 no slots, payouts or operators and distributors in this coun- formation is on file and is available prizes for pin game play are permitted. ROL-A-TOP BELL try, but in many ways their methods of to the coin machine industry. The same inconsistencies were to be doing business areradically different Thanks alsotoour advertisersnoted at Monte Carlo.En route to The above machineisthe first from ours.Were I to jumble all these and to the American coin machine Monte Carlo from Nice the bus driver and onlyBelltype machine on thoughts of mine together in one nar- trade for stepping into the back-informed us that this province is the the market with a coin top show- rative, it would be tough reading. Con- ground while our space has been only one in the country and most prob- ing the last 3 coins, the best pro- sequently it seems to me that the best used to publish news and messages ably the only one in the world where tectionagainst slugs. way to set down all the dope I have to from other parts of the world. property owners pay no taxes.All funds pass on is to take each country by itself. are obtained from the gambling returns. Built in 3 Models, So here goes: This set me to thinking how much our Bell, Front Vender and Gold Award. from the coin machine point of view, astaxes over here could be lessened by Built for 1 c -5c-1 Oc-25c Play England all slots, consoles and other gamblingsome sort of a licensed gambling law. One of the big surprises here is theequipment are forbidden, yet. you canEvery cafe in Monte Carlo had a battery Made Only By large number of sportlands or arcades.purchase a ticket on the national lotteryof Mills slot machines, all operated by I was told that there are more than 300from any one of hundreds of coin oper-the province. of them in London alone.Pin gamesated machines (operated by the govern- WATLING MFG. CO. and diggers are the big guns.Pins usement) which are spotted on street cor- Switzerland 4640-4660 W. FULTON ST. a penny slot which is equivalent to twoners and other places where people con- I didn't see any pin games in Switzer- CHICAGO, ILL. U. S. cents.A peculiar note about thegregate. land and I don't believe there are any Est. 1889-Tel.: COLumbus 2770. diggers is that England opened up to The French people have really takenbecause every town has its own casino Cable address "WATLINGITE," Chicago. diggers just when France closed thempinball to their hearts, however.I waswhere wonderful musical programs are out, so great quantities of them weretold that there were more than 10,000presentedandtheaudiencegambles shipped across the channel.Merchan-on location in Paris alone.It seems thatduring the intermission.I saw a very dise awards are used in the diggers and small penny arcade at the Zurich Fair cigarets are given away as prizes on itheevery cafe has one or more games and Let "BIG BOOSTER" all of them get a good play. Pin gamesbut most of the machines were of Ger- Speakers Double YourPROFITS pin games. Technically, no prizes shouldare equipped with a franc slot whichman make save for one of Bill Rabkin's be given away on games but the law iswas worth about three cents in U. S.Photomatics and a few diggers.There lenient toward operators on the groundmoney while I was there.No prizes arewere also a few peanut machines to be that they are doing much to help thepermitted to be given but free plays areseen. English cigaret industry.The Englishokeh. Payouts, of course, are taboo. coinmen seem to have an effective lobby Candy bar venders are seen in great Holland in Parliament to protect their interests.numbers in France.On the whole I Ifsome one could perfect a device for Singularly enough, the only thorn inwould say they are inferior to our Ameri-making bicycles coin operated he'd make their side seems to be an American, Ladycan machines since they have a drawer -a fortune in this country.There are Astor, who has tried unsuccessfully onlike mechanism.In other words when8,000,000 people in Holland and 3,500,000 severaloccasionsto have pin gamesone inserts his coin he pulls out a drawerbicycles, I was told.All roads are three- banned. in which the candy of the type he wantslane-one lane for automobiles, one for Practically all of the games used hereis located.This drawer remains openpedestrians and one for bicycles.As for are second-hand machines. Many opera-until the machine is serviced.It seemsthe coin machine picture here, not much tors who use new games buy only theto me that these machines might requireis to be seen.I saw a few American - playingfield and scoring mechanismsa lot of servicing if any destructive -made consoles operating in some taverns, and put them in their own cabinets-minded individual wanted to have somebut no pin games.A few peanut ma- altho this practice is much more the Most ma-chines were to be seen here. rule in France, where duty on games isfun by bending the drawers. chines offer four to six different kinds of Belgium computed by weight. candy bars.Bars are a little smaller Cigaret machines play an importantthan our nickel ones and vend for a Idon't know the reason, but there role in merchandising of smokes to the SIZE 12"x11"x8" franc.All of the machines are locatedwasn't a pin game to be seen in Belgium, Sold on English, but in an entirely differenton out-of-door locations. but candy bar venders were to be found day money manner than on this side of the At- Due to the large number of tobaccoplastered on the outside of almost every PRICE $6.95 back guar- lantic.In the first place there is noshops in Prance, there are not as manybuilding.Obviously, they were doing a antee. such thing as an "operator of cigaretcigaret venders used as in England.big business. Machines are sold direct to These speaker machines." Those on locations are not placed out- In Genera! equal In tone tobacconists who push them outsideof-doors either, due to slug difficulties. and volumeto their door when they close up for theSeems to me that there should be a good On the whole, the thing that made SAVE-50 %those costing night about 7 o'clock in accordance withmarket for peanut venders in Francethe most impression on me during my double. English law.One never sees a cigaret EVERY OPERATOR- since there are some 25,000 cafes in ParisEuropean travels is the way most vend- can Increase his PROFITS with these new machine indoors.They're all on thealone which should make excellent loca-ing machines are spotted on out-of-door extension speakers.Helps to keep old spots outside.Since they have to be' built totions.However, I didn't see one peanutlocations. Maybe it's because Europeans as well as get new ones. withstand the elements, they are expen-vender during my staythere. Gumtrust their fellow countrymen more or CABINET ALL WOOD- sive, ranging in price from $250 to $600venders were also absent.There were abecause American operators have been roiled waterfallconstruction, Walnut ex- and are sold on a long-term paymentfew ball gum machines to be found butwrong in the presumption that outdoor tension, piano finished, hand rubbed. plan. locationsareunprofitable because of SPEAKER UNIT- it seems that in spite of all of William permanent magnet. Dust -proof case, operates The biggest headache in connectionWrigley's advertising campaigns to makeslug difficulties.At any rate It seems onallautomatic phonographs,no extras with the sale of cigarets thru machinesEuropeans gum chewers, the fad hasto me that the success of outdoor loca- needed. Full -range volume control. is the fluctuating value of English coin- ORDER A SAMPLE TODAY- age.Since the price of cigarets varies We Ship C. 0. D.No Deposit Necessary, with the value of the English pound, the Additional Literature Gladly Furnished. slots on the English machines must be able to take all kinds of coins and still L. H. VAUGHAN 'CO. offer slug protection, since the machines 3924 N. Clark St., CHICAGO are all on outdoor locations.The ma- chines all look like they are custom made and show signs of good workman- tions for candy bar venders and cigaret ship. The only American -made machines machines abroad should indicate that I saw were a few Rowe machines which American coinmen perhaps have been I was told have recently made their overlooking a good bet by not giving appearance on the English market. As outdoor locations moreconsideration. for other types of vending machines like There is also room abroad for more ac- gum, nut and candy bar 'venders, they tivity in scales, peanut vending and sim- were, on the whole, conspicuous by their ilar type operations. absence. It's hard to believe that the peaceful By far the most unusual machine I villagesIvisitedlittlemore than a saw in England was a stamp vending month ago are now being torn by 'bombs machine that's also combined with a and shell fire, that's why it is foolish at mail box.This machine enables you to this writing to attempt to prophesy what buy your stamps right at the mail box the future holds for the coin machine instead of hunting up a drug store of industry abroad.This we know, how- post officelike we have to do here. ever:The war won't last forever and These machines, of course, are operated MR. AND MRS. R. INGHAM, Morecambe, England, operate the above coin Americanmanufacturersshouldlay by the government. machine arcades.Ingham reports he has been in the business for 40 years, plans now forincreasing the use of France having been the first person in England to tour fairs with an automatic coin -operated machines abroad once the France is a study of inconsistencies machines booth. war clouds have been dissipated. 78 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MERCHANDISE SECTION) September 30, 1939

\\AIlliM1111lmiss PEANUT & GUM THE DELUXELINE VENDING MACHINES i New, Direct From Factory. SPECIAL 4. VendsEvery- thing" - Al- ONLY $2.40 AND UP monds, C a n - dies, Peanuts, Over 60,000 Sold. Pistachios, Charms, etc. DAY AND MAKE PROFITS NIGHT * Two-tonePorcelainfin - I s h trimmed Without Selling In Chrome. Step into the big money with"Sil- oeLuxo ver King." Placein taverns, stores, " Streamlined have to be furnished with such cases free filling stations, waiting rooms, etc. Globe (5 - lb. of charge. The American firm operating Then collect profits. Vends candy. capacity). gum, peanuts. Start Smooth, easy Netherlands in the Netherlands also has no immedi- $5.50 ea.small,full or part " lever -typeac- ate plans for marketing its product by time. Best locations tion.A u t o- In Lots prefer"Sliver King." matio return. means of such machines, altho it has ofm100reor GetFREE facts to- 4,,Adjustable to been considering this point. day. " a n yportion Coin -operated amusement table games ONE SAMPLE MACHINE ONLY $6.50 desiredwith- Has Venders became extremely popular in the Nether- SPECIAL -One Vendor, 10 lbs. Can- outremoving dy, 1 Gross Charms Globe. lands a few years ago.Such machines $8.45 Automatic, 1 /9 Deposit With Order, Balance C. 0 13, " agitation. were in operation in all cafes, public Send for Circular and Easy Terms 4-Interior a n d After - closing - hour usehouses, billiard saloons, cigar stores, sea- " Merchandise side and country resorts.At first most Chute also finishedInporcelain. creates big field for vend-of these machines consisted of pin tables TORR21)01.141 71...AA: SO. 6 8 but later on a large number of "pay -out" TOPPER ing machines machines were imported and put into

