The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Senate Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 4:30 PM – HUB 310

Respectfully submitted by Senate Secretary Alex Gwozda

I. Committee Meetings

II. Call to Order

Hala called the meeting to order at 5:07 PM.

III. Approval of the Agenda

Jon moved to table R-13-7 in support of Up Til Dawn for one week. Seconded .

Rob Barnum-Reece objected.

Jon said the sponsor asked him to table if she was not present.

Objection withdrawn.

Stephanie moved to table OA-13-4 and OA-13-2 for one week. Seconded. Without objection.

Cullen moved to move Presidential Privilege before public forum. Seconded. Without objection.

John Naughton moved to place R-13-9 directly to the floor after R-13-8 and to have them seen concurrently. Seconded. Without objection .

Jarrad Fjelstad moved place R-13-12 onto the agenda under new business as first business as a. Seconded. Rob objected.

Jarrad said it’s time sensitive.

Rob withdrew his objection.

Alex Kim asked if it has gone through committee.

Jarrad said yes, passed favorably.

Hala asked for a committee report later.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – , WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Jon Solomon moved to R-13-10 as item d., the last item under new business. Seconded. Without objection.

Rod asked if the OA’s are tabled.

Hala said yes until next week.

Jono moved to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Stephanie . Without objection.

IV. Presidential Privilege

Cullen said Friday morning he went down to Olympia with Bryce and discussed the conduct code. He said Ed Murray will introduce a bill in the Senate and follow it aggressively.

Bryce said the speaker of the house will introduce it to the house. He said when the speaker signs onto the legislation it is a big deal, and he has a lot of power in Olympia.

Cullen said we have the opportunity to develop a workgroup for deciding what is best for students under weather circumstances. And do everything we can to present our interests. And he wants everyone to be part of this conversation.

Lincoln Johnson said he’s also involved in conduct code issue. He said the UW is being pressed by Olympia and the neighborhood to address certain behaviors. He said it’s important for the UW to communicate the responsibility for being a good citizen. He said at the same time there is a political dynamic. He said clearly the UW is not doing the educational aspect. He said it’s a challenge to balance the needs of the UW and the students and the regents and the people in the neighborhood. He we’re just now trying to get questions drafted.

Cullen said they have informed residents that they should contact proper authorities first, and the only offense that would be reported to UW would be one harmful to life in the university. He explained in detail the written notification and due process that students go through, including written notifications at first. He said also if a person gets multiple citations, then the UW receives the citation, and invitations to mediation and resolution will be sent. If the student chooses to accept, nothing would happen. If the student declined at the 2 nd citation, the code would apply and the due process would happen. Cullen said he wants comments in by next Monday. He said they’re meeting next Tuesday, and meeting with Speaker of the House Chopp and Bryce within a week.

Lincoln said there are many misconceptions about what the student conduct code is among students. He said many are afraid of an automatic kick-out of the university. He said the administration is on several tight timelines. He said it’s now Jan 31 st for a final decision. He said they’re having a discussion about it this Thursday night. He urged us

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII not to put it off until the last 15 minutes of the meeting, since this will be important for years to come.

Cullen asked about peer review process.

Lincoln said students are given the option of another process. He said the majority do an informal hearing with administrative review.

Erin Shields asked to what extent legislators, especially Ed Murray , know that no students have been implicated in the recent violence. She asked about the perceptions in Olympia, and about not retaliating against students but protecting them.

Bryce joked that improper motivation is a reason to pass legislation all the time. He said many legislators think it’s students involved with violence.

Cullen said they’re more concerned about parties bringing people into the U District.

Lincoln said that legislators need to know for a fact that the students are not causing the behavior, and the neighbors are aware. He said right now it’s difficult.

Rob Barnum -Reece asked if Ed Murray’s legislation last year was binding to all institutions of higher learning.

Cullen said he would more aggressive and more broad and sweeping. He said last year’s did not address conduct code specifically.

Lincoln said last year it would be to establish presence of a conduct code.

Rob asked if it would impact all Washington state.

Cullen said it impacts all Washington state, but we’re the only university without a conduct code surrounding campus.

Bryce said we don’t know for certain that it would pass, and they have not seen a bill draft. He said we don’t know if it’s specifically UW. He said some of the other UW administrators at other universities have asked him what is happening.

Tim Shigeta asked about last year’s legislation.

Lincoln said it didn’t get out of committee. He said the UW was just beginning to discuss with community.

Rod said the conduct code implies how discipline will be taken. He said then there’s a general code that outlines behavior. He said he’s curious how the change would impact undertaking political demonstrations or civil disobedience.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Cullen said it would not, and that is one protection. He said that is why he is asking for input.

