
Coronal heating

bservations of the solar corona go back 1: The inhomogeneous at least three millennia. One of the ear- and very structured Oliest records of the corona was made by solar corona (SOHO/EIT). Babylonian astronomers who reported during a in 1063 BC that “the day was turned to night, and fire in the midst of the heaven”. The discovery of spectroscopy in the late 19th century revealed the existence of a coronal “green line” at 5303 Å – a major puz- zle for astrophysicists for 50 years. The wave- length of this spectral line did not match any known elements and it was thought that a new element (coronium) had been discovered. The solution of this solar mystery came in 1939 when Edlén showed that the coronium line is emitted by highly ionized iron, Fe XIV, at tem- peratures well over 1 million K. Modern satel- lite observations from Skylab in the 70s, through SMM, Yohkoh and in present times SOHO, TRACE and RHESSI have revealed the solar with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions covering wavelengths from (E)UV, through soft and hard X-ray to even γ-rays. Both spectroscopic and imaging instruments have contributed to the discovery of many and various fine-scale structures in the solar atmospheric zoo from small-scale X-ray bright points to large solar coronal loops (fig- ure 1). For an excellent textbook on the corona see Dolub and Pasachoff (1997). Once it was established in 1939 that the solar corona is much hotter than the , it Heating in the did not take long for the theoreticians to come up with reasonable mathematical models that tried to explain this apparently controversial fea- ture. The major problem is the observed behav- iour of temperature in the solar atmosphere: solar atmosphere energy is produced in the very hot (approxi- mately 14 million K) internal core part of the Robert Erdélyi reviews ways and means of heating the solar corona. by , then it propagates outwards, initially in the form of (in Abstract small fraction of the total solar output (see table the ) up to about 0.72 R and 1). Estimates show that the total energy budget later by (in the convective zone) right The solar coronal , mainly is just approximately 10–4 of the Sun’s total to the solar surface (photosphere), continuously confined in magnetic flux tubes, is energy output making it, in theory, relatively cooling the solar plasma. But after reaching its maintained at temperatures of several easy to suggest mechanisms to divert 0.01% of minimum at the top of the photosphere, the tem- millions of K. The heating process that the total solar output into heating the corona. perature starts to rise slowly throughout the generates and sustains the hot corona has (up to around 20 000 K), fol- so far defied a quantitative understanding Solar magnetism lowed by a very steep increase in the narrow despite efforts spanning over half a As the spatial resolution of observations transition region (a few 100 000 K) up to century. In this paper I review the most improved, more and more structures were dis- around 2 million K in the corona (figure 2). If popular and viable mechanisms of heating covered at the solar surface and in the solar one goes continuously away from the source of the solar atmosphere, from low atmosphere. Examples of well-known large- the energy, the , one would expect a chromospheric levels through the scale structures are , complex active monotonic temperature decrease; this tendency transition region up to the corona. I regions, prominences, coronal loops and coro- is reversed above the temperature minimum and address two principal questions: What is nal holes; while examples of fine structures are the temperature actually increases in the solar the source of plasma heating in the solar the magnetic pores, dark mottles, spicules, atmosphere (figure 2). (and stellar) atmosphere? How do supergranular cells, filaments, X-ray and EUV The existence of the corona requires an input perturbations dissipate efficiently, bright points. One of the earliest discoveries in of energy above that which would occur by resulting in hot plasmas? The latest was the , i.e. Hale’s thermodynamic relaxation from the photo- results of theoretical and observational polarity law, the butterfly diagram for sunspots, spheric output. The excess of this non-thermal studies provide some answers, but there the cyclic variations in numbers (dis- (sometimes also called mechanical) energy to remains much to be learned. cussed in more detail in this issue by Tobias and sustain the solar corona is surprisingly just a Weiss on pages 4.28–4.33, and Bushby and

4.34 August 2004 Vol 45 Coronal heating

TR photosphere chromosphere corona 1024 106 Mg X (625 Å)

N Ne VIII (770 Å) ) 1022 –3 O VI (1038 Å) ity N (mity N

re T (K) O IV (790 Å) s

u 5 10 C IV (1548 Å) 20 en 10 d Si IV (1394 Å)

temperat C II (1037 Å) particle He I (584 Å) 1018 Lyα (1215 Å) 104 1016 T 3: The solar corona in the 171 Å SOHO EIT spectral line (upper left) and the corresponding SOHO MDI magnetogram 100 1000 10000 (lower right) at photospheric levels. Magnetic τ altitude above 5000 = 1 (km) field concentrations coincide with bright patches in the SOHO EIT image, indicating the 2: Temperature (red line) and density (yellow line) distributions as a function of the height measure in role of in the process of km in the solar atmosphere. The formation of popular lines for observations is indicated by green. coronal heating. Note the logarithmic scales. (Courtesy H Peter.)

