CormiGHT,THE 1883, BY THK SPORTINO LIPZ PTJBLIBHIKO Co. SPORTING ENTPBBD AT POST OFFICE AT PHO.AMti.pmA LIFE.AS BBCOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 2. NUMBER 20. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 27, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. materially lowered, for among the other con­ ment of Ed. W. Cole, of THE SPORTINO LIFE. The THE testants will be Norton, of Harvard; Max­ BILLIARDS. prizes will amount to $200 and a championship LATE SPORTWG well, Hamilton emblem NEWS. LIFE. and Crawford, valued at $100, presented of Yale; Eeed to the winner by PUBLISHED WEEKLY and Rood, of Columbia, the J. M. Brunswick & Balke Co., to be held for as well as repre­ two years sentatives of Priuceton, Amherst, University Facts and Fancies Concerning before it becomes the personal property AT the "Gentle* of the winner. The conditions will be published in Sporting Matters Gathered by of Pennsylvania and other colleges. The our issue. Telegraph college record for two miles is 6m. 51s., and man's Game." For Our Readers. No. 2O2 South Ninth Street, Philada. the amateur is 6m. 2s., a decided difference, Caroms. AND which should not be allowed to exist very long. THE SYRACUSE TOURNAMENT. Smith Eggleston has withdrawn from the room Maxwell and Crawford, of Yale, will at the Whitcomb House, Rochester, N. Y. [Below will be found the latest sporting news up No. 23 Park Row, New York. go into training immediately. The former Frey Wins First Place, Malone and Button The President of Mexico has ordered a Collender to Sunday morning, gathered by telegraph, {DR. WILLIAM MORRISON, Sew York Agent.) is reported as having made his mile very table of special design to be made for his correspondents, and close Second and Third. house. reporters. This news ar­ to three minutes. Crawford is also well The tournament craze Is spreading. Cleve­ rived too late for/roper departmental classifi­ known as a racing man. Both of The telegraphic dispatch last week land is the latest. FOKEIGK OFFICE : these an­ A tournament will begin there cation,] riders will make a strong endeavor to push nouncing that Malone had won first place In a week or two. No. 1 Scott'8 Yard, Cannon St., London, E. C. the in blue to the frout. The Columbians are the Syracuse Catton and Maggioli will be matched at the (F. R. GRIFFITH, Resident Correspondent.) well-known racing men, tournament was erroneous. On balk-line game of billiards for February 23, and but have never de­ for CRICKET. veloped any especial speed. With Friday, Feb. 15, the last day of the tourna­ $500 a s'ide at St. Louis. such a A New York strong array of riders, the future of college ment, Frey and Malone were tied for first paper says that a well-known ex­ The Foreign Trip of the TERMS. Two dollars and fifty cents a year, pert makes a practice of promenading the streets Philadelphia Team*^ racing and riding ought indeed to be bright. place. In the evening and insulting women. Additional Datoa Announced. strictly in advance. Single copies, five cents. All of the they played off and Recently an indignant Postage free in the United States. principal colleges will hold impor­ Frey won easily by 11 to 8. Maione labored lady slapped his face. Correspondence SPORTING Lira. CORRESPONDENCE tant race meetings, which will be very liberal under the disadvantage Jacob Shaefer's games with Yignauz on sporting topics, from any and open in their of having a very In Paris LONDON, Feb. 9. Thanks to tlie courtesy section of the City, State or country, solicited. character, and will attract sore and swollen hand. His left thumb and have not been a great financial success Shaefer, a large field of college and amateur riders. fore finger who is soon to return,writes that he was handsomely of Mr. H. Perkins, of the Marylebone Club, COMMUNICATIONS. Manuscript intended for were swollen to almost twice treated by the French public. publication should be written on one side their natural size. The I am able to give some supplementary dates of the following is the Lew Malone, was beaten at Waterbury, paper only, and must be accompanied by the BUSILY PREPARING record of games played and showing the Conn.. of matches arranged for the Philadelphians writer's name and address, not necessarily for Feb. 19th, by a local player named J«s. Magner by standing of each player at the close: 16 to 15. Malone spotted five balls each game and here. publication, but as a private guarantee of good For These, with the list I sent you some nith, and all communications, upon any sub­ the Tournament of the Quaker City that accounts for the milk in the oocoanut. 5" W. time ago, complete the list of fixtures already ject, or for any department, must be addressed Bicycle Club. Button..... Knight.... £ Totalwon... Cook defeated Joseph Bennett in a billiard | tn Heman.... Leonard... Malone...i Wharton. Kuntsch... Dankleman match (spot stroke barred) at London Feb. 2, by 61 ranged, but it is probable that in addition FRANCIS C. BICHTEB, Wheelmen in Philadelphia and various points. Bennett received l-LAYERS. 200 points start in the some one-day matches will be Managing other points of the country are manifesting 2,000, and the longest run was 126, made by Cook. arranged with Editor THE SFORTINO LIFE, elevens selected from the public schools. I No. 202 S. Ninth great interest in the approaching tournament In the Detroit pool tournament It is promised St., Fhilada., Fa. that there will be $700 in prizes. Play Is to begin understand further that Flowers and Peate and races to be given - early will visit in Philadelphia in June •\ in March. Frey, Mafone,King, Button, Lam­ Philadelphia in the early part of Frey...... 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 bert, Shaw, Leonard, Dankelinan and others are May to coach the team and indulge ADVERTISING- next, under the auspices of the Quaker City King...... 1 expected them in a RATES. Nonpareil type mea- 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 *1 f> to join in. variety of bowling. Dan Kewhall rare, 12 lines to an Inch, 15 cents per Bicycle Club. A number of entries n 1 0 1 1 1 0 •\ 7 has line for have al­ •\ 1 On the third night of the last game between written, asking Alfred Shaw to take the trip each and every Insertion. ready been recorded for the amateur 25 mile race, Knight...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 1 3 Schaefer and Ylgnaux at Paris the glass chande­ ADVERTISEMENTS which event alone will doubtless 0 1 n 1 0 1 0 n 0 0 3 lier across also, but the slow bowler's engagement and letters of Correspon­ attract the above it came down on the table in fragments. with dents, to insure insertion, should be mailed so as presence of a host of riders. This race awards the n 0 n 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 It did not stop the game, although the cloth wuato Lord Sheffield will, I am afraid, pre­ to reach us by 6 p. si., Saturday, as this rand prize of the tournament, which consists of a 0 1 n ) 0 1 0 l 1 1 6 some extent damaged. vent him accepting the invitation. The paper andsome and 0 1 1 H Koes g valuable silver service set. All n i 1 1 i 1 1 The table on which the second newly-arranged matches are as follows: TO PRESS EVERY SATURDAY contestants in the race completing the twenty- 0 1 0 1 i 1 0 0 1 0 5 match of 3,000 EVENING. rive 0 *fl 0 0 points was played by Vlgnaux and Schaefer was June 10, at Dublin, Philadelphians vs. Gen­ miles will be awarded a medal. Considerable 1 n i 0 0 0 2 purchased by Baron Rothschild. interest is already being shown in the proposed Dankleman...... 0 0 0 0 i 1 0 0 i 1 4 It was of thej. tlemen of Ireland; at Dublin, .Tune 12, Phila­ special 5 mile race M. B. & B. Co. make, with the Monarch cushion, delphians vs. Dublin University; All Checks, between John A. Green and and was shipped to Paris from New July 3, at Drafts, Money Orders and Remittances Samuel H. Crawford, both of Philadelphia, and Total tost...... i 5 3 7 7 7 4 2 6 8 1 6 55 York. York, Philadelphians vs. Gentlemen of York­ mat be made payable to the order of well and favorably known as amateur riders. In several private encounters with M. Vlgnaux shire, and Both Garne forfeited to Knight by Kuntsoh's failure since the public contest, Schaefer at the Oval July 17, Philadel­ gentlemen will shortly begin training for the has been vic­ phians vs. Gentlemen of Tie Sporting Life Publishing Company. contest, and the event is looked forward to in a to appear. ______torious. His play has been improved with his Surrey. high degree of interest upon the part of their re­ French practice. He is to sail on Feb. 26. It is WATCHMAN. spective friends. An official programme of all the CARTKR-GALLAGHER. also probable that Daly will cut short his stay PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, FEB. 27. proposed races will shortly De issued. The ac­ abroad. tivity already evinced COLLEGE;ATHLETICS. by numerous manufacturers Eugene Carter Defeats the St. Louis Slosson seems to be recovering his stroke, which and dealers in bicycles and wheelmen's goods be­ Man at last year's four weeks' practice at cushion caroms The bona fide Circulation of "THE speak success for the exposition which will be held Cushion Caroms. threw him out of;for in on Feb.16 ho made Meetlne of the Inter-Collegiate Association, in connection with the races. Eugene Carter, of Cleveland, and William this score in an eight-inch balk line game of 600 —The Election of Officers, Etc. SPORTING LIFE" is 2O.OOO points on a 5x10 table: 3,1. 84. 6, 116, 395. The high Gallagher, of St. Louis, played a game at run carried him five points beyond NBW YOKK, Feb. 23. The Inter-Collegiate Wheel Notes. the 000. copies weekly. cushion caroms of 400 points A pool tournament under the new rules, was Athletic Association met this afternoon at H. S. Llvingston, chief consul of Ohio, declines for $300 a side, bo- at St. Louis, gun In the Brunswick billiard parlors at Roches­ the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Many Osculates in the following States: New York, a re-election. Feb. 20. The match was an ter, N. Y., Feb. 19th. The entries in the tourna­ delegates Pennsylvania, Mr. Pope has returned to Boston from his West­ outcome of the recent Catton-Carter match ment are Froy. Malone, Bcssunger. King, Sutton, were present from the various college New Jersey, Connecticut. Dankleman, Knight, Leonard ern business trip. and elicited much interest Shaw, Gillette. athletic clubs. G. E. Lowell, of Harvard, Khode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, New The Mansfield (O.) Club had a loan in the Mound Wharton,Holden and Eggleston. The tournament exhibition City. Gallagher is well known in St. will last for three weeks. the President of the Association, was In the chatr. Hampshire, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, last week which was quite successful. Louis, After he being sporting editor of the Glole-Dcmo- The tournament at Marshall's room some discussion it was decided to hold tbo Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, ThR annual ball of the Springfield Bicycle Club In Boston was annual games on the Manhattan grounds, New- Illinois, Missouri, occurred at the City Hall, Springfield, <:rat. An immense crowd was present to to have been brought to a close last Friday night. York, on May 24th. Feb. 22. witness the The trophy for which the players contested, how- All entries must be ser.t liv Kentucky, and in Canada. The March issue of the Outing and the Wheelman piay. It was Carter's game evnr, a week previous to this date. The election of olfl- from the very start. Isnon est, as on the night of Feb. 18th, burg­ eors resulted as follows: J. fSTOn and alter this date dealers in Califor­ is one of the best numbers of this artistic magazine Gallagher caught up lars broke into the room and stole tho emblem to­ M. Wainwright, prost- yet issued. when the game was about one-third over, gether dent; A. G. Fell, vice president, J. Biernoy, nia and the Pacific Slope generally with some money and other belongings. If will be One of the latest things in the wheel iine Is a tri­ but soon fell behind again. Although the the emblem is not returned, Mr. Marshall will pro­ served by the San Francisco News Com­ cycle called the -Quadrant." All three wheels are game was a long one, it was not what would cure another. pany. large and of the same size. be called a tamo one. Many brilliant shots About two years ago William Sexton, the billlnrd Cane Bush by Lafayette Students. The public will find tlie paper on player, had The Wheel, the official organ of the-L. A. W., Is were made on both sides and excitement pre­ the good fortune to disagree with tho EAHTON, Pa., February 23.— Last night a the principal stands. ______no longer published by Oliver & Jenkins, but by vailed to a considerable driver of a street car in Now York. Driver said ho the degree to the very had not paid his fare, Sexton said he had. Driver number of freshmen of Lafayette College 'Cyclist Publishing Co. close. The average of Carter is the A racing exposition best on told him to get otf the car, Sexton politely de­ came down into town, for Italy, including national record. The score was as follows: clined. Driver thereupon put him off and Sexton carrying canes, and and international events for amateurs and pro­ sued the company were met THE WHEEL. fessionals, has been projected. Carter 0 0 4 18 00070022113048000 for $6,000. Last Tuesday the by sophomores, when a cane rush 10 10 28 020006034057402 litigation was settled by the company's check for The members of the Cleveland 18 11 11 03 12 ensued, in which fully one hundred students Bicycle Club are 24 35 61 3'2 15 6 1 2 10 26 19 22 1 3 0 0 1 B 4 2 1 2 3 $600. actively making preparations for the 1884 meet of 011207370615013 participated. the 33 00223 II* 20011 A poo] tournament for the championship of the The aft'air drew crowds to the Matters o! Interest to Devotees of the League of Ohio Wheelmen. 1 a. Total, 400; average, 4.32. Eastern District of Brooklyn was Hccne, and tho calls and yells of the students The Boston .Ramb.ers opened 1-eb. 18th soon Silent Steed. Club, rt Boston, hnd Us G-al'»gher-1 Z035002afil 2,1 2010002 at the billiard parlor of Thomas J. Cummings, No. brought the police, who, having something of a rst annual dinner Feb. 19th. Many prominent 015721 S 13 303 10 17 Greenpoint »v«m>e. The lirat money is $100, the grudge against the students, used their clubs rheelrrfen from 800 31 0140002 It 9 1 freely and all points were present. The din­ 6110040 10 19 10 101300107070 7 8 * second $75 and the third $60. The tournament wffc struck sumo very heavy blown. One ner was a great success. 3 046 15 1860*1604 be limited to ten players, and the games student, Forsman, was beaten by Captain Klohlino •WHEELMEN 17 00 26. Total, 832; to be the of IN SESSION. Jack Keen is credited with the following recent average, 3 65-91. best six out of eleven. Among those who have en- the police force until blood flowed. The polioo oad performance in England:-Starting teied are William Hudson, Charles Burgh. Andy are generally supported by tho people In their f.f- from the Kavanagh, forts to keep the Meeting ef the Board of offlceraof theL. A. W. Anchor, he fetched Ditton.lO^ 34 minutes, Isaac Tlllotson, John Wild, Charley students orderly in town, but the a feat never before equaled. AN BMISENT POOL PLAYER. Heifers, J. Wharton, James Brennan, William free use of clubs last night is condemned. Seven of The board of officers of the League Byrne and Mr. Pugsley. the students were arrested and fined $3.75 of The racing board of the L. A. W. has accepted each. America'n Wheelmen met in the Grand Union he records made at New Haven and rejected How the Late President Garneld Could Lynn, Mass., notes: Driscoll and Brookway those played off their tie game In the Hotel, N*w York, f Springfield. Abbott Bassett of the Bicycling Play the Game. Griffin and Swain Rebukedby an Actress. Feb. 22d. Dr. N. M. Vorld voted in the negative. tournament last Tuesday evening. Brockway led A correspondent of at first, but was headed by Driscoll, CHATTANOUA, Tenn., Feb. 23. The most Beckwith, of New York City, presided. The Detroit Bicycle Club has elected the follow- the Indianapolis who kept tho Sentinel lead all the rest of the way, winning by 160 to 34, exciting scene ever witnessed in 'Among those present were William V. Gil- ie officers: Chas. D. Standlsh, C. C. president; in a letter from Washington gives In 66 Innings. The first prize, $50, was awarded to a th eatre Ohas Kudner, captain; F. Z..Curtis, lieutenant; the following Baker: second, $26, to Beode: the took place while Ada Gray was man, Nashua, N. H.; Stephen Terry, Hart­ _eon C. Fink, secretary and treasurer. bit of gossip relative to the third, $16, to playing Driscoll; the fourth, $10, to Brockway. Messrs. "KattULynue." During ford, Conn.;W. C. Scribner, F. H. Pelouze Fred MaoOwen, 216 South Third street, Phila­ late President Garfield's pool playing skill: Grililu and Swain presented Drisooll with a gold the last scene, when delphia: Victor M. Haldeman, ring for making the highest the repentant and E.T. Pettengill, Washington; Marrietta, Pa.: "The last time I was in tnis house I played run, 31. Baker was woman was dying and bidding E. K. and EL. Miller, 134 South Front street, Phila- several games presented with -1a Kgold1 - ring for making tho highest Hill, "Worcester, ielphi'a Pa., have been appointed as additional of fifteen-ball pool with Gar- average, 4-2H. The winner of tho tournamentl'icUls her family a last adieu, someone in tho cock­ Mass.; L. H. Johnson, field,and he beat me every game," a diamond pit uttered a loud groan, evidently Intended epresentatives for Pennsylvania. said a gen­ stud, and he is liable to challenges embarrass to Orange, N. J.; T. S. Rust, Meriden, Conn.; Some tleman recently as he entered the Riggs from contestants of the tournament. The one win­ the actress. She, however,proved equal newspapers abroai are advertising their ning four successive to tho emergency, and when the manhtid groaned F. H. Benton, New Haven, Conn.jC. H. ournals and saving time and expense at the same House. "Was Garfield a frequent visitor at games will become the owner. twice. Miss Gray, your The tournament was a most successful one...... In continuing in tho sametonoof Sanders, Penacook. N. ime bv having their carriers mounted upontrlkes. billiard-room'.'" I asked the clerk. the pyramid pool tournament voice as tho scene required, siild: "I scorn, I sei.ra H.; A. G. Coleman, vichDainted in a different color, with the name of "Yes," was the reply, between Drown As­ the man who would laugh Canandaigua, N. Y.; H. C. Douglas, Grove- he publication "he came here very sociates and High Rocks the former leads with at such a scene." Her lettered in large types thereon. often. Our billiard-room is down stairs 1,316 points to spare....Drisooll lias challenged timely rebuke met with li hearty response, and tho utend, N. J.; and F. P. Kendall, Worcester, Cincinnati and vicinity boasts of five cluts. Baker, the audience fairly shook the building with applause. Mass The out' of the way of the crowd and few people holder of the diamond stud, and a At the conclusion The report of the corresponding Cincinnati Club leads in point of numbers, but the other than guests game will be played next week. of the play the lady was con­ secretary placed the number nderers Club exceeds it in a financial of the house ever go there. gratulated by several ladles and gentlemen. r of members on sense, Garfield would come here to see friends the rolls at 3,508. Since the last meeting, 12 its own club house.. Then they have the who BrightonBrighton WanderersWanderers, the CollCollege Hill Club and were stopping at the hotel, and the visit TWO TENNIS TOURNEYS. divisions havft been organized, covering he Kenton would invariably Paddy liyan Floored. Massachusetts, County Wheelmen. wind up with a game of Michigan, Minnesota, The Beading. Pa.. Club held pool or billiards. Fifteen-ball Tourney of New York Expert*—The Seventh CHICAGO, 111., Feb. 23. I'addy Ryan, the Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, .Pennsyl- its first ball Feb. pool was his 8 and a great success was scored. Many bicyclers favorite game and few could beat him Regiment's tiaine" pugilist, had an altercation in a low dance rania, and New York. Upon the mvitation from other towns were In attendance.; the Lancas- at it. I have seen him lead off with The annual tennis tourney given house, early this morning, with of the Washington Cycle Club, of Washing­ er Pottsville and Lehigh University being a 'burst' by the a man named ton, it was tron-ly represented. Exhibitions of riding shot in a call game and put from Tennis Building Association took place at Buncombe, decided to hold the annual meet­ were eight to a dozen balls in who, when Ryan made a pass at ing and parade of the League given by Ed. Tragresser, a lad, and Burt Pressey. before missing, fre­ the club's court in Went Forty-first street, him in the National quently. One evening Garfield and a friend struck Paddy In the face with a beer itlaw. Cafitalon Monday and Tuesday May19th H S Wollison, Pittsfield, Berkshire District; H. New York City, Feb. 22. There was a fine cutting a severe gash below the left eye. Paddjr n Vdircrton Greenfleld District, Franklin Co. from Ohio, I have forgotten now who it was, gathering of the experts was floored, and and 20th. During the meeting the cham­ ^at Bank of the metropolitan was afterwards led away by his Oreenfield; Adams D. Claflin, Boston went down into the billiard-room for a district and tho finest exhibition of indoor partisans and had his face washed. Tho fight be­ pionship races are to be contested, for which District Stonington Hall, Harvard University, friendly bout tween the two men provoked 1200 was Cambridge; with the cues. All the tables tennis playing ever seen in the building. a general row, which appropriated by the League for ex- Henry E. Ducker and A. L Fennes.y, were engaged. At one of was quieted by the police. Benses A form Snrinirneld District, have b?en appointed addi- them were playing Twenty-six players took part and the play - of hotel contract was Utnal a couple of young fellows who thought they lasted from adopted under which members of the League representatives for Massachusetts. morning till near dusk. In the The Falls City knew all about it. They invited Garfleld and I first round the brothers Cnauncey, of A Main. are to receive hotel accommodations at re­ Club, of Louisville, Ky., has his friend Brook­ duced rates elected the following oflicers:-Owen Lawson,presi- to join them. The invitation was lyn; H. W. De Forest and C. Johnson, the NEW YORK, Feb. 23. A cocking main was on presentation of a certificate. rf«nt- A S Dietzman, accepted and Garfield shot Dr Beckwith was secretary and treasurer; last. There were Coffey brothers, of Brooklyn; G. W. Green held this morning in tho well-known pit on chosen commander ot the Davi'd Bigg's, captain; Hugo Melburn, first lieuten- 12 balls on the table when he began, but and C. Richards, the Old Plank Road, New Jersey. The League during its parade. Then nnt- Percy Bettiaon, second none H. S. Le Roy and T. Mait- contesting the case lieutenant: Willie when he finished. After that he and his land, and R. F. Conoverand T. owners of the birds were John Plant, of Newark, ' of Fred Jenkins, the recording secretary of Funk right guide; Henry Haupt, k>ft guide; Wm Rankincamo and Major Hickson, of Jersey City. Tho terms T Francke, bugler; Chas. L. Monsch, friend had the table to themselves." out victors. In the second round the winners were were $26 the League, against the Springfield Bicycle standard the Chauncey brothers and Le Roy and Maltland. a battle and $60 on the odd fight. Nino Clubwls tried. Jenkins had This left the last games battles were fought, out of which Newark won six, accused the me JJ...J..- Wheelmen A Suggestion from to be played by those four thus rendering it unnecessary to fight Springfield Club of not paying its debts, and of Baltimore have a Room-keeper. players together, and the test sets resulted in the the remain­ elected tlie following officers: W. S. Kahlcr. presi­ Editor SPORTING appended score: ing two as arranged. the club bad caused his suspension as secre­ dent-A E. Mealy, captain; Fred'k Beck, secretary; LIFE: Among the bil­ tary pending Frank Baetjer, Maitland and Le Roy...... 01011011001-6 an investigation. Messrs. treasurer; Chas, B.. Ell is, lieuten. liard items published in your issue of the D and S. Chaunoey...... ! "The Devil's Auction" Prohibited. Backer and Fennessy, the president 010010011 0 5 . and 20th inst. was an extract from the Chicago Miitland and Le Hoy...... 1011100010 1 8 SCHENKCTADY, Kcretaryofthe Springfield Club, were a so D. and S. Chauncey...... 0 100011101 Feb. 23. Maypr Young, yews relative to what is known in billiard 0 5 who has lately attracted attention by joining suspended. The action of the board rein- Frank Baetier, and C. C. Isaacs, house The contest In both sets was exciting committee. circles as "Foley's plan" to In the church and patronizing' ' the SalvaSalvation Anny,. rtated these gentlemen. The membership now numbers twenty-seven. equalize players extreme, while the play on both sides was up to the refused t» permit in tournaments for the highest standard. The Chaunceys led in service, an entertainment called "It Chief Justice Caton of the Supreme Court of championship of the and Devil's Auction" to be presented here on th» Illinofs, in a decision respecting world and of the United States. In the the half-volleying of D. Chauncey was es­ ground that it was immoral. COLLEGE BIDING. the rights of first pecially noteworthy. The general play of Malt- Mr. Young Is re­ wheelmen said that "aatr« made for the class Schaefer, Slosson and.Vignaux are to land a practiced garded as a ""'"crank." onk " nTssaSe of 'persons and prop»rty, anoT the law can- English player, elicited loud A Decided Boom to be Inaugurated Sot destine contest for the prizes, while Sexton, Daly, applause, but Le Roy scored the most aces on his This what exclusive means of transportation Dion Catton, Spring- shall be used. To say that a new mode of passage Morris, Heiser, McLaughlm side. Mitchell Coming. and Wallace are to compete REGIMENTAL It is Sail be banished from the streets, no matter how for second TKNNIS. NKW YORK, Feb. 23. Charles Mitchell, the- a very curious fact that, while th' much the general good may require it, simply be- honors. But Diou and Sexton both object to The Seventh Regiment Tennis Association held champion fcoxer of England, is a passenarer on colleges have excelled in general athletic cTuse streets were not so used in the days of Black- their classification as second class players, and as its annual tournament in the Armory Feb. 22,J)e- board of the Arizona, which Is due here on Mon­ stone wo«'d hardly comport with the advance­ for Daly, on his recent visit to Europe he signified day. He come; to face Sullivan again. ports, they are so far behind in bicycling ment and enlighteamentof the present his readiness to play anyone over there. That age. they object to this unfair rating must be -manifest I . OUI1C1 LUC1 IIW1H, «• ••_-»*• --'I ••- —— There is really no reason for this, as some o: : The following gentlemen hare - .--__ _- - - , ' tTall familiar with their playing qualities. The of Co I. second; double for. members and ladles, Saturday's Cable News. the fastest amateurs during the history of only plausible scheme for a fair classittcatipn was won by F A. Schermerhorn and partner; double There Is some talk of producing "The Passion suggested in the columns of the Unladelphia for members who have not Play" in Paris for the first the wheel in this country have been college fSv taken part In any tour­ time. . Mercury as originating from me yiz.:-The nament, won by J. W. Cleveland and C. P. Win­ Gertrude Grlswold is engaged for the next operfc riders. The reason for this may. be traced to local ulayers in each of the principal cities of the ters Co 1; the double for the Seventh Regiment the fact that the college Un"on New York, season at Covent Garden. athletic associations Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Boston, championship was won by B. L. Mayer and C. P. A new comic opera has been lave not given bicycling the attention that St Louis Chicago, Cincinnati, San Francisco, Wurtz, Jr. produced at Brus­ wye not giv' >other sports receive. Two Jersev City Baftimore, Washington, --^ sels called "Fretillon," by Facobl. It Is a great Pittsburif, success. Ne" Orleans,Tc., to respectively compete for Sporting representation in a national tournament, the win- Motes. Paris is to be regaled with a repetition of tho npr In each to reuresent his city therein. It is self- Recently eleven of the ' Tipperary foxhounds "Sarah Barnum" scandal. A-book called "Nann, evident that if any Interest exists In billiardi con­ were found dead in their kennel from the effects of JudUh and Cox" is shortly to appear revealing test* in the cities named it will be awakened in poison. And yet Tipperary men are supposed to the orlvate life of a popular actress. It Is, if anj- The race the local competitions, and many an »» £«« un­ be fond of fox hunting. thinf, more dc cvlte than the preceding volume. writes: known will create surprise and astonishment by Jobs Evans defeated Charles Reynolds The superior In a skill and talent when the opportunity is match at Philadelphia on Friday, F.eb. A Pigeon Homing tudents, and were no less successful i nn<-B afforded to display them and at the same 22, for $50 a side. At the conclusion the games Match. todies, tirnl coWetfor'representation In a national stood 11-10 in favor of Evans. Some time ago a pigeon homing match toot for excellence in which ^ey hav tournament! The billiard »Uo gained no insignificant laurels, fcven table manufacturers John H. Clark, proprietor of the "Olympic Oar- nlace between the Southwark and Fenn May ought to tender sufficient financial aid to make den" at Eighth and Vine streets, Homing clubs, of Philadelphia, Keith Falconer's record of 5m. 36s the croiect a complete success. It Is true that Mr. pleaded guilty concerning for two miles has not been Collenaer publicly last week in the Philadelphia Court of Quarter the result of which there was some disagree­ equalled.or sur states that he has derived no Sessions to selling liquor without a license. passed, and at one time he had a YaleB champioP6hiP races. Gold, • benefit fro£ theJ donation^but we aU know bet- As ment. Another match was accordingly ar­ decide* this was his first offence Judge Yerkes let him otf ranged monopoly of the English bicycle records ter and so do with a fine. between the two clubs, which cam* j off Feb. 22d, as agreed upon. The stakes Among the well-known college racing men Philadelphia, A dog fight took place near Irvlngton on Hud­ ClaflinfoftheHarvards.isprobablythefastes ,. to vhon entries Feb. 19,1884. son FeD 18th, between were $40 a side. The Southwark birds flew General, an Imported dog from Kidgo Avenue tod the best known. He has may be sent up to June.3. owned at Newburg, and Sum, a dog from Albany. and Marten street, Manayunfc yet to partici­ A Philadelphia Tournament. General weighed thirty-three to Third and Moore streets. The Penn Club pate in his first inter-collegiate contest, ana pounds and barn ulEeons started at A pool tournament will commence at Bvnes thirty-six pounds. The fight was for $260 a side Grove's Station. Chestnut «i» 8m appearance will be at the > ew York The Pittsburg Sportsman Is the latest vMture 'n & and was a desperate aflair, lasting streetTand homed at John Welsh's Fourth vnd StocsStock's new ,, and Vine for three hours Master streets. 'Eight birds inter-collegiate games, May 21st,"?® streets Philadelphia, aoout March 12, for the and forty-three minutes, when Sam was killed and started for each club, ill represent his college. At K^^^ cLampionsnp of Pennsylvania, under General declared the winner. and the Southwark Club was declared lhat time the mainly of a local the manage- records will, without doubt, character. THE Feb. 27.

