The world of the historian: “The 70th anniversary of Boris Petelin” Research DOI 10.23859/2587-8352-2018-2-2-2 UDC 94(430).086 Alexandr Ermakov Doctor of Historical Sciences, Docent Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University (Yaroslavl, Russia)
[email protected] ‘A blood czar of Franconia’: Gauleiter Julius Streicher Annotation. The article focuses on the political activities of Julius Streicher on his appointment as Gauleiter of Franconia. It shows the development of Streicher as a National Socialist and a radi- cal anti-Semite, the stages of his career in the Nazi Party of Adolf Hitler and his role in the hierar- chy of power of the Third Reich. The article analyses Streicher’s style of leadership and the specific events held in Franconia under his leadership, as well as the reasons for his resignation. Streicher's relations with Hitler and the main officials of the Nazi party have been studied in the research. Keywords: Julius Streicher, Gauleiter, National Socialism, Third Reich, dictatorship, anti- Semitism, corruption Introduction The Nazi party, based on the so-called Führerprinzip (German for ‘leader princi- ple’), needed leaders who had broad powers and took complete responsibility for the party policies in the regions. In 1925, the Nazi Party (NSDAP) revived and added new administrative units of the Third Reich, Gaue, which often preserved neither the borders of the countries nor the borders of the electoral districts. The territorial divi- sion of Hitler’s party coincided with the division of the country into electoral districts only in 1928 under the reform of the party regions. At the beginning of 1938, there were 33 Gaue in the German Reich, and by the end of the Second World War, due to the annexation of Austria, the Sudetenland, as well as Polish and French territories, this number increased to 431.