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Download Issue '.Emergency Management - Produced by Emergency Management Australia- Vol 16 No 4 Summer 2001-2002 --- The /'\/ \ Australian < , . / x...: \ In this issue .. Journal of , Thredbo disaster Coroner's Inquest >c.?<* \,,-,i. by Aiian Skertchiy and Kristen Skertchiy 'V\ Managing community vulnerability in a The Australian Journal of Emergency Manage- ?,:j ?,:j wide area disaster ment is funded by the Emergency Management by Philip Buckle Australia. The journal's circulation is approx- imately 5,200 copies. It is distributed without v\ Wildfire risk management charge to subscribers throughout Australia. It > <> <: is also sent to people throughout the world. by Denis O'Bryan The Joumai endeavours to provide an infor- \ Are disaster management concepts relevant in developing mation sharingforum for ail those involved in > countries? The case of the 1999-2000 Mozambican floods 25 emergencymanagement. Contributions relating \A/ to Austraiian and international emergency by Beau Martin. Mike Capra, George van der Heide, Melissa Stoneham activities, articles identifying and discussing and Marcelino Lucas issues, policies, planning or procedural con- cerns, research reports and any other lnfor- \% Development for disaster reduction- mation relevant tothe emergency and disaster ?zj the role of the World Bank management community are welcome. by Margaret Amoid and Pien Merrick The aim of this publication is the exchange of information and views across the Australian n The Lassing Mine disaster-a retrospective emergency management community, therefore, the views expressed in this journal should not > C < by Felix Bian '.A / be taken to be the views of Emergency Management Australia. ,, A new emergency management )c- ( for the new millennium? The Journal incorporates a review process. Y.4) Three levels of review-refereeing, editorial by Neil R Britton board review and editing-are conducted. Material submitted for publication should be on v\ The operational debrief process disk or CD-ROM and reach the Editor by the )<'C by John Lunn following dates: Summer-September 15th; '.A 1 Aulumn-December 15th; Winter-March Working with the community in 15th; Spring- June 15th. The editorial ,, comminee resewes the right to determine the )C ( emergency risk management suitability of all material submined and where ' by Mark Scrii~o necessaty to edit submissions. b\ Hazard and risk management: Subscriptions ) r, ( guidelines for local authorities If you wish to be placed on our mailing list \'" by Sharlene Pardy and Michele Daiy please contact Rob Fleming, Emergency Management Australia Institute, at the address below. Articles for publication may be forwarded Plus ... to: Rob Fleming Books and reviews 12, 24, 37, 58 Editor Conferences and announcements 18, 33, 36 Emergency Management Australia Institute Main Road Disaster Events calendar 6 5 Mt Macedon, Victoria 3441 Tei: 0413 216 457; Fax: 03 5421 5273 EMA Update Centre pages Emaii: [email protected] iSSN 1324 1540 Joumal design and produaion by DianneTreble Cover: The large-scale disaster of the 1999-2000 Mozambique floods. PublishingInnovations Main image: Cyclone Hudah crossing the Mozambican coast. (Source: US National RSD 813 Spring Hill. Victoria 3444 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Tel: 03 5424 8339; Fax: 03 5424 8262 Additional images: The afiermath of the floods. (source: International Reconstruction Emaii: [email protected] Conference. Rome. May 2WO.l Editorial When terrorists flew fuel laden aircraft bombs or other sophisticated devices. in a holistic manner. Integration of Crisis into the World Trade Centre in New York Concern has now turned to chemical, and Consequence Management is occur- and the Pentagon in Washington DC on biological and radiological hazards, and ring in some jurisdictions but this is an ll September 2001, causing massive we are reminded that very simple wea- area in which we can still do better. destruction and loss of life, they changed pons can be used to hijack planes, trains, Australia prides itself on having sound the lives of most of us forever. The etc. and turn them into weapons of mass emergency management arrangements. subsequent bio-terrorism attacks in the destruction. But these are optimised for the types of United States and Australia have done Dealing with the consequences of such events which are normally expected to nothing to ease this situation. In Australia, an event will fall squarely on emergency occur. One can only surmise how these around 2,500 'white powder' incidents managers. In the past, there has been a would stand up to the type of catastrophic have occurred with no traces of biological gap between Crisis Management and event that occurred in New York. While agent being identified. These senseless Consequence Management arrangements we hope they will never be tested in such acts placed a great demand on our with a belief that they were quite separate a dramatic way, it is prudent for us to emergency services which responded activities. Crisis management is about heed New York's lessons and, where well, managing incidents in a most