two men, the pitcher and gatcher, virtually beneficial. The American Association could EROM BALTIMORE. ment. Cleveland is a party to that agree­ BASE BALL. do the best part of the work, and when they do no better than to ehange its playing rules ment, and under it reserved Dunlap. H»> are used up or through any cause disabled, to conform to the League standard and thus nteresting Items Concerning the Clubs and chose to defy the reserve rule, and for he the efforts of the other seven men go for bring about a desirable uniformity. How­ Flayers of the Monumental City. and others the Day resolution has been Items of General Interest About Clubs and naught. Of what use is it to employ fine ever, to make a concession, we suggest that Correspondence SPOKTINS LIFB. agreed to. Cleveland holds to all the legis­ fielders at high salaries ranging into the the League, whose schedule meeting takes lation, and if Dunlap does not play here he BALTIMORE, Feb. 22. Stearns will re­ must go to St. Louis and let the Day resole Players. thousands when they seldom have a chance place first, appoint a committee to confer port for daty April 1st. He writes from to show their skill, and, in fact, become mere with the American Association. If this is tion do its work in hig case. The Metropoli. high-priced spectators of the game and at done we are sure the latter will meet half­ Buffalo that he has practiced at the armory tans will never have him by Cleveland's con­ IMPROVEMENTS SUGGESTED. the bat are given no chance to redeem them­ way and the desirable changes will be ihere every day since January 7th. As to sent. selves and earn their salaries because the effected. Then the Northwestern League the rumors concerning his committing matri­ £. few Changes in the Kales 'Which Would rules and regulations so hamper batters that and other bodies would no doubt fall into AN IMPORTANT MOVE. Prove Beneficial. hits are the extreme exception rather than ine and thus the game would be brought to mony, he asserts that he has too much sense, As the season for March meetings of the the rule. Everybody knows that what are a perfect system. A permanent conference but not enough cents, to take that desperate A Deathblow to the Inter-State— AHoom Various base ball associations approaches called "pitchers' games," in which but a few committee on playing rules would not be a eap. This will be interesting news to the Admitted to the Union Association. scattered hits are made and where a couple bad idea, either. discussion regarding the new features in the bewitching things who frequented last year's lorrespondence SPOBTIHG LIFB. of runs on either side hopelessly settle the ALTOONA, Feb. 21. Base ball matten playing rules which will be finally adopted game, are monotonous and becoming un­ A LETTER FROM MR. WILLIAMS. grand stand and pronouneed Danny just too at these meetings, increases. The one rule popular. Those games are the best, from a sweet for anything. Dan says he has a have lain dormant for several days, prs. Which has provoked more argumentative popular point of view, in which good batting, The Genial Ex-Secretary Also "Goes For" icuple of bats scraped and oiled ready for umably on account of intense interest combined with good fielding, are shown, and Our St. Louis Correspondent. politically, occupying everyone's attention. articles from base ball writers than any as the people pay the piper, so should they the opening. Other, and regarding which the two leading be catered to. Those games with an average COLUMBUS, 0., Feb. 18. Editor SPORT­ When last week's SPORTING LIFE men­ The friends and management of the Altooa» organizations differ, is the rule adopted by of ten hits to a side and half as many errors, ING LIFE: In your issue of the 13th inst. I tioned that Morris, of the Columbus, was the Base Ball Association discovering, seven! the League legalizing throwing by the with runs for the two sides aggregating seven notice your correspondent from St. Louis, only left-handed pitcher in the American weeks ago, the improbable existence of the to ten, are the games which live longest in 'The Critic," has made some erroneous pitchers. At first this action of the League the memory, which please the spectators Association, Mr. Barnie's Leadville battery Inter-State Association unless made up ot&rod for a»lo atflO eafk not owe its success to his throw, but to the no other cause than injuries received while I leave you and the public to judge whether rules relating to discipline have been pre­ Ladies free to the ground, as well as the stock­ fact that the entire team was in good condi­ stealing second or third base. How many we can be justly accused of bribery in this pared, and will be printed and posted up in holders, which mimber sixte-jn business men tion when the others were breaking down. ankles are sprained in the course of a season matter. the club house and on the grounds and each of the city. A fee of 15 cents to each persoa through this alone? And every man stealing As to what Mr. Stern may have said to a will be charged to the grand stand. A good ' In a conversation with Manager Harry reporter of the Globe-Democrat 1 have this to player furnished with a copy. They are Wright, the veteran of the base ball arena, abase runs this risk of injury, sometimes brief and to the point and will be enforced by many improvements will probably be made on the subject, he endorsed the above views temporary, but often of such a character that say, I don't believe Mr. Stern ever told fines, but are in no way unjust to the player. to the grounds-as soon as the weather permits. as a reflection of his own sentiments. There the effect is felt in after years. The strain on him or anybody else that a pool had been System in placing the men in position on the All players are ordered to report for practice a player of going at headlong speed for a formed to bribe Bradley or anybody else to duty from the 1st to 5th of April. Several is one thing about the throw that militates break his contract with any of the Union field will also be had. At the sound of a against it and that is the punishment it in­ base and then suddenly checking himself in gong the men will form in line at the club games will be played on the home grounds in order to retain the base ought also to be con­ clubs, for he is a man of truth; that he did April, as well as a two weeks' trip East and flicts on the catcher, but this, Mr. Wright offer to bet $50 that neither Mullane, Dunlap house, near the extreme corner of the right thinks, could be mitigated by a very sidered. Then when a runner slides it not field, and march up with military precision, South is being arranged prior to the com­ simple method, and that is to infrequently happens that his hip is badly nor Bradley would play with a Union club under the command of Captain York, and mencement of the championship season. Tat bruised and the skin is abraded, which have no doubt, as he has told me as much Altoona Association was recentlj made a PLACE THE TITCHER BACK upon reaching a certain point will break makes a painful wound. We have often seen and I may say he is still willing to bet it, ranks and run to their positions. All move­ limited copartnership and registered as suck, about two yards. A number of paragraphs the skin scraped off for many inches as clean but that is a matter entirely of his own. ments to and from position on the field at the are floating about in which he is credited as if cut with a razor. Now let a player so As for the relative positions of myself and end of innings will be upon the double BASE BALL IX RICHMOND. with desiring the pitcher's removal back two wounded go to his accustomed position in Mr. Dave Keid in regard to the manage­ quick, which will shorten the time of tne feet. Two feet would not affect the desired the field. The day is warm and the blood ment of the St. Louis Club, "The Critic" is game and thus keep up the interest of spec­ The Fever Growing In that Southern TOWB- object at all; two yards more, or 56feet in all and perspiration combined will cause the flan­ as much in error as in his other statements. Mr. Held has never been spoken of or to in tators. Freparlng for the Season. alls delivered in the course of » game would Base ball is now established on a firm foot­ prise in store for Brooklyn, as he was now ing and the League and American Associa» negotiating with four well-known players on the Dunlap matter, and all urging Cleve­ H. Robinson, George Bignall, James be materially reduced. Pitchers were no land to release him for the good of the Metro­ Henry Strauss, James Meenan; more effective when they could deliver nine tiou are working in harmony for the pro­ whose names would shortly be announced tection of their interests and the welfare of ..... Sam Kiinber, Morgan, Schenck, Cas- politans, rather than let him go to St. Louis. Dave Foutz, Henry Porter, Phil. balls without penalty than they are uow All have met with a firm refusal, but still first base, Jacob Goodman; second base,W; With seven, and the reduction to six will the game. Under the circumstances it is sidy, Doyle and McCabe are all working hard niore childishness to have different playing here in gymnasium. McCabe is a very the solicitations continue. It is a good H. Watkins; third base, James Davis; sM" have naught but a beneficial effect. It wil" spirit to see influencing the American As­ stop, James Turbidy; left field, James Ouo- operate slightly to the rules for each simply for the sake of differ­ tine pitcher and is still ready to sign with ing. To outsiders it looks as if the American some good club ..... It is stated that the sociation, tait it would be better if the grab- 'worth; centre field, John Morrison, wd om ADVANTAGE OF THE BATSMEN, Association was afraid of being accused of Virginia Club are trying to sign Jack for-self policy was not BO evident in the of the pitchers or catchers will play and this is most desirable, as for yearg the being led by the League if it did not do things a Burnes. A good man to catch for Doyle i" League. Unless a change comes the League field ..... The Bay Citys have s they can get him ..... Farrow is in New will cease to lead in base ball, and must re­ April dates as follows: Athletics, of batter has had too little consideration. All littlci differently. This may not be the reason delphia, 8; Philade!phias, 10 and 11; Wf the efforts have been directed, season after tor the difference in the rules, but it looks so. Haven working with Terry..... Tommy tire because not possessing enough vitality and ton, 9 and 12; Wilmington, 14; Colnmbnt, Season, to the improvement of the fielding Now the League is the older body, with Dolan, an elegant short stop, of last year's wisdom to sustain itself in the leading place. But the Metropolitans and their agents will 16, 17 and 18; Dayton, 19; Louisville, X, * department at the expense of the batting much the greater experience; besides, it is a Hartford Club, is in town still disengaged and 22; Cincinnati, 24, and St. Louis, 2>>, » tintil it has skeletonized the game, as It conservative body which generally looks be­ His address is 629 W. Thirty-third street, N fail in this particular case. The reserve rule were. In fact it lias come down to thi^ that fore it leaps and its legislation is usually Y. He would be an addition to any club. 10 one of the planks in the National Agree­ and 27. Feb. 27. THE LIFIfi. 3 THE NATIONAL AGREEMENT. )layers. It might be well to say, however, THE Expert Club, of Conshohocken, Pa., will A WILMINGTON paper s»ys that Manager Sim- fused anything from a cigar down to a bottle of hat the National Agreement has come to hereafter be known as the Conshohockeu Club. nons, of the Quickstep, chairman of the Schedule soda. Money brought him into the Lucas Club Its Advantage s Graphically described by the tay. Its principles are right. Its success DAN O'LEARY. the manager of the Indianapolis Committee of the Eastern League, has the and money drew him away from that organiza- Secretary of the Arbitration Committee. Club, has opened a rolier rink in Evansville.Ind. schedule prepared, and will submit it to the com­ n one year has been phenomenal. It will be mittee for approval at tho Bingham House, Phila , CINCINNATI, Feb. 21. Editor SPOKTINU he lasting law of base ball in this land. Its Tox PRATT was in Boston recently with a view on March 16. Vo?f KKR AHE'S friends claim that he is a mucn- upporters will to booming the proposed Union Association club abused man and that those who are abusing him LIFE: You ask me to occasionally con­ reap the reward. Its enemies there. THE Minneapolis Northwestern League Club in the Mullane case are men whom he befriended will fail. Mark the prediction. ias engaged the old Red's park in St. Louis and and who have partaken of his bounty. The Critic tribute something that will be of interest to BURNS and Kilroy, the battery of last year's he team will take its preliminary practice there. O. P. CAYLOB. Bridgeton (N. J.) Club, will play with the Dayton derides these and says: "We have heard of Mr. your numerous readers. I will but too (O.) Club. The cold weather of the North makes it impossible Yon der Ahe's liberality. We have been informed to play In the home city before the opening of the that he gave two shares of stock away a few day* gladly comply with your request whenever THE MILWAUKEE CttJB. THE veteran Eoss Barnes is permanently located regular season. ago. and that before giving them he took a mort­ a topic occurs to me which in business at Rockford, 111., having retired from TPE Washington Nationals will open the season gage on the shares and then tied a rope around the I am persuaded the arena forever. mortgage." will both interest the patrons of THE SPORT­ Ground Bought Outright What the Play. ind their new grounds in Washington with the ers are Doing. WARD will not play with the New York team from Princeton College; two games, about THE sohedi'Ie meetings of tho different associa­ ING LIFE and benefit base ball interests at until May 30, when his collegiate course at Co April 1 and 2. They have also arranged games tions will be held as follows: Marcn 4, National KOCKFOBD, 111., Feb. 18. Editor SPORT- i bia College will end. wiih the Chesters, of Pennsylvania, large. and the Ports- League, in Buflalo, N. Y.: 6, American Associa­ NG LIFE: The Milwaukee Base Ball Asso- i THE Cincinnati Union Club will Isssue a limited mouths, of Virginia. tion, in Baltimore, IVid.; 10, Northwestern League, Every lover of the glorious sport certainly number of season tickets. Ladles accompanied by THE "Mets" would give Dunlap $4,090 if his re- in Chicago, 111.; 14, American College Associa­ iation have purchased a block 300 x 400, tion, in Springfield, Mass.; 15, Eastern League, in will rejoice at the gradual growing prosperity 1 escorts will be admitted free. ease from Cleveland could be secured. The latter orner Twelfth and Wright streets, beauti- ! BfiouGHTONhas been released by Barnie. H« was offered $1,000 for "Dunny's" release, but it is Philadelphia: 17, Union Association, in Cincin­ of our National game and appiove of every would like to play In Cleveland again, but his fig­ no go, as Cleveland is determined to hold or black­ nati O.; 20, Ohio Valley Association, in New- ully located, paying nearly $12,000 for the ures are too high for that team. ist him. There appears to be some personal feei­ Castle, Pa.; 21, Western College Association, itt measure that tends to spread and per­ ng at the bottom of it all. Chicago, III. ' manently establish professional base ball >roperty, and will commence work on the THE St. Louis Union team will not make a trip THEHartvllle Club has signed Avery, Betl, clubs through the many cities of our broad to New Orleans, as reported. Manager Ted Sulli­ JOHN MANNING writes that he Is in good health. grounds at once. The seating capacity, in- van says there is no money in it. His exercise has been confined to skating, at which Donnelly, Stephens of last season's team, Harry land. To attain this end the Arbitration Jluding grand stand he is expert, and he has not yet been in a gymna­ Bradley, of the Mantua. Wiedel and Munyan as Committee formulated the National Agree­ and boxes, will be A. H. HEXDERSON, of the Union Association, and sium. He begins this week, though, and promises battery, from West Philadelphia. Two more are ment. Under the principles of this now- ",000. The grounds being high and dry and Horace B. Phillips, of the Grand Rapids Club, to be in tip-top condition for the coming season, of yet to be signed and a number arc under considera­ evel, with a splendid turf, will make one of were in Philadelphia last week. which he speaks enthusiastically. tion. A grand stand will ho erected and the fomous document the supreme base ball grounds put in fine condition Would like to hear fundamental law of the land and its prede­ ,he finest fitted-up grounds in the country, THB inside of the fence at Eecreation Park Is to THE St. Louis Club will return to brown stoek- and with the West Side Street Railway Com- be painted white. The chairs in the grand stand ngs this year and has adocted from all managers as soon as possible. Address, cessor, the Tripartite Agreement, base ball will be painted red and varnished. a very handsome John F. Murphy, manager, care of James McVey. jany's Twelfth street cars and Milwaukee shade of that color. The caps will be of the League 2816 Kensington avenue. has grown into a prosperity and extent that }ity Hallway YOKK has been released by the Cleveland mttern with white and brown stripes, with brown was never dreamed of. If the enemies of the Company's Eighth street line Club, and Barnie will now get his services. $500 Is belts with large nickel buckles. A natty little THB Boston League Club, on the strength of th» National Agreement do not x>th running direct to the gate, and being said to be the amount of the bonus. coat will be worn with the uniform. championship,proposes to increase the price of sea- succeed in only twenty minutes' ride coming from the ion tickets. Last year $15 was asked, with privi­ its destruction, professional base ball will be East and South sides respectively, and THE Lucas team will have a regular traveling THE protests that were entered by property- lege of the grand stand, prior to the season, and an established feature in every city of any suit, which will be dark blue. This will be the first lolders in the neighborhood of the new grounds of after the beginning of the ransversing the West side, the grounds of of Its kind introduced by any ball club. the National Club, of Washington, have been season $20. Now $30 will size in this country for years to come and withdrawn by be asked, with less privileges than were granted hundreds of base ball players will have con­ the Milwaukee Club are more accessible than THERE is some talk of organizing an amateur as­ the parties who filed them with tho for $16 last season. The club is not very anxious to he grounds of any association the writer has sociation in Cincinnati and arranging a schedule of commissioners. This allows the club to commence sell any tickets, not needing any ready money. A, stant employment, at salaries ranging from sver visited (barring the Chicagos on the championship games for moneyed prizes. at once tho erection of their grand stand. few years ago things were different. There Is & $1,000 to $2,500, for seven months' service. lake front) and with a city of over 150,000 THE Massachusetts Collegiate Base Ball As­ THE talked-of New England Association should grand kick, and the action of tho club oflicials IB If, however, the National Agreement should population a large attendance is almost cer­ sociation will hold its annual meeting at the be successful. There was formerly a New England strongly denounced by the leading newspapers. by any possible chance Massasoit House, Springfield, March 14th. championship, and with nines from Boston, Low- THK directors be broken up, the end tain, as great interest is being taken in the ell, Lynn, Holyoke, Hartford, New Haven, Wor­ of the Holyoke (Mass.) Base Ball of prosperous base ball will speedily come. WORD comes from St. Louis that Ted Sullivan Association are taking the preliminary steps to­ jame by a large proportion of the citizens. cester, Springfield, Manchester, N. H., and other wards organizing a new nine. It is thought that, Instead of seventy clubs standing together denies that he has signed a contract with the Vir­ places to choose from, there would be no lack of . Morrissey and McGinley, of the Mil- ginia Club, ard that he will not go to Richmond. with a few good men that can be secured elsewhere anil working hand in hand for each other's waukees, are in daily practice at their homes nines. ai*ii the five or six local players of ability, a good good, giving employment to fully eight hun­ LONG JOHN REILLY and "Buck" Ewlng were put THE Eastern League has been admitted to mem­ nine can be formed. They have also a scheme for in Janesville. Griffin and Behel, at Rock- to considerable inconvenience by the flood at Cin­ bership with the National League, Northwestern the sale of season tickets which will admit to 20) dred players, as will be the case in 1884, we ford, are hard at work with little Nicol, of cinnati, their homes being among those inun­ shall have, as we had in the past, League and American Association. The Ohio games for $5. The tickets will be good until used a cut-throat- St. Louis Browns. Captain Loftus is in dated. State League, the Western Leaguo and the Ohio and will entitle their holders to a scat In tho grand every-one-for-himself- and-the-devil - take-all- Dubuque practicing two hours every day PRESIDENT SPALDING of the Chicago Club has Valley Base Ball Association have applied for stand at each game. in c-the-rich-ones-policy. Then instead of with Captain Commiskey, of St. Louis no faith in the Union Association movement. He membership, and Secretary Caylor says they will PEORIA notes: fames Whitfleld will be th« seventy clubs working together there will be thinks the whole outfit will not last longer than get It. Browns. Dunn and Purvis are in Canada. Aug. 1. manager of the Peoria Reds for the coming season. eight or ten, only in the larger cities, as was The McDermott Bros, are doing battery THE Cleveland Herald Is authority for the state­ He will also act as the scorer and will accompany the situation in 1881. Throw the eight hun­ work MB. HACKETT, of Holyoke, signed with Quincy ment that Daniel Jones (Jumping Jack), tho Yale the clnbouajl of Its trips...... All the players who in Fall River, Mass., under the veteran eye too soon. He could have had the management College pitcher who helped the Athletics to win have signed will be ordered to report for practice dred players of 1884 upon the market with of L. W. Deane. Joe Straub and Sexton are either of the Cleveland Club, or the Cincinnati the American Association championship, will on the first of April if the weather Is good, and ten clubs to bid for their services and one can doing gymnasium work in Milwaukee. Unions. probably pitch for Minneapolis after graduating otherwise they will not be ordered to report until readily see how these players would fare. Straub has fully recovered the use of his A TRENTON base ball director has wagered a suit next June, and Hubbard has been engaged to the 15th of that month...... The season will open The professional base ball player should of clothes with a less enthusiastic policeman that catch him. on the 16th and 17th of April by exhibition games arm and Columbus lost a valuable man in with the Fort Wayno Club. bear in mind that in no case do clubs con­ him. It is expected that Milwaukee will the pennant of the Eastern League will come to THE Reading Times suggest* that the Active tinue in the business where some money can­ that city. Club change its name to "Heading Club." It Is of PRESIDENT MILLS, of the National Leairue has make a "gallant fight for the pennant." HENRY MOORE, the second baseman of last year's opinion that that name was good enough for an written to the Chicago Herald a letter in defense not be made, or, at least, expenses paid. It Manager McKee will locate permanently in of the is like Beading Active Club, has not as yet signed with amateur, but a professional . emb should bear the reserve rule and in criticism of Mr. Hulk- any other business is base ball. Milwaukee March 15. Yours truly, any club. He lives at Progress Hotel, 204 Chatham name of the city on which it sheds glory. Wilming- ley's subfltltute. Mr. Mills takes tho ground that When it ceases to pay it stops and dies out. ton papers also urge the Quicksteps to change the Bulkley plan, even if it were not open to many JAMES F. MCKEE. Square, N. Y. their name. objections on the score ofmutlllty and Impractica­ The curse of the business in past years has FRANK C. JOHNSON and F. Adams, battery of AFTER the schedule meetings bility, is in no single particular a substitute for been a crazy tendency to overdo it in every the Manchester, N. H., and Lawrence, Mass., of the League and the reserve rule, but, on tho contrary, tho reserve city where any club had made any money. THE OHIO VALLEY ASSOCIATION. clubs, are living at home in Lowell. American Association in March a meeting will bo They are as held to arrange rule would be more than ever necessary to make For instance, in 1881 Philadelphia had no yet disengaged. a schedule for the reserve teams of the graded salary system effective. The Schedule Meeting The Change of the St; Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cleveland, professional team, but the enterprise ol LYSTON, first base and change pitcher, of the Chicago and Pittsburg clubs. Good ball will be STEVENS IBHTITUTK, of Hoboken, Rutgors, o ' Messrs. Mason, Sharsig and Simmons put Name Election ol Officers. Feabody's, of Baltimore, is still unengaged. Ad­ provided In all of these cities while the regular New Brunswick, and Lafayette, of Easton, com" the Athletics in the field in 1882 and, by A meeting of the delegates representing six dress communications to Win. Lyston, Waverly, nines are away. prising tho Association of New York and New Baltimore Co., Md. Jersey Colleges, havo arranged tho following reason of good management, they made clubs in the Ohio Valley Base Ball Association TUB Brooklyn Club will be played as follows: money. No sooner was this discovered than E\'ANS,of Baltimore, wnom the Harrisburg Club Samuel Kiinber and William Terry, pitcher*: John nchedule of games for May and June: May 10, was held in the Leslie House, at New Castle, wished to sign for first base, has returned the con­ Corcoran and John Farrow, catchers; Chan. House­ Rutgers vs. Lafayette, at New Brunswick; May 17, the League planted a team there for 1883. tract papers unsigned, stating that he will only holder, lb.; William Greenwood, 2b.; Frederick Lafayette vs. Slovens at Easton; May 21, Stovens Then came the Tripartite Agreement and Pa.,Feb. 20th. The Franklin Club was repre­ play in the outfield. Warner, 3b.; Denny Mack, ss.; Isaac Burnes, late vs. Hoboken; May 24, Lafayette vs. stopped further encroachments ALL the games on the St. Louis ground prior to of the Wilmington Quicksteps, If.; Oscar walker, Rutgers, at Easton; May 30, Rutgers vs. Stev«us, in that terri­ sented by J. B. Borland and W. W. Dufiield, at New Brunswick; Juno 3, Stevens vs. Lafayette, tory, else heaven knows how many pro­ Liberty Stars by Edward Milliken, New the championship season will be umpired by the cf., and John Cassidy, rf. at Hoboken. fessional clubs would be in your city this well-known Geo. Seward, who in lung power rivals A STRONG feeling of rivalry exists between tho spring with expensive Brighton by S. B. Post, M. D., New Castle by "Foghorn" Bradley. cities of Milwaukee and Grand Rapids over tho THE Maple Leaf Club, of ttuolph, Can., has or­ teams to divide up the THE Allegheny Club, In order to accommodate merits of the respective teams that will represent ganized on the co operative plan. All of lust year's few thousand dollars profits the Athletic K. G. Miller and L. B. Durbin, Youngstown Washington has released Robert Barr, the pitcher, thesetwo cities In the Northwestern League. Cheap players will be retained. Negotiations are now Club founded. The result would be universa byT. T. Dorsey and T. W. Johnston, Jr., and he will go to his native city. Morgan will excursions have already been arranged to run be­ pending for a arround. A trip through Michigan^ failure of all to pay expenses, bad loca, and Oil City by Al. Pratt, of Pittsburg. The probably be his catcher. tween the two cities when the championship series will bo made If dates can be secured. Dates can.' of games are being played. now be arranged by clubs who Intend visiting blood, general disgust and a sudden collapse first thing they did was to change the name JIM , now under arrest in Now York for Canada. At a recent meeting tho following olllcorg to no club, as was the condition in 1880 am to the "Iron and Oil League Base Ball As­ the fight with Tom Henry, tho English pugilist. Is THE following players have been engaged by the wore elected: Mr. W. S. ttmith, president; .las. 1881. sociation." After some deliberation the As­ an excellent ball player and was one time tho Quincv Club: J. T. Gorman, If. and p.; J. Devlne, Tuylor, secretary; A. W. Lyson, treasurer. Mr. Probably but two cities in the country sociation decided to adopt the Spaldingball. trainer of-Brown University. p., P. J. Horan, p. and rf.; R. Black, change p. Smith is an old ball player, ho Miving been ttio> A committee of five was appointed ROBERT TAYLOR. of the St. Clalr Hotel. Pitts­ and rf.; Clarence Baldwin, c.; C. Ambrough. c.; pitcher of tho professional Gruel ph teams in 1870- Philadelphia and New York.can support twc to select burg, lias been awarded the restaurant and score J. C. Sands, ss. and c.; James Dwyor, ss. and 3b.; '77-'78. Jas. Taylor will manage the ciub. good first-class base ball clubs and let each umpires, for which position there were a card privilege at the Allegheny ground, Union Hughes,2b. ; Isaacson, lb.; Sullivan, cf.; manager, number of applicants. The committee will Hackett, of Holyoke, Mass. THE Brooklyn Club has thus far arranged the make money a necessary condition of thing: Park, for the coming season. following games for April: Brooklyn vs. Cleve­ to keep them as permanent institutions of th make known their selection in a few days. EX-SKCRETARY WILLIAMS, of the American AS' CHARLEY FLINN, who managed the Pcoria Reds land, at Brooklyn, April 12 and 14; Brooklyn VB. cities they represent. It is this recognizet It was also decided to open the schedule sea­ sociation. is to bo presented with a $150 gold watch a portion of the past season, bas two oll'crs from New York, at Brooklyn, April 15, and at the Polo axiom that is one of the son on May 1. A committee was appointed purchased by club subscriptions as a testimonial for other clubs. One is from the St. Paul Club and Grounds, New York 'City, April 26; Brooklyn vs. pillar laws of th his great services as secretary. the other from tho club atStillwater. Ho will National Agreement. That document ac to arrange dates for the different games. probably accept the management of one of them, Philadelphia, at Brooklyn, April 17; Brooklyn vs. oor (ingij- »a»»rt» ti*^t -it wiU Thorn were four applications from as many T. C. CASJBV, of tie Bfngb»mpton,Flr«w»y», de­ though he has not as yet decided upon tho matter. N«w York, at the Polo Grounds. Now York City, ities for admission into the Association. scribed as a good pitcher and strong left-handed Both are very April 18; Brooklyn vs. Providence, at Brooklyn, more than one member from any one city As batter Is open for an engagement. He lives at 29 good propositions. April 1», 21 and 22; Brooklyn vs. Boston, at Brook­ (except New York and Philadelphia, where t has been decided to only admit eight clubs, Mather street, Blnghampton, N. Y. THR parties prominently interested In the eatan, lyn, April 23 and 24; Brooklyn vs. Bulf.ilo, at two existed when the document was formed), he selection of the other two clubs was left THE "only" Nolan. 