8–20×106 K, while in open mag- of a specific favoured heating mechanism Table 1: Average coronal energy netic regions such as coronal (Cargill 1993) and confirm these signatures by –2 –1 holes, maximum temperatures observations (e.g. generated flows, specific spec- losses (in erg cm s ) may only be around 1–1.5× tral line profiles or line broadenings, etc). 106 K. Next, observations also The heating process comprises three phases: Loss mechanism quiet Sun active region show that temperature, density the generation of a carrier of energy; the trans- Conductive flux 2×105 105–107 6×104 Radiative flux 105 5×106 104 and magnetic field are highly port of energy into the solar atmosphere; and, Solar flux <5×104 <105 7×105 inhomogeneous. Fine structures finally, the dissipation of this energy in the var- Total flux 3×105 107 8×105 (e.g. filaments in loops) may ious structures of the atmosphere. Usually it is have 3–5 times higher densities not difficult to establish a theory that drives an than is usual in their environ- energy carrier without contradicting observa- Mason on pages 4.7–4.13). It soon turned out ment. An interesting constraint is the contrast tions. Neither does the literature seem to be that these temporal phenomena are linked to between fluctuating brightness and the associ- short of transport mechanisms. There is, how- the internal generation mechanism of the global ated fluctuating velocities and the quasi-static ever, real hardship in understanding how the solar magnetic field. Skylab observations made nature of the corona. There is little known transported energy is dissipated efficiently. A it clear that there is a strong correlation about how the heating depends on magnetic summary of the heating mechanisms is given in between X-ray emitting hot and bright coronal field strength, structure size (length, radius, table 2 (Ulmschneider 1998). regions and the underlying surface magnetic expansion) and age. The heating mechanisms that operate in the field concentrations suggesting that coronal We are mainly interested in solar (and stellar) solar atmosphere can be classified depending on heating and solar magnetism are intimately atmospheric heating mechanisms that can pro- whether they involve magnetism or not (Narain related (figure 3). vide a steady supply of energy to balance the and Ulmschneider 1996). If the heating mecha- Similar correlations were found between the atmospheric (chromospheric and coronal) nism operates in magnetism-free regions (e.g. in ubiquity of small-scale structures and the mag- energy losses, although this energy does not need the chromosphere of the quiet Sun) one can netic solar cycle. Very recent studies of the to be produced in a steady way, i.e. random work within the framework of hydrodynamics photospheric magnetic carpet also seem to sug- energy releases that produce a statistically aver- and such heating theories can be classified as gest that such correlations exist even at small- aged steady state are allowed for. Observational hydrodynamic heating. Examples of such - est scales (discussed by Proctor on pages tests of a specific heating mechanism may be dif- ing mechanisms could be acoustic waves and 4.14–4.20 of this issue). ficult because several mechanisms might operate pulsations. On the other hand if the plasma is at the same time. Theoretical estimates often embedded in magnetic fields the framework of Observational constraints predict very small spatial scales where the ulti- magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) may be the An acceptable model of solar (and stellar) mate dissipation occurs, sometimes of the order appropriate approach and these theories are atmospheric heating has to comply with a few of a few hundred metres, that even with current called MHD heating mechanisms (Browning observational facts (Cargill 1993, Zirker 1993). high spatial resolution satellite techniques can- 1991, Gomez 1990, Hollweg 1991, Pries and It is now evident the solar atmosphere is highly not be resolved – and will not be for a while. Forbes 2000). The ultimate dissipation in MHD structured and it is likely that various heating Also, the unique signature of a specific heating models invoke Joule heating or, to a lesser extent, mechanisms operate in different atmospheric mechanism could be obliterated during the ther- viscosity. Examples of the energy carriers of structures. In closed structures, for example malization of the input energy. Ideally one magnetic heating are the slow and fast MHD active regions, temperatures may reach up to should predict some macroscopic consequences waves, Alfvén waves, magnetoacoustic-

