I Sex for sale i~1 neighbori~g communities PAGE 24 READERS CH01cE1 last Week • to Vote

:J Community Newspaper Company www.allstonbnghtontab.com FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 2004 Vol. 8. No. 29 48 Pages 3 Sections 75¢

End ofa peace.fit! day Cops on ·~ watch for muggers

By Josh B. Wardrop

.ILL'd \\ th .111 111L rca,t•d polict: p1l•,•.:11ce 111 .\11"1111 Bn ·ht111111L·1g.hhorho0<.k and puhliL F "''~trl'l ll.'" lll liil·ll" crime' -,preading. the (\\(1 tT1 1111 11a(, \\ .illled 111 C• llllll'l'llOll "11h a ,lnnt!, it Jan ua1'> con\ L' lliL'llLL' ' lPtc mbhL·ne' thn>u!!hout A B \L'L'lll (() ha\L' llll"llL'd tli1·1 1 allL'illtOll lO the' \(rL'Cl\. lkl\\L'L'I' I eh. l) I \.I J1,tnll 14 Polil'L' l°L''j)\llldL·d \l1 h1ur rl'p11rh 11l 1m1)..·~i11~' .11 gunpnilll 1hat thL') he lie' L' "l'l"L' perpetr.itvd h\ thl ,amc l\\(l 'uspL'L'h \\ .tlltL·d Ii ir al ka't It knm111L'IC1al nibhl'l'IL" 111 \ h ,111Lt: :h1: l'L'Ulllllm nl thc \e,1r. '\\l.'rL' lhl( .dh11lt1h•f\ p;hJ(l\L' )(°\ (ilL' \,llllL' (\\() lll'n · ,,11d I )1,ll"IL'l I I I 'olicl' ( '.ipt. \\ illia111 L' a1h. "hut ti L' de''- 1pt on 11.11L·h up. and lhL· ".t\ e 1lf 1 1l1Pll, l I'''•' 'l< ,• 111hht:11L'' ,1np1x.·d .il l hL· ,a111t· t1111e thL''L 111ug.g.111g~ iil· •an .. \ccordi 1~· lP I \ :111'. l hL· rohlicril' ... ha\ L' !!t:nl'ral ) takcn 1il.1L·l· hct\\ L't: l \ .i ll1 11 p.lll . a ln1 n~t L'\dll ,l\,'i) ''II' 11 : \\ h.it llL dL''>LTlhe' .1s lhL' 00\llllk'rll" 'L'Ltirn, 1 11 \ 1,,, , lite '1Li1 II) pf Chl',ll'I and Ci<11d1JL·1 'll'L ,. '1 \ l•li11l' ( 11urt. \,·L·11rd111!! 111 \ klilll, ,'L'(lll lh. lllk lll (\\\1 \(lllll!.! ObLf.. lll! ? MUGGINGS . IJ,l f )/ _J,- ;~:~ ~··;;~: p;~:~·;J~h•~ ;~ed ;~~~ -~~·:~l~wont., House districts Re.1ule111.1.frnrprof10\ "d clu111ge1: lll illtd il1cffl/Sl' traffic del/.\it.\ rnust be

By Josh B. Wardrop ------u t'a'e m tr<1IJi,',ja11 h ,-.,.1 ~! I r "The community has ilready been " \\ hl'n I llL·ard .1h11ut ti'J, pl.111 111 .l.111ual\. I redrawn inA-B The idea of tipping 0111',lul l: out (lf Bo-.1on dissected by the P ke, we're .ould1~·1 bellL'\C I( .. h1,111d1 '.1ddL·d "\lllllL'lh•iH! \\ithout payrng l.1t1h d1,111ch did\\ null 111 tl1L' 'pnn ~· 1 \e111ence ht• "rn1h the l'\ll,1 15 minute' 11 mi!.!11: universities in our c mmunity." 'ThL' \\ ilok plan 1\,111\ ,11 rf..e, llll' ,1, till' L'p1t.i 11f 211( I p111'LtlL•d i11L11111henh \\hik \11 1lat1n!! .1ml tah.e to tra,er-.e \\.1,h111!!ton Streel ,1! ru-.h hour~ llll' 11l PU1'1dl' till' L'il) th1nh.1ng. lll '-PlllL' dli11t111!! thL· \01111g.11g.l11,of 111inorit1e' in 17 H~1't1111 Charhe \tastha le.., 1 ~Pple Thai", the quest10 11 mernhn' of the l .<1ng il') thing. th.II" ill 111ah.l· ,1,uhurh.111ite\ CPllllllllll' L'.i' d1,tr d' .1 id lllll'l h,· tl·dr lhl· "~t:h. '· • 1111 t:L' 1udµe l '.S. [)i,trict Court pa1ll'I 1n a letter to 1he All-.111 Br ~htnr l'\H. regarding "Aftl.'r !he (.1,t 1011 hik.:. \\l' i the nei!!hbor"hlx>tl L l\ ,,11d ('h.trhL· \ a'iliadL''· .1 nlL·111k1 llf llll' Ill i.:LI i llL''d,I\. 1he propo... al h) Massachuseth l"urnp 1f..e Authori- ll(lllLl'd ,11ump 1111r..11lic pee pie g t·l ~ng otf the l RI\\ .•111d <.I .. 'aid Liane Brnndon. o thl' I R '\ \ "hu Cil) CPLiilL'llt11 .IL'I ., \kl kr111111t al"1 'l'lll a kt dL'. 1dillll' (lll11' alto!!ether. While l\l ihos feel' the 1110\ L' Lould re sp1 trh.:.1JL'd the lelk'r llll 1-x:hal ·of lll'r llL :..I 11\11·.., lL'r 111 hi' "" 11 h 1 l ur r p1h.,· Ch.11n11.111 \I all \l'llt'ld ' • I '>, !L' \\ il.i.111

0 fear 11 \\otild rt:sult 111 :et anotht:r 111crca-,L' 111 \\ha! h~l· c( lllllOll\\l'alth ,\\l'lllll' and \\,i-,hi11g.to11 the ,,une llL'!.!ali\L' L'llL'L'h 1•u1i11IL0 d h~ hi, l'Oll I li1u ... e L0 kL l1111 1' 111!(1 ii.I(\\ . \\ hik· a thrL'L'·Jlldg.L' A -B need-. least· lralliL'. ~lll'L't JU't got 'lammed "Hh 111 1111111ed1.1lL' 111 PIKE. oagc .:' REDISTRICTING, oage 2 t Online Art of fund raising toa for a good a use healthier local benefit shoH· and c mcert helps ENTERTAINMENT victilns of violence ii Israel lifestyle

Brudnoy By Casey Lyons Re,ponting to a llood of aid By Kelly A. Collins CORR£ ,f reque-.h f m brae!. Ho,1on·, translates the For the pas! thrL>e year.... Je\.\1sh co nmunnie' ha\e ,111- In lhL· wake ot Burl!er K111 c <1nd 1hings in Israel hcl\e alternate­ ""'en.xl in 1-.ind. maf..1ng large r\tf..i ns lriendi) me11~1 anno~ncc Oscars ly worsened and improved. donation-. to Amem.:an-. for ments. lhl' South Beach diet cnve Beneath all till' poliucal ma­ Red ~ l og 1 Da\1d in (,1,1el ­ and lhL' contro\'er-,ial sto111.1ch­ neu,ering. the 4ucs11on" of .... SEE PAGE 17 tht: t'lJUI\ 1lent of !ht: ReJ 't.1pl 111µ procedure. a local nulri 1-i!!ht and \\roll!!. 'hould and Cros-. H "ever. l\lr relief tund­ 'ol\ e 'uch dnNic measures. qul'llLC'> ol idl.'a" and politic.., mg. )ome hmg else had 10 be Nutntioni-,t and Bo-.ton Uni Commentary 11 larger than themsel\ e!-1. done. 'er-.il) prot'e'i'>or. Joan Salge For the member~ of greater u-.1ng a nel\rnrk ot tnends. Hl.11-.e 1' 1he maslcnnind behind Community Notes 5 Bo•.ton \ Je"" i-..h communi­ se\'eml i di\ iduals 111 1he till' 111tL·rac11vc. Weh-ha-.ed. "52 ties, it was nol a que-.tion of Boston ar 1 \.\ ere rurned on to S111al l Steps to Weight Los-. Crime 28 "hether or not to help. it wa.., a Pm a group in 'le\\ Jerse) 1hat or­ gram .. Her pl,111 COINS('> -.im­ que-.tion o f detennining the or Entertainment 17 ~ani1ed fu 1d-raismg concerts. Pavel Shkarin performs during a concert at the Temple Bnai pk and realistic changes in be'.'.t way!> 10 ra1 e relict aid Moshe on Sunday. The concert was to benefit victims of violence and spread it eflecti\ ely. CONCERT, page 27 In Israel. C\ Cl) d.i) eating, behavior and Library Notes 13 DIET, page 29 Obituaries 28

.,.__ ...,,, ...4' .. ;r": Political Notebook 15 MAEL ·~'> <: J . CHIROPllA<:ru: · Ho~ ;e Plants ~ Mortgage Loans Schools 14 !~ i 1 our Local knowledge. Sports Learn to dance Ii Gre ~ nhouse Experienced answers. Pr . att and gr' p essor w1•h or .-.111 )u' 0 8 \~ Auto partner · .ve.,kly dances· 1ow rates ~21 ...., Wedo11q ureparalion specials Shawmut Properties / Work Injuries Minih tie's Flower Peoples FREE 1.\-1 I ren111nl ' lreet • Briehlon & Ga 'dell Shop federal Savings Bank <111-166-/SiL) Da11u·'lp11l! ,\ nulnn: l"o111 VeiKhhor/10od Realtor 425 WAS rNGTOt-1 STR ~ \11''"11 ;).)(1 Ca111 lwi1 l;.w "'' . Hri!!hton ra,,. oJ \n1 hu:lw .! BRIGHTON CE JTER • 611-254-. I 30 ('1 1"'1787-2121 I 1 11lJ f1 i• J ~· B•o:-kl r (617) 787-8700 Ampl Free Parkmq ...... \ : ... c t ; Je-' E. 1 r J I I ~' Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, February ~_7_.2_00-t ______-i------www.allstonbrightontab.com

f We want your news! Key contacts: ... ,._, ,..... THIS WEEK on town~nline. com Editot ...... , .. W e Braverman {781) 433-8365 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton [email protected] The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at www.allstonbrightontab.com and America Online I'" • TAB! We arc eager to serve as a Reporter osh Wardrop (781) 433-8333 Keyword: Town On/me. Town Online features news from more than 45 local publications, profiles of I forum for lhe community. Please . . 1wardrop@cnc com more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts communities, and items of regional interest. . j send ~s calendar listings, social 'M¥le 8ravermCl'I Editor in chief...... reg Reibman (78') 433-834S . . [email protected] i news and any other items of com-, Arts & Entertainment Lost Futures • I I Advertising Director ... Cris Warren (781) 433-8313 1 munity interest. Please mail the Find out what's hip and happening in MetroWest D,aily News staff ,.j •·1 information to Wayne Braverman, Advertising sales . . ... Harlie! Steinberg {781) 433-7865 Real Estate sales . . . . M;f'kR Macrelh (781) 433-a204 Eastern Massachusetts. Click on photographer Milton Amador editor, Allston-Brighton TAB, P.O. Russian section advertising 1'un Tabansky (617) 965-1673 Town Online's Arts & Entertainment explores the AIDS epidemic in the • Box 9112, Needham, MA 02492. ClassifiedJhelp wanted (800) 624-7355 section. It has all the latest Caribbean in a series of photos from You may fax material to (78 I ) Calendar listings. 1781 4TU?11 dintng, music, museums, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. ! : 433-8202. Our deadline for Josh Wardrop Newsroom lax number ...... (781) 433-8202 literature, performing arts, See the complet13 photo gallery at: www.metrowestdollynews.com/ alds recieving press releases is Monday, 5 p.m., Arts~istings fax number ...... (781) 433-8203 and movie news. To subscribe, call (888) 343-1960 prior to the ncxl Friday'~ issue .. ( ' General TAB number ...... (781) 433-8200 Residents are invited to call us with story Movie reviews :, : News e-mail ...... [email protected] . ,,. idea~ or reaction to our coverage. Plea-;c call Sports [email protected] Want to know which recent movie releases pulled down a top rating from David Brudnoy, Allston-Brighton TAB Editor Wayne Events calendar )[email protected] Community Newspaper Co.'s popular film critic? Visit our new searchable database of ' It Braverman at (781) 433-8365 or News Arts and entertainment ...... [email protected] movie reviews by Brudnoy and Ed Symkus at: ,I http:/ / movies.townonllne.com/ movleRevlewa/ Reporter Jill Casey at (78 1) 433-8333 with Arts calendar . arts events@cnc com I I ' your ideas and sugge.'>tions. CNC Editor in chief. • • Kevm I. [email protected] TOWN ONLINE INDEX The Allston-Brighton TAB (USPS 14-70~) IS published by TAB Communiy Newspapers 254 Second 'e. Needham. MA02494 weekly. Peripdicals postage paid at Boslon. MA. Postmaster: Svnd address Q)O'ecbons to the AJ ston- ighton TAB 254 Second • MetroWest Daily News • Parents and Kids • Town Online Business I '> Ave .. Needham. MA 02494 TAB Community Newspapers assurntlS no responsbdrty for (lliStakes 111 ter11Sements but will repnnt www.metrowestdallynews.com www.townonllne.com/ Directory that part which 1s incorrect If notice is given within three working a..ys ot the pUbffcabon date \. 1t 2003 by TAB Community • Arts All Around parentsandklds www.townonllne.com/ shop , ' Newspapers. All nghts reserved. Reproduction of any part of th11 pubicaloo by any means Without pe 11SS100 1s prohibited Sub www.townonline.com/arts Real Estate • Phantom Gourmet scriptions within Allston-Brighton cost $32 per year. Subscnption• outside Allston·Bnghton cost $60 per 1ear Send name. address. llfWW. townonllne .com/ realestate www.townonllne.com/ phantom and check to our main otftce attn: Subscnpllons. ,,•


Here\' a list 0{'1du11 :1· /u11Jpe11i11g about program'>"' 111emt'll!f'h1p. and are leli\'ercd b) P")1.:hmma­ CPR and AED for the • Safe Stretching Monda). 'anced medical personnel :UTI\'C ar Oak Square Family YMCA. 615 l)'>L' fro i the Bo ... ton Grnduate Professional Rescuer April 5. 6-7:30 p.m. and tal--e mer. This COLIN.' doe1., not Washi11gto11 St .. Brighto11. YMCA open house School P.... ychoanal) ... i.... \\.or-1-­ • Sp1ing Cleaning: Home & include info1111ation on breathing ...,hop... \\. i he tai lored lo indi\ idual The pLtrfX>'ie of this course is 10 G.u·den - Monday, May 3. 6- or L':udiac emergencies. Come in is on March 14 trnin prote ...... ional re ....c uers (lho:-e Spring I Session imere...h. Drop-in format ,... ith 7:30 p.m. 10 lmd out more information id'.. The doors to till! Oak Square members of I.he comrnunil) \\el­ "ith a dul) to act and provide • Running Shoes Maller eluding dates and times or ca11 \ begins March 1 YMCA wi ll be 11pen to I.he com­ come. R !istration " not required. care) in the ... !--ill-.. neces:-l---a-Phy... ical Therapi-.1 rector. al 617-787-8662. ·-1r YMCA to find out more about and March 1-t Tour the facilitie-.. the lowe le\el. and cardiaL· ernergencie-.. includ­ EH!I) Monda) night (except for register for swimming lessons, ... wirn in the lap and therap) pool-.. Toprc.., nclude mg the the ol an automated exter­ worbhop Mondays) at 6 p.m .. a ~ l gymnastics classes, dance classes. tr\ the state-of 11le-•U1 titnc-., cen­ • Why Kid..., (hereat l\. ton- nal detibri Ila tor for \ icl iIll'> or sud­ ph) ... ical therapi'>I i:- a\ ai Iable 10 Girls on the Run youth and adult league'>. ma">ter.., le;. or a group l'\e \.1'e da,.., and da). ~tu h 8. 0--:30 p.m. den -:ard1ac ,11,-e .... t. Ctll GeorgL' \\er que..,tion'>. Ongo.111g in the - for girls age 8-12 1 • Tall--f 1g to Children and \Jo­ !\.la;.. a:--'1,t,1111 .iquatic.., director. at lobby of the Oal-- Square Yl\.lC \. swim team. youth :-rx1rb classes. le.u11ahou11hc111.111~ pn gntnh of ,\fl experiential learning rro­ ru1 classes and much more 1 You do kred. le-.cenh · llll D111g.., .md Alcohol 617-7X7-X662. \!ra111 v. hich inc lude' tl1nn111J not need to be a member to tal--e \lon 1~.Apnl 12.6--:~0p.m. Community CPR: ~' 01 !--ouh and games that teacli , pm1 in cla:-.ses and worbhops. and Spirit/Mind/Body • \lak11g Sen-.c ol \n\1el) - Spaulding Infant, child, adult '>pt.'l'tlic life sl--ill:- :-uch as how to ' financial assistance i' m atlable. f\ 1onda). \ta;. I 0. 6 Yl.O p 111 ma!--e healthy dcci ... ion:-. resoh e Workshops • f·L'Clt 1g Frl'e in a Dang.emu.., Rehabilitation ·111e purpo-.c of thi' cour... e it 10 Resident" of all :--tttmunding corn rnnl11cl and gel along in a group. 1 ~cond \\ond \1onda~. June 1-t h- tram 1ndi\ idual.., in the '"-ilb nec- munitie:- arc \\elcorne. Call 6 I 7- Worbhops at hclJ the I Workshops A l'l1,1llenging. lun and encourag~ 7:30 p.m. e.., ...ar) 10 f'L'cogni1e and prm ide 972-1'i35 for more information Monda) of evet ~ month al 6 p.m. Work...,hop ... elf-e..,tL>cm .u1d promote' pttalot") or cardtal· emergenc1e' 111 Health screenings and are Jell\ ered h) " Spauld111g adult .... children. ,md 1111.inh. Call tl1L't1 ph;. ... ical. emotional. mental Rehabilitation Hn-..ptt.tl phy ... 1cal and '>Ocial Jevcloprnent. Prognun Scn.-cnl1g:- L'cond George Ma;.. a'si,tant aquatic ... di therapi'>t. \\or!-- ... hop.., ''ill be tai­ \\edne\l ) of e\ er) month lrom rector. al 617 -787 -8662 for an ap- pa111cipants will practice for a 3. ! - lmed to 111dl\ rdual intere'l'. Drop- mill' ntn/wall-- on Sunday. June 1.3. 10 a.m -n )(ltl and are b) a Jo-.eph 1x1in1 rnent. 1 Smnh l\ nrnunll\ Health Center 111 lonnal '' ith mernher ... of the llt'ld ,ll 1hc Oak Squ.tt'l' Y'\1C.\ outrL'ad1 taff. Reg1,1ration i' not L'( 1mmun it\ '' ekolllL' Reg i,1r.1 l'n"'tlh. · Tel. (617) 730-9800 • Cil ..:o...e Screenmg.., bL'I tr.un mdl\ iduab 111 the ,1--iJb llL''­ lln~: \1ond.i).., ,md \\edne,d.t;. 'A FREE! SEARCH ALL MLS LISTINGS AT \\eek :-es'-.ion: \1ondl).Apnl 12- ~<.. CLICK ON MLS PROPERTY SEARCH TO SIGN IN! \\. edne\ll· ) . Apri I 1-i p.rn. and \Uddcn illne-.ses ut11il ad- Wednesday. Thursday, June 17. I . ! t ; •I

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Firefighter filing date Teens can register Cemete soprano: Jayne Tankersley. sopra­ ha~ been extended for jobs next week to begin no: and special guest Scott Met­ calfe. organ. Admission is by do­ The filing date for anyone inter­ Ci ty Councilor JefT) McDer­ March 1 nation ($20 I S 15 suggested). For UP TO $1000 estecl in becoming a firefighter has moll encourage resic.lenh of All­ ~~ The Catho c Cemetel) ~ssoci­ more information. call 78 1-894- been;extended to Feb. 20. Appli­ stcm and Brighton bet\.. een the ation \\ ill be in iL'i annual spri ng 516..+. cants should be 19 by Feb. 20, or aiies or 15 and 17 to regi ter for leanup M h I. All of the local younier than 32 yem-s of age as of s~mmer jobs with the Bo~ton ~~:: VALUE Catholic eteries will be in­ Apri l 24. ce Learn to skate Youth Fund Hotline. Although cluded in this rocess. t.'0"' For an application, go online to A winter series of Learn to summer feels 100 far a\\ a} to think People are :ked to remove all www.state.ma.us/hrd or Skate clas~ for children ages 4 about getting a summer job. the items and orations they v.ould When you www.cityotboston.gov/bfd, or go Boston Kids Summer Job-. pro­ 112 to adult will take place at the like to keep. lie maintenancP di:> Buy or Sell to arly local firehouse. For more gram is under way. On Feb. 17 and tlnghton DaJy MDC Rink, partment wi be removing all information, call the BQstcm Fire from IO a.m. to 2 p.m .. and Nonantum Road. Mondays at 4 or Your Home l 8 tlov.:ers. tree I mbs and winter dec­ Recrµitin g Office at 6 17-JB- Feb. 19 from ..+ lo p.m.. the 7 p.m.: Tuesdays, 3 p.m.: Satur­ Through 8 oration!-. from the cemeteries once 3024 or the State Di vision of days. I p.m.: or Sundays, I p.m. Hopeline li ne will be open for ap- this process eins. Human Resources at 6 17-878- Participant<> can use figure or PRIME rlications. . For additio 1al information. call 9895. hockey skates. Cl a~ses are also REALTY The Hopelinc i' the onl) appli­ I- 88-919-7 '6. cation process and ,.., open only available at 14 other rinks. GROUP Euri>pean anti-Semitism for a limited time. You must be To register, call Bay State Skat­ registered on the Hopeline in ing School at 78 1-890-8480 or top~c of book luncheon order to work for I.he Bo ton v i ~it online at www.baystateskat­ Offered Exclusively through: fifth in a series of Sabbath ingschool.org. The Youth Fund. No one \.\-ill be eligi­ Are you a arent who is feeli ng Book Luncheons will take place ble for a summer joh with the city O\ erwhelmed i-;olated or Saturday, Feb. 28, at Temple Bnai whn has not registered during stressed? Wo Id you like to have Travel to Ireland Moshe, 1845 Commonwealth these dates (registenng with the the upport encouragement of Ave.: Brighton. The review wi ll be and run for kids SUMMIT Hopeline doesn't guarantee a other parents with similar con­ a Torah Service at 10 preceded~by summer job.) cerns? The West End House Boys and l\1 0 I~ T G A G E a.m. The book to be reviewed is The Hopeline i... 6 17-635-4673 Girls Club in\'ites you to help Parent~ H !ping Parents has "Never Again," about the new urban youth fulfi ll their dreams. Rt:ALTY GROUP or visit the summer 1obs link at parent sup groups in the Lauren Baskin anti-Semitism now sweeping Eu­ The clup is organiLing a www.ci tyofboston.go" 2-+ houn. a Brighton and 'ambridge area'i. rope and the Muslim world. marathon team to run the Dublin 480 Washington Street Senior Loan Officer da\ from Feb. 17-1 :1 of Dublin. lreland·s largest " city and ck wi ll be re­ will operate on a Sahm.la) -.ched­ 150 per pe . n. The Mardi Gra.s Funds rai:-.ed v. ill support the viewed by Candice Cavalier. an ule. Express bus servKe on the fol­ theme includ , a Creole dinner dub\ programs. v.. hi ch sef\ c attorney, formerly with the U.S. lowing routes will opemte on a buffet prep b) Chef Daniel 1.200 young people age 6-18 each Securities and Exchange Com­ mchlitYcd schedule 325 326. Bruce: an ope bar: he and silem year. TI1rough a v.. ide range of ac­ mission and cuffently on the staff 352. 35..+. 355. 50 I. 502 and 50.t auctions \\ ith gue t auctioneer ti 'v ities in education. technolog). .' of State Street Resem·ch. She also • Commuter Rai I t1 ain-., \\ rll op­ Paul Saperste· : and d reporter Janet Wu critical after-schcx)l 111 their neighbor­ 1995 by Mayor Thomas M. Meni­ woman show with Sharon hoods and tow .... no anu other city leaders with a Ke11nedy. will be presented at '7 The award inning WGBH simple, ambitious mi ssion: to en­ p.rrl. on March ..+ al the Brighton Auction is in its 39th )ear for 875°& sure that every child in Boston can Li brarv. ..+O Academy 1lt ll Road. Boston\ publi · broadcaster and read at grade level by the third ""Th~ Kreac.I and Rn..c Strike" reached its goa of more than S 1.2 grade. By forming ptu1ncrships 1ha1 took place in l At\\1-Cmx in million last ye< . thank' to ih great wi th city organi1.ations commitlcd 191 2 \\'a\ one or the 11111st momen­ \Oluntee~ and enen:1u' c.lono~ . to children's literacy. and by fun ­ tous C\Cnh in lab\lt h1..,tor). A Those intere. ed in rnlunteering neling resources, programs. b< xil--s coalition or dcl\\ ntrodden immi­ ru. a Go-Getter · thei r communit) ·" L )oking to refinance:> Look 1H1 lunii1.'1 1ha11 Pcopk ::­ and best r ract ices into Boston grant 1n1ilc workers ~ucces,fu ll ) rna\ attend the kickoff on March Fcdcral ~a,·ings Bank. \\'ith our \!,l\';11 r;u1.·-,, 'ou can neighborhcxhls. RcadBoston is ~\rested higher wages from the 7. For further i formation. contact making great strides 10 achieve its mill 0\\ ner~ and stn;cl-- a hlov. for Tri ... hia Lichau ) for more details lower your mo111hl) rar mclll, rcduc1.· >\ 1ur term and goal. human di gnity in the pnx:ess. at rri'>hia_licha [email protected] or s.1\·c thousand;, ol dolb rs mn the l1k Pl y<\llf mortl!_agc Worne1~ pla) ed a prominent role 617-300-+207. fhe WGBH Auc­ To apply for your loan, vis it any office, ACA meets next in the .,trike. Sharon Ken!K!d) tells tion will be bro Klca\t li\e June 6- their ston. 12 on WGBH. or call us al (617) 25+0707. Wednesday night An 1reL'l • Presentation of the proposed to life a stitTing time of misery, 1650." Perfo ance is Saturday. art projects for Packard Square struggle and ultimately, triumph. Jamaica Plain 115 Cc·!llr<. '-l reel • Wc~ t Ro-..bun i'1tl) t Cllli\' \11n·1 Feb. 28, 8 p.m. at Church of the ' • Hertz Corp. Relocation from This event is co-sponsored by the Redeemer. 37 Hammond St.. (617) 254-0707 • Harvard Ave to 4 14 Cambridge St. Brighton Allston- Hi 1.,1oricaJ Soci­ W\\ w.pfsb.com Che.tnut Hi ll ( reen Line D train. .\lt111/1,·1 IDIC • Tai Restaurant 184 Brighton e t y.~ facr)one is im rtcd and ad­ Che...tnut Hi ll st p). Ave. Request for CY license to op­ mission is free. Call 6 17 782-6032 Performing ill be Luca'> Har­ •Anrual p 111age Rate (APR) efledJve as of 2,~1)4 and subfect to change Monthly payments per St.000 borrowed al 5 875% for 10 years are $t t.04. 1·4 erate restaurant. for more infonnauon. family~~ properties rrlf. Property insurance IS requred. Maximum loan amount $t 00,000 Maximum loan to vakle IS 75%. Value based on most ris, theortxl: M' ·hela Macfarlane. recent tax assessment. If an appraisal IS required there 1s a fee of $275 · $475 Other restnct1ons may apply.

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GRAND OPENING SALEM ~H ! 291 South Broadway (603) 870-0004 Call 1-800-JENNIFER for loca1ions 1n 8)ston, Cambridge, West Roxbury, Burlington, Saugus, Natick, Seekonk, Na sh ~a NH, Portsmouth NH, & Salem NH Mon.-Fri. 10-9pm - E tended Holiday Hours: Sat., Feb. 14th 10-8pm & '~·:f'.W, · . . • .. ti Om pare at $1899! Sun., Feb. 15th 11 -7pm t I I _ LlfSS1fv«:> / 'I b , ssesse:l lrom date of :let-very at current annual rare of 23 99'7. Financing ava1laile on purchases of $1250 or more Paymen t of tax & delivery charges required a' time of ' 1'~bi ect to credit approval. If not paid 10 full by Mar. a'.)05 finance charges NI. t a - avai e a sp·~teres ayed t a showrooms Sorry not good o pnor sales purc~a 111 t. Page 4 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, February 2 7. 2004 www.allstonbrightontab.co11}

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Ro/ex.····, ~)yster Perpetual and Day-Date are trademarks \.vww.allstonbrightontab.com Friday, 1-ebruary 27. 2004 Allston-Brighton TAB, page 5

CO MMUN IT Y N TES ECON OM I ~ DEVELOPMENT &: INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION OF BOSTON (EDIC) JOBS AND COMMUNI TY SERVICES UCS) BAIAmeets of the Legis l a t i H~ Ho,pital Cau­ Public at 7)7-625- wm between Weston (Inter­ cus, an in~mrntl ~roup of27 !.tate 2518. change I)) and Albton/B1ighton SEEKS again next Thursday legislators who -.uppon and pro­ (Interchange 18). To mini mi1.e the PROPOSAL EVALUATORS The Brighton-Allston lmprove­ mote issues important to ho-.pitab 'Facin ·Terror: impact on turnpike patrons. there rpent: Association will meet and the patient -. and communities \\ill be no lafet) im­ • fxpcrirnff i11 tlic pn>l'isio11 e111d/t>1 plw111i11 g of lw 111w1 ~x i sting bu ilding. Change use to is a longti me friend of the hospital Je\\ i-,h-R 1-.sirn1 Center. 29 Chest­ prmcments \\e·re unde11aking:· SCI I l(l'S prngrn11rn1i11g. ~ 7 aprn1ments and commu nity and ha~ been a -. upportl\e .idrn­ nut Hi ll .e. Bn!!htnn \dmi"! '...'!~ ... aid Turnpike Authorit) chairman • Ahilil\' 10 read c1 itirnlh. 1111 d 11·0111 u11dcr dcaJli11c pressure. room. with 75 parking spaces. eate for Hospital rclated i-;<.,ues:· is SS at th : d(X)r. \ 1atthev. l Amorello. ··But \\ e ·re • Bosto11 1C'i1drnn '>lrn11gh p1cfc111, I • • Lake Street - EF I nrerna­ Reacting to tht' honor. Tolman Freed1 an is an internat1onall; commil!ed to e and trend ble impact on turnpike patrons:· or mailed to To house graduate school. Franciscan Children\. \\ hich forec ti g. A-. "enior pton . 43 ll;mkins ~ltTc t , Bo~to n . ~1 A 02 11 4. • 157 Kil syth Road - Add off- docs so much for famil ie-. Gerard roup International. she on the Bo-. ton E\tension si nee it 'i uhnu,-,ion deadline 1-. \ larch -+th. treet parking for two cars. throughout Ne\\ England. From frx:use-. 1uch of her attention on opened in 190-1-. entails remming • • 43 Presentation Road - Ex­ the (X:cupatiPn.il. physical and the C\en and trend'> that -,hape the existing 27-mch median tend living space into al!ic and speech thcrapi -.t-.. Ill the nur.es the C\ olu ion of post-mcxlcm tcr­ gwu-drail and the island u1xm edd bathroom. and physiciail\. I h,l\ c ne'er -,een ron-,m. '' hich it sih. Oncl' that is done. • • 35 Winship St. - Con\'e11 a group of 11101 c dedicated and Frcedn an -.pent 16 ) car'> m h ­ nc\1 "iring for the higlma) light­ 10-room single fa mily to a two­ caring profcssirn1.1l <. rnel a" m inaging director of Ger­ ing \\ ill he installed and the nC\\ ' j iamily dwellin g. The Friends H;1ll "ill he held on ard Aw 1atc'> Ltd. \' hcaJ of the -1-2-rnch safct) baITicr \\ il l he put L?.~~ H:~,~~;h~~~~u : .. ~ TAx • 51 Bu11on St. - Change oc- Fridm. Feb. 27 ,11 the Bo-.ton Je11.1salen -hascJ strategic con­ in to place in the rnt:d1an. and tleliver in Bri ghton your cupancy from si ngle-family to HarhZn· Hotel I he \ 1ardi Gra-,­ -,ulting ti m. '>he ,en ed as ad\ i-,er ·The -1-2 -inch concrl'lC hrnTier SERVICE 2003 tax return. two units; expanding into base­ thcmcd. blm:k tic C\ cm ng e\ent to both g \emmcnt and indu-,11-y. \\ill not onl; hdp pre\ent \Chi ­ ment. \\ill include Crl'olc delicacies pre­ Since "ept. 11. 2(X) I. she has cles from\ au It mg the median. hut Authorized E-File provider Federal and State • I6 R- I 8R Foster St. - Erect a pared b) Chl'l I >.1111d Bruce. he been a f1 quent speaker Oil global 11 \\ill al so great I) reduce ni gh t­ two-fam ily house at rear of exist­ and silent auct1011s .md Jancing to tcm11i -. m .ind it-. 11npact on Amer­ t1111e glare from oncoming hcad­ ing two-family dwelling. the rem m ncd \.\ 111 kcr Orchestra. ican bus ncss. gm emmcnt and lighh.'. said \morcllo. ··.\nd • • 16 10 Commonwealth Ave. WH DH Healtlll .i-.1 rcponer Janet putting in nc\\ \\iring\\ ill help us and 12 1 Harvard Ave. - Pro­ Wu will senc a· the guest emcee F1ced1 an \\rites .i reg ular col­ ,Ill\\\ er one ul thc most common posed 7- 11 stores wish communi­ and auctionet:r. umn on :ml1i sm and scclllit) in complainh about the Boston E\ ­ ty input on two new locati ons. The Fri end' B,111 "ill bnng the \letr i\Vest Dail: . e\\'>. and ten-,1011 - that the lights. near!) : • 14 14- 14 18 Commonwealth hundreds of the I '"p11ar-. Friend-.. her ;u1id ' ha' e appeared in other -W year~ old. are frequent!) out. .. f,.ve. - Istanbul Cafe applying to••cther for " ksli\e C\ellln!! to puhlicati ·n'>. The \\lltl \\ iII stretch from just ~)r a cordia l and liqueur license. cclchrate the dlltcrence \\C altcan TI1is e ent 1s sponsored by the ca'>t oft he \\"cston toll pla;a to just • 397 Washington St. Alan's make in our u unmunity and to Land of I racl Commiucc. Bo-.1011 \\est of Intcr changcs 18. 19 and f:u ropcan Bakery - To move raise monc\ to -.. upport the \ital Jc\\ 1sh- ..1 -.-.ian Center and CJP 20 111 Brighton. One Day Bath Installation ~-o m 407 Washington St. to si te of sen ices pr;widc· I b;. Franciscan Hrookli n ·-B1igh1011 Commulllt) "Ii>LTC,llC ,I 15 fool \\Oil /(llJC old post olfae. Fu ll bakery with Hll-,pital lilr Chi! lrcn hmd. that 1s s,1k tor both construct1n11 retail and tea shop. Seeking TickL'I'- 1"01 this ··..:re.Ill\ e For IL 1hcr mfonnation. \ isit \\ rnlcr' ,111d motonsh. the Turn ­ ve n-day common \'ictualler li­ hl.ick -tic l'\Cllt .ire \I 'ill per per­ \\ \\ \\.jC\ ishgrassn1ot--.l·om. pikl' \uthunt: \\ ill 1ll'Cd to: ecnsc. son. or':> 1.3)0 le 11 ,1tahlc of I0. Tn • Rlx.lul·l· the s 1 x:~:d limit to 4"' ! • 13 16 Commoll \\ealtil A\·c .. purchase FriL·1uJ.., Ball tid:eh Europ an anti· mph fonic - Extend closing from I "ill take place mg o ft -peak J"lCriol.k ------~, Qons at the Carita\ St. Elin1bcth\ Once the lanes arc rl'rnntig­ tops off motivational ~a t urday Feb. 28. at Temple B11a1 t.1edical Center by Celia Huckle), f\. lmhe. 18-t) Co111111onv.ealth UIC'd. tcmporar) jcrsl') lMTICrs I ~ N. health message \, e .. B ghton. The n:\ ic\\ " ill \\ iI I Ix' pl.11.'l'd adjacent l11 thc high speed 0'<1\ cl lane' for the length of • Al l meetings arc public and ac­ Spllrt111g ,111d .. t11i_ hat-. '' ith he prcct: cd b) a Torah Sen ICC at eessiblc to all \\ ishing l\l attend the prn.JCL'L \\ hile the C\isllng the .1ud1cnn~ ildp- 1.mda framrn I 0 a.m. lie book to he re\ IC\\ ed high\\ <:1: Jidlh \\ill hL' rClll(l\l'd Qnd panicipatc h ir more mto1 to tcaLI pu .: hl1\\ to change dunng till pn>Jn.t. rdlcl.11\l g1ation, call 61 7-787- 1299. '>IC!.... -.tre-.sed. Un.'d hit.:. l) Jes to 11-.m ·1m' s\\ecpmg Eu­ I~• pa,emi:nt mhio1 ' ie'' arc <.., I 0 ""flle puhhl '' 11\ it­ ~reakfast March 2 ( \)Jl~\i"lldl\lll L l"l'\\ ' \\ i J 1 \\ \ 1rJ., hlT .. Ibh on ll 1 I kalth .. prl'\Cllla l'd Imm - .1 .111. lo ~: .~ () p.nl.. ,111d Irum I The Brighton Allston i\Jct\\ork 11011 The ,11thor is ,\ brah.tm I 11\ GUARANTEED ... D'J g Group ''ill llllld .i hrl«tkl.t'>l \ p Ill. to 5 ,1.111 durtll \.! till' " '''-'k ·1kaltil l.11 L' '' ' l t '-,ire·· sa)' lln..:aust sun I\ u1 \\ho " \111st lih·l;.. \\ Ork \\ill he dlllll' IHI F, . <1 s 'onq d / , ' Diecti11g. Tuc'>da) . \l.11ch 2. .it I .1.ih'r. ,1 ..-.: n1ticd ... u-l'"' u1u1 l'\l'Lllli\ d11c.:tor of the \nll­ "1 :30 .i.ni. at Bri!.!111011. I .andmg. ..,cJor ,111d rc~11-.t l' rcJ nur'c .. Poot Dd,1111,11 on League in the l '111tcd NO MORE. .. t,.anding Cate. 2nd floor. 20 Cluc ... t R. /J >ppo ( ·, irp of Stought(ln 1s lll\tlth 1s ult~ n .1 result nt an acu1 ~talcs. Grc , r f- , bh ir, t.. Hnghton. till' Lllllll .tl.'h H h.ind!tng till' pru 111u l,111 on of sll L'"' '-·au ..., :J b) peo­ This 1. one ot sc\ era I bi 1ok' 1m ll'l'l Till' ..:u111p.111;. I\ ;1' thl' lo\\ This month \ breakfast\\ ill in­ ple. place'> and ... 11u.it11ms Stres' the subt _-1 that hl' .Ill\ , llll t .t"''"ll' h lunm hah l'd the c1mpe.111 l n1011 t\l ... wd: ~c n c ral businl'ss ~ introduction s pi kl' \uthunt: ·, capll,tl 1111p1< 1\ l. to l'nl1 \.! illl' ll t1ll' 1ud L:llL'C th~tt ll l ' the nsc l I ant1 -"icm111,n1 thrPu~ h llll'nt pn igram paid tor\\ llh turn ~nd networking. hl'l k'r .tll Ix· p.it 11' 111 111 the .:ar and out Lun "lC. ~ .. The purpt.l'>l' ol the Brighton ptkl' l"C\L'llUC. llllt borrm' mg. 111 ,Ill \\lllr ,11!,111, than tu he a pa Foxm 11 \ hook \\ ill he re '11 . Rec1s•ration t: ' l' b'" 1 ~lls t on Nctworkmg (;roup is Ill \\ork is sdll'dulcd to he sub-,1a11 11cnt i;1 the hosp1t.1l. I r. ..'111111d them 'IC\\ ed l: CanJ 1cl' Ct\ a her. an '• i I I It l'ly ( Will d ,'\ Cl!A"dlf,,, 11all) complete b) Dec. 23. crnvide an en\ ironment l1ll h :;tl that C\Cn a tl';1pnt. LllllllllUCs tu attorne:. lonnerl) \\ ith the L .S. ~u s i ncss people to meet and fo1 RcpI le 11th .. pri:-.cntat1011 f o n 1kc " rcscn ,uiun. cal I Comm il!ec. a BANG lounde r. nov. y. But inside Good About. fc nnifcr Rose. ··we·rc plea ... cd to dominating thl' air: the . apoleon the ap· ment complex for cider'> !Se able to bring together man) hat. \~ hich create'> an autocratic and tho ~ \\ ith special cha Il enges. ~ifferent kinds of businesses from linger-pointing hlameful em iron­ there \V" much \\ annth. friend li ­ h en certain dail) both Allston and Brighton: · ment: the nav i!!ator \ hat for ad­ nes<, an thoughtfuli1c"". 1·outines b ecome BANG breakfast co-sponsors, justi ng to li fe\ man) tum-.: th t: Deb lendri x. the tenant man­ W in addition to AYMS. are drum major\ headdre'I'>. a re­ ager. )-1- coloring difficult tor a loved one to Brighton Main Streets and the mi nder hat not 10 let the parade ot txxlks. 8 reading action boob. ha ndle - dressing. Allston Brighton Community De­ eight I rge crayon tx)xes. 30 life pass by; and a Pilgrim-. hat tu bathing, preparing a meal velopment Corporation. This try somethi ng ne"' to gain ne\\ tx)XeS f crayon'>. 18 tx)XeS of ttionth 's event is hosted by BY perspectives. marke and six package!. of \tick­ o r keep i n g track o f Development and Sodexho/Mar- In 1998, Trainor '>tepped in for a ers to gi •e to the -..t udent!-. at Fran­ m edicatio n s - it's Lime to cott. . no-show speaker for a company ciscan hildren\ Hospital. These • Businesses do not need to be a that provided continuing educa­ were m de po'>sible from the con­ con sid er assisted livin g . "1ember of any of the organi1.a­ tional progr.ims. She ' ub-,equent- tributio of the tenants. ~on ~ to attend the event. All w·ea 1) found a "ccond career. Trainor Seve ti tenant'> joined in on .~t Providence House. 5usiness people or those consider­ Jan. 28 in bringing the gitb to has made nu1m:rou-, pre-.enlation-, help is there when needed. Gig opening a business in All­ from Ne" En!! land to Florida. for Francis an Children·s Hospital so Ston!Brighton are welcome to at­ H\10s. bus1ne ... ses. ho-.pitab. the chi ren m \ arious ..,ections 24 hours a d ay . Reside n ts ~nd . Please bring business cards long-tem1 carcf-,ub acute care fa­ could h 'e fun in the da) s ahead. enjoy p leasant . private and materials to introduce your­ cilities and )ClllOr h\ ing commu­ Ginn Sennon. the communit) 180 C.cllC) Road apartments and a h ost of ~ lf and your business. nities. Amon!! her mes..ages '" liaison, :xplained some of the ser­ . Br1 gh1 11 11 . MA 0 2 115 • Charge for the breakfast is$ I 0. that lo\e anJ laughter are healing. vices 0 ered at the hospital. The personal services that I' bt i ·, '~! 0 50') ~ree parking is available with val­ childre were \ isi ted in the pedi­ ~ It is proven th.it laughter boo!-.h e mphasize independence. .. \\ ' ' '' . n, 1 cypark.. con1 Klation. Reservations are neces­ the immune ")stem and rela>.t''> atnc/m dical unit in their cla-.'>­ ~ry by March I. Payment may be your di aphragm. "'hile reducing room a d in the g) m. dignity and well b ei n g. iliade on-line at www.allstonvil­ your blood pre'>sure. C OREY PARK Providence House r,age.com/events or at the door. Call Louise Rachin Se nror I rr •rng Commun:ry To make reserYatiom. for .. Hat-. Safe project on i• !;or more information or reserva­ Off to Health," call L::rnene Po­ today at 617-731- 0 50 5 } Gons, call 6 17-254-5 143. Bost n Extension ' Bo:-.1011 latin at Chestnut Paii- at Cleve­ Co d e\·elopC' d \)\the A n.: h d1 o t:~~e Planning land Ci rcle at 6 I 7-)66- I 7!Xl. to be ·n March 1 and ask about our O H at for l rhtructio l project 10 imprme satety monthly fees. Monthly rents as l ow as $21 00 'I The Franciscan Hospital for I is operated by Benchmark Assi'>t­ on the oston Exten'>ion b; erect­ Afford able for seniors of a ll incomes. I Children wi ll honor State Senator l ed Li ving, ba'>e 'c' en 1ile'> of the Boston E\ten- ~.. Tolman is a founding member Page 6 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, February 27 2004 COMMUNITY NOTI S