18 running a saloon In Fater llahment of another base ball club In Boston are Brooklyn, April 25 and 20; Brooklyn va. New York, to the committee. The following officers were son, N. 3., which is a expressing great confidence that the movement at Brooklyn, April 28, and Brooklyn vs. Detroit, at unless the one member in a city ask for the congenial business for the will prove a succes, now that admirorsand lovers Brooklyn, April 29 and 30. admission of a second club in that city, as then elected: HoraceG. Miller, New Castle, "only." He wants to play bull again this season. of bicycling, pedestrianism and other sports have was the case with the Baltimore Club and president; T. W. Johnston, Youngstown, It is said he has signed the pledge. aken hold of the matter and propose to make a TUB Bostons will be kept actively at practice secreta.-y; Dr. S. B. Post, New Brighton, THE Dayton team have April dates with ort of a general athletic atl'air of it. during the month of April, preparatory to the the Massamore Club in Baltimore. On the opening ;reasurer. Each club then paid its entrance Louis Bay Citys, Minneapolis, Loulsvllles, THK of tho championship season on May 1st. other hand, however, the agreement invites ctnnatis and Tolodos at home. They open the Wigwam Is a new feature of the Spalfling Manager Morrlll has arranged definitely for the membership from every unoccupied city in .Tee, after which a communication from J. son on the 15th and 18th In Cincinnati. iron.' establishment In Chicago. It Is a large following games: Fast day. morning and after­ the land where a club can be Palmer O'Neil & Co., of Pittsburg, was read. oom, comfortably fitted up with chairs, carpet, noon, Metropolitans, of New York, In this city; the supported, and A ST.LOUIS amateur association has been formed. ables, pictures, and a complete file of the snorting following to all such clubs it will give aid, encourage­ They affer a handsome silk banner as a prize George E. Casslly, tho manager of tho Lucas re­ ournals of America, Is designed as a day (Friday), Metropolitans In Boston; o the club which carries place of April 15 and 16, Amhorst College team at Boston* ment and protection. Thus this great instru­ off the champion­ serve team, was elected president; H. E. Hobbs, esort for sportsmen, ball players, etc., and Is 18, 21 and 22, Metropolitans at New York; 29,' ment aims to establish honest and prosperous ship. ______vice president, and Scott B. Noble, secretary. ultable for club meetings of all kinds. Yales at Now Haven; 23 and 24, Brooklyn? at professional base ball in every city of conse­ THB Pittsburgh Leader says Powell will not play THIS Oil City team, as far as signed, Is as follows: Brooklyn; 25. Trentons at Trenton. Three or four OFFICIAL NOTICES In Cincinnati. It risks Its reputation on the asser­ N. L. Fisher, p.; A. L. Wllsonholm, c.; J. R. Cohon, games will bo played with tho Brown Unlveralty quence in the country, and after once estab­ tion and remarks, "Stick a pin here." Allegheny b.; W. J. Burke, 2b. and change catcher, E. E. team, probably about the 6th of the month. lishing it, to protect and found it on a paying Is mentioned as the club to receive his services. leveland, 3b.: A. Rimer, ss.; J. Munross, If.; J. B. Sent out by the Secretaries of the Different terry, cf.; Al Mays. rf. and TUB most popular bat In use among professionals' basis by refusing to recognize any other club MIKE MANSELL'S desertion of the Lucas Club change pitcher; Butler Is Roach «t Co.'s -reel-band" bat. So which goes into the already occupied territory Associations. created not a ripple In the base ball world of St. Jase, substitute. George W. Darr. a prominent much In ictroleum broker, Is (ecretary of the association. favor Is It that orders come In from everywhere, and attempts to take away its patronage at Secretary Wheeler Wikoff, of the Ameri- Louis. According to tho tone »f the local Dlayers clubs laying In their stock already. The Athletic the risk of ruin to both. tn Association, sends us the following nobody cared a rap whether he went or stayed. nstance of Mullane's double dealing (Mub has ordered six dozen and tho Boston, New FRED COBBY, of tho Athletics, has a brother as come to light. At the time he was negotiating York, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Chicago and The other recognized evil which the agree­ with Toledo, he had virtually accepted an offer of ment aims to wipe out is the old tendency of notice; Harry Corey, who Fred thinks would bo a valuable other professional clubs have also ordered large CoLUMBrs, Feb. 11.—Dear Sir: You are hereby addition to a club. He Is a heavy left-handed bat 2,200 from Mr.Von dor Aho, and had made an en- lots. The bat owes Its excellence to the wood of one club to "pirate" popular players from notified that 1 have this day approved the follow- terand good fielder. Harry lives In Westerly, tageinent to go to the office of Mr. O'Neil, one of which it Is made, a lot of which Mr. Kuiich was another and by suddenly, surreptitiously ng contracts: Allegheny with Michael E. Man- Mass. ho St. Louis Club directors, to sign. All was in fortunate in securing, and which It is doubtful eadlness but Tony, who was s^ning a contract at whether he can replenish when exhausted. It Is and with any questionable means taking ell- Cincinnati with James J. Woulffe; Baltimore THE Cleveland League Club has Increased the hat time, but popular players from a certain club in the »ith Frank O-ardner. You are also notified that price of its season tickets from $18 to $20. This in­ not Mr. Von dor Aho's. not saying t«o much when we state that It Is tho midst of the season, do unaccountable 'alvert Broughton, of the Baltimore Club, has crease is due to the fact that fifty-six instead of DKNNIS BROUTHBRS, the champion batsman, best bat In the market and is selling like hotoakes. been released and will be eligible to enter into forty-nine championship games will be played at writes us from his home In Wapplnger's Falls, N. OKAND Rapids notes: The members of tho hoiu» damage to the ic/cal club's patronage. A re­ contract Feb. 27, and that Kobert M. Barr, of the Y., that he is now practicing daily with two ania- home. eur players team will not show up In Grand Rapids until tne markable instance of this is the Chicago Allegheny Club, has been released and will be THE Boston Club's ground Is to be enclosed with of considerable experience, who ho middle of May, hut will report at Louisville or Club's inroad upon the famous Boston team eligible to enter into contract Feb: 2U. .hinks would be desirable men fo- a good club. a new twelve foot fence and the grand stand is to ?hey are James and Michael Deln.ianty. tho for­ Eaton, Ohio, on April 1st for practice, and the pea- ot 1875. In the midst of the season it was Secretary N. E. Young, of the National be enlarged much needed improvements, as it mer a third baseman and the latter a good pitcher. son will begin on April ISth, 13th and 14th. The announced that the Chicagos had employed was about the most dilapidated ground In the other Aoril dates arn Indianapolis, 16th, 16th and League, sends us this: Managers should make a note of this. 17th; Cincinnati, 18th and 25th; Evansvlllo, Ind., Bpalding, Barnes, White and McVey at WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 18. Sir: J. H. Jones country. CHAS. H. CUSHMA.N, of West Philadelphia, well loth and 20th; Columbus. 26th and 27th...... The enormous salaries to play in Chicago in 1876. has signed contract with the Providence Club for J A JONES, of Chicago, Radbourne's former nown to local base ball people as the backer and team will be played a« follows: Sawyer, Gctzeln, h« season of 1884. You are also notified that catcher has «lgned a contract with the Providence nentor of This fell like a damper on Boston and for Base Ball Association for 1884. Radbourne says Honderson, the pitohcr, Is a candidate Henry and Eden, pitchers; Stockwell Gastfleld.St. three vears afterward that club lived only Thomas York, of the Cleveland Club, has been re­ that Jones 'or Northwestern League umpire. His application Lawrence and Madden, catchers: Houtz, Ib.t leased from reservation and will be eligible to en- Is one of the most satisfactory catchers s In the hands of Secretary Morton. Horace Phil­ Kcarns, 2b.; Madden. 31).; Cox, ss.; Jones, If., and becaus'e one man put up $20,000 with a hope ;er Into contract Feb. 2». ho ever had. ips. Wm. Barnie and a host of other friends are Eden, rf. Henry, Gctzeiu and Gastfiold will alter­ that he would some day get it back. This THE Defiance Club will be In the field this season ooklng after his Interests. Mr. Cushman has the nate in ef. he succeeded in doing last season. Those Secretary S. G. Morton, of the North­ with the following team:-Pollard, Gallagher and ability to fill the position satisfactorily. MANAOKR PHILLIPS, of Grand Rapids, has writ­ big-priced players went to Chicago in 1876. western League, sends us this: Morris pitcher; Jones,Farmer and White catchers; THE WalklllB. B. C., ofMlddletown, N. J., has CHICAGO Feb. 19. Dear Sir: You are notified Letfert'sfschell and Rlokley on the bases; Shaw, ten to President Rust, of the Northwestern League, They never got such salaries since. In 1877 elected E. Quick, president, and M. Dugnn, with reference to providing a town In ease one of that I have'approved contracts of Muskegon with ss.; Smith cf. secretary. AH the stock has been taken. The the club was a failure in spite of them and E P Brown; Quincy with C. M. Hackett, James the clubs should drop out of the League. It is the securing of the lake front grounds alone NELSON, of the M«tropo!ltans, was to have >layers signed are C. Baker, W. Carmichael, L. proposed to protect Evansvllle with Its contracts Devine, C. H. Osterhout; Milwaukee with James nlayed a game of rackets with a Mr. Londy, at Roth, C. Adams, J. McQueen, J. Degnan, T. Kaln, with players and admit Its club to the League, saved the organization from disorganization. Purvis. Hezau's Court, for collateral, »n Washington's J. Sweezy, C. Hlghain The ground and seating providing there Is a vacancy. President Rust.lfc The sudden discovery in 1870 that George and Secretary Diddlebock, of the Eastern Birthday. Londy failed to show up and Nelson capacity will be enlarged and Improved. Com­ IK understood, will give tho matter thorough at­ Harry Wright had signed to go to Boston won by default. munications should be addressed to M. Dugan, 8 tention, and it Is believed that the Leagues will League, writes us as follows: THE Sing street. the following year disrupted the famous Cin­ PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 20.-Edltor SPORTING Union Pacific team for this season will be a bo willing to recognl/.o Evansvllle's contracts un­ cinnati Red Stocking Club. These strong on«. Their battery is Bandle and Salisbury; THE Bostons will adopt a new method In practice der the circumstances. Aside from the possibility are but LiFE:-President W. C. Seddon signed the articles Rockwell Whltney and Foley are at the bases; next season. Two games will be played on every of one of the members of the League dropping ont. notable instances of this great evil that has of admission of the Eastern League to the Na­ Snead at short stop, and Funkhouser, MoKelvy day except on match days. Preliminary practice It will be a desirable advantage to the North­ killed off scores of clubs as well as public tional Agreement of professional base ball clubs at will be indulged In every morning, after western League to admit Evansvllle as an alliance Bichmona, Va., reb! 19. I have approved con- and Smith on the outside. which a local pride and interest in the game all over tracts of the Harrisburg Club with t, flord THE Toledo Club intends, if possible, to secure game of several Innings will be played. The pub­ town. the country. To remedy this evil the reserve another phenomenal pitcher, which would make ic will bo admitted free to the morning exhibitions Roecker, A. M. Slade, John Reccius and Clinton hich will be entirely informal. JUST as soon as the lease hold by the Cincinnati rule was put into the National Agreement W Caswell; Virginia Club with B. F Johnson. the club one of the strongest in the country, and a In the afternoon (American) Club on the Bank street grounds ex­ credit to the city. Intoxicating liquors will not be practice games will be played,to which the entrance not to "enslave the player" as it is claimed, TheMonuments! Club gives notice that they Fee will oe 25 cents. pires the management of the Union Club will com­ but to protect him and his interests by mak­ claim for club colors and uniforms gray and blue permitted on the grounds. mence the work of Improving the park. A magni­ and the "Yale" hat. IT is said that Ambrose Lynch, an old-time base THE directors of the Trenton Base Ball Club ficent cinder track, which will cost In the neigh­ ing his business widespread and prosperous, ball player, who is doing a life sentence In the have decided to lease the large tract of land on the borhood of $1.500. will bo constructed for the Cin­ and as President Mills so aptly represents Western Pouitentary at Pittsburg for murder, ban west side of Broad street, Clmmbersburg, at the cinnati Bicycle Club, the members of which will it, "by taking a club manager by the throat Note* and Comment*. only earned $30 by working overtime. He has been terminus of the City Railway Line. There are during next season make this park their head­ THE new Dayton Club will have four batteries. Incarcerated for nine years. four acres in the property. The owner Is Abner R. quarters. A new building will be erected on the and compelling him to keep his hands ofl Chambers, who leastd grounds as a dressing and store room for the cyclists. Ms neighbor's enterprise." p. J. KORAN has deserted Mr. Henderson, to go IHORAHAM and Cahill, of the Philadelphia Club It to the City Railway Com­ arrived In Philadelphia on Saturday. They are pany. The club lease it from the City Railway. The diamond and outfield will be rolled, and, In Players have been grossly imposed upon to Quincey, 111. healthy, muscular-looking men, and Preparations will be made at onoe to put the places where It Is needed, fresh sod will be laid. by misrepresentations of the National Agree­ As YET the Cincinnati Union Club has not impress well, grounds In condition. Otherlnproveraents, which have not yet been defi­ lost a single player. They go at once into training. nitely decided upon, trill be made during the ment and the parties to it. The players MR. LCOAS will offer a number of prizes for the As AMATEUR association has been formed In month of April. interests are more jealously guarded than FAWTUCKET. R. I., talks of having a semi-pro­ Btrongest amateur club in St. Louis. The St. Louis Wilmington, Del. The following clubs are mem­ those of the clubs. No club can retain any fessional club this season. Union reserve team will be scheduled to play a bers: Ittctropolitan, Ottawa, Active and Modoo THK following Is self-explanatory: New York, THERE are over 150 applicants for the four East- number The schedule has been arranged, by which each Feb. SO: Editor SPOHTINO LIFE: The Alaska* player for less than $1,000 salary. No club of games with clubs in this local amateur play the Keystones at Philadelphia. April 18 and dari remain in arrears to a for salary earn League umpireships. association during the month of April. club will play twenty-four games, eight with each THE Shamrock of the other alubs, and the club which wins the ma­ ill; alsoplay In Baltimore, Washington, Ports- now You will find, when the League and Club, of Cincinnati, gave a grand THE first fine Saturday In March will be taken jority of games will hold the pennant for the fol­ month, Va., and Trenton, would be pleased to American Association books are published, masked ball last Thursday. advantage of by the professionals now In Brook lowing season. The schedule games will be hear from all clubs on the route. They will also SEVENTEEN is now the number of deserters from lyn to have an opening picked n ne match at Pros played every Saturday. * make a two weeks' trip East early In May. Mr. that it is expressly provided that any player the Union Association camp, iiect Park The 8th of March will probably be th< Hankinson, a member of our organization, has not to whom his club owes money may ?°mplain Say, as the season poinises to open early. TRENTON, N. J., notes: Alien, one of the Tren­ been released by New York to date. Have several THE Cleveland Club has over 160 applications for ton pitchers, arrived last week. He will practice of it at once, and upon proof of the indebted- positions on the reserve team. THERE is no truth In the rumor that Morris am promising young players who are spoken of very IMS, the club will be given ten days time to daily with Qulnton until the season opens...... highly. All sporting papers on file, especially Ton MCLHOLLAND, one of Cleveland's new players, Oarroll, the California battery, have refused to President Relneman, of tho Trenton Club, is push­ SPORTING LIFE. Would be pleased to entertain pay up, which, if not done, will eipel the has already reported for duty. play in Columbus. On tho contrary. Manage ing the arrangements for a better base ball season all professional people coming to New York. Schmelti has received a telegram in wh chthey say than the city has ever seen...... There Is talk of IT is rumored In St.Louls that Lucas has secured they will start from San Francisco shortly. G. W. Lake. Manager Alaska Club, 299 Hudson ClThe writer has been the friend of the honest Whltney leasing the base ball grounds by the year, in street, New York City. to take Mullane's place. which case there would be different athletic unselfish class of base ball players all his PBICE and Driscoll, a Virginia battery, hare JACK SMITH the organUer of the famo«s oli Fox, the pitcher under contract to Allegheny, life and will continue to be. He takes occa signed with the Dayton, O., Club. Easton Club from which Bradley.Beddy Miller an< who Is wintering in Boston, has n^t been heard many other noted players graduated, has mad CINCINNATI Enquirer:—If the law does not pro­ from for two months, but it is thought rion hereto say to all such that their future IN A couple of weeks there-will be a general application for the position of Eastern Leagu he will exodus eastward of California tect Mr. Lucas in Mullane's case there will be a turn up all right and make one of th,e brst pitchers lies in the success and permanent establish­ players. umpire. A better man could not be secured. few League and American Association contracts In the Association. Fox is acknowledged to be an ment of the National Agreement and its two FRED EOBIKSON, of Boston has signed to play WORK on the Lucas Club grounds Is progressing broken. Mr. Lucas can now get a first-class bat­ excellent pitcher, but he is unmanngable. He was) great fundamental principles. A few selfish second base for the Cincinnati Unions. rapidly, and the stands and all improvements wi tery out of the enemy's camp, and is only deterred fired from the Baltlmores last year and played the short-sighted players may temporarily profit " round is to have a be finished before March 23, the date set for the! from accepting them by a desire to avoid contract balance ol the season with the Trenfons. Ho has by allowing themselves to be encouraged urlo cinder track for bicycling an foot races. opening. The grounds will be opened with a gam breaking. If it becomes necessary to "carry the been laid up with rheumatism for some time, but Devlin, of the between the Lucas Club and the Union Paoifl war into Africa," it will be conveyed to that part Is recovering. It Is said he has reformed and de­ rebellion against a set of laws which they WE HAVE a letter for Manager Uevii of the base ball hemisphere with a vengeance. termined to take a front rank this season. He Is have never studied and do not un­ Mollneaux Club and one for C. C. waitt. team. capable of making a brilliant shnwimr. The Alle­ derstand. They will temporary PITT. GILMAN is teaching school at La Porte, u. THE Ohio League eo«ld very properly divide It ONE hundred dollars was what made gheny management, intend to give him a bonus at He and Bullas will go to Toledo In April. nto two divisions.. Chillicotue, Portsmout break his contract. Lucas had promised to pay the end of the season If lie acquits himself credit­ profit only, for if they coulT and Ironton constituting one division and Spring him $2.500 for the season. Toledo gives him $2.600. THB Boston Club has selected six out of fifty odd In the St. Louis Club last year ably and he is able '» e'l^n it. succeed in their rebellion they would sacri iions on the reserve team. field, Dayton and Hamilton the other. The rail Mullane was looked flee the interests of the whole profession o. applicants for positions on the reserv road jumps between these two cities will be rer upon as the closest-fisted man in the team. He rg Athletic Club proposes to put .u ^ was never known to spend a cent, and be flever re- Atiitional bate Ml onpaye 4, ball players. If they fail they but accom tlur base ball clufi lo the neld. ' small. " " their own eternal destruction as oaf ciass amatur base ball clufi THE SNORTING Feb. 27.

contortionists; Ashley and Hess, the jumbo Stuart. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Steele, Mr. D. P. Steele and Mr. Barney Mc- MUSIC AM DRAMA. policemen; Dollie Davenport, change artist; M. J. Savage. Nulty. It is said to be a better production than BASE BALL, Miss Katie Rooney, the charming little sou- Among the successful singers in Lnodon are "A Bunch of Keys" by the same author. brette; Till's Royal Marionettes, Orm Julia Guyford and F. C. Packard (now man and The Madison Square Company recently was on a Continued from page 5. What Is Going on In the Mimic World Dixon, ventriloquist, and wife) who are now singing in English opera at train which near Evansville, Inc., ran into a wash- Ketlaw and Alton, f'ovent Garden. int and was overturned. Fortunately none were —Footlight Flashes. the greatest of all change artists. The pro­ George Rignold, it is said, will return to this njured. It has often been remarked as a singular C. M. HACKOTT, of Holyoke. Mass., hat been en­ gramme concludes with the laughable after­ country next autumn and make a starring tour of matter that.notwithstanding the great number of gaged to manage the Quincy Northwestern League piece, "The Innkeeper and the Monkey," twenty weens,closing in San Francisco, from there actresses who are constantly upon railway trains team. Mr. Hackett will bring to his new Held with Topack and Steel sailing to Australia. n this country during the greater portion of the great experience. He has successfully managed PHILADELPHIA AMUSEMENTS. in the leading char­ the famous Holyoke acters. Matinees as usual, Tuesday, Friday Mr. Forbes Dawson, the light comedian of Mme. year, it Is rare that any of them are wounded in Club and under his guidance Modjeska's company, sailed collisions or other disasters. such famous plavers as Powell. Roger. Connor Haverly's Theatre. and Saturday. for England on the Glllesple, Mike Welch, Tim Keefe. WincheitJJ City of Chester. He has inherited over $30,000 by Chas. F. Coghlan has sued John Stetson in the and The revival on last Monday evening of the death of an uncle. New York Circuit Court to recover salary for three Moriarity developed. It is understood thnt weeks beginning Nov. 12, 1883. The defense the Cincinnati Unions made him a liberal offer Johann Strauss' merry operetta of "Prince Bijou Theatre. George D. Coxe, dramatic critic of The Call, and was also, and the Cleveland Herald says he has accepted Samuel I. Brown have adapted that Mr. Coghlnn was not to be paid by the week, Methusalem" by the McCaull Opera "The Sin and the Sorrow," a drama a play from the but $100 for each performance in an offer by wire to manage the Cleveland Club written French by Emannel Gonzales, under the title of which he should this season. Yet Secretary Morton gives notiee Comique Company atttracted a large and in a prologue and three acts was the "A Russian Princess." appear. During the three weeks he did not ap­ fashionable audience, and the warmth with novelty produced at the matinee of Saturday. pear in any performance. The plaintiff claimed that he has been engaged by Quincy. Perhaps he The Glowworm," is to be produced in the Eng­ Mr. Stetson employed has obtained his release from Q,ulncy, or maybt which each favorite number of the score was The piece named is by the English writer him fur every performance 'here are two Hacketts In the field. received Henry lish provinces some time in March under the direc­ during the season. Judge Coxe reserved his de- exemplified clearly that the work Leslie, who is known as the author of tion of the Count de la Isla, who proposes to take 'ision. THE Boston Herald says: "There is said to be i has lost nothing of its popularity. "The Orange Girl," "The Mariner's Com­ 't to London if successful. "Prince Mrs. Annie Lewis Johnson, whose advertisement difference of opinion among those Interested in the Methusalem" is one of Strauss' happiest pass" and other plays. It was at the James O'Neill will again star in Dazey's play, will be found in THE SPORTING LITK, has received formation of a second professional ball club inthli operatic compositions and contains many de­ Greoian Theatre, London, in I860 that "The "An American King." It has been re written and several fine offers for her comedy-drama, "Queen city, as to whether it would be best to join the licious numbers, and the music is worthy of Sin and the Sorrow" was first represented. re-constructed and will probably be given in San of the Miners." Plaisar, the heroine, is a second Eastern League, the Union Association, or run OR Francisco during the summer. M'liss in point of character an independent basis. The proposition to join the a better libretto, the incidents of which are The scene of the opening act or prologue is and the play is said to Eastern League is negatived at once,inasmuch laid in a village on the All the suits brought against Manager Thomas be immensely clever. The authoress has already as i( so forced that with a less clever company Gulf of Mexico, and A. Hall, of the Walnut 'orined a partnership with Mr. would be a violation of the National Agreement to there would often be a dearth of humor. As introduces picturesque scenes and characters. Street Theatre, by mem­ Harry Eytinge which that League is a party. To join the Ucio» bers of the opera company which he managed in (now with Sam'1 of Posen Company) to produce Association presented by the McCaull Troupe the text The remaining acts are laid in London, and 1882, have been amicably settled. her drama "fliauria" in New York and take it would debar the team playing any embrace much upon the road. club that desired to play with the Bostons, am has been freely interlarded with catching that is vivid and sensational. An amusing native edition of "The School for consequently its games would be confined to the songs and sayings which represent fun, pure The leading personages of the drama are Scandal" has been brought out in Bombay. Mr. John Stetson has engaged Miss Mary Beebe members of the Union Association alone. To riu and simple, and serve the mission of actual named in Borland, Gil Perey, Luis Pedro and Sheridan's play has been translated into Guy- to occasionally play the Princess in Gilbert and on an independent basis seems to be the wisent wit. The central waltz Anita. The cast, which erati and adapted to modern Parsee life. Sullivan's opera. For the present Mifs Beebe plan, and one that will result the best financially.') movements are very is lengthy, includes will act as under bright and there -are many lovely andante the strength of the company, Mr. Wm. N. A suit brought by Mrs. F. C. Bangs against her study, but when Mr. Stetson's FRANK WRIGHT, secretary of the Cincinnati husband to determine road company is made up she will be one of its measures for the violins, and throughout the Griffith, Chas. D. Herman and Miss Lillie whether $7,000 which she let leading members. Unions, writes us: "I wish you would say in THI him have before marriage,was a gift or a loan, will Feb. 20th an arrangement was SPORTING LIFE that Wm. H. Hawes has signed music is of the melodious character most Hiuton being among the number. probably come up before the court shortly. entered into by cable which bestows upon Mr. with us ———•——— Stetson the right to piny "Princess Ida" through­ and will play with us. The contract on pleasing to an average audience, mainly Miss Ada Dyas has been re-engaged by the Mad­ which Minneapolis will try to hold him was signed through the fact that it grows Academy of Music. out the United States and Canada, barring Bos­ Dec. 3,1883, when familiar ison Square Theatre for next season, when she will ton, where Mr, H. M. Field holds all privileges. he had not yet been released bj quickly and is therefore easily hummed or Under the auspices of the Ladies' Commit­ continue as one of the principal members of the the Saginaws. It was not read nor signed in the whistled. Miss Jennie Winston, who im­ traveling Young Mrs. Wiuthrop Company. A gentleman from Florida reports that Mr. presence of witnesses, and was made on Sunday. tee Mr. Constantine will offer on Saturday tester Wallack is sucking oranges at St. Augus- As Mr. Tuthill, of Minneapolis, did not call at personates tht title role, graced the part by afternoon, March 1st, a performance of "Cin­ Piccolomini, who was an operatic sensation a ineinawhite flannel coat. "The Governor" is him afterwards he concluded that the contract wai her appearance, the costume of Ifetlmwlcm quarter of a century ago, is now an old woman in credited with saying: "Ah, derella, The Fairy, and her Little Glass Slip­ very destitute me deah boy, the null and void, as you see it certainly is. Now the Ijeing particularly becoming. The music is per," in which many circumstances. Her condition is 'heatre will have to suffer for awhile till I get a Minneapolis Club go to work and fill it out for the novelties will be intro­ attributed to her having married an Italian mar­ ittle rest. A manager is human, a trifle high for Miss Winston's voice, but duced. The entertainment will afford great quis. don't you know, 24th of January, the day after his release fron she nevertheless .ike other people he must unbend once in awhile. Saginaw, and will try and bold him on it. It li sings the different numbers enjoyment for the little folks, and promises Brander Matthews' new comedy "Marjory's Butl'llpull him up with old comedies when I go the cheekiest piece of business yet. Hawes sayi with the taste and finish ever a quality of to be a most brilliant affair. Among the Love," has been brought out at the Court Theatre, back. They'll have to wait and Butter a little that he will be blacklisted before he will play is her every performance. Miss Emma Carson new features included in the performance London, with great success. The cast Includes and perhaps lose a little money, don't yon know." Minneapolis." as Pulcmella and Mme. de Kuyther as So- will be "Mother Hubbard," "LittleBopeep," Mrs. John Wood, who plays the role Of Sara Mar­ Mr. Jay Rial, who has for a number of years de­ YouifGSTOWK, O., notes: The Youngstown, 0. phistica renewed the favorable impression "Mother Goose" and much else. "Cinder­ jory. voted himself to the untiring pursuit of the mania Club, of the Lehigh Valley Association, under created when first seen in the roles named. ella is an old but ever green attraction and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pinero will probably come technically known as Uncle