Topper'sult ra operation.These machines were so at- modern design as- sures choice loca- ROTTERDAM. -Theafter -closing -hourtractive also to young boys and unem- UNIVERSAL tions andbigger use of vending machines here helps toployed that the police authorities in a profits. popularize the use of such venders. Cig-number of cities forbade their further VENDOR 4.Topper vends ev- America'sFinest erything; almonds, aret vending machines are probably theoperation, giving as a reason that such Bulk Vendorof candies,peanuts, most important item in this line.Mostmachines came under the laws forbid- ItsKind. pistachios, a s - tobacco stores have a few vending ma-ding gambling in the Netherlands. sort ed nuts, $6.9510$ar2Prre charms, ball -gum, chines in operation outside their places Vends Everything etc. after closing hours.A number of the ScalesPopular 4. Capacity,5 lbs. leading concerns have whole batteries of Weighing machines are in operation in " Merchandise, o r SILVER KING 900 Balls of Gum. such machines covering their show win-large numbers all over the country and $6.50 4. Topper comesto dows during the closed periods. consist mostly of Netherlands manufac- 10 or More $5.50 " you finished In two-tone baked The number of types of vending ma-ture.Really modern scales issuing tick- COLUMBUS enamel, tangerine chines in operation is large and includesets or speaking the weight are seldom $6.00 and black, seen.Most of the scales now in opera- 6 or More $5.00 trimmed with machines of Netherlands, Danish and Also Many Good chrome. German make.A reliable source esti-tion merely indicate the weight by a Used Machines of mates that roughly 75 per cent of thepointer on a large dial.Takings from Every Description. scales are reported to be quite satisfac- SendforList. CHALLENGER cigaret machines in the Netherlands are RAKE Provides a big- of Danish make and that the rest aretory.The largest manufacturer in the 5 S. 22nd St., ^ gerIncome for made in the Netherlands. Netherlands of store weighing and slic- Philadelphia, Pa. operators every- ing machines is the principal manufac- where. These vending machines can easily be 4. Challenger turer and operator of scales and has " meets the chal- hung up in front of show windows innow thousands of scales in operation in lenge for a bulk any number, according to space, and themany cities of the Netherlands.These merchandiser compartments are large enough to vend that provides small packages of small -sized cigars. scales are placed in public squares, lava- positive,f u II- tories, street car shelters, railroad sta- t I m e perform- Merchandisevendingmachinesare ance. tions and seaside resorts. COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE Challenger great favorites in the Netherlands, being Fortune telling machines and other 604 10th Ave., N. Y. C. "offers you used for the sale of chocolate, candy,penny arcade equipment do not enjoy streamlined gum balls, fried meat balls and rolls, beauty, genuine alarge demand inthe Netherlands. AS GOOD AS NEW! quality In every sandwiches, edibles such as pieces ofThere are only a few amusement arcades BALL GUM VENDORS part at a price cheese, tins of sardines, pieces of sausage,in this country and these are mostly at Advance Model D, 1c, Cap. 500 Balls .$ 4.50 amazinglylow! hard-boiled eggs, Russian salads, salted Bluebird, 1c, Cap. 400 Balls 3.50 Challenger the seaside resorts.The fortune telling CANDY VENDORS " vends every- and fried peanuts, pastry and cake, amachines are old favoriteswith the Advance Single Column, Sc 7.50 thing. wide variety of pharmaceutical prepara-country people but it appears that they Du Grenier, Selective., 41 Bar 18.90 * Capacity, 6 lbs. tions such as headache and "pick-me- Mills Automatic Mds., 5 -Col. Unit 3.00 merchandise. are generally kept in operation until the CIGARETTE VENDORS 4.AllChallengers up" tablets, cough drops,etc., photo-dial is practically defaced. Advance 4 -Column ...... 7.90 " are trimmed In graphic films and small quantities of National, No. 628, 6 Column, Base 23.90 Chromium; your All the coin -operated machines de- cheap perfume.Here again the Danish National No. 630, 6 -Col. Base . .. 33.90 choice of copper scribed in this letter can be freely used Stewart -McGuire, Model G, with Stand 15.50 finish baked enamel or beautiful red porcelain. and Netherlands machines dominate thein the Netherlands with the exception U-NEED-A-PAK, 8 Col., Chrom. Fin. 19.00 local market. of amusement table games.Machines CIGAR VENDORS Garcia Grande, Se 5.00 STANDS ExpensiveMachines are bought new and also secondhand, PEANUT VENDORS *Economy Floor often large distributors rent machines Ever -Ready, 4 -Column, 10 4.50 Stand, new Prices for this category are more ex-tovarious operators on a percentage Robbins, 2 -in -1, Detector Model 7.00 I styles,light Snacks, 5c, Late Model 21.00 weight, saves pensive than for cigarets, as they arebasis. -Consular report, July, 1939.) Stewart -McGuire, 1c & 5c 5.00 you money In built in vertical rows containing 8 or 10 20% DISCOUNT IN LOTS OF 25 UNITS. shipping. This compartments which are generally sep- F. 0. B. New York City. new stand can arately lighted by an electric lamp. Terms: 1/3 Cash, Balance C. 0. D. befilledwith Call or Write for Free Illustrated Catalog B. ordinary s a n d, Coin -operated beverage machines are Lima, Peru givingyouany not yet on the Netherlands market, altho weightdesired. Coin -operated scales are the principal ROUTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. ----- Actual shipping a very wide variety of soft drinks aremachines seen on locations here.Ap- weight 12lbs. soldhere,including one well-known Pricedat only parently the operation of other types of $1.75each, American beverage.One leading soft-machines is rather limited. F.O.B. Chicago. drink distributor recently reported that Almost every drug store, of which there DISTRIBUTE 4. For furtherde- soft-drink vending cases were considered "tails and prices are many in Lima, has a weighing scale write today! to be too expensive when comparing theand some are located at convenient places SHIMMERDICE MASTER prices charged for the drinks and theon the sidewalks. These scales are most- operation costs, as most venders wouldly of German manufacture. Whether the drug store here would play as big a part MERCHANDISERS as a favorite location for coin machines Earn $3.00to $16.00 perdayfor owners. Look like, feel like and are $10.00 values but COIN COUNTERS as the drug store does in the United sellfor $5.00.Requires one for every Cigar, Penny -Nickel combination States, is a matter that time will decide. Drug, Candy or General Counter and one for "slotted coin - counters, Coin -operated phonographs, player every bartender and boothin taverns.Fastest polished aluminum, life- pianos,fortune-tellingmachines and andmostprofitablemerchandisingmachines time guarantee. evermade. Doubles salesat doubleprofits. ..be Counts pennies and other penny arcade equipment are seen LegalInallStates to best of our knowledge. " nickels like magic; flared here, but in comparison these machines Write right now for our surprising proposition. oversize mouthpiece for are used in limited numbers only. Can't explain fully here. tube wrapping. Only $1.00 eachpre- The popular taste for music and the paid; cash with order; possibilities for music form an interest- LIBERTY MFG. CO. no C. 0. D. ing field for study. However, it is a fact COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. that second-class restaurants and cafes all use radio as a form of popular music. WALL BRACKETS Popular dance places as known in the Wall Brackets UnitedStatesarenotknownhere. PROVEN Money Makers! "complete with (Consular report, July 27, 1939.) screws andlock bolts.Price only Experienced operators Know the Im- 50c each; F.O.B. portant thing isto get the Vendor Chicago. Helsing f ors, Finland Into the location!Tom Thumb's got everything beat.Handsome, com- DOUBLE BRACKETS All types of merchandise vending and pact,it gets into taverns, waiting skill games appear to be legal in Fin- rooms, stores and restaurants closed to ordinary vendors.Thousandsal- land.Coin -operated phonographs and readyplaced; room for thousands merchandise vending machines have re- more.Die cast precision machine; cently advanced in popularity. Scales and no comebacks. We'llmatchit against any others in the low priced Double Brackets used for mounting two Spe- BILL SW INGLER is a bulk vend- amusement table machines are also usedBig Opportun-field.Has 12revolutionaryfea- cials on floorstand.Price only 60c each, ing machine operator in. Lethbridge, altho perhaps to a lesser extent. The de- ity for Expe-tures, including Magic Coin Selector, F. 0. B. Chicago. mand for penny arcade equipment isrienced RouteYale Tumbler Locks. adjustable dis- Alta.Highly enthusiastic over bulk Salesmen. penser.Vends candy, gum or pea- vending possibilities, Swingler plans small. nuts. 1 lzand 3-lh. sizes. Thou- Coin -operated phonographs now in usesandsof TomThumb Vendors now bringing real VICTORIENDING .CORP. to add more machines as soon as Profits to operators.Don't wait.Write for full de- possible.He isalso interested in are practically all of American manufac-tails, prices andmoney -back guaranteetoday. 4203 Fullerton Avenue, Chicago scale operation. ture.(Consular report, July 13, 1939.)FIELDING MFG, CO., Dept. 38, Jackson, Mich. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MERCHANDISESECTION) The Billboard 79 Cigarette Varied Effects of Lethbridge, Can. ass. CigaretTax EXPERIENCED OPERATORS MerchandisersMBOSTON,Sept.23.-Thetwo-weekGentlemen: WILL TELL YOU TO BUY old Massachusetts 2 cent per package In reply to your letter of August 2 cigaret tax has brought some interestingit pleases me very much to take part in Associationsdevelopments.In the first place, suchThe Billboard International Good Neigh- PallMall,bor Week for the coin -operated amuse- The CMA of New Jersey haslaunchedoutfitsasPhilipMorris, ment and vending machine industry from its membership drive, and James Cherry,Deities, Herbert Tareyton, and FatimaOctober 'I to October 14. manager, isbusy making survey tripshave absorbed the tax and are selling He returned recentlyfor 15 cents.This price keeps them on Today, September 2, climaxes my sec- over the State. a level with the "Big Four." ond year of successful operating in the from the Trenton, N. J., area, wherehe bulkvendingmachinebusiness. One BULK VENDING EQUIPMENT visited Leventhal & Co.; Mr. Lafsof,of Secondly, the State Commission onreason for my being in the vending ma- Eagle Vending Machine Co., andWillthe Necessaries of Life has attacked the charging 15 centschine business is the fact that people Jacobowitz, of the Hudson CountyTo-newpracticeof always have odd pennies to spend. They bacco Co. branch. straight per package, contending that, Operators who know ma- since the cigarets were selling for twodo not, as a rule, like to ask the dealers chines and know the busi- * * for 25 cents, with the tax added theyto relieve them of their pennies in trade Recent visitors to the headquarters of for merchandise, the customers feeling ness invariably advise you to Johnshould be two for 29 cents, and con- b u y Northwestern when the New Jersey CMA include sequently, someone is making an extrait is rather embarrassing for the dealer choosing bulk vending equip- Sharenow, of North Jersey Cigaret Sales14 -cent per package. to be constantly handling such small Co.; Phil Krak, of Phil Krak Cigaret Co.; The third effect has been a fight bydenominations of a coin. ment. Their experience has Charles Stange, of Unit Vending Co., andleading dealers in the State, headed by My next reason for operating is due proved Northwesterns are John Crozier Jr., of Crozier & Sons. Joseph P. Manning, to place a referen-to the profits that the vending ma- notonlyfine,dependable dum on the 1940 ballot for the repealchine business holds for the operator. machines, butthey earn Sam Malkin and a group of CMA mem-of the tax.This group claims to haveI also find that one can make the busi- more money.Six models to bers were present at the recent openingwell over 10,000 signatures so far andnessaprofitable and interesting one meet every requirement.If They at-expectsmanyadditionalthousands.providing one operates his business in you are an operator or inter- of a new Pagoda restaurant. The tax is to stay on until June, 1941,an honest and substantial manner. ested in this profitable busi- tended the opening after the meeting of ness, write today for infor- the CMA. unless the above mentioned opponents My fondest hopes are to add more ad- are successful. vanced types of bulk venders to my route THE NEW mation on the complete line The height of something was reachedas my profits and financial position will MODEL 39 of Northwestern Venders. BostonReports whentheStateTaxCommissioner,allow.I am also interested In operat- Members of the CMA of New EnglandHenry Long, ruled thatif you rolleding weighingscales,butasyet my are turning their thoughts to more ef-your own cigarets you were a manufac-finances are a little low to allow me to THE NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION ficient records since monthly reports areturer and would have to pay $25 for aenter this field. required of distributors by the State ofmanufacturer's license. I have In operation at the present 995 E. ARMSTRONG ST., MORRIS, ILL. Massachusetts.The association plans to timethefollowingvenders:Walzer set up a standard system that will bring venders, Silver Kings, Victor Topper, Tom results and make easy the planned au- Johannesburg, S. A. Thumb and Walzer penny gum venders.ANEW LOW PRICES dits of the cigaret tax administrator. You may think this is a small route, but This territoryIs very familiar withI figure it is a start that brings success Buy a Burel This is a period of readjustment forcoin - operatedmachines.Automatic the N. E. operators, Walter Guild, man- to bigger things.I will close now by VISION TRIPLE COMPARTMENT ager of the CMA, reports, and requiresphonographs and player pianos are usedwishing you the best of luck and trust- the constant attention to business.Inbut, of course, their use is limited. Cig-ing thatallthe other operators the BULK VENDING MACHINE aret vending machines are used in con-world over will enjoy the best of suc- fact, a fall outing had been planned for the industry but it had to be canceled.siderable numbers. Merchandise vendingcessinbusinessduringthe coming Many new locations are opening up as amachines for gum, candy, soft drinksyears. Thanking you, I now remain. ASK THE and so forth are legal, but are not very BILL SWINGLER. result of recent legislation and machineoften seen in this country. Scales are in OPERATOR manufacturers should sell a lot of newgeneral use but must be approved before machines in this section during the next Fortune-telling machines are in WHO KNOWS few months. Many new machines wereplacing. Wisconsin Operators! general use, while arcade machines are added to routes in Rhode Island in Julysubject to approval. Approval of authori- MILWAUKEE, Sept. 23.-Mack H. Pos- ONLY and August. tiesis necessary for amusement tabletal,cigaret machine salesman, reports The value of membership in CMA Wasgames.Only the games with absolutethat he has been besieged with requests $12.50 clearly demonstrated during the past twoskill are allowed here in recent months.for advice in regard to the new 2 -cent Each Lots of months and this period of readjustment(Consular report, August 11, 1939.) 25 or More calls for the type of active co-operative Wisconsin cigaret tax.Postel advised Sample $15.50 effort that can be supplied only by a that operators should sell cigarets thru ThisOfferfor 15cents rather than 17 Limited Time. strong organization such as this associa- Guatemala, Guatemala machines at Because of the tion has developed. cents-to meet chain -store competition War Prices May The following operators recently joined Coin -operated phonographs and a num-and avoid odd change.Postal declared Be Recalled. that increased sales thru machines, even the CMA: Enterprise Cigaret Service Co.:ber of weighing machines are operatedtho at a smaller margin of profit, would William A. Grogan, Union Novelty andin this country. There do not appear Order Today Supply Co.;J. Shelman, Shelley Salesto be any other machines in use in thisresult in greater revenue to the operator. Co.; Joseph Donovan, Donovan Vendingcountry at the present time.Only dis-His opinion was based on circumstances BURtL & CO., Inc' CHICAGO,s675 Orlean ILL.St., Co.; Harry K. Baker; David P. Sohultz,advantage is the closeness in size of theobserved in other States.Cigarets for- Co.,andHarryvarious denominations of Guatemalanmerly selling for a dime should be sold AcmeCigaretSales for 12 cents, said Postel. Lasarus. coins.(Consular report, July 12, 1939.) NEW DISCOVERY His advice, therefore, was for the op- ALUMINUM - CHROME - NICKEL erator to absorb the tax, selling at 15 "AUTOMATIC" "METAL POLISH" Alfred T. Butman, who played an im- Glasgow, Scotland cents on the higher priced brands. large 5.oz. can 50c postpaid portant part in the success of the New A complete discussion on the subject Guaranteed England CMA, has resigned as president. So far as operating conditions in thisby Mack H. Postel will be published in He has withdrawn from the cigaret vend-country are concerned, all merchandise,The Billboard next week.He urged, in SAVE ON STANDS ing business and is devoting his timeservice and skill game machines are legal.the meantime, that "alloperators in . isoo PENNY -. COUNTERS to an entirely different field.The or-Distribution of games is mostly under-Wisconsin should sell at the prices of 12 LlfI,: r Ne.ionel 1-1NICKELdquarteis Fo, ganization will miss Butman's guidance. PIPE ANGLE IRON SHEET METAL. taken by agents of London firms. Awardand 15 cents-a policy which will result 4 Charles H. Murphy, vice-president, wasmachines which return a coin not in STANDS'. FILLEDUNFILLED automatically elevated into the post of in greater sales and gain for Wisconsin r! QUALITY VENDORS,$3.25up excess of the coin inserted are legal. Inoperators." and acting president, which he will hold un-the opinion of the authoritative persons fREE OperatingInst. til the association elects. 70 per cent of the machines are used $1.00 Write AUTOMATIC GAMES, machines and it is estimated that phono- Jamaica, B. W. I. 2425 Fullerton, Chicago William B. Burns, of the Grand Nov-graphs and player pianos comprise4 elty and Supply Co., is one of the lead-per cent of the machines; cigaret venders, Most coin -operated machines in Ja- ing lights of the Elks.He was general20 per cent; merchandise vending (gum,maica are scales which are placed in ho- c Filling Station chairman of its annual outing held atetc.),20percent;amusement tabletels,drugstoresandsimilarpublic Twin Oaks Lodge in Sterling recently. games, 20 per cent; scales, 10 per cent;places. A few coin -operated gramaphones For Pocket Lighters fortune telling and arcade machines, 20are found in dance halls.Merchandise BRAND NEW The CMA has worked closely with theper cent, and miscellaneous, 6 per cent.machines are being tried on a small Only tax administrator's office andhasissued(Consular report, July 22, 1939.) scale.(Consular report, July 21, 1939.) a number of bulletins describing proper $5.00 ea. procedure. Recently the organization Formerly 515.00 Each. was addressed by Henry F. Long, Com- Earns 90c profit onev- missionerofCorporations.on"Tax-Games Prove Amusement Value ery dollar. Requiresonly ation," and Ralph A. Caspole, Cigaret 7 squareinches of Tax Administrator. All problems bearing The following report from our news reporter in London, dated September 11, counter space. Order on tax procedure were thoroly discussed.suggests the interesting idea that already amusement games are beginning to now! prove of value to relieve tension, .following the early shock of war in Europe: D. ROBBINS & CO. Tunis, Tunisia LONDON, Sept. 11.-Declaration of war brought amusement machine busi- 1141-B De Kalb Ave., ness almost to a complete standstill, but there are now signs of some revival. Brooklyn, N. Y. There is one amusement arcadein Tunis using machines purchased second-Sportlands are permitted to open provided they comply with regulations forADVERTISEIN THE BILLBOARD hand in France. A number of automaticlighting.Majority of dealers have reduced staffs and some manufacturers YOU'LLBE SATISFIED WITH weighingmachinesinstalledinthehave turned their works over to other purposes. As tension eases it is antici- streets of the city are operated by apated there will ge a good demand for machines. RESULTS French company in contract with local authorities.They are electrical and are Events canceled by the war include Amusement Trades Exposition scheduled Talinn, Estonia operated by a 25 -centime coin. Weighingfor next February, and British Automatic Machine Operators' Society outing machines are found in numbers in drugto Boulogne fixed for September 27. It is believed that a number of vend- stores,departmentstores,restaurants ing machines might find a market in this and cafesinprincipalcitiesofthe country.The firms approached have regency. They are generally the prop- Unluckiest man in business is possibly Peter Taylor, who completed acquire-expressed an active interest in receiving erty of the establishment. ment of Goddard Novelty Co. but a few days before war declaration.Peterfurtherinformationconcerningcoin - Weighingdevicesaregenerallyallfaced situation with a smile and looks to better times. operated equipment.Coin ticket ma- purchased new, while games of skill are, chines are in use in many railway sta- forthemostpart,purchasedused. Hymie Seenor, director of Coin Amusement Machine Supply, as an airtions here.(Consular report, July 17, (Consular report, July 29, 1939.) raid warden, was one of the first to be called out on National Service. 1939.) 80 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) September 30, 1939

'ROA' 141;:ilt\inc.

slightly more than 90 per cent of opera-demand and looks to prove a bigger tors and phonographs in its territory.money -getter than their previous hits. Practically. the same group is now en- Count Basie, a native son, always fares Music's Growth in S. A. rolled in the new organization. well in this town and his recent record- Officers are: President, F. S. Clancy;ing of Moonlight Serenade is bearing out vice-president,Sam Ayo; treasurer,our contention.Crosby's and Clinton's Lester Hearn; executive secretary, W. A.versions of An Apple for the Teacher are Presages Phono Activity Niemackl.Meetings will be held firstrunning about neck and neck. and third Thursdays at downtown Milam Two numbers which we thought good field is growing and that there is much interest among South American firmsBuilding.Association headquarters arebut have faded here are Moon Love and Plans for inter -Americanand already established operators. Con-at 518 Anita avenue., Houston. To You.Neither has Jimmy Dorsey's sular reports showed that in the past or any other version of The Lamp Is Low copyrightprovisionstoyear phonographs have been set up in done very well. aid sister republics many districts and are proving a profit-St. Louis Music Sunrise Serenade has been the big able venture. money -getterof theseason, and the CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-The use of coin To get back to the music sideof100% Organized record has been replaced at least twice machines in the South American andSouthAmerica,the South American on every box we operate.All bands Latin American republics has continuedmusical organizationheretofore men- ST. LOUIS, Sept. 23.-At a specialplaying this number take.Melancholy steadily for the past year, helping totionedsuggests that there be widermeeting held September5here,theMood appears to be an eventual hit, develop the music field, both classicalintercourse between composers and art-Associated Phonograph Owners' associa-coming up slow.El Rancho Grande andswing.Musicrequirements,ofists in both the United States and Southtion, took in eight new members, whichhasn't been as big as we had hoped for. course, are different in the sister repub-America;that musical societies makemakes the organization 100 per centBing Crosby's What's News? hasn't got lics and in recent months moves havespecial effort to include works of oneorganized here.Until about a monthstarted as yet. been forthcoming to develop music com-another's composers on their programsago there were two associations here. Columbia's new red discs are going position and use. and that all users of music exploit thebut the one has been completely dis-over pretty big.Goodman's Comes Love More than 1,000 musicologists, prac-music of each other's nations. banded and all of its former membershas proved unexpectedly popular. Teddy ticing musicians and governmentof- In a report on South American musichavejoined up with theAssociatedWilson's Love Grows on the White Oaks ficials have enrolled in the membershipone VenezuelaexpertsaidthatthePhonograph Owners.This was goodTree so far has taken the lead on discs of Americanismo Musical, a movementmusic ofhis country waslittlein-news for all those present, asit wasbearing this title. to support contemporary composition andfluenced by Indian melodies but waspointed out that the fight for the past Well, All Right, at last has faded. music study in the countries of Southharmonically based on Spanish music.two years between the two organizationsI Want theWaiter, particularlyElla. America. A meeting of the group tookHe traced the characteristic syncopatedhas cost the phonograph operators ofFitzgerald's version, is coming up. Also place in New York several weeks ago.rhythm to the Venezuelan Negroes, point-this city thousands of dollars. to be noticed is a trend towards deep The organization publishes a bulletin,ing out that whereas the Negroes of All the members signed the workingMexican songs in many parts of the city. Boletin Latino Americana de Musica,the United States syncopate in doubleagreement and all is very harmonious. Hoping this letter will be of some which is distributed thru that continent.rhythm, those of his country syncopateAt the officers' table at the meeting allvalue to you, I am, Chief aim ofthe groupisinter -exclusively in triple rhythm. officers were present, they being George RALPH L. FULLER, American copyright legislation covering Other South American experts fromOgilvy,president;John LeBan,vice- The Automatic Music Co., musical composition.Lack of copyrightvarious countries have told of the musicpresident; J. H. Beckman, treasurer, and Kansas City, Mo. legislation is why so little South Ameri-of theirrespective nations and haveMartinC.Balensiefer,secretary and can music is heard in this country, ac-emphasized the fact that South Ameri-manager. cording to organization officials. cans are a music -loving peoples. They The part of music machines in thisseemed of the belief that South Ameri- Detroit picture is clear.Phonographs in Southcan music could become very popular in Vera Crux, Mexico America are stimulating and will furtherthe U. S.They indicated that the en- stimulate composers of that country tocouragement of music in South America Coin -operated phonographs are veryTo the Editor: greater activity.Demand for music towould be welcomed. popular in this part of Mexico and it is Your record columns are fine things be used on phonographs placed in the possible that there may be similarly anfor the operators.Operators are alwayst American republics will enlarge the field extensive opportunity for the introduc-in a hurry and when they see certain for more music.A precedent is seen tion of cigaret and candy vending ma-numbers in The Billboard they know in the United States, where automaticNew Name Adoptedchines, amusement table games and thethey are pretty good ones to pick and phonographs have become responsible like. that they will be pretty certain of bring- for a portion of the terrific output of As for the rest of Mexico standardsofing in the nickels. Tin Pan Alley and the more serious com-For Music Group living are, for the most part, not as good I find records by Lyle Hampton's Band posers.Copyright legislation would aid HOUSTON, Sept. 23.-Music operatorsas in Vera Cruz. The necessary coin forare pretty popular now.Sunrise Sere- in that American record manufacturersof Houston and Harris County are nowuse in machines is considered to be toonade, by Glen Gray; Just for a Thrill, would find it profitable to record musicorganizedasAssociatedPhonographmuch to spend by the average citizen.by Inkspots, and Comes Love, by Artie from South America, for which thereOperators of Harris County, Texas; thatFew people would wish to invest a tostonShaw, are in high favor in almost every would be a demand in both continents,organization having replaced the nation-(silver Mexican piece worth approximate-type of location and especially in smoke North and South America. ally known Music Operators Associa-ly 8 cents), and it is felt that the useshops and beer gardens. Specific reason for the need of copy-tion, Inc., of Houston. of smaller coins would not justify the The recording companies are to be right legislation is the fact that South The original association, once literallyinvestment on machines.(Consular re-commended for the splendid records we American composers are automatically100 per cent strong, normally includedport, July 13, 1939.) are now getting and with The Billboard! deprived of protection and remuneration record columns furnish a valuable aid in the United States, since the U. S. does to music operators.CLEO HARDY, not adhere to the Berne convention, pro- Detroit. tectorateforcompositionsofother nations. The extent of the placement of phono-What the Records Are graphs in South America is not definitely Elwood,Ind. known, but reports indicate that the To the Editor: Doing forMum In this locality Bing Crosby still is Hillbilly and Foreign Rec- tops in the vocalizing end, while Glenn Miller holds the throne as a No. 1 dance ord Hits of the Month band.Orrin Tucker with his If I Knew (Note: Here are the most popular In this, the operators' own column, Miller's Baby Me and Sonny Boy areThen is a comer with plenty of possi- hillbilly and foreign recordings of the the music merchants of the entire na-starting to take hold.Are You Havingbilities.Bing Crosby's arrangements of past month.Similarlistswill be tionhelp one anothertoselecttheAny Fun? shows promise. Naturally, hereAn Apple for the Teacher is a topnotch published in this section once every biggest money -making records.Itis ain Spokane Bing Crosby pieces never lettune at the present time. us down.His El Rancho Grande went In the colored areas any of Ella Fitz- month.) service by the operators and fortheright to town. operators.When contributing to this gerald's numbers go over with a bang. HILLBILLY RECORDINGS: My column be sure to include the name of We have several locations in collegeJimmie Lunceford's I Love You is also Sweet Darling Wife,Shetton towns and they go for orchestras rathera good number in these locations.Cur- the recording, the name of the artistthan the name of the record. tis Jones is generally preferred for blues Bros.;She Gave Me the Bird, and the type of location the recording Artie. LightCrust Shaw, Glenn Miller, Gene Krupa, Kaynumbers in the colored area. Doughboys;Makes goes bestin. Kyser, Benny Goodman and Tommy Dor- The Jumpin' Jive, by Cab Calloway, is No Difference Now,Cliff Bruner sey are the top flight. a number that satisfies the souls of the and Jimmy Davis;Horsey, Keep Address communications to WHAT GORDON LOOSMORE, jitterbugs in any location.In this same Your Tail Up,Freddie Schnickle- THE RECORDS ARE DOING FOR ME, category comes Artie Shaw's Traffic Jam. THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHINGCO., Fred Lavell & Co., fritz Fisher;Wabash Cannonball, Spokane, Wash. It is hard to say as to whether the Roy Acuff;SugarLoaf Waltz, 54 W. Randolph,Chicago,Ill. polka craze is on the down grade or not. Freddie Schnicklefritz Fisher; Beer Barrel isstillcoining plenty of nickels, but it seems that other polkas Roughest Calin Town,Brother Spokane,Wash. Kansas City, Mo. are on the way out. Jones;You Can't Fool a Fool All It's a Hundred to One, by Orrin Tuck- the Time,Shetton Bros. er, is gaining in popularity in this vi- To the Editor: To the Editor: cinity, and in all probability will be a hit INTERNATIONAL RECORD- Over the Rainbow, by Glenn Miller, is With the coming of cool weather wetune. INGS:Pick Me Up, GuessIt, doing more than its share in collectinghave already begun to notice a pick-up As to sweet numbers, Freddy Martin's Swing Polka, Helena Polka. the nickels.All Glenn Miller recordingsin the flow of buffaloes thru our ma-Winter Blossoms is fine.Wayne King's are going over big for me.It Makes Nochines.Good, live music is rather scarceMan With the Mandolin is also a fa- FOREIGN RECORDINGS:Ger- Difference Now is really going to townin this vicinity and, hence, persons seek-vorite, with us.Some of these tear-jerkers goingdancing amusement givegreater Sincerely believe you have the right man,Wenn Der Toni Mit Der over big when you have a location thatbusiness to record playing machines. idea in publishing the column "What Vroni; Erika; Holla Lady.Hun- caters to men only. With the showing of Wizard of Ozthe Records Are Doing for Me."It is garian, AsaSzep, Az a Szep; The Beer Barrel Polka is slowing down,thruout town we have received quite aa boon to the operator who is always in Sarboagard,Dombovar. Italian, but that one piece gave us a new leasefew calls for Over the Rainbow, Bobdoubt as to what the records will really Giocondita., Polish, Zazdrosna on polkas. We have had unlimited suc-Crosby's platter going over considerablydo for him. Polka; M ularze-M ularze-Waltz. cess with several of them since then,bigger than Judy Garland's.The Ink LAIRY McCAREL, Route Mgr., Swedish,Hem; Kal-Agusts Klaver, namely, Holla Lady, Hic-Polka, DopeySpot's new disc, Address Unknown and King Music Service, and Banana Split. You Bring Me Down, is already in big Elwood,Ind. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) The Billboard 81


