I Sex for sale i~1 neighbori~g communities PAGE 24 READERS CH01cE1 last Week • to Vote :J Community Newspaper Company www.allstonbnghtontab.com FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 2004 Vol. 8. No. 29 48 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ End ofa peace.fit! day Cops on ·~ watch for muggers By Josh B. Wardrop .ILL'd \\ th .111 111L rca,t•d polict: p1l•,•.:11ce 111 .\11"1111 Bn ·ht111111L·1g.hhorho0<.k and puhliL F "''~trl'l ll.'" lll liil·ll" crime' -,preading. the (\\(1 tT1 1111 11a(, \\ .illled 111 C• llllll'l'llOll "11h a ,lnnt!, it Jan ua1'> con\ L' lliL'llLL' ' lPtc mbhL·ne' thn>u!!hout A B \L'L'lll (() ha\L' llll"llL'd tli1·1 1 allL'illtOll lO the' \(rL'Cl\. lkl\\L'L'I' I eh. l) I \.I J1,tnll 14 Polil'L' l°L''j)\llldL·d \l1 h1ur rl'p11rh 11l 1m1)..·~i11~' .11 gunpnilll 1hat thL') he lie' L' "l'l"L' perpetr.itvd h\ thl ,amc l\\(l 'uspL'L'h \\ .tlltL·d Ii ir al ka't It knm111L'IC1al nibhl'l'IL" 111 \ h ,111Lt: :h1: l'L'Ulllllm nl thc \e,1r. '\\l.'rL' lhl( .dh11lt1h•f\ p;hJ(l\L' )(°\ (ilL' \,llllL' (\\() lll'n · ,,11d I )1,ll"IL'l I I I 'olicl' ( '.ipt. \\ illia111 L' a1h. "hut ti L' de''- 1pt on 11.11L·h up. and lhL· ".t\ e 1lf 1 1l1Pll, l I'''•' 'l< ,• 111hht:11L'' ,1np1x.·d .il l hL· ,a111t· t1111e thL''L 111ug.g.111g~ iil· •an .. \ccordi 1~· lP I \ :111'. l hL· rohlicril' ... ha\ L' !!t:nl'ral ) takcn 1il.1L·l· hct\\ L't: l \ .i ll1 11 p.lll . a ln1 n~t L'\dll ,l\,'i) ''II' 11 : \\ h.it llL dL''>LTlhe' .1s lhL' 00\llllk'rll" 'L'Ltirn, 1 11 \ 1,,, , lite '1Li1 II) pf Chl',ll'I and Ci<11d1JL·1 'll'L ,. '1 \ l•li11l' ( 11urt. \,·L·11rd111!! 111 \ klilll, ,'L'(lll lh. lllk lll (\\\1 \(lllll!.! ObLf.. lll<tk' hL• l\\L'L'l lhL .it'L'' (lr IS .111d 2<iapp1~lad1 lilt' \1rt1111' pn •dttL'L' n.111d"lln' .111d dt:111a11d \\<lllL't' Pl pu ·,l., A park visitor feeds a brave goose on a mild Sunday afternoon right before sunse at the half-defrosted Charles River in Brighton. Warmer weather made lx•1,11l' L''-L'a llll,,! Ill' 1,101 or ()L"L.!\IOllJlh " •• \\,lit II !! ' d.!\\ .!\ '.ti" 111 tiJI\ i'Oi ll( lhL' \lhj)L'L'h ltd\. I >! ? MUGGINGS . IJ,l f )/ _J,- ;~:~ ~··;;~: p;~:~·;J~h•~ ;~ed ;~~~ -~~·:~l~wont., House districts Re.1ule111.1.frnrprof10\ "d clu111ge1: lll illtd il1cffl/Sl' traffic del/.\it.