Tommery, hns tem­ Manager Dorsey, has signed the following player* The cast also included Messrs. Jay Taylor, to this country next season, to appear in a New porarily retired from "the road" to take charge of Edward E. Coughlin, p., Hartford, Conn.; M. J. well selected. York theatre during the winter months. In that the Bush Street Theatre, San Francisco. Mr. O'Neill, c., Hartford, Conn.; Mike J. Q.uinn, Ib, A. Bell, McCarty and Kaufman,. and last, case Mr. Pinero will write and produce a new play Rial has made $50.000 out of the tearful fortunes of Pittsburg; Ed. although McKeown, 2b., Grafton, Ohio; E4 not least, Francis Wilson, who as International Comlque. here. Uncle Tom, and has this year undertaken, with Cartwright, 3b., Youngstown; Fred Miller, ss. and JSiyismund, Duke of Trocadero, is simply in­ Suppe's latest opera,"A Trip to Africa." was pro­ some degree of success, to make a star of his wife. change piicher, Pittsburg; Jas. R. McAleer, If., Business continues good at the Interna­ duced at the Boston Mrs. Rial is still playing in the various cities of the Youngstown; Harry S. Hodge, cf. and change imitable in his quaint humor. Mr. A. W. Bijou last Wednesday night extreme West, Mafilin was cast for the role of Cyprian, tional Comique. Last week Geyer and with superb scenery and effects and scored a grand and she will continue to travel catcher, Johnstown, Pa.; Arthur J. Thomas, sub- Mackie, the Sydhams and Koualdo proved success. The opera admits of beautiful spectacular while Mr. Rial continues to control his theatre in stitute, Youngstown. The position of right field Duke of Ricarac, but owing to illness could effects. San Francisco. Is still vacant, but will probably be filled by Tom not appear and Mr. A. Bell, who had been the principal attraction and drew forth Cornell, a fine amateur pitcher, of Shreve, rounds Much of the realism in the prologue of Mr. Bar- Mr. John P. Smith, long recognized as oneof the O. The named for Carbvnazzi, assumed, at short no­ of applause. The coming week an richest and most successful theatrical managers in battery comes at the recommendation of Umpire extraordinary bill is presented to the public, rymore's play "Nadjezda" has been cut out. Mad­ Daniels, of the American Assoclailon. tice, the part of Cyprian and gave a clever ame Madjeska's acting in the dual role of the the country, will place "Between Two Fires," the He sayi comprising Mulleley and Moreland, Carrie merry, farcical comedy, on the road early in the "Coughlin is as good a pitcher as nine intenof tot performance. A well-drilled and very effi­ mother and daughter is said to be absolutely mar- League or Association cient chorus is heard in Belmont, Ed Clarence, Jessie Warner, Luke velous. spring. A fine corapa.ny is being secured. Miss pitchers." "Prince Methu­ Maggie Harold, the slightly and handsome sou- A TELEGRAM last week was as follows: "The salem" and the orchestra is particularly Kelly, Winstanley Bros., Konaldo, Johnson It is reported that the Coroedie Francais, Paris, and Huddy, Nellie brette, will be of the organization, and Mr. Wm. Chicago Base Ball Club has received notice that good. The role of Siylsmund has been im­ Abbott, Henning and France, will close its door for a month in summer Davidge, Jr., will be starred in his original role of the lake front grounds, occupied by it for seven! proved Eastman, Bryant, Mackin, Kline, Annie in order to have the wire gauze curtain fixed. Woodhouse, in which he Is inimitable. The scenery years, must be vacated. This upon in respect to funny business During the time the company may possibly leaves the club with­ eince Mr. Wilson was last seen in the part Wilson and the entire stock company. The appear and properties for the play are now being com­ out grounds to play on. The club has not decided programme will conclude with Kline and in London. pleted for the comedy at Haverly's Theatre, Brook- what action to take toward securing new ground!. and the Duke of Trocadero rules, without Judge Fisher, of yn,ana music is being doubt, as the central Mackin's new burlesque, "Peck's Bad the Baltimore Circuit Court, written and arranged. It cannot get grounds so well situated as the old." feature. Fresh verses has granted a permanent injunction against Cbas. A large audience attended last Thursday even- That this telegram was correct is proven by the have been added to Boys," introducing the whole company, and E. Ford, in favor of Col. McCaull, preventing following from the Chicago Time*: "John "The Dotlet on the i," terminating the ng, in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, the F. SUf- which is nightly encored again and again. with a grand faney ball. Mati­ former from producing the opera of "The Beggar entertainment given by the firm of Strawbridge & ford, the guardian of the lake front at Chicago, The same programme will reign throughout nees, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Student." Clothier to their employes and friends. The Ger- has warned the Mayor and Controller that, under Harley, the tonor, who was dismissed from the mania Orchestra, under the leadership of Charles the injunction from the Federal Court, the but the current week. ball club must no longer be permitted « The Other Theatres. Royal Comedy Theatre, London, for singing, as it Schmltz. performed a number of popular selec­ to occupy was alleged, out of tune, sued the director, Mr. tions. Wallace Bruce delivered a lecture on "Na­ grounds at Michigan avenue and Randolph Walnut Street Theatre. Chestnut Street Opera House Robert Alexander Henderson, for damages, and has re­ tive Mettle." There were fourteen numbers on street." This is a most dlsagreeble and unfortun­ Buchanan's drama "Storm Beaten" attracted covered -£'250. the programme, including a trio, solos, quartettes ate predicament for the Chicago Club. We tmit The Kiralfy Brothers' spectacular play, and plantation melodies, that their ejectment may be delayed by legal pro­ 'Excelsior," will, abundant attention throughout last week. Miss Emily Bigelow is to retire from Barney sung by Wm. A. Pierce. cess. on Monday evening, enter McAuley's company in February, to be married to The Corinthian (Quartette, composed of Wm. A. upon the fourth and final The Boston Ideal Opera Company will com­ Briseoe, George Roden, John Graf and Geo. Ford, THE Cincinnati Commercial week of its run in mence an a non-professional gentleman. Miss Nellie Pierce, Gazette, of which Mr. Philadelphia. The triumph achieved at the engagement on Monday night in now a member of the stock company at the Bijou assisted in the singing, together with Mrs. C. H. Caylor, of the American Schedule Committee, J..R Scala, Milan, "Girofle-Girofla." Theatre, is to take her place. Wevll, soprano, and Mrs. A. Blsbee, contralto. IB base ball editor, has this to say: "Th« and duplicated at the Eden Schedule Committee of the American Theatre, Paris, has been repeated in this Chestnut Street Theatre Miss Minnie John T. Raymond Is said to have an extremely There Is as wide a difference in the dramatic Associa­ criticism of the East and the West as there is in the tion have been in session in this city for three country by the great show piece "Excel­ Maddern in two new plays "Puritan Maid" funny scene in "For Congress" where he is wire­ days of last week. They have agreed pulling among the delegates In a nominating con­ Indian sentiment of the two sections of country. upon sior." A more brilliant ballet spectacle than and "Professional Beauty," filled the bill Thus the Chicago Tribune, in a criticism of Mr. an excellent schedule that will be sure to vention. As General Limber he is described as please all the clubs. It will that offered in the Italian ballet cannot be last week. Monday evening "Storm Beaten." quite as bumorons as he was as Sellers. Irving's Benedick says: "Mr. Irvlng's Benediek is not be an­ a sort of cross between a cowboy and an antique nounced in any form till it is laid before the clnbf recalled, and in the series of contests between Arch Street Theatre Barney M'Auley, in Mrs. D. P. Bowers is living at the meeting Li'jht and Darkness, in which the in Washington. Her dude. The young ladies of Messina may not have in Baltimore, March 5. All an­ latter is The Jerseyman," will on Monday night return to the stage should she again appear will been particularly fastidious in the matter of nouncements as to the supposed construction or always worsted, a succession of radiant give place to the Hanlons in "Le Voyage en be welcomed cordially by many. Mr. MeCollom, choosing husbands, but if they knew even as much data of the Instrument will be mere guess-work. stage pictures of the light fantastic order are Suisse." her late husband died intestate, and by the laws of as the lemons which have given the city a reputa­ Suffice it to say that the open dates East and West displayed. "Excelsior" Illinois the widow inherits half the property. tion at the present day a fine-tooth for every- club are many and can easily be filled in possesses but little National Theatre "My Partner" comb dragged with clearly denned meaning as regards plot, but last At the Scala Theatre, Paris, recently after the carefully over every inch of the place would not games among the clubs of the Northwestern week. Monday, Feb. 25, "The Stranglers of close of the play,Mile.Du Fare.the leading lady,as­ have brought to light a solitary female that would League, Ohio Association, Eastern League, Ohio the pantomime of the Italian performers is Paris." saulted Mile. Chardy. another member of the have willingly accepted a skeletontc husband, Valley Association and Inter-State Association." expressive and graceful. The costumes are company, beating her face and bust. Tula aitlon foundered in onelffaod exceedingly abmlcy OB toe i TWiJsofflcW. m.-w and glittering, and of the four acts the is attributed to jealously over a lover. The case is ither." ! FRANK LARKIS, the well-Known pitcher and first is, in much, the most brilliant, although FootUght Fllckertngs. before the police. Although Miss Fortescue's breach of promise second baseman appears to be an incorrigible in the closing scene the incandescent electric "Princess Ida,1 will favor the Arch Street Opera One of the stipulations of Mr. Booth's contract suit against Lord Garraoyle is sneered at by many, ruffian. Last spring he beat his wife and then shot light is used effectively, the glowing bulbs House. 1th Brooks and Dickson is that no lithographs of yet is ner part taken by a number of men of high au officer who attempted to arrest him. For thii being hung Mr, Harry Bascombe is living at Hainsford himself must be placed in any of the shop windows repute in England, in literary and social worlds. he was sent to the penitentiary. A week ago hii on a network over the stage and Island. T used in any way to advertise him. Mr. Booth Although a chorus girl she kept her reputation spot­ time expired and be was released, but all oil carried on the ends of the staffs in the ballet. My thinks that the mere announcement less. We can see no very Falka" will be produced in fine style at Hav- that he good reason why chorus relatives, with the exception of his old father, re­ All the principal scenes in the spectacle are erly's.Theatre. appear in the city is sufficient. singers should not make as good wives as higher fused to receive him. The old man, who lives in applauded nightly and the exhibitions of the e Union Square Theatre is one of the few born ladies, always supposing that they are a garret at No. 92 North Fourth street, Brooklyn, Col. Mapleson is kept busy nowadays denying York places of possessed of the same virtues, the same charms, welcomed his wayward son, gave him some clotnei, ballet are altogether novel and less intricate that bis singers are unpaid. amusement that has given up and the same than is usually the rule in like the project of having matinee performances on education. Her social obscurity must and let him sleep on a cot in the garret. On Mon­ productions. Miss Annie Ward Ttffany,who has been quite ill, public holidays. The managers of this establish­ not forbid her claiming to the full the indemnity day, Larkin went home drunk, and dragging hla The premiers are clever dancers, particularly has fully recovered her health. ment have become convinced that there is not which the law allows. On the other hand, the ex­ father out of bed, threatened to shoot him. Tb» Miss Flindt, who is as graceful as a sylph. sufficient profit in holiday matinees ample will have an excellent effect upon that class old man escaped and ran to the Fifth Precinct Manager George Wood, of the Bijou Theatre, to make them of young men In their choice of a band of coryphees Messrs. has recovered from his recent illness. worth while. who flit about the stage to cull its Station house The next day Larkin was held in best blossoms without caring to incur the responsi­ $1.000 bail to answer a charge of felonious assault. JKiralfy have been very fortunate, as the The circuit system proposed by The scenery for the new opera "Falka," to be bility of the the Froh. \an produced act. The police say that Larkin is one of the incut iballet is not only numerous but exception- Brothers has been tried before and failed. at Haverly's, Is being painted by Mr. dangerous men in Brooklyn, and that ally strong. One more week Mazzanovich, the well-known scenic artist, from The first ripples of rumor have reached this if allowed t» of -'Excelsior," The Rice travesty party, playing "Fun on the Wallack's Theatre, shore about an extraordinary professional beauty go at large he will certainly murder some one. »fter which John T. Raymond Bristol," are stranded in Troy, New York. Mr. Mazzanovlch in his new New York. Is a young man, but has attained considerable who has probably ignited more hearts than any THB Washington Herald says: "The reportl rplay "For Congress." Mr. Frank Mordaunt is suffering keenly from reputation. He is also a remarkably good ama­ woman on the stage. Very few Americans who circulated to the outside world by papers un­ rheumatism in the knees, contracted in Boston. teur cricketer. have not been abroad have seen her pictures. friendly to the Union Association that the Nn- Those who have been abroad and have seen her tionals, of this city, New scenery is being prepared for Fanny Daven­ Mr. Jerome Eddy, formerly Lawrence Barrett's choke themselves with adjectives in any attempt will not lost one month after Dime Museum. port's "Fedora" at the Walnut Street Theatre. agent, says that the article about that actor which the season opens are mere vaporings, as there an at description. This new beauty is Marie Barkani, no foundations for them. Managers Hagar, Campbell and Co. have Wm. J. Scanlan will soon be seen at the Walnut was printed in the Cleveland Plain-Dealer was tragedienne of the Court Theatre, Berlin, whose The backers of the Hi- in his new written and published by Mr. Levy without Mr. tional Club are those gentlemen who in years gone established beyond the peradventure of doubt play entitled "The Irish Emigrant." portrait was painted by order of the Emperor and by have made Barrett's knowledge. But Mr. Levy, while not was mysteriously destroyed by some of base ball in this city; whose bank that a dime museum can be made a great Ashley and Hess, who are with Pat Rooney's denying the authorship, continues to act the jealous accounts and pocketbooks have supplied ereiy success in Philadelphia, and Company, go with the Barnum sh»w next season. for Mr. beauties at court. Mysterious negotiations are the immense Barrett as his agent. now going on dollar for maintaining clubs of course excepting crowd of people ot all ages and sizes attracted Edwin F. Thorne is arranging for a new melo­ to bring this peerless creature to last summer and they Intend that the club shall drama to replace During the last scene of "Richard III." at a America and star her after the manner both of succeed. Enough money is up now throughout each day would be a matter of "The Black Flag" next season. Portland, Me., theatre recently, in the combat Bernhardt and Langtry she possessing, it is said, to guarantee Christine Nilsson with all salaries of players, besides meeting expenM wonderment to many. There is no ebb to the is taxed for $123,000 worth of Richmond, Richard's sword broke,snapping off the advantages of both. incurred on the new grounds. The tide that flows evenly on towards the show real estate in New York. Henry E. Abbey, $182,000. some six inches from the hilt. The piece flew National Ch* directly into the will stick together as long as the Union Assort*- of curiosities, among which so many living On March 3d Keene, the tragedian, will inaugur. audience, striking a gentleman tlon holds out, which is more than likely to be f«c ate a season of tragedy at the Arch Street Theatre on the bridge of the nose, cutting a gash which ex­ marvels are gathered. A dime represents a tended nearly to the eye. several years, and parties ought to acquaint them­ small coin, but when they roll in by the Germany has 464 theatres and nearly 10,000 actors' reverence, with weakening effect. Such words are selves with facts before giving out wrong state­ including 98 Mullers, 72 Schmidts and 65 Meyers] Mr. Theodore Moss has handed over his ac­ not necessarily irreverent when used to portray the ments to the public. Scanlon will sell out nil thousands they begin to count into big money. counts to the Actors' Fund, and that institution is character or condition of a part. It will be re­ place of business If necessary to make the club of This week is announced the engagement for Mrs. Carrie Turner His has returned from her now without a treasurer. Mr. Edward Harrison membered that Washington Irving his choice bridal tour in Europe and is residing in New once coined successful." two weeks only of the famous Chinese giant York. accepted tne post, but when he saw the amount of the phrase. "The Almighty Dollar." The play­ Chang, who is without doubt the largest man detail work it involved he abruptly withdrew wright seized upon It when he wrote a play for Mr. LANCASTER, Pa., correspondence: The LancM- Mr. John T. Raymond is announced to appear The Fund has nearly $30,000 at this writing, $27,000 Florence and the drama was produced with that ter Base Ball Club were granted a charter by the alive. Chang, who speaks several languages, at the Walnut Street Theatre on Monday evening, of which is in preferred bonds. title. Then the same newspaperwhich saw nothing court last week. They are now anxiously looking toklB levees daily. Among the other noted March 3d. in Mr. Barrymore's play but a bandaged arm con­ forward for fair weather in order to complete tlit Annie Lewis Johnson (Mrs. Dr. F. Johnson) will necessary curiosities of the Dime Museum J. B. Gar­ Carlo A. Chizzola will re-appear in this country in the spring enter Into a partnership with Mr. demned the title as blasphemous, and Mr. Flor­ grading, sodding, etc., already com­ rison, the skeleton bridegroom, has proved next season in the interests of Ristori. He is now Harry Eytlnge to produce her drama "Mauria." ence, with subservient alacrity, wrote a letter to menced on their grounds...... The contractor wbe a bonanza, and hundreds visit the Museum in London. An agreement has already been signed between the paper saying that his attention had been will build the street railway from the centre of the the parties. The play will be brought out at one of called to the irreverence of the name, and as he city direct to the grounds, is expected here on daily to gaze at the wonder in bones who Mme. Cecile Fernandez has been re-engaged by did not wish to offend the great Monday next, and the directors of the railway con­ Manager John A. McCaull to create the title role the leading New York theatres and then taken body of religious blandly poses as a curiosity. Then we have upon the road with a fine company. people in the country he had changed it to fidently assure the club that the road will be com­ Dan Ferreyra, the man flute, the Murray in "Falka." "Mighty Dollar." pleted and in running order by April 1...... TM Clara Belden's stage wardrobe was sold at auc­ The new Spanish tenor, Senor Gayarre, who has Philadelphia Club will open the grounds with f triplets, the wonderful Leopard boy, Zeday, taken Paris by storm, is the sou of a blacksmith, The report that comes from Italy are all to the tion the past week in New York for the benefit of effect that game on Anril 12. On April H the Providenet the albino, Madame Nuls, the long haired her daughter. and the story goes that he first rehearsed the anvil Myron Whitney's son William gives play here, on the 16th the Cleveland, Buffalo on tM marvel, the beautiful chorus at his father's forge. With the promise of becoming a greater basso even than his Circassian girl, and Miss Florence Gerard fell imBoston exception of 18th, Philadelphia again on the 21st, and the other freaks. In addition to the curiosities the other day Mario all the tenors are of common origin. Cam- father. It is sincerely hoped that he will put his Athletic on the 26th. These games are anxiour/ and badly hurt herself, so tha't she now walks with panlni was a blacksmith, splendid gifts to better use thanhis father hasdone. of the different exhibition rooms, an enter­ a painful limp. Caooul was a shoemaker awaited by the base ball fraternity and public, and Brignoli was an organ-grinder. It Is conceded, we believe, that Myron Whitney Is expect to see better games during the coming see- tainment is supplied in the pretty little E. E. Rice will send "Orpheus and Eurydioe,' the greatest basso of the present time: in Europe Mr. N. C. Goodwin is a very sick man. He Is his reputation is son than ever before, and the manager is del* theatre and an excellent olio is an unfailing which has been so successful in New York, on the suffering from a series higher than it is in America. mined they shall not be disappointed...... It tt attraction. road next autumn. of dreadful carbuncles on And yet he is content to travel around in the barn­ the back of his neck, and he looks pale and thin to storming districts ofthis country hoped the Lancaster Club will be in a State* The Dramatic Times is of opinion that from a a painful degree. He says he suffers the acutest as a member of a inter-state association, and from assurances re­ comic opera company which seem! to have no ceived from cities that moral psint of view there is nothing much lower agony every time he makes a quick movement on higher ambition than to be known as having origi­ can support clubs, there tt Club Theatre. than comic opera. the stage which tightens the skin upon the car­ no doubt such an association will be formed. Tiny nated in Boston. What Myron Whitney has al­ will sign the National Mile. Duberg's Female Mastodons played John A. Stevens will build a new theatre in the buncles and gives him a terrific twinge. ways seemed to lack is good, horse-sense ambition. Agreement. to crowded houses at the Club Theatre last Bowery near the old Windsor. It will run on the At a meeting of the Actors' Fund Day Com­ Unfortunately he is so much of a Yankee that ai ALLEGHENY correspondence: The Allegheny combination plan. mittee in New York, Feb. 21, it was decided to ap long as he has a good bed, plenty of victuals and a Club directors held a meeting Feb. 22d at wbl«» week, the noteworthy members of the com­ point Thursday, pany being Paddy and Ella Murphy, Matt Canning, once a well-known theatrical April 17, as the annual benefit pine stick to whittle he is perfectly contented, and Important business was transacted...... The plH* Phil­ manager, is living in Philadelphia in retirement. day, and that the co-operation of the theatrical doesn't core whether he ever gets above the plane era have received instructions to report here ontkt lips and Bach, Leonzo and Katie Hart, all He is in poor health. managers in all the principal cities in the United he now occupies as the basso of a peripatetic funny 16th of March and go into training...... It has b** of whom received continuous rounds of ap­ States be obtained, so that the day might be ob­ opera organization. decided to engage a physician to examine e««* Cbas. Hoyt, of Boston, has written a new play served generally throughout the country. plause. This week, commencing Monday, for Roland Reed, and submitted another to the The papers have indulged in a good deal of rot player to ascertain If he is In condition to play D»U- JTeb. 25, Ida Button's Blondes will grace the Madison Square Theatre. "Lady Clare," now running at Wallack's, is the about the beauty of Mme. Marcella Sembrlch, Those who do not pass the examination will be pit best popular success on that stage for several sea­ under treatment. The players will be carefully boards of this up-town theatre, the company It is reported that Mrs. Langtry will permanent!; the prima donna. If they were to tell the truth, sons, yet it was rejected by Mr. Wallack, and only they would say that Mme. Sembrlch is a stout, watched throughout the season, and no one will" consisting of Alice Morton, Annie Hart, Ida retire from the stage after the present season am put on with much allowed to go on the field unless he is in prlM go into business in London. trepidation during Lester's ab­ short, round-faced,near-sighted,red-cbeeked,short- Clifton, Ida Sutton, Jeffrey Pendy, Ely Har­ sence in Florida. From this it is quite clear that nosed, full-busted lady, with a pleasant and intelli­ condition for playing...... It has not yet been fluty ris, Blanche Morton, Emma Clark, Joe Eed- Grace Belmont is informed that her son Charles Mr. Wallack has ceased to be able to distinguish gent expression, but with no handsome features determined what men will constitute the first nil* mond, Beattie and Bentley. John Pendy, is seriously ill at the house of H. C. Clifford, 1238 between a good play and a bad one. Age is telling aside from a low, broad brow, and very white, even The players will be divided into two teams, »nl Chas. Harris, Alice Sherwood, Blanche Rodman street, Philadelphia. on him. teeth. If Mme. Sembrich were not Mme. Sembrich after a series of games those will be selected »* Mr. Nat C. Goodwin An American if she were not the great singer she play best in their respective positions...... TWW "Webster, Fannie Lucille, Harry Budworth has purchased the right of critic having charged Mr. Irving is are 21 playen now under contract. Among them and Harry first call on "The American," the new comedy by with anachronism, in permitting a member of his she would never be mentioned as being more than are five Catteries, and Minnie Wood. The per­ Derrick, the author of "Confusion." company in the play of "Louis XI" to appear in passably good-looking. There are precious few as follows: Sullivan and ColzWi formance will commence with a grand high-heeled shoes, handsome women In grand opera now. Fattl Beck and Tray, Fox and Hayes. Lauer and MilWt Salmi Morse, the noted author of the "Passion A. Sala has been consulting the holds Neagle and Cross. Two or three additional pW" female minstrel scene and terminate with a Play" was found drowned authorities on the subject, and finds the charge her own better than any of her contemporaries. in tne North River, Feb. well Nilsson is massive, robust and ers will likely be engaged before the season open spicy burlesque, in which the full company 22. Itis supposed to be a case of suicide. founded. High-heeled shoes did not come in cold as a Swedish ...... The Liberty Star Base Ball Club held will take part, until the reign of Henry IV.,a hundred years after snow-drift. Gerster is squat and Dutchy. Scalchi » making altogether a bright Mr. Otis Skinner denies that he will join Mrs. Louis XI. was never accused of personal beauty, and Minnie meeting in the Zethus Club rooms a few days»g*i and interesting entertainment. Matinees as Langtry's company as leading man at the close of Hauk, never handsome, has grown obese. Things and appointed a committee to draft a form of eW his engagement with Mr. Lawrence Mis« Abble Carrington, the well-known opera etitution and by-laws. In addition to the pl>T"J usual, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Barrett. now in have, in short, come to such a pass that he who Is Miss Mexico performing her professional blind loses nothing at a performance mentioned in last week's SPORTING LrK tWj Ellen Terry receives $600 per week from duties. Recently while at Monterey she received of grand have engaged Pat Grady and James O. Thyi Mr. Henry Irving and $1.000 per week from Mr. a package containing several diamonds and an opera. the Lowell, New Central Theatre. Henry E. Abbey during the Irving tour of Amer­ Mass., battery, and William Hell! ica. offer of marriage from a well-known and wealthy this city...... Benny Stevens, Bob Cox »nd 1 The Evans, Bryant and Hoey Combination Mexican gentleman of that city. The diamonds McCallum, of this city, whohave s'gned wlthtw played to crowded houses at the New Cen­ The first English opera troupe ever in the City of were valued at $2,600, but she rejected both them Good News to the Sick. Neshannocks. of New Castle, for next season. »j* tral Theatre last week, F. C. Bryant and the Mexico, arrived there from the United States on and the wanted-to-be husband. We are glad to hear that Dr. Elmore, of 106 Wil practising daily at the rooms of the Pittsburg At»- Garnellas being the principal attractions. February 16, according to a dispatch via Galveston. Levin C. Tees, otherwise known as Jonathan liam St., N. Y., and 96 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn, has IeticClub...... Joe Wilson, who played first to* Texas. J inks, and Geo. W. Howard, the comedian, have reduced the price of his wonderful medicine, in Ihe Fulton Club last season, has received M This week, commencing Monday, Feb. 25th, Active preparations are being made at the Wal written a new comedy which they entitle "Rheumatine-Goutallne," to $1.60 for 35 ounce and offer from the Altoonas. He will probably *°cep* Pat Eooney's Combination will make their nut Street Theatre for the production of "The "Plumbers." They will produce It at the Arch $1 for 21 ounce trial bottles. Everybody afflicted it...... Herman Snyder. the catcher of B. v. initial appearance in Philadelphia this sea- Pavements of Paris." The play was a great success Street Opera House about May 1st, under the aus with all forms of rheumatism, dyspepsia, malaria, Woods last season, whom the Nationals, 01 «on, comprising the celebrated Pat Rooney, in Paris. pices of the Master Plumbers' Association. M/. kidney, liver and bladder diseases will now be Washington, were after, is still nnsignea. Howard will create the role of Briitow Robbini, a rushing in their orders, as the R. G. positively cures Here is a chance for some club to get agow ~the great Irish impersonator: the wonderful Among the coming features of the Walnut's sea­ catcher. son will oe the special production of "The Pave plumber, and will star in the part on the road. all those diseases In a short time, even to Brlght's ^Egyptian juggler, Valjean; Topack and Steel, kidney disease in cases given up to die by physi­ mcnts of Paris," the celebrated French melodra­ "A vtte grotesque team; Sharpley and West, the matic success. Rag Baby." by Charles H. Hoyt, will it is cians and gout and other species of rheumatism of said, be produced at the Arch Street Opera House. 20 to 30 years standing. Cures malaria and dys­ P. T. Barnum has just completed a magnificent musical comedy artists,; Dayton and Granger, . Mr. Leander Richardson was married at Young's The ^Character sketch artists; Kowe and cast will include Mr. Frank Daniels, Jennie pepsia in one week. References to thousand! rink in Bridgeport, Conn. It WM opened to tM Athol, Hotel, Boston, Feb. 17th, to Miss Lillian Helen Yemane, Leila Farrell, Helen JJeimer, May cured, Seud for circulars. Expressed everywhere. public on the 22d inet, Feb. THE SPORTING ILIFE.