On September 30th Banner Specialtywill bebetter SpecialtyCompany,Pitts- equipped than ever before burgh distributors for Wur- to serve Wurlitzer operators litzer Automatic Phono-- and allshould benefit graphs, dedicate their new thereby. quarters at 1508 Fifth Ave., With a complete stock of Pittsburgh. parts, records and Wurlitzer Wurlitzer takes this oppor- Phonographs and show- tunity to congratulate not rooms said to be unrivalled only Banner Specialty offi- in the industry, it looks like cials but all Wurlitzer op- banner (lays ahead for the eratorsinthePittsburgh Banner Specialty Company. area. Congratulations and the best In their new building Banner of luck!



Music Harmony Seen in Detroit Patents and Inventions Beautiful New DETROIT, Sept. 23.-Merger of De- By KEN C. SHYVERS troit's two rival music associationsis Patents are issued once each week bybox, a cover having a coin receiving Light -Up Ensembles under way,withfinaldetailsbeingthe Patent Office in Washington, D. C.opening and a shutter on cover for clos- A search for all coin -operated devices anding the opening and a locking member ironed out in meetings being held almostparts thereof, also games adaptable tofor locking the shutter. daily.Details are still pending at timecoin operation, reveals- * * of writing and are being withheld for Patent No. 2,173,326. Pertaining to Coin -Operated Time Indi- that reason. Patent Bulletin of Sept. 20, 1939 cating Device. The basis of the agreement is the COM- (Patents Issued September 12, 1939)Application, January 12, 1937. Number of Claims, 2. mon-sense agreement of practically allPatent No. 2,172,451. Inventor's Name-Gerhard H. J. Baule, operators that two rival groups are notPertaining to Amusement Ride. Application, November 14,_1936. Syracuse, N. Y. good for the industry and that mutualNumber of Claims, 3. Assigned to Crouse -Hinds Co., Syracuse, interestsandprotectiondemanda N. Y. Inventor's Name-Timothy B. Powers, St. A coin -controlled time indicating de - restoration of the harmony which existed George, N. Y. dive, or meter, and mechanism. under the original Michigan Music Oper- An amusement ride comprising sup- ators'Association.Divergenceof em-ports and a tower at the end of whichDesign Patent No. 116,548. ployees of operators between two unionare passenger cabs and counterweights.Pertaining to Design for a Vending Ma-,, groups, one affiliated with the AFL and chine Casing. one with the CIO, plus some minor per-Patent No. 2,172,554. Application, July 6, 1939. sonal factionalism, was the basic cause ofPertaining to Cover for Coin Receptacles.Designer'sName-John H. Bridwell, the split about two months ago. Application, October 31, 1936. Wichita Falls, Tex. Under general terms of the new agree-Number of Claims, 8. Ornamental design for a vending ma- Stark Light -Up ensem- ment, employees of each operator mayInventor's Name-Charles C. Veale, Westchine. join either union affiliation as they see Chicago, Ill. * * * bles for Wurlitzer 616 fit, and itis not considered necessaryAssigned to Western Electric Co.,Inc..Design Patent No. 116,550. and 412, Roc k -0 I a for the trade association to dealex- New York. N. Y. Pertaining to Design for a Cabinet for a clusively with either union group. A coin receptacle comprising acoin Miniature Bowling Game. Im- Application, July 15. 1939. RhythmMaster, Designer's Name-Edward J. Conins, Chi- perial 20, Mills Zephyr, cago. CAN USE ANY NUMBER OF WURLITZER 616's Assigned to H. C. Evans & Co.,Inc., Seeburg Model H and Chicago. AT A PRICE. WRITE OR WIRE Ornamental design for a cabinet for a De Luxe, Mills Do Re miniature bowling game. Mi and Many Others.

« THE MAYFLOWER NOVELTY COMPANY Design Patent No. 116,569. Madeallonecolororseveral 1507 UNIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Pertaining to Design for an Amusement harmonizing colors of plastic. Machine Cabinet. All Stark ensembles are absolutely Application, February 13, 1939. guaranteed as toworkmanship Designer's Name-John F. Meyer, Chi- and material. The machines cago. equippedwithStarkensembles Assigned to the Exhibit Supply Co., Chi- actually do take in more nickels.

cago, Ill. WURLITZERS Ornamental design for an amusement Send for our latest discount sheet machine cabinet. showing five models, illustrated in MILLS ROC K-OLAS three colors. FINEST RECONDITIONED THE STARK NOVELTY PHONOGRAPHS AT LOWEST PRICES PHONO RECORDS WANTED LARGE SELECTION OF THE FINEST RECONDITIONED CIGARETTE MACHINES Phonograph Records wanted-any quantity. Highest & MFG. CO. iede, paid.TellIts how many you hare and where they iire.Write rodar. 1510 TUSC. ST., W. BABE KAUFMAN MCORP1I 61 )E250 W. 54th St., N.Y. C. CANTON, OHIO CHICAGO SALVAGE STOCK STORE, INC. 2 N. Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 82 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) September 30, 1939


NEW 1940 Record Buying Guide An Analysis of Current Songs and Recordings From the Standpoint of Their Value to Phonograph Operators GOING STRONG Recordings listed below are currentlythe biggestmoney-makersinautomatic G & G phonographs. Selections are the consensus of reports gathered each week by representa- tives of The Billboard fromatleast four leading phonograph operators in each of the 30 For Wurlitzer 616-616A Only-Illuminated most important phonograph operating centers in the country. Recordings listed without

an explanation are those that have appeared under this heading for four weeks or longer 3 Sides - Finest Workmanship - Money- and have thus become such established successes that they require no further explanation. Back Guarantee! Over the Rainbow.With "The Man With the Mandolin" settling into the groove of more than a month of sustained mention up in this depart- ment, which automatically puts it in the select circle of tunes that need no further explanation, E. Y. Harburg's and Harold Arlen's lovely 1940 ChangeoverGRILLE song from "The Wizard of Oz" heads the list of top-ranking ditties. The vote on this is unamimous, and there are no ifs and buts to it-it's For Wurlitzer 412-616-616A-716 and Rock-OIa got to be in every machine. And for some time to come. Glenn Miller, Imperial20. Bob Crosby, Larry Clinton-take your choice. Choice of Aluminum - An Apple for the Teacher.Not at all unexpectedly, this is added to 66 Grille and 2 columns of the blue ribbon coterie of current machine items this week.We COMPLETE plastic or 3 columns of hesitate to insult the intelligence of any operator by politely suggesting plastic with side louvre that if for some inconceivable reason this isn't in every phono no time should be lost in remedying that. Bing Crosby's disk is far out in front and top panel. of all others in the matter of machine popularity, a condition that will G & G WON'T BE UNDERSOLD! increase as the picture in which he sings the ditty, "The Star Maker," gets around to the neighborhood cinema temples.If they insist on dance disks, however, reports indicate that either Larry Clinton or Charlie Barnet will fill the bill. The Man With the Mandolin.Glenn Miller, Horace Heidt, Wayne King and Frances Langford. The Jumpin' Jive.Cab Calloway. Well,AllRight.Andrews Sisters. Moon Love.Glenn Miller, Paul Whiteman. BeerBarrelPolka.Willie Glahe. COMING UP Recordings listed below are those which operators report arc not yet top-notch ACHI money-makers but which are growing in popularity on automatic phonographs. Selections are the consensus of reports gathered each week by representatives of The Billboard from at least four leading phonograph operators in each of the 30 most important phonograph six STAR SALUTE operating centers in the country. Blue Orchids.To all intents and purposes, this is the fastest -rising song The Record Of The Month. among the newcomers for machine honors.Following a quick start this Hoagy Carmichael ballad-almost on a par, musically, with his renowned "Stardust"-is catching on even more rapidly than this depart- ment expected.It will shortly be a must item for every phono. sions that are showing the best profits are Glenn Miller's, BennyVer- Goodman's and Henry Russell's. The Little Man Who Wasn't There.Still climbing slowly, if not sen- IT'S A HUNDRED TO ONE sationally, this looks good to return a fairly nice profit to ops even if it goes no higher.Glenn Miller is the main attraction here, with a (I'M IN LOVE) littleassist from Larry Clinton in the matter of making the song more popular. Recorded by Comes Love.This "Yokel Boy" tune seems to be spending so much time and energy in coming up that it hasn't got the strangth to arrive at the * DICK JURGENS-Vocalion * TOMMY DORSEY-Victor top.It's been "coming up" for a longer period than any other song in the memory of the oldest inhabitant hereabouts, and yet it still (5063) (26363) can't be rated a really important phono selection. But it's still around * JOHNNY MESSNER -Bluebird * JAN SAVITT - Berra in a lot of machines and it will have to grace these columns until reports prove it to have faded from the scene.Artie Shaw stands (10387) (2738) more or less alone here. * JACK TEAGARDEN-Columbia* DICK TODD-Bluebird It's a Hundred to One. Here is a likely -looking rhythm tune which may make for a nice take.It's got the word corny written all over, but (35215) (10398) corniness pays off more often than not, and this is starting to head sia,ps in that direction.Dick Jurgens had a hand in its writing and his /2q t BeF, So4v, BiF Pula/ ...Order Today, recording is being picked up in a lot of locations.An equal number of bows must be taken by Dick Todd for his vocal platter which is doing more than its share to popularize the song.Ops might look into the matter of either one of these pressings with favorable results. Day In-Day Out. A ballad by Johnny ("And the Angels Sing") Mercer and Rube ("Don't Worry 'Bout Me") Bloom that may repeat the success of those hits.Artie Shaw, Bob Crosby and Kay Kyser are attracting 1629 BROADWAY kiwiRypiiR11 the buffalo heads with their platter versions of this item, which, incidentally, is a few cuts above most of the Tin Pan Alley output, musically and lyrically. POSSIBILITIES Recordings listed below have not as yet shown any strength in, automatic phono- NOW IT CAN BE SOLD! graphs but are the most likely prospects for music machine success among new record releases.These suggestions are based upon radio performances, sheet music sales, reports from music publishers as to the relative importance of certain songs in their catalogs as well as on the judgment of The Billboard's music department. LARRY CLINTON'S What's New.This leans more toward a sure thing classification than a mere possibility.Ops well be making no mistake if they stock this "IN ballad right now.There are several dance versions available, and Bing GREATEST RECORD Crosby has a disk ready. You Bring Me Down.A bright prospect for the immediate future is the Ink Spots platter of this mournful torch compo.It can very well repeat the success of their sensational "If I Didn't Care." Isle of Golden Dreams. If the cash customers are looking for a follow- up to the ultra -popular "Sunrise Serenade" you can give it to them with this Glenn Miller waxing of a hit of some years back.In style and handling this Miller disk comes closest to Glen Gray's "Sunrise" ERSIAN" since that one made a name for itself.They ought to go for thisin a large way. Vol Vistu Gaily Star. And to repeat the hit made with "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen," you don't have to look further than this Emery Deutsch record. The tune has everything "B.M.B.D.S." had and Deutsch, assisted by a great vocal from Mildred Craig, does it to perfection, MARKET At Least You Could Say Hello. A promising song which has the enthu- siastic backing of its publisher, thereby giving it more than an equal VICTOR 26283 chance for hitdom.Connie Bcswell has a fine platter for the machines = that ought to be looked into immediately.

(Double -meaning records are purposely omitted from this column) IM11, Advertise in The Billboard-You'll Be Satisfied WithResults. = September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) The Billboard 83 Tops everywhere as fj entertainment draw! Aix-en-Provence, France

Dear Sir: It is with pleasure that I reply to your letter and I wish to inform you that I am satisfied with receiving your maga- zine The Billboard in which I find the addresses of American firms with which I can enter into business relations. With regard to business I wish to let you know that we are passing thru a crisis since the last law has been decreed which prohibits all machines which have a jackpot. At present business can be done with "ccei ENVMLLE the electric billiard, whose attraction is not the winning of money, but a free play: in this category of games the ma- V BLUEBIRD chines we need are the ones that record the winners by means of a meter so as ARTIST to permit the operator to know how many winners there are. being offered at Put him to work for you! With regard to my Kermesse (county fair) I do fairly well, but I wish you to They're calling him the biggest thing know that in France we are burdened to hit the entertainment business with heavy taxes which incumber our PRE -SHOW this year! Glenn Miller's following budget. With sincere regards, I am, is composed of all types, due to his F. BAILLE. versatility. He's a wonderful pepper - upper for coin machines. PRICES New Victor and Bluebird Just what you need to Records to capture coins Melbourne, land the business in B10366-Over the Rainbow; Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead those highly competi- Glenn Miller and His Orchestra Australia tive spots. 1310372-Blue Orchids; Baby Me Glenn Miller and Hit Orchestra 910324-I Can't Afford to Dream; Sirs: An 18 - record player Comes Love Thru the kind offices of the American with mellow illumina- Artie Shaw and His Orchestra Consulate in this city I learn that you 26346-March of the Toys are interested in automatic machines in tion backed with the By the River Saint Marie Australia. pledge Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra A list of types of machines in which I understand you are interested has been "IT'S GABEL QUALITY submitted to me and for your guidance BUILT" It Pays to Use I will attempt to give you an indication of local conditions as applied to these VICTOR AND machines. In the last 12 months large numbers Write or wire for BLUEBIRD RECORDS of the phonograph machines have been imported here and the field is fairly well complete information ViCior Division, RCA Mfg. Co., Inc., Camden, N.J. Scales of various types are op- A Sitifvic of the Radio. Corporation of Amerika erating in all the states.Fortune tell- THE JON GABELMFG. CO.., 1202 W. Lake St., Chicago Tredemvk Victor" Rey. O. 8. Pat. Off. by RCA WY. Co.. lee.ings and similar machine are designed and made here in addition to others im- ported. I would be pleased to have detailed information with prices and, if possible, 'What JIMMY DORSEYwith illustrations on cigaret vending, merchandising (chewing gum, etc.), bev- AMERICA'S LARGEST PHONOGRAPH DISTRIBUTORS Records are Doing For-erage and reel machines.Prices quoted must include provision for use of Aus- RECONDITIONED COIN -OPERATED tralian coins. Yours faithfully, OFFER FACTORY BRUCE SWAYZE, JR. J. ROSEN. PHONOS, All Makes, at RECORD BREAKING LOW PRICES Ferriday,Louisiana Colombo, Ceylon The coin machine business hereIs, Mills Do-Re-Mi $29.50 "JimmyDorseyhas some of course, small.However, it occupies EXPORT the time of one firm which deals in Mills De Luxe Dance Masters 24.50 OUR SPECIALTY ...cashing swell tunes vending machines and skill amusement table games. Of the total population of Mills Dance Masters 17.50 infor me." approximately 5,500,000 only about 10,000 Cable Address are Europeans or Americans.(Consular Rock-Ola 12 Record 34.50 report, July 27, 1939.) EASTCOPHON JIMMY DORSEY SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL MAKE COUNTER MODELS World's Greatest Saxophonist EAST COAST PHONOGRAPH DISTRIBUTORS,Inc. SAM KRESSBURG, Manager and his orchestra 625 Tenth Avenue (Phone: LOngacre 5-4877) NewYork PHILADELPHIA 'BRANCH: 2012 Market St.,Philadelphia, Pa. featuring Bob Eberly BALTIMORE BRANCH: 213 E. Mt. RoyalAve., Baltimore, Md. and Helen O'Connell DECCA RECORDS FREESTARTLING PLAN TO GET YOU STARTED WITH MILLS THRONE OF MUSIC Lagos, Nigeria The Nigerian Railway has placed two WE'VE GOT TO WRITE-WIRE AND LOOK AT or threeticketvending machinesin MAKE ROOM PHONE THESE PHONO- railway stations to see how they work BAR- out.These machines would be pioneers FOR OUR NEW GRAPH for coin -operated machines here, but the MILLS LINE. GAINS --ALL RE - slug business is so thriving that coin - Turf Queen $ 5 RAY BIGNER C O N D1710NED operated machines cannot do much. Mills Railroad 20 Tops 6 1983 StateAve., BY FACTORY The ticket vending machines accept a Chico Derby 5 Cincinnati, Ohio penny (two cents)in the coin chute. Ski HI 6 TRAINED MEN. The machines were made in London. Easy Steps 10 Exclusive Mills Distributor for Do Re Mi $50 Studio 85 (Counsular report, July 31, 1939.) 75 Mills Slots (all models) Southern Ohio 25 at sensational prices. Write Dance Master Southeastern Indiana Only a few lea-rush your for them. order ?oday. Santos, Brazil A. VAN HEESCH, BELGIAN coin - 1 /3 Cash. Balance C. 0. D. Northern Kentucky 1 /3 Cash, Balance C.0. D. A few coin -operated machines are to man, has been very successful in be found inthisdistrict. Thereare the operation of machines, particu- games and venders which have been larly cranes, in Belgium. He reports acquired as second-hand machines. that one of the greatest successes Santos is not primarily a distribution of coin. machines in Belgium today Be Ahead of the Crowd center, most equipment coming from is the automatic phonograph.Van Sao Paulo.(Consular report, July 21, Heesch has been intilebusiness SUBSCRIBE TO THE BILLBOARD 19394 since 1932 and is located in Antwerp. 84 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939


