An Analysis of John Wansbrough's Theory

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An Analysis of John Wansbrough's Theory Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 237-244 Website: ISSN 2502-3489 (online) ISSN 2527-3213 (print) CRYSTALLIZATION OF THE QURAN: AN ANALYSIS OF JOHN WANSBROUGH’S THEORY Ahmad Sanusi Azmi Fakulti Pengajian Quran Sunnah, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. E-mail: _________________________ Abstract In the early nineteenth century, modern scholars started to explore materials of Quranic studies through the historical criticism approach. New arguments were presented in challenging the traditional account of the formation of the Quran with a various range of theory. It seems that the most radical assessment was demonstrated by John Wansbrough in his exceptional works ―Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural‖. The literary analysis which was used by John Wansbrough in his Quranic study discovered a new theory about the history of Quranic formatian. This article aims to explore the theory of late crystallization of the Quran as proposed by John Wansbrough. This study is a qualitative research uses the study of the comparative and textual analysis. The result study asserts that Wansbrough’s theory is a new discovery which given an impact and a new path in the Quranic studies. His conclusion is not accepted by all scholars. Some scholars regarded Wansbrough’s evidence that he used as an argument is not absolutely convincing. Keywords: Quran; criticism; John Wansbrough; crystallization. __________________________ Abstrak Pada awal abad kesembilan belas, sarjana moden telah mulai menggali bahan-bahan terkait kajian al-Qur’an melalui pendekatan kritik sejarah. Pelbagai argumen baru telah dilontarkan dalam menilai sejarah pembentukan dan penulisan Alquran. Salah satu penilaian serta kritik yang paling radikal telah dihasilkan oleh John Wansbrough melalui karyanya yang berjudul ―Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural”. Kajian kesusasteraan yang dilakukannya terhadap Alquran telah menghasilkan penemuan baru terkait sejarah pembentukan Alquran. Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji teori John Wansbrough tentang kristalisasi Alquran yang terbentuk melalui proses lama dan panjang. Kajian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis teks dan perbandingan. Hasil kajian ini menegaskan bahwa teori yang digunakan oleh John Wansbrough adalah sesuatu yang baru dan memberikan dampak terhadap kajian Alquran. Namun, teori yang digunakannya tidak sepenuhnya diterima oleh semua sarjana modern, sebagian sarjana menganggap temuan tersebut kurang meyakinkan. Kata Kunci: Quran; kritik; John Wansbrough; pembentukan Alquran. __________________________ DOI: 10.15575/jw.v2i2.1611 Received: September 2017; Accepted: December 2017; Published: December 2017 Ahmad Sanusi Azmi Crystallization Of The Quran: An Analysis Of John Wansbrough’s Theory A. INTRODUCTION Quran‖.5 This assorted logia originated from Indeed, it is not an easy task to explore the different kinds of communities, developed in historical aspect of the Quran through the their unique sectarian atmosphere6 (an atmos- modern scientific approaches.1 The theory ad- phere consisting the Christians and Jews that duced by John Wansbrough (1928-2002) in surrounded, interacted and influenced to the the 1980s has brought the discourse of this emergence of the new Arab religion), in the respected field to a new level. Taken together region of Fertile Crescent, have altogether all his literary analysis on the Quran, John integrated to develop and form the Muslim’s Wansbrough argues that neither the Quran nor scripture. This novel conclusion was establish- Islam was originated from Muhammad, not ed by Wansbrough’s delicate observation on even the product of Arabia.2 He argues that the the literary nature of the Quran (Indeed, this Quran was only crystallized to its final form novel finding is totally contradicting the no earlier than the third/nine century. The traditional views on the origin of the Quran by origin of its content, he believed, was a non-Muslim themselves).7 His reading has mixture of different kinds of materials3, ema- also contributed to the delineation of the nated from different types of communities nature of its origin. Believing that there is no which were located not in Arabia. Portraying ur-text (an original or the earliest version of a his conclusion, he clearly said that: ―Logically, text) for the Quran, he proposed a picture of it seems to me quite impossible that canon- its composition by saying that ―Exhibiting a ization should have preceded, not succeeded, comparatively limited lexical range, those recognition of the authority of scripture within formulae serve to confirm the impression of a the Muslim community. Chronologically, the composition made up of originally unrelated data of Arabic literature cannot be said to periscopes.‖8 attest to the existence of the canon before the beginning of the third/nine century.‖4 B. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Wansbrough, however, believed that the 1. Discussing The Theory of John Wans- pre-canonical Quran has existed in the form of brough prophetic logia, the term initiated by him. The Wansbrough’s notion concerning the for- various set of similar prophets’ stories, in mation of the Quran has not been mere accept- difference length and diverse vocabulary in the ed neither it was completely rejected. Before Quran support this idea. According to him, accepting his new conclusion, one could ―the repetitions and apparent contradictions stumble to understand what he really means in within the Quran indicate that the logia his writings. Maintaining a high level of achieved a measure of canonicity in several academic English, his books were embellished communities prior to the canonization of the 5 Wansbrough, Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation, 50-51. 1 Ahmad Sanusi Azmi, ―The Intricate Labyrinth Of 6 Wansbrough, Quranic Studies: Sources and Qur’ānic References in Sīrah Nabawiyyah: An Methods of Scriptural Interpretation, 20. Overview of The Orientalist Works,‖ Journal Of Hadith 7 Ahmad Sanusi Azmi et al., ―From Christianity to Studies 1, no. 1 (2016), 1–5, http://journalof- Islam: An Analysis of Ibn Rabban’s Approach towards Sira Nabawiyya,‖ International Journal of Islamic 2 Herbert Berg, ―The implications of, and opposition Thought 11, no. 1 (30 May 2017), 1–5, to, the methods and theories of John Wansbrough,‖ doi:10.24035/ijit.11.2017.001. See also Ahmad Sanusi Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 9, no. 1 Azmi et al., ―Kritikan Terhadap Rasulullah Dan Al- (1997), 8. Quran: Analisis Karya Non-Muslim Zaman 3 John Wansbrough, Quranic Studies: Sources and Umawiyyah Dan Abbasiyyah,‖ Journal of Hadith Methods of Scriptural Interpretation (New York: Studies 2, no. 1 (Juni 2017): 18–30. Prometheus Books, 2004), 12. 8 Azmi et al., ―Kritikan Terhadap Rasulullah Dan 4 Wansbrough, Quranic Studies: Sources and Al-Quran: Analisis Karya Non-Muslim Zaman Methods of Scriptural Interpretation, 202. Umawiyyah Dan Abbasiyyah.‖ 238 Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 237-244 Ahmad Sanusi Azmi Crystallization Of The Quran: An Analysis Of John Wansbrough’s Theory with Arabic font, Hebrew scripts, Greek and presented here, should not be absent from Latin terms which totally require readers to be mentioning verses from the Quran. The lack familiar with the academic discourse. His of Quranic references in this essential book thought was delivered in a heavy word, even suggests that the Quran at that particular time the academicians in this field demonstrate a was not reached its ne varietur status yet. different understanding while analyzing his Examining Wansbrough’s argument, Adams term. For instance, Herbert Berg define his proposes an alternative view of this idea. prophetic logia (concepts or ideas attributed to According to his analysis, Fiqh Akbar I was the prophets) as a logia developed as a series written in the sectarian conflict atmosphere of uncoordinated periscopes to meet the where this book was aiming to certain groups liturgical and didactic needs of a group,9 while such as Khawarij or Jahmiyyah as its audien- Fred Donner presuming that this term is ce, where the central issue was not requiring referring to Hadith,10 whereas Gabriel Rey- heavy references to the Quran, rather dealing nolds portrays the term concisely as ―homiletic with the theological issues raised by the sayings‖.11 Moreover, some scholars like community. Thus, the absent or lack of Charles Adams,12 G.H.A Juynboll,13 and W. references to the Quran does not necessarily Graham have sincerely confessed the diffi- denying the existence of the Quran as a closed culty to communicate with this notion. corpus at that time.15 On the other hand, Wansbrough developed his evident of the Juynboll adduced another book, namely as al- late canonization of the Quran by an argument ‘A<lim wa al-Muta’alim and Risalah ila> from silent (argumentum a silentio), asserting Uthman al-Batti, both ascribed to Abu> that there is no reference to the Quran in Fiqh H>{anifa, which could facilitate us in giving a Akbar I, written by Abu Hanifa (AH 150) clear picture of the number of references to (dated by Wensinck to about the middle of the Quran in the works attributed to Abu> second/eighth century).14 This idea implies H>{anifa. Moreover, he presented another that the important book such this, where the significant text which was attributed to H{asan major discussion about Muslim creed ibn Muh}ammad al-H{anafiyya (100 AH). This work was published by Van Ess in Arabica. He argues that ―If that risala can be proved to be authentic, it totally undermines Wans- 9 Berg, ―The implications of, and opposition to, the brough’s theory since it contains many methods and theories of John Wansbrough.‖, 8. 16 10 Donner said, by ―Prophetical Logia‖ he quotations from the Quran.‖ presumably means sayings by and about the Prophet- It seems to me that the amount of Quranic what we usually call Hadith.
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