making 400 shares In all, at $250 a share. NEW THE Charles F. Lex Mr. JERSEY'S BREEDING INTERESTS. 2:24%, 2:26 and TURF. was re-elected president this year, 2:28}^. The friends of Morgan were AFFLICTED and In place of Messrs. Thomas, Smith, Lindsay, a little disappointed, but they were confidant he WITH MTD-*EVEB. McHenry and Warder in the Something About Salem would do better on another occasion. William board of directors County's Crack race The second AeMerements of a Week News S. Smith, Garrlck Mallory, G. G. Prea- Stallion between the two horses, two'inile heats, oc­ Thousands of Horses Suffering, Owing to for LOT- bnry. K. Smethurst and Tilden. curred on the llth of June. th« William K.-Bray were The The betting was three Continued Wet Weather. era of the Horse. substituted. In 1857, '58 and '59 Mr. Charles F. State of New Jersey may not be very to one on Flora. Turner drove John Morgan and Lex still retained the presidency of the Associa­ large McMann handled Flora. It proved "Is there much sickness among tion, but the in area or in extent of population, but the grandest to be one of horses? board of directors showed considerable races on record up to that period. Well, I should say there was," change. as far as stock breeding interests are con­ While Flora won the race in straight heats, she said a well-' WINTEK Upon the 24th day of March, 1858, was compelled, for the first time in known veterinary surgeon RACES. plement a further sup­ cerned it is simply great. There is no other forth her life, to put to THE SPORTING to the charter was approved, authorizing her best exertions, and t&en she only won the LIFE man a few days the admission of two hundred annual subscribers part of the country, North or East, first heat by a head in 4:55%, and the second ago. "The city is fulL Summary of the Week's at fifteen dollars that can half length in by a Racing at New each, payable in advance. Also compare to 4:52%. In commenting upon this of ailing horses, but it is not from azotaria, for the improvement of the breed it in this respect. Its cattle are race Hiram Woodruff says that John Orleans. Association of horses the it because Morgan lost the disease that THE SPOKTING Below is authorized to hold exhibitions for of the choicest character, while its trotting Flora waa a quicker beginner than he LIFZ sot will be found a summary of the the development of their speed, was, and her driver had recourse to the graphically qualities, or other desired and thoroughbred horses tactics cunning described in its last week's issue. week's racing at New Orleans: and to encourage competition therein have gained fame of rushing off with her so as to get the but it is the result of mud-fever, or what is called may offer and give premiums for superiority; and fortune from one end of the country to pole and then "waiting in front." If he had been in veterinary science an acute TUESDAY, .vided, pro- the made to force Flora from of'erythema.' FEB. 19. however, that if any person or persona shall other. As notable instances of this he might toave lastiU the "Let me explain. Erythema, as observed In th» Tuesday enter or start any horse for a plate, prize, kind there longest and have won It. liorsp. may be divided into mute was the thirteenth day of the bet, sum wager, is Mr. Pierre Lorillard's On June 18, just a week latter and chronic. The New Orleans winter of money or other valuable thing, every thoroughbred breeding after the gp-eat two-mile form is that commonly witnessed in long­ meeting and proved a such person so offending'shall, establishment at heat race, they met again in three-mile heats, standing cracked heels, where bad one for the favorite-backers, pay upon conviction, Jobstown, Monmouth which distance at the skin present* the favorites the sum of fifty dollars, one-half of which shall county, the home John Morgan was considered at bis upon its surface bran-like scaly crusts, the limba being beaten in all cases. go to the informer and the of Parole, Iroquois and other famous American best. Flora, however, ruled us a favorite swelling more or less at Brunswick was other half to the coin- racers. Then in the odds of 100 to40. at the night, and the animal again euchred in the third race and, uion school fund ot Philadelphia. It was further western portion of the State Morgan wasnot in sood condition evincing perhaps a slight stiffness In gait when although stipulated that no charge of is Mercer county, in which Trenton, the capital, is for the struggle. Flora won very handily in nrst moved in the morning. selling favorite, had to succumb to Princess. admission should be situated, is the Fashion and 7:47. This ended 7:48 The acute form 18 made to the exhibitions, but only members, an­ Stud Farm of Mr. Henry John Morgan's turf career, frequently observed in prolonged wet weather, In­ It was stated that Brnnawick was kicked by nual subscribers and those H. Smith, containing a great collection of trotting and he aoon afterward died from what is supposed volving the limbs to a considerable Princess which were prescribed stock, is located. to have been the extent; some­ at the starting-post, which evi­ for in the by-laws, were to be admitted. The rules Adjoining Mercer on the south effects of poison administered to times all the four logs, arms, thighs and surface dently was the and regulations adopted is Burlington county, the place where the great him previous to his three-mile heat race with of the abdomen are covered over cause of his defeat. In the in reference to annual trotter Lucy was foaled Flora. Hiram Woodruff, superficial by the patches or last race the rank outsider, subscribers were: That they should have the and where George M. in his book on the "Trot­ inflammation. This Is what is called Queen Esther, privilege of introducing Patchen received his earlier education as a trotter. ting Horse of America," says this of John Morgan: mud-fever, and Is caused by the irritation raked in a good pot for the their families or ladiea Still farther south ' I think that he had dirt, of wet bookmakers, the accompanying them, provided that there shall not is Camden county, with its the material out of which and very often negligent grooming. The odds being 10 to 1 against her, and be more than one Haddonfield, the stamping ground even- to thia one of the finest trotters that our country ever latter, however, is open to argument, after beat­ adult among such family period of quite a good duced might have pro­ many ae there are ing such horses as Manitoba and Little visitors. The privilege of introducing a selection of high-bred horse been made, but he was partly instances where horses used In cabs were But­ friend was suspended male flesh. Then comes Gloucester county, of ruined by overwork at an early age. Had turned into the stables dirty tercup (the former at a difference of on all exhibitions. A sub­ Woodbury is which handled aa he been aud wet at all hours 19 scriber had no voice nor could he the county seat. Woodbury gave to Flora Temple and Dexter were in their of the day and night without grooming were not pounds and the latter giving her 1 pound) authority exercise any the trotting ranks a Jersey Boy, one early years, he would have been affected, while driving there whatever in the administration of the little of the gameat a wonder." horses that had their limbs must be more than an ordinary quan­ Association. horses that ever stood in harness. Below washed, dressed, bandaged and otherwise made tity of speed In 1858 Gloucester is Salem county, whore the comfortable, were more in her, and if J. E. Cook will the first public exhibitions were given are particularly residents THE ENGLISH or lets affected with sore. manage her properly and the premiums were limited fascinated with the charms of a TUKF. legs. she will repay him for 29th to $100. On the good trotter: while in the extreme "Mud-fever is occasionally his visit to New Orleans. of April, Mr. Swan vras awarded S30 for the portion southeastern attended by exces­ The following is winning of a colt race. On of theState IS Absecon, the homo of Post­ Speculation Concerning the Spring sive lameness from Irritation and pain, and the summary: the 13th of May, John master Daniel Walters, a gentleman Handi­ generally several It la E. Turner won $35 in the same kind of a contest, siderable to whom con­ cap—A Glance Over the Field. weeka before recovery take* Purse $200, one mile and a furlong. Carter and Mr. Stetson was awarded eredit should be given for his efforts in plate. Clipping the hair, from off the legs espe­ Har- second money, $15. keeping alive the intereat in Correspondence SPOKTINQ LIFE. cially Is said to Tlson (110) 1st, Carson (103) 2d, John Sullivan (105) The last race took place on the 20th of May,- and the trotter in his sec­ be a predisposing' cause, ag It 3d: time, 2:07%. was won by Mr. William tion of the country. LONDON, Feb. leaves the skin so bare that it cannot so readily Woodruff's colt, who was After thus briefly enumerating 9. There is plenty of sist the effects of re­ Purse $200, six furlong heats. Earl Beaconsneld awarded$40. General Cadwallader was the some of the more irritants of any kind as when pro­ (109) 1st, Evasive cessor of Mr. Lex suc­ notable breeding localities In the State, nothing speculation going on among the general pub­ tected by Its natural covering. The (98) 2d, Campanini (97) 3d (Nat to the presidency. The minute would be more acceptable ^-ijhtne hot-water Trimble won the first heat, but was books of the Association do not to the wishes of TBK lic anent the spring handicaps, opens the pores of the skin and a free se­ the distanced in possession appear to be in SPORTING LIFK man than to give a complete but as yet I cretion jets In, which, however, becomes second, thereby awarding Beaconsneld the of the present secretary, Mr. Hafleigh. tory of the his­ have checked suddenly xace); time, 1:21%, 1:21. and therefore we are unfortunately breeding establishments and it is quite been unable to trace definitely the exe­ from the clothing and bandages not being; Washington make a obliged to possible that we will do it at a future period. put on before the vessels of the akin Selling Stakes, one mile 110 yards. big jump and come down to the year 1870. this Instance we In cution of any stable commissions. As gested and become con­ Princess (107) 1st, Fosteral when Mr. B. J. Williams was elected had but one object in view to give re­ subsequently inflamed; hence the dis­ .(105) 2d, Fair Count following president. The a sketch of the trotting stallion Tilden, gards the Lincoln Handicap ease. The horse after washing la often <105) 3d: time, 1:5S><. year Mr. Cfeorge Sturges succeeded Mr. Mr. Samuel owned by the Eoyal Stag open air led into the Purse $200, six furlongs. Queen Williams as president, and French, of Woodstown, Salem county. craze has to his stall, aud in other cases he is ex­ Esther (104) 1st, Mr. A. A. Lechler took Tilden waa bred in the famous blue fizzled out and my early selection, posed to currents of cold air from Jjittle Buttercup (105) 2d; Manitoba (85) 3d; Mr. Kilpatrick's place as secretary, after a faithful Woodford, grass county of doors, the opening of 0:20^. time, service of fifteen years. Ky.,by Mr. Logan Kailey, of Versailles. Toiians, is firmly established fee. There Is also another very common and In 1872,'73 and'74 Mr. He was foaled upon the 10th at the head of bad practice, that of thoroughly Sturges was the unanimous choice for re-election day of June, 1871, and the poll. wetting all the WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20. to the therefore is yet in the prime of life. He is a Wandering Nun, too, has been legs at the commencement of the washing, presidency, lu 1874 Mr. Good in was awarded bay stallion, stands blood- backed to the water may BO that The weather the care of the Park, and he 16-3 hands and weiuhs 1,200 win a few thousands at outside run on to the feet to moisten the on Wednesday, the 20th; was remained there until pounds. His breeding Is of the most fashionable prices, and I dirt and render them more easily cleaned. pleasant and the the year 1879. when he removed to Belmont. In description. shall be quite prepared to see fever Mad- racing close and exciting. the last year of Mr, Sired by Mambrino Patchen (full her figure prominently in the race. may occur alter washing with oold water, but Queen Esther again Sturges' administration, the brother to the great trotting mare National The Grand not with proper attention to crowned her Tuesday's property was in a very precarious -,o, ^ _.,. ,.civt.,n!« Lady Thorne, promises to be a rare betting race, clothing and ban­ victory by position, the K>/iJ. outofMollie AlienAll,,,, byI,,. Blood'sHlnnri'aHlnokHnwIr Black ' punters''are already and daging. It has been very seldom known defeating Centennial and Voltaire Sheriii having seized the grounds underan execu­ jon 01 Hill's Hawkj greedily taking 8 to 1 about when the mud to occur in a six furlong tion of John Alien, one Vermont Black Hawk, here is a com­ Mohican. As Llnde has half a dozen entries has been allowed to become dry and spin, and although she of the directors. Through bination of trotting blood that should Is, I think, this then well brushed off' without the application carried five pounds the efforts, however, ef Mr. W. H. Gregg, tive be produc­ bad business and I would rather take water. of extra and the post odds L Snowdcn, Col. A. of good results for breeding putposea. Mam­ 20 to 1 about Cotolvin with 140 pounds The practice of washing a horse's leg when were 5 to 1 against her, James Clare. John E. Turner, Frank brino Patchen was not only hican than Mo­ left at a stable for an hour or two she was freely backed. H. Kills, Robert McCay, Philip Dougherty, a trotter, but he has with 170. Thirty pounds will tell a terrible demned. should be con­ Goliad conceded three pounds Mooney, Jamea shown himself to be a truly great sire. He haa tale over the last mile ol the trying The proper attention is not given to to Athlone and H. K. Kelly and George W. Johns, the thirteen to his credit in Aintroe course. them, and therefore cracked eight to Slocum in the mile property was rescued from the the 2:30 list, and sixteen The Scot, owned by the Prince of Wales, is a heela or mud-fever (9 ~ -. *.. and 110 yards Sheriff's hands. grandsons and granddaughters genuine the result. J_:_-;__ *._! !- 1.. ,! J« In the-..- yearj- with records be­ candidate and a fair public spin, and after a driving finish jumped in 1875-u. ...*.. Mr. Sturges^Luigca declineducuiiiieu a re-ire-elec­ tween 2:18 and 2:30. Mambrlno Unfortunately performer. "In treating the more diffuse form a tion and Mr. B. J. Williams again Patchen was sired Jones, the Epsom trainer and the of the disease winner by a short head, much to the disap­ position, assumed the by Mambrino Chief, he by--y Mambrino Paymaster, jockey, recently had a nasty whole of the parts affected should be fomented pointment with Mr. Charles M. Town as secretary by Mambrino, fall, so that he may be with warm water and dressed over of the favorite buyers. Summary and John McMenamy treasurer. by Imp. Meessenger. His dam was prevented from donning the purple, black and with the zinc of In 1876, '77, '78 Gano, by American Ellipse, who was gold at Liverpool. I may lead preparation; bandages do harm. The con­ follows: and '79 Col. Snowden filled the chair of presiding out ot Miller's by Duroo and note In passing that this stitutional treatment officer, and after his Damsel, by Imp. Messenger; Gano'a Is the first occasion on which the Prince had run should be: Purgatives, Purse J200. six furlongs Queen Esther (105) 1st, declination Mr. A. H. Mer- dam, Betsey Bicharda, was by Sir horse in hie own a febrifuges, diuretics, succeeded by tonics, and Centennial (108) 2d, Voltaire shon was elected In his place, and he has acted Archy, he by name In the Grand National, should the case be obstinate, (90) 3d: time. 1-18K the position ever since. in Imp. Diomed. although it has long been notorious that he had au arsenic or quinine. Purse $200, mile and three furlongs. Manitoba In the meantime there Tilden'a dam, Molly Alien, was sired interest In several of Horaos when clipped very closely suffer very fre­ <90) 1st, Ida B. (101) have been many changes in the office of secretary, Black by Blood's the animals in Jones1 stable. quently from the disease, 2d, Baritone (104) 3d; time, Mr. H. J. Hawk, son of Hill's Vermont Black Hawk, For the City and Suburban, the most Important which manifests itself at Keeler filling the duties in 1880 and 1881, who was by Sherman Morgan, the spring of a diffuse form of erythema a few days after Purse $200, John E. Alien in 1882 and part he by the original handicaps, St. Blaise, last year's Derby operation. The tba mile and 110 yards. Goliad (105) 1st present of '83, then the Justln Morgan. Vermont Black Hawk gut the winner, and Geheiuinlss stand at the inflammation extends over the Athlone (102) 2d, Slocum (97) 3d: secretary, Mr. Samuel Hafleigh. famous stallion Ethan quotations, head of the greater part of the surface of the body and Purse time, 1:54. The present distress of the Alien and the black gelding but it is the public's money that lias ates in a few termin­ $200, five furlongs. Campanini (107) 1st, Park may be said to Lancet. The dam of Mollie Alien was by elected them favorites. Although daya in small patches of dcsquama- Queen Koxbury (92) 2d, have commenced in the Centennial year. The re­ son of Imported Whip, trained In the tlon of the cuticle and hair. If there Matrimony (96) 3d; time, port of the Association Whip, and her dam was by Han- same stable they are in different interests, but In pain and be much in pamphlet form for the cock's Hambletonian. Mr. Ealley, all probability the "noble Irritation of the skin and if the horse la years -...,1875, '76,.., '77,... '78.. and '79 show some Molly who owned folks" who pay the afraid of his harness and easily THURSDAY, curious very Alien, aays she was a great show mare and training bills will put their heads together galled by the Collar FEB. 21. exhibits. For Instance, in the year 1876 took a great number of for one and go or saddle a few days' rest la to be prescribed. the Association was very successful. premiums In sweepstake, at the finish. A very clever man tells me together with fomentations The weather was everything that could Their bal­ harness and roadster rings; in fact ahe waa never that Antler Is a rod In pickle for this to the parts affected." be ance on hand at the end of the year was $14,941.33. beaten at certainly event, and desired at New Orleans on Thursday and the In 1876 the finances showed an exhibition. on his running in the Marine Stakes at lacing, quite a different state In his two-year old form Tilden trotted a mile Brighton, where ho defeated on the whole, was good, the betting of affairs. The receipts were $56,708.26, which in­ 2:57 and good judgea in Whitechapel Hemlock. Polarla, Track Talk. being spirited cluded $22,460 from race then predicted a brilliant (In receipt of a year), Montroyd (In Jim Williams and the contests close. Sum­ meetings. The expenses future for the young trotter. At that age, receipt of 2 pounds), Chameleon, will not take his horses to New Or­ for the year footed up $69,693.49, a deficit of nearly ever, he waa how­ others, Gloucester and leans this season. mary: $13,000. The cash sold to Mr. Henry S. Httner, of he must be deemed uncommonly well here Purse $200. paid out included $10,357 for a Montgomery county, Pa., for $2,500. He at 94 pounds. I think, too, It is reported that several of Mr. Pate'a five furlongs. Baronella (107) 1st, new grand stand and $34,721.63 in premiums almost waa used there Is little doubt as horses at Miss Dance (107) 2d, Solitaire (115) two trotting for exclusively for stock purposes by that to Antler's ability to stay the course, as with a Louisville are sick. Purse 3d; time, 1:03. and one running meeting. In 1877 the gentleman up to the time of his death, shade of odds laid on Carter $200. one mile and a half. Ida B (99) 1st receipts were $5,189.79; expenses, was when he him at Eghaiu ho walked Harrison Is an unsafe Investment now-a* .Katie Creel (97) 2d, Athlone $7,136.71; 1878, re­ sold at private sale to Mr. William Wallace, away from Protector in the three-year-old daya. He haa a bad leg and (102) 3d; time, 2:41%. ceipt?, $5,688.14; expenses, $5,509.34; 1879, receipts, of Philadelphia. At the sale (IK miles). stakes is liable to come to Purse $200, seven furlong heats. P. Line (90) $3,685.00; expenses, $3,660.90, of the latter's estate I have no particular fancy myself for grief any day. Kiddle (90) 2d. 1st leaving a cash bal­ at Herkness' Bazaar, Philadelphia, Tlldon was Autler, but I know that some very clever Riddle took the nrst heat in 1:32 ance on hand at the end of the year 1879 of $12.08. knocked down to Mr. are backing people The National Trotting Association started in »nd P. Line the second and third in Since then the Association French for $800. He was him. Walton's Deceiver baa been 1870 with seventy members. 1:32 and 1:34 has been still farther Immediately taken to the latter's farm at Woods- backed to win several thousand Now it numbers two ^respectively. going behind and its early dissolution town, and although but pounds at 33 to 1, hundred and seventeen. Purse $200, one mile. Fellowplay is a highly a strange horae he made a fall 1 do not think that the Investments were made (115) 1st, probable occurrence. season of forty inarea, aud Mr. French tells on behalf of the owner. Aa yet While in Maine recently Mr. David Bonner Princess (107) 2d, Centennial (110) 3d; time, 1:46%. January 2.,1884, at Donaldson's aa far as he us that, no sign has been clmacd a chestnut pur- and Filbert Hotel, Broad has received information, most of the made with regard to Girofle, but as they wijl no mare. 7 years old. She Is full streets, was the last, or attempted, mares are believed to be in foal. All the signs doubt bo tried together before sister of Pilot Knox, -i-M^. xn««ttn«r oftbo Association, and ene record showed dicate that the trotting in­ there the day of the race Racing In England. "~ the board ot officers to bone admirers of Salem Is plenty of time yet, and before backing The Germantown Hare and Hound Club hare be as follows: A. H. Mer- and adjacent counties have discovered the fact either animal it will be well decided to glvu Although Sachem proved ahon, president; D. P. S. Nichols, treasurer; that In addition fettle to see one of them an exhibition in May next at the a very unprofit­ uel Haneigh. secretary; Sam­ - to rich Dlood "you muat down at a shorter price. Quicklime with Gentlemen's Driving Park. able horse on the flat he has made a fair Joseph N. Vanleer, An­ breed to a trotter. .i toi., get., , a ,, (, ,... anQ 103 pounds la entitled to consideration, be­ drew M. Moore. J. C. Powell, John Greenwalt, D. therefore the prospects that ran second as a horae Mr. E. F. Hunter, a Forty-, haea stable of ginning over the sticks by winning the San- P. S. Nichols, Thomas Smith. are flattering that for the Two Thousand Guineas six race horaes In Jerome Sown Samuel McCauley, Tilden will make a successful season this and Derby and won the Epsom Grand Prize Park. Forty-four racera Grand Prize on Wednesday, Feb. 20. James A. Wright, Joel J. Bally, E. Franclne, year, notwithstanding rifth of In o*e- are now in training at the park. It Ellia and H. John the aervlce fee of $40 Is a second faster than Deceiver, ought to run will be remembered that P. Lorillard sold H. St. John, directors. higher than that of any horse that has stood well hero. Of course on the What la the matter with Brunswick? the son Salem county for In Epsom Grand Pri'/.e bank-breaker, Is ho s of War Dance to Tom Cannon last THE OLD OXFORD TRACK. many years. Among Tilden's running Deceiver has the best of the weights, but or is he worked on the pivot system, summer. Cannon commenced years representatives are a finely-shaped 16 hands on the other hand Walton's horse which ever way you want him he will go. to practice Two after the opening of Point gelding, five years bay has but that one him at the hurdles and Breeze a number of old, owned by Mr. George eally brilliant performance to recommend him. James Adams, the well-known English trainer found he was a prominent residents in Willing, of Germantown, and can show, it and jockey, la more jumper of no mean the northeastern a mile Is said, DKATH Olf OALLKK OU. than seven, and yet he la order, and from thence section of the city became In 2:30. Mr. Shock, a prominent Norristown just recovering from an attack entered him in most of the imbued with the idea broker, owns quite a handsome That grand old mare Caller'Ju, for of whooping cough. hurdle handicaps. that a trotting course mare, and al­ past aome time Mr. Edward Corrigan, of St. The betting at the start on was an absolute necessity though never being handled for speed can trot a a victim to rheumatism, was shot a few days Louis, writes that Wednesday the in that locality, 2:30 gait. Mr. Paul Kecves, ago at the Iwerne Minster Stud Farm. he will match his colt Harry White for $0,000 In a 20th was 3 to 1 Sachem, 9 to 2 Zeus, and such men as John K. of Phccnixvllle, has a racing During her special sweepstakea agalust and 8 to Hammett, the full sister to the Norristown mare, that was career she ran 98 times and was returned a Tyrant,the Ten Brocok 1 Hough Diamond. The following are the Kensington shipbuilder; Sheriff George driven by Charles Maloney over winner on no less than 49 occasions. colt. the half-mile won the Northumberland Twice she conditions and summary: Magee, City Treasurer John M. Coleman, track at Woodbury, N. J., last fall in 2:44, and this Plate, in 1803 and 1864 Fred Robinson, owner of Little Fred and others, THE SANDOWN GRAXD PKIZE James was accomplished in and only just missed winning the was, on Feb. 14, sentenced (handicap hurdle Jackson, the Buckes boys, of Frank- face of the fact that the mare time race for the third to twonty-nve days' Im­ Tace) of 25 sovs. each, 10 forfeit, with 500 added; ford, and had never seen a track before. Mr. Rhodes, of in 1865, when she succumbed by a head to the prisonment in Brooklyn, N. Y., for selling liquor aay winner of a several others met by arrangement ristown, It is claimed, Nor­ lightly-weighted Brown Bread, without a hurdle race, value 100 sovs.. after to consider the has the moat stylish and to which high-class license. the publication of the weights to carry? matter, and before the con­ cleverest road horse In Montgomery three-year-old the old mare was conceding no less Mr. A. J. Cassatt or Ibs.; twice, ference ended six-year-old county in a than 37 pounds. haa sold to .lames Hlldebum once of 400 sovs., 12 Ibs. extra; the second horse an organization under the name sorrel stallion, that haa shown a mile In 1861 Caller Ou won perhaps of West Chester, the four-year-old cheMuut to receive 50 sovs. out of the of Oxford Park In 2:60 over the track at the most sensational St. Leger on record, Fairfield, colt stakes and the third to Association was formed. A Norristown. Keuben Ing at 68 as atart- four years old, by Bullion; dam Alunx- .save his stake. About two miles, over eight piece of land belonging Lukena, of Philadelphia, also owua a very stylish to 1 she snatched the victory in the lasi ulii, by Imp. Eclipse. nights to John M. Coleman stride from Kettledrum by a head," «f hurdles (49 subs.). and situated on the old eon of Tilden. thla and pcrhapi John Herlihy recovered a verdict Kr. T. Cannon's ch h Sachem, Second street pike, It may well be aald of Tilden that In general waa one of the finest displays of horsemanship for $60 agalnit War Dance, 5 years old, by about one and a half miles northwest good qualities, that poor Tom Challonor James B. Diiwes for riding Charlemagne Aug. out of Sly Boots...... 1 from such as form, elze, bone, rnusclo, ever exhibited. Caller 19H1. Dawfs agreed V, I/)rd Hastings' b h Zeus, Frankford, was purchased and transformed disposition and gait, he la probably Ou was a daughter of Stockwell and the little to give him $50 if he won, 5 years old, by King­ horse the fineat mare Haricot, who which ho failed to do. craft, out of Wildfire...... into an excellent mile track. The course that ever stood for service In Salem county. was by Mango or L»nercoat, Jtr. E. Hobson's 2 was ———•———— out of the celebrated hrod mare Ciueen Mary, Matthew Smith, a turfman of old times, ch h Bough Diamond, 4 years managed for the first three years under the whom these turf from Cincinnati died In old, by Lowlander, out of Queen of celebrities. Blalr Athol, Breadal- laat week at the ago of tin yeara. The Diamonds. 3 immediate supervision of the association, and PURCHASED TO BEAT FLORA. bano, Broomlelaw, Bllnkbonnle, Klinkhoolle deceased gave the br g Matthew Bonnle and Smith a record of SA1URDAY, FEB. 23. during that period there appeared to be a Scotland trace their descent. She was a Buffalo, In 1871. Bacing manifest increase in the John Morgan's Failure plain, little mare with hairy ahanks, and Bolero won was continued under very favorable interest of the trotter. Due to Severe Train­ few traces of allowed the Hanworth Park Handicap at circumstances On the 22d of June, 1858, equine beauty; but she possessed even Kempton Park, En*., recently, beating on Saturday, Feb. 23, at New the first important ing When Young. more valuable characteristics, in th nine. He a Hold of Orleans, the contest over the track took place, the principals of courage .c she was full also lan aecond In the Hallltord Maiden weather and track being good, being Flora Temple, After Flora Temple had made the astonish­ and as game aa a pebble. By the Hurdle race at the same meeting. and the attendance large. who had just been purchased memory of her own doughty deeds, Wallensee cap­ by William McDonald, of Baltimore, for ing record of 2:19% at Kalamazoo, the performance rather than by Captain Cottrull, proprietor of the tured the coveted Mystic Crcwe and the black $8,000, Mich., on of her offspring, will Caller Ou'a Stud Farm, Magnolia handicap gelding Lancet, the property of C. the 15th name live In turf history, aa she Mobile, Ala., has purchased the fash­ after a good race with his companion Fosteral. P. Keif, and the subsequent owner of of October, 1859, it was thought that proved a compara­ ionable thoroughbred stallion Erdeuhelm, trotting sire the famous tive failure at the stud, the beat of her get being Leamington, by Iran. The following is the summary: Mambrino Pilot. The association the little mare would be unable to get any The Pearl and Pilchard. WATTHMAW dam Long Nine, by Lightning. Purse $200. Owners' handicap; mile gave a purse of $1,200 for Flora and Lancet and Ten thousand dollara dash. Car­ great crowd was present. a further engagements. In the was offered for the black son 1st, Little Buttercup 2d, C. Harrison Flora was driven by her same month, mare Phyllls, record, U:17>., by Phil Sheridan, 3d; former owner, James McMauu. She won however, she SHEEPSHEAD BAY parties In Ottawa, by time, 1-51%. straight easily in beat Princess again, and then RACES. Can., recently, but the offer Purse $200, six furlongs. Marsh Eedon (112) 1st, heats; time, 2:31, 2:27%, 2:29%. Then was considered too amall and It was refused. Wave o' Light there was a great two mile heat race between followed it up with a victory over Ike (91) 2d, Brooklyn (105) 3d; time, emple and Flora Cook The Acceptances in the Suburban A great number of sporting people John Morgan, in which the former and the Belle of Saratoga. Handicap with astonishment will learn 132%.Mystic Crewe handicap, on; best time, 5:01. Considerable prominence In the year I860 A handicap sweepstakes that in spite of his large win­ one mile and a half. also given was Flora's time was devoted principally of $100 each, h. f.' nings on the turf In England and France, Wallensee (108) 1st, Fosteral (95) 2d, the track by reason of the many bril­ with Geo. to races and do Lagrange Count Brumswick liant contests between local horses. M. Patchen. Early in 1861 Flora and only ?25 if declared by Feb. 20, with died ovur four millions of franca In <108) 3d: time, "-- Conklin's her old 2:53W. imerlcan Star —— —— 0 «~arol /»l.» About this time there was a ten per cent, of the by Enfield, THE DOWNFALL OF POINT named Transcript, brought herellHrfi from New who horse called Medoc, aon of Uyadyk's Hambletonian; dam BREEZE. York for the especial purpose had performed with distinction in Kentucky, stakes: weights to be announced Bashaw Belle, by Green's Bashaw. of beating George winning two and three-mile heat Feb. 1; The prloe waa Magee, became prominent and was looked upon as winnng wo-"«--. an - races against all winners, after $400. Come of the Causes Which Led to its Over­ the fleetest horse in the cracks of that section.