Gentlemen: It is with pleasure and thanks that I take advantage of your wonderful offer, However, not having a fit picture of my- CONTINENTALMARKET self at hand I will simply describe my- self as being 43 years of age, an active business man in the automatic trade for over 10 years. In the hotel business before.Idea of ITIS going into this business came from ob- serving operators.But, as I often used to note that most of the games gave much trouble to the operators. I went ahead manufacturing games of quality that held. The idea was good, as it soon enabled me to obtain prices 30 and 50 per cent higher than other manufac- THE turers used to get for the same games, NOVELTYCO. and this with thanks from everyone in- terested. At present, head of my firm, the most important in Switzerland, I just finished 42RUEdePARADIS,PARIS the most fascinating skill game everWESTERN PRODUCTS, INC. constructed.It brings in as much as any game used to get here and judging 925 W. NorthAvenue,Chicago. from orders already pouring in I can assure you that it is a real great success. This novel machine,forwhich I ob- tained last week an order of 300 to be delivered at a single firm in England, is ,...... strictly a skill game, a regular kicker CLOSEOUTS with8(eight) square steel,12 (twelve) 10 Grandstands $79.00 or 22(twenty-two)figures arefixed. 3 Hawthornes 72.00 The rods have triggers on one end and S Winning Tickets 72.00 by pulling them the figures,in two 15 Western Derby Kings 59.00 15 Western Derby Clocks 59.00 pieces and articulated, actually does kick 30 Fairgrounds, large packs 27.00 theballwith nervous and lightning 30 Fleetwoods 27.00 2 Stoner Zippers 27.00 blows in the direction of the adverse 3 Kennoy Pot Shots 65.00 goalimitatingperfectlythe human 3 Mills Flashers, Fruit 35.00 kicker on the field.One play with 10 1 Stables 27.00 1 Bally Entry 27.00 ExclusiveAgents (ten) balls lasting three to four minutes 1 Derby Time 37.00 bring in as much as 500 (five hundred) 15 Preakness, large packs 19.50 OscarYeni,Cen.Mgr. Swiss francs, over $100 per month! The Wire 1 /3 Deposit. for game has this distinct advantage over Ref., Utah Savings & Trust Bank. IsyMordo,SalesMgr. many others of being very fascinating. DAVAL, CHICAGO It holds the players around the table, STEWART NOVELTY CO. they forget all about the movies. 136 E. 2nd S., Salt Lake City, Utah. Two, four and six persons can play at the same time.Girls, children, men and women all play with glee.For soldiers, Nassau, Bahamas aviators, chauffeurs, there is not a game The principal source of wealth in the 0 that will help them so much in develop-colonyisfrom winterresidents,the ing lightning thinking and skillful, surewinter visitors who stay at the hotels OPERATORS! JOBBERS! DISTRIBUTORS! MANUFACTURERS! movements. All M. D.'s agree that every-and boarding houses. They number over body shoud play on this game. 60,000 annually and spend from $500 Newly patented, this skill game is en-to $25,000 each.There are three large REMEMBER THE DATE AND BE THERE! tirely constructed with white hammeredand expensive hotels catering to this metal, of a very modern design, lux-trade, which is concentrated in the short TUESDAY, urious.It is suitable for any place andwinter season.(Consular report,July every country in the world. 12, 1939.) GRAND OCTOBER As a closing word, I wish to make it known that there is lots of honest money to be made with good dependable, strict- Can Use Fifty ly skill games. My firm operates over 3RD 400 (four hundred) of them with suc- To the Editor:I can use about OPENING cess and large profits. The police respect 50 copiesofyour special bulletin, us and we havetheconsideration of "Much Ado About Pinball,"if you OF OUR NEW SHOW ROOMS everybody. have them to spare. EATS! Sure is a swell writeup.I gave a Not wishing to take more of your time copy to the foreman of our court 1455 W. FOND DU LAC AVE. DRINKS! I thank you again, Mr. Hurd, for your grand jury and it sure changed his wonderful idea and beg you to note my ideaaltogether. Ifthereisany MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN FUN! order for at least 50 great issues of The charge connected with these copies, Billboard which we will gladly pay on please bill me or send C. 0.D. - A BIG TIME FOR EVERYBODY! reecipt or in advance. C. M.S., Texas, September 12, 1939. MARCEL LUCCA. MILWAUKEE COIN MACHINE COMPANY 0

LOOK OVER THESE NEW PRICES AND SAVE $$$ All Reconditioned Ready To Operate. 1 3 Cash With Order, Balance C. 0. D. Seeburg 1938 Regal 5179.50Rock-Ola 1937 Rhythm Kings $44.50 Wurlitzer 1938 Model 24 149.50RockOla 1937 Rhythm Masters 4494..6500 Rock-Ola 1938 Windsor 20 139.50Wurlitzer Model 412 Seeburg's 1938 Gems 20 154.50 Rock-Ola Regulars 29.50 Seeburg's 1937 Royal 20 139.50Seeburg Symphonola, Model A 29.50 Seeburg's 1937 Rex 20 114.50Mills Do -Re -MI Rock-Ola 1937 Imperial 20 84.50Mills Swing Kings 2299..5500 Wurlitzer 1937 616-A 94.50Mills Dance Master De Luxe 22.50 Wurlitzer 1937 616...... 89.50Mills Regular Dance Master .... . 16.50 Write for our New Bargain List,listing ewer 500Reconditioned Machines.Used .Phonograph Records.All usable.Our choice per hundred, $3.00, BADGER NOVELTY COMPANY 2546 N. 30TH STREET, MILWAUKEE, WIM.

LIKE NEW -24 -RECORD WURLITZERS WHILE THEY LAST S149.50 EACH SOUTHERN AUTOMATIC MUSIC CO. 542 2nd Street, Louisville, Ky. THE MICO AMUSEMENT MACHINE CO., of Paris,is the site of this picture, which includes an American coinman and his family.Left to right ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD - YOU'LL BE are Avron Gensburg, Mrs. Gensburg and Sam Gensburg, of Chicago Coin Machine Mfg. Co., Chicago,Others, of the Mico firm, are Habib Mico, Victor SATISFIED WITH RESULTS Mico, Micheline Sarfati and Albert Sarlati. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 85

$ Low Prices!SPECIALS!High Qualify! Here Are 5 -BALL FREE PLAY NOVELTY GAMES 5 -BALL REGULAR NOVELTY GAMES 0 LEGAL LEADERS Bally Double Feature $39.50Genco Double Track (2 games In one!) $29.50 44.50Genco Stop & Go 29.50 Bally Spottem Bally Fifth Inning 39.50 Bally Chevron 47.50Bally Reserve 13.50 IN AMUSEMENT DEVICES Bally Fifth Inning 45.50Bally Arcade 19.50 Exhibit Skyrocket 42.50Stoner Chubbie 34.50 GOTTLIEB DE LUXE A.B.T. CHALLENGER Exhibit Contact 47.50Stoner Races 12.50 3 -WAY GRIP TESTER 10 Shots for lc 29.50Daval Sidekick 24.50 Exhibit Bounty Daval Trio 29.50 Sample, $19.50 Sample, $24.50 Keeney Free Races 27.50Chicago Coin Majors 37.50 Genco Rink 39.50 Chicago Coln Marvel 22.50 JOBBERS: Write for quantity prices.We have aarge stock of both of these machines available Genco Ragtime 27.60Chicago Coln Peachy 21.50 for immediate delivery. Machines listed below arelightly used and offered subject to prior sale. Genco Circus 39.50Exhibit Regatta 19.50 5 -BALL NOVELTY, 1 Bull's -Eye $ 7.50 1 5c Blue Fr. no Daval Gem 29.60Exhibit Lightning 24.50 FREE PLAY 1 SkyHigh _ 7.50 G.A. $35.00 25 Bally Spottem _S 34.50 AUTOMATIC PAYOUT 5 5c Regular Bell 3 Toppers 42.50 1 Air Race $ 7.50 G.A. 27.50 SPECIALS! AUTOMATIC PAYOUTS SPECIALS! LEGAL EQUIPMENT 2 Majors 34.50 3 FairGrounds 22.50 2 Sc Cherry Bells 30.00 BrownFr. 57.50 Bally Thistledown $89.50 Bally Baskets $32.50 5 Daval Box Scores PHONOGRAPHS Bell 47.50 59.50 15 BallyFifth In- 1 5c Cherry Bally Sport Page Bally Racers 29.60 34.50 7 Wurlitzer 616 $95.00 1 5c Regular Ven. Bally Klondike 39.50 37.60 nings 6 Wurlitzer 412 52.50 22.50 29.50Kirk's Blow Ball 1 Free Races 12.50 G. A. Bally Fairgrounds Seeburg Hockey, like new 34.50 2 Genco Rink 30.00 12 Wurlitzer P12 39.50 2 1c Regular Bells Bally Fleetwood 29.50 8 Junior Gabeis15.00 G.A. 22.50 52.50 1 Genco Fair 27.50 Bally Entry 24.50Rock-Ola Tom Mix Radio Rifle 3 Mills Dance 1 5c Front Ven. Twin 29.50 27.60 2 Paramounts 15.00 Bally Stables Groetchen Skill Jump, with base 25 Chevron 34.50 Masters____ 10.00 JP 12.50 Western Ak-Sar-Ben 29.50 Pingo, counter machine, new 12.50 3 Seeburg Se- 1 5c Futurity Belt_ 22.50 9.50 6 Cowboy 49.50 Western Preview Exhibit HI -Bail 34.50 25 Contacts 37.50 lectorPhones 19.50 1 lc Front Ven. sin Mills Flasher 34.50 gio JP 15.00 13.50 Rock-Ola World Series 69.50 1 Mills 1-2-3, Ani- Stoner Turf Champs malReels 110.00 2 ABT Challenger Tar- 1 5c Red Front G. A. 32.50 S. $22.50 Every machine carefully reconditioned and rechecked by factory -trained experts.All games specially 1 Liberty 45.00 getsF. 1 Bonus BellF.S._ 80.00 packed for export.Export terms: Cash with ord r.Prices C. I. F.Domestic terms: 1/3 deposit 1 Buckaroo 49.50 COUNTER GAMES 1 25cHandloadJP 75.00 with order, balance C. 0. D.Hundreds of ochegames ready for Immediate shipment.Write or 5 -BALL NOVELTY, 1 Deuces Wild S 8.00 1 5c MelonBell_ 47.50 cable your order at once. Write for our Special Bulletin.References: Main State Bank, Chicago; REGULAR NOV. 9 5cJenn. Grand- 1 10cMelonBell 49.50 stand 10.00 125cFuturityBell 22.50 National Carloading Corp. 2 World's Fair $ 15.00 7.50 50.00 1 GrandSlam 10.00 1 Mills Kounter King 2 25c Melon Bells 40 Bally Reserves _ 4.00 1 Bally Baby 6.50 8 25c War Eagle 22.50 3 PalmSprings _ 9.50 5 SpinnerWinners 12.50 1 25c Gooseneck, dou- MONARCH COIN MACHINE CO. Derbys_ 4.00 2 Vest Pockets 27.50 bleJ.P.Bell 32.50 2 Chico Smoker 1 Exhibit Review _12.50 5 Model F ABT Tar- 1 5c Mills 1731 BELMONT AVE., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. 2 Western Baseball 57.50 gets 12.50 BellF. S. 42.50 IA CONSOLES Cable: MOCOIN 1 Line Up 7.50 WATL I N G 1 Firal Score 7.50 2 1938 Bang Tails_$110.00 1 5cRol -a -Top G. A. $22.50 1 StepandGo 25.00 3 1938 Dominos, 1 10c Gooseneck sin- pay 110.00 1 BallyZephyr _ 6.50 cash gleJP 10.00 61MIM:1110WILIIMWIWILNIOMIL.\\1\1\111\110\10110b.\\WIMV 20.00 3 Seeburg Ray-o- 1 Trophy 72.50 2 Ic Watling Twin JP 16.00 1St.Moritz 20.00 Lites, orig. models 15.00 7 Paces Races 50 PACE 1 Gene Recorder 1 $ 7.50 Joy 9.00 cash pay. Ser. 5100 25c Bell no JP 1 Jig 1 5c Comet 27.50 2 LongBeach 7.50 to 6800, clean and 3 lc Comet Twin JP 1 StonerZeta 15.00 reconditioned 110.00 A Summary Report on 2 Aiway 6.50 2 Paces Races 25c green 40.00 play. No. 3764, JENNINGS 1Bally Chevron 42.50 1 25c Bell no JP$ 7.50 1 15.00 $90.00; No. 5033 165.00 Daval Spinner _ 1 50c Century Ven. 25.00 1 Side Kick 30.00 SLOT MACHINES MILLS 2 10 Duchess 15.00 1 Request 15.00 3 25c Blue Fr. G. A. 11 Columbia Twin ZI3, Orig. Model 10.00 JPBoll 22.50 European Machines Trade 1Belly Eureka 50.00 Bell $42.50 6 5c Blue Fr. G. A. 5 Challenger ABT 2 Belly Victory S. U. 20.50 F.S. 100.00 Bell 35.00 All orders must be accompanied by 1/3 deposit In the form ofP. 0., Express or Telegraph money The following report was written for The measures taken by the Union order. The above prices are effective September 30, 1939.Write and ask us to put you on our The Billboard by its news correspondenthave been effectiveand theyarein mailing list and also write us for your price on any new gamesthat have been released by the in France before the outbreak of thecontinual contact with the authorities respecJve manufacturer. present conflict.The report isinter-and are getting laws and regulations esting as an indication of coin machinepassed which cannotfailtobenefit EX., INC. progress up to that time. the industry as a whole. MOSELEY VENDING MACHINE 00 BROAD STREET, RICHMOND,VA. Day Phone 34511 Night Phone 5-5328 FRANCE Cable Address: MOVEMCO PARTS. -The most outstanding event RO UMANIA in the coin machine trade during the The machines meeting with the mostfrom these distributors at any hourof past year was probably the introductionpopularfavorin Roumania arethethe night. of the phonograph at the French coincandyvendingmachinesandscales. These stores "that never close" do an Try "PICK -A -PACKS" machine show. M. Matry, of the SocieteA few pin tables are to be seen, theseestimated sales turnover of four mil- M.A.E., who claimed the distinction ofmostly exposed at the street and countylion Danishcouronnes ($1,000,000) FOR PROFITS bringing the first modern phonographsfairs.No difficultyis placed in theannually and each year shows an in- toFrance,wasencouragedbytheoperating by the authorities and therecrease. receptiongiven the machines at theappears little future in Roumania for expositionand becameenthusiasticthis type of amusement. about the future for such musical enter- tainment. Favorable reports in the amusement GERMANY games business came earlier in the sum- BERLIN. -To use the expression of mer to French operators, when tempo- several of the foremost figures in the rary privileges for operating games were DENMARK German automatic industry, "it is in a granted.Great hopes for games were COPENHAGEN. -Recently, afriendcriticalcondition."According to the centered in the fact that the Chambrein summing up Denmark described itcoinmen's journal Der Automat, stren- des Deputies would render a decisionas a nation of engineers, milk, bicyclesuous effortsarebeing made tothe in regard to games,etc.,inOctober,and automatic vending machines.InReich Government that action be taken 1939. The French government permitsa general way, this brief description ofto permit the industry to continue. racing,etc.,and conducts a Nationala beautiful country with three and a What is most required is metal. Now Lottery, but was not so lenient towardhalf million inhabitants, is exact. andforsomeyearspastplastic pinball for the last year. In Copenhagen, with 750,000 residents,materials have almost entirely replaced Alldistributors and operators werethere are 372,000bicycles. This Bill-the essential metals in the fabrication very optimistic in looking toward 1940,board correspondent has never seen aand the results have not been satis- and another French coin machine showmachine distributingbikes, but ifitfactory.Not being able to offer a com- The New Outstanding had been planned for November.Oneexists, it will be found in Denmark. petitive machine in the home market, large firmreported ithad sold Amusement machines are seldom seen,thelarge exportation German manu- Counter Game 2,500 machines during this year so far,but walk thru any of the downtownfacturers and jobbers enjoyed is to all and expected to sell 3,500 in 1940. streets of the cities and towns and youintents and purposes, ended. ACTION -THRILLS -SUSPENSE are flanked on either side by an un- To procure the various metals re- A SURE PENNY GETTER ceasing row of distributing or vendingquired, the industry must he accepted machines.To try to enumerate whatas a national necessity by the Minister Wherever Cigarettes AreSold. BELGIUM they contain would be a waste of space,of Economy. To get the consideration $2375 F. 0. 13. CHICAGO BRUSSELS. -Belgium imports mostlyjust consider every category of articlesof that ministry, it must go thru official and food from baby shoes and tobaccochannels.The facts were submitted to ----1/3 deposit with order reconditioned American machines fromto perfume and fish.It can be hadthe Bureau of Physico-Technic (Can be FranceandEngland. Followinga likened to Arts and Crafts)attached Money refunded ifnot satisfactory. typical crusade, laws were passed which $60.00 to $120.00per monthper were interpreted in many different man- to the Ministry of Public Welfare, where ners by the local authorities in various Conditions Change itis at present.Little hope is enter- Machine. sections of the country. tained that the result will be favorable, AGENTSWANTED. Confiscation of all bells was ordered, The European war suddenly in- as the Bureau has had the affair since causing a deplorable situation to exist terfered with reports and messages early April and with the international BAKER NOVELTY CO. failureofseveral situation as it is, the metal will be re- CHICAGO andthecomplete from many nations of the world. quired for other purposes. 2944-46 LAKE ST., firms. Many of the reports which we did Theindustry,inanendeavorto In a new regulation issued by the protect itself, formed the Union receive were suddenly made out- of - Minister of Economy, the extarior dis-expositions(spring and fall)are too Prof essionlledel'AutomatiqueBeige, date by the rapid changes in con- tributing machines called Pic -Pic are tomany. namingM.G.Starr,president; M. ditions. he suppressed January 1,1940;it dis- That machinesarenotanentire Chavee, vice-president and M. G. Constad, Itissincerely hoped that soon tributes chocolate and cold meats.Infailure is shown in the yearly financial legal adviser.This group was accept- conditionswillreturn tonormal, the new ruling no machine shall bereport of the chocolate manufacturer, able to the government and assumed and that next year when we again permittedtofunction onapublicStollwerck,whospecializesinthat Entireresponsibility for the future of thorofare. methodofmarketingitsproducts. the industry in the kingdom. The first invite fellow members of the trade Ina report on the last AutomaticFor the year ending June 30, 1938, the step was to decide what were to be con- to express their views in the col- Exposition,inLeipzig.theWerbcrat,netearnings were 650.000 marks sideredlegalandillegalmachines. umnsofTheBillboard,itwill official journal of the Council of In- ($330,000)allowingadividendof7 When this wasarranged,confiscated be possibletohear fromevery dustrial and Commercial Propaganda,per cent.For the same period in 1937, machir Js considered legal were released nation under the sun. states the Fall Exposition was not thethe earnings were 552.000 marks for a and allowed to operate. success hopedfor and considers twodividend of 6 per cent. 86 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939

