Men's! Suit Sale

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Men's! Suit Sale > ,*v ' ■ '"> ' ' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1966 H ie W< Rain early with inow and aleet' M n. Dondd tkaiy Win ka. 0b> 'eoatamd, with Oia work bafnt Idpsr and Carl Silver, all . em­ the gueat speaker. Eds topie eras changjng to m a t o m i linataw portrayod Iqr’ ^ Pratt and Rec Dance Set • ployee iol ■ the Racreatioa Dtvl- "Toib- CUld Bi Different?” Momot GOOSE SERVICES 14,577 80-3S; ckrndy, windy, V!pt WUtney Bnglneerinc dagraa *m» areas wnere chUdnn _ M3-9249 mornnv, higli $0^65. ^‘ilpii'V lavN ir <K jwHii ttoth- raendaliip Lodge of Masons taam. Worshipful Brothar Kr> At West Side Thoee attending the denee a n different. “Dr. Tenney eatd, Mmdtmtmr—A City of ViOmg9 Charm iy-f. are rsmlhded to come neatly ‘‘an in phyaicai makeup, men­ BeBon, AiMhner * A Dfll u M t fVUUtr at srin meet at the lOasonic Tem­ nest OorWn, p u t master, will The Recresthm and Park De­ ple tomorrow nlgM at 7:M. The preside. ntUrfd,' preferably In acbool- tal growth, emotional develop­ BORUB BBXPBN SERVICES MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1966 w P«ca 17) PRICE SEVEN t:i* |t«B. at tM houa of Mza. partment wffl spouor a Jbmhw V0ULZXXV»NO.81 (TWENTY R A M ) Itfakaa OoogliHn, 40 d jn le Rd. Master Mason degree WIU be type clothea. ment end social development" High School iDance frtd ay from CPS»OM~IAPMDl«Pro — --- ■Am Percy Bmitfa Circle of South He eald that it is important to INFORMATION S eP ^ I T ^ Y — TMMnWgjDnW Methodist Church will meet to­ 7:8p to 8(80 p.m. ad the West understand “that ebUdrsn need REOIBTBATIONS — UCBNIBW — Slda {^creation Center. P o ^ independence and most build TIB e x c h a n g e —■ WANDERER’S MAIL SERVICE i m o i t 9 9 night a* 8 at the home of Mrs. Child Difference nilBfUltST THURS. A.M. t il PJKl. Robert Knight, 83 Eva Dr. lar recorda win euppty nmsic decision-making powen earty VACATKW HCmB AND FARM WATOHBR Why ‘65? Members are reminded to in life.” He said we cannot HOME niipiN O 8ERV10B for dailcing. Sp^ker’s Topic BIRTH CBBTUftCATES FOCNP HARTFORD .(AP) — H bring project gifts for Newing­ The dance ie open to Junior change the basic pattern of a VACATION HOVSEKEEPIS you are among the thoua- Viet Cong Terrorists :M ton HomUtal for Crippled Chil­ high students with Recr^tlon ktajor areas of individual child and that we want differ­ OPEN AND CLOSE HOMES FOE VACA’n OJngtS enda who keep miadating dren. D epartm ^ inemberahtp cards. differences in children were ences to exist. "Panots,” he SERVICE BFD BOXES — CLEANINQ OF HOpSES, lattere and checks 1965 in­ C a^ ere available at the pointed out to about so parents said, "should take a positive at­ STORES, ATTICS a n d e m W ^ • three Manchester recreation titude and should direct but not TELEPHOKNE ANSWERING — $1R08 PER MONTH stead of 1986, you might Manchester Jaycee Wives and 'teachers last night at a want to know why. * -I will meet tonight at 8 at the centers in & may be purcfaased lose eight of the individual dif- BCBRim RRMOVAL — 8SA8 PER MONTO before or on the night Of the meeting of Sqdth School PTA fennees in their children.** PAINT BRUSH AND SILVERWARE lAUNDBY Transit Thla Is what Dr. John home of Mrs. Michael Ld'nch, HOSPITAL COURIER — CAB CHAUFFERING Donnelly, peychlatrist - in • Hebron Rd., Rolton. New mem­ dance., ■ at the school. Dr. Henry C. Ten­ Mrs. Robert Liarmett SM m m YDHK (AF) — Mayor ney, eupervisor of elementary Mrs. John Telgener were in Inm WEEKLY 8HOPPINO TO TOWN chief at the Inetltute of Liv­ Twice in Saigon bers will be presMited at the SupwTlsors on duty for the t e m p o r a r y e m p l o y m e n t BUREAU Mbn ,V. UDdHiy rn ^ rtad to ing, haa^o say: "A Chicken In Every Pof" meeting. dance are Mrs. Robert Ndl, education at Central Connecti­ charge of refreshments at a LAWN MAINTENANCE Chicken is one of the most advertised specials, but you Robert J*arlaeau, Kenneth Ven- cut College, New Britain, was social time after the program. New Toikeni that aubway and "People concentrate on the seldom see mentioned where they come from or the sise. bM iM ke .nagoliaMona moved day and month, and by the Mandiester Power. Squadron w e could g rt chicken to sell for less, but we are convinced ahead hi “food SUth” bargain­ end of a year it becomes au­ thht Grade A, State of Maine, Penobscot fresh chickens are will have a course in seaman­ ing wMch reeeoaad earty M ay. tomatic to write 1965, or wbrth a few pennies more per