8 Tamanyan Street, Apt 5, Yerevan 375009, Armenia Phone: (374) 93 900773 (M) Arpi Karapetyan E-mail:
[email protected] www.arpikarapetyan.com Date of Birth: Feb. 22, 1973, Married, with two sons Summary ▪ Senior Professional in HR-International (SPHRi) by HRCI; ▪ Senior Certified Professional (SCP) by SHRM; ▪ PHD in Social Psychology; ▪ EPC, Erickson Professional Coach; ▪ ICF member (International Coach Federation); ▪ EBRD consultant; ▪ Member and facilitator at the Central Asia Leadership Alliance (CELA), Middle East Leadership Academy (MELA), South East Asia Leadership Academy (SEALA), Society of International Business Fellows (SIBF); ▪ Strategic Partner of Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and Erickson Coaching International in Armenia. ✓ 20 years of experience in Human Resources Management ✓ 10 years’ in HR Community development ✓ 10 years’ experience in HR consulting ✓ 5 years’ experience in personal and group coaching ✓ 10 years’ experience in personnel training and development Strong knowledge and proven practice in Human Resources Strategy development and implementation, reorganizations and structural reengineering, coaching, training and team development. 50+ HR reorganizations and restructurings, 60+ team integration programs, 100+ HR professionals trained and/or certified, 200+ HR projects for different companies, 2000+ training and development programs with local and international companies. Experience HR Lecturer, 2018-present Armenian State University, Yerevan, Armenia HR Lecturer 2017-present American University