WHISKY Ron, and Diagonal, in All the May Be Au C Ent a Guaranteed Purse Trance Lee Will Be J15pcr Team
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0H prp THE PITTSBURg DISPATCH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER" 25,, W.' s4mJ Com- was for a plate of 1,000 sovereigns added to a the original agreement of the Conference FLAG to organize a new Presbyterian Church at tern, of the Baltimore and Ohio, made an in- NEW ADVERTISEaEENTS. NEW AXJVEKTISEjrEXTa. sweepstakes of S sovereigns each, last two miles mittee hadn't been lived up to. It is """" RED RAMPANT. Johnstown. spection of tbe Pittsburg division yesterday. stood agreed on a plan ny TO THE LAW, of the Czirowitz course. It waswon bvPrlDce that both parties re- Blairs-vill- e, s can be The Lutheran Synod, in session at Alonzo Loring, the Wheeling iron, DE Soltj-koff'- horse Sheen; General which negotiations for a. settlement THE PEOPLE'S STORE, .Everybody, few hotheaas, adjourned yesterday. man, was in Pittsburg yesterday. Uvriie's colt Amiihion was second, sumed. ecent o Rapid Growth of Socialism and Peck's 3.J car-ol- d colt Odd Fellow third. wants a consolidation. Anion? h Burglars robbed the St. Charles Hotel bar There were starters. THE BEST contributors and correspond- sit Coke Region at Braddock Thursday night, v in Shoot. the Germans. ents serve THE DISPATCH in America Still the Lead Pittsburg Phil's Hananer Tells of a Arranging an Interesting , The Pemickcy Railroad, which reaches from and The Wonderful Nelson. An interestlngshootis beingarranged to take Pittsburg to New Haven, will be extended. Europe. big number will hold FIFTH.AVK, PITTSBURG. of pages. Largest Xew Move That Eastern Book- rsrKCIAl, TU.EUKAM TO TUB DISPATCH. 1 place Wednesday next on the grounds the Y. M. C. A. Twenty circula- Alle- SEVERAL CANDIDATES The proceedings of the State Cambridqk CITY, October 21. Nelson to- JNorthslde Gun Club, Perrysville avenue, SPOTTED. growing in tion. Will Make. the Convention at Danville are interest. All our efforts are summed makers day trotted the fastest half-mil- barring gheny. The manager is F. F. Davison, 12- - BeickIiATErs and masons atYonngstown neither stallion, nor first n local shot. The conte--t is for a LOCAL ITEMS. LIMITED. up in selling the best of mate geldras. The Close Knights refuse to affiliate with the Federation of Labor. sort quarter was made 32 seconds, and the sec- untuiiiGiicoo tUU, YalUCU " The of the of Labor Conven- it will only 65 years age, Largest City, ond in 30J seconds, making the half in 1:03. .entrance"' tee is HI, and the contest tion at John Harmon, of Braddock, of ml .finest Store in tbe Clothing of our own makes, THEY WILL ORGANIZE NEW CLUBS. raise piace providing mere are not ics "- - Scottdale. was instantly killed' Thursday by being struck Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed, In case more than 13 entries, tJ.a,ac"" by a train. for Ready Reading. and only the best sort. We A Costly Yearling. tional entry will and divided into fees- be added Yottno, a Canton school girl, Chixt Eixiot had an application yesterday fSPICIAL TELKGIUJI TO TH DISPATCH. 1 three purses,- $50, $30 and four KATORAli GAS Miss Deena say best, because reliable; be- GREAT WELLS BURNING was run over by an electric car and fatally from a woman to pay tbe freight on a consign- The Princeton Football Team Writes for a Lexikgtos. Ky., October 24. Giovanni, s prizes gun ranking first Thursday. ment of household goods from Cumberland, Headquarters tor cause it bears its good style Date to Play Local Team bay yearling colt by Bed Wilkes, dam by Aber- point on the Sporting Notes. John Cannon, of East Liverpool, O., was Md to a tbe West Penn road, to deen, has been bought bv C. A. Cornfroth, ."SrXCIAt TSLXOBAK TO TH while which place the woman was moving. The Chief on an honest quality; because Rochester, Minn., S. Lexington; FooTBAtL this after- DISFATCH.1 killed at Salineville yesterday walking in Pittshnrg. of A. itcCann, match at Exposition I'art on track. admired the lady's cheek, but was compelled CLOAKS price, S3.0l.i0l noon. Conjjellsville, Pa., October 24. The a railroad to refuse her request. MD SUITS moderate purses like, its be- Find-la- ESD-Fri- ddy match race activity of the coke region grocery store of A. H. Corey, of West won the last Socialists con- The Police of met --TOE- PSINCET0NS COME. tween himself McClelland. bv Sheriff yesterday. The The Committee Allegheny price. MAY and tinues to increase. Tlipirmeetingsarebeing was closed the last and instrncted to J10EE EFFORTS FOR BASEBALL PEACE. Thkbe are apaln strong hopes of the speedy failure is a bad one. nisht tho termination of the baseball humbug. held with great regularity. On Sunday successfully purchase two