-.u»i.,n Effortsviinria hadhaii been made publication of weights, of two Peter the city.ty. About thists timeme thee from time to time to produce races of any value, or Kallloy, of265 West Forty-first street, cor­ throw—Another old Landmark. handsome big gray horse Kockingham was quietly a horse that could of one of $1,000, 4 Iba. ner Eight avenue, New York City, brought to Philadelphia wrest the laurels from Flora, but all had failed.' extra; of two of ?1,000, or has concluded The present deplorable and subsequently The owners of Medoc confidently of one of $2,000, 7 to buy pools and books on commission at the dif­ condition of Point fell into the hands of Matt Miller and believed their Ibs. extra; of three of $1,000, or of ferent race tracks this season. New York horse dealer a horae could do It, and this coming to the attention two of perienced He is an ex­ Breeze Park and the prospects named William Joslln. ,^ ,..,_,, rt^.to, nf $2,000, 10 Ibs. extra; turfite and hia Information of its total Bockingham was of Frederick Gerker, of Philadelphia,pu .... 74 nominations; one is always re­ abandonment only known to a few, and when and Mr. friend mile and a quarter; liable. for racing purposes recalls an offer of a match was made to a ciose mumi */.of .....his named .- George_ _ 65 acceptances. Transcript the owner of Bocklua, negotiations were at once opened Lba.l According to Secretary Vall's report the person* aany a pleasing incident in it was eagerly accepted. The race ex­ purchasing and for Lbs. remaining suspended connection with cited much Interest and everjbody Medoc was finally secured by the George Klnney, 4.. ..132! Hcel and Toe, 4...... 100 by the National Trotting its hij'jjo^ ious appeared anx­ gentleman named for$S,o«0. He was immediately ..131 Circassian, Association up to Doc. 31,1883, were 2.S50. Horses of twenty-nine years. In the first to see the unknown horse trot. He won th< brought Barnes, 4...... 4...... 100 up to the same time, race In the handiest manner, to Philadelphia and his named changed Miss Woodruff, 4... ..ISO1 Blue Grass Belle, 4...100 172; total, 3.022. The number plate 1^0'racing grounds in and then for tn< to John Morgan, tn honor of a of horses remaining suspended ia 2,288; America were first time the winner was discovered to be to John Morga well-known resident Iroquois, 4...... 130!WarEagle,4...... 98 expelled, «ver ngham. mi.- i,.,*,,,. OTOa Bock of Camen,Camden, N. He was a grand-looking- horse,e Drake Carter, ..,127|Wallflower, < ...... 97; total, 2,385. opened with the prospects of a more ingham The'me latteri» waa»r«0 afterward .. _ matched andu mshis appearance. J . here - Monitor, 4.... »7 John .gainst the black gelding General Butler, appeiujmvt ~~.~ -made -- a_ .powerful Impres- Monitor, aged..ageu...... **<...125|Vocalic. » «*...... ,...... 3...... 97 Condon, of Philadelpqla, lately purchased successful future. The park a; - »-.».ui« three n among--^ - the.1... bestK..D* oinssoinsa ofnf turfmen.t.urfmen. John Mor- Pizarro,4...... 124 Mittle In Kentucky a highly-bred was laid out races to saddle, totn harness anaand to waguu.wagon. The*u» ganslo: waa the result Mor­ B.,8...... 97 three-year-old colt very carefully and with races took place over the of a oroas between a trotting Parole, age...... aged...... 120 Eucador, 3...... 96 named Eugene Wllkea, by Young Jim, son a view to speed. Fashion Course, L. I., stallion and a thoroughbred, or nearly Aranza, 6...... , ... .. George Wtlkea, out of He accommodations for members and Kockingliain, under the handling of Mc- bred mare. a thorough­ .liul Dutch Holler, 3...... »6 of a mare by Brown Chief. were an Laughlin, won them His sire was Pilot, Jr., son of old Pilot, Checkmate, aged.. . . .118; Hattle M., 4...... The youngster Is well broken and la reported ^'^ **"> +M/.V -nras an im- all, and obtained a record to the pacer, and his dam was Gen. Monroe, 6...... 117,Farewell, 95 to be harness Medoc, by the racehorse 6...... quite promising. In theof year 2:24. 1859, who, being a son of American Eclipse, in­ Jacka of Hearts,6...... 114iWater,...... Lily, It ueeu in Mr. William Van Osten ae- herited the Messenger ' 3... is but simple justice to state that Mr. Cha'lea r-juirtuT=.n.. ----- auined charge of Oxford Park, blood through the famous Duplex, {...... 114'Chantlcleer, 3...... 93 Bower's fine read intended to beoe iorfor'tbe LUO VAV.«...exclusive - - use _.--_._ of its members, and he managed it mare, Miller's Damsel. The latter was Kinglike, 4...... lis;t)aramel, horae Silas Wrlght, has not had — -'..' '».*"io»WailrtT. until the death of Mr. Coleman out of an 4...... 93 his shoes on this winter, who were elected after a careful investigation a.q tn in 1861, when the Imported mare by pot-8-os, who Herbert, 6...... 113 and therefore it muat haw as to grounds were sold with the balance beat was considered the Marshall, 5...... 93 been a very, rery cold day, some tharacter, etc. Ass an illustration how select of the son of English Eclipse, and Kica, "" Vnnnnmv 3 yeara ago. when an illust a deceased's estate. In the first yearof one of the fastest 6...... 112 Economy! 3...... 92 that stranger's horse beat Jwort Point Breeze was appointed to be, and how the Southern and stoutest running horses that ever was Free Gold,6...... llllBlossom, him to a sleigh, aa rebellion the park became trained. - 3.... «xactthe affairs of the somewhat prominent John Morgan . -11*1,1.,, ..Ir atated some time ago. organization were con­ a soldiers'encampment as was a golden chestnut, with a Referee, 4...... 110 Turk, 3...9 ducted at one time, we present a few extracts from under the name of Camp white foot and blaze in the ...110 Mr. P. Tobln'a string of racera the coming season the minutes: Coleman. It was here that ex-Gov. Geary face. He waa 16 hands John Henry, 5... Lytton, 4...... will comprise Inconstant, On the 8th of February, 1855, an Act ized bis regiment, organ­ high, with great bone and fine, bold action. He Hilarity, 6...... 109 Altair, 4...... 4 years, by Imp. Glen- asset! incorporating the Point and it was subsequently the waa worked, and worked hard, ...107 lyon; Bedouin, 6 years, by Imp. Billet, and Nickel, seemed«fifimftd to be too long for Empress, 4...... 106 Mike's Pride, 4...... After a long and rather painful wait, particu. ?iiliam Warder, WUliam Milwaukee Sentinel. vermm. Ho was trained larly to Lessee &«k">Ja,me8'Bonn. Diving Jr., Jacob htm. and driven in Kentucky by Burton, 3...... 105 Fon du Lac, 4...... Pate and bis associates, oonsld- M" D".', Wharton Fisher, James On Tuesday the famous little trotter Jay- his owner who had never trained or driven any Thackery,3...... 104 Phoenix, 3...... able progress was made last week toward rebuild­ Oriasy, General George Cadwallader, E. Eye-See other trotter. His now owners placed ..103 Vibrator, ing the ataolea at Belmont 8. M: Learning. B. Jones, was hitched to the pole with Ellen hands him In the HeJla.4...... 4...... Park. AH the lumber John Lindsay, William D Lewis, Sprague and of James Turner, a trotting horse handler of Euclid. 4.. ..103 Murray, 4...... and other necessary materials are at hand and Jr.,S.«. o TT,,_...R.\,Kilpatrlck, woUinrillWefherill Lee, J. driven about Eacine by Edwin considerable merit, and although he Pampero, 3...... 1021 King work upon them haa probably "Van Svckle, E. Neal,iveai, K.zv. Either. It is the first Improve continued to King Tom,rom,o...... 3.. Oo commenced by this Thomas Goodwin, Thomas Irvin time the animal has and gave every evidence In private of Nonage, 3...... 100 Sinaloa, 3...... 86 time. win The capHal been in harness since last being a wonderful trotter, he waa unable Decoy Duck, 3...... loo Sandoval, E. fall. No person,to the advantage to lessen 3...... 85 B. Cross arrived In Philadelphia last Wednes­ look at the horse as he was being gained by Flora Temple, who was Frankie B., V...... 100! day direct from his home in Evansville, ed into oo a driven along then the acknowledged mistress Ind. He shares of $250 each. Upon that day, would ' imagine'-~:«o thatMmc he was the Oxford______._,__ of the turf. At brought with him seven head of horses, five trotters offe bruarv, 1855, the members met at the office of fastest the Park Philadelphia, before ho had trotted and two pacers, and when ies Harlan, southeast fastest In the world. He a ver small and in­ anvany races In the North", Jim Mr. John Plum, who for many years we say they are steppers DiariClaries Harian, souiueaBiut/ncornerSixth - - and Walnut ferior looking animal ate a distance,s tn the North, Jim TurneiTurner la said to have aged has man­ of high order we only quote from Mr. Cross, Sreets, and elected the following officers:fficers: Oha: Charles inspectionf but upon close driven him a mile and repeat in 2:16% and the Buena Vista Hotel at Gloucester City so who "' .president; spection the fine points can be seen at a glance. - --- 2:16. successfully, announces a closing-out J.G. Smith,'E. A. Shallcross, Bithersays the wonderpoints canin eperfect health as subsequently taken to New sale, to take Jurvey. Michael Trainor, is in perfect health and place on Thursday, 28th inst. Among Mr. Plum's A.E.H.....,.--.. Jos. M Thomas, condition. Next season, if everything is right, effects are several fine "illlaui... K.K Griffith,Griffith. Thomas Irvin. William will drive Jay-Eye-See he horses suitable for light owneu uj .mi. -^...... ^ Thomaa G. one mile in less than 2:10. heats and three-mile heats, in Daruoos. driving or business purposes, and a well-assorted __, -, _ Warder. George McHenry, Stephen M. ILearning, One gentleman who stood on the street *uo .u,~~., stock of carriages, Although getting well along in yeara THB SPORT- s Harper and John Lindsay, .ors. Sam- served Bither and ob­ were trotted on the Centreville Course, L. I. The harness, &c. Persons wishing a iso LIFE man never saw "«1 kilpatrick directo; drive by with the team wanted to first race, mile heats, was good road horse are particularly referred the clever road horsa was the unanimous choice iuifor know "what little plug that was trotted on the 13th of shaped sorrel to a well- looking brighter or in better condition. ecretary and treasurer. A month side." on the left-hand June 1861 and notwithstanding the reputation of horae, 16 hands high, that can trot in Association later and the He was almost paralyzed when informed Morgan. Flora was 2:45. Fuller particulars of the sale will were authorized to Increase their that he could not p rchase that the favorite at the odds of 100 be found [Continued «apltal $10.000, and the following plug for $100,000, to 20. It was a, bard race, but Flora in the advertisement in another column. on page 8.] 31st of January, and that it was Jay won it in 1858,» further increase of $40,000 was ordered, Eye-See, 6 THE SPORTING LIFE. Fob. 27

;andirjg jumps and succeeded in each of second time. Third round Thompson struck ATHLETIC. hree trials, the respective distances being THE RING. Welch a terrible blow in the stomach, and AQUATIC. 2ft. lOin., 33ft.>0n. and 33ft. 3^in. Referee, again floored him. Fourth round Welch W. B. Curtis; starter, H. P. Pike; judges, G. was again knocked into a corner, Thompson Wrestling, Pedestrianlsm, and other Ath­ H. Badeau, R. H. Dudgeon and J. W. Ed­ The Events and Happenings of the Week proving himself a regular slugger. The re­ 'he "Work of Yachtsmen, Oarsmen wards; time-keepers, G. A. Avery, E. Van In Pugilistic Circles. maining rounds were of a like nature. Swimmers Chronicled. letic Sports Chronicled. 'ambacht and G. P. Montant. In the sixth round Thompson struck the Erie man a terrible blow on the side of the THE ENGLISH RING. head, knocking him almost senseless. In the AN ISLAND FOR YACHTSMEN. DOG HANDICAP* Pointers. eleventh and final round, which was the A new gymnasium Is to be erected In German- Bill Goode Beats Fat Perry In Thirty-three shortest one of all, Thompson closed on Welch Bought by the American Yacht Club for % The 20O Yard Dog Handicap at Pastime own, Pa. as usual and struck him a stinging blow in Park, Philadelphia. Muldoon Is giving exhibitions of classic statuary Bounds. Summer Headquarters. n a minstrel show in Oregon. Correspondence SPORTIMO LIFB. the neck, knocking him completely out. The The f200 yard $50 dog handicap at Pastime crowd, which numbered over 2,000, became For several months the American Yacht The gymnasium of the Ptttsburg Athletic Club LONDON, Feb. 9. On Saturday, Feb. 2d, Park came to a satisfactory conclusion on ias been wrecked by the flood. very boisterous, seats and chairs were broken, !lut> has been looking for a suitable place, Jamae Ciulrk and Gus Carruthers are matched Pat Perry and Goode fought a game battle and it required a large number of police and within fifty miles or so of New York City, Monday, Feb. 18. Out of the twenty-seven detectives to preserve order. entries there were twenty-six starters and 0 runlOO yards for $1,000 a side. within a few miles of London. The affair or its summer headquarters. The desired The race between Kettleman and Johnson will was admirably managed, only about a score Welch was badly punished, but not so each of the heats were more or less closely ake place Sunday, Feb. 24th, at New Orleans. much so as was Stewart in his fight with pot has at last been secured. It is an island of persons being present. The police did not contested. The final heat was only won by T. C. Herbert and G. Hazael will run their 20- Thompson several weeks ago. About $20,000 n Long Island Sound, just off Milford, Conn., mile race in New York March 29th, for $1,000 a trouble the scrappers and those interested changed hands. Thompson received 60 per known as Charles Island. The island has an about one yard and half a yard separating ide. lad the satisfaction of witnessing a model cent, of the door money and Welch 40 per area of about thirty acres, and forms the second and third. The following is the sum­ Weston Is now far into his 4.000 mile block In the mill. In writing of this affair a few weeks cent. Thompson and his backers will now ongest tramp ever undertaken by man at a 50 urge the challenge recently made to John L. southern shore of Milford harbor. The en- mary: mile daily gait. ago I expressed a doubt as to Perry's ability ranee to the harbor is through a channel FIRST ROUND. o get fit in so short a time, and when the genial Sullivan. As yet the Boston champion has The Harvard College teams in the athletic and Pat stripped it was at once evident that he was not made reply to the challenge. Thompson lalf a mile wide, east'of the island. At low FIRST HBAT. IbS. yds. ither departments are hard at work for the coming ;oo beefy. Goode on the contrary was in cxcel- ide the mainland may be reached from the A. Pearson's b and wd Antony...... 20 15 1 eason'B contests. was in excellent shape after the fight and T. Eaves' b dog Dear at a Gift...... 20 ent trim and his friends were very confident. feels assured of success in case he faces Sulli­ sland by a narrow strip of sand. About J. Bowers' b and w d Robert the Devil. .16% 14% 3 A Mrs. Ludlow Is reported to have walKed from Perry tried to force the fighting, questionable tac­ J60,000 has been expended by previous owners JOB Angeles, Cal., to Tombstone, A. T., in 31 days tics I take it, but before they had been at It half van. ______n improvements on the property, and th« SECOND HBAT. >n a w?.ger of $3,000. an hour it became evident that the youth would be club will atoncelayoutabout$15,000uponit. B. Coleman's b and w b Valentine...... 15 14% 1 W. Kreamer was defeated by Andy Siebert in a served, and Pat grew weaker and weaker before OBITUARY. A. Barlow's blk and w d Spot...... 13 24 2 Ihe onslaught of his wiry and game opponent. Be­ A large three-story wooden building in the A. Chambers' blk b Puffer...... 13% 28 3 half-mile race at Pittsburg on Saturday, Feb. 16. ;entre of the island, which was built for a The stakes were $100. fore an hour had elapsed Goode nad fought Death of Jack Loouey, the Well-known THIRD HEAT. his man to a standstill, but although defeated Pat tiotel, will be converted into a club house, A. Chambers' b and w b Maggie...... 17% 7 1 Muldoon and Bauer have arranged a Grseco- was far from disgraced, as he showed the greatest Pugilist. [t contains seventy-five rooms, of which A. Barlow's b and w b Maud S...... 21 6 2 Roman wrestling match for $1,000 to take place in ^ameness, combined with no little skill, throughout San Francisco, March 2d. the struggle, and if he had undergone a more care­ After a lingering and painful illness Jack twenty-five will be fitted up by the club for FOURTH HEAT. the use of transient members and guests. Th» If. Moorehouse's b and w d Fruit Boy...26% The entrance fee In the go-as-you-please race in ful and lengthy preparation the result might have Loouey died at his house in St. Louis, on O. Johnson's b b Beauty...... 13% 15 2 Madison Square Garden, New York has been re been a different one. Although it was a ding-dong Sunday morning, Feb. 17. He had been other fifty are to. be sold by auction to tha J. Sykes' blk and w d No Name...... 11 38 3 duced to $100. The race will commence Monday fight while it lasted, neither man showed much members of the club. Each purchaser will April 28th. trace of punishment at the finish. I think it Is confined to bed for months and his death had FIFTH HEAT. furnish his own room. The course of the The Southern Counties English cross country hardly likely that Perry will enter the ring again, been long momentarily expected. Looney was Johnson's blk and w b O ueen of the Turf.lS championship was won by the South London Har­ at least with bare knuckles, as he has an occupa­ Sound steamers is within 200 yards of th» J. Sykes' blk and w d Rob't the Devil. .11 riers. J. B. Foreman was the first man In, his time tion bringing him In a fair Income and Is univer­ a native of Ireland.having been born in Dub­ island. From the north of the building a JL. Moorehouse's blk b Just Too Late.. ..19 being Ih. 5m. 65s. sally respected by a host of friends. There Is a lin in 1831, stood 5ft. 9in. in height and broad walk between double rows of cherry SIXTH HEAT. future before the winner If he takes care of himself weighed, in condition, 136 pounds. He trees leads to a large summer house, suitable Doc Hoyle's b and w b Rose...... 18 Thomas Sweeney. of Marlboro, Mass., defeated and avoids the rocks and quicksands that now-a- A. Chambers'blk d Jack...... 22% Ed O'Neill, of Boston, In a collar-and-elbow wrest days meet the young pugilist at every turn. learned how to use his hands scientifically for teas, dancing, &c. Half way down this ing match for $200 a side at the former place on WATCHMAN. when a youth, and after his arrival in this walk a path leads to a bowling alley and J. Acton's b Lady Item...... 9% Thursday, Feb. 21st. SEVENTH HEAT. country, about the time of attaining his billiard rooms and to the bathing ho uses on S. Berry's blk d Hamlet...... !* 87 Dawson's cribbage tournament commences on A BATTLING FIGHT. majority, many of the moments not occupied the west shore of the island. The beach on MedSeery'sblkdOldNed...... l« 40 Monday Feb. 25th, at 811 Wood street, Phila. The in work were devoted to sparring. He went all sides is a hard, sandy slope. A stable 41% 3 entrance fee is $25 and six entries are expected Fred Banker's b d Ike...... 15% making in all $150 in the pot. Tom Henry Knocks Jim Murray Oat Both from New York to New Orleans and thence and cottages for servants are at the eastern EIGHTH HEAT. A ten mile foot race came off at Recreation Men Arrested. to St. Louis, where he took up a permanent extremity of the island. Fletcher's b d Spring...... 12 35 1 residence in 1855. He was so»n known to It is calculated that many of the yachts of Doc Hoyle's blk and w d Sbotover...... 12% 25 2 Park, San Francisco, Cal,, Feb. 10, an interesting About three months ago Jim Murray A. Chambers' blk and w d Prussian... .13 40 3 contest terminating in the victory of , In Ih the sports of the Mound City as a very handy ;he club will winter in Milford harbor. It is 2m., with Frank Hart second. issued a challenge to fight any pugilist in young fellow with his bunches of fives. A a well protected body of water a mile or more NINTH HEAT. 9 1 The Harvard Lacrosse Association on Feb. 13th America at 130 pounds for $1,000 a side. dispute having arisen regarding the re­ n diameter, with a depth ranging from 15 to Doc Hoyle's f b JeannoUe...... 19 elected the following officers: C. J. Heuter, '84 J. Acton's bd Plunger...... 11% 36 2 Marquis of Queensberjy -*iles. Tom Henry, spective qualifications of Jack and Con 35 feet at low water. There is a wharf on the M. Stenthorpe's blk' d Light...... 21 30 3 president; H. M. Williams, '85, captain; E. F Keegan as boxer's, an agreement was entered north side of the island. Stationary anchors Woods, '85, secretary and treasurer. who was backed by James Corcoran and Ned into for them to settle the question by a and buoys will be set in the harbor, one for SECOND HOUND. Fred Hurst defeated Fred Whitley, of Canada FIRST HEAT. IbS. yds. In a 100 yard race at Hazleton, Feb. 22d, for $1,000 Haggerty, accepted the challenge. Richard fight. They fought for a purse near St. each yacht. Coal and water stations are in­ N. Moorehouse's b and w d Fruit Boy.. .25% 9 2 Hurst had the advantage of the start and main K. Fox and John J, Flynn were Murray's Louis in September, 1857, and Looney cluded in the plans. Grounds for lawn ten. Doc Hoyle's f b jeannette...... IB tained his lead to the end, winning by four feet. backers. Richard K. Fox was chosen as final was successful after fighting twenty-three nis, croquet, and other outdoor games are to Johnson's blk andwb Queen of theTurf. .13 24 W. Edwards, the champion long distance walker stakeholder, and the men agreed to meet on rounds in an hour and a quarter. His ^e laid out for the use of the families of mem­ SBCOHD HEAT. is now in San Francisco looking for a match Feb. 21. Murray went into training under next customer in the fistic line was Jim Co- bers. Doc Hoyle's b and wb Rose...... 18 Charley Harriman has been expecting him fo the care of Mike Henry of Brooklyn, who re­ burn, elder brother of Joe, and then weigh­ The island can be reached by express A.Pearson's b and w d Antony...... 20 15 2 some time and a match will surely be the result 31. Coleman's b and w b Valentine...... 15 14% 3 duced his weight from 165 pounds to 136 ing 1^5 pounds. They fought near St. Louis ;rains over the New Haven road in about an W. W. Jiontgomery, of Flshersville, N. H., ha pounds. Henry also secured a first-class for a purse of $80, Aug. 8, 1858, when Looney aour and three-quarters from the Grand THIRD HEAT. matched himself against a 140-pound unknown to A. Chambers' b and w b Maggie...... 17% 7 wrestle collar-and-elbow style for $260 a side. J trainer, who reduced him from 170 pounds met with a reverse after sixty-four rounds Central depot. The time by water will be Fletcher's b d Spring...... 12 35 2 R. McCrlllis, of Marlboro, Mass., Is backing thi to 143 pounds. Mart Moore was chosen re­ had been contested. This result was not sat­ three hours, more or less, according to the S. Berry's blk d Hamlet, withdrawn. unknown. feree and Billy Beunett was named for time­ isfactory, and they tried it again for a like speed of the yacht. It is expected that the FINAL HEAT. Ar amateur sparring and athletic entertalnmen keeper. stake, Nov. 27 following, but after fighting juiklings will be ready for occupancy by W. Moorehouse's b Sc w d Fruit Boy, $35.25% was given at Newark on Friday,Feb. 22d, by mem A. Chambers' b and w b Maggie, $10. .17% The fight came off early Wednesday morn- 70 rounds in Ih. 15m. darkness caused a May 15. bers of the Young Men's Catholic Association. The ing,Feb. 20th, in Pelham. It was witnessed postponement, and when they met again ou D. Hoyle's b and w b Rose,$5...... IS entertainment was for the benefit of the Institute Boat Club, and was a grand success. by over 000 persons. The ring was pitched the 29th they disagreed about a referee and tEE-COTSFOBD. » The betting, prior to the final heat, was ] stakes were drawn. Looney's last fight in to 2 Fruit Boy, 2 to 1 Maggie and 3 to 1 The New York Hare and Hound Club had an under a horse shed facing Pelham Bay. The Kose. All the dogs left their marks well to­ excellent run at Fremont on Washington' birthday fight was a brief and exciting contest. In the ring was with Joe Cole, near New Or­ The Victoria Scalier Easily Defeated by Lee. Feb. 22d. N. J. Hutchinson was the first hound to twenty-one minutes four rounds were fought, leans, March 14, 1859, in which he was suc­ gether and a good race ensued, Fruit Boy arrive. The distance covered was twelve inilei Henry punishing his adversary badly and cessful, the engagement occupying 43m., The sculling match between G. W. Lee and just winning by about a yard, half a yarc which was-completed by the hares in Ih. 55m. the British Columbia oarsman Cotsford, wa» separating second and third. The winner winning by knocking him out. during which 23 rounds were contested. He John Gassman, of the North Side A. C., easil1 At 7:05 o'clock the pugilists shied their continued to reside in St. Louis up to his rowed in Exquimalt Harbor, Victoria, B. C., was slipped by Joe Johnson. A. Chambers defeated P. Golden, of the Gramercy A. C., In a 5t death. For a mimber of years he and Billy acted as pistol-firer and W. Booth referee, mile run at Woods Grounds, Williamsburg, Feb casters into the ring. Murray jumped over Feb. 8. The judges were Edward Hanlon for 22d, covering 35 miles in 4h. 25m., which is the bes the ropes first followed by his seconds, Mike Carroll were in business together, and for a amateur time on record. Golden left the track Costello and Barney Aaron, with Johnny long time Looney kept the Canterbury on Lee, and T. Jones for Cotsford. Lieutenant FOOT HANDICAP. after going about 31 miles. Roach for his umpire. Henry stepped into Christy avenue, which was subsequently con­ Hatch, of H. M. S. Heroine, acted as referee. The American Athletic Club Harriers had an the ring attended by Mike Cleary and Bob verted into a variety show under the name of Cotsford caught the water first and gained a first Round of Heats for Hoyle & Acton's excellent run of about eleven miles on t'riday.Feb Farrell, seconds, and Andy Hanley, umpire. Looney's Varieties. It was clesed in 1877, slight advantage, but Lee recovered quickly 135 Yards Foot Handicap. 22d, starting from Petltt's Hotel, Jamaica, L. I The betting was $100 to $80 on Murray. Fol­ since which time deceased had been in the C. Lee, O. L. Meyers and J. Thomas ran a dead and before they had rowed 300 yards he had Owing to bad weather the second round o: heat for first honors covering the distance across lowing are details of the battle. saloon business. :aken the lead. When passing the war-ship "heats for Hoyle & Acton's foot handicap at First round. Both men manoeuvred all over the country in 1 hour 37 minutes. ring before anything was done. At last Murray got Heroine Lee was a full length ahead, and Pastime Park, Philadelphia, will not be con­ The British American College Football Club has In ft rjjfhc-hftnder on Henry's ear, and then landed Shoulder Bits. this advantage he kept with little difficulty tested until Monday, Feb. 25. The first been organized in Canada with the following offi­ another on Henry's nose, drawing first blood. Some B. Jones and Topser Tflylor wJII iavs a good nttl the Srat cuv *m//iM "were rowfcd. So day's card was successfully carried out on cers: Mr. Hoskfns. president; Mr. Murranea, vice rapid fibbing exchanges followed until time was mill at Chambers', Phila, Feb. 26. urned about ten seconds ahead of his oppo­ Friday, Feb. 22, with the following results: ^resident; Mr. McKnight, secretary and treasurer; called. Murray's friends were highly delighted. Mark Checkley and James Morlarity were fined nent. On the homestretch Cotsford gained a Mr. Brubacker, captain; Dolph, Clafilln, Cavan, Second. Henry put out h\s left with grand effect SEVBMTH HEAT. YdS. ;5 each at Toronto, Ont., Feb. 18, for taking part In little, but it was evident to all that Lee was »IB8T BEAT. Yds. Stoltz and Small, committee. on Murray's dial which brought the ruby. After a glove fight without a license. O Colford, Phlla...l3 1J. Qibson, Trenton.18% 1 At the next annual meeting of the Natlona: some active exchanges Henry delivered a sledge playing with the British Columbia oarsman. T. Ernest, Oer...... 10% 2 P. Fay, Phila...... 15 ~ Amateur Lacrosse Association of Canada changes hammer right-hander on Murray's jaw which Ed Thomas, a well-known Pittsburg light-weight When about half a mile from the starting SECOND HBAT. , EIGHTH HEAT. and Marccllus Baker are to spar four rounds, W. Sheppard,Phllall% 1 W.Borden.B'rl'ntn.22 1 in the rules will be made which, it is thought, wil knocked him down. Everybody thought Murray Queensberry rules, for $100 in Pittsburg. Feb. 25. point both oarsmen spurted, and Cotsford re­ revolutionize the game. The changes proposed was knocked out, but he arose in a dazed way, and duced the distance between him and his op­ T. Quinn, late Ban­ J. Mitcbell, Phila.. 19 2 will go a long way toward doing away with body as his man rushed at him gamely opened fire, and A bill has been Introduced in the Ohio Legisla­ croft, Nlcetown,...10% 2 H. Creed, Phila... .20 3 checking or holding other players on their sticks delivered a couple of smashing hits on Henry's ture fixing the penalty for sparring exhibitions at ponent. When passing the Heroine Lea A. Bourne, Phila.. .16 3 head. They then closed, and some desperate fib­ $260, and three months' imprisonment, and making bent to his work, and the distance between THIRD HEAT. NINTH HEAT. and will define more clearly and punish mon Campbell, W.Pblla. 