August 2004 Vol 45 4.35 Coronal heating

waves and current sheets. A popular alternative MHD heating mechanism is the selective decay of a turbulent cascade of magnetic field. In most of the hydrodynamic and MHD heat- ing theories the plasma is considered to be col- lisional. If however, the plasma, whether magnetized or not, is collisionless (and the plasma in the solar corona is, strictly speaking!) one has to consider kinetic approaches. A proper description of the heating mechanisms is cumbersome and would require heavy compu- 5: TRACE image of the highly structured solar tations and kinetic codes. Compromising ways corona where the plasma is frozen in semi- circular magnetic flux tubes. to proceed may be the Chew-Goldberger-Low (CGL) closure or the semi-phenomenologic Abraham-Schrauner description of the plasma, 4: Wave steepening into shock. where the latter formalism is based on a closure hypothesis of the kinetic equation that is not yet experimentally proven. Alternative classification of the heating mech- Table 2: Summary of heating mechanisms anism is based on the timescales involved. If the (Ulmschneider 1998) characteristic timescale of the perturbations is less than the characteristic times of the back- Energy carrier Dissipation mechanism reaction, in non-magnetized plasma acoustic Hydrodynamic heating mechanisms waves are good approximations for describing Acoustic waves (P < Pacoustic cut-off) Shock dissipation the energy propagation; on the other hand, if Pulsational waves (P > Pacoustic cut-off) Shock dissipation perturbations have low frequencies, hydro- Magnetic heating mechanisms dynamic pulses may be appropriate. If the 1. Alternating current (AC) or waves mechanisms Slow MHD waves Shock damping, resonant absorption plasma is magnetized and perturbation Longitudinal MHD tube waves timescales are small, we speak about alternating Fast MHD waves Landau damping current (AC) heating mechanisms, e.g. MHD Alfvén waves (transverse, torsional) Mode-coupling, resonance heating, phase mixing, waves (Roberts 2000, Erdélyi 2001, Roberts and compressional viscous heating, turbulent heating, Nakariakov 2003).When the external driving Landau damping, RA forces (e.g. photospheric motions) operate on 2. Direct current (DC) mechanisms Current sheets Reconnection (turbulent heating, wave heating) longer timescales compared to dissipation and transit times, very narrow current sheets are built up resulting in direct current (DC) heating mechanisms (Priest and Forbes 2000). κ-mechanism (that is related to the opacity fast MHD waves, Alfvén waves). The dissipa- increase of the stellar envelope). tion of MHD waves is manifold: these waves Hydrodynamic heating mechanisms can couple with each other, nonlinearly interact, In the early 1940s, after the discovery of the hot MHD heating mechanisms resonantly interact with the closed waveguide solar atmosphere, the model of acoustic waves In the hot solar atmosphere, at least in a first (i.e. coronal loops) or nonlinearly develop (e.g. generated by solar granulation was put forward approximation, plasma is frozen-in to the vari- solitons or shock waves can form), etc. A whole as energy carrier from the top of the convective ous magnetic structures. This also means that textbook could be written just on the very rich zone into the corona. Because of the steep den- the magnetic field plays a central role in the variety of forms of MHD wave dissipation. sity decrease the sound waves could develop dynamics and energetics of the solar corona (see If the magnetized plasma is inhomogeneous into shocks (figure 4) and will dissipate their figure 3). Observations show that the magnetic there are two particular MHD wave dissipation energy, heating the corona. Once it turned out building blocks in the solar atmosphere seem to mechanisms that have received extensive atten- that the solar coronal plasma is heavily embed- be in the form of magnetic flux tubes (figure 5). tion in the past decades: resonant absorption ded into magnetic fields, the relevance of the Because of the strong drop in density with and phase mixing. In spite of the theoretical hydrodynamic heating mechanisms for the height, these flux tubes expand rapidly and fill advances on these two particular dissipation corona was re-evaluated. Hydrodynamic heat- the solar atmosphere almost entirely at about mechanisms of MHD waves, at the moment ing mechanisms could still contribute to atmo- 1500 km above the photosphere. The flux tubes there is no direct evidence that either of the two spheric heating of the Sun, but only at lower are shaken and twisted by photospheric mechanisms actually operates under solar cir- layers, i.e. possibly in the chromosphere and up motions, both granular motion and global cumstances. There are, however, thanks to the to the magnetic canopy. For late-type with acoustic oscillations, the latter called p-modes. fantastic imaging capabilities of TRACE, plenty spectral type F to M, acoustic shocks are impor- Thompson discusses acoustic oscillations in the of observations of MHD wave damping in tant heating mechanisms. In early-type stars (O Sun in greater detail in this issue pages coronal loops where there may be a tendency to A) with no , the strong 4.21–4.21). These magnetic flux tubes are excel- for resonant absorption to be a strong candi- radiation plays the role of acoustic wave gen- lent waveguides. If the characteristic time of date for damping of MHD waves and oscilla- eration that steepens into shock waves. Finally, these photospheric footpoint motions is much tions. Furthermore, recent theoretical work has pulsational waves are mainly prominent in less than the local Alfvénic transient time, the shown that it is unlikely that phase mixing can Mira-stars and in other late-type giants where photospheric perturbations propagate in the operate in closed magnetic structures. the wave generation is triggered by the form of various MHD tube waves (e.g. slow and Let us start with resonant absorption. Suppose

