CormiGHT,THE 1883, BY THK SPORTINO LIPZ PTJBLIBHIKO Co. SPORTING ENTPBBD ATLIFE. POST OFFICE AT PHO.AMti.pmA AS BBCOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 2. NUMBER 20. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 27, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. ment of Ed. W. Cole, of THE SPORTINO LIFE. The materially lowered, for among the other con prizes will amount to $200 and a championship LATE NEWS. testants will be Norton, of Harvard; Max BILLIARDS. emblem valued at $100, presented to the winner by THE SPORTWG LIFE. well, Hamilton and Crawford, of Yale; Eeed the J. M. Brunswick & Balke Co., to be held for and Rood, of Columbia, as well as repre two years before it becomes the personal property PUBLISHED WEEKLY Facts and Fancies Concerning the "Gentle* of the winner. The conditions will be published in Sporting Matters Gathered by Telegraph sentatives of Priuceton, Amherst, University our next issue. AT of Pennsylvania and other colleges. The man's Game." For Our Readers. college record for two miles is 6m. 51s., and No. 2O2 South Ninth Street, Philada. the amateur is 6m. 2s., a decided difference, Caroms. very Smith Eggleston has withdrawn from the room which should not be allowed to exist THE SYRACUSE TOURNAMENT. Y. [Below will be found the latest sporting news up AND long. Maxwell and Crawford, of Yale, will at the Whitcomb House, Rochester, N. The President of Mexico has ordered a Collender to Sunday morning, gathered by telegraph, Row, New York. go into training immediately. The former Frey Wins First Place, Malone and Button design to be made for his house.
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