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Learning Center may be added to FC By BRUCE WADMAN ple coming to college can't even Learning Center from home and gett Hornet Staff Writer read nast the third grade level. heln on iust about anvthing. 1. x ...A. j ...... .. .. , Those people come; they don't stay One doesn't have to have low test "Anything is possible with im- long, but they come." scores to use the Center, according agination," Don Reimann, head of Although not yet passed by the to Reimann. It can be used by the remedial reading program said. North Orange County Community anyone: middle range students with It's with this imagination that he has College District, the Learning spot difficulties, ESL students, created a Learning Skills Center Center has a few nice aspects. One is students in remedial courses and program. However, to get the most that it's not set up as a class; in low-range students. out of it will demand a student body other words, if after five weeks one Reimann, the Stu- sacrifice. According to finds he can't handle the class, he would be the best possi- "If all goes my way," Reimann dent Center simply comes into the Center and the fact that the Stu- said, "we can have a good part of it ble spot despite picks up on what is needed, rather as it is presently known done next fall." dent Center than waiting until the next semester would be non-existent. "His way" includes about 8,000 for a new remedial class. square feet of floor space. He The way the Center has been put Extended Opportunities, Pro- doesn't want to tear down any together has the possible makings of grams and Services (EOPS) would buildings, or build any up. He wants a winner. "We went to 14 different be relocated in the temporary to use a building already standing, colleges to look at their Learning buildings by the finance buildings, and the building that best fits this Centers, and we picked the best pro- and Student Government and Stu- size requirement is the Student grams from each one to use in dent Affairs might possibly be mov- Center Building. ours," Reimann said. ed to the same place, Reimann said. When asked why even have a One of these programs comes "If I had to choose between Learning Skills Center at FC from Saddleback College. It's called academic survival and the status Reimann stated that student scores the "telephone hotline." What it quo, I think I'd rather have on the School and College Aptitude does is allow the student to call the change," Reimann commented. Test (SCAT) have dropped dramatically in the last 10 years. According to Reimann, in 1967, 14 percent of those taking the test wound up in the high portion (upper 20 percent), and 23 percent wound KID STUFF-FC's Child Care Center treated it's parachute. Other children took turns lifting the up in the lower portion. In 1976, preschool tots to some pre-spring fun Thursday out on parachute. with the same test, tragic results the Quad. The kids shown are tossing Nerf balls on a Photo by Liz Riley became visible, 6 percent did well enough to reach the high portion, while 45 percent were in the low. And in 1976, 73 percent of the total students didn't qualify for English lA. Reimann feels that this is due to the fact that the average child wat- ches 6,000 hours of television before he's in kindergarten. "By watching TV, the child gets the impression that life is a game, and you never have to work. When both parents work, as is common now, TV becomes a babysitter, which doesn't get a child ready for school." Reimann claims that "Some peo- After five minutes Mutual Agency nixed By BRUCE WADMAN nearest ticket outlet is? 2) Did you agency was reinstated, received 387 possible location for the Learning Hornet Staff Writer know that FC had a Mutual Ticket votes (84 percent). Skills Center. Agency until last week? and 3) If FC The survey sent the Senate into a The A.S. formed its own Learn- "It's going to upset the student were to reinstate this service, would five minute debate, during which ing Center Committee to research body," Senator-at-Large Rick Krug you take advantage of buying time Senator-at-Large Darrian the issues involved with the Learn- Jacquelyn Malone said when the Associated Student tickets there? Straube called the questionnaire ing Skills Center. Senate dissolved, once and for all, According to Jacki Hampton, The first question Krug con- "An absurd representation of the the Mutual Ticket Agency from the A.S. Senate; due to the subjectivity chairperson of that committee, the campus. sidered irrelevant to the final results Learning Center will use the entire Campus center "I just asked it to see of the questions." One suggestion of the survey. space of the Student Center in- At the Senate meeting Tuesday,; how many people would answer made during. the debate was to in- cluding the student government of- Krug announced the results of a with the campus agency." vestigate other services to use in fices, KFCR and the Women's survey he- conducted in hopes of place of the ticket agency. offers job info rescinding the decision made by The second question was When the debate concluded, the Center. "I think the question that needs the A.S. to discontinue the agency. answered no 322 times out of 460 voting began, and Mutual went and catalogs to be answered," said Hampton, By BARRY KIVI The newspapers Krug asked three questions in this (70 percent). Question three, regar- down again. Hornet Staff Writer Career Center's "Is do we really need such a complete the survey: 1) Do you know where the ding possible ticket sales if the ticket After the meeting, Krug blasted available information. There may the A.S. decision, and the A.S. center?" Have you ever had questions Other members of that committee be found news articles on career in- "The Senate doesn't care about about a certain career and did not formation in Southern California what the students want. They just are: Patti Dahms, Sharon Tokai, Steve Pezzini and Vice-President know where to find the informa- along with guides to the different try to make the meetings short, and tion? colleges in the area. move issues in and out quickly, Lisbeth Keeton.. Many students in this same All of these departments combined without giving them much during the meeting Other action predicament have turned to the create a very complete source of involved the Senate vote to dismiss thought." Career Information Center in the career information. Also at the meeting, Jonathan Senator-at-Large Laura Phelps on a William T. Boyce Library. Brostrom, A.S. president, announc- conflict of interest charge. The A.S. Located on the second floor, the ed that the Master Plans Committee claims that Phelps doesn't attend Career Information Center makes is beginning preliminary investiga- enough meetings. The Senate voted available to the student, informa- Inside tions for the Student Center as a yes on the dismissal. tion on hundreds of career fields and related jobs. The Dragon's claws-China has in- Such facilities as books, vaded Viet Nam and the balance of microfilm, reference materials, a power in Asia is shifting rapidly. A News Briefs career table, a pamphlet file, student gives his views on the 9 to 5 newspaper sections and catalogs are rat race in society today. World Vietnamese picnic-The Vietnamese at the student's disposal. hunger and apathy are examined Bare bellies-North Orange Coun- Jacquelyn Malone, Career Center ty's YMCA will be offering begin- Association of Fullerton College along with the demise of the FC will be holding a picnic and discus- spokesperson, mentioned that, Mutual Ticket Agency, on page 2. ner and intermediate classes in belly "Although many students are now dancing. sion of future activities at Hillcrest Park on Feb. 25. using the center, there are still many Kathy Stradley, who will be in- students that are not aware of the Students are welcome to bring structing the class, is a member of information available to them." Hornet ."happy days"-The year Photo their families, friends, food and by Marshall White the Chandrika dancers. The troup Just a few of the career books was 1954 as Jack Hayes, a former drinks with them to the picnic. performs throughout Orange and available include occupations such FC student reveals what it was like Those planning to attend the Los Angeles Counties. as nursing, music, accounting, to be a student FC student wins picnic/conference can meet other here during the era Classes begin on March 29, conti- bookkeeping and secretarial work. just after World War II. What do participants at the tennis courts at nuing for six weeks. Beginner Located at the Career Table are drama students have to learn about the corner of Chapman and classes meet from 6 to 7:30 p.m., in- many catalogs and files on different applying stage Berkeley Avenues at 10 a.m. makeup? Find out Triangle contest termediate classes will meet from careers. For example, "Catalyst," is this and more on pages 4 and 5. By VICKY BYERS and welding. He has a general 7:30 to 9 p.m. Diabetes Seminar-The American a file of booklets containing infor- News Asssistant education curriculum and hopes Information and registration is Diabetes Association has scheduled mation on careers for women.