Biodiversity and geodiversity, landscapes, nature resources and present-day management in Lithuania Excursion / meeting – for the Environmental Dept / County Governor in Oslo and Akershus June 2–6, 2009, Western Lithuania EXCURSION GUIDE Biodiversity and geodiversity, landscapes, nature resources and present-day management in Lithuania: Excursion / meeting – for the Environmental Dept / County Governor in Oslo and Akershus, June 2–6, 2009, Western Lithuania: Excursion Guide / Compiled by: A. Damušytė, J. Satkūnas, I. Virbickienė; Editor: J. Satkūnas; Lithuanian Geological Survey. – Vilnius: LGT, 2009. – 24 p.: iliustr. – Bibliogr. str. gale ORGANISERS Environmental Department of County Governor in Oslo and Akershus Lithuanian Geological Survey FIELD SEMINAR COORDINATORS Jonas Satkūnas, Lithuanian Geological Survey <
[email protected]> Jon A. Markussen Environmental Dept / County Governor in Oslo and Akershus <
[email protected]> GUIDES Aldona Damušytė, Albertas Bitinas, Jonas Satkūnas, Saulius Sidabras, Andrius Almanis This field seminar offers an introduction to the variety of landscapes, the rich geodiversity and its relationship with the cultural history and biodiversity of Western Lithuania, system of protected areas, management of resources and spatial planning issues. THEMES/ TOPICS WILL BE PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED · Geology (protection /planning) · Large carnivores · Forestry: management guidelines, felling area, key habitats, vulnerable species, and as arena of hunting ground · Fresh water biodiversity / fishes in Lithuanian waters, traditional use of freshwater fishes, content of pesticides, heavy metals etc. · Biological diversity- management of protected areas / biotopes · Biotope fragmentation · Mapping GIS, map-info · Planning and building act (Coastal zone protection and management) · Acute pollution · The water framework directive THE VISIT FORMAT Field excursion and meetings with managers of protected areas, specialists on geology forestry, biotope monitoring, land owners.