V\ii4rld"sForemostAmusementWeekl SEPTEMBER 30.1939 15 Cents Vol. 51. No.39 HARRY JAMES Arid His Orchestra Curfewly Panther Room, College Inn, Sherman Hotel, Chicag.), Broadcasting Over N3C: Networks. [.),,action: Musk Corpora100,i of America, KI"61.10ofFlor woodP11OW "The Billboard,to my mind, is an excellent publi- "The Billboardis of tremendous value to a night cation inits field.It enables hotel men. who are vi- club owner, as it keeps one informed of how various tally interested in amusement and entertainment, to acts and bands are going over in different clubs, and keep abreast of the trend in public demand for various also gives one an idea of what certain acts are, espe- types of entertainment. Its complete coverage of cially when not familiar with the names. Ibelieve the the entertainment field in America is a fine example criticisms are quite sincere." of good editorial work." WILLIAM R. JOHNSON RALPH HITZ Owner President BON -AIR COUNTRY CLUB HOTEL NEW YORKER Wheeling,III. and the "The Billboard'swide coverage ofnightclub NAT'L HOTEL MANAGEMENT. Inc. acts, grosses and trends enables me to keep my finger on the pulse of the industry.As such, it is invaluable "The Billboardhas so complete a coverage of night to me in the operation of the Riviera." clubs throughout the country that itis extremely val- uable to the night club manager.It enables him to BEN MARDEN follow the success of the acts and bands he has used Owner and it is a directory of new talent.It also is a valu- BEN MARDEN'S RIVIERA able leavener for the agent's enthusiastic claims." Fort Lee, N. J. JOHN ROY "For many years I have foundThe Billboard's Managing Director vital part in American entertainment of indispensable assistance for the type of establishment I have been RADIO CITY RAINBOW ROOM fathering since 1931. Other night club entrepeneurs- and the RAINBOW GRILL and I know them all-have the same good things to New York, N. Y. say ofThe Billboard.Its background, criticisms, re- search, forums, and news items have guided me in "I thinkThe Billboardis a fine source of intorma- presenting the sort of entertainment my patrons ap- tion for the night dub field. I enjoy reading it every pear to enjoy.Seven years at the same stand speaks week." for itself." FRANK W. BERING BILL HARDY Owner Owner HOTEL SHERMAN BILL'S CAY NINETIES Chicago, III. New York, N. Y. "You haven't the slightest idea of how much value itis to me to read inThe Billboardwhat the crit- ics think of the press agent, and then again to read what the press agent thinks of the critics.If I were to pay $1,000 for this knowledge, it would have been . 7149 bought cheap; as a matter of fact, I would refuse to theytea. sellitfor $1,000. "The Billboardpermits me to keep tabs on what the other night clubs are doing, without spending any time visiting them. "The Billboardkeeps me Informed of everything P5,000,000a veat pertaining to the entertainment end of my business, 71te gillboa0 such as new features, novelties, etc." BENITO COLLADA Owner baOs a0 acts EL CHICO evettiweek. tot New York, N. Y. "I getThe Billboardregularly and we rely upon "We make great use ofThe Billboardhere at the it for information we may need in arranging bookings. Stevens in booking our floorshow acts for the Conti - The Billboardisthe outstanding medium ofits nental Room. We use it to keep abreast or new acts kind." and novelties in the entertainment field and also care- fully scrutinize the impartial reportings of our shows LARRY McGOWAN byThe Billboardexperts to ascertain the reaction Entertainment Director these shows might have not only on the public but on ST. REGIS HOTEL protessional judges as well.Anyone offering enter- New York, N. Y. tainment of any kind to the public should consider The Billboardas their Bible. "I find quite a few interesting articles in The Bill- TOM I. MONTGOMERY board. especiallyregardingthereviewing ofacts Advertising Manager which are submitted to us from time to time, and in THE STEVENS this respect we can always judge whether they are suitable fo. our room or not." Chicago, III. "The Billboardhas always been my first source MAX SOURKES of information.It's always given me the inside track Manager on what's what and who's who behind the scenes." CHEZ MAURICE MEYER HOROWITZ Montreal, Quebec Owner "I scanThe Billboardreligiously in an effort to THE VILLAGE BARN locate new talent and also to learn the whereabouts New York, N. Y. of favorite entertainers so that when I am in their neighborhood Ican spend my money to see them." "The cool perceptiveness and accurate reporting of The Billboardqualifies it as a leader amongst trade JAMES LOUIS SMITH papers in the show business. Criticism that is unbiased General Manager and a real human attitude towards performers appear to be the essential qualities and life blood ofThe Bill- LA SALLE HOTEL board." Chicago,III. H. A. LANZER "The value ofThe Billboardas a trade paper can- General Manager not be emphasized too highly. Itisallinclusive in scope and it occupies an important place in the show PARK CENTRAL HOTEL business. Congratulations on the excellence of the New