Jono Hanks said it seems odd that we’re creating a system that only applies to us. He said he’d call the cops, and he wouldn’t call a culprit’s work to complain. He said it should not affect their life outside where they live, and he asked why we’re doing this.

Cullen said that is the issue and that is how he feels.

Sameer asked Bryce how many other public UW’s have in their legislative agendas to combat this in the lobby days.

Bryce said he has not read the full other leg agendas, but the summaries.

Adriana Hillard asked what actions members of the North of 45 th have taken in working with police or otherwise.

Lincoln said now they are beginning to more actively lobby the mayor’s office, and the people who set the land use policies. He said they are contacting SPD and UWPD. He said the 911 call was not always gotten to by the police since they take a low priority. He said there were 3 other violent crimes that night, so the shooting got pushed down in priority. He said they are for the first time ever willing to have a conversation with the university.

Hala thanked Cullen , Lincoln , and Bryce . She said they would get that information out soon, and encouraged senators to get feedback soon.

Cullen said next Wednesday commuter morning coffee time

V. Public Forum: Jill Anger, UWAA, Career Discovery Week

Jill said she works in student programmers and this year s the 8 th year that we are cosponsoring career discovery week. She encouraged. She said the kickoff is a showing of Office Space on Thursday. She was curious if anyone has questions.

A Career Discovery Week representative asked for an example of people who have benefited from it.

A Career Discovery Week representative said it’s one of the greatest opportunities. Said there’s 120 different sessions. She said she attended the technical communications sessions, and she saw three professionals. And he one was the top professional in the area. She said networking is one of the top priorities in finding a job, and it is essential,

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII and he encourages us to check it out. She said it’s for anyone from a freshman trying to figure out, or alumnus trying to change the career.

She asked if she were not a senior, how she would benefit from it.

Jill said there’s something for anybody.

Adriana asked about free food.

Jill Anger said if they go to an entire session, they will get a free coupon at virtually every session for a Chipotle burrito. She said there are 120 opportunities. She said also Tully’s Coffee will give coupons for a new Mate Latte. She said Thursday 7pm HUB theater is the Office Space. She said coupons will also be handed out then. She encouraged students to pass around these burritos.

V. Public Forum: Bryce McKibben, Student Lobbyist

Bryce said he’ll try to take a little less than 10 minutes and he will take questions.

He said for the past 2.5 weeks he’s been in Olympia promoting the legislative agenda.

He said the first week is the training at the Washington Student Lobby, and he said he does work collectively with the other four-year institutions in Washington. He said they learn the basics and sign all the legislation to get to the capital building. He said he moved to Olympia during winter break. He said he also got to see the swearing in ceremony. State of the state was last Tuesday by the governor and outlined priorities. He said the governor’s number one priority is education. He said both K-12 and higher learning were in her speech.

Bryce said the meetings we have been having are so far with 17 legislators, and the WSL has met with 34, and he’s met with minority and majority leaders in house and senate, and more. He said the governor’s policy people for higher education. He said he met with Gregoire with the WSL people. He said they had an exchange about what we want to do as far as providing funding and working with us. He said he has two opportunities to testify with recordings on the trends of declining aid support and increasing tuition. He said financial aid needs to support both the middle class and lower class. He said the trend between tuition rates and financial aid gap is done by the same percent, but aid’s a smaller amount to start with, so the gap is rising.

Bryce said following policy points: 1) the first priority is the budget. He said it’s for 2007-2009 where they decide the appropriations for the next two years, and set priorities. He said he wants the state pay more of the tuition. He said he has to work with the administrative lobbyist and fight for: a) classroom renovations, left out of governor’s proposal

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII b) UW tower – he said he needs state support moving communications technology, and have funds to move those before making room for classrooms c) undergrad experience; have to have money for advising and mentoring and career planning. He said it was a big priority for students, probably number one. And it’s not the best outcome that students’ requests were not met in that area. d) tuition – he said the governor proposed the 7% increase cap, and he said 5% is used at other universities He said in 11 years tuition would double again. He said course availability and class sizes are huge right now, because there is not enough faculty. He said those are the kinds of improvements we want to see. He said that conversation is going well and he will follow up more.

2) conduct code. He said personally he thinks that the best solution is a campus one. He said he hopes we can invest resources in having this be a positive outcome. He said at this point we do not be distracted from issues of budget and tuition. He said whatever the students decide we will carry out the decision and follow up on that issue.