Richard C Galgano, COMMUN TY NOTES, from page 5 dramatic effec1s are poles apsein. a doclor, an For additional information. 5164. Undergo~• 1d Magic· .Theatre\ imam or cleric and two guards. contact the Mayor\ Ottice of Internal Medicine 1 next prod ction. "It Onl) Huns The opening is 1entati\ely sched­ New Bostonians at 617-635- Learn to skate For Adults When I · igh: The Tonure & fa- ulcd for April at the Underground 2980. l'CUtion o Saddam Hu..,..,ein:· a Magic Thea1re·s Albton spac~. b· "kating classes are ongoing horror sho \. Thi-. i'> a non-union production. at till· B1ighton Daly Rink on Announces his new The pla wa..., \\ riuen and will For more infonnation. indud- Infant massage Non.intum Road. Learn to Skate practice location---- he directe b) UMT founder Do- mg audition time'>. call Colucci at Carita-. St. Elirnbeth"s Medical clas'-l''> are taught Monday'> at 4 nato Colu ·i. who calb II a hknd 617 787-299 1 or e-mail dcoluc- Center invites families with ba­ and 7 p.m. for children ages 4 I /2 11f 'The e\a.., Cha111sa\\ Ma.s- ci@\\Orld.,td.com. bies. ages four week.' to one )Car. to ad ult. Pruticipants can use fig­ 799 Concord, Ave. ' acre" a1 J 'The Pnxluce,-.., ... to leiun about infant ma,sagc. In­ ure or hocke) skates. Le\sons wil l Cambridge, MA 02138 Colucci f unded Bo-.1011 's Pub- Immigration clinic fant massage helps babies relax run through Mtu-ch 14. For infor­ I d .. Theatr ·in 1971. and \leep better. It al'o relie,es mation or registration. call Bay 617-497-0500 "It Onl) Hun' \Vhen J Laugh:· .:\II immigrants Ii' ing in Blhton their pain and colic. aid' in diges­ Stall' S!-at ing School at 781-890- 1-.. in the tr< li1ion of the Theatre du arc encouraged to auend one of tion. and imprmes communica­ 8480 or 'i:-,it w \\ w.bavstateskat- Grand Gui mol that tlou1ishcd in the upcoming immigration clin­ tion with ) nu. Fami I) Nunuring in !.!'-l' ltlXJ I.or!!. , ~ ~ www. rgalgano. med em .com Pari.., from 897 through 196). lh ic,. The clinics are offered by the Center or Massachuseth is "orl-­ pla).., feat~red blooecial elk ·1' I made all the 111ore Cit) Council Pre..,idcnt Michael F lot. \\I ll prO\ ide \vecl-1) trammg. pil\\ertul 1n the h,N:ment theater. I lahel1) . Co..,t i-. ~80 for each fl>ur-\\ eel-­ gr,lllp run '>. suppon. travel and dre,'-1.'d up 1' a trnturc ch,1111hcn fhere \\ill be trained pmk.'­ program. t\ llC\v program wil l 111i ll"L'. a' nmner'> fund rai.,c for 11ld cheap iumor 'Ilic ac11011 i' '1onal' a\ <11 lahk to .111''' er 4ue-.­ begi n each month. Enrollment i' ) " 1111 ha\e que ... 1io11' 1lll a broad inlor111<11io11. 1..-.tll Sand) S.1d1,, al ru 1 th111ugh the h1~toric Ci.:orgian 4uenL·l ol 1 1creas111gl) g1l1e,rnne r.lflge of lo p1c' relating to i111mi­ thl' h1mil) Nurturing Celltl'r. (117 'tn.'L"h l 11 Dublin. Ireland\ largest · p 1111shment . gr.111on and 1"ues that 1111111igrants -U.+ 1143. l'\l 227. cit) .11 1d capital The cour... e i-. ··Tue1e ·, nothin!.! the public I.Jee adJU'it111g to lifr 111 a ne'' area. largeh flat and is a ..,ingle lap, \\ ould 111-e better than to \\ atch ·1he !\kt) or\ Office of Ne'' 'Strike for Bread and \tartlll).' and lini-,hing dose to the Bos1011ia11' ''a" c'tahli,hed 111 \ 1ddam I lu ,..,cin gct a 1,1,ll' ol Im Roses' on March 4 L·it;. l·L·1ttcr. The fan-. ... '>upp011 i'c o .\ n medi 111e:· 'a)' Colucci I99:-. to mel't the llL't!d' ol th.: ~ e't I nd 'tall. .ind )Olli" fclkm .. \nd rm ;oing 10 gi\ L' thCf11 gnm ing and changing im111igran1 'The Strike for Bread .ind Lc<1111111.1te-. "ill prm idc all the \\'lat tllL'\ \\ mt, .. ,md llC\\L'lllllcr co111111u11it) in Ro'e': La\\l'ellL'e. 1912:· a onl' moll\ .111011 )llll fll'ed to mal-c it to In 111.111) ' a:-' th1' pr1 ~JuL111 Hl 1, Bo,ton Tht· Ol I ICf· .i''i...h th \\ 0111an 'ho\\ "1th Shan m tht' elld " t(illm,-u to tllL' l \11"' l.1,1 \ L' f'L' llllglll ,!IL' l'llmmUllitlC\ Ill Kl'nncd). "111 he pre,L'nt.ed .11 7 1- unds raised w iII 'uppon the 'hO\\. "lllL' ICirl'at ( iorg1111111l.1 ~'­ lllltkN.111!1111!.! cit) gIOI") lrit'lll l' .111d ll'alll Ill'\\ th in)!' lil-c · COMPUTERS Learning to enjoy lite is hard. rpwardin~ work. .111d ' II ,\ tdk1 \\,bd, 1~·11,1 1 h.tl lct 1'L'll ll'd: t.1kL' OJ I ~ 1 k•, < I I 111 111ore mlomiauun. contaLt , \\1lllll'f1 lnHn .1 do1en n.111on,1ht1t'' l\n,1111 l orlo ~ at 617-787-4044 ffi&H COMPlTTER along " nh t tll' pan' of ... 1\ 14 If ~ m.11 1l.. m11111 •I- HELP ~CJ-O)O .=-lrl' te tlf) If II ':ie Senate about the11 \\ork.mg cond1 BRA announces I \ I ' 11011'. Her '111uoso pcl1imnanct• I I ,, bring' lo lik •I ' ti rn11g lllllL Pl Neighborhood 1111,er). 'lni~··le anti ulti111<1t,·I) Dialogue Series q," ' I llll1111ph. 1tt \ ·1Ill · Hl 1'11111 Rnk\ L'lt 1p11wnt 'hJ \ L'l n I .. , I l'\ l'f11 " l-,1)( 111'\ llL'd h) \u!IH 111 1\ ,, l·11111111L11ng 1i... neigh COUNSELING I !ht' Brighton \11,ton I !"111 It.II horh"1id di.ilo!.!lll' ,..-ne,. Ncigh­ ~( lL"ll'l) (:\l'l)llnl' " Ill\ llL'd .111d ' ,., horhu"d l\ighl'. h) .'c .... 111/on!'i ,,,,,,,,,,,,,·'"It c.'tt· ·n: m LT\\ l1L·l111L'll. i'olated (11 1 \L'lopllll'fll dflllh in till' lL'IJl..'L' 11/l\l"l" 1/•td dt"f'li .' Ill EDUCATION PHOTOGRAPHY 'lrt'"L'd \\ould ) ou 111-e to h;I\ l' ll\L' 111· 1.. hhorhu pie 111 u111 t) 1nl'111 her' to \Oll'e their othl'I p&l'llh '' ith '"ni lar c11n )amilij ( 'ou11..;di11q hupc, .111d lutu1L' '"ion tor their For struggling student5 \ lol>i le I >r in till' 1 r r le: le.Br>l na. ~ '18 a11 L'\tl'l lent \\.t) li>r communit) \II PIH>IO'> - " 1 ~ I ""/ 'I' c/11 '''"1 Brighton and C1111bnd~L' .trL'a' , u I r f 11JL·n1h"" to met'! \\Ith BRA start Learn skills to decrease stress in (llll11p.., ,trl' lree. co11l1de11ll.1I your life, whether due to, I 'cillll ,, I '>di (II ,111d h.i\ 1· ,1 u111\e1'-.atio11 about the (' h 17·8 l.")-.i!),!."; 781-87~· I I hh and solicit and picl­ • Tax Prepa1at100 E f1 l1119 • Estate Ptanmg w,iis. Durable Ecorn •m1c Development Director: up donation" from '>hop-.. . .,turl',. 1 J.. FOR AGES 40 PLUS • DON'T FORG with Ouect Depo\11 IOI Powel of AnOlney. Healtt Care Su ...an I la11nett \\ill be on hand to To register for our hall-day worksho on FAST REFUNDS Poxy living Will Tru111 and boutique'> in their ncighbor­ Learning to enjoy life listen and talk to community MEMORY SKILL> • Tax Consul1mg Adv111ng. • Business Formation: h(XXh and town'>. is hard, rewarding work. The right Installment Agteemen1 Corporations. members and discuss the wide Remember Names & Daily To-0 s. & PrlOI Years Returns Partnerships. LLCs The award-winning WGBH therapist can help. Look for one who Improve Listening & More range or !->ervices that the BRA is empathetic, practical, easy to talk Phone: (617) 924-+tOI Fax: (617) 924-4418 Auction is in its 39th year for provides. Tlie meetings wil l give Space 1s hm1ted & you must pre-reg ·ter Cra.~CahillandAssodatcs.com Boston's public broadcaster and with, and offers help in a clear way. I For Details call: 781-899-1466 key BRA staff members an op­ invite you to interview me at no reached ii... goal of more than $1.2 ponunit) to introduce themselves charge, and I won't pressure you to 1 AccuTax Christopher Jenkins, CPA million la.st year. thanks to it" and participants will have time to , hire me. great volunteer" and generous ·Guaranteed largest refunds allowed by Law'" ask questions. '• IRS Matters·Personal·Business Taxes donor'>. Affordable Rates. Brookline. Neighborhood Nights have al­ A,tMrized 1R5 Et· e Pro.ider "·· Tho..,e interested in volunteer­ ready been held in Ea\t Boston, Ken Batts, psychotherapist A, thOrizecl \lass DOR El e Pro~1de• o.,t ing as a Go-Getter in their com­ Mattapan and Mission Hi ll/Ken- L & L ARCH SUPPORT L .C. 617.558.8013 www.senioicpa.com munity may attend the kickoff on 1 781 239-8983 21 Cummings Park Suite 258 Woburn. MA ~ 1005 Boylslon Streel (Rle. 9), Newton more/Fcnway. The BRA wi ll hold March 7. For funher information, > cuslom·made orthotics arch ~t4 1,., a series of these meetings. The list support inserts for your shoes. • , . contact Tri,hia Lichauco for of upcoming Neighborhood Hanna Fogel MA, MBA, LMFT > Alleviate pain caused by more detaib at t1ishia_lichau­ irnproper foot support Nights includes the following: A \DKf \\ Z Hf, IR_\ 0 RTIFIFD f \Kot I HJ \(,f\T co(Q wgbh.org or 617-J(X)-4207. Allston/Biighton, Wednesday, lmli\ idual Is: l'amil) Coull\eling > Constructed in your presence • l ndhidual and mall Busintss Rttums The WGBH Auction will be Family Hu\in c'~ ( oll\ulting by direct molding to your fool • .\fTordablr Ratti Refrr- \ -Friend Program March IO. Honan-Allston Branch • 'ight &. \\ttl.rnd \ppointnmm \\ailable broadcast live June 6-12 on In-House or On-Site Ser V1ce Avaliapte Library, 300 No11h Harvard St., , • In Homr 'irl"ict Rr•ie" Prior )tar Retums WGBH. I() Langley Rd., Suite 401 617-872-1851 tltt. .J.""l:t I 1\, rt rt/u1d /1~ 1Ur \lfUIJ(Wn Allston. cwton, MA 02459 \nitot (61") -14-"()43 hu : Wa\ rt .homuomcu1.net Concert at Church of What's next on 'Making 111: 6 17. 244.0l:B I\'\: 6 17.332.U09 the Redeemer Feb. 28 1\t111: hafogcl011·1 \Vail ... for WOMEN 1650... Perfo1111ance is Saturday. cable tl'levision, ha-; invited .\clvp1· l isc• . Super/I (Jm -Un-One A1tent1• 111 Feb. 28, 8 p.m .. at Church of the David Carey, elder law attorney, . Hom<' [). Cl!lltenng & Rel)fl/Ont.:11111 I Redeemer. 379 Hammond St.. as guest for February. Host for the .i Toe lay . lfordr·•"" Rernmpmg · p,.,,,ona/ ,\Jwpp nt.1 Chc,rnut Hill (Green Line D train. I Cont.11 \nna akukafkaflh ' tream. et 'hO\\ i.., Richard M. Kieltyka of Chestnut Hill \!Op). RM K A-.sociatcs. a financial and , Pe1forming wil l be Luca., Har­ estate planner. , ris. theorbo: Michela Macfarlane. The !I ipic for FebrrnH) " i 11 soprano: fa) ne Tankersle). '>opra- COMMUNITY NOTES, page 30 www.allstonbrightontab.com ______l-_ n_d_a::....::-._l_·c_b_n_1<_1r=-: _2_-,_. _2<_H_J4_ Allston-Brighton TAB, page -1 Health campaign has good bones AT YOUR SERVICE Locals help osteoporosis awareness

By Josh B. Wardrop these are easy, m:ce..,..,ible things STAFF WRITER they can do now." CLEAN OUT For young, healthy women in Wairner said that the advisor) their teens and early 20s,,the brit­ gro up~ targeted college health tle bone condition osteoporosis centers. area health club-,. g) ne­ or CLEAN UP isn't something that generally cologists" office,, e\en beaut\ -.a­ \ Quality French Drains and Appliance removals reasonably } I weighs on their minds. The dis­ I o n s~ .. Any place " e "ere lfl..el) I Sump Pumps Installed priced Rubbish remov.al & clean ease, primarily fo und in women, to reach women. we di..,tributed outs are our specialty. Cheapest doesn't usually afflict its victims literature dri ving people to the Jan McOuade !1" free est 'Tlates Proud Mem 3r of the Better Business Bureau and the prices in the area! Credit on until much later in life. Web site, where !llmt of the infor­ 82 Mustangs Wrestling Team removal if items are of interest! "I don't thi nk anyone my age mat ion is concentrated ... WOOD 781-762·1 799 thinks about it at all." said Participants relei\ ed a '>ti pend All Work Guaranteed 16 l7) 846-5134 Kaiesha Harry, 23, of Brighton. for their worl... \\hich generall) "It's regarded, basically. as a added up to ahout '>ix hou~ a problem for old women." month. ..No doubt. e'en that That perception, however. is small amount of mone) \\as at­ . something that Ha1Ty and other tractive to the IL>e nager-.:· '>aid . . members of her peer group hm c Wagner. ·"But a lot of the partici­ spent the last year working to pants just wanted to be inrnl,ed ~ tte-4e,,. S ohtti6K-4- Pmfessional & Durable Hardwood by RICH CRONIN change, th rough their participa­ in the comrnunit). <;ome ju'>t en- ? "ii. /I K-'f ~ ud9et Brian's Floor Sanding H~ating & Plumbing tion in "Fight Os- joyed \\ orl..ing on Professional Craftsmanship he alth i'"ue~ . and tb111d H.c ... tor lt11111 teoporosis Now!;· ' ( Plumbing • Heating • Gas Fitting a new public " We got a lot of being a ..,ource of I' C1h111 ..1 H<'l.1111H! .• l \l'lOlll ( tl>llH:I .... 1n .... 1~11lat1 ·111111 ·p hu.' th1• 0 7 solu ion for l/IJU' ( It 11:-- /01"dt:1<1d' u11d t·' Specializing in: sq ft Healthy Women," fo1ce tor mo'>t cht:ilult . 11 rn-lrnmt l 11b1iltatum (617) 799-6740 mouth. Then White Stain & Water Base IRates·su~ p1obabl) \\a-.n·t (bl 71 l nh<'ll" grant to educate young women 1) be an ad' ocate lo[ youth Rt:mol• I.. ontwl ~ J\.lolot tl'.A"d about the dangers of ostcoporo­ ... en ice.,: · ,aid Harr: of her future ,, y 0Nned & Operateo Th1ro Ge ~r<>' n "1s. goak .. We recruited the : women She\ getting her ' tan in that through visits with "different capacity. she said. b) helping to Res1dent1al & Commercial . - youth groups, soro1ities and cam­ educate young \\-Omen about the Baths & Kitchens pus health centers.'" said Wagner. way' in which the) can mal..e Licensed & Insured · Reg i:165r .. We got a lot of people just healthy choice' nov. that \\ill pa) through word of mouth. Then di\ idends as the) get older. ·The they went through four months of youth groups I worl.. '' ith are pri­ I ::.18 660 22t l0 1 866 ~01 2- 00 training about everything from marily concerned "Ith bod) osteoporosis as a di sease to the image at thi s ace. but nO\\ r m basics of publi c health market­ preaLc hing the v<~lue of e\erci-.e as SAN MARINO J~· ing." \Omething that can al-.o pre\ ent LANDSCAPE ·r The advisory groups learned osteoporosis:· ... he ... aid CONSTRUCT ION CORP () the basics of nutrition . physical And H:.UTy ha'> fou nd v. a)"· m I Call NOW" i activity and the field of health her own daily Il k. to practice • Lrn n l\laintenance communications. They were en­ what she and th l: other \\omen of • Spring & Fall Clean-up'> for couraged to actively begin exer­ the .. Fi ght Ostl:oporo ... 1s 'o\\ !.. • Complete Yard Care cise programs such as kick-box­ program are preaching. ··rm try­ • Brick \\ alkm1~ s Special Rates ing and Pi lates. and visited in g to get in 30 1nmute' of wall..­ • Re:-,idential I Commercial dieticians and farmers' markets to in ~• 01:- aerobic' ealh da\. and l 1111\ fn, un·d • I ~ \ r,. I· 'P· learn about better eating habits e\~ n thow:d1 I don ·t hl..e mi ll... I 781-329-5433 "The issues we're reall y push­ learned thTit I could get calcium ing are higher calcium intake and through orangl: ILllCC . rm happ) the impo11ance of weight-bearing because I" ve \l:C n the re:-,ult-, of exercise - walking, running, the campaign in Ill) 0\\ n life. and anything where impact is ab­ from people \\-hO.\e given me sorbed by bones," said Wagner. po s iti \l~ feedbacl.. about \\-hat ··we want young women to know tllC) ·,,e learned." Man killed, infant unharmed in Brighton If your Maybe it's By Francl Richardson BOSTON HERALD A Brookline man was ki lled and a man and woman were in­ ischan timeyou . jured, but a baby escaped un­ harmed on Feb. 18 after a mini­ van and SUV collided on a busy Brighton street, authorities said. changed banks. After 3 p.m., an unidentified names •• 27-year-old Brookline man was T 11n! ,11111.'mg m thL m1dd L' ,11 thc 13ank llw11 its ttme you killed when the Isuzu Rodeo he Ba~ 111L"gLT-.~ was driving crossed the center d1~c, l\cTcd Pn1plc-. l'L'Lkr~1l '\l\ 111g-. I3ank. line of Nonantum Road and hi t a \\, truh ,ire ,1 co111mu111l\ h.mk. focused on ~lT\mg Lht needs of our Mazda mini van. The crash scene was horrific. l1L'1l!l'h1'r.. \\L' kn1\\\ '' lut tllff Lll..,l<'llll'r~ \\;mt Ctll1H'l1l<'lll l,1c;1t1tms, Oex1ble with the red Isuzu rolled onto the 1m ,d,tcb th.It lllt'L l lw1r wn!-." I,''' kc~ and lnl'ndl: :-lT\.IL< \nd we dell\·er. sidewalk near the MDC skating rink, smashed flat on its roof. The I n1m free chclkmg ''ah Lll !m,, h,mk11'g, t11 'l<'llh 1'q.t11: l11an:, and mortgages, silver minivan's windshield and \ ,1u I! lmd L'\.lT)lhmg Y<'ll llc'L'd b nght hc·re m the' llL'Igh 1,,1h1od - at People~ front end were smashed. The driver of the minivan, lnlcd '-,1rn1gs Bank \\c' ltlYill' \°llll t

Bartley Mercer, was seriously in­ \ ll'>l..l Rn,hun ILl\l) lc·1111 '-I' ct the minivan, was not injured. lh 17) l H -0707 The cause of the crash is under Federal Savings Bank "" \\.pl,h.com investigation by the State Police I ' Reconstruction Unit. Page 8 Allston-Brighton T~B Friday, February 27. J004 I ""w.•llstonbc;ghtontahcom Jody and Maria return to St Anthony's ·

By Chris Orchard to choose between Tony and you." for the lab. CORRESPONDENT Some of the jokes shouldn't be repeated. 'The last piece we need is a water suppl i- l After ye f\ \.\ ithout .an alumni event (or Love. sa)s the priest. is .. like the game of er:· -.aid Philli ps. ··we just need that last even an al mni committee). St. Anthony's bocce. Sometimes you \\in. sometimes )OU piece and we· re done." · School in A bton pack.edit-. new I) Tenovated just get ) our [bocce game--.pheres I k.nod.ed Philips credited a number of local compa­ auditorium ecentl) v. ith 'chool graduate-.. around:· nies for supportin t! the school. Nearb) All­ Nearly 3 0 alu mni. many from the 1960s St. Anthon) 's alumni seemed to cnjo) the ston Food and Spirits supplied drinks for the WARNING: and 197(}.,. isited the school on a Saturday show. event. and re-supplied them when they sold night two eek. s ago for a perto1mance of " It\ great:· said Denise Leigh. eighth­ out. The) abo donated pri les to raffl e off - ··Joe) and Maria\ Corned: Itali an Wed­ grade Class of 1979 (St. Anthony's School is Budwci-.er and Patriots gear. ding:· pre-k.indl'rgartcn through eighth grade.) Ncarb) Shaw\ ~upport s the school. too. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE 1 The shoJ bilb 11-.elt the longest running It\ .. \er.\ 'tereot) pica!,.. said Mi k.e Hol­ alonl! \\ ith Han ard and Boston College. said CONSIDERED SHOCKING, imernctive inner sha\ in !! hin2s like .. , ous l!U\S:· the cast e\ ent. -.eemed happy. hunilic-.. said Phillips. O\·cr the summer.• perfo~1s ~a wedding c~ rem<~ll)- and pan:. ··11 \, a get-out-because-it \-\\ inter part):· Br<11ilia11 parrnh 1.·ompletel) renovated the They ming e with the audience members she said. school\ auditori u111 . 1 \\ho are ess ntiall) guest\ at the v. eddi ng. The) were hoping to raise SI 0.000. said i\lan.\ alum ni .it the event went to St. An­ Grooms en tlin and dance \\ ith the Patt) (Dunn) Dail;. \\ho\ v.rn'k.i ng to estab­ thon:\ School. 111.uTicd someone from the \\Omen: bri lesmaids do the same \\ ith the lish an alumni association. something the school and then Sl'l lt their k.id\ to the school. men. school hasn't had in a \\hile. 'This co n1111un11 y is like an old Allston Joe)\ \ uptuOLh e\-girlf1iend sit' on a Ga1') Phi !lips. principal of the scholll. said com11H111i t\ ... said Nancy (Gordon) Niver. 1 man·s lap. mone) raisl'd \\Ou ld prohahl ) go toward Class of i 068. · "Excu-.e 1e. -.ir:· sa) s the prie't \\hen thi-. run ding tech no log) and a nev. -.cience room. The school was fo unded in 1921. and the happens. ··1 '\pect to hear I 0 Hail \ 1ar:" for "We· re close to pulling a science lab in the original communit) in St. Anthony\ Parish that <,mi le u on )Ollr face .. ,c11001:· he -.a1J. ··with comrnuni t) support. \\


$54-95 $39-95 Hen"1 till 11 hn/11/i' 11f 11m~1w11.1 for 1610 4 to 5 pm. News Nuevo - Jamie 9 to 11 p.111. The Sp11 ,1I Dance....:. Hawthorne A.W -1\11\/m - Hri~ht1111 I n'e Rudio 6 to 7 p m. Home Cookin jazz- Judith FRIDAY 7 to 9 p m. The Kitschen - Jennifer 7 to 9 a m Morning Brew Ha-Ha - Carolyn SUNDAY 9 to 10 p.m Shadow line - Seth and Kim 2 to 4 p.m round the Radio - Rob 10 p m to 12 a.m. live live - David 3.to 6p111 Metal Meltdown - Nancy ( We warned you.) WEDNESDAY 7 to 9 p.m Rockin 111 Boston - Joellen c' • 12 t1 2 pm Malcom in the t\M.. eek MJIC'Jlin 9 to 12 p m Radie .11., & Radio - Ted 6 30 to 7 p.m Allston·Bnghton Forum - Mark SATURDAY THURSDAY 12 to 2 pm The Fro111 Porch - Baratunde 8 to 1O p.m. 1000 Points of Light - Jay 3 to 5 p.m Allston Sports Now-Alex ~to 6 p.m Theme P.11 k - Lee and Bets TUESDAY 6 to 7 p.m The Cnt1cal Tick - Bill 6 to 8 pm Marks Cl.1ss1cal Caravan - Mark 7 to 9 p m Mixed Greens - Chns 8 to 10 p m. Saturd<1y Soiree - Jo·Marnma

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617-923-1502 ,1 Ne\\ Store Hours: Monday-Saturday am -7 pm • Sunda) 8 am-6 pm Visit our we/Jsite: .russos.com. I _w_ww._.a_ll_st_o_nb_r....::ig""""h_to_n_ta_b_.c_om______, ______F_ n_·d_a"-'y._F_eb_ru_ary-"--2_7:.....,2_004 ___ A_ ll_ston-Brighton TAB, page 9 I REAL ESTATE I The Allston-Brighton Healthy Boston Coalition FACTS It's time to pick 10th ANNUAL UNSUNG HEROES A WARDS CELEBRATION TIME AND MONEY: NOMINATION FORM SAVE BOTH! Comp/etef form "'UJ' he se11110: The Allston-Brighton Healthy Boston Coalition Selling•' home i:i hard work_ You \\ant the this year's heroes I 59 Washington St rc~t bcs1 pric~ 111 the ~hortcst time '' ith 1hc least Drigllton, MA 02 135 has,lc. "Yo11 ,\lso ''ant to a\01d llll'.'ltakc"> th:ll arc 1.:nmm11nl) made b)' those "ho tr) 10 sell Each year. the A llston- Cooper. Joseph F. Crosby, Cliff Fax: (6t 7) 782-94 t 1 priscillagotding@abhc:atthyboston.org their honk on their 0\\ n. Brighton Healthy Boston Coali­ Cudjoe. A ndrew Da\i\. Ellie I h)\\ c.•11 a real estate profc~~inna l help tion honors ··unsung heroes" for Deluco. Rita DiGes-.e. Nhatha )OU achli.!\r tho:,c goals" hr-,t b) i.:untt11g agent "111 hold organi1ed O~n Houses lii!tl ad\erltsc )'our home 1hrough year m~u"ks the 11th anniversary Joan Golden, M arge Greeley. 1 tnJny H\l11ucs. induding print and Internet of this Allston-Brighton commu­ Badianna Yoremen Jacobi. Susan The lntert1c1 " also where the agent locate' nit) CYCnt. Residents arc asked to Kearns, A llan Kelle). Greg out-of-hn, 11 buyers ... ubmit nominations and encour­ Kiely. M ary Lenihan. Debbie N.i.ne a d dcscriptlOO of project. business or organ11.a11on (if applicdble): age other.., to do the same. Win­ Lowe. Jenny L ui. Brian \1agee Kate ners will be honored June 2 with and Theresa Man:h1one. a dinner and awards ccremon) at A lso. M aureen and Phil Mc­ --i:------Brnsco Boston College. To be eligible. Grail. A lice Mill,. Alfred Mira Addres1 of nomincclnominccs ~ nominations must be received no Brunilda Montane/, Ellin M ur­ ....:::-r-21 ---,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ later than Friday, M rn·ch 26. phy. Rita E. Murph). Erica Street City State Zip Code Shawmut Properties 1.\4 Trrmuot Strttt There are many people who Na1a1To. Nancy ..md \ t 1chael llomJ.'clcphone(s) Wor~ Tclcphonc(s). Occupation{s): Brighton ~ I\ work tirelessly to supp011 the A ll­ O'Hara. Margaret O'Hare. Car­ -..ton-Brighton community. These ol\ n Parker, L ucien> Pa.1,samani. Plc:asc: ·11plain "hy you feel this person/persons should be considered for an Unsung Heroes Award. giving -\ prol1..•c;;sional· can al,t1 ... uggc,1 ways to indi\ iduals or groups think noth­ A~u mry PierTe Mike. Regina cone c c:xamples "hcrcvcr possible Please be as detailed as }"OU can, artaclting up to one additional mJJ..c 'our home more aUral'.11\ c and page. r 11e m <1re k "C' ~'""'' abo ut a nominee 1111d the mo~ completed f orms rectivtd/or that individual, tile more mark.cldhlc. encouraging buyer C\c11crncnt Pinkney. Rosetta Robinson, Toni ing of lending a hand to thci1 tltoro*h tit< de wa...... erman '''H 1) 11mc .inc..l mnrn.:) \\h1lc gctt1n~ ~llll h1p Jim Bingel. M ichael Bourg, and Bob Whynot Your Address: ------<.h>ll,11 fur your home Ill the :-.hortc:-.1 tune

Kitty Bowman. Judy Bracken. For more information. call the You Si gn~turc . 11 (1111 mon informatum ·"Tcncic" Hrook-... Kc\ in Car­ coalition\ oftin· at 6 17-782- i lid, 1 \(WUllJIJ,: lt'(tf t"(tl/1' /\ 111\' hU\11/t'\\ ragcc. Michael Ca-.hman. Marc 3886. i111,f /'/I ltc1pp1h \ht11t mi ·~ntm h di,!t 1111h 1011 ( i1ma,1m1 du-nt<1/ 1ri/ -, --16~ ,_.. _,,_.,or ff>/ -J -, .... _'/_'I


!In Jo\111h H. \"111t1h C0111111 11 11itr l/('(lf/h Crn/£'1: :!.87 Hntem \re'. 111 1\ll.11m1. 11a11011pm/it or­ ~1111i::.111w11 th111 ort. The ce11ter an <'fll\ llltl\f COl/llllerciaf ill.\11/"!I//('('\ I/lid llM01, and of/{'n 11\\i11w11 c tn 1111111\/tr1'cf il1{/tr1cl11a/, mu/ /111111- 1!1' 111 llf't'lr111~ for H111\f!eal1'1. \'ci~hhorlwot! /lea/th 1'{0111 and orhn 11'1Ttce di1co1111t\ 1;11d pm­ ~ra111~ . !11e Joseph M. S111irh Co1111111111itr fll'al!lt Cc111er i.1 ar tilw11·d 11 ith Herh lmwl /)ca­ <'011n1 Medico! Ce111e1: Chi! t!rt'n \ Hu111i111! 1111{/ Ho11111 \11!111m llO.\flital. For 11111/"l' i11 - (on11111i1111 ahm11 rhc t'\'l'll/\ or heolth n·nrer \I'/'\ /Cl'\. call So11111 M1·1' (/{ 61 7-783-0500. I'\/. ?73. 01 ri1i111 · 1r11 :j111schc.11r ~.

