TORCH THTHEE OXFORD OXFORD R ERESEARCHSEARCH C CENTREENTRE IN IN TH THEE H HUMANITIESUMANITIES ANNUANNUAL REVIEWAL REVIEW I 2015-16 I 2015–16 ABOUT torch Launched in May 2013, TORCH stimulates, supports and promotes research 20+ activity of the very highest quality that transcends disciplinary and research networks institutional boundaries and engages with wider audiences. major CONtact US CONTENTS TORCH Welcome 4–5 research The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities 10 Humanities Division, University of Oxford Moments 6–7 knowledge programmes Radcliffe Humanities Networks 8–13 19 Radcliffe Observatory Quarter exchange fellows Woodstock Road Programmes 14–19 Oxford Early Career 20–25 OX2 6GG UK Knowledge Exchange 26–29 Engaging with Museums and Galleries 30-32
[email protected] Book at Lunchtime 33 Annual Headline Series 34–35 early Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 36-37 36 Humanitas 38–39 Giving to TORCH 40 career fellows 350+ research-led events with over13,000 attendees TORCH I ANNUAL REVIEW 2015-16 I 3 WELCOME Professor Louise Richardson Professor Chris Wickham Professor Elleke Boehmer Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford Head of the Humanities Division, TORCH Director, University of Oxford University of Oxford For centuries Oxford has been renowned for the calibre It has been a real pleasure and privilege to direct of its work in the Humanities. For the past three Now into its third year, TORCH continues to be a hub TORCH across this past year, in which we have years The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, for the humanities and for all kinds of interdisciplinary seen the centre increasingly become a core part of TORCH, has been shining a bright light on the research, a place to try new ideas and approaches, and Humanities research activity here at Oxford.