3) textbooks – He said that is live. He said the textbook bill last year is being implemented but that issue is not dead in that legislature. And there might be a sales tax holiday, but is being killed by the chair because it’s complicated. He said there’s a proposal for a textbook rebate.

4) electronic voter registration – He said last year they passed a LD in support of this, and added to legislative agenda to this year. He said it will probably pass, and it’s pretty simple. He said the signature comes from the driver’s license.

5) financial aid – they are looking at what the Governor can do, like using a low-interest loan program, and he reminded Senate that the interest rates have increased. He said we’re looking at eligibility of the state need grants. He said $60K for family of four is the median. He said up to that there would be some sort of assistance, and that would require significant new state investments.

6) civil rights – he said there’s one marriage equality and domestic policy bill that would provide a system of legal rights for domestic partnership, informed consent, funeral arrangement, property arrangements. But it does not allow 423 other rights that the state confers, like right of spousal privilege. He said that may be able to be altered.

7) childcare issue – he said one solution is to provide matching funds from the state. He said students here pay for slots for children of students. He said a lot of that goes to faculty and staff.

Rod asked if they can extend question time.

Hala said yes, that is possible, but she suggested touching base with Bryce afterwards.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Bryce encouraged questions.

Rod Palmquist asked if the ECCT renovation funding been talked about.

Cullen said current the governor’s budget has fulfilled the entirety of small capital projects.

John Naughton asked about transportation and possible effect on commuters. He asked about SR-520 and other projects that would impact UW students.

Bryce said House and Senate committees have not really addressed that. He said 520 has not come up yet.

VI. Chair’s Report

Hala congratulated all on their active participation and turnout in the campus community. She said we also got coverage in the daily on the front page. He said this quarter is the time to move into Senate spotlight and speak up for issues that you care about, and take back what you heard from president Emmert and think about how it affects you, and write legislation about that. He said there have been many legislative submissions. He said Cullen mentioned ECCT funding. She said senate officers are more than willing to help you. She encouraged all to find out what their houses and residence halls say.

Hala said our organic acts last year including overwhelmingly passing a ballot measure that gave senate the ability to vote 3/4 on making an amendment to the ASUW Constitution. He said this took a long time from the first senate reform taskforce over three years ago, and now it is on the books. She said we still need to discuss a system through which this will take place. She said it’s been on our plate since the beginning of the year, and we’ve had a lot of internal conversation about this, and she said now it’s before Senate and students at large. She said OA-13-2 and OA-13-4 will be discussed side-by-side. She said after Senate it will be discussed at the board level. And she said it will take Senate to see it through. She said this year we have a board that is very active in participating with Senate. She said we most certainly have past Senate chairs to thank for working so hard for making Senate to be respected that involves more students, and some of the past chairs were not paid. She encouraged senators to continue the democratic process and have great debates on this.

VII. Committee Chair Reports

Jono said in FAA they discussed R-13-13 asking for a taskforce to look at rules regarding snow day. He said it will be on second readings next week, and there was some discussion about amendments in committee, and it looks like there is support.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Stephanie said Campus discussed R-13-11 in support of ECCT renovations and Tyson came to speak about that. She said they also discussed R-13-8.

Jessica Kang said Academic Affairs discussed R-13-8 and R-13-9 along with general discussion around the Student conduct Code.

Selma said General Affairs looked at R-13-12, and passed it unanimously favorably.

Melissa of Off-Campus discussed R-13-9 and passed it to the floor unanimously with no recommendation.

Jon Solomon said Publicity and Outreach discussed R-13-10, and passed it unanimously favorably, and got info about the hopefully upcoming senate social and contact with academia apparel in getting shirts or something for Senate.

Charles said they need seat petition forms for RSO’s. He said he also sent everyone an email to everyone he needed to get one in. He said Tuesday of next week is when they are due, and the rules that are binding, but he does not want to remove any RSO’s.

Charles the day before Valentine’s Day Senate leadership will be auctioned off to be someone’s date for the evening, and then lobby day is the next day.

Charles said the survey was emailed earlier today asking for feedback on the new senator orientation.

Hala said the first three people to fill out the survey get coffee on her.

VIII. Board of Directors Report

Sam said he was auctioned off last quarter, and it was excellent.

Sam presented the following according to script:

“ CALENDAR ON ASUW WEBSITE ASUW CALENDAR Couple of events were sent in, but more is better!

SEND ME YOUR EVENTS!! … and let your constituencies know about the calendar too.



Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Basically, one rad night at the HUB. Thursday, Jan 25 th , 9pm-1am, HUB, Guitar Hero 2 Brawl at the Crawl (RainyDawg) Bowling Mocktail Bar Comedy & Improv Carnival Food, Music, and Prizes!!!!