Free health screenings I-rec glucose. cholesterol and blood pressure screenings arc held monthly throughout the community. fklm> is a sd1cdulc for March:

Feb . 27 2-4 p.m.: Commonwealth Tenants Asso­ ciation. 2-8 Fidelis Way. Brighton. Call Kannna fo1 more information at 617- 787-2727. ext. 10. March 2 9 a.m.-noon: Joseph M. Smith Commu­ nity Health Center. 287 Western Ave., Allston. For more information. call Kim at 617-783-0500. March 9 10 a.m.-noon : Chinese Golden Age Cen­ ter. 677 Cambridge St., Brighton. For more information, call 617-789-4289. March 10 NIJO ~· • llfti(lf ... 10 a.m.-noon (glucose screening only): Oak Square YMCA. 615 Washington St., StriVectin-so· Brighton. For more information. call Tali ·~" cJ • J -~·-~~·-~ at 617-782-3535. lnl ..*"'" All~lf fl&tW i:111•ting r•tch Marke March 15 1sm111t Oistenae.) 10 a.m.-noon: Veronica Smith Senior Center, 20 Chestnut Hill Ave .. Brighton. Call Millie for more information at 61 7- .... ~rtited -...e11 MIP ~ "o" 635-6120. ,~P +r NC.~.-, March 23 ~·.,...... "· ..• ,, ,...... ,. 1·3 p.m.: Commonwealth Tenants Asso· ciation, 91 ·95 Washington St. , Brighton. Call Karinna for more information at 617-787-2727, ext. 10. March 26 2-4 p.m.: Commonwealth Tenants Asso­ --- ciation , 2·8 Fidelis Way, Brighton . Call Karinna for more information at 617- 787-2727, ext. 10.

Free English classes Free English dasses are of­ l"cred every Thursday. 7 to 9 p.m .• at the Joseph M . Smith Community Health Center. For more information. ca ll Kim at 6 17-781-0) 00, ex t. 246. Page 10 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, February 27, 2004 www.allstonbrightontab.co

~ /1"1 _ ___....o ·-----1- ~ ------:------+-

J. PINION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• ·'' '.:· .· EDITORIAL

Behind the culture ....

, f ' r· of clergy sex abuse '\

he clergy sex abuse crisis still amicts the Roman Catholic 'I.I Church and secrets are still coming out./\.., the church tal­ T lies the victims and perpetrators. we' re hearing more can­ did talk about the cul ture that. for a time. winked at the sexual abuse of young boys by priests whose vows of cdibacy were in­ terpreted as only applying to females. The latest infom1ation comes from Monsign(l1 Richard S. Sniezyk. He is temporary leader of the Springtield diocese. replac­ ing Bishop Thomas L. Dupre. who resigned and 110\\ mu'>t answer accusations that he sexually abused two boys in the 1971>... and early 1980s. Sniezyk said in a Boston Globe anicle this wed. that 11 \\a<, common knowledge - when he was a seminarian <1nd then a young priest - that some priests were having '-.C\ \\ ith }Oung J'I men. It was considered OK. It wasn't known at the time. he \aid. -''l• • how damaging the relationship was to the young men imohed. f·O No. incredibl y. he is not kidding . .. They did good ministry. they were gsition 10 the ~1ih lh against them. per accc-.s 10 St. Eli1abe1h \ Ho..,­ ification. Letter length should be no more than Sniezyk ·s explanation for the abuse is disturhmg. It "<; impo-.<; i­ Plan f ~ the 1ump1i..e e\lension pi1al. We\\ ill hear the brunt oflhe lolb. iis pl

    202. 8) e-mail phva · i2 .it tht' \II llll l lllLrC.hC' I .11!1c ha-., 111- allston-bnghtomt enc.com. lr f, . The good news. if you can call it that. is Sn1e1\ "._,contention '>IOn-B ght<.>I 1011'. .mJ II \\ uuld LfCa....:J ... 1gmlicaml;. on \\a.,h­ 7 (' that the ahu'-.e \\as a product of the time'> - the '6'". · ( .i.nutbound 1olk mgton. l'rcmont and F.meu1I '80s - and that the culture of exploitation and der11.il m the church \\ hrl ' this migh1 plan m1gh1 'tn"et..,... anJ ha'> eau~ hem.) the late'>! propos.il from Tump1i..e p.uiJrn2 pr~'>ure~. is a thing of the past. pnl\ iJ some CO'>I -.,,I\ 1ngs and nr..,h-hour tratlic and congestion board member Chri'>ty Mihos. As rhe Mili'os plan fail<, 10 ad~ It is also glerated - at lea-.1 in this countr;.. neigh rhood v. ill be unacccpt­ We urge you to reconsider th i.., on the Boston City Council. The rx·Je..,trians, A1 lston-Bri2hton--i But as Bm.ton Archbishop Scan ()'Mall ey and other.. ha\\! '>aid. ahl;. hi !h. Hundreds ot dri\ er' plan. Our neighborhood and oth­ people I represent ha\'c comacted h1 imc to oue of the largest · it will take many year-. for the church to recover from this cri -.i'>. ilx > k.in ~ to a' oid one or both tolls ers nearby should not bear the my office to voice their oppmi­ L\'ntrations of senior c ~izens i l fa idence of its lost credibility is '>een in the re-.,rxm..,e to the \\ ill en er !he c i l~ 1hrough our CO\l of the turnpike\ ··monc) tion to the plan to increase the in­ the city of Bos1on. The neigh church's \ igorous opposition to same-'>e'< ma1Tiage. One of Bi1.,hop naml\\ and alrcad;. congested ''I\ ing" deci-.ion. bound tolls at the Allston exit to hood also has many ch il dren~~ local trcets. The\ \\ ill then '~ alk. to school. Due to btldg t Dupre\ accusers came forward. hi s lawyer sa1J last \\eek becau-,c For the Langley Road Neigh­ $2 and eli minale the out bound 1 c111ise iome on the pi k.c at no borhood Association - 10lb. I \\ant you 10 know I stand constraints, the city doesn't ha~ I he was outraged by the hypocrisy or Dupre mai..rng spet.'Ches elhl. Liane Brandon, Brighton; united with my nei ghbors. and I the resources to maintai n ~h against same-sex marTiage. If 1h s plan is implemented. '.\ lichael P. and Doris Walsh, am opposed to this ill-concei\ed paint ing of crosswalks. I am c9 And some people openl y wish the church \Va .., a.., fa..,t 10 '>peal-. nmmin • ru !>h hour\\ i11 see great- Brighton; Charles Vasiliades, plan. ccrned about the safety of p out and lake action on abuse by its own priests ag.ttn'-.I mnocent 1;. mer a... c d tratlic. noi -.,c . ,1cci­ Brighton If the Mihos proposal 'Aere 10 1\'sidents. : children as it has been in trumpeting its opposition toga) mar­ denh · iJ pollution in :-.JC\\ ton. go into effect. it would have seri­ Mr. Amorello. please do n'e riages. Bright ·1 anJ \llston. In McDermott opposes ou.., ramitications for my com­ fa , or and ask Mr. Mihm. to ima We do believe that the American is nO\\ mO\ ­ Brigh1c l. Tremont Street and munit y. Comm uter-. from towns inc what an increase in traffic ing in the tight direction and that is certainly very g\Xxl news. Arch­ Wa..., hi ~! t o n Street arc major ··1011 Mihos turnpike plan west of Boston wou ld undoubt­ this scale would lead to in )AI bishop O' Malley has. so far. been a breath or badly needed fresh air alterna \ e-... for dri\er.., lea\ i ng To the editor: edly v. ant to"' oid the S2 toll. It is ston-Brighton. Then ask thi · 1he pi · ~ at E\it 17 in Ne\\ ton The /oflmrin~ i1 a fella 111 concei' able that thousands of question ... Would you want thi · I for the Archdiocese of Boston. Hi s sincerity and genuine caring are increase in traffic and pollution i : just what the local Catholics need right now. Comer. Th i'> prl;. coneei\ed .\fatlheir J. r\111oref/11. clwimwn cars would cut through the heart v. II hton and Brighton. The your hometown'? The fact is I. ~ i Civil prosecu1ors may still have some work to do. hut the most plan e a Jetri me ma ef­ of" the fecl on >ur Oai.. S4uare ncighhor­ 1\111huritr: ..,treeh arc already at a breaking not want this in my homet9W . , important discussion remains that which must go on\\ ithin the LETTERS, page i hood. .hich i'> home to an ele- I am\\ riling 10) ou concerning point Jue to other traffic and I ch urch. Clergy ~--;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-+-! abuse. They must consider whether such factors a'> priestly celiba­ I I cy, church teachings about sex and the role of the Jail) in pari. h and I PERSPECTIVE I diocesan affairs contributed to the problem. The Vatican mw t top crawling when it comes to reforms and should wake up faster to the realities of the times. While that discussion continues, church and Ct\ ii authoritie L ·ghter liquor laws leave some blue l must remain vigilant. There must be no new victims. 7 1 eer, anyone? Q: !Ja 1·e, irlwt did you do lO celehrate this Unfonunatcly for those who put i ~• e j II seem!> there i.., no limit 10 hm\ 1110111e11wus occasio11 , in which thi.1 ofi-an- weekend hours, that's just how our l ittl ~s - 1 B often this inmx:ent enough question 11oyi11g Sunday ban 1rns finally abolished ciety works. People need to punch in or\~a - ; can be L'>ked. in the v.ake of Ma..,sachusetts · and you 1-1 ·ere at long last free to scoot in to urday and/or Sunday or legions of would- ! i to lift one of the final ··Blue Law:-," the local shopfor a liule Pete :1· Wicked Ale? shopper!> arc forced to cram their asso rt~ e - : ·e prohibited \ irtually all forms of A: I don't remember. actuall y. I thin k I rands into horribly inconvenient time sl\I comm rce on Sunday!>. ov. our liquor 10111e alcohol on Sundar :1 of the chance to pop over to TJ Maxx to b ··············· · · ··· ·c· R;: ~;· ; ~·;; · o;~~~;·: ~o R·······o«;~~-~- ii ·~~-,~·,:·,·~·6,<"i·i ·43· ~ : ii37<»············ stores ave joined 1he pack of those that are A: That wouldn't help to pick. up popcorn a new sweater or visit Sears fo r a set of dri 1 ····· · · · · ··········· ·· ········ r;;;~·,: ~- -E:~; ;~~··: ··j; ~; ·:w~·,··~·1: ;;·.·1·:18i ·; ·433~··39·j·············· · ··· · free to ell their goods snen days a 'Aeek. kernels. Besides, I can sti ll buy it on the bits. ·· ·· ······· · ·· · ·A.·,;·~·.~·~-~·;~·;~·~· i);~~ ~-.:; ;~···· ··· (:,; ·, ~·-w~·,;·,;·l:·~·.-·c"78i";·433:·~·3·j"j"" "" "" " """ "" """"' This it \.\ Ould seem, is no small develop­ other six days of the week, assuming those I know all those stores would sorely mi s ················ s·~·; :;:·~· "R;~ ~~;:~;: ~.; ·~· ; ·;~·;; ··:.: ·i·1;;;;; ;;·~:·5~-,~-,-~·~·;·~;·:. i"::··i·;·433:·7p,·t,·5····· . hen you consider how many years rumors about an internalional ban on Thurs­ the business ifa weekend sales ban wer5 i - ·· ··· ····· · · · · ········ R:~,~ ; :· [:~:; ;~~-~·s:~ ; : ;:~ ··· ····M·~·1;·~··ii·. ··r..;;~~:~~·;·;;·. i"7.si·;·433:8204····· . we Ba Staters operated under the assump­ day liquor sales prove to be fa lse. sti tuted, so something tell s me the da~Y.· 1 ···························································· ·· ································································· Truthfull y, aside from Super Bowl Sun­ arrive when liquor store merchants wil t PIWl>l c 110'; :\1 "\GER B AR8\RA ( i ORSKI. (78 1) 433-6784 tion th 1t if you wamed to grab a bottle of ············ ·· · c; ;·~·~:~ ; :;~;;~~··M·~·~;~~·~~· ······ i.i·,;·, ·~-~-·(:,~·~~·~;~;;~~: ,·5o8"i"626:3857········ good erlot or a six-pack of Sam Adams on day, the thought hasn't even occutTed to me fear the prospect of losing their Sunda 8t - I ·························································································· ···································· Sunda . you were either"" heeling your way to jet out on the latter part of the weekend tus. Maybe not today, but they will. •-t Gl:: '\ERAL E- MA IL - \Ll"IOl'\-BM.1C.ttro1'(a<.,.. t •\t ·················· ··· ····· ····························· ················· ······················ ...... to e Hampshire or settli ng for a glass of for a beer run. In fact, even for the footba ll And lest you think yours truly gets ajr e ...... chocol tte milk. Chugging ga5o line or chug­ finale it was merely a thought, since I still ride over the weekends, I can ass ure~ u picked up my Sam Adams the day before I' ve spent many a Sunday hammeri ng aw ,•,.,. ,.• ... .,, .. ,... ,... ,.. •'~ .~ .~.~.~~~. -~~ ~~. ~. '.~ ~ ..C.. 0\0~ ~.: ~~ :~: :~~ ~: :10 I.~ ~~~.. ~,~ .'.~.~~.~.~ ..~ ~~·t· ...... ••· .. ging N • tie Quik. Your choice. ARTS F: - l\1A IL .. 1\1{! ....(tJ(_M,(.0 \I Inde · , all of our package stores were the Super Bowl thi s year, just as any consci­ at my key board in order to produce~ ! e ::: : : : : : : : : : : : : :~ ~~· ~:~ :~ '. :'.~ ~'.~:~ ~: :·~~~ ;: ~: '. '. :: f. :: ~:~ ~:~ :,: ~:: ~:'.~::,: '. :~:~ ~ '. :,::~'.: . : :: ::: ::: ~ ::: ::: ::: ::: : : :: ::: : : hut d v..n on that !>acred da), '>a\e for those entious foo tball fan would make sure to words that you're readi ng as you fl CNC EDrroR h C 111 H" - K1 ' 11\ R. Co''-• w11hin 10 miles of the neighboring states· stock one's house with all the maj or food through thi s paper today. So, who knqw , ...... <"''fl...... line . upermarke1 chains wou ld circulate groups (chicken wings, pretzels and potato without my weekend labor, you mi gl\~ t GENERAL TELEPHONE NUMBERS fliers i 1dicating that their super-duper sales skins) in advance as well. be afforded the luxury of reading my ~ t y Circulation Information - 1-(888)-343· 1960 Sales Fax NO . - (781l433-8201 on ale ho! applied only to their locations in The argument from liquor store owners is words of wisdom at all. ~ Main Telephone NO . - (781) 433-8359 Editorial Fax NO. - (781) 433-8202 1he G nite State. ""hose runner-up for a that v..hile the change is a convenience for Q) U111 . Dave, wouldn't that he a '~ d Classified NO . - 1-800-624-7355 state s gan. incidentall y. was '"Drink Beer consumers, it's a pain in the keister for the thine, :) on Su a) or Die:· Or ..,o r ,e heard. merchants because they have to staff their A°> Oh. sh111 up. I Copyright 2002 Go•,,..,"'°'f "--Co So. tO\.\- that things ha\e changed right stores one more day. even though the extra COMMUNITY Inc All r1 ghl~ 1.,...... 0 RecYoducbon by NEWSPAPER any means witho ut 0.-"'I"\ S.$IOl'l I'S oro"I o•ec Taxach u-;e 11 s. a fe'A oh\ ious 4ues­ hours will probably not mean much more Dm•e Gr<11fUan can he reached at dgral ·-i COMPANY ay 'ipring to mind: business O\'eral l. ja11 @rnc.co111. ) ~ www.allstonbrightontab.com Friday, February 27, 2004 Allston-Brighton TAB, page 11 PERSPECTIVE Legislature should let the people decide gay marriage issue

    have agonized over the issue of tu res. Ih a\e the 1ight to' ntl' on the 1-..-..uc-.. dL'lin­ m. Fu11her­ ple is discriminatory toward heterosexual I more than I 00,000 ce11ified regis­ ham carried out ht' <..'OO\titutional dut). to del1\ the L'Jt 1!l'n-.. the n!.!111 tn 'nte on mon:. I think the Legi!->lature !->hou ld initi­ males and females. tered voters signed pet it ions to put on the the public "'ould have had a chance to the is;uc of mam.ige 1111~' -..hPuld that .ite pnx:eedings to remove those four The same-sex marriages in which the ballot the question of matTiage, in which vote on the '"ue of marriage thi'> year. recur. judge' from the bench for breach of duty SJC has mandated should not and must the.se signatures were tra~hed over a year but the former Senate president denied The Lcg1-..lature '' urged to kt the 1x:o legi,lating from the bench. not stand. The Legislature is urged to stop the signature' Thai " v.h} \\ L' face thi' pie decide the 111;uT1.tgl' i...... Ul' and 11\ll the ~ lan"iage i!-> a sacred religious vow be­ the insanity and let the people decide the GUEST COMMENTARY crisi!-1 over dd 1111ng marriage. Supreme Jud1L·1al (\1t111. an act!\ i-..1 l'llUl1 t\\ een man and woman. What are the maiTiage issue. Representative democra­ The issue of mamage i' too 11 nportant that I•_;? 1.. :... , : .. ,,,. 1i1t: ix:nch fhc )JC pi; iponeni... of ... a me-sex maJTiages trying cy demands that. I urge legislators to Arntl:-:A G ARRISON to let the Sup1 en~ JuJ1c1al Cou•1 Je<.·iJe doe-,n ·1 ha' ca hinding h..·.;!,tl nhilg.111un tll to d11. re\\ rite the Holy Bible and histo1y? move expeditiously to delay lhe ruling of for the peopll The 1.....,ue of mamagc is legi-..late frnm the IX'nch. onl\ the dul:­ ·111at "ould be \\ rong. Let the people de­ the SJC to give the voting public a chance impo11ant. and it "Ill affect ch· IJren and elected kgi...1.ttlll"' ha\l' 1h,11,1uth11nl~. cide the i'sue of maiTiage anJ not the to vote on defining marriage. Once this ago by fo1mer Senate President Thomas families. rc!!.11Jk-.-.. of hO\\ o~ feeb on The SJC '' -..uppo-..l·d tn 111terpret the SJC DtX'\n·1 the mer 100.()()() voters has been done, I believe the public wou ld Birmingham. He cho!->e to block these pe­ defining 111;;111 age Tllc people -.houlJ de­ CotNitullon. nllt \\!"Ill' l.t\\ fn1111 the \\ hthC ... ignatures were ce11itieJ to put the suppol1 whatever the outcome produces, tition signature!-. from coming up for a cide thi-.. important i-....,ue anJ not four un­ bend1. and the rl'L"l'nt \J( \ dL·ci-..ion on matter on the ballot count? I urge legisla­ and once and for all the issue of marriage vote at the Constitutional Convention elected mcml-,er-. of the SJC It \\a-. o.,rune--..c\ ma111,1gc-.. mu-..1 not -..1;u1d. r11e tnr-.. to at least gi' e the people a chance to would be resolvl..'CI. (ConCon ). thereby voiding the more than \\ rong for thl· fomlt.' l)enatc P~~iJent to Leg1,Jature '' urgl'd Ill hh:k an:- lll"dl·r '.>te on the i!->sue of dctining mmTiage. Althea Garrison is a former state rep- I()(),()()() ce11ified registered voters· signa- den) those \\ho -.11..ned the ~1111on to that gr mi... -..1Jl1l"'C\ L·nupk-. till' nght to h111hcn11ore. to grant 'pecial benefits rese11tative_ftr>111 Boston. -~~ Yo, Red Sox, winners don't cry, whine, moan and complain ii a swirl of oneupmanship and hot in c. that i.... th · -..ign111g ot 'ho11 ... 11 p ~n...a­ land Your cau-..c 1"11c-..l.' Rl·d \n\ dn not ui111l.' out a!-. more fo11hright. more in showed John Henry. headlines. the owner' of baseball\ ti\;n Ale\ 1{11driguc1 or thl' tlltal Stein­ ha'l' 11 keeping ~ ith modern moral it) or e\ en Steinbrenner is the American icon of 1 )ne and two teams. the Nev. York hrenncr pa' 11111. So\ ll\\ Ill'!" Jllhl l knn cun1plainl·d the high gmund '. success. He is tough, focu~eJ and does r l'\ Y~es and the Bo!-.ton Red So\. -.niped Or l'\ en thl' idea thal CJ} th111g 1-.. .1u-..1 l.1,1 \\eek that Cil'' 11 _,!l 'itl'I ihr,•nfll'I' \\ .i-.. \nd ) et Helli} ha-..he' the Yankee' as not suffer fool!\. Herny is stingy. pelly and harJTiil'lt week. and in the \ niping. ~ho\\ed hi!!ccr and tx·ttl.'r 111 NL'\\ 'wr\... "h1ch II ''· grnng he:-llnd lhL· h11t111d-.. ' t J"L'."t Ht \\ 11h 'll.'er atti- rn:--tl1at lllll bl'lm ed hale ell:> in 1.omp.m- his '>i"IO m11l11111-1)lti-. p.1:-roll. I hi... 1... 11·1 \nur gr..1pe,. S!L'mhrcnnl.'r -..aid in re­ embittered nerd who felt his only option 'on " Plato ' .1 \ L' ha-.eball am 111< '"L hL .... ud Thi -.. 1... n·t l,ur 'l"1<.11i-..e He i' alN1lu1cl) riglH \\as to ... 11ike back at the evil Yankee em­ It 1s attnudl "-lll'k.'thing ~mt .... ui't hu). I Hm\ l'\ c1:. \11\ i,1\ l.' .1 \I~:' n ll1lln Hut Hcnr:- i... not till' tir...i ~ o\ otlicial to pire with schoolboy taunt!-> and illogical GUEST It\ the idea th•ll )OU reall) ,,,1 to~ in. pa:-roll. -..econd 1n the g.llllL' t11 till' ),111 c1 lllll.' oil ,I\ lo\\ -rent or h) 1xx:ritical. He admonitions. COLUMNIST thai you ju~I dt in ·1 1alk ,1hout 1t \nJ. 1111 irc kce-.. The:- hll\ t.iklll thl· ".t) 1he ) an "hinl.'d that A-Rod ''a' coin!! to the Yan­ This will never win him or his team i1111x>11a11tly. }tll kml\\ \\hat 10 Jo once kee-. Ju. C\.tctl:- thl.' \\a:- thl' r .1nkl'L'' do kl.'e'. ,111d 1n th l.' "hini1;g . ..,lm\\-cd why anything. ) Ull ha\'e WOil Thl') go !Pr till' 1111pal'I pL1: er. ,u1d th~·:­ th1, tu\\ n cou ld ncYer take a champi- The Sox haw put a solid team on the 11 is the dJflcrL'llCl' bet\\L'Cll the 10th got h1111 1111-. )l';ll 111 pikhe:1 ( \111 011 ... h1p 111 ha..,ehall . not like thi!->. field. They haw a fearsome pitching staff tudc. will ni.:ver heat the Yankees head to phl}er on the I'< • \ tm11~ a 'l.'J) t 11 11.' colle1 Sch1lling. I hi' i, the talk and thi !-> i' the walk of a and a lineup that could rattle thi.; hcst or 11ead. or any other way for that matter. nu doubt, and I 1~cr \\ood-... Th.it. in I.id ''till' IL.ii -.111r) lll'll' .1-.. h N'r '11ei nhren11 e1. tor all hi -.. fault-.. and bascbalrs other pitchers. It simply won "t hap1~11 under current Oh. ;ou d{)J1·1 kiln\\ the Jlallll.' 1if the -..pring t1~1111111g k1L·kl·d ull I.ill' la-.;t \\ L'L'k hL· ha-.. plellt). due-.. not do thi ,. We do not ill'ar this from the mouth of circunNanci.;,. I0th player"' I i ' " Ill) poim rl1e 'IP\ 11i..1k the· r \\.id \ll d ,,•et111n;t1\ In I"L''l"l<.lll'L' to I knr:-. he -..aid lhl' man ,John Henry. Fe•U"ed. loathed and hati.:d tor hu: ing up /\ trtlL' "111111n)! .iltltulk ''a gift a-.' .ilu­ d.iugh Ill the• Pit -.., Nill ,,11,1 hPll"ht , did lllll gu 1he di...tancc fill h1-.. Ian-..'' hen ln..,tead. ~c hear whining. We hear talt:JU and v. inning hall ga me-.. "ith "ha! ahk' in the u1111r\.'1Jtor ,t, ll\) gen. onl) Pile pillhc1 \\ l1c11 'hl' t1ic·d ll • hll\ t''L' ,Jh t th ...· \ Rod llL'!..1lt1.l11ll11-.. kll -..hon . f'lle \\h) he will Ill'\ er be in a po-.Ttion to pour 1 thi.:;, hu) . the Yankel'' ha' l' it .111 o\ l'r 1hc rung do" 11 till· l.tJJ.:r fmm hau,,..ht~ .md ... 1np. tlil'\ ,iel"ll ~l·d thl·:- d1dn 't 1.1\ c \, '' '' 11tdd11 ·1 put up thl' 111011L'\ lx:cau ...e the champagnl' hecau!-.c. dc,pite all tho!-.e c'nougl llll•lle'\ ,·t· -.,1 hl ).1 1--L·,, 1... ') r-.t, So\ Ill ti.:nm of kml\\ ing ho\\ IP get tll Lhc armgant. lt i-.. .t 1.·11x·~ of the J'k.'\."k. a -,mile. l ti lllln · t put their tan-.. Ii mi llion ... he spends. ju-..t like the damned top and ht 1\\ to -..ta: t lll'rl' :l kllll\\ 111!..! !!l.ilk"t'. ,I \\.I\ llf 'I\ 11!..! '4.lnll.'­ ho iud h1111 ~ ll. \\.till ll l pi.I) \\Ith lhl' hi)! hO) .._» Yankee!->. he \Nali....l'I and ta lks like a lmcr. And 11 ha-..' l.'J) little lu dP" 1th till' bu~ lhing th.it -,ho\\' )OU l~·he\t' .Ill )ow ...dl \l hl' L" l !hi' .._'l l,l[ll di' 11 ~ '\(l\ \ll'1PflrL'llltC1 \\ill -..IHl\\ )llll hn\\. He And that\ till' difference. Q'Toole will continue tradi ion of city police department excellence I I he apprn1HJ11L·n 1 l.1-..t I .1ppu1111ed 1'.ttl IL·en ( > look th.i: (J,tdlliOl (lf L'\.._L' tll'-'-' (J\1' .ind ind \ll ll. I llc'L'd' <11 lllll I hi-..\\ Ilk range ot l.'x pcriencl.' hi '> tory. hut prepari ng for the fu­ \\ ci.:k ot Kath leen \I heL".iu-.i.: I hel l'\ l he hJ-.. 1he <.'\ \\luk 1k\e 1p1ng Ill\\ .111 ~·111 lln lll I' It I~·, !..!l\L'' (\11111111.....,Hllll'l o·Took a ture. Tv. O'Toole as the city's penence, leadcr-..htp anJ L'om­ pni.iehc' to furthl'1 11L·1gllhor Co 11111,-;1t11L ()' J,,ll L' '1a1l lllllljUl' Jk'r-..pl'Cll\ l'. \nd -..llL' ha\ Thi.: ci ty of Boston ha' an ex­ '7th police commis..,ionn was a pa):;sion to lead the Bthtoll Po­ hnoJ policin . l.'d l•l'J , .1n·t:1 ,1, t B11-..1011 police ahead) Int thl· ground running citing Yl'ar ahead. Crimi.; i' at an hi-.;to1x da: for Bo-.h in and ,lJl li ce I >cpartmen\. Tht 11.'-..1 knh I '11.: poliL"L'. on th,· h.:,11 11 e' l 11IJ1t'"1 \\l•l'i..Ld ,,., .1 'l'JW1r man 1111-. p.i-..l "l'ek. reaching out to al l-titnl' low. and peopk fee l especially proud one for me. of Bo, ton Jc-..en L' 11nthing le" Cl part llf 111\\ lhl' I.I(~ pl !l .t_,!l'I !Pr tltl' \I DC l'Plic·l· and hnth rank and file police ofti­ safe to walk our !-.trects. I fee l Cher thl.' pa-..t dl.'L".lill lhl \JdL' h,1,ll I) 'l'f\1...L'' lhl'\ \:.it.. 1'1 ili..:e 'll H'd .i' the ,f,ltL"' l c1' and B1 i-.ton rL'\Jdl.'nh rnnfidl'11l that \\ ith Kath leen Bo-.hrn P11ltl ...' lkp.inn , l..1-. pr•'' ide the h 'ic 'L'Lllnt~ ll'1.c' '-,Lei t.11:- 111 Pu,)l1c '),1kt:- .•111d c·l11H1111-....11u1L'1 \\J1 .. rnne -.ind hutldin~ ·nw: .tl,t> ,e~. L .i- 1l1L ... , ...... ,111d t ~ 111 he1 \\,11k , .. 'lnic n,:; .r oppPrtunll) tn bui ld on pk forn arJ to Bth ton -..1ronger L"1 111mum11c,. C11111m1' e •• 1, ol thL· 1..111 lll1 .ti ,1 Jh t ... ,11.1 I '-"•'lll1lllll'' J'uilc 111g for LL'''e' a-. \\Cll "' " Ill' \\ hl.'g111- being l'' en ..,a fer for our re-.. i -..ionl'~ 0 look \\Ill L'llntlnUl' -.tk' and hl'lp ,1ddrc,,: ....· ,., I , 1 ti 1.I I iJl'f,t d Jllll~ \\t' .ire not nn l: 111.iking dent:-. .11111 for our' i'>itor'> aliki.:.

    ,f' ' ~ ''ljuncheo11 Earl,r Hfrd ~.. Specials Spec·ia/s I '" you want to get 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. 11 4 a.m. - p.m. Monday - Thursday Monday _ Saturday r .. -'p $7.25 $10·95 t know a rug, Fried SchrOd B ·f Salm . aked Schrod Baked -n Chick~~· ~~ked Scallops, G11lled L----01 . o1 ce of 2 vegetdbltt ru b its MOST RUGS ARE MADE OF ' I WOOL. MORE ELABORATE New Hours: Take Out Orders 1 DESIGNS ARE OFTEN lillon.-Sat.11-9 Full Ltquor ' Sun. 12-9 WOVEN FROM SILK. WE ~ack. HAVE SOME THAT COMBINE WOOL AND SILi<. .. 1. ' ...., DOES IT FEE:L TOO !)_7~ •/?\ . S \OOTH TOO STIFF? ITS PROBABLY A prmully \l'rt'illJ.: HrooMint~ for 1-y11ur' - 1wu· "!'''" \1111 Ju.r' M .CHINE-MADE f~UG. WE HAV E THE W IDEST visit " ·' 111 356 Harvard Street, Brookline - tel. 6 / 7-5M1-5590 SELECTION AND BEST VALUE O F ANYONE IN NEW ENGLAND, LIKE THIS SOfi\E EXQUISITE RUGS RUG FROM THE MAHAL HA 'E AS MANY AS 800 COLLECTION BY SAMAD KNOTS PER INCH. (M-101 RED/RED) .

    If itlfeels a little too smooth, if you can't feel amazingly elaborate works of art that ha ve as the knots, 1f 1t feels a little stiff, then it's many as 800 knots per inch. (We have some in for Parents and Kids pro )ably a machine made rug. There's nothing our store.) must be received by the wr ng with a rug made by a machine as long A simpler design might have around So knots last Thursday as ou arent paying like it was a rug made by per inch. The knottier rugs are often made of ha d. The same design executed by a machine si lk. The simpler ones are generally made of of each month. sho Id cost a third of what a hand-made costs. wool. We have some outstanding rugs that are Ha d-knotted rugs are guaranteed to out-live a combination of wool and silk, ba sically the yo~ A machine-made rug has the life best of both worlds. At our store, Dover Rug, Please mail to: exp 'ctancy of five to ten years. Many people we can show you everything from an invest­ Parents and Kids, bu hand-made rugs for a living room dining ment grade rug to a beautiful broadloom roo!n, or entrance hall. They put the hand­ carpet. We have the widest selection and t he 254 Second Ave., ma4es where there's a lot of traffic. They put best value of anyone in New England. Plus, on Needham, MA 02494; the mach ne-mades where there's less traffic. our hand-made rugs, we offer a lifetime (That's Tha:'s pretty much the rule. lifetime) exchange policy. If you're really serious, measure an inch (the So, another way to make sure you're getting or, e-mail to: tip >f your index finger n length) and count what you paid w hen you buy a rug is to turn the number of knots. More knots per inch are the corner and look for our la bel. [email protected] another measure of quality. There are some

    549~Worcester Rd Natick 800-368-3778 Listings are published 126 Washington St Hanover 781-826 0010 on a space-available basis Dad 10 to 9 Saturday Surdcv 12 to 6 Dover :, wJ dm•errug.colT' FINE:- OfllENI AL RUGS & CARPETING Preference is given to free events. Page 12 Allston-Brighton TAB F1iday, February 27. 2004 www.allstonbrightontab.cdm PERSPECTIVE

    230 Harvard Ave., Allston, MA 02134 am mrnd to be.a member of the Boslt team in profe..,.,ional eration' look back on us and ask... Wh at did Americans - it is fo r all. We must learn '>P hse 111 a 1io11 s " nd da11ci11 µ to Jc1llo1 c ,-., ard to belie\\.' that the lkatk' \\t'rt· Eh i' Prc'k) and rock ·n· roll took a Wf\1E X. we 11 , tened to Woo Woo G i rl'.ber~ 40 't'ar' ago. I rcrnt'mbt'r quite \\l' II had,eat to thi' ne\\ bt'at. John. Paul. and hi' .. iglt1 Train.. shov.. All aboard fol· The \nnual Dinner follows a lhree-da,· 111krnal1onal I Su1lda\ ni!!ht. Ft'h. 9. 1964. I ,1111iht'' ( ie\lrgt' .tnd Ringo. E'er) 1h111g changed tht' night 1ra111 \hm". choo choo. symposium of researchers and physic i ~ns Prior to the t'\ Cl')'' 1ert' g athcr~d a1:ou11d __ l \ 'l'h to atlt'r 'Tht' Ed Su Iii' an Sho\\ ·· l:d ,tl-,o II hl' did11 '1 phi) a rernn.l. nobod) bougbt d111ner. i\LS patients and/or their famtlll will have "atd1 · fht' Ed Su Ill\ an Shm\ fht' lk,Hk' brought tht'm back a \\t'ek latt'1 and \\t' all ll ~ It' had po" er that fe\\ di'c jockl')' e\¢r an opportunity to ask questions of the svmpos1um had lin< lly landed in Americ.i and l:d Sulit- gathered around the TV ag.1in. I rt'mt'mbcr dre.1111 about The Beatie.... Woo W0. We think -, ~onll' t lii n g ent irely different. H ~· 'lartt'd drcs ... ing and talking likt' them. 1ml\1c. by lh1 v.ay.... o und ~ like n o i ~e . th ' 'an had 1hrn1 011 hi' ,ho\\. Bnti\h pop made it in Ameri ca. Bri ti sh -, arnt' noi ... e Ill\ parelll '> calk d the Bca t k~ 4 l f\ I) b olht'r and I thought tht') \\l'l'l' grl'at group' \\Crt' e\Cl') \\ here. Roll illg Stont''>. )t'ar' ago. ~ M) ml 11 and dad. the) \\t'll'll.l 1011 'lll'l' tht' ·\11i111al\. Da\c Clark Fi\t'. The li't \\a' · Tht' rnore thing' changt'. tht' nH1rc tht'} THE ANGEL FUN D Tht') \\'rt' into old mu,ic. fill') th11ught thr ' L'lld k'' ' ta) tht' '