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The second mechanism, phase mixing, which signatures are present in the high-resolution flux tube was originally proposed by Heyvaerts and Priest spectral and imaging data at the same time. (1983), is in a sense very similar to resonant Maybe the next-generation space missions like incoming wave absorption. Let us assume there is a magnetized Solar-B, SDO or Solar Orbiter will have the –driver = –local plasma that is inhomogeneous in the x-direction capability and capacity to answer the funda- of the xz-plane where the magnetic field lines mental astrophysical question: how are solar are parallel to the z-axis (figure 7). Then per- and stellar heated? outgoing wave turb each field line with a coherent (e.g sinu- rA soidal) perturbation in the y-direction. Along Stellar outlook resonant point each of the field lines an Alfvén wave will prop- The Sun is a fairly ordinary main-sequence mid- 6: Schematic sketch of resonant absorption. agate in the z-direction with a speed character- dle-aged low-mass with a spectral type of The incoming driving wave with frequency istic to the actual field line. Since the Alfvén G2V and an X-raying corona. Non-degenerate ω is in resonance with local oscillations driver speed at two adjacent field lines is different, stars of nearly all spectral types show UV and at the resonant point rA where the driver’s frequency matches the frequency of the local neighbouring oscillations will be out of phase X-ray emission and display evidence of chro- eigenoscillations. after some time, resulting in large gradients of mospheric and coronal activities as measured by perturbations. Once the gradients reach a crit- the OSO-series, the IEU and Einstein satellites. ical value it is not correct anymore to assume F-, G, K and M-stars have and z the plasma being ideal and dissipative effects often coronae similar to the Sun where radia- have to be included in the analysis (just as in the tion is generally attributed to surface convection B(x) case of resonant absorption), resulting in local of these stars. Late giants and supergiants do heating. This dissipation of the initial pertur- not really seem to have coronae, while A-stars y bations is called phase mixing. Phase mixing is do not have either chromospheres or coronae. an excellent candidate for MHD wave energy Since chromospheres and coronae of average dissipation in open magnetic regions such as stars do not receive energy from beyond the x coronal funnels, plumes and the . (except from the T-Tau stars 7: Phase-mixing of surface waves caused by Finally, if the characteristic timescales of mag- where chromospheric emission originates from gradients in the background magnetic field netic footpoint perturbations are much larger mass-infall from disks) it means that (or Alfvén speed) where the footpoints of the than the local Alfvénic transit times, magnetic stellar atmospheric emission depends solely on field lines are shaken in the y-direction. tension is built up gradually, involving highly the structure of the underlying stellar interior localized current sheets that may release their structure. With increasing computer power one energy through field line reconnection. This may expect that by carefully computing the there is an ideal inhomogeneous vertical mag- mechanism is called magnetic reconnection. energetics of surface convection one can predict netic flux tube embedded in magnetic free There is plenty of evidence that reconnection the chromosphere and corona of a star. ● plasma such that the Alfvén speed has a maxi- works under solar atmospheric conditions at mum at the axis of the tube and the Alfvén speed large scales, releasing magnetic stresses at Robert Erdélyi, Solar Physics and Upper- is monotonically decreasing to zero as a function highly mixed polarity fields. However, whether Atmosphere Research Group, Dept of Applied of the radial coordinate (figure 6). Let us also this mechanism is