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Michaelmas 2001 Rbe35 08.09.2002 11:22 Uhr Seite 1 titel 08.09.2002 11:36 Uhr Seite 4 Newsletter from the Section for the Arts of Eurythmy, Speech and Music Michaelmas 2001 RbE35 08.09.2002 11:22 Uhr Seite 1 1 EDITORIAL Dear Readers, Since our last issue, a number of working conferences with new impulses have taken place. A special event was the Eurythmy Teachers Conference at Easter with many impressive per- formances by pupils. The participants returned to their work encouraged and refreshed. Sev- eral connections are beginning to be formed in the work between the Sections and the first conferences of a working together have taken place. For those involved in other areas, eury- thmy was a new experience and a help. The Eurythmy Summer Festival has just taken place. It brought to us the extensive palette of eurythmic activities of the present day and some painful surprises. To the request to think about a solution to the increasing costs of the Newsletter, we received a host of reactions. Almost everyone would like to keep it bi-annual, requesting shorter reports and succinct announcements. It is suggested that a price for regular subscription be made, and where necessary to grant a concession. Our next step: Announcements at most one column (half a side of A4); reports no longer than a side (A4, font: Times New Roman 12). Once again a request for those who do not pay, never- theless where possible to made a bank transfer using the enclosed form. In this issue we have had to shorten here and there. Those people whose contribution had to be postponed have often not been very pleased. Please help by concentrating on the essen- tials in all descriptions. In future we reserve the right to hold a contribution for publication at a later date. But please do report on everything with which you are involved at present and that is of interest to others, so that the Newsletter shows what is being worked on at the moment. Even a correspondence—like that between Julian Clarke and Hans Ulrich Kretschmer—can be very stimulating... A topical question with regard to the Christmas Plays receives plenty of space. Here pre- cisely eurythmists and speech artists are especially called on to help on the spot in order to find fruitful solutions. Please note in the announcements the events of the Section taking place at the Goetheanum—and do note down the dates! With all best wishes for the Michaelmas and Christmas seasons. PS A message from the administrative side of the Newsletter. Johanna Wildberger will be leaving us at Christmas in order to concentrate on completing her eurythmy training. We are grateful for her active help during the last three years. Corrections to RB 34 para 3, l.6, for ‘leads the limbs’ read ‘leading the limbs’. p.14, col.1, 7 lines from bottom, del. ‘is’. p.41 6 lines from bottom, for ‘light waht’ read ‘light on what’. p.16 bottom col. 2, del. ‘to’ – this was a gremlin. p.42 end of article, for ‘painting’ read ‘drawings’ (definitely p.18 para 1, l.5, for ‘essentail’ read ‘essential’. a gremlin). p.20 half-title, for ‘Steier’s’ read ‘Steiner’s’ (split your sides). p.118 anonymous: l.6 for ‘recipeints’ read’ recipiants’ p.34 para 1, l.4, for ‘if’ read ‘in’. l.7 del. ‘to’. p.39 l.16 for ‘by body’ read ‘my body’. To RB 32, Easter 2000: p.39 6 lines from bottom, for ‘into two’ read ‘in two’. p. 82, the mural of Aquinas and Albertus is in the Albertinus, p.40 l.6 del. ‘of the’, read ‘pathway of the will’. Fribourg, Switzerland RbE35 08.09.2002 11:22 Uhr Seite 2 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Recollections of the Leadership of the Sec- On the Foundation Stone by Rudolf Steiner tion 1991 - 2001 ( V. Sease) . 4 (Chr. Custer and E. Froböse) . 33 What is the difference between art on an West-East Aphorisms by Rudolf Steiner anthroposophical basis and art brought Cosmic Word – human Word – about on a normal traditional manner ascending Word . 7 (S.-I. Atwood) . 35 The Mysteries of Ephesus, the Categories of Aristotle, Rosicrucianism of the Middle Stage Forum Ages and Eurythmy (Th. Göbel) . 36 Correspondence between two commit- Thoughts on the strivings and experiments ted musicians on ‘Style and Colours towards a united work of art in Music Eurythmy’ (E. Göbel) . 8 (J. Clarke - H.-U. Kretschmer) . 40 ‘welch schönes Jenseits ist in deinen Staub Character and Conduct in GA 278 gemalt...’ (‘what a beautiful beyond is Criteria for Art (Part 1) (A. Stott) . 45 painted into your dust [butterfly wings]...’) (J. Oberndörfer) . 10 ‘Eurythmy at School’ – impressions from Reports the Easter Conference 16th–20th April, 2001 (S. Hagemann / K. B. Kux / H. Sound Circle Eurythmy, Seattle Daniel / A. Kaminski) . 11 (D.-M. and G. Monasch) . 55 Eurythmy in Las Palmas in the Canary Work with Russian Eurythmy in Finland Islands (G. v. d. Akker) . 14 (R. Ojanperä) . 