\ rnust be By Josh B. Wardrop ------ -- u t'a'e m tr<1IJi,',ja11 h ,-.,.1 ~! I r "The community has ilready been " \\ hl'n I llL·ard .1h11ut ti'J, pl.111 111 .l.111ual\. I redrawn inA-B The idea of tipping 0111',lul l: out (lf Bo-.1on dissected by the P ke, we're .ould1~·1 bellL'\C I( .. h1,111d1 '.1ddL·d "\lllllL'lh•iH! \\ithout payrng <l $1 tee at thL· \L1". P i..c·.., All hf..e th1' ma~ '·"L' tlJL• ,·( 111111011\\L'alth "1111~· By Michael P. Norton ~ L t 'ton-Hrighton tolls would ,1p1~al tll 1110,l mm impacted by the pre ence of the 111' HlL'~ hut at '' ildl u l'l lll "' ' I heir sPlutiPn "ii I muh.:r.... to he -.urL' But \\Ould 1hat occasional crn - ha·111llL' Olli' pn 1hk·111 . I h· 1,c IL'l.!i'>l.1t1h d1,111ch did\\ null 111 tl1L' 'pnn ~· 1 \e111ence ht• "rn1h the l'\ll,1 15 minute' 11 mi!.!11: universities in our c mmunity." 'ThL' \\ ilok plan 1\,111\ ,11 rf..e, llll' ,1, till' L'p1t.i 11f 211( I p111'LtlL•d i11L11111henh \\hik \11 1lat1n!! .1ml tah.e to tra,er-.e \\.1,h111!!ton Streel ,1! ru-.h hour~ llll' 11l PU1'1dl' till' L'il) th1nh.1ng. lll '-PlllL' dli11t111!! thL· \01111g.11g.l11,of 111inorit1e' in 17 H~1't1111 Charhe \tastha le.., 1 ~Pple Thai", the quest10 11 mernhn' of the l .<1ng il') thing. th.II" ill 111ah.l· ,1,uhurh.111ite\ CPllllllllll' L'.i' d1,tr d' .1 id lllll'l h,· tl·dr<m n ml'r thL· Ill'\! ,I\ Road Ne1ghhorho<xl \," 'l.·1.il 11n .1,f..t:d thr' \\eLI-. iL'r al thl' L'\llt.'1he of 1x·ople \\ illl II\ L' d· ''L' h > lhl· "~t:h. '· • 1111 t:L' 1udµe l '.S. [)i,trict Court pa1ll'I 1n a letter to 1he All-.111 Br ~htnr l'\H. regarding "Aftl.'r !he (.1,t 1011 hik.:. \\l' i the nei!!hbor"hlx>tl L l\ ,,11d ('h.trhL· \ a'iliadL''· .1 nlL·111k1 llf llll' Ill i.:LI i llL''d,I\. 1he propo... al h) Massachuseth l"urnp 1f..e Authori- ll(lllLl'd ,11ump 1111r..11lic pee pie g t·l ~ng otf the l RI\\ .•111d <l lll' of tlH1,e \\ 110 -,1g.11L·d tilL' klll'r. \111011g. the d1,tnrh th.it'' ill need to Ix· 1wha\\ 11 0 1y board 111e1111-x:r Chri' I) l\1ilm.., to double the in P1~ L .ti b,i1 17 111 '\e ton or at t it: Ca111brid!.'L' L'\ll . 't Ill\\, \11111' ,llJhtllUL'llL') i,n't lh it\ .llL' 1h1hl' ol Rq1. H11.111 CJ\llden and RL'p. K t•\ 111 hound lolls at the Wc-.ton and Alhton Brighton \\L" toound and LUI ng throu !h th, it _ 1h•lr pe\lpk· "lh, Ii' L' 11' t ht: ,1,h11rh' · llPllall H111 I \\L'I\' ~I l.I\ ;11 l.1hk· rrn conllllL'nt at toll' 10 $2 each, while e11minat111g outbound tolls h< x ><.I .. 'aid Liane Brnndon. o thl' I R '\ \ "hu Cil) CPLiilL'llt11 .IL'I ., \kl kr111111t al"1 'l'lll a kt dL'. 1dillll' (lll11' alto!!ether. While l\l ihos feel' the 1110\ L' Lould re sp1 trh.:.1JL'd the lelk'r llll 1-x:hal ·of lll'r llL :..I 11\11·.., lL'r 111 hi' "" 11 h 1 l ur r p1h.,· Ch.11n11.111 \I all \l'llt'ld ' • I '>, !L' \\ il.i.111 <i,1h111 calkd thl' • ul 00 dUL't' congcst1011 on !Ill Pi"e. concl'l'llL'd rL''ldl'llh 111 1 1e <bl.. <iquare ~ffL'a ... , 1.1111 mllL'' 1 i Hnghhm \11111rdlP PPfX"lilg. ll'L' pl.111 ,111d he k.11, l'\,1Lll) Ilg .I lll,q1' del l,111(1 (IJ,1! 