CONCERT: If I have to get up here and do some tracks from Lupe’s album to get you excited, I will…

Wednesday, Jan. 30 1st , 7pm, HUB Ballroom, $14 UW / $18 General Lupe Fiasco with Common Market, Choklate, Massive Monkees, Gabriel Teodros, Dyme Def

WINTER POWWOW Saturday, January 27, 2007 Volunteers contact [email protected]


Chrissy Jordan explained the Celebrate your Body Week, and said tomorrow is a yoga workshop.

Angelena Crown said the committee will be from 4:30-5:30 Monday. She said Sex Singles are an interactive event that will come. He said if anyone’s interested SARVA week planning committee email [email protected] .

Sam said to email [email protected] about the winter Pow-Wow.

Erin said they increased the employee hours and pay for Josh the tech guy who has a really important job. They also created a Fair Trade Coffee taskforce, for which their will be liaison nominations this meeting. He said they allocated funds to swing kids for winter dance. He said hopefully Jon Evans will send out goals to Hala . She said there

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII is a board of directors meeting this week. He said at 12:10-2:10 about academic and student affairs, and then there is a regular board meeting.

Erin said that there will probably be an invite-only event with senate chairs for the Senate Cubed challenge. She passed out the dates and times of the other senate meetings. She said the childcare issues meeting will start its first meeting 10:00-11:30 AM location to be decided, and she will write up more details for board of regents meeting.

GPSS Report

Melissa Aar said Yutaka Jono was very sick, and they spent all day digging out invasive blackberries in the snow for Martin Luther King Day. She said at the last GPSS meeting there was a resolution in support of a seat of the commission for Asian Pacific Islanders. She encouraged other underrepresented groups to contact the GPSS secretary for a GPSS senate seat.

Nominations for Fair Trade Coffee Taskforce

Erin said the goals are to look at the amount of fair trade currently being served at the Late Night Coffee Shop at By George. She said there will probably only be a couple meetings, and then submit recommendations. She said no more than 4-5 weeks total. She said they will find out if that is the most they can be doing, and see if we can promote more efforts.

Jono asked why it’s only By George, since others serve fair trade.

Erin said the Atrium and Suzzallo and Parnassus and some other serve fair trade. She said ASUW created By George and invested heavily in it, and it would be a great place to start, as it was an investment. She said they’re doing it on a café-by-café basis.

Doug McManaway nominated Tim Shigeta . Declined .

Stephanie nominated James Ypma . Accepted .

Jono Hanks nominated Salil Mathur. Declined .

Nominations closed.

Old Business


Hala entertained a motion to dispense of readings.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

A senator moved. Rob seconded. Without objection.

Erin reviewed the legislation.

Max moved to close debate. Stephanie seconded. Rod objected.

Jono asked about question marks corrupting the file.

Alex Gwozda said those were fixed.

Debate closed.

Passed unanimously.

Travis Grandy asked about organizing a presentation ceremony.

Erin said we spoke about that Senate steering, and talked about inviting him for the next senate meeting in case there were amendments for today. She said it might be during chair’s report. She said she is also forwarding as per That clauses.

New Business


Hala said Selma would give the committee recommendation and amendments overview.

Jarrad gave first readings.

Selma said General Affairs committee sent this to the floor favorably and unanimously, and one amendment was grammatical, and the other was the addition of the That clause to forward to Congressional members.

Jarrad said it’s coming on the floor this week. He said right now subsidized Stafford loans (subsidized are primarily for low-middle income students) and it would lower the student loan interest rates gradually over – rate at 3.4% by 2011. He said besides tuition the interest rates on debt acquired via loans are another major cause of debt. He said it aligns well with our legislative agenda.

Travis Grandy moved to suspend the rules and move to second readings. Seconded. Without objection.

Second readings begins.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Tim Shigeta moved to close debate. Seconded. Travis Grandy objected.

Hala called division.

20-14-7 did not receive 2/3rds.

Alex Kim said subsidized loans to his knowledge means forgiveness of interest. He said it’s not looking at unsubsidized loans and loans outside the federal government that banks can provide. He said it’s only the tip of the iceberg and makes this bill even more pertinent and necessary. He said it’s a chance for everyone to go back to their constituencies and discuss this issue. He said it’s a national issue, the more people are aware, the more pressure perhaps we can put to Congress. He applauded the sponsor for bringing it up. He encouraged tabling the resolution until next week after talking with constituents.