. , . . . ,


,...... , TFLE .VENDINGMACHINE .. .. OPERATORS! ACTION -FLASH GUARANTEES THE QUALITYOF EVERY MACHINE GET THE CASH! LISTED HERE REGARDLESS OFTHE PRICE!! ACT QUICK! Three -In -One PlaySimple - Easyto is a combination ofPlay - Fast - Big the three most pop-Profits are the key- PHONE, WIRE OR MAILYOUR ORDER NOW! ular and profitable (AU Used Machines Offered notes of Universal's Subject To Prior Sale) types of play on the sensational, new, market today. lightning action This fascinating newPick -A -Ten Deal. 1 -BALL AUTOMATICS GUARANTEED SLOTS Deal with thefa- Featuring 2 Bally Arlingtons 12 Mills 5c Blue Front Mystery Bells..559.50 mous new Reels twelve $27.50 Tickets, $10.00 winners, this 01114140410011000 3 Bally Thistiedowns 79.50 7 Mills 10c Blue Front Mystery Bells. 62.50 Combina- 04000111000000 2 Bally Grand Stands 3 Mills 1c Blue Front Mystery Bells.. 49.50 tion Tickets and New Deal has un- 89.50 1 Mills 10c Futurity Mystery Bells... 45.00 ever popular Take - limited appeal to all011104110 ammo 2 Bally Sport Page 84.50 5 Mills 10c War Eagles, 20 Stop Reels. 35.00 11 A -Tip Tickets and a players. Designedmimeo saws', 1 Bally Hawthorne 89.50 1 Mills 5c Golden Bell 45.00 flashy,multi - col- '2 Bally Fairgrounds 34.50 3 Mills 5c Extraordinary Mys. Bells 45.00 forthe Operator's 7 Groetchen Columbia Jackpot Bells 43.50 ored Jackpot Card is needs, it 2 Bally Klondlkes 37.50 proving to be Amer- is an in- 4 Mills Railroads 10.00 5 Pace 10c All Star Comet Nivs. Bells 37.50 stant success every- 1 Mills 5c Escalator Front Vender 22.50 ica's outstandingwhere. 9 MillsHI -Boy Tables 49.50 7 Jennings 1c Duchess 19.50 Operators' Jar Came. 3 Mills 1-2.3 Tables 79.50 1 Jennings 5c Chief Mys. Bell 39.50 Combined Appeal ForBigger,Faster for Combined Prof-Profits writefor $400.00 GROETCHEN METAL TYPER,,NAME PLATE prices and complete MILLS VEST POCKET BELLS i MACHINE -The Greatest Legal"Money it. Write for Details ) A Dozen details about Pick - ConservativeReels and ) Maker in Coln Machine History!We have them an dRock -Bottom Perfect Condition I Less Quantity Instock ready for Immediate shipment.Write Prices TODAY! A -Ten ... NOW! I $37.50 Ea. for price and complete Information. Takes In 3,126 Tickets @ 5c $156.30 Takes In 2,772 Tickets @ 5c... .5138.60 Pays Out. Card Average..$51.11 Pays Out: Card Average..$63.71 FREE PLAY GAMES PHONOGRAPHS Consolations .. 58.10 Consolations .. 36.00 109.21 99.71 BALLY SPOTTEMS 7 Milts Do-Re-Mi's, 12 Records ....$ 44.50 BALLY FIFTH INNINGS PROFIT (Average) $ 47.09 PROFIT (Average) $ 38.89 BALLY DOUBLE FEATURE $52.5012 Model 24 Wurlitzers, 24 Records. 157.50 BALLY CHEVRONS 5 Model "K" Seoburgs, 15 Records.. 78.50 EACH UNIVERSAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY EXHIBIT CONTACTS 3 Model "K" Seeburgs, 20 Records.. 139.50 104 E. 8TH 8T. (Manufacturers Only),Dept. BB17, KANSAS CITY, MO. CHICOIN MAJORS 1 Seeburg Gem, 20 Records 175.00 CHICOIN MIAMI GENCO RINK 1 $45.00 GENCO BUBBLES GENCO STOP AND GO j EACH MISCELLANEOUS KEENEY HIT $27.50 2 Bally Rays Track, Factory Rebullt.$ 79.50 DAVAL TRIO South American Nations 37.50 5 Brown Cabinet Paces Races 159.50 DAVAL GEMS 37.50 3 Mills Movie Machines, 16MM. Films. 145.00 GENCO KLOCK 22.50 1 Exhibit Long Champs, Auto. P. 0. 75.00 STRAIGHT NOVELTYGAMES Feel New Trade Upsurge 8 Bally Reserves $17.50 4 Genco Stop and Go $36.50 11 Bally Paramounts 14.50 3 Genco Big Top 36.50 Conditions in Europe revive hopes all over continent 3 Daval Side Kick 19.50 3 Genco Bubbles 38.50 - 3 Daval Spinners 19.50 1 Mills Soft Ball 19.50 travel between Americas will begin to boom -more coin 1 Bally World's Fair 19.50 1 Exhibit Request 17.50 machines will be used as coinage permits SPECIAL: 68 Novelty Pin Games -Our Selection-Five for $40.00 -Less Than Five, $10.00 NEW YORK, Sept. 23. -In addition to the probable increase of travel to South -ot: :.rieer Intigeed thoseof Tflacrhalg esor /3 CERTIFIED DEPOSIT America during the next year by members of the coin -operated machine in- NOTE. gameslf than here, WITHSHIPMENTORDER. write for our complete bargain sheet. TERMS:, D. E BALANCE. dustry, all the travel agencies here see a big increase in tourist travel to South America generally.Most significant in the present optimism is the statement by a steamship official that the U. S. citizens going to South America usually spent much more money when going ashore than the general groups of European travelers. 2051 AN NU N.. . ST. -FilYETEUV,1 LIE This significant fact means that the U. S. tourist travel to the South will be of e2hie_1(klipsstfOhYStOTS' .. increasing business importance. Officials of steampship lines and the U. S. Gov- ernment confirm these statements. TheyAtlantic," he said. declarethatthesepredictions,based "Naturally, consider- on steadily increasing business in bothably more money is involved and the directions between the two continentspeople who make thesetrips,either and nation-wide inquiries on Southernnorthbound or southbound, spend money travel,would holdregardlessofthewhen they go ashore.This naturally situation in Europe, where conditionsadds to the importance of the trade from have appreciably affected 1939 travel. the standpoint of national commerce." ATTENTION ALL OPERATORS! SteamshipcompaniesservingWest Indies and Central American ports also report good prospects of business, and Saltillo, Mexico One of the leading manufacturers of coin games hasa William C. Campbell, passenger traffic Four firms report having coin -operated manager of the Cuba Mail Line, an-machines here and these are understood nounced recently that every stateroomto be really new machines. There are most unusual proposition to offer responsible operators. on the liners Siboney, Mexico and Mon-about 15 automatic phonographs operated terey, in the New York -Mexico service,by one firm.I am not able to report The most popular of all legal games will be made available had been occupied, either for the fullon the type of music or records used in cruise or to Havana, where ships callthe machines. A vending machine that on a most liberal time arrangement.If you are are- between New York and Vera Cruz. dispenses salted pistachio nuts is seen War FearaFactor here.Thescalesarefortune-telling sponsible individual or operating company, write for com- A United States Commerce Depart-scales.A grip -testing machine is also ment's report said that war fear hadoperated by one firm.(Consular report, plete details at once. caused a great proportion of the usualJuly6,1939.) American tourist contingent to remain at home or go to South America rather than to Europe. Address Your Inquiry to Box 606, The Billboard, Chicago Robert C.Lee,executive vice-presi- dent ofthe Moore -McCormack Lines, said that the 1939 travel figures cover- ing trade to the East Coast of South America would top those of any recent year. triobilliard(pinball)came out and "Some weeks ago we reported on the found at once very great favor with theimprovement inour South American public. business over the firstsix months of La Madeleine, ThereforeI congratulate myself forlast year," he said."The increase in having directed my activity exclusivelyinterest in South America is continuing, France towards the exploitation of game ma-and what is equally important, the Latin chines with the object in view of re-countries are becoming interested in us cuperating the considerable capital lostto an extent even above the optimistic Gentlemen: on account of the prohibition which hitviews of those of us who planned the I have the pleasure of acknowledgingmy stock of coin machines and, sec-Good Neighbor fleet as a new American receipt of your kind invitation to col-ondly, because I believe that the ex-luxury service. laborate in the editing of your specialploitation of amusement machines, espe- "Naturally,thetroublesinEurope number for next September 30, and Icially the electric billiard, still has veryhave affected the trend of American am happy in my capacity as oldest dealerlarge possibilities in our territory. travel southward, but beyond all that it in coin machines in the northern terri- With best wishes, I am, yours veryappears that commerce between the two tory of France to accept your request. truly, FELIX STEENBAKKERS. Western continents is permanently im- All my activity since I started in my proving, and not merely as an emergency business in 1905 has been devoted to the matter during a turbulent foreign in- S. LAZO, operator from Mexico, sale of coin machines and especially ma- terlude." is very enthusiastic about his coin Hamilton, Bermuda Mr. Lee also pointed out that pas- machinebusinessandalthohe chines of American make. senger trade between the United States understands Spanish only has sub- Unfortunately the law issued on Au- A well-known vacation site, the stand-and South America represented a dif- scribed to The Billboard, saying that gust 31, 1937, which prohibited the ex-ard of living in Bermuda is relativelyferent class of trade than that which it will give hint a closer touch with ploitationofcoinmachines,almosthigh altho simple.Tourist traffic re-makes up the bulk of European travel. the machines thru observation of threw me into total inactivity; however,sults in lucrative local trade. Coin -oper- "These travelers take a voyage of ap- machines illustrated.Lazo was a at about the same time the variousated machines noted were scales. (Con-proximately 16 days as compared to the visitor at the coin machine show games among which there was the elec-sular report, July 3, 1939.) six or seven days crossing -time on the held last year. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 87 BANNER MARCHESON LEADING THE PARADE WITH ONLYTHE BEST MACHINES INTO THEIR NEW PITTSBURGH BUILDING-1508 FIFTH AVE. OFFICIAL OCCUPATION DATE -SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER, 30, 19 3 9 THE OCCASION WILL BE GLORIOUSLYCELEBRATED!! ALLFRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS EVERYWHERE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BEPRESENT ENJOY ALL EVENTS ... AND SEE AND SEE PA C E'S CROETCHEN'S WORLD FAMOUS PRODUCTS THAT GREAT NEW MACHINES THAT HAVE PROVEN THEIR SUPERIORITY WILL OPEN THE WAY FOR TO OPERATORS EVERYWHERE! YOU TO ENJOY BIGGER -- YOU'RE DOUBLY SURE TO DOUBLE BETTER -EASIER AND YOUR PROFITS WITH THE NEW STEADIER PROFITS FOR YEARS PACE LINE OF MONEY-MAKERS! AND YEARS TOCOME!!!

Manufactured by ... Manufactured by ..


the sameplace and under one roof at our 1940 convention andshow.We urge that you attend and wepromise to CMI Greetings do all that we can to make itpleasant and profitable to you. To Coininen All JAMES A. GILMORE Over the World Secretary -Manager.

To members of theccin machine trade in all cauntries the world over: Greetings from Coin Machine In- dustries, Inc., the national association of manufacturers of coin -operated ma- LUCKY STAR 1c PLAY PUT -TAKE chines of every kind and description. ALUMINUM CABINET $10.75 We take great pleasure in extending SOLID international WALNUT $8.95 toyou, inthis special Choice of Several Play CombinationS issue of The Billboard, a most cordial 1 /9 With Order. invitation to attend the annual conven- CAMCO PRODUCTS CO., INC. 1200 Godfrey Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. tion and coin machine show of this association to be held in Hotel Sherman, NEWCOUNTER GAUL Chicago, January 15,16, 17 and 18, SKILL 14111..09 1 Bally Victory, front -door model .5100.00 1940. I Bally Victory, lat. mod., like new125.00 3 Bally Eurekas, each 60.00 There are always a goodly number MIDGET BASEBALL 1 Bally Variety, like new 60.00 ofcoinmachine men fromforeign This new Penny Counter Came has been 00 1 Bally Chevron, like new. 40.00 We 1 Exhibit Chief 25.00 countries who attend our shows. "Location Tested" and proclaimed a 1 Fleet1 Palm Springs, each 10.00 are always pleasedtoaccord them "Winner" by experienced Operators.IT Texas State Tax on Above $5.00 Extra. isa genuine SKILL CAME andalso 1 Bambino, 1 Bally Paramount, ea. $ 15.00 special welcome and see that they are MANZI, OF MANZI BROS., Vends a Ball of Cum for Each Penny. 3 Fair G^ounds, excellent cond.. ea. 35.00 given every consideration and atten- A. 1 Paces Races.ser.3443,cab.rcdone London coin machine firm, is the OPERATORS & JOBBERS light oak; changed 30 to 1 odds. 40.0D tion.We like to have them with us son of Luigi Manzi, one of England's 5 Seehurg 20 -Rex. Rex,excl.cond..ea. 125.00 and hope always that they are glad oldest coinmen and one of the first Write for Details To -day! 10A 1 /3 Cash With Order, Balance C. 0. D. they came and want to come a"ain. to use bell machines in the British LONE STAR VENDING CO. ..You will seeallthe coin machine Isles.His son is now a part of the D.ROBB I NS & CO.U1116141tV, 230 Nolan Street, San Antonio, Tex. industry, both machines and people, at business. 88 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939 BANNERMARCHES ON LEADING THE PARADEWITH ONLY THE BESTMACHINES INTO THEIR NEW PITTSBURGHBUILDING-1508 FIFTH AVE. OFFICIAL OCCUPATION DATE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER30, 1939 THE OCCASION WILL BE GLORIOUSLYCELEBRATED!! ALLFRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS EVERYWHERE CORDIALLY INVITED TOBE PRESENT ENJOY ALL EVENTS... AND SEE AND SEE DAVAL'SEXHIBIT'S SENSATIONAL, NEW "MILLION -PLAY- DYNAMIC NEW GAME THAT IS TEST" GAME THAT'S BOOMING YEARS AHEAD OF ANYTHING



Manufactured by... Manufactured by... DAVAL MFG. CO., 315 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago EXHIBIT SUPPLY(0.,4111W. Lake St., Chicago