    LOCAL BUSINESSES LETTER ·, from page 10 n111\! il k~.tll) trnm apa11mt'nt l\l 11n11c. \\C 11,llcd. But. thl· u111 \'vt' rt'rng1111t' that the pharnl . Th"t 101 th rt',rdcnh ol \11,ton­ \ll tlll till' 'idl'\\alk da) after da). 1\ t'alth do 1101 think that .111 j.,,uc hd\t' dt'1elopc.d lllL'dil·;1tion' th· f Brrghlo 1. I rl·,·onlllll'lld it he di' till' prohkm I'- 1L'r' rL·;tl. and 1er: ur lh r' importann• th,· \LT\ tkri h.i,t· rt·dut·l·d he lll'l'd 1111 'llll.!l'I 1111,,l·d. \n: futurl· .. :lun~t' 111 l1h1 I• •I !"h, '' I l'\.tlllpk•, JI 111l1111111l 111.1111.i~l ,hlltild he dt'· .111J LUIW 111.., lh.tl "ere pre\ 1 ou ~I turnp1k1111)1..' .it 011' that l·1•uld 1111· lu,!1.tll' ht1\\ c'\lrl'llll'h tla11\.!l'fl llh lllkd h) l Jll' ll.t''· Pr t'I l'll 200 u111reatable. We do not illlcnd t > 1 pad \II .ton or Hnghll •n ,IJould Ix· dlt'mtcal' .trt' 111ak1 _ then1-.che' lcgl\latm, \\ c \\aJll and lk'>(.'f'\l "''I'" 'l' 'g111liL.1rll rl·,1riL·tit111' L' rnle FOR a ..,i m­ lx· taJ...en to min111111e the rap~ 1 \l1h11, ( inlden .111d otht•r, Ill tht' Sl,lll' pk a111t'ndmc111 't.111ng that rnar­ g11 l\\ th nf drug prict''>. lh.111\ : uu Im : nur pr11111pt at f IPU\t:. thi\ p1t1hk111 111.t: \0011 bl• nagl' I' lx·t\\l'l'n Ol1l' llla11.111d Pllt' \, \OU kml\\ mrlliorh lll ll'lllH lll l) thl' malll'I Pk\l'l' kl·I t1\ t'r. I k rl'l'l'llll: thrl'\\ h1-, 'up "t 1111.111. 1 lmkcd. th.111 k '011 tn \111l'lk-dll\ ermott \\il l 111.ikt· that ,IJ,lllL'rcd monllor I hen. \It h.ick .ind let till' clli1en'> llht· .i ,.1fl·1 '' .t) to 1111pon tilt'\~ Boston ( ' it ~ Cound lor 1111 the ,trl·t't 111uLh k•,, 111\ll. It dchatt' al I \\ c 11 ;ult 11111 iI \\ l' L·an hl,·-,,1\ 111g mt'dicatron,. Ct'rtilica

    I>i -, trict 9 \\ rl l forcl' 111.imrl.1cturcr' to take actual I) l'.t't our \Oil'' onl· \1 .I) or l h 'II. \\1th till' introducllllll or I ll"~' I lllllCh ul the lllt'l'l'lll') out or T \ ' tht' other 111 2tJ~n id and Ingrid Hill. "-' 'l lrCe'-. LAST CHANCE TO VOTE! Eri'- .\nder.,011 Brighton; Dm id\\.. Hill. li.i help e1N1re the \all't) of mtr Brighton Brighton: Jonathan Hill, L1 1111..'11\. "t' urge ) ou 111 U'>t' the Brighton; Stephen Hill. •Hllhorit\ \!ranted to \OU by the Brighton: Dm id and Billie \ k dica;.t' ~1-' rt'scri ptior; Drug 1111- To Tolman, Golden Jauss. Brighton: Ari and J enna pr' l\ cmcnt a11d lodcrni1atio11 \\ erthcimcr, Brighton; ( ;mia n ,\1 t of 2CXJ.\ Thi" act t'nahb yol1 and Honan: Let us Burle.,on, Watertown; Ger r~ ll• cenil) tht' proct'\\ ol imprn1i nl,! vote on marriage a nd Rita J ellison, Allston: pr ~·,c ri pti o n drug' fro m Canada. ro the l'lhtor: Costa and Diana Floros, All­ B1•cau-,c it give'> you the a ulhor i t ~ ston: Sa nd)' Fitzgerald. ( /11ef11/1(111 t11~ 11 u11 open /el/er t1l enact any regulations ncces,wy Brighton; Gidget Williams, 111 Srn. '/iil11w11. Nev C11/de11 mu! a' pan of cenilicalion. we bclic\e Hrighton ; Andrew and N l'fl. f/111u111! th.11 you could ce11i fy the ,afel)4.lf We. the fo llowi ng residents ol Michelle Geflken, Brighton; in 1po11a1ion under controlled an I you r di -, tricl\. plead wi th you to Ed and Linda Montagna, l1111 ited c i rc u m~lance s. In add - work '' ith your colleagues in the Brighton; Christine Power, lh 111. the Medicare bi ll calls for a State Hm1'e to pass a simple form Belmont st11d y or impo11ation and we (.l,\k of the maffiage amendment that th,1t you seek input fro ~11 m ~y?~' \\ ould al lo\\ u.... the ci ti Lens of the Mayors' letter to al'ross the country to guide 1h1s 1 ~­ w ,tigation. comrnonv. ea Ith. to ' ote on the de­ Washington, O.C. finition of marriage. me high p1ice of pre ...c riptiop To the editor: ()\er ''' o ) ear.., ago. a citi1ens · d1u gs is a serious problem fac i ~ 711i1 feller 11·m .1 e11t to fo1111111 · G. 1x1ition \\ brought to the State c11ies and towns across the coury- Tlu1111p.m11. Secretary o( the U.S. 11 Hou..,e v,,i th all the necessary ~ i g­ ~ . Plea<>e do not wait any long~r nature'>. a\ki ng you to put the Depar111 u'11/ r!f Health a11d to reduce the burden fell by tJie question of the definition of mar­ H11111a11 Sen ·ice.1: u11der-i11Sured. riage on the bal lot. Then-Senate Dem· Secretary ll1ompson: New England Mayors' Confe~­ Every day. we talk with resi­ President Birmingham moved to ence on Prescription Drugs .... adjourn the 'e-,sion without even dents of our cit ies who tell us how Thomas M. Menino, Bostqrt;. voting on our pet iti on. and a ma­ difficult it b for them to afford the Timothy Murray, Worcester;- Make Our House Your jorit) of you rnted "- ith hi m to presc ri p ti o n~ they need. It is in­ Robert Baines, Manchester, shut us down! Tv.o years later. creasingly hard to sit back and do NH; Thomas Ambrosino, RI)-, at the Provid en ce Hotise noth ing a., the price of medicines Join us four Supreme Cou11 justices have vcre; James Fiorentini, Havet~ G r and O p en in g. , ru led that the) alone will decide becomes unaffordable 10 so many. hill; Dennis Hunt, Marlboll'· what marriage is. Uninsured and u nde1in ~ured con­ ough ; David Cicilline, T h e s t a ff o f Brighton 's newest assis te d livin g c o n}munity at So, we appealed to you, our sumers pay the most because they Providence, RI; Edward Lam­ get no discounts and pay exorbi­ bert, Fall River; John Yunits, Provide n ce H o u se welcom<'s you to Our Gra nd Ope ning . repre~entat i' es. to again begin the process of letting the people of tant li '>I prices. We, a~ mayors. m·e Brockton; Peter Clavellt; concerned about these rising Burlington, VT; John Fabrizi, Ma.... ~c h u.,e tt ~ decide what the Sunday, March 7 • 1-4 pm definition of marriage is. In Janu­ costs. not j ust for our constituents, Bridgeport, CT; but for our budgets a'> well. Sharon Pollard, Methuen Tour Model Apartments I ary mid February. we called, we EnjOmc pii1es. The C\ ent will take pl ace Saturday. in a range of educ<111onal. community service. ph ilJ Pro vide n ce H o use COREY PARK March 9 p.m. to I a.m .. at Fenwa) Park\ 406 anthropic and leadl'1'> hip development acti.,,ities ''" r l "( C •mmtH' 1 o. as Club, 4 Ya'' ke) Wa). Bos1on. Ticket., art' )25 in ad­ a mean' to enhancl' their comm itment and connep­ 1 ( o dc,eloped l.i) the Bo>lon An·h1h ><· tale;. and m.111a~ rd IJ1. \\ekh I (,.,,)ih . .< t' II. Ret1n· H'lll Group 1 For mort' 111formation. or to regi,ter. ca ll l·k th thropit''. ~.a l l stonbrightontab. co m Friday, February 27, 2004 Allston-Brighton TAB, page 13 AT THE LIBRARY

    Brighton Branch that noutjshes the .,nul. No appoin nent 1s required to re­ tional puzzles. Contact the chil­ ceiYe as is ance from \'Olunteer... dren ·s librarian if you' ai·e interest­ DON'T FORGET TO VOTE Afternoon Pat Park an J Ling Ling Zhou. ing in pal!licipating. Winter Hours (now through June Saturday "Time for You," Tuesday, J2 ): Mondays and Thursdays, Concert Series March 2, 9. 16. 23. 30 at 10:30 1won 8 p.m. , Tuesdays and Book Di ·cussion·Group w Saturday, Feb. 28, at 3 p.m. ln a.m. for chi ldren from 2 to 5. Joan Wednesdays, JO a.m. to 6 p.m. , Next titl • to be discussed. on . celebration of Black Hi tory Goodman presents strnies. games fridays aml Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 5 Monday, arch 29. is ··Kaaterskill month the New England Conser­ and fingerplays. Preregistration is o.rm. Falls" by Allegra Goodman. vatory Honors Ja11 Trio pays trib­ required. Copies are vailable at the circula­ ute to the jazz tr..iditions of the "Between the Lions," Book One-woman show swing and be-bop eras "'ith mu ic tion desk. Discussion. Tuesday. Mm·ch 2, 9, :Everyone is welcome to a one­ by jazz greats ... uch a<; Duke 16. 23 and30at 3:30p.m .. for chi l­ woman show with Sharon Ell ington. 18th a ual A-B Art dren age~ .'i to 7. ~e~nedy pe1fom1i ng 'The Strike Saturday, Man.:h 13. 3 p.m. An Expos· on is April 3 afternoon of Itali ,111 ope~ French for Bread and Roses: Lawrence, The Ho an-Allston Branch Li­ Coming Up: art song. German !Jeder and Amer­ 1'9 12" on Thursday, March 4. at 7 brary ann unces the 18th annual • Feng Shui T(xlay - Saturday. ican ja';.z with two-time Grammy p'. rn. at the B1ighton Branch Li­ Allston-B ghton An E\position. Mm·ch 6. at 3:30 p.m. A lecture nominee Andre"' Alexander. bi-ary. Actress and storyteller co-sponso d by the Honan-All­ presented b) Linda Vm·one. a pio­ Kennedy takes on the roles of tenor, and Joseph Reid. pimio. '>tOn. Bri ~hton and Faneuil neer in integrating interior de­ women from a dozen nationalities Branches of the Bmton Public ..,ign. en'v iron mental psycholo­ arkl brings to life a momentous Kids' Ongoing Library. he opening reception g). child de,elopment and '1isto1ical time of snuggle, misery v.i ll be o Saturda). April 3. at Feng Shui. to create space de­ COMMU NITY ultimate triumph. Admission Programs NEWSPAPER Ubmit an ap­ 1r1111. For 111on' i1!/im11arion 011 thi s musical performance .. Back to • The OK Club - Tue...da). See what's new with the plication t > pJW) (617- 787-6313 l (ll' cabaret perfom1ers. If you are a great conversatum and u \nack Be,erly rea'>e) at61 7-2.'i4-W82. fan of the Irish Tenors. the Clancy Discuss "Surviving the Apple­ Brothers or the Irish Rovers, you WHO'S DRIVING YOU AROUND? whites" by Stl'phanie Tolan in wilt want to take pm1 in this Irish ~ March. Books ail' tra­ registered and approved by the T c)\1,: 11 of Broo"line a.., a Second L.uH!U.tl!e ,_____,.,...._._, !> fXlJbored by the Friends of the tion required. Call 61 7 -782-670.'i ion Group p1:1cti~c __ Brighton Branch Library. for more informauon comel'>a on '"Jib \\ith m1 E:nl!­ \,;,.::.~ i.r:..:.:.r-_..._ • All major credit cards • Package Delivery ~ • Preschool Sto~ time. Wedne<,­ lish-..,pe- ing 'oluntccr Saturda;.., accepted • Car Scats-Advance Request ;: Book discussion days at HUO a.111. For pre~hool­ at 11 a.m. Tuc,da).., at I0-:\0 a.m. ~ • Airport Sen ice \\'I I :: A book discussion is held at the er..,. a!!e 2 to ) .ind a caregiver. and \\.ed c...da).., at fr.\li p.m P& Brighton Library on the second Marci; ] (In L1 i..l· a Lion J: f\1.irch ticipanh ·an JOin other ,1dult l. I 0:30-~1 I: m a.m.: March 6 Conce t Series The featu red selection for the Satur t) AfteJTI(Xm Concc11 St'­ meetings on Mm·ch I 0 and 11 is (/\II About Mc) illld f\ lurch 20 (mu ... ical gue..,t Su F~tonl. t<.ir ries - S turda). Feb. 28. ,n 3 pm. "Nati ve Son·· by Richard Wright. in celeb ation of Blac" H1... 101) ~ BAY STATE TAXI ~ 'f.his riveting novel con..,titutes a children age 3 to .'i. The group will ~ 1omh. Jme hear the Ne" b1!!­ scaring indictment of l" not 0 tradition of~"" mg and be-bop htlen written in the 20th centur)1 soning and !>elf-<.'OrKept. Each er~ v.·i 1 mu.,ic b) ja;/ great\ i'-. im·itcd and new week. share storie.., and play edu­ ;: r------EH~l}One uke Ellington. members are welcome. ca11011al puu les or v.elcome a mu ..,ical gue\l. 13. .\11 af~elllO\ln of It.ti ~ !' LOOK FOR OUR l • Prc,cl1001 RL'.1d111~ Rea nes'. 1an ope L French ,111 '-\lng. GL·r Help for beginning \l1i11da)'· \l 1rd1 1-. X. 15. 21 and man hc Jcr and \mcnc,lll Jtories. game' pointment with adult services li ­ Retired >cf\on' i' ..,1x11N1rin~ t.t\ brarian Alan Babner. and lingerplay.., Prcrt>g1 ... tr.1t1on i, a...,,1..,!<111 .: at the Honan- \ll,1011 LAST CHANCE TO VOTE required. Branch L1br.u'\ on 'clccti\l' • School Break - ThuNlu) '· Thul'\da 1'>. I0 :1.111.- I p.m .. Feb. ESOL Conversation 4-4:4) r .m. Call 617-7 82-67 05 frn 19-Apri 15.,mde\t~ J} Saturda). 9 ~roup more inforn1at1on Free and open a.m.- n m. nm\ through Ap1il 14 Mondays and Thursdays at 6 to the public. o ap intment i" required to rc­ p.m . and Tuesdays, Wednesdays • "Between the Lion<· Boo" cei' e ai '>istancc horn 'oluntc1:r" and Fridays ut I0 a.m. Discussion - 'f uc~.ht). \ larch 2. 9. Pat Par and Ling Ling Zhou 16. 23 and 30. at Y~O p.m .. for children from ) lO 7. P.aneuil Branch • The Faneuil BlXl"Vvomi.., - ,. March 4 (Happ) Birthday Dr Winter Hours (now through ./1111e Seu ss~). M,u'd1 11 !Rainbows). 'rhro gh a generou.., gift from J2 ): Monda\'.\, Wednesdars, and March 18 (~pring Fe\erJ and Har'-ar Rt.:alt\ ne1ehhor J.ulll'' March LJ p. l 'p and Av.a)). at 4 JXwrsdars, i 0 to 6 p.111 .. Tt;e.\dm's. 25 ( George . Ii bra~ \ l'-ll~ ir.., Ill.I\ nm\ 111101110 p.m. A book d1-.cu ... ,1on group tor X p.111., Frida.rs, 9 a.111. ro 5 \\atCh VD ... O;l a Ill'\\ llat-~Lree11 1>.111., Sarurdays, 9 <1.111. To 2 p.111. children from 4 to 8. After reading telc\ i..,i n at the Ho11a11-r\ll..,ton each book (a 1111x of picture book.~. Branch Libral") Nm\ you can nonfiction mid poetry) aloud. the Renovations v. atch ly mm ie in \>Lil' collection group will haH! a di-.cussion fol ­ even if you do not ha\C a DVD · "fhe Boston Public Librai)' rc­ lowed by an art project ba'ied on ceYllly announced that the Faneui l pla)er t home. or )OU can "pre­ the theme of the "'eek. Preregistm­ \Je\\ .. 1 DVD before taking it Branch, in Oak Squm·e, will be un­ tion required. & rgoing a renovation project in home. t~'e coming weeks. The li brm)''s All VD and VHS mo' ies can existing windows will be replaced Coming Up: be 'ie ed or bomm ed from the v:ith historically approp1iate, yet • Sisters in Crime: " It\ a My'>­ library for a wee" - v. ith two more energy-efficient, windows. te1)' to Me" pmiel discussion. pos'>ibl wee"-long renev.ab - COMMUNITY During this process, windows at Tuesday, March 9. at 6:30 p.m. A v. ith th ! same card, U\ed for bor­ NEWSPAPER the librai)' will be boarded up to panel of three female mystel) rov. ing book!-. mid using the Inter­ . COMPANY pr9tect the interior from the ele­ writers will speak about the my'­ net. n'ients, but the library itself will re­ tery novel from idea to fi nished • main open for business throughout book. Panel will de'>Cfibe the wnt­ tli-c, renovation process. ing process - getting the fir.t • C 1es!> ln\truction: Saturda)'> .,,, idea, creating character,, doing the at 11 an. Alhton resident Richard lij.ternet Basics research and the daily "'nting Tyree ives free instruction m both schedule that gets it done. basic d advanced ches'>. Practice 1 .Wednesday, March I0 at 6:30 The Faneuil Brw1ch Library is sets avai lable for play after the 13:Jll. If you have no experience at 4J9 FaneuiJ St., Brighton. For Y.i th computers or the Internet, instruc ion pe1iod. Age' I0 and more infomwtion on these pm­ up: all kill level-; welcome. th;s is the class for you. Learn how grams, call 6J7-782-6705. to• navigate the Internet and fi nd Vote Today! information. • G mes Club: fael) Tuesday after hool. from 3 to 5 p.m.. !>tu­ Honan-Allston dents i 1grades 6-12 are we !come Mblasses Flood Branch to joi our nev. Games Club. Deadline for en tries is M arch 3, 2004. '.~Mo l asses Flood: The 19 19 Table p role-playing gan1ers. N'oj1h End Disaster - through Winter Hour.1 (now through June board gamer. and u-ading cm·d F'ei)ruary during librai)' hours. J2): Mondav.1 and Wednesdms, game are all welcome. Bring Don't forget to vote . Historic photographs and newspa­ noon to 8 ·p.nt, Tuesdays and your v. n or share the library\ pers. chronicle the 19 19 Great Thursdays, JO a.111. ro 6 p.m., Fri­ games B()>}on Molasses Flood. Images in days and Saturdays. 9 c1.111. to 5 tl1t! ..ex hibit are from the BPL's /J./11. Ma .h programs: priceless collections. • •schcx)I Reading Readiness Free tax help - M mdays. March 1-29. 12:30 Feng Shui today The American Association of to I :3 p.m. Reading Readiness i-, ) Saturday, March 6, at 3:30 p.m. Retired Persons i.., <,ponsoring tax a ..,to hour program for children. Vote for the best in town AC>lecture presented by Linda a<;sistance at the Honan-All-;ton aged ;_5 years. and their care­ COMMUN ITY 'vtirone, a pioneer in integrating in­ Branch Lihral') on '>electi\e gi' e · Each wee" e\plorc differ- NEWSPAPER ta'ior design. environmental psy­ ent lllcepi... i11l·luding color..,. COf'MANY Th ursday~. I0 a.m. to I p.m .. mi\\ A He r ald Media Company and the best around! chology. child development and through Apn I 15 and e' el) Satur­ -,ha . "i'e'. "elf.....:onccpt and Fen!! Shui. to create space design day. 9 a.m.- noon through April 14. mu ... ic through 'to1ie" and educa- Page 14 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, February n. ~()(~ ~~~~~~~~~--1 EDUC ATI ON

    . l .• r~ ... .,.

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    Jessica AlinovJan comparfes drawings of Abraham Lincoln at t 1e Oak Square YMCA last week on Tuesday. The kids did projects as part of ReadBoston's Presidential party "" 1 '. literacy campaign. The organization encourages more studen · to read. Hail to the junior chiefs who like to read books L< Jcal stullents con1e to Presiclents Day reacling JJarty By David L. Harris ing picture' nl \hrJham I mu 111 p11·\st\L'I\ 110111 the colo11·u1 C IHI I ~ ( •,()[Nf and Gcor!!C \.\a,h1n!!ton lhe \OJ In Boston, hl111J.... . angel Daro'a said that if unteers <~lso ~•,1\t.' ~each ch1kl .1 \nd .tlll·r the reading \IOppcJ. he became president ol blank. card" 1th the: 4ue-.t1nn. ··11 I according to the tlh ~1 iup lll d1tldren tca ... tcd on R the l fnncd State'. he \\ere pre-,idcnt I \\ould ·· Rt· organization's Web p1 ta tnim Pitta T\\l'lll\ One in ''mild mak.e it rnandator) for 'ponscs rangt·d trom the gcnu1111.. B11ghton · C\ Cl) thing lo ht' lllaUl' Ollt of to the l'anta,t1l. I site, close to 50 Ma\Or ·1homas M. '.'vkni np ·T II do \Oil 1<.'thmg nice:· ,,ml 1..·and]. \Ve.re talJ...ing Hershl') ·, percent of third­ and other ci ty leader' toundcp K1sse' and ~Jilk.) Wa) cand) John co,h\. 7 .l.' he colored I~ .tdB· I I l)l)'\ '" l'I 'Ul'e • bars here. drr Prcsidems Dm. Daro'a and ahout pool." -..aid Cicn1..'' .i Cu,,11.:J.... ln Bo~ton ..1ccon.Jin!! to the or­ .m other chllZlr1..·n par~1cipat1..·d in ''ho ,aid th.i ' he: \\ l'UIJ g1' 1.. rcad Laur.t umcron·, popular g.111itat1on ·..,\\ch o;itc. ~lo'e to 5() RcadBoshm ·, ··~rc,idcnttal a\\ d) Jacut ti IP C\ l'~ ,\111c1 hooJ... ··Dng ... l>nn ·1 \\c,11 \ill' 1k 11<'1L'L'lll nf thml-gradcr... cann9t pat1)" in the OaJ... l.,quare Y~lC\ C.111. Genev Cusack. center, listens to ReadBoston storytellers at the er..,.. lo .t group ot L'hildrc11. "ho 1,·, 1d .11 • ,-,1lk ll'\ cl. RL".1dB<1'ton in Bnghton Ja..,t TUL''ll,11" ClonJL't r1..·;1d ,., "I ,·r1.· :h,·\ .i lt' llL'L'tlt-d 111 the ..:11~. Program 'Connects' to healthier lifestyles for A-B students

    By Judy Wasserman merly <'rnlllt' Lllt\l'I \\ 111he1111pkt11t•nt ~k·1111.·nt~tr) , ..·hnul' 0111..·L· .i \\ 1..·eJ... . Till' the) \\ill addrc..,, a \ati1..'t) ol health,..,_ and tan 11I1c, .•ltld more education ahout lfm prchen'" e he.11th ~duL~tl 1011 ~·nord111.11"'' \\ 111 h1..· L'l' tltftl'd hc~tlth 1..•d 'UL'' identified h) the 11a11onal Ccntcr' health 1l'i,1ted l'-\UL''. l hc need for nutritional education program 111 the cknit•nt.ir)' 'dH1< 1, 111 for l)i,ea'e Control. including nutri ­ "\\c·1,· 1110,t L'\L'itcd ahout thi-. new "a' \Cr) l'\ident rccc1111\ \\hl'n Clw.1c1 "· indudtng the Ci.t 1111..·1 tilln. mental .ind emotion.ii hcalth .ind p111µ1a111 H1..·,t11h L'ducation ''ill he de-. \utanne l\ 1otTO\\ of the 'Garficld Gar1 tl'I I. H.1mtl11111. Ja, 'on \ l,1n .111d "We're most excited h1..·althy rel,1t1on,hip'. ph) '11...d .tell\ it) ll\t' tL'd 111 a cont11wou .... comprehetl\ive \chool met "ith -.mall group... ol 'tu­ \\in,l11p , ..·ho ol, 111 \ 'tn1-Bng11011 about this new program. .111d litnc". ,111d '.tll'I) In addition to "") ..11h I \\I II h1..· 11111..·gratcd into \chool dents during lunch and saw v. hat the) Offil 1,tl, C\JX'L'l the: ltr-t ph.t'L' l till' 1..· la"rno111 \\Ork. there "111 h1..· 'd1ool· .1L11\ 1t1t·, It "111 addre'" health i:-.sues. ate. or didn "t eat. nc\\ pt u~ram to hcgm 111 \l'ptc 11h1..·r Health education will be \\ 1dl' act I\ i1i c' and progran1111i11g tor that llL'l'd atte1111rni. .. 'he ' aid . Morrow. a Bo,1011 Conncch crnmli- 20( J-1 parents. ( ·01111\'cll i\ l' recent I) changed its 11ator at Garfield. 'aid la,t \\ l'L'I.. i 11 one ~ 1.111 1l'L'll \l.tlune\ J1rcctP~ ol delivered in a l\ lalonc\ 'aid Hl h!Pll Co11n1..·ci... 11.11111..· 111 Boston Connect\ to heller rc­ ~ro up of !'out, t\\o 'ludent\ had no Bo,trn Clll c~ '· '"td l.1-.1 \\ ed lh1..· continuous, \\mJ...ed "1th Bo,tun Publ11.. \l.11rnil ot­ lll'LI .tll 1hc ... chool ... it" arttliated \\tth. lunch. and l\\O had pit ta. tatc1 tot\ and Ill'\\ 1nigr.lt'l rctkch l lllC: of Bj>,lllll t 1c1,t1 ... 10 pla111h1..· Ill'\\ program. and ha, 111Llud111" both original C lu,tcr 5 cooJ...ic,. In another group or four. lunch Conm·L'l ' IP11g-.1and1m. go.ti' to pro­ comprehensive way, and met\\ ith All,1011- Bri ghton pnncipals to 'chllul, ( 111 A llo;ton-Brighton) and tho{se L'On\istcd of potato chips. brownies and ' ide l.< imprehen-.i \ e l1L'.1lth educ~ 11011. will be integrated into get thei r input. added tu the clu \ter (the Farra!! Ul. M S· • \Oda. "hich '' aligned '"th the ,t.llc ·~ cur­ She 'aid Bo,ton Connccts \\ill al'o ,1011 11 111 K-8 and Tobin K-Xl. Bo ~ t on 'There \\a\ oh\ iousl] \Ct') iitllc riculu11 lra1t1e\\ork '.The ne\\ prq11am school activities. It will rnn,ult with local hcalth-rclatcd agen· Conn1..'l'h deo;crihe' ihelf a' a thought gi' en to nutrition h) these ' tu­ wa' ,1!-.1 de\ elo~d. ,he ,._.td. 1 1 re­ address health issues ue.... including the \11,ton-Brighton 'chool/nimmunit) /uni Yer, it) panncr­ dcnts:· :-.aid Morrow. While 'he tric' to sponse 111 cert.tin natio11al he.11th 'l'UL''· Health) Bo,ton Coalition and the 'hip 1'01 ' tudent achievement and wel l­ teach them \Omcthing about nutrition, includ 111g ohe ... it). d\thma and dia 1ct1..''· that need attention." Jo,cph Smith Communit) I lealth Ccn­ hcing. 'he admitted it \ done in a hapha1.ard which ha' become mire prt:\al 111 111 IL'r. Tht• partnership includes the Bostbn manner. chi ld rt·n \ 1.turccn \ 1akmc\ "We \\ill \\Ori.. "ith them. and u'c Puhlic School'>. Bo\ton College ahd But that "'on., rnntin uc for long.. Du111 ,:. the tiN pha'L ol thc: pnjgram their c\perti\l' and J...no" ledge to help 'ariou' community agencie-. in All­ Thanks to a <;,I million. three-year thi:-. f,dl B1i...ton Connt.'1..1\ ''ill hiri· lour u' huild our program ... l\1.tloney 'aid. 'ton-811!.!hton and Mission Hill. The gram from the New Balance Founda­ health educ.11ton coordinator,. etl..:h of uc.llor'. 'atd \!alone) She ... aid hcncfih of the new program YMC/\ ~)f Greater Boston is the load tion of Brighton. Boston Connects (for- whom '' 111 he a'"gncd to teach n the \\orJ...111g \\ ith cl. include healthier life,11 le'> for studeoh com1111111ity age ncy. new African president-in-residence ~~.~~~~he ~~~ ~:.~~~d,~~5~~ S tic\ elopments of my region. I hope my Afri can head of , late in modern times, to o;cc and undeNand 1he prohleim ot "Madam Perry's appointment provides a unique tenure\\ ill mark a new turn for the bet­ has been appointed the next Balfour African countne ... 111 t:n...1' and to heller ter int\ frican and American relationi.. I African President-in-Residence at undcl\tand "hat the l n11ed Sta~' and window of opportunity to see and understand the am proud,.and my fami ly is proud." Boston University's African Pre,iden- othe1 \.\e,tem nation-, 1..an do to nablc: problems of African countries in crisis and to better APARC was established to comple- • tial Archives and Research Center. A the'c rnuntne., to mO\e from c ..,i, to ment IHfs African Studies program - former legislator. teacher and bani.. ex- stabilll).'.... aid Charle-. Stith. dire tor ot understand what the United States and other Western one ot the nation's oldest, established ernti ve, she \erved in 1996 and 1997 as APARC and former l .S. ambaf'ador in 19'.\ I - as a rc\ource for fostering chairperson of the Council or the Re- to Tan1ania. "E,en more 11nporlantl). nations can do to enable these countries to move from effort s at democratization and free- • public of Liberia which guided the her appointment enahb us to mde1 - crisis to stability." market reform in Africa. In addition to rnuntry from a seven-year civil war to stand ''hat we can Jo to prevent tht• hosting African former heads of stat¢, it democracy. spiral., of decline from occurring ·· Charles Stith a!...o serves as a repository for the docu­ Funded by a grant from the Lloyd G. A' Balfour Pre ... ident-in-Re ... i fence. ments of democraticall y elected Balfour Foundation. whi ch is adminis- Perr} can help '>Cholar.., and ~olicy African leaders. and organizes lecture. tered by trustee Fleet National Bank. maker' reflect on hcl\\ Libena·.., :mol' ... c:nator 111 the one-party national legi'>­ renowned institution." Pert) ~aid. "I series. academic conferences and a is- • thc residency enables democratically racy det:a)ed under Pre,ident hark' l.11urc of the: We,t Atncan nati'rn extend m1 '>incere thanb to Boston iting professors program. " elected former African leader'> to spend Taylor. \\ho "'a' C\tkd to Nige,1a la't foundc:d h' freed Amencan ,1a,·eo;. A-. a Univer'>it) and the African Prc..,idential In FL·hruary. APARC released its lat­ up to two year'> at Boston UniYersit) year '' tth Liberia phk·ed under d L 1111 - gra11J1rn11hc:r. ,he ".i' elected to head ArchiYe and Re,earch Centc:r for e>.­ est Al ncan Leadero; State of Africa Re:­ 'haring insight'> on the their countrie:-. cd N,111 >n:-. ~acck.eepmg mandatl· Lthi:rta ·, '\at1Qnal Tran,111onal Gm - tendin~ the \en hi!!l1 honor of bein!! port, .ind in April. it will convene itS and on contemporary trends in Africa. /\"'do'' \\1th ..,e,en children. Pt:tT). crnment .titer Prc,ident S.1111uel Doe\ named~ a' the '~crn{d Balfour Africa~ 'ccond annual African Presidential BU's first African presid~nt - in - resi- 6-1. ear ied a teachtnf degree fr •Ill the a"a"mation in 1996 .ind -.en ed until Pre,ident-in-Rc,idcnce and the oppor­ Roundtahle in London and Boston for dcnce. appointed in 2002. wj1s Kenneth Un1\er II) 11f Lthena. \\a' a 'u~·n ''nt I.I\ In(, ekL'llllll tunit) to 'hare Ill) rctleetions \\.ith the African former head' of 'late to delib­ Kaunda of Zamhia. at the C i.1-..e ~ 1anl .utan H.i; 1J... nl .. , .111 dc:ltghted Ill h1..' at Bo-. ton L' 111 great peoplc ot . \merica and thi~ uni ­ erate 1,..,ues alfrcttng U.S.-African re­ ··Madam Pert')\ appointment pro- Ltlw11 .1 .111J -..encd '' ,111 1ndqll'lllknt \Cl,11). 'lkh .i pre,11g1nu' ,111d \\ell \ er,it) on the crnllemporar~ trcnJ, and lat 11111' I www.all stonbrightontab.com Friday. Fcbmar:- 27. 200-l Allston-Brighton TAB, page 15 POI ITICAL NO TE OO K Imagine your home, Golden coming to pie claiming hish ancestry: and tota Ily organized ! Wherern.,: 200-f marks the I 56th Jim's Deli on Feb. 27 Awardj(Jr Honan ... CustoM Closets ... Garage Cabinets anni,eNU') of ··An Gorta Mor," .. Home Offices ... Pantries and mere.. The office of state Rep. Brian P. the Great Hunger. also known a<> Golden 'Will be holding a dis11ic1 the hi..,h Pota!o Famine of 1845- office hour from l 0 to 11 a.m. on •· I 8-f9 \\ hich cau..,ed I million Friday. Fc5. 27. at Jim\ Deli . 37 1 death'> in lrdand ,md led nearly 1.5 Washington Street. Brighton. million lmh to emigrate to escape Golden said. ··Jim\ Deli is a famine. pc-.tilence and persecu­ place where many in All ston and tion: and Brighton meet: I look forward to \\'herca.... : Thl' City of Bo~ton the oppo11unity to meet with my hl'L' to '>hm·c any quc'>tions 1 thou ... ands ol ln-,h immigrant .., or concenh. if you would lih.e to \\ho li,cd 111 ln-,h Ghetto\. were at1l'nd. but arc unable. plea~e feel denied cmplo:- ment. education free to contact my oflice anytime ;md opponunit). "utlered di'>c1im- at 61 7-722-2877." 111ation. di'>ea-.c: and Call for a flf•e in home design Whcrca ... : ll1c lii\h in Boston consultation and estimate Tolman holding office pcr'>t'\ ered. 0\ ercame prejudice hours on March 5 and "ere able to prosper in Amer­ 800-293-3744 IL"a due to a '>trong \\ ork ethic and Sen. Ste\'en A. Tolman. D­ L1nh 111 God~ ,111d 978-425-6166 B1ighton. announced that a repre­ \\"hcrea .... The election of John W'INW dosehhydes1gn com sentative from his office wi II hold Fil!gerald Kennt'd). the lir-.1 Irish )ti \.! 1%1 ViM( A. U>pted. lr,~h-id •sid BOl'ldoo. n-iqi-•1dt~1:tyCwt• danfiOp e-1itt•'<'! MAl~ #1 til162 open oflice hours on Frida). Catholic 11re-,1dent of the United March 5. from 8 10 I0 a.111. al th.: State-, l'l'ndant of Irish VerontGI Smith Senior (\:ntcr. 20 famine 1mn11granl\. represented Chestnut Hill Ave. State Rep. Kovln G. Honan. D-Allston; Brl ton, recently for lri..,h \mcncan" a 'indication (I) ClosetsbyDesign Anyone who needs help w 1th a received an award from the Department of Social Services of their long and ditlicult strnggle p.p.p 'itatc agency or who would like to Youth Advisory Board for his leadership and o>ntribution as an to g,un acceptance and '> ucce~-. in di-.cuss a lcgislati\'e matter -.Jmuld advocate for foster children. Honan Is a long1,erving member of Boston: and stop by to a~h. question.., or e\p 1"<.~s.., the Foster C;ire Su~mittee . He is pict9-0 here receiving his award from The Department of Social Servi ·s Commissioner \\'herea'> : lmh- ·\mcncans hmc their concern~. Anyone unable to Lewis H. Spence in the Great Hall at the S ~ House. had " profound .ind positi\"e 1m­ anend the office hours should is - -- paL"l on tlm c1 1:. \tale and country DID YOU VOTE? im ited to call the Senator's oflice 111 all Ll'>pl'Cl'> of life. including the at 6 17-722- 1280. time a public d1 lt:ndl.'1 ~( ~ ... 111to .i 111111, Crn11mitk't''. cou1tnx1m. We 11• \.'\.l Ill UNlrt' that :\kDdnott -,,ud. .., ;1111 l'\­ !)t'..L'>t'll that C\IUlll'll Pre-,- philamhrop). ml'dicme. pcx:t1). lit­ Golden testifies in support mit the rule ol Ja\\ arc health: iJl'lll Hahem h.1s Lh11,~·n rne to eraturc, education. the latxir of public counsel services Fundamental 10 1111 ... di 1rt I'> ,1Jl .,ene onl1he-..e n11111111ttc~·'· I .1111 Ill\)\ ement. n:lig1on. militm) \t'r­ State Rep. Brian P. Golden. D­ quate co1111X'.n ..,.i11<111 I •r coun-.c pan1.:ul;~I: e\cllcd .1bout hcmg ' ice. go' ernml'nt -,en ice. media. 0 All '>t1rn- Bnghton. a memhcrofthlj No attorne) \\Ill '\Cr 111.1ke .1 It appo1111e lcha11m,11111l the l 1ll\cr- 1mi...ic. poet•) and or course poli­ Joint Committee 011 the Judiciar"), crative incOllll' dlllng public d~ sll) Con munit> RL· .1tio11' Com tic..,: and lC\tified this week in .., uprxirt of tense worh.. but 1llc> d\I tlL't'd .1 su m111L·e. \\h:rea .... l'llL· Jn..,h ha\C a long­ H.-P-21: \n Act Rt:lat111~ to Pri­ ficicnt -,11111 trn li..·11 p111ti:"1\ln. '>tanding !l&li11on ol helping thO..,l' ' ate· .\tto111cy" Prm 1di11~ Puf1lic time .1nd clfo1t llli.."ll..Nllg c111 1 nerican 1n need. a' \\ ttnc-,-,ed o: the Jm·gc Cou.-hcl Service\. The h1 II '>l'Cb to )1<.'.nsaiion ti 11 publll· u llfl'>-. number ol fn-,h relic! r '' orh. done h) pri­ need to rcn1~1111c 111.11 our Con-..11- ( II\ ot ncilm .il''1' \lei kr- Plll till' "orld .111d cu1Tentl) 111 ' ate attornl')" on hch.111 pf 1ndi 1ut1on and till' dill' pnx.·'-'" ncelkd llll'tt. \ ho 1, a li1 ... 1 gl''ll'1~1111in great numhe1"'> 1n \Inca. A ... 1a and gent dienh in cl\ ii and l'l't111 111al to protect our I1L'l;J1111, .u-~· priL"l' Jn ,h \I tellL"illl. l"L'\."L'llt)\ likd kg South Allll't"IL'. The rate of )XI) lor pm ate le,-,:· t'>I, 11011 1'>h.ing till' cit> , if Bn-,ton \\ hcrc \ 1.11d1 1 i-, the feast all< 1rne:-" "ho rl'pre..,ent the indi­ !1) otfo: 111> rl'coglllll' \l,ulh "' d,I\ ut Samt Patrich.. the Patron COMMUN ITY l11,h-A1 lt'ncan I knt.igl' \ lunth 'i.1int of Ireland. rJ1crclorc he it N LW~ PAPI R gent on l"X:half of the Common McDermott named to COMPANY \\ei\lth i... one of the l\l\\C'>t Ill till' council committees .\I, De1110tt. \\hO'l' I.lie 1.1tl1l l{t"illl' cd: That the Cir' or n.lliPn for \uch \\\lrh. 10111\ two J11hn h: lied 1111111 \\ illi.1 J1'lll\\ n. 81 h[Un l fliual '> l"L'Cogn11e till' I '>t.tlC'> arc Im\ crl and ha.., go;lL. ' ir \kl.kr Coull!'.' Clal\\ a:. ,md ill'> 111otl1l·1 \lonth ol \L1rd1 "' ln-,h- ·\111cri­ tu<1ll) unchanged '>lllCL' ) lJ8-f. molt ha-, hel'n n.mll'tl u1<11m1an ul \Lin lro111 Dnn.iglt. (', 111111> G111 Hentage \lonth <11Kl call upon LAST CHANtL TO VOTE The fo llmving i" an c.\cc1pt ol the Em 1wn111ent ,mJ Hi-.ton~ ( lll h.. "' honrnl'd to h.1\l· the ii'> 1«~ ... 1de111... l\l learn about and thc '.it;stimony Rep. Golden offered Presenation. I 111a1llial &nice' -,uppo1 of hh colk l!.:Ul'' 111 pa"" commernoralL' the llUlllCIUU\ COil DEADLINE IS MARCH 3, 2004 ...... Jo the Judiciarv Crnrnnittce· and Commurnl\. lme-.tmem: and ing the cilkm ing n:,11lution tnhuuon' ol ln-,h \ me1ican" 111 l ' ·~or 228 ) c&-.. 1icllpic lim l" Ltll\Ll'll> Co1 1111u1111~ Rdtitutional gm ernment .md \Cl'\ L' 0~1 at \udll .111d ( l\CNght: .md Puhli TAB re\en-es tlte rir:ltt to edit all Subscribe to the A/B TAB - call 888343-1960 h<;n1e.100. and it tah.e-, place L'\l'I) L 11ln1c' at•d C.1hle C \ 1mmun1~.1 items. J ~·;.:. -:~,.; ~ :~ ~-;,,, • ...... • . _l\.•'...... ~ !f,. .. 1;'t • • '~·· ... •·~ ,. ,. -..·"' ...... 't•·YJ ;-'J .I? '"-~ r ~< ·-.