viable to heat the solar Mathematics, University of Sheffield suppose that there is a sound wave continuously atmosphere on micro- and nano-scales requires ([email protected]). Solar physics research at impinging horizontally at the boundary of this further detailed theoretical investigations and the Dept of Applied Mathematics, University of flux tube. If the phase speed of this impinging observations. An interesting approach to solv- Sheffield is supported by the rolling grant (PPA/G/O/ (or driving) sound wave matches the local ing this debate is to consider the power-law dis- 2001/00464) of PPARC of the UK. The author also Alfvén speed at a given location of the radius, tribution of the various energy releases. It acknowledges M Kéray for patient encouragement say at rA, we say the driving wave is in resonance turned out that there is a critical value of the and is grateful to NSF Hungary (OTKA TO43741). with the local Alfvén wave at the magnetic sur- modulus of power-law distribution, approxi- References face at r . In ideal MHD this would bring infi- mately equal to two, that could be measured by A Browning P K 1991 Plasma Phys. and Controlled Fusion 33 539. nite amplitudes of the perturbations, resulting in observing these small-scale energy releases. If Cargill P 1993 Experimental Signatures of Coronal Heating large gradients. However, once the gradients of the measured power-law index is greater than Mechanisms in (eds) J L Birch and J H Waite Jr Plasma perturbations become large, one cannot assume two that would indicate the solar atmosphere Physics: Resolution of Processes in Space and Time. Erdélyi R 2001 Resonant MHD Waves in Steady Flux Tubes in (eds) J any longer the plasma is ideal; dissipative is heated by numerous localized events due to L Ballester and B Roberts MHD Waves in Astrophysical Plasmas UIB effects (e.g. resistivity, viscosity) have to be con- reconnection as a result of, for example, the press, 69. sidered at least within the vicinity of such a res- continuous shuffling of the roots of coronal Golub L and Pasachoff J M 1997 The Solar Corona CUP. onant location, leading to energy dissipation. fields. However, if measurements show a power Gomez G O 1990 Fund. Cosmic Phys. 14 131. Heyvaerts J and Priest E R 1983 A&A 117 220. Such dissipation – absorption of the energy of index of less than two it is expected that a more Hollweg J V 1991 Alfvén Waves in (eds) P Ulmschneider et al. the driving wave – will result in heating of the global heating mechanism may be responsible Mechanisms of Chromospheric and Coronal Heating, Springer-Verlag, plasma, converting the energy of the driving for the observed temperature behaviour in the Berlin, 423. wave into localized thermal heating. Resonant solar atmosphere. Unfortunately observations Ionson J A ApJ 1978 226 650. Narain U and Ulmschneider P 1996 Space Sci. Rev. 75 453. absorption, originally considered by plasma with the current accuracy do not allow us to Priest E R and Forbes T 2000 Magnetic Reconnection CUP. physicists as a means of excess heating for ther- draw a final conclusion. Roberts B 2000 Solar Phys. 193 139. monuclear fusion, seems to work very well when I have briefly listed a couple of popular heat- Roberts B and Nakariakov V M 2003 Theory of MHD Waves in the modelling, for example, the interaction of solar ing mechanisms. It is likely that different heat- Solar Corona in (eds) Erdélyi et al. Turbulence, Waves and Instabilities in the Solar Plasma NATO Science Ser. 124 167. global oscillations with sunspots and when ing mechanisms operate in different solar and Ulmschneider P 1998 Heating of Chromospheres and Coronae in applied to explain the damping of stellar structures. It is also likely that these (eds) Vial et al. Space Solar Physics Lecture Notes in Physics 507 77. oscillations (Ionson 1978, Erdélyi 2001), etc. mechanisms work simultaneously and their Zirker J B 1993 Solar Phys. 148 43.

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