Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg G U I D E T O A L L P H O T O G R A P H S (Including an INDEX following the listing) Copyright: Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand Library 1 This Guide incorporates material from the general Historical Papers collections and the archive of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa. The listing is followed by an INDEX. The descriptions include albums, scrapbooks, loose prints, negatives, slides, postcards, some posters, sketches and paintings, and images on glass or metal plates. Most of the items were received with collections of documents, others are photographic collections. A1 HOFMEYR, Jan Hendrik, 1894 – 1948 Gf1 Hofmeyr Gf1.1 Album of photographs 1 vol. 1947 Taken during the visit of Hofmeyr as Minister of Mines for the"Cutting of the First Sod Ceremony, Freddies North Lease Area Ltd and Freddies South Lease Area Ltd", O.F.S., 11 Jul.1947 Gf1.2 Mounted Gf1.2.1 Hofmeyr as a boy of about 12, with cat on shoulder Gf1.2.2 Hofmeyr as a young man Gf1.2.3. Hofmeyr, with mother, and two others, unidentified Gf1.2.4 Hofmeyr, being presented with the volume of the Hebrew "Thesaurus" by Leon Feldberg Gf1.2.5 Hofmeyr, in group Gf1.3 Loose 9 items Undated Gf1.3.1 Taken at home, including one with cat, and one of his mother 6 items Gf1.3.2 with two young ladies 3 items Gf2 Other Gf2.1 Identified Gf2.1.1 S.A.Morrison, Dec.1927 Gf2.1.2 Ronald S.Dewar, Xmas 1936 Gf2.1.3 G.Kramer, 9 Nov.1940 Gf2.1.4 Edwin Swales, June 1941 Gf2.1.5 Leif Egeland and wife, 5 Feb.1944 Gf2.1.6 Visit of Royal Family to Cape Town, 1947 3 items Gf2.1.7 General Smuts, Undated Gf2.1.8 Copy of portrait of Wet Gf2.1.9 Copy of effigy of Paul Kruger Gf2.1.10 Boys Camp, Undated 24 items Gf2.2 Unidentified 16 items Kd1-8.
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