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RUSI C4ISTAR 16Pp THE ROYAL UNITED SERVICES INSTITUTE FOR DEFENCE AND SECURITY STUDIES PRESENTS EXPLOITING INFORMATION FOR MILITARY EFFECT: C4ISTAR in Networked Warfare The RUSI Malvern C4ISTAR Conference 27-29 September 2004 The Theatre Complex, Great Malvern, UK Supported by Ministry of Defence, UK Senior Government and Military Speakers include: Air Vice Marshal Steve Dalton RAF Capability Manager Information Superiority Ministry of Defence, UK This page is John Taylor Director General Information 150mm wide Ministry of Defence, UK Lieutenant General Steven W Boutelle United States Army Chief Information Officer/G-6 United States Army Rear Admiral Brad Hicks United States Navy Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center and Deputy Commander, Warfare Systems Engineering, Naval Sea Systems Command United States Navy Brigadegeneral Friedrich Wilhelm Kriesel Director Military Intelligence Ministry of Defence, Germany David Ferbrache OBE Director Analysis, Senior Serving Military Experimentation and Simulation Officers: Ministry of Defence, UK All UK and overseas serving Dr Linton Wells military officers of one-star Acting Assistant Secretary for Defence rank or higher are invited to (Networks & Information Integration) attend the conference for Department of Defense, US free as guests of RUSI. Please complete registration Dr Iain Watson Director Information Superiority as appropriate. Director Information Superiority Defence Procurement Agency, UK Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors About RUSI Founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington and based in the centre of Whitehall, London, RUSI is the oldest institute of its kind in the world. Its purpose is to study, promote debate, report and provide options on all issues relating to national and international defence and security. RUSI enjoys an enviable international reputation as an intellectually pre-eminent, independent authority on UK and international defence and security issues. RUSI’s knowledge of the international and national defence and security The Royal United Services Institute for environments, and the objectivity it Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) is a brings to bear, are second to none. Its distinguished heritage, reputation, and World Class Centre of Excellence and the central Whitehall location augment its credibility as a leading authority, and Professional Forum in the United Kingdom give RUSI unrivalled access to senior for those concerned with National and figures in the Ministry of Defence and other Government Departments. International Defence and Security. The Institute has four principal roles: • through its research programmes, to promote the study of selected national and international defence and security issues, thus making an independent and original contribution to thinking about defence and international security policy; • through its programme of lectures, conferences and seminars, to provide a forum for discussion of all aspects of national and international defence and security, set in a wide international context, bringing together participants from the armed forces, politicians, the civil and diplomatic services, embassies and high commissions in London, industry, commerce, media, police, academia and a wide range of other disciplines; • through its Journal and other publications, to assist in creating informed opinion and extending knowledge of national and international defence and security matters; • to encourage the maximum participation of individual, corporate and diplomatic members in these roles. This page is 150mm wide SAID ABOUT RUSI CONFERENCES Who Should Attend? “All the key people, in the same place, at the This conference habitually attracts over same time – a highly valuable re-evaluation 200 participants, drawn from high levels of where we are trying to go” Cdr R Swarbrick Royal Navy, PJHQ of government, the military and industry. Maritime Warfare in the Twenty-First Century, May 2004 This conference will be of both interest “A very good conference, which fully met my expectations and use to: and furthered my knowledge of maritime issues…. [The] speakers were of a very high standard, able to deliver Military, Defence and authoritative and informative lectures” Squadron Leader Tim Moss RAF, ACDS Log Ops, UK Ministry of Defence Government personnel Maritime Warfare in the Twenty-First Century, May 2004 “The best seminar I have attended in four years. Excellent” Chief Executives and Mr A Hogg, Westland Helicopters Maritime Warfare in the Twenty-First Century, May 2004 Managing Directors “Cutting edge, innovative and challenging presentations from the leaders in the field of Air Power. First class” Programme, Project and Squadron Leader Gavin Bateman RAF, RAF Cottesmore Product Managers Exploiting