NOVELTY GAMES MISCELLANEOUS Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. 1 Grand Slam 3 Auxiliary Wurlitzer local fairgrounds have been converted 1 Skipper SpeakersinCab. The naval bases are at St. John and Hali-into the barracks and drill quarters. 1El Toro 50 Norris 1 c -5c Comb. fax. 4 Gaytimes Venders Gaines Tested In all these centers coin machines are Coin machines have reappeared at 1 Hit (F.G.) 2 Gorretta Cigarette lunchrooms, diners, restaurants, tobacco 1 Bally Fleet (F.P.) Venders getting a highly increased play.It isstores, news stands, pool and billiard 1 Splash PAY -OUT TABLES felt by the military authorities that the 4 Bally Zephyrs 1 Bally Ace soldiers need amusement and thus therooms, bowling alleys, etc.The soldiers 1 Bullseye Bally Bluebird During Stress and sailorsarethe most prominent 1 Recorder (F.P.) 1 Bally Classic ban has been relaxed in the centers usedamong the players. 1 HI -Ball 1 Bally Carom for the camps. These will be continued 3 Bally Reserves 1 Bally Peerless 3 Jungles 2 Bally Jumbo thru the winter.In most instances the The legal aspects of the coin machine 1 Nags 1 Daily Limit Army and navy officials trade in the maritime provinces have 2 Zeta 1 Bonus improved materially since the declara- 1Ski -Hi 2 Bally Derby tion of war. 1 Forward March 1 Turf Champ approve ideaas amuse- 1 Gold Award With the war the big news, and par- COUNTER GAMES 1 All Stars ment for service men 3 Bally Babies(Cig. SLOTS ticularly how Britain and her allies are Reels) 1 25c Mills Skyscraper faring, the coin machines have gone out 1 Evans Keeno 5 5c Watling Twin J.P. of the line of attack.Recruits are being 1 Sparks 5c(Cig. 1 5c F. 0. K. ST. JOHN; N. B., Sept. 23.-There has Reels) 2 is Little Dukes been a noticeable improvement in mar- called for the various Canadian units, 25 Superior Penny 1 5c Mills Skyscraper ketingconditionsfor army, navy and aviation. Packs (Cig.) 1 5c Jennings Victoria coinmachines 4 Reel Spot 1 10c Jennings since the outbreak of the war.This is The police have withdrawn their op- 1 Races 1 56 Mills Wolf Head due to the presence of thousands of sol- positionin .some ofthese placesto 1 Norris Cigarette CONSOLES diers and sailors and the distribution of games.It is quite apparent that the Roulette 1c 1 Rosemont - 6 MillsTickettes 1 DixieDominoes pay checks and cash to these men sud- heads of the military and naval bases 2 A.B.T. Target Skill 2 Stoner's Zippers denly recruited into service in the Ca- have decided that soldiers and sailors 1 New Punch -A -Ball 1 Ray's Track 5c TallY(Clg.Reels) 2 Kentucky Clubs nadian fighting forces, and to hundreds must be amused, and the coin machines 1 Galloping Dominoes of special police hired by civic, pro- come under that amusement heading. MAKE US AN OFFER. WRITE OR WIRE. vincial and dominion governments as The civil police are taking their lead MARIETTA SERVICE CO. guards against sabotage on public build- from the military and naval authorities 308 Montgomery St., MARIETTA, OHIOings, works and projects.Most of the and careful not to antagonize the latter. men now receivingmoneyregularly While war is on the army and navy are Attention, North & South Carolina Operatorswhether in or out of uniforms were un- supreme. Some of the unit commanders Bargains-Bargains-Bargains. A real buy in Usedemployed when war was declared. are reported to have even allowed music StraightNovelty Games,$5.00up. Free -Play Games, Consoles, One Balls, Counter Games, Vest LUIGI MANZI, founder of the firm machines and venders in their barracks' Pockets and Slots. Wanted-All kinds of Free -Play The soldier camps for training men for which is now called Manzi Bros., recreational quarters, and with proba- Novelty Games, Counter Games, Vest Pockets andhome defense and overseas service are is one of the oldest English coinmen. biilty of installation of pinball games, Phonographs, preferWurlitzers. located at St. John, Fredericton, Monc- A. & P. NOVELTY EXCHANGE, He is credited with having been a the profits to go to the units along with 701 Twiggs Street, Augusta, Ga. ton, Woodstock, Bathurst, Sussex and pioneer in the introduction of bell the canteen proceeds on smokes, soft Campbellton in New Brunswick; Halifax, machines in England.His two sons drinks, candy, ale, etc.There has been ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD-YOU'LL BEAmherst, Windsor, Aldershot, Liverpool, have now succeeded him in con- no outbreak against the loosening of the SATISFIED WITH RESULTS. Yarmouth and Sydney in Nova Scotia; ducting the business. bars by the military and navy. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 89 BANNER MARCHES ON LEADING THE PARADE WITH ONLY THE BEST MACHINES INTO THEIR NEW PITTSBURGH BUILDING-1508 FIFTH AVE. OFFICIAL OCCUPATION DATE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 30, 193 9 THE OCCASION WILL BE GLORIOUSLY CELEBRATED!! ALLFRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS EVERYWHERE CORDIALLY INVITED TOBE PRESENT ENJOY ALL EVENTS... AND SEE AND SEE CHICAGO KEENEY'S INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS COIN'S AND SENSATIONAL PRODUCTS THAT WILL ASSURE YOU THE NEWEST HIT!! THE GAME WITH BIGGEST PROFIT SEASON NEW FEATURES, NEW SURPRISES, NEW THRILLS AND NEW IDEAS!! YOU HAVE EVER ENJOYED IN THE GAME YOU NEED TODAY!! ALL COIN MACHINE HISTORY!

Manufactured by... Manufactured by ...

Chicago Coin Mach. Mfg. Co. 1725 Diversey Blvd.,CHICAGO J.H.KEENEY & CO., 2001 Calumet Ave., Chicago Endorsed by... Endorsed by. BANNER SPECIALTY CO. BANNER SPECIALTY CO. 1530 PARRISH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1530 PARRISH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1508 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1508 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA.

well -established business of their father, Luigi Manzi.Mr. Manzt Sr. was one of the founders of the automatic ma- SUPERIOR'S SPECIAL FOOTBALL BOARDS chine business in England and, in fact, London put over the fruit machine. When an American firmstartedexportingthe fruit machine Mr. Manzi took them up Gentlemen: and operated them in sets of 24 all over JUST ThefirmofManziBrotherswasEngland.This was back in 1924. founded in 1930 when they took o-er the This publicity undoubtedly led to the popularity of the fruit and accounted OUT! for the large sale of machines in this country and also in France and Germany, to which countries he introduced these machines. A new line of novelty salesboards with the By the timepintables and push boards were produced the boys were in old college thrill!Neworiginalsymbols that (Alf and Frank) and they started dis- tributing and operating these on a large will beas popular as our famousGOLD BELL. scale and soon were as they now are to read, easy to check-favorites one of the largest distributors in Eng- Tickets easy land. of operators everywhere. Pin tables have had a good run here, altho a large number of newcomers have Writeforyourfree been attracted into the business. Manzi Brother's distribute and operate FA LL CATALOGUE all types of automatic machines, giving a just off the press. service that is second to none. our new line MANZI BROTHERS. Contains SUPERIOR PRODUCTS of fall numbers.Also "World's Largest Salesboard Factory" writefor Scoops, ex- Chicago,Ill. Germany clusive salesboard trade 14 North Peoria Due to the government's control of paper. THE DORNERS, Ted L. and B. H. importation there is practically no mar- (lefttoright),ofSouthampton, ket for American coin machine products. Ont., pose for the abovepicture. The strict control will allow practically THE LAST "WORD" IN YOUR LEITER TO Both are coinmen in Canada-Ted nothing beyond raw materials considered being the mechanic and B. H. the necessary for national subsistence. (Con- location contact man. sular report, July,1939.) ADVERTISERS, "BILLBOARD" 90 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939 Money Spent in Travel Boosts World Business Twenty-year record made public-U. S. citizens hold high record for spending travel money- improved travel and peace will boom business inmany countries e WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.-That United States citizens were traveling abroad in ever-increasing numbers was indicated ,by a 20 -year summary of travel made public recently by the Department of Commerce.Travel has become a heavy factor in business and for that reason stress is laid upon the report.Travelers boost many lines of business, from eating places to patronage of coin -operated machines, as they go from place to place.They also contribute considerable in direct revenue to local and national governments in the countries in which they travel.With the development of new and better methods of travel itis ex- pected Americans willmaintain theirin 1933.And then rose to $563,000,000 DAVY lead hi travel to other countries. in 1937, the highest level since 1929. During a 20 -year period the report "Expenditures in the United States by shows that Americans have spent51/2 all foreign travelers, including residents times as much in other countries asof Canada and Mexico in addition to foreign visitors have spent in the United residents of overseas countries were, in States.That means that Americans are the same years, $167,000,000, $64,000,000 JONES spending a considerable sum total in and $161,000,000, respectively. world travel.At the. present time it is Combination Novelty and Free Play indicated that much of this total will $500,000,000 Level in 1938 be turned toward Canada, Mexico and "Net dollar payments to foreigners on There's a fortune waiting for South America. international travel account were more you with Davy Jones. It's The study was prepared by Dr. Augustthan $600,000,000 in 1929.These pay- Maffry, of the Finance Division of thements declined to $224,000,000 in 1933 new - exciting - thrilling Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com-and exceeded $400,000,000 in 1937. Ex- - fascinating. Two ways to merce.It does not include in greatpenditures by Americans abroad in 1938, detail expenditures on travel betweena year in which foreign travel decreased win - Action right up to the theUnitedStatesand Canada andgenerally, were still in excess of $500,- Mexico. 000,000, while expenditures by foreign last second of play. Be sure The study points out that since 1934visitors to the United States remained to see it today. outlays for foreign travel have accountedat approximately $160,000,000. Net pay- for almost 40 per cent of the total pay-ments by the United States to foreigners ments by this country to foreigners foron travel account in 1938 were reduced services and for 13 per cent of paymentsto $357,000,000. for merchandise and services combined. "Estimates of gross revenues received Dr. Maffry expresses the general con-by American and foreign vessels from clusion that net payments to foreignerspassenger trafficbetween the United on overseas travel will not in the nearStates and overseas countries reveal that future closely approach the heavy sumsrevenuestoAmericanvesselsranged transferred from this country in 1928-'30from a high of $55,000,000 in 1929 to a at the height of travel from the Unitedlow of$24,000,000in1933. Revenues States to foreign countries. earned by foreignvesselsreached a peak of $221,000,000 in 1929, as compared Benefit to Foreign Nations with $76,000,000 in 1933. "At the peak of overseas travel in "The increase in overseas travel be- 1929,"the reportsays,"payments totween 1933 and 1937 produced a sub- foreigncountriesbyUnitedStatesstantial rise in passenger revenues, with travelers (exclusive of fare payments toUnited States lines receiving $37,000,000 and expenditures on board United Statesin1937andforeignlinesreceiving vessels) aggregated $437,000,000. Receipts$125,000,000 for the same year. Despite from alien visitors to this country (ex-the increase in 1937, however, aggregate ..., clusive of fare payments to foreign ves-earnings were still more than 40 per cent rnc:O ..--=e-- G c,cc,er:,iics csels) amounted to $66,000,000 in 1929.below the level of 1929." 0. a ..i --,---..._ - ,G=4 Net payments to foreigners on overseas cg. travel account in 1929 were therefore $371,000,000. Lisbon, Portugal STONER CORPORATION, AURORA, ILLINOIS "In 1937, at the end of a period of in- creasing travel following the decline dur- The development of the coin -operated ing the depression years, internationalmachine industry in Portugalisvery payments and rceeipts arising from over-slow.Scales and vending machines are wtostmosalookNeoloamesom.-Tracwazwazioh.ligioimegishmoom.-e.pseas travel were $244,000,000 and $53,-used in a limited number. About 30 new OPERATORS!! PROTECT YOUR RECEIPTS 000,000 respectively.Thusthenetmachines in the permitted amusement SHYVERS MFG. CO. proudly present The New Monarch Coin Chute. amount transferred to foreigners in 1937and vending machine class have been The result of 32 years of originating and developing Coin Chutes. 0amounted to $191,000,000,or approxi-placed on locations during the first half mately one-halfthe amount oftheof 1939. 4 Mounting corresponding 1929 balance. Possibly 20 to 30 new scales were also Holes Are This new chute having only 7 Standard. "Total outlays for foreign travel byplaced. Operators place the machines principal parts assembled with 2 United States residents, including ex-and handle from two to 20 pieces of penditures in Canada and Mexico asequipment. Other firms than the present Micrometer screwsistrulytheindustry's well as expenditures in overseas coun-listof operators have indicated some Adjustment. tries,aggregated $771,000,000in1929.interest in coin machines. (Consular re- most perfect chute. No pause in This figure dropped below $300,000,000port, August 10, 1939.) Stops All Bending. stroke. Simple, rugged and ad- A justable. SlideSupport Mae Shyvers Steel Centered Checks Work Perfectly.

The Front Guard Stops Cheating, Stops Shimming, Stops Bending The Shyvers separator Up or Down, Stops Driving, Stops positively works. Forcing and Rejects all Off Size Thousands inuse Checks. Takes money easily. working perfectly. This outstanding chute has been tested by over 900 operators and pronounced THE BEST. Adjustable to take or reject worn or Liberty nickels.No pause in stroke, simplicity and ruggedness of construction.Furnished for lc, 5c, 10c and 25c coins.With front guard or with slide support, or without either.Also furnished with escalator and separator. rA 2315 W. HURON ST., g SHYVERS MFG. COMPANY CHICAGO. ItiObLITMLONIKWWILWILMLWiLWWWWWWWWkWMWNI ALL NEW MACHINES IN STOCK WHITE SAILS, VOGUE, GOLDEN GATE. THRILLER, ETC. USED MACHINE BARGAINS. MANY LIKE NEW. MAJOR, CHUBBY, CHEVRON, TOPPERS, OCEAN PARK, BANGS, ETC.The following $5.00 each: Spinner,Fleet, Easy Steps,Regatta, Bally View, Cargo, Globe Trotter, Review, Tops, Swing, Snappy, Ascot Derby. ISY MORDO, of the Novelty Co., Paris, is sitting at the table in the middle of his exhibit at the recent exposition of coin machines and allied LOUDON & CO., 140 Astor St., Newark, New Jersey. products in Paris.He is a well-known distributor of many lines of coin machine products. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 91

GOOD LUCK With Moto -Dial Spinner For you operators of consoles -Good Luck offers features found in no other machine. Roto-dial spinner - three electric spinning dials with the same action and thrills that have popularized the mechanical reel ma- chine. Symbols functioninorderlyse- quence and may be timed to operate a given number of seconds. While GoodLuck equipped with Roto-Dial is slightly higher than the standard model, you'll gladly pay fl the difference forthis fascinating profit stimulator. Good Luck is furnished in a beautiful marble -finishedcabinetwith glamorous light -up feature. Requires the smallest floor space, 14" x 16" and only 45"high - Can be furnished with either "Good Luck" color symbols or the familiar fruit symbols - Ic or 5c play. Also equippedwith slug re- jector, eliminating 99% of all slugs.

IN -A -BAG The First Really Sanitary Vender Here's a smart tip to you operators of SUPER CHIEF SILVER CHIEF penny machines - Be sure to see Jen- nings In -A -Bag. It's the machine that in- With Slug Rejector With Full Vision Coin Escalator lc - 5c - 10c - 25c Play troduces the revolutionary new sani- Popular with hundreds of operators for tary feature - the vending of nuts and Unquestionably the finest jack pot ma its unusual beauty and many outstanding bulk confections in sanitary glassine chine made - The sparkling chromiumfeatures. Equipped with full vision esca- finish gives it beauty beyond compare. bags. Hundreds of operators now using lator. non -bouncing reels, life time clock The slug proof rejector guarantees profit. In -A -Bag report trouble free perform- able operation - the long life depend-and one unit mechanism. able mechanism assures years and years ance, and earnings 4 to 5 times that of Treat yourself to some really profitable of trouble free operation. Super Chief is the conventional vender. In -A -Bag is truly the answer to the operator's demandand trouble free operating with Silver for a smart looking, slug proof and trou- one vender you can really operate at a ble free machine. Chief. nice profit - There are a number of models to choose from.


at photography, whcih I carried on for a number of years.Later I traveled the Morecambe, Eng. fairs all over Lancashire with an old- fashioned Emma stall.Later I bought First With the Latest a few automatic machines arid com- Dear Sir: mencedbusinessasanamusement ANOTHER SENSATION PRODUCED BY CONTAINER It is with the greatest of pleasure thatcaterer, being the first person in England CompletelyNewStyleStep -UpBoardWith I send this reply to yours of the 2d inst.to travel fairs with an automatic booth. Jackpot In Center I have been in the automatic business I found the business brought in fairly 2520 Hole - "THE MIDWAY" for over 40 years, and I have alwaysgood profits, and I am pleased to say Takes in -2520Holes at ic S126.00 found it very, very interesting indeed. that together with my second wife I am Payout (Average) 71.00 still in the same trade and ray wife is lilUliUlllt Born in Lancashire, I started work as avery interested and I might add part of PROFIT (Average) 55.00 lad in the cotton trade, but I soon tiredthe business. We have a large stock of 28 GuaranteedPlaysinjackpot Create Greater Player of that and worked my brains day andautomatic machines and the American Interest and Longer Play. night trying to find a more suitable Job.distributors deserve great credit for the Write for Further Information Then I left the mill and tried my handmachines they put on the market. Every OPERATORS' MANUFACTURER' year they get better and better. 'THE I myself am getting rather too old to continue in the business but I sincerely CONTAINER MFG. CORP. hope that my wife will continue with the good work and prove to everyone 1825-1833 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. that the coin machine business is a pros- perous one and that the younger genera- tionwill continue and turn out still better coin -operated machines than ever before. GUARANTEED BARGAINS Wishing your paper, The Billboard, every success, and here's wishing coin ALL MACHINES 100% PERFECT! operators allover your great city the Spooks 540.00 Lot -o -Fun $40.00 very best of luck and success for a great FREE PLAY GAMES Sky Rocket 35.00 Liberty 40.00 Airport $47.50 Triple Play 25.00 Miami 20.00 many years to come, is the sincere wish Avalon 55.00 45.00 Majors 35.00 of my wife and myself. Bang 50.00 Marvel 10.00 Buckaroo 60.00 Zip NOVELTY GAMES Natural 20.00 MR. & MRS. R. INGHAM. Bounty 20.00 Bubbles $25.00 Odd Ball 10.00 Chevron 45.00 Box Score 35.00 Palm Springs ..... 10.00 Champion 65.00 Chico Nags 10.00 Bally Reserve ..... 7.50 Double Feature 40.00 Chief 30.00 Spokes 10.00 Riga, Lat via Fifth Inning 40.00 Circus 30.00 Stop & Go 25.00 Fair 35.00 Contact 35.00 Supreme 30.00 Gun Club 40.00 Fleet 10.00 St. Moritz 20.00 Interest in coin -operated machines in Headliner 40.00 Flight 20.00 Speedy 30.00 this countryisconfined to charitable K lick 20.00 Flash 35.00 Suspense 25.00 purposes.Special licenses are granted Pot Shot 40.00 Fifth Inning 35.00 Spottem 40.00 Rink 25.00 Handicap 10.00 Taps 40.00 F. BAILLE, French coinman lo- to government and privatecharitable Spottem 45.00 Jungle 10.00 Topper . 40.00 catedatAix-en-Provence,reports institutionstoinstallcoin -operated Seeburg Model A Phonographs $30.00 Wurlitzer 616 Phonographs $75.00 that business can be done with the gambling machinesinvariousclubs, Seeburg Model B & C Phonographs 35.00 Wurlitzer 616A Phonographs 90.00 "electric billiard" (pinball).Oper- restaurants and cafesfor the benefit Wurlitzer 412 Phonographs 45.00 1/3 Deposit With Order - Balance C. 0. D. ation is limited to free play games. of hospitals and charities.Scales are "Glad to receive The Billboard in seen at the railroad stations. Then we which I find the addresses of Ameri- have a number of soap vending ma- B B NOVELTY CO. can firms which I can enter into chines in the railroad cars.(Consular business relations," declared Baille. report, July 27, 1939.) 621WEST MAIN ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. 92 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939