horses for the patrol service. haven't any or The Prominent Kickers Want to Tackle the Pickpockets worked the The horse have already LADIES, MISSES We $4 $5 N. 1 J'11 there Massil-lo- been selected and Pbesidknt NtMtCK, of the local alternoon was a large mass meeting crowds at the Governor Hill meeting at u will cost 230 each. Athletic Football Team Here. Club, stated tnai -- Overcoats. We'd as StaHioa Kelson Record, So returned home yesterday and night. AITD- quick Tit Brats Another lad is there will be a held at Trotter, where the speeches of the Thursday publishers of There a strong probability of football teams consolidation. man, horribly The the Untied Presbyterian Dots &r. Hamlin's Team. from Princeton and Brooklyn coming to this Kkih, Million and Fosrurty will leave for leaders were most enthusiastically received. The body of an unknown yesterday waived a hearing on the charge of see pasteboard ones. California Tliey signed to play TliB.a .para antnt..w., . was found pinned nnder a freight car city to play m the near Yesterday next week. have man. fJICSCU mangled, criminal libel, preferred by Harry Williams, CHILDREN. future. with the Los Angeles team this winter. i.i. uiau .jcvMtui. Al. OUtStde at Greensburg Thursday. We invite you to look at Secretary DawSen, ot the Allegheny Athletic of the devout disciples of and gave bail for court. ilASARTfB H1RVTT1S mmnncari fLLlifomlS trip Herr Most, and damaged the Hobbs' Glass Works at Thousands from whieh to make The Eastern bookmakers will inaugurate Club, received a letter from the manager of the may some of the players Fire The members of tbe Allegheny police force our $15 Overcoats. Not our have to be abandoned, as the leaders say there were many conversions. Wheeling last night to the extent ofS2S,000; your y Princeton preparatory to the he expected to take along are too exalted in their are to be furnished with new maces, a present selections; every size, every a svstem that will certainly be ot team relative On "Wednesday evening a similar partly Several workmen were in- demands. meeting insured. ar- j: lowest price, but that latter's coming here to play a match. The , from tbe Police Committee. The new clubs style and at money-savin- prices. $15 great interest to everybody who patronizes The Buffalo pacer, ) has been was held at Broad-Ford- with equally flat- jured. yesterday. Princeton manager went on to say that there Hal Pointer pace an rived Overcoat will give you sporting events. The system is of great im- sent to Birmingham. Ala., where he will tering results to the speakers. A. J. McCARTNET, a prominent coal operator an age are two Pittsburgem in the team, and that the exhibition mile. Ueers "will winter i'omter In appointed one The elephant for SchenleyPark, to be pre- portance, because will prove whether or xennussee. of Yonngstown, has been of Mrs. Gusky, HERE ARE of wear. You'll it players generally are wishful to play a match This movement is of but recent date. Last to inspect all the coal mines sented by has arrived in New hardly like book-makin- g FiiASKSLAVIS-an- are sparring three arbitrators York and will be here next week. not firms can evade the law against the new team in Pittsburg. The man Joe JlcAnllffe August, A. Jonas, a prominent Socialist owned bv the Union Pacific Railroad, the Gov- ager goes together at the .London resorts under the manage- Pbillipsburg, is A to pay more or less after see- that prohibits their business. The details then on to sav that his team cannot ment of Billy will probably was here and formed lodges ernment" and private individuals, lying between Mart Strear, of in the FEW travel so far guarantee of 5160. This .Madden. McAulifle at Scottdale City. uuder a go to -- wllu Denver and Salt Lake city looking for Thomas Collins, a coal miner, ing of the new move were explained yesterday figure is not considered too bisl., the local ustraila Slavln. Pennsville, Everson and Hawkeye, each who promised to marry it but TnEBE Is not prospect of a fight between her. bv Edward Lear, manager of "Pittsburg club cannot deal definitely with the matter un- much lodge numbering 20 to SO SPECIALS: Johnl.. fcuillvan and blavin. 'Ihe lormer won't but members. Since The County Commissioners will to-d- open Then look at the $18 and til the negotiations, now going on with the goto leave En- Jonas' advent the local Phil's" business. Sir. .Lear arrived in the Crescents, are over. England, and the latter won't leaders have been bids for tbe work of sodding the space about gland, besides. Bnlllvan says he has quit the ring hustling and have organized 14 new Fifty more of those extra quality $20 ones. It'll puzzle you city from New York yesterday and will stay Eiforts are now being made to secure the fa- lor good.