1(110\\' !hi\ ) L\11°' 0 fear 11 \\otild rt:sult 111 :et anotht:r 111crca-,L' 111 \\ha! h~l· c( lllllOll\\l'alth ,\\l'lllll' and \\,i-,hi11g.to11 the ,,une llL'!.!ali\L' L'llL'L'h 1•u1i11IL0 d h~ hi, l'Oll I li1u ... e L0 kL l1111 1' 111!(1 ii.I(\\ . \\ hik· a thrL'L'·Jlldg.L' A -B need-. least· lralliL'. ~lll'L't JU't got 'lammed "Hh 111 1111111ed1.1lL' 111 PIKE. oagc .:' REDISTRICTING, oage 2 t Online Art of fund raising toa for a good a use healthier local benefit shoH· and c mcert helps ENTERTAINMENT victilns of violence ii Israel lifestyle Brudnoy By Casey Lyons Re,ponting to a llood of aid By Kelly A. Collins CORR£ ,f reque-.h f m brae!. Ho,1on·, translates the For the pas! thrL>e year.... Je\.\1sh co nmunnie' ha\e ,111- In lhL· wake ot Burl!er K111 c <1nd 1hings in Israel hcl\e alternate­ ""'en.xl in 1-.ind. maf..1ng large r\tf..i ns lriendi) me11~1 anno~ncc Oscars ly worsened and improved. donation-. to Amem.:an-. for ments. lhl' South Beach diet cnve Beneath all till' poliucal ma­ Red ~ l og 1 Da\1d in (,1,1el ­ and lhL' contro\'er-,ial sto111.1ch­ neu,ering. the 4ucs11on" of .... SEE PAGE 17 tht: t'lJUI\ 1lent of !ht: ReJ 't.1pl 111µ procedure. a local nulri 1-i!!ht and \\roll!!. 'hould and Cros-. H "ever. <h '1oknce tioni't wanh dieters to kno" that sl~ould not. thcr~ are real peo­ m Israel has uinunued. so "eight loss d1~s not hm e to in pll' sulknng from the con-.e­ INSIDE have requ sl'> l\lr relief tund­ 'ol\ e 'uch dnNic measures. qul'llLC'> ol idl.'a" and politic.., mg. )ome hmg else had 10 be Nutntioni-,t and Bo-.ton Uni Commentary 11 larger than themsel\ e!-1. done. 'er-.il) prot'e'i'>or. Joan Salge For the member~ of greater u-.1ng a nel\rnrk ot tnends. Hl.11-.e 1' 1he maslcnnind behind Community Notes 5 Bo•.ton \ Je"" i-..h communi­ se\'eml i di\ iduals 111 1he till' 111tL·rac11vc. Weh-ha-.ed. "52 ties, it was nol a que-.tion of Boston ar 1 \.\ ere rurned on to S111al l Steps to Weight Los-. Crime 28 "hether or not to help. it wa.., a Pm a group in 'le\\ Jerse) 1hat or­ gram .. Her pl,111 COINS('> -.im­ que-.tion o f detennining the or Entertainment 17 ~ani1ed fu 1d-raismg concerts. Pavel Shkarin performs during a concert at the Temple Bnai pk and realistic changes in be'.'.t way!> 10 ra1 e relict aid Moshe on Sunday. The concert was to benefit victims of violence and spread it eflecti\ ely.
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