A LARGE STOCK AND WIDE SELECTION OF Guaranteed RECONDITIONED MACHINES FREE PLAY GAMES Dave! Box Score $37.50 Keeney Cowboy $594..5500 Bally 5th Inning 39.50 Daval Gun Club Keeney Up and Up 44.50 Genco Fair (New) 42.50 nu,COMBINATION Bally Arrowhead ...... 47.50 DavalLiberty 49.50 Sensational Free Play Closeouts!!Write for Particulars. COMPLETELY Cabinets Refinished to REBUILT PHONOGRAPHS Original High Polissh F5I2n.15sh0. Seeburg Model A $ 32.50 Wuriltzer 412 Seeburg Model B 32.50 Rock-Ola Imperial (20 Records).79.50 SPOTTEM 86 HIGH -SCORE Seeburg Model 42.50 Mills Zephyr 39.50 Seeburg K15 (15 Records) 79.50 Mills Do Re MI 39.50 Seeburg Rex (20 Records) .... 119.50 Mills Studio (1938 Model) 89.50 Seeburg Royal (20 Records) ... 129.50 SeeburgSelectophone 19.50 Wurlitzer P-12 39.50 Seeburg Regal 172.50 Beautiful Illuminated Grill Installed On All Models - 810.50 Extra TERMS: 1/3 Deposit - Balance C. 0. D. Write for Your Copyof Illustrated Phonograph Catalogueand New Price Bulletin. WHITE SAILS Stockon Hand of All New Releases. ATLASCABLE NOVELTY ADDRESS: ATNOVCO. CO. 2200N.Western Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. (General Offices) All the big money -making play -appeal 1901 Fifth Ave.. PITTSBURGH. of Spottem (but only 5 key bumpers Associate Office' AtlasAutomatic MusicCo., 3151 Grand River Ave.,Detroit, Wile9. to hit)...plus "box -car totals" to hold high -score fans by the hour . . . plus plenty of "came -close" come-on, insuringrepeat playprofits! New metallic -wafer super -sensitive bumpers score 1,000 when lit. . . and location of lit bumpers change every time a lit bumper ishit.SHIFTING 1,000-LITE Canada and United States Draw action provides tantalizing skillchal- lenge.Put new pep in your novelty spots by ordering WHITE SAILS today! Closer TogetherDuring Stress OTTAWA, Ont., Sept. 23.-That Can -of all of these.The coin -operated ma- *de and the United States will be broughtchine industry apparently uses a lot of closer together during the present stresslumber in the manufacture of its cab- of a European war is admitted by busi-inets. ness men, officials and the people on Canada gets one-third of its total na- the street here.The gesture of thetional income from selling goods to other United States in stating its intentionscountries.It has pleased Canadians to to support the Canadian people in casesee that the first seven months of the of attack is an important thing. Duenew trade agreement between the U. S. to the press of world matters, the detailsand Canada gave Canada a favorable of coin -operated machines are not easytrade balance of nearly $10,000,000. The to report on at the present time.It isU. S. takes 38 per cent of our exports.If understood that the use of coin -operatedthe war had not interfered this favorable phonographs is increasing steadily andtrade might have reacted favorably also such music may be needed even more asfor the American coin machine trade our nation feels the stress of war.Itin due time. isessential' that taxes and tariffs be More than one-third of the total area increased during war periods, and thatof Canada is covered with timber and is an unfavorable feature which cannotthat is a fact which will interest the help at the present time. coin machine industry.Ontario has SwiftChange Comes about half of Canada's manufacturing industry, which means that most of its The event of war brings so manyIndustrialcities arethere.The coin swift changes that Canadians cannotmachine trade is interested in cities to say much to the American trade. Cana-place its machines. Some business men dian money will probably follow theare saying that Canada could well in- AMERICA'S MOST COMPLETE LINE-WRITE! British pound, which means that tariffscreaseitspopulation. One merchant and trade exchange becomes a seriousleader has said it needs 10,000,000 more matter. But up to the event of war much opti-people. That would mean more cities, mism prevailed about business, and thatmore locations and more people to pat- optimism would eventually include theronize machines. coin machine operators in Canada. For asbusinessimprovedgenerallythey hoped also for a more -favorable adjust- Bucharest, Roumania ment of legal conditions. Except for a few coin -operated candy vending machines and scales, of rather CanadiansRemember poor quality, no equipment has been in- But when Canada is back to normaltroduced in this market. The main dif- the favorable trade relations with theficulty to introducing coin -operated ma- United States will come into prominencechines in Roumania is the ease with again.It is said that industry in thewhich Roumania coins may be counter- United States and Canada is so closelyfeited. Coin -operated scales have been in- connected that one cannot say what'stroduced in Roumania in recent years, ---- That's what dealers everywhere Canadian and what's American.Theespecially in Transylvania; also machines are saying about Globe's new Base- United States has about $4,000,000,000for selling chocolate, candies and allied - `\ ball Board Printed in 8 gorgeous invested in Canada.Canada has beenproducts.Periodically fairs run and ex- Leaguestcde for unusualBash, it'sre tig emphasizing its lumber, its gold and itshibitmechanical amusementdevices. er any metals and the United States uses much(Consular report, July 20, 1939.)

> 2600 00 Paystakesin out laveraget$74 75 Average Prof - It $55 25 Baseball -Ymbol tickets. Semi -thick board. Celluloid protection over lackpots Price'062 Write for our new Folder on latest Money rioards.


GET OURPRICE LIST! WE HAVE PERFECTLY REBUILT MACHINES FROM $5.00 UP Cable Address: "MITCHAL, N. Y." CHINES AND SUPPLIES 1070 Broadway, BROOKLYN, N. Y. is sufficient for nearly every bar, cafe, Gibraltar tobacconist and confection shop to have at least one. A type of coin machines that has Nearly all machines in Gibraltar are of proved popular in Gibraltar is a tokenAmerican manufacture.It should be THE PAN-AMERICAN UNION, shown above at a luncheon, is one of the machine, the tokens being exchangedborne in mind that sales in Gibraltar bodies chiefly responsiblefor thefine trade conditionsexisting between for merchandise.Itis estimated thatare necessarily restricted by Gibraltar's the South and Latin American countries and the United States.Representa- there are some 300 of these machines insmall area and population. (Consular re- tion is made from every country in the South American continent, as well Gibraltar, which, in a town of this size,port, July 11, 1939.) as Mexico and other Latin American countries. September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 93

WORDS? PICTURES?NO SIR! ONLY THECASH BOXCAN TELL HOW GOOD IT IS! AND WHAT A STORY IT'S TELLING 'EM IN EVERY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY! KEENNA-BALL (LOT -O -FUN FEATURES WITH AMAZING NEW REFINEMENTS!) REMEMBER LOT -O -FUN? Who Could Forget That Money -Making Miracla!They Are StillonLocation! None Available on the Used Market! HERE'S ALL THE "COME-ON" OF THAT FA- POSER MOUS HIT - PLUS NEW ORIGINAL IDEAS GEO. THAT MAKE PROFITS SOAR EVEN HIGHER! DISTRIBUTORS FOR 3 WAYS TO WIN! CUMULATIVE SCORING! NOVELTY NEW'YORK By lighting up either Card Totals continuedintonext game $89.50 GREATER and the Key-Lite! for 3 success ve games! 5t,, By SkillPoints over 12 in FREE PLAY W. 47th first game! TESTED AND PROVEN 19 . By Total Score exceeding 30 'York for 3 games in a row! ON LOCATION! $94.50 5 New IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Runyon, 11-15E. D.GOTTLIEB & CO.,2736-42 N. Paulina St.,Chicago Newark.

the only bright outstanding point is the fact that the few operators have thus far refrained from indulging in unfair Tel -Aviv, Palestine competitive practices.This isall the more remarkable when you consider that no attempt has been made to organize Gentlemen: and discuss the subject. BIG PROFITS As a distributor and operator of game The natural conclusion to be drawn and vending machines in this country,is that there is room here for expansion your International Good Neighbor Weeksince operators do not bump into one 3 BAR JACKPOT (F-5240) Circular, addressed to Boris Waisbourd,another getting location altho in some instances they may be envious of partic- was passed along to me. ularly good spots. BRINGS THE PROFITS It was my intention to pay a visit to I am interested in legal coin operated the United States this month for thegames, particularly a type requiring skill Takes $82.00 Average Payout $48.69 express purpose of purchasing arcade Average Profit $33.31 Price $2.16 equipment as well as additional new pinand which would give the player about games and venders.As soon as the10 minutes of pastime for each coin in- A FLASHY BOARD with tickets bear- European situation clears I shall leaveserted.If you can recommend anything ing symbols printed in seven colors. and I hope that I shall be lucky enoughalongthislineI should begreatly to catch the tail end of the world's fair.obliged. The stanaing of the operators' busi- The Billboard will be much appreci- "The Largest Board and Card House in the World" ness here may be stated in a few words.ated by me.If you will accept my photo CHAS. A. BREWER & SONS With a limited field, which has beenin exchange, I'll consider it another bar- further reduced and hampered due togain in my favor.Yours faithfully; U.ST JAY oeue ateRfres PuK 6320-32 HARVARD AVE., CHICAGO,ILL. the disturbances of the past three years, GEORGE STABIN.

RUSH YOUR ORDER FOR THESEBETTER BUYS! Ragtime $13.50 Major $22.50 FREE PLAY Spot Em 37.50 6.50 AkSar-Ben $13.50 Nags Speedy 34.50 Odd Ball . 9.50 Free Races 24.50 Stop & Go 26.50 BoxScore 29.50 Odd Ball Register ... 10.50 Sky Rocket 29.50 Peppy 8.50 Bang 59.50 Trio 14.50 Batting Champs 39.50 Peachy 13.50 Topper 47.50 7.50 Contact 37.30 Up & Up 44.50 Regatta Chevron 39.50 Reqesut 9.50 Double Feature 27.50 NOVELTY Review 6.50 Encore 13.30 Bubbles $14.50 Robinhood 7.50 Fair 22.50 Box Score 19.50 Bally Royal 14.50 Flash 54.50 Chief 24.50 Speedy 22.50 Gun Club 32.50 Contact 29.50 St. Moritz 11.50 H t Number 9.50 Chubbie 19.50 Spinner 9.50 H,gh Lite 49.50 Exposition Spokes 5.50 Liberty 34.50 Fiesta . 8.50 Side -Kick 13.50 Major 34 50 Fleet Register 7.50 Stop & Go 15.50 Ocean Park 54 50 Gem 19.50 Snooks 19.50 19.50 - Pot Shot Mult. . 29 50 Jitterbug 9.50 Taps t. at ALL MACHINES GUARANTEED TO BE IN A-1 CONDITION. 1 /3 Deposit With Order. We Ship Balance C. 0. D., F. 0. B. Newark, NewJersey. 1.:4` ACE DISTRIB. CO., INC., 1125 Broad StNewark, N. J.

largercities, where private individuals Antwerp, Belgium operate so-called "Luna Parks." Amuse- You may be interested to know thatment table games are generally allowed. there are a fair number of coin -operatedAutomaticmerchandisevendingma- UNCLE ARTHUR'S PENNY ARCADE in Skegness, Lincolnshire, England, amusement machines onthemarketchines are, of course, allowed, altho their contains 80 machines, pin games, digoers and scales.Uncle Arthur (A. Sil- here.These machines are found prin-use in Belgium is still not large.(Con- vester) reports that he wouldlike to visit the United States some time. cipallyatseaside resorts and in thesular report, July 26, 1939.) 94 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939



Havana, Cuba A "NATURAL" HORN OF , ,i., f.-.....----,,i), .., ; di0---' 'i:.414:ii-r.,.1;:1;,!,;1 9 -I. Gentlemen PLENTY ,:..... We have the pleasure of referring to B30K86 - Mer- chandise Deal. FOR BIG PROFITS- ci,t ,,,,,, 4,..3 '''''''' ...4 4'5! :1; ,16. 71;11.0":3_101: yours of July 31 last, and greatly appre- Novel, fascinating. Popular Inparks, 15: ciate the invitation of the International resorts, taverns, Good Neighbor Week of the publication clubs andshops. 66,5,10. 7':,:::: -7 ..-1.112iii.418 Big flashy display, NO BLANKS MI nas 0 NM IS EMS ON( IIINCN II (IC1 101 .CHIT The Billboard dedicated to the industry 22" high, 14" LUCKY IVORIES wideand 71/4" Ifgaff:Au' of amusement and cola machines, which deep. Contains 59 Has All the Features That Bring nntntrat.... I hope will be a great success in view pulls. Last one ::::413::mt: I' 1- getsextrapack- Steady Pay and Fast Action r:nt:niftItiVitt +++4-4 of the great experience you have had. agefree.Biggest trannnitumilt. .. hie. t++ For many years I have been engaged value, fastest sell- larna.....c.1::.11:1111I.34 L. ag. ing Deal. Takes In No. 11228 1056 HOLES lan;titttatittnaliflattrnievi, + in running a shooting gallery in this $6.90, sells to IZtiniitstglit:Ightt:.:2419r city,withentertainment(automatic) dealers for $4.45. Takes in $52.80 nmuntlittatosi :Him 14int machines, which operate in the same Each $2.95. IntnEttLIMItUft-pnlINIIVIttilltat Each Average Payout 23.30 gallery.The machines that operate in In Lots my establishment are strength and di- $2.75 of 10 version apparatuses, which so far have 25% Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. Average Cross Profit $29.50PRICE $3.96 EACH been giving me good results. Prices F. 0. B. Chicago. Send for Our New Catalogs 390 and 86"x. Send for New Catalog Showing Hundreds of Other Profit Makers. I take this opportunity to express my thanks for the copy of The Billboard. JOSEPH HAGN COMPANY COMPANY EAFAEL TRIAY. The World'sBargain House. MANUFACTURING 217 & 223 W. Madison Street, Chicago,III. HARLICH 1413 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, Illinois.

Each Brown PacesRaces,reconditioned. @ $105.00 STILL THE BEST 5 Black Paces Races,reconditioned. @ 65.00 Place to Buy Your Reconditioned Paytables, Consoles, Novelty Games and Arcade Equipment. 5 Sport Pages, perfect condition @ 55.00 CONSOLES Bally Teasers ...... $18.00 FREE PLAY NOVELTY 5 Bally Grandstands 90.00 1938 Triple Entry 5145.00 Jockey Clubs (7Coins) 30.00 GAMES 5 Keeney's Track Times, like new @ 120.00 1938 Track Times 87.50 Pates Races 50.00 Hold Tight $45.00 1 Galloping Domino, 1939 Model @ 160.00 1938 Kentucky Clubs 55.00 Revs Tracks 85.00 Chief 30.00 Red Cabinet Track Domlnoles 20.00 Stop and Go 10 00 4 Hawthornes, like new 79.50 Times 35.00 Turf Specials 20.00 Side Kicks 30.00 2 Man -o -War, new @ 99.50 Bang Tails 49.50 Bubbles 35.00 5 Mills Blue Fronts, 5c play @ 45.00 Galloping Dominoes 49.60 ONE -BALL AUTOMATICS Chubbies 40.00 Club House 30.00 Fairgrounds $25.00 10 Melon Bells @ 52.50 Jennings Derby Days. 25.00 Quinones 25.00 MISCELLANEOUS 2 Jennings Silver Chiefs @ 42.50 . 25.00 Derby Times (Jackpot) .55.00 ...... Bel)), Baskets ...... 525.00 1 Mills Bonus @ 47.50 Dark Horses (7 Coins). 25.00 Big Races A.B.T. Model F Targets. 12.50 30.00 2 Galloping Dominos, 1938Model. @ Mills Flashers . 35.00 Bally Klondike 40.00 Mills Vest Pocket Bells. 29.50 125.00

HALF DEPOSIT WITH ORDER. CABLE GISSER CLEVELAND. Terms: 1/3 Cash, Balance C. 0. D. 2021-5 Prospect SOUTHERN VENDING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE Clevel Ohio.Ave., 124 Market Sfreef, Danville, Va. SALESBOARD OPERATORS MAKE YOUR OWN -Any quantity, any size.Control your costs by buying your Boards, Sales Curds, etc., direct from board manufacturers, and your Candies -any quantity, any site packages from one AUGUSTE MULLER, of Paris, held CLEARANCE ounce up to five pounds -direct from us. out hope for the use of token ma- EUREKAS. Bambinos....510.00 Write for broadside "C" with photographic pictures of fifty types and sizes of packages In paper, motel, Free Play $39.50 glass and wood.Current prices are pre-war prices -no advance in prices yet -but get busy, write chines in France in hisletter to Fleets 8.00 Fairgrounds ... 20.00 Immediately. The Billboard.He had been con- Airway 7.00 Fleetwood .... 20.00 nectedwiththemanufactureof Jergen's Lotion Dispenser 3.50 WM. C. JOHNSON CANDY CO. coinmachinesinFranceuntil 1 /3 Deposit - Balance C. 0. D. CINCINNATI, OHIO. JAMES P TALLON 76 E. McMICKEN AVE. recent date. 814 Third St., New Orleans. La.

A September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 95


We have received information that certain unscrupulous manufacturers, due to the outstanding success of Evans' TEN STRIKE, are entertaining the idea of copyingthis bowling sensation. WARNING Evans' TEN STRIKE isfullyprotected by PatentNo. D -I16,550 and other patents pending.The law provides that any Distributor, Jobber or Operator, aswell as the Manufacturer, is liable in infringementproceedings.The entire tradeis hereby warned that H. C. Evans & Co. will prosecute any infringement tothe full extent of the Patent Laws, as well asthe Unfair Trade Practice Act.