Air Power for Military Effect: Capability Requirements, Combat Operations and the Future of Air Power, April 2004 “An excellent choice and variety of top-flight speakers” Business Directors and Mr M. Shephard, Royal Military College of Science Shrivenham Managers Confronting Reality in Procurement, February 2004 “An outstanding and impressive update on Production Managers procurement strategy developments. Anyone involved in procurement should attend” Engineering Managers Paolo Caviggiola, National Armaments Directorate, Italian Ministry of Defence Confronting Reality in Procurement, February 2004 Financial Managers “Most impressive line-up of speakers and a very well designed programme. Outstanding in every respect” Audit, Strategy and Business Dr Michael Purshouse, Thales Naval Ltd Confronting Reality in Procurement, February 2004 Development Teams “I am content that RUSI’s diverse portfolio of conferences covers the majority of current issues that Consultants are germane to key defence debates” Group Captain Paul Colley RAF, Joint Doctrine and Concepts Centre, Political Analysts and UK Ministry of Defence C4ISTAR Requirements for Network-Enabled Capability and the Media Effects-Based Warfare. 2003 From the Director of RUSI Welcome to RUSI Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen On behalf of RUSI, I have great pleasure in inviting you to join us for our Malvern C4ISTAR Conference. This event is one of the highlights of RUSI’s conference programme, and will push the debate forward on key C4ISTAR issues. We expect more than 250 participants, This page is drawn from governments, the military and defence industries of many nations. I 165mm wide am delighted to welcome once again the support of the UK Ministry of Defence. Information exploitation is critical to delivering military effect. Sensors (to gather information), an effective network (to consolidate, communicate and exploit that information) and strike assets (to deliver the decisive effect) are the central elements in the network for the delivery of accurate and timely information, benefitting both the decision maker and the warfighter.The conference will bring you up-to-date briefings from key stakeholders on the critical issues for C4ISTAR, from high level principles, to the requirements of and reality for the user, and to transformation in organizations, processes, structures and cultures. Participants should gain a clear understanding of the direction and co-ordination of national plans in information exploitation and C4ISTAR in networked warfare. I hope you will join us. This brochure contains everything you need, including full registration details. Please feel free to pass this information to any other person whom you feel may like to attend. I look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues to the conference. Rear Admiral Richard Cobbold CB FRAeS Conference Concept UK Minister for Defence Procurement ‘An overarching priority for the MoD is to integrate its capabilities to allow for rapid and precise military effects – a concept underpinned by Network-Enabled Capability’ Lord Bach of Lutterworth (Minister for Defence Procurement, UK). Ministry of Defence Press Notice 170/03, 24 July 2003 UK Defence White Paper ‘In order to deliver a wide range of effects, [the UK needs] to be able to deploy and configure forces rapidly and have the capability for rapid decision making, accompanied by the precise delivery of force. These characteristics need to be underpinned by an improved ability to exploit information that can then be translated into synchronised responses to achieve decisive military effect’ ‘Delivering Security in a Changing World: Defence White Paper’ ‘What are the critical elements in delivering military effect? The answer is threefold: sensors – to gather information; an effective network – to consolidate, communicate and exploit that information; and strike assets – to deliver the decisive action’ Oral Statement on the Defence White Paper, ‘Delivering Security in a Changing World: Defence White Paper’ Presented to Parliament by The Secretary of State for Defence By Command of Her Majesty, December 2003 Ministry of Defence, UK: mission statement for information exploitation capability – ‘to deliver UK equipment capability for the acquisition and delivery of accurate and timely information for the decision maker and warfighter. …. [Information superiority is] the ability to collect, process and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or denying an adversary’s ability to do the same. [It requires the] right appreciation of information by decision makers, supporting effective dialogue and mutual comprehension, and enabling commanders at all levels to reach better decisions’. Air Vice Marshal Steve Dalton RAF (Capability Manager Information Superiority, UK Ministry
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