57 Impressions from the Eurythmy Festival An Initiative for the further training of 2001: Seeing – Experiencing – Doing the teachers in Eurythmy Schools Eurythmy (A. Stott / D. Hardorp / (N. Ringel) . 59 C. Süper-Bäschlin) . 14 Assistant Director of the Eurythmy-Ensem- ble at the Goetheanum (R. Malmus) . 60 Fundevogel Eurythmie-Theater Wien: Articles New Developments (E. Reepmaker) . 62 Visit of a State Commission to the Eurythmy The Foundation Stone – a poetic work of Training in The Hague (H. Daniel) . 63 the will! (B. Schüpbach) . .20 Eurythmy Therapists in Japan form a The Relationship of the Three Qualities of Network (Y. Kaneko) . 64 Space, Part 3 (R. Bock) . 21 First meeting of eurythmists in Japan Rudolf Steiner and the planetary music (Y. Kaneko) . 65 (U. Göbel) . 24 Russian Exchange – Camphill Eurythmy, Notes on the consonants from the point Botton (Y. Kroon, M. Polito) . 67 of view of speech (D. Hartmann) . 30 Music and Eurythmy Conference on The ‘round dance’ of the arts as a way for Lebensgefüge der Musik by Wilhelm eurythmist and musician to practise a Dörfler (Chr. Göbel) . 67 working together (H. Glitsch) . 32 Music and Healing – the Cambridge Music Conference 2001 (A. Stott) . 68 RbE35 08.09.2002 11:22 Uhr Seite 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Speech is Transition – Artistic Speech Con- Lasse Wennerschou, Die Eurythmiefiguren ference (M. Pinnow) . 70 in Bild und Wort neu entdeckt (‘The Conference for Speakers and Actors Eurythmy Figures freshly discovered Theme: ‘The Relationship between in picture and word’) . 98 Gesture of Soul and Speech’ Compositions for Music Eurythmy (M. v. d. Himst) . 71 by Volker Dillmann . 99 Feedback from the participants of the Dora Gutbrod School (E. Pascali) . 75 Recitation and Declamation – Further Readers letters Training Seminar for Artistic Speakers in The Hague Report on the Christmas plays from the (M. v. Asperen, M. v. d. Himst) . 76 York Cycle (Chr. Maurer) . 100 Letter of Irmgard Schnabel . 100 Renewing the Christmas Plays Obituary (E. Jenaro) . 101 Why are the Christmas Plays Inge Schwarz (B. Parker) . 77 performed? (M. Karutz) . 104 Requests on the contents of the Newsletter from Annemarie Ehrlich . 109 Conferences of the Section . 78 Notes on the indications for style for the cultural epochs, reported by T. Kisseleff (B. Schreckenbach) . 110 Announcements Miscellaneous – Eurythmy . 79 – Speech . 90 Eurythmy and Motherhood – Music . 93 (E. D. Worel) . 111 – Puppetry . 94 ‘The Zodiac’ painted by Elena Zuccoli – Miscellaneous . 94 (Carmen Starck) . 114 The Circle of Fifths for eurythmists, painted according to Rudolf Steiner’s Biographical Report indications . 114 Reasonably priced Eurythmy Dresses Letter from Ralph Kux to his brother needed in Schools in various joyful Willy Kux, written 20th Feb., 1926 . 95 colours . 114 Letter from Hans Dackweiler . 115 Kaesbach Tanzschuh . 115 Publications The Soul-Journey of a 17-year-old Austrian poet – Robert Hamerling’s prose work Atlantis, published for the first time (A. Hitsch) . 97 IAO and the Eurythmy Meditations by Werner Barfod . 98 RbE35 08.09.2002 11:22 Uhr Seite 4 4 Recollections of the Leader- that a thematic overview of our work might ship of the Section 1991 - 2001 emerge. Since the various conferences usu- ally took into account the preceding year this Virginia Sease overview will address each area separately. The following report represents an effort Of course, in each conference numerous to summarize some of the themes which contributions – artistic and in lecture form – each field of the Section took up during the also came from other people which unfortu- past ten years. In the preparatory groups nately would exceed the scope of this more which worked with me for planning and personal recollection. implementing each Conference often the Theme of the Year for the members work in Conferences for Musicians the General Anthroposophical Society stood Die Lage der musikalischen Kunst im Okkul- behind our specialized Section work. The tismus der Gegenwart: östliche und west- members of these preparatory groups, who liche Strömungen hinsichtlich der 8. are members of the First Class of the School Sphäre. The Situation of Music within of Spiritual Science, realized their task for Occultism Today; Eastern and Western the Section with commendable conscien- Streams in their Relationship to the 8th tiousness, competence and loyalty; there- Sphere. fore I wish first of all to express my deep grat- Die Musik in apokalyptischer Zeit. Music in itude to them, but also for every eurythmist, an Apocalyptic Age. speech artist, actor, musician and puppeteer Todesprozesse und Auferstehungskräfte in who participated with us both in attendance der Musik. Processes of Death and Forces as well as in actively supporting the efforts of of Resurrection in Music. the Section. Komponisten im amerikanischen Exil ab During the early years of the ’nineties we dem Jahr 1933.
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