York, N. Y. magazine and lots of good wishes for the future." "IthinkThe Billboardto be one of the few ARTHUR H. PADULA publications inthe entertainment field absolutely in- dispensable to the New York night club owner. It President provides a swell medium for the exchange of ideas ARCADIA, THE INT'L RESTAURANT between the perfo mer and the man who hires him, Philadelphia,Pa. and presents an exhaustive survey of the show business world with each issue.Count on me as one ofThe "The Billboardis one of the finest media for night Billboard'sheartiest boosters " club proprietors, becauseitenables them to know which acts are available for presentation at Leon and MARIO TOSATTI Eddie's.Also its opinions and predictions, to my mini, Manager are tops." HAVANA -MADRID RESTAURANT LEON ENKEN New York, N. Y. Co -Owner "The Billboardkeeps me in touch with allthe LEON & EDDIE'S information Irequire concerning entertainment. ." New York, N. Y. FRANK PALUMBO "The Billboard'sspicy, common sensechatter Operator of about the meat of hotel night life is valued highly at the Bismarck, where our Walnut Room carries floor PALUMBO'S,Philadelphia, and shows 52 weeks of the year. Night club operators, PALUMBO'S RENAULT leafing thruThe Billboard,know what the other RESTAURANT, Atlantic City fellow is doing and how their shows stack up with the rest.Mainly, we get criticism right to the core "The Billboardis the finest medium of compre- and a handy seat in front of a countryful of acts." hensive information in the entertainment world." ROY STEFFEN BEN GINSBURG Managing Director Owner of NEW BISMARCK HOTEL CLUB MAYFAIR Chicago,III. Boston, Mass. Vol. 51 September 30, No. 39 The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly 1939 Published weekly at Cincinnati, 0.Entered as second-class matter,June 4,1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under Act of March,1879. 100 Pages.Subscription, $5 per year. Copyright 1939 by The Billboard Publishing Company. WAR THEN ANDNOW London Flesh Shows Start Again; Legit Most HeavilyAffected 25 Troops Entertained; Other NotesYears Ago; Films Take RapToday LONDON, Sept. 16.-Last Saturday (9)Entertainment National Service Associ- cinemas reopened in London and pro-ation, with Sir Seymour Hicks as chair- Radio, not in the picture then, emerges as most power- vincial areas.No decision was reachedman and Basil Dean liaison officer with at the time regarding places of enter-the Service authorities.Represented on ful propaganda medium today-theyliked war ballads tainment in London proper, but WestENSA are the Incorporated Society of then-outdoor field was badly hit inthose days End managers were against reopeningMusicians, British Actors' Equity, Variety of theaters on economic grounds: nightlyArtistes' Federation, Concert Artistes' As- black -outsendspeople homewardassociation, Musicians' Union and Asso- By SOL ZATT Blackpool Tower andciation of Dance Band Leaders. early as possible. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-With the new European warentering into its fourth WinterGardensCo.reopenedthree Frances Day was the first American to semblance of normalcy, an examination theaters Monday (11)with flesh andentertain the troops.Performance wasweek and show business reverting to a at the outbreak of the World blood.Season revue, Turned Out Nicegiven under canvas, with army signalersof conditions during a similar period 25 yearsamusement ago industry far exceeding that Again, restoredto new Opera House,usingservice lamps forspot -lighting.War reveals a state of turmoil in the which exists today.Then, as now, amusements were completelycrippled at the with one performance nightly instead ofWith Miss Day was British musical com-outbreak of hostilities; but with the showbusiness more advanced and better two;vaude asoriginally booked goesedy star, Arthur Riscoe.Bob Bromley, psychological necessity, conditions into Palace, and drama holds sway at (See LONDON FLESH on page 68) organized and with official realization ofat its present in Europe show more en- Grand.Despite lack ofvistors,pro- tertainment activity than was seen 25 prietors intend carrying on withfull years ago. programs until end of scheduled season. They The reason is chiefly due to the switch BBC has restored live artists to theAGVA Officials Repeat of importance from legit and vaude to one program which is broadcast every motion pictures as the leading popular day. entertainment form. A quarter century Charles Simon Rep Co. has distinc-Are Not Interested inWorkmen ago, when pictures formed a new in- tion of being the only concern carry- NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Officials of theover all fields formerly coveredby thedustry and the foreign film market was ing on with stage plays after the homeAmerican Guild of Variety Artists, whichAFA, which would include workingmen.just a trade expression with littlefi- department ban came into force.Thisreplaced the American Federation of Ac- AGVA'sdisinterestinworkingmen,nancial meaning, foreign cinemas were in a hall at Aberystwyth in Wales.
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