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4 Localizações indicadas

Castel dell'Ovo "City's Oldest Castle"

First settled by the ancient Greeks who went on to found the city of Partenope, the tiny island of Megaride is home to the city's oldest castle. Many believe that the name, Castel dell'Ovo, is due to its unusual shape (as Ovo means Egg); however, others still think that the name is linked to medieval legends. Apparently the poet Virgil hid an egg in an iron cage by Kllwiki and left it to hang from a rafter in a secret place within the castle. It is said that if the egg is broken, both the castle and the city are doomed to destruction.

+39 081 795 6180 www.comune.napoli.it/flex/cm/page Via Eldorado 3, Nápoles s/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/143 3

Cattedrale di San Gennaro "The Cathedral of Naples"

Built in the Gothic style at the end of the 13th Century upon the wish of Carlo II d'Angio, the Cattedrale di San Gennaro sits on the site of the old cathedral Stafania. It has been subjected to numerous restoration works in the subsequent centuries, and the facade has been restructured significantly during the restoration work carried out following the by get directly down earthquake of 1349. The three portals of Antonio Baboccio survived from the original structure. Under the second arcade on the left side of the central nave there is a baptismal font which is made of an Egyptian basalt basin decorated with Bacchic masks and on the upper parts from 1618 there is multi-colored marble. The 18th-century organs and the episcopal throne are under the last two arcades of the central nave.

+39 081 42 1609 www.chiesadinapoli.it/ Via Duomo, Nápoles

Capodimonte Astrological Observatory "First Modern Observatory in Europe"

The first university teaching post in astronomy in Naples was created in 1735 by Carlo di Borbone. In 1791, Ferdinando I di Borbone began the construction of an observatory inside the old Palazzo degli Studi, which was already being transformed in order to host the prestigious royal by tookapic collection. Today the observatory is a museum. And Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte has an important collection of astronomical equipment and apparatus from various epochs on display. It also has a large conference theatre inside. The domes for observing the stars still work perfectly but the Observatory no longer carries out scientific research (other Italian and foreign institutes have proven to be more efficient) however it remains an important national center for theoretical and positional astronomy.

+39 081 5575111 www.oacn.inaf.it/ [email protected] Salita Moiariello 16, Nápoles Gesù Nuovo Church "Neapolitan Baroque & Renaissance Styles"

The church of the New Jesus began in 1470 as a lay building and more precisely, as the home of Roberto Sanseverino, the prince of . The building is impressive and was built in an area at the edge of the city, at the beginning of the old inferior decuman gate. Following the so-called, "swearing in of the barons" which was plotted against the King Ferrante d'Aragona, the building was confiscated in 1497 due to the involvement of Antonello Sanseverino. In 1506 it was given to Prince Robert II of Sanseverino. We can still admire the sumptuous renaissance building of the Severini with its well preserved facade of piperno with diamond shapes. It was the work of Novello da San Lucano even if it has been tampered with in some places. In 1552 the building was confiscated again following the involvement of the Sanseverini during anti-Spanish tensions. In 1584 the Jesuits acquired the building and transformed it into the present day church dedicated to the the Immaculate one, better known by the name, "New Jesus". The church is in the shape of a Greek cross with three naves. the collapse of the cupola and this was reconstructed by Arcangelo Guglielmelli. It is particularly worth seeing the large fresco by Franceso Solimena on the reverse of the facade, "the purge of Eliodoro from the temple"; also the Burrello chapel with the sculptures of and Michelangelo Naccherino, as well as the altar by Cosimo Fanzago.

+39 081 557 8111 [email protected] Calata Gesù, Castellammare Di Stabia

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