anticipating, preventing and or resolving applicable, incorporate them into our professional way. However, the events have a threat or act of terrorism. This is the own arrangements. Information gleaned added a new dimension to the roles of province of law enforcement agencies, through the media; from recent visits to the emergency services and the public supported as necessary by the Australian Australia by members of the Fairfax health system. Defence Force. Consequence Manage- County and Miami-Dade Urban Search Before ll September 2001, everyday ment is a relatively new concept and is and Rescue Teams, which were involved Australians did not think of terrorism as about protecting public health and safety, with both incidents; and Mr Jim Hall, a something that could affect them. Even restoring essential government services geospatial specialist, who was involved though the recent terrorist attack occur- and providing emergency relief to busi- with the World Trade Centre, have red in the United States,strong association ness and individuals affected by the provided an indication of areas which with the United States, the Anthrax scares, consequences of terrorism such as the warrant further consideration. These and threats of retaliation for Australian release of a chemical, biological or include being able to manage information involvement in Afghanistan have made radiological substance. Consequence to the satisfaction of a range of stake- terrorism seem a real threat. The topic of management falls to fire agencies, ambu- holders, having access to specialist terrorism has been placed firmly on the lance, State Emergency Services and the expertise, adequate training for managers Australian public agenda. public health system. and responders, having the right equip- The result is that we are now living in While this latter group of emergency ment and enough of it, and clearly defined an increased security environment which managers has no desire to be in the incident management procedures at all seems destined to remain for some time. frontline of dealing with terrorist inci- levels. We are going to have to get used to greater dents, events of I I September and the There will be an opportunity in May security everywhere we go, both in 'white powder' incidents that followed in 2002 to review our level of preparedness Australia and internationally. Recent Australia have demonstrated that Crisis in these areas during a series of lessons events have shown that dealing with and Consequence Management can no learned workshops to be hosted by EMA. terrorism is not just a matter for law longer operate apart. The two must The workshops will be based on the enforcement agencies and the military. It become more integrated so that there is United States 11 September experience is the business of all emergency services, a clear understanding between those with the Federal Emergency Management supported by the public health system. involved in all aspects of an incident. Agency (FEMA) invited to provide The range and scale of emergencies Planning for events such as the Sydney suitable speakers. It will be interesting to that emergency services are going to have Olympic Games and the Commonwealth see how our arrangements fare. to deal with has changed. Terrorism offers Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) greater likelihood of multiple simulta- has seen a narrowing of the gap between neous events. This, like a very large single Crisis and Consequence Management. event, will challenge existing emergency However, the new threat environment Rod McKinnon management resources. In the past, we means that the gap must continue to close Director Planning and Operations associated terrorism with the use of if all terrorist events are to be managed EMA Summer 2001-2002 lredbo disaster Coroner's Inquest Overview yearly (Diver and Bouda 1999,53). On Wednesday,]uly 30th 1997 at 11.37 p.m. The time taken to produce the report by Allan Skettchly, Hazard Mitigator, some '10,000 tonnes of soil slid down a into the Thredbo disaster (three years) is Thredbo hill demolishing two ski lodges SMILE-Success Management, a measure of the complexity of the issues and killing 18 people' (Newman 1997).'A International Learning Enterprises, and and concerns involved and of the consum- whoosh of air, that sounded like a sonic Kristen Skertchly, Senior Environmental mate thoroughness with which the boom and trees cracking, splitting the still, Scientist, Department of Lands, Planning Coroner executed his task of 'using death cold night air like gunfire. Alarm bells and the Environment, Darwin, Northern in order to save life' (Law Report 2000). started ringing across the nation. Calls for Territory, Australia The Coroner's Report is destined to help went out to all emergency services. become a classic study and should No one could really believe the nature of become an essential authoritative source the appeal; no one ever imagined a and inspiration for all concerned with catastrophe like this could happen' (Diver Similar, not so comprehensive, but hazard mitigation in complex multi- and Bouda 1999,53).
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