15% 1 J. Hergott,G'm't'n.20 1 heavily foul play in any direction. It is claimed bing took place until time was called. the owner of the property also liable. the two boats was perceptibly increased until J. Malarkey. Phila.16 2 J.W. Bowen, Phila.21 that the proposed new rules are mostly already in Third. Henry's rapid style of fighting had been Sullivan has spoken on the challenge of Thomp­ the finish, when he came in fully four effect in England and Ireland. decidedly effective. Again in this round he forced son. He says he will stop at Cleveland on his way D. Shaffer, Kens'tn.17 3C.Gallagher,Phila.2» the fight. He dashed out left and right, getting lengths ahead. A great deal of British Co­ TENTH HEAT. Capt. Bill Richards has matched T. C. Herbert borne and settle Thompson in one minute for the FOURTH HEAT. well home. Murray countered with his left, but house receipts. He will find it a tough job. lumbia money was lost on the race, which T.Yates,Kensin'tn..l6^ J1N. J. Torr, Phila.... 15 the foot-racer, against H. M. Foley for $150 a side Henry dodged, and the blows went over his was witnessed by 3,000 people. W. Denny, Phila.. .19> P.Hyan,Burlingt'n.21 2 to run Feb. 24th at Sportsman's Park, St. Louis shoulder. Henry broke, and in retreating got to Llbby Koss easily defeated Bertha Francis In a S.arifnths,Kens'tn.l6 E. Townsend,Phila.l"% I provided track and weather are favorable, Herber the ropes. Then it was close in, hammer-and-tongs set-to at dark's, Phila., on Friday, Feb. 22d. Miss FIFTH HEAT. ELEVENTH HEAT. to run 16 miles to Foley's 14 miles. Richards wil fighting. The referee j uinped into the ring and Boss is undoubtedly the champion female boxer of Ripples. D.Adair, Phila.....14J J. Flynn,S'thingt'nloy. i further wager $100 that Herbert will make his 15 said: "I've stood this long enough. If you don't America, being able to swing the right equal to a Hanlan sailed from California on Feb. 17 in tilt J. Coogan,Falrm'ntll? 2 D. Bergen, Paters'nl3% 2 miles In one hour and a half, but will not permi break when I tell you I shall give the fight against man. !ity of Sydney for Australia. J.Cullinan, Phila..16 3 his man to run if the track Is heavy. Capt. Rich the man that disobeys my orders." Mike Mallon and W. K. McColIum hai a six- 8IXT%I HEAT. TWELFTH HEAT. ards is also desirous of betting from $100 to $50C The Empire Yacht Club, of New York, Is tobulU Fourth. Both men's faces and bodies showed round glove contest at Clark's, Phila., on Monday, a club house on the Harlem this spring. J. Bell, Kensington.19 Broadbent,Phila.5% w.o that there is no man in the United States that can effective work on each side. Henry tried to lead Feb. 18. Jimmy Kyan, the referee, decided the J.Huggs,col,B'rln'nl7 beat his record of 3:07 for three-quarters of a mile with his left, but Murray's guard was impregnable. match a draw, although Mallon had the most Weisgerber and his boat were washed away by H.Thomas,col,N.Y.16% 3 The races of the St, George Snowshoe Club, o Ho manoeuvred Henry into his own corner, where clean hits. ;he recent flood, but the sculler and his craft Tore THIRTEENTH HEAT. Yds Montreal, Can., held Feb. 16, on the Montrea they delivered terrific left and right-hand blows. soon upon terra flruia again. "W. Elsenhower, Phila...... 13% lacrosse grounds, were largely attended. The big Tom Alien is again under arrest, the Governor of J. McOrane,Phila...... 18 Henry was landed on his beam ends by a punch in Missouri having received a requisition from the Largan, Brightwell, Walton and other English events were the 200 yards race in the Merchants the stomach, and Murray's backers were loud in Governor of Kentucky for Alien. The matter has oarsmen are now anxious to have a "go" at Elliott The followinjjare the heats and drawings fo Cup series and the two mile race for the Hogan their offers of *50 to $30 on him. The men then been postponed temporarily to allow the lawyers to since Bubear beat him so handily. the second ronnd, which takes place Monday, Feb Cup. In the 200 yards Fletcher, Ross, McTaggart fought all over the ring until Henry sent in a arguo the matter. The Oxford-Cambridsre University boat race 25th: McCaw, Baird and Thompson started. The raci magnificent right-hander on Murray's head, will take place on Saturday, April 5, «n which Firsr heat Campbell, Colford and Yates. was won by W. R. Thompson in 27 2-5s., recon sending him down heavily. The John L. Sullivan sparring combination re­ morning there will be high water at London Second heat Borden, Bell and Torr. time; with N. Fletcher second, by 10 feet; J. G Fifth. Murray sparred for the close In the mid­ turned to San Francisco from the North on Mon­ Bridge at 9:38. Third heat Elsenhower, Sheppard and Hergott Ross third and Baird fourth. Seven started in the dle of the ring, and then let out his right and left day, Feb. 18th, and at the exhibition given that Fourth heat Broadbent, Flynn, Adalr and Gib two mile race for the Hogan Cup. namely, J. G very heavily on Henry's face and neck, Henry evening It was announced that Sullivan could not John Teeiner, of McKeesport, Pa., has accepted «on. Ross, the holder; McTaggart, Baird, Larkin, La countering and delivering heavy hits on Murray's spar, owing to a strain sustained in jumping. the challenge of Albert Hamm for a race in "M* pierre, Moncton and A. W. Ross. Larkin won in head. While botb were hitting away as fast as Jimmy Carroll, light-weight champion of New and best boats" early next season,on conditiontlu& the fast time of 12m. 22%s., with J. G. Ross secon< they could, Henry, by luck, let go his right a England, and Jim Barry, of New York, were to the distance be five miles. INDOOR SPORTS. and D. D. McTaggart third. This race was run swinging blow, which landed with a crash on have sparred at Clarendon Hall, Feb. 20th. Car- George R. Bardsley,superintendent of the Wood­ immediately after the severe 220 yards race, which Murray's jaw, lifting him off his feet. He fell like roll failed to appear but sent a telegram instead, ruff silk mills, Auburn, N. Y., while ice yachting The Benefit Games at Madison Square Gar discounted the chances of Ross and McTaggart a lump of lead. Murray's seconds did all they stating that he had disabled his arm. A large on Owasco Lake, Feb. 16, received a wound fron den Ford Heats the Record. Of the other events of the meeting the open hal could for him, but when he was lifted up on his audience was disappointed. which lie bled to death In about thirty minutes. mile was won by Moffat in 2m. 33s., beating al legs he could not stand, and his seconds threw up Cleveland Herald:—A number of local sports are A London paper says: "Edward Trickett, tt» About four thousand spectators wer records, and the open one mile (green) bv S. Jones the sponge. rumored to be organizing a pocket out of which famous sculler, gives it as his opinion that ittt present in Madison Square Garden Feb. 16 in 6m. 66%s., also very good time. Henry was born in Lancashire, England, Mike Clearv, the Philadelphia pugilist, is to be only on the Thames and the Paramatta (Austral!*) to witness the Manhattan Athletic Club' The annual games of the Toronto (Ont.) Snow of Irish parents, and is in his 28th year. He brought to fight Thompson. There is money in the that men could get fair play, the course being kept games, gotten up to raise funds to sent shoe Club were held Feb. 16th on the Jarvis-stree has fought a number of battles. Murray was party, and a contest between Cleary and Thompson clear, but that in America any obstruction is per­ lacrosse grounds and were.patronlzed by a goodly may be arranged In the near future. mitted." If Trickett made the remark attributed Myers, Waldron and Fredericks, of tha number of spectators. The club Is very popula born in Providence in 1859. He his defeated to him he is a better liar than sculler, club, and Frank P. Murray, of the Williams- with the fair sex, who turned out unusually strong Benuie Green, Bob Turnbull, and others in Johnny Green and Tommy McManus were burg Athletic Club, to England to contes The snow was In good condition, being of the righ glove contests. rincipals in a six-round glove-contest, for a purse, Wallace Ross, the oarsman, writing to a friml with the athletes of that country in the consistence to make good footing and packing Ri a room in Boston, Mass.. Feb. 12. The former l! in St. John, N. B., from London, says there will b* nicely. The prizes were very handsome, consist Sheriff Horton and Deputy Sheriff John stated to have had much the best of the encounter, some lively rowing for the first mile in his racewltt various games in which these men are ex ine of gold and silver medals and cups. A return Duffy got word ot the fight by telephone from landing good blows, mainly with the right, much Bubear. He believes that Bubear is the best OUI1 perts. The selected four were included in follows: 100yds. run First heat: T. Robinson first the New York police at 2 A. M., and drove oftenertlian his antagonist, whose left eyelid was man in England, but has no doubt that he (Bo>) the entries for the different events, but were badly cut in the opening round. McManus foughl will be able to make up ten seconds' start intM L. Dwight second. Second heat: W. Rough first, eighteen miles to Pelham with a posse. The first mile. He thinks there are a dozen AmertOS so heavily handicapped as to preclude th J. Dugnan second. Final heat: Rough first, Du fight was over when they arrived, but they gamely, however, and the verdict at the close was possibility of winning. Before the start was gnan second, 680yds. run .T. McLaren first, in 3m 'a draw." scullers who could defeat Bubear starting level 2s.; N. F. Dewar second. 440yds. run, for boys unde found the principals in the hotel. Horton The New York Sun of the 21st says: "Mr. Flynn, At the Bubear-Elliott race in England mot! made in the half-mile race a formal protes: 15 R. Christie first, J. Bennctt second. 440yds arrested Murray, who was in bed. Duffy of 103 Bowery, imported David Cook, an Englist rowdyism existed, thieving prevailed to a greri against Myers was made by G. H. Badeau run W. Rough first, in 1m. 23s.; J. Dugnan second found Henry stripped to his underclothing, boxer, last tall to give sparring exhibitions. On extent, affording opportunities for adverse reflet* Williamsburg A. C., and G. A. Avery, M 120yds. hurdle-race, 6 flights 3ft. high W. Rougl and put the handcuffs on him at once. There Feb. 11 Mr. Flynn made a bet of $200 with Jimmy tioiis upon the class of people that attend tmtt .A. C., the object of this action being to obtain first, in 2m. 29%s.; W. Kennedy second. One mil was some talk of a rescue, but none was at­ Kelly, and Cook was made the stakeholder. The races by the press of this country and Englud, an investigation of the amateur status of th run N. P. Dewar first, in 6ra. 59s.; J. McLaren sec bet was decided yesterday in favor of Kelly, bul but unfortunately these evils attend other even* ond. Dewar won a good race after a hard contest tempted. All the parties claimed that there the stakeholder was not to be found. It was of a sporting character, for at the recent caroiTw champion, which was deemed advisable be­ Mac falling near the tape. McLaren ran righ was no prize fight, and only an exhibition learned that Cook had taken passage for England at Montreal more robberies from the persrht!"1' cause Mr. Myers' standing as an amateur away from his men in the half-mile, winning b sparring match with soft gloves, which w on one of yesterday's steamers. The police were committed than were ever before reporteorhotU had been questioned in England, and it is fifty yards. The quarter was also a good run shown. The two fighters were taken bef asked to have him arrested when he reaches the police of that city. All the crooked meo In IM thought best to be on the safe side and sent Bough winning with little to spare. other side." Eastern and Middle Slates were In attendance Justice E. B. Long at White Plains for ex­ and if all reports be true, no one of them returuM Mm to England with a clear record. The amination, but their counsel being unable to Arthur Chambers offers to match Wm. Sheriff management of the meeting was excellent the "Prussian," against any man in America for to the States empty-handed. The biggest (Mi Curling. appear their examination was postponed un­ $1,000 a side, Marquis of Queensberry rules to reported was that of the pool-box, which, at fl* The results were: The Chicago Curling Club has been organize* til Feb. 23. The prisoners were remanded to govern; the contest to be to a finish (till one or the end of the fourth heat of the free-for-all race,** Seventy yards run, 59 entries Final heat, L. P with a capital of $20,000. They will apply for ; the custody ef Sheriff Horton. other is defeated), either in private or in public found to be rified of its contents, about $1,500. Smith. M. A. C., 6yds. start, 1st, In 7 2-5s.; M charter immediately for the purpose of encour He has put up a forfeit of $100 with the Clipper. I Love, N. Y. City, 6yds. start, 2d, by a yard. aging curling, skating and similar amusements o this deposit is not covered in three weeks from this Boys' race, 260 yards, 20 entries A. J. Menges SLUGGER THOMPSON. Kennel Notes. If. Y. City, 1st, in 31 2-5s; L. Eckles, W. A. C., 2d ice. As soon as the articles of incorporation ar date, Mr. Sheriff will spar anyonesix rounds,Mar Half-mile run, 22 entries Thomas J. Murphy filed they will elect officers and perfeot other de quls of Ctueensberry rules, for endurance, at any It Is rumored that there will be a bench shoirit M. A. C., 40yds. start, 1st, in 2m. 1 l-5s.: L. £ tails. The Cleveland Wonder Knocks Ont Another hall that can be agreed upon; the winner to take St. Louis this spring. Myers, M. A. C., scratch, 2d, by ten yards: C. Le A curling match was played Feb. 22d on Va: Opponent. 70 per cent, and the loser to take 30 per cent, of the The Pacific Coast Coursing Club will hold ti«tf Myers, M. A. C., 48ydf.. 3d. Cortlandt Lake, between tne St. Andrew's am receipts (after expenses are paid). spring meeting March 5th and 6th at Merced, Ow- Bicycle race, 2 miles, 15 entries, 6 starters P. M Caledonian clubs, for a grand national distric At the Cleveland City Armory on the O. H. Smith of Chicago and Ed. Miller of Omah; The flood will not Interfere with the Clnclnn**) 'Harris, Ixion B. C.,100yds. start, 1st, In 9m 282-58 medal. Owing to the high temperature the ic night of Feb. 18th Mervine Thompson, the met in a glove contest at the Theatre Comlque, dog show, which will be held as advertised M»W* UL Or. Hall, Jr., Kings Co. Wheelmen, 60yds. 2c was soft and in poor condition. The result was ai Omaha, Neb., Feb. 13th. It was announced that 4th, 6th, 6th and 7th. by six feet. easy victory for the St. Andrew's men, who won b man in whom Duncan C. Ross thinks he has they would fight to a standstill for a stake of $50 a One mile run, 51 entries George Q-. Smith 39 to 23. side. The men were very evenly matched, each The headquarters of the new Dominion Etrar Adelphl A. C., 100yds. start, 1st, In 4m. 44 3-5s found the master of John L. Sullivan, measuring 5ft. lain, in height, Smith weighing Club, of Canada, will be established at Toronto Harry Fredericks, M. A. C., scratch, 2d, by si Two rinks of the Gait Club played a like nnm knocked out John Welch, of Erie, Penna. 188ft and Miller 178ft, and it appeared that the figh The club Is already in a flourishing condition. leet, her of Preston, Ont., at the latter place Feb. 16th Welch weighed 205 pounds and Thompson really was for "blood" until, at the close of the A large number of special prizes have »lr* One furlong run, 64 entries Final heat: W. O the result being a tie on 38, which darkness pre twenty-second round, Jock Nugent, the time­ been offered for the New Haven dog show, Morse, N. Y. A. C., 20yds. start, 1st. In 24 l-6s.; H vented playing off. Same day, at Hamilton, Ont 212 pounds. Welch is a young man of 25, keeper, and who is also one of the proprietors o more are promised. Many of them are cash Pr'*J* H. Salmon, Jr., W. A. C., 20yds., and F. J. Kretzer the Thistles of that place vanquished the Calder taller and of slighter build than Thompson. the theatre, announced that, as the regular variety varying in amount from $5 to $15, and facia"* W. S. A. C., 20yds., a dead heat for second place of Ancaster by a score of 94 to 81. Same day, a Both men were in excellent condition. Jusi show would be given at the close of the glove con nearly all of the different breeds. la running on Salmon won. Scarboro, for the Ontario Tankard, the Toronto before the fight, the friends of Welch kicked test, those Interested, in view of the already late The second annual bench show ofth« Fwi"* Two mile walk, 25 entries W. E. Nixon, Amerl defeated the Maple Leaf by a close shave scor on the contest taking place on an 18-foot hour, deemed it best to postpone the conclusion o Coast Club will be held during the Utter part of can A. C., 300yds. start, 1st, In 14m. 6s.: J. J. Me 40 to 39. platform which had been previously built. it to some future time, to be fixed by the referee April, at San Francisco, Cal. With the experi­ Dermott, Pastime A. C.. 350yds., 2d. Hence it was decided that so far neither man ha< ence of last year, the club hope to make their cols' Quarter-mile run, 37 entries Final heat: F. A Several matches were played In the Dominio After a hot war of words the platform was the advantage. There were twenty-two round "Ware, O. C. A. O., 65yd?., 1st, in 51%s.; S. S Feb. 12, resulting as follows: At Brampton, fou removed, and the men crossed hands at 9:30 ing show a success in every particular. rinks a side Brampton, 105; Toronto Caledonian fought in fifty-five minutes. K. L. Greene was th Mr. J. F.Klrk, secretary of the American Cocker Schuyler, Greenville A. C., 50yds., 2d.;H. O. Ta 55. At Toronto, two rinks a side Caledonian, 36 in a 24-foot ring on the floor. referee. "Baby" Barnes, the Nebraska Giant, Mil madge, N. Y. A. C., 46yds., 0; L. E. Myers, M. A.C Eleven short three-minute rounds were ler's second, and Dougherty, one of the many Spanlal Club, announces'the following ectrlejt* cratch, 0. Markham, 31; two rinks a side Milton. 42: Sea light weight champions of Colorado, officiated In the Cocker Spaniel Produce Stake, uttheNe* Hurdle race, 440yds., 21 entries Final heat: boro, 30. At Sarnla, one rink Sarnia, 31; Mi fought. In the first round Welch landed a like capacity lor Smith. York Dog Show, May 5th to 8th: Hornell Spaniel Malcolm W. Ford, N. Y. A. C., 18yds., 1st, in 1m waukee, 14...... 11, at Bowmanville, two rinks light blow on Thompson's face, but the latter Club's Hornell Dinah, Hornell Ruby. Hornell «%s.; J. J. Hielly, N. Y. City, SOyds., 2d, eaiil side Oshawa, 3S; Bowmanville, 37...... 13, a quickly closed on him and knocked him on Baroness and Topsy, J. F. Kirk's Toronto Jet ano Beaten. Orillia, two rinks a side Orillla, 46; Midland, 2 his face to the floor. In the second round The hackmen of Boston have put up an ex BonnieK&te, J. S. Uattanach's Queen Vie ana During the evening M. "W. Ford, N. Y. A At Toronto MOES Park, 39; Markham, 18...... IS pensive gold-mounted whip as a prize In a series o Princess Royal, F. F. Pitcher's BIa<*« ano at Wingham Lucknow. 42: Wingham, 39...... 1 Thompson crowded his man to a corner, ancJ wrestling matches fur the championship of tb Oracle, Geo. Schofleld'sLuna and Dr. J. S. n » .^-J, attempted to beat the record for three at Llndsay Peterboro, 44; Lindsay, 38. after a rather hard fight downed Welch a fraternity. Nell'e. Feb. 07. THE SIPORTHSTG LIFE.

THE TRIGGER. THE SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. -n-1-v-..-f^THE OLDEST -riT GUN HOUSE".___ ±:IN AMERICA-Established-o^JuitHjA-Bstabllshed 1811.18U. trap, Range and Gallery Shooting The W. W. ABBOTT, Record of a Week. "Nt\ 119^11134 nr^-niT-n^-Market o4«Street,n «4 T»I*I_Phila. f EDW, K TETOI, Jr.. & Co, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In 19 and 21 N. Sixth S(re2t,anil 220 Wrirth Son«n^ su~n^ m.n-j.,_t, SODS, REELS, LINES, S.60 p. m. trains. :45,and 112:00 midnight. Henry H. Fleischer.... 8 twenty five yards, the others standing at twenty Direct connection by "Annex" boat at Jersey Cltj Eugene Smith, of La Salle, won first money. yards. Uses Only Botanic Medicines, with Erie Railway and Brooklyn. "ALF7 PEARSON,S~ 1'omiTH MATCH. Ten ball pigeons thrown Elizabeth and Newark 8:3O, 9:3O, and 11:OO a itraight away. Entry $1. EISUING AND HUNTING. Dr. H. FRANZ, the Proprietor and Consulting m., 1:15,3:45, 5:4O, 6:45 p. m.; for Elizabeth SALOON", Moody...... 7,Hurd...... 8 Physician of the NEW YORK BOTANIC MEDI­ only, 12:OO midnight. Smith...... 6'Andrews...... 6 CAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, has niada Long Branch, Ocean Grove, and Spring Lake, 2336 NORTH FRONT STREET, The New York Association for the Protection of the treatment of PRIVATE DISEASES of MEN Kensington, Philadelphia. Gombert...... 9 Barker...... 7 Game held a meeting last week. 11:00 a. m., 1:15, 3:45 p. m., 12:OO midnight. Jewett...... 6 D. C. Freeman...... 0 a special practice for many years. Over 4,000 cases SUNDAY New York and Trenton, 8:3O a. m., Ales, "Wines, Liquors and Cigars Dr. Moyer. Weaver...... & "Trigger" Hamric, tne famous West Virginia treated yearly. 6:3O p. m., fl2:OO midnight. For Newark, 8:30 a. Fleischer.. guide, was drowned in Elk River a week ago. RECENT CASES OF PRIVATE DISEASES m., 6:3Op. m. For Long Branch 8:3O a. m. of the Finest Quality. Gombert won first money. A nock of canvas-back ducks, an acre in extent, cured in a short time without mineral poisons, Leave New York, Foot of Liberty St. 7:45, 9:3O, visited New Haven Harbor Feb. 18, being the first such as SULPH., ZINC, SUGAR OF LEAD, &o. 11:15 a. m., 1:30, 4:OO, 4:30,5:30, 7:OO p. m., JOHN McPARLAND'S FIFTH MATCH. Fifteen ballplgeons; entry $1.00. of their Iliad seen there In two yeaxs. The uses of thesecausesSTHI(JTU.KE,O.ROHITJS 12:OO midnight. J /Dj/iamniatlon of Bladder, Jsto. SUNDAY 8:46 a. m., ff:3O p. m., ?12:OO mid­ SALOON and POOL ROOM. Oo^Vii^V.7.1i;ir.y/.^[?wrBarron!.'.".".".'."."."."lO Shad fishing on the Potomae .River opened last ULCERS, HUMORS and BLOTCHES, on the FINEST BRANDS of UCiUOKS and SEGABS- Jewett...... ZRlpson...... 6 week and one or two seine crews were at work. By night. FACE or BODY, cured without giving poisons Leave Newark, 8:R5 a. m.. 5:3O p. m. 4027 LANCASTER AVE., Phila. Kurd Moyer...... 9 the beginning of this week they will all be in that ruin the system. All trains stop at Columbia Avenue and Wayn« Smith...... 9 E. Whitcomb...... 9 operation probably. MARRIED OR SINGLE MEN. Junction. Andrew?...... 11 Henry Killiok...... 0 A writer in a New York paper proposes that the troubled with NERVOUS DEBILITY, SHY­ Parlors Cars are run on all day trains to and Fleischer...... 12 Mosier income derived from the tax on dogs should be de­ NESS, LOSS OF MEMORY. TREMBLING, from Now York. Fleischer won first money. voted to the execution of the game laws. This is a LOSS OF MANHOOD. WASTING OF BODY, fSleopIng Car open 10:30 p. m. to 7 a. m. SIXTH MATCH. Ten ball pigeons; entry $1.00. very sensible suggestion- PALPITATION OF HEART, treated. Medi­ KLM1RA, BUFFALO AND XUK WEST Fleiecher...... a;Dr.Moyer...... * The date of the next annual meeting of the cines sent to any address. Advice at Institute 9:00 a. m.. 4:15 and 8:OO« p. m. Principal points In Andrews...... 6,D. C. freeman...... 2 American Fish Cultural Association has been fixed free. Examination $1. Describe case, state oocu- the Lehlgh and Wyoming Valleys, via Bethle­ Moody...... 6|Barker...... 2 for May 13, 14 and 15, in Washington. It is ex­ Iatlon, and how long troubled. Office hours: hem, 8:00. 9:00 a. m., 4:16. 6:25 and 8» p. in. Barron...... ,...- . 3 C. A. Freeman...... 1 pected that there will be a good attendance and a. m. to 4 p. m.; 6 to 8 p. tn.; Sundays, 10 a. in. to *Daily. Parlor Car on 9:00 a. m..und Sleeping Car 3 p. m. Address, on 4:15 and 8:00 p. m. trains through to Bufl'alo. Kurd ...... 2 many valuable papers. DR. H. FRANZ. Kaston 8:00, U:00 a. in., 4:15, 5:25 and 6:00 p. m. Andrews and Fleischer tied for first money, An­ Thus far the winter in the Adirondacks has been NEW YORK BOTANIC, MEDICAL AND drews won the shoot-off. Bath, Wind Gap, and Bnngor, 8:00 a. m., 4:15 p. m. . - favorable to the name. Deer are still roaming as SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Ablngton and Way Points 6:15,8:36, «:10a.m., 4:16, they please. Partridges can get good feed, and as No. 613 Third Ave.,New York City. 6:16 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. Sundav. 1:00, 2:46, 6:30 p. m. The Entries to the Tournament. everything Indicates an early spring, we think the Please mention in what paper you saw this notice Ft. Washington 2:36 and 7:00 p. m. prospects good for the season of 1884. when you write or call. Doylestown 8:00, U:00,11:06 a. in., 1:16, 4:16, 6:00 The following clubs have thus far remitted State Game Protector Geo. W. Whitaker, of 6:25, 6:15 and 11:45 p. m. Sunday 8:30 a. m., 3:« $1.00 initial entrance fee for the champion Southampton, Long Island, offers fifty dollars re­ .Stem-Winding Musical Watch. and 10:00 p. m. match in the First International Clay Pigeon ward for such information as will lead to the con­ _ Each Watch iaflnuly made, silver plated.and OKKMANTOWN aim CHESTNUT HII.L. viction of any person or persons pursuing wild j the greatest uovcltyever offered to the boy* 812-45 6:OO», 0:3O*, 7:00, 8:00, 0:10, 0:55,11:10 a. m. Tournament, May 26, 1881. The numbers ^antl girls of America. It la a m UNFAILING v FOR AIL indicate the respective order of choice as to duck, geese or brant after sunset, or with light or 12:06.1:16, 2:30,2:50,3:15,3:40, 4:00.4:45, 5:15,5:50.0:35*. lantern in Moriches Bay. COnPLGTU MUSICAL 1N8T RUBE TIT, 7:00, 7:45, 8:50, 9:45,10:30, 11:15,11:60 p. m. Addi­ REMEDY 6UcnAS DISEASES time in being called to the score. The list ;zc tint! shape of a watch, with tional for Germantown, 6:45. 7:15, 7:30, 7:45 a. m., A consignment of 130 quail has been received Music Itiix attach incut con­ TETTER.ITCH,SORES. PIMPLES. will be published periodically, as additional by the secretary of Fisher's Island Club, to be put cealed within, fo ftr- 2:05,4:05,4:50, 5:80, *0:OO, *(13O, p. m. SUNDAYS. ranccd that when wound 7-30, 9:10, fl:45 a. m., 12:00, 2:15, 3:10, 4:00,6:15,6:10, ERYSIPELAS WRING WORM entries are made: out on their island as soon as the weather allows it. t the stem plays ono of 7:00, 8:45, 9:45:10:45 p. m. 1 Aug. 17,'83 Tallahassee Gun Club, Ta.Ua.- More birds are on their way and the club has con­ the following tunes j Leave GERMANTOWN 0*, G:10», 6:54. 7:24, 7:40, tracted for six hundred birds in all, intending to "Home, Sweet Home,1* 7:69, 8:08, 8:10, 8:20, 8:30, 8:40. 8:64, 9:14, ,J:14, 10:59 turn loose about the same number every spring. " Yankee Doodle,'1 2 Sepi. 4'. '33 Cincinnati Independent Shooting . "Blue Bells of Scot- a. m., 12:19,1:14, 2:34, 3:00, 3:29, 3:46, 4:39, 4:59, 6:20, Club. Cinrlnniti. O. < A meeting of the Angler's Association of the St. I lanii," "Swonec Riv- 5:33», 5:55* 6:16, B:39». 7:06, 7:18. 7:30 7:58, 8:58, 3 Oct. 19. '83 VUkaburg Gnn Club, \lcksburg, Lawrence will be held during the present month, I er," "Cnrnivnlof Vcn- 9:63,10:53p. m., 12:07 midnight. SUNDAYS. 6:14, at Utica, N. Y., when a large attendance Is ex­ I Ice," " Orandinthcr'a f ClocV," and a Waltz. 8:24, 9:34, 10:44 a. in., 12:44, 2:24, 4:19, 6:14, 6:14, 7:14, 4 Nov. 3, '83 Exeter Sportsmen's Club, Exeter, pected. The association proposes, in addition to The notes, time, and S:04,9:44,10:63 p. in. N TT enforcing the laws against net fishing, to devote / , tones are correct. It Leave CHESTNUT HILL 0:0. ,6:40,7:10,7:46 5 Dec. 15.'S3 Lincoln Sportsmen's Club, Lin- its energies toward stocking the St. Lawrence with " instructs and enter- 8:00, 8:10, 8:40, 9:00,10:00.10:45 a. m., 12:U5, 1:00, 2:20, tains both old and 3:15, 3:30, 4:25. 4:45 5:2O», 0:25*. 6:50, 7:05, 7:45, 8:46 black bass. young. On receipt o< « Se'cl'zvsi-Niagara Gfun Club, Niagara Falls, Subscriptions are to be opened at once among the 9:40,10:40, 11:55 p. m. SUNDAYS. 0:00, 8:10, 9:20, N Y members of the St. Louis Gun Club in order to limit, p'cst-naid. Just 10:30 a. m., 12:30, 2:10, 4:05, 6:00, 6:00, 7:00, 7:50, 9:30, 7 Dec. 26. '83 Narragansett Gun Club, Provi- raise funds for the purpose of purchasing a good iv o> -^ ., IHIII - 3-^[J think of it f A Muiio 10:40 p. m hunting preserve within easy reach of St. Louis, Boxfor36cente. You will be delighted with it. Address MANAYCMK, CONSHOHOCKEN AND * .Tan?13, '84^-Oshkosh Shooting Club, Oshkosh, and as soon as they have made a satisfactory W. H. S1ZER, 7 & 9 WARREN STREET. N. Y. NOKRISTOWN. selection they will erect a fine club house with 6:05*, 7:16, 8:16,10,11:05 a. m., 12 noon, 1:35, 2:26, PILES 6:35 «:O5», 6:36*, IJCHING S Jan!.'14, '84 Medfield Sportsmen's Club, Med- every accommodation for the use of members and 3-00 4:00 4:30 4:45, 6:10, Symptoms are moisture, stinging, itching, worae at $100 A MONTH 7:35, 8:30, 9:40, 10:35, 11:20, 11:65 p. m. SUN­ night ; Beema 09 if pin-worms wero crawling about 10 Jan^BO^s't-Cleveland Gun Club Cleyeland.O. visitors. DAYS. 7:30, 9, 9:46, 11:25 a. m., 1:30, 3. 4:20, 6:16, the rectum; tho private parts aro often affected. A0& 11 Feb. 1, '84 Worcester Sportsmen's Club, Wor- The Empress of Austria's taste for field sports ii AND 8:05, 9:40,10:40 p. m. pleasant, economical and positive cure, SWATNK*C by no means exceptional among ladies of rank in $2 OUTFIT FREE. Leave NORRISTOWN 5:3O*, 6:40, 7:06, 7:30, 7:60 OINTMENT is superior to any article in the market. 12 Fe^lV84^Capital City Gun Club, Washing- Austria and Hungary. Recently the Crown Prin­ AGENTS WANTED In every State to collect 8:16, 8:45, 10. 11:26 a. m., 12:30. 2, 8:46, 4:36, Sold by druggiata, or Bend 60 eta. in 3-ct. Stamp*. cess accompanied her husband on a shooting ex­ small pictures to copy and enlarge to a beautiful oil 6:05, 5:25*. 6:20, 6:50, 7:35, 8:15. 9:10,10:05, 11:20 p. m. Box«t,»l.^- Addrew,Da. BWAYNK! SON, 13 Feb.^S/M-Peoria Shooting Club,Feoria,Ill. pedition, and proved herself to be an excellent painting. The biggest thing out. Send for olr SUNDAYS. 7:00, 7:50, and 9:00 a. m.. 1:00, 2:30, shot. The imperial hunts in Hungary, though the culars, etc. Restorative CopyingCo. Address 4:30, 6, 7:40. U:30, 10:55 p. m. The above train?.except Empress Is incapacitated from riding this year, are N. WINSLOW & CO., 278 Bowery, N. Y. the 6:05. 6:20 and 7:36 p. m. week-day, and the 7:60 DOCTOR LOBB. Random Shot*. always frequented by a number of ladies belonging a. m. Sunday trains, leave Main Street Depot nve PRIVATE OFFICES: SM N. FIFTEENTHST_ At the club shoot of the Narragansett Club, at to the higher court circles. . KICELIilL, minutes earlier. below OALLOWHILL Street, Philadelphia. f rovidence. B. I., Feb. 7th, E.S. Luther and GW. Reuben Wood, well known as the champion fly 909 ARCH STREET, Phila. Workmen's tickets taken. {Except Mondays. 16 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. (Established for Cary won Ltgowsky medals, and C. H. Perklns caster of America, died suddenly of heart disease PLYMOUTH BRANCJU, the treatment of the atllloted and unfortunate of Won the club badge. at Syracuse, Feb. 16th. Mr. Wood had won many Boot and Shoe Store. 7:16 a. m., 12 noon and 5:36 p. m. iunflay. 