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    • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• .. " .. •

    Ile DL'll (1L·1ah lront- rn1111t>er of film~ th<1t mem .md "d\C tor the fact that our l l. t.. . - \h 'or... perh._ l. .., pf) t editor.., ,.n this pdper enjo\ .DAVID BRUDNOY'S OSCAR PR.EDICTIONS den ti al pri 111ary sea­ u11cer member') ., ill et ~\ mching me emerge the-morn­ Category Should win .... 011 to "ettltt on a Will "art'' or "independe ing after 0-;car-fest with not Will win cket. 1·1 l \ 11 1 just egg but omeletU\Qt .n~; ::,me· re • Best Director •••.••••. Peter Jackson " ••. . Peter Jackson m) of Mot > 1 Pictu.... Tt.-. and u that no- l\I 1-x "Lord of the Rings" "Lord of the Rings" Sciences ni ~ I its big · _"t , ~ hat I pre- do1 l ~ t l pe·u.. quite up a month tor 1.... 1ti01~ Osc.ll , man) adjatLnt da) or nigh .., dict. onl) - he "a)..,\\ ith a Best Actor ...... Bill Murray ...... Sean Penn "Lost in Translation" "Mystic River" OSCARS . tching tliem on \ ideo or total lack. of ..,harne - to pon­ i ...dom 111\. critical D A' 1 1 R1u DNO'r DVD') .\lre<..d) we·\e -,een the der the\\ or Best Actress ...... Diane Keaton ...... Diane Keaton \liran ... x Behemoth prom<- jm.lgmcnt. ··something's "Something's four hou r.... l ll (/l/IOllr propn. But no. thi.., i.., a )em·I) tradi- t1on m<.Khine hampered. o ing Gotta Give" Gotta Give" after the mirL 1 umhihg nearly to the nJ.ITO\\ed gap bet\\e n tion

    Late!) Bill) Jod ha-. lllore than lllU'-11.: on hi' lllind. ··r Ill tr) mg to lc;u11 to 1i w a life:· the 54-)ear-old Joel sa)' frolll hi-, ne\\ '>22 lllillion hrid. ON STAGE LARRY K \T/

    manor home on Long hland. ··1 don ·1 feel 1he elllpha-.i' needs to be my career <111) more. Gelling engaged Ito 22-)ear-old PBS re ... taurant ume..,1xmdent Katie Lee] ha-, -,ornethmg to do\\ ith it. I worked hard and mm I \>.ant -,orne pen.onal life. It\ time no"' :· Ma) be Joel no longer feel-, Much 'Passion,' littl point quite so d1i,en 10 \'alidate hi' mu~ic\ w011h. He now is more 'Passion ofthe Christ' provides 1nore viole ice thnn insight than a big-selling ... inger. -.ong­ "' riter and member of the R(x:I-. and Roll Hall of Fame. He\ an The Passion of th e Christ ( in,piration to other acclaimed doing Jew-hating thi g:,,. Some Christian groups. ontroversy has beset this movie from it'> aiw.h. It \\a'> his song" that even ones not u all} keenly interested in mo\ ed acclaimed choreogrnph­ first glimme1i gs in the mind of Mel singing the praises f devout Catholics. ha\e Gibson until it~ opening on Ash Wednes­ er T'\) la Thm11 to create the C marveled that thi s m y tum out to be a succe-.,sful Ton) A\\ard-\\ inning dance day. Some Jewish organi1ations, both before and de\1ce fore' angel is . Ebe11 and Roeper adored lllU\ical ··Mo\ in· Out.'" a after seeing the tilm. have uicd to ski11 the word iL and in coming ys. the bulk of fi lm c1itic' .. anti -Semitic'" but emphasi1.c that, a-. "'ith Broad\\ a) srna-.,h th~ll -,tarts a \\ill \\eigh in. and if ·ou guess that reactions"' ill -.i\.-\\ eel-. run at the Colonial pan the ... pectrum om masterpiece to disttster. Theatre T ue -.da) . FILM REVIEW lap )Ollf',t!lf on you· back. ··Yeah. i1 \ trne:· Joel "a"-. D AV ID BRllDNOY ·The Pm •.,ion of he Christ"· ''ill offend no­ "Thi -., sho\\ ha" -.,hO\\ n that Ill\ uMovin' Out" pairs Billy Joel's music with Twyla Tharp's body \\ith --cenes o -.exuaht) or word" that the JOEL, page 19 choreography. Passion plays of old. some who see it ma) find PASSION , page 20 themselves thinking ~llli - Serni t i c thoughts and Page 18 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday. Februar • ..:2_7~·-:_1 ()(~>4______. ______~------"'ww.allstonbrigbtontab.cocr I . f ooa & DINING ...... 'f <-·':

    l· JI l• J ... :l . La Morra of th Heavenly angel food cake .. ·:

    ngel food . ..,p<.mge and chif­ flour is very coarse and unpleasant. Beranbaum, author of ..The C· I fon cake-. are reall y quite This is orie category of recipes for Bible:· was once having trouble wi •. story: Choose A different, although all three which cake fl our is a must. a meringue cake - the texture w s· ,·· depend on beaten egg whites for I then sta11ed wonde1ing about the tough and unpleasant - and Shirl ., their structure. Angel food. the purest amount of flour. I decrem.ed the !lour CoITiher, a well-known food scie - ,.. , of the three. uses no egg yolk!. and is from I cup to 3/-t cup and discovered ti st, told her to add water to t ., entrees carefull that the cake collapsed during cool­ recipe. It was a success - 1'noistor · ., ing. I had inadve11ently made a souf­ and more tender. However, when~ · TIIE KITCHEN fl e, not a cake ! There just wasn't tried adding one tablespoon of Wf t , ,, t's an all-too-fami li ar story. A young a lovcl:.- \a\OI) filling. Lasagna 9) with DETECTIVE enough fl our to create a lasting 'truc­ to thc recipe. it didn ·1 improve t 1; chef opens his first restaurant and. ragu di nob1le, a chicken-meat "'1 ice from ture. I then reduced the quantity of cake nt all; in fact, I thought that thiy I caught up in the enthusiasm. bites off Emilia-Romagna that dates bac1' ti the Re­ CHRISTOPH! R sugar. and the cake became tough textun.· wa-; a little less substantial. a more than his customers can chew. nais.,ance . ..., chunk) and rich Bu one side KtMB\ll and tasteless. Although an angel fmxl bit like cotton-candy. I then tried f., ' I'm talking about La Morra, a new of LhL' lchagna i'> hot and the oth r side 1s cake is quite sweet, it depends heavi­ 1/2 cup of water and the cake was 1 I! Brookline Village trattoria owned by Josh cold . ..i if it had been nuked. nothin!? more than a mixture of cake ly on the sugar content for both tcn­ disasll.'r: it fe ll during baking and w< I'> 1 ScLOnd1 entree ) are problema ic. Cala­ flour. beaten egg whites and tlarnr­ deri1in!? and llavor. When I bumped a wet mess of a cake. The egg white-, · RESTAURANT REVIEW ma11 in 11mino ( 16.95 ). a enO\ c.,e ing,, AlthOU!!h-the in!!rec.Jient list is up the ~wen temperature to 375 c.Jc­ just rnuldn ' t hold that much liquid. (I · bra1..e of squid. carroL'>. omom. a 1d celery grt:e'>. I found that the outside of the have added water successfully to thtt M AT SC HAFFER sh'011. if the)~ are not 1'.fiat1e properly, in r~·J wine \\ith '>pinach. 1.., O\e peppery the)' collapse during ClXlling. are un­ cake took on a darker, more golc.Jen sponge and chiffon cakes. howevet, .1 and underwhelming. S\\CCL md-sour bearahl) \tick) .,,,cct or c.Jon·r rise texture. which addec.J a gOlxl deal of since those recipes contain egp Ziskin, former chef de cuisine at the Tw,­ wcxxl-ville. It\ exce lent on a \Cf\ ed on ih own. The biggest issue of a~I wa:-. the to '"cl imb" up the sides of the pa . sult<> . bed '1f soft p<.>lenta. I '>la11ed b) testing all-purpose proper quantit) of egg whites. Most v. hid1 would be impossible if the At La Morra. the ambitiou-.ly length) Fii•m the -.plendidl) priced. fo~·-cou,-.,e. !lour 'er... us cake !lour. the amount recipe., call for 10 \\hites. v.hich '" were grem.ed. After !:faking an ang I menu would be difficult for e\en a super­ $35 preuo fi,so (fixed-price) me 1u (from of flour and ... ugar in relation to the what was in my original ma,tcr Ii.xx! 1 ·ake. the tube pan is turned u , v. hich you can al'>o star chef to sustain. t>gg \\ hrtcs. the O\ en temperature recipe. Hov.cvcr. when I increased side down, which prevents the dcl -. order I 7 95) -'- bn nec.J muddled, cour.-.e:-. f ,.., oftt>n 1ntcrd1IC\\ ec.J !lour: \\1th muffins anc.J man) cakes, cake \\a'> a good c.Jt:,tl 'ho111.:1 and \rnul.i happen. I tried greasing th~ the food errati c. The 617-739-0007 Lhic1'pea' " I haH! lounc.J cake !lour •.111c.J all-pur­ den,cr - not at all what I e\pcct 1x~11 •• nd '.lot turning it up~ide dov.il1 details of tine dini ng Price: $20-$4EJ tough anc.J alt)'. pose to be almost idt:ntical. Howe\ - from a sk;.-high angel food recipe. alter hakrng. The cake c.J rd not 11...G. get lost in the ensu­ Hcus: Sun.-Thu., 5:30 10 p.m.; La M rra\ all- er. \\hen tc,tcJ. l found that an angel I had abo been told that \\ ater i' .1 propt·1I ) and did collapse on itseir Laltan. uh 1-afforc.J- good addition 1l11 man) cake..,. Ro"L' \Onll'\\ hat a' wel l. 1 ing confusion. The Fri. and Sal., 5:30-11 p.m. able \\ ine list i., a food cake made "1th ,111-purpose situation is exacer­ Bar: Full winner e b1ight bated by cicchetti - Credit: All chcIT) fr 11 of a t. " Ve ne ti a n-sty le ,,, Accessibility: Stairs 200 I i\ la1 o Clau- tapas" - you're Angel food cake Parking: Valet, on street dio Doi ·tto c.Jr meant to enjo) with .\n!!el tood cake 1, .i hit like cotton GlllU\. 11\ all air and 'ug&. I ltkc to \L'l"\C an_1.:t'I food\\ ith ... tight!) \\\Cet· •• a cocktail or gla:-.s of Diano d' A tm Co..,t.i cnc'o heme... : peachc' anJ ..,tr2 apiece. Ebe- M L " where, the tiny crock of cream) chicken no d1 11..,11 llL"C pudc.Jin~ is ''' .in!!I d b\ or f l< /\ 1111111 1'<1111//11 ' j an<'t' ll.1\00111! \\e'rt~ ...:l llll'll:~r t lC n;I k - liver pate ($3.25) anc.J four anchm) c ~ I 112 f<·c"/'1111111lc11101111111 < stuffed fried oli'e' (\.))might be JRe,e111 fol g 1~ 'iL· 1 con ere 11.i pa,t11xc ia G"an Ma1111er\ hrc) alter I pomt llUt th 11 the1e\ ed as grat i' arnu'c' hoixhc. Pcnn;-pmch­ I Heat men to .P5 degree .... Placc the !lour. I ~ cup ot su1:!,ll anc.J the ... alt 111 .t ,11t,·1 .111d ''It u11to a lar1,!C piece l • ers will feast happily on lemon~ no 1111lleloglie I puff pa\l!) J Th "e \ al-.o or\\"' paper homemade ricotta that you can spn.:ad on no Ci1 anc.J f\1am1cr. 2. Heat the egg '' httes 111 the bowl of an electric mi,er at mcc.Jium ' IX'L'd for I 11111111ll' m until whites begin to ··A lot ol people c.Jon ·t like our e prc ...... u:· I' ·, slices of home-bakec.J hrcac.J - dcliciou,. foam .lllc.J bubble. :\c.Jc.J lTcam or tartar. Turn mi \er to high and beat until \\ hit es ju't ' la11 to torm very soft peakl> l_ • , and free. Cicchetli seem a c.Ji..,traction for a admit., our waiter. For good rca'o r It\ ,1,­ anc.J h in rnlumc. Slow I) ac.Jd remaining 3/-t-cup ' ugai anc.J continue beating kitchen that need:- 10 focu' more on con­ tringclll until \\hrte,ju ... 1 holc.J ,oft peak .... Add \anillaand lemonjuiccand beat umil \\hite,,,m.1u't hold a 2-inchpeak. sistem:y. L.1 \h)JTa·..,cot). \\c1<.l{.f - beame~up,1,,11-.., .l Plarn1!! ..,ifter mer C!!!! \\. hite~. \if! I/.\ ofllour 1111\turc mer whites at a lime. Aftc1 each ,1 ftinu, t(ilc.J Hour into At La Momt. :-.omc c.Jishes arc as good as din111~ room. \\Ith bnck \Htll, an I )'elhm egg whit~ ... U'>ing .i ruhhcr ..,patula. Repeat two time.., v.ith balance ol !lour. mcrn11111.it1ng ead1 time imo egg you'd tind in Italy. hut too many others lighting. and chic dO\\onstall'\ bar· re hanc.J­ white'>. Work quick I) hut -,irnxithl) - this \lep -.hould take about 2 minute.., in tot.ii I:· . flop. MoU\">C-like sformato di 1ucca .,rnm· in a n 1111mali.,t way. L nfo unatd;.. -t. Turn baller into an ungrcased tube pan (although a spnngforrn pan can be u..,cd .1, \\L'll An ungrcased pan squash flan ($8.25) \\ ith a \Uhtle hint of one t:\emng. the;. ..eatcd u" at tie woN allcm" the batter to clmg to its side-., as it rise-.. Bake for 20 to 30 1111m11L·, hut chclk .till' 20 The top should be ,, nutmeg is wonde1ful dippcc.J into melted table 111 thc house (all b) iL...ell bet 'een the a nch golc.J and the top ... hould sp1i ng back \\hen tnuchcc.J li ght I). If the top of thl· lpnng back. cheese fondutta (:-.icJ. Tht:re\ Calabrian bath1001m and a prep '>tation J e\t.: i though bake tor .in additional 5 to I 0 minutes (check e' Cl') 5 rnrnutc\). zip to vongole al pepcronci no ($9) - we'd mac.Jc a resel\-at1on fi,e da sin ac.J­ 5. Remove from men anc.J tum upside down (if pan has tee!) or balance pan on top 1>fthree or four solic.J mugs I steamed clams and vinegar peplfrs in but­ varn.:t: . The menu need.., an Italian or glasses turned up\lc.Je UO\\ n. After 30 minutes. run a thin 1'nife or 'IXltula t bad to ba\IC\ to get bad: on 11wt11111 ah1111t Coo/.. 1 l//1111mtecl. loi: 011111hup:/!1rn1t:cnn/..\il/11.1tmtedc11111. track butter and sage arc perfectly al dente, with I I

    Ambrose's new steakhouse IS a WOl1c;n­ good igh to make you forgive the (Back Bay); 617-236-5208 - If you are cuisine rs luxurious. deceptively simple of1erings. With breakfast ranking a bit progress. The meat and fish are lackluste side dishes and desserts at the hankering for hollenn hot super-spreed and worth every penny. Ask for the pasta naw­ htCJher on the culinary scale than dinner11 less, the raw bar offers sushi and some first 3Chusetts outlet for the Thal food as its consumed in the tasting platter - a selection of home­ it is not only the food that makes this lit­ sauces have subtle Asian seasonings. Manhatta -based Cham. (M.S.) Kingdom - dine elsewhere. But if made pasta that changes often. (M.S.) tle lake-out nook a success. We also · Plates are piled high wrth free Sides. But TACOS CHARRO, 349 Centre St. , you're looking for Thai food that's easy CAPTAIN MARDEN'S TAKEAWAY, 279 likt•d the atmosphere. (Julia Collin too often. the kitchen doesn t know Jamaica >tain; 617-522-2578 - One on your stomach and pocketbook. fresh­ Linden Street, Wellesley, 781 -253- Davison) when to leave well enough alone. and of Bosto s most authentic Mexican ly prepared and as pteasmg as rt rs beau­ 3737 - The Styrofoam plates and plas­ VINNY T's OF BOSTON, 867 Boylston · service can be spotty. (M.S.) s. this JP cantina boasts temf- tifully presented. check out Chilli Duck. tic utensils may remind you of a road­ St. , Boston; 617-262-6699 -With its •· BROTHER JIMMY'S BBQ, 96 Winthrop rc tacos. tostados and killer (M.S.) side seafood shack, but this 1s an plied-high plates, table games and North , ~ St. , Cambridge (Harvard Square); 617- mole Be ure to stop by Fnday. NO. 9 PARK, 9 Part< SI., Boston; 617- upscale version of those establishments End trattoria decor, this is a bang-for- , , 547-7427 - If you like your bart>ecue Saturday !I' Sunday nights when owner 742-9991 - One of Boston's best (sans beer). The menu is focused your-buck Italian-American dining expe- , ) BlACKFIN CHOP HOUSE AND RAW aggressively smoky with intense hickory Jose P 3 Gutierrez manachr band restaurants keeps getting better and bet­ squarely on their obvious area of exper­ rience, heavy on red sauce and enforcect -BAR, 116 Huntington Ave. , Boston aroma that permeates to the bone. you'll entertains (M.S) ter Chef Barbara Lynch's menu of tise: incredibly fresh seafood. The sur­ bonhomie. Alas, quality can be sacrificed (Back Bay); 617-247-2400 - Tony like Brother Jimmy's BBQ The 'cue is CHILLI Dt.:CK, 829 Boylston St., Boston sophisticated French and Italian country prise here is the quahty of their breakfast on the altar of quantity. (M.S.)

    cannon TWo-Day Special I Midweek only: March 8-12; March 15-19; March 22-26, 2004 ! ~eludes: Two nights lodging, two days of skiing/riding, and a group lesson. EASY ACCESS PLENTY OF PARKING!

    ,\ tnformnlion: f78t ) 849 -0990 .,. ,, ~~ A; LINCOLN/ i"'·-,·-...... oe•·; • ~ l~...... Ohec t1ons : f617t 385-5000 New Hampshire ti&~WOODSTOCK .. Show Hours ~"kc t :p F°" Los: T111tc .~...... - ~- Two Uttle Towns... One Big Adventure. Saturdays ••••• 1 OAM - 9PM Adults •••~~~·i·~-~.i.~~ .. $9.50 Sundays...... 1 OAM - 7PM 0 tails on these and : ·~··· Children 6-12 yrs ...... $4.00 other packages at :,%~ ·.: Mon. - Fri...... 1 PM - 9PM 5 yrs & Under...... FREE line lnwoodstock.com ·~'tK .. · < www.allstonbrightontab.com I . ~riday. ~ebrumy 27. 20f).1 Allston-Brighton TAB. page I

    (617) And the 0 car gdes to ... a worthy actor 244·0169

    OSCARS, from page 17 other r·uht tn Tmmlation ... tn T \lation·· and. Sean Penn lea' t~ a deep and troubling im­ ll1e three ccn1tude' ahout the ~ Meanwhile, what, really. is They all face the daunting chal­ r·Mys 'RiH!r'') doe' \\hat Sean prc"'ion. \\hile Holly Hunter. a.-.. O...cai·-fo.,t: I l It "ill he too long there to cavil about in most of the lenge of hop111g to be-.t the third Penn al ays doe.,: acts \\ ith pro­ the mother ol one of the girl-. and comain moment' of gha-.tl) caregorie..? and final install ment of the 1no'>t found( belie\'able -.J...ilL gmv. ing up \va) too fa,t. \OW'\ in emhrurn ... -.mcnt. -.cit-Im c. had ~ Oh, as a Japanologist in my ear­ successful film trilog)' ever r"The Ac ~se ? Forgi'e me. for I ·111inecn:· Renee Zellweger. dresses and falhng-llat _1okc': 21 It lier days, I would have liked to Lord of the Ring '>: Tik! Return of ha\ e si ned: I did not ...ee "Whale though -.ome ha\ e de1ided her \vi ii give u~ people and films to EVITA see the gorgeously realized '1l1e the King"). Rider·· md ha\e no idea \vhether role in ··cold Mountain .. a.-.. proto­ whom the Oscar-. ··go" - no one Through March 14 Thurs. Fri, Sat 8:00 p.m.. Sun 2:00 p.m. Last' Samurai" and its Ame1ican I've heha Castle-Hughes deserves Mammy YoJ...um. is ju..,t the e<.u-thy ··wins: .. O\cai·~ just .. go" to folb TICKETS $22.00 suu-. Tom Cruise, nominated. But. things alx)ut 1hc be-.t actor cate­ her no ination. but \he i' the lca\Cllil1!.! that lilrn nccded. - some or ~hom will shO\\ the} a-.. we say in Japanese. ·'shigata ga Discount rates for Seniors. Students go1y usually this coming in the t pe1funner nominated Befo>t director'! He)-. you J...no\\ cannot ad lih and \hould nc\ er tr) & Groups of 15 or more nai"·- ain't nothing to be done fonn of ·'Jude Lm '? For that!'!' this catego!). The ab­ the Ii)!. Count me 111 a' a fan of all to: and 31 the li't or'' inner' ''ill alxrut it - and those nominations or ··You've gol to be l...tdding! Btll JO\v nef\ .. Mom.ter'' and lihm ,md an admirer of all Ii' e. he forgotten almo'>t 111,tantly b) never happened. Those that are Murray? BDI Mumn !'' or even tm'>" ga\e u., in leading too. all except them and tl1L' l11'Cr\. norninated are deserving. There\ ··oh come now. 1.,n·1 hi'> 0..car roles C arli1e Theron and aomi the-horse thought hopeless who for ·Gandhi· enough for Ben Watts '>pecti\ely. and the adult triumphed ("Seabiscuit"). There's Kingsley·' Jec1 ... But rm \Vild corned of '>econd chance.., in terrific novelist Dennis Lehane's ------... Want a DIFFERENT-- party? about all fiw of tho~ rK>minee-... IO\e h nded us Diane Keaton. stoty of crime, punishment, regret OK. so ··Hml'>c ot and and Fog'' though ..omeho~ in the corned) and obsession ("Mystic River"). is depressing. hut 1t\ killfully '>0. her ot ·r half. JacJ... ichobon. Bring your KIDS to ... There's a glo1iously grandiose an­ and Johnny Depp\ unique pirate rlooked for a nomination. glophilic adventure yarn coupled hotshot in · Pirate-. of the nong that handful of c1it­ witti superb character develop­ Cruibbean: l11e Cuf',t! of the found only the little girl'> THE SIAGEL PRODUCTIONS ment ("Master and Commander: Black Pearl" ;, a hoot thmugh­ really atchable in ··in America:· The Far Side of the World''), and a out. Jude Law get-. hut one J...i s" and the suppo11ing actor nomina­ BAR/BAT MITZVAH EXPO movie almost its pol 111 ··cold Moun­ tion of Djimon Hounsou -.t1ikes the.-tinassuming, subtle, reflective tain .. and Cl11l'll!l''> final!) tn the me m. 1e kind of thing that a di­ Sunday February 29th, 2004 and understated story of an aging mainstream \mcm:an con­ ver-..ity -r.u:ed organi1ation like Newton Marriott Ame1ican movie actor and a sciou:-..nc-.., "" a -.tar. not ju\t the Ac idem) inflicts upon ih lx)ft:d young wife who meet in a !ju'>t!) a' ,tu11ningl) ,mrm:ti\e. membe -.... It\ an utterl)' frirget­ Experience & Enjoy: hotel and taJ...c a fruic) to one an- Bill Mu1ray 1 'plend1d 111 ··Lll'>t table onnance. Alec Bald\\ Jn doc',( ate \\ith p11a11 in ·Tue • DJ Entertai111ne11l • ( arirnt11rhts Cooler· and Benicio Del Tomi., a • Party Plcrnning • ( 0111p11ter \fo11w Pad\/ p.1rago of mi.,...pent hie tn ..21 • Virtual Realil} Bo.Yer 5/Jorts Oscar predicti ns ... Gmm-... both \Uperhly done. and • Kids Casino • Body Art/ I 11ttoos lim R bbin., excellently tultill" • MTV Style Video 5aeeu\ • Ligl1t 511011 \j h1' role in ··My ... tic Ri,er:· \\hilc A second opinion Ken atanahc. nc'' to 1110,t • Game 5110w Mania Dance 5taxes \ meric ITT fil111goe1". hold' hi" •Arcade Games • A11d 1\focll \fore Will Win: Should Win: ll\\ n \\ th Crui\C in ·111c UL\! S,1111ur< :· :._Register now at www.Siagel.com to win SS00.00 off your party. Picture - 'The Lord of th ' Picture - .., I he Lord of the 0 l~lngs; The Return of th ' Rings: The Ret11m of the King·· In th · hc.,t '-Llpponing actrcs., King·· Dir~ctor Pctl.'r J,1cJ...,11n catcgo . again no cJTant nomina­ ° Call 617.527.0493 Director PL·tcr Jad. 'on (''Lord of the l<111g, .. 1 uon ~hohrch \ghd.1,hloo ·, 1l·Lord of the Ring<·l Best Actor Scan Penn \llcl1!h ,utknng \\ 1lc 111 .. HllU\l' Best Actor Bill Murra} (''M)'tic Ri\l'J 1 ot ~an and Fog·· pmhahly ha' 0 Q ("Lo'>t 111 Tran.,lation'') Best \ctn.-" Charli1c ll '' ch< •11pio11' a11111ng \Ladcmy Best Actrcs'> Charli1c Theron r·\hin tcr .. I \ ntcr... incc the mm 1c had IC\\ ·rncron ! .. Mon,tcr·· l Best Supporting \ctor- AIL'I: \ Je\\ c and tt 'omc lkgrl'C the Best Supporting Actor Tim Bald'' in rTh• Cook -··1 -..11nc h cl) applic' to the l;u·gel) ------Rohb11h (.. M}\tic Ri\Cr .. l Best Supporting \ctrt."s unx-cn P1Cet."' ol .\pnl.. .ind 11\ ill Best Supporting Actress Shohrch \ghd.t-.hl1 x <··t-(11u,e and fc1., y 1110111 ·, rnlc tilled nnhly Rene Zellwcgcr r·Cold Moun­ of Sand and I n!! .. , h) Pat ..:ia ClarJ...... on. In the pn­ tain") manly malc-oncntcd .. \ 1) \!Jc Rl\cr:· Marcia Ga) Hmdcn Billy Joel is 'Movi ' ' on

    JOEL, from page 1 7 Joel\ home lt11 I of Long J,land. foci' im oh cmcnt ''1th matt:nal has a Ii re be) l ind 111) IX'I - \\ hcrL· I '' , h.tr,JC!l'J f,.1..1.. ti 1L' ··~ I m 11 ow·· diJ 11Pt c1 d tllL'rl· forming it. \.\ h1ch '' \l'I') 11npor· 111u-.i1.. .it !1..'1 he\ tin1. th1.. II\ c H1.. n~ lltl•n.'d he 'h1 l\\ ·, hand tant to 111l' J U\I to knt l\\ th mu'>IC nam \\ .u-. tl1L \ n .:J...ed hard and did not KEITH LOCKHART ha.' .i way ol "' 111~. It''\ l:1) grat· ··People ha\C Ix-en ~nd111g me "'1u1ic.J. > U'>l' hi\ \\ ord ...,\ 1mp)_.. ifying:· sc1iph and \tone-. haxx.I on n ) Ht.: di O\eredul.'.­ CONDUCTOR JOHN WILLIAMS Cnt1cs through the ycai-... have music for a lonL tune ... foci 'hn at the h.· d1c..,tmt on. ~hile Thru-p tooJ... ..Odyssey" that would rclkct the · ... men I got ,1 1111.. "age fmm choreo mph) honor.... Still. Joel epic \trugglcs or tht: hah) boomer Twyla Tharp. ~ho I onl) J...nc\v hy dm.. npl 1ys hi:-.. contribution. generation. her name and her \l.OrJ.... She ...aid ··on rony night I wa.-.. sitting .. She's always going hacJ... to she· d choreogr;iphe that ... he· d chore<>­ kt>ep g ting credit tor thi" \htm. about the ·rage or Ulysses.' SM graphed. Th~y \\e1-e beautiful. but real the c\tent of m)- collah­ rcali1ed the essence of our gener­ .. A couple of \l.l'C~., later -.he orat1on m-. I \l.'C Tharp h td the\ t\ion. And the hc-.t affected everylxxJ) whether you the dancer-. li\e 111 her studio !'.o thing) u can do ,.. ith a \ i\lona0 \.\ent or not. She used that the sets. no costunk: . n<> pnlp'-. no "'ju-.t g ·t out of her\\ a).·· central focus or the slOJ) ... lighting. It wa.'> fanta,i1c I actual­ Or h wa). faen a.' he \tep' .. Movin' Out" tells its story not ly choked up. It \\a.'> prett) com · bacl... f )Ill hi' career puf\uits. \,\. ith dialogue, but entirely ball of me to react to m) O\\ n ma­ JOEL, page 21 through dance and 24 Joel songs, terial that \.\ay. but if I get that pc1formed by a li ve rock band and chokey thing. 11\ a good '>ign. It sung. in the Boston prcxJuction, wasn't at all \\hat \\e rocl... ·n· by pianist DruTen Holden. Per­ rollers think ol a-. dancer\. gu)'> sonalities made famous in the flipping around in tutu\. It had a song:-.. - Brenda and Eddie from rough edge. I wa-. \el) roove

    Tickets: $16 - $69 "Dr. Dirty• Returnslll Visit the Symphony Hall Box Office, Monday - Saturday, 6pm. L..-a~.:11 JOHn UftlBY 1oam- MRCH 13TH Groups of 25 or more call (800) 933-4255. S~CllWZ!UM SWEEUEY MARCH 26TH-28TH fr:tl FOl·lYs 'fiU!' a>s!M•Uif 11m ,.&ms' lld a rrv rJ Bill BfllftffiY Page 20 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, Februa1 _y_2_7._2_oo.t______-i------__ www.::,:_:::·a~ll'..::st::::o::n.'.:'.:bn'..::· g~h,:to:::n,:ta::b~.c~1~0},

    "Ro~KIN' 'Qu~.~\~f ~. , fi~ALLY Rt1E !"