H. C. EVANS & CO. (Signed) R. W. HOOD, President.

Monterey, Mexico J. H. WINFIELD CO. 1022 Main St. BUFFALO, N. Y. Gentlemen: I want to tell you something regarding the different machines I am operating and at the same time how my business BUFFALO'S is going. At present I am operating Ex- distributor of hibit Photoscopes, Target Skill games and Columbus peanut venders. Wurlitzer Phonographs All these machines have given me very and Coin Operated Amusement Machines good results, functioning properly for of Leading Manufacturers. over 10 years, excepting in cases where A good display of new and reconditioned people have introduced instead of coins, Novelty and Free Play Machines on hand paper, cardboards, medals, washers or at all times. pieces of shaving blades; when this hap- pens, we have to take the mechanism apart in order to take out the obstruc- tion, but anyway I am pleased with what CONSTANT COME-ON! they have produced for me.I wish there might be machines which would be proof WA am, e. Cue againststealing about which Ihave 340046, fcf win/ RED HOT written you, as this way we would not PRICES be put to so much work and loss of EARNINGSthat'll makeyour eyes el dirlri. money, ELIAS GUZMAN. 0-0.00:0 *70:0:0 04 ON twinkle! Revolutionary new ideas! 11-0:0 0;0 0 New patented disc bumpers! Twin- IVO0 0 0 0-0 0 0 JAR DEALS kling stars prov de spectacular play - 000 OF ALL KINDS magnet! 3 ways to win . . . by high 0 score,bysequence, The most. sensational Jar or by 4star Deals of the year! Offered roll-over! in"Sizes" and "Takes" to meetanyoperator's BLAZING needs --atRockBottom ITS WAY TO Prices! WRITE FOR CATALOG 1ST PLACE AMONG HITS! AND PRICES TODAY! Location tests tell the story! Alongsideothertop-notch H. & H. NOVELTY SALES games TWINKLE earned twice as much! Simple to 645 HAMM BLDG., ST. PAUL, MINN. play! Simple tooperate! -AN -. Simple mechanism. ORDER TWINKLE BARGAINS TODAY! GUARANTEED LIKE NEW DIRECT NOVELTY GAMES OR THF.OUCH Chubhies...$30.00 Handicap $15.00 Stop &Go .. 23.50 Cargo 12.60 YO JR REGULAR Odd Ball... 18.50 Slugger 10.00 DISTRI 3UTOR Spinner.... 20.00 Airway 9.00 Robin Hood.. 15.00 Fleet 11.50 Track Meet .. 10.00 Vogue 8.50 L. MANZI, OF MANZI BROS., is Rebuilt Bally Reserves With Return Ball With '89" High Score. $16-00. one of the brothers who have suc- 1 /3 Cash, Ba ante C. 0. D. ceeded their father, Luigi Manzi, in. FREE PLAY the coin machine business in Lon- 1950 don. Itisreportedthat Manzi BAKER NOVELTY COMPANY INC. JAMES D. BLAKESLEE Bros.are now oneofthelarge 43 15th Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. distributing firms in London. 2626-32 Wifshington Boul. Chicago 96 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES September 30, 1939

stamping machinesandsupplies. I FOR REAL PROFITS! should appreciate it if you could put me Lincolnshire, Eng. in touch with one of your advertisers who WORLD OF SPORTS specializes in these.Several advertise- Most sensational Board ever put out by any manu- Dear Sir: ments appeared in your paper -would you facturer.Board filled with colored symbol tickets, . I thank you for your letter asking forask them to send along samples and prices representing allsports.Has allthe features that particulars of operation in this country.for machines -plates and cases -no one bring steady play and fast action. Winning combina- here is working this and I think there tions repeat from 12 to 192 times. 337 winners in Inclosed you will find a photograph of all. my arcade which contains a matter of 80would be a good demand for this line. Board Takes in 2,600 Holes @ 5c.$130.00 various pin games and diggers and on A. SILVESTER. Pays Out, Average 79.76 examining these I find. 95 per cent are of American manufacture -which speaks Average Profit $ 50.24 well of the inventive ingenuity of the Thick Board,Easels Attached, Celluloid Protector people on your side of the Atlantic. Here Penna.,New Jersey, Mary- Over Jack Pots. we are operating only theskilltype LIST PRICE, $9.64 EACH. games and no payouts are allowed. I am personally interested in name land, Delaware Operators AJAX MANUFACTURING CORP. WE HAVE THEM 119-125 N. 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Write for 1939 Catalogue.

BETTERMACHINES -BETTER BUYS FREE PLAY NOVELTIES AUTOMATIC PAYOUTS CONSOLES Fifth Inning $37.50 Arlington $15.00 TripleEntry.....$145.00 Spottems 37.50 Derby Champs 29.50 Jenn. Multi Races.. 89.50 Taps 37.50 Derby Clocks . 65.00 El Dorado 89.50 Majors 37.50 Derby Times (Single) . 35.00 Brown Paces Races.. 89.50 Contacts 37.50 Derby Times (Multi) .49.50 1938 Skill Times.. 87.50 Box Score 37.50 Derby King 55.00 BlackPaces Races. 49.50 Rinks 37.50 Fairgrounds 19.50 1937SkillTime.. 45.00 Daval's Gems 37.50 Keeney Pot Shot. 62.50 Pastimes 169.50 Chu bbie 37.50 Gottlieb MultiRaces, 19.50 1936 Skill Time .. 35.00 Multi -Free Race 14.50 Hey Day 35.00 Jenn, Paddock .... 69.50 Genco Triple Play...14.50 Klondike 35.00 Jenn. Parlay 69.50 Bounty 14.50 Mills Big Race 19.50 25c Lucky Lucre 175.00 Big Ten 14.50 Mills 1-2-3 19.50 Skyrocket 14.50 Turf Champ 15.00 Our SLOT MACHINES Double Feature 42.50 Turf Derby 60.00 Zip 49.50 HI -Boys 49.50 Winning Ticket 84.50 PRICES Are Attractive 1 /3 Deposit, Balance C.O.D., F.O.B. Baltimo e, Md. WRITE FOR PRICES ON ANY EQUIPMENT YOU WANT NOT LISTED HERE! ROY Mc0111111S, 2011 Maryland Ave., Baltimore,d.

KEYSTONE NOVELTY & MFC. CO. SEPTEMBER CLEARANCE SALE FELIX STEENBAKKERS, La Mad- 26th & Huntingdon Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Special Attention to OurEuropean Trade.Cable Address:M ASCOY-CL E V E L A ND. 1998 Track & Skilitimes $87.00 Brown Fronts,5c,likenew $55.00 Gun Clubs, F.P. $39.00 eleine,France,issaidtobe the 1938 Kentucky Clubs 57.00 Blue Fronts, 5-10-25c. 37.50 Sky Rockets, F.P. 45.00 oldestcoinnia71 inthenorthern 1938 Bangtails 99.00 Brown Fronts, Mystery Toppers, F.P. 50.00 section Red Head Track Times45.00. Gold Awards, 5c 42.00 Contacts, F.P. 42.00 of France, hav'ng entered Rotary Merchandisers 59.00 Rol -A -Tops, 5-10c 24.00 Chubbies, F.P. 40.00 the business in 1905."Today," he Derby Days, flat top 19.00 Cherry Bells, 10-25c 49.00 Keeney Free Races, F.P. 18.00 says,"Icongratulatemyselffor TEXAS Galloping Dominos 42.00 Gold Awards 35.00 Box Scores, F.P. 32.00 Bally Turf Specials 19.00 Chiefs, 5c ...... 35.00 Ragtimes, F.P. 19.00 having directed my activity towards OPERATORS SWAP WITH WILKY Across -the -Boards 29.00 Brown Fronts & Stands, Requests, S.N. 17.00 exploitationofpinballmachines Fleetwoods 23.00 422,000 75.00 Keylites, S.N. 17.00 (orastheFrenchtermthem, Derby Times 50.00 Caine, 5c, like new 22.00 Paramounts, S.N. 15.00 Rock-Ola-Bally-Groetchen New Deal ...... 10.00 Fifth Innings, F.P. 33.00 "electvic billiard" games).I believe Phone C-1431 All Machines in A-1 Condition.1 /3 Deposit With Orde -Balance C. 0.D. that the exploitation of amusement machines still has very large possi- UNITED AMUSEMENT CO. MODERN AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE, INC., 2618 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio bilities in our territory." 310 SO. ALAMO, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS September 30, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 97


New Rapid Fire Double Disc Bumpers Create Unusual Ball Action - Bumper Design New, Modernistic.

IBall In These Channels, When Bumpers Are Lit, Automatically Held In Suspended Action While Scores of 1000 or More Are Added in Rapid Fire Fashion On Animated . Backboard. After Score Is The TALK of the INDUSTRY Added, BallIs Released to Continue On Down the Years ahead of anything on the mar- Field, Rolling Into Other ket. Positively greatest action ever Golden Gates For Fur- incorporated in any marble game. ther High Scores, 1940 GOLDEN GATE is Ball Through definitely the finest and best This Channel High Score game ever pro- Returns Out duced. It's new from top to Ball When Lit. bottom -players are wild SKILL SHOT! MAGNETIC SUSPENSE BUTTON CRE- You'll be as en- about it. ATES THRILLING BALL ACTION. WHEN thused about it as we are. Captive Ball Travels Up and Down This LIT, SCORES 1000 EACH TIME BALL See it at your distributor's Runway as 1000 without delay and prepare Scores Are Added. CONTACTS -OTHER TIMES SCORES for prosperity all winter NEW, 100. LIGHTS SWITCH WITH EACH through with 1940 GOLDEN INTERESTING. APPEALING 5 BUMPS -FAST ACTION -SOMETHING GATE. ACTION! HAPPENING EACH SECOND OF PLAY.

REGIILAR Massive Jumbo Type Cabi- FREE PLAY Get it from MODEL MODEL your net and Moulding -Legs DISTRIBUTOR Double Thick Cross -Bolted NOW -or WIRE and Jiggle Proof. EXHIBIT SUPPLY CO., 4222 W. LAKE ST. CHICAGO

lc PLAY CIGARETTE SAVE WITH SAVOY! RECONDITIONED and GUARANTEED EMPIRE MACHINE 1 1 SPINNER FIESTA .S 7.50 510.00 BERT FREE PLAY 35.00 Equipped with Ball Gum Vender. Reels have 3 COWBOYS ...... $62.50 1 DBL. FEATURE. 33.50 2 SPOTTEM IFLIGHT 10.00 3 ST. moRrrz 12.50 Positive Stops -Cannot be Shaken or Cheat- 'I CONTACT 39.50 ed. Phenomenal in 3 GAYTIME 9.50 3 SPEEDY 22.50 3 ALPS 27.50 3 HANDICAP 7.50 1 SIDE KICK 15.00 Earning Power. 4 UP & UP 49.50 5 MAJORS 23.50 1 TOPPER 39.50 LANE Small, but made 2 FAIR 24.50 2 NAGS 5.00 forbig use NOVELTIES 6 ODD BALL 10.00 and hard 2 AIRPORT $37.50 2 PALM SPRINGS10.00 SENSATIONAL abuse. 3 BAT. CHAMP 37.50 3 PYRAMID 35.00 NEW GAMES! Says: 1 BALLY VIEW 7.50 3 ROBIN HOOD 7.50 DAVAL'S TRIPLE THREAT 4 BOX SCORE 22.50 2 REVIEW 7.50 STONER'S DAVY JONES 3 BUBBLES 15.00 2 REGATTA 7.50 $11.0 9 CHLIBBIES 22.50 2 RITZ 7.50 CHICAGO COIN'S LUCKY 2 CONTACT 27.50 Z SNAPPY 7.50 WRITE FOR PRICES!! I/3 Deposit. 1/3 Deposit With Order, Balance C. 0. D., F.0. B. Brooklyn. BALL GUM 15c a Box SAVOY VENDING COAIP ANY, INC. (100 Pieces) 851 ATLANTIC AVE.; BROOKLYN, N. Y. Cable "BUDSPINC". (Tel:: NEvins 8-3183) CASE (100 Boxes),$12.00. WEEKS 1922 Freeman, 7 SICKING Inc. Cincinnati, 0. WANT TO BLIY7- (LEAN -READY TO OPERATE T7USEDWEPAYTABLES, FREE -PLAY GAMES, COUNTER GAMES, SLOTS AND PFONOGRAPHS. Majors, F.P. ..$42.50 Box Score, F.P. S37.50 Hold Tight, F.P. 42.50 Midway 24.50 WE HAVE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Contacts, F.P. 39.50 Palm Springs 10.00 BALLY VOGUE Taps, P.P. 99.50 Arlington 9.50 GOTTLIEB KEEN -A -BALL Skyrocket, 39.50 GENCO MR. CHIPS BALLY COLD CUP posit,B. lance C. 0. D. CHICAGO LUCKY DAVAL TRIPLE THREAT EXHIBIT COLCEN CATE MILLS FREE PLAY 1-2-3 M.,



. ..TO GET STARTED WITH MILLS THRONE OF MUSIC! Without any obligationwe'llhelp you testMills Throne of Music to CONVINCE YOU that itis the "RICHEST AND RAREST OF PHONOGRAPHS!" WRITE NOW FOR FULL DETAILS! GEORGE PONSER ...RESPONSIBLE and PROGRESSIVE 519 WEST 47TH ST., NEW YORK OPERATORS WANTED TO PLACE MILLS THRONE OF MUSIC IN THESE STATES ON 12 OR 18 MONTHS' SAVOY'S WEEKLY SPECIALS RE;nZ,rAlja.mi SPECIAL DEAL THAT F AY011111 NOVELTIES Mills "11--," S35.00 A. B. T. Buckaroo, F.P. "Ceeney's Derby Champs, $59.50 WILL ASSURE COM- CHALLENGER Snooks, F.P. 59.50 7 -coinI ead 25.00 Toppers, F.P. 55.00 ,toner's Cl- amps 25.00 Contacts, F.P 39.50 PLETE OPERATING Bally Stab es 25.00 Majors, F.P. 39.50 Bally Fairground: 24.50 $2419 Taps, F.P. 39.50 INDEPENDENCE JOE OALCUTT Gottlieb NUL :iplcs 19.50 Ragtime, F.P. 25.00 Golden Wh-.0 15.00 LEGAL Bally View, F.P 15.00 PLUS GREATER INCOME!Psi AD- Etoner's A r Rap. 1 ril Robin Hood Res 15.00 Racing Foam Every- Odd Ball Res. 15.00 DITION WE WILL ALLOW HIGH- Foto-F In ish Paramount 12.00 Faddock I .3U Bally Reserve 10.00 Classic j Each where EST PRICES FOR ANY MACHINES Atlantic City . 5 50 COUNTER CAM. (MEW) Fastest We have a complete stock of YOU NOW HAVE OPERATING RE- Groetchen's Mer a ry Token Money -Maker inHistory. Console s,Slots,Counter Payout Games,Salesboards andAr- GARDLESS OF CONDITION! ACT Dayal's Ex -3_y Gin Machine 1 /3 Deposit With All Orders, cade Equipment on hand, QUICK! WRITE! WIRE! PHONE! 3eyars Per n, Peat Bal. C.O.D., F.O.B. BaltimoreWrite or wire for prices. 406-8 W.FRANKLIN ST.

EVERY MUSIC OPERATOR AGREES. . SAVOY VENDING C'' BALTIMORE. IVID. "CALCUTTONE" You canALWAYSdepend on JOE ASH ALL WAY AUTOMAT'C MONO NEEDLES are the BEST! ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .. . GUARANTEED FOR OVER 2,500 PLAYS! ALL THE LATEST RELEASES OF THE FINEST GAMES EVER PRODUCED BY THE Sample 35c Lots of25, Ea...28c COUNTRY'S LEADING MANUFACTURERS Lots of 10, Ea 31c Lots of 100, Ea...25c WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE FOR PRICE LIST! ACTIVE AMUSEMENT MACHINES CORP. THE VENDING MACHINE COMPANY Phone: Market 2656. 205 -Is FRFINKLIN STREETFRYETTEVILLE.N.C. ThhleikkfressiM57073' 900 North Franklin Street, Philadelphia, Pa. * *BETTERLOOKS The Mills Throne of MusicPhonograph has a simple, attractive design. Patronsfall in love with it;locations acclaim it; it grows morebeautiful and appealingday by day. Give it the side-by -side test...true artalways triumphs!* MILLSTHRONE OFMUSIC KING

MOREMONEY 1.0a11014" ONEVERY e. staka, .57q3Att. lack 3anville,Tatida

"I'm not takingany chance of having all my phonographs become obsolete in one year,"says Mr. C. M. Stokes of Jacksonville, Florida. "By replacing a definite percentage of my oldest phonographs every year, I am keeping my entire business modern in easy yearly steps. "By following this plan I not only keep up to date, but make more money on every location. The brand new phonographs I put in my best locations step up the profits from these locations. The phonographs the new ones replace give me better profits from MOVE PHONOGRAPHS FORMERLY IN BEST LOCATIONS my second best locations-and so on down from my TO SECOND BEST PLACES. Replace instruments in second best locations with more modern, second best locations to my very poorest ones. higher earning, 24 -record phonographs formerly in your best loca- 2tions-enjoy increased income from these locations, too. Every location takes in more money because it has a more appealing phonograph and the additional gross profit then becomes net profit." YOU TOO CAN MAKE MORE MONEY WITH WURLITZER'S STEP BY STEP MODERNIZATION PLAN

eta3 OWit Woth

MOVE PHONOGRAPHS FORMERLY IN SECCND BEST LOCATIOflS TO THIRD BEST PLACES. 3Get extra profits from these places as well.Write or wire for full particulars on Wurlitzer's Liberal Trade-Ist Plan.The Rudolph Wurlitzer Con-pany, North Tonawanda, N. Y. Canadian Factory: RCA -Victor Co., Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. i'Name Famous In Music For Orc_r Tao Hundred Years.

STEP 11PlifOURPR" PUT NEW WURLITZER MODELS SOO AND 600 IN BEST LOCATIONS. Trade-in low earning old phonographs for brilliant new Wurlitzers -place these top earning instruments in your best locations for greater profits than ever before. STEPBY STEPMODERNIZATIOAf SOLD ONLY TO MUSIC MERCHANTS PLAN