Doug McManaway said he was concerned about reducing drastically over a period of time the interest rates, and the legislators in congress might be looking for money elsewhere. He asked for impact on unsubsidized Stafford or other loans.

Jarrad said he did not know of a big effect, although he admitted he is not an expert on student loans.

Travis McCoy said the way they are paying for it is by raising the fees for private loans being granted. He said there is some question as to whether it’s zero sum, because they’re no longer providing more money on private loans.

Amanda said one of the bigger pieces is getting rid of the unsubsidized private Stafford loans.

Jarrad said suggesting the tabling would be unfortunate since the vote is tomorrow since we can use it as leverage against our representative, especially Reichert since we’re not sure where he’s at right now.

Jon Solomon moved to close debate. Seconded. Without objection.

Hala said there are 2 people on speaker’s list.

Debate closed.

Resolution passes unanimously.

R-13-8 First readings and R-13-9 simultaneously.

Melissa asked if there was a motion to consider at the same time.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Hala said yes, that was during the approval of the agenda.

Hala entertained motion to suspend rules and table R-13-9 until next week when there is a speaker.

Jon asked Cullen how pressing it is now.

Cullen said he really wants people to look over whether or not we as students are okay working with negotiation. He said it doesn’t’ matter which one comes first, and they need both considered by next Tuesday.

Erin asked if we could suspend rules and consider one at a time.

Rob moved to suspend rules to read R-13-9 next week. Seconded. Without objection.

R-13-8 First Readings

Cullen read first readings.

Melissa said in committee they discussed the limits of the expansion. She said there is a minority report by John Naughton proxied by Rob Barnum-Reece .

Rob said John objected based on it not being a just compromise and that objected to the expansion of the student conduct code philosophically.

Cullen said he also had a problem with it not having a focus on police support in that area.

Rob said they passed it because they know Cullen would meet with Ed Murray , and felt it was a fairly reasonable compromise: allowing discussion on student conduct code, and this was not an expansion that would limit civil liberties.

Cullen read the section of the legislation to clarify.

Alex Kim asked if that’s part of the legislation.

Cullen said yes.

Alex Kim said by the increasing surveillance that means responding to emergence.

Melissa said many committee amendments got lost.

Rob said it’s not a UW issue, but also city of Seattle issue.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Cullen said the people should not call UW but Seattle police department, and to have proper authorities handle these issues.

Erin said they would like the conduct code expanded to certain issues, but not to other issues. She asked about crimes falling between, like murder.

Cullen said they didn’t really talk about those, for instance drug related felonies are also not specified.

Erin asked if theft is included.

Cullen said it is classified as a misdemeanor.

Jono said there is a That clause supporting including student conduct in the area immediately surrounding them, and he asked what constitutes immediately.

Cullen said he wants the student body to talk about that.

Hala asked then if it is up to this body to discuss what the surrounding area means.

Cullen said yes, that is up for senate to decide here.

John Stevens asked about standing opinion of the body.

Cullen said it is vague and that is a problem.

Charles said standing opinion can change or stay the same over time.

Jon Solomon asked which standing opinion he was referring to.

John Stevens said it was R-10-6.

Katie Burns said certain things are targeting, and asked the purpose of having student hazing there.

Cullen said there was discussion about whether to include hazing, and he said a lot is covered under physical abuse. He said they changed it to a personal degradation under any circumstances.

Jono Hanks moved to end first readings. Seconded. Without objection .

Jon Solomon moved to adjourn with announcements. Seconded .

Erin asked about the next item on the agenda is R-13-10 about Lobby Day.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Sameer said it could be postponed for one week.

Erin objected to adjourning with announcements, in order to finish the agenda.

Sameer said he would like to have first readings if possible.

Motion to adjourn with announcements did not receive 2/3rds.

Hala encouraged senators to send out over listservs and come to meetings to know about student conduct code.

Cullen said it’s very important to get any comments, and it’s going to affect from here on out the UW. And it’s an opportunity to address a lot of problems and focus on what really matters, and he said right now he feels that’s not getting the attention it needs.

Hala encouraged senators to look at R-13-9 and other past legislation. She said they will be read simultaneously next meeting. She said the Daily and other publications will want to know what they think.


Sameer gave first readings.

Hala asked what committee it went through.

Jon said Publicity and Outreach passed it unanimously favorably.

Doug moved to end first readings. Seconded. Without objection.

First readings concluded.

Request for Information

No requests.



Adjourned at 7:05 PM.

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195 The Student Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Washington established 1994 Session XIII

Husky Union Building 104C – 206.543.1780 – [email protected] Box 352238 – Seattle, WA 98195