    1- "FUNNYA \D E\l BER\ \T! BnuaNov Ar THf Mov1fs TOI ~ DIS\E) PROP~ c:rio~ I ~ ...... WELCO\lb A" Tim:~ · Hiii 11111~1\,.Jo' \\!.Hf' 1111 1'

    ''DoLBLE HoT!" "'Ll'lM) UllL\.\ J.; A How to kill a 'Moose' I Hl\\IUl II \111N & '~ JO\U •lUH~I•. lltlfTIL•U FIRECRACKER.' ,/I ' 1 ~~ 1:111 w ·u1.1e!Pn'""""~T ~...., ...... •&.V"" WONDERFUL, ... IH \ \ l \IQl L Mooseport (C) EYl'ERT\nl\G En 1R\ F,1 • \T TEE\ F\NT\ ~) !" T\I.\ T~ .. hat do we do with fonner presi­ Jtl\IJ •1tt1\ilUlt11'Jltlll 111 • fl •I I L1'111\HKl'l!J-- dent!>? In olden time!>, they faded into deser. ed obscurity. Or if they ' loved, they were revered. Or if they LIND SAY L 0 HAN 1inkle in their eye~ for the coincidences ry, they would. like Adams and Jeffer­ son, mage to die on the ~ day, the 50th annive sary of July4. 1776, a date even Amer- CONFESSIONS ora1EJ i-, E ican hi h schoolers may now and then find fa­ miliar. n modem times they play golf (Ford) or gi\ speeches wrinen by somebody else DRAMA QUEEN and . ing nothing, for va-,1 amounts of PG__ f'Wllll...... GUIOAIC! SUCCESIEO.. _ • l money ~t of them) or build houM!s (Jimmy ,..,_nc&.111111••- • lt't'llag'<'( ra111aq1 wP11.ro111 OOl9iE"000111$D.uc: Cuter) or \.\-Tite major books (Richard Nixon) l0£M NM.. or wat h with pride ~ a son becomes presi­ BOSTON COMMON l!HWAY THEATRI FRESH POND SOMERVILLE 111iu.GlffSl ?Ol llOOkllN( AV( FRIStt "1• P\AiA &J ·SI II f. dent ( rge H.W Bush). or provide wiM! I SOO.IAlllWlt;O 1730 611 424 6266 SEE IT NOW! 111011•-•1» --·11 coun!'.C for the party. v..hile no doubt pa11ying D'ANvERs DYl>li/:M'' woeu'R'N' li'Ev(fi'E ..., li'ANDOLPH BRAIHTREE 10 heart) ill Clinton)or. well. you get the point. t•llJYllHMAU llJ 1&111fllll~ n111111n lS &tlf ll RH Cl&SOU11t1tr ' f.'I" ..S•• ' I SOO.IAllDAllCO'll4 781 326 4955 781 933 S330 181 286 1660 781 ••l S6'0 II Ml 070 One >re~ident. upon going bad•... a.-. he ~d. WRUNGTON I0 Fi'AMINGHAM 16 CHESTNU Tii LL Watch Ille Acadetly Ands ,..., 29. AIC ...,... m to ·1he pie:· mn for office. a le-.-..cr oftice Handy Harrison (Ray Romano) and his pal drum up a little smnn town business. r~.·:;,r~,. ;:;:~:= ~11 ,'2~,"'= 0 ~1 - ~-- (fl..,~,. ·-. ~ "'~-)I .. though !'ta\\ it a... J v..orth) one. a \l.!at from }earrnurt-.hip ofthe local \Clcnnwian !Maura hecau-.c r m .1 fan of ••faerybo. and there John Quincy politician Joe Tierney - and a regular on and '' hmme..,.., of hi:- persona on TY doesnrt Adam-. '>truggletl for things that matteretl. op­ .. ER"l She has weaiied of wai ting. and v..h.en tra11\late to tht• big screen. He isn't funny herd, posed ~ aver) and be confu-.ed v. ith J.Q. Adams.just re­ regular beau. s pot ~ her and in\'itcs her out to the dialogue given hi m i.., inept: mundane, rrnL, tired · 1d extr.i,agantly admired president dinner. and she accepb. Hand> grow' v. roth. gctabi li t). t Monr( ··Eagle .. Cole. mid:-t a na...,ty divorce a-. it says in the Good Book. and agrees abo to lmagin~_ th1-. turning into a kind of smal from hi '>hrev.. i'>h wife (Christine Baranski ). run for mayor. again\! the 1110\l lo,cd rrc\i­ (OV.11 poltllca lly savvy .. War or the Roses. . ~Illes i 110 hi., vacation home in Mo(N.!port. dent ever. "Jth Ha.ck mu t·~a nd Rom'.1no \characters.err lame. 11.:companietl. as i.., routine the..,!.! da)-.. s~ \\here thi\ i:- heading'.1 Too had II dllC'\- gaged 1n b1 tlhant pany mg and thn1 ... 11 11~. b) h1-. . !l:ret Ser. ice agent'>. h1.., lo) al (and .,e­ 11 ·1 get \Cl) do-.e. It could ha1c become a hit lmagme the 1cte 1imuia11. the low \ICk ladi t:rctl) ) •· ingJ a.-. ... i..,tant ( Man:1a Ga) Hard- 111g ...a11re of the outlanOOn-to-he C\ ''ill: cnl\\ 1n111 1111! J. h1 ea2er-bea\ er handler ( Fre of n en before he can comfortabf\. u-..c the lll the ) okel.., 'e1"u' the .,IJck ..,tcr' Irorn \\ ,hh pa111rnlw· ch.11,1cter. Contr '1.')l..eU b) the locab ! ~) run tor ington. or a number of interc ...1111g th111g .... \nd. of u' mm IL' LI Ilic., don ·1 CllJO> 'Klying unplca-. ma) Or. mopposed. And'' h> not? He can pull e'en \\ ith OK moment-. .,uch ,1.., a gn1dgc golf ,till thing., about mo• 1es. I n.>\ iev. them he a noble J.Q. Adams - though no American match betv..cen the l\\O G111d1datc., .ind '"''on L«tll\L' I lme Ilic cinema and am \\.illing Hi -.t mmie e-.igned for the U'>Ual -.u-.pech would ed ..,nippet:- of bilchine.,., from the 1\ 1k on her through till' dtL'Ck in hopes. alway'>. ol find in maJ...e a reference like that. b t the audience \\C.L) to ,m un-amicablc di' mcc. '"\.\dcrnrn.> to .t gL'll1. \\di. 11ov.. I have paid Ill) due' wit fidget b ha' ing to thmk of a tidbit from histo- Moo:-eprnf· ne'er jell\. though liL'lllL') man­ 1111.., one. \Vhe11 v. ill I find a -.cinti ll atin~ rnmc 1) - "" he agree'>. age.., to add brief -.nippeh of engaged actmg. d) to rnm11C1h,1tc for t!Ji.., mcdiocri t) 1 Spe· ing of plumbing. the town\ beloved r \ c \aid ofren that I \\OU Id pa) lo watch Gene jack of II trade..,, .. Handy.. HaiTi-.on (Ray Ro­ Hackman read the Ycllcm Page.,. but I am glad \Vrillrn h1 Doug Richan/.1·m1 a11d 7011 ' mano). "\\.Orkmg on Cole\ plumbing but 1., I didn't ha\'e to pa) to\\ atch him phone in thi., ~'ch11/111a11: t!in·c1cd hr /)0110/d Pe1rie. RWet definite not woO..ing on finali1111g tw .. 11l

    Mlive~, funny an brazenly riddled with serendipity. It's lllaf.,...awonderful ,Ll_,, ltte! " ibson's 'Passion' lacks point

    PASSIO l, from page 17 mm ie en.\OP.. u~d to. and the broadc· t TY cen-.ors -.till ex­ punge f m their pr(xluct. It may offen Jel>us. in fl a-;hbacks at the happier moment.., and is probably tion and of their children. the fil Ii tic pleasure in inflict­ height of hi influence and in the one of the apostles. The Eng lish nonetheless s how~ not only Jew. iolence on us, but vio- bulk of the film, enduring the subtitle.., may well accurately demanding the crucifi xion but' aps beyond necessity it ghastly abu!>e of the mob and of translate the Aramaic and ">nip­ al..,o Jews weeping at what ha~ This may be heresy to the Roman soldiers v..ho made his pet-. of Hebrew and the ..,igniti­ pens before their eyes, and R ' think "evil" equate to pathway from hi arrest to Gol­ cant chunks of Latin, but they muns (especially Pi late and hi. ul words, but were I the gatha as unpleasant a'> they could. don't give the lay audience a trot wife) "'{ho don't think crucifixio parent f mid-teenagers I'd Mattia Sbragia's High Priest is a~ to who is who. is warranted, others of whom, es rather ey spent the afternoon given more prominence in the Is the movie anti-Semitic? In pecially at the tail end of the hu ogling ' reamers" than watch­ film than in the gospel tales, goad­ the sense of automatically lead­ cilixion itself, who were. chasl ing 'Th Passion of the Christ." ing on Rome's procurator in Ju­ ing every fair person to spot a de­ tened, altered, by the expenence. Is it th? Believen. who don 't daea. Pontius Pilate (Hristo Nau­ liberate intention to defame Jews Gibson has said in interview. refl ect 1uch on what scholars rnov Shopov), to sentence Jesus in general, no. b it a film that that "we" crucified Christ, a ~en say abo t biblical stories, in ei­ to Rome's standard punishment might bolster an already strong timent consistent with the thed!j ther the~lebrew Bible or the New for the worst of the bad, crucifix­ desire to feel hostile toward logical emphases of traditionali s.~ Testame t, will probably take ion. History knows little of the Jews? Possibly. But a<, we know Christians. But for those who bej lhi as, iterally, gospel. More real High Priest but a great deal of history and see today in the lieve neither in original sin nor in equivoc I Chri tian , those at­ about Pilate, of whom it is author­ upsurge of Jew-hating in Europe any sin that anaches to other th~ tuned ~ what 'The Jesus Pro­ itatively said that he was brutal and the almost pathological Jew­ an evil deed's perpetrators, or in '3j ject" i about and who may on and by no mean a total equivoca­ hating er)1anating from through­ special stigma attached to any! read scholarly books at­ tor urged by his wife nor to do the out the Muslim world, linle is particular ethnic, religious or nai to piece out what might bidding of the priests and giving needed to cement anti-Semitic tional group, that inclusive "we· have happened from in only when he sensed that he views in tho e already disposed is disquieting, even repugnant. gospel writers, none of would face a Jewish uprising had to it. For those of tha~ stripe, th.e fil ~ ew Jesus, wrote, hould he nOt done so. As intense filmmaking featur­ emerges as an mterpretat1on ~ 1 J know at the film comprises Mary (Maia Morgen tern), a ing skillful cinematography and a one person's torture and death, nippets rom all four, augmented silent sufferer observing her son's devotion to making its point with and as such.it is impressive but by by reve es from a 19th century miserable lase hours on earth, and no prettying-up, the film deserves no means either a rallying cry fo nun wh was certifiably a hater a younger woman, whom we are praise. As a munded portrait of bigotry nor a conclusive provi ng of Jew d i a fave in the Gib­ to believe is Mary the Magdalen Jesus' life, it fails. But Gibson set of the Christian faith's central be~ ..,, son ho ehold, both of Mel and fEllWlT THW1f (Monica Bellucci), though we are out not to make that movie but to lief. A brouhaha is certainly upott lll-l'fl of his fa her, a Holocau t denier not told so and people nor com­ remind people of what he be­ us. but a resolution of millenni ~TART~ fRIDAY,HBRUARY 2/TH! r.~e-: _....,.._611~24-4266 LOEWS lOlW5 LO~ AM( SH()Wll(AV' t and to e right of mo t modem fortably familiar with the story lieves were the real last hours of of theological and historical dis~ DANVERS FRESH POND SOMERVILLE FRAMINGHAM 16 CIRCLE DE DHAM UIEllY TIElMAU FRllli l'OHD !'LUA 11 Al\lllllYIQ Ill ILllHllUllUI0\1'11\1 CLIVllMIU (llQI ITl & lllDR llA popes. e film i'> well-.,Hought may wonder who she is. look ap­ an historical person. For all the pule is not. 711-lU_.fSS t.IOQ.fAlllWIGO 1734 1-SOO.llllOHGO 1131 1-100.liMOANGO II I SOB-628-4400 617 566 4040 p~tiche, clo~ly derived from propriately agha'>t, and a hand­ millennia of misery inspired by Co-written (ll'ith Benedict RANomPH REVERE"'\ WoBURN BRAINTREE 10 iURuNGTOM 10 key so ·es, but iL'i empha<1es are c,ome young fellow with a thin one reference in one of the Fir;l:era/d) and directed by Mel 1 0 111 1 1 ~::i ~ ~r.rs::,:1w ~i1~k~t>~m ~i~mUll fe\Ol9ll]s"1~M" : :1 ~. ~·~m by no the only concei\- beard. accompanying the two gospel:-. a Jew\ statement that Gihmn. Ra1ed R. ~ Watch The Academy Aw ds February 29 8:00p.m LIT

    ------·---1f-----i..--..;;;.:;.,,..______---- - . _..---· ------L --- - ... _ ...- - -...,__ www.allstonbrightontab.com I nda;v, February 27, 200-l All ton-Brighton TAB, page 21I

    haps will hrt you as too over the top. Whichever. It won·1leave you unmoved. (O.B.) B· TOUCHING THE VOID (Unrated) The ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE true story of two climbers in the Andes. BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATIJRE One breaks his leg. his friend tries to help him but eventually must cut the rope. leaving his friend for dead THE FOG OF WAR Amazingly, lhe wounded climber sur­ An Errol Morris Film vives. and the actors portrayrng these :. .. ~- www fogofwarmovie com ~~t~!.!,.fi]J;;@.. cuss1c.s· men. and the cinematography recreatrng the treacherous atmospherics, grve the NOW COPLEY PLACE KENDALL SQ COOLIDGE CORNER New Releases viewer a frightening sense of what it 100 HUNllNGTON Ai[ BOITON OH[ K[HOAU 10 CAMBRliX>c ~:8o~t1~~ARD STREET 1 800-FANOANGO #731 61 7 499 1996 61 7-734 250 0 CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE DRAMA must be like. Why people climb moun­ PLAYING QUEEN (R) When mom (Glenne Headly) tarns remarns a mystery to most of us; moves the family from Manhattan to fine semi-documentaries like this are as New Jersey, daughter Mary, who prefers close as we want to come to that sort of to be called Lola (Lindsay Lohan), has act1V1ty. (D B ) B Keep Tabs on new films! to establish herself at the new high Mom (Glenne Headly) conducts business as usu I while Lola school by challenging snotty beauty {Lindsay Lohan) tries a psychic connection In " nfesslons of a Visit www.tow11011li11e.com/arts Read David Brudnoy Carla (Megan Fox) for supremacy. With Teenage Drama Queen." f or more reviews. ~er new friend (Alison Pill) and an trainer. The boxing stuff has rts cy and emobo al resonance that propels admiring teacher (Carol Kane), Lola suc­ moments and the story ts insprnng. rt rnto the rank of best sports movies ceeds. The movie doesn't. Filled with although the screenplay is overloaded ever Kurt Ru ell stars as coach Herb awful dialogue and no real sense of how with clrches. (D.B.) C+ Brooks. with Clarkson. Noah to create likeable characters, the film CATCH THAT KIO (PG) Three junior high Emmerich and an athletically skilled dribbles away into nothing. (D.B.) D+ schoolers (Kristen Stewart. Corbin Bleu. group of relati e newcomers as the play­ OIRTY DANCING: HAVANA NIGHTS Max Th1eroit) plan to rob a banks new ers. If you kn / what happened. the {PG-13) An American girl (Romola safe. suspended 250 feet in the air, to ending won't rpnse you. bul getting Sarai) living in Havana with her parents get $250,000 to send the girl's lather to there is huge entertaining and the quali- just before Gastro's gang took over, falls Europe to have an expcnmental opera­ ty of thlS ven IS superb. (D.B) A- fOr a Cuban waiter (Diego Luna, of "Y Tu tion. The kids are cute the plot 1s MONSTER (R A no-holds-barred biog­ Mama Tambien") and they enter a dance absurd throughout. but children at the raphy of Ailee Wuomos. who became eontest, which, if they're victorious, will screening seemed '.o en1oy rt, with rts a stone-cold lier. and Selby Ward (not ~ng him $5,000 and a chance to make go-carts. wild. loud music. and mgrati­ her real name who became her best Something of himself. The girl's parents atrng leads. The sort ot film that parents fnend and lov d her dearly. Charl1ze ~sed to be skilled amateur dancers should try very hard to get someone Theron and C risllna Rrcci. who have themselves, but the thought of their else to take their offsp11ng to. (O.B.) C been wtlhng 1 the past to transcend daughter with a local is not pleasing to THE DREAMERS rIC I 7) f your life their good loo :s for the sake of their them. A commonplace story. though wasn t rurned b, seP 1Janet Jacksons f Im roles mo ·e into terntory most sweet, and fine dancing. (D.B.) D­ breast. maybe you can handle total actresses wo d avord at all costs. Thrs ROBOT STORIES (Unrated) Four sepa­ frontal nudity in a be;111t1ful young IS a film of su h intensity that 1t may rate tales. slightly futuristic. with robots woman and two hand• ome young men. make you sic to your stomach or per- at each one's center. tell of how our lives In 1968. a cinema-lowtg American n may be changed by these machines. A Paris (Michael Pitt) m1'.£'.tS French twrns couple must "' test drive .. a robot baby (Louis Garrel. Eva Gre1·11 with whom he before adopting a real one. An android bonds. The brother anrl sister are way MBSWAYUP!' office temp gets the job done. but is too close. and they sw11tly seduce therr falling for another temp. an aging sculp­ new pal. Bernardo Bertolucc1 1s accus­ tor resists having his mind scanned into tomed to shocking 111111qoers - Last a computer and, in the one non-science Tango 1n Pans 1s an 1r on 1n the crnema fiction story. a mother tries to connect - and llere he weds 111s love of beauty with her comatose son through his col­ with his and his three r hara ters love of ** lection of robot models. Lovely. simple the cinema itself (D fl B fables. beautifully told. (E.S.) B+ EYES WITHOUT A FACE J ated) A WELCOME TO MOOSEPORT (PG-13) classic French horror .t r1 (1959) telling TO IEHING The popular ex-president (Gene of a doctor (Pierre Br.1. e~rl who Ines THE Hackman). struggling ••11th a divorce to rescue his d1sfrour"'' daughter (Edith from his shrewish wife (Christine Scab l by prov1d1ng her v.1th a face. actu­ Baranski). moves to their vacation home ally several. taken fr0111 women he in Mame and 1s asked by the locals to despatches to the betff•r place. la k \/1010 run for mayor. Mr. President asks the about not facing the tt>dltty of extreme local vetennanan (Maura Tierney) out measures and their etfects on all con­ for dinner. irritating her boyfriend. the cerned 1Shot rn black iilld .'lflrte and wrth much admired handyman (Ray a haunting score by MJunce Jarre. the Romano). who then also runs for story 1s told without u11ne-:essary mayor. The story lacks oomph. despite excesses and 111an1g"'• to scare the tis potential and never becofl1es a b1t1ng be1abl·e ·• t n t people o see rt political satire or conv1ncir g romance L.B A or really anything. Waste of consider­ MIRACLE(PG The I of learn USAs able talent. (D .B.) C training for and performance rn hockey at the 1980 Winter Olymr "S rs ar often- Ongoing told tale ind this r 1 e gr ~ , bran- AGAINST THE ROPES (PG-131 lnsµ1recl by the true story of Jackie.Kallen (Meg Ryani raised m a box1lllarntlv and later becor111ng the f1r5'Slgmfitant woman, actually the first female manag­ er. m the sports history. Omar Epps plays her great hope for a charnpi­ pnship. with Tony Shalhoub as a boxing big shot, Tim Daly as a sports reporter a9d Charles S. Dutton (who also d1rect­ ~d ) as a great but under-apprecrated ·:•• Joel's

    ...~ Movin ''

    .{OEL, from page 19 n(?w lllU'>iC [)lays in Jcx:l"s head. Exclusive Engagements ~~~~iRo so. ~e \ ju... t not sure when, where or aying! IOCHURCHST CAMB IDGE Now Pl 14JOl>.FANDANGO I h(>w it will get heard. ''I'm writing all the time:· Joel 'k\) -.. " I have a lot of frag ment.., ol themes. I may write some more classical stuff, but I'm not on a u·eadmill. I don't feel the need to follow ur my clac:;sical album l"Fanta!'>ies &: Delusions"!. even though it solJ 200.(X)O corie-.. which in the da-.sical world is li1'.e \I ilm b' S• h a 1 Chomtt r-:'tll~ •--• _:,,_. . "';i· SQ,\1 PICTLRES CU.SS/CS" going multi-platinum. ~:. ..,._,. ... ------" Or maybe these themes could l o!W\ lAHOIMIK~ COOLIDGE CORNER COP UY PLACE KENDAL SQ. ?90 HAlVAlD STREET be turned into pop songs. Some ,._JI[ IOl!GI 0. 11111111 IO CJ.1119'1 HOOKUNI could be Broadway mu~ i c. Or 1-0-FAllDAllGO '731 617 .499. 996 617 734-250 0 movie score themes. In which Ji­ rcction should they go? I don't have a clue. In a way, I like that. I'm not taprcd out or musical ideas, but I'm paying more atten­ tion to my per.-onal life than I have in the pa<>t. Evc ryone deserves a life. Not just a career. A life. "It got to the point," the 54-year­ old Joel says, " that even with all tile success that I had I !Cit like Willie Loman in 'Death of A ~al es man .' There I am in another hotel room staring up at another ceiling in another city knowing r m going to get on another plane to another town to another concert. It wa-;n't fun. 2004 SESSION & AUDITION "And the whole point in the be­ BOSTON STUDIO 19ClarendonSt.Bosto , MA 617.456.6264 ginning wa<> not money, not fame. LO EWS AMC LOEWS LOEWS LOEWS It was meeting girls and having Session Dates: July 19- ugust 13 I August 2-13 Audition: Saturday, Ma ch 20, 4:00-6:00 pm BOSTON COMMON HNWAY THfATRf HARVARD SQ. SOMERVI LLE DANVERS fun and making this great music. I 175 TREMONTSl 201 BROOKLINE AVE. 10CHURCH ST., CAMBRIDGE AT ASS EMBLY SQ. RTE. 93 LI RERTY TREE MALL said. ·1 don't want to live the rest 1-800-FANDANGO#7 30 617-424-6266 1-800-FANDANGO#733 1-800-FANDANGO #737 1-800-FANDANGO qf my life like th is. I want another METROWEST STUD IO 863 Washington St. Ne vtonville, MA #734 617.456.6267 kind of life.' So that's where I'm LANDMARK'S AMC SHOWCASE CINEMAS SHOWCASE CINEMAS SHOWCASEC INEMAS al It's where rvc been for a while Session Dates: August -13 now. Trying to fi nd the right rela­ Audition: Saturd ay, Ma ch 20, 2:30-4:30pm EMBASSY CHESTNUT HILL DEDHAM WOBURN REVERE RTE. 9 ATH AMMONDST. RTE. 1 & 128 EX IT1 SA RTE. 128 EXIT 35 & RTE. 38 RTE. & SQU IRE RD. tiqnshir. The right person. We all 16 PINEST. , WALTHAM Cl want that happy ending.'' SOUTH SHORE STUDIO 34 Accord Park Dr. No vell, MA 781 .871.7468 781 -893-2500 617 -277 -25 00 781 -326-4955 781 -933-5330 781 -286-1660 Session Dates: July 5-3 "Mm·i11 · 0 111 " plll.n lit the SHOWCASE CINEMAS AMC AMC AMC FINEA RTS <;olonilll Theatre, i11 Bosto11. Audition. Saturd ay, M rch 27, 2J0-4:30pm RANDOLPH fRAMINGHAM 16 BRAINTREE 10 BURLINGTON10 MAYNARD Mwrh 2 thmu~h April I 0. 7icket.\: & Pre-registration ii required· please call studio for info m 139 EXIT 20A Off RH 24 flUll[ PASS AT SHOPPfRS WORIO OfffORBfS RO RTE.37 128 RTE. 128 - EXIT 328 19 SUMMfRSTRm S30-$87. amilahle at 617-931- 781 :963-5600 508-628-4400 781 848-1070 781 229-9200 978-897-8100 2787. Photo by Jonathan Rt·. - •Pho~ .,ii, . ... Page 22 Allston-Brighton TAB

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    Dina Kuznetsova, soprano Carl Halvorson, tenor \ A~ N• S Ft KOAEV )• ~ AKI J H Bl u artfully dodges high school' i 26 I ' , Herbert Blomstedt, conductor FEB 26 THURS 8PM feter Serkin, piano t. , ') 1N Ovt t f! for Mtlusme -year-old actor pla.vs plum role ofD odger in 'Oliver.'' tout Mc·lAK I P. .ir 1. ll(f'rt ~ 7 ~ G K 453 ltl 'I~ Syn phony 'IJ he mu,1cal ma\ he Blau. who pla)' Dodger in the Blau ... I answered the phone. hi, homctov. n has changed 'hr et 111 Bm.wn fr(lm ~1arch 2- 7. Dodger 111.i) he li\i11g e.ir-(lld S\1on ..... I'd DP \11)th111{· ,111d ·· 11 11 l.:llen DeGencre., Shew.. :· He·, pla~ ·d both nib h1~h 'iCh(lol fre,hman fr(llll '"Crnh1de1 't our,L'f r:· \s for ··01i\er!. Blau 'a'' .. , Doud~L·r ,,11·1 the onl\ th.11 ··con,1dcr Your'>elr' anu and fun and energl·t1c ... 'a'' mk ol Dodger \\hen he audi- 11ne gl'llrng 1iu1 (lf cla"'e' HI.tu "\\ hn \\ill Hu\!" 'eem lo he 11rn11.·d 111 '.\le\\ 'l\l1l Cit\ . 01 ha,11 ·1 lk'L'll Ill hll111croom 'i llL"L' tilt' .1udil'11ce\ j·,l\orttL' parh ol l°lllll,e. l.111d1ng the role \\a., " \Jm ember "Ill n the 111ur lh1 ·11<1\\. long 'hot laundwd 1n Dem er. There .tre Ii lit 13 lau ·' jK'r,011,tl I ,I\ ori le "Thn ,,11d there '''h a total 1v.o tutor'> llll 1he !Olli \\ho 111111 nent prm t:\ that .tit hough! of aho~t \.000 i...1J., auditi(lning gurde the "-id., 1hrough their he ' mature beyond his years r Im thL· ,1i11\\:· '")' Blau. ·· \1 \Cholll \\Oil . .ind h\ !Ill' llllll' " 1111k,\111n~tl actor in a lirn.!h-• 1fw 1ud11 111 \\ L ,,111-' ·c 11 ,1de1 ll' ~·pd, 111 \u~ l H , , l I I\ 'I l' llL'l"I ti 21•12pm 'tour'-t: I.' hh'. 100 b1lhon " 111 he J '>l ph• more. h.1' 1 ~ ~1.1 k11110-,h PJL ut·11011 - he\ 28•1 pm um . 'hen the) ... ut a v. hole ix lll of about a month m ~~-'II got l t,J:itc < ~our 3\ er-1 hunch l I kid.,. Then v. e did J dassroom. Do out \Ome g111, und d11\\ n 10 three i...1u-,. and we real.I ,t,t) 1111oud1\\11h friends. bcn I D11dgc1 I tu\I l.iugh'> hy.,tcne,11-' at tt>e Fleeteenter !111 the part ·· though 1he) chat on linc <1r he I) t. 1r .1h11u1 )!l "ecomls."" \a\os' One ol tht· l\\O otha actor" calls e\er) IHI\\ .1110 1hen. thL·ir Bl.111 ·· 1hat·, •Ill' ol 111) !~1- gol 1...t~I a' the Dodger under­ bu') schedule" m.ti...e it h.iru lor \'1>1 •ll' p.irh... I 'tuLI): the other got a .,ma! kr them to ClllllleCI r\nd another !)/11< I 1 "11111\ I \/a11 ft:! 7 lit p.trt uifficuh) ol lik \\11 the road t/11 \\um: I Iii utl! . 1/11\/1111 I 1d.­ .. I gt'lt the call four da)., later. his lather gol a new job. Sll . £'1' ~\ 'i -8 Cull I i'11HJ-./.J7 f \\ '" home .,ic1..:· rememher" while Blau ha' hecn on the tllur. 7-lfll J. ~ ~...... f ' V-},.,...... ,,.!11,-(lm-''Tl-f'l~~~~--~~~ Hart of gold Annual TAB ar Conlesl Beth Hart ~real ~s ··Lea'e the Light On" (Koch Records) Beth Hart "oar" on thi~ blister­ ing \el of roci...ing tunes about the pain of life anu lo\e. True. CD REVIEWS

    )OU ma: be close to !>Uicide a her the title track. Han\ aching kx>"- at a self-Lle~truc­ ti\ e life led in the wai...e of childhood abu"e - .. I cut m)­ self just to feel ali\e.. - but it\ a terrific song. And if it make., you want to CI). ju\t up a notch by catchy, melodic lanta's uncompromi~ing Indi­ hang on - next up, '"Bottle of hooks, oddball lyrics and tight Best Actress: go Girls ha~c released a series iJ K( JlJ Ca• Jesu!>." a saucy rocker that arrangements. There\ a of classy fo lk-rock albums ad­ .J might get )OU up on your fee t happy 1960s llavor at the start dre,sing politics and love . .J 10 dance. She has vocal fun ala of "Unintentional," which Thi.,. the duo's ninth studio ef­ .J Mac) Gra) on .. Lay Your leads to gritty, slashing gui­ fort. continues the comeback .J Hand!> on Me,·· and ~he get!> tars, then nasty lyrics. all fit­ that began with I 999's ''Come downright Janice Joplin b) the ting together by the end ...S u­ On Now Social." Amy Ray's Picture winnins most Osca1S: ------4------end of '"Sky Full of Clover." persi1e" is funny and goofy, spunky vocals and Emily The album, a gorgeous medley v.-ith a ~ly story twist, "Swal­ Sal iers· folk-oriented deli very Tie Breaker: )one~ A.e-age at dose of 1arch st. of rock, r&b, and gospel, is low a Fly" is funny and ~tar­ hm e al~ays proved opposites th" Clay aftc ~ ------1------tilled with sadness and pain. tling in ii\ conviction (''I arc attractive. And when Joan r------~ ENTER HERE TO WIN THE 20TH ANNUAL CR U TAB OSCAR COKTIST! but it\ somehow uplifting wou ld do an)thing to make Osborne joins the fun, as she when fueled b) Hart\ bounc) Grand Prize: ) ou li"-e me .. I would ~wal­ docs on ''Tether" and two CNC film ,, ~ Bnaclnoy eatre hook\. A beautifull) concei\ ed kl\\ a tl) ··). Some of the :-ongs other tunes, harmonies have Sur~ v 2 )()4 and executed album. tart to contain a ... pattering of curse rarely been more beautiful. p.'us an movie tini..,h. A word..,, all put to good effect ·'Fill It Up Again" compares a pus I AMC ThNtrH Beth Hart opens for ZixxY except on '"Objects in the Mir­ doomed relationship to the Marl.er at the Roxy on March ror," which comes across as 01one layer and the world's 2. crass. Anyone "ticking around shrinking water supply. -Alewnder Sterens for the hidden track does so at ··Heartache For Everyone" their own peril. B+ adds a touch of ska, while the Name Marianne Pillsbury - Ed Srn1k11.1 darkness in "Come on Hom¢" Address Marianne Pill.1hw:\" p/ars rll contradicts its gorgeous "The Wrong Marianne'·' (Av­ Sh Bar in So111e1ville 011 Feb. me lody. City/Stale/Zip erage White Girl Records) 28 In the closing ''Rise Up," Here·, a terrific collection of Daytime phont Saliers and Ray proclaim, popp) tune'>. including many 'There's life in the old girl Email demented (often humorou">) Indigo Girls yet." You bet. The Indigo lme '-tmg .... Thi., i' ba.,ic gui- "All That We Let In" (Epic) Girb !>till have plenty 10 ~ay. tar-ha-,'>-drum' roc i.... dri\ en (),er near!) I\\ o decades. At- amc - Bill Bmtherton THEA TRES ••• ' ...... <••• www.allstonbrightontab.com I Inda). l·ebruar: 27. 200~ 4llston·Brlghton TAB, page 231 i13artoli wants to si11g ;; and save Salieri's usic