9 a. both sexes with purely vegetable medicines.) Dr. prizes for fly casting. He won the first prize at the Boot, Shoes, Pumps and Slippers for Men and m., and 4:20 p. in. Lobb's Ions experience in the treatment of I'rlvatB Mr George Anderson has given notice of his In POINTS BEYOND NORRISTOTVN. tentlonto introduce a bill into the House of Com- meeting of the New York State Sportsmens' As­ Boys. Also, Oood's Oil-Tanned Moccasins, Cainp Diseases enables him to guarantee a cure in all sociation in New York two years ago. In April Slippers and Shoes for hunting.boating and fishing. Phoonixville, Pottstown and Way Points 1:86, and oases. Consultation free and strictly oontidentlal. Sons to amend the Cruelty to Animals Act, the 4:30 p. m., connects with Chester Valley, Picker- of which is to put down pigeon sheeting. last Mr. Wood was appointed by Prof. S. S. Beard, Bicycle Tennis and Canvass Shoes, for field and Call In person or by letter. Hours, il to '1 and 7 to Object of the Smithsonlan Institution, a member of the seashore, unsurpassed by any stock in the City, at Ing Valley. Colebrookdale Branches, and Perklo- The weekly shot of the East Boston Sehuet«m American staff to attend the International Fisher­ the lowest prices. A full line of Waukenphasts men Railroad. Sunday 4:20 p. m.. and additional 10P.M.______Corps at Oak Island, Mass., ^V'wV^rh « for Colobrookdalo Branch at 11:26 a. m. thus: Membership Badge Match-C. M. Oueth,47 ies Exhibit in London. always on hand. The presence of unusually large flocks of white N. B. All the above styles will be made to order Dr.J.McCLINTOCK .per wlio will Mroe If BETIILKHEM BRANCH. Hew York, defeated Charles Monck of Phila­ iliow our i£o.l» to their friend. »nd to distribute the clr- 4:16 a. m. Mall and Accom. for Bethlehem, Eas- Send for circular on LOST MANHOOD. delphia, in a pigeon shooting match at fifty birds, as have visited it this winter. uUm we mall with cood«, we will nenil po«t-p.ld two full ton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wllkosbarre, toirtV yards rial, fora valuable gun, Mr. Green Complaints comu from Pike county. Pa., thai ."» tidies Oo9»a,ner«.rm,ut. « .ampla, free. Also Mud Hazleton, and points onLehlgh Valley Railroad. Offlco Hours 9 A. M. to 9 r. M. Winning by a score of 43 to Monck's 40. l-i re»w P O stamps to help pay p«st«Kei expenses, etc. hounds belonging to the Blooming Orove Park EMPIRE M'ro! CO. WlLLIAMSBURG N. Y. 6:10 a. m. Express for Doylestown, Bethlehem, The annual tournament of the Iowa State Sports- Association are running deer almost daily, and Easton, Allentown and Coplay. taaQ's Association Is to be held at Mason City some have run many deer either to death or out of the 2:90 p. m, for Bethlehem. Easton. Allentown, To Gentlemen Only. region during tue past month, and the farmer, OLD and YOUNGK When medicines and ele«- time in Tune Open to the world. Those desiring Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre and Scranton. triclty fail In ncrvo-debility, etc., Investigate free Information canobtain It by addressing W.J. have decided to shoot every liuund they see in the oftlw beautiful and secret wonSers of 1:30 p. m, Way for Bethlehem. the continuous and permanent Fiiccena of Doctor Konralinka, secretary. Mason City, Iowa. woods regardless of value or Individual owner v,Nnti>re.Nature. \FQT(For il"o"».o imnti mmMr* \sntif.i""'H-l "i* i*" «»°f 7:10, 9:00, and 10:30 a. m., 3:45,6:00 p. m. for Harts ill it. The park hounds are valuable blooded dogs Uomle ivory and hut little larger than above STAKCO'S NEliVO-VlTALlXEK.tlie AsiaticLo- At Wnri'hester, February 21st, the Worehester JJcut can t»« worn on watch chain as a ville and points on North-oast Pennsylvania R. R. ciil Method. Three applications assures its efficacy Rnort"mID'S Club held its field day at its range, from Virginia. It is not charged that the associa ^r"**charm. S«nt seoirely sealed for W ceuta; 6:10, 7:10. 10:30 a. m., 2:00, 4:00, 4:60, 6:20, 0:30 «s a positive cure. Success is incalculably evi­ ind"h c allenife match at clay pigeons for the turn willfully permits them to run deer, but that niS AL.nits wanted. Plonse mention this paper. p. m. for Doylestown. thwTre not restrained at the kennels and follow TJHICAOO BowCQ^Boxj07- CHICACO la. 7:40 p. m. for Fort Washington. denced by nuinciHUB citizens. No competition la fadtrtdunI eli,,5plon.hip badge of the Man.- their natural instincts in pursuing the game. 4:60 and 10:45 p. m. for Abington. America. Hour? 11 to 1 and 4 to 7 only. No SUB-. ehuaetta Association was contested by W. S. Ferry EASILY SUNDAYS. 9:10 a. m. and 6:46 p. m. for Hat- «l:i.y9. 21S N< Hi") H TWELFTH St., ftl>. RACE.__ *S£l elfV and O. B-DickW »f."' 8h0t boro and Hartsville. C7i<-r/,.« in. O tfottr*. »t600 p gcon?. Perry beat Dickey ._MADE 11:00 a. m. for Abington. CUBES IN 3 DAYS. The Independent Shooting Club of rile our goods. 6 liuau* 7-40 9:30 p. m. for Fort Washington. liurn STORKS. ' shoot on their e 8:45 a.m. for Bethlehem and Doylestown, Allen­ MEN UN. llth 8t.. Phil*.; town and Mauch Chunk. Bethlehem and waj 115 Fulton St., N. Y. T^ ^/l^^>lkl irilO simple method for coloring *>0lnU1:16NKIWTOWN RAILROAD. 3S Hnnover St., Boston. I tlVltblNIU O photographs on glass. Front- 6:40. 9:40 a. m., 1:25, 4:06, 6:10 6:26 p.m. against the Cincinnati ran^insize from 3 pounds each to 10-% pounds, ani able, pleasant and easy. Sent post paid(with sam­ Chance1 to tt filled ten barrels when Pa^ed for market. Ihe ple photos) for 29 cents in stamps. Buttle & Co., for Newtown. HL F. KICHTER, Burk.-mcn. catch weighed over 2,100 pounds, and is the Dig Art Goods, 23 Park Bow, P. O. Box 3350, N. Y. 8:15 a. m. and 2:36,9:00 p. m., and 12:00 midnight Removed to No. 9 N. Thirteenth Bt, Phila Pa correspondent whites: The Curo- for Fox Chase only. OFFICE OF gest haufof striped bass made in these waters for Etching, 1'late J'rintlnH, Kngravinff V mSI jSKiIallon of U.I. PlMj.have 20 years. It Is an unusually early date for bass SUNDAYS 9:00 a. m.. 1:30 and 6:26 p. in., for berlanil Vulle;contest In which they will offer as a PROF, GEO. FREE, Newtown, and for Fox Chase only, at 10:30 p. in. unit Litlttturtiphitigt JCl^ctr^lftjiitig and. decided on » too." Can be engaged for PAKTIES, also CHURCH Ticket Offices: Nos. 434, 824, 838, 1361 Chestnut lf, Stwl Facing, ___ prize u Stein1 New Jersey notes:-Efforts are being made by and LODGE ENTEETA1NMENTS, with his street, and at the Depots. Baggage collected and LAUNDRY. $700. S-;vt;ii H«a? SIS.1' ^\^ New Jersey to introduce new varieties of game MAGIC and VENTRILOO.UIST figures. checked to destination by Philadelphia & Heading amounting tt , |16U. TheIhe shootingshootins is toi" beat"" -- '""100 1114 Master street, Br»nch,606 Race et, Pbils. lu the ueur future not yet determined. and fish and to encourage their re.P uunc"°," 1602 Chancellor St.. below Walnut. Phila. Railroad Express. All work Kiiiiranteed to give perfect satisfaction Jds., the date Early in the spring a large number ol len°°=°^ GUIDE, Illustrated. Just out; sen' Detailed time-tables at ticket offices and depot*. The match wnil Uc open to all. quail are to be turned loose. Other game birds J. E. WOOTTEN, C. ». HANCOCK., and wbon nrbcrwis-' will he done over free of cha The regnlair weekly competitions at the Walnut gave also been brought from the West. <*"»" ""» Marriage Gen'J Manager, Oen'l Poti'r and Ticket Agent, ANDBEW J. BLACK, Proprietor. Hill, Ma»..Muss. rifie range, Feb. 16, resulted as foHowf - grouse have been freely distributed throughou fceeduioor Practice Match D. B-lrkwood, 4, out 27. 8 THEE SPORTING LIFE. Feb. THETUKF. THE AMERICAN STAR BICYCLE COLUMBIA SPORTINGr WEA.R. [Continued from page I.] C.E.UPDEGRAFF, AGENT BICYCLES. We Keep a LARGE LINE of A dispatch from Crawfordsville, Ind., Bays;- STANCH and RELIABLE BICYCLE SHIRTS, "The times for holding the spring races on that For MENS' BOYS' and YOUTHS' Wear, in Blue, White and Mixed FlanneU. circuit have been filed as ftllowsi-Colambu!. ROADSTERS. May 19: Terre Hnute, May 6; Crawfordvllle, June MEN'S SHOOTIlSra SHIRTS, 2T RocWlle, June 9: Danville, June 16 The In HEAVY BLUE FLANNEL. parses of the five meetings will amount to $13,000. The Popular Steeds Mr. William H. Stehle appears to b%P finte'iv" CRICKET SHIRTS, torly enthusiastic over his wel:-bred and nneiy- For Business and For MEN BOYS and YOUTHS, in White and Colors. formed four-year old black colt. Ini roeaklng of hit Pleasure. MEN'S CARDIGAN SHOOTING! JACKETS IN LARGE ASSORTMENT. merits Mr. Stehle is of the opinion that there Is not All of the above shirts are manufactured in our own building, and we can consequently mother horse in the city of the age his equal as a trotter, and to prove that fact he stands willing to Send 3-cent stamp for Illus GUARANTEE A PEHFECT FIT. put up from *100 to $500 and trot at any time. trated (36-page) Catalogue. An extra class of horses suitable for business, BICYCLE HOSE, draught and driving purposes were sold by Major rhePOPEM'FGCO, Imported direct from the foreign manufacturers. Our line embraces HEAVY GERMAN RIBBED Nichols at the Broad Street Bazaar last Tuesday, School and Salesroom, COTTON, ENGLISH COTTON and CASHMERE, SCOTCH MIXED WORSTED. Also, DOMESTIC WORSTED RIBBED BICYCLE HOSE in all Colors. by order of P. R. Theobald. Election day Is not a 261 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Phila. very appropriate time to sell horses; still there was 'o71 Washington St., quite an interest taken in the sale and good prices Purchasers are Taught to Bide Free of Charge, Boston, Mass. HEA.VY SHOOTING HOSE, generally were received. Sixteen head were dis­ ALL KINDS OF BICYCLES KEPAIXED. IN WOOL, BOTH FULL LENGTH AND HALF LENGTH SIZES. posed of at an average of $210 apiece. S. A. Tanner has engaged quarters at the Gen­ tlemen's Driving Park for Manchester and five of STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, BUMS*, mi.. his colts. These youngsters are spoken of in tne highest terms, especially the three-year-old bay BASE BALL EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. filly Vernetti. out of Ella Madden by Rysdjks Hambletonian. Besides being entered in the Our object is to offer a reliable medium of negotiation between club managers and Kreat three-year-old stake race at Chicago, Mr. base ball players, and to assist young players in obtaining a start in the profession. BOXINGS tinner has just made a match to trot Vernetti, Mr. S. G. MOHTON, Secretary of the Northwestern League, and for a long time con­ mile heats, for $250 a side. nected with Messrs. A. G. Spalding & Bros., in their Base Ball Department, will give The handsome set of single harness offere d by Mr. H. C. Pate to the person or persons credited his personal attention to the management of the business. Our BOXING GLOVES They are used by all the with the largest slcighfng party at Belmont Park, TERMS -. Clubs, $10; Players, $5. Cash to accompany application. from Dee. 22d, 1883 to Feb. 22d, 1884, has been are now the Most BOXING most Prominent Pu- warded to Mr. Cusick, a resident of Montgomery COXSESJ-OlfDEXCE SOLICITED. county, near the Park. George Doble had the prize within his grasp for some time with a party Address S. G. MORTON & CO., Popular in the gilsits in the of 68, but Mr. Cusick quietly slipped up to the 1OS Madison Street, Chicago, III. Perk with a collection of 178 and thus secured the Market. GLOVES. country. award. Belmont Driving Park and about the 10th of AMUSKMENTS. AMtJSKMENTS. May next have been selected as the place and No. 0 Boys' Gloves, Buckskin tops, tan palms and stuffed with hair, large enough for most men $2.09 time for a two-mile running dash between Mr. Y. MEN'S SIZES. Tobin'sch g Jake and Mr. C. B. Wright's four- No. 1 Buckskin; tan palms; trimmed wrists and stuffed curled hair, very durable, 2.60 IMPOKTANT TO MANAGEES! JOHN P. SMITH'S COMEDY COMPANY, No. 2 Buckskin; tanned palms, trimmed wrists, strings or elastic; very handsome and durable glove 3.00 year-old gelding, by King Alfonso. The race is for Season of 1884 and 1885, in the most laughable of all farcical comedies, »260 a side, and according to the agreement Mr. No. 3 Buckskin tops, smooth bark tanned palms, trimmed strings or elastic, 3.60 Tobin's horse will carry 200 pounds, while Mr. No. 4 White kid tops; smooth bark tanned palms, curled hair, trimmed wrists, extra sewed, 4.50 Wright's is restricted to 160 pounds. This has the No. 6 White kid throughout, extra fine sewing, stand any amount of pounding, 6.00 appearance of rather an unequal match, but when BETWEEN TWO FIRES! No. 6 All French white kid, ventilated palms, 6.60 it is considered that Jake is an aged horse, has run In Three Acts Adapted from the French by M. Lafltte Johnson. BETWEEN TWO FIRES ran No. 7 Very best Frencl^kid throughout, corded seams, ventilated palms, English pattern, 7.09 In his time two, three and four-mile heats with for 250 consecutive nights at the Palais Royal Theatre, Paris, and three weeks at Philadelphia. The credit, while the King Alfonso colt is compara­ Philadelphia newspapers unanimous in Its praise. tively a green horse and therefore altogether un­ The popular comedian, WILLIAM DAVIDGE. JR.; the gifted soubrette, MAGGIE HAROLD, J. D. SH I BE & CO., used to carrying such weight over the distance, and MARY GRAY the great eccentric comedy actress have already been engaged. The entire com- the result does not look so one-sided. panv to produce TWO FIRES shall be the very best that money can procure. TWO FIRES will be pre­ STORE, No. 223 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, Barney Crossan Is credited with having brought sented with new scenery by Seymour Parker, new mechanical effects and plenty of sparkling music Factory, Kensington, Phlla. to Philadelphia quite a fine collection of trotting arranged by Prof. Peterschen, of Haverly's Theatre, Brooklyn. SENT BY EXPRESS, C. O. P.. OR ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. mnd thoroughbred stock. In looking over his list THE PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHS WILL BE NEW AND NOVEL. Time already booked we find Bay Chieftain, 2:28^, which Col. Snowden at New York Brooklyn, Cincinnati and Chicago for this and next season. The sole right to BETWEEN owned; Brown Billy, 2:30, now owned by Sampson, TWO FIRES belongs to John P. Smith and William Davldge, Jr. All immitations and infringements of Trenton; Pearl, 2:30; Tempest, 2:30>4, now owned will be prosecuted. by Mr. George Willing; Philadelphia Boy, 2:31; Mr Smith guarantees that BETWEEN TWO FIRES will be much funnier than JOHN P. SMITH'S Oddfellow, 2:31, owned by James Mooney; the ORIGINALJ.GINAL 'TOURISTS. . ____ ..... _ ..... pacer Leviathan, 1-.1SM; Belle of Philadelphia, Managers will address JOHN P. SMITH, 12 Union Square, New York. 2:35; Barney Crossan, 2:38; the stallion Messenger Employment A_gency. Chief, owned by George A. Slngerly, and several other trotters which have made fast trials. Of AVERLY'S THEATRE. AGAR. CAMPBELL & CO.'S DIME The undersigned have opened an agency to secure positions for players, and to secure thoroughbreds he brought on the ch g Aleck H BROAD street (Opposite Academy of Mus ic) H MUSEUM, NINTH AND ARCH STS. clubs at shortest notice such players as they may be in need of. Clubs wishing to place Grant aRerward called Glengarlffe. by Mr. P. C. M. SOUTHWELL...... Business Manager ENGAGEMENT FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY OF Tobin; Malmistic, by Planet, and Huntingdon, THE their names on the Agency book will be charged $10, players $6. jqulte a clever steeplechaser. McCATJLi, OPERA COMIO.UE COMPANY. ————• ^ •————- John A. McCaull, Proprietor and Manager. Correspondence Solicited. J. F. CAMPBELL & CO., In consequence of the C 28 South Seveu'h street, Phila- THE TRIGGER. ENORMOUS SUCCESS OP H Rifle Shooting in the Lower Fart of the City Johann Von Strauss' Popular Operetta, The Passyunk Rifle Company celebrated CHANG R. H. Forestal £. Hotfner...... 3 23444443 4—35 son. Messieurs Wilson, Bell, Fitzgerald, Mafflin, AND D. Shetzline...... 2 24434444 4—35 Standish and others. LARGEST MAN ALIVE. T.tHayes...... 3 42434434 3—34 CHORUS OF SIXTY VOICES. W. Kirshner...... 4 34042444 3 32 Grand March of Troops, with Military Band. CHANG Tallest and Biggest who ever CHANG WM. HUNT & CO., Joa. Detwiler...... 3 03446240 3—28 Director of the Music...... Herr Ernst Catenhusen CHANG Lived, being one span higher CHANG MARKET ST., Camden, N. J., Near Ferry. H. Shetzlinc...... 4 22442233 2—28 LAST METHUSALEM MATINEE CHANG than Goliath, the Mighty CHANG G. D. Simon...... 2 3323422.4 4—29 SATURDAY MARCH 1, AT 2. CHANG Giant of the Philistines. CHANG C-ARRIA-G-E BUILDERS. K.A. Shetzline...... O 33404342 3—26 MONDAY, MARCH 3, CHANG Robed in costliest silks, pre- CHANG J D. Hoffner...... 2 00432248 3—23 Will be produced for the first time in America the CHANG sented with medals by the CHANG STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. W. Duncan...... O 02332033 3—19 new and original Comic Opera, in three acts, CHANG crowned heads, speaks seven CHANG Second to none in Style, Finish and Durability. M. Vollmer...... 0 02033023 0—13 CHANG languages, and specially In- CHANG LIGHT WORK A SPECIALTY. CHANG vites children. CHANG One-man wagons weighing from 100 to 125ILs, with top 140fhs. Two-passenger top wagons 176 to 300 fis The first prize, a handsome Remington rifle, was And all the other curiosities including awarded to Captain J. D. Vautier. Four other By MM. Leterrier and Vauloo. Music by Mons.F. All Work GUARANTEED in Weight and Quality as Represented. prizes, of cartridges, etc., were won by the con­ Chassaigne. The English version by H. B. Farnie. THE MAN FLUTE. testants scoring the highest number of points. A The opera will be produced under the special ADMISSION TO ALL, ONE DIME. Iree-to-all match, same distance, fora gold badge, direction of Mr. E. T. Steyn», of the Koyal Com­ Doors open from 1 to 5 P. M. and 6:30 to 10 P. M., was shot with this result: edy Theatre, London. New costumes, New Scen­ R. M. BRAITHWAIT & CO. ery, New Properties and a powerful cast. daily. Saturdays, o»en 10:30 A. M. Jacob D.Hoffner...... 4 B 3 4 5 21 General Admission. ...60c. [Second Balcony.... 25c. LAST PERFORMANCE AT 10 P. M. HarryShetzltne...... 4 635 4—21 Branch Ticket Office for Haverly's Theatre at Remember this is the Only Appearance of BROAD and WALLACE STS, J. B.Hoffner...... 6 443 4—20 J. E. Ditson & Co.'s Music Store, 1228 Chestnut St, CHANG before his return to China. W. M.Hoffuer...... ^ 364 4—20 Public Sale of Driving Fixtures. J.UetwIler...... 4 353 4—19 HE CLUB THEATRE. AT THE BUENA VISTA HOTEL, OLOUCES T.Hayes...... -.4 4 4 S 4-19 ALNUT STREET THEATRE. T VINE STREET. BELOW EIGHTH. John Burns...... 3 462 4—18 WFleishman & Hall...... Prop's and Managers MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 25 and TEK CITY, N. J. In shooting of the tie Ho liner won. Saturday. WEEK OF MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 3 Matiaees,Tuesday, Thursday and THURSDAY, FEBKUAKY 28, 1884. THE LAST OPORTUNITIES MISS IDA SUTTON'S Sport in Massachusetts. CONGRESS OF BEA JTIFUL BLONDES. The Catalogue of Sale comprises desirable driv­ To see Klralfy Brothers' Production of the Won­ Female Minstrels, Marches, Statues, &c. ing horses, carriages, harness as well as household Correspondence SPOKTIHG LIFB. derful Spectacle, 15 BEAUTIFUL MAIDENS 15 goods, bar fixtures, etc. The stock is: I.YNN, Mass., Feb. 22. C. O. Breed, the cham­ New Faces to the Patrons of the Club. A sorrel horse, 16 hands high, kind and excellent pion dumb-bell lifter of the country, issued a chal­ Miss Emma Miranda, Miss Annie Hart, driver; can trot in 2:46. lenge to prove his title and to repeat his recent feat Miss Oarlotta Laverne, Miss Jeffrey Penseley, Bay horse, sound and kind, and of good quality; of lifting a 120 pound bell six times. No man has Miss Bly Harris, Mips Blanche Morton, can trot in 3 minutes. Been fit to accept the challenge, and there can be Miss Alice Morton, Miss Ida Clifton, Bay horse that can pace in 2:40. no doubt as to Mr. Breed's right to the title...... Miss Emma Clark, Miss Ida Sutton, Sorrel horse of good disposition: a clever driver At Prof. Walker's benefit John Scanlan, a local EXCELSIOR Miss Henrietta Love, Miss Cora Sutton, in all harness. THIS IS THE LAST WEEK. celebrity with soft gloves, will give an exhibition THE IMMENSE AUDIENCES Miss Carrie Dutton, Miss Eva Saunders, Conditions will be made known by BUILDERS with the beneficiary...... Young Dufur and That have crowded the Theatre for Three Weeks Miss Jennie Lawson, IMIss Annie Miller, JOHN PLUM. Hutching will give an exhibition of wrestling here Past pronounce it an Miss Nora Merton, I Miss Gnssie Burdell, Of the Lightest and Finest soon...... Our neighbor, the city of Salem, is quite UNPARALLELED SUCCESS. JOE REDMONDic IDA CLIFTON, wide awake, and they have a good team In the SECURE SEATS IN ADVANCE. Walter BEATTY & BENTLY Maurice JA.MES F. New England polo championship...... The Man­ John PENUY.-Jeffrey nings, of Salem, are in for the National League MONDAY, MARCH 3, MR. CHARLES HARRIS, Veterinary Dentist, polo honors...... The quaint town of Marblehead.a MR. JOHN T. RAYMOND. MISS BLY HARRIS, town closely connected with the city of soles, is In his New Success. Alice SHERWOOD & WEBSTER Blanche NO. 247 NORTH BROAD STREET and way up on polo, and the Marbleheads calculate to "FOR CONGRESS." All in addition to our Stock Stars, No.1715 NORTH TENTH STREET,Philadelphia make a good record In the National League...... Miss Fannie Lucille, Harry Budworth, TheJ.MJRMS¥ICK Salem will place a fine team In the ball field this Miss Minnie Wood, Harry Wood. HORSE CLIPPING Done at Short Notice AND Tear. There is good material in the neighboring CADEMY OF MUSIC. The Whole to Conclude with a Grand, Spicy towns of DanMps and Beverly...... There would be A C. CONST ANTINE...... Manager. by HAND or MACHINE. a lively inteflpt evinced in base ball in Lynn and ONE MATINEE, SATURDAY, MARCH 1ST, DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. BALKE COMPANY, Essex countyif a State League should be organ­ Under the Auspices of the Ladies' Committee. ized...... The two daily papers have had good THE GREAT LONDON AND PARIS SUCCESS nines in the field each year. Last year the Item RECONSTRUCTED, nine defeated the Boston Herald team by 8 to 7. CINDEHEDLA, THE FAIRY AND LITTLE BURLESQUE, This year the Item will have a new uniform, and GLASS SLIPPER. The People's Prices, 15, 25, 50 and 75 cents. it is reported, will be uniformed...... introducing the New Novelties, Mother Hubbard, the Bee nine, Riding Hood, The West Lynn Yacht Club will hold a grand Little Bopeep, with her Sheep; Red EW CENTRAL THEATRE. masquerade March 26, at the Coliseum. with the Wolf; Mother Goose, Fairy Grotto. The Golden Egg and Ponies, Pumpkin and Chariot. N THE FAVORITE FAMILY RESORT. The Drama ii complete in all its appointments. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1884, Skating Items. Secured Seats, 50c., 75c. and $1, at 1127 Chestnut Nightly,-and at the three Matinees, Tuesday, Fri­ day and Saturday. "W. J. Dawson defeated five others in a five-mile street. Anting race at the rink in Gait, Ont., Feb. 15. THE MOST EXTEXSIYE Time, 21m. 30s. IJOU THEATRE, Eighth ab. Race. PAT ROONEY'S MANUFACTURERS OF Uawson, of Clinton, won a five mile skating race B Monday and Wednesday Matinees A. J. Reach, & Co., CelebAted Sparring Gloves, at Goderich,Ont., Feb. 13,his time being 21m. 31%s. BIJOU and Every Evening until Friday. NEW YORK STAR $2.00 to $7.00 per set of four. A two mile race was won by T. McGutre, and a B1.IOU THE POWERFUL DRAMA, A. J. Reach & Co., Improved Indian clubs, 2 to 10 barrel race by K. Wilklnson. BJJOU THE SIN AND THE SORROW. COMBINATION. pounds, 80c to $4.00 per pair. BHIMDiu POOL TABLES Clark, the famous fast skater of Cony, Pa., who BiJOU Miss Hinton, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Herman. BIJOU Friday Evening, Feb. 29, Headed by the Great and Only A. J. Reach & Co., Standard Striking Bags, IN THE WORLD. recently skated 5 miles in 19m. 22s., will race Skin­ PAT ROONEY. $3.50 to $12.00 each. 1134 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ner on the 3d of March at the Boston Institute rink BIJOU BENEFIT OF J. W? REYNOLDS, Valjean, Topack and Steel, John Till's Eoyal A. J. Reach & Co.,Hickory Trapeze Bar with ropes for the championship of America. BIJOU When a varied bill will follow. H. J. BERGMAN. Manager. BIJOU Mat., Res'd Orchestra and Balcony, 25c. Marionettes, Sharpley and West, Dayton $2.00 each. Omens New York, Baltimore, Md.; Chicago, Axel Paulsen beat R. Douse of Milwaukee half a BIJOU Ev'g Hes'd Orch. Cir. 26c, Oreh. Chs. 60c. and Granger,Rowe and Athol, Miss A. J. Reach & Co., Swinging ropes with six-inch 111.: Cincinnati, St. Louis, Mo., Detroit, Michigan; mile in a ten mile race last week. Paulsen's time DollieDavcnport.MIss Katie iron rings, $2.00 per pair. Bufialo, N. Y.; San Francisco, Cal.; Winnipeg, Rooney, Retlaw and A, J. Reach & Co., Horizontal Bars $1.26 to $2.50. lor tea miles was 37m. 36s. It is reported that USICAL CONCERTS EVERY EVEN­ Manitoba: Windsor, Ontario. Douse is a professional, and that the match was for Alton,Orm Dlxon A. J, Reach fit Co., 16 ft solid shot $1.25 each. Jobbing attended to In flrst-elass style. flOO a side. M ING at METTLER BROS., 835 RACE St. Ashley and Hess. A. J. Reach & Co., 16 & Hammer and Hickory BRADLEY, THE NOTED TENOR, The Entertainment will conclude with Topack and Handle, $2.25 each. A two-mile amateur race for the juvenile cham­ Sings every evening the latest and most popular Steel's Laughable Afterpiece.inone Scene, Also a full line of Fencing Implements and pionship of New England occured at the Boston ballads. Also, BERDEAU, the champion entitled Gymnasium Outfits. Rowing Machines, Running THEi JTI..IJ AMERICANJ&.U*. -ij^vtv^jvi^ f\f\ Institute rink on the evningof Feb. 18th. The con­ concertina player of the world. INNKEEPER AND THE MONKEY. Shoes, Wigs, Whiskers, Moustaches In every testants were James Turner, Frank Watson, Ed­ Come and hear BRADLEY'S fine voice In the variety. , 30c' ward Walsh, Walter Miller. Ralph G-oldie. Bert choicest selections of the day. Per Hour HOTEL. 'Per KOUT l^cavitt, Fred Marie, James Watson. John Thorn, A. J. Reach & Co. *» so»th 8tnSt. Edward Earle and Harry Pease. K. A. Skinner, NEW PLATS. Opposite Independence Hall. who acted as starter, gave the word, andLeavitt at Cooking Note*. Factory, 1219-21-23-25 Beach St. Phila. once took the lead, closely followed by Turner. On Long Ic-land and Paterson, N. J.. birds had a AMERICANS IN LONDON, The LARGEST the third lap Turner gained the lead, and fast main at Long Island City, Feb. 22. The main was SENSATIONAL DRAMA. widened the gap between himself and his oppo­ $250 a side, and $50 a side depended on each battle. DOYEY'S INFALLIBLE. BILLIARD ROOM nents. He made the first mile in 4 minutes and 58 Long Island won. seconds. Turner kept a steady gait throughout the up the two miles in Last Tuesday there was a red hot cocking main In Philadelphia. remalnderof the race, winding Q^ ueen of the Miners. 9 minutes 22 seconds. He was presented with a at Brockston, Mass., between birds of that place COMEDY-DRAMA. Everything in First-Clatt Order. Xete Baltl, handsome silver medal. The judges were Corrle and feathered heroes from the Granite State. The COMrAKIOS PLAY TO "M'LISS." Kendall, Bert C. Thayer. F. G. Stumcke and F. C. Farmington birds came off victorious, winning BY ANNIE LEWIS JOHNSON, Sew Cues and the Ji'etr Monarch Cushion. Kaymond; timekeeper, Charles Thayer: scorer F seven out of eleven battles. Authoress of GREAT DRAMA "MAURIA." W. Walsh. A chicken debate between birds from Long address SPORTING LIFE, Fhila. All in* Island and Westchester took place at a station on MANGE CURE & FLEA EXTERMINATOR Line. the Harlem road Feb. 21. The main was for $500 FOR HORSES, CATTLE. DOGS. &o. Itching Pile*—Symptong and Cure. A sure Antidote for all diseases of the Skin. T.R Bullock. 16 and each tight for $50 a side. Five battles were NTERNATIONAL COMIQUE. Table«. The symptons are moisture, like perspiration, In­ fought. Westchestcr won the first, second, third I SANSOM STREET, above EIGHTH. Also, for Wounds and Venomous Bites; it immedi­ MANAGER. tense itching, increased by scratching, very dis­ and fifth battles and the main. Monday, Feb. 25, and three Matinees. ately destroys Fleas and all kinds of Vermin, thor­ oughly eradicating Mange, at the same time tressing, particularly at night, seems as if pin- and Pat­ Mullely and Moreland, Carr(e Belmont, Edward worms were crawling in and about the rectum; the A cocking main between Long Island Clarence and Jessie Warner, Luke Kelly, Win- producing a rapid growth of the hair, healing all private parts are sometimes affected. If allowed erson. N. J., fowls came off Feb. 18th. near Long stanley Bros., Ronaldo, Johnson and Huddy. Nel­ kinds of wounds, sores, &c., adding lustre and BILLIA.RDS. Island City. The main was for $260 a side and $60 beauty to the coat. This is also a great preventive to continue very serious results may follow. birds. Long lie Abbott. Heming and Eastman, and the regu­ All the leading players of the world use only tn« "SWAYNE'S OINTMENT'" is a pleasant, sure on eaoh battle. Each side had seven lar Stock Company. against disease. Price, $1 per bottle; small bottles Island had the call in the betting. Paterson won 60 cents. core. Also a sure cure for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum the first, second, fourth and fifth battles and the "PECK'S BAD BOYS/' Scald Head, Erysipelas, Barbers' Itch, Blotches, main. Introducing the whole company. Matinees Mon­ N. B. All kinds of fancy dogs for sale and for COLLENDER TABLES, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Sent by mall for day, Wednesday and Friday. stock. Medicines for all Canine Diseases, fee. Over 25O.OOO Noise-Subduers Sold. £0 cenU;3 boxes, »1.25; (instamps). BR.'SWAYNE At a la*e hour on Monday night a lively cocking Prepared food for mocking birds. *. SON, Philadelphia. Pa. SoldTby Druggists. maim toot place in the garret of a house near the B. G. DOVEY,. Doctor and Surgeon, JOHN CBEA.HAN, Catharine Ferry, Brooklyn. Five battles were 26 WEST FOURTH ST.. near Broadway. N. Y. CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Phil*. fought for $100 a side, and of these three were won Drs. J. N. & J, B. HOBENSACK, Bell's Life says: "A boat race has been arranged by birds entered by a man named Kelly, while In No. 206 SECOND Street, above RACE, Philadel­ between two well-known members of Tradesmen's the other two the fowls of one McLoughlin were clubs. W. Michelmore and H. Long, over the full victorious. phia, for THIRTY YEARS have been engaged in C. EMIL BILLIARDS. course, for £25 a side, on Marcli 1, which falls on A main for $500 a side and $100 on each battle treatment of Secret Diseases as Regular Practi­ PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. S*\JTday. a day which is rarely chosen for an Teacher of the Piano, Organ, Singing, ED. McLAUOHLIN'S between birdsfrom New York City and Rochester tioners. Read "WISDOM IN A NUTSHELL." Harmony, Etc. BILLIARD PARLOR, event of this description. The veteran Bowes, late on the one side and Troy on the other, was fought Sent to any address on receipt of three-cent stamp. of Middlesborough. who is anxious to'be in harness near Troy, Feb. 21. Of the 13 birds shown 0 be­ Late Member ot the European Conservatories. -ST. JE. Cor. EIGHTH and CHEST* VT SIS, again, has thrown down the gauntlet to Yates, of tween 4 pounds and 5 pounds 8 ounces fell in. New Useful information to the afflicted. Office Hours EIGHT COLLENDER TABLES. the Cobden, who recently made such an example York and Rochester achieved an easy victory, win­ from 8 A. M. to 2 p. M. and from 6 to 9 p. M. Con Circulars of Female Beauties. Sample 10 Three Pool Tables! New Balls! New Cues! «f West, of Hammersmith." ning six of tne eight battles. FREE cents, 3 for 25 cents; securely secured. WM. L. KOCKHILL. Manager. saltations by »ail strictly private and confidential Webman. & Cg., 37 first Avenue, w. Y. £D MuLAUGHIJW, Prop &