List of Delegated Planning Decisions
LIST OF DELEGATED PLANNING DECISIONS LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL APPLICATION NO DETAILS DECISION 07/01659/FUL Scaleford Retirement Home, Lune Road, Lancaster First Application Permitted floor extension to south end, two storey extension to rear, alteration to central link with two storey extension at front and rear for Mr G. Owen 08/00101/CU 16 Alexandra Road, Morecambe, Lancashire Change of Application Permitted use from house in multiple occupation to 3 self- contained maisonettes for Mrs J Hartley 08/00282/FUL Jasmine Cottage, 7 Silverdale Road, Yealand Application Refused Redmayne Erection of a 2 storey side extension for Mr Simon Whitfield 08/00284/FUL Ivah Great Hill, Lowgill Lane, Tatham Retention of a Application Refused hard-standing area together with the construction of a pond, nature hide and power supply shed for Mr Andy Stocks 08/00363/FUL Regent Park, Regent Road, Morecambe Erection of a Application Permitted new gas governor station for National Grid Gas 08/00388/FUL New Village Hall, Footeran Lane, Yealand Redmayne Application Permitted Erection of a single storey extension to the rear for Yealand Village Hall 08/00394/FUL Bargain Booze, 2 Greaves Drive, Lancaster Application Permitted Replacement of two chiller units with four chiller units for Mr Daniel Rose 08/00411/CU Lower Bank House Farm, Moss Lane, Thurnham Application Permitted Conversion of two barns into four holiday cottages and demolition of derelict shed. for J Waring And Sons Ltd 08/00419/CU Blue Anchor Hotel, 93 - 95 Mainway, Lancaster Change Application Permitted of use of ground floor to General Store/ Newsagents and one No.
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