    The Italian meuo says the 18th cen ury ,IODUCED IY fELO ENTflTAINMENT pre1ent1 r.;omposer deserves a better fate ~fsNEf · PIXAR 1, w e must rescue him," the dark and passionate Italian beauty tells me. She leans across the table, waving her hands to emphasize her point. "How can such a great man have such a terrible reputation? It's CLASSICAL KEITH POWERS completely undeserved." You wou ld think she was de­ scribing a kindheruted Mafi a don, who bui lds hospitals and Schools with hi s ill-gotten gains. Or some wrongfully accused womanizer. But Cecilia Bartoli 's compassion reaches out fo r the 18th century Italian composer Antonio Salieri. And Bmton music lovers can see why she has taken up hi!-> cause, when the Celebrity Series brings the cele­ Cecilla Bartoli says Saller! must be saved. brated mezzo and the Orchestra widow Constanzl:! Jccu~.., h11n hm'-..elf pro totally in-.,pired b) the Symphony Hall to pe1form arias lick of evidem:e -.,upports tht" opera. a d we·' e al read) rl.'wrd from Salieri \ operas on Feb. 27. fancy, and Bartoli \ certainly not ed one ' ·ene from i1. .. You cannot sit across a table buying any of 11 Bano 1 mixes engagement\. from Ceci lia Bartoli without '"When I heard thi'> incredible -.ingtng solo "'ith orche,tra-.. feeling just a bit special. We met music, I thought · How can peo­ partneri 1g famou'I) ''1th at a tony hotel on the East Sid~ ple think tho-.c things of th1-., -.,inger... lil-e Br) n T;. rid ,111d of Manhattan , where Bartoli hah !.!reat ma n?' 1\ll xcau'e of a D,1\ 1d lanil.'k .md perfor111111g come to talk about her latest pro­ ~rn)\'ie. wh ich \\a' a total lic1ton 111 rec1 al "nh p1.1111'" 111-.1.' ject. ..Th e Sal ieri Album:· En­ I 1-.ne"' I had w do 'omethtng D.t llel Bitrl.'Jl ~lJ l \1 I I' gaged and engagi ng. she gin~s about it. SL111 ff nd J ,une' LL'\ lllL' \ ll each question the dccpe-.,t con­ '"I fiN hc;11 J -..1 me of hi, Jho ma 1agl.'' 11ne , 1pL'1.1 .1 ) sideration. and follO\\\ \\ith in­ music "'hen I "a' recorJtng '"Tut' -..um1·1er 1"1 i d1111 .! (d MAR. 10 - 14 poser (39 operas), famous a.., the MAR. 10 MAR. 11 MAR 12 MAR. 13 MAR. 14 nothing a\<1ilahlc to ... mg So \\I.' friend md collaborator might 11 OOAM Viennese court Kapellmci..,ter did .,oml.' re!'learch. JnJ \\ c found bring t the 80,1011 S) mphon) 3 00 PM 1· 00 PM for more than 30 yea rs. inllucn­ the 'core., in the\ tl.'nna '\a11on.il Orches ra. ··r,e drnll.' PfX'ra' 7 00 PM 01) Pt.1 7 00 l'M 7:00 PM 5:00 PM www centrumcentre com tial as a friend to Haydn and l ibran. \\llh J1 nrn). ''e dn rl.'cita1' 10 Gluck. and teacher to ... uch ,..., ··1 th111l-. th.1 '-,,1, n U't ran gether icre and in Europe. and Buy tickets at www.disneyoni~e.com Beethmen. Schubert and Li ..,11. tnto bad lud.. I ..,h, chant?.: Otart Portmt1s). I adore tmla). and he is rememhcrJd ... uddenlv there\\ a ... a demam.I tor htm. I m -;ure he ''ill brin!.! (617) 931-2000 or (617) 228-6000 solely from Mil o-., Forman·, national.i-;tic 1mi-..i<.: So x1 ., change to till orche,tr.1. but for Informal.on ca 508 755 6800 • Groups (508) 75 6800 ext 2125 1 98~ fil m "Amatku-..:· \\ hL'IL' hL· I1.tl 1.111 111 CiL rman) \\a' not a onl) to the hL·1ter H._.-, h.td 'ud1 is depicted a' underhamk·d .111d :!1111d 1h111g 11·, timL' ree\am- a long carea. and ,111 or-..:lll''tt .1 TICKET PRICES: $35 VIP - $25 - $1 S jealou\ ot the ' ottlh!L'J \ h ,;.in 111.'. re,lll) need, a 'trnng k,tdL'r In the fi Im. Sal icri ·' -.,cem1n!!h Bartoli <>JlC' the recorJ11 _ J,n 1e-.. .e\ me l' .1 'okarn1 nf tal­ seltks.., .1c1 ot helping the d) Tng '" tll sparl-. a re' I\ al ol one 1 em-.. ... Mo1art complete his triumphant Salieri\ opera' C<"ct Ill /J11r£11li JI< rfom1' 011 Requiem gets turned on ih head ··1 would lil-e to Jo· ,\rm1da.' .. f°l'h :! tit S 111p/1111n llufl. ( t1fl when Mo1art"-.. \Lhp1c1ou-., ,hi.' ... ay" of a \\Ork that Salten. 1f>/;'1 ''i:!-MfJ/ Mystery inspires Klas action Support :your ill\ (Hite ba'-ld)all team and Local physician turned ordeal into "Mystet}' 1 Breathing· "\C\\ I·. ngland '> id\log~ der.u1ml·111 .•1 the officidl Jin11n\ Fund/Boston Red Sox being exposed. That if people fo.,cm ti ing. pt e"url.'-..·1l(11-.L·r pl.i ..·L' ,/ 011/r knew our hidden secrets. our that k I' e ... hc:r ··a\\ e... 1111ci...:· \1ll'>)achu'>cth license pltltL) on your car. true selves, we would be rejected ··1 anted to \\ nte .1bout tll.11 and ridiculed. '' orld · 'he 'aid. tx·L.tLhe 11 ".i' ..total 1 not me:· So imagine if you "ta11cd get- llw pl.ill' t1i-.,h ) ..HJ· \2S ol llH· ptmll.t\'' 1ir1 , l 1,111 ~(l dtrl.'t ti\ to lilt' \\ le th1. boui...·, lellL'l' 111i1101 BOOKS th1he 'Ill Ill Kl.h'. \ l.tt-!!IL' I' 11\ll l11111n~ I u11d tu 'Ul'P111t ~r11111Hfl>1t'al-..111g J<''>l.llllt .111d romp.1..,,1, at you of tenible things. Imagine if gie 1-. 1amm I] tcxu ...ed. . I those letters also were sent to your "I I 1-e her vel) much .md l .id­ \\'l1il11 t1n k, tl11· v11l11l' $-11) ~pedal plall' supervisors and posted around mire ier." Kla... s -.aid ot her pro­ let> colllt''> to tile your workplace. Imagine what tago '>I. .. But I 1-.no~ that 'he·.., you might do - and how you not \\ ays mce to people. '-,he·, Ji nun) I uml. would feel. not J "a)' caretul. For her. there Dr. Perri Klass hac; both imag­ drama, "The ~Iy-.tel) of Breath­ 1-. onl, one criteria: ·Arc~ mt good ined and experienced this. In ing" introduce-, Dr. Maggie at th thing that matter... to her'» ·· 1987, the then-Harvard Medical Claymore, a leading neonatolo­ that i , medicine. School graduate and pediatric in­ gist at a Bo'>ton teaching hospi­ Li e the neonatal nur...e., and tern at Children's Hospital, who tal. An excellent. ambitiou prac­ doct r-. Kia"" admire'-. '.'v1agg1e •.., had already published two boQks, tlttoner, Maggie i.., both dete nined to -.a' e e' el) bah~ ·.., began receiving a flood of anony­ compassionate and arrogant. The hfe: some colleague.., belie,e. mous mail accusing her of plagia­ novel open'> \\1th her dramatic how 'er, she is too aggres...i\e in rism and incompetence. Hate­ resuscitation of a premature re\ i\ ng infant.\ \I, ith a poor rrog­ ft lled missives also were sent to baby. who teetered on the verge nosi for a normal life. But l'vL1!.!­ hospital officials, doctors, her of death until Maggie's kill gie arbor-. secrei... that ma] be publisher, even the Harvard Med­ helped the tin) lung. take a dri' i 1g her actions. As Kia-.._ put ical Alumni bulletin. breath. Then. in front of nur...es It, ··1 this a COO\ iction that e\ Cl)- The letters gradually petered and staff. -.he che"'" out a re-.1- out and the writer wac; never dent for not being more prepared e\e~one desene-., a 1eco11d found. KJass went on to a success­ for emergencie . ·e'!' ful career as both a physician and That day. tn her mail. he finds K as ~rote .. Breathing" panl) author (''Other Women's Chil­ a venomouc. letter that begins, as a ·uer to reflect her -.tate of dren," "A Not Entirely Benign ··~aybe you think ]OU tupid evil mi during the hate-mail cam- Procedure") and is now a practic­ self-satisfied woman that every­ pai i: '1"here wa.., the repeated ing pediatrician and medical di­ one is fooled by )OU but it i not feeli ig I'd \\Oken up in the~ rong rector of Reach Out and Read, a true!!!!" -.to :· Somerville-based literacy promo­ Soon letters. bla.-,ting her com­ S e wa-. 'upposed to be Ii' ing tion program. But the hate letters petence and hinting at her culpa­ m a nedical drama not a medical have not been forgotten. bility in the death of a child. are my el). "Breathing·· e\chew ... the Klass has used them as a start­ being sent to hospital official . At­ typi al thriller tie-up-all-kxhe­ ing point for "The Mystery of tack fliers soon appear throughout end ending for a more ambigu­ Breathing," ($24, Houghton Mif­ the hospital, apparently po ted by ous ·limax. Kla... s her-.elf ha.., had flin), her third novel and seventh the elusive character a! sa'>sin to Ji e \\ith a continuing my..,tel) book. As hospital official!-> hire a de­ - e letter \\ riter \ true identit) A The ''I started thinking. 'What if this tective to find the letter \\riter. and ha<, not emerged ..., did ha'e tr._, J1mmyFund happens to someone who ha-. all co-worker- wtu-.,per ··1.., it po-,-..1ble \0 e idea..,: I 'till might ha\ e a the strengths and attributes (of a it\ rrue· 1... Maggie mu..,t continue gue .., or t\\ o:· -..he -..aid .\' for hero) but who ha'> all of the faults to"' ork a.., her careful!) construct­ \\ ri mg a n,l\ el aoout the e\pell­ Dedicated to Discovery ... Conunitted to Care (ac; well?)'" Klac;s said. ed world -.1..ut to di,integrate enc ·... ,d on't 1-ncm 1f 11puh11111 Part mystery. pai1 medical Klass -.cl the 110\el m the 11< • pt- re-.,1 • Page 24 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday. February 27. ~.-004------t------___::_:'' \\ w.al lstonbrightontab.com There is sex for sal in neighboring communities Massage place offers sex for pay, other venues suspected By Rick Holland STAFr WRITER Prostituti on used to be the pri­ mary cxp011 or Boston\ .. Com­ bat Zone:· but a TAB investiga­ tion has found that the world \ oldest profession is thriving in Brookline. An undercover TAB reponer f(xm he had performed oral se:-. on customers and \\ould provide manual sex ··ror S20 lextraj. unless that's too l \ I-ii ''t I~.~ \\"I K 'fl much:· -..he said. hile strollers for sale line the sidewalk in front f the Children's Orchard on Route 9. this door leads to the third-floor offices of Harmony Massage, whore a masseuse recently offered to provide sex for pay. When told of the TJ\H's llnd­ ings. Pat Malone), the town\ di ­ when it \\a ... doing bus ness under linL' ,111.I made arresh.'. he added. rector of em 1ronmental hL·alth. tlh.' name f\.1irage !\1.1,sagc: \\ hl· i .1, i... ed -.,pecilicall) about confirmed th.it his department I\ 1ira!!c chan!!ed ih n•• me to I L111no11y and Jo) ol Li\ ing, has identilicd both I bnnon) lfarl110~) in Se!1tL'llllx:1 \) . 2{)()J O"Lea1\ said he was unfamiliar Massage and Jo) ur L1' 1ng, at but did not change n\\fkf'- at that "llh L'1tlter husines'>. 1674 Beacon St. in Wa..,l1111gto11 timt:. tm\ n ot"llcial s .1~ Square. as C'>tablishmcnh that Gar\ said he h.i en!! Sll!!.gesllng pos­ ke or $80. Gary ~.n ., he p.ud an th.it '-l'\ a~·11' 1t\. 1s or \\as .i!Olll" :- -..iblc licen-,ing 'iolations. additional 5'.'iO for 111 mual -.e\ .\t \111 at L'llher establishment. 1t 1cp- Yvonne Williams. the manager Mirage. he says he h.mdc.:J mer a l"L''-e111s a violation of the Health fur Harmony. told the TAB this t<)tal of between ~XO to S90 for Depart111en1's license as well as Cl week that she\ had problems lull intcrrnuN' ''.1 definite h<1r­ l'"ll'nt 1 d health ri'"- l' ' ilL' ) l'dl"' \\ ilh '-Ollll' st1f! !!.11n·· '", <, ·) . L'11.'ITlll:,! lo !\It . I L' , tu 1l'. ll t t Ii n11:mbcrs \\ho ha\ t: ottered sc\ rage ' L._lit:~ . ' 1tett1 an '''-lie. [be-.au<>e I cnm-' I \\ ith massages but insisted that Town environmental health di­ mun • hi dixa.'e 1.:0 1tm .ind her bu..,ine-..s was legiti malL. r~c tor Maloney -;aid Jo) ol Li\­ pmtc: ·11011 are !concern-.].'· .... 1il .. Yeah. wt:·' e had prnhlems ing had appeared on Ill' d' art­ Mal< ney. I\\ ith stall members J. but ir that-... mcnt \ rada1 ... crecn ·"bot 11 from !"hen. or course. there\ the fac happening. then you ol)\ iousl) anon\ 111ous call\ and alhertt\llH!. th at (iuhide the '>late of Nc\'adaf ha' e to let tilt: person go.''. said I hcli.L'\C \'.e did SCL' them IJm t;f till' 'Olh·1t 1111111 if sC\ for llllllll'\ 'Williams. ··Wt:'rt: not going to L1 ' ini!I in the adult ludj ection 1s 1ill'!'.d B1J1 Bn•oklinc Chi~f tulcratc that." ol th'e Bo..,ton Phnrni\:· -.aid (rl .Cill\ \,II\ II Gill kdlll1n1lt to d11\\ Williams qmllrmed that Sabri­ Vlalonl'\. HY LTal·i... n 1H1 pni-.t 11 ut11 111. h1r na ,.,,as a part-time ernployt:e at Joy (\1hen. the l0-0\\ 111.:r and woman who allegedly offered oral sex to an undercover Newton detective at Newton Corner st.irtl'h J'l'I ;dtl•" Im tllll'-L' \\ho Harmon!. but said that she had n~anagt: r at Jo) or I .I\ mg. d1spu1- Massage, a assage establishment located in the second fl oor of this Newton Building. was arrested last arc cuu•·ht .11c not partirnlarl) 'l'" not yet brought to ""ork her mas­ ed the clai Ill ho\\ e'er. though ... he week followi g an investigation by Newton Police. The TAB has found a similar establishment to be \ l'll' sage license to \"erify her creden­ ac!...nm\ ll'd!!cd that -. he and idt:ntity. \ L'rti,c in ~the ··f\.t111d. B·ll.I) & till' 11nlt· and th.it' ~ ahmll 11. .. -,aid Wht:n infor111ed that Sahnna Spirit· -.ection tit" thL Phn ro a TAB rcpont:r ··\,Ve·' e ne'er advL·ni...ed I in the w..t.\ ofkred ) hi' -.tall:· .ILL'lll"d­ "Yeah, we've had problems [with staff 1.i'"·cd h\ thtN' lllund !!lll lt) of during a massage on Feb. 6. adult -.cctionj ," said Cuhe•1. mg to a'' rill ·n deL 1'1on. prostllut1on. \Vi lliaim said. " I'm going to han~ ( 'ohen also denied an) k.nm' l­ L:i-.t m mlxr. ~ 1.tlone) led members], but if that's happening then you ·· You pick up the Bo,ton to let hn go ... edge or history of ht'.r '>tafl mem­ m... pcction.., f CooildgL' .111d one obviously have to let the person go." PhoL'lll \ and a lot ot the'e I mas­ The !AB rccei\'ed uncorrobo­ bers providing sexual er.ices other ma'>'>a ·c e't.ibl1,h111ent. In 'agc a11d escort I places alh e11ise rated reports that JO) or Li\ ing '',300 and \)()() .ire relati\ L'I' 111 are t1.i11 ... 1t:nt . . enforcement TAB's feb. 6 'isit to Hannon). spmcthing we '""ill look into;· Ma.\'>age) \\ 1.., not licensed .•111~1 I 0) I Bca4:on St. - a business significant ··11 ..,hould he slm\s them Lkmn. hut \\hat Sabrina said she has ··a friend th'1t Cohen told the TAB ··1 mean it\ in the othe bL>cau\e Coohd!!e that l\1alope) '.t) s ha'> a clean c:, I 0.000 ... hL' '>d) '· tht:) ·11do1s just lea\ ea room in a '.'.orks at Joy of Li \'ing. but the) piqued my curiosity al lea...,t up Body \\ori... \\~ge licensing re­ that some Brookline ma,sage C.\­ to\\ n are legitimate, and the rest Broo"l111e. Allston and Bri ghton, paid for manual sex at Joy of Liv­ where poli ce there arre'>ted an quirement\. nandaiing that prac­ tablishmenh offer -,ex for pay and arc bad apple\ ... includ1 11g with "Kiana" a ;oman" ing with two different employees. emplo) cc at Newton Comer unonef\. mu now pas-, a national find' -,ome fault" ith the town for Brookline Police Chief Daniel ""ho pn;vided massages out of Howc\'er, a separate TAB un­ Massage l(1r alleged!) offering exam and d •ar a c1im111al back­ al lo\\ ing thi -.. acti\ it). er Lem) said he found it plausi­ her apanment near Ctxi lidge Cor­ dercover visit to Joy of Li' ing re­ oral sex to a police detecti\ e. ground chec .. ··on the one hand. I blame the ble that \Orne le' cl of prostillltion ner <1ml adverti se., her business in sulted in no evidence of sex for Newton Corner l\ ta... ~ge i.., Maloney otes that of the .t8 Il­ to\\ n. becau-,e I don ·t think the) acti \ ity could be occurring in the lithton Phoeni x. ·'Kiana has pay, although '"Lydia," the estab­ owned by Av i Golam. who...e een ed mm age establi ..,hrnent., enforce tl1 ing... a' '.'.C ll as they '°'' n. ·-r 111 not n ~ il ve enough to told lllL' that her neighbors have li shment's recepti onist/masseuse. Coolidge Body Works \\J..'> -.hut m tO\\ n ··o ly a tin) minority" should:· ~aid Di\aio. He notes say it"s not taking place or that no idea what she\ doing." said acknowledged that "a couple of ow n late last year by the Brook­ represent co cems for hi'> depart­ that Health Depanment lines there aren ·1 opportunities:· said Gary. girls" now work at Joy of Li ving ne Health Department after ment le' ied ag~inst unlicen'>ed rna\­ O'Lea1). ··wc·ve \.\-Orked prosti ­ Ne ither Harmony nor Joy o who used to work at Harmony ~olani .. fai led to pre<,ent a crees that run between tution cases in the past in Brook- .MASSAGE, page 26 Rte. 9 parlor offers se ual 'extras' to massage for a price By Rick Holland J says her name i Sabrina. a asked by the cus- A faded handwritten sign on a~treet- time's up, you ha\e a cu tomer \\ho ha< Once in ide the massage room, she her role ru a morn. torner to takt.'ove r for her co-worker, a level mailbox ·at 803 Boylston St. s the been waiting here for fi\e minutes!" apologizes for not having had niore time Sabrina says she recently passed ··an request shed ·lined. only indication that Harmony M sage, The woman behind the d~k gets u to gee dressed up. intervie\\" to start work at Harmony, ··1 told hi , 'I've got to kiss my son a parlor licensed by the town of ook- ·abruptly, whereupon her robe ope ''But it all comes off anywa~. right'!' ~~ ich consisted of her being ~ked to to~i ght,"' S".brina says fo rcefu lly and line, is at the top of a long narrow stair- slightly. she say nonchalantly. JOtn a female co-worker to provide oral poignantly. way. She is wearing no hirt. It's not clear what Sabrinar out- sex on a male customer, a sen ice for Sabrina sald that line worked du1i ng The atmosphere upstairs is decidedly A small closet acro~s from the couc side of providing sexual servi s with which she was promised payment. her interview at Haim ony - the cus- seedy. Soap operas drone from a small contains no hangers for a coat but her massages. She says heh worked She said she wao, told by a fellow Har- tomer withdrew h.is original request and television which faces a di lapioated, include a box full of urgical gloves o in con truction and ha.., al<;0 s nt time mony employee that the customer may a-;ked her to perform manual sex instead. blanket-covered sofa in the lobl;>y. A an upper ~helf. Seated on the couch an m a dancer at place like the G Iden Ba- want to have her .. [contact \.\-i thl him a She said she "passed" the interview and woman in something akin to a bathrobe to my left, ltl.:~' a halh\'1). there a nana in Peabod)'. She does n~ ha\"e a liule bit," but that she '>houldn't be con- was hired. sits behind a desk and answ~rs call with pears to be a dO?rwa) en~e to danc1~g ~oh current ! ~: but prefer, it to cemem ··1 like dancing becau-..e tl)e) pla) to ... upport her....elf and her son, Sab1ina claim. off the boredom, which a masseus , who Wi lliams'' on a Bmo)...line Health De rnu~ic and )OU can flirt \\ith cu~tomer,... agrees to the intervie\\. fl gwing even if it PROSTITUTION, page 26 www.allstonbrightontab.com Friday, February 27, 2004 Allston-Brighton TAB, page 25

    The Best 1~ round WE WANT TO KNOW WHO YOUR FAVORITES ARE! r your CHOI.CE and a chance to win one of these great prizes! Grand Prize! SO GET OUT AND VOTE! You and ten of your iends can enjoy the BEST tea m in town, Vote locally. Write in your choice of the BEST in your area for the the Boston Red S x, from a suite at Fenway Park. Hot dogs, categories below. In order to be eligible, each vote must include the town popcorn, soft drinks nd a great time included ! where your choice is located. For businesses with more than one location, Second Prize please indicate the address of your #1 choice. You must vote in at least One second prize wi ner will receive a Vacation Getaway 10 categories for your votes to be counted. to the Bethel Inn; B thel, Maine. Package includes: Ballots must be received by Wednesday, March 3, 2004 at 5 p.m. • 3 day/2 nights • De xe accommodations for 2 • Children stay FRE E The ballots will be entered and tabulated by an Independent data • Full American break st on first morning • One round of golf for 2 processing firm . Results will be published in a specially bound Third Prize keepsake edition the week of June 6th. TEN third prize win ers will each receive a $50 gift c~rtificate So vote today by mailing in this form or to a Readers Choice winning resta urant. vote online at www.townonline.com/choice and Runners-Up you'll receive a coupon for a free merchandise COMMUNITY FIVE runners-up wi I each receive a pair of Red Sox tickets for sale ad in CommunityClassifieds. · l'JEWSPAPER to a pre-determined regular season game. COMPANY Readers Choice is a reader preference poll. This promotional program is not intended to be, nor is it represented as, statistically valid /lJJ PLEASE PRINT qLEARLY

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    ·Y'f\ s Pflrh rnsr' i.\ dij p m1 / a 11d 111 11 sl IN' 11ultjJendn1 f ~\ r-ualual I and 11u1110,w·d. WG HH Local Production' in vite .., the public to DeCordorn Must'um and Sculpture Park. A ~ the 6:5'.'i Conte't. detailed at "'\\ \\ .\\ ghh.org/pro­ peari ng in coming weeks wil l be Alex Jone , · ~ acl ual uwip;ht los.\ rn 11 11 my. ducin!!furt \. Winner' ''ill be offered a !.! rant or r~c tor of the Shorl'llstein Center on the Press1 P l- technical 'upport to produce a ' hon 'ideo-,tOI) or 1t1 cs. and Puhli c Poli cy at Harvard Umverslt ; a pilot for a Ile\\ program concept of ahout "i' Lisa Sim111011'.. e\ecut ive di rector of the Color f minute' and 5) ..,econds in duration. The conte' t Film Collahorati\e; Ell ie Lee, an indepelde 1 i" open to area filmmai--er-,. arti'>h and oth er cre­ fi lmm aker: and others. ati rn I ) pe' including those with no TY e\peri- The si te al so pm\'ide-; informat ion and ap Ii - ence. tion procedures fu1 the WGB H Local Filmmhk - ··w e hope the 6:55 Contest igni te.., curi m it ) and in-Reside nce Program. now in its inaugural lye . Medical Research !i udies become' a magnet fo r in nm ati\ e and ori ginal Fi lmmai--er.., are in' ited to apply to WGBH fo r a idea') for local broadca.., t:· .., aid Deni'>e Di Ianni . three- to nine-month residency. Whil e at Wdi B . \\-GB H·, e\ecuti\e-in-charg.e of local produc­ filmmakers can dc,·elop or post-produce their i -Loss of interest tion -1 . ··o ur goal is to open our doors more widely dependent ly funded project. "T he Fi l mmak~·- i - -Can't sleep Depressed? to the many talented fi lmmai--crs and innO\ ati ' e Residence Progra m has two goals: we wa r thin l{er' in our region: · offer '> Upport - 111orale and ot herwise - t a't a' -Irritable lkaJl11ll' fpr entne'. \\ h1ch 1..«tn he 'uh1111t1L·d pnidtlL'L'I' ..t11d "'e hope to create " critical ma " -Fatigued Feel Sad or E pt y? ,a ti e 1..unte,1 '1t1... 1, \pnl 16. ol Lreat 1' e en1,;~,?\ here ''1th in Local Prddu - -Low energy If you have had some o f these sy1'1ptoms f r the past 6 wee ks Other independent producing opportunities rn in.,:· '>Jld D1 la 111 at WGBH: -Excessive guilt and have been t r eated for de pression n t h • past. yo u may The current ilmmak.er.. in-Residence. Karri1 a The 6:55 Conte'>t 1-- icks off the launch of Browne. is com leting hemfirst fi lm, ·Tra~s f for no reason qua lify for a research stu9y. Eva luation. pr cedures and study m e dicat ion at no expense. Re i mbu rsem~n for travel availa ble. \\GBH Local Productio ns· ne'' Web .., ite about the Trade:· \.\i thin the Local Productions o ice -. -Hard to the q1an ~ independent prod ucing opportun ities al The film tel ls the sturv of Hrnwne\ New En lat d @ ust b e 18 t o 6 5 year s o ld ) concentrate V. GBH: ''"' \\.\\ gbh .org/prod ucingfort' . ancestors. th<: largL' ' t ~ l a v e - trad i n g fa mil y in ar y' -Feeling worthless Call 1-617-796-7766 , e xtension 25 for in form ation The '> ite i.., home to WG BH's Local Laboratory, America. and the j1lurne1 of self-discover) unde - a' irtual '> pace de\tlled to discourse on the future taken by Browne and nine relatives \.\ hi le retra - of tde' i' ion and an e>.amination of the intersec- ing their fo re bears· slave trade route. tion or the late<,t technologies. emerging genres Other fea tures on the new Web site offer info - Does your Child or Adolescent exhibit any of the ollowing: and the mi-,.., ion of publ ic media. In addit ion to the mat ion about opprn.·tu ni ties fo r pro.duction ~u I ;> - Frequent outbursts of temper? 6:55 Conte-.1. featu res include Makers and Sha l-- - port tor select local mdependent proj ects. and e er" and the Fil mmal--er-in -Residence Progra m. hibition opportunit ies fo r fi nished films v i ~ t - Feelings of extreme pleasure o r happ1ne s? Mal--e r.., and Shai--er" i-, a forum fo r fi lmmakers. WGB H Programming Department. - Loud, fast or exceSS1ve talking? joun)ali-,t\. indu.., 11') ob..,en·crs and schola rs to 'The goa l of this site is to provide indeperlde 'ti - Too ma ny thoughts or Ideas to keep trac of? comment on pressing trends in broadcast. New producers with a u' er-friendl y, efficient meaf1s f - Severe. out-of·contro1 behavior? \Oices and opini ons are featured on a reg ular explori ng the ran ge of opportunities availat:l lc o i ba,H. Current Makers and Shakers include John them at WGBH Local Prod uctions." said HiU a y Your c hild or teen may be eligible to participate 1n a Research S udy a t the Carroll. executi\'e producer or "Greater Boston.. ':Ve il s. director of new medi a fo r Local PrtjdU! - Massachusetts General Hospital and George Fifield. curator of new media at the t1ons. I For more information about evaluation and 'reotment opportunrt,es at '.)cos• to yc0 I Call Brittonat 617 - 72~339 Masseuse mom offers 'extras' You are not alone! ~ Dl) you !eel dcprc"cd off; I hide behind an ac;sertion that I'm shy. To­ dependence, she declares, "No one else is goi g " MASSACHUSETTS bENERAL HOSPITAL wards the end of our time, she offers manual sex for take care of me; I've got to take care of mysel . ' Seeking Teenage Girls. 13 to 18 years old. with ANOREXIE.A NERVOSA or Severe Weight Loss for a Research Study Massage parlor vows to fire masseu$ Bone density test, nutritional and hormonal C\'aluati >n< . Estrogen ( a natural hormone) 111<11 be admini,tercd. MAS~ AGE , from page 24

    11 hospital visits including 4 overnight hospital s ta~·s Li v3· g were included in inspections last fa ll by the at .\lassachusetts General Hospital at no cost. Br kl ine Health Department and police. During thos inspections, Coolidge Body Works and Chi­ Up to S1050 stipend and parking offered ne e Massage were both shut down and fined for Call l\ladhu i\lisra at 617-724-5602 operating with unlicensed massage practitioners. In the case of Coolidge Body Works, its license was revoked in December by Alan Balsam, Brookline's Healtii Department director. Former Coolidge Body Works owner Golani If you are a me1·cal facility looking for volunteers to further y ur research found the heat turned up at another of his establish­ studies, here is our opportunity to reach more than 80,000 h ussholds in ments on Feb. 18, when Newton Comer Massage was the site of an arrest involving 23-year-old em­ the Greater Boston area every week! ployee Jenn ifer M. Parez of 16 Pratt Place in Re­ To fi dour more, please call Jody at 781-433-798 vere. In that instance, a Newton Police detective wen ~ undercover, posing as a customer. During the mas. age. Parez allegedly offered the detective sex for roone:. "After about 10 minutes after he anived. he gave a pred¢termined signal that [Parez) had offered him sex for money ... Newton Police Sgt. Kenneth Dangelo Subscribe to he A/B TAB - call BB -343-1960 said. A surveillance team then entered the building, poliue -,aid. and arre-.ted Pare1.. ·'"· www.allstonbrightontab.com ______Fn_·da--=--y,_F_eb_ruary---''--27_, _2004 ___ Allston·Brlghton TAB, page 27 FROM PAGE ONE J Local benefit concert elps victims of violence in Israel CONCERT, from page 1 dispersed throughout this personal net• a~cordi n g to an e-mai l from Aron Futer, work and goes directly to the people a fq°ew ton resident. who need it most. Such a method ·'fhere were two important elements speeds relief directly to victims who in their activity," he said. "Firsr, almost need it most with no intermediate stops. .:.;no I Iexpenses or overhead ... Second, Futer was surprised with the turnout / 1\ if I on Sunday. Based on the results of sim­ ilar productions held in New Jersey, or­ 11 "A lot of people in Boston ganizers expected 300 to 500 people to JI I turnout for the event. In all, Futer esti­ - not only the Jewish mates attendance of nearly 700 individ­ ,, , ,, community-feel uals. something he attributes to the dual nature of the evening. 'Compassion because Israel "IThe combination] really helped,'' ~· J~ in a terrible situation." he wrote. "Some people came for the concert but visited the art show as well. Aron Futer And there were others who [came] for the art show but stayed for the concert • also." ~ [lt1af money be] deli vered directly to Those in attendance went away feel­ victims' fa milies in Israel.'' ing good bL·rnuse they paiticipated in 1 Irr the fal l of last year. the \\ hcds ~o mething meaningful to them, Futer were set in motion. Around the same said. The event was a way to tangibly !Mle,:th e organi.1,ers learned of an activ­ connect two different sides of the itv si)onsored by the Combined Jrni-.h world. ' ~ \... Philanthropies of Greater Boston. "A lot of people in Boston - not The CJP was planning to invi te artist~ onl y the Jewish community - feel ttdrfl Hai fa, a port city in the northwe-.t­ compassion because Israel is in a terri­ lrH corner of Israel. to exhibit the ir ble situation." Futer said. ··Tuey want tb work in Boston, Fu ter said. Seeking to help be a part offthe reliefl and let peo­ c61rl'bine music and ait at one unified ~TArr PHOTI BY MICHAEL MANNING ple Iin lsnll'l I know they are not alone Sisters Tatyana, 6, and Utlya Shakhray, J, were among those attending Sunday's benefit concert at the Temple Bnal Moshe on evffit, the organi1.ers of the two evenh ~omeone Sunday. Th concert was to raise mone to help victims of violence in Israel. in the world. that cm·es and .pre~~ themse l ve~. by peo­ ing dail y hardships to know they are of various indi viduals and six Jewi:-.h Theme'> and color., \arieOlllething ~o deeply it connected hi someth\ng. Futer contin­ anJ Ru~~ian-Je\\ i..,h org an i 1ation~ . the a ... the mcd1unh u ec.J. Phot 1graph~ . a - Hard mu ... 1l ,.., ,1 ... pe,·1al 1: 1~ (lf Ru-....­ n1u ld not be i111ernali1ec.J. ued. The !'.ymbolic nature of the donq­ 1111,iqths of planning came Lo fruition. '>tract and 1,.,tncature painting .... needl - ian mu..,ll n 1111l' .1kin tu art. in "hid1 .i \II of the proceed., from the rnnce11 tions is abo ~ i gnificant ; continuation is Mf'on: than 30 arti~ts, from l~rael. poinr, ...culp ture..,

    ~OISTRICTING , from page 1 the la \',, 1 11 , Ciah iii 'aid red1 .mi - 1udgc-. \Hille. 'T hL' 1-.-.uc hccome" more Finneran. "here black voters had con­ pa~wl gave the House ~ i >. \\eek-.. to draft tho~e d1-.111ch \ II .iltect 1Jj,11.:e11 t di "It throws the election 'l lmpll'\. IHl\\C\ er. "hen race "' used as -.1 itutec.J a m.i jori ty. a ~~qnativc and legal districts, G.il\in tricts.. \ ' n.111) a-. 1() c.Ji,tr1cts 111. 1 ~ 11 ll>I to ach ic\e 111cu mbc1ic) protec­ The key plaintiff groups are the Blauk into some chaos. It ~fleets a ~j..l.hc hopes they can acco mpli~h till' changL·d 1c '<11d. llln. Political 111'k Force, Bo~tonYote and c ~wllcnging task in three \\eeb How.. c .. It th io\\ s the electi1111 in to ... u11 e lot of other districts. I he rul ing \\ a-. i-.-.ucd h) .1udge-. Oi-.te . Speµker Thoma~ Finneran met " it h the chaos:· ( i,th 111 -.;ud ...It affect-.. .1 lot 1f B1LllL' '\1.11·,h,ill Sd).t. Dou_!.!l a-. Wooc.J- The pla111tiffs are pushing for the ere­ 19p1 ~ ~entat i vcs from Bmton on There is a domino Pthcr, m:t-. llwi: i" a domlJHl die :t lud J \ lich,1d P111Nir .Ili on or .t majority-Latino district in W~ln -:-. da) 111 .tll l' ll ort to ... 1.u·t \\t11ling 111 eJi..,tm.ung:· effect in redistricting." In t l ... wt. t. l pl. 111 fh argued that Chel-.ea .ind Ea.'>t Bo-.ton and the ··un­ ow tbe oe~JJ.1.'.J.ru.:t.'\. Gal\ 111 id lhi; JU(leL de -A d "h1le Bo.,ton 1.., mm a ··maJo ni) minor­ packmg.. ut a DorchcsLer di-.tnct IQ. '"I need them to act as rapidly tnCL'> held tjio, ity. pend in ~ the t.l ratimg and ap­ d1-.pro1 11011. 11cl) packed 1111non : ckct.11,tl polll1L' .111d. 111 1t-. tr.id1t1lln.tl 1ont) m1 nont) di-.tnch. incl uding one fi\ e public hearings and met with Hou e J"ll"<)\;al ot ne\\ d1-.,t1A L1h. Gal\ 11 ... aid. 'otcf'> 1r o .1 fo,, J1 , tnch and -. uh :­ fu1111. "•'lll'll ti1011ght to l~ .1 ll!..111111.lle \\ th .1111.1jorit) of L nino \ Oler" and an- inc umbent~ and staff, but failed to listen \\.hilt: 17 c.Ji.,trich \\.O re quc-.tioneJ in qucntl ) iolatcc.J their righh. corh1tk•r,1111m 11 1cd1,t11d1 1 1~:· till 11t11cr. 1qxe-.ented b~ Speaker Thomas to minority !!mups. IJ Police on the watch Or muggers in A-B neighborhood l't'J!J~G INGS , from page 1 ··\Ve \\('IC -.,et up on G 1rdne1 )trc ·t. d-:t 1 111tl'i~ 1.J ll ll'll'd.° he \,I)\ '"It\ lllll 1(1 1h111k the)· re coming here because there ) OU feel u111:rnnfo11able by someone y<>u Wriou-. 1) injurec.J any Of their\ ICllllh. and at .1hi mt 11 p.m \\C rnme upo1 .i -.,1\. that the\. \\on 't l..'.\ll11e h,1, I-. h thi... I\ a lot or nightlife acti \ it). and because sec walkin).' around.'' says Evans. "and 1:They' ve been targeti 11 g '~o men holdup m pmgre-...,:· -.a) " E\ ail\ .. .1- neighborhood. hut the) 'rl· dcl 1n1tl'i) \ ll-.1011 -Bnghton i-. actuall) a \ ery safe ab~o lute l y L'all 91 1 if you see any suspi­ \,faU,ing home at night. mmtl) h) them­ fo11unc1tcl ). the otfa:er \\ .1... alone. a 1c.J ... pookcd 11 th1-. po1111 .. ll L' ighborhooc.J. Then.: arc more people on cious per.mns in your neighborhood.'' ,.,eJN~s .'' ~ aid Ernn'i. although noting one the s uspcl..l~ '' ere able to tpCCifi e Lo ll fo r the: e' \ U'>pects ... L l\Cll'd cn:dll 1.·anl.., and w,1lk'h 1111111 ,u,11\.'clln~ 'icti1m." fore resum111g their illegal activities. ha~ a )ot of acti vity late at night." Evan -. sa)-. that 'iince the near-mi'"· thl·-.e crime-. i11 d1tlc1cnt parh ol thL' b an'> i., recommending that rc~ i dents, "Personall y, I'd love to catch these ft '., in that \ cry neighborhood. 'iervant of ec.J they're ltreet if that benefit., our residents, too."

    ...... :------,~ N A T l 0 N A L ! GOLF EXPO 5-7.....--.MARJ~BAYSIDE--- 2004 ExpoC~ter

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    R~S No purchase necessa1y Wwmers wl1t be noc1tifid by phone or by ml A I p~zet.,. ce o.-n • ran:2o'!I Ptx:iCooJpes •• nal w. Mrtd Or a 3x5 pos1Cacd will be accepted One entry per envelope Cop.es ot 1 ne~ •• .,,..... z IOc:lf CNC 01!ces Ot 1 CIUt*: iratlff ~ t Employees ot CNC and their 1mmed1a1e tamll1es are not e11g1ble Nol respoosbltt l:>r 191• to1 cw ""10:rec.d ...... _ Enc.,.. becon'8 hi Pl P8'1'r °" C Nt. ~ es. -es"' rq:• 90 alter or to1m1nate thtS conies! at any 11me Each w1nnt1f 91vos pe1m1c;s1on 10 pubhs· t' "' .,... DIM'! and "l'nH "'f'Oo1':3 ID out Ji • t • •r.s ~ De f' FrtdJy February 27 2004 Cast of skalers sub,ec1 to cfiaoqe due lo m1ury or unto·.::p_.. ~ Page 28 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, Februaf) 27, 2004 www.all~tonbrightontab.cr PUBLIC SAFETY

    ore) Stein. 23. of 1066 BRIGHAM AND 1 elmont St.. Watenown. \\as rested Feb. 17. at approx­ WOMEN'S HOSPITAL imate 2: 16 a.m .. after the car he w traveling in on Nonh Division of Plastic Surgery Beac Street wa!> pulled O\.er for e ces ive speed. Stein. a backs at passenger. alleged!) Www.plasticsurg.co m beca verbally abusive when office s advised the operator of 1-800-789-8157 the v 1icle 10 park the car and take a ·ab home due 10 the oper­ Excellence in Plastic Surgery ator·<; c.,uspectecl in''" !':::::,in and e 101ional stale. After Stein BKl(itlAM A"IO W0\1F,~S FAUL K'lFR HOSPI T41 II 3 m~mbcrot the PARTr\ER ST\f Hea thCarc S ,, allege lly recei ,ed multiple warni gs 10 lem e the '>cene. Mass P1he which he alleged!) ignored and contin 1ed 10 'erball) threaten police fficer'>. Stein "a' ,me-.1- ed on ·harge'> of a...... auh. threat­ So where can a girl ening o commit a crime. being a di-.o erl) per... on and re-.i'>ling PERFECT arrec.,1. find the Washington St. ANTIQUE CHAIR. )Wan v. Benjamin. 21. or G)' 2 I \Bu"'' ell St.. Brookline. ;f a LOW MILEAGE wac., 1rre..,1ed on Brighton '.J A\.enu · in Brighton on Feb. 20 Brighton fl BEETLE, and a HIP, at ap rcnimJtel) I :20 a.m. Police re-.ponded 10 the Fir...1 g~ HANDSOME GUY Bite C fe. "here a manager told who Comm. A \le ti 30 them 11a1 a pa..,..,ing indl\ idual truly appreciates had pu iched the ..,1orelrn111 '' 111 - U< ''· ..,h,111<.'ri n~ 11 P11l 1Cl' ...... 'iloppe I Ben1am1n onl.' hlock Cnestnut c1~,:,i,~nd) a\\ a). nu hn •ugh! h1111 h,ick (() Hm ) the '>ll re. ''here the manage1 /. identiti ~d him a.., the perpl.'trator and Be ljamin ''a... J1Te..,h:d. / /

    P dice re..,pondl'd to a matl'I) ):-HJ p.111 .. in the \icinit) police re ... pondcd to reports of a the victim told them she hcrn re xin nf a man offen ng 3 ol t\ll ..,11111 Street in Brighton. loud party at his residcncl.'. Police hi caking glass and saw a '> LI. - cookie to t\\ o : oung childrl'll Thl· \ ictim rl·portl.'d that a a... ked Williarn.., on multipll' occa­ 1wc1 from the hack as he exir I out--101.' a Ci l.'nl·ol' Strei.'! rl''>i ! oung mak approachl.'d hl.'r ..,irni... to l.'nd the part) and ,1,i.. his lwr house. Police found Mille. dence m Fd1. 20 .11 .1ppnl\ i ln1m ht'hind and ... tole her \\al let gul.' ... h to ka\I.' .. to \\ hich \\ho matched the wi 111 c s mate!) 11 :51 l am. ·r ht· to111 lront ulllkr hl.'r ,urn. thl'n lkd on William.., \\a'> ,lllcgl.'dl) rl'lul"lant plaman !Old pol Ill' 1ha1 ,1 \\hill dl''>cription. near hi' home an I lo11t to\\ .ird Common\\l',ilth tD eompl: \lte1 cont1nul;d rl'"i"­ lnuk him into CU'>lod:. at \\hi· male. a ipro\1111.itl'h "" :L'.11.., DI \\ e Hit' \ ..,l.'<11\.h 111 the <111.'.I tanLI.'. pol11x pl.ICl'd \\ ilhanh point thl' \ ictim \\a.., ahll} tll ,1ge. \\th hr11\\11 h,111 hnmn ".i... to 1111 ,I\ .11 I. u1Kk1 affl''>t .ind d1.irgcd "ith I.'! L''> ,1 d .1 1111.'d1um huild 111 a idl·nti f) hi 111 and hl' ''a'> plttce I 1111der arre'>I. gr.i: Jh.:k ..,eJ,111 .ipp111ad11.'d h ·li ... 1111a \.11. 2~. ol 5 1 her .:hi Jrl'n .•tnd thl'n l11lh1\\l'd 6 I .inl'uil \t . Bnghton. \\a.., Rol1L·rto I· Drl'\\ bea1. 21. all thrl' ol them .1... thl': \\ .ilkl·d Patrick PL'ndergra" . alTl'qed I ·t·h. 20 .it ,1ppro' i mall' 8 ol 'i2 \ .., hlmd ~t. \11..,ton. ll \• .1rd <)1 H11aht.•th ... ~ kd1e.il I) 6 -l'\ p 111 .•md charged \\ ith \\a ... arre'>IL'd I :ch. 21 .it .1ppro\­ 1 0 .19. of 32 ChNl'r <\t . Ce1 lt.'r. helnrt' dri\ 111g up ,1.....,,1ult .ind h.tttl'n \\ ith a d,11 i111.1tl'1) -1 .:'i) p.m .. alter police S11111cn ilk wa ... arre'>IL'd Fch . .2 Sissy l<'s \\ ,hhi1 ;wn ~lll'l'l t1m.1nl gl.'rou.., \\l'.lpon. Thi.' \ ictim. al .ippm\imatl'ly 9:.'i.'i p.m .. aft · oh'>L'f\l'd h1111 dm 1ng a \ l'hick Hrookli le. \ '.11 ·.., ho: lnt'nd. \\ .i.., met h: \\1th an L'\pired rl·gi'>tration on p11iice observed hi111 dri\'in RestClU~Clnt & Nightspot pohct' .11 \t Ll11abl'lh\ altl'r Brighton A\enue. t\ check \\1t h an l'\pired reg1 ... tration o P1 hL·I.' t'\t'L'Ull.'d an anl''>I alkgcdl) l1L·111g 'tabbed h) h1.., rl.'\ L'akd that DrC\\ hl.'ar' ... right B11ghto11 A\t'lllll.'. t\ dll'c _ 4 " 1rant on L: nda J girllril'nd during an arguml'nl. to operate a \chick 111 re\ ea lcd L~ at Pendergrast· Come Find Out Why We're the Johlh!J I. 52. Of 72 f\l'\\ l'l I Police ,11n·,tl'd \'at. \\ llll l\.1a.....,achll ..,l'll\ i ... undn '>ll'>pl.'n­ I icl'flse to operate a motor \le hi Ru.id. uhurnu.1le. 011 h·h ~fl .11 111l11rnh d tlwm th111u!..'.h .111111k·1 ,11111 d I' IP J1• \ llll'lll 1h:l.111il' d,· ,... al ... o t"lllTl'lltl) Ulllk:i ~ll l> Busiest place in Faneuil Hall !! ' I p I .11 • p1.:1l' th.II ,j ~ .lt'fl•d ill ~II 'ma· < k 111hc1 fl..: fhlllll lflL 11 II t n. dcten e alter her ho_ tnend had • l\\UL'd OUI of alleg~dl) punLhcd her in the l\.11Lhael \I lier, -12. ol '67 \,•ft to/( aden. n1(/\( 11 ho ii/" Karaoke Mon. &Thurs. 9pm·2am Cash Prizes· H1H,ho o C lllnt:. Ha. \\ii'> l!lr back '>l'\t•ral time'>. 9 Ea ... ton St.. Brighton. \\as 11w11ed in the police hloller /Jm · Live Music· Qancing .•. arrl.''>led !·eh. 22 at appro\i­ 111/f /Jee11 cr •icted of any djHt. faml'.., lkrnl'll \\ illia1m. 27. matel) 9:.'i2 p.111 .. 011 chargl'\ or (I/' riolatirm. lie char~c'\ agcfm. 7 Nights a week · Pt 'ice rl.' ... pnnded to .i 7 111 132:" Com mom\ l.'alth breaking and-L'nten ng on a rl.''>­ 1'11 111 111<1_r /, ('/' lw 1ec/111 c•d 5 rl.' on 1 I .i l1.111dh,1g rnh \ \ l' . \\ "' .uTL·..,ted Fl.'h. 21 at idl.'ncl.'. P!lltcL' rl',ponded to .i 1111/u/rmrn o · 1hn 111111 he fi >I her: 01 Feb. 20. .11 .1p1'1 o\1- .ipp111\1111,11L'I: (1: 18 a.111 .. aftn Rl.'1ia Stll'CI re'>idencl.'. \d1crl' Ill/tr I( ell/.