Urd. ship tonight from 7 to 8 at whatever year it was." Bombs Kill - Manchester High SchooL tlM But be oauUoned that the {ub- Nc ttU “nniet sweat X out" un- And in case you’re wor­ course la open to members and ried, the psychiatrist says P — o b s c B f — Stot» off Mohw — Grado A ta BctMemeiit of the abc-day-old prospective members of tb » Men's Famous Make All Wool fltrfko. there Is no real psychological One, Injure ftovniin—f Gradod — FiMh 3Va l>. squadron. Heavy otomtag min oompU- problem connected with the oated already diflicidt trane- misdating. Seven More St. Mary's EJpiseopal Church HOUSE portatton proUenui tor the etty’e , "Tliere’s no problem, that will c^ebrate the Feast o t the woik force of 8.8 mauen. is, . unless somelxxly is still SAIGON, South V iet CHICKENS Bipiphany tomorrow with three SPORT .The city laid a new money writing 1965 in the middle of Nam (AP)—V ie tC o ^ te ^ services at 6 and 10 am . and after on the table during a mar­ JiUy," he said. 7 p.m. athon nifht aesaion which broke rorists struck twice in Sai­ up at 3 a.m., but the parUee gon tonight, exploding :E The Church Council of Cen­ GROUP I woutd not aay what It wae. State News powerful Claymore mine at 3 9 i ter Congregational Church will HAI.E There had been a lIRT-inllllon the military airport’s main have a budget meeting tomor­ Main Street—'Manchester Regularly $40. gap in n^utM lng poaSlen* for gate and a bomb at a police SPLIT — CTJT — WH(M^ row at 8 p.m. in the Federation a two-year klior oohtraot cover­ substation across town. AIX AT SAME liOW PBICB Room a t the church. ■■ I ing 84,400 tranatt woikrs. Last Section Averaging flA7 per Bird Among casualties were This else roasts to perfeotloni Included are our famous Clipper Craft brand. Variety of j Lindeay also dieclooed that he four U.S. servicemen, had coneultod wtth Seoreihry of Farms Owe $7.9 Billion OPEN luxury imported fabrics, Regulars, shorts and longs, 86-46.! Of Route 91 slightly wounded. Lnbor W. TVaianl Wirtz, but One Vietnamese was killed PENOBSCOT GRADE A THURSDAYS wOUklnot dleeioee the ndwtanoe WASHINGTON — Farmers TILL and three were Injured in SOeCTED LARGE LARGE and farm cooperatives (rwned of their talk. Is Opened first such outbreak Of the iMW nearly 8810 million in capital 9 P.M. "We have inherited a decade year. It come shortly after U'.B. stock in the farm credit sys­ of unanswered queatienB in NEW HAVEN (AP) — Gov. briefing officers reported ailied tem at the end of fiscal 196S. GROUP II tnunlt opernttoM,” the mayor John N. Dempeey opened the troops and planea had knocked The credit plan had $7.0 bUlion said. He refused to daborate. final 18-mtle link of Intersbate out hidden Viet Gang inatalla- in loans outstanding. likidsay said that vdiile away taghway 91 today with an ap- tions in three widely separated Regularly $25. 19.88 froni the Americana Hotel nego- peai to all motorlats to drive areas of South Viet Nam over tiattng room, he wqidd keep in safely. the preceding 48 hours. lib touch by Mephone with the OompleUca of the new road U.S. M arhue added another DOLLAR DIVIDEND Our best selling “Stewart Douglas” brand. Choice of tweeds, progroee of talke between the now makes it possible for a hidden installation by kcMdent Transit Authority and the two motorist to travel from New solids, muted plaids. Regulars, shorts and longs, 86-46. today in destroytog two tone ot ANNOUNCED BY striking AFL-CaO oiganizatlona, York a ty to Maine on limited- Viet Cong rice at the hamlet oC FRESH CHIX LIVERS .....................Ib. 69e ths , ^SBUeport Workers UtUon access superhlghwayB. KNiniNC MILL Vinh Boch, 18 mllea southwest (Bee Page Eight) The last stretch runs 18.8 of Da Nang. A grenade toeeed Eerii Is a good biiy this wook and wo wiR hewo miles between a junction with into the rice set off an anunu- Customers to Reoelva the Connecticut Turnpike In New Tondoreiiro, Loon Coniod Booff, Frosh Spororlbs Unexpected Benefits nlticm cache ccmcealed beneath yor Haven and an interchange with It and the resulting explosi<»s and Fofli Tondor O and Pot Roost. ROCKVILLB, Conn.—Roose­ 7 Dead, 16 Hurt Route 6A in Meriden. and fira cleaned np the whole velt Mills, one of New England’s The opening of the last sec­ Vietnamese family searches through ruins of their home near police station in village, untenanted a t the thnoi. MISS IOWA 9 k largest manufacturers of sweat­ In Hotel Fire tion will allow buses, trucks and Saigon.
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