    lien a Ii\/ (If 11 h11t i1 ha11 continul.' thl' coll\cr -.,a tion and '>eat. Thi.' da"s costs ~ I .'i. Pre ­ housing. pw111~ If 1/u· \ /11/(11/- Hn ~hton rnntinul.' refining ideas for ad ­ rcgi..,tration i" required. People The prngra111 prm ide" Com11111 lit\· l>c 1clo11111<111 C(lr dre""'ng 111.'ighhorhood i-.sues. must allend all four \C\\ions. ant\ \\ ith appropriate rnun'>el powtw •. 15 \ onh Hc ·l/1011 \r . Th1\ e\e111 co-sponsored ing. assistance in '>Carc h anti \//11011. P/111111' 6/ - -, ~ 3'i-./ \\ 1th thl' .\ll\lon Brighton 'Savings for Success' placement. in gelling legal of. DRARS .f11r 11111r 111/on1wt11111 I k,tlth) Bo... ton Coalition. For ..,o~· ial se n ice.... and rdcrral . Do ) OU dream or going hack more 1nlornia111in cal l t\\a at I or more infor111ation. L!o1H unity Summit: (117 '::-. - .\ ~ 7-1. L'\l. 20 I or \.'­ to ... chool .> Arc you intl.'re..,tcd tan A-.,h ley. A\a. Deia or Jltaif ALL DAY ... in learning more about ho\\ to g Forward mail chan<.11 a11..,1011brigh1011- al the A ll ... 1on-Brig.h1on CDC al cdc.org . rl.'ach )our long-term financial 617-787-387-1. EVERYDAY!! upd.11e.., on thl' \\ lll k goal..,'! .\11end a "Sa\ ing for FREE BUFFET MON-FRI 4-7 pm of the at·tion group.., 1h,11 Buscando recursos Succl.'..,..,·· information '>Cssion formed Iler Octohcr".., \ 11..,1011 on larch 9. 6 to 7:30 p.ni. to Small business ...~ or 2for1 APPETIZERS Bnghto 1 Communil) Summ11 en el Internet find out how to earn $200 for assistance at the ~ EVERY NIGHT 10pm -1am from 5: lO to 8 p.m. on Mon­ (en Espanol) C'very $50 you save for fu ture Allston-Brighton CDC da). M ·ch l .'i al Seton Audito­ education and learn how to 2 du-,es. Fechas : Febrcro 23, A re you a local res iden Q rium at the Carita'> St. Eli1a­ plan for a more sec ure future. 2.'i Hora.., : 6:30-8:30 p.rn. Las sma ll business owner l oo~i n2 . be1h \ lledical Ce111er. Let'c., Contact Michelle al 6 17- 6 COMMERCIAL Sf., FANEUIL HALL 2 cla'>C'> cueslan $ I 0. Llarne a for busi ness ass istance? Wan 787-3874, ext. 218, to reserve a Will 617-787-3874. ext. advice on business plans ol 222. para inc.,cribir'>e. Todas las seal. marketing research or aSt;ts.,, clac.,c-. .,I.' reunan en Brighton tance? Get help through the All~ High School. clase 112. Housing services !»Ion -Brighton CDC, a member program or CBN, Community Business 'Talking Dollars, Network. For more infor~a- eed information about 1ion. call Tim at 617-787-3Si4. Making Sense' housing search? Tenants rights ext. 212, or e-mail caplice@all­ ·Talking Dollar<,, Making and responsibilities? Landlord stonbr!gh1oncdc.org Sense" i1., a four-part, fun and rights and responsibilities? interactive course on personal Types of tenancies'! Under­ financial management. It cov­ standing your lease? Under­ Allston-Brighton CDC. standing Section 8? Health and ers a broad range of topics, in­ has a Web site -i . 00 cluding basic budgeting, credit safety codes? The Housing Check out the A llstpn­ "AMERliUEST repair and financial goal-set­ Services Program. offered by Brighton CDC's updated Web ting. the Allston-Brighton CDC, as­ site at www.allstonbrighton­ ~~~~~r; , A~~~ Co111ac1 Michelle at 617- sists Allston-Brighton tenants cdc.org. Now listed are upcom­ 787-3874, ext. 2 18. 10 reserve a 10 secure permanent affordable ing events and classes. • Account Executives • Sideload Drivers Resumes to: Email: 781- 92-7107 [email protected] Email: ccnejobs@ a.cokecce.com OBITUARY Fax: 714-567-3455 www.cokecce. om/careers Mildred Ward oC\' fEJ Sei i~rBridge Partner offormer Brighton resident ~JFa uly • 1st Web Pres man Mildred "Millie"' Ward of Brookline died Mon­ Quincy and A lbert Wru·d and his wife, Diana, of • Web Press Rolltender • Home Health Ai es in Greater day, Feb. 16, 2004. Hyde Pru·k ; and several nieces and nephews. • McCain Saddle-Stitch Operator Boston & Metr West area She wa., the daughter of the late Thoma~ J. and A funeral was held F1iday, Feb. 20, from the Fax: 617-389-4958 Mildred F. (Kearney) Ward. Bell-O'Dea Funeral Home, Brookline, followed -734-9700 She leave., her fiance and lifetime pru1ner, by a funeral Mass at St. Mruy of the As~umptlon Email: [email protected] Michael E. Martiniello Jr. of Brookline. formerly of Church. Bnghton. her ... i-..ter'>. Elizabeth Colageo and her hus­ Burial was in St. Michael's Cemete1y. band. Henl). of Ea'>! Bridgewater and Rita Connier Memorial donations may be made to the St and her huc.,hand. Paul. of Ne"-lon: her brother.-, Mary Building Fund. 5 Linden Place. Brookline, Thoma" J Ward Jr. and hi~ '~ ife. Crnl\lance. of MA02-W.'i. ~.a ll stonbrightontab.com FROM PAGE ONE

    ~esident. worry abo toll of Mass. Pike plan onA-B ~IKE , frorn page 1 we have a large <>emor citizen population idea a trial run on iL'> O\\ n 1umpik That the approval of the board, you·d pretty that after thrifty drivers get tired of tak­ ~!ituents. "What I see is the potential for in A-B, a'i well as ..choolch1ldren. and led the MTA.to ... 1ud)' the plan m Septem- much have to have public hearing-. on ing the long way around, most would tpousands of cars weaving their way they· d be put at high ri k from an added ber. a stud) which re\ealed .. there· d be the issue as part of the process." eventually make use of the Pike and not tprough Allston-Brighton trying to get to volume of cut-through traffic. ignificant impact on -.e,eral neighbor- Mihos himself confinns that nothing local communities' roadways. Storrow Drive and Memorial D1ive. "Now's the time to be heard on this hooOrne de- plan, though not for lack of effort. more difficult by sending toll-dodgers traffic and pollution. stopped now before it grow-. legs and gree. Al1'.ton-Brighton."' -.aid Hanchett. ··over a month ago, I did send a letter ·through their neighborhood," Mihos : ''The history of the Ma<;s. Pike in All­ wins approval from the Tumpik.e Au­ According to Hanchett. the stud) re- to the board a\king to have this put on said. "I think it's just something we'd ston-Brighton isn't good," added Mc­ thority." vealed thar rh,, \ 11 h"· ~!an v.uuld re!>ult the agenda for discussion," he <;aid. have to li ve wit h until people start seeing Oe1111ott. "It physically divided our com­ On Monda). ho\\e\er. Ma-.,achu-.ett.'i in approximatel) ·t.500 \eh1cle., a da) ··since then, I've heard nothing back their time as hcing more valuable than munity, and we certainly don't reali ze Turnpike Authorit) ..,pok man Doug di\ erting off the p11'.e into area commu- from Chairman Amorello. To my knowl­ the extra money... much in the way of benefits from it." Hanchett said that the Mthos plan i'> ··not nitie' to mo1d toll\ CorN:quentl). the edge. there·s nothing imminent - I It's clear. however, that many A-8 res­ ' McDermott said that he wm. motivat­ a big front humer •..,.,ue for m•. There's cost to th.: ~IT.\ 111 10 ... 1 toll re\enue... don·1e\·en1'.nov. v.hen we're hm ing our ~d to write hi:-. Feb. 20 letter by calls no discussion planned at thi1, tune. That and in e\pend11urc' to retrotit the out- next board meeting. So, if an)'one think.s idents simpl) don't agree. ~·om his con:-.tituents uniformly in oppo­ said. Mi ho.., cenainl) ha.., the authority to bound side of th.: e\l..,t1 ng All..,ton- this is some -.011 of fait accompli, you .. , can just picture the tratlic here get­ &irion of the plan, and by an increase in bring it up tor further -.1udy if he ''ant-. Brighton toll hooth-. \\ J.., e-.11111ated to can put their minds at ease." ting much worse:· said Yasiliades. "The ~iscussion of the topic on talk radio ...I to." be dose to 8 million Counte1ing the :-.tud) cited by community ha., already been dissected ~ard a lot of fo lk:-. cal ling in talking this Hanchett confinned that the idea of .. \\e\.e ccrtaml) heard the conccnh Hanchett. Mi hos has asse11ed that the by the Pike. v.e're impacted by the pres- J ~tlea up," said McDermott. "And, you eliminating outbound toll.., ha-. come up of the communitic-.:· ..,aid Hanchett. el imination of outbound tolls and con­ cnce of the unl\ersities in our communi- ltnow. I'm not surp1ised- for people in tix discus..,ion before, mmt n.>cently Im.I "and I do11·1 th111 1'. tfw, 1.., an11h111g that -.olidation of tollbooths would save more ty. I think it\ only fair that we aren't ~e western suburbs it 's a swell idea! But summer when New Hampshire· ga' e the \\.Oulu put out there ra ... hl). If it c\en got than $-l million a year. He also contends made to take lll\ additional burdens." )Local Web-based pro am offers ways to lose weight • ~IET' , from page 1 filler no tllll J..er than one ... tice of hread: bod) '"i ll change:· Salge Blake hnngs to her clas ... nxim. and irn.:r.:a.,rng the 'egewble portion on lktl>re -.he wa ... introduced to the inter- ..J oan comh111c.s her i;trong clinical sk.ilb ~xercise - or lad. of: Salge Blake·s interactive programs : "This i.., a non-strcs:-.ful v. a) to mal..e your plate t' 1 mice the \11e ol ) our meat can be accessed through acti\e Web ..,ite. Ho..,ton Unf\cr1,it)' ju­ '" ith the rno'>t nrn-ent nuuition. -.cicnce n1on. her Web site nior ~Jari..,a Schlo..,hcrg \ 111.:al-. lac k.ed eatin!.! u-entb."' 'aid Rohc11a Dur"chla!!. di­ ieem overwhelming," said Salge Blake. Salge Blake 1,n t talking ah..>ut a car- I http: people.bu.edu salge. rccto; or Progr.um in Nutntron at HL \ -:'Jn reality long-term weight manage­ bohydrate-fn."t! tltt: or , fugg ng do\\ n portance of incorpora t111 g fru rh and 'eg­ Sargent Colk~·L·. ··Her onl111e tool-. program is at the click of a weight los., re,ult-.. hut the re-.ults aren ·1 heal th). Salad Bar.. and ··vi11ual Pi11a Parlor.. nana. 111..,tead ol let1111g th.: dog lom.: 111 111) Amuse. It li sts idea.., for taking the neccs­ Ion ~ term. lrt..,tead ..,he 1-.. referring to a "Thi-. changed eating hahits com­ arc acccssibll' through her Wch ..,ite at commitment. the )ard . tr) tal..ing )Oltr 111:1 tor a ''all.. . pl.:tel).". said Schlo-.hcrg. " I don't think This fun ~a 1 V' steps to achieving a healthy lifestyle life~ty l e-c ha11 g111g ~ httr ://people.hu.cdu/~a l gc. ··1t \ all the unlJL•alth) habrt' that .1dd and managing weight loss. Some of the '·Let's !!l'1 ml ol cuck.lXl dieh and tind of it a' a diet, I thin !.. of it as hcing health- learning tool rnunts calorics. lists nutri­ up to 111al..111g \\.:1ght 111;111.t!.!c111en1 d1lli L'Oll\CIOLh."" st,eps include - getting off the bus a ·top ha lance a~1d 111m.: on:· ..,aid Sa1ge Blal..e. ti onal value a11d empower\ you to learn cult:· '

    By Alex Grutkowski ··\\ L' \' 111tcJ to Jo -.om.:thmg 1 r L tn­ the) t.:d \ L'l) good .ihout tl1L'11 l'liorh .md 1..rnm that th.: J1111111) I und t'> the ollinal 1m1 •NDElll ccr:· ~ l .111 ,,1id ...11le Jim m) h,nd ' a-. ar.: alr.:.td) tinl...:nng \\ ith tith.:r tunJ rai' ..:hIll' at\\\\ \\ .Jillllll) fund.mg haJ..c '>ale' or door-to-door cand\ -,ale:-. rai-.e rn1>1W\ tor a gootl cau'c ·· d lll1'> .ir.: go111g to hdp ''L'J.. 1xopk:· c()mc to 111111d . Recently. thre~ fifth­ (he1 t\\O \\eek.' . ..,tudenh anti teaL ·r, L1"11-H P '\ 111illron 1n Joseph M. Smith decided to sell hand-made greeting cards Lasso-H,UTier\ parent\ h ..:l~d the th \.'e 2002 tor ..:;uil·.:r rl•-...:ard1 It ,mrach more Community and origami pieces for ~7 ,1 piece during girls h) pwd141,111g th.: mat.:na' that " ·re th.111 J.O'e 11ore of one\ ,1"e" to on the Web. To acce~~ the guide. apartment buildings .throughout are immediate openings for mem­ long-1em1 qire. F-ebn.1J1} ·,broad- log on to W\\,\\..cit)ofboston. the cit). If a Bo~ton resident living bers or the Allston-Brighton com- 1..a:.b '' 111 [V -.hem n ~\eJne,da)' gm/rentJlhou-..ing. in an apartment building \.\. ith munit). LEGAL NOTICES at 7 p.m. 01 RC:--. Channel 8. more than ~ix units would like re- The Boston Carpenters Ap­ cycling sen ice.., in the building. prenticeship and Training Fund is COLBERT GUARDIANSHIP the County of SUFFOLK 1s a men­ Support group for ha\e the landlord or building at 385 Market St., one block from LEGAL NOTICE tally 111 person and praying that Hoops f r girls boys in grades 7 -9 manager call 617-635....+9)9. Brighton Center. For more infor- Commonwealth of Massachusetts some other suitable person be Bm.ton IUni\er">it) \\omen\ The Trial Court appointed guardian. to serve with­ Do )OU !..nm\ a boy \\.ho could Matcrial ~ collected include mation, call 6 17-782-4314. Ba... ~etball Shooting Clinic and ... Probate and Family out surety of the person - with the u'e 'ome a"i'tance v. ith ~elf-e~­ pla~tic container-... glas~. tin and ~ .. Holida) C mp for !..id' in grade' .. Court Department authority to treat with ant1psychot1c teem and the 'ocial challenges of aluminum can~ and foil. and asep­ =~ medications in accordance with the 2 to 8 \\ 111 ake rlace at till' c1,e 1 Caritas Hospice SUFFOLK Division l..'arl) adok,cence '. If \O. a group tic packaging. such a~ juice box •• 1 ... Docket No. 04P0350Gl1 treatment plan. Center. 28. Batxnd <:;r H " ·::. nm\ lonmng could help him deal containers. Paper produch ac­ sponsors open house a' follmh. '' 11h 'ome ol the di llicultie-.. teen-.. cepted include jun!.. mail. oflice C.11 !las Good Samruitan Ho~ In the Matter Of IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT • Hohda Can p Tue,da) to DOROTHY COLBERT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR encounter in the mitldle \ChexJI paper. new~paper, cereal boxe~. picc. \\, ith offices in Brighton and I rida). Ap ii 20 to 23. ll1ree op­ Of BOSTON ATTORNEY MU ST FILE A WRIT­ ) ear·,. magatine-... phone boob. papcr­ Non\ 1xxl. holds an open house on l!On'>: 9 a.n to m•on or I to-+ p.111. In the County of SUFFOLK TEN APPEARANCE IN SAID Panicipanh "ill de\ clop better bad, txxil..~ and ccmugated card­ the I 11 't \fonday of each month in COURT AT BOSTON ON OR I (Xl · J\ an1..e/\ 11 ()/,, all..-up: -.cll-e-..teem through improved txmrd. it~ Brighton otlicc, 310 Allston St. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR BEFORE TEN 0 CLOCK IN THE and 9 a.Ill to ..+ p.m. (full da) I con1111unication and hov. learn to for more information about the The 111ee1ing v. ill take place. from APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FORENOON (10 00 AM ON March \2!X) ad\ a ce/$2 20 \\al !..-up OF MENT AllY Ill PERSON 18, 2004. 111.tl..l' healthier choice-... Other l 2 27 04 Lex.al g1 iup' .m.: 1..·ollabo1.rt111g cal l Will bcobar. LICSW. at A llston-Brighton con1111unit\. ") \ll'111 of the Archdiocese or person be appointed guardian. to 1ln a ne\\. ffO-aCll\C Cit)\\ Ilk pni- serve without surety of the person WILLIAMS SUMMOl~S Bnghton- \11,ton Mental Health. The mi\\1011 of Languagl' \\ h1lc Bo-..1011, \Cf\ ing people or all and property. LEGAL NOTICE gram '' 1111 lt1-'e"1or1 comnnrnit) 1.l 111 .i L'< lll\ er­ teal°lll'" ESL ci<1'\l'' at the \\or!.. e,. 'll l\. 1al \\Orl..er,. ~pi1i t ual coun- TEN APPEARANCE IN SAID SUFFOLK DMsion \\rnl' Dqx1nme111 Recycling l Docket No. 0101095 'ation on ; topic that 111\ oh e' the place \;inlll Blue-..te111. program ,e101 '. \ oluntee1"> and home COURT AT BOSTON ON OR l'n1gr,11n uillcct' rec)clabk' BEFORE TEN O'CLOCK IN THE qualit) ol 'II) hk tiir all It ''ill dir..:ctor and Brighton re'ilknt. health ,.ude~. Hospice i.., commit- 1.. urb-.1Je C\ l'I} \\eel... Rl',rdenh 111 f FORENOON (10:00 AM ) ON April Summons By Publication ~i\C ne1g )(lf\ .r dl.111'.:l' Ill 1.·on­ 'ard ...\Ve llll'n,, ill.i 1.luch tor rec) cling 111 ~!\::-16 111 e-mail p11,1.ill.1g11ld- Bnghton \\ill offer a free samp l ~ You are required 10 serve upon 1. IUdl'. Ill'\\ 'IXlper. mag;v1nl''I. ROWE GUARDIANSHIP n~(! 1 ,1bh._: !Ith) hthh II:.. cla" \\edne-..dm. l\tu-ch 17. at LEGAL NOTICE Sandra R W1 li;1 1s plaintiff - Free tobacco 111nl.. 111;111 \\ h1te .ind colored I 0 . \( l a.111 .. at the FiN anti Sec­ Commonwealth of Massachusetts whose address s ;>84 N . Beacon St p.11x·r. 1xqx.T bag'. phllne bt.xll.. '· #20 Brighton. M/, 02135 your prevention and llnd \ 'hurch of Boston. 66 MarlJ The Trial Court Volunt~ers needed P•'IX'lhacl..' boob and rnrTUgated Probate and Family answer on or befor• Apr-I 15 2004 treatment program bo1u11!!h St.. Boston. \ 'tJC . 1..' H ''.111. p.1t1L h in 1...udl"lllard. \11 thl''e can 111.' placed Court Department If you fail to do so Hie court "" II pro­ I .11111 I\ \tu-..11.. \ 1,1!..er.., ... hm\' a ~ \ 1,1011 ,11 J Bn ~hhm ,ire 111 Jk'l'd rllrough " )-rant t 10111 thl· SUFFOLK Division ceed to the heanr 1 ano adJUdlCa· 111 paper ba~·' 11r lll'd \\ nh a 'tnng. 1mh1l .rlh enture for inlanh. tod­ t1on of this act1or You are also nl 1,.,mng \OIU1 1ll'l.'r' to pru\ idl' American I .l'_l!a1..1 l'nu11d,1t1P11. Docket No. 04P0268Gl1 do not pl.11..·l· in l"ll1\ Corrugated dler' .111d pn.. ·,chllo ler... and their required to file ,, copy of your fril'ndl) \ l'lllPl11 >n,1l '.tpp11rt the \11,lllll Bn!!hton I kalth) ,,h. 1.·ardl"ll1ard 1..1n be IL'L)Clcd. It parL'llh m c.trl'gl\l'r' l11'tructor In the Matter Of HAROLD ROWE answer 1n the otfu,•· of the Register 111 emm [,. I k\1hk tr.1111111g 'h1 uld tx· tl.mened ,111d placed Bo,ton Coal111on olter' 111..·.: 111IPr Of BRIGHTON of this Court at Bo .•on ulkr mu ... 1cal de' clopml'nt ''1th; ,. ,cheduk nd hPur'. ,111d 1111gll111g undl'I or ne\t to the blue bll\. No 111atio11 and suppon trn any Olll' 111 In the County of SUFFOLK tere,ted in quilting s1110!..1rn.'. To dilfrrent exerci~es and game~ in- :: -.uppon a l' ,l\ .ul.ihk· h 11 lllllre pl.1,tr1..· hag' .!CCl'pll'd 1 Witness. John M Smoot Esquire dud111!-! rh) thm in-..trumenh, " First Justice of sa d Court at 111hin11al11 n. 1.·al \I. \I I ).1\ h 11 lllt llL nt'nrma111111 or tu rl' bacu1 trl'at1111.·11t ,p,:c1.d1't' 'l"-'a~ NOTICE OF PETITION FOR '~ ,,1' ,., h,1 ' .:hant' 'ong'• APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN Boston. this 10th day o' Fet>rua-v .11 7S I -40 l)l){ KI 1 .n~lr,11. 1'1 1t11;t1l''c' .111d R "'"'' l( lc''t .I hllll' l°l\l\ 1111 l"l'l \Cllllg. l.tl "'' , , ,md 1no\Cllk'nt. l'.11111.1pa1-- OF MENTALLY Ill PERSON 2004 ( ,- ( ;-) !')~') \er lc"L'' •11Llt1lk• .i 1\,ttl, '11 1ni; 1 unih 'C'l\el\\o(D,anu:• t.u .n to J1o;;cu ' tn.>atmem op­ I-or tho...: "ti. I t: a buiklin: ict ar_, ella eighbors l1I To HAROLD ROWE of BRIGHTON 'Good t10n,. mdi\ 1dual anl1/( r :'fl 1up a ongtX k iring l th!: . ~ Register f Prob. 1· Court \\ ith mon: than ,j, units ,ind in the County of SUFFOLK, his Handb k' on Web counseling. certified h) pnothl'ra cqn cnt re~n rl' each -..e:.-.10P!: • \\ ou ld Ii ~e to rec) c le. ha\C the 1 heirs apparent or presumptive, a E'l'l'Y collcctiori incorrxirates l1: : Thi! R Hal Hl'u,111; R1.·" 1ur1.·e p) and free or discounted 111cot1n1.' pet1t1on has been filed 1n the above AD#445750 landlord m building 111,111ager call rarn.!l' of music1hat include~ clas- : captioned matter alleging that said Allston-Brighton Tab Center ,H 1nun1.e' th,11 thl' 1tor­ 617-63.5-..+lJ:'ilJ !OJ rec)cling \Cr replacement therap). I HAROLD ROWE of BRl<:DHTON in 2 27. 3 5. 312·04 For more inlormatlllll about 'i1..·.;1 \\ orld .':iu:-.ic, _go-,pcl , ori~ i ~~ : n1ational uide for l.111dlord' and 'icl'\ nal 1u111pos1t 101b. Jal!. rock ·n"'. : It pie!.. up ha' been mis..,ed. call the Tobacco Pre,entlllll and Treatment Project. l·al I Donna rol 1 and trad1t ion al children ''I' ~ till' 'g.r.111i... 111a11ager. at (ii 7-78' 15pen Dlxir' otlers free energy; n1e Co111ml..'rc1.il Space for its many projects. You do not ha\ e he.ding 'e"1011~ on Thur,day • Lea'e Finde1 i' a coll\ enient. lree­ to )peal.. Prn1ugucse. Contact 617 fro111 7 tu 9 p.m. Call 617-202 ... : ot'-charge 111temet 'en ice that 783-8(X) I or rnme h) 1.N 6J\ I on \\ednesday' after IQ. : energ~ puh entrepreneur' in touch ''1th Hri~hton \\e. No. 7. a.111 to bmk a JO-minute ; prope11) O\\ ne1">. hrol..er' or 111a11- heal111g pe1formed by Opetll' ; ,1ger' \\ho ha\l' a\ ailable 'pace. Dour' \Oluntee1'1. Donatiorb re~ • In addition tn 'treet trolll proper­ Free guidance for Cl'J\ ed will be donated to a differ~ ue-.. in con11nerc1al .irea-... the business owners ent ~ harity every month. Commercial Space for Lease The Bo..,ton College S111all I hcre·s also a free Saturdaf : rmder pro\ ide.., C\[Xl\Ure for Bu1.,ines-.. De\dopment Center i' meditation circle from 9 to I 0- • properties that eri ­ 1 pro' ide' a unique linl.. bctv.een ence and ex t en~ive smull busines~ 21. Thi~ is open to practitioners o certificate when you subscribe proper1) em ners \\.ho ha\e a\ail­ l..nem led12e. The Boston College all healing modalities. Pre-Regis- • • able imentol} '' ith bu,ine-.., O\\ n­ SBDC at the Che~tnut Hill car;,_ tratrnn i~ not required. : er' and entrepreneur"> who are (>pen ~oor~ Brighton is at 360 : with Au oPay. pu~ has been providing the-,c scr­ 'eel..ing commercial/retail space \ ice~ for more than 23 ) car~. Wa,hington St. Call 6 17-202- : 111 Hmton \ neightxirhoexl bus i­ SBDC coun,elor-.. ha\ e a-..~i,tetl 6.ll' for more details and direc- , nc" disuich. thou-.ands of cl ient~ \.\.ith all a~­ tio11~. Sign up today or convert your current subscripuon to 'utoPay and Propert) 0\\ ners with a\ailable • fl pects of ~mall bu~ine" manage­ • I'! you will receive 20% off your subscnption, plus re ·eive a ':> l 5 'pace ma) complete a fo1111 at­ ment including busine'" plan\: li­ Group for !• tached to the cir:.\ \\.eb page li-.1- 9 dinegift certificate, redeemable at 100 top area restaura9ts! nancial and -..trategic planning: widowers and widows • in12 information \UCh a~ location. marketing: operations: and gener­ .. us;ge. area. mailability. lea'>e al management. Seeking funding A young Jewish widowers and With AutoPay.) ou'll nC\ er h and \OU \\l[l 1TCCl\l' UllllltCrruptecJ cJeh\Cr. or th1• nc\\~ tha keep~ \"llll n>ll­ Bu~ine~-.. O\\ ne!"'>. ent repreneur~ ing new job~ ;ire major area~ of nectcd 10 your rnmmunil). 13c~I or all, you \\ill recc1\C a 15 dmeg1h ecru cate accepted at and nonprofits can \Can listing~ as-.i-.tance that cou n~elors pro­ ing in the area to offer suppo • for ones that meet their need-. and and compan i on~hip. There is 100 lop area rco,1au ran1~ to use your.,clr or ).tl\C as a girt \ ide. 3': contact the propet1) o\.\.ner. bro­ The SBDC also offe~ \vo1l­ kl' or other obligations to partici ': ker or manager. shops on a variety of small busi­ pate. Initial meeting takes plac l • Though the city maintains this nes-. topics. Small busines~ own­ Sullday, Feb. 29, 6 p.m. For l oc~ ..! • electronic bulletin board, it ha'> no lion and details, call 617-484· · Save lime. Save Money. e~ can participate in the role in negotiation-.. workshops du1ing the academic 9059 or e-mail audade@yahoof. Call today to order home fclivc ry of your local newspaper The Commercial Space for year for a nominal fee. Lca-.e Finder is on the city of and receive your $15 clinegift ce rtificate. To ~c hedule an appointment or ~i-1 .com Btbton \\eb 'ite at \\.\\ \.\..Cityof­ for more information. call the ;:eGED; MCAS and ~~~ Cal l bo,ton .go\ /dnd/U _Com mer­ 1-800-982-4023 Bo-.ton College SBDC at 617- job-training classes • ... ~ c1al_Space For_Lca\e.a'>p. For 552-4091. lnfo1mation is also more infom1ation. call the Oftice JFY Net Works (formerI y Job!.:~ COMMUNITY available on the Web at of Busines~ De' elopment at 6 I 7- www.bc.edu/centers/sbdc. For Youth ), Boston's largest e~ ~ NEWSPAPER 635-2()(Xl ucation and workforce deve l opti:_.:~ CO\IPAt\1 nwnt traininQ center. is curre nt~ ~ A Hr• d t.

    , ' j 4

    Many camps fill up during the winter months •. •some are even full b • the end of the previous summer. But, there is hope and there is help. The following tips wl/I help many of y u who still haven't signed up for camp: Choosing Camp?

    Chil:-.t11: ... urnquc to ; Basic camp search steps: I. Determine )Our famil ~ '> weeks and ma) -.kcp 11l 1..\1li11• t ic1ht1c' roffcn:d and the ~h1r' t1.1r rc...-l1mmcnJ~1l1tlll.., "l)rl.. rng ''1th )Oung c:hd \.d.ITifl-.~· .. oc:cJ, \fJr, \;amp ... expectations and re<1uire­ tenh. yurts. tC[h:e .... ho'.'.td' <11 ' >n~i.: \OU h.t\1..· 1dcn11f1c. variety of 01hcr llf .m: there: e"\tra l.'."harge:-. for on re~J h..: l'"amp' .1111... rcqui...· ... 1 th\..-ir 2. Identify appropriate camp acc..:omnHllbl hHl .... tr.llhf'lln...111on horschact.. riding options based on the goals and • \\hat 'ire llt ...~amr ... omnum1- 11.1ric11 n.; m.1t..:ri.1 l h~ Camp food ...c:n Kl" O\ crmght!'> group prioriti es ~ou ha\e set. h "111 m.ikc )Our .:h1IJ kd Da) ea1~•Jl' gcncrall) ~enc r11.:turc ... f1dd tnr~ \\~llc~k11ng 3. C h o o ~c a camp from the ..:l,mlortJhlc, 1,,' Jn \\1.. "-tifw.1,.._· ni;.- .... unr trom y:....,11111:-- t.:\tc:n offcrct..L expecta tion•! Specia l! ~ Camp' a nd ffil''' cumtOn.ihk., \\ii he l,r • Re\1L'\\ elk· .... rn1r ... "hat arc: the :-.pcc1f1C<' I i,t the mo't important demenh Program\ ( D:I\ or l{ e\idenn 'h' led .::omtortat>k 1t>ont 1n..)l.'.)111rc .... \\d, ... 1k'.... '1dco.... D\ lh. 111J l ll Rll\h "1th of ~our family's camp '-Can:h. '-)pcc1alt\ ramp:-. and :-.pc"- 1.1 t rnal -;:? acll\ It~ ..:h~J11. c ... C.:\ en • lfbdorc- and alicr-camp 1 ,nur l..:'hild kcep111g in mrnu your child\ per· program:-. .11 ~cncral "-•imp-. th. d ... \ '< )111..i: J ''i:ck. l \Cr~ '''", L'\lcnJcd care '" offcrcll \\ho sonal11: Fir ... t and forcmu ... t. a:-.1-. ~ampcr-. the opportun11~ I\) ... \II ,,e... ·L,., • lall \\ 11h d1r1,;· ...·1pr:-. and ,1r 1' "1th the children and" hat if your child j..., n.. ·ad: tor a camp ccn1rall' 1n -.p ...·c1f11.: .1r"-·a-. -.u~ 1 • \\hat kh:I ot l..'\ll1lrc1111on .... 1111p r ... prc... cn1.11 \\..'.'' al.'."t l\ 1t1C'.'o tak.i...· pla...:c·, C\pcncncc. Co11:-.u.kr \\hat 1: pc hor... c:bw. .:~ ridmµ. th1,;· .irt-.. 'Ulh )OUf 1..l11IJ' • R1..'"llh.:: ... 1 p.m:nt rcli:rc:ni..-c:' • f, .m (lpcn hou:-.c: offered of c~unp C\pi..·ncncc'.-1 could round "ildc:rnc:-. .... md .1lhcnum... · trip JIH.J d1~·<.:\.. lh,,,.·n • \\ hal .l(tl\ UI~:-. or pn .!rJJn v. oufd h ...·h>r ...• .:,tmp ... t.1rh ...o that )OU American Camping Association.i of New England out or rcinlt.lrcc your child\ p111 g, tr;.l\d .... porh or 1.:\'lllp.1h.:r mc..i. U\l1..'tt-.t ~our 1..h 11 at 1..Jll r ()111.: ... th.)lh \\..Ill 111.1~ \\ i...h Ill .1 ... k 1.:.m tour thi.: 1...11np .rnd 'i...11 school yc:n C\pcricnccs. I ..;, )Ollr 11,.. 111 ... 1 \..unp ... 1kluf th1..' duld', ... pc:...i.11 Ji...·t.ir~ or ph)'l­ • \\'hal ,..., ) m11 budget for cam1 Ur 1,; pk~nnµ lh1..; Call J1 "\~1..(1011 ~CD®ill1F~ACADEMY he n,cf\11: ...... -.1rd1 pnK1..'""· .md 111<1~...: an tuit1or1'' ('amp rcmams a \.Cn .... d nc.:d:-.' LJr kk..:J) n~Y. 'P• pt.'T 111formc:d ...·amp chnire' "~~· and Conferonce Center l{esident Camp .1tforLl1hlc option for most • \\ h.11 lr.1111111;.: i.l.•i.:' 1h1..· :-.1~1tl • \11.• .Jme ... amp IJ r' 3nJ l:\fk•' Resident ccunp> arc general I) L'\ cryOtH..' l·1,;'l"' can rangc fro" r1..·t: ...·1h ,,n '~th't\ .... upcn 1... 1011. Baseball, Softbqfl & Basketball ~ fn~'· lan11I~ .... t \ ~ l \;;J. for children. ages 7-1 5 \ 15 to \I~() per d.i). depend"' "·pun ...d1·1µ. p1,lbkm ...oh Ill_!! ·~ Summe, Camp

    ~. • For Ages 8-18 • MLB, NBA & NCAA Staff Memorial Day Parent-Child l.ntertocken nternational • State-of-the -art Training Facility Weekend • Special Team Events May 29-31 Su r cam Beautiful Berkshire Mountains Lakeside Location 't Windsor Mountain Bringing for lflf years

    M onday, June 28 thru Friday, August 20 8:45om - 3:45pm (Extended days ore ovo1loble) Lunches are included in fees Day Camp Office: (617) 969-8334 • Swimming Mount Ida College • Sports •Act ivities • Arts & Crafts 777 Dedham Street, Nc'wton Centre, MA 02459

    A quality camp at an affordable price!

    New Summer Program at Th e Bartlett School! June 14th ·August 20th 3 and 5 day sessions available 1d1 ~panhli •tnd Ch1nesl' cl~ss~-;' I .1m :-.port~ 1 .. \ , I •°'< ( r;lli,1

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    8:tl0 · I 00 p.m. with an I "\ln1dnl Dil\ P1ogram until 6:00 p.m. 1841 Trapelo Roa"' Waltham Phone 781-890·1865 for an application.

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    Offici•I 1-ll!QJ WCVB-TV ~ Produced by BORDERS i§i!:f r-- T"O'N Massachusetts Sponsors I ln111rn h1 m · of N •w an•l•nd Horticultural Society